Most Pemorrat 11616116111. MAUCH n, 1868. Lacteal XsaiteLll6o23l.o4s. Notice• All persons in the vicinity of Bridgewa ter Cheese Factory interested in the man ufacture of butter and cheese are reques ted to meet at the Factory on April Bth, 1868, at one o'clock make arrange ments for the coming season. Commrrrns. Montrose, March 31, 1888. Vey Railroad President. lion. Asa Packer has been elected Pres ident of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany, in place of W. W. Longstreet, re eigned,rand Charles Hartshorn, Vice Pres ident, in place of Judge Packer, promoted. We understand that this change is re ceived with great favor along the Lehigh. Useinl Experiments. Dr. Burleigh, the educationist, will give a series of late experiments in Chemistry, Natural Philosophy ,and Gymnastic feats, at the new Court House, Montrose, on Saturday evenine, April 4th. His object is to prove that Physkal and Mental cul ture should be combined. Admission, on ly 25 cents. Valuable Cowe. M. C. Sutton, auctioneer, @old ten cow* for E. Fargo, in Dimock, on the 18th, for $6ll. Their ages ranged from 2 to 13 years, find the prices from $44 to $BO per head. Who does better? 1111, - Insurance. Attention is invited to adv. of .1. D. Barber, ERq, Insurance Agent, in this paper. I=2 Josiah Carpenter, Produce Commission Merchant, pub Unties a card in this paper, to which atten tion of shippers and producers is directed ark is said that the radicals are quiet ly concentrating _troops in and about Washington wiihont the orders of the Presid,ent. - If such be the case they eon tentprite violate revolutionary measures, and the President should be prepared for an emergency. List of Aron Dri - in for April Term. cc mmencing on M ondaykApril 13th, 1868: VV GRAND =noun. Auburn : Geo. W. Stebbins. - Ararat t Lewis Low. Bridgewater: L.B.Cole, G.H. Baldwin. Brooklyn : C. Oakley, 0. A. Eldredge. Clifford : P. W. Pulaski, T. W. Reese. Great Bend : A. G. Bash, R. H. Roona. Gt. Bend boro : Isaac Reckhow, G. T. Trowbridge. Gibson : Albert Walker, G. R. Wells, Williston Gelatt. -Jessup : Samuel Horton. Liberty : J. C. Ives, S. B. Knapp.. Lenox: Abram Chnrchell. Lathrop : Henry Williams, jr. . Montrose: M. S. Deasaner. New Milford : H. C. Moxley. Oakland : George H. Lillie. Springville : Wm. IL Gerritson. TRAVERSES lITUORS—FIRST WEEK. Auburn : Smith Tewksbury, William White, John Tewksbury. Apolacon : Peter Clifford. Bridgewater : Kirby Bunnell, James Caliph, John Trumbull, Brooklyn: James Sterling. Clifford : Alanson Pickering, George Graham. Dimock : John Young. Forest Lake: L. T. Birchard. Gt. Bend : J. M. Green, B. B. Tuttle. Gibson : Hubbard Payne. Herrick : Granville Barns, Charles A. Harding, Harmon Corwin. Harmony : Benjamin Gardner. Jessup: Geo. H. Harvey. Lenox : H. Marcy, G. W. Green. Liberty : I. B. Webster, D. D. Terrell. Lathrop : Truman Bell. Middletown , Frank Keenan. New Milford : L. S. Everett. Rush : J. B. W. Granger, Geo. Harvey. Sus9's Depot : S. Falkenbury, P. Tait. Springville : Samuel Quick, William B. Hendrick. Silver Lake : Ebenezer Gage, M.J. Hill. ThOmson: John H. Blandin. TRAIMISE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. Auburn : Wm. D. Shoemakerjr., Owen O'Neal. • Apolacon : Wm. Craig, Cbas. Regan. Ararat : J. N. Sartelle ' N.J. Wept. Brooklyn : H. C. Fairchild, G.W.Kent, Isaac Van Auken. Bridgewater :J. F. Gardner.; , Choconut: Edward Burke. - Dundaff : William H. Slocum. - Dimoelt: S. S. Tyler. \ - Franklin : Edward L Beebe. Forest Lake: Austin B. Griffis. FriendswOlti: Jeremiah *Hosford. Gibson : James G. Bennett. W ol cott.Omit Send born : Wm. S. Wt Raiford : Fennel Carpenter. ; • , Jessup : Sol. Leon: Luke D. Bennett. Liberty: ALBS-Ailey, A.L.Soutliworth. Montrose: C. N. 'Stoddard. _ Middletown : N. W. Barnum, J. - Jones; New Milford: Benj.babius,,J.W.Walk. sr, _Nicholas Shoemaker. NewlMilford boil,: Geo. McKenzie. Oakland : Wilbur Stoddard. Rash : Dish& Kinney. • l3usquebanna J. T. Cameron, B. Sher idan. Springville : A.A.Boot, IL IL Sherman GREAT A.WERICAN RATE Pm parathm, valnedat home sad abroad, a real !mitre sharer or dressing (In one bottle.) A gresiAritcorph of relesee. lirs.B. A. Allein's improved (new Ev ery &mist HUI ft. Tries one dolls/. Wind Rare EzhibitiOa. J. B. Burleigh, L. L. D., who has devo ted,his lif4 to. Educational incentives and philosophic iniestigation, - give one of his entertainments at the New Court Blouse on Saturday evening neat. The Binghamton Daily Republican of the 28th, devotes half a column to a complimentary notice of his entertainment in that city, which it says " Was pleasing and instruc tive throughopo For particulars see hand-bills, and fur instruction be in atten deuce. ~n+ In Franklin, March 23d, by Rev. J. A. Jerome, Mr. J. L. MEnRIMAN and Miss NEtsas F. Satan, both of Franklin. gitiu abtriisements INT crtioe. lIS subscriber having been appointed to take charge A. of the Land Agencies of the late Henry Drinker, Eeq., will attend to the business connected therewith at his office 1p Montrose. Montrose, march 31, 1868.-2 • rico FOR slum! rtro T o un wri th v e::r ffHareuvolliiiiiekel,helt tarn sq lo co le u r ia st; about 043 - 0• 11..crriessi, well situated, la exezllent cultivation, and is one of the Best Dairy Farms in the County. For terms, etc., apply to the subscriber. Montrose, murcb 81, 1868.-2 WM. H. CtIOPSIt. Administrator's Sale. 'MILL be sold at auction on the premises late of der.- -1/ reel DeWitt, dec'd, in Brookln, on Saturday. April 4th . 1868, commencing at ten o'clock, a. In., the Collowine property. to wit: One span Mares, I yearling Colt, 5 Cows, 5 Heifers, (8 with calf.) 5 Yearlings. 25Sheep, 3 Shoats, 14 Fowls, a quantity or % heat, Rye. Outs, Buckwheat, Corn in the ear, Potatoes., flay and Straw, Lumber Wagon, Sleighs, Harnesses, and a general variety of Household Furniture, Fanning Implements, Dairy Pi xtures. mad a multitude or other artimes too numerous to mention. PERMS.—Cash fur sums of $lO or less; over that amonut LUDO mouths creait with interest and :approved security. Itoututs Et.r, aurtioueers. Brouklyn, m'ch SI. EV I DEWITT, adm'r. CANAWACTA BRANCH AGENCY, -AT Susquehanna Depot, Pa. Representing fifteen first class Fire Insurance Co's, with a combined Capital of over • $20,000,000! ALSO TEM Travelers' Insurance Company, of Hartford Ct. inuring against all kinds of Accidents—cap ital, $500,000 Guardian Mutual Life Inynranee Co. of Few York—assets securely invested and rapidly increasing. capital. 1,000.04 Hartford Live Stock Ins. Co., of Hartford, Ct., the "pioneer" Co. of America—capital, 500,000 Affording reliable protection to Farmers and owners of Stock against loss by death or theft. I CAS *ad:WILL make it for the interest of all to in sure with Ole. Do not seek for mum" or tow rates irrespective of character or standing. as CHEAP result/aim may be lik ened to self-rightonsuees—the more one has the worse off be is. REMEMBER, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS ! Applications by mail or otherwise promptly attended o. and satitaction guarantied. virOtilee to Post °Mee, Susquehanna Depot, Penn. J. 1). BARBER, Agent. March IR, 1668.—1 f COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, CONSIGN YOUR Ashes, Beeswax, Beans, _Butter, Cheese, Ego', :Flour and Meal, Flax, Cotton, Flirt and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stores, Hopa, Ginseng, Feat ken., Hemp, Provisions, Oils,Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum ' Molasses, &c. &e.. 456 c. TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission merchant 444 & 446 Washington Street, NEW •YORK. CITY, And steel** his weekly Price Current of Produce and Grocert ea—the most complete Price Current published In the Vowed States. ;Sericf for a Price Current. Narking Plates and Cards furnished free. jilir Libelist advances wade on consignments. Ps- Ushed May: le; 1860. Plnst ch 8 class l Recrences given when reqatrec. [mar, 1868.-1 y ASSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Don't of the [Jolted States for the Western Dietriet of Pennsylvania : 1n the matter of Wat. f..Poist, a bankrupt. // 1 BankruPf-Y. To whom ii may concern : The nnderslgnethereby gives 'pntlee of his appoint • meets, assignee tW. L. Post, of View II Ilford born, in the eo. ottinstfe. and State of Pennsylvania. within sold District. abo bag been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by tbe,Distriet Court of said District. A. H. McCOLLUM, Assignee. • Montrose, march Si. 188$.-8w NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. :1 - Two *to give notice, that on the 25th day of March, A. D. 12438. a .warrant in bankraptey vote issued against the estate of Chasid 81tomons.of Great Bend, husq;aco. Penn'a who bas been adjudged& bankrupt, on hie own petition ; th at the payment of any debt and delivery of any property behmging to each bankrupt to him or for his nee, and the transfer of any prope tv by jtim are for bidden b y law. That a meeting of the deditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to/choose one or morn assignees of his estate, will be bald at a Court of lionktOWT, co be holds& No. OP La4catraanaAveaste. 13crantin,Penniylvania. before wart N. Willard,: the 24th day of A 11, 180,-at 10 o'clock, rt, THOS. A. BO EY. U.B. Marshal. as M,sienger, Western Md. Pa. March 111. tb6B.-4 An.p:rial Statement Of the rweiptiktiLblitilenlnt4 aid espeurturce of Ws Asylum for the' sof the horoagn of onttoneptid the township of Bridgelfanser. in he ePlisl l 7 of Bul quelkitans.tothisettoudot February, is tootner swath a partial Usleandfollestimate of Pentonalrop ty then on the Om. Asylo for the Poor, Dr. To Montrose Duplicity. 1887, Ott Bridgwater • 1734,03 Balance in Directoris'.ininds, Ilarch 12, 1887, ass per Auditors' report, 289,8,1 Am't recd from Buford township, 8,48 •• " Brooklyn " 33,72 `Abington " 63,00 Temporary loanponall.ll. Harrington, MOO -$9298,31 Personal Property sold off the farm. To amount received lir stock, $165,61 apples and cider, 42.45 grain, 85.81 "and poultry, 868 '• pork, 41,00 cent , . 12,86 ibutter t 809.80 two old horses, 100.00 10.08 - $725,74 Total amount of ree4te, itoaa,os Contre p .,. Cr. By exoneration, to H.J.Kent, collector, $ 28.98 State, co., school. poor anti liog taxes. 4625 expenses of three funerals, 47,00 assistance rendered on ordernof relief outside the Asylum, 1868. atid um 165,25 publishing the annual statement for the sears '66 & 67, paid to H. H. trier, 12.00 rehanding order to K. Mott. colk , '6B, 4,97 W. H. Boyd, dir. •88, 88.53 am't paid hired help on the fann t 175,00 for flour, groceries and 11 wer necessaries for the support of sw ard's family and paupers, inclu din g clothing for the paupers, L., 858,49 am't paid to 8. H. Sayre & Bros. for farming Implements furnished and repaired during the years 'B4, '65, '6tl4 and '67. x 51,93 Stamp & Moran's blacksmith bill for "- the year 11367, `89,29 -L. , -7 5934,40 Payments made to Officers. By compensation to Directors as per aud itors report, $96.00- per tentage to 8.0. Camp, treasurer, 63.34 to ILL Kent, collector, 68,32 salary to If. Benjamin. steward, 4.50,03 fees to L.P. Fitch, counsel, 6,00 am': pa id Dr. J, W. Cobb for medico' at. tendance at the asylum. 1866, suet paid three auditors, fees paid C. Avery. am't paid B. 0, Camp, secretary, Payments made on Real Estate. By am't paid G. V. Bentley on the J. W. Youns contract in full, $1088.93 s , ain't pa id on the S.S M afford mortgago,62o.oo amount paid for outhouse, 22,00 interest on temporary loan and record ing deed, 7,00 -$1737,99 Payments made for Personal Property. By ain't paid M. Newman for one pair horses and double harness, $394,00 am't paid fur hon-ehold furniture and other personal properly, 90,00 ain't paid Sayre Bros. for dog power, 22,00 - $508,00 Total am' t expended, '3927,95 Recapitulation. Total amount of receipt*, Total amount expended, Balance In Directors' hands March 10, 1808, Personal Property on the Farm Nine cows, 2 two years old heifers, 4 valves, IS sheep, 8 bogs, I pair horses. 1 sett doable harness. I Innaher wagon, I light wagon. I mowing machine, I pair bob sleighs, 8 stoves, 80 bens, I grindstone, 23 tons of hay. 5000 feet of lumber, together with tanning Implements and household furniture. Corn, bushels, 175 Beans, bushel:, 1% Oats, 50 Dried apples, " 2 Buckwheat, " 50 Apples, 12 Rye, 0 7' Pork, lbs. FM Potatoes, " 75, Beef, " 800 Turnips, ... 80; Butter, 40 Carrots, " 2 Cider, barrels, 1,4 Beets, " 1)6I Vinegar, " 1 Onions, '• 1 iSosp, .. Ii Total estimated amount of personal property on the farm Feb. 10th, 1868. $1450. The amount still duo on real estate ie the balance of $l5OO on the S. S. Mulford mortgage. with interest from Jnly Ist, 1867, and a temporary loan of $2OO to 11. B. Barrington. There were four paupers In the asylum at the last an• nnal statement ; since then, or during the year 1861, seven more have been admitted, and five discharged, leaving six, the number now In attendance. SPENCER WATIIOtB, } Directorc PERRIN WELLS, Montrose, March 81, 1868. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that 8. 8. Ingalls of Gib son, bas made a voluntary assignment to me for the benefit of creditors. All persona indebted to said In galls are notifiJd to meet me at the House of said In galls in Gibson on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 3d, 3d, and 4th, 1868, and on Thursday and Fri day of the three following weeks, for purpose of pay ment and settlement. OLIVER LATUROP, Aeslgnee Gtbsen, March 31, 1833 —lw. 3F I Or 164494:1.00, Quantity of prime SEED WHEAT, for Seto'. Also ./X. one bay Horse, six years old, good size, sound, Rind and true. Also, one th - ee years old bay horse, medium size, is handsome, has been driven a little. Tanya.—For Wheat, eash down ; for horses, nine months time with approved security. J. F. BUTTETtFIELD. Montrose, Pa , march 2t, 1868.-2 w• GET YOUR DEEDS. All persons'owning Deeds, Mortgagee, or other doc amenta which were left at this office for record before January M. 1868, arc requested to call, pay charges. if any, and take them away before or during next: Court. .1. F. 8110E2tAKER, Recorder. Recorder's Office, Montrose, March 24, 1668.-3 w Clastaxtic:Exm.. TO All whom it may Coneorn Whereas. my wife All Ann Smith, having left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid ar. persons harboring or trusting her on my attcount as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. MARK B. SMITH. Bridgewater, march 18, ISCA.--ft,m24 1868. SPRING OPENING. 1868. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. NEW SPRING SILKS. • NE %' STYLE SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. / STEEL AND PEARL POPLINS. E. & L. alwayekeep the • BEST BLACK SILKS- N. B.—Nett Cash Buyers will And It toitielr Interest to eali, as Bargains from Auction are daily received. march 24, IbBB.--0W NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to give notice Mute on the 14th day of March A. D., 18e8. a warrant in bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Mletutel,Moyle, of Snsq'e Depot, Sus. enebanna county, Pennsylvania, who has been adjudg ed a bankrupt, on 4tis own petition ; that the payment of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to seen bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property/by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of mid bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose ono or more assigni es of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be held at 803 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania. belora Edward N. Willard, Register, on the 14th day of 1883, at 2 o'clock, p. an. THOS. A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Marshal, ae Messenger, Western Diet. of Pa. B ANKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. ' m'ch 24-4 In tho district Court of the United States for the Western district of Pennsylvania : In the matter of Newton A. Lase, a Bankrupt. 1 . Bankru P' CY. TO ALL WUON IT MAY COftCEBN : The undersigned gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Newton A.Lane of Montrose in the County of Susquehanna, State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has heen adjudged a bauk.npt open his owl' petition in the district Mart of said district. Da ted Dec.l6o 1861. A. U. McCoLLIJM, Tiontrose. touch 21, 1968. Assignee. IMPEACHMENT THE LATEST NEWS• TiflC eery high prices of Goods will ho impeached by the arrival and sales of a largo and well selected Stock of Goods at JAS. It: DEWITT & CO'S Consisting of Min and Fancy Dry Goods, such as Prints, Do'sines, Brocades, Gloghorns, Swiss any Cambric moo line, Laces, Edgings sod Dress Trim tnings,'Brown Shootings, Shirt logs bleached & Unbleached. Ticking', Denims, Stripe abd Check Shirting', a great variety of Clothe, twasimeres, Vestinge, Ken luck/ Jesus, Tweede and Summer hints Stuff for men and boy's wear. Also, a good assortment of Straw, Felt, and Soft Bats, and Caps—Boots and Shoes—Fine Grocer • ies of all kinds—and a splendid assort ment of Crockery and Wooden Ware, ie. ic. Having bought oar stook of Goode during the lest dr dine in prices we feel confident that we can sell them at prices to snit everybody. WE DON'T INTEND TO BE UN DERSOLD! 15,50 7.00 6.85 96,00 --- $7,19,61 All kinds of Produce taken In exchange for Goods at market prices. A gnantlty of Ashton's DAIRY SALT for sale by the sack, bushel or pound. The heat of lieropene Oil—a uplendld Syrup, and good Molasses, that won't fail to ault customers In peke and quail ty. Baring made arrangements to forward Butter this season, we have wow:tied a lot of new, clean Butter Pails for the purpose. We will sendJto good and re •ponsiblc men, rho will make as good ealee as any to the city, and prompt returns. Farmers can know at what prices their Butter sells by reference to oar re turns as fast as we gw them. We will sell them goods as cheap as any one else, and pay them money on their sales of Butter as they may want it. t, a rr ' ~i , t ;~ Montrose, march 24, 1668 DEVLIN & CO. CLOTHING HOUSES, Broadway, cor. of Grand Street, ♦ND Broadway, cor. Warren Street, NEW YORK. Comprising all Branches of the Business as represented in the CUSTOM AND READY MADE Men's Boys'& Children's CLOTHING. SHIRTS Of the Celebrated AMERICAN YOKE PATTERN, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gonds OUR SPECIALTIES FOR SPRING IN NEW GOODS E : Oassimere Snits, entire, , 18.00 Spring Overcoats, $12.00 Fine Dress Frock Coats, $lB,OO m'ch 24-3 m AEVLIN et. CO. JOTICE I N / 13A1s1 KR, U PTCY This is to Ova notice, that on the Gth day of March, A. D. 18018 a warrant in Bankruptcy was is sued against the estate of Alexander Stevena,of Auburn Snstoehanna Co., Pennsylvania, who has been adjudg ed a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of nnyproperty by him; are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his eitate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be /held at No. 803 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Penn. sylvania, before EDWARD N. WILLARD. Register, on the 6th day of April, 1868, at 2 o'clock. P. n. THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. Western District of Penna. mar. 17-4 w VOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. • This Is to give notice that on the 6th day of March A D. 1868, a warrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of W. d. Tinker and D. W. Boger, of New Milford. Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, who have been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of an debt and delivery of any prop erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for bie tte, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That a meet,ng of the creditors of said Bank rupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at s Court of Bank ruptcy, to ho bold at No. 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, before EDWARD N. Wll, LARD, Register. on the 7111 day of April, 1868, at ten o'clock, A. M. THOS. A. ROWLEY, S. Marshal, as Messenger, Western District of Penna., mar. 17-4 w Something U Want! kPOLICY in the "North America" Life Insurance Co., which ts incontestible from any cause, except on account of fraud. Notice new Features. By ‘• Spe cial Deposits," authorized by the Legislature. Regis tered" Policies ue leaned. bearing seal and eignsture of the Superintendent or the Insurance Depti.t.ment of N. Y State , making Policy as agoras in Roam as Na tional Bank Note or U. 8. Bond Dividends paid in Cash after Imazz.years. Thirty days meant' payment of 'enemas. No restrictions upon travel, outside the tropics ; no notes required. but a wart one:lrmo, can celled by dividenda. No extra charge for change of bu siness. An Policies NON-YOMITINGI. Remember the cold tuid rincharitabie world, and pro vide for those dependent upon you, while in health ; to morrow may bring sicknessand death. Maze call and examine tenor of policy, Ac. HENRY C. TYLER March 10tb.1 9 3 8 . Montrose, pa. EXTENSIVE DEPARTMENTS OF Of every Description BT virtue of certain writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas of duagaehanna County, and to me dimmed, I will epose to sale by public "endue at the Comt-lionse„ In a Montrose. on Saturday, April it, 3868, at 1 o'clock, P. id., the following described pieces Or parcel of land, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of Land situate in La throp township. county ofbusgnehanna, and State 9f Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow. : On the northeast and south by lands of E. dr T. Bell, and on the west by lands of Elizabeth, Oise, containing a bout one fourth of an acre, with the appurtenances,one two slog dwelling house, and all Improved. [Taken to exeention at the anti of Nicholas Marcy to the nee of IL O. Vallo , a. W. C. Itichroond. —ALSO— AD that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Mush, Susquehanna county. Pennsylvania, bounded and described se follows , to wit : On no' north iky lands of Orange Maynard, on the ett,t by lands of W. H. Duel, on the south by lands of John Millis es tate, on the west by lauds of Racttael Itiniford, contain in about 20 acres and all improved. [Taken in execu tion at the suit of E. C. Dowers vs. 0. td. Dowers. -ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the town-hip of Auburn, Susquehanna co. Venn's, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Widow Reynolds, on the cast by lands of Wm. Don lin, on the west by lands of Wm. Bennett, containing a bout 30 acres. one house, etc. [Taken in execution at the suit of C. D. Lathrop vs. Thomas Donlin, VI. -ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of tSilver Lake, Susquehanna county, Penn'a, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Thos. Rogers. 2d, on the east by the old turnpike road, on the south by land ofTkos.flogers, and on the west by the Lake; all improved—one email house, one small barn, fruit trees, ace. [Taken in exe cution at the suit of.; eremiah Buckley ye. Edward Her- EMU. -ALSO - All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Liberty, Susquehanna county, Penn's. bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of B. Southworth, on the east by lands of J. Gage, on the south by lands of M. idcNelly, on the west by lands of N Ifinrphy,coutaining about 145 the same more or lest, and about 4U acres improved, with one small house. [Taken In execution at the suit 05 Joseph Webster vs. J ames C. Reynolds. -ALSO - All that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being In the township of Lathrop, Susquehanna county, Pa bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the nor th by public highway leading from Glen wood switch on the D. 1.. 1 W. R. IL to Glenwood, Pa. on the east by lands of W. Clark, deceased, on the south by lands of Halstead I Gibbs, on the west by lands of the L.L. &W. R. R. Co„ containing about forty flee acres, mostly improved, with one frame dwelling house. ITaken In execution at the suit of O. L. Halsted vs. Ez ra Smith.] -ALSO All that certain tract or parce' of land situate in the township of Hanford, county of Buseinelumna and state of Pennsylvania. bounded and described as follows, to wit ! Beginning in the centre of the Gt. Bend and Phil adelphia and Gt. Bend Turnpike, thence along the same south thirty nine degrees cast, three rods and nineteen links, thence by land belonging to the estate of N. W. Waldron. north sixty one degrees east. sixteen rods to a stake, thence by the same north thirty degrees west, three rods and twenty /Inks, to a stake in line of land of C. C. Edwards, thence by the saran south sixty one degrees west, sixteen rods and fourteen links. to the place of beginning, containing sixty two rods of land, be the same more or less, being the same piece or par cel of land heretofore conveyed to Betsey M. Tiffany by N. W. Waldron, - by deed dated the let day of March. 1862. with the appurtenances, one house, barn. trait trees, &c. [Taken in execution at the suit of Mllborn Oakley to the use of C. C. Edwards vs. Betsey N. 'Tif fany, Administmtrix of Alonzo M. Tiffany, deceased, and the said Betsey M. Tiffany. -ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land lying and be ing in the township of !Herrick, Snsquehanna county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin ning at a post and stones in the west corner of James Coon's lot. and in the line of Ithamer Mott's Land, thence along the line Of said Idott's land.north, forty five (45) :degrees west two hundred and 74 and 7 tenths perches, to a post and stones standing In the line of a land in the name of John Cadwalder, thence along said line north forty six (45) degrees east, one hundred and, sixteen and five tenth perches, to a beach corner, thence along the line of a tract of land to the warrantee name of Alexander Nesbit, south (44) forty four degrees east, two hundr d seventy four and seven tenths per ches, to a hemlock corner, and thence along the said Coon's line south forty six (48) degrees west, one hun dred sixteen and Ave tenths perches, to the beginning, containing two hundred acres, more or less, it being the same recorded in deed book No. 21, page 814, &c., in the office for recording deeds for the county of Sus quehanna. Pa. [Taken in execution at the suit of So phis Lanterman, use of Wm. F. Warden vs. B. W. Brown.] -ALSO-- All that certain :piece or parcel of land eltnate, lying and being in the borough of New Milford, 9nequehanna county Pa_ bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post in the back line of the village lots, It being the north east corner of Albert Wellman's lot, thence by said Wellman's board fence, north 42 degrees west. 8 perches, to a turn in the said fence, thence by the same north 57X degrees west, 5 and nine tenths per ches, to a piece of Iron drove in the ground for a corner, %I inches east of the north east corner of the Binder!! house, thence by the north end of the said ho se and picket fence north 86 degrees west, three and sewn tenths perches, to a piece of iron in the ground on the east side of the old tnrnpike road, thence,along the east aide of said road, north 5 and one half degrees, to line of lot conveyed to Alvah Quick, in range of the north side-of Carpenter's shop. thence along the north side of said shop south 85 and one half degrees east, about 7 perches, to a corner in the centre of creek, thence a'ong the centre of said creek sonth 40 degrees east, about 8 and three tenths perches, to a point in the middle of the creek, and in the said back line of the village lots, and thence by land of E. A. Pratt, and Harvey Griffin south 4,ti degrees west, to place of beginning, contain ing 25 perches, all improved, with foundry building &c. [Taken in execution at the suit of Daniel C. Meeker vs. C. F. Meeker.) -ALSO The following on Friday, April 17th, 1868, at ono o'- clock, p. m. : All that piece or parcel of land situate in Now Milford township, and bounded as follows: On the northeast by lands of Cortland Wood and Win. Smith warrant. northward by lands of Chas. Brush, on the enuthwest by lands of John Sparks, E. 4. Pratt and I. W. Doolit tle, and southeast by lands formerly owned by Lincoln Hall, containing about 200 acres, more or less, about 75 acres Improved, one frame house and two barns., Arco, all that certain piece or parcel of land eituatein New Milford and Great Bend townships, to the warran tee name of Wm. Smith, containing 400 acres of land, more or iess.—ALso, 20 acres of the "Grabham • lot," so called, north end adjoining the above described land both of above lots being land contracted by Defendant of C. 8. Bennett, by contract dated July let, 1866, one steam saw mill, shingle mill, lath mill, theca houses and one barn.—Ateo, all that certain piece or - parcel of land situate in New Milford township, being the the northwest part of lot No. 67, of John Boyle's re sur vey ofthe Wharton lands, being all of raid lot except 50 acres off the southeast side of the same, heretofore sold to Pierce & Sutherland. and containing 86 acres and 45 perches of land, and 13 acres 115 perches off the southeast end of lot No. 70, of the same survey, to be cut off by running a parallel line to the southeast line of said lot, making in both pieces, 100 acres of land,or thereabonte.—Aleo, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of New Milford, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a beech tree, an original corner, thence by lauds of Lancaster Jennings north 44 degrees west 54 perches to a post and stories, thence by rands of Enoch Smith, north 46 degrees east, 8113 e perches to a post, thence by land surveyed to Jo. eeph Rice south 52 degrees east. 03 and nine tenths per ches, hemlock stump, north 7134' east , 9 perches to a post. and north 433( east, 12 and four tenths perches, toll point in the highway leading from how Milford to Jacksort, thence along said highway south 533 i• east 8136 perches, to an iron driven in said road, thence by said Rice's lot north 46 degrees east, 5134 perches, to a post and stones, thence by land formerly in possession of the late Peter Page, deceased, south 44' east, 80 per ches, to a post and stones, and south 46' west, 84 per. cites. to a point in said end, thence along said road south 5336 east, 4734 perches, to a point on the bridge. thence by lands formerly in possession of Leonard Corse, south 46' west 90 perches, to a corner, and south 983(' west, 61 perches, to post and stones, thence by land formerly - In possession of the late 8. H. Williams north 441` west,l6o perches, to a post and stones, thence by lands of Lancaster Jennings north 48' east 39)( per. ches to the place of beginning, excepting, and reserving therefrom, the foltowlitg described pareelsof land : First. all that parcel containing abont 4 acres heretofore granted to Anson Hall; second, all that parcel contain. tngabout2s acres. conveyed to O. P. Tallinn.; third, all j that parcel covering paw mill, pond and mill privilege, containing 22 acres. and all that parcel of ladd contain fag about 22 acres, conveyed to parties unknown, lea. j Ina about 115 ne , es of land with the appurtenances, one frame house. 1 frame barn. and about 100 acettsfftnprov cd.—Atso, all that certain piece or parcel Of land sit. untein the township of New ifilford, bounded and do scribed as follows to wit : Commencing in the centre of the highway road joining land of John F. Adams, thence aloweithe said road north 1235' east, thirty five and ono half pi rcbcs, thence by same north 16W cast, twenty perches. to the line or A. Waldo. thence north 4334• west. 178 perches. thence south 411' west 163 per ches. thence south 451 r east 207 perchey, thence north 4634' east 110 perches to the place of beginning, it being the lot known as tho Olcutt Int, COll filing 202 acres of land. and contracted by B. A. Pratt to Rads Walworth, Meech 28, 1805.—Atso, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In ho township of N. Ifilfer.d, Pa ,t. onnded and deeeel bed se follows, wit : On the north be lands of John equate. on The west by litrile of Jeremiah Baldwin and N, Moore, on the l e a co n n as t itaonhdns T. virLaiiilleinemstseran.tdencnoinnkillinonn titphte beingteast b y the same lot of land commonly known as the Mathew's fluor. containing shoat 120 acres of land more or less, nearly all improved. two framed houses. Ave hams, frntl tecce. fie. (Taken in elreentktn at this suit of Ha rid Mathews re. Rettis Walwortii,l —ALSO— ARUM a:Ec zi e or panel of /sea @Mae( tiinfir and beintan the ship of Meal, empviebsaits canny, Pa., and described as Mitres toWlt t On the north by lands of-Allard. tho p a b /aids of 8. S. ChamPlro, deceased. on thildtithbr of lid Radii and onthe west by landsof Fish and John -Flab, tomfaining 75 acre*, one 111 one ' barn, young orchM4, aid nearly all Improved akar. in %amnion at th e sat *ID. Lathrop, vs. wad' littobtes.) AU the defendant's interest in Mod in Sliver Laid township. Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: vn the north by lands of Daniel Connoy, R. 88. Riley, edet by iands of N, Ttethey, with by lands of Thos. Deasy, west by laWds of Join iferplty. contain. Ing about 60 acres , all Improved. ode bodes ano two barns. (Taken in execution at the' stillinf D. D. Lind* ley Ts. Melia' Driseol.) ---ergo All that certain pleCe or psrcel of lard situated in the toornahlp of Bridgewater. Susquehanna county, Penn sylvania, bounded as fuiloo s, to' wit • On the:Kalb by the Coo. Feasenden farm and by fat t is of Etre Be.lrebe. east by lands of Noses S. Tyler, ton by itbds 6W03.. Kelly, and we t by lands of R. B. mtge, contattbsig lB acres, moroor less. (T aken in execntted at the 'Ulf bf Wm. L. Post Co., to the use of Witching= dt Co. re: N. L Nat. . . - 8. F. tAligi SUM. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, March 17, 1868. „ LICENSE PETITIONS.-.-NOTICR IR !lila! by given that In pursuance of an act of Assembly me following named persons have filed their petition. with the Clerk of the Court of quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Susquehanna for Hecate to keep tavern, eating Lionises, and to sell by the measure in quantities not leas than one quart, for which the/ will apply it Afail Sessions, IS6B. • TAVERN LICENSES. George W. Potter, Herricht John M. Meyers, Rerriek: David Wilmarth. Lathrop ; Voorhees eiltrerty, Let.o2; lames 0. Bullard, Brooklyn. Geo. E. Fessenden, Brook • lyn; Jeremiah Stephens, Springville; S. A. Loomis Springville; P. S. Brush. Sprtngvihe; G. W. Griggs, Great Bend Borough; Mlles Bnuitord, Great Bend Bor ough; Michael Kilron, Greet Bend Boro`; Jacob Decker. Jessup; Char/es Morse. Rush; N. D. Snyder, Rush: Sm. elms Barnum , Great Bend Township; John W. /G Eli W. Roberts, Clifford; A. Hubbard, ulifford W. Gow, Hartortr; Joseph Gary, Jackson; Charles M, Soon. Montrose; John B. Torben, Montrose; Henry J. John. ens Oakland,• John Foster, Priendsville; Cornelia,' Derker Priendsville; Lyman - Sherman: Dimocky A. H. Ayres, Dunned; Judson Stone td, Forest Lake; Pht. binder Phinney, New Milford Boro'; G. B. H. Wade, Oreat Bend Township Henry popper, New Milt rAI Bone; E. L. Rhinevaul t, Forest Lake; James Miller. G•bson: Louis Hammel, Snag's Depot; Enos Blossom, Snares Depot; Wm. H. Sherwood, Rush; Delos Roberts Jackson; Ambrose Bens .n, Swig's Depot; Ellen ft°. lan, Silver Lake. TO SELL BY MEASURE Abel Tam], Montrose; Bums & Nichols, Montrose; Foot & Very, Brooklyn; ViM. Buffum, Friendevtlle; Thomas Fernon, Susq's„ EATING HOUSES Mary Shawn. Oreat Bend Bore; Alo'ph Zorn. Soma Depot; U. E. Orefut, Hanford; Daniel Browning, Due t). B. ELDRED. MAC Montrose, Match 44,1969. NOTICE IN BANICRUPTCY. This is to give notice, that on the 24th day of Feb. A. D. 1868,a warrant In Bankruptcy was leaned against the estate of RUFUS D. CLARK of Susque hanna County, Pennsylvania, who has been adjildired a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the pa meat of any debt and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law. That meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate. a 11l be held at a Gonrt of Bankruptcy, to he held at No. M 3 Lackawanna Avenue, ttcranton, Penn sylvania, before Edward N. Willard, Register. en WO Ist day of April 1868, at 10 o'clock, a. m. TllOB. A. RuWLET. U. 8, Marshal, as Messenger. Western District of Penn's. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE March 10-4 w That on the 4th day of March, itlitS, a warrant in bankruptcy was issued against the estate of JORN W. BRACKNEY, of Susquehanna county. Pero— sylvania. who has been adjudged vi bankrupt. on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and livery of any property be 141 M are forbidden )Sy law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bliakrtipt, 1., prove their debts, and to choose one d? unao aaafgnesa *this estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, tb!be held at No. Ms Lackawanna Avenue, f3cranton, Pa., before Edward N. Willard. Register, on the 4th day of April, 1868, at ten o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. 11. 8. Marshal, o. messenger, Western Dietziet of Pennsylvania. Mat. Auditor's Notice. MIME undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Court 1. of Common Pleas of Suaque henna County to di.trl bute the fund arising from the Sheriffs *aloof the r at estate of E. N. Seely. will attend to the duties ofhis ap pointment at his office in Menfrope, on Thursday the id day April, 1868, fat one o'clock. p. m., at which and place all persons are required to present tbeic claims or be debarred from coming in on said fund L. F. FITCU, Adtlitor. Montrose, March 10, IE6B. LOOM FOR FARMERS. INDUSTRY and ECONONlT—thexold . to wealth. The I. Farmer raises all the material to clothe his family. Why should he sell that material and bliy it back agalh, paying the manufacturer a large profit and four or fire additional profits. besides transportation charges, Government taxes. &c., all of which ha could sae. , amounting to half the cost of his store goods, each p•ar by making his own goods at home, which is now made easy by Mendenhall's Improved Self -Aotink Hand !mom Ills the most simple and reliable Loom ever inven ted. Will make a greater variety of goodi with less power than any other loom. All the operations of weaving are performed by simply turning a crania From to 211 yards of Jeans or Satinet, and• from 20 to 33 of Linsey ,t c., can be woven per day. By late Improvemetts Rag Carpeting can be rapidly woven with tho Fly shut• tie. weaving from 20 to 23 yards per day. This loom will furnish prodtable employment in ev ery neighborhood in weaving cloth and carpeting•for onetomers. For circulars, mice list, and samples of cloth woven' on the loom, addrcss. with MITT, A. H. QATF.S k Co., Philadelphia, Pa. March 10-3 m. °Mao 29. Northl3th at, Caution.! Y Mary Diodensa Brown, having left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation. the public are cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account , as I will pay no debts of her con • tractin n ler thls date. Broo ; March 1.1, 1e48.•3 A NEW PROGRAMME. On and after the Bert day of April next. all Goode .old by ne at retail, will he for READY PAY ONLY Out Stock of Flour, Meal, Feed, Sall, Lime, Cement, Groceries, Provisions, Wooden and Stone Ware, Notions, etc. Will be purchased in large quantities; for cash. how drat hands, at the lowest market price. Each article will he marked in plain enures at the smallest possible profit, and no deviation in prices. The times demand such a system. and we believe it will be for the benefit of both seller aufportheeer With many thanks to our owner:me friends for their liberal patronage under theft old WO of business, we shall orska it for their interest not todesert os tinder the oew. All having accounts on oor books will do's favor by settling the same by Cash or Note without farther no • lice. 11. GARRATT & SON New SOlford, March 10, 1668.-8 m LOOK OUT FOR BARGIINS re On and after Murcb 10th 18t41. 4 0t* CO ®71:.) Sold for Ready Pay only. • GEO. 11AYDEN. New Milford March 841.1868.-Btr N. perione indebted by note or book amount will please settle without Anther notice. GEO. BAYERN. TAIM ROTICV. Those Using unsettled accounts on Onr Books nal 'please call ImA - errary the ae ß on witAYhoutßZ delay. S. .S a BROS- March 10,IP6Fi E. G. BROW