6on us. The State which I have the hon- i or in part to represent is largely indebted SEW ..iaoirtirinSi ' , lioGerninii And:MA immilrants. Wi!liam Penn loom] vrty ..early in his infant colo:iy habi.ts,of the .Gertnau fit ted him to be a better colonist than the Englishman, and accordingly he encour aged German families to settle in Penn- Their descendants to this day tttinatitate the hit k of the popMation of our most populous comities it, the eastern part of the State. populous_ nowhere, not even in England, Germany, or Belgium, will you - find better fareas or better farmers than in those conniice. Tim) , Lave built up eabitantial homes -fo tlieniselvee, and have lent their we4ith._andinfinenee to the 'interfiallinprove.ments of the State. They, lisorellirniehed us a long, • succession of -GoVemorti and many distinguished legis -latiars'and'publie • men in ever y depart ment of the Government ; and the Ger man enaigriant-of our day is all the sooner Americanized.-for being.broualit into con- tact with "Mich 'descendants of the father land. If a better population can be found on the face of the whole earth than the P.mnsylyania Germane, I know not where it is to be looked for. And the Irishmen have contributed - largely also to bur material wealth ; they have built. canals and railroads for us, and 'ttate done very much of our mining, and farming. It is not trno that they are a ttly.bolent or disaffected populatio%when they have a chance to gain a livelihood by lihot. it is only when they are denied _this opportunity that they become disor derly. . The development of thle resources of our Mining States .and the wide and fertile lauds of the West afford ample fields for the labor of all the Irish and German Em . -tgratits. Let them 'Como and., be . natural ized,•and assimilate,- the faster tho better, with our nationalities, and,. when they go abroad 'under our passports, let us see that all- nations,- great and .small, respect and treat them as American chizens. If this bill; or the substitute now offered for it by the honorable gentleman from Rhode Island, [l!dr. Jenekesd and which I like better than the original bill, for it con twins the principle of my ameadment,shall accomplish this end, it will not be more than we owe , to miilions of adopted citi zens, and we may- feel after we shalt have passed it that we have to-day done the State some service. Committees of Vieloam. Auburn James Dvn!in, 11 L. Lou t Wm. White. Ararat : B. H. Di; S. A. Baldwin, D. A. Walker. Atlblacon ; Patrick Walsh, Cornelius Donelly, Charles Ragan. Brooklyn : A. J. Tiffany, E. G. Wil !laths, Alvin Aldrich. Bridgewater: Milton Griffis, James Calph, G. S. Johnson. Clkoconnt.: M. J. Golden, 31..T.'Doliel ly!ijainesToran. Aaron Hoover, E. B. Bur. bii,lohn Stephens. 'Dittidiff: Jasper Witter, Benj. Ayres, C. C. Church. Dimock: C. C.-Mills, C. J. Lathrop, F H. Batmen: Forest Lake : I. E. Birchard, Isaac Strange, T. P. Meeker. . • 'F'riendsville : Richard Foran, Hugh C. Sutton. Franklin : J. L. Merriman, H. L. Blow ers, T.G.Williams. Gib Won J. L. Dix, J. 11. Clafiin, John Smiley. 111 Great Bend : W. S. Barnes, Addison Brush, 0. Trowbridge. • Great Rend boro : C. S. Gilbert, L. Buck, F. Churchill. Harford: W. B. Guile-, S. E. Carpenter, W. M. Williams. Herrick: E. R. Barnes, A. B. Tingley, .T:l3. Lyon. Harmony : J. W. Austin, Stephen Jen nings, Henry Hobard. Jackson: Leander Griffis, A. M. Ben son, E. A. Page. '• Tess - up: Sniith; T. J. Depne. Lenox : IL Marey,.%.l. Titus, A. L Jeffers._ .Liberty : Roger Kenyon, W. N. P. P. Botts. Lathrop : 11.8. Wood, Samnel Wrigbt, Ansel Merrill. Montrose : D. Brewster, P. T. Perger sort, Osear Shute.. Middletown : P. S. Rasa, J. T. Buxton, John F'ynn, jr. New Milford: Benj. Sabin?, Wm. Gunn, Jere. Baldwin. New Milord boro F. W. Boyle, Geo. Hayden, A. F. Tuthill. ()Aland : J. M. Tillman, Daniel Mat thews, Elias Leavitt. Rush : Abram Carter, Jas. Logan,Geo. Harvey. Susq'a Depot : A. W. Rowley, Thomas AlcHernan, Chas. Parks. Springville : W. 13. Handriek, Samuel Quick, W. H. Gerriterm. Silver Lake: Joseph Ward, Owen Ev ers, Jere. Dow. Thomson.: L. S. Aldrich, J. B. Whit ney, Chester _Stoddard. nEaRATIPS ELECTRIC OIL, 1.-AF For sale by ABEL TERRELL ABEL- TLTERELL Druggist, Mont rOseubs an ALMANAC for ISGS, for every Family IniauStisteltstma county, Greats. Please call or eenttaralp. - [Feb4-4 LIQU — ORS ' An extensive assortment o • pure Liquors for mcdfca parposee.einbractoznearly every kind in market, con stantly on hand and for sale by LEOIL, and a great variety pf OILS'S or Id AOlll Y, for sale by ' ABEL TIJERELL. A 13EL TeRRELL'S STORE, ' 6 " Mi Ps!"*"filiailiofetednlLLCANNlE-Colltat ABEL -TITRRELL lytiLvEmilrel,n Paints, Otis, t i. c y n e t i C el h e eta . Giass, Groceries, Glass Ware, Well anti Window Paper, Stone ware, Lamps. Kerosene, Machinery Oils, Trusses; Guns, Ammunition. Knives, Spectacles:Brush es, Fancy Goode, Jewelry, Perth i ry. !hr.—being one of the most numerous, xtensive, and valuable collec tions of Goods in Susquehanna County. [Established In 184.3.] , [Montrose, Pa. D. W.' SE A RLE, 4 TTOIINEY AT LAND. office over the Store of A .tl. Lathrop. in the Brick Block, Motatroso, Pa. bray 1,, IS6G. . . DR. W. L. ItICHARDSON, DFITSICIAN & SBRCIEO.II., tenders his profession !' al services to the citizens °Montrose and vicini ty. Of at hie residence. on tho corner cut of )3ayre & Bros. Foundry. _ , panelEt, 1867.-I.y. • F. LOO=II. °Ann HANNAH. • LOO3IIS 4 1 ,6 lIANNAII, . A TTORStYS AT LA*, Solicitors la Bankruptcy, ta. and General Real fiatate and Collecting Agents.— Valuable City Lote, Residences, rams, ant Coal Lands for sale. [Scranton, June 1887—y* E. L. WEEKS & CO. UCCEOSORS of L N. HINE d CO., Dealers In s.Z Thy Goods, Clothing. Ladles and Misies fine Sham Alsb, agents for the great American Tea and Coffee Company [April, I, 1861- E. L. Wzrr.s. - • C. C. F.a.nno.r. EVITISICI4S..and. SURGEON. Montrose, Pa. Gives I. especial attention to diseases of the Heart and Lungs and all Surgical diseases. Office over the Poet Office. Boards at Searle's Rotel. [Sept. 4. 1866. BALDWIN, ALLEN, Sr, McCAIN. DgALERS to Flour, Snit, Pork, Fish. Lard, Graln. Feed, Candles, Clover. and Timothy Seed. Alec+, Groceries, such as Sne:ars, 31olasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of PablicATeuua. Montrose, April .7,1866. DOCT. E. L. HANDPICK, CoRTSICIAN 4 SURGEON. respectfully tenders hi. professional ; services to the citizen of Friends stile Fuld vicir.ity. °Moe inthe °Dice of Dr. Leet. isoards at J. Ifosford's. 1480 MU IAttIEnNAPT.S. T.'ir-311, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Chandler's Store. Irlr - Alforders dlled promptly, In Evet-rate style. Cut. ing dome on short notice, and warranted to dt. • WM. W. SMITE!, CI A DIN CT A ND (TA IR LIA NUPACTURERS,- ll of MAU street, toutrote, ?a. t( Staple and Panay Dry Goods. Crockery, IV Hardware; Iron, Stores, Drags, Oils, and Paints. BootaandSboesMats and Caps. Fura.Bnitblo Robes. drocertei,Provielorto.c;ti., Now Milford. ra. , John WM. H. COOPER & CO., 10.A.N1tERS. Montrose, Pa. Sueeessorsto Post,Cooper 4; Co'. Cake, Lathrirp's new building, Turnpike-at. W EttrliTTOCO COOPSII, EZNIII A TTOTINET LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, E 9 Breen ). on Claims attended to. febi udlce.: cor below Boyd's Store, Montrose,Pa BURNS & NICHOLS, DEA eRS in Dimes. Medicines. Chemicals, Dye- Paints. Oils. Varnish, Liquors, Spices. Fan cy n - : c,es. Patent Medicines. Perfumery and Toilet Ar tic!es. 129 — Prescriptions carefully compounded. Fuolic Avenue, above Searle's !iota'', Montrone, Pn. . B. Brim. AMOS NICIXIMS. . t:ept. 11, IEO. RAS permanently located at Friendsvltleforthepnr pose of practicing medicine and surgery In all its branci:es. He may be foubd at the Jackson Rouse. OfGen hours from 8 a. In.. to 9 p. m. janlaf Priendaville, Pa., Jai:L.lsth, 18611. STROUD & BROWN, Pr - IMS AND LIFE TS372.ANCR ACZNTS. .All business attended toprumpily. on fair terms. Of fice first door north of "Montrose Hotel." went We of Public Avenue, .I,lonixose, Pa. [Jan. 1. ISoB. BILLING@ STROUD, - - CEIAIILEII L. Bnown. C. 0. FORDHAM, BOOT eft 8170E'Dealer •and Mannfactnrer Montvw•. Pa. Shop on Main street, One door above I.N. Bul 'grit's. All kinds of work ~ ade to order, and repairing done neatly. ' Jul 65 SOLDIERS' BOUNTY , PENSIONS, izistyp. MITE u ,ndersi.ned. LICENSED AGENT of theGOY- A. ERNMENT, having obtained the necessary forme t &c.. will givc , prompt attention to all claims intrusted to his care. No charge unless successful. GEO. P. LITTLE. Montrose. June Ith. Mt • ABEL TURRELL a rlltitiCtonEnErle" AND LARGE CLOVER sup, _ •a. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHNi SAITIYFER, announcesi7 GPI ErpFL'Li.T .. film be to nJw pro, k ino.t ocance All cello promptly attended to. Charge* tow. Ad. .lu . .,urn t tiorratls, Snag's co. Pa. Jfeb.4tf 31..MARiltriAN, t 7. .41.u.citicosieer. Nov. 11©6 terknttavtue, Sustea Co. Pa. M. C. _SUTTON, - - Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, KO' bistf Frlendsvillo, Pa. ROGERS dir t ELY. - • 842,plticas.eorles, my 10• Brooklyn, C. S. GILBERT,. V. 13. !.49040tletaseker . . sera ear Great. Bend, PR. A. W. 113ERTHo'L', A "I'DORICET Li W, Montrose, • Gillen in jdi k, west end of Brielallook, over Wilson & Gore's store. Particnier attention given to business pertain ing to the Orphan's Coprt. [Jan. 1, 1668. GORDON H. FRINIC, unoToculApnEß.. Gallery over B. R. Lyons' Store, Public AvOnue,-/doutrote, Pa. Janl4tr DR. W.' W. SMITH, - • DENTIST. - Mope iover Bo Ads Corwin's Hard warn Store. Mika hours from 9a.m.t04 p. m. Montroew, July 1, 1807.--tt JAMES . CARNALT, A TTORNET AT LAW. Office next to Franklin tio .44111. tef. . ployitrone, Dcc. 18, 186.1-11. WM. D. LUSK, & TTORNEY AT LAW. Montrose!. Pa. Mee 0pp0...Y. ...Y. tire the Franklin Hotel, near the Court lioaaa. Nov. 27, 13ati.—tf DR. E. L. GARDNER, JOHN GROVES, H. B MUTT, A. 0. WARREN, Dn. E. P. HINES, A NEW PROGRAMME. ' On-ina-nfter ibl;;llttif - dii of Airtietext, all Goode sold by ine at retail, will he for READY PAY ONLY. Our Stock of Flour, Ife4, Feed, Sall, Lime, Cement,. Groceries, Provisions, Wooden and Stone Il'are, lit. • Will be pnrchased In largo quantities for eleh, from Grin hands, at the lowest market price. Each article' will he marked In plain figure.; at the smallest possible profit, and ue deviation in priceq. , ' • The arrimidemend enzil ordain . , and "Wiliclielit will he forth. heneft oflotb seller and purchaser With many thanks to our numerone friends for th ir liberal patronage under their old order of business, we shall nuke It for their interest not to desert us under the new. All basing accounts on oar hooks will do a favor by settling the same by Cash or Note without farther Do* 14AR12.111`4110N. New Milford, March 10, 1.968.-0 m LOON FOR FARMERS. TisTBUSTRY and ECONOMY—the road to wealth. The Fanner raises all the material to clothe his family. MTh. should fie. afitillit4 maferlat and bay it back again, paying the mannfactrmr large profit and four or aro additional profits, besides transportation charges. Government taxes. &c.. all of which he could save. amounting to half the cost of tr , s store goods, each year by making his own goods at borne, which is now made easy by Mendenhall'a Improved Self Acting Hand Loom. It la the moat simple and reliable Loom Aver inven ted.. IrAizeake ai greater variety of plods midi lola pewter than; atty ',other loom. .AGI; the ntinationa lot weaving are ertntmed by 'tarry- turning - a Wan. From 12 to 2o yerde of Jeans or atinet, an d from 20 10 33 of Llncey .tc., can be woven per day. By late Improvements Rag Carpeting can he rapidly woven with tho Fly shut tle. weaving from 20 to 23 yards per day. Thie loom will tarnish profitable elnplOyment in er. cry neighborhood in weaving cloth and" carpeting for pi:l,4olll,Tc For circulars, price list. and samples of cloth woven. on tho loom, address, with stamp, A. B. OATES & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. March 10-3 m. Offico 29. North 13th st. REEVES! AMBROSIA- Xl' OR TEE= 31:3CALIZL i r-w/ IMPROVED ! It is an elegant droning for the hair. It causes the hair to earl beautifully.: It keeps the Scalp clean 'and healthy. TtVitiates - the roots It forces the hair and beard to gepti Ittxnriantly It immediately stops hair falling out. It keeps the hair from changing color ftom age It restores grey hair to its original ittitti. • It brings:tont/ale On heads glat hat* Wean bald for year i - • r. mow ' It is cOmnacitentlrely of simple intryinrely vegeta ble:substinces. It has recolved over Mx thousand voluntary t estimo. gals of Its excellence. martrof whichare from phyei . Mans in high standing: It is sold In half Ps. and bottles, (tbi: name blown In the glass) by, draggists and dealers in *Fancy Goode ay eryw here, at one.dniltLr per bottle.. Wbolesale by Do nlan Barnol& Co4F. C. trells•JA Co4 - Behleffelto Co. Nework. LregNsE PETITIOfItio..NO TJCEI.4SEBE by given that In parsasnettof yin-act of, Assembly the following named persons have tiledtheir petitions with the Clerk of :he Court lot Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Susquehanna - .for lisenseto_ keep tavern, eating houses; and toren-by the measure In on= titles not leetilhatr,one quail, tor * which they Nl:Merit!) , at April Sessiotos,l64l.«,-,:: TAVERN - Llegt*ES. . George W. Fatter, Derrick; Joitti N .21toyerP, Derrick; David Wilmrrth, Lathrop ; Voorhees kra ff erty, Lenox; James O. Marti, Brooklyn, Geo. D. False:idea. Brook lyn; Jereraish Stephens, SprinasiDe; S. A. Loomis Sprinacille; P. E. Brush. Springville; G. W. Griggs, Great Bend Borough; Niles - Bradford. Great . Bend Sor t negh; Michael liilron , Groat Band Boro'; Jacob Decker, Jessup; Charles Jtoreo—Tinsh: N. D. Snyder, Rush; Em ethic Batnilln. Great Bend Township; John W. .k Eli W. Roberts, Clifford; A. Hubbard, t liffurd; W. Gow, liarford; Joseph Gary, Jackson; Charles Komi. Montrose; John S. Tarbell, Ifontroee; Henry J. John son. Oakland; John Foster, Friendayille; Cornelius Decker Frienclevllle; Lyman Sherman. Din:yet; A. 11. Antuktff; Judson Stone Rd, Forest Lake; Phi binder Phinney, New Milford Boro'; G. B. R. Wade, Great Seed Township; Henry }kipper, New 211:f. rd Boro*; E. L. Rhinerault, Forest Lake; James Miller. G,bsen: Loots Hammel, Sustra Depot; Enos Blossom. Silso'n Depot; Win. H. Sherwood, Rush; Delos Roberts JIiCk4OTI; Ambrose Dena.n. tmeq`a Depot; EMen l'he• kin, Silver Lake; Peter A. Allen, Auburn. TO SELL BY DIELISLTRE Abel Turret. Montrose; Burro & Nichols. Montt-ore: Foot a Very. Brooklyn: Wm. Buffnm. Friendeville; ThomnsFernon. Stleci'n ; H. L. Lott, Auburn. EATING HOUSES Mary Shehoo. Great Bend Bow'; Adolph Zorn, Stincin. Depot; C. E. erotht, ilarford ; Daniel Browning, Dun daft. . 0. B. ELDRED. Clerk. Ifontrose, March 24.1808. TARE NOTICE: , Then , ho rind nnoettled nbeonnto on or r Books will pleads call and arrange the onme.wit tient delay. 25. SAYRE, .t - BROS. March 10, 1869. 7 2 Co rg 1:3 0 TnE greatest rare for rheumatism, laminae**, sore ness. drm.,1,1 the Great English Sweeny *peel tic iment. Head on IA rappers **bat it has dune in Snsq'a county. It ha* cured the lame and afdleted' immediate. ly. Don't fail to try it. . Price, SO ctefiler• bottle: Sold by Abel Tnivell. Burns st ,Niehols. and all sturekeep, rs or drcr-_,lsf N. If it does nor give Eat 1 fact ton , return the bottle &if full and your money will be refunded. D. G. oAltaT & CO.. Feb. 1, 1869. . Middletown, N. T. To Horsemen. Don't let vnnr Dorset. go lime, sore or ailiected ; go to the store and tau Carey's Great English. Sweeney .Linl ment, as it never tails to give satisfaction. D. G. CAREY C CO., Feb. 1, 1868. 'Middletown, N. Y. TWELVE YEARS REPUTATION has proved Dr. EDWARDS' Tar. Wild Cherry and Cough Syrup I The most successful .(K)1 1:r1 medicine in use - or Colds, Coughs, 111.1 Hoarseness, Asthma. Indnenza,Bron chitin, Whooping Cough, etc. Sold gu l rigy .c br e a . ll p D et ru b v t i t T e te . . a l a and FURNITURE ESTABLISH MENT (IF William W. Smith. The extensive Furniture k Establishment of William W. Smith, having been refitted and greatly improved, the proprietor respect fully announcesto the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty, that he is - constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and best assortment of 3uvicrpt .rta r9V17.1:16M to be found anywheythia side of New York City, Desks, Divans. Towelracks, Lounges, Footstools Se. Center Card, Pier, Toilet. Dining. Kitchen and extention tablet. . . C.natne —Cane and Woodoest Rockers, Cane, Flag and Woodpentp of every varietynod ptyle. Sofa and Tete-a-tetes, famished on ittiort notice.— Cane seat cbaira repeated. SPRING ZEDS. A large assortment—cheapest and best, in the market Cane Seat Chair& I am now enabled to supply my customers with a new substantial cane seat chair, of home manufacture, which will be found greatly snperior to those formerly in market, and yet are sold eta lets price. - " CANE-SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATED. rir'fleady made coffins on hand or tarnished at short notice. Hearse alwiyain readiness If desired, I employ none but qrgfal and experienced workmen.. I Intend to dd and Mill :It 00 . 103 t. !mom be drontea, • Triz , Lnik" - Tit:AWITIL - Xontscsa.reb-19,1148"1 • ••• 4 ' , r " 1 ; nye ••••••• int •ivarst., •,'••• - ••Trtnr:: 81 1 1101111 BR° Fire 'Life Aceidett , e _L Stock GENERAL' 'INSURAN - ACY. 4 /4; 7 nomeltmattc o o l VgtWietelt.o SnrDlt<e• - • 81.000,0t0 liistitaltru CO. of Nerth a„ Capital and Surplus, • .21 : 4 3 6: 0 6 0 tatcruationel Fire lusuranch - te. OfN. if., • Cupitattindlumplue,_ "24 t:500',600 Lydraillig'County• Slut turflntraranio Co.of Blaney. Penn's. Capital and Surplus, 4,000,000 Partner's Mutual insurancnect.:YOrk o Pa., - • .• • Capital and Surplus. -- - 700.000 Enterprtv'e : Irisar @ nce Coia.paritilCittein nati. 0., Capital - and Surplus, Connecticut Mutual Co.l r ifelninumac „ Of •Hartford, p wing r cent. 41114 0 $ 0 1.111ttt*.the llenorce given for half the protean:re, vertu -be paid under any Ctreuftts a n es: 'he policy will twilit It WI, dead the notei liven al, Capital, 17,000.000 ,LI InsaMtlti, 0 . 14 . • • joule, tg. •- • 1.600,000 truct ( u et CO.' Radford . Conn.. , • • 4.110 S te.! MO of accidents c a oit t o t. . . . HartiartrPirn ' Tarn:ranee COmpany. Hart ford. Conn.. Capital spa Surplus. Putnam i Fire InsnranceCo., Hartford, Ct., Captl, .-- • $700,000 Glees - Fa a lls Insurance Co. Glens Falls, •24.. Y. Capital and Supine, , ford'Llve Stec" InSurance Company. Insurance on all kinds et Live Stock, arainst theft sad death from any cause. Capital, ; $17,000,000 iLi4"AII buidnesitelitrneted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, aud all lessee promptly adjusted. Otßce . tlrseitoorra.t from Banking O nce of W. H.Cooper &So... Turnpike at. Mon Ow, Pa. STROUD & BROWN, Agents. 3t. C. Sl:rites. Esq., Friendeeillo, Bollcitor. PELAB. H. SBIITII, Montrose, do Brut:was:Bison% • Cattn.as L. Snows ,Mc!st k rose, Feb. ZS. 1888. BURN'S & NICHOLS, -DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Seep regularly supplied with unadulterated Drugs add Medicines; Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Yankee . Notions, &c. &c. Fresh from New York City. All of the 'most popular Patent Medicines sold in Ms section, among which may be found Ayie's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem bold's Buchu, Schenck's Pulmonic Sy rup and Sea weed Tonic, Duponco's and Cheesemon's Female Pills, , Hall's Cough Balsam, Wisharee Pine Tree Cordial, Hall's Hair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Hoof land's German Bitters, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, And many other kinds of real ?aloe and merit. in fact oar Stock embraces a tine nvirortment of everything no nallly kept in *nu szocruteso omg Stores. or-Prescriptions receive particular attention, and are etartkerwr and promptly compounded. I "; 4o 'tore formerly occupied by J. Etheridge. A. B. BURNS. Montrose, Pa., Sept. 17, 1867. A.llOB NICHOLS. HUNT BROTHERS, 151473E1L.411...N9CCZ1P 2V° , 3E 2 or., Who:egale & Retail Dealere in 2142 D Ada 2 9 STEEL, NAILS, %110171FALS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. NINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK& T RAIL SPIKES RAILROAD fi MININO suppLIEN. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUES, SPOKES. FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES. BOlrs, ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. PILES, &c. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. BF:I.M°. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. ITAIR & GaINDSTOYES. FR ENCH WINDOW GLASS. LRAT HER & FINDINGS PAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton, Marcb 24, 1861 1y EMPIRE SEWING. MACHINE CO. SALESROOM, 616 BROADWAY, N. Y No. 1 FhIIIILY Ittscmus. This Machine has a straleht needle. perpendicnlar.actinn. makes the Lock or Shut tie Sti,h, which will neither rip nor ravel,, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every de scnption of material, with cotton, linen or silk thread. It Hems Fella, Binds Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Plata ameGathara. ea a Family Machine tt has no uperior, Price, with Hemmer and Braider, po. Particular attention is called to onr New Improved Manufacturing Machines. They run light and are com paratively noiseless; P imple, durable and efficient.— For cloth or leather work they have no competitors. No. 2 Machine, with Hemmer and Braider, VII No. 8 Machine, $B3. far agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be given. [Oct'. 22, 1867. GBOVESTEEN'S PIANOS, GROVESTIISN'S PIANOS, ' GRonsms&ms PIANOS, 449 Broadway, New Yo rk, 499 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, New York, Are unrivalled for Durability, FOwer, and Evenness of Tone. They are fast becoming the favorite over all others, with lifuelciana, Amateurs, and all lovers of GUOD MUSIC. They are Warranted In every ro. sped. Prices one third lower thal other Brat elan makers. Send for Circular. GRO VA:STEEN le CO, 0e.22 499 Broadway, New York. DECLINE IN. FLOUR, THE MiiirelMAM Mill Ie tarniphlng fret rate Winter Wheat Flour at $lB 80. • - • •• • BEIOOIC & TNGLET. Read This. . T is a year since ire discontinued business and in vited oar cnaiouiers to .eattle their accounts. Wei say to those ado hare neijected , our call, that tirkilt they attexid to Ikt,..vmmoo.vrelortst resorttolneans. :wmnt. to ha and unpr p oltablo ; t "eriPtt it."ll,Aßgi .leyt • ..ff" • • • :•: resittitree 41 5 oiTB -:; ,*.+4 7 •14/ z. Melo Street, 6 doors below Boyd'e Center, litoutrose r r$ fer"..'" P. ,pogoffs, AIM ,P,ROVISIONS, /,000.001) If We are constantly receiving and now have on hand s lamb atonic °Moods It oneNae,whlfch we wfitaoll. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP' for caab, or exchange for produce 19,000,000 GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED, &c. r Weihave refitted and made additions to our Stock of Pails, and are now ready) to forward Butter to the be, t COMmiesion houses in New York, free of charge, and make liberal advancements on consignments. CAII and examine our Stock before purchasing else where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY & CHEAP PRICES C. 0. MINER, - . - Montrose, Aprll 16. 1867 .(1) .ft at (3 w o o rmi i o n ( a t m oLls a ' n a ( t i so r ala e d b n y nce from Wholesale 3Ertirrirt. Comprising a large assortment of NEW Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardtoore, Stoves, Iron, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Boots CL* Shoes, Wall Paper, Win dow Shades, Huts and Cops, Btoffolo Rolfes, Ladies' and Gent.? Furs, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, eke. eke., and combined. forming the moat complete opportunity for selecting in every department (ibis trade, and will be sold at The Lowest Market Prices. • New Milford, Dec. 17, 1867. Merchant Tailoring. E. L. WEEKS & CO. Have secured the services of a drat class Prizaticocal autter, and will re-open the Cnstom Department of their es tablinhinent on Tuesday Oct. 22, where they will be prepared to make up to order, in the la'e•t and most iasuionable styles, all kinds of illeu's and Boy's Cloth 11/g. Particular attention given to OUTSIDE CUTTING Or - Wanted, two experienced Ponta and Vest Ma kers. E. L. WEEMS & CO Montrose, Oct. 22. IS67.—t( IT. .13.4LICTEZI. at, cic)., GREAT PIANO FORTE And Melodeon Emporium. 650 Broadway, New Y0.71c, and 69 Washington St., Chicago, Crosby Opera Il i ousr, Wholesale Agents for the Unite States for WM. Knahr adebratPd Gad Medal F o la.axcororte•ts. Also, Agents for A. 11. GA I,E CO., and other first- W have the largest and beet assorted stoat• of Pianos, which, for Power and Sweetness of Tone, PAP,' end Agreeable Touch. and Beauty of Finish, have, byj edges, been pronounced unrivalled. Whole ale Agents for Carhart, Needham Co's Cele brated Harmoniums, Ndadecms and Organs. Manufacturers and Importers of Musical In.lrnments, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. fxr Remember the place, J. BAUER et: CO., 650 Broadway, New York, and Iy4l 69 Washington St , Chicago BLACKSMITHING. T HE undersigned have this day formed a co-partner thei.p, under the firm name of Stamp & Moran. rar purpose of carrying on Blackemit h ing in all its branches. pe'Strict attention will be given to florae-shoeing. All *kirk will be done neatly and promptly. The pnb lic are Invited to call. Montrose. March 4th. R. P. STAMP. MST. tf P. T. MORAN. Drew -v7l-v-lxi-. Baldwin, Allen, & McCain. Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef. Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Nolosses, Sugar, Seed Wheat, Clover d• Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Broom, Nails, dv. tie. Thankfal for, past patronage, we shall be happy to see and wait npotVonr old and new customers. . All Goods add Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. .1 11. Mcl74!#. Montrose, Feb. 5,1867. HOWARD Associatlon,PhlladelTlß, Pa .11 - 1 DinesFes of the Nervous, Seminal:Trine and sex uaisystemr—oear and reliable tiertment—in quirt sof the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Vent toy mall In looted °tzar envelopes!. free of charge.' A ddrer I , Dr.J. 8 Exttax Houarrroir, Howard Association. No 2 South atb stree philadenhis. Pa. - -- - - -- - -- - Three, Cheers for, Crel Amt. HIP, HIP, HURRAH! prof. AiCarries. lIIOC Hayti &ere?, bes remeriid" his' chcri to I hsteclofth i . lireokot Now Statplaiarrha prepited tor yrs latienctron. - 397.1ep Q toe qUitk-thhin lea lagvage fags tir Ttlr.vr-* of our Ooods W. R. COATS clan,. Piano DEALERS IN tkaigsrb!its•xw4 10517TUNIARD 1411v.e. ...-K"papii'll4t-rb 117111:' .. 1:545°' . . i , 1:1. ' _11it114:1:15.19: -r.-..-._7-...,--_- " • . 1 ,1219341 e • 2 i i r Arrive at =number/sad, • 111:1 ' _. . s - —•- WARD . - NO*TLI Leave Nortbamberlind, ...§2 .: Zor. " Danville, am rittrlrtOft, 1.• AO , it ... Arrive at7Bqtairign, 346 hen 4.4 Passenger p taking tr4iti too Okt: 4 g tame a: m: via NottlYeldbetriud,ieseh Vs at 1 en 1-1011 .: Baltimorechsop. MAlalstaktan pi ior.; Overt reaeb Phllatip!RW.a t !I; liop p: m. ... • Kintecoii, Iro".. va. R. A'. rOtinkilpt. .- - 1 - ,•- ~, ...., __ DELAWARE. Liv wAsr, WESTERN R. R. %pier Arra;:v P~88BN(i$II~ TaAIHB ~~ ARD.: ' ' 1 ' • I Malt t Pas ogr train. ' train. tiTAT/QNS.. I A. M. A.. 1.1 1: 91171 0 01 12,80 100 4,35 t v 5,41 o 6,03 '3 6,25 6.47 7.65 a P.M. New Yorke.... . New Mampton , Manniikii Chunk.... Del:Aware ....Bine ... 10.10 Scranton 11,43 Nicholson 12,08 Hopbottom 12,33) Montrose 1,08 New Milford 1,35 Great Bend ~ . . .IP. M 'Foot of LibMiyitt. CONNECTIONB—WEARD. The Mail train from Nevi York connects at Ng. minks Chunk with the train leaving Philadreine. ton depot) at B,ooa. m.. and at Orestßtlid;wl tirrnisi k mail train on the Erie Railway, with areal) ne Car at tached. stopping at all the prinelpal statioma . on gat road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6,18 a. pi: The L assenger trait from Scranton connecta st Get Bend with through trains going west and east On art. Eallway, arriving at Buffalo at 1.28 a. tn.. an a l alai manes at 12 m. CONNECTIONS-EASTWARD. , The Mall train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Este Rallwity ftus the west ; at Mannuka Chunk with a train for Philtd'a and Intermediate stations, arriving in PhßlidelthiS at 6.10 p. m.; and at New Hampton with a trains for Samoa Bethlehem. Allentown. Reading and Hartisbnrg, snit at Harriebore st&ho p. ut. At Scranton. connections are made withtraitui tease from all stations on the Lackawanna and Woodisbere R.R. and on the Delaware and Hudson gaiild Railroad, Time Tables at which roads are liFtnted R. A. nzsar, General Pass. and Ticket, Aria 'PRIE It A ILWAY.—On and after Mon day. Nov. 95th, 1867. trains will leas* Grist Bend at about the following hours, !Ls.: GOING WEST. m. Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Br cheater, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making , di rect co.inection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, for all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at °wagerer Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.2. a in. Night Entrees, daily, for Rochester. Buffalo, Snlamanca. Dunkirk and (ho Weft, connecting u above. Stops at Great Bend on Monday tannings only. 5 - 27 a. In. Mail Train. Sundays excepted, for Borah, and Dunkirk. connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. &SS p. M. Day Express, Sander' excepted. for Ro chester. Buffalo. sakmanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandalgaa;,at fiaPonanai with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail- ware, for all points West and South. T. 51 p. m. Faprese Mail. Sundays excepted, f .r EuCa la. andDankirk, connecting with train. for the West. 12 30p. m. Way Freight. Sundays excepted. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the Welt. GOING EAST 7.24 a. In. Cincinnati Express. Monday, excepted, a. Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Grastoartfttr New. burg and Warwick. 2nop. m. Accommodation Train Daily. 2.00 p. m. Day Exprees, Sundays excepted. connect at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washineton. 9'27 p. in New York and Baltimore Mall. Strulays copied, connecting at derae City with morning , ex. preite train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington. and at New York with moruing ex press trans for Boston and the east. 3.43 a. m. — Night Express. Daily. conneetinq at Gray court for Warwick ; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 10.20 a. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. WM. R. BARR. 11. RIDDLE. dcc 10 Gen', PIM Fenger Arent. Gen'iSup't. i3rA New and complete •` Pocket Time Table" of Passenger TrbillA 0^ the Erie Railway and ennoectine Linee has recently been pribliehrd. and ran he procured on application to the Ticket Agent at the Company's office. MAD CREEK MILLS, Nervcr ~2lltorcl, law., FN. MOORE, Proprietor. are In fall operation at . last. Mr. Moore would say to the rood people of Susquehanna county that he has fitted up hie mill at a heavy erpense, with all the modern improvements in Bolts and Machinery, and is confident be can do as good work as the beet. We have one of the improved Sliver Creek Smut & Separating Machines, paid to he t' c beet machine of the day. We ►ave ales the best machine for cicanine Buckwheat In the county. The cervices of Mr. JOHN 0. DR 1102. an experi enced miller, have been secured and he will attend to all calls. New Milford, Nov. 19, 1867.—tf GROVESTEEN & CO., 499 Broadway, New York. i="l4stalaC) 3Fi'vrtes. Our Last new addition to our different styler is attracting the admiration of both ctitlcs,and pc/palace. We men tion specially. some of the claims of this ovw Piano. Believing the exterior ahonid be **beautiful to the eye as melody Is to the ear, we have paid great at tention to getting them up fb a Pt)le that Is conceded be ail who have seen them to be the hannisomeit Amto Forte made. They are an entirely new style, with fear full round corners. heavily carverl legs ono lytv, base richly moulded, and contains our latest improved nets scale and action. The tone is melodloo-. and Ile adept ability to peerages of every shade of expreselob, from the softest murmurs, the Cressendo, and the rF.glvea the performer eery advantage of the Concert grand.— Price $5OO. 1144 FOUND, N Montrose, between the Store of I. N. Bullard and wooden end of Brick Block, at that little one horn Boot and Shoe Store, • new and elegant assortment of , .13c=ocrtss cfb SO:Loess., For fall and winter, Consisting of Men's thick and fine Boots, Boy's Boots, and a good assortment of Shoes, con- . sistin,g 'Ladies' Kid, Goat s . and Lasting BolmoTls, Misses', Children's and Baby's Shoes, le. Abe, !rot]; „ made to order, apd Repairing done on short notice. 0et..29.1867.—tf • C. 0. FORMAN, - The Montrose DemOqsat, Is 7traanman sr= TnaanArifolaian, Ar NOila o33 1 317 5.0 -1 444.14 A. Cotrarr..PA., sr:. • " J. cianitursafriscs;oir, ALT $2 ran ANA= is ADVANCII—OU AT wen Business advertisements inserted at sl_ per ,figittaro 01 10 lines, three times, and Zeta for sai l a dditional) Yearly advertisers, with asnal chines Chanted 0 for four squares, quarter column $l5„, Aulftolnem one enlamn SOO. and other amounte t u ew tpropo !induces aside et threeliteii;4llll moodiffolliftl garkgal'potlees at the 'customary ratee,,-41iout150 per cent. in addition to futstiteanfaitl;„ ' Job Printlux 'eieeoted ne,s7,:arid ,p.i.40, ptic • s :‘• ' ' lortwo - Dee t e 4 V ie tti li zz e. gpst*4l,olA vs, morrinuie Nl[A;m4 iPqr: ,i ..; , . -4etg. 4.10 F.4 3 10,ii E. N. MOORE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers