4 ,1 anti c..: gitmarrat.' rugsDAy. NOV. go, 1867. X-ac00n. , 3. Thanksgiving. t There will be appropriate Religious . Services in the Universalist Church in' Brooklyn, on Thursday, Nov. 23th. Ser vices to commence - at eleven o'clock. BY ORDER OF TRUSTERS. Brooklyn, Nov. 25th, 1867. 'Thanksgiving. Uaion Services in the Methodist, Church at 'Montrose, on Thursday next at, eleven o'clock. Sermon by J. G. Miller. Public 111=111111 Succession Tax. This is a tax due to the .Government from the real estate of deceased persons, or "front real estate which has passed, in whole tar part, by gift-deed or contract. As the tax remains a first lien upon the bind, dkose who buy real estate may be come Eible to the tax in certain cases. those intending to purchase real estate thanlB not only see that there are no Inortgages or jtArtnents on 'record, but alto inquire of the revenue assessor as tO whether "Uncle Sam" Las any lien upon it. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received by the School Directors of Bridgewater un til Sat Tlra3V, Dec. 14, IPti for bnildi ti , a lichoel Muse near brae' Young's. The prang 'of the home can be seeu at B. Thatelver's in Montrose. 'Ay °M et- of the Board. Nov. 26-2 C. J. Cumi, hoc • Builders Take Notice. The School Directors of Forest Lake township will be at the Howe School House in said township, during Saturday, Dec. 21st, 18(37, for the purpose of letting the job of building a new School House. All those interested will please attend. WILSON .T. Tt ntIELL, See'i• Nor. 26-2 -. Court Proceedings. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Clark.— Heads guilty of keeping tippling house, and fined $5O and costs. Corn. vs. John lielly. Pleads guilty of lareenv, and fined $1 and three months imprisonfnent in County jail. Corn. vs. Win, Barber. Indictment, cutting timber (rile. Not guilty . : In the to of County bridge near Sm,•inaker's will in Rush, Grand Jury e finding of viewers. .m. vs. Nathan Assaul i t and I,•ry, fine(' tic). and costs. - (',lt in NV tilt. v.. Oihnivl Ver •iiet for (Irfort,lnto. Corn. vs. James Harr;ngton. On fil inz petition and bond for the benefit of the insolvent. laws, Court directs defend ant to he' dieeharged. Franklin Fr.tser appointed auditor to a.' lit the accounts of public ufli..:ers of the \Vin. Matthews vs. New-Milford town ship. Viir.lict for plaintittof S34S 85. Alex. Stevens vs. Vangorders. Very Wet for plaintiff of $99 50. James I3eninger vs. James Smith, gar nishee of Jacob Palmer. Verd let for plaintiff of *23 58. J times Clary vs. J uliana Lathrop. Jury tied for plaintitT in sn•n of six cents. Amos Baker vs. Hiram Baker. Jury find for plaintiff the land claimed.. J. W. Smith, nee of H. Bonner, VI. 01111 C. Bertholf. Verdict for defend ant. Corn. vs. James Gould. Pleads guilty of forgery, fined $1 and 3 months itnpris onment in County jaiL Punishment of Frauds Commissioner Rollins writes very em phatic letters in reference to frauds upon the revenue. He says that fines, alone, do not deter men from even a repetition of offences ; but that imprisonment, which cannot be paid out of the proceeds of frauds, may be effective. He urges a thorough investigation of all supposed frauds, to the end OA they be not only exposed but fully punished; and states that after all assessed penalties liave been paid, the U. S. Courts must finally settle . such matters. . One of his recent letters closes‘ as : "You may rest assured of the 1 arrest and unmeasured support of this office in your.vigoron,efforts for the rigorous ad ministotioti, of thelaw . . The law, to be productic-e, and sustained by' the `honest tax-payers,. must, .be. -enforced, : against wrong-doeril. Susquehanna County Institgte, Ttie Susqu'a County, Institute; 'will be, held inliloptioze, 'Jan. (kW ]86:8, and . cont inuing one week. A full notice, will be published hereaf ter, giving manner of lectures, work, and and order of business. Ararat. A correspondent informs us that there is not a hotel.or drinking saloon in Ararat, and that although a few of the people sometimes "take a little" when out of town, there are no drunkards. The, peo pleare.actire; intelligen Onduitrious,. and tie peer-tax has'ever been levied in the township. Is there, another such town in the county, or elsewhere ? _ • Ferocious Bread Iliott3. Lasnow, November 9.—Disturbances have again broken out in Devonshire. There was bread riots at Barnstable to-day which exceeded in: ferocity and destruct iveness the riots' at Exeter. The mob broke into butcher shops atid bakeries, plundered them .and set /Lemon fire. ; The police and military were obliged to fire upon the mob. Home Stolen. Mr. Asel Wadley, of Union, N. y„ had a spleadid teat!' Plitorses s: .with a wagon, harness, and two &Ado . Yob.es , stoletr-frbm his barn on the tiight of the bth inst. A team answering the deseription passed through here two days 'after,' and they were followed up into Niniveh, Broome County ; but it is thought now that they were another team. Several fine teams have been stolen from the vicinity of Un ion, and none of them have ever been ri - covered.. The horses were dark bay, well matched, one ti mare and the other a gel ding, the hartiess'was silver plated, and %tie buggy a low .one, the,box sitting well Vdown between the axles: A large le ! ward is offered for the recovery of the property, and one also for We conviction of Ott! thieves. The rig was valued, at sBoo. Pennsylvanicw. E°36 4:174.efLX..a Noir aZIES TORRELL is continually receiving new atipplies ofGenuine Drugs anti Metliclnel•, which will bq aoldaa low as at any other. Mc iu Moutruse. • r TY - Deafness. Blindness & Catarrh treat ed with 4he uttnost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oculist and Aortal, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. atfti Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable Roams in the city and Country can be seen at his office. The medical racultj are Inched to accompa ny theirpatients. as he has no secrets in his 'practice. Artificial Bytatinserted without pain. No charge made for examination. nor 191 I Fir - Clardner'o littnineres College. PIIoNO GRANIIC INSTITUTE mud LADIES' ACADEMY— is the proper place *here young men and Indies can ob. rain a practical knouledge at the most important branches of business. Evers one f , tin nI d improve this opportunity, as the course Is the most thorough of any College of the kind in Northdrn Pennsylvania. Lite Scholarship, $35,00. Send for College Paper, giving full particulars. Address J. N. GARD:VER. Principal, Scranton, Pa. lAug. 13-43 m. Iron In the Illoo4l.—The necessity of a due pro,portiou of ii.on the blood 1.4 well known to all medical:men ; when it becomes reduced from any cause. w hatever, the whole apatem su den+, the weakmrt part being the first attacked, and a feeling of languor, lavettude. and •• ligottenesb" pervades the e) Stimulants only afford a tompom ry relief, end hive the ',lime effect of giving a tired horse the whip Instead stoat*. The true remedy is to tiopply the blood with the neeissary.quantlty of iron; 'This can be dune by the PERU VIA N SYRUP, a proteetediolution or the rfrotoride df irull, which is an prepare° that it assimilate, at once with the blood. giving strength, vigor and new hfe to the whole system. To take medicine to cure diseases occasioned by &de ficiency of iron in the Blood. without restoring it to the system, is like trying to repair a building whi u the foundation is gone. An eminent divine says : '• I have beer using the Pe ruvian Syrup for 6012142 time part ; It given ote new vi gur, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." Pamphteta containing certificates of cures and re ,ommeudaitions from .orne of the Mott eminent phyvi chum. cler&men and others, will be wilt -free to any address. The genuine has •• 4 l'cruvian Syrup" blown in the gists. J. P. DINSMORE. Proprietvor, N0.:36 !ley St. New S•rk 111 JV Sold by all Dru iota - - . • f • re - What .Every One %Van ts. —A good, rell- Inlc xnedicine that will ho on baud when reqqlted. and severfa;la Ain called en. -The tie now to be Obtain eil Celebra ed Venetian Liniment. Mans thousands call it the wonder of the age, as it does all thai ie represented and inercA _IL cares. Diann tea, D • ant are . Colic.-palms, V01111111.1g . . Crhnp. and Sea-sick at st, as surety as it 1.1 nerd, and i s perfectly innocent to take internally, even in double tn.• quAntity named in the directions; and Is an external t emeoy for (*hronic Rheumatism tut a. Bra ise , sores. M amps, Tooth ache, Ilcrclache, Sore Throat, sprains. Insect Stings. Pitinti in the hack, cheat and limbs, thousands have tee tined tn.:it'd their certlflea es can be seen at the Doc tor'. Depot, 541 Corti:it/tit street. New York. Ilund rtniv of physicians use IL lu their practice. It hat been intmduced tlnce OAT, and hundreds sw ho now have Bin their houses any they would not be without it even if It cost $lO per bottle. Every drop la mixed by Dr. Tobias bicdaelf, and ran he depended on: Only 50 eta. and $1 per bottle. dold by Drnlziats. Depot 56 Cortland at., Sew York. [Nov. :Mil FOR THE lIINDKEEtaIIEF. I•bnlon`. niigiat Blooming Cereo■.•L;, " Night Blooming ('era.." Phi'locals Pbalesals “Night Blooming Cereas.” Phalan% ‘• Night Blooming .Cerrus.” Ph Eaton's • Night Blooniing Cerrus." A mood exqui.ite. delicate. nn.l Fragrant Perfume. led from the rare and beautiful flower trout ♦vhicti it takes ite name. Alsualielnivd only by rnALLON at SON, New Work. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ASK FOR PHALON'ti-TAKE OTHER. Pyll,ly snip x farli3n thousand Dol I ars+ worth of GOODS at wholt , talc cost, per inventory just taken, for sale by ABEL TU'ItItELL, in the 'Brick Block. About this amount constantly on hand, and NEW (MODS eontin ally arriving. The people can find n,arly everything , they mar need at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TERRELL. Montrose, Pa., July 30. 1867 Mr Card to the i.adles.--Dr. Duponeo , s Golden Periodical Pills for Females. Infallible in o.wr.clia; Irregularities, Removing all Obtuructions of the ifonlldy (bursa, from whatever cause, and Always Successful as a Preventive. A CERTAIN REMEDY fur all complaints so peculiar to the sex, viz.. Distressing and Painful Menstruation, Retention, Pain tn..tke Back and Loins, Pressing Pains, Rash of Blood to the Head, Dizziness, Dimness of Sight, Green Sickness, Heaviness, Fatigue on any Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, and thnt most annoying, weakening;and the begiuing of all other fe male weaknesses, The . Leucorrticen, or Whites. They Art Ake a Charm In Remoring Obstruction and Ilestoriug _Yature to its Proper Channel. quieting the nerves. and bringing back the rosy color of health" to the most delicate. 100,000 Boxes have Leen gold in Two Years. Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, both by myself and agents, to all parts of the world, to which Answers have been returned. In which ladies say nothing like the above pills have been known since the Science of Medicine dawned upon the World. - Pull and explicit direcions accompany each box. Priced per box ; six boxes, $5. Sold by one Drug gist in every town; village, cite.'nd hamlet throughout the world. Sold in Mout rose.. Pa.. By BURNS &1% ICII - (Draggist..) "Sole Agents" for Montrose. Iz dies, by sending Mem $1 to Diontrose Post Office, can hare the - 1111s sent (confidentially) my mail to any part q/ the eouritry, free of Portage. Sold also by Estanric6n. & Ct enx, Great Bend, Ccenix & Tinoww, Deposit, eLEVES, PLEV.Cr & Co. Binghamton, Cotnneirr & Snooks, Scranton. DE31.46 BAmcra & Co. Nei , " York, S. D. MOW; Solo Proprietor, New York. July I—lyJ Iffreolgate's Aromatic 'Vegetable Soap. A en. pedlar Toilet Soap, prepared from refined Vegeta ble ?lip in combination with oil-cerium, and ef , Pa' Mani designed for the use of Ladles, and for the N araery,, Its perfume s exquisite, and its washing ProPertkarnliri4 l 4o: Nay, 28.1667.—1y5mp1; in lP3 o— Por pit the Protean forms L of disease originating SCROFUA, such as Salt Rheum, Cancer, Consumption, dice. there is nothing, can, equal the purifying effectsof. lodine when administered in a pure state. ' ! ER. 11. ANDERS' lODINE WATER is appre solution of lodine dissolved in water, without a solvent, and is the beet remedy for Scrofula and lane red diseases ever discovered. Circulars tree. J. F. DINSMORE, 56 DO. etivet,' CßY York. Sold by Druggists general, . nor UCC-ELWIMX-A.CfrEll5. In Gibson Hollow, on the -14th; by the Rev. R. Ingalls. llelp.-A;J. ADASdB, of Ilarford, and Miss E. M WiLatAntii, of Jackson In Ararat, Nov. 16th, by B. H. Di 3, E-q., MR. BENJAMIN Purr, and ADELIA Coox, both of Herrick. 3317.11L7r3E1CE1. rff"Notices of mortgages and deaths published fret fo charge. obituaries pUblished if paid for at the rate of Arty cents per hundred words. In North Auburn;' Nov. It, 1967, PETER Itty, aged 64 years and 8 days. We know that thou art happy, From sorrow set free, And we would not replace thee On life's troubled sea. In Jackson, Nov. 24, 1807, ALMANSON NYE, aged 43 years, 7 mo. and 9 days: In Lenox, Nov. 11th, afar a brief ill ness, Louts.A, wife of Luke Harding, aged 38 years. The subject of the above notice pro fessel• Chi ist at the eqrly age of fourteen, and united the M. E. Church in which maintained a consistent walk till called to join the church triumphant. She leaves a husband and ten children, (the youngest eleven days oid) to moult' her loss ; though they can but feel that their loss is her vternal gain. FarewcP,-dearest mother, thy work is all done, Tby conflict is ended, the victory thou's'. We mourn that ou earth we shall nee thee no more, Yet hope to embrace thee on yonder bright shore. M. Itch) . I.Ztilertistmrats CURE THAT COUGH! Scud Ono Dollar for Recipe, to JAS. H. SLAUSON, Nov. 26, 1867.-47 Palrdale, Snoci. Co. Pa Dissolution of Co-partnership. if lIIE co-partoership heretofore exlsting.bettreen Wm. 1 11. Osterhoudt and EA Rightmyer hs; this day dis solved by mutual consent. The Books of late firms of Oeterhoudt & Eaton and Osterhoudt £ Rlghtmyerate in, the hands of Wm. H. Osterhoudt, a..d settlement Is .olicited. W. 11. OSTEREIOUDT, Gleuwood, Nov. I. IS 7. E. RIGISTSIIER. Notice I have bought Mr. Rightmyer's interest in the late firm of Osterhoudt dr Itlgbtmyer. The business will hereafter be done and carried on In my name. All per sons having unaettled accounts on Books of Ostethendt /Won and Osterhou dt St Right mycr are requested .to call and settle the same between this date and January lat., 175611. WILLIAM H. OSTERIIOUDT Glenwood, Nov let, (N) 1867.-3 w• Administrators' Sale of Valuable Real Estate. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans'Conrt of Sus quehanna county', the uoderaigned administrators of the estate of Cornelius Warner, late of Forest Lake township, dec'd, will expose to sale by public ven• dos on the premises on Tuesday Dec. 31st, at 2 o'clock the following described real estate, to wit : Bounded on the north by lands of said estate, cant by lands of E t ogswell, on the ,outh by lands of E. coggnwell. and on the went by the highway, contain ing six and one tenth acres of land. TERMS OF SALE paid down ; the balance on the confirmation of sale. A. J. WARNER. Ad•rt'r. 1. E.. Adm'r Forest Lake, soY. 26, 1967.-4 w voncE IN BANKRUPTCY. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That on the 15th day of November, MIT, a warrant in bankruptcy was issued against the estate of ALBERT L. POST, of Montrose, Susquehanna comity, Penn sylvania, urials* been adjudged a bankrupt, on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and de livery of any property by him arc forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will he held at the Court of Bankruptcy, to be held at No. 305 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.. before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the 24th day of December, 1867. at one o'clock, P. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. U S Marshal, as messenzer. Western District of Pennsylvania. L.Nov. 2&-4w BANKRUPT'S ASSIGNEE. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania : in the matter of William A. Larne, a bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To WllOlll TT MAT CONCERN : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment! as assignee of William A. Larne, of Rush, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylva nia. within said district, who has been adßidged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dietxict. Court of said District. Dated November 12, A. D., 1E67. GEORGE A. JESSUP, Assignee. Montrose, Nov. 1.6, 1867.-3 w AN K RuPrs ASSIGNEE. Itt the District Court of the United Btatets for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of In Bankruptcy. Daniel G. Carey, a bankrupt. To Whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of hie appoint ment as Assignee of Daniel G. Carey, of Bridgewater township, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, within said district. Who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated Nov. 12th, iStit GEORGE A. JESSUP, Assignee. 3loutroee, Nov. 26, 1867.-3 w MAD CREEK MILLS, VW 111C.1.1..rCarCi, EN. MOORE, Proprietor, are In full operation at s last. Mr. Moore would say to theood people of Susquehanna county that he hat fitte d up hie mili at a heavy expense, with all the modern improveMente In Bolts and Machinery, and le confident he can do as good work as the best. We have one of the improved Silver Creek Smut Sr. Separating Machines, said to be,tho bectintichloe.of the day Me have aigo the kiest.ma .Alne foreleanine Buckwheat to the county. The servicea of Mr, .JOAN B. DRAKE. an expert enced miller, have been secured and-he will attend to all calla. • ; • • -;E N. MO ORE. New 3111 ford, Nov, 19, 1867.-rtf Three Cheers for Gen. Grant. HIP,, HIP, HURRAH! - • Wi'a•csk. Cll arleß nolcorritz. TBE ilayti Barber, has removed We shop to the easement or E. L. Weeks' New Store, where Ito le prepared to give good - satforactfon. When T go to ex plain this eui,Ject language fails to sprees it. ff:!=2/M1 lift SIIOOII OP - TOWNE - Montrose, Pa. TE.o.:.ignedba. opened a li_emtaurant and tiro. car In the basement of Sayro Bros. Store, Inhere he will keep • ar.t : LC>C5131.11.1.33315, Consi;ting Teas, _Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, To bacco, etc.—Also HUT TEA d, COFFEE,. OYSTERS, REFRESHMENTS, • COLD LUNCH. mcniirch4, iu4. It 18G7.—em J. A. WARNER. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. 1 This is to give notice that on the 15th day of No vember, A D. IM7, a vrammt fn Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of JOHN WHEELER, of Mont rose, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, who has been adjud,g ed a Bankrupt; on hip own petition; that the payment of any_ debt and delivery of any prop erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to hid Or for his use, and the transfer of any properly by him afe forbidden by law. That a meet.ng of the creditors of sAld,Liank rapt, to prove their debts. and to choose one oe wore assignees of his estate, will be. held at a Court of Bank. ruptcy, to be held at No. 30.3* Lackawanna AVoittie, tiemnton. Pennsylvania, before EDWARD N. WIL LARD; Register. on tho-23d day of December. 18$1, at one o'clock, P. H. THOS. A. ROWLEY, . 11. S. Marshal, as Messenger, Western District of Penns , Nov. 19.—w4 DECLINE IN FLOUR. IrM3CE M i larelK.E4 M. 113. I. famishing ant rate Winter Wheat Flonr at $l3 50. ._ SHOOK & TINGLEY. CAUTION ! The public are hereby cautioned against trusting ichiel Reardon, or any one but myself, on my account. DANIEL RRARDON. Forret, Lake, AVr. 12th, 1861.-3 w • _____ l , : . _ .46.. - c7cerxckm . THE undersigned will sell at auction al his residence otithe . old Kerr farm three miles from Montrose, On Saturday, N0v.30, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following articles : 12 Cows, I two year old Heifer, 11 Yeerlings,6 calves, 1 span young ilorses,l yearling Colt, 16 Geese, 1 sett of teani Harness, 1 lumber Wagon, 1 market Wagon, 1 lumber Sleigh, 1 pair Bubbs, 1 horec Rake, Grindstone, Plows, Drag. Logehabas, churning muchine, churn dog, milk. pans, straw cutter, 20 tons bay, stri.iiv,cornfodder, cook stove , cider barrels, six swarms bees, and other articles not mentioned. Trans.—Cash for all sums of $5 or less; over' that amount three months credit, with interest and appror•• cd security. REUBEN REYNOLDS, Jr Bricil ewater, Nov. 12, 186'1. 3w. f MEAT MARKET. LEASE P TAKE Meat NOTICE,that ye where ho hopes by unremitting attention to busidess, and accommodating customers in every particular, to merit end receive a large share of patronage. PRICES REASONABLE. P. J. REYNOLDS Ituntroge, Nov. 5. 1657 —2ta FOUND, IN Montrose, between the Store of I. N. Bullard and JL wooden end of Brick Block, at that littlo one horse Boot and Shoe Store, a new and elegant assortment of 134:::ocrts cfb .3acsizme; For fall and winter, Conoisting of Men's thick and fine Boots, Boy's Boots, and ei good assortment of Shoes, con sisting of Ladies' Kid, Goat, and Lasting Balmorals, Misses', Children's and Baby's Shoes, !tn. Also, work made to order, and Repairing done on short notice. Oct. 29, 1861%—tf C. 0. FORDRA3I. BURNS & NICHOLS, ' ..,mfr DREGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Keep regularly supplied with unadulleraled Drugs and Medicines, Cliemidals, Dye Stuffii, Wines and Liquors, Paints, Oils and Varpisb, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Yankee Notions,&c. &c. Fresh from ew York Cily. All of tho most poplar Patent Medicines sold In this stction, among which may be tumid Ayre's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem bold's Buchu, Schenck's Pulmonic Sy• rule and Sea-weed Tonic, Duponco's and Cheeseman's Female Pills, Hull's Cough- Balsam, WiShart's Pine Tree Conned, ;Kai flair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia, Ked;edy's Medical Discovery, Hoof land's German Bitters, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, . . And many other kinds of real value and merit. In fact our Stock embraces a fine assortment of everything as nalny kept In %mt. nautriarsn Drug Stores. 117 — Prescriptiona receive particular attention, and are CULLPOLLT an4promptiy compounded. •.• Storo formerly occupied by J. Etheridge. „ • A. B. BURNS. Idontroac,ra., Sept. 17, 1867. AMOS NICTIOLS: Merchant Tailoring. E. L. WEEKS do co. Hap eecnred ,the serirleen- of a first class 3Pr'igrOtti.foo.l Cl:Satter , and wilt ro.opetilhe Crisham Department of theires tablishment, on Tuesday Oct. =, where they erillim prepared to make up Worrier, in the latest and Most fashionable styles, allude of Mena and Boy's Cloth ing. Particular attention given to OUTSIDE ,CUTTING. • fair Wanted, two experienced *Ante atefl Vest 'Ma kers. ' • F. L WELTS eh CO, Montrave, Ott. 22, 1r.61 • it : 41 X 4 11Elr ,„WILLELC,NI Virig - RE - I'oo FIND 'raid Bilis+ DR IS GOODS; FANCY edObSi MiLLLA T ER GOOD 8, i'll:C.E GOODS, DOMESTIC li OODSi RUDY. MADE CLOTHING, And Furnishing Goods, Is certainly at Guttenburg,-Rosertbaum & do's. Haring again purchased a large stock of Nev Qcods Fall and Winter Tradei wa would.request a call and examination of otir doofls. feeling con/dent of being enabled to plena° and satiety as regards variety and prices-. We would especially call attention to our tine and large selection of .ea 4 '1) Are Coiting Cloths, Classimeres, &c., for Comoro Work, Ai we are tho annutactureraof all the Clothing we sell, we aro enabled to DEPT COMPETITION In regard to WORKMANSHIP AM) PRICES Garments Made to order after measure, and good at dug guarantied. A good assortment of M 1 's it BOYS' HATS, just received. Also a lap lot of plain a trimmed HORSE BLANKETS. 6utienbutl, Aoseithaitin & Co. M. 8. ZIEBSAIIILII I managing,Partueri Montrose, Sept. 24, 1861. pENNSYLVAICIA, SS: In the name and by the authority of the OtinunanweallA eyPennaylvwda. JOHN W. GEABY, Governor of the said Commonwealth A PROCLAMATION. [L. S.] Wmatasa, By a return made by the judges of &special election, held in the Twelfth' Congressional district of this Commonwealth, composed of the coun ties of Susquehanna and Lucerne, on Tuesday, the eighth day of October, Last past, being the second Tues day thereof, and the time appointed - for holding the general elections in said Commonwealth, under the authority of an act of the General Assembly, approved the second day of July, A. D. one tbonsand eight hun dred and thirty-nine, entitled "An Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," It appears that George W. Woodwrrti was duly' elected to serve as a representative of this State in the House of Represen tatives of the Fortieth Congress of the United States, to supply the vacancy oecatiloned by the death of the lion. Charles Denison ; And-whereas, In and by the forty-Second section of the above recited act of the General Assembly, it is made the duty of the Governor, on the receipt of the re tunas of any special election by the Secretary of the Cotnmonwealth, to-declare by proclamation the name of the person elected: Now, therefore, I, Joust W. GEARY, Governor as afore said, have issued this my proclamation, hereby publish ing and declaring, that the said George W. Woodward is duly elected and chosenin the district before men tioned, as a represe.ntative of this State, in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, in the room of the Hon. Charles Denison, deceased, who had bean elected a member of the fortieth Congress. Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this First day of November, in the e r year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six ty-seven, and of the Common wealth the ninety-second. By the Governor, JNO. W. GEARY. F. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Nov 12th, 3t. Statement of Middletown Town ship Bounty Matters. Total am't of Duplicates for 1884 & 1865. $5.149 48 Reed from County Tress's nn unseated lands. 85 89 Refiinded by Recruiting agents, 37 70 Amt of Bonds issued, $4,556 63-, Interest on do. 100 20.1 Exoneratfons, 209;54 Collector's percentage, 06 66 Treasurer's p ercentage, 88 69 • Supervisors and Town clerk's feel, and contingent expenses, 45 16—55,120 90 • Surplus, . 152 17 Surplus In hands of Treasurer applied by Supervir orsto townshitrpurposes, with consent and approba tion of the Auditors. LAWRENCE CURLEY, GEORGE, L. WELLS. Nov. 12, 1867.-3 w Auditors Cr. .AL . GROVES ALL RIGHT—to fix you up with a new rig of clothes—Coat, Vest, Pants —in the Latest Style, and on short notice. Bring on yohr cloth, and select from the latest Fashion Plates the style yeti west; and I will guaranty neat dta, and substantial work. of-Cutting promptly done, and the pieces plainly mated. Terms, cash down. Shop east aide of Public Avenue, next door (up stairs) to the post-office. X9v. Q 1887. • • JOIIN GROVES. TWELVE .. 'YEARS REPUTATION has proved pr: EDtVIdtDS I Tar, Wild Cheri" tied Cough Byrnp t The most suceessfel fRielnIMPll, • medicine in use lor:Colds,',Codghs, iXj noarseness, Asthma, Intluenea,Bron. • chitin, WbooVverallogai. Sold TP - 1111`P.cbroa• " P r Ave.. [dot. 10-%*l ABEL TURRELL'S STORE, 40 usual, le full of dostroble Goode. Call and sod ftuortment o LI44I:IORS.' l e . ppr e 'c it _ i l ot e ctqrs rue: m es sparpde , embraMotr, nearlyrrY k1,V44.7a3144t, coo. Etantly hard'artil for tole by ABEL ;TERRELL The Morttro - se Didiomt Is 79a.ts van MIT 113riliik4 i ,Ai MOIMOSII A. coi . ' Sostavpavr.k_' . ' '..; 6:: • • hri t o r . r. ofsdArs. " ill alo7lll, a's, pm ,i;iiiiitia ni siirsiiii—oi 11W . 4.'1 1 161:1 ailue. • , ~, ~,... , . 13MarbM4.,:hreittierdm*Iti . leted at $1 per square et 10 line', three tpiter,emyt ia for aachaddltlonal week. .Yearly advertisefs niftii. usual changes, _e,barge4 (to for fa& squares, quarter column $l5, tmlf column jam, once:plump $OO. an otter mu:stints illexect_p_ Etsinee notices at th e si a yards of three Unes, $3; or onedallara . tar L =statuary Me, ,--abortedrateil par cent. n addition to business rates. Job Printing executed neatly and promptly a► tett price< Deeds, Mortg a itage., Notes, J Ices' School an d odic', Man Its fb* OtIO. i 134a-alithati billgltEgg CARDS: FURS, St4itrirArt, *cr. Ja. A.1.7.464.10544,111kki• ; Nov. 19m8 PritradityLUe i , Sda , • Cd. es. M. C. SUTTON, . Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ap7 tZtt Frleaded/I% ROGERS A; ELY, 17. iS. J3:tlotll.4622.ererrille my 10• Brooklytt; • C. S. 911,BERT; IT. 191. .41a.iiacritoiiii•giiir. • sep7 6441 Great, Wag. rg. DR. A. J. ALNEY, tr3YSICIAN and SURGEON, tub located at lko . ' Sueq. Co. Pa. WID attend to ill calls protopt , Office the one formerly occupied by Dr. - E. L. Bfalletlett. (Brooklyn, Sept. 5,1867.-5 f • DR. W. W. ,§2 , 1111 • TIENTiST. Booms over Boy & Corwin`, gird 15 ware Store. Office hours from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. Montrose, July 1, 1861.—tf JAMES E. CA - RMALT, ,4 TTORNEY AT 'LAW. Office ne=t to Fluntlia Ho Ja.tel. Montrose, Dee. 18, 11386..-4. WM. D. LUSE, • A TTORICET AT LAW, Moattose, 1 1 1. afoot/km .4111 site the lontniffle Hotel, neaftri6 Court flusuo. Nov. 27, 1866.—tf ABEL TURRELL TIBALER In Drugs, Patent htedidnes, Ciftaidatis. A. 7 Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye Raft. Vanishes Wia low Glass, Groceries, Glass Ware, Wall and Vr indow ,Paper, Stone-ware, Lamps, Kerosene, Machin Oils, Trusses, Guns, Ammunition, Knives, Spectacles, • et, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perth eery, £c. being one of the most numerous, ,-ztensive, and valuable collie dons of Goods in Susquehanna County, (Established In 1848.] [Montrose, Pa. D. W. SEARLE, A TTORNEY AT LAW, 020 OW the Sintio tit A Lathrop. in the Brick Welt, Montrose, Pa.. May 1, 1866. Dn. W. L. RICHARDSON. upLittliCf4ts & SIIRGBO:1 4 1, tenders Itts profession ( al servical to the citizens of Montrose suit ty. °nice at tits restdatice:ol7 the .earner east of Sayte & Bros. Foundry. [June 18, 1881.-11* LOOMIS & HANNAH, A TTORNSYS AT LAW, Solicitor to Bankruptcy, .61. and General Real Estate and Collecting Agazits.— Valuable City Lots, Residences, Banns, and Coal Lands for sale. [Scranton, Jun61857-71° E. L. WEEKS dt Cd. SUCCESSORS of I. N. BINS 6 CO% Ditalata In Dry Goode, Clothing, Ladies and Mose, finatritaca. Mao, agents for the great American Tea and Cufikra C om DM. . [April, I, B. T. (7.. . . C. O. ikaliair: DR. E. L. GARDNER, UTSICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. 04voi especial attention to diseases of the Heart ILO Lunge and all Surgical diseases. titllce over the Post Office. Boapis at Scarle's Hotel. [Sept, 4. 11116. BALDWIN, ALLEN, & McCAIN, rout-ERA in Flour, Salt, Pork. Push, Lard. Orals. Peed, Candles , Clover and Timothy 'Seed. Also Groceries, such as Sugars, Molasses. Syrups; Tsa and Coffee. West side of Public Avenue. Montrose, April IT, 1131303. DOLT. E. L. HANDRICK. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, respectfully tenders Ids professional services to the chi= of Frionfik vine and vicinity. tarOMeo inthe office of Dr. Leot. Boards at J. Raeford's. IWO SW VASHIONARLE TAILOR, Montrose. Pa. shop ever U Chandler's Store. lir &Donlon filled promptly. In dret-tate style. Ca!- ring done on short notice, and warranted to St. WM. W. Silllt, CABINET AND CHAIM MANTYPACTUREEII.—Poet of Math street, Montrose, Pa. . • U A. DIITIRITT, DDEALER In !Mai& and Varlet HO GitCrOcltsry, Iron, Hardware, In, Stoves, Uttrol„o , and Paints, Bootsand Shoes, Hate and Caps. Fore, a Robes, Groceries, Provisions, c New Milford, Pa. $5,273 07 WM. H. COOPERCot., ANKCIIS. Montrose, Pa. Stictielsoisto Post,Coortr 1/1 Co. OttLeo., Lathrop's new build% Turnplke.nt. yr X, lIVUTTINQ COOPIII Mir DRUM M. ATTORNEY AT LAW. tioStsty, Hack Pay. Pensive. and ExempHon Charm) attended to.. . tebi OP — Odlee first door below Boyd'a Store. Montraae.Pa BURNS & NICHOLS, • DEALERS in Drugs, bledicines. Quinkale. Dye. rittlasl: Palma Oils, s ai V n e es va . lith, Liquor. ;f Iftetas j e r t : lacrPrescriptions =rafting cgpo n iulde6l. Public Avenue, above bearle's lifesileeeas. B. Busse, • - - A X6:l Ntozoar.' Sept. 11, 1866. DR. E. P. HIN ES, - -i: • H . , A 8 pormanently located at lerls9daijite f l oe' iftiPtr• pose of practiclug medicine and surgery lb all Its branches. Re may be found et .tbe'.7acicson Rouse. Odle° boars from 8 a. M. la 9p. in-. -,-. pullet( Prlcadsville, Pa., Jiii. 16th, 1866. STllOllt • • . • ‘ '4sb Me VN - , F iRE MI A" tE. al tailalag 6B iGli business att to promptly . Loit hir' toritilif f lM, neret, tee drat door nort4 at ",/dontrose.gotat," Wint Nei of NM° Avenue, Montrose-, Pa.Vitlal 4 le -, „ Brissittis Srsitnno.' • • ' Cnuu.ss . Ilacnno.• . , C. O. FORIMA : • szt Oßrat aria. itsingianrer. ifinstroee, , Bhop ga a 41. sitTet„ o;to door abova 1.443111- c Ali kinds of *ark .oado to order, and repairing .dono neatly. laid II JOHN SAUTTEH• •°- rizspEoppuus atiitonactS that be i114.1* 1 V.* 'lll plred to out rdl kW& of Garfueot4 root Fainioushle6tyle, and wormatted ft eftted . and Case. Shop °vete T. V. Ballaid'iStore, $714 DMIMIM. &ASHY% JOHN GROVES, A. 0. WARREP;