A NEW PROGRAMME. On and after the first day of April next, all Goods sold by us at retail, will be for READY PAY ONLY. — ear Stock of Flour, '7ifeal, Feed, Salt, Lime, „Cement, Groceries, Provisions, Wooden - and- Stone Ware, Notions, Will be pnrchased In large quantities (or cash, from first hands, at the lowest market price. Etch article will he marked in plain figures at the smallest possible profit,. and no deviation in prices. The times demand such a system, and we believe it will he for the benefit of both seller and purchaser With many thanks to our numerous friends for their liberal patronage under their old order of business, we 'shall in eke it for their interest not to desert us under the new. All having accounts on our hooks will do a favor by settling the same by C4Bl/ Sr Note without farther no , tics New Milford, 'March 10, 1568.-6 m LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS. On and alter March 10th 1868, GA" Cip CDO 3CO Sold for Ready Pay only. GEO. lIATDEN. New Milford March 3d. 1868.-3 w P. 11.—All persons indebted by note or book account will please settle without further notice. OEO. HAYDEN. LOOM FOR FARMERS. iNDUSTRYftniI ECONOMY—the road to wealth. The Paruier raises nil the material to clothe his family. Why should he sell that material and buy it back again, paring the manufacturer a large profit and four or five adaitlonal profits. besides transportation charges. Government taxes. sc., all of which he could save. amounting to half the cost of hts store goods. each year by making his own goods at home, which is now made easy by Mendonhall'e Improved Self Acting Hand Loom. It is the most simple and reliable Loom ever inven ted. IV,II make a greater variety cf goods with less power than auy other loom. All the operations of weaving are performed by simply turning a crania. From I:1 to 0n yards of Jeans or Satinet, and from 20 to Bof Linsey sc., can be woven per day. ' By late Improvements Rag Carpeting can be rapidly woven with the Fly shut tle. weaving from 20 to 23 yards per day. This loom will furnish prodiahle employment in ev ery neighborhond in weaving cloth and carpeting for oustomers. Forcircnlars, price Bat. and satgplea of cloth woven on the loom, address, with stamp, A. B. GATES &, Co., Philadelphia. Pa. March 10-3 m. OfDeo 29. North 13th st. REEVES' AMBROSIA MI Or IFt. TIM= ZECAILXIILy IMPROVED ! It is an elegant dressing for the hair. It causes the halt t 0 curl beautifully It keeps the Scalp clean and healthy It Invigorates the roots of the heir It forces the bait and beard to grow luxuriantly It Immediately stops hair failing out It keeps the hair from changing color from age It restores grey hair to its original color It brings oat hair on heads that have been bald for years. It is enmposed entirely of simple and purely •egeta ble substances. It has received over six thousand voluntary t estimo nt^lo of its excellence, many of which are from phy bi ciftne in high atasiding. It Is sold in half pound bottles, (the name blown In the glass) by drug:v.ls and dealers in Fancy Goods er erym here. at. one dollar per bottle. Wholesale by De nise Dernes. Co,; F C. Wells th Co.; Schiefrelin Co. New York et - Liticon. hed NI ' r and f t.° . a !' ri t g r Zi ll t n'anacilra':t having useor sr l o e si tt oc l 7 the public are cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account. as I will pay no debts of her con tracting after i tits d a le. Brooklyn, March 14,1663' 0 3 E. G. BROWN. TAIiE ON TICE. . Thou . ..haring unsettled accounts on our 'Books will please call and arrange the same without de.ny. b. H. SAYREL BROS. Mani:LlG, 1069. Read This. • IT Se a year since we discontinued Masin ess and vited our customer• to settle their ammo IS. We sly to those who have neglected our cell, that unless they attend to it very soon, we must resort to means uhlch will he unpleasant to us and unprofitable to them. We must have payment. WILSON. GRIFFIS g WARNER. Montrose, March 24, 1868 —tf TIEGRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL, A- , For sale by ABEL ITIRRELL ABEL TURRELL, Druggißt, Mont rose, has an ALMANAC for 1863, for er e ry Family to Snstinehatwa county, Gil/LT[9. Please call or send anl get It. [Feb4-11 LIQUORS An extensive assortment o . pure Liquors for medics pur embracinz nearly every kind in market, con tt band and for sale by ABEL TURRELL. 3E'' ColCr1V11:0 I Tnz greatest cure for ilheumatism, lameness. sore- Left, itc.,ls the Great English Sweeny specific Lin iment. Bead on a rappers what it has dune in Susq'a county. It has cured the lame and afflicted immediate ly. Don't fail to try it. Price, 50 cts per bottle: Sold by Abel Turrell, Burns Lt Nichols. and all storekeepers or druggists. If it does not give satisfaction, return the bottle half full and your money will be refunded. D. G. GARSY CO.. Middletown, N. Y.. Feb. 1, 1868 To Horsemen. Don't let your Horses go lime, sore or ntliected ; go to the etore and buy Carey'is Greet English Sweeney LIM- Inent,as it never fails to give satinfaction. D. G. CAREY & CO., • Middletown, N. Y. Feb.l, 1368 TW ELVE YEARS REPUTATION hag proved Dr. EDWARDS' Tar, Wild Cherry and Cough Syrup ! s The m c ol ds tencceerfnl rtio Ilik o cd a ci e n n e es t p ti . nA r e hm o, a. In ° fine g riza,l37on ', chit's, Whooping Cough, etc. Sold gsTE . Dp .c hr . s.l . I p D e :m b gjij e ts . . Prier.2opi.ro.v, The Montrose Democrat ?trISLISEIED EVERT TUESDAY MOTIRTNG, AT MONTROB* SVaiteTEIIANNA COUNTY. PA., ET GrI3RRITI9ON, AT E 2 Pt= ANNUM 11/ ADVANCE-0B E 2( AT =ID 07 YEAR. Business advertisements Insetted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three times,and 25cts for each additional week'. Yearly ad veraers, with usual changes, charged $lO for four squares, quarter column $l5, half coluton $3O, one colutnn $OO. and other amounts inexact proportion, Business cards of three lines, $3; or one dollar a line. ear'LeTal notices at the customary rates,—about 60 per cent. in addition to business rates. Into Printing executed neatly and promptly et, fair prices. Deeds, Mortgages, Note.. Justices', Constable ° School and other blanks for sale. Paprziads s Omani • M:my= pENNINGTON MALE SEMINARY, and Female COLLEGE, near Trenton, Jew Jersey. A Boarding-Schiool for both at, Xe!, long established and of hieh grade, a ming earnestly to excel in attention to the education, the morals, the home comforts and the health of the student. Terme moderate. Address the Rev. T. HANLON, A. M. Pennington, N. J. POOK AGENTS WANTED—for Dr. William smith's Dictionary of the Bible—Written by seventy of the most dietinguiahed Divaies of Eu rope and America. Illustrated with over 125 steel and wood engravings. In 'olio large Octavo=.volume.— Price 54. The only edition published in America, condensed by Dr. Smith's own hand. We employ no Ceucral Agents and offer rxtra inducements to Agents dealing with us. Send for descriptive circulars. and see our terms. J. D. BURR CO. Publishers, Hart ford, Conir.... AGENTS WANTED for the " TORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN the STATES," Its Cantles, Character, Conduct and Results, by Hon. ALMNDETt H Elroverm. Its official character and rea dy sale, corabin ed with an increased commissionmake it the beat subscription book ever pnblished. Send for Circular?' and sea our term, and a NB description .of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philudetphia, Pa. H. GARRATT & SON AGENTS WANTED for a Book end titled 4 ' A PICTVAS OF THE DESOLATED STATES," and the work of Restoration. Every voter needs it be fore Nod Mi. Freight, largest commissions. and a prtlnium of POO paid. For particulars address L. STEBBINS, Dartford, Conn. A MATEUR CULTIVATOR'S GUIDE to the Kitchen and Flower Garden, now ready. A descriptive work of 140 pages, fully illustrated with a beautiful colored plate end 100 engravings, contain in,. a list of over 500 varieties of Flower and Vegeta ble Setil.; tali., 150 varieties af the choicest French Ur. brid Gladiolus. -All the novQtles, both of the Flower and Vegetable, for 1888, will be found described In the above work: Tastefully bound in cloth. 2 c .lored platen. prlce,Vont paid. 50 cents ; in paper covers, post paid.. 2.3 eta . 'Address WASHBURN CO., llorticultu• ral h all, Boston, Mass. RED JACKET AXE. COLBURN'S PATENT. TRIED AND NOT FOUND WANTING. We Claim it will cut Tw•ntu Five (25) per cent. moreeord ;rout per day than 4ny ether axe Made McKeesport., Dec.,l9, 1867. Messrs. Lippincott 4 co. Sire :—I have fully tried your Patent Axe and and that !Lis all that you claiin for it. It will chop faster than any other Axe that I ever saw, and leaves the wood without sticking at all. I would not chop three days without one for the cost. I need not say any more, for any man that tries one will oe satisfied. Wu. H=as. CAUTION: The Axe and the Label are both patented. Infrin gers on t hese patents will be prosecuted according to law. Venders or dealers. and persons using any in fringement, are liable witti .he maker of the infringe ment. For Sale by all Dealers and Man ufacturers. LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, (SUCCBIIBOIOS TO LIPPINCOTT, lv Co.) . _ Sole Owners of the Patents, PITTSBURGH, Pa. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. THROUGH LINE TO O ALYFORNIA., Via. Panama or Nicaragua, Ea!ling from Sow York March sth and 25th ; April 51h, 15th, and May sth, 13th and 251 h. With New Steamships of the First Class. Passage Lottier than any other Line. For further infarmatiOn address the undersigned at 117 WEST ST., LEW YORK. D. N. CARRINGTON, Agent. TELE CELEBRATED 43E10 ter!! C)ragEtr-IL WITH VOX ETUBIIELIVO. STOP. Pronounced by all who hare heard it the most natural and beautiful imitation of the HUMAN VOICR ever yet introduced. ESTEY S CO., Brattleboro, Vermont, the original InYentora and Manufacturers. 417 Broom° alma. N. Y.; 7 West Fayette at Baltimore, Md.; 16 North 7th at., Phila ; 115 Randolph at. Chicago. altiu 3.bittrtistments. 0..1.7AN0. No. 1 Peru% lan Guano, Best Superphosphate, Pure Ground Bozic, Fish Guano, Fluster, Phosphate Guanos. S c. for sale by GEO. E. WIIITE. 150 Front et., Y. $1 r. p. .r day, sure. No money in advance. Agents w anted everywhere to sell oar Patent Ever lasttcg Metallic Clothes Lines. Address AMERICAN Winn Co., 161 Broadway, N. Y., 16 Dearborne st., Chi bago. IVA NTED.—SALESM EN to travel for a Mannfae -11 turing Company and pelby sample. Good wages are guaranteed. Address ' with stamp, HAMILTON HOWE, 413 Chestnut St,. Philadelphia, Pa. WHY. will you work for $3,00 per day andbe bossed round, when you can engage in an easy and lucrative business that will pay you from $4 to $6 a day or $2 per evening, if at leisure. Yon won't be sorry if you send 10 cents for fall particulars and sample. Address GEO. S. MELLEN, Lewiston, Me. 3333-I3 Tc'ers,tlkhfe W OR K IN G ech anlcs, Ladies, and everybody. liA SS -1 a F m a T u t Tt o w prepared to furnish you with constant employment at your homes—the whole of your time, or In vont spare moments. Businesanew, light and profitable. 50 cis. to 55 per evening easily earned by persons of either PCZ, and the boys and girls nearly as much as men.— Great inducements offered to those who will devote their whole time to the business, and. that every per• son who sees this notice may send their address and test the basiness for themselves, I make the following unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied with the business, I will send $l. to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, directions, &..c. sent freo. Sample sent by mail for 10'cts. Address E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Maine. 110 W the QUACKS EXTORT from their unfortunate patients. Quackery exposed— Bee " The Patient's Guido " It tells you bow to cure diseases of the 'generative organs. in bcth sexes. with simple. safe andreliabie Remedies, to be pr cured at any Drug