unfroze Pemorrid. TOESDAIe .1.118• . 4, • 1865. I!!!=lM`.== County Committee.;{ . The Democratic OmntyCommittee meet at Koons . Hotel, in Mtintrose„on Wednesday, Feb:: -- 180 . 8 r. 7, 41111V:it tendauce of the membein -is respectfully solicited. - The ASBBB3oiShitli: ; ‘"; s 3 ri (7, i, i On Friday last a change took place of assessor and clerks, Xlia , einelaitt county are now,as hereunder.: , • 7, Assessor, Wm. M. Posy Clerk, Geo. A. iiF. JaasuPl r APA.l. l2 o l .:AS.vs.4o:rt W. Boyle, of New Milford, and A. J. Gerrit son, of Montrose. All returns fok assistant assessors. Suicide.. • • ' lOl r , !fl -; 43 - u We leant that Rohert,Nieol, of Sus quehanna Depot, committed suicide on Thuntdaydast; byr2daltiiig , hisiliiotie:r; had become very much embarrassed in ti naheial raattent, anti hitetn#tileitevident iy.led to temporary insanity. • Republican Gain. Political Changes are Constant y occur. ring all over the country; most of them being from the dark to the white side It is said that a late number of the Mont rose Republican, (not left at our (E0(.0 contaius.att kern ittdicalting that,the Rad icals have 'a small-gain in Forest- Like— sinswo by a white Jinn taking a,”-colored sister" to a ball. 'Well, .•there - are , some men weak enough to yield to radical se ductions; and our neighbor is welcome to this little triumph. - • 5- 7 7. ' Chuck - Dedidation. " ' The renewedlDL Church of Brook. lyn, Pa:, Was yesterday dedicated to God and His sivvice. The sermon - by Rev. B. I. Ives, of Aub urn,N. Y. -Was appropri ate and well receiv ed br , all. The repairs of the Church;inehtding,"„bell,,eushions, furnishing, .I:be., was about $4,000. Near $l,BOO WAS emproeided for on the day of the dedication, which was raised to the satisfaction of the trustees. Jan. 31, 1868. E.M.T Donation. The friends of the Rev.. S. F.. Brown, sre invited to make him a donation on Feb. 12, afternoon and evening at the house of N. Reynolds, in east Bridgewa ter. All are invited to attend as we ex pect to have good oyster supper. Per order of Committee. West Auburn P. 0. Abram White has been appointed Post :Vaster at West Auburn, in place of James A. Lacy, resigned. The "World" Alman3c. We acknowledge %NE'. receipt of a copy of the World Almanac, " with the com pliments of Manton Marble." A thor ough examination of the work convinces tts that it is far superior as a political vacie mecum to the Tribune Almanac, and in all other respects its equal. Scud 20 cents to the World Office, N. Y. Tailoring. -- - , Gentlemen's own materials rnadetsp; cutting done, clothes cleaned, * repaired, and pressed, cheap, at. E. L. Weeks . Two apprentices -wanted. Extensive Sheriff's 8e1e... , She - rilr Van Leer advertises ilio whole of the pioperty of the Union Coal Com pany in Litzerne county for sale, including their railroad from Green: -Badge to Wilkes Barre, their colleries, and their appurtenances at Mill Creek and vicinity, their righ(and title in thEilate property of the Baltimore Coal Co., all their tolling stock, &c., seized and taken into execu tion at th e suits of, F f dwarti A.,quintard et. al: a'ssignd r . to Dickson and A. McClintock vs. the Union Coal Co. ' and at suit of Alden•G..Crosby vs. Union Coal Co., and till be sold at. the Court House in Wilkes Barre, on Friday Feb. 14th. Insane Weida The Committee of ~ the - Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania,. appointed to m prepare' a "meorial to the":,Legislature, " setting-forth.the member -and conditiop of the insane of "this Ceintnim Wealth, -and the urgent necessity for • more extended means for their proper-rare 'and treat ment," present facts and statements; drawn from the . observation and expert-. Once, their merniirialln a-six teen page pamphlet. In accordance with their suggestions; Lpetitiona- to theiLegis !stare are in circulation which " urge the establishment, without - delay, ofs Hospi-, tal for the insane_ ° or the - district of the Statilying Elora aline•drawn earl. and west-through . the junotion'of Atter-North' / end. West)hranebes , of the ,Susgtiebanna river,andgast,of the Allegheny mountains, - and composed ' of ihe CountieS cif Wayne, Susquehanna,_ Wyoming, Luzerne, Colum bia, Montour, Sullivan - Bradford, Lycom: Tioga, .Clintlaa r beatre iT eleer*,h) i , Elk;Camerea,liteltetia,&.' atter Lend For.- est, ; and also, if the finances , of the State will justify it, onet - IWITte district corn- Posed 4.l4.eX•ounties,o( r Vey,. .Suckf t Carboni '-Lehigh, Moro . untgomity, Nerthapptoe,. Pike and Schuylkill. , Edinbarl despatch Bays that a hisvy - over the northern por tion of 800 di on Sunday, - doing gra. dam*, nomaraug and • blowing, do`rn houses; end it is fearpd; Creating ;great' : havoc among thiabipikiog. toiligre D'exiious: Ma. Barron I find in theitutt Pinto of the Democrat a "litietteek.Difetice?!..;;agnitiO the action 41004 thiCreitehtiiinelstitittelnlartus-' ry, resolution.; :`,44soitied, Mit the )ri(uhetlQf esch --'.ti.e.64o* f is,n4aie this gtotclen opportuni ty; after receieitta proper: enetvragement front the: directors employing thett:ii Uri nolonger worthy of a place on the roll of Teachers." - Lt.r Tesoipt,i99 iJefera to those Lt. ffiltersittilia thilfulty riegiected toiatiebil the gathering of teachers after receiving preper- e,eceurngoment I:Nruniteitiirretors (and' tiecin free,permission" the proper ; '`encOtirtitenieutl 'the - Writer qvi de.ntly. opposes the werkings of the Corn men: School system, in this vital 'particu lar, am , ..hob,ling, of:Teaebers,lnstit.ute, for it is written " he that gathereth not with me scatter6ilt'abrod.'' - 4 . l4:ieding himSelf ; claSsed among the, •de liilqueitte he,. in a very "quit t way" at tkitilptkto Censiire•ttur • energetic and t.ll .cient„.Cto, Sept.., for not presenting his "validreis.ptis" ( ? ) to the Institute, and hae him especially exonerated. Now, the, law makes it. imperative up. on the Comity., Superintendent to hold these Institutes, to call upon and invite the teachers to attend,'and 'should they refuse to respond to the invitation, his ef-, forts to carry out the requirements of the law would be . utterly futile, -and those who did absent themselves without a &oil 'and sant:lent reason, certainly have a want of professional spirit and .zttal in Cause of popular education, and should receive a lower g,rade on their certificates in, the theory' and practice of teaching, awl justly merit. the (-east' re iu accordance with the sentiments ptomulgated in the foregoing resolution. 'INSTITUTE. Alulitrose,. Jan 30th, 1508. , ler Rev.,P. C. Olmstead veil.. hold Quartmiy,.2dpetiog in ae , A4. E. Church of 111..ntrost.;' lien Sat ui'day aid Sabbath, (3th ult.) Radical Defeat The Commercial Advertiser, a leading Republican paper, says : The lesson so frequently, and with such effect, taught the rebel, proves of no value' to the Radical°. They blindly per sist in a course which is sure to over wheln► them. The measures kindred to these,,now being perfected by Congress cost the Republican party its ascendancy in six States." The Times sap; : "The Republican party is pressing is- sues into the Presidential canvass which will ensure .its defeat. It, cannot safely wage war upon the Supreme Court,in the present temper of the public mind, even with the help of the negro vote which it aims to secure by its action." Si say other Republican organs. The Actual Service of Black Troops. There has been snch a deal of elanwr about the " lnyalty" of the negroes in the South, and the services rendered by them in putting down the rebellion, that the subjoined figures from the bureau of col ored troops will be interesting : Whole number mustered in during the rebellion, 109,624 Mustered out, 86,923 Discharged,. (principally for physi• . • . cal disability ) 20,236 Died, 31,886 Deserted, 14,887 Killed in action, _ 1,514 Missing in action, _ 1,344 Transferred to navy, 366 —Senator Doolittle opened Iris great speech against alb pendingßeconstruc tion bill in thCse words : Iflr. President, there is more- , involved in this measure'than in any other, all oth ors, perhaps. I see in it. a complete over ihrOiv.ef the constitution -in ten States of the Unicn. I see in it a practical disso lution of the Union. I see a-republie, in form at least, still remaining north . of the; Potomac._ I see an empire rising south of it. Isee in it; the realization of est dream of Calhoun—a dual executive -,--tor-President-to execute the laws in the rep,9hlie of rate North;!, a, ; diet a 7 toriri ndependent of the President i lo make as well as etkeenti . laWs in the negro em-' pire of-the South. ' II The'PhiladelPhia, Sunkai Trans cript, an original Grant paper, in speaking of Gen. Grant, says that: he has ‘ , 4 forfeit ed all cla'm-to'respeet . as ,a gentleman, or confidence as:a soldier,". and that" he has suffered his, lust for office to over ride his andlurtheyntOre says, ."' a can didate.oo etiminences,his career -in de ceit will not fail tip - find ehatue, if nothing worse in •the etid - .";. • - • Thid opinion iv_forrned on ncegunt Grant'ri course in referenoe to the Stanton affair. •r.,• —The bedv . .of, Captain Beberer, who myr.,teriou§lidilappeared from .Pottsville Pa., Itniefloironthal.sgo, gig: - figeertoined to have been thrown , into a con'. ildp - e five hundredleet.deepand filled with water. eon otYi;Partnet;of the .deceased closel the crirrics-, and '3ll. the_partie,a arresfed. The motive ot.tile'rrin4cria'..,sePlitio ,7 't.9. ll iv -4 been the o• ieettrin ota lease of a valuable coal _nrine :sTII lr:Parnea the partners.-are Smith - gad' Albriahtori. • • '• 1 1 —Tel - million dollais of the Vaien! r a. , 00 ,-..Riiilit * d bere - diihave been sold, and the a q iipaiq ,Ijav'e, advaned the price to minty-five; centVen.the_dollar... 1 • , -"--L---,--0-40-0---------- —The barque Wapella, from New Or leans for Liverpool, went-.ashore on the Coast of' Witles . durinda:beavi gale, find becameis total wree,k. One woman sea three or,the orh:sw opne , were laved: ; , ater, of Hingstan — N. - V; bn trial at . Wilkosbarre, for; e warder of Ds. 3. D. 15Oiltia this city, iulluy last, , was found guilty. - SiMsmcox.a..x. ,iwcaerXo3lll9. or A IS EL . 111) BEM' LL - Is continually receiving new suhotles (Aoll[llllllo Dkugs and Medicines, which will be sold es low as af any other StC - e in Montrose. . . . JOir Colgate's AromatioVegetablo Soap.. • A an parlor Toilet Soap. prepared ficirareilaed Vegeta ble 911 a in combination with Glycaurine t and *4- elally &tagged for therms of Lidice, and for .the Nursery. ,Ita perruma la o*quialte i and Its waahlag properties unrivalled. For sale by all draggii•ta. May, 29 1861