MiCS BUSU ANSOX A. IiARYOTT, tr. iti...n,..a.it.?gio - '43.epr. Li-nri_Stkhq Co. ra. ~1 0-....otherlg,ermanptly r.!tellded to JILL. 14..1 to - ' ' !kl-1 IN A ti, lictacsitabtP234Ette a'. 19.4 Ihrip.cra Co. Pa. SUTTON, - Auctiobtear,,, and taittranco Agent, no *o'4 vriendsvaue, Pa. yiaGERS & ELY, .41614,cticori.e..Or rieto fltrook_ C. S.,GILIIIIIq, 177 it tr . 411.1.2.0tics.itikikOF. ' „ ta• Aleii 16,3 0 11r..A • A TTORNET, AT LAW, Muntrose, ra. Cffice In ..a..Cit,erfoE,fittvk-Illockiert.r'').%l7llßon,,t Gero's P tor tranittklaY4ttontiOn'tive# teAnAftios,. pertain ing' b Vrilhau's Court. . • • `GORDON R. FRI N 134.tivr'ontixruEn. ()fluidly. ever 43. It. Lynne' ' ,4 Store e rnblie Avenue, Mostrote, ra. - JAkul4tt . DR. A. J. .AINEY, /3fixsrcto: and Si2.IIGEON, has located at Brook . lcn nu Co. Pa. Witt attend tnifil enlifi*ompt, I MO? the ono formerly occtipied ,ilr 4 K. L. U.lrookl)n, • 11R. W. IV. SMITH, • ENTIST.. Thooins over Co roln•R Third ware/406i*. Wilco Itoiffs.frob29 a mi. to 4p. m. Mglitims.! July 1, 1k3a7.-0 . • .-•• JAMS E. CA RAI ri / ritigt'LAW. "Oltef'll . AtliArrtisklin Ito ". s •-•-tatentrotter - Der. ,- 1 8 . 186 d.-U. MI. D. LUSE, 4 TT_OIINET AT LAW, "41entmee, Pa. °filen oppo. I>l rite - the Franklin notcl, near the Court Hosea. Not: rt. luc.—ct • ABEL TURRELL, • !•:: Nik FA LBR in Drugs. Patent Diedicinfa, Chemitals, Liqnors, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. N an:ashes, Win oiassoartmeries. tans.. 'Ware, 'Wail and Window Paper, Stone ware, Lamps, Kerosene, Machinery Oils, 1r71.141.0111; arme„'ammunttion, Knives, Spectacles,Firosh e. Fancy G oods , Jewelry, Perris eery. .I..e....ibeing , one ~ .dthe most numerous, • Yentas..., and valnable coMec . slow. of Goods in Susquehanna County, (Batablished fa 18:031 [Montrose, Pa. 1). W. SEARLE, ...A. „ TterRISTY AT - LAW. (+Mee over the Store of A Lathrop, ia the Brick' Block. Siontrose, Pa. May 1. 1,5,86 Pa. \V. L. RICIIARDSON, . - -1 - ITrirslrr,lic SURGEM.7, tenders his profession ;, .ervfces to the citizens of Montrose and vicini ' 'Milee ors his residence, on the corner cast of Sayre tik. 'Bros. Fotlndry. 'pane 18, 1567.-Iy* T• F . ic.. Tts.. , 35A1GIRL ffAXWATi. LOOMIS & HANNAH, . 1 .... i. TTOP.NETS AT LAW, Sollclturs in Bankruptcy. l e t, I:Il i (.lit:le y r : ai i, e .‘ 2 . ).l .ll .F.s ,,, t ,i l4 o e n a c r i f . l Ccitect isn.g Agents and Coal 1 1.:01,i -.Tor I+, [Scranton. Suite test—y• . .E. L. WEEKS CO. t 3 trdcrsson. or T. N. HINE' CO., Dealer; in pry Goods; plothing, LadtrA and :Mescaline Shoca. ka. agenin.for tiler, great Amerlran Tea and 'coffee ompatkr [April, 1,1667. Wnwr.nr . • - - PA„tr.crr. . 4 DP. E. GARDNER, and-SURGEON; Montrose, Pa. Gtres ev.ft-aittl ettenttert tolifsesses of the Reza and Irmtstrand aßSnrgiml diseases. Vince over the Post Othea. Boards at Searle's hotel. [500.4.1360. ?AID WIN, ALLEI4, dr, BIcCAIN. a c 1 , 2, n , o i I F 1 , i,,v o n t r,Sa , 'or!: Fish,Lard Grain, I r L P an,l Timothy Seed'. _Also„ C. naT,4l4; sts .6r.r.ntra.;:?tl -TEa and ear -'3e nC.P'nl7liC Ardatse. . • :4,,,ilt,coF.e. v a .. j.rii isck 1.4- C !1 - , r .. t'eneetrnlltv teitt ere hie into!, ser7:entl to [he citizen of Friends : killoWslbiertflitst..l2.7 - 011teo Inthe otlecor:Elltr:Led, , -Ititsulit;lteT.' , ll,i ,, ford's. • n• "1,!: •-fe 0 - 17 c,`" • , 4 , a 2 3- S ,l 1 7A : :JOHN GROVES' t ri,i4;44sk4vltE . TAtAlri, llontret*?/ 1 .,.5b10P 91 ; oi -ill Jed prOmptly, In fir Et-in k. W:ace, Ana to . :mated Cott:. - • • . • . AND cILAIRMICW7AcTunrns4,-1 oni 'C J 75f 3isisl ' eirne~, Pa; tf: • col • • • to* • f:Z•7." - -1 . • 11. BuratrrT, eicoLLEairt Staple and Fanny Dry Goods, Croekerr; rdw ire, Iron, Stores, Drazo, Oils, and Paints, note and CflpE. Pars, Dnffnlo cc: Milford, Pa. ---_1 , , Wll.llt. COOPER &CO 7 '. • , 1 ~.kritlitilfc. *lontrer eMe. ligueil - 406tieto Pbst,CNOper , :31 , h.p. - 9 ni 3 O.l.:spirFVetmst•thithling;Ttirtflap-st. I vf '3l,Atri'PAtii.,° : 6 ? 4 ',P* 11 -14 , e • - -r,:izeinT 'Dra ll4 k l 4. • 1 . • Irr , ift 'Lk*, BOnIt!4- 'Mack ..latio.posof reniptiott. Cinizot. attended to.. 1PL.70 Moe dna doo r beicnv.Dopre Store,.. lion'troreßa 1 wicHoLs, TNF:ALERS in Dim cm. Medicine.. Chcmieutu.. .tw.T., itil., - "furnivii, Liquor.. Spice.. Fan ' rroyltrloq.Patrat Medi eitten Rerfurm•ry nniVlNAlet tittl4.o. t lona carefully compounded. Avenue, above beurle's lintel, Montrone, t 44s 7f?ti UUsu c 14 ! - Sept. I 1, „141.96. • Da. E. P. HINES, Iff as locatedat rriendrvilleffittliericir- E meatetnovend Porter, itt-On. its . -v-ArnlaY• be fuund ttiF - Jtmkeou home. nom! from 9 tu'm., to 9 9.-m. Joni Gtf Pa.. Jan. 15th, ISMS. ''"? • ." 61 - 1101;D A• BROWN, cripigr. AND LIFE 1:1S - .;2ANCE. ACSNTS. 1111 hu nest. sttctidnd to promplly. on fnir terms. Of. gee firm ,loor north of " Montrose Hotel." west Fide of lublicAv;nue, litcotrose Ps. [Jan. 1.181;6. l I MMELTS•rdoiFf. ' CrisgurS . l: irgirarg. .... . , ti.:; - .7.. - :.? ,;-_C:•0. kORDI-LAM li r ii 0 T elt SHOE Realer and Manufacturer Montro.c, ' t h , .. , SliPll 2 4 Alz ill Arca. one door above 1.N..8u1-1 1 ta.3. All kin as of work' wade to order, and repatrfrlg done neatly.' - janl 65 JOHN SAUTITER, E.SPECTFrLLY/innonne& that lie it now pre- Vette 'ent all kinds of Garments in tiwmost Oauble Style. and warranted, to fit with offtwlee tims,e..riStkup,ower Store, liorttflse. -'•'`SOLDtERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, 13 it 15 ° 4941.3T. X uoderet.noed, -LICENSED AGENT of the GOV gNMANT.AmyIpg .okt/tine. 4apcetiMrtine etc.. will give prompt ette4 o l l :t9,4/LculAiil agfixTre.ci told* awe. No chamtutledetbilecesgral. Itinito7 .Y.o4trose, Ju eetb, 311134 ~~...:.a....,.:; °T7(I'OTITIEI:nt.Goods at small Advance trammudetalo Y v Gcret, ln 'store' !tritor sale by • .; • , • . Ir— Z co.r.pri,llll;.: Gf • Dry Good;, ra - ce ries:Crockery,ardtea re, :Sio . ves, iron, Medicines, Paints, te)4lS of Shoes, IVall Paper, ,Win• • dots Shades, Hats and Caps, Robes, Ladies' - -and Genii furs, =BE Bolgiokrt and . Hoop Skirts, Se. AS combined. formtng th 6 motok completo Opportitotty for Vel ecttng to every department of Ws Undo, and win be sold at . The L owest Market Prices. New .4fiticyrd 17 1867. - • MAD C-REEK M.I.LLS; ... • Nervier '264l[l.lfc•x•cl, "X 24:; " , FN. IdoQßp . ,,l'rnprliter, are 0 folleigeretion44 .n. ia4. , Mt , Dlciere,wottidiwal tb;o od. Oeeple of ionsquehanna.ponnty that he nee iltte ,np. htronill at aleary expense...with all pedant Impietements in Bolts and - Machinery, and is coullt4ent lie.ctutdo as good' work as the best. _ We hare ono °flit° i m proved Silver Creek Smut 2. Separating Machines, gaid to be t' 13 beet machine of tho day. Vo have alto the heat machine for cleardngßackwheat In the county. The services of Mr. JO! B. DRAKE. an experi enced miller, have bean secured and ho will attend to alt calla. . New Jlllforti t: Nov. 19, 1867.—tf NT Montrose, betn - een the Store of 1. R. Btrilnrd end I wooden etre of Brick Block, at that :little one horee Boot and Shoo Store, a new and elegrolt assortment of 3E3c)c)tis sib tiiiiii.coets Men's thick and fine Boots, Boy's Boots, and a good assortment of Shoes, con sisting of Ladies' Kid, Goat, and Lasting Balmorals, Chlldren's and Baby's Shoes, Se. Also; weft madO to order, and Repairing done on short notice. Qat. 29, 1567.-11' C. 0. PORDIIAII. GREAT PIANO FORTE And Melodeon Emporium, 650 Broadway, New Yo:k, and 69 Washington Ot, Chicago, Crosby Opera limp, Wholesale Agents for the United States for Wm. Knahe d Co's Crlebratod Gold Medal Also, Agents for A. 11, GA f.E da co., and other first• sc hare the largest and beet asmrted stock or Pianos, which. tor Power and Swectnee,a of Tone. Racy and Agreeable Touch. nnd Beauty of Finish, Imre, byjudgets, been pronounced unrivalled. w bele -ale &Nara for Carhari, Needham:4s,ols Cao brateet Harmoniums, Jfek/eteons and Orgqlse" , Manufitcoarore and Importutit'of Musical Inxtruments, and ;, Tirtl kinds of ,Ifusicill Merchandise. Or Remember the place, i ' ,J; J34.Ufß..d•.' CO., 650 Proadwz,New York, an d Iy4l C 0 Washington St., Chicago EKLY JOTTB DE3WCIECITIARIYIIMLYTIA. r. The attention of the Dcmocrattc and Conservative eitizeatkoLthe_conntry Is called to the Daily and Week ly iAfttl ea of th . ..A . ogideis eircalajed fotynni. The dis eeminntion linikkelfa . rlll ieSTACketliattS a honld cum manrl,44e.e.irnest. ottentiou of every true frierubef/tte rniop ned tho.constltotion... 'The events o( the post .prlittc4 sCor arc full Of *44or-ince* The epytoing of -Thel l eAlpie in op i tlosi Lien 'to the .destractivo polfreyol .Itnaleal.era s cleary shows that thP 'maestri ore deter milled to restore. agaln to now& .the great Democratic parts, every ,page whoseliletory Shied with the glory prosperity.. of onr Common eonns moro eff,-tun , . Method forpregentiug the Tr. th can ht devi&cd, than in circn!.itinz 104.1110 c ratlejournals. Ilia r lie ir.reut lan orThirPro.prietois or The. Ann to make it, in every waS - c , tvoithsni V.he ranp,nort and confidence that haN't.tr•lttordrc r,e6n extended to'it. Improve means ane eonteraplated in - every department, ind-rio pains or expenee will be.,epareci to keep it in 'Le front rank of Anaepettiliourntdistn• ... • . . 'l'he Daily' Age contains lint latest iniAlldgenntarclFl all purls 01 the aittrkt.t.tisith ontyGOcrumeet, !Polittcs. Trade: Einauee, skid alt.:the CurfelikAlUestintils of the day: LocaLLoteitigenco, Market-Reports. Ptlees clovet/4..0t0ds Qnetionv. 4rod • Cinamereini In teptepot4:Roposts. ant PutaiC (iatherrnO. Forci.m and tontc , ticCorrespondttnen, Legal Reports, BouitAnti cea, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literature, Art ke.'fienitaral" - Matti rs - and disenssioni of whateverlitggslitedrrettatOti and impon, lance. Bei-i ...pkitl-Tretegr It MS all the ill& ' posoltesinfthe Assetiated Press tram !emery part of a itsd States; and-also- the. Ass °elated Pm! , dispa t tdcs trcterved the,etlantici,lnble: and: the news trauma]] , pst3Sioldirloopttatt ought by the steamers., Is igatantly Aelertaphed-,tronituttatever . (point the atiMmers first' . , &Quoit, , • , - .-13`he Weekly ligerivlllbe it complete compendiereof theitowspahe. week. sull-heahlea. the . leadingteditori rls frOM thy I.latiyi will contain a large amount of inter ' Viling inntimprepered expressly for the weeklyiStue. It will be in all r , e ; stects , 4 0 L_class • family journal, particularlyadopte to the ..p_ olittelan. the F.,tmcr. the IderchantOne-31 littAt;the-...TitratlY Orele, and the Gepenil Reader, liating,in in fact, every charecteros tip,of aliVenciripaper.,. sittau early day :Vegnn n-aniettp4:itinp:rostio,,tterial cue of tits nipit pop tier and„factgiatiatnalhotscand it its Sistohc Intentihn tb urea!:. In the course bi l thei year,'thrie erfotrrof the best and latest Ate.3legg alr,O4ttv - ;.4.Meae_ 3 1 5'4 ntontirf. , F4 - 50,-fitsounnencits';72•s9: to r,Vkei at the rate of otioaoltir per month: ,'Paytti.etit nal ••tosierittalyterrlsevunce. ePtistoge• Meats per gearteiTbrameretriter. told worry. 'odors. per :itionilvolooprop4id imp ottliSsiot 41 , = litatarsroisTkre.-wszsTst;4-onoidopy;•onelwr.112010-e toptes.aptielletir,'*, 9; ten copies; ono yea'(; sn,owswen t)copies, one Year, $X2.3. IThe , deistrohli of extending the Influence of their weekly issue. have determined to maltentich re duction in its yricens witlpiece it within the reach of aCt - ulletanktzt,4lao' eottettr. Therefore 6, to . toner the mehns of all classes !tom and .. afierJaottaryl....ls66the Weekly Age will be furnished to clubs at theftelowing extraorilinaryrates • • - One Hundred copies, one address, • ^ And one copy 'extra to the getter up of the clob—ad ditional copi us nt the sameprice. tlorettry.theeatotties. one 3 ear. one address, 1:84.110 And one copy extra to the getter up_ of the dittortal tonic-Silt:the earn price. Fifty copies. on. y eer,ooe oddness. • -$412.50 And _one copy extra of the getter up of the club—addi tional copies at the same price, Forty copies. one year. one address,. $52-00 A 11:11 crocrevry extra to the tetterup of • the club—ad . ditioneVeopieS nythe stone priest. Thirty copies. ens year.onn address. $42.00 And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—aedi tionalcop lei as theiosaMilirlce, • Twenty copies. one year. one address, rlO.OO And one copy cern toihe getter up of the club—a ditto nal copies at Inc same price. aneatAittest. , =".:7 $lOl.O I C' -And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—addl -1 - tronaLtopisle etthe mime price. Five copies, of e year ono' nthlrese. " $8.60 TilVsp, prices, which precast' invariably in advance, apply onipto yearly snbkribera r and the `, papersmnat„ in every case without exception, be sent to one address. Ailos liunack3 The above terms will be rigidly adhered to. Dram on Pbiladeiphia,pr• Pest - tiffice"Orders, payable to the order of the Publishers, be'ng safer. are - prefera- Me to any Miler mode of remittance. All who send money by Express, must pre-par Express charges. Epe cimertopies_or:the Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on application at this office. Advertisements. Luserted at moderate rates. Address wrtsAlrEOßß, ~.42a. C hesthlit Street Philadelphia. 0E tern or Haw) ev - Wrollei will tb be on thTe firs:Zero? Margh 'pelt 'by Illig rico. e Ira* nem 'vvlll be continue/11)y thertildoetiber. 'Wolf lor IMAM` Par, /10 i ttsZter that dee. - - • Tlie ixbbfieribevO• ot.spliterntrat drivel ells pattrofr ftge In f*1414, d.' seneitiblit 'Solicit 'it tOptino• 'ante of *weeetektiostitnttbst It . b Oltitrtake ,St for the interest df all '6W:tee:lip telibmsvolis4s9lVl349sit 18 31M01 0 t 1 4$ 123 0Cri a cre ll i t l OXsillolo ' Rea Milford, 'Web. 4410* .I.%; : 'ii' - • " . * ' . =s= (I)Q - 7 FOUND, For all and:wintes,. Conetatlng of a*. .13.A.X7.11EMERL efts 4000., X' l l.m.m:Lcorcaz-tosi. 44111E2X2Lta "a•ge"" Tacotioe. , 1111 N, BR ir O co t r xsT ß ov.. E!6, : moors . whoiestae.a 'ton 41,-11z „ .td2 l I- to., -T" Ca alotr STEEL, NAILS/1! WiSiOViglA*); 'BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE Jun', COUNTERSUNK T WBiILBP .O S, ' RAILROAD SUPPLIES.. CARRIAGE SPRINGEr. - AXLES, SKEINV*Itip BOXES, BOLTS. NUTS and WA SIFEE/4 • PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. NUBS, SPOKES. F SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, ffe.. ANYILs STOOES - tird BELL . OWA 401AINES43LEDOES. FILES. &c. &c. " , CIRaTLAIL AND ' ILL SAWS. EFIATN G. PACE:ENO TACKLE MOORS. TEA STEN .PARTS, CEMENT. lIAIR ab GRINDSTONES. - PREECE WINDOW GLASS: tEATTIETUZ 'FINDINGS RAIRBANIVS SCALES. BcranticarcK4.,lo3l3B. iiiPliit - iEWING : -.iii-CNliifi Cot SALESROOM, 616 BROADWAY; N. Y No. 1 Fenny litscursn. Machine has a strairht needle. perpendicular action. makes the Lock or Stint tie ,Stlrh, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both side!, ; performs perfect sewing on every de scription of manurial, with cotton, linen or silk thread. It Hems, Fells, Binds, Braids, Tacks, Quilts, Plaits and gathers. As a Family' Machine it has no nperlor. E. N. MOORS. Particular attention is-called to onr New. Improved Manufacturing Machines. They run light and are cOna paratively Refacing*,; simple. durable and cmetcpt.— For cloth or I,l:abet work they have no competitors. No. !I Machine, with 'Jammer and Braider, $75, No. Machine, V 33. Eir Agents wanted, to whom a liberal .dlica:Atnt will be given. (Oct. 1887. eBOVBSTEEN'S PLINO9 r , GROVESTEEN 7 B PIANOS', - GROVESTEEN'a 449 Broadway ;New York, 499 Broadway; New York, 499 Broadway, New York, Arennrivalled for &taping', Pmer. and Brenner/0 Ton 4. They aro faaCkecorning the favorite over all Wart. with MusleialtiAmateure, end all 'ovary of 000 D MJSIC:.-ThrT are Warranted in every re spect. Prices' one third lower thsl other first class maltere. SendfOr Circular. ego VESTEEN d: CO, 0e.22 —,..P199 Broadway, New York. - LADIES' FANCY FURS , At JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Established Fur Manufactory, ! ,, T0.113 A RCII STREET, shore 7th, PITILADELPIIIA. Aare now in Store of my own manntietnre and irn- Tiortar tilio , -Aargest and meet beautify) nelec - ii"admarscy tor Ladies' and Children's Wenr In the City. Also, a tine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collar.. I am enabled to diapoFe of my bond. at very reason. altle priees.and..i would therefore solicit a call from my Men of Saegnelinnna County and vicinity. cf.77 . llernember the Name, Number and Street. FARE RA. No. 71S Arch St.:Above 7111. anath'clite. IEO7/ hitlrli no partner nor etseneetieni with tinrOther Store in PhilatlcApbl4. ctct. ,Stcol .P . • Mi • ITAT PULL BLAST tlncteralell wnnltt reppectfillc inform pfewilNt cr3lEfotd and vi . ijity th4t 11)13 rogLary situate In tlie. Nill.t.2e or New NI Eford. ;ind 0144 he u. I,repare4.l to famich pip( iugo of ait on ctlf,pirill get them tip to order. Coaishlt , your interests by.giving me,2. eT. S. 'T.i.VGLEY • :slew Milford, Oct. 1. 1667.—tt gariaxas riaknovED HEY HMG MOIR! , producingqelitt.nlac t nvrlttir! MachineC' ontp Company 7 ... hn u r c e a :n e e e r e i t e ti c : T .ism ends in n ti b ntat sk.l cctimplieh. To be bad P of MORSE -., LINES, Soleagents: ?For Saginettantrx. CountY, igneeegS o VB -or Vat one' St Futter. ", • -Montrotte,'Jtay 23;193T.—tf.. '" .• -•• p.,1 0-0 0, „11.. 1 0 .• • 1 T.hteD'eheirrs foryGen.''Gratit HIP, 11URR AN • f. fi` IVlcorrits;, Virg hall! barrier; has removed hfs shop to the nnsement of E. L. Weeks' New Store, where he is prepared to give grmd satistaetton. When go to ox plato thizsubjectlaninfv rae falls to 'miaresslt. o GROVF_,STEEN & CO., 499 Broadway, New York. Pi ]a P"c")rtess. Our East new addition to our ditrerent styles Is attracting the admiration of both clines and populace. We mentlOn specially, sonic of the claims of this new Piano: Believing the exterior sbonid be us beautiful to the eyeas, melody is to the ear, we Wave paid great at tention tia'gg-ttinit them up Ina style that 10 conceded be 311 'villa li,aVe seen them to be the hanosmnest Piano Forte =ride. They are nn entirely new style, with four full round corners. heavily carved legs and lyre, base richlymoulded, vivid contains our latest improved new scale:lnd itictian, !rho tont, it melodious, and its adapt ability to passages of every shade of expresolon, from the yottestmurmers;the tuessendo. and the F F. gives the performer everyadrantage.of the Concert grand Price $5OO. Mervisr l l3ncia.. Baldwin, Allen, & McCain. DEAL/3/18 IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fisk Smoked Hal ibut, Candles, Tea„ Coffee, Spires, Syrup, Molasses, :sugar, Seed Wheat, Clever c 6 Timothy Seed, Piaz-seed, Beans, Breton's, rails, „4.:4c. ' i ,,, lliitmLforpthitpittobage, weibitil be tiaw to see d s a n asclizot Dew enseciOers. • AllessifiistinsisL ' P 110.44.„140;g1. 2. ;I. ,WCATN. Montrose. PO. 6.35: X C;) DI 7 Price, with Hemmer and Braider,' PO. itheAddaster OtHiIIII:IIISIIRANCEAIiENCY, ' 3MCcazLtr cams aw,lNhEiNot Horne Inaulafieetoliqlt 4 f.3Ctitlital and „ Surpitti' ' :T 47 ". . 0,000,00 Insurance•Vo. ofNoitbilitierien,-Phartil • Capital and Surplua, 1,700,000 International Piro litenrandotn. of,j. 'Capital and Stratus',' • ' • 1,500,000 Lyeaming Cheirty "Mutual Insurance CO:0 St:plus, • 2,500,000 s Farmer'tutual ineurunce Co. Yorig, Fa„ Capitaland'SlitPlue, ; 500.000 : Enterprise Inanrance Coirmany. ` PMI' s; Capital and Surplus. ' " 875,000 Lusurailcv Co. State of Pennsylinlnls. Phil. Capital and Surplus, 700,000 Comet:tient IdtttMiWie Itilfttrattne Co. , Ot Hartford, Cat.; paying 60 per Cent. „ "dividends to the atisiired.. The nptaat' given for half' theprettlfam le newer tia be paid anderany circumstances.: he, policy will, always be . paid in full, and - the notes given - UP, capital, 10,000,000 American LiTe Ittattrat2M2 Co., P/Madel .. phia, Capital. 1,000,6410 Travelers'lpautapsa Co.. Hart forliv,Coann „ t Insuring 44111,20 t t44ll;9l'Neldellte Capital, , ' 500,000 riartrlf4 - Flreh lustaintice Company. Mixt. Jeri", Conn., Capital and Surplus, . sEZnnm Pitcattsumucd Co., Hartford, Ct., tCapitat;,• - • 00 0 4 1 0 Aftrtfhrtt j o lve Steck Inaninnee Coil etary.' ..Instranee ott aft kinds of Live El dr; 'hettinat theft and death lroni any fiance. Capital, • $522,600 t fir LE hash:less entnnted to our care will be attend o on fair tents, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD k BROWN, Agents. • AtO•bitati4 flielabOr notth - of'• liontividelfOrel,"`Vver' side ofPnblfc Aveanti. C. *ti2ott - , gen., Friendsville, Solicitor. n , BILLING 4 STP•clurot Cassano L. llnow Moat-rose, Jan. lit. 1807. ly le * 0-ED dir4AL*4 WHERE YOU WILL FIND BST V PLIEUETIE DRESS GOODS, F.I4Y CY GO OJOS, GOODS,; PIECE GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, And Furnishing, Goods, Is certainly at Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co's Having, ar.ain purchased a largo stock of New goods and 'Winter Trade, eve tronla rnfr:eit s notl 7 anil 4.x - anitna t lon of onr Goods. tectin cnntldont of holng enabled to please And Pali sf y as rs:-.7l"rds,orfe , tysnii prices. We world eFpecially call attnOtion to Our nue end large selection of )labt gigtl2ing . {. I. 1 4;o4siuneres, for Ciist.nr34VnAt. 'An'Vre Aro thi Totintitactureviornll the (;lothipg ie.el). we, are cnablea 4eo P. FY ALL th regard to i~OU .NSair. AND. PRIORS. Cidinients madc'ici ;Mei nfre'r nlctlanr'a, and good,At tlng . vgranticd; A good as's:111111ra cof MEN'S ii; DQYS' HUN Just received, -Altirittrgetnt ok plain A trimmed -11ORSE-BLAI*KIETS.---- ---• 61111211 l't 1 ,4fr,014111111i64 zaLW444.4l;r ,• , • • The Groilt Misery. Jag Published fn g fhaled: Enve*M. Prieei six cent ' A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Care of 'Seminal Weakness. orSpermatcrrentea, induced Uy aelf•ahrise .• luvoWatery Emissions, .Impotency, Nervous Debility,. find Impedimenta to Marriage gen • erally ; Consumpticul: ffpiletisy.and.ffita ; Mental and PhYsivil incapacity , tc , --7-I;ty lid EL J. cUi.yaRWEJ, Author of the ``Green Rook," &c.., . if" The world renowned author, in this' atalrahle Esc lure, clearly proves-from hie own experience that the awful consequences of self abuse tott,T Mt „effectually re moved withonienedianti, and without dangerous ear gical operations,' hougles„.inahrtimenns. Sings, or cot dials, pointing out a Mode of cure at once certain fLad effectual, by whit h every sofrcrer. no matter what hla condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, an nautically. This Lecthro will prove a boon to thou sands. Seta under seal to any nddresP, in a plain Pealed en velope, on the receipt of six cents. or two poctnge stamps. Also Dr. Cuiverwell•s " Marriage guide," price 25 cents. Address the pnbliphere. CHAS. J; C. KLINE db CO., 121 Bowery, New York, Poet Office box 45SG. March 10, 18437-Iyemp. Jr BLACKSMITHING. ." q.-p undersigned have this day formed ft eartner ' T shit', under the firm mime of Stamp it Moran, for the purpose of carrying on Blackarnithlng In all Its branches. ItlPrdtrict attention will be given to Rorie-shoeing. All work will be done neatly and.promptly. The pub Ilc are Invited to call. R. P. STAMP. Montrose. March 4th, 1887. tf P. T. MORAN. ABEL TURRELL'S STORE, X. sensual, 10 fall of desirable Goode. Call and pee nquoßs An.eatenelve apartment o • pure Poore for medics' parynee. , erobraeln; nearly every klad la market, eOll. straitly on hand nod for sale by ,I,llsl. TMELL ABEL V:MREfJ,;, rptnjigill):l3lont !ac*.lub4lkM, tW714b1)%741 THE RONSON tO'S SE G :MAC N-E 099 ;ROADWAY d Tf: ,f. :NEWS YORK. '):_ .• j I? '- FOR FAMILIES & MANUFACTURERS, THF,SE WO)1lti XENOWNED SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the /ii9ht.tt Premium at the • Warld's.Fair in -London, and sizkfiret premiunzs at the .Arew" nirkiStaii•"": Fair or MC and are Celehrated for defog tho best work, using A, wash t sou t uerrreetti error them:le:thread than- on v other ma+ ,phlue,ind b,y jotroduetloo• of the orpt approved Altai hinetry; de nromotrablelo supply the very bust Ma cll>4o isr.tbe wo.tifL These machines are made,al our new and spacious Factor/far Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supeivision.of elapse tilkflificit on re stonaT en-'( , similar priviliges will be confer tegroes in Pennsylvania. —.a-41E1p- 1 11Another'Loud Gun e, to the use cirseirnstressevs.l. -4 , l4.e.gmen - n torturers of Shirts , collars. skirts, Clinikg, low. , clothing, hats, caps, corsets, boots, shoes, harneaa.Sad ales:linen goods, umbrellas. parasols. etc They work equally well upon silk.linen, troolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, fell, cord , braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect etitub, alike on both aides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. Hawe,and made on this Machine, is Me most popular • and durable, and all Sewing Ma chines are subject to lhe prim ceple invented by him. SEYD FOR A CII4CUL SIBLEY & STOO, General No. 022 CHESTNUT ST., 1 1, Feb. SB, 1567. MINER & COATS, FURS Main Street, 5 doors below Boyd's Corner, Montrose. ftollll, GROCERIES, IND PROVISIONS, We are tong tnti.gr reeei v ing and now have en hand, afresh toekofGoods in our line, n hich e'A in sell CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! foreash, or-exchan,ge forTSminee GOOD 7.E AS, . :COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, FORA FISH LARD, .:!,,• HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, C L 0 E)? TIT :1 4.. SEED, du- Woharerefittedandpaide additions to onr Stdeltof ?SVC and ate now'ready to lorward Butter to the be, t committfion houses In New York, tree of Sharge, and tu,, he ittieraladvanceasents on culoignincutb. • Caniltedelismtne out Stork before ptilkthaslbg, else crligre. smics/Ily4F t s y,ourselves °fibs • •• _ , GOOil QUALM & C3EAP PRICES C. 0. Vo`nti:oteVAiiikl 16; 1136 i ;t it 7.f.1 'ton: P‘,0'1 , 1, 1 PA EA All*WAY.c-- - - On and, aft er Mon A-4 daY, Nos, Llstll. , 106 T, Arlin.. still leave. A:lrv' Betta'at abet! the ftilloiritt 'hours. viz.:- — GOIN •• • -- • • • 2.wfi• . NlOtt'Ekpress; 'Mondays ixeepted. cheater:l3l36lMo, Sdlanutnea and Ganklik, making reef ceni neaten with trains of the A tiantle,anderetit Westeni, : tatke Shore - Zed Grued T rant:Malatya. for nail, 00,414* Weet4liiieo,atißingliamtort , forgyracuse; at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandalgtia., 1. 4 /4'a Nithtlipress, dully, for Robli . eifer:StifthlO, Salamanca. Dunkirk and the. West, connectng, as - above. Stops at Great Bend on -Monda y . morange nl: , • , 51-'7 a y . m . Mail Train. Sundaes excepted, for Zed:rale 'and Dunkirk'. connecting nt Elmira for Cananolaigna. p. m.. Gay Express,. Sundays excepted. tor Ro chester. Buffalo. Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for SyraCtise : at Owego for .--,lthaterat.-Yamira , for -Canandaigua; at-.Baltunenca will % the Atlantic and Great Western Railway and at ItuffirtO with - Rini - LakeShore and Grand Trunk.Rall- ways, for all points West and South. 7. r$ p. pm. Express-Mail.,Sandays excepted. Pr lo.,Satamanca, and Danhirk, connecting' with trains farthe West. ' • ' 12110 p. tn..,Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant - Train, Daily, (or the West. 7.24 a. m. Cincinnati Express. Mondays' ex cepted a' Lacimwaxen for Rawley, and at Graycourtfor New . . berg end Warwick. a.no p. m. Accommodation Train Daily. 2.00 p. m. Day Express, Sundays excepted. connect at, Ladawasen far ilawletr.,i irod,wkJersay City with midnight express -train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. • 0'27 p. m. New York and Baltimore Mil, So'Anya ex cepted, connecting at Jersey City with morning ex press train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore a n d Washington. and at New York with morning ex press trains for Boston and the east. 3.43 a. m. Night Express, Daily. ronneetingat Gray conrt for Warwick ; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for .Beaton and New England ' cities. 10.20 a. m. WAY Freight, Sunday! excepted. W id. R. BARR, H. RIDDLE. dec. 10 Gael Paaaenger Agent. , Gen'tSup't. gllli — A New and complete "Pocket Time Table" of Pagsenger 'Friths o" the Erie Railway and connecting Lines tris recently been pnbl I abed. and enn be proaired on applic.ntionto -the TleketAgent at-the Company's office. :EFONV.MID Aisoclaillon,Vbiladelphla. Pa otthOliertons.oomfutit.llkinagandiper ,oAlsletehts—new.tinfl ieltribleAreetriOit—th Neßgit , 9 1 ;be 11,0 1 011,1) r eiSSOCTA,TXON., tient ,virsh "Mu 5114,1407 rickp .A ,A, dtt2,l4ritilrtm,re4ee ~:~ of our Goods. W. It COATS GOING EAST rt ir rl7 l U 0 Ctli PerfodlcalPfilladi&ea' ris Dr.Cheeseman'a Female PAL, - Dr4r,flyiall'lt4e o W-4/ 1 - • ? siidimcs Chlit•eiremaTe Yips. ._"An or tbeitiivo PHIS are ThTnllible to tar red% e et Ttiallititlklypi ti. l l. l tl TuTPmi! Us , tint n, Whites. Wey - arer anceseinfae preventivoo—bal :1, 14 riot bowies daring ~saucy. as they wboldlits4, 4 abortion. Price. ono dollar perztitlxi-atifb; a L 4 Cal two kind, named seat by mail . tawny ail mai eaatat, in.ireated envelope; fin rece.fricni Oa* for each box ordered" The Tatter two kindi, being la ju g. arid bJeaey . ,VIII bearing byltialli; pdatlied , Wd, eta. rergof Rae dollar andLtwenty ta..- . ese ABEL' TU,ARELL,Tifi C at, 'Yea* tease, - h. Please Bead this Carefully. milli subscribers have entered into a vitt the purpose of carrying on the , .•T MeTchartt ' Tailog. business; and havingtesuarpl&d ourselveswitit Ord rate stock of materials, such as , • t r. 2 . •• •••• . k,, , Cloths,Vassinieres &Trimmings, • w, s .uo i prepi T al.tc ! IFTLIth Coats, lire sts;Piii‘ii 3 Overcoati,itc. rtinigvery - slieti ititlde, Wide in the lateSt style. of tit heat ruateriub,:and at very 19w prima. Virelidso it,, fur HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, SUS. FENDERS, COLLARS, NECK -TIES ; GLOVE'S, and all the other articles usually kept in an astothh. went of this kind. We may be found In the rooms formerly. peopled y G. F. Fordham, between G. N. Stoddard 's Shoe end Little's law oilier, weett wide of Rain wren, Montrose, Ps ~ doing baldness under the name of !turn & Lines. S. 'H. - - - P. Lilt Montroso. May 28. 186/- Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R, ON and after November 27, 1865, passenger tretza will run ae : SOUTILWATtD A. M. A. M. P. N. Leave Scranton/ • 5:50 10:50 ei " Kftigiton, 6:55 11:15 te.” " Rupert. 9:15 L:53 " Danville, 9:50 9:5 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:20 Ws NORTIi WA RD. Leave Northamberlruil, 6:00 59i " Danville, 6:40 1:40 " Rupert, 9:15 •.11. 4::: Kingston. • 9:75 8:1 1 - i1 Arrive at Scranton, ''4s 5.'25 tt•ti Passengers taking train atinth from Sera Dicta it i•g a. m. via Northnmberland. reach Harrisburg it lige i in.; Saitimure 5:20 p. m.: Washington 10:00p. et.; ut ,ittipert reach Philadelphia at. 7:00 p. in. Kingston, Nov. 25. ' li. A. FONDA, Snit IELAWATZE, LACKAWANNA an WESTERN R. R. Ml:4er Arrangemcnt, ISAI4. PASSENGER TRA.I.SS 1.E.N.V1 WESTWARD. . I ^-, ES...ST 1.,..D. Mail I Pasarigr I . ' , Nall"' We..er train. train. STATIONS; trilln. i rrn!n. A. 3/. A. la. P. 111 ,P. M 91 9.011 . t.. , 11.30 1-New T R 3 amidc . wi ..... I 1 .1 4 .T: r i: 1 12,3 d Mononha Chunk.... 1 1.0 ; I; e 2 lOn I Del.iware....Dine... 1 1.35 ,5 I 4 4,35 10,101 Scranton 2,1 1 .0 I 3.5 !-; 0 5,41 111,43 Nicholson I ~ 8.4111 4.:::,, _ O 6.03 13.08 I linnbotinni R. 43 4.10! f 4" .1'0.3.5 12,38 Montrose 3.00 =O2 =• _, 8.47 LOS I New Milford 5.01 3.10 ;?, '7.05 1;35 I Great nand f 7,2 u I 2.41 I; I a P. 11.. F',.14 1 .Foot of .I.,iberty-st. I A. 51 I P 31, .. . CONNECTIONA—WESTWARD. , The Mail _train frei4H i New York connect? , al 311. nnnka ennnir - tritir the train leaving Philad'a(Krnen r tan depot) at.-o,lu a. in... anidtilreatllend with tbrono mall train on tric Eriejtailway, with sleeping rat et fachetirstoppiri4. a'2llll t ticinrinelnal Ptati u Ti p on !bit road.and arriving at Buffalo at 6,18 n. m. The ! aanenger trait from Sent nt ,, n ronnert• it Cr'l 'Rend nith thr_ornrh trains gore; west and east on Erie Railway, arriving at. iniflakeni. 1,13 a. m., said at sala manna at 13 in. CONNECT - foss —EARTW A 11.15. The Mail train from Great Rend connect!' there nrltit the Clneinnr.ti Etprce4 , on the Brie RailNtAr ter m the'W,et`t At MAUR" ka Chunk wi th a tram for f'filisa's 'indintormodidte stations, errlrin:. In Plilladel^bia at 'll3.r.;(Pyr. ra.:nrllti New linmpton with a trdlxofor L'vece, Bethiehem,APentewn, ReadinFand Ilarriebueg.aerle• ittlnatilehnrgitt 8.30 p m. 4.l,Screotem.connectionsaremtle wit I: mine tetnd froni ell stattone On the LackAwnnne And Illoomehnq eitt'ithe Delaware and Iludson easel Co'. -Itailroad„Tima Tablas of which roads are printed be low B. A. TIENRY, _ General Pere. and Ticket Arent G ALCDNEUPS BUSINESS COLLEGE, nisTrnrr,E,. f '1 ~I=f4RANTONs FA..-. : • f , 1 • • o bg en Prepare for Business. There lea time coining when yon will be either s drone oreeilfepmenlin itatleryra ttme when hailers men willbetistrite'd.'andllinse who have been prort callOducuted.Will farobt,tro,preterred. Young men. do not wilt becaule th y our early edUlla ucation has been to' at ist LOO• now to coke In attempUtut reeol to Irupepve the greatest opportcP ity:evor otreied ta young men.in =this section of toe ,try,for Otaluing a = ' PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDucirioN. . ' - • , t tbave eettiblieueu .; . t4is cotime especially for atm* flog , young men for brightest'; giving them the must thorough course orpractimel Instruction, eoMbluieg TREORY AND' PRACTICE. with ,the asslstouce of Officers. Dank', ete.;of anY C 4 * lege In Northern Penusyibinia. Any student Possess big it common school eduedles Is prepared tq =mamma the; bdsirress • studio. sad if deficient In these branches will be 14411,1M:0y (maw ted free of eh:lmm ' " For terms and tnformstfoo send•for Cellege riP ir giving falrptlateulare• O,tRD, p r ittopal. Jan. 7; 1688.—1 y DECLINE IN FLO cra , 't.,trelciort. 341111 thralshlnglltst. rate Winter What Floor at $ l3 54/ MOON & TINGLEY. DEORA. ,ELECTRIC OIL. 'or Ito 04 pnunzi& TAlt'lltiti;ind'attept variety i Wl dr l44 Ollik; 0 11 r VA. ,c/ Ii W,,ifor sale 0) .10.4"-..