Zlt4l .e.4, - -7 ,7 14111;t Noir , • af alai" Jannelk. "10..0 16 17Wrikai Gilmer, of Georgia, re. Mtraefrftrilt:' office;2be went to his old Ireineltileilfigton. He 'had a penchant o:Ovid irotts; 'such,' as . plough shares, old c - irrialge irons , grifidstode . cranks, old sho. vela, and the odds and ends of plantation table;:' Attending, the sales of estates, he accumulated an ox cart load or two of itteh stilfrwhich he _dumped down in scor ner of his yard near his dwelling, very raitelf to the annoyance of his wife.. The pile kept increasing. She determined to make away with it, and one day (Sheriff's salenny) sent it to the court yard (with the knowledge of the Sheriff, who loved a tj'ke) to be sold to the highest bidder. Governor Gilmer that morning rode out of town a mile or two, and was returning wattle.. Sheriff was proceeding with his sales. Catching the eye of the Governor Who was looking on, he pointed out to bhp the lot of old iron, and requested him to make a'bid for them. " Good," said Governor Gilmer, "I will; I have some pieces at home that will -tAatch eadetly. I bid ten dollars fur them." ",Ten donors! ten dollars !" repeated the Sheriff—(nobody bids more) —"they are yours, Governor" Delighted with the purchase, he paid ten dollars, and left them in the yard for future movement. The Sheriff paid the MI dollars to Mrs. Gilmer. In a few days she bought a handsome bonnet, and the Governor, admiring it very much, said : "My dear, where did you get that pretty bonnet ? It is beautiful and be• comes, you." • " , Doe't it, husband,.don't it! I bought ft,'"with the ten dollars you paid' fur your own old iron trash !" The Governor wilted—he was sold by his.own wife. 11 tit time cured the chagrin, and the good Governor had frequently to join in the laugh at leis expense over this little hi cident ''—'4The .- -indelioaelv 'and impropriety of ileit& - Wrlde's- persistence in sitting as - a k idge . bnaheimpeachment trial are glar ing and disgraceful. Would any Court permit the plaintiff, in a suit of, ejectment to sit as a juror or judge on the trial ? If Mr. Johnson, is deposed Mr. Wade suc ceeds to his_pifice. Can the injustice and infamy of such conduct bepictured in col gra too-strong ?•—is' it possible to exag erate the degree of the odium and dis lionor that will be attached to it when it Rr p ars bn the page of impartial history ? And Yet, utterly atrocious and indefensi ble ;js it is, on any rational grounds, par tiQan• madness attempts to excuse and justify it. _ 2 ti give me another horse; . • - Bind up my wound!" mIIAT &nada well, bat when yon lose your horse,who _is going, to give you another. I will tell yon. In sure the one you have in the IlanTronn Lrva STSICU IN BUB ANC); Co., of which the undersigned is agent for Sus quehanna county, and will insure all kinds of Live i{tOtt at low rates. . 'table of rates sent free on application. For further particulars apply to or address Fell. 23, STATE OF E. 4. GOSS, late of -1-4 Lathrop, Susquehanna county, Pa., dec'd. Letters ni administration upon the estate of the nbyve named decedent having been ranted to the un dernigned, notice Is hereby given to all persons indebt ,,d to }aid entvtte to make immediate paym cut, and those hnving claim, ngainst the same to present them -dalyuuthentiztted for settlement. • A. B. NEBRILL. Adner. Lathrop, 'Feb. 1.568. c:3sl:Trta - 1D T" greatest cure for rheumatism, lameness, NM uesa,44..is L'ile Great Engiiiih Sweeny -.pee' fie Lin t ment. Rend on' rappers what lt has dune in Susi:fa county. It hap cured thelaine and afflicted Immediate ly. Doo.faii to try it. 'lice, to ets per bottle: Sold "'Abel Torten, Burns ehnis, and all storekeepers or dra=l.4s. Irit does not give eatielaction, return diu,ttottle half full and your money will be refunded. D. G. GARhY 4 Co., „Vb. 1.1818. Middletown, N. T. To Horsemen. Don't let Tnnr,Homes bide, sore or at:netted ;go to the store and bay Carey's Great Engileh Sweeney Lint meat; aritnerer fails to :rive satisfaction. 4i-c.mi - EY,t. co., Itliddietowtt, N. Y. Feb.l, 1.50 j i 7STATE OF 'JOHN HUDSON, late of Montrose, Susiett county, Pa., deed. Lettere testaroentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, oil persons indebted to said estate are hereby con ned ,to maize immediate payment, and those having claims aza.nst the same to present them duly authenti c /tad for settlement. JAB. E. CAE3IALT, Ex's. -Montrose, Feb. 4th. 1868_ • FARM NOR SALE! rpm, sittiCriber offers for rah bla farm cOntrifigg abort ninety acres, about twenty acres is flue ber land, the balance well fenced, (mostly wall,) and under-a good .tateot cultivation ; good buildings, Be. Situated partly in the township of Bridgewater, and partly bribe borough of Montrose, on the old Chenan gojaraptkei_ktiown turnout, as the Sam'l Warner Lam. Ten or twelve acres lie on the line of a new roa4about lobe opened, from which there is a splen did viewof Montrose. a al can readily be sold for build ing kite.: Any. one wiat , inn to locate near the county seat cannot find a more desirable situation- A portion of the purchase money can. remain od the place for a tvrrn.of ;years, For further partieulars call Upon or correspond with thesatbscrthei7aLMOntfeae;-SUSqlielianits county Ph. O. S. IiEtLIE. 2tonttine:; Dec.l7. 1.857.-3 m NOTICE, IN BANKRUPTCY. Tifia notice. that on the 14th dare Feb . Y. A:lr.'lBaA, a warrant in bankruptcy was 'lssued against thitestate'of Thomas Donna 2d, of Atibarn, Susq's co. Peen's, who has been adjndged a bankrupt. on his own petition; that the payment of any debt and delivers , of vny property belonging to each bankrupt. to him or for bisnse; and thetransfer of any prope ty by him are for bidden by law. That anteeting of the creditors of said baularapt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy: to be held at No. 80-3 Lackawanna Avenue, gamma. Pennsylvania, before Edwar 1 N. Willard, Begistorilint the 10th day of March, 1808, at 10 o'clock, A. at. • TIIO3. A. ROWLEY. U. S. Marshal. • < • as Messenger, Western Dist. Pa. 110.13, Adnattistrator's -r t emaider cit the Orphati'd Conrt of Susquehanna Co. -AP AL; tbelollowltig •piece of real estate, e Ratite in myford township formerly belonging to Gorton Loom is, Amused. will beat:ll44 public. amine ou the prem iseemitycb istm zittate o'clock. p. m. Sald 'emits bonatbskil)flatidif owned by 8. Whitney. Williams Tiffany. A. Carpeuter.msul the estate of D. Till'any. con talutistEltyaerMlNklth the appurtenances. Unproved. TZTtsO 0,410,2,4' its boltut struck down. $3OO on continaatfon of sale, and thdk - ilance in t wo alma ittiOnalpayinents; "With interest, ifeepred np. on the prembree. ,••, • Xurph $ 6 -111, - " A. • 4. TINFAXT, Lame:. J. D. BARBER, Susquehanna Depot, Pa =II BUS :..gSatiRDS;----- 0 -. 'E PICKETT * • , AEA. .41.uct1.013.13 - 01 , .- , All calls promptly attended to. . ('baronial,. Ad dress, Auburn 4 Corners, Busq'sco.ra. )(eb.4tf M. MART x, 17. SI. .42Lia4ttIciazetear. Nov. Mae • Veleadavllle t Basq 9 a Co. Pn. M. C. strOrox, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ap7 65tf Frleadeville, Pa. ROGERS k ELY, 417. 19. .A.likticima.oneorfs, mytO Brooklyn, Pa C. S. GILOERT, .ab.u.iontsc..2l.4ser. BeTer Gat Great. Rend, Pa. A. BERTHOLF, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Office in wept end of Brisk Block, over 'Mitten C Gere's store. Particular atttmtion given to business pertain. lug to the Orphan's court. [Jan. 1, 1868. GORDON FRINK, nnOTOGRAPIIE4 I , Gallery over B. it. Lyons` Store, Public Avenue, Montrone, Pa. V Joni4tf DR. W. W. SMITH, • TIM:T[BT. lloome over Boyd & Corwin's Third 11 ware Storo. Moo hours from 9a.m.t04 p. m. ilontrose, July 1, 1.1367.—tf JAMES. E. CARMALT, TTORNEY AT LAW. Office next to Franklin no .141. tel. (Montrose, Dec. 18, 1888.—t1. wr. D. LUSK, A TTORNET AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Office oppo. .1.11. alto the Franklin :Hotel, near the Court lloaaa. • Nov. 27, Is66.—tf , Al 3 I, TURRELL, TA PALER in Thins. Patent Medicines, Chemicals, D Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Varnishes, Win 'ow Glass, Groceries. ;Glass Ware, Wall and Window Paper; Stone ware, Wens, Kerosene, Machinery Oils, Trusses, Guns, ammunition, Knives. Spectacles,Brnsh es Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perth uery, e.— befog one ofthe most numerous; ..xtensive, and valuable collec tions Of Goods in Susquehanna County. [Established in ISIS.] . [Montrose, Pa. D. W. SEARLE - ATTORNEY AT LAW: office over the Stare' of A Lithrop. In tho Brlk Block, Montrose, Pa.- -ay:108M : - • • Dn. w. TtICIIARDSON, PtritSICIAN . SURGEON, -tenders his profession al:serrices to the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty., 001 Ce at his residence, on the corner east of Sayre Bros. Foundry. Pine IS, 1887.—ly• • !.'E. 1.001113 . DANIEL ILASNAtt. LOOMIS At HANNAH, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Solicitors in Bankruptcy, and General Real Estate and Collecting Agents.— Valuable City' : Lots, Residences, Penns, and Coal Lands for sale ) . [Scranton, June 1867—y* E. L. WEEKS 4Sa CO. (2411C.CtliSORS of I. N. HINE & CO., Dealers In 0 Dry Goode, Clothing. Ladies and Misses tine Shoes. Also, agents for the great American Ten and Coffee Company, (April, 1,1867. E. L.: Paris. • • - - C. C. FAVCOT. DR. E. L. GARDNER, Plll-SiCIAN and SURGEON. Montrose, Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases of the Beall and Lungs and all sorgi, cal diseases, Office over the Poet Office. Boards at Searle's lintel. [Sept. 4. 1806. BALDWIN, ALLEN, S McCAIN, DE ALMS In Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Lard, Grain, Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as Sntrars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of Public Avenue. Montrose, April 1866. DOLT. E. L. HANDRICK, 011YSICIAN & SURGEON. respectfnlly tenders his I professional services to the citizen of Friends. ville and vicinity. Or (Mice tnthe ofliceof Dr. Leet. Boards at J. Ifosford's. Ily3o 63tf JOHN GROVES, pASMIOII. S ,IILF. TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop over L (chandler's Store. rEr AD orders filiedpromptly, in first-rate style. Cut lingdope on short notice, and warranted to At. WM.. W. SMITH, • DTNET AND MANUPACTDESUEL—Foot GA of Mtlin street, Montrose, P. tf 11. BITRRITT, DEALER. in Staple and Panay Dry Goods, Crockery, Ilarrivrare, Iron, Btoves, Drags, Oils, and Paints, Bootsand Shoes, Hats and Caps. Furs, Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Provislons,l.:e., New Milford, Pa. . . = WM. H. COOPER & CO., . ' iIaiILITEERS, Elciatrose. Pa. Suer-amorist° Post,Cooper LIP. Co.' Office, Lathrop's new building, Tnrapiko-et. w is. ntrwrrnso &KIPLII 113" RAT naneun. A. 0. WARREN, A TTOPNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, A& and Exemption Claims attended to. febll rirOctice drat door below Boyd's Store; Montrose,Ba BURNS & NICHOLS, DUALERS in Drues, 'Medicines. Chemicals, Dyc stuffs, Paints, Oils. Varnish. Liquors. Spices. Fan cy articles. Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar ticles. rifrPrescriptions carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above Searle's Hotel, Montrose. Pa. A. B. 8U1L353, • - - Astos Nicaora. • Sept. 11, 186 G. DE. E. P. HINES, 'CFAS permanently located at Priendsvllle for thepnr- LI pose orpracticing medicine and surgery in all its branches. Ile may be tuned nt the Jackson fence. Oflice boars Irma 8 a. M., to 9 p.m. jani6tf Priepdsville, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1566. STROUD it BROWN, FIRE AND LIFE INV:JUNO ACENTS. All business attended to promptly. on fslr terms. Of fice aria door north of " Montrose Hotel." west ride el Public Avenne, Montrose, Pa. [inn. 1,1866. BILIJNOR STIIOI7D, •-; CnAtaits L. Drums. - 1 C.: O.' FORDIIAM, LPO67' Ak alia Dealer and Menuthetnrer Montrose, F. Shop on Main street onedoor above I.N. Bal. lard's. All kinds of work .uade to order, and repairing done neatly. Ant 65 • JOHN SAUTTER. RESPECTFULLY annonnees that he is now pre. pared to eat all kinds of Garments in the moat fashionable Style, and warranted to dt with elegance nd ease. Shop over I. N. Galiard's Store. Montrose. - . BOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS,. _ arta. 3L= 1 ~ e v3r. Erndereired. LICENSED AGENT of the GOV .& FRNMICNI haring - obtained the necessary throw, ete.„ will give prompt attention to all claims intrusted . to hie care. No charge =leas aneteaarta, • • 41110. P. Montrose. Jane Celt; - • D nflarkr.S_WCTßlC OIL -Pot sololt ir , K. JIM WWI& .13TR.0170. & 13ROWN'8 Fire, Life, Accident tc Live Stock GENERAt. INSURANCE- AGENCY; „23141Ccs.u.trcsaso, 3Per. Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, • 84000,0t0 Insurance Co. of North America, Phi's, Capital and Surplus, 2,000,090 International Fire Insurance Co. ofN. Y., Capital and Surplus, 1,500,900 Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Muncy, Penn a, Capital and Surplus, 4,000,000 Farmer's lifitual insurance Co. York, Ps., - Capital and Surplus, _ Enterprise Insurance Company, Cincin nati. 0:, Capital and Surplus, 1,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford,. opn,„paying GO per cent. dividends to the assured.. The notes given for half the premium is never to be paid under any circumstances. be policy will always be paid in full, and {denotes given rip. Capital, 17,000,000 American Lilo Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital. - 1,000,000 Travelers' Ineumace Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents _ Capital, 700,000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart font Conn., Capital and Sueplus, $2,000,000 Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct., Capital, 1100,000 Glen's Falls insurance Co. Glens Falls, N. V. Capital and Surplus, 400,000 Ilartford Live Stoca insurance Company. Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, acainst theft and death tram any cause. Capital, 117,000,000 VirAri business animated to our care will he attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. VW — Office first door cal from Banking Office of W EL Cooper /2 Co..Tnrnptkoet. Montrose, Pa. STROUD Er. BROWN, Agents. M. C. strrrox. Esq., Friendeville, Solicitor. CIIAS. 11. Sklllll, Montrose, do Bmwsmos Eencovz, Crunuus L. MUM( Montrose, Feb. 23. 1828. BURNS & NICHOLS, DUGGISTS & APOTHECARIE,S, Keep regularly supplted with unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Yankee Notions, &c. &c. ' Fresh from New York City. An of the most popular Patent - Me' icines sold in this section, among which may bo found Ayre's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem bold's Bachu, Sehenck's Pulmonic Sy rup and Sea-weed Tonir, Duponco's and .Cheeseman's Female Pills, Hall's Cough Balsam, - Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial, Hall's Bair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia, Kennedy's .tifedical Discovery, Hoof land's German Bitters, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, And many other kinds of real vane and merit. in fact our Stock embraces u fine assortment of everything us ually kept in rm.!. as TED Drug Stores. Mr - Prescriptions receive particular attention, and arc C.A.ILTAMILLY and promptly compounded. 'V Store formerly occupied by J. Etheridge. A. B. BURNS, Montrose, Pa., Sept. 17, 1867. .A..110S NICIIOLS. HUNT BROTHERS, 03C/I=ll....elka•TTCON, Wholesale Retail Dealers In JLID LE x 3ER. cb Da- 7 STEEL, NAILS 'APISAMA%, MIGYVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. NINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK & T RAIL SPIKES RAILROAD & HLVING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES. BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS. SPOKES. FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS. &e. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES. &.e. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. BRT.TIN G. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER FINDINGS FA IRBA N K'S SCALES. Scranton. March 24, ISM. I y EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. BALTSROON, 616 BROADWAY, N. Y No. I Pawrra. IlLtorttsre. This Machine has a straight needle,perpendicalaractlon, makes the Lock or tlhnt tie Sikh, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both aides ;,performs perfect sewing, on every de scription of material, with cotton, linen or silk thread. It - liems - Fells; Binds, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Blida andGathors. As a Family .Machinc it has no nperior. Price, with Hemmer and Braider, SGO Manufacturing attention is called to our New Improved Manufacturing Machines. They ran light and nre com paratively noiseless; Pimple, durable and efficient.— For cloth or leather work they have no competitors. No. i Machine, with Hemmer and Braider, r 5. No. 8 Machine, $B. be My—Ag [ ents wanted, to o ct whom 22 a liberal discount will given. . , 1861. OROVESTEEWS PIANOS, GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, 449 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, New York, Are unrivalled for Durability, Power, and Emmet., of Tone. They are fast becoming the favorite over all Mere, with Musicians. Amateurs, and all lovers of 000 D MUSIC. They . are Warranted In every re spect. s. Pri Sendces one thud lower thin other first class maker for Circular. GROVESTEEN (f; CO, 0e.22 499 Broadway, New York. DECLINE IN FLOOR. , zv Mitimelszt.Mil l IA tarnishing drat rate Whiter Wheat Flour at $l3 60. SHOOK & TINGLEY. Cattle for Sale. Till;eand 7 - 220 °ffeztbP.,l7:Zzait,';:eptiV:lol %ear. old Steers. kl , o. Feb. 23. 1569.-8 A. T. SOWS. TT AIM OM ands great reedy of ORO _or ISAMU. xawr,Aß nim by ABM, Trßanig.- _ _; ~,, TIME PX.v.A.C.M mums YOU wax FIND TSaIIIERICA,MIFAT Y DRESS GOODS,.; FANCY -GOCifg, muzrztrzAir _GOODS, , - Pleql „ ODDS, ._,D' ESTIC GOODS, READYIADE CLOTHING, Is certainly at Guttanburg, Rosenbaum & Co's Oaring again purchased a large stock of New Goode Fall and Winter Trade, we would request a call and examination of our Goods. feeling confident of being enabled to please and satisfy as regards variety and prices. We would especially call attention to our fine and large selection of Pabl Pak Clotijing Cloths, Cassimores, mac, for Ceetom Work, Aa we are the manufacturers of all the Clot hint! we eel'. we are enabled to DEFY ALL COMPETITION in regard to WORKMANSHIP AND PRICES. Garments made to order after measure, and good fit ting guarantied. A good assortment of MEN'S 85 - BOYS' HATS, just received. Also a large lot of plain a trimmed HORSE BLANKETS. 6Utinthrg, oseubanm k Co. M. S. DESSAII,ER, managing Partner Alontrose, Sept. 24, 1867. %1 143at rsale emailadr y nce from Wholesale (7oTatili'nf Good e ore Ban d fo 131.11 . 1 . 1rtis Comprising a large assortment of NEW Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Medicines, Paints, 0113, Boots d: Shoes, Wall Paper, Win dow Shades, Huts and Caps, Baia° Robes, Ladies' and Genii' Fars, Balmoral and Hoop Skirls, dc. and combined. forming the mos.. complete opportnnity for selecting in every department of his trade, and will be sold at The Lowest Market Prices. New Milford, Dec. 17 7 1867. T. 33.411.17.11:3Et. c Ci fIZ, ~ GREAT PIANO •PORTS And Melodeon Emporium, 650 Broadway. New York, and 69 Washington St., Chicago, Crosby Opera House, Wholesale Agents for the United States for Wm. Kunio. tf: Co'., Celebrated Gold Medal X="letazaorcortensa. Also, Agents for A. 11. GALE CO., and otheVrst. class Fianna. VT- have the largest snd beet assorted stoat of 'Pianos, 3vbleh, for Power and Sweetneas of Tone, Stagy end Agreeable Tonal. and Beauty of Finish, have, byjadges, been pronounced unrivalled. Whob• ale Agents for Carhart, Needham db Co's Cele brated Harmoniums, -Melodeons and Organs. - Manufacturers and Importers of • Musical Instruments, and - all kinds of Musical Merchandise. ' or Remember the place; BAJ. UE ft & CO., 650 Broadway, New York. and Iy4l 69 Washington tft., Chicago BLACKSMITHING. THE undersigned have this day formed a co-partner ship, under the Arm name of Stamp k Moran. for the pnrpose of carrying on Blacksmithing in all its brunches. rirrStrict attention will be given to Horse-shoeing. All work will be done neatly and promptly. The pub tic are - invited to call. P.. P. STAMP. Montrose. March 4th, MCI. tf 'P. T. MORAN. 1 1 4Tew Wlrm. Baldwin, Allen. & McCain. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish,. Smoked Hal ibut,! Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat, Clover & Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Brooms, Nails, d,e. d'e. Thankful for past patronage, we shall be bappy to see and wait upon our old and new eustaraerii. All Goode and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W, L: ALLEN. :,,n, DeCAER. Montroee, Feb. 8, DIGT. • 13011VARDzIlliaoclation t ritalladellpbliii,?* Jl,l Means of thelgervon a. Seminal. Minarland aex nal mum...new and reliable vestment-1a napalm of the HOWARD_WRIOCIATION. Pent sealed etter etivelopeChea °Labarge. AddranDroljigusan Enprow. Elowatd.d.asoetattaaja al Sailth fib Manta "Yaql4olll4 - , • ": 4 .Y.Orr"% 0 . NlNgit iv COATS, Main Street, 5 doori below Boyd*. Corner, Montrone ROB, GROCHIES, !ND PROVISIONS,., We are constantly receiving and now fume Von hank a fresh stock of Goods in our line, which we will sell CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! for cash, or exchange for produce FURS GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER d TIMOTHY SEED, (ire We have refitted and made additions to our Stock of Pails. and are noel ready to forward Butter to the be: t commission houses in New York, tree of charge, and notice liberal advancements on consignments. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing else Where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY & CHEAP PRICES C. G. 3112TER, 31itttrose. April 16, 46'1 The Las Ma RESTORER , 'FAVORITE HAIR DREsSitig )/ew ,styte oneßot IMPROVED will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. Dar gals by all Druggists. DEPOT, 108 GREDITICH ST., N. Y. pRIMONE'DoiIja Feb. 18, 1808-1 y MAD CREEK MILLS, .1\1" N. MOORE, Proprietor, are in full operation at 14. Inet. Mr. Moore would say to the wood people of Susquehanna county that he has (Bred up his mill at a heavy expense, with all theraodern improvements in Bolts and Machinery, and is confident he can ao as good workaw t behest. We have one of the improved Silver Creek • Smut Sc Separating machines, said to be t' e best machine of the dot We have also th., best machine for cleaning. Buckwheat in the county. The services of Mr. JOUN B. DRAKE. an experi enced miller, have been secured and he will attend to all calls. E. N. MOORE. New Milford, Nov. 19, ISG7.—tf Three Cheers for Geni Grant: HIP HIP , HURRAH! Worcor. Calsetx-Aosp Dorris. mug Usyti Barher, has removed tie shop to the easement of E. L. Weeks' New re where he is prepared to give good eatleactidu. W he n Igo to ex plain this subject language .11s to express it. GRON'ESIEEN - .* CO:, , 499 Broadway;"Now York;, : 3PliStatacs: Our Last mew Addition to. Our. different 'styles. is attracting the admiration of both elides and populace,; We mention specially, some of the claims of - .this now Piano. Believing the.extertor should be aiheautiful to the eye as melody fs to the ear, we have paid great at• tendon to getting them up is a solo that is conceded by all Who have seen them to be the handsomeet,Piano Forte made. They are an entirely new style, whir four gill round corners. heavily carved legs and lyre, Use richly moulded, and contains our falai improved new smile and action. the tone is raelodion., and its adapt. ability to passages , of every shade of expres%ion, from thd softest murmurs, the Vresserido. and the P P.givss the performer every advantage of the; Concert grand.— Price $500.' . , „ • - . . - F U IN Montrose: between the. Store orl. IL.Brillerd and wooden ens , of Brick Block; at that little one horee Boot and Shoe Store, a new and elegent assortment of 13c•ct,t1Evott , Eillataet,g3 For taU and wlnter, Bouslellng of Mat's thick' and.. fine BOoti,, Boy's Boot; .and a good ossortatent of Shoe con sisting of Zadiss',lo4, ,Goat, and Lasting Brilmoraltr; Whistle. Chlidieri's sznißabiii Inade.to order, and gw r l r in g 'done on•short notice. - ott to, utot.—te U. 0.. FORMIAMo ...0 , 'l4 of our Goods. W. R. COATS ~~~r Race 41 . 4 - -z and vrill;eooPenll at 'h, Crust Ont Oglesby, en ';— tolith .- sir tablisinnint,on -I Oct, 112 1 - wilerci --1 107 1 1rillk prepared to make up to Order, n the ila teat sed iashionable styles, allitindsof-Iden'a atuttioes me,„ lug, Particular attettion gin's to ozp.xpy..9l7mora". Wanted, two experienced Pants and. 30014. kern. L. IVEZILIa CO, Montrose, Oct. ss, r THE LADIES Dr. Daponeo's Golden Per'edit:4ll4llBln koalas Dr. Ckeesealaa's Female PlUe— Da. Vellum's Female Pills. Birdamcs Clark's Female Fills. All of the above Pills are iadllitile in eatreeilat yn_ettsirnal irregularities, and in, paring Leneharres or Whites. They are successful as preventlres—berskogt not, be tuew during pregnancy, u they would_pindsce abortion. Price, one duller per box, each. Tee dot two kinds named eept by mati,vo any address, palate paid. In seated envelope, on receipt of one dulls: fog each box ordere& The latter two kinds; being Lean and heavy, will be sent by mall, postage paid, on ai l receipt of are dollar and twenty cents. Address ADEL - TURRELI,, Druggist, Montrose, Pa, Lackawanna & Bloomsburg B. 11, INN and after Tiovembey 27, 1865, pamiNger train I—l will run as Wows: SOUTHWARD. L . X. ,A. I. t it. Leave Seranteu, 5:50 10:50 . 1:53 " Kingston, . -6:55 11:13 ell " Itutiers. 0:15- -- &SS Danville, -, 0:80' - - 945 Arrive at Nurthuiuberland, 10:30 • 1011 'NORTHWARD. ' Leave Northemberlrnd, &DO feta • . Danville, 8:40 • 8:40 ••• Tinpert. • 9:15 3t. N. 4:11 .. Kingston, 2:55 .- B:30: 6:68 Arrive at Scrantot, 3 :4 5 } 9: 2 5. 8:10 Pasaengera taklim.tratn from Petition id 6:2 a. m. via Northomberland. teach Harrisburg at I=o p. m.; Baltimore 5:30 p. m.; Washington 10:00p. m.; via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7:150 p. en. Kingston, Nov. 25, 11. A. FONDA, Supt. f)ET,AVV - ARE;TAAWAN - 1 .-. , WESTERN R. R. Winter Arrangement, PAq 4 IENG.EII -TRAII2I3 LEAVE WESTWARD.- 1 BASTIN Mall I l!aatingtMall tru in. train. I STATIONS. train, A. DI:. A... EL P. M 910.00 New York•.... ~:... 1. 4,50 11.30 i New nampton i 4,30 12.30 llantmta -Elwin k .... 1,40 = 2 1 001 Delaware. —Dine... .1„83 5, 4,3 3 I 10,10 Scranton 9,90 t . 5,41 I 11,43 1 Nlcholrott ~ 8.4 n . 0.03 12,04 1 Ilopbottom 8,23 4 6,25 12.33 j Montrose ........ 8.00 ;, 6.47 1,1134 New Milford • • 229 . 7,05 1 1,35 1 1 Great Bind ... . . .. . 1' 2,2 0 a. P.M. P. M. .* F oot of Liber t y - et. i A.ll CONNEC7IOIIB—WESTWARD. The Mail train from New York connecta at Bi nn tam Cti rink, wl th the train leaving Fbilad'aillenolag• ton depot) at 8,00 a, al.. and at Greatßend with through mail train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car It. Cached, stopping at all the principal rtatlone on that road. and arrivinzat Bente at 6,19 a. m. The l a ssen,ger trait from Scranton connects at Grt Bend with through trains going west and east as Edo Railway. arriving at Beirut° at 1,28 a. tit'4 and at Sala manca at 12 m. CONNECTIONS-.-EASTWARD The Mail train from Great Deadly commas there with the Cincinnati Rxpress on the Erie - Balla ay tom the west ; at Mannoka Chnnk with a tram for BMW's and Intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia it 6.30 p. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for fia•toa Betltlehem. Allentown. Reading and Harrisburg, antr a t Flarriehur: at 8.130 p. At Semdfott: conned ions are made withtrains toped from all stations on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R. and on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co's Railroad, Time Tables of which rondo are printed be low. R. A. HENRY, Genetil Pass. and Ticket Arent 1.-4RIE RA ILW AY.—On and after Mon day, Nov. 2.5 th,, 1867. train. will leave (Real Bend at about the following hours, viz.: . GOING 'WEST 2.54 a. m. Nixbt Express, Mondays excepted. forlio chuster. Buffalo. Salamanca and Dunkirk, making di. rect co iucction with trains of thu Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West; also it Binghamton for Byracast; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira tor Canandalcua. 3.2 S a m. Night Express, daily. for Rochester. Buffalo, s.lamanca. Dunkiik and the West. connecting as above. Stops at Great Bend on Monday toorungs only. 517 a. tn. Mail Train. Sundaes excepted. for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting at Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.53 p. to. Day Raprepr, Sundays excepted.. for Ro chester. Buffalo. Salamanca, Dunkirk. and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira Air Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Hallway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand \Trunk Rail ways, for all points Weigand South. 7, 51 p. m. Express Mall. Sundays excepted. f• - r Miffs. In. Salaraltica, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West. 12 50 p. m. Way Fieight. Sandars excepted. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily., for the West GOING EAST. 1.24 a. m. Cincinnati Expreee. Mondays exeepled. al Lackawden for llawley. and at Graycourt for New hor2. and Warwick. o.clo p. m. Accommodation Train Daily. 2.00 p. m. Day . Exprees. Mondays excepted. connect. at Lockawasen for Bawler. and at Jereceelty with midnieht exprere train of New Jersey Dailtollafor Philadelphia, Baltimore and Molting:ton. 9 . 21 p. trt New York and Baltimore Mail. Strulays ex cepted, connect id. at Jersey City with morning ex. pros. train of New Jersey Boilroad for Baltimore and Waehimmon. and at Mew York with morulag ex press t rains for Boston and the cast. 3:41 a. m. Ni2ht Express. Daily. eonnectiow it Gni conrt for Warwick and at New York with afternoon troirie and steamers for, Boston and New Baglazd cities. 10.20 rt. m. Wav Freight, Sundays excepted. W .R. BARR. . R. RIDDLE. dec ID Gong Paveenger Arent. Deal Seta IMP — A New and rompleta4 ' , Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Telles on the Brie Railway and connecting Lines his recently been pnbliehed. and ten he powered on application - to the Ticket Agent at the Cempaafs office. FURNITURE. ESTABLISH . MINT • I • eNF William.W. Smith. The extensive Ikneltare 1. Establishment of W Ellam SV. timith. baying bees • refitted and greatly improved, the proptietor respect folly annonuccato the citizens of. Montrose-and ty, that he le constantly making and keeps on hand the largest and beet asssortmcnt of - ; • 30 11 11[73E1...gwrircrIFLEI' to be toundiniethii thi snide Of Near York 'City. • Dmikc Divans; Tosrutractin 'Lounges, - Footstools Ae. , Center Card, Pler. Toilet. Dining., Kitchen , and extension tables: " Cim*ns -sCandand Woixiseat Bakers, Cane, Tilt and Woodscate of every variety and - Sofas and Tete4etetes. ft:Witted on short uotimf.-- Cane Seat chairs resealed. r .bPRINCI•••BEDS,.. A large assortment—cheapest unkbert Jill the nark& Cane Seat Cheir -r aiH5:.,J, lA. now setstlalt±dtasupplvmy enstoaiertiwttha tri stihetantial cane sent chair. of home inannfiteinree w i de! will be found greatly superior to : *tuna Prtnerif 1 = - Market, and yet are,sold at is less Viet. CANS SEA 7 cif iIRS R SEATED. Ttetidi Inside coffins on band or - furnished at short notice. Hearse alwrys in readiness if desired. 1 employ nopetbutcarefal and expedient:ell 'realty*. 1 intend to do my work. wnll, and fell it as low as,Mll,. he afforded. • . • - . • , . WILLIAM. W.:SAUTIL Montrose,Feb 18,1868. TWELVE YEARS REPUTATXON . -11. proyeADr. EDWARDS' Ti,.Wild Cherrvund .. ...tryout' Syrup t The Veit ittecell gOtinal medicine • ' 11 Zuplrit vAtgb.; Oa. a i alEPA. al p p erber Pricreet.ligiV4 Puller train. P. DI 11". ; • zsi„ 4.10 t • 8.40 4 .10 1 1 2.45 PM