unfroze Pemorrid. TOESDAIe .1.118• . 4, • 1865. I!!!=lM`.== County Committee.;{ . The Democratic OmntyCommittee meet at Koons . Hotel, in Mtintrose„on Wednesday, Feb:: -- 180 . 8 r. 7, 41111V:it tendauce of the membein -is respectfully solicited. - The ASBBB3oiShitli: ; ‘"; s 3 ri (7, i, i On Friday last a change took place of assessor and clerks, Xlia , einelaitt county are now,as hereunder.: , • 7, Assessor, Wm. M. Posy Clerk, Geo. A. iiF. JaasuPl r APA.l. l2 o l .:AS.vs.4o:rt W. Boyle, of New Milford, and A. J. Gerrit son, of Montrose. All returns fok assistant assessors. Suicide.. • • ' lOl r , !fl -; 43 - u We leant that Rohert,Nieol, of Sus quehanna Depot, committed suicide on Thuntdaydast; byr2daltiiig , hisiliiotie:r; had become very much embarrassed in ti naheial raattent, anti hitetn#tileitevident iy.led to temporary insanity. • Republican Gain. Political Changes are Constant y occur. ring all over the country; most of them being from the dark to the white side It is said that a late number of the Mont rose Republican, (not left at our (E0(.0 contaius.att kern ittdicalting that,the Rad icals have 'a small-gain in Forest- Like— sinswo by a white Jinn taking a,”-colored sister" to a ball. 'Well, .•there - are , some men weak enough to yield to radical se ductions; and our neighbor is welcome to this little triumph. - • 5- 7 7. ' Chuck - Dedidation. " ' The renewedlDL Church of Brook. lyn, Pa:, Was yesterday dedicated to God and His sivvice. The sermon - by Rev. B. I. Ives, of Aub urn,N. Y. -Was appropri ate and well receiv ed br , all. The repairs of the Church;inehtding,"„bell,,eushions, furnishing, .I:be., was about $4,000. Near $l,BOO WAS emproeided for on the day of the dedication, which was raised to the satisfaction of the trustees. Jan. 31, 1868. E.M.T Donation. The friends of the Rev.. S. F.. Brown, sre invited to make him a donation on Feb. 12, afternoon and evening at the house of N. Reynolds, in east Bridgewa ter. All are invited to attend as we ex pect to have good oyster supper. Per order of Committee. West Auburn P. 0. Abram White has been appointed Post :Vaster at West Auburn, in place of James A. Lacy, resigned. The "World" Alman3c. We acknowledge %NE'. receipt of a copy of the World Almanac, " with the com pliments of Manton Marble." A thor ough examination of the work convinces tts that it is far superior as a political vacie mecum to the Tribune Almanac, and in all other respects its equal. Scud 20 cents to the World Office, N. Y. Tailoring. -- - , Gentlemen's own materials rnadetsp; cutting done, clothes cleaned, * repaired, and pressed, cheap, at. E. L. Weeks . Two apprentices -wanted. Extensive Sheriff's 8e1e... , She - rilr Van Leer advertises ilio whole of the pioperty of the Union Coal Com pany in Litzerne county for sale, including their railroad from Green: -Badge to Wilkes Barre, their colleries, and their appurtenances at Mill Creek and vicinity, their righ(and title in thEilate property of the Baltimore Coal Co., all their tolling stock, &c., seized and taken into execu tion at th e suits of, F f dwarti A.,quintard et. al: a'ssignd r . to Dickson and A. McClintock vs. the Union Coal Co. ' and at suit of Alden•G..Crosby vs. Union Coal Co., and till be sold at. the Court House in Wilkes Barre, on Friday Feb. 14th. Insane Weida The Committee of ~ the - Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania,. appointed to m prepare' a "meorial to the":,Legislature, " setting-forth.the member -and conditiop of the insane of "this Ceintnim Wealth, -and the urgent necessity for • more extended means for their proper-rare 'and treat ment," present facts and statements; drawn from the . observation and expert-. Once, their merniirialln a-six teen page pamphlet. In accordance with their suggestions; Lpetitiona- to theiLegis !stare are in circulation which " urge the establishment, without - delay, ofs Hospi-, tal for the insane_ ° or the - district of the Statilying Elora aline•drawn earl. and west-through . the junotion'of Atter-North' / end. West)hranebes , of the ,Susgtiebanna river,andgast,of the Allegheny mountains, - and composed ' of ihe CountieS cif Wayne, Susquehanna,_ Wyoming, Luzerne, Colum bia, Montour, Sullivan - Bradford, Lycom: Tioga, .Clintlaa r beatre iT eleer*,h) i , Elk;Camerea,liteltetia,&.' atter Lend For.- est, ; and also, if the finances , of the State will justify it, onet - IWITte district corn- Posed 4.l4.eX•ounties,o( r Vey,. .Suckf t Carboni '-Lehigh, Moro . untgomity, Nerthapptoe,. Pike and Schuylkill. , Edinbarl despatch Bays that a hisvy - over the northern por tion of 800 di on Sunday, - doing gra. dam*, nomaraug and • blowing, do`rn houses; end it is fearpd; Creating ;great' : havoc among thiabipikiog. toiligre D'exiious: Ma. Barron I find in theitutt Pinto of the Democrat a "litietteek.Difetice?!..;;agnitiO the action 41004 thiCreitehtiiinelstitittelnlartus-' ry, resolution.; :`,44soitied, Mit the )ri(uhetlQf esch --'.ti.e.64o* f is,n4aie this gtotclen opportuni ty; after receieitta proper: enetvragement front the: directors employing thett:ii Uri nolonger worthy of a place on the roll of Teachers." - Lt.r Tesoipt,i99 iJefera to those Lt. ffiltersittilia thilfulty riegiected toiatiebil the gathering of teachers after receiving preper- e,eceurngoment I:Nruniteitiirretors (and' tiecin free,permission" the proper ; '`encOtirtitenieutl 'the - Writer qvi de.ntly. opposes the werkings of the Corn men: School system, in this vital 'particu lar, am , ..hob,ling, of:Teaebers,lnstit.ute, for it is written " he that gathereth not with me scatter6ilt'abrod.'' - 4 . l4:ieding himSelf ; claSsed among the, •de liilqueitte he,. in a very "quit t way" at tkitilptkto Censiire•ttur • energetic and t.ll .cient„.Cto, Sept.., for not presenting his "validreis.ptis" ( ? ) to the Institute, and hae him especially exonerated. Now, the, law makes it. imperative up. on the Comity., Superintendent to hold these Institutes, to call upon and invite the teachers to attend,'and 'should they refuse to respond to the invitation, his ef-, forts to carry out the requirements of the law would be . utterly futile, -and those who did absent themselves without a &oil 'and sant:lent reason, certainly have a want of professional spirit and .zttal in Cause of popular education, and should receive a lower g,rade on their certificates in, the theory' and practice of teaching, awl justly merit. the (-east' re iu accordance with the sentiments ptomulgated in the foregoing resolution. 'INSTITUTE. Alulitrose,. Jan 30th, 1508. , ler Rev.,P. C. Olmstead veil.. hold Quartmiy,.2dpetiog in ae , A4. E. Church of 111..ntrost.;' lien Sat ui'day aid Sabbath, (3th ult.) Radical Defeat The Commercial Advertiser, a leading Republican paper, says : The lesson so frequently, and with such effect, taught the rebel, proves of no value' to the Radical°. They blindly per sist in a course which is sure to over wheln► them. The measures kindred to these,,now being perfected by Congress cost the Republican party its ascendancy in six States." The Times sap; : "The Republican party is pressing is- sues into the Presidential canvass which will ensure .its defeat. It, cannot safely wage war upon the Supreme Court,in the present temper of the public mind, even with the help of the negro vote which it aims to secure by its action." Si say other Republican organs. The Actual Service of Black Troops. There has been snch a deal of elanwr about the " lnyalty" of the negroes in the South, and the services rendered by them in putting down the rebellion, that the subjoined figures from the bureau of col ored troops will be interesting : Whole number mustered in during the rebellion, 109,624 Mustered out, 86,923 Discharged,. (principally for physi• . • . cal disability ) 20,236 Died, 31,886 Deserted, 14,887 Killed in action, _ 1,514 Missing in action, _ 1,344 Transferred to navy, 366 —Senator Doolittle opened Iris great speech against alb pendingßeconstruc tion bill in thCse words : Iflr. President, there is more- , involved in this measure'than in any other, all oth ors, perhaps. I see in it. a complete over ihrOiv.ef the constitution -in ten States of the Unicn. I see in it a practical disso lution of the Union. I see a-republie, in form at least, still remaining north . of the; Potomac._ I see an empire rising south of it. Isee in it; the realization of est dream of Calhoun—a dual executive -,--tor-President-to execute the laws in the rep,9hlie of rate North;!, a, ; diet a 7 toriri ndependent of the President i lo make as well as etkeenti . laWs in the negro em-' pire of-the South. ' II The'PhiladelPhia, Sunkai Trans cript, an original Grant paper, in speaking of Gen. Grant, says that: he has ‘ , 4 forfeit ed all cla'm-to'respeet . as ,a gentleman, or confidence as:a soldier,". and that" he has suffered his, lust for office to over ride his andlurtheyntOre says, ."' a can didate.oo etiminences,his career -in de ceit will not fail tip - find ehatue, if nothing worse in •the etid - .";. • - • Thid opinion iv_forrned on ncegunt Grant'ri course in referenoe to the Stanton affair. •r.,• —The bedv . .of, Captain Beberer, who myr.,teriou§lidilappeared from .Pottsville Pa., Itniefloironthal.sgo, gig: - figeertoined to have been thrown , into a con'. ildp - e five hundredleet.deepand filled with water. eon otYi;Partnet;of the .deceased closel the crirrics-, and '3ll. the_partie,a arresfed. The motive ot.tile'rrin4cria'..,sePlitio ,7 't.9. ll iv -4 been the o• ieettrin ota lease of a valuable coal _nrine :sTII lr:Parnea the partners.-are Smith - gad' Albriahtori. • • '• 1 1 —Tel - million dollais of the Vaien! r a. , 00 ,-..Riiilit * d bere - diihave been sold, and the a q iipaiq ,Ijav'e, advaned the price to minty-five; centVen.the_dollar... 1 • , -"--L---,--0-40-0---------- —The barque Wapella, from New Or leans for Liverpool, went-.ashore on the Coast of' Witles . durinda:beavi gale, find becameis total wree,k. One woman sea three or,the orh:sw opne , were laved: ; , ater, of Hingstan — N. - V; bn trial at . Wilkosbarre, for; e warder of Ds. 3. D. 15Oiltia this city, iulluy last, , was found guilty. - SiMsmcox.a..x. ,iwcaerXo3lll9. or A IS EL . 111) BEM' LL - Is continually receiving new suhotles (Aoll[llllllo Dkugs and Medicines, which will be sold es low as af any other StC - e in Montrose. . . . JOir Colgate's AromatioVegetablo Soap.. • A an parlor Toilet Soap. prepared ficirareilaed Vegeta ble 911 a in combination with Glycaurine t and *4- elally &tagged for therms of Lidice, and for .the Nursery. ,Ita perruma la o*quialte i and Its waahlag properties unrivalled. For sale by all draggii•ta. May, 29 1861<riyemp12 "Deafness. Blindness & Catarrh-treat -ea with the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oculist and Aurtat, .(rormerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. SID Arch Street. ..Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most tellable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his office. The-medical [emit" are inaVed to accompa -try theirpatiente. as he has no secrets. in his practice. A rtttleial Eyes luscrked. without pain. No charge made for examination. novl9yl lair - Tets Slithotortud Dollars , worth of GOODS at wlicue,•n le Cost. per lurentory just taken, for sale by ABEL TURItELL. in the Brick Block. Abolit this omonnt constantly tin hand, and NEW GOODS contbr , ally orrlving. The people can find nearlyeviryttlitv tiMy may need at tho prig and Y!tristylilt r oye of ABEL TURRELU. ! ' 14ontrose, Pa.. dray 30. 1867. ag , Gardnee*,lllnainess' College. FROND GRAPHIC .I.:NSTI CUTE and LADIES` ACADEMY— Ie , the proper niece shore young men and ladies eanob• min a practical hnonledge of the most important branches of bustneaa. Every one ehottld improve this opportunity,. as the course is the - moat thorough of any College of the kind In Northern l'ennsslrania. Lue $35,00 Send for College Paper, giving full particulars. Address J. N. GARDNER, Principal, Scranton, Pa. 1 A tig.l3-4im. Virifteng,of iron. , ' ant miehty in the miter. Flereelv wielded by the breve. Olorion• In the etalwart steamer. Laughing et the atone and wave Beauteous in tke pnlace pillars. Saving in the pointad rod, As it brines the deadly 11 ,, htning quAretantOtnip;lmq thck.sod. Bnt there is n glorious essence. Where I take my grandest power. Giving to the race my surest, Sweetest aid, in danger's hour. See ! before me fly disease' I See the d.irkest hydras how t See the rose of health and beauty Take the palest cheek and brow Flt dy.pensia ! fly 'consumption I Yes. all ills are crushed at length, For I 41:y.e what human nature Only ever needed—ST=2;oTß Shill I tell in, w hat great essence I ran thus vlinr spirt!» cheer up? Pallid. trcmblin,. defog sufferer. 'Tin the famed" PE LII.M.k N ST The Pernrinn Syrup 14 n protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron, a new dis-overy in medicine that strikes at the root of di-le4e hv supplyme the blood wiht .ts vital principles or lire el •m. 01 . Iron. The genuine has " Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass, Pamphlets free J. P. DINS7itOIIE, Proprietor, No, afi lley et., New York. Sold by all .Drotrzit.ts —Cab. VW — Chronic Diseases, Scrofula, Ulcers, la known that the benefit, derived from drinking of the congress Serato and ether celebrited Springs is principally owing to the lodine they eon Alit DR. 11. ANDEDDS . lODINE WATV.II Contains iodine In t he Fame pure state that it is forind In thsse spring waters, but over 500 per cent. more in quantity. containing as It does lyj grains to each fluid onnce. d.rsolved in pure w ter. without a solvent. a discouery long sought for, in thin country and Europe. and is the hest remedy in-the-world tor Scrofula. Can cers, Sat Rheum, 1.7 leere, andel] Chronic Diseases. circulars free. J. P. Dim-more. Proprietor. WDey street, New York. Scld by all Druggists.—fob. tVrehtldresita Laves Saved for 50 Cents.— Theerandb of eLildreit die Annually of croup. Now, mothers, if yon wonid snend :alrenfe, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment in the house, you nevea nned fear losngyour little ore when attack ed with this complaint. It is now 10 years since I have put up my Liniment. and never heard of a child dying of Crone when my Liniment was used; - but hundreds of elites of cures have boen reported to me, nnd many state if It was $lO per bottle, they would not be with out it. Resides which. it is a certnin cure for cuts, Berns Headache Toothache, Sera Throats, swellings, Mump•. Colic. Diarrhcen. Dysehtery, :spasms, Old Sores. nod Pains in the Rack and Chest. No 01 e once tries It who le ever without it. It is warranted perfectly safe tolake internally Full directions with every bottle Sold by the Druggists. • Depot 56 Cortlandt ,street New Tork.—te. ler OWAILD AssoclAtion,Phtt_ade/phin • Pa SA Dia:eases of tbollervons;SemtnalAlrinery'and sex aals.vt.tema—new and reliable treetment—in Report red the (TOWARD ASSOCIATION. ^ent hy inn fl n sealed et zer envelopes. free nf chargé. A ddrer Pr../ . SKILLTA linuonTon. [lnward Association.No 2 Sont t:9th stree Philade'phia. Pa NEVI' YORK MARKETS. IterMited for Hie licocrnoin Drlsocnir. by DE- R ART. SII A FFER CO., Commission Mercbants.4Ctl, 401, 403 and 496 West Washington, 3tarket, New York City. Feb. 1, 1868. Beans, per 'barrel '' '' ' ' ' $ 3,90 a+ 64.00 Butter, per lb. Stated:tins', prime.... 88 (Ce 40 do " tuba, ".... 40 0 42 do --..•• • Oratneeotlntypaila.... 45 at, 50 Cheese. per 11V.," 12 r t/a 14 Eggs, per doz. 30 'IE, 33 Flour, per bbl. t extra State. 9,00 0 13,00 .. , western 5,5 a 12.00 Rye Flour per ........ .7,50 9.00 Corn meal.'.•• • - 6,00 la 6LO .. • • _ _ _ Wheat, per bushel, Con, „ 4 Oats. ' do'' " Ilay, per cwt.,, Sheep, live Per ib Lambe, •• CAlvm , „ •• Ch'eken!. lire per pair Tallow, per lb. Wool,.prr lb. MBI~R=~G~~. In Middletown, .on the. 234 inst.. by Rev. M. B. Porter, Igt.'Aziosl C, BEEBa, of Middletown,' and Miss ANN Etaze NcrrE wEitz, of Owego, N. Y. At Camden, N. Y., on the 18th of Dee. 1867, by the Rev. 0. C. Cyle, Mr. Ron- Ace M. It EELEV, of Aliddletnwn, Pa., • and Miss Skri4ii A. Giamn, of Vienna, N. Y. In Atarat, Jan. 1.01, by B. TI. Dix, Esq., My. Wamm . C: WAr.D, of Oakland, and Miss CHISTEEN E. Cuirris, of Jack son: At the residence of the" bride's father, in Franklin, Dec. 25, 1867, by Rev. D. D. Lindsey, Mr. JAMES S. COSIER, of Forest Lake, audf N is_s literp 7 , S•rocs.not.4l, of Franitlin ' " " 2211E1,13. 1 PME5. Or Notices of marriages and deaths published free of charge. Obltuities'Oubltahediqufd for at the rate of lifts zeuts ppr hundred words. In Bridgewater, on thgcli,h,ult., AHD J. COREY, son of J.. w and°. J. Co.: rey, aged 3 tno. and s,days. In Thomson, Tuesday, Dec. 31st, 1607, of apoplexy, JOEL A. Lotra, aged 38 years, 3 mo. and 18 days. ABEL TIMItELLIS"STORE. se analOir 11211 Of MI Goods. - canastimpt e ..~~~ y ~~~eriisement~. ABEL' TURAELt, - - Droggist,l Mont telle, ha arfALMIANAC for 1668. for evert Faintly In Susquehanna county, Gawrut. Please caU or tend an I get, it. Veb4-4 • ' - • glint arm of ILs ‘ tviey ar; Polier will be dissolved on the Orst,daz March - utrzt by limitation. The .butl nets will be continued by the tittbscriber. strictly for Ratak PaT, - onand after that date. The subscriber feeling grateful for the liberal patron again thtf-past; would-respectfully solicit a cantina auce of the samo,kottwlnglbut bp, can make it for the lutereat of all to do so, by selling goods cheaper than it is possible - 1.9 do under a creclit spite= • .., O. M. IIAWLEY. New Feb..lth, 17363.- 4w • • .0. E. PI.CKETT, - • •i 3. .4101.2.cticamieeer, All calla promptli attended to. * Chu ' low. ,Ad dr6,4l,'Atib Unt 4 corner*, Stafo'n Co. Pa. , ifeb,dtf -• 'Farm tor: Sale. T. S heeted T llB .nbscriber 'offers tot sale his Forte in Silver Lake township, 2 miles. from the Snake Creek road, one mile east of 31nd Lake, and 11 miles from ritnghtuntos: containing about 24 acres, 75 acres improved, with new - dwelling Morse, barns and out buildlov. This farm is well watered, well timbered, and uuder,a, good state of. cnitivation.. • • Fur teips apply to the subscriber on.thointies. JOAN J. HMV.' pm Silver:Lake, Feb.' 4,* IBGI-1m • T"greatest care for - rheumatism, lameness, sore. fleas, the Great English Sweeny epeeltid Lin t went. Bend on urappeir what it bas done la snarl' a c att.; It has cured the lama an Cafe tete d lmmedi at. • ly. 'Don't frill to try It. Piiee; arils per bottle; Sold by Abel Tune'', Burns & lilebola.and all tient:rept re or drug...lista. 1111 does not giro Enth ct i , relent the bottle half fall and your money will be Tentrided. D. G. VARAY & CO., Feb. 141868. Middletown, N. Y. To Horsemen. • Don't ret your Ilorseigo 'eine, sore or [infected ; gd to the store and bay Carey's Great Enlist' siveeikerLial torout,as it never falls to give satisfaction. D. O. CARE' M CO., Feb.l, 1868. _ Middletown, N. Y. • . - cll . II 1 01 /3N 0 rear andersigned, an anditoittipciintedbyttkOourt .1 of gommon.Pleasoi tinaqu4lnuma.od9intflo ttletri bute the. fund la, the hands or JAI ltlcirgan.-aistipace of A. T. Dmitt, will attend to the.dattes of bls ap polutmehfait—bis office tri•Mcntnikcon l ruesttiy the Sd day March, 1809, at one o'clock, la, m., et which time and place ail persons are required to present their claims or be debarred (rota coming In on said fond. W. D. Ltililr„ Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 4, 1869. `STATE OF JOHN HUDSON, late or IttontrotLe, Stonfa county, Pa., deed. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent 11w/inv. been :rented to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment. and those having claims mramst the same to present them duly authenti cated fur settlement. JAS. E. CARSIALT i Err. Montrose, Feb. 4th. 1868. BANKRUP'T'S ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Dlotriet of Pennsylvania. In the matter of L. W. WELCH, a bankrupt.} In Bankruptcy. 7b Whom U may Concern : The undersigned hereby RIPON notice of his appoint ment as Assi,pee of L. W. Welch, of Bridgewater township, in the county of Snequelutona and State of Pennsylvania, within said district. who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon hle own petition by the District CNiurt of said District. Dated Nov. 4th. 1867. GEO. P. LITTLE, Assignee. Montrose, Feb. 4, 18118.--3 w BY virtue of certain writs issued by the Courtof Common Pleas of Susquehanna County. and to me directed, 1%011 expose to sale by public vendue, at the Court-house. in Montrose. on Friday, Feb. 2.15t.'1868, nt I o'clock. P. M., the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land. situate lying and being in the borough of New Milford. ,Susquelmn na county, Penn's, bounded on the north by lands of Bre. Richard Morse. on the east by the old Great Bend and Choshecton turnpike road, oft the south by land of Horace Barnes, and on the west by land of John Hay den—containing nbont thirty perches of land, more or less, and basing thereon one framed dwelling-house. [Taken in execntion' at the Suit of E. C. Balser. assign ed to L. A. Smith, vs. A. L. Vought and L, L. Vought. The following described piece or parcel of land s:tn ate in the township of narford. Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania. bounded as follows, to wit : On the north and east by lands of Henry Drinker. 'moth and west bylands of Daring Tioeley, containing about 69 acres of land, be the same more or less. and about tlfly acres Improred.one house, one barn and shed attached. one orchard, and being the premli es formerly occupied by William Gow. [Taken in execution at the suit of Erastus ROSS vs. W. it. Cobb. S. F. LANE, Sheriff. SherifFsOffice;l!Jontrose, Jan. 28. 1863. ' inELAWARt, LAPKAWAtNA and 1 : , 'WESTERN R.R. WlnterArrangement, 1867411. PASSENGER 'TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. I EASTWARD. Mail Pasnngr Mall Paanger STATIONS. train. I STATION train. train. A ..M. A.. 111. . P. M. P. M. 9 13 ~10°0 New York•.... ..... 4,50 - Nev. Hrimtiton...... 2 . ,E0 1: - 7 -1 : 12 WI - 'Mannnka Cho tik .... 1.40 ' ' c a . 100 i Delaware. —Dune... 1,98 I o. ' i'.. 4,35 1 10,10 Sernntqn k .„ 4,80 I 6,25 : m t . 5,41 11.43 I Nicholson 9.40 4,95 I , c 6,03 12,0 S IHo bottom 8.2.1 4,10 a .4 6,25 12,39 I Montrose 8.00 3,40 5 6,41 1.09 1 New 'Milford '7.391 3,10 e 1,05 1 1,35 i Great Bend I 1,20 2.45 I . .p. i m.. P. 31 1 !Foot of Liberty-st. 1 A. M . P3l 1 • ' CoNNteTioNs -- -*EsTwAnG. The Mail train from , Nem York connects at Ma nunka Chunk with the train leaving Philad'a(Renain): ton.depot) at B,ooa. nv.::andatOrentlkind wlthtlitollgh mall train on too Erie Railway. with sleeping car at. tactic& stopping at all the principal Etationa on that road, and arriving at Buffalo nt 0,18 a.m. The t nseenger trait from Scranton connects at Gr't Bend with through trains going west and cast on Erie Railway, arriving at Buffalo at 1,28 a. m., sad at Saki, manca at 12 M. 2,rfo • 0 8.20 1,50 el ;.41:1 2. 1.20 0 1,80 67 0 /0 1,00 0 1,20 05 C 08 08 (3 10 09 0, 10 75 t 116 11 0 It 45 0 58 ~... ~.., •Tlin Mairtraln trim Great Bend 'connects there with the Cincinnati express owthe . ..Erie Railway from the weet ; a cambk . With train for Philad'a and intermedinte,sfations, Pbilidebbla at p. nT:: and ht lirittiptop with attain for Easton Bethlehem. Alltintown, Reading and Uarrisburg, arri v at 'Barri share . at 8.30 p. ' : At Scranton, conr.cettoriatrc made w ith train s to and front all stations on the Lackawanna and illoomsbnrg R.R. and on the Delaware and Denison Canal. Co's Railroad, Time Tables of which roads arc printed be- shbscrlbcr Offers for sale his farm containing A. about rinety scree. about twenty acres le fine tim ber land, the balance trell fenced.-(mortifireir) and ender a good .datoof cultivation genet/Midi not, &c. Situated partly in the township of Bridgewater, and partly in the borough of Montreac,on the old Chepan un tent/Ake. known formcFly.2s:Ahe StiniT Warner farm. Ten or twelvoacres lie on the line of a new road about to be opened, from which there Is a splen did view of Montrose, a.id can readily be sold for build ing lots. Ally' One trithine to locate near the county seat nanpot tioadza more desirable sitnaport. A portion of the purchase money can remain on the place for a term of years. For farther particulars call Upon or correspopd with the subscriber, at Montrose, Suitinehanna county. Pa. 0. S. BEEBD. Montrose., Dee. 11. 1e031.:4m ittRiSIT 871. :rept." sato ply at p,cio per tem:. • Tense. ir - eO - 11` II 111:07/1 SHERIFF'S SALES. -ALSO CONNECTIONS - -- - -EASTWAI? ! Dr A. TIMMY, Gcneral FHB. and Ticket Agent PAO FOR SALE! PLASTER. I~Ta Ce. TSchool birecterp of =mock einettabet et the 2 E 7th day of Nov. 11161,gatre an order for 1860, with interest, due in one year from date, payable to Berth ter._& Co... New Nora, or their agents. Wachob vowel' Pittston, Pa., le payment for School Appara tus, to be delivered by the said Scribner & CO. or their agents. A I persona, will take notice that the order for raid Apparatus is hereby rayek,ed. the putter felling twdeliver th e articles as per agreement. and that ihe payment .4' said order hoe been !stopped. By order of Board. •P. U. BUNNELL, Sec'y. C. S. GATES, Preen; ' Moloch, J. 23.1868. 8w• rJissolution. Tug copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under .the arm name of Crane & Leebody, Is this day dissolvedby mutual consent. Mr. Leebody will continue the business, and he Is author ized to settle the accounts of the late firm. The Ott standing accounts must be settled immediately WM. It. CRAISTE, Elk Lake, Jan. .22.1843.4131.3* JOHN LIZSBOPY. A KRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the -United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania : In the matter of Albert L, Post, a bankrupt. Hankraptcy. To Wnox rr MAY Cones= The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as assignee of Albert L. Post. of Montrose, in t he County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylva nia. within said district, who has been acljadged.a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated November 12, A. /L. 1867. 011011013 P. LITTLE, Assignee. - Montrose, Jan. 28, /868.-8 w VSTATE OF MICHAEL DOYI.E, ',deceased, late of Choconut township, Snsque• haulm county, Pa. Leiters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed. all persona indebted to Bald estate ate hereby noti fied to make immediate paytnent, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. CATDARINE DOYLE, Efi. .TAAIL4 DOYLE, Ler. Choconnt, Jan. 7, 1668.* STATE OF WM. SMITH, late of /.L1 Jessup, Sneqachantat county, Pa., dec'd. Letters of adminlstratfon upon the estate of thb above named depedent having been granted to the an dersigned, uotlee Cs hereby given to all persons indebt ed to said estate to make Immediate payment. and those having claim, against the same to present them duly . antlienticated for settlement. 'JOILN7 =ITU. Adm'r. Jessup, Jan. 7, 1868. VSTATE.of O. t. CARPENTER; late olJaelrson, Susquehanna county, Pa, dec'd. Letters of adminlitration ?spoil the estate of tliraiOove named decedent having been granted to the'underaign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, .ahi those having clairnS against the same to present them dulyanthenti cated for settlement. P; cAnPENTraI, Adaa'r. Ilarford, Dee. 81, 1807. - - Auditor's Notice. fir, SHE undersigned an auditor appointed by the Or -1 Lunn ' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund In the hands of resinett Tripp, administrator of the estate of Joseph 0. Tripp,deed. will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In Montrose, ou Thursday, Jan. 2•ld, IS6B, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons Interested in said fund may iresent their claims or be forever debarred from com ng in on said fund. JAMES "E. CAR3IALT, Auditor. Montrose, Dec. 24, 16ti7. VSTATE OF ALMANSON NYE, -1.-j ateot Jackson, Suscea county. Pa. deed. Letters of administration upon the eatate of the abaci named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those baying claims against the same to presen‘them duly authenti cated for settlement. _ L. GRIFFIS, idnr Jaciacm, Jan. 21,1669.-6wo. Courts of Appeal. JIIE Commissioners have fixed upon the following days and places for bearing Appeals from the As sessors (triennial) assessment. of 1853, to Wit: Franklin, at the School House near J. L. Merriman's Monday Feb. 3d, 1868. L therm, at the house of Bela Jones, Tuesday Feb .4th. Silver lake, at thc house of Widow W halms, Wednes day Feb. sth. Choconut and Friendsville, at the house of Philo Sherwood, Thursday Feb. 6th. Apolacon and Little Meadows, at the house of Philo Sher wood, Frida) Feb. Middletown, at the hone of Otis Hors, Saturday Feb. fth. Ruah,atthe house of Wm. Sherwood, Monday Feb Ugh. Auburn, at the hottee oI Elijah Adams, Tilesday Feb 11th. Dimock, at the house of John Foster, Wednesday Feb. 12th Springville, at the house of Dr. Brush, Thum* Feb. 13th. Brooklyn, at the house of J. 0. 'Ballard, Friday Feb Lathrop, et the house of D. Wilmarth, Sattuday,Feb sth. Lenox, at the house of V. Cafferty, Monday Feb. Clifford and Dundaff, at Clifford Corners Hotel, Tues day Feb. 15th. Herrick, at the house pf G. W. Potter;.Wedneaday Feb. 19th. Gibson, at the house ofJames ThnrsdayFeb. %Kb. Burford. at the house of tiPm. GoW, Monday Feb. 24th. New SI Wore and boro,at-Phlutiey'a Hotel, Tuesday Feb. 25th. Jackson and Ararat, at Joseph Garry's hotel, Wed nesday Feb. 2Gth. Snsonehanna Depotand Thomson, at linos Blossom's hotel , Thursday Feb. 27th. Oakland and Harmony, at Enos Blossom's hotel, Fri day Fch. ftrh. - Gt,liend and born. at , Barnum's hotel; Saturday Feb. 2911 t. Bridgewater, nt the Commissioners' office Montrose, Monday March 2d. Montrose, at the Commissioners' office, Tuesday March Scl • Jessup, at the Commissioners' office, Wednesday Starch 4th. Forest Lake, at the Commissioners' office, Thursday March 51h. The Cumin issioners• wish it distinctly understood that they will close their appeals in each town at pre cisely 3 o'clock p. m., in-order to give them stallcient time to reach their next appointment the Same evening. All persons having business with the Commissioners will please govern themselves accordingly. lly order of the Commissioners. W. A. CROSSSION, Ciners Clerk. Comers Office, Montrose, .1, Jan. 21, 1862. DECLINE IN FLOUR. 9CXX3EI ,. Mu. - kelsonMill Is tarnishing tirat:rate Winter Wheat Flonr at $l3 50 SHOOK & TINGLEY. DEGRATTI'S ELECTRIC BE OIL, For sale by AL TURRELL The Montrose Democrat Is ?MILIEU= STEW/ TUESDAY 21101INING, AT MONTECNIE SUOVIZELLNNA CODNTT, PA., DT 'ari.To 33; Ir SO Or AT, AT $2 PEA ANNUM IN ADTANCE-011 $24 AT END OP TZAR. [fastness advertiseinents inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three times, and 23r.ta for eachadditional week; Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, charged $lO for tour squaratij quarter column sls, — balreidunin $3O, one column $6O. and other amounts in exact proportion. nosiness cards-of three lines, $3; or one dollar a line. Vignemil notices at the customary rates,—about 50 per cent, in additlop to bush:laza rates. • Job Printing executed neatly and protnptly at tali prices. tie Def t =ix as m irrejestaces'. r cßitst* 1111 "*C4 1" 14114,11- 2e, ,i)-(,) • • w Oar Fr t i ? oath IV ad van c e from Mawl,l . • 31312:r3ritt. CoMpriali g 'ri Mi g iiuMortinent of 14iV7. Dry - gOods, Groaries, Crockery, Hardie - 4R, Stoves, Irop,,Afedieines„ Paints, (lite r _ Book d s,'Wall.Paper, WiR doul Shades, Huts and Cap; Buffalo Bodes, Ladies i and Gent) Mrs; • ' alinOral and Hoop Skirts,. eke.' and combined, forming the most ecmiplete opportnal t f for *electing Li/GT..ly deptlZl.irmut ottd•trade i said I ho sold st ' The Lowest Market-Prices. - New Milford, Dec. 17, 1867. MAD CREEK NiILAS, Noc:cr 71/11.11"corcli: . Imbra.• rianrietor. are In tail orsefoilOn ' at E. last. Mr. Moore would say to. the good 'Volt?! of Susquehanna county that he bas fitted up his mitt at a heavy expense, with all the modern tninrovernents In Bolts and IltichinerY,..and is conAdentle daiido good work as the best.. • We -have ono of the improved Silver Creek • Smut Er SOptirattargtachinegi _ said to bo e best tdsehlnebt the day. We have ale* the beet machine for cleantn..:_ , Iluckwheut in the county. The services of Mr. JOllti B. Ditdoct. an -export. enced - Miller, have been scouted and he will td all calls. • New Milford, Nov. 19, 1867.—U FOUND, 4. N Montrose, between the Store•of Bullard ind I Wooden crate( Brick Block, at that little onetone Boot and Shoe Store, a new and elegant assortment of 33cocrts era MM=2== Men's thick and Ate Bacl4' Boy's Boots, and a good assortment of Shoes, -can. -, - slating of Zadies' Kid, Goat, and tasting Balfriorals, _ • Misses', Children's and Baby's Shoes. &e. Also, waft made to order, and Repairing done on short notice. • Oct. 29 ISC7 —tf C. 0. FORDILM.; .113496113161 XL db• CO., -‘! GREAT PIANO FORT" And Melodeon Emporium: . 650 urdadxfay. NetO York, otid 69 Washington Chicago, Crosby Opera-ifonse, Wholesale Agents for the United States far Wm. Knahe &. Co's Celebrated Vold Atedol I= l 3.n..72.okcortano. Also, Agents for A. H. GA LE ce CO., and other Brat , class Pianos. - W. have the largest and best assorted stock of Plaross i which, for Power and Sweetness of Tone 4 11147 atm Agreeable Tench, and Beauty of Finish, have, byjudges, been pronounced unriratted. Whole=ale Agents for Carhart, Needham 4 Co's Celo. orated Harmoniums, Meodenns nod Organs. Manufacturers and Importers of Musical Instruments, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Vir Remember the place, , J. BA UE E & CO., 650 Brus o W4Y. Il3retv 'York. and G 3 Washington St ,Chltagtf, A DEMORATIC DAILY AND WEFELT NAL IN ILILADNLIIIIA. !., The attention of the Democratic and Cottservative citizens of the country is called to the Daily and Wed, ly issues of this widely circulated journal. The di. , semimation of sound political doctrines should com mand the earnest attention of every true friend ultras Union and the Constitution. The events of thetast political year are full of significance' The uprising of The People In opposition to the destructive pellertill Radicalism, clearly shows that the masses are deter mined to restore again to power the great Dettioeratio party, every page of whose history is filled with. the glory and prosperity of our common country. Bre moro effectual method for pteventing the Tr Lb caul)* devised, than in circulating Democratiejonrnals. 1t Is the intention of the Proprietors of The Age to. Make 11, in every way, worthy of the support and cothildeocti that have heretofore been extended to it. lieprotoSi ments are contemplated in every depart-neat:lnd no pains or expense will be spared to keep it in the front rank of American journalism. The Daily Age contains tho latest Intelligenize front ailparte of the world, with articles on Governmerk Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the current questions of the day; Local Intelligence, Market Reports. Price* Current. Stock quations. Marino and Commercial In. telligence. Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence. Legal Reports. Book NMI. oes, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, and discontinua whatever subjects are ofgeneral Intetest and Impel:. fence. Besides Special Telegrams, it has all the dia. patches of the Associated Press from..etery part of the United States, and also the Associated Press cifspatche* receiyedby the Atlantic cable; akd the netts . from sit parts of Europe. brought by theetermere, is instantly teleer aphed from - whatever , ItOillt the ateluziers drat- Lona. The Weekly Ago willbe a complete compendiona theinews of the week. and besides the . leading - edited els from the Daily,willcontain ohne amount of inter oiling matter preparedexpresdy for the weekly [este, It wifl be in all respects a first Oast family Journal; particularlyanapted tr the Politician, the Palmer, the 'Merchant, the Mechanic, the Faintly Circle r and PM General Reader, having, in id fact, every charaeterase tic of a live newspaper. At an early day will be begun an intenssly interesting serial . , by one of the.most pop : Mar and fact nailing authors, and it Is also the Intention to publish, from week to week, in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest Not els. Tens or THE DAILT.—One copy, one yenr, siff months, $4 50; throe months, $2.59; for any I, ea period, at the rate off one per month. Payment regoired invariably in fleTanCe., Postage on the Daily. thirty cents per onarter, ornne dollar and twenty cents per annum, to be prepaid at the office of livery.. , TERNS or rue Wgratir s —One copy, one year. $2; tire copies, one year, $0; ten copies, onu year, $17,50 1 !wen:, ty copies, one year, $39. The Publishers, dogtrots of extending the fencer . * of their weekly issue, have determined to make such re duction in its yrice as wilt place It within the reach of every man in the • country. Therefore, to meet - Het means of all classes, 'from and afterJannary t,lB6B,the Weekly Age will be tarnished to clubs at the following' extraordinary rates : One Hundred copies, one address, $lOO.OO And One copy extra to the getter-rip of the club—a& ditional copies at the same price. Seventy.fice copies, one )car, one address. $04.00 And one copy extra to the getter up of the club = -ad. , ditional copies at the saw price: Fifty copies, ona year; on o address. $62,50 And one copy extra of the getter up of, the clUb--atidt: tional copies at the same price. Forty copies. one year. one address, • • Smog And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—ad. ditional copies at the tame price. . Thirty copies, on4year.one address._ $42.00 And one copy extra JO the getter up of the Club--itedi • tional copies at thosame price. • Twenty copies, one year. one eddresit, • MOO And one copy extra to the getter up of the Club-Ads ditional copies at the sumo price. Ten copies, one year, one addreete.• .1 $15.50 . And one Copy extra to the getter up of the dial-842M0 tional copies at the same price. „ „ . Five Chides. one year one address; _ .$8.50 These prices, which are cash , invariably in advance, apply only to yearly etibecrlbersi sod 'the papers most, in every case without.exception, be sent Wane address. far The above terms will be , ildheredte. Drone on Philadelphia. or Fort office °Mere; 'payable. to the order of the Publishers, So ng safer:ars 'prefers: ble to any other mode of remittance. • Ali who send money by Express, tonstpre.pav Express charges. Err elmen copies of the Daily and , Weekly sent gratis, on application at this Mee. Advertisements, inserted all moderate rates. . . Address . • — WELSH &Bantle . 430 Chestnut Street Phillidelphte, 44.4.0t100.• THE wabiertber wql tell at podlle onto on,Satorday Feb. 15, 1868. tit oneP. U.. the followlpg teal es tate. to wit : One Tavern stand mutate at abuts 4 Contors.poit bdildtheo;and about 11 Orel% of 1 4Odt oleo. A PAM Ar About SO acres. moottitmproved. good buildinagaiwo ll watered. h young an thrifty Oreharda. ittaitritssi Dtmoek. Terawrmidallitavin thrt*Ot.iale • - el• . 11i41 1 ; Atlbdrll ialit" 4l - E. Ti. MOORIL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers