t j) °drat gltuturrat. TUESDAY. ;ILL 28 t 1888. Local Xiatelligeaacte. Tailoring. Gentlemen's own materials made up; c utting done, clothes cleaned, repaired, and pressed, cheap; at E. tL. Weeks', Dental Notice. Dr. S. J. Wheaton, Dentist, will he in the neighborhood' of Forest Lake, Tues day, Jan., 23d. Those desiring his servi ces ean.find his whereabouts on or after that date, by enquiring orChester Wright _ Donation. • The friends-of Rev. 11. U. Gray wll make him a donation visit at the house of Elias Bennett in Auburn, Thursday Jan. 30th tf aftern000 and evening, AU are iuvi• ted. By order of the Committee. ===3 Dedication. The M. E. Church of Brooklyn will be opened, Providence permitting, on Thurs day, Jan. 30th. Services Commencing at to} A. M., and 7P. M. Rev. B. I. Ives, Chaplain of Anbnrn State prison, will of ficiate assisted by Rev. D. C. Olm stead, P. E. and others. The Ministers Wyalusing District are especially invited to attend. 2w. I=lC=l=C=l Donation. Members of the Presbyterian Church, and all the friends of Rev. J. G. Miller, are.most cordially invited to attend the anneal Donation Party, at the Parsonage, in Montrose, on the afternoon and even ing of Tuesday, January 28th, 1868. By ordey of Committee. --••-® - - • Fur the,Democrat The Vice Presidency. Some Reptillican papers seen► to be very much engaged in bringing before the party the name of Hon. G. A. Grow as a candidate for the Vice Presidency.— As a politician we arc acquainted with G. A. Grow, but not personally. 'He origin ated from Democratic stock, was cradled in a Democratic cradle, (if we are not mis- taken,) and by the Democrats was bro't hetOre the people as a candidate for office, was eledted by them, and served in their tanks until he could see far enough into futurity to see that heconld make a better thing of it by joining the Repub. hcans, and. be did so. And after all that e Democrats have done for him in early ilfe when he was a stripling, he cannot rind language sufficient to express Ihe con tempt he has toward them as a p trty. It may be the has forgotten the fiog g i ng rte got when he run for Congress against lion. Charles Deni,on ; if he has, let him oome on to the Republican platform u ith negro suffrage in it, and he will learn a lei-on that lee sill not soon forget. ECe arced I l thivik to ride in on General Grant's credit. No, Graluslia, )on had better not risk it. Bat if you think you had Netter try it, come on; if you do, you err I know more about Democracy !ICY L November than you ever knew betbre. As OW DEMOCRAT. Court Proceedings. T. J. Chase of Lottatvnit Bit., admitted to practice in Cowls of this County. • Leander Brooks vs. Almanda Brooks, divorce granted. Collin wealth, vs. Fernando Brush, proceedings for sumort of fatni'y ; dert discharged on payment of costs. 'Com'th. vs. Orson Case, Marcus Case, and Jartys Loa 1. Indictment, larceny; verdict, not guilty. Coin'th. vs. Emmons dr, Thompson, In dictment, tippling house. Nol. Pros. entered on payment of costs. Com'eh vs. &fait, 11. Wellman, Mary Wellman and Laura - Wellman, Indictment assault and battery, verdict guilty. Eli: s %Veltman, fined $lO and costs. Court appoints C. L. Brown, 11. H Harrington, and Charles Sprout, audito to audit accounts of the direct ors of the poor for Montrose and Bridgewater. Com'th. vs. Amos Baker, for larceny. Grand Jury ignore the bill. • Com'th. George Leslie, for larceny. Grand Jury ignore the bill. .0 Com'tb. vs. Tiffany, Indictment mayhem, Asc. Guilty on second Count of indictment., and fined slo'and costs. La the matter of a bridge near Benj. Parke's, the viewers report adversely to county assuming costs of rebuilding. Com'th. vs .W. E. LiUdsey; Indictment for selling liquor without license, and on Sunday; verdict guilty. Sentenced to pay $lO fine, and ten days imprisonment.- Com'th. vs. ' Elhanan Button, Indict ment, assault and battery, with attempt to kill Newton A. 'Lane, Dep't. Sheriff. Acquitted on account of insanity. Com'tb. vs. Franklin J. Mellon. Indict ment, assault and battery verdict not guilty, and Elias - Wellman, prosecutor, pay costs. Coneth. vs. James Donnelly, James Donnelly, Jr.. and , Daniel • Donnelly. Ar son; grand jury ignore the bill. In - the matter of a co - linty bridge in Clifford. Grand Airy approve inquest. IL S. Dean, vs. Enos and Amanda Shelp. Verdict lot: defendants. Eicep:, tions filed to cbarge'of Ciiik ordered that Daiiiel rain be.con fined in State Lunatic Hospital. An Eminent Divine, says have i been using thei!eruyian Syrup, it gives:_im new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elesticity of muscle." J. Dinshore, 36 Dye St. New York, will send free, a pamphlet of 82 pages, containing a fall account of this remarkalge medicine, to any one sending . line their address. Illoninint to . - Our Catholio ,friends of St. Joseph, Pa., and vicinity, have, lately lioae , a very creditable act t ; the .memory of their late deceased Pastor, Father Monahan; in erecting a monument over his grave, at a cost of over $6OO, which was contributed by his friends. The Inonutnelit.was made in our village {says the Owego Gazette) at the shop of ' C. M. Hay wotid, and it is a splendid piece of workmanship; The design is very 'beautiful 'land appropriate. made' Cif the 'iffiest Italian -- 'Marble and very highly polished - . -- 3t consists of two Bases, ti Die, - . Octagon, 'Shaft, Mid Cap with a finely_elfrve,d raised Cross on top, having upodtt th'e sacred motioTtri. On the Die the itisifrilition reads thus "Erected hY.Devoted people to the memory Of their zealous pastor REV. 111174.11 MOE .. Died . Sept. 5, 1805, Aged 3Q earsand 9 months. Being made.perfect in a short space, he fulfilled ► lona' time. Wis. 4th Chapt: and 13th verse. May he rest in peace." A Teacher's Defence:-' • Mu. Eorroti:—la looking over the re port of the SuSquehanna County Teach ers' Institute in your columns of last week, I saw among the other very inter esting proceedings, that the teachers who were absent Were censured, and by a res o'uti• n passed by that body were stricken from the roll of teaehers iu this county, as un ITO) , (he cal ing. Having beep engaged in teaching in a quiet way forSottie time in this county; and Ending Myself classed among those delinquents, E claim the privilege of sta ting through 'your c dooms, a few facts in pal iation of my offense, as a reason why I should not have been so - sumtnarily decal hated. I , I it-ver lase presumed to 'mount the I rostrum to tjender instruction to those who . ure my peers Anil many whb r are my superiors; therefore I felt that I shOul) not violate my duty in that respect by nut attending. • Igave the 'county Superintendent the rea. , ons why I shoul I pot be present, which / cousidered valiti reasons, and would be cmisidered so by all faitbtu4 teachers; and whicli were none other than these. That I was iu the middle ofa term of school, with quite a number of stu dents from a ,distance, and that my expe rience (and I Au-lieve I speak the experi ence of all truie teachers) was, that.a week vacation in tim midst of a.term, is fatal to the rapid progress of the pupils fur that term; t het ef ! it i e,_ . pleasure and profit as I feki.it would be to me, I deem ed i• to be my duty to toy students to de , pr:ve tuyselt of the privilege. Wit h toy Many faults, I claim this one •virtin; that dining the time that I have been engaged:in tc tching, which is about fifteen years, have deprived myself of all social p'easures that would add to toy mourn' incapacity to discharge my duty fai• lifully to My t nd e to Dirce• ors were mentioned, I most exonerate tloise of the Borough of New Mt ford, from aiding or abetting' in any way to ea liQe. my absence, as I had that free permissio to attend ; therefore all the pains and penalties utust fall upon my head alone. Although lily a resolution of that High Tribunal I have been stricken from the roll of teachers, yet thanks be to Hioh I leaven, there is no power on earth that can demolish that little r0n..:11 di.onond which my Creator has placed within my breast, or prevent me front embellshiog it so that it tray yet shine upon some be nighted intellect, except the power that , gave it; and when He shall strike toy name from the roll of earthly teachers, would that Umight appear with no great , er cause for I:ensure than that for which I have been thootned to the Guillotine by the Susqueltannah County Teachers' In stitute. Yours, EUGENE B. HMLEY., - New Milfiird, Jan. 23, 1808. . . How the liadical Committee Distri - -bete Documents. The Realest executive committee, emit. posed principally of members of Congress, are busily cvgaged in distributing 'politi cal ductunett).s, in the interest of their par ty throughobt the.country. For this pur pose several'} persons in the employ and yay of the House of Representative have been detailo to address these documents and prepare here for mailing. They spend the ,greater 'portion of their time at the Radical conimittee room, but draw their salaries from the Treasury as employees of the lloutte. Tb Act of Usurpation. As one branch of the National Legis lature bas Passed an act placing a gener al over and leboye the constitutional com mander of kite army and navy of the Uni ted States, t is well to look at the act re storing the' grade of General. It is as follows : 'Be it enacted,'Jac., that the grade of General be, revived; that the. President i 4 autherized to' appoint, with the advice and consent of the - Senate, a General of the army to -be selected' from. among diode officers most distinguished for cettragei skill and ability; who-being commissioned as general; ina3i be author ized, tinder the direction and daring the pleostire of the PreAident, to command the armies of the United States:" By this - act it, will be seen that the President. is authorized . to appoint a -General of the army . net to command the. forces of the United , Stalesi - inA'efiance of the .will of I the chief executive offiCer*.of the nation, I but under his direction and - during his pleasure... • -It is elear, therefora; that the — act i ! make Grant superior to the President„ is • o ne oibvet.usnrpatton.• Sisk_ . op Hopkins , Successor. By the death of Bishop - 11opkit&s, the place of presiding bishop in the Protefst• ant Episcopal Church of the United States now belongs to the Right Reverend Ben jimio Bosworth Smith, D. P. of Ken tucky. Both be and Bishop Mcllvaine, of Ohio, were consecrated at the same time with Bishop Hopkins, Oct. 31,1832; tint the consecration of Bishop Smith was 'second in the services of the oceasiOrt, and he is consequently next in the oreer ofbiasuccession. He resides at Frankfort •in,KentuckY.- r ife is -a native of Rhode - Island, having been born in Bristol' iii' 1794, and graduated at Brown Universi ty in the class of 1816. Be studied theol ogy with Bishop Griswold, who then re- Sided in Bristol, and was ordained deacon in 1818, and presbyter in 1819. He was for some years settled in Middlebury, Vt., and 'afterwards in Virginia, whence-he re moved to 'Kentucky. He is a man of great excellence of character, and be longs .o the Evangelical -or Low Church party.—Providence Herald. THE ESTE , / ORGAN.—The Springfield Republican says : " A particular and ad mirable feature of this instrument is the Vox Humana Tremolo, recently invented and palentt d, and which dues-away with all the objections sometimes urged against tretn num ts. This on e 'being under perfect control as to rapidity, its delicate pulFa lions appeal to the listener with a power and pathos imposible to resist." These Organs are manufactured at Brattleboro, Vt. I — A woman fund occasion to call upon a dentist to have her teeth filled.— Among those filled were two front ones, and when in a pleasant mood the lady's face shown with smiles while polished gold-glittered from the upper - incisors.— These were observed with admiration by her little Mune, who. by and by seriously remarked : " Aatit Mary, I wish I had copper-toed teeth like yours." 03P 30 40 .EIL 1-. ' CO TX C 7 3E' 17 , 71A8EL TIDIRRELL is continually receiving now sapplie, of tienuine Dru;•3 and Medicines. which will be sold as low as at auy other :ICC in Moqtrose. Pr Colgate's Aromatic Vegetable Soap. A sn periarTeilet Soap. prepared from refined Vegeta ble Oils in combination with Glycerine, and espe cially designed for the use of Ladies, and for the Nursery. Its per ume is exquialte,and its washing properties unrivalled. For sale by ail drugg„irts. 3lny, 31}367,—.1.yamp12 'I:le - Deafness. Blludoess 4r, Catarrh treat ed with the atmotst ancecaa, by Dr. J. Is Atl .OcUli,t and lariat, (formerly of Leyden. Holland.) No. 50.5 Arch Street. Philadelpllia. Tctintonlals from the taunt relMnie aoureea in the City and Country can lot Feet) nt hia office. The medical Ewalt, are incised to accompa ny their patients. :is ha hun nu seer, to in I:ti practice. Art Wein I Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. norl9yl rei'To Owners of I:formes—thousands of horse- die Ve.irly f rom Colic 5: his need not be. Dr. v,utytian ilorse Liniment will positively cure every case if given when first. taken. The coot is only one &dist - . Every owner of a horse should have A bolt ein his st ihle.. ready for use. It le warranted snperior to anything else for the cure of Cuts, Wind Swellings. sore Throat., Sprains, Brnises. Id Sores, &c. This Liniment Is no new remedy. It has been need and approvad of for .t.;) years be the first horse men in the country. given to an over drie en horse. it acts like magic Orders are constantly received from the racing, stables of England for It. The celebrated II oodrnff. of trotting fame. used it for years. and said it is far snperlur to air other he has tried Recol left, Dr. Tobia.. Venetian Iforse liniment is put up in pint boWiee. Take non qer. Sold by the Druggists and Saddlers. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. Jan. Fir Ten thousand Dollars' worth of GOODS at whwerale cost, tux inventory just tairvu, for sale by AREL TURWELL, in the Oriel; Bloci" About this amount constantly on hand, and NEW GOODS tenth'- say arriving. The people can find nearly everything they may need at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TUItitELL. Moutruc,„ Pa., July 30. 1867 I:47 — Gairdiner's Busk Wean College. PRONO GILAPHii.; INsTIFLEE and LADIES' CADEMY 711 , .. proper place v. here young men and ladies can ob tain n pr.ictical knowlenge of the mu-I important branches of bu-inees. Every one should improve this opportunity. as the warse is the most thorough of any College of the kind iu Northern Pennevlvania. Ll'e Scholarship, $3.5,1:K1: Send for College Paper, gTivittg Inn particulars. Address J. N. CIARDNER.,PrIuctpaI, Scranton, Pa. LA ug. 13—Gm. VP , " Dr. Wistargoilalsain of Wild cherry. DWI ere to...rtleic is known it is a work or Papere ru'ation to say one word in its favor. so well is it es taldished as an* unfailing remedy for Coughs. Colds. Bmuchitis; Croups. Whooding Cough. Asthma. diseases of the Throat, Chest. and Lunge, us well as that most dreaded of all diieases,Nonnumption, which high med ical authority has pronouncedlo be incurable disease. Those who have used this remedy know its value; those who have not, have but to make a single trial toe sat isfied that of all others it Is the remedy. The Rev% Jacob Scchler, well known and much re spected among the German population of this country, writea as fellows : rbeovrat, Pa., Feb, 16, 1K.9. .IdEtmtvt. S. W. FOWLE SON. 11114.00 Dear Sirs :—llaving realized In my family Important benefits from the tire of your valuable preparation— Wtstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—it affords me ;dem.. ore to recommend II to the public. Some debt years ago, one of my daughters seemed tobe in a decline. and little hopes of her recovery were etitertained. 1 then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam. and he fore she had taken the whole of it there was a grrat Im provement In her health...l have, In my Individual ease, made frequent use of poor valuable medicine, and have always bona berefitted by It. I would. liewever, caution the public atoll net imposition beet:nee there is a good deal of spurious Wistar i a Balsam of Wild Cher. ry afloat throughout the country. JACOB SECIILER. None genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE .t SCN,IB Tremont St , Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally. dec. riT - Grnees celebrated Salve.--. From Mr. James Curtin. of Amesbury. Mass. "I WOO afflicted with a severe felon on one ofmy fingers, and tried ma ny remedies without relief. My friends induced me to apply your Salve. In two days It extracted the inflam mation from my finger soar to enable me to resnme my work. I can almost say that the Salve worked like magic. for it effected a cure withont leaving a scar. I unhesitatingly .pronounce Grace's Salve an excellent remody and do not doubt It will be appreciated tbronghont the land." On'y 'l5 cents a Box. SitTLI W. FOWL& & SON, Boston. Proprietors. Sold by Apotheecries and Grocers generally. dec24ws NEW 1/0111K MARKETS. RePorted for the llorntosa DEMOCRAT. by DR. BART. SIIA FFEII & CO.,Commission illerehants.4o3, 404, 405 and 400 West Washington 'Market, New York City. Jan. 25, 1808. Beane, per barrel $ 3 , 00 e , t 4 . 00 Butter, per lb. State firkins, prime.... IS 01 40 do '• tube, '• .... • 40 a, 42 • do Orange counts pails.... 45 a 60 Cheese. per lh., 12 •,a 14 1 4. .ggy, per doz. 73,0 0 83 Flour. per bbl. extra State ... 0.00 , a. 13.00 .. " western ...... .......... 60 0 let 12.0 0 14411 , 10ne per bbl 740 0 0.00 Corn meal. .. . 6. 0 0 en 6.1.0 Wheat, per bushel,. 2,50 a 80 Rye, do 1,50 a 1,181 Corn, do 1.20 la 1,60 Oats, ,'1 do 67 a 70 Hay. per cwt... 1,00 0 1,t1) I sheep, ilveper lb. .. 05 0, 08 ; Lambe, ' OS 00 10 Calves. aptitelrent:llvo per pal r.....,,... —....... 15 0 Ist 41 1; , ..,.. w. [6.0-,!•,..--.0•••••,.....p5. .. . ~ • 11 It • ii `" 1:4,11" ~.,-N , , ••• • ' i*::•1'•:r7.••-.-r: 4 1 ',, _ ' . Mik:Z I I..VIZALCbIEISES. At the bride's father's, in Franklin, Jan. 17th, 1868, by Rev. A. F. Harding, Mr. F. S. BARNES, of Great Bend, and Miss COIIIIMIIA ELDRED, of the former place. 71:13331.41.TX1ei. On the 23d inst, in :Bridgewater, Mr. JouN SHEIIEU, in the sixty fifth year of his age. In. Franklin, Dec. 10th, 1865, Mr. IRA Cotc, - aged 7g years. liL,Franklin, Jan. Bth, 1868, Mrs. MARY B. COLE, aged 71 years. gebr ablartisemtuts Notlee. Tin Sebool DlreCtors of Dimock township on the 27th day of Nov. 1867, gave an order for $l5O, with interest, duo in one year from date, payable to Scrib ner tt.. Co,. Newors,' or their agents, Wachob & Die DoWelf, Pittston, Pa.an payment ( or School Appara tus, to be delivered by the said Scribner & Co. or their agents. A I persons will take notice that the order for said Apparatus is hereby revoked, the parties failing to deliver the articles as per agreementv and that the payment'..f said order has been stopped. By order of the Board. F. H. BIINNHLL, Seep'. Dimoek, Jan. 25,1868. 3woo Dissolution. QUM co-partnership beretolbre existing between the undersigned under the firm name of Crane & Leebody, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Leeinnly will continuo the burinees, and be id author. ized to settle tho accounts of the late firm. The out -standing accounts must be settled immediately WM. M. CRANE Elk Lake, Jan. 22.196,8.-29t3'Y 8.-29t3* JOHN LEBBOD. BANICRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the United States torthe Western District of Pezmaylvanla : In the matter of Albert L, Pont, a bankrupt.' liaakru P tei * To Wuott IT MAT CONCERN : Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as assignee of Albert L. Post, of Montrose, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennaylva- Phi. within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated November IS, A. D..ISE7. GEORGE P. LITTLE, Assignee. Montrose, Jan. 28, 1868.-3 w SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a certain writ issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County. and to me direct. d, I will expose to sale by public vendue, at the Court-house, In Montrose. on Saturday, Feb. 'ad. 18nEt. st 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : All that certain piece orpareel of land, situate lying and being in the borougtt of New Milford, Susquelian• nn county, Penn's, bounded on the north by lands of Mrs. Richard Mersa, on the east by the old Great Bend and - Chonneetou turnpike road, on the south by land of llorace Barnes. and on the west by laud of John Hay den—containing about thirty perches of land, more or less, and having thereon one rmmeddwelling-house, [Taken In execution nt the snit of E. C. Baker. assign • ed to L. A. Smith, vs. A. L. 'Fought and L, S. F. LANE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose. Jan. 213. 1868. 1 T 1 131.0 ALge. " A DEMOCRATIC DAILY AND WEEKLY JOUR NAL IN PHILADELPHIA. The attention of the Democratic and Conservative I t izens of the country Is called to the Daily aud Week ly issues of this widely circulated journal. The die. scmination of sound political doctrines should com mand the earnest attention of every true friend of the Union and the Constitution. The events of the past political year are full of eiguiflcance• The uprising of The People in opposition to the destructive policyol ltadical:sm. clearly shows that the masses are deter mined to restore again to power the great Democratic pry, every page of whose history Is filled with the gory and prosperity of our common country. No morn effectual method fur preventing the Tr..th can be devised, titan in circulating Democ rails journals. It is the intention of the Proprietors of The Age to make it, in every way, worthy of the support and confidence that have heretofore been extended to it. Improve ments are contemplated in every department, and no pains or expense will be spared to keep it In the front rank of American journalism. The Daily Age contains the latest Intelligence from all parts of the world, with a , Melee on Governmert, Politics, Trade. Finance, and all the current questions , of the day; Local Intelligence, Market Reports, Prices Current. Stock Quations„ Marine and Commercial In telligence. Reports of Public Gatherings. Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports, Book Noti ces. Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Iluvic. Agricultural Matters., and discuasions of whatever subjects are of general interest and impor tance. Vesicles Special Telegrams, it has all the dis unt s states.o f the a A n src la Associated ed thel" r A e s s s s oc ittmedPress p d a t s r t of tc the United received by the Atlantic Cable; and the news patches all parts of Europe brought by the etenmere. is instantly telearupticd from whatever point the steamers first Conch. - The Weekly Age willbe a complete compendium of the news of the week, and besides the: leading editori als from the Daily, will contain a large amount of inter esting matter prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will be in all respects a first class family journal, particularly adnpted to the Politician, the Fatmer. the Merchant, the Mechanic. the Family Circle, and the Geneml Deader. having, In in fact, every characteris tic of aII ve newspaper. At an early day will be begun an Intensely interesting serial, by ono of the most pop ular and fact noting authors, and it Is also the Intention to publish, from week to week, In the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest Novels. TERMS 04 THE DAtur.--One copy, one year, $9.00; six months, $4 50; throe mouths, $2.59; for any I‘ as period. nithe rate of une dollar per month. Payment required inverlably in aerance. Pottage on the Daily. thirty cents per quarter, :mono dollar and twenty cents per annum, to be prepaid at the office of ddlvery. Tanya: or rue WEEKLY,—One copy, oneyear. $2; five copies, one year, $9; ten copies, ono year, $17,50; twen tj copies, one year. $33. The Pahl ishers, desirous of extending the Influence of their weekly ssue. bare determined to make such re duction in its yrlce as will place it within the reach of every man In the country. Therefore, to meet the means of all classes, from and after January 1.1863„the Weekly Age will be furnished to clubs at the following extraordinary rates: One Hundred copies, one address, $lOO.OO And nne copy extra to Wegener up of the club—ad ditional copies nt the same price. seventy ilee copies. one 3ear, one address, $5lBB And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—ad tirmal copies at the eam• price. Fifty copies, ona year. one address, $62,50 And one copy extra of the getter up of the club—addi tonal copies at the Pal= price. Forty copies. one year. one address. sum And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—ad. ditional copies arthe same price. Thirty copies, one. year. one address. tool And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—aedt tional cop I es al the same price. Twenty copies, one year. one address, $30.00 And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—ad ditional coplee at the same price. Ten copies, one year. one address, $18.50 And one copy extra to the getter up of the c.ltdiaddt. Clonal copies at the same price. Five copies,ot a year one address, These prices, which aro cash invariably in advance, apply only to yearly subscribers, and the papers must, to every case without exception, be sent to ono address. VW - The above terms will be rigidly adhered to. Drafts on Philadelphia or Post office Orders, payable to the order of the Publishers, Se ng safer, arc prefera ble to any other mode of remittance. All who send money by Express, must pre-pa. Express charges. Spe cimen copies of the Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on application at this office. Advertisements inserted at moderate rates. Address WELSIi a norm, 480 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. • TlLEsubscriber will sell at pudlic sale on Satnrday Feb. 15, 1/31')2, at one P. Di., the following real es tate, to wit : One Tavern stand situate at iltiburn 4 Corners. good buildings, and about 2 nerve of land; also. a Farm or about 60 acres, mostly improved. good buildings, well watered. 2 young and thrifty Orchards, situated in Dimock. Terms made known on the day of sale. P. ALLE't, Auburn 4 Corners din. 14th 1888. 8w 'CARD 0114 sad a gro3t rAnetsolOlLftizor MACEIL ERV. fnr mile by Ann Tv • suernifflyttne,-.11n.4. • • • DISCHARGE of a BANKRUPT. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania.—ln Bankruptcy. In the matter of WILLIAM A. LARUE, a bankrupt— said Wm, A. Larne having applied to the Court for discharge from his debts. By order of the Court notice is given to alicreditors who have proved their debts and other persons in interest to hppear on the 4th day of February, 1%8, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at tatarubers of C the said District ourt. before E. N. WILLARD. one of the Registers of said Court, in the city of Scranton. at No. 309 Laoka.wanna Avenne. to ' , bow range why a di.- Charge should not bo granted to the said Bankrupt. And further notice is hereby given that the second and third meeting of crewtore of the said Bankropt,re qulred by the 21th and 28th 'meth::loof the act of Con gress of March 2,1867. will be had before the said Reg ister, upon the same day, that cense may be shown against the discharge, at the same hour and place. Jan. 14-2 w b. C. M'OANDLESS, (*ink. DiSCIIARGE of a BANKRUPT In the District Court of the Milted States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In Bankruptcy In the matter of Daniel G. Carey. a Baukrunt, said Daniel G. Carey having tpplied to the Court fur a dis charge from hie debts. By order of the Court. notice ti hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts and other persoiis In interest to appear on the 4th day of February, 1.86 , 2, at 10 o'clock. a. m. at Cham bers nfthe said District Court, before E. N. Willard, one of the Registers of 881E1CM/rt. to the City of Scran• ton, at 303 Lackawanna Avenue. to show cause why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And farther notice Is hereby given that the second and third meeting of Creditors of the said Bankrupt. required'hy the nth and 28th sections of the act of Congress of March 2, 18137, will be held before the said Rerkater on the same day that carve may be shown against the discharge, at the same hour end place. Jan. 14, 1888.wl 8. C. MeCANDLBSS, Clerk. VSTATE OF MICHAEL DOYLE, ,deeeased, late of Chaconne township, Bnegnd• henna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed,'all persons indebted to said estate arc hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. C. 8. GATES, Pree't ESTATE OF WM. SMITH, late of Jessup, Susquehanna county, Pa , dec'd. Letters of administration upon the estate Of tho above named decedent hail? been granted to the un dersigned. notice is hereby yen to all persons indebt ed to said estate to makeimmediate payment, and thosehnving claims against the same to present them duly authenticated fur settlement. JOHN SMITH. Atlm'e. Jessup, Jan. 7, 1888. ESTATE of 0. L. CARPENTER, lain of Jackson, Susquehanna county, Pa., dec',d. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent baying been granted to the undersign ed, Ali -persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate paytnent, and those having claim, against the same to present them duly authenti cated fur settlement. P. CARPENTER, Adm'r. Harford, ben. 81. 1857. VSTATE OF BENJ. J. EDWARDS, late of Dandaff,•Snsq's county, Pa., dec'd. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having beengranted to the undereign ed, all persons indebted to said cetate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them daly anthenti• cited for settlement. TE undersigned an author appointed by the Or phans' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the loud an the hands of Fezinett Tripp, administrator of the estate of Joseph 0. Tripp.dee'd, will attend to the tintiog of his appointment at his office in Montrose, on Thursday. Jan. 2241. ISliB, at 1 o'clock p. in., at which time and place all persons interested In Bald fnud may ipresent their claims or be forever debarred from com ng in on said fund. JAME% E, CARMALT, Auditor. Montrose, Dec. 24, 1.562. CATHARINE DOYLE, Eez. JAMES DOYLE, Ex'r. Chocontit, Jan. 7, 1868.• Dm:Waif. Dec. 24th. ISGT Auditor's Notice. VSTATE OF ALMANSON NYE, -IL. late of Jackson, Snsq'a county. Pa. dec'd. Letters of administration upon the eatateof the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claimlagainst the came to present them duty authenti cated for settlement. Jackson, Jan. 21, ISGEI.-6w• Courts of Appeal. MBE Commissioners have fixed upon the fullowin‘ , days and places fur hearing Appeals Irons the As sessors (triennial) assessment of 1868, to wit: Franklin. at the School Rouse near J. L. Merriman'. Monday Feb. 3d,1&88. Liberty, at the house of Bela donea, Tuesday Feb.4th. Silver Lake, at the house of ‘Vidow Whalen, Wednes day Fab. sth. Choconut and Friendsville, at the house of Philo Sherwood, Thursday Feb. Bth. Apolacon and Little Meadows, at the house of Philo Sherwood. Friday Feb. 7th. Middletown, at the house of, Otis Ross, Saturday Feb. Fth. Rash, at the house of Wm. Sherwood, Monday Feb. 10th. Auburn, at the Loose of Elijah Adams, Tuesday Feb. 11th. Dimock, at the holm of John Foster, Wednesday Feb. 12th Springville, at the house of Dr. Brush, Thursday Feb. 136. Brooklyn, at the house of J. 0. Ballard, Friday Fcb. 14th. Lathrop, at the house of D. Wilmarth, Satnrday,Feb. 15th. Lenox. at the house of V. Cafferty, Monday Feb. 17th. Clifford and D undaff, at Clifferd Corners Hotel, Tues day Feb. 18th. Herrick, at the house of 0. W. Potter, Wednesday Feb. 19th. Gibson, at the house of James Miller, Thursday Feb. 220th. Har(ord. at the house of Wm. Gow, Monday Feb. 24th. New 1111fora and born, at l'hlnuey'a Hotel, Tuesday Feb. 250 i. Jackson and Ararat, at Joseph Garry's hotel, Wed nesday Feb. :Mt. Susquehanna Depot and Thomson, at Enos Blossom's hotel. Thursday Feb. 27th. Oakiandand Harmony, at Rues Blossom's hotel, Fri day Feb. '26th. ut. Bend and boro. at Barnum's hotel, Saturday Feb. .9th. Bridgewater. at the Commissioners' office Montrose, Monday March 3d. Montrose, at the Commissioners' office, Tuesday March Z4l. Jessup. at the Commissioners' office, Wednesday March 4th. Forest Lake, at tho Commissioners' office, Thursday March sth. The Commissioners wish it distinctly understood that they will close their appeals in each town at pre. cisely 3 o'clock p. m., in order to give them entßetent time to reach t heir next appointment the same evening. All please having boldness with the Commissioners will l govern theme] VCi5 accordingly. By order of the Commissioners, W. A. CROSSMON, Com'rs Clerk. Comm'ra °Mee, Montrose, Jan. 21, 1863. Clerk Wanted. AN active and intelligent young man minted av wanted Clerk in a Store, to whom good encouragement will be given. One who has bad experience in a store will be preferred. New Milford. Jan. 14,1668. R. DURBITT. FARM FOR SAVE! Tilatotantbgerr nice. ofiers i f , o o r nt Ple c, e ,e b n i t e n fe e r ro m n i co n r i t i t n a n inlng ber land , the amen fenced, (mostly wallOtamod under a good stateof cultivation ; good buildings, &c. Situated partly In the township of Bridgewater, and partly In the borough of Montrose, on the old Chenan go turnpike. known formerly as the -Barn . ] Warner farm. Ten or twelve acres lie on the line of a new road about to be opened, from which there is a splen did view of Montrose, a.alclin readily be sold for bet Id ing lots. Any one wishing to locate near the county seat cannot find a more dearable situation. A portion of the purchase money can remain on the place for a term of years. For further particulars call npon or correspod with the subscriber, at Montrose, Susquehanna comi n ty. Pa. 0. S. BEEBE. Montrose., Dec.l7. 18117.-3 m PLASTER. "Ellin Rground OATTJGA PLLSTEn, iA maple sup• r 717itt 18,03 per ton. - N. BIIOEIiAKEIL BUSINESS COLLEGE, PHONOGRAPHIC LVSTITtTIA There la a time coming when you will be elder dr drone or a lire man In society—a time when buslae•f men will be wanted, and them: Who have been prnetli catty educated will sorely be preferred. Young man. do not welt because your early edneatian has beam sue glected, and think that it Id tdo isle trOw to Snake** attempt bat reiolve to Improve the greatest oppodak ity tree offer ed to young Men in this meialtiai Caw* try fur obtaining s I have established this College erpeelally for odlti4 tlng young men tor. bnelnere ; gg them ttot thorunztt course of practical iastmction. cotalsiabtit with tho assistance of Oaken., Banks, sta.,lotany lege in Northern Pennsylvania. - • Any student possessing a common Betted esinnathass is prepared to ccmmence the Wiliness studies; ant.lt deficient in these branches will be Individualltinatrill ted free of charge. For terms and information send for Callegaihipstif giving full particulars. J. N. 04RDNER, PitnOpal.. Jan. 7, 1861-17 TA7ORTH of Goods at small advance frant.infigalla V V Oost, in store and (or sale by TX. 3Srazarrltt Comprising a large assortment of NEW Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, BardsOw* Stoves, - Iron, Medicines, Paints, Booti &Shoes, Wall Paper, Irus , duw Shades, Huts and Cos i • Buffalo Robes, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, cfc. cfe, and combined, forming the moat complete oppostaatti for selecting iu evary departureut tat aa trade, acid win be :mid at MAD CREEK MILLS, Nome Tux N. MOORE. Proprietor. are in full operation at . last. Mr. Moore would say to the good of Susquettauna - county that he has fitted up la= at a heavy expense, with all the modern lininiaVetaantly In Bolt* and Machinery, and is confident ho can do se good work as the beat. We have one of the improved Silver Creek A. U. AYRES, Adm't Smut & Separating Machines; veldt° be the best madame of the day. We kite lII* the best Machine for cleaning Buckwheat Itrthe tout,. The servtces of Mr. JUHN• Is. DRARE. eaf expe* enced miller, have been encored and ho WTI attend MP all calls. E.:l. gOORL New Milford. Nov. 13, 19C7.—tf IN Montrotte, between the Store of I. N. BOW sad wooden end of Brick Block. at that Mali one bout" Boot and Shoo Store, a new and elegant assattitiegs 3B Co t li; (SC 2EI3IOCM L. GRIFFIS, Adm'e, For fall and winter, Consisting of Men's thick and fine Boots, Boy's Boaft i aid a good asortment (1 Shoes, con sisting of Ladies' Hid, 0004 and Lasting Balmordsi Misses', Children's and Tkrhy's Shoes. &C. At'mt, .*4 made to order, and Repairing done on stunt notice. Oct. 29, 1997.—tf C. 0. FOltOtiAit. ar. 33.aa1733111=1. lib f 7 o.s GREAT PIANO FORTS And Molodeon Emporinln, 850 Broadway, New YoAL, ana 89 itTaitringtea St./ Chicago, Croeby Opera Mine. Wholesale Agents for the United states for latzhe d Co's CilebrotPd Gold Medal Plekaacorc:briessik. Also, Agents for 4. IL CIA LE .E CO., sae ofbairiez class Pianos. W• hare the largest und best assorted Lock of PROW/ Whlcb, for Power and Sweetn”ds of Tone; ItArit she Agreeable Ton ch. and Beauty of Fin 46, base. byjodgsei been pronormed uartratted. Whole.ale Agents for Carharf, Needham d Cres Claw &rated Harmoniums, Melodeons and Organs. Ilanufactarers and Importers of Musical rea , trnments, and an hinds of SCI4A.NTON, PA. Young Men Prepare fbr ihnitaieddl. PRACTICAL, BUSINESS EDUCATION. THEORY AND PRACTICE. :SZt i ,litt The Lowest Market Prices. New Milford, Dec. 17, 1867. FOUND, .olfasical Merchandise. istr Itennember the place, BAUER cf.: CO., 630 Broadornv, Nee York. and 69 Waahington St ,Chtelgou 11 OWAHD Agtoetattott.,PhiladellpMe, Diseases of the Nervouli. Seminal. Minify and fel , nalsystems—new and reliable treatment—in Report' , of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION . Sent by 'Emilio oeslira etZer envelopes.frec of charge. A ddrerr Dr. J. Bin.r.os Now:arrow, Howard Association .No POotb Mime, Philadelphia. Pa. Merchant Tailoring. E. L. WEEKS Se 011.1 slave secured the services of a Cost east W'ra,cytlocal. Qzattor, and will re-open the Custom Department of MO eg lablishment on Tuesday Oct. 42. sabers they will prepared to make up to order, In ttra latest *admen' lashionable styles, all kinds of Men*. and Boy'. 01004 lug. Particular attention given to OUTSIDE CUTTING. eV—Wanted, two experienced Pants and test Igo. kers. E. L. VIE= • CO. Montrose, Oct. 22, —t! The Montrose Democrat Is .71:111LIMIED LIMIT TISE2DAT 1110Y/10128. /111012052222 SIISVIETIANNA COUNTY. PA., IT • AM.• a . . Ca.IEIRRYT9iII2 O 4 . AT $2 TED ANIMA' !MAMA:ME-0B $2 AT 11VD air nitlk.- Realness mlvertisementa inserted at $1 It i a11154414 , 10 lines, three time s. and Wets kr oath Wald wed. Yearly sultertisers, with usual changes charted $lO for tour square* , quarter column $l5, - bait columnllo. one comma $6O. and other amounts In propolUem. Business cords of throe lines, $3; or 0116 &Mar a 111, - Lonalinotices at the customary ratser-00 11 5 118 per cent. in addition to baldness a erates. Job Printing executed neatly ma promptly as fair pricee. Deeds Mort:nem Notes. Justleall 4 . ertaiddlO School an d other blanks for sale. igrilemitelue r Cash. 720 Wilek