ontrost Ptmotrat. 117115D.414 APRIL 14, 1808. Zacoci nal Xsatie•l3lluerscma. Internal Revenue. See notion of the Assessor in reference to day of appeal. Those who have made r eturn for special tax for the year com menciogliim Ist 1868, but who intend to change firms or close business before that date, should report the facts. The New Tax Bill. •We print the new tax bill this week. Ex cept rough lumbi.r and bread stuffs every article will now be taxable—including books, and also newspapers, handbills, cards, blanks, or othtr printed matter. As meal ground for distillation, horse feed, dtc., is not covered by the term " bread• stuffs," it becomes taxable. Notice. The School Directors of Bridaewa' er will meet at Tarbell's Hotel, M , mtrose, on Sa.arday April 18th, 1808, at 2 o'clock p. 31. C. J. CURTIS, Sec. April 14th, 1808. New Book. "MC BLUE Coal's; and how they lived, fought, and died for. the Union. With scenes and incidents in the great rebel!. i o n," comprising narratives of adventures, incidents, escapes, anecdotes, &c , of the war. Also ballads, John BroWn and oth er songs.- Illustrated with over 100 por traits and engravings of generals, battle scenes, itc. Mr. L. B. Green, a returned will canvass the county to take orders for I his work, commencing in Clittird, Lenox, Lathrop, &c., and invites everybody to subscribe when called upon; the book to he paid for on delivery. It is handsome ly hound in b!ne and gilt, and will no doubt meet a large sale. Notice. To Applicants for Teachers' Certificates : The examination of Teachers for Provis ional Certificates for the &tinnier Term of 1868 will be held to wit : Jackson Centre School-house, May 4 11arford Village do p Bottom do New Milford do Susquehanna Depot do Great Bend Vi•lago do Franklin, Forks do Friendsville do " 12 I: .ish,. Grangerville do " s o rin l , ville, Carson Corners S. 11. "14 Montrose School House " 15 Those wishing to teach who have not certificates must be examined at this series. We shall not hold special examin ations a I summer to oblige those who are never ready to cone up to time. "Certifi cates will he issued for one term wily. Applicants Titst be supplied with sth Reader, Paper, Pen. Pencil, &c. W. W. WArsow, Co. Supt. Montrose, April 14, 1 SO Tns Dvsescm.—The trials and sefF•r inas of the Dyspeptic can only be ren'izt d by those so unfortunwe as to be afflicted by this disease, and yet how many of them suffer, and continue. to snfl'vr ? Why they do this so patiently it is imopssible to tell. Ii" may be from ignorance of any certain remedy, or, it. may be from pre judice against. the use of a Patent Medicine. Hootland's German Bitters has cured thousands of the worst eases of Dyspepsia and each day adds new names to the rec ord of its usefulness. Give the Bitters a trial. Hoofland's Bitters contain no li guar an any form. Hoofland's German tonic is a combination of all the ingredi ents of the Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz Rum, anise, orange, tt;e., mal ino. a pre paration of rare medical value. The tonic is used for the same diseases as the Bit tors, in cases where some Alcoholic Stimulus is necessary. Principal Office, 631 Arch Si, Plulad'a, Pa. Sold by Druggists and oth ers everywhere. Arrival of Released Fenian. NEW YORK, April 9 Captain J. M. -Barkley, of Cleveland Ohio, and Colonel O'Brien, of Chicago, Illinois, late Fenian prisoners in Dublin, arrived here to day by the steamer Man ; haitan, from Liverpool, having been di.- charged without the completion of their tiials by the British authorities, on con• dition of their never again returning to the British Dominions. • Captain Buckley was one of the Jack mel packet party arrested at Dungan min, and has suffered nearly a year's imprison ment. A Disgusting Exhibition. In Chestnut street this morning, upon the Promenade where all was brightnesi and beauty.conspicuonslyamong the throng on the north side of the street, walked a male negro, upon whose arm leaned a beautiful and richly dressed whitewoman. We staw % the same disgusting spectacle on Saturday. That We almost doubted the evidence of our senses is shown in the fact that we-made no mention of the tut= usual sight. This morning we saw the same couple. The man -is as black as a roll of Russia sheet iron, and spurts his handsome apparel with evident compla cency. The woman is young, very lady like in mien and was elaborately attired in pur ple velvet and costly furs. At first the idea was that she might be of the demi monde. Of this we are now assured -to the contrary. The case is one of the grossest miscegenation. It is the first we have seen openly 'paraded in the public streets of this city.—Philadelpitia Age, A Terrible Lake Disaster. Camas; April 9. The DemOtratic gain In Oregon, from 1862 to 1864 • , . .‘ , furnishes gond grounds for a belief that at the nest A tenible disasteroccuired on Lake Atichigan at an e l ec ti o n w e will that State. In ma the radical* early hoe:this morning. - I polled 7.083 vilteS; the Democrats 3.450. In 1804 the rile Steamer Sea ilird a large boat, owned by A. B. vote stood. radical. 8,719; Democratic, 6499, while in Goodrich. took fire between six and seven o'clock, 1660 the Democrats reached 10,343. and the radicals 10- while about thirty miles from this city, and was totally 433. The Democratic Increase In three years was 6,89 3. destroyed. , ; The radical increase for the same time wee 3,420. The A number of lives are believed to have been lost. I democratic increase from 1864 to 1858, 4,351. The mil- A gale was blowing at the time, and the hike tilts ex.' cal increase forthe same time was 9,740. ' The same rate ceedingly rough. ' of increase forlhe two years, from Ism to 1808, would The SeS Bird was laden with flour and other mercban- I give the Democrnts at the next election a handsome =- dine. ' The steamer was worth $70,000. i )(wily ; and as the Democrats have been gaining In all There was no Insurance on either vessel or cargo.the States for the past two years. Oregon may be safely The cande of the ilre has net y e t been ascertained. I counted as sure fora Donocr.:Alc candidate for Prest- Later. I dent in la* 3. c: , Cnicano, April 9. The steamer Sea DIM belonged to the two rivers, Idmettouot and hheboymin line. She had made four trips this season, and was on her fifth when she met with the terrible disaster reported to day. When off With • ketran. shout half past six A. id. lire was seen Issuing; froma p,le of miscellaneous freight stared around the after guards. outside the boles' cthin, and In ten min utes time the entire stern of the host was wrapped In From he Ftatement of one of the rescued. It appears that on b-itra tie.e on I demoralized. even the officers, and no effort was made to lower the boats. Thu 0..1y earrivo.is Ai tar as known are-e• A. chamberlain and lido In thinneburu." passengers fr im Sheb y ;an. The Wirr makes the following statement The e warn In all abo at one 'hundred persona on incladjng eight or ten ladies and seven or eight childr• n; I wry* smoke arising from the main deck, be• low ill,' ladies' cabin; there was a lot of straw and some tuba lying near by, and the fire gat among them. I cried tire, and the crew and passengers rn tied from their rooma; there was great confusion. and the fire spread so rapidly as to convince me that it had been burning a long time; within five minutes the afterptirt of the host wars in (Limes ; I don't think that all the la d'e. had time toget out of their state rooms, and .ome of them and the children must hate been burned to death. An effort 'WARRIIee by a portion of the crew to reach the small boats. hut it tilled. 11r Chamberlain states that about 6:20 A. M. be was looking over the side of the stenmer and new a porter come out f the ladies' cabin with a scuttle of coals and ashes, and going to the bulwarks near wifere a quanti ty of m I -cellan eons freight was stored, threw the c,.n. tents overboard. In about fifteen minutes heard the alarm of fire and saw the flames issuing from this pile of fre'ght. H. seemed not more than ten minutes before the whole aVerpart oftbe steamer was in flames. In his opinion, when the porter threw the coals overboard. the wind drove some hack into the freight. Ile heard no explosion, and thinks I the fire had caught from a boll. er explosion it would have been discovered sooner. tupelo Titles. of the schooner Cordelia, states that when off Waukegan saw a bunting steamer. He was distant from her four or five miles. and bore down and *exceeded id rescuing tworistengers, one of worn was it the W:lter - find the other on the steamer. He thihks it is not pus ,, i'de that any others were saved. We :earn from one of the survivors that after the stet trier took fire, the helm was lashed hard a port, canting her to whirl round end round as long asthe en• glees worked. The Cordell* did not leave the wreck nut!' It w.o, burned to the water's edge. General Gillam Ignores the Mongrel Legislature. Meant's, April 9. 71te Appeal's Little Rock ave. eh of this, evening messenger has just arri - eti from Vicksburg, who 81,58144 General Wilein Ignores In tutu theassembisge at the Capitol, calling themselves the Legislature of A rkauFas. Ile, however. says he h.ts no ituthurity to disso: we that body, end will not, unless they attempt to seize the Trea.ury, remove the occupauts Crum office, or otherwise dist urb the public peace. There has beeu no announcement as yet (rum headquarters of the re cult o 1 the voting on the Cottstitutiou. Thad. Stevens' Wife Robbed. The Lancaster Intelligencer stays that on Wednesday morning as that tittraCiire colored female. familiarly known as N. Thaddeus Stevens—(Dore the nil of Jacob Smith, euloreci barber cat Harrisburg, and at tires, lit housekeeper and mistress of old Thad—had her pocket picked at the depot in Lancaster city. She cites her loss to be as follows: $ll.OO in greenbacks. three Mexican slitter dollars, one diamond breastsplu, a rare key. a hunch of household keys, and free passes oe er the raitroada troll Lungster to IVashington. Whitt is this country coming to when even she who presides over the household of Thaddeus Stevens is robbed in a railroad depot in the city of Lancaster. Let Old Thad see to it that the military pu Ice which is to beadopted s. Washiagtun be made goicraL Ben Wade on Secession Chi the 4th of December, ISM. In the B. S. Senate. Benjamin F. Wade. in A speech in that body, p aced tunuscif on rcc.od in favor of the right of secession, in the following explicit and emphatic language : •• that the southern gentlemen stand here, and in Al most all their speeches Speak of a dissolution of the UelOtlae an element of ev.ry argument, us though it were a peculiar condescension on their part that they permitted the Union to stand atoll. It they do not feel interested in upholding this Union—if it really trench oe their rights—tilt endangers their Institutions to such au extent that they cannot t• el secure tinder it— if their iuterests are violently assailed by means of this Union, I am not one or those who expect that they will bug continue under it. lam not one of those who would ask them to CC/talent. in such a Union. It would he doing violence to the platform of tile party to which I belong '• .• We haveadopbd the old Declaration of indepen dence as the hosts of our political movements. nhich declare that any people when their Government ceases to protect their rights, when it is so subverted from the true purpose of government as to oppress them. have the right to recur to fundamental principles. and. if need we. destroy the goverioneht nutler whit h thee live. and to erect on its ruins another non • conducive to their si'llare.• I hold that they have this right. I will not blame any people for earr•ising it, whenever they think the contingency has come. I certaihly shall he the illiVOCate of that stsme doctrine, whenever I find that the principles of this Government have It. come so op. presets eto the section to which I belong, that a free people ought not to endue• it Yon will not then dud me backward in being the advocate of disunion. •• You can not fore bly hold men in this Union, for the attempt to do so. it seems to me • would subvert the • fir,•r principles of the government tinder which we live.•• —See Congressional Globe, 2d SeStiOU :4th Congress, ' page 25 . . - .. I="MC'T.ALT-a N OTT. CMISI. rgir BOILS. LIK E THE VOLCA Nn, BOILS give it , Sllt• TO The font and tiery contents of the dad 1 n terior. 'To romtve the cause of each snfferin it is on • ly neve,Arary to vitalize the Blood by FupplJlug it with its Life Element, !nos. THE PERUVIAN' SYRUP, (3 protected t. lotion of the Prop:aide of Iron) will do thlt (-Seem& ly. and g.ve 'strength, vigor and new life to the trimly. 3yetetn. Extract of a Letter from Rev. Richard B. Edee. of Bostoa• masa. " For years I ri•as a suff,rer from Roils, so that my life became wearisome through their frequent and persio• tent 6-earrence; finally a 'carbuncle formed in the email of my back. During itsprogieen latge tom sof decom posed deers wereever y day or two cut away, and the prostration atd ernerol dist rhane.e of the system were great. Before I had recovered from this attack two smaller carbuncles broke out higher up. and I war again threatened with a recurrence of the sufferings to n inch I had oh Ion„- been subjected. It was at this time that I c.,m menced taking th Peruvian SYRUP. I contin ued [Alms, it until t bad nevd five bottles; since then I . Inive had notbirlof the kind. For years I was one of the greatest sufferers. Other medicines gave me par tial and temponiry relief. but this remarkable remedy, -with e. kind and intuitive s. nee, event directly to the root of the evil kind did its wade= with a thoroughness worthy of its established character."' A 32 page Pamphlet Fent free. The genuine has "Pe 'rueien nip" blown In the•ghwe. J. P. DINSMORE. Proprlmer, No. 35 Dey et. hew York. Fold by a drei.v.i.ts MrTUE .DE-'F RNO tY V DEMEDY FOR Scrofula, in all its manifold forms. including Ulcers, Cancers. Syphillis, malt Rheum. Cou•untption, etc. Is Dr. Anders' lodine water, a pure solution of lodine without a solvent, discovered after many years of a ci entitle research And experiment. For eradicating hu mors from the system it has no t gnat. t ircniars sent Free. Sold by Druggists:generally. J P. DINSMOR F. apttml 3i Dey street N. Y. rgir WARRANTED CfIEAPEST AND BEST ! To Farmers, Express CUM panic.. Stage Proprietors, Either). E.tablishments, an d all who use Ilgnres. DR. TOBIAS Venetian Horse Liniment, Ittet one dollar. fer the cure of Lameness, teltes.7wind Galls, sprains, bruises, splints. galls, cats. culie. slipping stifle, overheating, sore throat nail in the foot.. c. All who own or employ horses , arc assured that this Ltdiment wilidu all and more than is stated In curing the above named complaints. During twenty years it hatnever tilled to give satisfaction Ina single instance. sold by the Pruzzlsts. Depot, 56 Cortland street New York.—aprl4tul. carColgate'a Aroaratio Vegetable Soap, A 6tl petior Toilet Soap. prepared trOnareflnedVegeta ble Oiis In combinatpin with Glycerine. and cape- Ansignet tar the 115 e, of Ladles, and for the Nursery. Its perrape • anomie, anif lie w i Li hip ; propettles:aa dulled. For sale by all der.aleta. Vey.lllllloll.-40eepia • • • • • Dielon will vote Demcratic. nfL.Ett.WIL.Vt.,I.4I!LCkEtai. In Libert y, A)p the 12th March, 1888, by Wm. M. Broley;ssq ALBERT B. Ifronnu.s, ( , f Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y. and Miss MARY J. FuLturi, of Liberty, Pa. At the house oft. N.trianners, in Wav erly, N. Y., April `21,; 1808, by Rev. Hen ry Wheel( r, Mr. Jon H. SCOTT, of Way erly, and Mies CLAtiA. J. lastAN, of Great Bend. Al ril 2d, by Rey. Hewitt, Mr. W. A. Sui TB of Milford, - *. Y., sal Miss MA RY E. 13e of Lauesburo, Susq. Co., Pa. r • April 9th, at the Presbyterian Parson- age, Montrose, by Rev. S. G. Miller, Aht twos Dm-Imm, of Skinner's - Eddy, and HARRIET A. CHASE, of Auburn. In Lanvsboro, on the 6th inst, by the Rev. G. R. Hair, Mr. JASON J. MORSE, of Jackson, and Miss None Norm, of Llnesboro. 7:AMIBTIMCSI. Vir Notices of marriages and deaths published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate crafty cents per hundred words. In Franklin, Dec. 28th, 1867, of con stun pi ion, Mrs. Limn, wife of Rev. Irma W. Smith, aged 26 years. In Franklin, April 9th, Wn.UAM En-Cu- EL, son of Thomas K. and Phebe Louisa Crane, aged 1 year, 3 mo. and 5 days. "Dearest Willie, thou bast left, us; Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God that bath bereft us— lie can all our sorrows heal." 11 (Au 3.tikriistmtuts UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. Notice To Tax-Payers. NOTICE ix hereby ;even that the annual assessment ...II of 'nixes In the It h Markt of rennsylvanla,cotn the roe nt te4 of Luzern', and Suequehanna, np. on In , omet. for Inti: and Special Taxes, Carriages, etc., for 1368 has been completed. COURTS OF APPEAL For the correction of erroneous assesments will be held at the ..delaaanscrasascsx. OfElcke, i n Susquehanna Dceot, on Monday the Vtla day of April 1963. All appeals must be made in writing, and must specify the particular canoe. matter or thing.. respecting which a decision is scout sted. and shall state for ground or principle of rror complained of. Appeals may be made at the Office of the Assessor at any time previous to the day fixed for bearing appeals. W3f. PO , i r. Assessor, 12tla District, Penn'• Assessor's Office. Sn•gnehanna Depot, April 14, 1868. A SSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Potirt of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania: In the matter of In Bankruptcy, Rufus D. Clark, a bankrupt. To whom tt may concern : The undersigned hereby:eves notice of his appoint ment as assigiw-e. of Rafts D. Clark. of the township of Lenox. in the county of Susquehanna, and state of Pean-ylvania, w thin said District, who has been ad jndg,ti 3 bankrupt upon his own petition. by the Dis trict Cuurt of said District. Dated Feb. IT, ISM A. 11. McCOLLUM, Assignee. Montrose, April 14,1868.-3 w D ISCEIARGE of a BANKRUPT. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In Bankruptcy In the matter of Newton A. I.ane, a Bankrupt. said Newton A. Lave having applied to the Court for a dis. charge from his debts. By order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts and otherpersons in liverest to appear on the 27th day of April. Is6B. at 10 o'clock. a m. at Cham bers of the said Dietrict Court, before E. N. Willard, one of the itegisterm of said Conn. in the City of Scran ton, at 303 Lackawanna Avenue to show cause why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. April 14, 18t8.—w2 S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. B ANKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. In the district Ponrt of the United States for the Western district of Pent.sylvanin : In the matter of a Bankrupt. 1•In Bankrtip'cy. Wm. A. Vauctin, TO ALL RllO7 IT EAT CONCERN : The underilened give. notice of his appointment as assignee of William A.Vnughn. of Ruch, in the county of Snscinehanna. State of Pennsylvania. within raid dirtrict, who has been aindgetic hank , opt upon his own pent Inn In the district Court of raid distriet. Da ted Jan.24th 1848. GEO. P. LITTLE, Montrore, April 14, 11368.-8 Assignee. FSTATE OF A. L. SMITH, late o Liberty, fnlgnehanna county. Pa., dec'd. Letters of administration npon the estate of the above named decedent havin i f been umntsd to the un dersigned. notice is hereby ven to all persons indebt ed to said estate to matelmmediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present teem duly authenticated for settlement. W. C. SMITH, Adair. Liberty, April 7, ISO. STRAY COW. Strnyed from the eabserlher In Dimock 4 Corners. on April let. a inn 11 red UOW with brown face, and dark burns. The bind teats very short. Any person returning her or giving information lea ding to her recovery will be suitable rewarded. LYMA SaEaMAN. Dimock, April 6, 1848—tf. INDISPENSABLE FCR LADIES IS the SEWIN , i GUIDE, a beautiful article for the aseistacce of ladies in hand-sewin,, ,, not only protecting the linger from the ugly prick of the needle, bat. being provided with a rib, the !niches are made wit h motet r.-g. Warily and increased rapidity. It also keeps the point . of the needle in perfect conditirn. For all kinds of em broidering and crocheting it f e invaluable. The Guide le elegantly silver plated, and will cell at sight to every la,:y. Sent to any address, my mail, on receipt of 3 cents. or solid silver, for 75 Cell Agents wanted in every town. Terms and sample for for 25 cents. Liberal discount to the trade Address MLLES Ma.NUFG CO., 55 Water St., Boston, Mass. BABELEMELL le contlaullyroadvt; nevi tipidlotos Prop, whIR sold n lev miss seeowir Servin liffintrese. WE ARE JUST RECEIVING OUR NEW SPRING 2.27.L1L1NWP.T 0003:113, Dream Garc,c)clis, Cassimeres, READY MADE CLOTHING. CALL AND SEE THEM. Outttuburg, ftestubanm Co. lientrose, April 1, ISM 'TIMOTHY SEED, PM) For Sale by ABEL TLISBELL Montrose, April 1,1868-3 CANAWACTA INSURANCE AGENCY, Susquehanna Depot. Pa. Representing fifteen first class Fire Insurance Co's, with' it combined Capital of over $2O (WO 000 t -.- ALSO TIM Travelers' Insurance Company, of Hartford Ct. insetting against all kintta of Accidents--cap 5500,000 Guardian ISfuttudAlte Inenranee Co. of New York—assets securely invested and rapidly increasing, capital. 1,000,000 Hartford Live Stet& Iris. Co., of Hartford, Ct., the " pioneer", Co, otAtnerica—capital, 500,000 Affording relialileitrotettion to Farmers and owners of Stock against 10sa by death or theft. I cax and WILL Makes tt for the interest of all to in sure with me. Do not seek for cow. or cow rates irrespective of character or standing. as cuss, irraVlLLNca. may be lik ened to sell-rightoneuess—the more oue has We worse off be is. REMEMBER, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS ! Application! by mall or otherwise promptly a ttended to. and satiLictiou guarantied. gair Office in Post Office, Susquehanna Depot, Penn. J. D. BARBER, Agent. ;March 81, 1668.—tf COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, CONSIGN TOUR Ashes, Beeswax, Beans, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Floor and Meal, Flax, Cotton, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, &c. &o. TO • • JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant 444 & 446 Washington Street, NEW YORK CITY, And receive his weekly Price Current of Produce and Groceries--the mot complete Price Lurrent published In the United States. Send for a Price Current. , Marking Plates and Cards furnished free. "Liberal advances made on consignments. Es tablished May Ist, 1560. First class Iteferences given when required. [march 81, 1518.-1 y Ci-cocod.isiol3. SEEDLING POTATOES LIAULY GOODRTCII, the beet early variety, $1.50 per F.l bushel. GLEASON, arm of the beet late kinds, $1.50 per baehel. Also. half br •t 1 Ayrshire Calves. For sale by CHRISTOPHER BYRNE. April 7, 1868.-3w* ht. Josephs, Sum. co. Pa., B ANKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania : In the matter of I • in Bankru P tc Y* E. 0, Rozers, a bankrupt. t To WnoX 17 HAY CoNCEIIIN: The undersigned hereby gives notice or hie appoint ment as assignee of E. H. Rogers, of Montrose.. In the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylva nia. withiu sald district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated February 0, A. D., 1868. GEORGE P. LITTLE, Assignee. Montrose, April 7,1869.—5 w ASSIONEE'S SOTICE. Notleo is hereby giren.that 8.6 Ingalls of Gib son, bee made a voluntary napigninent tO me for the beaellt nrereditAra, An pelsons indebted to add In galls are notlft d to meet me at thelloase of said In galls In Gibson on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, April Sat Eld; and 4th,1868. and en Matlda, aid day ofjhe thci ell los weeks. for-purpose of pay- Ogri i7 t Ii&TESQP: As pies. :ettrien, ifsretilt, - .1111111 —4w. IMPEACHMENT t !THE LAST CROWSIIN6I Strai TILE L&TESt NEWS. TLIE very high priers of Goods will Los impeached the arrival and sales of a large aLd well selectca Stock of Goode at JAS. R. DEWITT & CO'S. Consistlag of Plain and Fancy Dry Goods, such as Prints, Delaines Brocades, Ginghams, Swisa awe. Causbrtc ma*. Lat..es, Edgings and Dress Trim goings, Brown sheet Inge, Si-lin ings bleached & unbleacbed. Ticking), Denims, Stripe aLd Check Skirtings, a great Variety of I.:lotto, Cassimerea, Veatings, Ken tacky Jenne, Tweed, and bummer ?ants Sty& fur men mid boy's wear. Also, a good assortment of StravroFelt, nod Soft Hata, and Cloth Caps—Boots and Shoew—FLuo Grocer ies of all kinds—and a splendid assort ment of Crockery and Wooden Ware, &c. Ac. Bev lug nonght our stook of Goods during the lag de cline in prices, we feel confident that we can sell them at prices to salt everybody. WE DON'T INTEND TO BE UN DERSOLD t ---* All kinds of Pmdtme taken in exchange for Goods nt market prices. A quantity of Asitton's DAIRY SALT for sale by the sack, bushel or pound. The bet of Kerosene Oil—a splendid Syrup. and good Mohissesl that won't fail to snit customers In price and Quality. ," Having undo arrangements to forward Butter this season, we have pi ocamd a lot of new, clean Butter Pails for the purpose. We will send to good and re sponsible men, rho will make as g .od sales as any in the city, and prompt returns. Farmers can know at what prices their Butter eelis by reference to our re turns as fast as we g•t them. We will Fell them goods a. cheap ss any one else. and pay them money on their sales of Butter as they may want it. JAS. R. DEWITT. PERRY DAII-VHART Montrose, march 44, 186 DEYLIN & CO. EXTENSIVE CLO CITING HOUSES, Broadway, cor. of Grand Street, ANI) Broadway, cor. Warren Street, NEW YORK. Comprising all Branches of the Business as represented in the CUSTOM AND READY MADE nEP AIITIIENTS OF Men's Boys'& Children's CLOTHING. SHIRTS Of the Celebrated AMERICAN YOKE PATTERN, WITH Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Of every Description. OUR SPECIALTIES FOR SPRING IN NEW GOODS ARE : Cassimere Snits, entire, $lB 00 Spring Overcoats, $l2 00 Fine Dress Frock Coats, $lB,OO m'ch 24-3 in DEVLIN .1. CO. ASSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court or the rotted States for the Weetern Dietriet of Pennsylvania : In the matter of In Bankrnpcy. Wm. L. Post, a bankrupt. To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint went as anelenec at W. L. Post, of New Milford boro, in the co. of Susq'a. and State of Penns, lv.mia. within .aid District. who Pas been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Conn of said District. A. 11. Ma:ULU:AL Assignee. Montrose, march 31, 156.-3 w 1868. SPRING OPENING. 1868. EYRE & LAPIDELL I POCATU AND ARCH STREETS, ?II IL A DELPIIt ♦. NEW SPRING SILKS. NE t STYLE SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN DR ESS GOODS. STEEL AND PEARL POPLINS. B. & L. always keep the BEST BLACK SILKS. N. A —Nett Cash Buyers will find it to their Interest to call, as Bargains trout Auction arc daily recelectl. march 24, 1661.-6% • NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY This is to give notice, that on the 25th day of :March. A. D. less. a warrant in bankruptcy era s leetted against the estate of Chas.:lt Simmour.of tirent Bend, tsusq'a co. Penn'a who has ben p a yment bankrnpt, on hie own petition; that the f any debt and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any prope tv by hint are for- bidden by law. That a meeting of the credi ors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be hold at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be heldat No. SO3 Ladkarianna Avenue, Scranton. Pennsylvania, before Edwar. N. Willard, Register, pre tee 51th day Of APrP.IBBB, at 10 o'clock, ut. 03. Tll A—ROWLEY. 11. A. Marshl. -7 p lieseetwer. Weston DIM a Pa. ' Mare% 11,16011.--4 MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S IMPROVHD HAIR RESTORER 70a.mcrcriri ‘ test HAIR DRESSING, NEW STYLE IN ONE BOTTLE, iWill quickly restore Grey Hair to.tts natural eolot and beauty. and produce luxuriant growth: It Is pho. I fectly harmless, and la watered over every ether pre patio too by those who have a Ilea bead of bah% as wan as those who wish to reatoro it. The beantiflll sloes and perfume Imparted to the Hatt inalitesit Wile able for old and young. • For Sale by all DrawslaU6 IMOT, 198 GREENWICH BT.. N. T. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Feb.lB,lBoB-1y SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue cf certain write Issued by the Coast of Com mon :lets of Susquehanna County, and to me claret - led, I will expose to sale by public vendna. at the Court-house. in Montrose. on Friday, April 17,186 x, at 1 o'‘iock, P. M., the following described plecesor parcel/of lend, to wit : All that plec.2 or parcel of land situate In New Miltbre town ship, end bounded as follows : On the northeast by land- of Cords:A Wood and Wm. Smith warrant, nitrthward by lands of Chas. Brash, on the southwest by lauds of John sparks, E. 9. Pratt and I. W. Doolit• tie, and southeast by lands formerly owned by Linechb h ell, c,entainlng abont 200 acres, more or less, about 75 acres improved, one frame house and two balms.—.-• Arse, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate Ist New dritfrirci and Great Bend townships, in the Warren tee name of Wm. Smith, coutalnin" 400 acres of land, Inure or less.— Ate°, 20 acres of the "Grabbara lot," so celled. north end adjoining the above described land both of above lots being lard contracted. by Defenliant ore. S. Bennett, by contract dated July let, 1886, one steam saw mill, shingle mill, lath mill, three houses and one barn.— Also, all that certain piece or parcel of laud situate In New Milford township, being the the northwest part of lot No. 67; of John Boyle's re MU , vey of the Wharton lands, being all of saidlot except 50 acres of the southeast side of the same. heretofore sold to Pierce & Sutherland, andcontainlng 86 acres and 45 perches of land, and 13 acres 115 perches off the southeast end of lot No. 70, of the same survey, to. be cut off by running parallel tine to the southeast of said lot, making in both pieces, 100 acres of land or thereabouts. —Also. all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the townshi of New.lflls.rd, bounded and described us follows: Beginning at a beech tree, an original corner, thence by lands of Lancaster Jenniage north 41 degrees west 54 perches to a post and moues, thence by lands of Enoch Smith. north 46 degrees east. 8034 perches to a poet, thence by land surveyed to Jo. seph Rice south 52 degrees east, 20 and nine tenths Wu cites, hemlock emcee, north 713*" east, 9 perches to a pc-t. and north 4'3;4* cr.st. 12 nud four tenths perches, to /1 point in the highway leading 'from :New Milord to Jackron. thence along said highway south 561(• east 31:4 perches. to an iron driven in said road, thence by said Rice's lot north 40 degrees Cast, LW perches. to a post And steers. them:el:li land formerly in possession ofth,lain Peter Pale. deceased, south 44' east, 80 per then. to a post out. stones. and south 40• west 84 per ches. t./ point in Lid reed , thence along sa id road south r..0..1:• east, 47 perches, to a point on the bridge, thence by la , .ds formerly in posse/1310n of Leonard Comr.e. south 41' west 110 perches, to a corner, and soot it 2flle west. 01 perches, to post and stones, thence by land formerly .n nossees'on of the late S. H. Wllliame north 44' wes:, 160 perches, to a post and stoneenhence by lands of Lancaster Jennings north 46' east 893( per ches to the place of beginning, excepting, and reserving therefrom. the following described pareels of land : First. all that parcel eontainine about 4 acres heretofore granted to Anson Hall; eecond - , all that parcel bontatn. tng about 25 acres. conveyed to O.P. Tallman; third. all that parcel covering saw mill, pond and mill privilege. 'containing 22 acres. end all that parcel of Ladd contain• lot abottt acres conveyed to • parties unknown. inv tug shoot 115 ne.esof land with the appurtenance,. Ma frame house, I frame barn. and about 100 ACTH' hisprov• ed.—Apo. all that certain piece or parcetoriandlidt• este in the township of New Milford.; bounded anM. scribed as follows to wit : Commencing in the centi of the highway cord joining land of John F. Adams, thence along..t lie •aid mad north 123 e east, thirty Eve and one half Ir. relies. thence by same north 16Weast, twenty perches, to the line of A. Wa ida. thence north 4334 x• west, 178 perches, thence south 46' west 163 per• clae,. thence south 15,74•eutit 207 perches. theneftmorth 45,ti• rust 110 percher to the place of beginning. itbeing the lot kn me as ti. Olentt lot, containing eta sem. o f hind. anti (ontracted be E. A. Pratt to Raba Walworth, March 2.5. 1!,05 —ALSO, all that certain piste or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of N. Milford. Ps .1 tendril rind described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of John sparks, on the west by lands ofJereminh Baldwin and S. N, Moore, on the .oath by lands of I..ancuster Jennings. on the east by lands of John T. Williams and Conklin Hart. it being the a tme Tutor land commonly known SG the M at h ew 'll thrill. containing about 12Ct scree of land more or lees, nearly all improved. two framed booties* five barns, fee i I tees, ac. (Taken in execution at t e salt of Da vid Mathews vs. Ruins Walworth.) ELTE=I All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying', and being In the towneh fp of Liberty, Sthoquehanna county. l'a bow ded and described as follows towit! On the north by lands or-Allard. on the east by k..nda of S. S. Chatn plin, - deceased. on the southbylanda of B.'llatch, and on the trust by lands of Asa A. Fit and John Firh. containing, 75 acres. one house. barn, paring orchard, and nearly ail improved.. [Takeo) I , e execution at th. suit of D. A. Latiarl.,p, vs. E,dwaril llnestcs.] -A L.S 1 - All the derendant's interest in lard in Ellyn Lake township. Pa.. bounded and described ss follows, to wit : tni the mirth by lands of Daniel Connoy, E. LB. Riley, cast by lands of N. Tierney. south: by hafted' Thos. Heavy, west by lands of John Murphy, contshio ing about 60 acres, all improved. one bowie anG two barns. (T■ken in execntiou at the suit of D. D. Linds. ley vs. Michael Driscoll - ALS 0 -... All flea certain piece or parcel of land situated in the township ot Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, Penn sylvania, bounded as folios e, to wit ; On the north by the Geo. Feseeuden farm end by lands of Ezra Beebe. ea. t by lands of noses S. Tyler. south by leLds ofYun. Kelly, and we t by tends of R. B. Little. containing lig acres. more or lees. lT ken in execution at the suit of Wm. L. Post S Cu., to the use of Hutchinson lb Co. vs. N. I. Peet. 9, F. LANE, She:lff. Sheriffs Office, Montrose, 31arch 17, 1868. NOTICT IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to give notice that en - the 14th day of masa A. D.. 1:‘,1.5. a warrant in bankruptcy was leaned against the estate of Michael Doyle, of suaq'a Depot, Bus• quellannia county, Pennsylvania, who has been adjodg• ed a h.inkrupt, on his o‘% a petition; that the payment of any debt .ttol delivery of any property belonging to mien Ilankrupt. to him ur for his time, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a Meeting of the creditors of maid bankrupt, to prey* their debts. and to choose one or more ensign' esof his estate, will lie held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be held at 30.3 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Moore Ed word Mei/tater, on the llth day of April, 1: , 456, at 2 o'clock, p. m. THOS. A. ROWLEY, U.S. Marshal as Messenger, Western Dist. of rs. m'ch 21-4 TO THE LADIES Dr. D.uponeo`a Golden Periodical Pitia for ranges Dr. Checaeman's Female Pills. Da. Velpan'e Female Pills. blrJames Clark. Female Pills. 1. All of the above Pllle are infallible in cerreetlng menatrnal irregularities, and In curing LOOCtOrrea Or Whites. Tiler are successful as preventives—butshonld not be nee.) during pregnancy, as they wonld_produos abortion, Price, one dollar per box, each. The drpt two kinds named sent by mad, to any addrefs, poitafe paid, In he.:IIICIL envelope, on receipt of one d ollar Or each box o:timed. The latter two kinds, beintinglage. and heavy, will be sent by mail, postage paid, on &lib r eceipt of one dollar and twenty cents. .A.ddreaa ABEL T °DRELL, Druggist, Moutross,Ps, RANKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. 1 , In the Model Conrt or the United States Ow the weg tern Di.trict of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Thor. Don lin, 2d, n bankrupt. f ln liankill " . Tn Whom if racy Concern: • The rindereltmed hereby gives nodes of Ws Teta. meat Araigneo of Tboo. %I of ntnua township, In the 'minty Of SnequeharknAnd Otat• of Penn4ylvanta, within Bald dlstrlet. who itscbsels Judged a bankrnpt upon his 9wil_Dettflos by Sheastalal Conn of Bald District. Dated Yob. 14111. • • • • altO:P. Tdcntroae. April 1,18.14.--11 w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers