.L.; fiftil6.s-(- -:-g'*.:(ra.t. z TVESDt DEC. '.3, tacoCtel Max.t+e).lllLgewkoo. Quarterly meeting Will be held in the 'M. E. Church of Montrose, next Saturday and Sabbath, (7th and Still Services to commence ou Saturday at 2 o'clock. Godey's Book. Godey's Lady's Book for Decem,ber is on band, and with its Christmas stories, amusements for Holidays, Berlin Work, etc.,. claims,the merit ofa capital number. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received by the School Directors of Bridgewater un til Saturday, Dec. 14, 1867, for building a School House near Israel Young's: The plans of 'the house can be seen 'at II Thatcher's in Montrose. By order of the Board. Nov. 26-2 C. J. CURTIS, Sec. Builders Take Notice. The School Directoili of Forest Lake township will be at the Howe School House in said township, during Saturday, Dec. 21st, 1867, for the purpose of leCting the job of Wilding a new School House. All Ilroae interested will please attend. WILSON 4. 'ruattra.t., Sec'y. Nov. 26-2 Susquehanna County Institute. The Susin'a County Institute will he held in Montrose ,commencing Jan. 6,h, 1868, and continuing one week. A full notice will be published hereaf ter, giving wanner of lectures, work, and nod - order of business. -tf -—-- - - - N'.3E CJI.A.Za NC V= C: is . W ABELTDBBELLis continuallyreceiving near supplies of Genuine Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold as low as at any other Stc'v in Montrose. MI - Weakness. Blindness "ec Catarrh treat ed with the utmost anccesp., by I/r, .1. ISAACS, °enlist and Aerie, ' (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) N0.5t1.5 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at hfs office. The medical faculty arc in vi , ed to accompa ny their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted Without pain. No charge made for ezamination. noviSyl Pr'Grirdner's Janslnelss . ,College, PHONO GRAPHIC! INSTITUTE and LADIEs' ACADEMY—, I e the proper place chereyoung men and ladies can ob tain a practical knewleag,e of the most important branches of business. Every one obtield improve this opportunity, as•the coarse in the most thorough of any College of the kind in Northern Pennsylranis. Lire Scholarship; $35,00.. Send for College Paper, giving full particulars. Address J. N. GARDNER Principal, Scranton, Pa. tAug, 13—Cm. arlron in the Blood.—The necessity of a due proportion of Iron the blood is .well known to all medical men ; when it becomes reduced from any cause whatever, the whole system suffers. the weakeet part belng4he first attacked • and a feeling of languor, lassitude, aud •• all goneucss" pervades • the systetu.— ntimula tits only afford a tempoiary relief, and h ive the same effect of gividg n tired horse this whip instead of oats. The true remedy is to supply the blood with the necimsary quantity of Iron. This can be done by using the PERUVIA N SYRUP, a protected solttion of the protoxide of Iron, which is eo prepare° thikt it nsdimilates at once with the blood, gi ring strengtli, vigor and new life to the whole f yttf4m, 'rotate medicine to cure diseased occasioned by Eciency of Iron in the Blood. without re-toring it to the dvdtem, is like trying to repair a building when the foundation is gone. An eminent divine saps: "1 bave beet using the Pe ruvian Syrup rot sometime past : it gives me new vi gor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and re• vorainendations from someof the most eminent physi• clans, clergymen and ottsirs, will be sent free to any address. I'he genuine has "Peruvian 'Syrup'• blown in the 41ns. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprieser, `1. 3 10.36 Day St. New York. not Sold by all Dingists gar what. Every One Wants.—A good, reli ible medicine that will be on hand when required, and never fails when called on. That is now to beobtained anDr. Tobias' tielebra ed Venetian Liniment. Many thottaandsc-ali it the wonder eittheage. as it does all that is represented and more. Ciicures Dina - do:ea. ilys antary,ColltiVisms, Vomiting, Croup. and Sea-sick netts as surety as it is used. and is perfectly innocent tp take internally, even lti double the quantity named in the directions; and as au external remedy for Ctironie Rheumatism Crds. Bruise Old Sores, Mumps. Tooth ache, Lierdache, Sore Throat, rprains. Insect Stings. Pains is tieback, chest and limbs, thousands have-uat titled to, and their e , rtitleates can be seen et the Doc tor's Depot, 55 Cortliodt street. New York; Bend redsof physicians ugehit In their practice. It has been introduced Since 131T43nd hundreds whit now have it in their houses say they would not be without it even it it cost $lO per bottle. Every drop is mixed by Dr. Tobias himself, stud can be depended on. Only 5U eta. and $1 per bottle. Sold by Drpir,gistd. Depot 56 Cortland at., dew York. .. [Nov,: sml Fir Card to the Ladles.—Dr. DyponeWs Golden PeriodhNq Plus for Females. Infallible -La C.vr.lctia4 Pre guiariti6e, Removing all Odanructiema .0 bite Mon th ly • Con nee, from whaterereause, and AP:aerie Sateehtfal (tea Pretentite. A CERTALN REMEDY for nll complaints So peculiar to the sex, als,, Distressing and Painful Menstruation, Reteption, Pain in the Back and Loins,Pressing-Down Pans; mill •61 ticsidiolhe 'Head, Dizziness, Dimneea . of Sithr, t•remt Sickness. heavineas,Fatigne ' , any Sligkt Eiertiorr, 'Palpitation of the limn, and thA most aznoyint weakening, ind the begining of all other fe male wealMesSe3;,The Leueorrhcea, or Whites. • 274ey AVM 11 `Moroi Beznovin4 Obstruction and RtstoriuMi - eiture to its. Proper Channel. quieting the nerves. nod bringing beck the "'rosy color of health" td the /leg deticao. 10(1,7360 tozet I=4 , been sold in Two - Years: Ten iheMaand bexci sent by letter, both by myself and agents, 10 ail parte of the world, to which answers have been retnteed. in which ladles say oottling-.iike the above pills have been known *ince the Science of Medicine dawned'aponthe World. Full and explicit 'precious atcoMpanymich bo4 Price $1 per boat - Mx boxes, $5. Sold by one Drui• gist in every towovrillage, city. and hamlet thrcinghont the world. "Sold in Pdontrote.,Pa..lly BURNS Er (Druggistl.r' SolMAgents" for hioutrode, La thes, by tendlnylitenl $1 to Montrose Post 011 ice, can have the-Pills. nest (confidentially) by snail tolany part ettta amittogaree of Postage, Sold also bytiTarinon'ir & Clatix, Great Bend, CLARE. iliteins,'Deposilt,'CverEs. Pinner , St Co. Binghaniton, COTHBUST & sisooKs; Scranton, DEMA6 BA LOMB a co. New York, S. D. SOAVE, Solo Proprietor, New Yolk: 41-rly,W, ereargiti l lilapiria*s Vegetable . gotii. A en• perforlrepet:Suisp.p.repared from refired 14cgeta• $ll in F.ou76lpallon and eepe ciallp — .for. the tie of Ladleo, tbe 110:11!**: Ite t 'perfuneieei9nialte,nndita iir!kabla; properties by 31fty,531867 - -lyixopL7 111F'For allthe Preto:to. Corm irrillteiaseorlglnitlo,g su sonortrUi f . • • much eiSaleßhettin, Cancer:Cone-emotion, at. there le within& _can , Ogee! the, purifying erecter:lr .Fodlne trhdnadin rt pure Mate; • ••• ' • ' Ert ; 1/..•Arnmile 2VT ATER is 8 DUrft *glutton ollodine diesolved s'eolvetit; and ie the best , setutd for, -streals WO: , 10 , 1 * red 41seasee ever 411eopyfr4', Ironla_r_g free:, • •• Sold by Druggists generally,•? tiov •••••-•'• C Tea thousand >~lo~l rw~ worth of 61 . 50.3 at wholesale coat per inventory Just taken, for sale by ABEL TUEREL'L, In the Brick Block. About this amount constantly on hard, and NEW GOODS conttn allyarrleing., The people can find nearly evet7thip,, , theray need at thOßrug and Variety Stdre of ABE T L Montrose, Pa., "July' - NEW DIARKETS. Reported for the MotrraosE, -Dratecnar, by DE- Ila RT. :WAFTER 6 CO:,Commission - Merehants, 403, 404. 40 and 495 West Washington Market, New York City. Nov. al. 1 1 417 Beans, per barrel $3,90 lib $4,00 Butter, per-lb. State firkins; prime.... 38 0 40 do., " tubs," . 411 0 42 du ;'. , . . Orange county pa ile ....... ' 45 0 60 Cheeri,'per lb., ................ .......... lf! 0 14 Eggs, per doz. 30 0 33 Flour, 'per bbl. extra State 9,00 0 13,00 .. ' -.•- western , 8,50 ID 12.00 Rye Flotir per bbt • .... 2.50 0 9.00 Corn meM, --" 6,00 0 6.50 Wheat, perbnshtl, - - 0 .50 a 8.00 Rye, do ................ 150 64 1,60 Corn, , do 100 0 1.80 Oats, - do ' '67 t 70 Ray, per cwt _, 1 ,110 i 1,00 Sheep, !lye per lb. ..... , 05 Ca, 08 Lambs, ~ . .68 t 10 Calves, " ' t t 09 ir. 10 Chickens, live per pair 75 0 1.16 Tallow, per lb. 11 64 It Wool, per lb. 43 l 58 ~IgRI3=.AG~~. At the parsonage in Brooklyn, Nov. 24, by Rev. S. F. Brown, Mr. Rl:Ft7s I'. LINDLEY, of Lathrop, and Miss HARRIET L. GILES, of Brooklyn. At Lenoxville, Oct. 22d, 1867, by Rid. William A. Miller, Mr. WALLACE W. RAssoN and Miss NETTIE S. BENNErr. In Clifford, Oct. 20, by the same, Mr OSCAR WHIM and Miss MAGGIE Gum ARE. "By the same, Vol.. 24, Mr. II S. PIERCE ;Ma Miss Emmi CLunt. In Dunmore, oh the 25:h ult., by R e v. E. W. Fr zumuriue, Mr. THOS. CLARK, of Scranton, awl Maus brIAGGIE FLYNN, of Dunmore. 11 eh)ertis . rineuts. • cris M. l l° - 2 N 0 v. Ist, 1P.57, between Mack's Corners, in Brook- I!.u, and the old Mott place, 2 miles south of New Milford, one of Goods, con•istiwz of Pants, Dresee., Shirt , ,Cr. Any person flndito! the above Goods will be liberally rewarded by leaving; them with the subscriber. RMILA ED KETTLE. New -Milford. Pa. Dec. 3,1867.-3 w PIEBT WitiTS ONE! eT (7) J.V. STEM WISHING MACHINE. Patented January,:lB66. The Best Washing Alockine in the World.- ' its =titres,: has already revolutioniztd the work of witshiag ; and wash-nay 1s no longer a day of arduous toil, but of azree-nble employment. The Wringer At tachment In molt cou%miient. lit washing. the Ma chine is covered, confining the clothes to receive the cleansing ection of compression and absorption, with the additional renovating power of hot water and passityz through them with great friction and force., "'Try one, and you will approve. Price, $lO Manufactured and sold by the subscriber, having the sole right for Susquelian a county. FRANKLIN WASPIRIIIIN, Smiley, Sumra Ce., Pa. BROWN'S PATENT WATER ELEVATOR (Patel,led Mara, 1867.) This Elevator Is pronounced by competentjudges su perior to all others ever uttered to the public, for the following' reasons - lat, Cheapness ; 2d, Simplicity , Dur.;boity. Manufactured and sold by FRANKLIN WASHBURN, Smiley, Sasq'a Co. Pa. Dee. 3, 1.561'.-43m Auditor's Notice. TT HE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Susqm hanna County to distri bute the fund in the hands of ts. F. Lane, _Sheriff, arising out of the Sheriff sale of the personal property of,liohn Wheeler, will attend to the (intim, of hie ap pointment at hit ollice In Blc.ntrose, on Friday the 27th day Decembtr. I.Sef. at one o'clock, p m., at which time and place all fier".oll6 arc required to pre cut their claims or be de!iarred from con:oll*in on said fund Montruie, Dec. 3, ISI 7. iOTICE IN BANXRUPIVY. 1 This is to give uoticf : that on the 23th day of Nov. A. D. MT, a warrant 'in Bankruptcy was iesned against ihe estate (AL. W. Welch of Bridgewater, Sus • onehanna county, Pennsylvania. who has been adjndg cd u Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of and debt and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to hint or for his ore, and the traurfer of any property by him, are forbieden by law. That a meeting: of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove _their debts. and to choose one or more assignees Whir yistate. will be held at a Cour.' of Bankruptcy, to be held at No. rO3, Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Penn-, Sylvania, before Edward N. Willard. Register, on the- Elst day of Dec. ISO7,at 1 o'clock, p. m. THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. Dec. 3-1 w Western District of Penn'a. E • • STATE A L B ERT ALDRICH, late of New Milford, Susa'a comity. Pa. dec'd. Letters of atiniinist ration upon the estate of th e above .named decedent 118%1m:been granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment. and those having claims against the some to present thaw duly authenti cated foreettlement. • CLARISSA ALDRICH. A dm' x, New Milford, Dec. 3,1807.—GW cum tutamchlo an. IJ INTERNAL REVENUE. To DAVID 801,TZ. , Lebanon, Pa.! Y•ott:tvare diecodered to be doltig the huoi neve of a ped dler, Ind when reqUeat. ed to produce: your receipt for Special Tax. neatch you failed to.do eo, whereupon a. uahtity of 0 kinre (*aid to be 12.500) fodnd Ir your pue )2easelott, were eelzed and "detalcied accorpng to - act of . . Cotigteee: • Vow.-therefore, yotiare tereby tit - Aided to" appear at thia office within ten days "from •dath hereof and show enuae, If any , you hare,why amid property chat! not - be declared forfeited, end eoldtart the use of the:Dialled States. - 7 ' - " • F. 31 WILLIAMS.' xtIDZ Atisersor,;2th District, :Pena's. .Dec. 3d, 1867-.-2 w - - 01,IRETILIT„.001,fG111 • • ;1 Sego opopol4rfor Recipe, to, . • . .2 , JAS. 3i.' . 's"LiktlSON, 4 ' • • Noy. 26. 1867.:-:4w Vr0W.4,40 litiderplkla ;Ma - .A3L'AdelitSelVOr tkw N error( a,b" al. Urine ty and sea nal systems—nor and tellable iteporteo lhe 110WARp ASSOCIATION, E!ent by malll n sealed egetentelblielk;fteepfebarge:"AddtverDr.t.l3lKgwx 1101300001H01tp444501kir 64, 140,5 1, b epee Eblladol4lll 0,5 1 " - fl' Dissolution •of FIE co-partoerehip heretofore,existfoolbetween Wm. T pllsterhondt and Ell Rlghtroyer le; this day Ms solved by mutual 'consent. The Rooks of Intefirms of Osterhoudt S Eatonend Oeterhoudt-&Uightmyer ale in the lianas bf Wtu. H. Osterhondt, n“d 'settlement Is eolielted. I have bought Mr. Riglittn er's interest in the late firm of tisterhoudt & Elghtunyer. The buelncse will hbreafter be done and carried on in my name. All prr• suns haring unsettled accounts on Rooks orOsteahoudt & Eaton and Oiterhondt & Eight myer are requested to call and stittle the same between this date and January Ist, 18W. WILLIAM U. OSTERIMEDT. Glenwood, Nov. let, (26) 1867.-Bw* D ELA W ARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTER-N R. R. Winter Arrangement, 1887-8. PASSENGER TRAINS LEA?IR WESTWARD. I EAStil Malll Pusnngr Mail train. train. STATIONS, train. A. RI. A. M. P. 111 0.001 I New Y0rk0.... ..... I 4,5 Q 11.30 New Hampton I 2,30 I2,3U3lanunka Chunk.... 1,40 ea 1 1.00 1 Delaware.... Dine... 1,85 g, 4,35 I 10.10 Scranton 9J.0 C 5,41 11,43 Nicholson ~ 8,40 n 6.03 12,031 l inphottom 8,23 fe 6,25 12,3 9 Montrose 8,00 6.47 1 1.03 j New Milford 7.39 I. . .i. I I a VI., 1,0., Great Bend 7,20 G, P.M. P. 31 *Fool of Liberty- at. A. 31 CONNECTIONS—WESTWARD. The Mail train from New York connects at Ma nu aka Cntink with the train leaving Philaea(liieu sing t on depots at 8,10 a. tn.. a ad :t t Great Bend wit h.th rough mail train on the Erle Rai lway, with sleeping car at tached, sto not LIV, :1l all Ih 0 prltiripa I stations on that road. aud .irriv I 11:1 nt Bn Irak at tilt, a. m. The I a ss,•dger train from Scranton connects at -Get Rend with th,-ough r rains going NI e,4 and east on Erie Railway. arriv ing at Buffalo at 1,28 4. m., tind at Saha• mauca at 12 m. The Mill train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the west ; at Ninnimita Clank with a train for Philnd`a anti intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6=p. m.; and at New Hilinpton with a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown. Reading nod liarriehurg, arida at Harrisburg at S.)l p. m. Administrators' Sale of Valuable . Real Estate. TN ottrsuaner of no order of the Orphans'rourt.of Sus 1. oaf:Minns county, the undersigned administrators of the esta.e of Cornelite+ Warner, late of Forest Lake township. deed, win k apn-o to sale by public ven dee on tee premises on ru• sday Dec. 31st. at 2 o'clock h. m , the following described real estate, to wit : 'Bounded on the north by lands of said estate, east by lands of E. Cogswell, on the -outh by lands of L. Cot tewell : and on the caret by the highway,.contain leg •ax and oi,e tenth acres of land. \TOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. Ili IS IS TO GIVE NOTfep -. That on the 15th day of November, 1907, a warrant In bankruptcy was loaned against the estate of ALBERT i..`rOST, of Montrose. Susquehanna county. Penn sylYania. who - has been adjudeed a bankrupt, on his oWn petition ; that the payment of any debts and ifvery of any property by him are forbidden by lalk that a meoti nu of the creditors of the s.abu:root, to ; role their debt., and to choose one or oreasetunees orbit. e.,tate, will I, held sitlhe Coortof Bankruptcy, to he held at No. :101 Lackawanna Arenne, Scranton, Pa., before Edward N, Willard, Ite,e,ister, on the 24th day of Dec( tuber, kfe7, at one o'clock, P. M. • THOMAS A. ROWLEY. S. Marshal, as messenger. Western District o Penns.ylrania. Ltioy. 26-4 w In the Dbattiet Court of the. United States for the Western District of Peunsylvania : In the matter of In Bankruptcy. William A. Larue, a bankrupt. To Wilton IT MAT CONCERN ! The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint mentt as assignee of VI Ilium A. Larne, of Itush, in the County of Stisquehanna and State of Penos.3lva nis. within raid dirtrict, who bag been adjudged a bankrupt upon hja own petition - by the District Court of said District. Dated November it A. D., 1567. `• GEORGE A. JEUbtit', Assignee. Montrose, Nov. 10, 1661.-8 w BA.NICTUTPT'S ASSIGNEE. Is the District Court of the United States for the Western Dirt Het of Pennsylvania. In • t anat t er of In Bankruptcy. Danfel 0. Carey, et bankrupt. 7b 1171cnn it may Concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of Daniel 0. Carey. of Bridgewater township, in the .'ounty et Strtsrochatina and State of peonsylvania. within said district, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own j petit ion by the District Court of said District. Dated Nor. lgtb. PM. OEOUGE A. JESSUP, Assignee. Montrose, Nov. 26, 1 •e..67.--3w W. D. LUSH, Auditor MAD CREEK MILLS , . 1%T.0w WEillircorcil, T l 4 N. MOORE. Proprietor, arc in fell operation at Ills last. Mr. Moore would say to the good people of Susquehanna county that he has fitted up hie mill era heavy expense, is lth all the modern improvements In Bolts and Machinery, and Is confident he can do ae good work as the best. We have otto of the improved Silver Creek 'Smut St Separating Machines, said to be the best machine of the day.• We haveals4 the best machine for cleattinzlitickwbent in the county. The services of Mr. JOLIN B. DRAKE.. an expert s enced miller, have been secured and he will attend to all calls. MCOTIE. New Milford, Nov. 10, 1857.—tf The tichest Man in the Wei.ld. izirectof a Letter froln Baron Solomon Rothschild. dated NriA, Bth April, lsUt. 23Itue Fuchy, St. Ilonore. Will' ou be. kind enough to have forwanled to me here '4lll bottlek Of your Indian Liniment; If von will at UM same time time send the account, I will forward you theuthotiut through Messrs. Belmont dlid Co., New York. Diron Solomon Rothschild having recommended to nary of his friends Anita. Luile's Liniment, anti they being desirous t n.oroaure it, he elmtlel advise him to establish a depot In Faris. THE: 'LYDIAN LINIMENT, As a relief, ever r ady; as a killer of pain, ,taken in • wardly. orontwart ly applied• has no equal. For the relief and care of hhentuatic and Nenralgic Atroctiont, Sprains,. Brakes, S,c. It is unequaled. It is also most ellinacious taken inwardly. in the cure of. Cholera, Cramps, and Pains in obq Stomach. filarrlicila, Dysente ry. ChOle.m. ,Morbuo, Cholera Infantuan. Ac., and, is wit'‘out exception the most wonderibi Ptinaaea, the world affords. Family Should be without It. g very Tra by'ltind or sea should have a 'bottle I Miners and Farmers residing at a distance from" Physicians should keep it constantly on hand, In case ; of ,Acci dents or sudden attacks of Stomach . Complaints, its vatuecannet.he estlinated. _. lnquire for Major .Lane'i Indian Liniment, and take no other. Price GO cents per bottle. For vale at wholesale and retail by Demas Mattel! IC Co .2tPark N. Y.:; . G.iite Pnbihann, 480 Greenirleli . 45t. N. Y. o.>Welislt Co. 192 Fulton st. N. Y . , ; - .Chair. N. , Crittandeni,2BGth Avenue, N. Y., and rppectable D.rtruffia tlirongivinttbe world.— None gennine'uniess signed hy , lemv Taoism!. ' , ant. and tnnutersignedbyJ.,T...-LAVE,-& CO., Plopriatare t Brandway, N.Y.•riliftSend for-Circular. - Irilele, Scum. };,3 • • - - . — llll#llilPAL'OfOlegi, out Broadway. Y; Notice ia called to our now rod imprrored Alanttractm: rk.g.ilaohlao, rqr TuilgrA, and Boot ,aud..B.boc.Pjttcrec "Agente traoted. , to whom a liberal direouut . will bo P,l o C 6 n B igliPMOMMader.. • • W. 1R OSTERHOUDT, Glenwood, IS&7. E. RIGUTSIYER. Notice ECTIO NS-EAST WARD At Scranton. con neei ions are made with trains °tithe T.ackawanna and Bloomsburg 14.1?- to and from Rltlgton Klee . -ton, Wilkesbarre. Berwick. Bloom 6burg,Danville, Northumberland. Ilarriaburtr and intermediate stations, and with trains on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to and from curbond.ile and intermediate stations. R. A. HENRY. d. BRISI3IN. dec. 3. General Ticket Agent. President TER VS OIi, SALE —sso paid clown ; the balance ou thecounnaatiain of sale. A. J. Adm * X. I. L. BiRCLIARD, Adnfr. Forest Lake, Nor. Ili, 19.67.—1 w BANKRUPT' S ASSIGNEE Montrose, Pa. • rIT,° n i d u e t rit a e a d u t opened ay a r O R.ss o tr rtg o t r e .. 7l w ii; e r r o. o r he will keep of ari1:C).0303E44.13M15, . Consisting of Teas,. Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, To bacco, &c.—Also HOT TEA ti: COFFEE, OYSTERS, REFRESIIMENTS, COLDLUNCH. Montrose, Moi. 19,1887.-2 m J. A. WARMER. A RD. N... Plunger train. P. DI. NOTICE IN BANKfrt3PT CY: This is to give notice that on the 15th day of No. vember, A D. 1867, a wahant in Bankrujitcy was issued against the estate of JOHN WHEELER, of Mont rose' Sasqlichauna County, Pennsylvania, who has been aditideedn Hankrtiet, on his ova( petition; that the payment of any debt and delivery of any prop erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law, That a meeting of the creditors of said,Bank rapt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees othis estate, will be held at a Court of Bank. ruptey, to be held at No. 303, Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. Pennsylvania,- before EDWARD N. WIL LARD, Register, on the 23d day of December. 1807, at one o'clock, P. M. THOS. A. ROWLEY, ' • U. 8. Marshal, as 3tevenger, Western District of Penna., Nov. 12.—w4 4,85 1, 4,10 a 3,40 ': B,le 2,45 I P 31 ; DECLINE IN FLOGR. '1 1 313.181 MucrelEast, Ie farutahing first ratc Winter Wheat Flour at $l3 80. S 11001( & TINGLEY. MEAT MARKET. pLEASEV/HE NOTICE , t h at open,daentarketoLeoyrrornerraias Where he hopes by unremitting attention to business, and-accommodating customers in every pardeolat, to merit and retinue a large share of patronage. 'PRICES RIJIASONABLE. F. J. REYNOLDS. Alootruse,,Nov. 5. 18157.-2 m FOUND, IN Montrose, between the Store of I. N. Bullard and wooden end of Brick Block, at that little one horse Boot and Shoo Store, a new and elegant assortment of -12100Getea CfC ail.coossi For fell and winter, Consisting of lien's thick and fine Boot*, Boy' 's Boots, and a - Rood asp2rtment of Shod; con sisting of Ladies' kid, Goat, and Easling Balmorals, MlnFee', Chlldri•n's and Baby's Shoes, &c. Also, wcrk made to order, and Repairing dune on abort notice. Oct. 29, t867,..—tf C. 0. FORDUMI. BURNS & NICHOLS, • ; DRUGGISTS it APOTHECARIES, Keep regularly supplied with unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Yankee Notions, &c. &e. Fresh from _eis York City. All of the most popular Patent Medicines sold In this section, among which may be found Ayre's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem bold's- Buchu, S'chenck's Pulmonic Sy r afr and'Sea-uleed Tonic, Duponco's and CAeeseinan's Female Pills, Han Cou g h Balsam, Wishart's Pine Tree hall's Hair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia, Kennedy's Medical .Discovery, Hoof land's German Bitters, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, And many other kinds of real Tableau(' merit. in fact our Stock embraces u fine aßsurtmeut of everything us wilily kern in WELL REGULATED Drug Stores. PErPrescriptions receive particular attention, and ate CAREFULLYIII3d promptly compounded. *.* btore formerly occupied by J. Etheridge. A. B. BURNS, Montrose, Pa., grept. 17, ISZI. AMOS NICHOLS'. a . . 13.49:7rp'PL. AA* CIO., GREAT 'PIANO FORTE And Melodeon Emporium, 650 Broadway, New Yo7k, and 69 Washington et, . , Citing°, Crps.by Opera house, 'Wholesale Agents for the United States for Wm. Kim& -th -Co's Cele4rated Gold Medal 3Plitia.crftbortoss. Also, Agents for A. 11. GALE & CO., and othlr first• Ti r, have the largest and beat assorted stock of Pianos, which, for Power and Sweetness or Tone, Easy and Agreeable Touch, and Beauty of Flu is h, have, byjadgee, been pronounced unrirafted. Wholefale Agents for Carhare.ll7eNham cb Co's Cere s bratscl ilarnwniunts, Melockone and Organs. Mannisctnrers and Importers of Musical lialtrurnents,: and all kinds of, AfirBical Ai erchandese. Reinefebir the place. - 050 Drondtver;New York . ; and Ink! Weshiez,top, f. metchant TaAlormg. E. L. WEEKS' CO. itave ocetired t4e ocralees of a first elate . • Iblritotit.Ca3. iptittbr and hill relonen the Custom Dapiitment of their OF, tabiteliment on Tueedoy Oct. where' that' ba prepared to melccup`to order3n the latest and most , • iashionablo etyles,.all kinds of Alen's and Boy's Cloth. • articular attention given to Ap . . OTITSIAE W"Wapfelktlvofxperlepso l!siatkand Vest...NW; kers. r ork k.ild• gitsit.•,ittilitibt CilLtS :Self tittil -I,lliEllrtfor ealet.by • -.Ulla , 7011RELL. . . . 1221111221 wkmm tou WILL -t.tirn Tun crows DRESS GOODS, F-EVVY GOODS, AMLIIVERY: 9001)8, PIECE GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS ; * READY MADE CLOTHING, And Furnishing Goods; Is 'certainly al Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co's. Having again purchased a largo stock Of New Goods Fall and Winter Trade; we would request a call and examination of our Goods; feeling confident of being enabled to please and satisfy as regards variety prices. We would especfelly call attention to our fine and large selection of pi • glabe Q.Aztqing -Cloths, Cassinieres, &c., for Custom Work. As we are the manufacturers of all the Clothing we sell. we are enabled to DEPT ALL COMPETITION to revt r rd to WORKMANSHIP AN*PRICES. Garments made to order after measure, and good dt ring guarantied. A good asaortment of MEN'S & BOA'S' HATS; jest received. Also& large lot of plata a tricamed HORSE BLANKETS, (suttritbur,film Co. M. 8. DESSAVEB, Managing Partner Montrose, Sept. 21,1867 • Please Read this Carefully. • riog e s p n tir bscri s b e e o r ; have i e u n g t o e u re z d h i o nto a partnership for . Merchant Tailoring • hnsiness; . and having supplied ourselves with a drat rate stock of materials, such as • Cloths, Cassimeres & Trimmings, .We arc prepared to tarnish Coats, Vests,Pants,Over‘Oats,&c. upon very short notice, made in the latest style, of the beetpaterials, and atvery low prices. We also have for sale, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, SUS PENDERS, COLLARS, NECE . PIES, GLOVES, and all the other articles usually kept In an establish. meat of this kind. We may be found In the rooms formerly occupied by G. F. Fordham, between C. N. Stoddard's Shoe Store and It. B. Little's law-office, west side of Main street, Montrose, Pa , doing business under tho name of Morse & Lines. S. If. Mouse, P. laaza. Montrose, May 25, 1867.—tf QTANDARD MILLING MACHINES, OF IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION, great gairer, largo capacity, unrivaled convenience of aititistment.— Also, pipe vises, With and withontestrajaw, and vises of all sties, for heavy and light work . 'Send to UNION VISE COMPANY, of Boston, 3fass.; for.flinstrated cir cular. For sale by dealers in bardwareand machinery. WireotalErcortgea,get 13coascles, Sr.; LOUIS & IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CONRAN'S* Seven per cent. interest, February and August. These Bonds cover a Road of 91 miles, finished from St. Louie to Pilot Knob, and in first class order, and an extension of about the same length frtim Pilot Knob to' Belmont, now rapidly 'constructing, for which . the pro: ceeds of these bonds are to be used, making a through route from St. Loeb§ to New Orleans by rail The carn• logs of the 91 ulnas are $600,000 a year ; the net profits are now sufficient to pay the interest on the entire amount of bonds. were they all leaned. •The basis of security is believed to be beyond that of any other brindle how offered. Apply at the Ofncell the Compa `ny, No.. 43 Wall street, to 11.'(3« MARQUAND, Vico President, or to CLARK, DODGE & CO., cor Weiland William sta., New York City. ,CENTURY $lOO IrtrWo batee . not !PACKED /dlscontinned, nor-do t wo intend to cease pocking IN THIS BRAND • Daily In papers of Daily.... Century Tobacco, re 'mons to the; contrary not- Monam 'Ono s.loo.Note4withstundlng.. - - Tnesdnys, Two Fiftios.t Wed'sdays, Five Twenties. 103 1— Wo are making 60 Thnrsdayo, Ten Tens.(Cmcrowe from the choicest .Fridays, Twenty Fjces.lcuf it is frce from dilute, Saturdays, - Fifty TWoo.fand i s fn every respect. thq P. es G. LORILLARD. ~ Belt FilloCnt ?co manufactured. Sold by 1.0, k„toThambera st all respectable Jobbers.., NEW-YORK. li-VANTED.-100FARMERSTOEN _. T. gaga in a !cruelness that will pay from sioo to SlWper moth from now until Spring. Apnea JONES BllOSab - CO., Philadelphia. VXCELSToR 'DIALOGUES, CON : :gletloS New aud.ilrlgtnal Qrnt ciaee &limas eopequiesotc., for advanced, speakers in hchoole, hthittim.roome tun' private tbeatriCale. Every line written exproteirfor Ibis bank.: bra corps. of Prete,: iiionallcnchers and write.e.,:Atutuowledged to be:titd licit work Of the &Ina ever - nearly 41 .duodecimo page% price $ 1 714 tree-Address P. 0.11.1111EW• .4t,..Ctis f Pe lishere., 702 Oknintirkt di:; > (• • .2 • l'h*ldzitrcise DeinOotat. ; miittdia; moition _ ' •-• Cl•2llll'l.l=l..3iTesiti AT $2 f!'sa Arm= tx ADviricz—os $2,411. *la; os isOC Beth:ten advertisements inserttd st $1 perQl4ll's 10 lines,tiiree times, and Zeta for each additiostSl Itnelfh, Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, half AO. fpr four squares ,' quarter column $l5, half column one coliimn $6O, and other amounts inexact proportiod. Bushings cards of three lines, s3'; or one dollara line. glrtegal notices at Hie_ customary • rates ,- about 60 per cent. In addition td httsiness iliac. • • Job Printin4 executed aeatlt and pfotaptip at . . fair prices. , . Deeas, IffOrtgages, Notes. Jt15ht......,-,CO . Schookand otherblanksfor sale. ' FURS, Di,. MATIINAN, . V . . ..S.l.l.aticossete.r o , . • • Nov. 19m8 Frioridsirille; Susqta.Cio. Pik 7 M. C. 'SUTTON, Anctioneet, and insurance. Agent, ap7 65tt Prieriiiiifile, Psi. ROGERS & ELY; 17. El. .•li, mg 10• Brooklyn, Pa C. S. GILBERT, 17,1 iHil s o4tf Great Bend, QVCCESSORS of I. N. DINE dt CO., Dealers hi Dry.Gooda,'Clothing, Ladies and Dines fine Shoes. - Alemeagenta for the great American Tea and Coffee Company. ' • [April, 1,1867. Waasa. . . - . C. C. FACIPIt. • • •H. BURRITT • - TN SALER In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 644aq; .1.."--.-mardware, Iron, Stoves, Drags, Oils, awl Paints:, ;aids tutd Shoes, Date and Cam Fars, pliffal4Mobesj rocerica, Provisions, New Milford, Pit. WM. 11. COOPER & CO. • TIANKICRS, Montrone, Pa. Saapaotet6 Poet. Cooper Co. Office, Lathroli's noir boAding, 'parripiko-tt. an. UIINTTLNG , GTIOPESt... • =RAY DIIIMISM. A TTORNEI Al' LAW. Bounty = i Back Pay, Pension s and .11xemptIon Claims attended to. • rebt Ofilee drat door below lloyd's Store,' Montross.Ba, BURNS & NICHOLS DEALIMS to Drugs, Medicines Chemicals.. Dye studs, Paints, Otis, 'Varnish, Liquors. Spices. Par. cyartiejes. Patent Medicines, Perfumery end Tolieirdf tieles. Or Prescriptions earefellY compounded. Public. Armee, above Searle's liotci , Alontappe, A. B Burma, • - -AtroY lizenovi: , Sept. 31; 1866. TOBACCO; Dn. E.l. HEN S , • BRAS permanently lecatedni foe thep' nip posa of practicing medicine and striteryisfall fU branches. Ile may be found at the'deckson House: °Mee hours from S a; m.. to 9p; m. Janlett Felendsvllle, Pa., Jan. 15tb, 1696 - . ' ' . STROUD - _B WIT, ' , STROUD - &, ~ AiliE AXD LIFE, nrA7a.mcbs ACENT#I, All T A bostneaa attended topromptlykon fair .toime,, .Of lice drat door north of "Wootton Bowl," Weal tilde of Pnlide Avenue, Montrottei*P4, ; " . Pin. f1_ 113 4 0 . IhuiNao StltOvo, :' .;' Climax& L.' MAIM. O. (2 . 92 . 7 OE Edo. Doster litimidattire'r Montrose, lf., , f4t, A l i ltpix gala street, lap door Om or work , uado to order4ind toPkiring - done 1 / 041 4. • • ' • PHA co 'JOHN • Toil} SPUTFULtY announceiCtlart tlo is 319 w pse piartsd to out all Wadi citthittftents twills Wit rigblotalgellityle.'ond Warryintod tont : with 441gptiote ontLeant. 81rpret.IM4ItillitriMtoto,Iloottodir • cht*mai: "i;ol34'xi .IUSINESS - CARlis:- • DB. A. J. AINEY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON,Inis located at Brook lyn, Susq. Co. Pa. Will attend to all calls prompt-, •OfElcif tho one formerly occupied by-Dr. Blakeslee. (Brooklyti, Sept. 8; 1887.=-41. DR. W. W .* SMI TH, . ~. DE*TIST. Booms over Boit( .4 Corwin'. Bard ware Storo. Office hours iv:MO a. tu. to 4p. m. Montrose, July 1, 1862.—tf • . JAMES E. CARMALT, TTORNEY AT LAW. Office next to Pranklitilid tel. [Montrose, Dec. 18„ 1966.—tt..' • WM. D. LUSK; AITORNEY , AT LAW , Montrose . Pa. 022ne oppti• site the Franklin Hotel, near the Court Boss,. Nov. 27, 1866.—tt • ABEL TURRELL, IN PALER In Drags, Patent Medicines ,Chemlea e, LP Liquors. Paints, Oils, Dyh Stuffs: Vaislies, Win. t o w mass, Groceries, Glue Ware, Wall ap d Window Paper, Stone-ware. Lamps, Rerosene, Machinery Oils,. Trusses, Gans, Ammunition, Knives, Spectacles,ltrash. ee, Palmy Goode, Jewelry, Perla. a ery. sc.—being. nne. of the most numerous, rxten sive, and valuable colleC tlons bf Goode In Susquehanna County, [Establlsbed ID 1848.] • [Montrose, Pa. „ D. W. SEARLE, A TTORNEY AT. LAW, office over the Store Lathrop; it( the Brick Block, Montioie; Pa. Max I, 1869. . • ' , . -Du. W. L. RICHAI D§ON; • PPHYSICIANBIIROgON, tenders hisprofession at services to the 'citizens of Montrose and vicini ty. Office at his residence;on the corner eaatof Sayre .t Bros. Foundry. . [June 18, 1887.-Iy* ' F.E. LOONIS. , Deszit. mist ti. LOOMIS ititNAft 1, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, 2dlftttors In BankruptCY. A.S. and General Real Estate and Collecting Agents,— - Vainable 'City Lots. Residences, Pardo.- and coal Lando for sale. [Scranton, June 1567—y E. L. WEEKS _45 . CO. DR. E. L. GAEDNER, 1311YSICIA.N and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Olvra 11 especial. attention to diseases of the Heart and. Llingb and all Surgical diseases. - Office over the Pod Office. Boards at Searle's Hotel. (Sept, 4, ISM. • BALDWIN, ALLEN, 45 McCAIN, 7'Ii3ALERS - in Flour, Salt, Pork,Fish, Lard, Grab, .1./ Feed , Candles. Clover and idsothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as &Saari, Melasses, - Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of Pnldid Aver:Cite. ' Montrose, April VT, 1856. • DOLT. E. L. HANDRICK, PHYSICIAN & SIIIIGEGN, respectfhlly ten pf s . ids S o d [Services to the citizen of. 'lends- Beattie at Si Hostord's. I vile aini PM — Office Inthe olliceoflya° (Mr Dr. Leet. JOIIN GROVES, nV AIONABLV TAILOR, Montrose, P. Shop °Ter IL' Chandler's Store. SP orders filled promptly, in first-tate stile.. Cut ting done on short notice. and warranted to fit. WM. W. SMITH, CABINET AND CHAIR MAIMPACTITIIRRB,-401, Li of Main street, Montrose, Ps. A. 0. WARREN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers