nr-s(tf.t - Ssi.lT),:." - 7,'11. -.ANSON A. MiiiiYOTT, V . . s..".vuerticrimear, - „Lynn, Stieq~a : CO. Pa. 0 0e1C - hy - tnall of otherwise promptly neterided to. , _ Jan.l4, 18E8.4 • _ M. DIARINAN. a -. tr. ..94-aacsticorteeir• Nor. .12m6 Fritadaville. Slimiest Co. Pa. M. C. SUTTON, . _ Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ap7 sac( Friendavillet Pa. ROGERS ELY, 'O3. Bisotioasaors, my 10• Brookly n , Pa. C. S. GILBERT, 37. EA. .A.u.otloaseer. sop: Oaf Great. Bandy Pa. A. W. BERTHOLF, .A•TTORNET AT LAW, Montrose, P. Cilia! in A. west end of Brick Block over Wilson & Gera's store. Particniarattention given to business pertain 'in to the Orphan's Court. [Jan. 1, 18e3. GORDON H. 'MINH, 101110TOGRAPIM1t. Gallery over B. 11. Lyons' Store, Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. danNtf DR. A. J. AINEY, tIIitnrSICIAN and SURGEON. has located at Brook lyn, Snag. Co. Pa. Will attend to all calbs_prompt ly. Office the one formerly occupied by Dr. B. L. Blakeelee. - [Brooklyn, Sept. S, 1867.—tf -- DR. W. W. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms over Boyd & Corcrtn's Hard ware Store. Ofileo boars from 9a.m.t04 p. m. Montrose, July 1, 1867.—tf JAMES E. CARMALT, A ?TORN= AT LAW. Mice next to Franklin Ho teL [Montrose, Dec. 18, 1866.—tf. WM. D: LUSE, 4TTORNET AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Office oppo CI. pito the Franklin Hotel..near the Court lime. Nov. 27, 1868.—1 f ABEL TITRRELL. INPALER In Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Ift Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye &WM. Varnish es ____, "wir - Gtassr G reir..effei,* Giese Ware, Wall .and Window Paper, Sione-ware, Lamps, Kerosene, Machinery Oils, Trusses, Guns, Ammunition, Knives, Spectael es,Brush es, Panay Goods, Jewelry, Perth 'wry. dc.—being. cure of the most numerous, extensive, and Taluablevollee lions of Goods in Susquehanna County, [Establishe • ;A_ 1848. j [Montrose, Pa: D. W. SEARLE, 4- TTORNET AT LAW, ogee over tote Store of A . 1511. Lathrop, to the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. May I t 1866. Dn. W. L. RICHARDSON, 'DITYSICIAN & SURGEON, tenders his profession al service:. to the citizens of Montrose and Tidal ly. pfnce at his residence, on the corner east of Sayre 3 . 13r05. Foundry. [June 18, 1867.—1 y• t. s. LCItTII. Da.nreL 11.11¢1f1IT LOOMIS & HANNAH, ee TTORKETS AT LAW, Solicitors in Bankruptcy tl RIIA General Real Estate and Collecting, Agents. Vainable City Lots, Residences, Farms, and Cos Lands for sale. [Scranton, Jane IS67—y• E. L. WEEKS & CO. UMESSORS of I. N. lIINS & CO., Dealers in eZ , Dry , Goods, Clothing. Ladies and Misses find Shoes. Also, agents for the great American Tea and Coffee [April, 1,1867. Co i n . ilni'matts. • - • - C. C. Far tor. DR. E. L. GARDNER, 1131ITSICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose. Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases of [belle= and Lune& and all Surgical diseases. Office over the Post 001ce. .oards at Searle's Hotel. [Sept. 9. 1666. BALDWIN, ALLEN, & McCAIN, CALERS in Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Lard, Grain, J Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries..nch as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of Public Avenue. Montrose, April 17,1866. DOCT. E. L. HANDRICE, r3IITSICIAN it, SURGEON, respectfally tenders his fL professional services to the citizen of Prrends 'Ole arid vicinity- Or Office inthe of iceof Dr. Leet. Gourds et J. Hosford'e. • Ilya° 63tf JOHN GROVES, IVASIIIOSABLR TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Chandler's Store. Ell — tkO orders filled promptly, in first-rate style. Cut ting done on short notice, and warranted en at. WM. - W..SMITII, rsADV.TET AND MUM MANTTPADTMIEID3,—Foot I.J of Main Meet, Montrose, Pa. tt 11. BURRITT, D S !Again Staple and Pane, Dry Goods, Crneker7, Hardware, Iron; Stoves, Drags, Otis, and Paints. Some and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Pure, Buffalo Robes, Groceries, Provisions, New Milford, Pa. COOPER & CO., DAM:MRS. Montrose, Pa. Sneeessorsto Post,Cooper Co. Office, Lathrop's new building, Tornpike-st. ISITNTIING COOlll3l MEN= =MM. A. 0. WARREN, A TTORNBY AT LAW. Bounty. Back Pay, Balaton, .21. and Exemption Claims attended to. tebl that door below Boyd's Store,' Montrope.Pa BURNS tt NICHOLS, fIALEIIS in Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals. Dye stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Liquors, Spices, Fan cy articles, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar tides. lar Presceptions carefully_ compounded. Public - Avenue, above Searle's Rotel, Montrose, Pa. A. .S. Buns .6.11011 Melrose. Sept. 11, ISM. DR. E. P. HINES, 1. IS permanently located at Fri endisille for the pnr pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all its brancims. He may be famd at the Jackson House. Ofilce boars from 8 a. m., to 9 p. m. janletf Pa„ Jan. 15th. 1866. " STROUD & BROWN, - FIRE AND LIFE MSUSAICCE AGE! TS: All business attended to promptly. on fair terms. Of fice first door north of " Montrose Hotel," west side of Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. Van. I. 1866. , litursos &mom, - - Ow= L. Extort. C. 0. FORDHAM, • J3Oar it SHOE Dealer and Mantlactprer Pa. Shop on Main street, onedoor above I.N. lard's.. .&11 kinds of work made to order, and repairing done neatly. Joni 65. JOHN SAUTTER, 1010ESPBCTFULLY announces .that he le now pre- VI pared to cat all kinds of Garments in the twit fashionable Style. and warranted to fit with eregante nd ease. Shop aver I. N. Bullasd's Store, Montrose. SOLDIERS .- BOUNTY PENSIONS, airLdt. -- 3E3a,4333.. 3peest. tindereimied." Lioanow AGENT of the iiERNMENTAaTing obtained the neeesearyfonte,Ll ItC.. willgive_prompt attentioo to .0 cls we ..t.trttuAtta to 4,,g0t0. Ho Flury =kis szeceula - • P ft" L1T2112.- Mioattoo• NME A Lthreß"rn — itTeQl - 19onnation. • 411 E NE* Atierican- .CyclopEedia4 rortr4it 1 KNOWLIEDGE. • • licitted by Cams Rimer and Cealioxs A. TURA, aided by a nniaerons salmi corps of writers, in* all branches of science. art. and Menton. In 16 yove-not f looto. 8so : ,donble.column pages in . The leading claims to public consideration which the New - American - ryelomat& "possesses" may be tbitTs briefly stated . •, , . —l, It surpasses nit other works in the fnlness and ability of thearticles relating to the United States. " 2. No other 'crock contains eo many reliable blo„,era phiei of the leading men of this and other nations. In this respect it is far superior even to the more bulky Bucycloptedia - ErlttemiCa. "a: The best'mindel in this country have been em ployed In entiching its - pages with the latest data, and the moat recent discoveries in every branch of manu factures, mechanies;and g-en 3rai science. "4.,-11t--is a library in itself, where every topic is treated, and where information can be glean. d which will enable a student. if he is so disposed, to consult other authorities, thus affording him an invaluable key to knowledge. "E.-It is neatlf printed, with readable type, on good paper, and contains a most copious index. G . It i s the only work which gives any thing ap proaching correct descriptions of cities and towns of America, or embraces reliable statistics showing the wonderful growth of all sections." Every one that reads, every one that mingles in sod , ety, Is constantly meeting with allusions to subjects on Which he needs and desires farther information. In conversation, in trade, in professional life, on the farm In the family, practical questions are continually arts Ing, which no man, well read or not, can always antis facumily answer. If facilities for reference are at hand th are consulted, end not only fa the , curiosity grati tied,ey and the stock - of knowledge increased, but perhaps information is gained and ideas are suggested that will directly contribute to the business success of the party . concerned. A Cyclopedia is preeminently the work for our coun try and generation. , This is the age of steam. No one has time to grope among a hundred different works for every little tact required. without the certainty of find ing it at last. With a Cvelopedia, embracing every conceivable subject, and having its etonics alphabeti cally arranged, not a moment is loaf. 'nue matter in question is found at - once, digested, condensed, stripped of all that is irrelevant and unnecessary, and verified by a comparison of the best authorities. Moreover, while only men of fortune can collect a library complete in all the departments of knowledge, a Cyclopedia, worth in itself for purposes of reference at least a thousand volumes is within the reach of ail,—the clerk, the mer chant, the professional man, the farmer, the mechanic. lha a country like ours, where the humblest may be called to responsible positions requiring intelligence and general information, the value of such a work can not be over-estimated PRICE AND STYLE OF BINDING. In EFlra Cloth per vol., $5 00 - .. In Übrary'Leather • ' 9 00 In ilair Turkey Morocco " 11•50 In Half Russia, extra gilt_ 4. 7.50 In run Mor. Antique, gilt edge 5........ " 900 In Pall 'Russia 900 . . -- r -- The Annual Cyclopm dia. Commenced in 11361. 828 TOWNE, Sr NOW OUT. The esma•price per voinme aid uniform with the Now American Cyclopardis. • PUBLISITED . ONE VOLUME ANNUALLY. REGISTERING ALL THE IMPORTANT EPENIS OF EACH FEAR-FALRABLE AS A WORK OF REFERENCE. 7t is an enterprise of immense value to the public, and ought:to be in every library, public and private, as an invaluable book of referenee."—Aftes and . Argua, Albany, N. Y. • We can confidently and COnSelentiouvly recommend the 'Annnal Cyclowedia' to all who would have an an carats and rcadabl. history of contemporary events close at hand and as a safe work of reterence.—Erecting TrateVer. "It Is indeed ti most emoellent work. It is thorough and reliable, and Just such a work as is greatly needed, a faithful chronicler of important events, too nnmerons to be remembered, mad of too much account to be lost." —Cleveland Daily Plain .Dealer. In Extra cloth per vol., f.. 5 00 In Library Leather " 6 00 In tialf Turlicy_dlorocco " 6 60 In Half Russia, extra gilt " 7 99 In Full ?dor. Antique, gilt edges " 9 00 In Full Russia " 9 00 Sold by Subscription only. We are in want of coon AGENTS for the above work, to whom it will affiord a handsome Hying in obtaining, sabscriptions. Terms made known on application. We alsossiblfah the following by subscription, and for which we want agents : History of the American Navy during the Oroa Rebellion. In two role. Price $5 each. The Military and Naval History of the Rebellion. vol. Price $3. - The Comprehensive Dictionary of the Bible. Now publishing In 24 Nos., of which six are ready. Price IS cents each. Ancient History. In 3 vols. Price $350 each. The History of the. United States of America. In I vol. Price $5. The Cyclopredia of Wit and Humor. Edited by Will am E.l3urrort. the celebrated Comedian. In 2 vole. Price $5 each. The Republican Court. I vol. Price ;5. Cyclopmdia of Commercial and Business Anec dotes. 2 cols. Price $4 each. A Cyclopmdia of Drawing. Designed as a Text-Book fur the Mechanic, /architect, Engineer, and Surveyor. In 1, vol. Price $lO. • Send to the Publishers for Circulars and Terms. D. APPIXTON & CO., Publishers, 14or.sma 449 and 445 Broadway, New York. BURNS & NICHOLS, , s• , '-f.• - •-•_lsswooemo" ••- • - DRUGGISTS & .APOTRECIRIES, Seep regularly iitippiled with unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Wines and Liquors,' Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Yankee Notions,&c. &c. Fresh from New York City. All of the most popular Patent Medicines sold In this section, among which may be found Ayre's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem- Buchu, Schenck's Pulmonic Sy rup and Sea-weed Tonic, Duponco's 'and Cheeseman's Female Pills, Hall's Cough Balsam, Wishert's Pine Tree Cordial, Hall's Bair Renewer, Ring's Amfitosia, rennedy'a Medical Discovery, Hoof land's German Bitters, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, And Marl other kinds areal value awl-merit. - In tact our Stock embraces a fine assortment of everything ns wally kept in SvaLl. 124317 LATED Dreg Stores. Prescriptlone receive particular attention, and are CAZZYULLY and promptly compounded. A. IL'iIIIRNS, - - Blontrosei Pa., Sept. 11 . ,486T. *MOB NICHOLS Merchant -Tailoring. 70. witegl jt co. Have seenregl the latices of o fret clew 2Preactioal. 431.ttter t • and will rooppn the Custom Departineat of their ei tahltaliment on Tueeday. Om 22 whoa they will,be prepared to •-make up to or , der, got lattat and moat I ashionahle: atyiea, of hlen's tug. raitt9 44 4, , faeztivn.ffiXeo9 . • Oar 517423 t ed, t " '—. 40 04111 1 4.:44 1 C;t , 2 , 4* r RAU* /XV fostroas.,l;i4 12, 111.1t=it eachorolame OUTS/DEXUTTING. 4 1 i 111:31Tr - .BROTHRIIS A scst.A..zrpoxv,sx-41,.., *-1.30-oeibßetaiiDealersja Ed LID Vdl2llll, f , rt. Clo STEEL, NAILS, thirti&A, snoviatts, BUILDER'S HARDWARE.' MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK& T RAIL MESS • RAILROAD db BUTPLIES.. • • CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, BEMIS AND BOXES. BOLTS. NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS. SPOKES, EELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS " de. , ANVILS, VICES, STOOKB:and DIES, DELLOWS HAILXIIRS, SLEDGES, FILES, &a. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BOLTING, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS - CEMENT, HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER HTDIDINGS FAMBANWE SCALES fietanton, March 24, 1&33. •17 EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. SALESROOM, 616 BROADWAY, N. Y No. 1 Tratin.y 31Am:rum. This Machine has a straight needle. perpendicular action. makes the • Lock or Shut • tie Stich, which will neither rip nor ravel. 'and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every de scription of material, withcotton, linen or silk thread. It Hems,Fells, Hindi, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, PlaitB an d Gathers. -As n Family Machine It luta no aperior. Price, with Hemmer and Braider, SGO Particular attention is called to our New Improved Manufacturing Machines. They run light and are com paratively noiseless; simple, durable and eitlclent. For cloth or leather work they have no competitors. No. 2 Machine, with Hemmer and Braider. $7B. No. 8 Machine, $B5. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be given. (Oct. 1867. • GBOVEBTBEN'B I'IANOS, GROVESTEEjU'S PIANOS, . GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, 449 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, Now York, 499 Broadway, Now York, Are unrivalled for Durability, Power, and Evenness of Tone. They are fast becoming the favorite over all others, with Musicians. Amateurs, and all lovers of GOOD MUSIC. They are Warranted in every re spect. Prices one third lower thal other first clan makers. 13end for Circular. GROVESTEEN & 0c.22 499 Broadway, New CO., ork. LADIES' FANCY FURS, At JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Established Far Manufactory, No. 'NS ARCM STREET, above itb, PHILADELPHIA. Have now In Store of my own manufnctnre and im portation, one of the largest and most beautiful selec tions of 315 0 ezza.ay• Wares, tor Ladies' and Children's Wear In the City. Also, a Line assortment Or Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. am enabled to ditrpose of my Goods nt very 1.015011, able prices, and I would therefore solicit a enil from my friends of Susquehanna County and vicinity. Or Remember the Name, 'Number and Street. JOHN FAREIRA. No. 718 Arch St., above 7th, south side, Philadelphia. 112F1 - 1 have no partner nor connection with any other Store in Philadelphia. Oct. 8014 VP NEW mi[foßD FOUNDRY Ell MILL BLAST mIIE undersigned would respectfully inform the pen ple of New Milford and vlciaity that his Foundry situate in the village of New Milford. le now in opera tion, and that he is Drepared to furnish Castings of all kinds on call, or will get them tip to order. prConsult your interests by giving me a call. J. S. TINGLEY. New Milford, Oct. 1, 1867.—tf HMO SEWING MACHINE! Tlll3 Singer Manufacturing Company have succeed ed In producing a Sewing Machine as near perfec tion as' human sirdi can accompllrb. To be bad of NORSE et LINES, Sole Agents For Susquehanna County, successors of Read, Wet one & Foster. Montrose, July 23, 1207.—U. Three Cheers for Gen, Grant, HIP, HIP, HURRAH! Prof. Clislawlefies ThiIECM-2-1,111. /MR Hayti Barber, has removed his shop to the 1, basement of E. L. Weeks' New Store, where he is prepared to give good satisfaction. When I go to ex plain this Subject language falls to express It. GROVESTEEN & CO., 499 Broadway, New York. 307ctortess. Our Last new addition to,. our different styles is attracting the admiration ottoth milks and populace. We mention specially, soMeer the claims of this new Piano. Believing the exterior should be as beautiful to the eye as melody le to the ear, we have paid great at tention to getting them up in a style that is conceded by all who have seen them to be the handsomest Plano Forte made. They are an entirely new style, with four fall round corners, heavily carved legs and lyre, base richly moulded, and contains our latest improved new scaLatul.aelion. The tone itrinel odious, and its adapt ability to passages of every shade of expression, from the softest murmurs, the Crescendo, and the B.F. gives the perforiner every advantage of the Cesare grand.— Price $5OO. 1y44 New Poi-xnuch.. Baldwin, Allen, & McCain. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Bitter, Chem, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal- Mut, Candles, Tea, Cele, Spices, Syrup,•Midaeses, Sugar, Seed -Wheat,. Myer — &lint6o4y .Seed, Flazteed, Beans, B ce roorn-s t as C.? V. Thankful for plat patronage ara awl,be hupgy apnea anCuraft trpononr oldandleceicett.; Al] Ggpfltap,Mons . Warnulted:- ' A. -immix: Al e ugm. , J. 14 XAMTOtt, Pak. 5, 11107, EZ2===M is T'9l~lt~fj ev. .d tag : GENERAL' INSURANCE - MENO ," '"- Eonie'llaedinneeCo:otLY.;Gapltat aria• ' Hankie., - - —• 0.0000 Insisrance - Co. of Hoitti Ameilca, - Pning' - --- Capital and Surplus, -- • 1,700,000 Interrustional Fire /nsuranceCo.of N. Y.. Canitaland Surplus, 1"000 tycoming County Mutual /nen : ranee Co.of Nancy, Penn's, Capital and Surplus, 2,000,000 Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., l• Capital and Surplus, 500,000 Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil'a 4 • - Capital and Surplus, ' • moos Insurance Co.,State of.Pennsylvenis. Phil. Capital and Surplus, 700,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., paying 60 per cent. • -dividends to the assured: - Thenotes fiYen for half the:premiumis never .to e paid under any circumstances. he policy will always be paid in fell, and tbenotes given up. Capital, - 101000,000 American Lila Insurance :Cot; phia, Capital, 1,0:10,000 Travelers'lnsurance Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents • Capital, 500.000 Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus, $1,583,1133 Putnam Fire lusuranceCo., Hartford, ,c 2.. . Capital, $500,000 Hartford Live Stock Insurance Compaq Insurance on all kinds of Live Stoc k, against theft and death from any cause, Capital, $500,000 vu - All business; entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all leases promptly adjusted. STROUD Et BROWN, Agents. . tar Office first door north of" Montrose Hotel," west Side of Public Aveatte. M. C. SyrroN, seq., Pricrideville, Solicitor. Stixtitos &novo, Camas L. Suomi Montrose, Jon. let. 1867. 17 T3EILM 1=1.7-B.4!LC''M TRU BEAT V k.RIIFATY DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, PIECE GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, And Furnishing Goods, Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co's ELavlng ant° purchased a large stock of Neu . Goods for tho, - . • Fall and Winter Trade, we would request a call and extuninntlon of our Goods. feeling confident of being enabled to please and satisfy as regards variety and prices. We would especially call attention to our fine and large selection of Atabl 'ffiak to.4ing Cloths;'Caigidtiteres, for Crottom Work, As we ere the manntactorere of an the Clothing we Roll, we arc enabled to LEFT ALL COILP4TITIOS In regard to WORKMANSHIP• AND PRICES. Garments made to order after measare, And good At ting guarantied. Agoodnssortment or MEN'S & BOYS' HATS, plat received. Alton large lot of Oita a trimmed HORSE BLANKETS. Outtaburg, Aosettbamn tC Co. M. fr: DEBSATIVg i Managing Partner. Montrose, Sept. 24, 1867. The Great Cause of Email Misery. Just Published in a sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrnma, induced by self-abuse Involnntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gen • erally ; Consumption, Epilepsy. and Fits ; Mental and Physical incapacity, &c.—By 808. d. CIILVERWEL M: D., Author of the "Green Book," &e. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consennences.Of self abuse May be effectually re moved without medicine, and without dangerous sue gical operations, boogies, instruments, rings, or cor diets, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. maycure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands. Bent under seal to any address, in a plain sealed en velope, on the receipt of six cents , or', two postage stamps, Also Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage guide," price 25 cents. Address the pnblishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., • 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4586: March 10, 1867--lyamp. BLACKSMITHING.. MHE undersigned have this day formed a co-pnrtner ehip,linder the &interne Of 'Stamita Moran; for the purpose of carrying op Blackemithing In all its branches. 113f8triet attention will be given to /Urge-shoeing. All work will be done neatly and promptly. Tho pub lie are invited to call'. E. P. STAMP. Montrose. lilanatreh, tf - P. - T. MORAN. LIQUORS. t s.hol."fsigtnateendtica° pi:mosey, embracing nearly every kind in market, con- Maraly on band and for 1110 by A.BBL TUB BELL. ••• . f rrWELVE YEARS' REPUTATION -A- hoe proved Dr. RDWADDS 4 Tar; VirlldDlierry end A.M.p 1_ _Tho...wort.aucceestrd Eauc tfa -.l.p_i o ef r eirca-sto.-use. rot -Colds, Congbe; 11 'ewe, .11etbudi f JUAlienZa,BrOn t • 4tAtlik_ WkeetpliNts Cobtfb, M l EEP.replt i rt= l.' 1 1 1 ;:p ° 1'. WIVE WHERE TOE WILL FIND DOMESTIC GOODS, Is certainly at =Mt3====l TN[ iitiliitNittiri: SEWIKXAORINKS, 699 BROADWAY, NEW YQRE. FOR FAMILIES & MANUFACTIRESi THESE 'WORLD RENWE' SEWING ~M ACHINES, Were awarded the_highest Premium. al the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the 'New York State Fair of 1860, and are Celebrated for doing the beet worlt. tieing a mach smaller needle for the same thread than any other ma chine:and by the introduction of the moat approved ma. hinery. we are now able to supply the very balsam chines in the world. These machines are made at out new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Elias Howe, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTOR OF THE SEWING MA MINE. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to the oso of seamstresses, dress makers. tailors. man ufacturers ufShirts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas, clothing, bats, caps, corsets, boots, shoes, harness.Sad ales. linen goods, umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton good. with silk, cot ton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful find perfect stit h, alike on both sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and durable, and all Sewing Ma chines are subject to the prin ciple invented by him. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. SIBLEY 8c STOOPS, General Agents, NO. 022 CHESTNVT ST., PHIL'S. Feb. 26, 1867. MINER & COATS, FURS Main Street, E. doors below Boyd's Corner. Montrose. FLOOR, GROCERIES, AHD PROVISIONS, We are constantly recel ing and : non. hare en hail& a fresh stock of Goode in our line, n hith tce ill sell CHEAP: CHEAP! CHEAP! for cash, or exchange for produce GOOD TEAS, • COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK . , FISH, LARD, HAMS,•DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED, We have refitted andloade additions to our Stock of Palls, and aro notv.ready to forward Hotter to the be: t emu MiePioll houses I a New York. tree of charge, and make liberal advancements On eonsignments. Call and examine on r Stock before purchasing elsr where, and con rince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY & CHAP PRICES c. Q. imp.% . e W. It. COAI'S Mosatrois, April 16, 1867. ' ERIE RAILWAY.—On and after Mon day. Nov. 25th. 1867. train's will leave Great Bend at about the following Wire, dz.: 2.53 a. m. Night Express, Mondays excepted, tor Ro chador, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making di reettonnection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for Ithaca, andmt Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.28 a. in. Night Express, daily, forßochester. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above. Stops at Great Bead on Monday mornings Only. 5•27 a. m. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. , 3.53 p. m. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Ro chester. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and thee West: Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: a; Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua ; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Bail. Waysjor all points West and South. 51 p. m. Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for Buffs, to, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West. 12.50 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 11.31 a. in. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West.. GOING EAST. 7.21 a. m. Cincinnati Express. Mondays excented, at Lackawnseafor ilawley s and atGraycourtforNew, burg and Warwick. 11:00 p. m. Accommodation Train 2.00 p. m. Day Express, Sundays excepted,, connect,' at Lackawanna for Hawley. and at Jeranycity with midnight:express train of New Jersey' afiroad for - Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washipgton, • ' • , • 0.27 p. m. New York and Ittiftlituirekiall, Sundays eg copted.connecting at Jersey City with morning ex press train of New :Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington . and at New York 'with morning ex press trains for Boston - and the east. , • I • 8.48 a. m. Night Exptgss, Daily. _connecting at Only court for Warwick; and atNew York with afternoon trains and steamers for Bonen and ,Neir •Brtgland cities. 10.20 a. m. Way Freight, fkinditya excepted. Wtd. R. BARR. , .• AL BIDDLE: - dee, 10 'Oen'l PassengerAget.l Genet Sup% 127 - A.Noti and complete; "'Pocket Tfine Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway end conneetilth Lines has recently been publiebed,,nndcan beprocnrcd on application to the Ticket Agent at 'the Company's office. 1110WAUD delpida Ps. plieises of petiervous t Benziosl.l4tpariand nal irystetnal-n int rellible treittbent+-Th Ittpalt {heAWaraCteleni o eat Spiral) Owlet titter arvelb Vilrei of DEGRATIPI3IELECTRIC norawrow. oWardlitseatok . triVitilleta Pot sale by ABEL TVARELL, rbfildelDhl a , Ps. -• • • ABEL "TITERELL'S STOItE, ' ti9wit, 10 tan 0013411. Vlllllll4 see =;a= : akYotifii of war Goods GOING WEST. rtrirocri4l4,l Dr. Daponco's wen= Periodbid Pills for fintsise. Dr. Choesemak'sremalePills:: - . - - ' _ Dr. i r ldplist's fMIIIIIMIIO,‘ 8 17 James CbstrArel /nc - All of . the *bon PIDs Wre 1141114 In carrot% menstruatintvglatliaQiibili Velititurrea Of Whites. _They are snecesstal gapes= yes—thit should florbaluted doling Pregnancy, unto woold_prodade abortion. Price, one aollax.yntboxy etch. Am two kinds named sent by mad, to itny address. postai. laid, *visaed envelope. on receipsotemd dattii ro r each box ordered. The. latter,two,kinds,being Man . Matearrr,vlll%be seat by mail; ybstage paid,. on tits secetpt:of one do an twentygants.:__,. P: Address 'ADEL Lt, Druggisti ziontrose,Pc, Please Read this:Carefully:a. meg sabsbrifiet,f haVe t entereffiate the purpose of carrylngon the. t 1* sii ;,, : • Merchant , Tailoring • ; N •• . • I ,5" •• • • • ansluesm; unit haying etiPPI led .outsides with's Int tate stoc k of materials, @nth Clothe, Cassimeres & Trimmings, We ' areittrepavid to fainFsh Coats.Vests v Pants,Overooate i &e, upon very short notice, made In the latest style,,, best materials; arid at very low prleed:" We *MOW. fur sal 2, HATS, CAPS, - UMBRELLAS,.SUj. Aif FENDERS, COLLARS,. CR' - • TIES, GLOVES,., and all the other articles , nanally kept la en establish ment of this kind. We maybe found Inthe rooms formerly occupied by O. P. Pordham, between C. N. Stoddard's Shoe Stare and B. B. Little'e law office. welt side of' Mein street, Montrose, Pa , doing badman underths name of Morse & Lincs. S. II Airman, • • ••• ' P. * Lieu. Montrose, May IS, 1861.—tf • La ckawannairliloomsburg B. B. NJN and after NovemberpluAenw i t,zetr will run as known: • ' SOUTS*.eitb...., i A. N. .. A. 11[../ 7.1. Leave Berantem, &ISO I- ' 1101110,' 4al) Kingston, . . 6:115 - ~ 1109 .. 1:20 " Rupert. 9:11 143 " ' Danville,-• 9:50 1 ' /•- ' ' ' 911 Arrive at liorthamberlaad, 14:30, . . i ... ,. 11:16 14011T1IWARD: ~ Leatre Northntnberlrnti,.' 8:00" ' ' - ,'. 3:05 '.'• Danville, . 8: 4 0. . .../-:... 3:40 " Rupert, , 9:10 /L. N. 4:15 • " Kingston-, . '' • 2:85 - ' ' 8:30 • 3:55 Scranton, , , , ' 8/45, • 3:35 •,0:10 Passengers taking tru tn. smith from, Se/actor. of 5:50 n. m. via North , : mberluitd. reach Ilarrisborg at 1220 p. nt.; Baltimore 5:30 p. m.; Washingtoti 10:1X1p. M.t. via itripert reach Philadelphia at 7:00 p. m. Itingston, B. A. FONDA, Supt. I)ELA WARE, LACKAWANNA , and -I— , WESTERN R. E. Wiaterdsrangethesit;:lES7-11. PASSENGER 'TRAINS wEsTAv4RD. • 3;a11. 1 Paanogr. _ Mall 11'f:sager train. train. STATION'S. train. - Irian. A. 'NI. A. at, . • - . • IP: Its .' tv.n. 91 1911) j New Yark.s..... ..... 1 4,50 1.. ,i 1 New namnloll 1 4 400 I 12.00 Manmelta Chtrok ....j 1,40 i Ico 100 j Delaware.....:Dine...-.1 -1;851 " 11„, 4,35 1 10,10 Scranton ' 'a.tir 5:95 ,‘. 0 5,4111,43 .Nicholgon..... ~, ' 8.401 '' 3,40 4.85 I -z o 0.03 12 0;314,0.5 IleipbottOm 8.22 4,10 , a 12,34, Montrose ' 0,00 ,o g 0.47 ' 1,118 New Milford f —. 7.30 1 3,101( , 7.05 1,0,5 I Great vend j 7,1T1',1']i'2.45 1 Z, P.M. P. M 4 PootoPt.ibery-10.1 A.ll PSI ' i. , CONNEollorts - P.sTw - Aiito: '' ' The Mail. train from New York connects at vii wanks' enturk with the train leaving Phliad'a(Kenanig ton depot)at s . ,nott. m.. and at Greatßend with through mail train on the Erie Itajlway. with Bleeping car at• tached. stopping at all the principal nation') on that road. And arriving at BtiMilo at 8.1t4 The ! assenger triliE from Scranton connects at Gt't Bend with throttgh trains going wost and met on Erie Railway. arriving at Billtaio'at 1,t.1 a, in. and•at Sata• manna at 12 m. , .„ CONNEC7IO,IcS-7,EASTWA RD. I The Hail train frozak,Ormil , Band- conneete there with the Cincinnati Express on the Eric . f o the west ; at Mananka Chunk with a train'. GtirMaid'a and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at (Lap. m.; and at. New littinplon with a trainlor &Mon Bethlehem. Alihntown, Reading and Harrishurg,artl7. at Harrisburg at B.Bop. rh. At Scranton .eiuntiectitins are made withtralna on the Lacks went's and Bloomsbnrg R.8..t0 and frnm Pittston Kingston, Wilkesharre:Benrick.BlonmatratrAinville, Northumberland. Harrisburg and intermediate station,, and with trains on thmDelawartanotztludeattatitrotd toand from Carbondale and intermeatiteattitiOns. R. A. HENRY,.. , prosms__, dee. 3. 'General Ticket Agent. Piesldent. G Aspietane,,, .11USINESS • COLLEUrE, , . . PHOicOGItAriIIcOSTITITFE, • .• , • . • J!, , . . . Yonne Men PreptirefoF Business. , There Is a time coming wben•iini.wili be eitner a drone or s live man in,sociev—s thae.whert , ,businsis men willte wanted, and thove who have been practi ced,* educated will. surely be preferred. Young Tao, do not waft because your early education bee ,bseu AO. glected, and think that it is too' late nowlowtilts sa attempt. but resolve to improve the greatest•opportan: ity ever offered to young men in this section'ot s, coaa: try ibr obtaining a - • "• • -,‘ . . , PRACTICAL; BUSINESS EDUCATION: • • • • . ".: I.hara established th Is -college especially for,edqes• Hog young men for briefness ;.giving, them- the most thorough course otpractleal Instruction, Combining ; • THEORY, AND PRACTICE. with the ssdStance of Officers, disks, eto.:oiliny'Col.` legs 11 or ernPennsylvania. „ „ • - • • Any student possessing a common school education Is prepared to commence the busineilt • studies; add it dCgcient in these braaclumwq be Indiv/dnaUy Instrac", tea frienteharge; • . ror, damn and intoinuition'send fee College - Paps, gi r rng f an, P a AI4 c F 4TE ",t; , Jam 7,.150.-1y • ; t • • • 'kV. DEVIZNIE IN FLO U. 8.: • . *ECM - 113#3X:a - 1.1 le forsilehttig Mit Ate Villier Iheadloni at $l3 56. `811.098 T.INOTin• • ;1;:; •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers