The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 02, 1868, Image 3

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    JJ iiiiiiiii.:.:',;
Zaaaal Zaate•l3.Awegtzioe.
AttentioniNo.2. .
The Members fire - partiduldily requested
to meet at their room on Friday evening
at. 7 io'cl° ol4 '- - . 2 V°lniOagigiknig4.,i - •
Ran Away.
Danieli: Barber left: his: homes few
days since. FHo was aged 17 years, quite
small of his age, ; had light hatr, blue eyes,
ane wore, w.hen left home, a black
wool hat" blue -ovCialls; and a dark coat.
Said he Mtended changing his mime. Any
information tuvro his whereabouts will be
thankfully received by his .father, Daniel
Barber, Box No. 2, Great Bent], Pa:
Drowned. - _
Night , before last Jake Maynard, of
Great Bend Village, borrowed Qua. Sim-
mobs' boat in which to make a trip to
Binghamton. Yesterday -. we received
word here • -that 'be Was drowiled near
Rcick.bottom Datil, in' that City. In at-
tempting to jump from theboati which wis
going over 'the dam, to the shore, he feil
into the`Orkter. - His body was recovered
within a - short, time, but life was extinct.
Theifody was brOught. to Great Bend list
night.—Peanagvanian 2711 i.
litounhuition for Prof..Ce mites"
An examination for granting Profes.
sional Certificates i will be; beld at Mont
rose, in the Academy, on Friday, June 26,
1868. Only such are entitled to this grade
of certificate.= are,tuembers_of the , Susq.
Conoty_Teachere Institute. The branch
es necessary are *load enumerated 'in the
Prov.Vertiticate and such other higher
branches as the applicant may desire,
Teachers desiring fartherinformation will
address_the County Sup't.: ; Examination
will commence-
_p_mmptly al. .8 o'clock, a.
m. W. W. Werses, CO. &Vt.
Montrose; June 2,' 1868.
Pakdalo - Lodge- I. O. of G. T.
At a meeting of Fairdale Lodge No.
525, May 14th, the following persons
were duly installed for the present term :
Charlesll. -- Shelp, - W. C. T.
Nuts Qss Towner, W: r. T.
Edgar W. Bolles, W. S.
Marvin Hall, W. T.
Geo., L. Sharp, W. 0. G.
Allen Shay, W.I. G. • ,
Rev. J. P. Towner; W. C. -
W. Scott Baldwin, W. 3L •
Miss Josephine Bennett, W. 'D. M.
Melvin Hoyt, W. F. S.
no. W: . Robertson W. A. S.
Miss Sarah ROE; W. R. WS. •
" Ellen Robertson; W.L.H.S.
Rev. Wm. Shelp, P. W. C.
We are bound to be ono of the working
lodges. - .
No more bricks In our hats win you see,
For we belong to the I. 0. or G. T.
Cold Victuals.
The worshippers (in expectancy) o f
Ben Wade's administration calculated on
a fine time inaugurating his " term of of
fice," which Ben Butler told 'em' would
" come in" along with apple blossoms.—
Tuesday night was fixed •upon to ratify
that and Grant; too; but, the telegraph
did cot announce blossoth Ben, so the af
fair, instead of a sort of wedding, was
nearer a funeral; for in spite of attempt
ed words of cheer, the faithful wereiop
pressed with the generalond to them mel
ancbotly idea, that Grant, like Wade,
would come• out lacking iu votes; The
anticipated feast was compared to. doie
of cold victuals upon a sour stomach.—
The mourners are entitled to all the sym
pathy the " lost cause" is worthy of.
Decoration of Soldiers' Grave&
The ceremony of strewing flowers up
on soldiers' graves was performed on Sat
urday. 'At the entrance the. cemetery
a beautiful arch and flag-staff were erect
ed, in memory of those buried elsewhere ;
a itaxwas unfurled over each grave, to
which *as added a wreath of evergreens
and flowers. At 6 o'clock a procession of
soldiers, firemen . ladies and citizens,
preceded by the hand, passed each grafe,
and depointed Isprigs of ; evergreen and,
flowers ; after,which the large assemblage
formed around the central arch, andlis
toned to the :ceremonies, - which consisted
of praye r by Hunt Jessup, an ;`oration, by
Wm. H. Jessup, Esq , ands tbe reading of
the tame, date of enlistment, and death of
each soldier (14 in numbir) .buried io
Mr. Jessup,unule some. suggestions in
reference to a-monument, which:is to be
far'Radical restoration. Its good ef-
Ceotesrelperinannt. , knot,, only !edam;
IlitrixdOr of the hair, bar; ihaquantity and
narstrapiloissidela.:: - .. This is saidlyevert
oat itswg _Mrs. -,3l4T's korrie.a
tam sVcr),Bair Aerstoror Or ,DreS4log#l
(me boak):'Elri,l'lhyggist:etenti -
Bomilei"T ~ablOf B fWiy.
h new etatteei4Etbe)mttsaket - Thoir2able.", costes:-
14g the fiummetarraogersest of rassettger Trains, has
bath tothished..aud laced p with the Coso_paore. Ticket
Apulia hl
, gratattoss ..71811litenet
passeitgers. This Uthle, as. - many or - oet readers
ars awareis DOUAI:Ied le testaveakst this so that beery
=arta' atil t e e tt o s tro erry z n ..07,: f 2=4:4
through Talcs at theAliteastwaid sod westwardh.-
ietheateetheiretrslAtegVlsces and leaving {lam. shows
what trains run oatty.
_those that omit . a goals, or
Yougay trip, those Cid make extra stopk, 14,10. ie. l
adttitunt total this it contains en aunoureemuos intl. I
tied s Owl News tor are wade mtbmtr.
writ be of Inteseit to An, who Contemplate - NOW ex'
Mettle during the atterelee _llOl O Ol nth o Xita 134.10*7
Cloempsay haviegarotegedtollen tolthitnitlidteto ,1
led ieed uteri() expersices parties_ •
ralr ortbe Depot Gape - 1144'W0m.54 wee eta ti,
" Pocks:ST** Pg 444.
impeaclunent Ended.
,Tne4dilireAakting ;5 tn 18. .An acquit
tai ;;,* announced ; the` 'rid's; aban
-4441Pg.. ttbe qtleeiledieeoe4 the Court=
sinedie. 4 - •
Good-hyo tingesOmeat .
The NegroTeTegittes.
,There were Some 6ftetto•or twenty ne- -
grit delegates to the Chittago Convention,
and they weroUtjetite of of nOte On the floor
Ofvourse they were ill.SenthusiastiCallY
for , Grant, - in they, had be - pii - asit!red that
he:wit in flavor -of , establishittg and Per.
etuating . adprettinß .
the SOoth
and of giving the right oftinfrme and all
other political and- social privileges to
their race in thit Ninth.. :The dark com
plexioned del egates were a unit for Grant
and Colfax. ' ,
No Enthusiasm.
The. Radical Convention at Chicago
was a tame and utterly spiritless affair.—
The proceedings elicited no popular ex.
citement, and the nominations have been
received very coldly throughout the coun
try.- Nowhere , has there been any exhi
bide& of enthusiasm. The name of Grant
faill to Charni the popular ear.
.-That Iron' is Valttabhi tut a Medicine
has long been known, but, it is only sioce
the preparation of it in the particular form
of Peruvian Syrup was discoverek t hatl its
full power over kiseago has brought to
light. r Its crwsof dyspepsia and
debilityie tuovit-salutary. •
. ;LI
"'TIM editor of ' the Derneerat,',Daven
port, lowa, endors es Ilootland's German
Bitters in the colu mns of his paper as fol
lows : ". "
HOOPLA ND'B' Birricas.—ln another col
umn wilt be' found the adversisement of
this sterling'retnedy: To it• the writer , of
this article owns his health. " Having once
been cotnpletely prostrated by diseases
contracted in campaigns in Louisiana and
Mississippi Ve were unable to regain our
.health by following regular remedies, but
were cured by a few bottles of "IWO medi
—Those of our readers having Steam
Boilers would do well to call at the Office
of the American Anti-Incrustation' Com
pany, Philadelphia, and examine testiinor
Dials, etc, of the Anti Incrnstator. Read
advertiseMent, setting forth its great mer
its, in this issue. ,
09Z 2 '211C0 2CCIIrJ;COIEISS.
13elieving the nimble six
pence preferable to slow shilling. we beset adopted
the Cash System: All Goods in our line front 10 to 15
per cent., below Dinner prices. We have a hill line of
Dress Goods. : Prints, Detains, brown and bleached
Sheeting'. Ginehams, Ticking', Stripes. Checks, Cot
tonades.- plain I fancy Cassimeres, the best assortment
of NOT101:11 in town, all kinds of Flower and Garden
Seeds, and Groceries of every description. Come one,
come ail, and •ry the Cas•i, and Case ONLY, syitem.
Can be found in the same building with the post-office.
Montrose. June 2, 1868. A. D. ficrrawrim.D.
fir SUL. MUM; L-ts eentlntuidly receiving
new supplies of Cieuttine Dr,ugs and Medicines. which
will be tolirds !owns at any other Str•ein Montrose.
frarDlt S. 1. '',10131/te. PVLMONIC LIFE
knot. rortheettre of Indolent - consaraption'.-conghs.
eroups'Aithnia, liver complaints, Dyspetisib, and
genera! debility. ,FOr aeVerul rare I have been urged
by kind friends, *be have flied. - and been benelitted by,
my Life nyrup„l
ee to pnt - it up for general vale; but few
know the large,copen, now that the country le hood
ed with Patent Medicines; which attend the came. For
yeare I art / tr4a reluctant to do so,-as the capital re
quired would Lu_gq and I did not wish to (natal the
operations of my i Venetian Liniment bovines.. Bat, •
thanks tothe generous' public, woo has.- appreciated my
Venetian Linlinent.l am now able to do so, without
any ditriment to my lams business in that medicine
ybe foundation of my success I attribute to attending
totoo the manufaeture of every drop myself, and shall de
the ralaCtin regard to my Pulmonie Life f3yrup. Vie
Ingredients are perfectly hermiess, b t and act on the
Lungs and. Liver with 'astonishing effect . I rice 75 cts.
Depot,- No to Conies:ids street New York, near Jersey
city Yell). hold 4' the Druggists and Storekeepers.—
• .
ry for theenre of boughs,
.eolds, hoarseness. Asthma.
Influenza, croon, whooping tough, Bronchitis Predispo•
sition to consumption, &e.
This gr eat remedy is too well known and is perform
ing toomuchgood to make it necessary to go into an
elaborate diecussiun of its merits. Suffice it to say that
it still mainutins its supremacy in curing diseases of
the mart obstinate eharacter, and that all who suffer
from the above complaints, after having.terted this
remedy, sebionthureaxasion ta resort to other appli
ances to insure it pecteot restoration to health.
Testimony Of Mir. PEZEICSEKW,
WEssirnortun, Dee. 16, IWO.
Messrs. 9. W.-Font= & Sox. Boston..
Gentlemen—Dniing the winter of 1868 I was very
much out of health. afflicted wltha severe CoagA pain
tn /heel& and ,Ztaigsand and a general _depression of
health to such as ez ent as greatly to alarm myself and
friends as to the result. Parke: this time I -tried's." ,
evil highly recommendep remedies, with little or no
good nittalt, and - had concluded to try the effemof a
Southern climate Upon my health; but, before carrying
thisresolotionintweffeta; I was induced by the urgent
solicitation of your agent, Mr. Huntley, togive Dr.
Dr. If isfar's Baleamof Wild nosy a trial. I did so,
and to my ereatjelound immediate and permanet re
lief by Ms usegfWeene bottle,. and I em now in as good.
health as ever. Uhelieve your Balsam one of the - beat
remedies. for eoughs.eskts and all king diseases, now in•
use, and conscientiously recommend it as such.
Yours truly;': ' • • PETER SHAW.
Prepared by Seth W. Fowled Sou. 18 Tremont at,
Boston; and for saleby Draggistasenerally. .
:.'GRACE'S ChM . EBMATEM - ski:ins-4E
are constantly hearing favorable ireptats from those
whe have tried this remedy..-Amy Anthony. wife of
Mark Anthcroy. of this ra. an livintat- No.B Locust
street, afflicted with feln o onthe finger. was recently
Mewed to malciatsialotthe Salve. Almost instantly
Allhe Maeda:teed - relief from the Wit. which had been
almost unendurable. ibray other remedy but this
Proved oelosiliod2. Vaasa who have tried it once are
satistledefititimerttai and nothing will Warmth= to
be withottg - eupply.—Yel/ film ifeirt—msylitml.
far FrildiElint: PriOPLIEC I IES . CONCERN.
leg the end oiall r ase made. by religious antes
`.luau, and ontheOther hand, pidionepberi, insist that
the centin'Ori s tie r eitti Os Mum-or drei-- . list - the pain
of the earth wilt one illy he ai the equator, sod that the
Padua, iadit* , Talk like - this' Ivry tent.
but. Ppitilngsuclf . wholnale celenillet. It will be
as well for each inembeC of witty to Mks 'care of his or
her health, and linvei tisiTest to PrOvldenee.
`y; The end coteen prematurely -W.•all , who neglect the
pnwervitien of rkstinedtlitsble - tilessiog: Buffet liver
fiime4PPePtliiehronie "coristipatioliter any
sitnsestv take its course unchecked. and it will tun
radii *torten' cannot said that the mean* of
protecting the system igabat the predisposing causes
ordinate are wrabheld. The constitutions and phy
iique of4lie lemt moist may ~ t)e- so -streogtbened and
' intilledWa Canna of Itostetterir'stomach bitters as
io render them all bat invulnerable, not only to ,the ate
lo t eks - orepidernicaporders; bun also to - the ordinary
nemiglaints wbfehtirendliii eallairteilind atnllses.
eons, •Jrtheintotense finportance of mwtective 'mad*.
I ipia#eri nedenitOod.. this Incoinpusible
vegetable* antidote already ;the moat popular
joule ache_ world, would evegyibere be clasied among
thentsgbm of-life, lad would -, dare to' be
lleithOnt It' 4 111 e *se may anise when this will - bathe
Ming;trniebtillikilibitilltlitzgdifititteikiikkilf ties;
--a - - • • - -
At'O: p er, May,2241, by Lewis Ager,
Esq., Elm DAILY 2 of 15verfield; and
• „
In Gibaon,Airay 24th, by Rev.R. logalby
Mr. HENRY CWirrrsinr and Mra. M. A.
Foam, botit , qf liarford.
In Platteville May 28th, at the
residence of E43ailey,Esq, and) by Rev'.
J. E. Pond. Mkcj. r.-11. Raves, of Platte.
villa, and 'Miss -cLENOR LUNG, of
IMP — Notices cif mar fiesta deaths published free
of charge. Obituaries iftiblisheditpaid fur at the rate
of any cents per hundreitFords.
In Springville, *AI 06;1888, of ty
phoid fever, Sairiner(A. Loomis, aged 58
g tit,' ►Dhertistments.
Anti-Incruel ation Cp'a Office,
No. 147 South Fourth Stricett
e cho
remove scales from Steam Boiler/tend keep
TV them clean, render the Buller lets Halide to explo•
don, and causing a great saving of ibel.
These lust ruments have been In success at use dar
ing the last two years in many of the large , eatabitsh-
Meets of Philadelphia, and other parte of the )3. from
which the most flattering testimonials of their Wender
,ful saving of fuel and labor have been received.'t is
to-Parties havingßollers would do well to all at
the Office, and examine testimonials, Se. de.
in the • District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania. In Bankruptcy.
In the matter of Michael Doyle, a bankrupt, said
Michael Doyle having applied to tho Court tor a dis
charge from his debts. By or‘ er of the Court notice is
hereby given to all ereditors who have proved their
debts and other persons in interest to appear on the 17th
day of June 1868„ at it o'clock a. tic, at Chambers ofthe
said District Com t. before R. N. WILLARD. one of the
Watera of said COurt. In the city of hcianton, at NO.
Me wanner avenue, to show cause why a discharge
should not be granted to the said bankrupt.
And further notice is hereby given that the second
and third meeting of creditors . at, said. bankrupt re
quired by the 27thsridelth sections of the act of Con
s ress of March 2, ISO, will be had before the said Reg
ister open the same day, that cause may be shown
against the discharge, at the same hour and place.
June 2-2 w B. C. McCANDLE.S.'s, Clerk.
3ElEit - v®
'Vett been to to see our New Stock yet ? If not, you
you should attend to it at once. Raving purchased
tho stock and good wilt in tho Boor., STATIONIIIT,
Ninvi and Fancy Goons Business of Byron Koon. and
removed to the next building above. we propose to fur
furnish anything in this line which you may want, and
at as low Ayres as possible and live.
will always And a choice selection of Stationery,
Perfumery. Pena, Cutlery. Books, No
tions & limner Goods at prices tot
of before for years. AU the Daily. Weekly, News and
Illustrated Papers. magazines, Periodicals and quarter
lies received by first Express, after issue. If we have
not what you want on hand, leave your order. We have
the 'agency of
BERTHOLP Sewing Machines, and will always
keeps supply of Sewing Machines and machine 'U
nfree on hand Trusting this
will please you, and soliciting a eras., whether we sell
you anything or not, we are
Truly. &c., -
G6O. C. HILL & CO.
Montrose, Pa., May 26, 1868.
1" LYONS returns his sincere thanks to his friends
and a generous public for past favors, and would
commend to - thelr patronage the new firm of LYONS,
DMA HS £ Co., wh,re be will still be found, and
glad to see all who will favor them with a call.
Montrose, May 26,1668.
One More New Firm.
A T the store formerly occupied by J. Lyons will be
Ja. found
who are prepared to furnish the citizens of Montrose
and the surrounding country with almost everything
in the line of
First Class groceries and Provisions, Flour,
Fish, Canned and Dried Fruits,
Nuts, Candies, etc. etc.
Also, Wood and Willow Ware, and Slime
4 Ware.
T A. Luna. ' O. H. Dasza. 0.
Montrose, May 20, 1868.
A new lot Wrap Celebrated Iron Clothe. Wringers, at
V,HAISR'S SCALES—wanted in every
Ca and g ee Vas, pp* v g & Co's.
In great abundaneelvind slot of DRY GOODS which
will be sold at unbeatd of iuw prices. A new asinine.
meat of LADIEW_ 8110Rti. Alto agreat varlet); of
WINDOW CWITAINS, gist received, and selling
N 113.-Nolrotible to show Goods. Give es a ; if
weal” gall yob, don't bay..
- Has Blanched -your Looks,
If bald; If troubled with dandruff or any tumors Ulan
the scalp ; If your half falls out; or !fit la dry,
t or Intractable, tiny one bottle of
• =NIL. Za3l6CONei
ELECTRIC::: 1111111•'. RENEWER,
And you will ind it precisely salted to you cue.
• Sold all. iruggis' It throughout the
United States.
I Nay 28, IEW-i• • •
reansemia, illiflualinese Os Catarrh treat
the utmost Success. byDr. J. ISAACB, Oculist
and ,4 a d e t w oorineriy of Leyden. Hasa.) N 0.805
Ara Street. Pbilsoleipbia. Teetimoulaistrom themst
rellsblesoUreasti be City and Count Can be seen at
hts °ME 'Me medial (multi are In c ited to Woo
ty thew - as no secret b undue
iblueonftrOttows_lo l : • - IP
singitselep. _ •
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Lignors,Painta,
Ohs, Dye-stairs, Varnishes, Window
Glass, Groceries, Glass Ware,
Wall and Window Paper,
Stone Ware, Lamps and
Chimneys, Trusses,
Machinery Oils,
Guns, Ammunition, Knives, Spectacles,
Brushes, Bird Cages, Fancy floods,
Jewelry, Perfumery, eto.
Space and time will not permit further enumeration
—bnt let the simple fact sunk° that his assortment is
extensive, and he Intends to sell goods on terms that
will promote the interests of purchasers.
Call on ABEL =DRELL, Druggist, Montrose, Pa.
New M -1 11.3rn3..
THE new firm, Whipple, More & Brink, would an
nounce to the citizens of New Milford and vicinity
that they have re-opened the old stand formerly occu
pitd by Geo. B. McCollum, where they will keep on
hand an assortment of
of their own manufectnve, which they mu recommend
to the public as a first class article, and which thiy will
wholesale and retail at prices to snit the times.
Whipple, More it. Brink.
New Milford, May 26, 1868.—tf.
WHa ird ip e yon worryrb xst r i eer i l o n rg ._teethin r g
an the time ; childre n,
pity for de little micron; an c :i i nse
It ain pacify and relieve the little ones at once.
Warrliked perfectly Harmless, but Effec
Sold by prqggists Everywhere.
PRICE 26 qrs:vigk BOTTLE.
may 16,1868-1 y
t` .
TIIRKEY Morocco Bags, of all kinds sizes and
ties. Ladies' and Gents' Traveling and Reticule
Bags, from $1,50 $lO. Common, Railroad, and Gothic
Bags, from 75 chi. to $2. At
A FULL line of beautiful and durable splint and
willow BASlESTS,consisting of Reticule of all dz.
es. Work and Pocket Work, Clothes ' Market and Din.
ner Baskets. Sold for cub, at reduced prices, by
THE place to get your PARIS HID GLOVES. best
quality,'per pair, anopevery pair warranted.
Rad.= or EIIIZZIL.
UM UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS, silk and cotton
a great variety, very cheap, for sale by
L ADIES' R ibbed Cotton 1112 SE for
10 eta. per pair.
FANS in great variety, and cheap, at
gler - Store in same building with poet office.
Montrose, May 19,1868.
Mew 3F l lr-232..
121-0 o=s
aro late astatlell. Tarr. Seltietaisz22.
QTEAM fa the great propelling 'Omer the ago !
5.7 "Business 'by Steam." mews doing ft with the
spirit of enterprise—not slow but fast—Rapid sales at
small profits, opposed to the old rosy system of slow
sales and Witt profits. Steam is not gas! Steam trav
els on land and water, but does not inflate balloons!—
Steam means power. energy, life, activity, and throws
down all opposing obstacles. The old fogies don't like
its fiery speed, and are run down by its Iron wheels.
But the people believe in steam—steamboats, steam
cars, and steam stores, when they can find them.
We propose to show that business can be done oa
steam principles. without danger of explosion. Our
safety valves are Good Goods at Low Prices for Cash,
and we believe our New Stock can be sold ont In "dou
ble quick time," and replenished again and again. if
the people will only consult their true Interests and pa
tronize dealers who are determined to win customers
by always giving the most for their money.
Bat come and see our New Stock of seasonable Goods.
We have a fine show of
Boots Si. Shoes, Hats Fs Caps,
Groceries, Crockery, Flour, .Fish, Salt,
Notions, etc. etc.
J. B. 741.7/EVE.
New itil.ord. Mat 6. MS.
New 3E I I1 6 X32..
millE undersigned hating inrettassel the Interest of
1., Cobb In the Grocery trade, trill tontine the bus
pus In all its branches.
WO'xwa,'°i'awnlbw`saudi l PPthit, Bl4 k.
041111i* . •
A. D. B
-win be kept on band.
In the District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania. In Bankraptcy In
the matter of W.I. Tinker & D.W.llager,Banksopts,sidd
,Ticker & Ham having applied to the Court for a dis
thane from tMir debts. order of the Court, notice
is hereby given to all Creditors who haveproved their
debts an otherpersons in. interest to appear on the
9th day of June, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. at Chem
ben of the said District Court, before B. N. Willard,
one of the Registers of raid Court. In the City of Scran-
ton. at 303 Lackawanna Avenue. to show muse why a
discharge should net be granted to the raid Bankrupts.
And Anther notice is hereby given that a second and
third meeting of creditors or the raid bankrupts_, requir
ed by the 47th and 48th sections of the Atte! Congress
of March 4. 1864. will be had before the said Register on
the same day, that canto may be shown against the
discharge, nt the same hour andplace.
May 1898.—w2 S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk.
In the District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania.—ln Bankruptcy.
In the matter of Alexander Stevens. a bankrupt, said
Stevens having attuned to the Court for a discharge from
his debts. By order of the Court, notice is hereby giv
en to all creditors who have proved their debts and otu
er persons In interest to appear on tho 20th day ofJute
1868, at 10 o'clock. a m.,at Chambers attic said District
Court. before B. N. WILLARD. one of the Registers of
said Court, in the City of Scranton, at No. 803 Lacka-
wanna Avenue, to show cause why a discharge should
not be grunted to the said bankrupt. A , :d further notice
is horebygivea that the lemon( and third meetingof cred
itors of Ibe said t. ankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th
sections of the act of Congress of March 2. 1867, will be
bad before the said Register upon the same day, that
cause maybe shown against the discharge at the same
hoar and place.
May 28-2 w 13: C. McOMLESS, Clerk.
for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In
Bankrup icy. In the matter of Samuel Clark, bankrupt.
Western District of Pennsylvania, U.
A warrant in bankruptcy has been issued by said
Court against the estate of Samuel Clark of the county
of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, in said Dis
trict, adjudged a bankrupt upon petit ion of his credit
ors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of
any property belonging to said bankrupt to him or to
his use, and the transfer of any property by him are
forbidden by law ; a meeting of creditors of said bank
rupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more as
signees of his estate will be held at. a Court of Bank
ruptcy to be holden at Scranton in said district, on the
15th day of Jane. A. 9.1868, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the
office of B. N. WILLARD. one of thoßegbstarteln Bank
ruptcy of said District.
U. S. Marshal for said District.
may 213—S• P. DeLeor. Deputy U. S.M.
This is to give notice that on the 21st day of May,
A D. 1868,a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against
the estate of Terry A. T barna', of Nicholson,
Wyoneg Cogpty, Pennsylvania, who has been
adju a Bankrupt, on his own petition;
that paymint of any debt and delivery of any prop
erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use,
and-the transfer of any propeny by him. are forbidden
by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said Bank
rupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or more
assignees of his estate, will be held et a Court of Bank
ruptcy, to be held at No. 303 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton, Pennsylvania, before EDWARD N. Wlt-
LARD, Register. on the 19th day of Jun_ , 1869, at
ten o'clock, A. M. THOS. A. ROWLEY,
11. S. Marshal, es Messenger,
Western District of Penns:,
May 28-4 w
In .he District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania :
In the 'matter .of
Michael Doyleokbankrupt. I/a Ba..nkrallitl.
To whom it may emwern : -
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint.
ment as assignee of Michael Doyle of Susquehanna
Depot, in the county of Snsquebanna, and state of
Pennslvania, within said district. - who has been ad
a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dis
trict Cour t of said District. Paled march 14, 1868.
A. H. McCOLLIIII, Assignee.
Montrose, May PO, 1868.--8 w
In the District Court of the United States for the
Western District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of 1. In Bankruptcy
C. 11. Simmons a bankrupt.
To Whom U may Concern:
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint
ment Its Assignee of C. M. Simmons, of Great
Bend, in the I.:minty of Susquehanna and State of
Pennlyivania, within said district, who has been ad
judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District
Court of said District. Dated March 14th, 1868.
A. 11. McCOLLCM, Assignee.
Montrose, may 28, 1868.-3 w
This is to glue notice, that on the 4th day of
May A. D. 1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued
against the estate of Vootuns CAYPEIITY ofGlenwood,
Susq'a County, Pennsylvania. who has been adjudged
a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment
of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to
such Bankrupt, to him or for We use, and the transfer
ofany property by him, are forbidden by law. That a
meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove
their debts, and to choose one or more assignees aide
estate, will be held at a Goort of Bankruptcy, to he
held at No. :.U3 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Penn
sylvania, before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the
18th day of June 1848' ,at 10 o'clock, a. m.
U. S. Marshal, as Messenger,
Western District of Penn's.
May 19-4 w
This is to give notice, that on the 16th day of
May, A. D. 1868 a warrant in Bankruptcy was is
against the'estate of L. M. Baldwin, of Bmoklyii,
Sustehanna Co.. Pennsylvania, who has been adjudg
ed a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment
of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to
such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer
of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a
meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove
their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his
estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be
held at No. 303 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton, Penn
sylvania, before EDWARD N. WILLARD. Register, on
the rich day of Jane, 1136eist 10 o'clock: A. 111.
D. S. Marshal, aollespenger.
Western District of Penna.
may 19-4 w
of Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, Pa., dec'd.
Lettersot administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign.
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby poll
ded to make immediate payment. and those having
claims against the same topresent them duly authentt
cated for settlement.
Montrose, 7 . ! ,, d, ay 6.1688.
.13 Intact Lenox, Sutra county. Pa. dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign•
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby nott
Red to make immediate payment, and those havini
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
elated for settlement,
GEO. I. LITTLE, Adm`r,
Montrose; May 12,1868.-8 w
Financial Statement of Harford
Township Bounty Matteis.
We find the balance on township bonds, with
the Interest due and to beprovided for, !lay
Ist, 186%. $5,150 (XI
Duplicate to for 1881, $8.852 85
Paid on above includ ing czoner'e, 7,061 45
Bal. due Including Collector's per ct..
Duplicate of Tar for 1865, 3,878 33
Paid on above including exciter's, 3,449 17
Balance dne Including Coll. per et.,
Duplicate of tar forlBo, &Ka Ta
radon above Including axon's, 8.716 28
Balance doe including Coll. per cent.
Duplicate of tax for 1867 &937 40
Paid on above includinKexon'e, 9,90131
Balance due including 11. per ventage. 1,083 09
. ERS, }Auditors.
0. WA
Burford, May 19,1869,—au,
• . Auditor's Notice.]
Fr:undersigned, a anditor appointed bkthe Court
Common Pleased Stumm banns Coon to dlitri.
flute , the fund arising:from Sheriff's 'aloof t e sc at es
tate of Thos. Conlin Id. will attend to th e duties of his
appointment at his office in Muntrose. on Tuesday the
=Asp /Tone. 1868, at one o'cloek,p.m., at which time
sad plea all peewee are regairMto present their
elands orbit debuted from Othaing k in on said fund.
- - , 1001 0 0..Xer 10, lee&
rDMINISTR,ATORS' tALE.-:—ltetate,
AOf Charles B. Campbell, deceased. AVOW*, t*
an order of the Orphans Court of LaSalle mina Ma
will be exposed - to palls sale, at the arbitration rani
in the Court Home, at the boron_ gh of Wilkes Burn,ali
Tuesday, the day of Jane, 1808. at II) oldadr. ALA:.
the folioed ag 6 nathed real estate, to wit
that attain tract or parcel seised Wag
putty In the contyof Duane and putty in the aunty
of Sustinehanna. atlas State of Pennirep ban
ded and described as follows, to wit : mg at a
corner in the edge of Crystal Lake In line o land of**
vater Johnson In the township of Clifford and era
of Susquehanna, thence by said Johnson's land
forty seven and one hall degrease east one hundred
forty six and Ave tenths perches to a corner , thatitsbY
said Johnson's land north forty two 4 a Walden. west
thirty dye, perches to a corner. thence by land of said
Johnson and land of Stinson Montgomery north bay
seven and one half deg west two handled and sixty one
perches to corner in line of wood lot, thence along said
line north forty two deg west ninety Una and seven
tenths perches to corner In Ilse of land of Benjamin
Ayres and by said Ayres land north forty eight deg. east
one hundred and two and seven tenths perches I. saw
Der, and by said Aym lad south forty two ea one
hall • east one Dadra and thirty seven and six tenths
perches to a corner, thence by land , of Whitman and
others south forty seven and one half deg. west one hun
dred and forty three and nine tenths perches to a ear
ner thence by land of said Whitman south forty two •
east eighty one perches to a corner In a paNie
thence - by land formerly of G. W. Palmer, and along a
public road, south forty seven a half deg. west two haw
Bred and twenty seven perches to a corner by the sidle
of the road in the line of tract late of Joseph Babson.
and by said Babson lot south forty two and one half deg.
east eighty eight perches to the line of Mistime county,
and to a corner otland occupied by the Delaware sad
Hudson Cared coldpsny for a reservoir Lucerne county,
and by said reservoir line to a point in a pdblic road
near the stone dam, thence by said road (the Nihon
k Owego turnpike) north twenty dye degwest about one
hundred and sixty perches to a point in the road, thence
south forty seven • wept twenty two perches tea or.
ner,and thence north forty two and one half deg west
ninety nine perches to a eorner in lake. the plate Of .
ginnior,—,:ouraining four hundred and eighty eight
acres agd one hundred and eve perches (453 amts. IBS
perches.) be the same more or less, or three hundred
and sixty six acres and four perches in husqu'ehanna
county, and ono hundred and twenty two acres and one
hundred and one perches in Lucerne comity, W im
proved except about one hundred acres of timber The
improvements eons's; of a public home or 'hotel,
known as the Chrystal Lake Hotel , a story and a beta
frame farm house, three frame barns, and tither Qin bin
Szeortn.—Abo of one other lot or parcel of land sift.
ate In the old borough of Providence (now the city of
Scranton) being fifty feet in width and one hundred an*
any feet In depth. and bounded north by other land
lately owned by Charles B. Campbell south by the Ab
ington turnpike road, east by lot of J ohn Cannon. ..a
on the west by other lands late of Charles B Campbe
—containing seventy live hundred square feet of hind s
excepting and reserving however, out of and from the
premises last described ; the coal and other minerals
under. in and upon the same.
Tans or SALE As Fox owes :—One third nub at time
of sale; one third and interest on coati:anon of taloa
balance with interest one year from condo:union of sale.
The deferred payments to be secured by Ben on the
Administrators Grantees B. Campbell, deed.
May 48,1868-4 t
I. D. WILBUR, Adm•r
711.114:1:211BRT GOODO,
=Arena C3-cooclo,
Onttenbarg, flostabaum i (Co,
Montrose, April 7,1889.
Susquehanna Depot. Pa.—
Iteiresenting fifteen Seat chum Fire Disunites Cols,
with a combined Capital of over
Travelers' Insurance Company, of Dartfletd Ct.
insuring against all kinds of Accidents—op-
Guardian Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New .
York—assets sccure)y invested and rapidly
increasing, capital. 1,0)).0011
Hartford Live Stock Ins. Co., of Dartford, CL,
the "pioneer" Co. of America—capital, 504000
Affording reliable protection to Farmers and owners
of Stock against loss by death or theft.
I CAW and was. make it for the interest otall to b
oor° with nr.
Do not seek for curter or Low rates imespeetin at
character or standing, as cmtar =scram:cis may be lik
ened to self-rightocusuess—the more one has the Wens
off ho is.
Applications by mall or otherwise prcunittlyittendliti
to. and satitoction guarantied.
12/ - 0111ce in Post Office, Susquehanna Depot, Pans.
March 81. 1868.—tt
Is tarnishing Ant rate Winter Tacit Flour at Mau..
• .15800 K a
Dr. Dupoirco's Goldeiri PertodicanTlS topr 4111p4•11'
Dr. Cheesemaa's Female Pills.
Dr. Velpalr's Female •• •
Birdames Clark's Female' PlUs. •••• .3
Price, par pate the 'toes. Firs ea ch IdaSanaa
by mall Aort a gon rer,elpt of $1 box, ;Ttes
latter two kinds angle receipt of Via each.
ArldrossAßßC TUSRELT4 Drogortst,
et An =tenet", Anotteekt
1 11 4 . 9 . 1T0R0. porn MAW* tar meta
embnia inaZrel? ptuadaiti ea.