Vontrost ginuarrat. TUESDAY, *EMIL 7, 1808. Zacooerl X2a.teoll3geesa.fogeo. am Exhibition. Dr. Burleigh will give Another Exhibit tion, with ENTIRELY NEW Ext.Ennterms, on Thursday evening, April 9th, at the New Court Honed, Montrose. Admis sion only 25 eta.* A Card. R. S. F. Brown and family thank their friends on Brooklyn charge for their liberal donations, amccinting to s3l'7 ; and especially would thank the donors,amopg other " goodly', gifts," for the beautiful, warm and durable overcoat, that has been fully appreciated by their pastor the past inclement winter. Agricultural fleeting The Susquehanna County Agricultural Society wilt meet at the New Court lion.e, Montrose, on Tuesday Evening? April 14th, of First week of court. M. M. Mon, Sec. Prolific. This spring, a Sow, owned by L. B. mite/ l en, in Bride,ewater, bad a litter of is living pigs. Last fall the same Sow raked 11 fine pigs, one more than she had teats. A few such sows would stock the county. Seriously Injured. Mr. A. Fordbam, a painter by trade, on Thursday Carrie down on a coal train from Montrose statkia to this city. When at the Vonstorck mines, above Providence, the train'iwitched off on the Hampton mines track, and the engine and caboose left Mr. Fordham standing on the track. Thinking it possible to overtake the en gine he ran after it. While running, he fell into a cattle guard, and sustaiued se rious imjnries,,, breaking a rib and other wise bruising his person. He finally crawled out and'-made his way to his home in the Fourth ward, reaching it about 12 o'clock; ulna almost exhausted condition. - A portion of the distance he crawled on his hands and knees. Appli cation was made at two dwellings fur as sistance, 'which was rt'fused by the occu pants, and the only thing he could do was to crawl on the' best he could.—Scranton Register. Disaster at Scranton. ScßA\'robr, Ps., Mara 31-;--13y the break tog of a chain connected with the hoisting niaellinery at the'lliatnond Coal Mines In this city'this morning, a platform con taining, seventeen men was precipitated to t•ie bottom of the shaft, a distance of 185 fee ; ,Elet!eii were instantly killed,' one has since died, and, two more, it is thought cannot live.• They 'leave eleven widows kn 3 twenty-eight orphans. This is the moat 4 isaFArviin accident that.has occurred in the Lackatvana Valley coal fields fur many years. (iss Stamp, Duty. Under the Internal Revenue laws, let ters acknowledging the . receipt of eitht.r drafts, checks or money, exceeding twen ty dollars, are subject to a Ptatup duty of two cents, the same as if a formal receipt had been given for so much money. The fact is . sometimes forgotten, or is not known, even by good business men. List 'of Jurors Drawn for Apiil Term, commencing on Monday, April 13th, : GRAND JURORS. Auburn : Geo. W. Stebbins. Ararat.: Lewis Low. Bridgewater : I. B.Cole, G.H.. Bald win. Brooklyn : C. atkley, 0. A. Eidredge. Gifford : P. W. Pulaski, T. W. Reese. Great Bend : A. G. Bush, R. H. Bongo. Gt. Bend boro : Isaac Reekbow, G. T. Trowbridge. Gibson : Albert Walker, G. IL Wells, Williston Gelatt. Jessup : Samuel Horton. Liberty : J. C. Ives, S. B. Knapp. Lenox : Abram Churchell. Lathrop : Henry Williams, jr. Montrose : M. S. Dessaner. New Milford : H. C. Molloy. Oakland : George H. Lillie. Springville:, Wm.-H.. Gerritson. TRAVERSE JURORS-FIRST WEEK. . Auburn : Smith Tewksbury, William, White, John Tewksbary: Apolacon : Peter Clifford. Bridgewater: Kirby Bunnell, James Ca'ph, John Trumbull, Brooklyn : James Sterling. Clifford: Manson Pickering, George Graham. • Dirtied:: John. Young. - • Forest BirehartE - Gt. Bend : J. M. Green. B. B. Tuttle. Gibson : Hubbard Payne. Herrick : Granville Burns, Charles A. Harding, Harmon Corwin- Harmony : Benjamin Gardner. Jessup: Gen. H. ILovey. Lenox:- H.llarey, G.: W. Green. Liberty -L D. D. Terrell. Lathrop:l' Truman Bell., Middletown, Frank Keenan. New Milford: L. S. I verett. Rush : J. B. W. Granger, Geo. Harvey. Susq'a Depot: S:Falkenbery, P. Tait. Springville : Samuel Quick, William Hendrick. Silver Lake : Ehenszer Gage, BLJ. Hill. Thomson: John H. BhAndin,--:- TRAVERSE JURORS-SECOND, WEEK. Auburn : Wm. D. Shoemakerjr., Owen O'Neal. Apolacon : Wm. Craig, Chas. Regap. Ararat : J. N. &mile N.J. West. Brooklyn : C. Fairc hild,: G.W.Kent, Lao Van Auken. Bridgewater: J. F. Ordner. Choconut Edward Burke. Dandaff: William H. Slocum. Ditiock :S. S. Tylei;..: r. Franklin : Edivard L Beebe. Forest Lake : Austin B. Griffis. Friendsville i 'Jeremiah Hosford. Gibson : dames G. Bennett. Great Bend boro : Wm. S. Wolcott. Harford Carpenter. . Jt ssup : Sol. M'Keeby. Lenox : Luke D. Beunett. Liberty : A.P.Bailey, A.L.Soutb worth Montrose: C. N. Stoddard. Middletown : N. W. Barnum. J. Jones. New Milford : Benj. Sabina, J.W.Walk er, Nicholas Shoemaker. New,Milford boro: Oeo. McKenzie. Oakland: Wilbur Stoddard. Rusli Elisha Kinney. SuNquehanna - J. T. Cameron, B. Sher idan. , Springville : A.A.Root, H. K. Sherman. —The New Jersey Legislature has passed over the Goveuor's veto the bill rept:Mktg the consent of the State to the fourteenth atnendnieut to the Federal Constitution. —For some weeks past the conspirators at Washington have been in great trepi dation on account of the large influx of strangers. It turns out that they are only the advance • guard of hungry seekers of ter office under Ben Wade. —A teacher who, in a 6t of vexation, called her pupils a set of young adders, on bking reproved for hei languish, apol gized by saying, that she was speaking to thobejust commencing arithmetic. —Jay Cooke Says the Government bonds are held by people who are not cap italists. Then why do the capitalists ob ject to the payment of the bonds in green backs ? The statement is not true, for the reason that nobody ever knew a capi talist to take care of anybody's interest but his own. Tiii GREAT AMERICAN HAIR PRE ?station, valued at bottle and abroad, a real hair re storer or dressing (in one bootie.) A great triumph of !Menge. Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved (new style.) Ev ery druggist sells it,.; Price one dollar. mitml 24.4LIEILISLICALCIrM19{. In Rush, April 3d, by lld. H. H. Gray, Mr .1. W. I>tcyDr, of Anktirn, and Miss MARrne M. IlExualcKs, of Herrick, Brad. co. Pa. In Rush, March 26th, by Eld. H. H. Gray, M. CIIARLEi I.Aat;E, and Miss lIAHALA Surtitts, both of Susq. Co., Pa. lEfrigottces of tuarrtares and deaths published free of charge. uoitniriee published if paid for at the rate of fifty cents per hundred words. On the 13th of March, 1868, at his resi dence ni Herrick, Rev. %Vat. LATHROP, in the 70th year of his age. At Gt. Bend, March 31st, 1868, Mr. A I IIBROSE %V ATEmmaus; aged 69 years. clu ebtrtistuituts WE ARE JUST RECEIVING OUR NEW SPRING LtILLIITERY 3002E1, Dress Cassimeres, READY MADE CLOTHING. CALL'AD SE.t THEM. Guittnburg, Aostubaum to. Itcmtrizse, April 7.1568. - • TIMOTHY SEER, - PURE, For Sale by ABEL TCTIRELL Montrose, April 7,18118-3 ' II STATE OF A. L. SMITH, late of 41-% Liberty:. Susquehanna county, f'sk.,,dec'd. Letters of 'administration upon the estate of the above tamed ,dreedent hall? been granted to the Un dersigned. notice. le herebye ven to all persons indebt ed to - *aid estate to make mmediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present tbem dully authenticated- for settlement. W. C. SMITH, Julm'r. Liberty, April 7„.1868. STRAY COW. Strayed trona the subserlher in Dlmock 4 Corners. on April Ist. * =silted COW with .brovmetateAud dark horns. The hied teats very short. - Any person returning bet or giving information lea /dint. her recovery will be srdtsble rewarded. - LYMAN SMIRMAN, Maya, April 6,068-0. .. ... • itlibid.rlob. • SEM:III:NG POTATOES wAm.y.Goo j tacit, the best gaily variety, Itl.Cepez KJ bushel. WASON, one of the best late Wade, $1 1. 50 Perim . '. sk/so, half bra Agrevalro Calves. YOr e 4lO b 7 ''' , ., l -- - ':" CLIIIISTOPItEtt BYRNR. , April 7, Itl4s .4a;• lst. Josephs, Snag. co. Pa.. . t• - ' ' . I B ANKR7S ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Districtif Pennsylvania : In the ma tereit E. 11, Ro.:ers, tbankrupt. iln BankruPtcY* To Wow: IT MiT ONetras : The undersigned reby gives notice of his appoint k meet a s- assignee vg. H. Rogers, of Montrose. in the County of Sus ensure and State of Pennsylva nia. within said distriet, who has been adjudged a bankrupt neon his oeds_petition by the District Court of said District. Dated February 19. A. D., 1868. GEORGE P. LITTLE, Assignee. Montrose, April 7, 186.3.-3si BANKRUPT'S A RIGNEE. In the District Courrof the United States for the Western District of Pennstivania. In the matter of V.- In Banknote, Thos. Donna, 2d. a banterttlit. - 7b W7vm C. may ebneern - Thy tindersbmed hereby ;Welt 'notice of his appoint ment as Aterrrwe of Thos. Dorilin, 2d of Auburn township, in t onnty of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, within said districGwho has been ad judged a batikrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated Feb. 14th. ysa. - • GEO. P. LITT/4:, Assignee Montrose, April 7,1869.-3 w A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that S. 8. lotralls of Gib son, has made a voluntary assignment fig Me for the benefit of creditors. All persons indebtedeo said In galls are notin d to meet me at the Hound of said In galla in Gibson on Thursday, Friday amr-Saturday, April 2d, 3d. and 4th. tads, and on Thursday and Fri day of the three following weeks, for purpose of pay ment and dettlement. OLIN - F:R LATHROP, ',soignee Gibson, March 31, 1333 —4w, • raTcrtioe. FIVE subscriber having been appointed to take r charge JL of the Land Agencies of the lute Henry Drinker. Esq., will attend to the business connected therewith at hlu office In Munttose. Wit. LL COOPED.. Montrose, march 31, 1663.-2 T t r w m . ..f h t i h p e 1 1: toemtHreendrio for sale. n co r n v a i li n k; about OGIO well situated, in exe; dent cultivation, and fa one or the Best Dairy Farms in the County. For terms, etc., apply to the subscriber. Montrose, march 31, 16.68 W IL H. COOPER. CANAWACTA INSURANCE AGENCY, -AT- Susquehanna Depot, Pa. Representing fifteen Orpt class Fire Insnrance Co'e, with a combiro-d Capital of over 820,000,0001 ALCO THE Travelers' Insurance Company, of Hartford Ct. insuring against all kings of Acc.dente—cap. ital, $500.000 Guardian Mutual Life Insurnnee Co. of New York—assets securely inverted aod rapidly.. increasing, capital. 1,000,000 Hartford Live Stock Ins. Co., of Hartford, Ct., the " pioneer" Co. of America—capital, 500,000 Affording reliable protection to Farmers and owner, of Stock against 19 . sp by death or theft. I CAN and war.. make it fur the interest of all to in sure with me. Do not reek for CIFEJAP or Low rates irrespective of character or standing. CHEAP ts,Pnascr may he lik ened to self-rightonsuese—the more one has the worse off he is. REIVEMEEN DELAYS AVE DANGEROCS Applications by mall or otherwise promptly attended to. and satifact lon guarantied rirOdlee in Post Otbee, Susquehanna Depot, Penn. J. D. BARBER, Agent. March 31, 1849.—tf COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, CONSIGN YOL - ft Ashes, Beeswax, Beans, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Flour and Meal, Flax, Cotton, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stoles, Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, • Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Molasses, &c. TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant 444 & 446 Washington Street, NEW YORK CITY, And receive his weekly Price Current of Prodnceand Groceries—the mogeomplete Price Current published iu the United Mutes. Send for a Price Current. Martina Plateirand Cards furnished tree. sir Liberal advances made on consignments. Es tablished Ray Ist, 1800. First class References given when required. (march 81, 11368.-1 y A SSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of the United States for the Western Dietnct of Pennsylvania : In the matter of I.ln 13ankrupey. Wm. L. Post, a bankrupt. To whOot it may concern : . , The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint meat as assignee o' post, glNew3tilfordborn. In the co. of iinsq'a_ and State of Pennselvania. within said Dietriet, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition bythe District Court of said District. A. U. McCOLLUM, Assignee. Montrose, march 31, 1868.-3 w B ANKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. In the district Court of. the United Staten for the Western district of Penns:vivant* : In the matter of newton A. Lane, *Bankrupt.) iankra r t 7 - Toets.wnost IT KAY CONCESN Thetindendgnedgires notice of hie appointment ail assignee -of Newton A.Ltrne of Montrose in the County of tinsqueluruna, State of POUfw9irmala within wild district; who has been adjudged* banit.npt upon his own petition in the district Court of said district. Da ted D1446101=A. H. IIicCOLLUX. Kentrose. sutra 1.111,'11118. • Motu*. ivitawxo;iospodo THE LATEST 'NEWS, Ton very high prices of Goods will be Impeached by the arrival and sales of a largo as d well selected Stuck of Guoda at JAS. R. DEWITT it CO'S. Consisting of Plain and Fancy Dry Goods. such as Prints, De'nines, Brocades, Oingnams, Swiss and Cambric inns line, Douce, Edgings at:d Dress Trim things. brown Shootings, Shirt ing.bleuched & unbleached. Ticktkrs, Denims, 'Stripe and Check Shirtings, a great , C. Hen. tucky of cluths, ssfmeres, Vestings, CU. tucky Jeans, 'Lis cede and bummer Pants iettarfur man and boy's wear. Also, a good assortment of Straw, Pelt, and Soft Bats, and cloth Caps—Boots and Shoes—Fine Grocer ies of all kinds—and a splendid assort• meat of Crockery and Wooden Ware, &c. &c. Having bought onr stook of Goods daring the last de cline to prices, we feel confident that we can soft them at prices to suit everybody. WE DON'T INTEND TO BE UN DERSOLD An kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goode at market prices. A quantity of Ashton's DAUB( SALT for sale by the sack, bunt' or pound. The beet of Kerosene Oit—a splendid Syrup. and good Molawms, that won't fail to suitoustomers tu price and quality. flaring made arrangements to forward Butter this season, we hare aiocured a lot of new, clean Butter Fans for the purose. We will send to good and re ,pnnslble men. alto will make sic g od sales as any in the city, and prompt. returns. Farmers can know at what prices their Butter seLs by reference to our re turns aa fast ac we {r . t. them. We wilt cell them goods tic cheap as any one else, and pay them money on their sales of Butter as they may want it. JAS. B. DEWITT. PERRY BARNHART Montrose, march 24, 1668. DEVLIN ek, CO. EXTENSIVE CLO THING HOUSES, Broadway, cor. of Grand Street, AND Broadway, cor. Warren Street, NEW YORK. Comprising all Branches of the Business as represented in the CUSTOM AND READY MADE DEPARTMENTS OF Men's Boys'& Children's CLOTHING. SHIRTS Of the Celebrated AMERICAN YOKE PATTERN, wrru Geitlemen's Furnishing Goods Of every Description OUR SPECIALTIES FOR SPRING IN NEW GOODS ARE: Gassimere Snits, entire, $lB.OO Spring Overcoats,_ $l2 00 Fine Dress Frock Coats, $lB.OO m'ch 24-3 m DEVLIN & CO. G ET YOUR DEEDS. An persons ,owning Deeds, Mortgages, or other doc uments which were left at this office for record before January let, 18els, are requested to call, pay charges. if any, and take them away before or during next Court.. J. F. SMORSIAKER, Recorder. Recorder'. Office, Montrose, March 24, lbne.—aw To MI whom It may Concern : Whereas, my wife Elsie Ann Smith, having if ft my bed and board without any just cause or provocation,! hereby forbid al: persons harboring or trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. 11 MU( B. 8/111T11. Bridgewater, march 18, 1868.-3•m2.1 1868 SPRING OPENING. 1868. EYRE & LANDELL, FounTH AND ARCH STREETS, PUIL•DELPEII•. NEW SPRING SILKS. NE STYLE SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. STEEL AND PEARL POPLINS. E. It L. always keep the BEST BLACK SILKS• N. B.—Nett Cash Buyers will find it to their Interest to call, as Bargains from Auction are daily received. march Si, P.468.-6wa NOTICE , IN BANKRUPTCY. This Is to give notice; that on the 21th,day 01 March, A. D. 1663, a warrant In bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Chas.St Slmmons.of Great Bend, base's co. Peon's, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on hie own petition ; that the payment of any debt and delivery of -my property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his nee. end the transfer of any propo tv by him are for bidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt to prove their debts. and to choose one or more assignees of hie estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be held at No. 3e3 Lackawanna Avenne, Scranton. Fehnsylvanla. before ,Edwar • N. Willard, Register, oft the Sith day of liprif, fehlii, at 10 orehxli, a. ZD. TEIOd; XRDWLSI.; II S. Marshal as Nesecoger, Wasters Dist. ra. Mareb St SHERIFF'S SALES. BT virtue of certain write issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County. and to me directed. I will expose to sale by public vendee, at the Court-house, In Montrose. on Saturday, April 11,1868. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in La throp township,county of Susquehanna, and Sigte Qf Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : On the rourtheast and south by lands of E. & T, Bell, and on the west by lands of Elizabeth, Case, containing a bout ono fourth of au acre, with the appurteuances,one two story dwelling house, and all Improved. [Taken In execution at the suit of Nicholas Marcy to the use of It. C. Vail, vs. W. C. Richmond. -ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Rush, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, hounded and described as fo.lows, to wit : Qn the north by lauds of Orange Maynard, on the ear.l by lands of W. 11. Duel, on the south by lands of John Hillis es tate, on the west by lands of Racbael Mulford, contain ing about 20 acres and all improved. [Taken In execu tion at, the suit of E. C. llnwers vs. Q. 11. Dewers. -ALSO - All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the town hip of Auburn, Susquebittina co. Penn'a bounded and described as follows, to wit 1 On the north by lands of Widow Reynolds, on the east b y lands of Wm. Don- Lin, on the west by lands of Wen. Bennett, containing a bout 30 acres, one house, etc. [Taken in execution at the suit of C.D. Lathrop vs. Thomas Daunt/. 2d. -ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate Id the township of olives Lake, Susquehanna county, Penn'a, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the n rah by lends of Thos. Rogers. fld, on the east by the old turnpike road, on the south by laud of Thostßogers. and on the west by the Lake; all improved—one small house, one small barn, fruit trees, ae. [Taken in exe cution at the butt of Jeremiah Buckley Yd. Edward Ber nell. -ALSO - All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Liberty, Susquehanna county, Penn's. bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of B. Southworth, on the east by laude of J, Gage, on the youth by Intl% of M. Mclieay, on the west by Muds of 4 Pdurphy,eontaining about 145 acres.be the same more or less,and about 40 acres improved, with one small house. (Taken in execution at the suit of Joseph Webster ye. James C. Lteynolds. METIO All that carts% piece or parcel of land situ ate lying and being in the township of Lathrop. Susquehanna county, Pa.. houndedand described as follows, to wit: On the north by public highway leading from Glen wood switch on the D. 1.. & W. Lt. R. to Glenwood, Pa. on the east by lands of W. Clark, deceased, on the south by lands of Halstead & Gibbs, on the west by lands of the 1 , . L. 1h W. R. it. Co,. containing about forty Ave acres, mostly improved, with one frame dwelling house. `Taken in execution at the suit of U. L. Heisted vs. Ez ra Smith.] -ALSO All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the township of Burford, county of Susquehanna and state of Pennsylvania. bounded and descrtben as follows, to wit Begs . sing In the centre of the Gt. Bend and Phil adelphia and Cit. Bend Turnpike, thence along the same south thirty nine devre,, es east, three rods and nineteen links, thence by land belonging to the estate of N. W. Waldron, north sixty one degrees east. sixteen rods to a stake, thence by the same north thirty degrees west, three rods and twenty links, to a stake in line of land of C. C. Edwards. thence by the same south sixty one degrees west, sixteen rode and fourteen links. to the place of beginning, containing. sixty two rods of land, be the same more or less, being the same piece or par cel of land hereto Tore conveyed to Betsey M. Tiffany by N. W. Waldron, by deed dated the Ist day of March. 1862. with the appurtenances, one house, barn. fruit trees, &c. [Taken in execution at the suit of Milburn Oakley to the use of C. C. Edwards we. Betsey M. Tif fany, Admiuistratrix of Alonzo M. Tiffany, deceased, and the said Betsey M. Tiffany. -ALSO MI that certain piece or parcel of land lying and be ing in the township of Herrick. Suequehanna county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit ning at a punt and stones in the west corner of James Coon's lot, and In the line of Ithamer Mott's land, thence along the line of said Mott's land, north forty five (45) degrees west two hundred and' 74 and 7 tenths larches, ton post and stones standing in the line of a and in the name of John Cadwalder, thence along said line north forty six (49) degrees part, one hundred and sixteen and five tenth perches, to a beach corner, thence along the line of a tract of land in the warrantee name of Alexander Nesbit, south (41) forty four degrees east, two hundr d seventy four and seven tenths per ches, to a hemlock corner, and thence along the said Coon's line south forty six (4a) degrees west, one hun dred sixteen and five tenths perches, to the beginning. containing two hundred acres, more or less, It being the same recorded in deed book No 91. page 814, &c., in the office for recording deeds for the county of Sus quehanna, Pa. [Taken in execution at the milt of So phia Lauterman, use of Wm. F. Warden vs. 11. W. Drown.) -ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the borough of New Milford. Susquehanna county Fa., bounded ar.d descnibed as follows. to wit : Beginning at a post In the back line of the village lots. it being the north east corner of Albert Wellman's lot, thence by said Wallman's board fence, north 42 degrees west. 3 perches. to a turn in the said fence, thence by the same north 57:4 degrees west. 5 and nine tenths per ches. to a piece of iron drove In the ground for a corner, 26 Inches east of the north east corner of the Blasdell house. thence by the north end of the said ho se and picket fence north 56 degrees west. three and seven tenths perches, t' a piece of Iron in the cround on the east side of the old turnpike road, thence,along the east side of said road, north 5 and one half degrees, to line of lot conveyed to Alvah Quick, in range of the north side of Carpenter's shop, t hence along the north side of said shop south 53 and one half degrees east. about 7 perches, to a corner in the centre of creek, thence a'ong tLe centre of said creek south 40 degrees east. about 8 and three tenths perches, to a point in the- middle of the creek, and in the sale back line of the village lots, and thence by land of E. A. Pratt, and Harvey Griffin south 4M degrees west, to place of beginning, contain ing 25 perches, all Improved, with foundry building &c. (Taken in execution at the snit of Daniel C. Meeker vs. C. F. Meeker.) -ALSO The following on Friday, April 17th, 1863, at one o'- clock, p. m. : All that piece or parcel of land situate in New Milford township, and bounded as follows : On the northeast by land- of Cortland Wood and Wm. Smith warrant, northward by lands of Chas. Brush, on the southwest by lands of John Sparks, E. Pratt and I. W. Doolit tle. and southeast by lands formerly owned by Lincoln Ilan. containing about 200 acres, more or less, about 75 acres Improved, one frame house and two barns.— ALso, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in New .Milford and Great Bend townships, In the warran tee name of Win. Smith. containing 400 acres of land, more or less.—ALSO, 20 acres of the " Grahhana lot," so called. north end adjoining the above described land both of above lots being Ia• d contracted by Defendant of C. S. Bennett, by contract dated July let, lea', one steam saw mill, shingle mill, lath mill, three houses and ontibare.—Atso. all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in New Milford township, being the the northwest part oflot No. 67, of John Boyle's re sur vey bf the Wharton lands, being all of raid lot except 50acres off the southeast side of the same. heretofore sold to Pierce & Sutherland, and containing 86 acres and 45 perches of land, and 13 acres 115 perches off the southeast end of lot No. 70, of the same survey, to be cut off by running a parallel line to the southeast line of said lot, making In both pieces, 100 acres of land. or taereaboute.--Also. ail that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the townahi of New Milt.rd, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a beech tree, an original corner, thence by lands of Lancaster Jennings north ti degrees west 54 perches to a poet and stones, thence by Fantle of Enoch Smith, north 46 degrees east, 50m perches to a post, thence by land surveyed to Jo. seph Rice 'meth 52 degrees east, 20 and nine tenths per ches, hemlock stump, north 7136• east, 9 perches to a post. and north 4334' east. 12 and four tenths perches, to a point in the highway leading from tow Milford to - Jackson. thence along said highway south 5.31 e east 9136 perches. to an iron driven in said road, thence by said Rice's lot north 46 degrees east, 5134 perches, to a post and stones, thence by land formerly in possession of th. late Peter Page. deceased, south 44' east, Si) per t hes, to a poet and stones, and south 46' west, 84 per ches. ton point in Fuld road, thence along said road south 5336' east, 47M perches, to a point on the bridge, thence Wands formerly in possession of Leonard Cores, south 46* west 90 perches, to a turner, end south 2am• west, 61 perches, to post and Stones, thence by land formerly in possession of the late S. H. William" north 44' west, 160 perches. to a post and atones, thence by lands of Lancaster Jennings north 46' east 9934 per to the place of beginning, excepting, and reserving therefrom, the following described parcels of laud : First, all that parcel containing about 4 acres heretofore granted to Anson Hail; eccond, all that parcel contain ing Omar. 25 acres. conveyed to O. P. Tallman; third, all that parcel covering saw mill, pond and mill privilege. containing 21 acres. and all that parcel of (add contain leg about 22 acres conveyed to parties unknown: !Mrs, ing about 115 ac-es of land with the appurtenances, one frame house, I frame barn, and about 100 acres improv ed.—Atso. all that piece or pal of land uate in the township of certain New Milford. bou rce nded end de. scribed as follows to wit •. Cummencing. in the centre of the highway road ',lining land of John F. Adams, thence aloneithe road north 12M" east, thirty flee and one half pr relies, thence by same north 16, 1 4' east, twenty perches. to the line of A. Waldo, thence north 4334' west. 178 perches. thence south 46 west 163 per ches, thence south 45M" cut 207 perches, thence north 4ri34e east 110 perches to the place ofbeginning. It being the lot known as the Olcutt lot. containing 202 acres of land. and contracted by R. A. Pratt to Rufus Waiworth. March 23.1865.—A150, all that ce the in to rta iecship o e or parce N. of land situate, lying and being In wnf Milford. Pa .t minded end described at. follow's, to Wit : On the north by lands of John Sparks. on the west by lands of Jeremiah Baldwin and N, Moore, on the 'oath by lands of Lancaster Jenntnes. on the east by lands of John T. Williams and Conklln Rail. It tieing the time iota land commonly known Gather Mathew's (firm, containing about 120 acres of land more or less, neaylyall improvutl. two framed Onset, eve barn., frail tfiscsoltu. (Taken In exeenttetti st the sett Of De *l4 Mathews ye. Enfal Welerotth.) • lb - • All that certain piece or parcel of hind &Mate, JAM and being In the toWnShlp of Liberty, Bnignehann* county. Pa., boarded and described as follows town t On the north by lauds of-Allatd, on the east by lands of S. 8. Champlin, deceased. On the sough by /midi of B. Hatch and on the west by lands of Ais A. N* Y and John Fish, containing 73 acres, one horse on• barn, young orchard, and nearly all Improved. & t in in execution at thn atilt df D. A. Lathrop, vs. anestes.,l -eLSo All the defendant's interest In land In Sliver Lake township. bonndcd and described as fnllows, to wit : un the north by lands of Daniel Connoy, E. at Riley, enet by lands of N. Tierney, south by /endear Thos. Ream west by lands of John Murphy, contain. lug about. 60 acres. all improved. one house Inc t*. barns. [Taken in execution at the suit WPM D. Mader ley as. Michael Driscol.l —ALsO— that certain piece or parcel of lard situated le tile township of Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, Pellae syleauia, bounded as follow a, to wit ; On the nOrtkilty the Geo. Fessenden farm and by lands of ECM Beebk east by lauds of noses S. Tcler. outb by 'awls of Wm. Kelly, and we t by lands of R. B. Liure, containing 68 acres. more or less. aken in execution at the snit of Wm, L. Post 2C Co., to tho'nse of Hutaibion it Co. TI: N. I. P.it. S. P. LANE. Siert,: Sheriff's Office, 'Montrose. March i 7. ISGS. LCENIGE PETITIONS.-..iNOT/CR 1..? MUM by g.ven that in pursuance of an aft of Assembly the following named persons have flied their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Susquehanna for harass ter, keep tavern, eating houses, and Wadi by the meant . * in quantities not less than one quart, for which . they will apply at April Sessions, 1%8. TAVERN LICENSES. George W. Potter, Herrick; John Af ..geiers, Herrickr David Wilmarth, Lathrop ; Voorhees Cafferty, Lenox? lames 0. Bullard, Brooklyn, Geo. E. Present!Sn, Broke lye; Jererainh Stephens, Springville; S. A . Loom - Springville; P. E. Brush. Springville; G. W. Grigp„ Great Bend Borough; Miles Bradford, Great Bend Bute ough; Michael Kilron, Great Bend Boro'; Jacob Deckeri Jeasup; Charles .parse, Rush: N. D. Snyder, Rush; Ern.' ellueSaream, Great Bend Township*, John & Els W. Roberts, Clifford; A. Hubbard, qifford, • W. Gow; Harford; Joseph Gary. - Jackson; Charlet Af, Room Montrose; John S. Torben, Montrose; Henry J. John 4 son. Oakland; John Foster, Friendeville; Corneltns Decker Friendaville; Lyman Sherman. Dimock; A. 11. Ayres, Dundaff; Judson Stone 2d, Forest Lake_LPhll louder ?Money, New Milford Boro'; G. B. B. Wade Great Bend Township; Henry Hopper, New /Mkt& Born'; E. L. Ehinevault, Forest Lake; James Misr: Chblon: Louis Hammel, Suaq'a Depot; Enos Blotworkr &mg . & Depot: Wm. t•herwood, Raab; Defoe Roberti' Jackson; Ambrose Bens .n, Snag's Depot; Ellen 114: Tan, Silver Lake; Peter A. Allen, Aubtirtt. TO SELL BY MEASURE Abel Turrel, Montrose; Bunts & Nichols, Mcnittose; Foot 42 Very, Brooklyn; Wm. Irriendarillo;* Thomas Fernon, Suen's ; U. L. Lott, Auburty. EATING HOUSES. Mary Shehon. Great Bendßort.% Adolph Zorn, Snags Depot; U. E. crofat, Raeford ; Daniel Etrownlng. Dalt dna% Montrose, March 94,1868, NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to give notice that on the 14th day of Margie A. D., 1860, a warrant In bankruptcy was isstiedsgaiust the estate of Michael Doyle of Rugg's' Depot, Butt." quehanna county, Pennsylvania, who has been adjudg• ed a bankrupt. on his own petition ; that the payment of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to seen bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are lotbidden by law. That • meeting of the creditors of said tranttropt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or more assign' ea Of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to beheld at 803 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the 14th day of April, 1568, at 2 o'clock, p. m. THUS. A. ROWLEY, 11, S. Marshal, as Messenger, Western Dist. of Pa. m'ch 24-4 IN.OTICE ThrBANKIIUPTCY. This is to give notice, that on the 6th day or March, A. D. IS6.3—a warrant in Bankruptcy was it sued against the estate of Alexander Stevens,of Auburn Susqtichnnua Co., Pennsylvania, who has been adjadr ed a Bankrupt, on bla own prtition; that the payment of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer 'of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of.the creditors. of said Bankrnpt. to prove their debts. and to-choose one tar more assignees ot bin estate. will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be held at No. 3r.,1 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Penn sylvania, before EDWARD N. WILIAM.% Registeron. toe 6th day of April, 1862, at 2 o'clock. p. THOSsii. HOWLEY: - U. S. Marshal, as Me.isetiger. Western District of Pent*.. mar. 11-4ir NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to give notice that on the nth day Of 'Yards A D. 18458,2 warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued agalovt the estate oi W. J. Tinker and D. W. Hager, of New Milford, Susquehanna County. Pennsylvania. who have been adjudged a Bankrupt. on his own petition p that the payment of any debt and delivery of anyprillp ertv belonging to such Bankrupt, ti him or for hi. use, and the transfer of any properly by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said Bank rupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held nt a Court or Bank ruptcy, to be held at No $O Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pennvylvaidn. before EDWARD N. WIL LARD, ltegistcr, on the 7th day of April. ISt, at ten o'clock, A. M. THOS. A. ROWLEY, L 7. S. Marshal. as Messenger, Western District of P 4.121111., Merchant Tailoring. E. L. WEEKS le. CO. Have secured the services of a first class „Wi'reircrelcsea.3. Clutter.. and will re-open the Cn•tom Department of their*. tablintiment on Tuesday Oct. 22, where they will ►e prepared to make up to order, in the !West sod most fashionable styles, all kinds of Men's and Boy's Cloth. Mg. Particular attention given to OUTSIDE CUTTING; 1111TWanted, two experienced Pante and Veit 11a. kers. Montrose, Oct 21, teer. -tf TO TELE LADIES Dr. Duponco's Golden Periodical MIL fii Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills. Di. Velpan'a Femme Pills. Sir James Clark's Female Pills. All of the above Pills arettifallible to correcting menstrual Irregularities, and to raring Leuchortea or Whites. They are successful as preventives—butsbonld not be used during pregnancy, as they would_prOdate abortion. Price, one dollar per box, each. The first two kinds named sent by mail, to any address, postage paid, in sealed envelope, on receipt of one dollar for each box ordered. The latter two kinds, being fogies*. and heavy, will be sent by mail, postage paid, on MT reeelpt of one dollar and twenty cents. Address ABEL TURIIELL, Druggist, Montrose. Pa.. FURNITURE ESTABLISH— MENT eIF William W. Smith. The extensive Furniture' Establishment of William W. Smith . b ay i ng , been refitted and grea tip Improved, the proprietor respect fully announcer to the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty, that be Is constantly makinx and keeps on hand the largest aad best assortment of Fricrißt. r xixorrErami to be found anywher this side of Sew York City. Desks, Divans, Towelracks, Lounges, Footstools &0. , Center Lard, Pier, Toilet. Dining. Kitchen and extension tattles. 'r COMICS —Cane and Wundseat Rockers, Cane, Flag and Woodeeats of every variety and style. Sofas and Teta•a-tctes, furnished ou short notios.-- Cane sent chairs reseated. SPRING BEDS- A large assortment—theapest and best in the market Cane Seat Chairs, T sm now enabled to supple my customers with a new suhetantial cane sent chair, of home manufacture, which' will be found greatly superior to those formerly in market, and yctare sold at a less price. CA N.E.SEAT CHAIRS RE-SEATRD. Tfeady made coffins on bend or furnished at short notice. Ilearsealorsys in readiness If desired. I employ novo but vireo) andexpertenced workmenl I Intend to do my work well, and sell it as low Slide be afforded. WILLIAM W. SMITH. Montrose, Feb 18, 1688. &BEL TITRRELL'S STORE, • 3L• se Swat, to mai or ttpstraba. Geed.. ban sailer* G. B. ELDItED. Clerk,. B. L. WEEKS a CO.