The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 23, 1868, Image 3

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    ontrost Ptutotrat,
TeEBDB.I4 JUNE 23, 1868.
Mac/opal Irsteil346.eaape.
'The Montitise Tomuitbli.A.'i will Vs—en
larged on the first, of duty, and that will
be-a. - good time for. newt subscriber Sto
have their mines entered. Our &lit en
larged issne will' contain it report of Dem
ocratic National ConVentiou, platform,
candidates for President and Vice Presi-
dent; and the campaign will then open in
right earnest. Send in the names and mon
ey—s 2 a year in advance, or $1 for six
Cash Wanted.
Every man indebted to its for subscrip
tion, advertising, or job printing, is re
quested to pay at once, whether the am't
be large or small. We need the funds to
pay the cost of enlarging the paper, and
no friend will hesitate or delay to settle
Printers Wanted.
The proposed enlargement of the Dem.
ocrat in July wit compel us to employ
additional help; and one or two good
printers can find steady employment. Ap
ply at once.
Strawberry Festival.
The Ladies of the Baptist Church and
Society in this village propose to hold a
Strawberry Festival on the afternoon and
evening of July sd, 1868. Particulars
hereafter. By order of Committee.
The Fair.
The next annual Fair of the Susquehan
na County Agricultural Society will be
held at the Fair Grounds, in Montrose, on
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 16th and
17th, 1868:
Worms on Currant Bushes.
The following rocipe for killing currant
worms is said to be infallible : " Dissolve
one pound of copperas in one gallon of hot
water; to this add four gallons of cold
water, stir up well, and apply to the bush
es with a sprinkling pot. It is perfectly
harmless—will not hurt the bushes or
fruit. Apply whenever the worms ap
Celebration at Meshoppen.
Arrangements are being made at Me
sh,ppen to celebrate in an appropriate
, sod becoming manner the ninety second
\;,ntliverFary of American Independence.—
Dr. Brundage and other speakers have
been engaged to deli%er orations on the
occasion. A dinner will be served in the
grove, the proceeds of which are to go to
the benefit of the M. E. Church.
New Subscribers.
Now is the time for new subscribers.
.As as incentive to effort, we will present
a copy, free, to any one who sends u 4
eight subscribers; and also send a free
copy with each additional six copies paid
for. Who wid send us the first and lar
gest club?
Term., $2 a year, or $1 for six months.
A Shocking Death.
A citizen of this place by the name of
A. D. Shipman, a carpenter and joiner by
trade, was missed from his accustomed
place on Monday, June Bth, and on search
being made for him the following 'Wednes
day, he was found dead under the small
building used as a barber shop, by John
Carter. It is supposed he was laboring
under an alteration of mind, and commit
ted suicide, as the veins in 'one arm were
severed. Wedeeply sympathize with his
bereaved family.—Towanda Argus.
Trial of Mowing Machines.
By order of the Stcluehanna County
Agricultural Society, a, trial or Mowing
and Reaping Machines Will be held on the
farm of J. S. Tarhell, Montrose, on Tues-
day the 14th of July, 1868, at 1 o'clock,
p. m.
First Premium, • • £520 00
Second Premium, . 5 00
Entrance fee, . . _ 5 00
The Judges will meet the Es. Commit
tee at J. S. Tarbeli's Hotel at 10 o'clock
a. m. to make arrangements for the trial.
Thos. Patton, Silver Lake,
A. B. Smith, New MI iford, Judges.
Chas. Sprout, Bridgewater,
A. 841. i win,
• Avery Frink, Es: Com'.
H. H. Skinner,
- 11- JEI'AVPs, PrPia•
liOntrose, June 23, 1868. 4
For Farmers.
J. B. Lyons' Patent Rock, Stone and
Root Digger, is an invention of great- lin.
portanee to those who have rough lands
1,4:0,c1ear"...a second lime, and prepare for
Cultivation. In saving tithe and labor; its
nee will be a profit. Having seen it in Op
eration, -,And , bc„ard.the opinion; of odiers
whO Wait; Witniased - it t -we Can safely in ,
commend it:" For tom) rigirt4 or - .10e;
chines,_ apply ' to F. 31. Wuntairsi Mont
rose, Pa.
The Fourth in Brooklyn.
A Strawberry Festival. and Finnic will
be held in a grove near Brooklyn Centre,-
on the Fourth of July next, commencing
at 10 o'clock, a. m.—the proceeds tobe
used for purchasing an Organ for die M.'
E. Church, CTOod speakers wilt Lipm
an*, and no, pains spared. •, , •
The public
. generallj are invited to at-.
tend- . - Bi.priler,aCommittee.
Bro o /402 Joritrisor 1468. -
I tack ToOr Windows.
One of the most unique and useful in
ventions of this inventive age is Laeey
Eartleit'S "Sash - Litat god Stop" coin
_A glance: . at the workinse . lif it
convince any, One of its" decided ' su
periority overall inlie.'es: - Wilson & Gere
are agents for the sale of these Licks in
this Comity: Call and examine them.-
- As to utility; durability, ave., reference is .
Made to Dr. 0.. C.. Halsey, Dr. E. L.
,Gardner, Amos, Nichols, Esq., P Lines,.
Esq., and any and every one who Is using
them. Township Rights for sale ;by H.
A. Mitchell.
Auburn Good Templars.
Officers of AtiburP Lodge, No. 529,
I. 0. of G. T., of Auburn 4 Corners, for
the quarter commencing May Ist , 1868,
and duly installed by E. L. Adams, Lodge
Deputy :—J. W, Smith, W. C. T. ; Ad
die Lathrop, W. V. T.; 0. E. Pickett,
W. S. ; Kate I'iinabei•ry, W. I. G.: J. S.
Snover, W. 0. G.; Ursula Lemon; W. T.
Appointed :---D. C. Titman, W. M.;
Cecelia Bushnell, W: D. M. • J. I. Tay
lor, W. C.; M. Buslatted, W: F. S. ;
J. Kellogg, W: A. S.';. Mrs. P. A. Adams,
W. R. 11. - S.; Lucy Robins, W. L. a S.
This Lodge meets on Friday evening of
each week. we extend an invitation to
all Good Templars to meet with its.
Pie-Nie in Montrose.
The Good Teniplars will hare a picnic
on the Fair Grounds in Montrose, on the-
Fourth of July, at which the citizens of
Montrose and vicinity are invited to at
tend and bring their baskets.
There will be a Good Templars' Cele
bration and PiC•Nic on the Ch of July,
1868, on the Camp ground, near Auburn
4 Corners. A cordial invitation is ex•
tended to all Good Templars, friends of
temperance, and the public generally.—
Each Lndge is requested to appoint a
committee and Marshal to effect arrange
ments to organize under the direction of
the Marshal of the day. The Montr . ose
Band is expected to enliven the occasion,
and good speakers will be present. It
will be conducted on the plan of a Sunday
School Celebration. Good Teroplars,
Rally and let us have a good tune gen
erally. Yours in Faith, Hope, and Char.
ity. Auburn 4 Corners, June 20th, 1868.
By order or Committee.
Sunday Schools.
The annual meeting of the Susquehan
na County Union Sabbath School Associ
ation was held at Great Bend, on Wednes
day, June 10th, at, 10 o'clock, a. m.
Devotional exercises conducted by Rev.
A. F. Harding. Singing by the choir.--
The names, of Delegates were taken.—
Fourteen townships represented by Dele
gates. Addresses by Revs. D. M. Ran
kin and A. F. Harding. The President
appointed the -delegates a committee for
the nomination of niticers for the ensuing
year. Recess till 2 o'clock tn. Two
p. ru. association conven , d. Devotional
exercises 20 Minutes. Two o'clock twen
tyminutes, report of Corresponding Sec
retary with an address to the Society, rec
Ist. That great care be exercised in
the selection of. District corresponding
Secretaries. and that only Fitch pertains
be chosen as will cheerfully do all in th e ir
power to advance the interests of the
Sabbath Schools in their respective dis
2d. That a General Superintendent be
appointed for the County, whose duty it
shall be to visit each Sabbath School in
the County at least once a year, and• en
deavor at such visits to perfect the organ.
izstion of the schools, improve the meth
ods of instruction, &c., and make a report
of his labors at the meetings of the Asso
3d. That a Sabbath School Institute or
Convention be heed sometime during the
year, and that especial attention I given
to the instruction of Sabbath School
Teachers and Officers, _ that they may be
better qualified to discharge the duties of
their positions.
The Report of the corresponding Sec
retary was accepted and adopted.
Samuel Birdsall, D. K. Oakley, and G.
B. Eldred were appointed a committee to
nominate District Secretaries.
The second recommendation was refer
red to the Ex. Committee.
Third recommendation—Association re•
solved to hold a Sabbath School Conven
tion at Montrose at such time as the Ex.
Committee designate.
The reports of delegates of the varions
Schools Were heard; which were very in
teresting. and encouraging, showing an
increasing intereet in the Sabbath School
work in the County, not only in enlisting
the children and youths, but in many of
the tichoela the adults form an interesting
-.-Address by Rev. Mr. Moon of
The resolution for the change of Arti
cle 4th of the Comititution,' nresented at
the last annual meeting of the Association,
was . .:takewupond the Article -amended
by striking out the words Vic President
and; nserting the words three Vice Presi
dents, and live on Ex; Committee, instead
,of tour. Committee on nomination of of
ficers report as follows:
PieSident,„: Jas. B. Gregg;•Vice Presi
tieulsx &V,_J; - .G. Miller, Rey. J. A. Jen.
orne, - Rev. .P. Hardin(' • Recording
Secretary; G.. B. Eldred Uffresponding
Secretary, R: S. Clark ;;Treasurer, L. F.
Fitch ; Executive Committee, Jas. B.
Gregg; 'o.ll:Eldred, 'S. IL Chase; Tyler
, Broivster; Joseph L. Merritnam- Report
`accepted and adctpred.
The Committee for nomination of Dis
trict Secretaries reported as follows
Stisquebarina Dep o t, G. A. Guernsey ;
Grsat Beodi R.- N. Ives; Great; Bend
Rot*, 0: B. 'Chase ; Montrose, Norman
lifitibelri.l34dgewstiAl Outd. jait•
sup, Neilson;Bellea; Brooklyn J. V. Cot
trell Lathrop;:' E. M. Tewksbury; Bur
ford, Brewster ; Lenox, 0: W
Loomis; Libetly, R. B. Sherman ; Clif
ford and Dundee, Dr.'P. Gardner; Her
rick, J.. T. Ellis; Thompson, Sylvester
King; HarrtOpy, F. -A: Lyons; Jackson,
E. M. Pickering; 'Aufnirn, J. B. Beards
ley; Arrarat, Jus'. C.,Bnahnell; Apolacou
and Little Meadowa;.-..Preserved Hinds.
Report was accepted and adopted by the
Reeolved,Tiyit the neat annual meeting
be held qt, New Milford, on the second
Wednesday of chute, 1869.
The.,resolutipn'Rresented at the last an
nual meeting by - alady; that this associa
tion earnestly recommend • to Sabbath
Schools in the County especial efforts in
the cause of temperance,was adopted.
From the statistics an reports received
from the dist ricts,'t4te is'supposed to be
about 100 schools in the County, compris
ing about 0000 members, who have ac
cess to 20,000 hooks, with teachers and
officers in proportion--lot the work is
not all done; probably about one•lialf of
the children in the County 'do not attend
Sabbath School. The workYiaf organizing
new schools and bringing in. those who
do not attend, is the work before us. Let
us cheerfully engage with renewed zeal
in this home missionary work.
Association adjourned.
D. K. OAEr,tV,i
Rec. Secretary.
Its good effects are permanent.—
In this it differs from all hair dyes. By
its use luxurient, growth is guaranteed,
natural color and gloss are restored. One
trial will cause you to say this of Mrs.
RESTORER or DRESSING, (in one bottle.)
Every Druggist setts it. Price One Dol
lar, Oje4 ty
re—"l say, Pompey," said one freed
man to another, "dis chile hab tried
oh gift fairs an t'ings fur a prize, but neb.
er could draw nuthin' at all." "Well
Caesar, I'd 'vise you to try stdiaie cart ;
tie chances is a t'uusand to oue dat you
could draw dat."
IS .F O M CI MA.. X.. IVC/ 1 "1"X C) El 19 .
VirABIIL TOBRELL 1 contionally receiriwz
new supplies oftieiinine Drugn and Medicines, which
win be sold as low an at any other Ste _e in Montrose.
rgECASII.-13elievine the nimble six
pence preferable to a slow shilling. we have adopted
the Cash System. Ali Goods in our line from 10 to 15
per cent. below former prices. We have a full line".
Dress Goods, Prints, Delon's, brown and bleached
Sheetings. Gintimms. Tickings, Stripes. Cheek... Cot.
tonades, plain & fancy Casslineres, the best assortment
of NortoNs in town, all binds of Flower and Garden
Seeds, and Groceries of every description. come one,
come all, and , ry the Cab • , and CAstt ONL Y, system.
Can be (mind in the -nine building with the post-office.
Montrose, June t.` A. I). BUTTE. FI CLD.
r• TOBIAS' Wt).NDERpry, `ENE
TIAN Lontasrr, u hose wouderfn: cures, sure and in•
stantancons action, in cases of chronic rhtnmaii.m,
headache, toothache, cute. burns, colic, cramps, di, n
tery, etc., have astonished the civilized world. It Is no
new catchpenny, but an arttcle that has stood the
test of twenty years. The enormous sale and rapid
ly Increasing, demand teat once the ,urest evidence of
its useftilnese and popularity. Try It and Ma convinced.
No family should be without a bottle of it in the house.
hundreds of dollars and many boars of suffering luny
be saved by its timely use. Colic. t ramp and dysentery
yield at once to Its pain-cur.itive properties. It is per
fectly innocent, and col be given to the oldest person
or youngest child. No matter. If you have no cond.
deue , 'n Patent Medicine—try this, and you will be sure
to buy again and recommend to your friends. hund
reds of Physicians recommend in their practice. None
genuine unless signed '• S. 1. Tobias." Price Me, per
Sold by all Druggists. Depot 58 Cortland st.' New
York. Pince 9w4
MENTAL DEPHESSIO!ki.-7,11ef1t.:1 de
pression Is a disease of the nervous system, and, of al •
the ills flesh is heir to, it In the one that excites the
least sympathy. It is a subject of frequent jests, and is
called by various derisive terms ; but, although it is of
ten laughed at, it is not easy to laugh the patient out of
the belief that his ills are all real,br It is a real disorder,
the eenemi featnresot which areconitaut fear, anxiety
and gloom. The exterral sena s, as well as the mental
faculties, often manif,•st symptoms of dmangement.— ;
Noise, asof falling water, and ringing In the ears are
complained of, while black specks and fiery sparks fre
quently flit before the vision. Admonitions like these
should not be disregarded. as they may, if neglected,ter
initiate in insanity. The seat of the disease is In the
brain and nervous system, and to control the malady
It is ueeessary to use a powerful tonic and alterative,
which will correct and tone those organs without in
flaming the brain. This is the secret of the f neeetB o 1
Bostetter's Stomach Bitters in cases of this kind, for
which it is the beet as well as safest of restoratives.
In tact it is the only pure and reliable stimulant
known. Many nostrums, purporting to be tonics, are
puffed up from time to. time In the newspapers, but the
sufferer bee better let them alone. Bostetter's Stom
ach Bitters has proven itself, by many years of trial, to
be in every respect what it is represented to bc.--Je9rm
DEBILITY.—Every one feels the ne
cetnity at times of something to tone up the system de
pressed by mental or bodily esbauniou. At such times
let every one, iinstead of:. taking alcoholic or medicinal
stimulants. which afford outy a temporary rend', rein
vigorute his dehilitated system by the natural tonic el
ements of the Peruvian syrup, or protected Solution of
the Erotonde of Iron, which vitalizes and enriches:Hie
blood by supplying it with its Life Element, Iron.
Being fray from Alcohol lu any form. its energizing; ef
fects are not followed by corresponding reaction.-but
are permanent, infusing strength, vigor and null life in
to altparteof the system, and building up an Iron Con
stitu t ou
Win. C. SOTllnz, Eau , of Poughkcep4e, N. Y., Faye:
" Since taking, the Peruvian Syrup I feel better. my
strenglh le improved, my botvela are regular, my appe
tite &et rate.
There is an old Physician In this city folder than I
am), who has been in the Drug basines for 40yenrs, who
has used the dyrtip for three months, and gives It as
his decided opinion, that It is the best alterative medi
cine ha ever kajw."
For Dyspepsia, Debility and female weaknesses, the
Peruvian *rap Is a specific. A 3.2 pare pamphlet sent
free. The genuine has" Peruvian Syrup" blown in the
J. P. Druszont. Proprietor, N 0.36 Dey St. New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
erScanputA cured after seven years'
suffering. J. W. Hornor, Seq., a prominent lawyer of
Parketsbnr-4, W. Va., atys : • I had at running Ulcers
when I commenced using Dr. Anders' lodine Water.—
My breast. throat and race were one continuous sore,ll
am now a well man, and am satisfied the lodine Water
saved my life."
Orval Ivo in regard to this remedy will he sent free.
J. P. Eltusuonr., Proprietor, 30 Day Street, New York.
•je Ow 4 For Sale by Druggists generally.
Wlleafness. Blindness & Catarrh treat
ed %in the utmost aucces. ' by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oculiat
and Andel.. (formerly ig Leyden, lioiland.y , No. 805
Arch street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the moat
reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at
his office. The medical faculty are invi , ed to acCompa
ny thcirpatients, as tie has no secrets In his practice.
Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made
for examtnation. novl9yl
Horses, Stage Coaches,
Buggies, &c. for sale.
COE pair of Horses. acovered Coach. one open Beek.
ll Baggy, tlietgh, liarneettea, ac. ie., for Bale on
Wm& kr att.,
$. B. gW./ 131 :4 3 X.,
40 1 ....*"! g1 i 1 , 1 % *"ea • ..-„,
gtlz AtiVatisements.
wHEELER'S PATENT ; built whol
ly of Iron and Steel, with double driving wheels,
flexible fliwerbar, and folding cutting apparatus ; em
bracing all T . requisites of a perfect Mower and Reap
er combine .
Friendevilie. June 28, 1868. gent fur Susq'a County.
Machines left for sale with
W. B. Pay ne, Jackson. Wilson &Gere, Montrose.
Granger' Wheelock,Rnsh I. E. ftirchard, Jessup.
T. Sullivan, Silver Lake.
In the District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania :
In the matter of
}ln Bankruptcy.
S. 8 Ingalls, a bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of hie appoint
ment as assignee of 8.
S. Ingtifle, of tiihson,
in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylva
nia. within said district. who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court
of said District. Dated March 18. A. D .1868.
0. LATHROP:Asalgnee
Jane 16, 1868.-3 w
The assignee will meet creditors at S. S. Tnnalls'
h ace Frid;iy and Saturday. of each week until July
18th, for settlement.
United States for the Western District of Penn'a.
In the matter of
C.M. Bacon, a Bankrupt. lO BankraP C. •
'..The undersigned gives notice of his appointment as
1 41gilee of C. AI Bacon, of Nicholson, In the county
of Wyoming, State of Pennsylvania, within said
district, who has been adjudzed a hank , upt upon his
own petition In the district Court of said Mots ict. Da
ted April 88th. 18113. BEO. P. LITTLE,
Montrose, June 23, 1368.-9 Assignee.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
THE firm of John Hayden & Brother expires this day
by mutual consent..
New 311iford, Jnne 8, 1868. (16)3 MART HAYD YD EN. ,
N. B.—The business will be cor.tinned by the under
signed ns heretofore. .....2..10HN H OYDEN.
A large en cply Just received.
3lontroee, June ABEL TERRELL.
hAINTS and OILS, of all kinds, for
Montrone, June 16, 1868.
mon Syectacles, a new supply, for sale by
Montrose, June 16, 1868, ABEL TURRELL.
. a new supply. fur na le by
Montrose, Jane in, 160.5. ABEL TURRELL.
I-- 4 OX, deceased, late of Dimock township, Susque
hanna county, Pa.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, 111 persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make ::nmediate payment, and those having
claims again :he same to present them duly authenti
cated Cot settlement.
Dlmock, Jane IS, 1668.
ABEL TUHRELL is now receiving a
large addition to his already extensive assortment
of GOODIS. a large proportion • , l which will be sold at
greatly reduced prices.
Montrose, June 9th, IMB.
IVelv 39 1 1.1•XICL.
'FIDE new firm, Whipple; More & Brink, would Mel
t uounce to the citizens of New M Word and vicinity
that they have re-opened the old stand formerly occu
pi, d by Geo. B. McCollum, where they will keep on
hand an assortment of
of their own manufsclore, which they can recommend
to the public as a first class article, and which th.y will
wholesale and retail at prices to snit the times.
Whipple, More d: Brink.
New Milford, May, 1868.—tf.
1F41.11-t141:3 0 33...
LL person. are hereby cautioned agatnst harboring
ta,. or trusting my son. Truman M. Tingley, as I will
pay no debts of his contrae.tiug after thin dale.
Ilarford, June 9, 1t6.9.•13 TRUMAN TLNGLEY.
The Florence Sewing Machine,
I x. AS awarded the First Premiums at the following
Fairs and Industrial Exhibitions Mating the past
season :
New England Agricultural Fair, Providence,
New York State Agricnitnral Fair. Buffalo,
American Institute, New York,
Maryland institute. Baltimore.
Mechaolcs' Association, Lo*ell.
Besides numerous minor State and County Fairs thro'-
out the country, thus establishing our claim that the
Florence is the Best Family Sewing Machine In the
505 Broadway, N. Y.
Send for an illustrated Circular. Do RI")
1 17 CT; been in to see our New Stock yet ? If not, you
you should attend to it at once. Raving purchased
tbe stock and good will in the BOOK, bTATIONE4Y,
Nswo and Fermi( Goons Business of Byron Koon. and
removed to the next building.above. we propose to fur
furnish anything in this line vrhico you may want, and
at as low figures as possible and live.
"I Sr
will always find a choice selection of Stationery,
Perfumery, Pens, Cutlery. Books, Pito
nous 6; Fancy Goods at prices not
Jar 0 SEX
of before for years. All the Daily. Weekly, News•and
Illustrated Panel-a. magazines, Periodicals mai quarter
lies received by first Express, after issue. If we have
not what you want on hand, leave your order. We have
the agency of
Ir ina 0
BERTIIOLF Sewing Machines. and will always
keep a supply 01 Sewing Machines and machine fix
tures on hand. Trusting this
will please you, and soliciting a ow., whether w$ sell
you anything or not, we are
Truly, &c., •
(leo. C. 'DLL & CO.
Montrose, Pa., May 26, 1868.
T 32103
Is Anointing Ant site Winne Wbeat Flour at
• ; SHOOK k 113161417.
~4 . . 4 0• 4
~..., 0
Combining the old revolvinz rake with the independent aciinn of the teeth.—
. NTIRELY SELF DISCHARGING. This Machine is manufacttlred by L. BEACH, one and *half miles
Nortla of Montrose. near Mott's woolen factoryand is °tiered by him to the Farmers of Susquehanna Con my
as the best Has and Grain Hake now in use. 'fully guarantee GIN Mat bins - to gather the hay easier, and t o
leave it In better shape for pitching than any other Hake in the county, or no sale. I invite every revenant e
farmer wishing a hay rake to come and get one, take it home and try it for two or three days.and if not autistie d
to retain ft, and no charge will be made, an lens the Machine Is broken. nave a large machine in operation a t
the factory, where each termer can see It tried before haying. I Ono warrant and guaranteethat any boyl
years old, able to guide a horse, can do all tire raking on a large (anti just as easily and gulakly as a man. By re
ferring to the above enotavlng you will s-c that each Rake is provided with TWO FULL, SETS OF TEETH,
which work alternately, changing at each windrow—first one set then the other. The teeth are so arranged that
they cannot break. Daring the whole of last season, not a tooth was broken, while the machine was tried and
tested in the hardest manner. Formers, tank to your Interest. This machin e will save the difference between it
boy's and man's wages. It will gather your hay and grain tree from dust and dirt. It will turn the underside of
tha hay up to the ran at each windrow, thereby enabling you to cornmence raking an hour earlier. It Is made In
the strongest possible manner, of hardwood and wrought iron, and has a tip top steel spring scat not surpassed
by any in the country. It can be taken apart without removing a bolt or screw. It is made at home, where any
part can he reph,ced at small cost. This machine was patented last year. and is nothing like my old rake, as
Tills Is A ItEVoLTEII ON WIIECLS. The first premium was awaried this machine at opr County Fairjast fall. Re
member that thin Rake is sold for less than any other Goon wheel rake in the county. Price of rake, complete,
with wheels, '33A—without wheels, All those who have wheels just fear feet high, can have them fit
ted by bringing them to the factory, and save gaff. None bet jest four feet wheels will answer, Call and see it
and you will have no other. VD — Planing and Matching done to order on short notice,
Montrose, Pa., June 9, 1868.-4 L . Mg Ott Olt.
s C 7--- ---..
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‘j;')'kf;": 4 W 67 . 4 ? -4 .
--, 4
7 •Am'. - - ^-54, , - 4..., , ,...'r• ‘
4 1 ,..„, :', ,
---, - -
ver Call and look at one at Goodwin &
Fletcher's livery stable, Montrose.
NV E ,ll7d i r l e l i " -N w o o r r e r a.
day oyrounriAstEericurgy,—teething
all the time; have pity for the little sufferers and nee
It will pacify and relieve the little ones at once.
Warranted perfectly Harmless, but Etße-
Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
may 28,18613-134
MURKEY Morocco Bags, of all kinds sizes and quel
l. ties. Ladles' and Gents' Traveling and Reticule
Rugs, from $1,50 $lO. Common, Railroad, and Gothic
Bags, from 'l5 cts. to $2. At
AFULL line of beautiful and durable splint and
willow BASKETS.consisting of Reticule of all siz
es. Work and Pocket Work, Clothes, Market and Din
ner Baskets. Sold for cash, at reduced prices, by
Cib.l.4 4:2101:7 - 33 Et .
TAE place to get your PARIS KID GLOVES, beet
quality,'per pair, and every pair warranted.
11.42,132. cm 11912.23..
SUN UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS, eilk and cotton,
a great variety, very cheap, for eale by
LADIES' Ribbed Cotton HOSE for
10 cte. per pair.
F ANS in great variety, and cheap, at
viv - stoccluaaaxemunaing - waopast - aEras, --
Montrose, May 19, 1868.
Anti-Incrustition Co's Office,
No. 147 South Fourth Street,
'rho agliaop.t.l...Xii.ox-szestektcar.
JILL remove scales from Steam Boilers and keep
them clean, render the Boller less liable to explo
sion, and causing a great saving of fuel.
These Instruments have been in successfol use dur
ing the last two years in many of the large establish
ments of Philadelphia, and other parts of the 11. S. from
which the most flattering testimonials of their wonder
ful saving of fuel and labor have beet, received.
Pr Parties having Boilers would ilo well to call at
the Office, and examine testimonials, &c. &c.
Seep and Treas. President.
Jane 2,1868.-3 m
To solicit orders for Dn. WILLIAM • ITH'S DICTION
ARY OF THE BIBLE. The on y edition published in
America, condensed by Dr Smith's own hand. In one
large Octavo volume, illustrated with over Itlfi steel and
wood engravings.
Agents and subscribers see that you get the genuine
edition by Dr. Smith.
The Springfield Republican says, this edition pub
lished by fillessre,Burr & Co., is the genuine thing.
The Congregationalist says, whoever wishes to get,
in the cheapest form, the best Dictionary of the Bible,
should buy this.
We also want agents for ELLIOT'S Now Work.
HOLY LAND. By Henry Ward Beecher, T. 1). Woolsey,
LL. D. Pres. of Wesleyan Univ., Rt. Rev. Thos
Clark. Bishop of Rhode Island, &c. &c.
They are new and original works by these authors,
and their subjects are approved by clergymen of all de.
nominations. Agents are meeting with unparalleled
success. We employ no General Agents for either
book, and offer extra inducements to Canvassers...—.
Agents will see the advantage of dealing directly with
the Publishers. For descriptive circulars. with fall par
ticulars and terms, address the Publishers.
J. B. BURR & CO., Mulford, Conn.
June 9.1668-2 mo
Statement a Bounty Matters of
Forest Lake Township for 1867.
Amount of Duplicate s2,3sl 85
Balance ofpuplicate i n hands of collector, 2,219 55
Amount of born& nn orders redeemed, 1,218 55
tosumut of onde outstanding._ 8,400 00
JOEL Trnmig., }Antfleore.
Ifoteat•LON4l.B 2 rB lB ,
.88 1 89-4 w •
To lo c. i5ic..11.43. 103 0 Eite rA,235..
`TEAM is the great propelling power of the age
" Business by Steam," mew's doing it with the
spirit of enterprise—not Blow but fast—Rapid sales an
small profits, opposed to the old foxy system of slow'
sales and large profits. Steam is not ZIP. Steam trav
els on land and water, but does not inflate balloons:—
Steam means power, energy. life, activity, and throws
down all opposing obstacles. The old fogies don't like
Its fiery speed, and are run down by its iron wheels.
But the people believe In steam—stenmhents, steam
cars, and Aram stores, when they can find Myra.
We propose to show that business can be done 6n
steam ptinciples, without danger of explosion. Oar
safety valves are Good Goods at Low Prices for Cash,
and we believe oar New Kock can be cold out in "doa
ble quick time," and replenished again and again, if
the people will only consult their true interests and pa
tronize dealers who are determined to win customer,
by always giving the moat for their money.
But come and eee our New Stock of seasonable Goode.
•Wc have a fine show of
Boots & Shoes, pats & Caps,-
Groceries Crockery, Flour, "ga l l 802 1 4
Notions, etc. etc.
ate. rarnssr,
.New Mil!ord, May 5, 161i8.
Has Blanched your Locks,
If bald,; if troubled with dandruff or any Inmate upon
the scalp ; if your hair falls out ; or if it lit dry,
wiry, or Intractable, buy ode bottle of
And you will find it precisely salted to your ease.
Sold, by all . Druggists throughout the
United States,
May 26, IM S--y•
LYONS retur , s hi- sincere tha +ae to his Mends
el . find n g •ncrous •nh Ile for pan f rots. and would
commend to their pat •magr• the new arm of LYONS
DRA RE & CO . wh re h. will still he found, and
glad (.13 see all rd owf I favor them with a call.
Montrose, May
One More New Frira.
A T t thestore formerly occupied by J. Lyons will be
Who dre prepared to furni.h the citizen P of Montrose
end the surrounding country with almost everything
in the Hite of
First Class Groceries and Provisions, Flour,
Fish, Canned and Deed Fruits,
Nuts, Candies, etc. etc.
Also, Wood and Willow Ware, and Slone
T.A.;Lyoss. G. H. DIIAMIL
Montrose, May W, 1868.
A new lot of the celebrated Iron Clothes Wringers, at
11ALER'S SCALES—wanted in every
family. Call and see them. at
In gTeat abondanee ; and a lot of DRY GOODS which
wlll'bo sold at unheard of low prices. A new flacon
ment of LADlgs' SHOES. Also a great variety - of
WINDOW CURTAINS, just received, and .piling
N —No trouble to show Goods. !I've as a call ;if
we can't suit you, don't buy.
rCe - vcr 1 70 1.3rxia..
trAignV h r ip gPh re thintelof g: T CoNtloE r!trare ' yiCojinuethebn
nesi nil its brandßs
Will be kept on hand.
tr'Special attention will be given to shipping Butter,
lloiltrose, May 19.1868.
MOW public are berehy cautioned aganlst be:llmm
li or trusting ray wife Martha. ae IL will pay no:dsbfe
of her contracting since the flute she felt fro/ noels..
YfV;k ll2 / 1 Jane 9,18 ,0 1 . 03 r • • -4 3 MS /1140111(r:''
0. 11. Lose.