geby Abiftrtisments - 7" WOODEN"WATER PIPE Eave Trough ! rilttiOtgerand Clieaoett Article ever made. Ir.vmy buitycparticularlv Farmers and Eend a free descriptive fur circular and price list to J. A. WOODWARD, Williamspurt,Fa. PATENT OFFICES. TNVENTORS who wish to take out Letters Patent are .11. Advised to counsel with 51ti EN S CO., editors of the SOUNITIFIO A3LERICAN, who have prosecuted claim. before the Patent Otilce for over twenty years. Their American and European Patent Agency is the most ex tensive in the world, Charges/es. thin any other reli able agency. A pamphlet containing full instructions to inVeuters, sent gratis. .01:74. handsome bound volume. containing 150 31 e- Chanlcal engravings, and the United 'States Census by Counties, with }lints and Receipts for Mechanics, mailed utl receipt of 25 cents. Address MUNN & CO., Si Park Row, New York. WOK AGENTS WANTED ron THr. NEW BOOR, " rittori. of CIIs.V rrizameilso," orteading Patriots of the Day! An elegant octavo vol ume, richly Illustrated with IS beautiful Steel Engrav ings, and a portrait of the author, Mrs. .HARRIET BEEt,'HER STOWE. Agents say It le the heat, and sells the quickest of any book flier ever sold. Some are taking SOO orders per Week. It will ontsell "Uncle Tom's .Cabin." We em ploy no general agents, but pay extra Commission, Cld agents will appreciate this item. Send for circulars eving full particulars. Address DARTFORD PUB LISLIING CO., Dartford, Ct. VANTED—AGEN'TS, Ia all parts of the United States for our New Work, "People's Book of Biography," rontainiug over eighty sketches of eminent persons of all ages and countries, women as wel: as men; a hand some octayo book of over 800 pages, illustrated with beautiful steel engravings; written by James Pateros. the most popular of living author,. whose name will ensure for it a rapid sale. Send for descriptive circular and see our extra terms. A. S. HALE & Co., Publishers, HartrOrd.' Ct. WANTED—Everywhere.—Good A I gents for our new work. " Bons BOOK or Wow MRS ;" also for' A New 'Family Photograph Bible," For terms, address A. BRAINARD, Hartford, Conn. VIA.NTED- , -AGENTS l?OR Singleri History of ' Animated Nature, 1200 royal octavo pages. 1200 line engravings. Pricm, cs3t3.l3r 01113-SO. The Cheapest Book In the world. Exclusive territo ry and the largest commission. Circulars fall particulars, terms, etc..; also our tine poster with 20 sample illustrations, sent free on application. Addre s s C. F. VENT tt., CO., BS West 4th et., Cincinnatl,o. AGENTS WANTED for the "OF FICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR. ItaCauses, Character, Condnct and Haanlte," By Hon. ALEIANDEL H STZTEss. its ready sale, combined with an increased commis sion. make it the best subscription book ever published. Cne agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscribers.: in three daye, Another in Boston, 103 subscribers in four days. Send for Circalars and ace our terms, and a full de scription of the work. Address 'NATIONAL PUB LISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Carenter ,. Send for Catalogue of Nor Practical 84 , 0 ks on Architec ture an t Stair Building. A. J. BICKNELL A. CO., rll. PURE YOURSELF of Debility,Sexual rth.apos, &c.—Send your addrefp on stumped 'n• velopeand aek fur circular of Pathology." Direct to 'IIIIIIICAN NEWS CO.. 121 Nassau St., New York. Goodspeed's Fountain Pen. w t., / lines written with one pen of Ink. The best thing It the world.' &imple sent for ten cents. $lO a tiny goantintieti to agents. Address J. T. PItICE 37 Park Row. N. Y. THOMAS R. AGNEW, 1 260 and 262 Greenwich et, Ni. Y. Ras reduced the prices of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Flour, and all kinds of Groceries. from Oro per cent. Bent Japan Tea, $l. Best FJtellsh Breakfast Tea, $l. Splendid Oolong Tea. 90 rte. I 000 tibia. FLOUR, all grades, from upwards. 20,1100 gal. Molasses, all c , rades, from 40c. upwards. Coffees. rossted and Around. 15c to 40c. Sugars. all grader., refinero.prices end everything nerd in every family cheaper and better than thy etOfc in :sew Yr , k. Thomas R. Anew occupies his own store, owns the proirrty, and hes no root to pay ; iatporte and buys es cluelvely f r cash, never gave a note in htslife. conne qnently he can undersell any house in the city. r pRE5sEs.—" Seelvv'g Hard Rubber Travis" Cares Repture, r - e:ains the most difficult sate!). and eaEily : never rusts. breaks. moven always new. Sold by ail Draggizt 3. Send fpr pamphlet, 1447 Cbeetnut St., Ph \\T ANTED, AGENTS. rs to mo per month, everywhere. male or fe male, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COM MON SENCE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This ma. chine will stitch, hem, fell, tack. quilt, cord, bind, braid, and embroider hi a most superior manner. Price $lB, Fully %corrected for live years. We will pay lOnn for any machine that will sew a stronger. more beautiful, or more elastic seam thsn ours. It makes the •• Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut. and still the cloth cannot be palled apart with rit lead/1U it. We pay Agents from $75 to V2OO per month and expenses, or a ,ctuumiSsion from which t wire that amount can. be raidnp.' Address SBCONI3 & CO., PITTSBURG, PA., or BOSTON, MASS. CAUTION.—Do not be impored npon by other pnrties palming off worthless east-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours it the only genuine and really practital cheap machine manufactured. p h: . 5 0 per tponth guaranteed to agent.. everywhere aelllng oar Patent Everlaettug Metallic Linea. Writofor Circelasi' to the BIIZEICAS WIWCO,IB2 Broadway, 11. Y., Id Dearborne - - 'Hein & STEVENS TAISTLY.DTE COLORS. THIRTY DIFFERENT SHADES, all in liquid form. The same ehades, all In powdered form. We advise the nee of the Blacks, Browne and Drabs, In the pow der-form. For -Tale by all druggists and dealers, and at the idannfamury, Boston. Mass. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP . CO. ontilouGn LINE TO . _ C:1 ALM' 3r..M l ' C:3O 3ELISTX AL, Vit. • Panama or Nicaragua, Sailing from New York March sth and 25th ; April sth, 15th, and May sth, 15th and 25/h. With New Stearushipe of the First Class. Passage .Tower than any other Line. For further information address the undersigned at Vl' WEST ST., LEW YORE. • D. N. CARRINGTON, Agent. RED JACKET AXE. COLBUEN'S PATENT. TRIED AND NOT FUND WANTING. Wt Claim U will cut Tw.ntu Fire (SS) pee cent. me:record Wood per day than any other Axe Blade Nowa. Lippincott & Co f have fully tried your Patent Ace and find that it is all that you claim for,it. It will chop faster than any other *xe that I ever saw, and leayes the wood without sticking at all. 1 would not chop three days without one for the cost. 1 need not say any more, for any man that tries one will De eatistled. Wu. REEF. CAUTION : The Axe and the .Mabel are both patented. Infrtn ger' on these patents will be prosecuted according to law. Venders or dealens, and persons using linty in trintlement, are liable witq .he maker of the Infringe ment. For Sale by Dealers and Man - - ufacturere. LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, (SUCOESSOBJI TO LIPPMCOTT, a Co.) Sole Owners of the Palente, PITTSBURGH, Pa 13 ESPECTFULLY announces that he Is navr pre• .1.1, pared to ern all kinds of Garments In the most fashionable Style, and warranted to flt with elegance nd ease. Shop over the Poet ()nice, Montrose, Pa. 0. E. PICKETT, tT. 41.1.2.iptiork.e•eer. All calls promptly attended to. Charges low. Ad dress, Auburn 4 Corners,,Sucq'a co. Pa. ifeb.4tf M. AI ARIN AN, MT. 191. Nov. 19m6 Fricndsville, Suocea Co. Pa. U. 0. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ap7 65tf Friendsville, Pa. ROGERS & ELY, V. is. .a.uaticorLeferes, mylir • - Brooklyn, Pa C. S. GILBERT, Q. 6i, .a.u.crtscssaaem. 6ep 7 64tf Great. Bend, Pa. ATTORMIIIe AT LAW, Montrose, P 4. eflice In west end of Brick Block, over Wilson C aere's store. Part icular attention given to business pertain• Ing to the Orphan's Court. [Jan. 1, 1868. McKeesport, Dec..l9, 1897 BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN SAUTTER, A. W. BERTHOLF, GORDON H. FRINK, j3IIOTOGRAPHER. Gallery over B. R. Lyons I_ Store; Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. Janl4tf DR. W. N. SMITH, TIENTIST. Rooms over Boyd & Corwin's Bard 11 ware Store. Office' hours from 9a.m.t04 p. m. Montrose, July 1, 1844.—tf JAMES E. CARMALT, A TTORSET AT LAW. Office next to Franklin Do .L.S. tel. [Montrose, Dec. 18, 1868.—tt WM. D. LUSK, TTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Office oppo. eke the Franklin Hotel, near the Court lloase. Nov. 2i, 1866.—t1 ABEL TIIRRELL, 4 LER tiors', ° l4 3 gs g , s bli ft s,tylsTu e r n . Varnishes, i c see e s m ,ru a ! Wass, Groceries, Glass Ware, Wall * and Window Paper, Stnne-ware, Lamps, Kerosene, Machinery Oils, Trusses, Guns, Ammunition, Knives, Spectacies,llrush es, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perth fiery. &c.—boing one of the most numerous, .xtensfve, and valuable collec tions of Goods In Susquehanna County, [Established in 184S.]' • [Montrosei Pa. D. W. SEARLE, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW. office over the Store of A 1.1. Lathrop. In the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. ' Say 1, IS6ti Dn. W. L.-RICHARDSON, PIITSICIAN SURGEON, tenders Ms profession al services to the citizens of Montrose and vicini tv. Office at his residence, on the corner seat of Sayre & Bros. Foundry. pone 18, 1867.—1 y• F. E. LOOMS. DAME/. TIAN'S 611. LOOMIS R HANNAH, 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW, Solicitors In Bankruptcy, IL and General Real Estate and Collecting Agents.— Valnatile City Lots, Residences, Farms, and Coal Lands for sale. [Scranton, June 1861—y• E. L. WEEKS .Su CO. QICCCESSORS or I. N. HINE CO., Dealers In Dry 4 - 4 . , rai.. Clothing. Ladies and Misses tine SbneA. klPo, agente for the great American Tea and Coffee Company. (April, 1,1867. E. L. WEEKS. - • - C. C. Fauncrr. DR. E. L. GARDNER, nIiTSICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases of the 'Heart and Lungs and an Surgical diseases. Ofdce over the Post Office. Boards at Searle's Rotel. [Sept. 4. IStiti. BALDWIN, ALLEN, McCAIN, DEALERS in Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Lard, Grain, Feed, Candles. Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries. each as &mars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of Public. Avenue. Montrose, April .I', DOCT. E. L. lIANDRICK, DITYSICIAN & SURDSON. respectfully tenders his professional services. to the citizen of Friends vine ana vicinity. rfrOffice inthe ofliceof Dr. Leet. Boards at J. Liosford'S. 11y30 63t1 JOHN GROVES, j~AgIITONABLE TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop over L. Chandler's Store. 'Ol — A ,, orders filled promptly, in first-rate style. Cul ling done on short notice, and warranted to St. AVM. W. SMITH, CCIA MNET AND CRAM MANDFACTDRERS,—Foo of Main street, Montrose, Pa. tI H. BURRITT, DALER in Staple and Panay Dry Goods,Croctery, Gardware, Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and Paints, Gooteand Shoes. lints and Caps, Pure. Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Provisions, New Milford, Pa. WM. 11 COOPER & CO" BANKEES. Montroge, Pa. Succeseoreto Poet.,Cooper t Co. Office, Latbrop's new building, Turnpike-at.° cooims.. ..... aware mums. A. 0. WARREN, A TTOUNEY A i LAW. Bounty, sack Pay, Pension, and Exem •. on Claims attended to. febl 09 - Wine d: t oor below Boyd's Store, lifontrose.Ps • • BURNS & NICHOLS, • DEA, ARs in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye • a.ats, Paints, 011 s, Varnish. Liquors, Spices,Fan cy art c,es. Patent Medicines. Perfumery and Toilet Ar ticles. 07 - Prescriptions carefully compounded. Ptfoile Avenue, above Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Ps, A. B. Berms, - Amos Mounts. eent. 11, 1866. Da. E. P.,HINES, 'Er AS permanently located at 'Priendsvitle for thepnr- LI. pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all Its branches. He may be found at the Jackson House. Office hours from 8 a. in., to 9 p m. janititt Friendeville, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1866. STROUD & BROWN, ['IRE AND LIFE ET. 37HANCE AGENTS. All U bus i !less attended to promptly, on fair terms. Of fice nrst,Goor north of" Montrose Hotel," west side of Pabllr4venue, Montrose; .Pa. [Jan. 1.186 G. 110..Lecos SISOUD, - Caucus L. Baown. C. 0. FORDHAM, Bo 0 T RHOS Dealer and Mannfacturer. Pa. Shop on Main Meet, onedoor above I.N. Dal lard'e. All kinds of work 'aide to order, and repairing done neatly. lent 05 SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, et,ricl 33/Aollm 3Pitzr. THE undersigned. LWENSED AGENT of the GOV• EENIIENT, having obtained the necessary forms, &c.. will give prompt attention to all claims intrusted to hie care. No charge =lend successful. 'GEO. P. LITTLE. Montrose, June Gib. 18134. TX3IECIOTII -9 2 - AND LARGE CLOVER SEED, Fur Slue by TIIBEELL, Feb 11. lad •dw Forest Lake, P. A NEW PROGRAMME. On and after the tlrst day of April next, all Goods sold by ua at retail, will be for READY PAY ONLY. Onr Stock of Flour, Meal, Feed, Sall, Lime, Cement, Groceries, Provisions, Wooden and Stone Ware, Notifme, dc. . Will be purchased in large quantities for cash. from drat bands, at the lowest market price. Each article will he marked in plain figures at the smallest possible profit, and no deviation In prices. The times demand such a system, and we believe It will be for the benefit of both seller and purchaser. With many thanks to our numerous friends for their liberal patronage under their old order of business, we shall m the it for their interest not to desert us under the new. All having accounts on our books will do a favor by settling the same by Cash or Note without farther no • tice H. GARRATT SON . New Milford, March 10, 1868.-6 m LODZ FOR FARMERS. TITDUSTIIN and ECON oMT—the road to wealth. The .1 Farmer raises all the material to clothe his family. r should he sell that material and buy it back again, paying the manufacturer a large profit and four or five additional profits. besides transportation charges, Government taxer,&c., all of which he could save, amounting to Willie cost of his store goods, each year by making his own goods at home, which is now made easy by Mendenhall's Improved Self Acting Hand Loom It is the most simple and reliable Loom ever inven ted. Will make a greater variety of goods with less power than any other loom. All the operations of weaving are performed by simply turning a crank. From to 20 yards of Jeans or Satinet, and - from 20 to & of Linsey Sc., can be woven per day. By late Improvements Rag Carpeting can be rapidly woven with the Fly shut tle. weaving from 20 to 25 yarde per day. Thie loom will tarnish profitable employment In ev ery neighborhood in weaving cloth and carpeting for 3U6tomers. For circulars, price Ilst, and samples of cloth woven on the loom, address, with stamp, A. B. GATES Co., Philadelphia, Pa. March 10—am. Of[leo 211. North lath st. REEVES' . AMBROSIA .76" CI IEL TME.I3I 33.4116.1 C ill., IMPROVED! It is an elegant dressing for the hair. It causes the hair to curl beautifully It keeps the Scalp clean and healthy It invigorates the roots of the hair It forces the hair and heard to groo luxuriantly It Immediately mope hair falling out It keeps the hair from changing color from age It restore@ grey hair to its original color It brings ont hair on beads that have been bald for Sears. It le composedentirely of simple and purely vegeta ble:substances. It has received over Fix thousand voluntary t est imo nials of its excellence, many of which are from 'Myst Mans in high standing. it Is sold In half pound bottles, (the name blown in the gbbse) by druggists and dealers iu Fancy Goods ev erya here, at one dollar per bottle, Wholesale by De mas Barnes. Co,; F. C.Wells S Co.; tichltarelin & Co. New Turk TAKE NOTICE Those having unsettled accounts on our Books will please call and arrange the same without delay. B. H. SAYRE . BROS. March 10, IStIS FOUND ! T"greatest cure for rbcnmatlem, lameness. sore ness, the Great English Sweeny specific Lin iment. Rend on %%rappers %%hut it has done In busq'a county. It has cured the lame and afflicted i mmediate- Iy. Don't fail to try it. Price. 5t eta per bottle: bold by Abel Terrell, Burns & Nichols. and all storekecpi rs or druggists. If it does not give satisfaction. return the bottle half full and your money will he reitinded. D. G. (IARICY & CO.. Feb. 1,186 S. 'Middletown, N. Y. To Horsemen. Don't let row Mor, , e+ o lame, sore or Alec:led to the e tore and buy Carey's Great Etirtteh Sweeney Lin} - ment ,as It never falls to ztve satigfaction, D. G. CAREY & CO.. Feb.l, 1368. Middletown, N. Y. T WELVE YEARS REPUTATION has proved Dr. EDWARDS' Tar. Wild Cherry And ID Cog i t Syrup ! The e e 34, secce ss fal Dl i einLse'or i : td. ° lt h ie,e 7 .. ihnu.,lze.t,o chitin,‘hco„inw Conefh. etc. Sold ' 7l - Ifj:j? . hr at! Drinmists. Price Y. 35 and 75 .cts. per beide. (iiept. 10-Iy* FURNITURE ESTABLISH— PONT O F E W eta " l l ,r2e . iit S VAßi T ai h n e W ei rm n iT, e ha F r t in rn g i l i fe u e r n e refitted and greatly improved, the proprietor respect fully annoances to the citizens of Itlontron.e and vicini ty, that he in constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and best nassortment of 3Fricr ITICT ELM to be found anywber this side of New York City. Desks, Divans. Towelracks, Lounges, Fdotetoole &z. Center Lard, Pier, Toilet, Dining. Kitchen and extension tables. CriAMs —Cane and Woodseat Rockers, Cane, Hlag and Woodnents of every variety and style. Sofas and Tete-a-tetes, furnished on short notice.— Cane seat chairs resealed. SPRING BEDS- A large assortment—cheapest and best in the market Cane Seat Chairs. I am now enabled to supply my customers with a new substantial cane neat chair, of home manufacture, which will be found greatly superior to llama formerly in market, and yet are sold at a less price. CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE.SEATED. VET' Ready made coffins on hand or furnished at short notice. Hearse always in readiness if desired. I employ none but careful and experienced workmen, I intend to do my work well, and Bell it as low as can be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. Nontrose,Peb 18,11368. nEGRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL, - 1 1- , For sate by ABEL TURRELL ABEL TURRELL, Druggist, Mont rose, has an ALIIIANAC for MS, for every Family I n snsquehanna county, GRATIS. Please call or send and get Lt. [reb4-4 LIQUORS An extensive assortment o • pore Liquors for medics purpose , embracing nearly every kind In market, con stantly on hand and for sale by ABEL TERRELL. T ARD OIL, and a great variety of 01148 or MAORI LEIEEY, for sale by ABEL TURRELL. ABEL TURRELL'S STORE, as usual, Is full of desirable Goods. Call and see INDISPENSABLE FCR LADIES IS the SEWING GUIDE, a beautiful article for the aseistanceof ladles In hand-ewing, not only protecting the finger from the ugly prick of the needle, but, being provided with a rib, the stiches are made with exact reg ularity and increased rapidity. It also keeps the point of the needle in perfect condition. For all kiuda of em broidering and crocheting it la invaluable. The Guide le elegantly silver plated, and will sell at eight to every lady. Sent to any address. my mal t ou receipt of .2.1 cents, or solid sliver, for 76 cents. Agents wanted in every town, Terme and sample for for YS cants. Liberal discount to the trade. Addrest NILES MANI:F - 0 CO., 66 Water St., Boston, Mass. STROUD & BROWNIE Fire, Life, Accident Sr. Live ,Stocit GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 3N .. Zoorvtx-csessel. 3E3,4F5. Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital Mid Surplus. $4.000,0t0 Instratteti Co. of North America, Phire, Capital and Surplus, International Fire insurance CO. of N. T.. Capital and Surplus, 1,500,000 Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Money, Penn a, Capital and Surplus, 4,000,000 Farmer's Mutual insurance Co. York, Pa.., Capital and Surplus, Enterprise Insurance Company, Clueln nail o.,Capital and Surplus, 1,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance CO. 01 Hartford. Conn. paying 60 per cent. dividends to the assured. The notes given for half the premium la never to bepaid under any circumstanCes.• ho policy will always be paid in frill, and the notes given up. Capital, - American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel• phia. Capital, Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capita), Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000 Putnam Fire InsaninceCo., Hartford, Ct., Capital, • $700,000 Glen's Falls Insurance Co. Glens Falls, _ _ N. T. Capital and Surplus, Mart ford Live Stock Insurance Company. Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, against theft and death from any canoe. Capital, $17,000,000 [lrk!' business entrusted to onr care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. P 7-0111 ce flrstdoor east from Banking Office of W. IL Cooper & Co., Turnpike st. Montrose, Pa. STROUD 8c BROWN, Agents. C. SUTTON, Esq., Friendsvllle, Solicitor. CULLS. 11. SitiTlt, Montrose, do lIILLIIGB 5T1301.713, Cannurs L. Bn.own Montrose, Feb. fn. 1868.. BURNS & NICHOLS, DREGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Keep regularly supplied with unadulterated Drugs and MedicineA, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Yankee Notions, ttc. Fresh from New York City. All of the most popular Patent Medicines sold in this section, among which may be found Ayre's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem bold's Burha, Schenck's Pulmonic Sy rup and Sea-weed Tonir, Dapanco's and Cheeseman's Female Pills, Cough Balsam, inshore s Pine Tree Cordial, Hall's Hair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Hoof land's German Bitters, Hostetter's . Stomach Bitters, And many other kinds areal value and merit. in fact our Stock embraces u tine astturtment of everything us utility kept in WELL ItEOULATED Drug Stores. MrPrescriptions receive particular attention, and are CAIMPI'LLY and promptly compounded. •.• store formerly occupied by J. Etheridge. A. B. BURNS, Montrose, Pa., Sept. 17, 1867. AAtott. NICHOL/3. HUNT BROTHERS , El (JR ...9.l%Twr C, Wholesale & Retail Dealtrs in maiDma2a, Pt CT. STEEL, NAILS, MIOVIPAILA BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK & T RAIL SPLE - Ks RAILROAD & MINING sUPPLIEs. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND RUNES, BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS, SP')NES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, &e. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES. &e. Ac. CIRCULAR AND 'MILL SAWS. BELTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAIR GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW (;LASS. LEATHER A FINDINGS FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton, March :14. 18113. ly EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. SALESROOM, GIS BROADWAY, N. Y No. 1 FAXILY Macnins. This Machine has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the Lock or Stint tie Stich, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every de scription of material, with cotton, linen or silk thread. It Hems, Fells, Binds, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, FlaltB and Gathers. As a Family Machine it has no nperior. Price, with Hemmer and Braider, PO. Particular attention is called to our New Improved Manufacturing Machines. They ran light and are com paratively noiseless; simple, durable and efllcient. For cloth or leather work they have no competitors. No. 2 Machine, with Hemmer and Braider, $75. No. 8 Machine, pB5. rir'Agente wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be given. [Oct. 22., 1567. GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, 449 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, New York, Are unrivalled for Durability, Poteer, and Evenntee of Tone. They are fact becoming the favorite over al/ others, with Musicians, Amateurs, end all lovers of GOOD MUSIC. They are Warranted in every re spect. Prices one third lower thni other find clan makers. Send for Circular. GROVESTEEN tk CO., 0e.22 499 Broadway, New York. DECLINE IN FLOUR. erIEILIE3 MA -Mr ear..ea. Mill Is tarnishing ilret rate Winter Wheat Flour at $l3 50. SHOOK & TINGLEY. Read This. IT Is a year since we discontinued brisinese and In. vited our customers to settle their aceOuntd. We say to those who have neglected our call, that Unless they attend to It very soon, we most resort to means which will be uopleasent to us and upprofttable to them. We must have payment. WILSON GRIFFIS'S WARNER. Rontrose, March 24, 180 8 MINER & COATS, Main Street, 6 doors belDr Boyd'e Corner, Montroee. GROCERIES, IMO 2,000,000 PROVISIONS, We are constantly yecelving and now bate an hand, a fresh stock of Goode In our line, whleli'we will pail CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! 17,000,000 1,000,000 for cash, or exchange for produce GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER di. TIMOTHY SEED, &c Weihave refitted and made additions to our Stock of Palls, and are now ready to forward Batter to the Dm t con= h , sion houses In New York., free of charge, and make liberal advancements on consignments. Call and examine our Btock before purchasing else where, andconv ince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY & CHEAP PRICES C. G. MINER, Montroee, April 16, 11367 , Thm -64) 9 4,4 -,„ II of W ° Zs ?t ° o ° re ds ai a i t d fo nt r a e " aredv y nce from Wholesale H. 3211.10rr1tt. Comprising a large assortment' of NEW Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, .Stoves, Iron, Medicines, Paints, Boob; 41: 'Shoes, Wall Paper, Win dow Shades, Hats and Caps, Buffalo Robes, Ladies' and Gent.? Furs, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, &c. and combined. forming the meet complete opportunity for selecting iu every department of hla trade, and will be sold at The Lowest Market Prices. New Milford, Dec. 17, 1867. Merchant Tailoring. E. L. WEEKS & CO. Have eecnred the eervices of stint class Privoti9ea.l and will re-open the Custom Department -cornett. ea tablishment ou Tuesday Oct. 274 where they will be prepared to make np to order, In the ht`est and moat styles, all kinds of Alen's and Boy's Cloth Particular attention given to OUTSIDE CUTTING. PIT - Wanted, two experienced Pants and Vest Ma kers. Montrose, Oct. 22, 1562.—tf 3. 33.EL1=1 - E3Ft. tot 'Ci<=o., GREAT PIANO FORTE And Melodeon Emporium, 650 Broadway, Now York, and 69 Washington St., Chicago, Crosby Opera tionse, Wholesale Agents for the United States for Wm. Knobe & Co's Celebrated Gold Medal 3E* 1 a, a 2. co ic, r. tel al. Also, Agents for A. IL GALE CO., and other Ant- W. have the largest end beet assorted stook of Pianos, which. for Power and Sweetness of Tone, Easy and Agreeable Touch, and Beauty of Finish, have, by judger, been pronounced unrirallect. Wholesale Agents for Carhart, Needham d Co's Cele brated Harmoniums, Melodeons and Organs. Manufacturers and Importers of Musical Instruments, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Or Remember the place, J. BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, New York, and 69 Washington St.,Chicago, BLACKSMITHING. HE undersigned have this day formed a co-partner• T ship, under the firm name of Stamp & Moran. for the purpose of carrying on Slacksmithing in all Its branches. Strict attention will be given to Horse-shoeing. All work will be done neatly and promptly. The pub tic are invited to call. S. P. STAMP. Montrose, March 4th, 1887. tf P. T. MORAN. New Firm. Baldwin, Allen,: &. McCain. Flour, Feed, Sall, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee, SpieeS, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat, Clover & Timothy Seed, ,Flax-seed, .Beane, Broome, Nails, dc. Thankful for past patronage, we shall be happy to sae and wait upon our old and new customers. All Gobds and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. AT RN,, Montrose, Feb. d,1867, 11°COWARD A•soclation,Pbiladelpbla,Pa 11. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal,lTTln Beyond sex ual eystems--new and tellable treatment—ln Repottsof the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Pent By mail lasented ot,:er envolop_es,ftco of charge. Address Dc.J. SKILLIX ilolion2o2, Dowsed Associatioh, No 2 South Mb streo Philadelabla .Pa. Three Cheers .for GeLGrant. HIP, HID, lICINZAH pro=. Theories. ' nicsx'Sdes. THE tiara Barber, has removed his !hop . 10 the easement of E. L. Weeks! 'aentriltere, whettilta = lit prepared to give good satiafaction. When I go to ex plain th a subjert Inngnage falls to express it. of our Goods W. IL COATS E. L. WEEKS ct CO clase Pianos DEALERS IN J. 11. Etco/412i LicksigimmilkßloonastrinTß.lll. Of iv iket 'ltrilvis*bisr 27, 11366,1mirstiger fella will run as follows: SOUTHWARD • • 4.111• Al.. K. v. lc . . , . . . „ Leave Scranton, 00 10:50 4:50 " Kingston, 6:55 11:15 1020 " •,• Anvers. .. 1- 0:15 le., " * Denville, ' 9:10 tao Anis° at Northumberland, 10:80 Nelli NORTHWARD. Leave Northemberirnd, 8:00 ' $O5 " Dsoville, 8:40 8:40 . . Rupert, 9:115 A. K. 4:15 " Kingston, 185 HID cess Arrive at.Seranton, &AO 0:85 IMO . Passengors taking train south from Scranton It 5:60 a. m. via NOrthomberiand. reach Harrisburg itl2:sop. 1111.; Baltimore EalSO p. m. Washington 10:00p . m.; via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 1:00 p. in. Kingston, Nov. 25. H. A. FONDA, Supt. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTERN RAILROAD. Bummer Arramganeul, 18, 1868. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Mail I PaenngrMall Pousaj train. train. I STATIONS. I train. trail A. M. A. 1 1, P. M. P. 7 i I 191:1151 I 12, 2,50 1 80 v , 1 1/1 , 111.45 13,40 n. 4,35 810 5,41 8,55 o 6,03 64. M New Yorke.... ..... New Hampton Manunka Chunk.... Delaware ....Hine ... Scranton Nicholson Hopbottom Montrose New Milford Great Bend •Foot of Liberty-at 11,15 12,45 1,05 1,35 2,00 2,25 P.M E 6.25 0 646 $ • a I 04 . 4 PAL CONNEC7IONg At New Hampton with Central R. R. of Rew Jamey. Trains arrive from New York at 11:68, 11:20*. m., and 2:45, 6:45, and 7:20 p. m. ; from Easton 7:55 a. m.. 1445 and 7:80 p. m. At Washington with Morris and Essex Railroad Trains from New York arrive at 10:33 a, m. and 1844 p. At Man unka Chunk with Belvidere Dalaware — Trains arrive at 12:05 and 7:55 p. in. from Philadelphia, and leave for Philadelphia at 12:35 p. in., and for Belvi- dere at 8:15 p. m., where the last train remains till neat morning. At Scranton with Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R. R. Trains arrive nt aa. in. from Wiltesbarre ,• 11:10 a. la. from Northumberland; p. in. from Wilkesbarre, and 0:47 p m. from Northumberland. Trains depart at 5:40 a. in. for Nortimmb-rland ; 8;30 a. m. for Wilkesbarre ; 4:40 p. m. for Northumberland, and 5:35 p. in. for Wllkesbarre. At Scranton with Del. Jr. Bud. Cana I Co's R.R. Trains from Carbondale arrive at 7:t5 a. m., 2:15 p. m. Depart forcarbondaio at 9 a. m., 4:50 p. m. At Great Bend with Erie Railway. Trains from the west arrive al 3:43 and 7:24 a. m.: at 2 and 0:27 p. m.— From the east at 2:52, 5:1.7, and 11:31 a. m. ; 3t.53 and 7:51 p. R. A. HENRY, Ap. 28 General Pass. and Ticket Agent. ri RAILWAY.—On and after Mon -1-4 day, Nev. 2.5 th, 1867, trains will leave Great Bend at about the following holm, GOING WEST 2.53 a. m. Nttht Express, Mondays excepted. tor , Ro cheeter, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk retaking, di rec t connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for • - - all poiute West ; ale° at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.24 a m. Night Express, daily, fur Rochester. Buffalo, s,,iamanca, Dunkirk' and the West, connecting as above. Stops at Great Bend on Monday mom-bags only. 517 a. M. tlail Train. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. 31,3 p. m. Day Express, Sundays siceptcd, for Ro chester. Buffalo. Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway. and at Buttilo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Wl war., for all points West and South. 7. 51 p. m. Es press Nnil, Sundays excepted, for Bun. 10. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the Went, 12.50 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. GOING EAST `2.i a. m. Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, at Lackn waxen for Hawley, and at Grayconrt for New- burg and Warwick. 6.n0 p. m. Accommodation Train Daily. 2.00 p. tn. Day Express. Sundays excepted. connect at iackawaxen for Hawley. and at Jersey City with midnicht express train of New Jersey Railroad fom Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 9 - 27 p. In New York and Baltimore Mail, Su idays ex cepted, connecting at Jersey City with morning ex press train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington. and at New York with morainic ex press trains for Boston and the east. 3.33 a. m. Night Express, Daily, connecting at Gray court for Warwick ; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 10.°.0 n. m. War Prelg,ht, Sundays creept , e.. %PM. R. BARR. H. RIDDLE dcc. 10 Gen't P:lsRenger Azent. Gen'iSupl. Plr A New and complete " Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and conneetintt Lines hte recently been published. and can be procured on application to the Ticket Agent at the Company's office. MAD CREEK MILLS, New Milford, N. MOORE, Proprietor. are In full operation at . last. Mr. Moore would say to the coed people of Susquehanna county that he has fitted up his mill at a heavy expense, with all the modern improvements In Bolts and Machinery, and is confident be can do as good work as the hest. We have one of the improved Silver Creek Smut Sr. Separating machines, mild to be the beet machine of the day. We have also the beet machine for cleaning Buckwheat in the county. The aervleep of Mr. JOHN B. DRAKE. en experi enced miller, have been secured and he will attend to all calla New Milford, Nov. 19, 1897.—tf GROVESTEEN & CO., 499 Broadway, New York. 3E 3 '1491,13.0 Fortes. One Loot new addition to our different styles is attracting tho admiration of both critics and populace. Bre mention specially, some of the claims of this new Piano. Believing the exterior should be as beautiful to the eye as melody is to the ear, we have paid great at. tendon to getting them up in a Style that is conceded by all who base seen them to he the handsomest Piano Forte made. .They are an entirely new style, with four round corners. heavily carved legs and lyre, but richly moulded. and contains our Wad improtvd ern scale and action. The tone is melodious, and its adapt ability to passages of every shade of expression, from the softest murmurs, the Cressendo, and the F F. gives the performer every advantage of the Concert grand.— Price POD. 1y44 FOUND TN Montrose, between the Store of I. S. Bullard and A wooden end of Brick Block, at that little one horse Boot and Shoo Store, a new and elegant assortment of 3B CO Crt (lb M. 13.00 For fall and winter, Consisting of Afen's thick and fine Boots, Boy's Boots, and a good assortment of Shoes, con , sisting of Ladies' KU, Goat, and Lasting Balmoral', Misses', Children's and Baby's Shoes, &e. Also, wcrk made to order, and Repairing done on short notice. 'Oct. 29, 1897.—tf C. 0. FORDILM The Montrose Democrat Is '2 inuasnur *sus TOISDAY Mossrso, At Monitor , fiummouJorA Corm. PA., DT at L. W.. CI, El MIL EL WTI MCP AT $2 Fla Among or Anvarcs—on pi AT END or rasa Business advertisements inserted at $1 per Wan, 01 10 lines, three times, and Mete Mt eltitheddltional week. Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, caned $ lO for four squares, quarter, column $l5, ball column rO, one column $6O. and other amounts In exact proportion. Business cards of three lines, $3; or one dollars line. larLe;r4 notices atibe customary rates,_ about 50 per cent. in edditien to business rates. Joik PAringlg executed neatly and primptly at "On cos. Vottriges, Notes, Just:Wee, Constable School au other blankator sale. "Voz-xicom • Oaf 7:lc.was 13,20 4,40 4.15 9,45 8,17 2.55 PM E. N. MOORE