The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 09, 1868, Image 3

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    niovtrost glemorrat.
TUESDAIit t JUNE 8, 1888.
Ls:octal Xn.talligeaoO.
To our Susgn)a Friends:—A Strawber
ry Festival will be held daily at. 5 o'clock,
for four weeks to come, at Houston Sta.
tion, to which we invite our Northern
friends. Strawberries free, sugar, cream,
and short-cake thrown in. Oliject : To
enjoy the good things of Delaware, and to
show our•friends what it is to have plen
ty of fruit.
Made our first shipment to New York
t o-day-45 quarts ; expect to increase that
number daily, until we can multiply it by
10 and that from less than one acre of
Strawberries will be succeeded by dew
berries, whortleberries, cherries, and some
peaches. DAVID SCOTT.
Houston Station, June 1, 1868.
Robbery at Lenoxville.
A very bold robbery is reported to have
occurred at Lenoxville, in Susquehan'es
county, ten miles west of our town, on
Wednesday morning of this week. •
The victim was a Mr. Coon, now living
in Gibson, but said to have formerly lived
in Lenox, and to have been now on a trip
to purchase a horse. He was su4denly
attacked by a young man on the public
highway, not more than fifteen or twenty
rods from dwellings, though not directly
iu sight of them, and the old alternative
of "your money or your life" presented,
with a loaded pistol to enforce it. A wal
let containing $4 was presented, but:the
young robber insisted that he bad more,
and he must have it. While he, was
searching for more in Mr. Coon's pockets,
the latter snatched hi+ pistol from hint.—
He is said then to have compromisedthe
matter by desisting from further Cfforis on
condition of getting his pistol back, which
lie did and left. The bold perpetrator,
strange to say, is believed to have been a
young man named Hobbs, residing in that
vicinity, and one that has heretofore borne
a good character.—Carbondale Advance.
Unstamped Cigars.
Dealers should not purchase Cigars un
less each box has a whole -stamp around
it. Utile stamp be cut or broken, it is
prima facia evidence of fraud—that a box
has been refilled without beieg inspected
and stamped, and that the• tax has not
hcen paid ; and both seller and purchaser
are liable to penalties. We quote from
tic law:
"That if any person shall sell, or con
s;2:7l, or remove fur sale, or part with the
possession of any manufactured tobacco,
snuff, or cigars upon which the taxes im
posed by law have not been paid, with
the knowledge thereof, such person shall
be liable to a penalty of one hundred dol
lars for each offence. And any person who
shall purchase or receive for sale any such
tobacco, snuff or cigars, which has not
been inspected, branded orstamped as re
gamed by law, or upon which the tax has
not been paid, with knowledge thereof,
shall be liab'e to a penalty of tifty dollars
for each and every offence."
Medical Meeting.
The Susquehanna County Medical So
ciety he;d its Semi-annual meeting on the
3d day of June at Phinney's Hotel, New-
Milford. A pleasant day brought togeth
er thirteen members. Business, and not
pleasure, being the order of the day, the
Sactety was promptly organized with Dr.
Halsey, the President, in the chair.
Several practitioners were proposed for
membership. After attending to unfin
ished business and the customary reports
of committees and delegates, an able re
port on New Remedies was read 'by a
member from Stelitehanna Depot, which
elicited a good deal of discu-aaion, and re
ceived a vote of thanks. Such discussim 8
by those who have tested the merits of
remedies which have but recently been
brought to the notice of the profession,
are well calculated to stimulate the prac
titioner, whether old or young, to avail
himself of the best means that can be ob
tained for the benefit of his patients, and
to avoid a mere routine of practice which
seldom leads to any improvement.
An hour was devoted to the discussion
of the good dinner of mine host of the
"Eagle," and to that part of the object of
the Society, which in the language of our
constitution, is to foster and encourage
friendly feeling between the members of
the profession.
At the afternoon session the Society
proceeded to the investigation of charges
of "gross professional misconduct, and
consultations with known quacks," which
had been duly presented against Dr.
Samuel Birdsall, of Susquehanna Depot.
After a full and patient bearing On both
sides, a vote was taken, which, with'' it
single exception, was unanimous for the
acquittal of the accused on both uharges.
Several important cases wereresented at
the Clinic, the examination of which, and
the`aliscussion of medical subjects-so com
pletely. occupied the time that it was near
ly six o'clock befor_e Sticiety , ,'adjourn
ed. We of . were formulate
enough to reach home in sensoittn'itiMipti
a drenching shower. •
Thus passed the.pleasant and - Profitable
day, and may the future bring Eus many
more like it. L. GA.nntrun,
'Radical restoration. Its good er-
Abets are liermanet. It not only restorsa
the color of the hair, but the quisntity anti
natural glossiness. This is every
one using AftS. S. A. Allen's imerovtid
(new !tyle) Hair Restorer or Dressing OS
pne bottle.) Every Druggist sells it.
Price one dollar. Esulatal
Daiwa of Biair nth;
We have been banded a report of pro.
ceedine relativala decoration Of soldiers
graves in Montrese. As welad similar
statement of fame hum week, we now in
sert a portion to which we then only
made reference ' •
A Short military history of each soldier
burried in the Cemetery was given by
Captain G. L. Stone, as follows :
Lt; B. ft. Lyons, enlisted Sep. 19, 1861,
in Co. D. 50th Regt. P. V., died July 6th
1862, front wound.
Sgt. Luke L. Lyons, enlisted Sep. 19,
1861, Co, D. 50th Begt., P. V., died May
1804, from wound.
Adjt. C. M. Lyons, en'isted Sept., 1861,
Co. A., 57th Regt.. P. V., died June 18,
1864, from wound.
Capt. Thos. F. Foster, enlisted Sept. 19
1861, Co. D. 50th Regt. P. V., died Feb.
1866, from disease. '
Private Chimney W. Mott, ‘ enlisted
1861, 52d Reg. P.V., died April 11, 1865,
from diseatte. -
Private Julius Warner, enlisted 1864,
Co. D. soch Regt P. V., died Sept: 25,
1864 from disease.
Private liram Dolloway, enlisted 1864
Co. D. 50th Regt. P. V., died April 1868,
Frederick W. Stark, enlisted Aug. 31,
1864, U. S. Marines, died Nov. 26, 1885,
from 'disease. -6
Private Litman S. Millias, enlisted 1861
6th Penn. Reserves, died March, 1863
from wound.
Private J. A. Bailey, enlisted 1862, 16th
Penn. Cavalry, died July 1863, from dis
Private Phineas Warner, enlisted Au
gust 31, 1862, Dickinson Guards, died 18-
62, from di- , ease.
Private E. Davis, enlisted February 18-
64, Co. E. 190th Regt. P. V., died 1864,
from d isease,
Private Isaac Young, enlisted August
14, 1863, 6th U. S. Colored Infantry, died
1867, from disease.
Private L. Dutcher, enlisted Juno 1863
28th Pa. Militia, died May 18, 1864.
Cigar Boxes.
The appended section of the Internal
Revenue Law, is published for the infor
mation of cigar dealers and others:
[Sec. 32. And be it further enacted, That
any person who shall sell, give away, or
otherwise dispose , of, any empty cigar
box or boxes which have been stamped,
without first defacing or destroying such
stamps, or shall refill any cigar box with
out first destroying such stamp, shall on
conviction of either offence be liable to a
penalty of one hundred dollars or to im
prisonment not. exceeding sixty days, or
both, in the discretion of the court, with
the costs of the trial, and it shall be law
ful for any cigar inspector or, revenue offi
cer to destroy any empty cigar box upon
which a cigar stamp shall be found.]
Examination for Prof. Certificates.
An examination for granting Profes
sional Certificates will be held at Mont
rose, in the Academy, on Friday, June 26,
1868. Only such are entitled to this grade
of certificate as are members of the Susq.
County Teachers' Institute. The branch
es necessary are those enumerated in the
Prov. Certificate, and such other higher
branches as the applicant may desire.—
Teachers desiring further information will
address the County Sup't. Examination
will commence promptly at 8 o'clock, a.
m. W. W. WATSON, CO. Sup't.
Montrose, June 2, 1868.
—Be Wise to-day. 'Tis madness to
neglect a cough or cold, however slight.
Consumption - may follow, and through Dr.
Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry has !iv
quently,cured this much dreaded disease.
for the primary disease of the throat, lungs
and chest, it always cures where other
remedies tail.
EQI74FLITY.—Thirty-1 fight negroes eat in
the Clur,go Radical Convention as the
equals 9I Forney, Jessup, et id mut gen
us. There is no accounting for tastes, a+
the old woman said when she kissed the
q ~ _ c n- ~-
In New Miltbrd on the 3d inst., by Rev.
A. Miller, Mr. LEWIS WILLSON, of Scran
ton, and Miss NANCY BL TYLEE, of New
At Great Bend, May 21, by Rev. A. F.
IlArding, Mr. FRANK A. E. Meson of
New Britton, et and Mira MaturLsw
is, of Great led.
In Gibson,May 26, by Rev. G. R. Hair ,
Mr. E. A. ee Ms,- of New York, and
Miss Emma S. Walls, of Gibson.
At Htirford,. on Tuesday 19th tilt, by
Rev. Edward Allen, Mr. Joust S. Cart
ratfrs,a,Of S
D trantOn, and Miss MARY AL
-usattor4 Of Burford.
11111rNotices of marrlagesantl amain pabllebed free
of charge. Obituaries published II paid for at the rate
of dity cents perhuadred words.
In New Milford, Ayril 22, of inflame
don of the lunge, Sims PAGE, only son
pf James and Sally Page, aged 20 years.
Oue.we loved has left, our number,
For the - dark and Silent tomb;
Closed!hie eyesin deathly slumber—
Paded is his early bloom.
In Forest Lake. Kay go, 1868, Azua
M. W.sasiza, in the 64Lb year of his age.
In Susq's Depot, Mg 29,1868, Mrs. S.
B.' ci widow Of Luther Price, aged
49 Y 'amt.
ABELFTURRY4I4 is now receiving a
huge addltloit to his already eitenstse assortment
of 04:100D13; large proportion ad *Mob trlit he sold at
11.1 k
ayeartyrediaiees.___, , •
Viginin'#l!astair , •
i t,* birertistments.
- etaxtioxi.
T ' publican hereby (=Maned alienist ttarboring
or true Hew wire Martha, as I will pay no debts
other contrac since the time she bit my house.
Franklin, Junelt,lB6B.*3 " JAMES nuown
06 : 09" :. -4
14, It ICI )a 4. 4
ALL perms oreirerehiStaritloned agatnst harboring
or trusting my son. Truman M. Tineley. as I will
pity no debts of his cotitractiog after this dale. •
Horrors!. June 0, j 0. 4 1 TBUMAN TINaLEY.
Statement of Bounty• Matters of
Forest Lake:Township for 1867.
Amount of Dopileate;\ , • $4.851 85
Balanre of Duplicate tubandeofinAlector, 2,819 55
Amount of bonds and artist's redeemed, 1.218 ea
Amount of bonds outstanding. 8,400 00
.1011 jg "BRADSHAW,
Forest Lake, June 9,1868-8 w
To John P. Zeigler. Ttitithannock, Pa. Whereas,
von were discovered to be engaged to the business of a
Peddler, without having paid Ike'. Special Tax as such,
whereupon your horse at d wagon, and goods on hard.
(said to he about 2.000 uustamped; cigars.) were seized
and detained according to law:
Now, therefore, this Is to notify Yon to appear at the
Assessor's Office, In Susquehanna Depot, on Monday,
Jana 2213. 1:018, at 2 o'clock P. M., titid show cause. I f
any you have,. why said property shallnot be declared
forfeited and sold for the use of the I:ratted States, as
provided fur by act of Congress.
Assessor, 12th D:stlict, Penn's.
Eitisq'a Depot, June 9th, 1622.-2 w
The Florence Sewing Machine,
I7AS awarded the First Premiums at ttAellowilig
1 , If Fairs and luduatrial Exhibitions daring the rust
season :
New England Agricultural Falr. Providence.
New York State Agricultural Fair, Buffalo, 7:
American Institute, New York,
Maryland Institute, Baltimore,
Mechanics' Amelialon, Lowell.
Besides numerous minor State and County Fairs thro'•
out the country, thus establishing oar claim that the
Florence is the Beet Family Sewing Machine in the
' k1.01115140E Sawnso Macaws CO..
•J 505 Broadway, N. Y
Send for an Illustrated Circular. [Jo 9tf520
To solicit orders for Dn. WILLIAM S • Ira's DICTION.
ART OF TUE BIBLE. The on y edition published in
America, condensed by Dr Smith's own baud. In one
large Octavo volume, illustrated with over 145 steel and
wood engravings.
A-ents n . and subscribers see that you get the genuine
edition by Dr. smith.
The Springfield Republican says, this edition pub
lished by Messrs. Burr & Co., is the genuine thing.
The Congregationalist says, whoever wishes to get,
in the cheapest form, the best Dictionary of the Bible,
should buy this.
We also want agents for Bu.ior's New Work, REMAR
BOLT LAND. By Henry Ward Beecher, T. D. Woolsey,
LL. D. Pres. of Wesleyan Univ., Rt. Rev. Thos. M.
Clark. ' Bishop of Rhode Wand, &c. &c.
They are new and original works by these authors,
and their subjects are approved by clergymen of all de
nominations. Agents arc meeting with unparalleled
success. We employ no Genersi Agents for either
book, and offer extra Inducements to Canvassers.—
Agents will see the advantage of dealing directly with
the Publishers. For descriptive circulars. with full par
ticuLu-s and terms, address the Publishers.
J. B. BURR & Cu., Ilariturd, Cunn
June 9,1863-2m*
.7E3im - vire
CU been In to see our New Stock yet t If not, you
yon should attend to it at once. Having purchased
the stock and good will in the Booz, biAllorignx,
News and Patter Goons Business of Byron /Loon, and
removed to the next building above. we propose to fur
furnish anything in this line wblce you may want, and
at as low figures as possible and live.
'44 2 '" <Dia
will always find a choice selection of Stationer?,
Perfumery. Pens, Cutlery. Books, No
tions dc Finney Goods at prices not
x eft
of before for years. All the Daily. Weekly, News and
Illustrated Papers. magazines, Periodicals and Quarter.
lies received by first Express, after lesue. If we have
not what you want on band, leave your order. We have
the agency of
BERTHOLF Sewing Machines, and will always
keep a supply of Sewing Machines anti machine fix
tam on hand. Trusting this
will please you, and soliciting a cars, whether we seD
you anything or not, we are
Truly, &c.,
Montrose, Pa., May 28, ISM.
T LYONS returns hi• sincere thanks to his friends
el • And a generous public fur past favors. and would
commend to their patronage the new firm of LYOAS,
DRAKE & CO. a h re be will still be found, and
glad to see all wh o will favor them with a call.
Montrose, May 28,1868.
One More New Firm.
T the store formerly occupied by J. Lyons will be
who are prepared to furnish the citize..e of Montrois
end the eon...culling country with almost netuything
in the 11n e of
First Class Groceries and Provisions, Flour,
Fisk Canned and Dried Fruits,
Nuts, Candies, etc. ete.
Also, Wood and Willow Ware, and Sion
T A. LToss. 0 H. Druz'. 0. 11. LYONS
Mcntrose, liay 28, 11368. '
A new lot of the celebrated Iron Clothes Wringers, at
Q,FIALER'S SCALES—wanted in every
family. Call tad eee them, at
In great abundance ; and a lot of DRY GOODS Wald/
will be sold at unbeaid of luw prices. A new assort
ment of LADIEN' StioSs. Al.o a great variety of
WINDOW eUitTAIND, just received, and selling
cbrae z
N B.—No trouble to .how Goods. O've us a call ; if
we can'i snit you, don't buy .
Anti-Incrustation Co's Office,
No. 147 Soqth Fourth Street,
Tb.c .491.32.41friztormsattottcor
VITILL remove scalesm Steam Hollers and keep
VT them clean, render t he Boiler tees liable to etplo• i
auditor's nditor's Notice.
sion,and analog a great isaving of fuel. ,
These Instruments have been in sneceseibl use der- I
log the last two yesra
andany of the large establish. undersigned , an auditor appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas of Busqui donna County to digri
melds of Philadelphia. other pubs of the U. 8. from bate the fend arising from Sheriff ' s ',aloof the ral es.
which the most flattering testimonials of their wonder
ful saving of fuel end labor have beet. received. . tate of Thus. Dentin rd. will attend to the duties of his
or Parties baring Boilers would do well to Sall at
appointment at his o ffi ce in Montrose. on Tuesday the
the ()dice, and examine testimonials..te. de. , day June, 1868. at one o'clock. p. in., at which time
and place all persons are required to. mama their
r sad Tsui.
'MIX FAB! IBA , _ cl a im' orbs debarred from co mtat on paid In fund.
uoe • rroOu
' qt. 1 - . • W. D. LOSS, *WWI%
Joao 9,M4P-Fit •• ..-- -',- -: • • '• • - " • - .1 1 r 0 F4) -4 7 SAAR
.. . - .
14 Z -
'P .4
• 0 •4
Combining the old revolving . rake with the independent wrion of the teeth.—
ENTIRELY SELF DISCBARGING. This Machine is manufactured by L BEACH, one and shalt miles
North of Montrose. near Mott's woolen factory. and Is °tiered by him to the Farmers of Susquehanna County
as the best 1153 and Grain Rake now in use. 1 fully guarantee this Ma. bine to gather the hay easier, and to .
leave It in better shape for pitching than any other Sake in the county, or no sale. I Invite every responsible .
farmer wishing a hay rake to come and get one, take it home and try it for two or three days.and if not satieflnd
to retain it, and no charge will be made, unless the machine is broken. I have a large na ichiue to operation at b
the factory. where each farmer can see it tried before buying. I also warrant and guarantee the t any boy 12
years old, able to guide a horse. can du all the raking un a large farm just as easily and quickly as a man. By re- 0
ferring to the above engraving, you will a.e that each Rake is provided with TWO FULL SETS OF TEETH,
which work alternately, changing at each windrow—drat unii set then the other. The teeth are so arranged that `-
they cannot break. During the whole of last season, not a tooth was broken, while the machine was tried and
tested in the hardest manner. Farmer*, look to your Interest. This machine w 111 save the difference between a
boy's and man 'a wages. It will gather your bay and grain tree from dust and dirt. It will turn the undtqside of
the hay up to the sun at each windrow, thereby enabling you to commence raking an hour earlier. It is made In
the strongest possible manner. of hardwood and wrought trod, and has a tip top steel spring seat not surpassed ;
by any In the country. It can be taken apart without removing a bolt or screw. It is made at home, where any ;
part can be relit .ced a small cost. This machine wee patented last year. and Is nothing like my old rake, as i•
VIM 18 A REVOLVER ON WHEELS. The first premium was swat led this m ichlue at our County Fair lailt fall. Ite-
Member that this Rake is sold for les+ than any other 000 D wheel rake in the county. Price of rake, complete. ti
With wheels, 05,n0—without wheels. s2d It. All those who has, wheels just four feet high, can have them fit
thd by Whetter them to the factory, and save $lO. None butjust four feet wheels will answer. Call and see it C.
and yea will have no other. car Planing and Matching done to order on abort notice.
Montrose, Pa., June 9, 1868.-4 • 33ezt011..
Vireall and look at one at Goodwin &
Fletcher's livery stable, Afontrose.
S constantly receiving New Goods. Especial attn.,
t ton is called to his choice selection of
Drugs, Patent Medicinej, Liquors,Paints,
Oi:s, Dye-stuffs, Varnishes, Window
Gass, Groceries, Glass Ware,
Wall and Window Paper,
Stoneware, Lamps and
Chimneys, Trusses,
Machinery Oils,
Guns, Ammunition, Knives, Spectacles,
Brushes, Bird Cages, Fancy Goods,
Jewelry, Perfumery, etc.
Space and time will not permit further enumeration
—but let the simple fact suffice that his assortment is
extensive, and be intends to sell goods on terms that
will promote the interests of purchasers.
Call on ABEL =BELLI Druggist, Montrose, Pa.
WFrf c
i r d i re llioti N w n o r rr e i t.
( cLi iy th o y r ou n r ig iT t !rol c a r f r , teething
the time; have pity tor the little sufferers and nee
It will pacify and relieve the little ones at once.
Warranted perfectly Harmless, but Effec
Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
may IS, 1/38S—le
TUREEY Morocco 'Bags. of all kinds sizes and quai
ties. Ladies' and Bente' Traveling and Recto:de
Bags. from $1,50 $lO. Common, It/Inroad, and Gothic
Bags, from 75 ctn. to $2. At
321 Aft eit3:3.45 tiß.
A FULL line of beanDflal and :durable splint and
willow BASECZPS,censisting of Hinkel() of alt siz
es. Work and Pocket Volk, Clothes, Market and Din
ner Baskets. Sold for cash, at reduced prices, by
TSE place to et year PARIS lUD GLOVES, beet
quality, $1 per pair,and every pair warranted.
Rain or Mum..
SUN UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS, silk and cotton,
a great variety, very cheap, for sale by
LADIES' Ribbed Cotton HOSE for
wets. per pair.
F ANS in great variety, and cheap, at
pr'Store In tame building with pod once.
Montrose, May 10, 1888.
Neves, 3F 1 .1.7er1a.
1\711311717 121-C) CO =MS
To 'be ascalci by Eft earn..
Q TEAM Is the great propelling power of the age I—
CI Business by Steam.' mea s doing it with the
spirit of enterprise—not sift but fast—Rapid sales at •
small profits, opposed to the old fogy system of slow
les and large profits. Steam Is not ens I Steam trav
els on land and water, but does not Inflate balloons I— '1
Steam means power. energy, life, activi , y, end throws
down all opposing obsumies. The old fogies don't like 1
Its fiery speed, and are run down by its Iron wheels.
But the people believe In steam—steamboats, steam
cars, and steam stores, when they can find them. .
We propose to show that business can be done on
steam principles, without danger of explosion. Our
safety valves are Good Goods at Low Prices for Cash,
and we believe our New Stock can be sold out In "don•
ble quick time," and replenished again and again, If
the people will only consult their true interests and pa
tronize dealers who are determined to win customers
by always giving the most fur their money.
But come and see our New Stock of seasonable Goods.
We havea fine show of
Boots Sr. Shoes, Bats Er. Oaps,
Groceries, Crockery, Flour, Fish, Salt,
Notions, etc. etc.
J. 11. 7.4.1780 T.
New =lord, May 5, ISM.
In the District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania :
In the matter of
Michael Doyle, a bankrupt. l'rn BankruPtc7.
To whom it may concern :
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint
ment as asaienee o I Michael Doyle of Susquehanna
Depot, in the county of Snequehanna, and state of
Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been ad
judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dis
trict Court of said Distri et. i %led march 14, 1868.
A. H. MeCOLLIIM, Assignee.
Montrose, May 26, 1688.-3 w
This Is to give notice, that on the 4th day of
May A. D. 1868,a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued
against the estate of Voonnas CAZPE)I7I ofOlenwood,
tinsq'a County,. Pennsylvania. who has been adjudged
a Bankrnpt on his own petition; that the payment
of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to
such Bankrupt, to him or for his are, and the transfer
of any property by him. are forbidden by law. That a
meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove
their debts. and to choose one or more assignees of his
estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be
held at No. nO3 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Penn•
sylvania, before Edward N. Willart , Register, on the
16th day of June 1868, at 10 o'clock, i. m.
U. S. Marshal, as Messenger,
Western Dstrict of Penn's.
May 19-4c7
This Is to give notice, that on the 15th day of
I .t
May, A. D. 1868—a warrant in • Dkruptcy was is
sued against the estate of L. Si. Ita win, of Brooklyn,
Susquehanna Co.. Pennsylvania, w o has been adjudg
ed &Bankrupt, pubis own' petition; tbat the payment
of any debt anti delivery-of any property belonging to
such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and tae transfer
of any property by him, are forbidden -by law. That a
meeting o f the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove
their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his
estate, will he 'held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be
held at NO. 803 Lnckatvanna Avenue, Scranton, Penn
sylvania' before EDWARD N. WILLARD. Register, on
the 17th day of June, 186 e, at 10 o'clock. A. a.
11. S. Marshal, as Messenger.
Western District of Penna.
may 19-4 w
of Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, Pa., dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons Indebted to said eitate are hereby nod
fled to make Immediate payment and these having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement,
Montrose, May 5.1868.
late of Lenox, Sueq'a county. Pa. dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of theabove
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby not!
fled to make immediate payment, and those Imvins
claims against the same to present them duly asthma
cated for settlement •
OEO. P. LITTLE, Adm`r,
Montrose, May 12,1888.-6 w
Has Blanched your Looks,
If bald ; If troubled with dandruff or any humors upon
the scalp ; if your hair falls out ; or If It is dry,
wiry, or intractable, buy one bottle of
And you will end it precisely suited to your case.
Sold by Druggists throughout the
trailed States.
May 28,1868-7*
L icirg_ AßD Ol t t s „ sad s vas vaitypiAlitallar.
There seems to be a difference of
opinion between the Tribune, the life of
the Republican party, and tile •Cbieagtt
platform builders, on the questipn of suf
frage. Greeley believes, if the . ignorant
millions of negroes'of the South are et
titled to the elective franchise, then the
intelligent, "educated thousands in the
North" are. We are willing to let these
nigger worshippers settle this question
among themselves, but in order to show
the difference of opinion between the
platform builders and the Tribune, we
copy the second plank and the Tribune's'
comments thereon :
[Prom the Platform.]
The guaranty by Congress of equal sue ,
frage to all loyal men al the South was de ,
mended by every consideration of public(
safety, of gratitdne, and of justice, and
must be maintained; while the question of
suffrage in all the loyal States properly
belongs to the people of those States.
[From the Tribune.)
Republicans in all the States bad bet
ter make up their minds that there Mind
not be two policies in the party at once—
one for the North and one for the South
We cannot give the ignorant millions of
freedmen in the rebel- Btatce_ille_laUAL
rikesis Goi=ocle,
ogittititburg, lostubaum * Co.
J. D. WILBUR, Adm'r
Greeley tre. Chicago,
12ILLINERT 0002:11,
Montrose, April 4,1868
Susquehanna Depciti.Pa.
RepresOnting fifteen first class 71ro.Initiriato Co%
with a combined Capital Of over
Travelers' Insurance Company. of Hartford Ct.
i nsuring against all kinds of Accldents—osp
tal, 8500,000
Guardian Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New
York—assets securely invested and rapidly
increasing, capital. 1,000.000
Hartford Live Stock Ins. Co., of Hartford, Ct.,
the '• pioneer" Co. of America—capital, 500,000
Affording reliable protection to Farmers and owners
of Stock against loss by death or theft.
I CAN and WILL make it for the interest of an to In
sure with me.
Do not seek for clomp or LOW rates irrespective of r
character or standing, as mrsAr INSVIIANCI maybe Ilk
coed to seltrightousuess—the more one bee the Worse
off he Is.
Applications bymall or otherwtte promptlyittendod
to, and satitaction guarantied.
Office in Post Office, Bustinetutnna Depot. Penn.
J. D. BARBER, Agent.
March 81, 1868.—tt
IrAMenrgg:Vcr i r;tll3lll2lli'=:;ll:
nese in all Re branches.
Will be kept on bawl.
. .
Illrapeelal attention will ba'aiverito sittpytagentiee,
=wow & Tarn.
Montrose, May 19,166&
purpose • embraeln x near•Z - 00 ,!.
1114017 OD g° " 1" -41OICOn0