The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 12, 1867, Image 3

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    ontrost Pemotrat.
icossixtv. NOV.: 12, 1867.
MaCooVel ima.teilLigertioo.
The Board of School Director's of .
Bridgewater will meet at Tarbell's Hotel,
in Montrose, on Saturday, Nov. 16, at 2
o'clock, p. tn. By order.
C. J. CURTIS, Sec'y.
Bridgewater, Nov. 9, 1867.
Produce Brokers.
Persons engaged in purchasinm poultry
or other farm products are Halle to spe
cial tax as Produce Brokers. Nu person
can buy eatt leoh eep,prod nee, ikc., for sale,
-without liability to tax. The fact ofbeitlg in
the employ of another allbrds no exemp
Those having commenced business
'without first paying the tax, may save
penalty by reporting therolves to an as
sessor before some other person does so.
Zonation Visit.
The friends of Rev. Wm. S. Heaton,
Episcopal Mini-ter in Jessup, areinvited
to attend a Donation Party at the house
of Geo. W. Rose, on the afternoon and
evening of Thursday, Nov. 14, 1807.-2
List of Jurors
Drawn for the term of Court connnen
cing on Monday, Nov. 11th, 1 867:
Auburn : Wm. Christian, John A. Kirk
Bridgewater: David Faucher.
Brooklyn: Bradtbrd 0. Wartron?., Jo
seph Oakley.
Choeonut : Julius E. Addison.
Clifford: Burt Kenyon, John y'.Weath
erby. _ _
Dimock : Hiram C. Conklin, Charles -J.
Hollister, Frederick - Woodhouse.
Dtindatf: Henry Spencer.
Cornelius Decker, Nelson
Griffis. •
Great Bend: Thomas D. Hayes.
Great" Bend hero: Henry A. Co:sten.
Gibs on : Genrge Holmes.
Herrick : Philo Burritt.
Harford : Westle.y L. Wiltuarth.
Jackson : Calvic Dix.
Lenox: Joseph T. Bennett, James P.
Hartley, George W. Napes, Thomat , Pin
y-ter, Lafayette Stephen. 9, PeterlV. Van-
liberty: Wm. H. Ives.
Montrose: G. orge A. Jessup.
New Milford : William C. Handl-la.
4)akarl: George W. Barton.
thish: Daniel Gareti•.
Sastfa Depot: Joseph Allen, Isaac Per
Springville : Asa AltaCh3lll, James A
o.lkley. .S
Thomson : Joel Salisbury.
-- ----
er Whatever may be said of the mer
its of the different sewing machines now
bel;ire the public, there is certainly none
that deserves more special mention than
the Empire Sewing Machine. This ma
chine is not only unsurpassed in sini
plicitv, durability and beautiful_ stitch,
and adapted to all kinds of family sewing,
and noiseless when in operation. but is
Jf superior workmanship, corn bluing use
'fulness with elegance. It is, in fact, a
sewing machine that every family would
li6e Lo have.—Oct29w4
larln a country where - the natural
desire of the people is to reach the highest
point in ART, it is very difficult for success
to be,ubutined without the most arduous
/altar. inito is opinion is extremely ex
acting and not always just; but often un
just and creel criticism has produced the
most beneficial results; the greatest im•
,prOvements hare been made under con
tinued discoursownents, and in many suc
cessful efforts defeat seemed certain to all
except thoseemicerned. In no one branch
of art has there been more ttiials and fail.
tires, and in no single instrument is there
so many to perfect. in order
to make the whole a success, as the Piano
Forte; this is always attended 'with great
expense, requiring large capital and pa
tient perseverance. GICOVESTEEN 3; Co.,
499 Broadway, N. Y., commenced manu
facturing Pianos thirty-six years ago, and
are one of the oldest houses in the country.
They differed from the rest of the makers
in this respect—they aimed to make the
best instrument, and to sell it fir the
smallest profit. These Piatins to-day. can.
not be excelled. Their singing quality is
pare, lull, and easily retained through the
most lengthy passages. For poWer they
are unparalleled, and are celebrated for
their great brilliancy, exquisite touch, and
elegance of style and jinislt.—oet29w4
IlarThe newspapers, and especially
those of the Radieni persuasion, continue
to publish stories going to show that du
ring Mr. Lincoln's Presidency the White
House was a - sort of broker's shop for the
selling of fat contracts l and other favors,
Mrs. Lincoln presided Ewer the business,
and her profits were certainly considera
ble. , It is not possible that nonest Abe
could have been ignorant of what was go
ing on. • .He must have known all :about
it. 'The Radical journals, which are abu
sing his widow, are covering the name of
the martyred President with shame and
obloquy which will never be washed out.
History will . deal harshly with tbeise late
--The Radical journals, wbich are pub
lishing so many stories, about the absurd_
and improper conduct of-Mrs. Lincoln du.
her :busband'slifeliine, ,are
thetr best to pro*e : Oat, Mr."..Liileolii,:!:4 - as
either br a koave or. AO to' allow 'auell
gi;iiiiiiißtews—The War is Italy.
FLORENCE, Nov. Btb.—On Sunday,
Garibaldi, with 3500 men and two can
non; left, his camp near Monte Rotondo,
and advanced to attack Tivon, which was
held by the Papal troops. ‘ He found the
latter ; numbering 0000, posted in a strong
position, and supported by artillery. The
Pontifical troops immediately opened fire
With their batteries, and upon the ap
proach of the Garihadians a desperate
battle ensued, which lasted forty five
minutes. Garibaldi then retreated, and
the . battle .was renewed at Monte Roton
The insurgents fought with great_ ob.
atinacy and kept up the conflict at this
point for two hours and a half, when, ex
hausted and overwhelmed, they gave
way and were utterly routed. Of the
insurgentia, 450 were killed, and 900 taken
prisoners. Nu, idea of the wounded can
be formed. The total loss of the Papal
troops engaged was 200 killed an d
PLonExcbt, Nov, 7111.—1 n the recent
enl,agement at. Monte Rotondo the Pa
pal-: troops were badly beaten until the
arrival of:the Fretich troops, when the
tide of battle turned.
FLoar*cr, Nov. 7111—Evening.—Ac•
counts nethe last cng4gement near Rome
have beeTi received. Darincr Ihe battles
of Sunday, Garibaldi brought into action
ten thon.and men. At one time the Pa
pal troops were beaten, and Garibaldi
was gaining ground, when the French
came up and turned the victory into a de
feat. The GaribahlimQ lost 800 killed
and wounded, and 2000 pri-oners.
Pants, Nivv. 7th.—Serious riots have
been . incited by the Party of Action in
different parts of Italy, and particularly
at Milan, where it was found necessary
to (all out the troops to quell the disturb
ances. Many of the rioters were 'kil ed
and. wounded.
Nov. 711).—The Italians as•zert
that. 50011 Vrench soldiers under corn•
wand of General Poples, came to the as
sistance of the Papal foxes during their
last engagement with the Garibaldians,
and the timely arrival of these reinforce
ments turned the tide of battle and cans
ed the defeat of the insur!retits.
—ln the battle, near Terni, three thou
sand Garibaldians were killed, wounded,
and taken prisoners. Amore- the latter
were Garibaldi himself, and his son Men
—Four thousand troops of the Party
of Action, while moving to the relief of
Garibaldi, were intercepted, disarmed,
and turned back by Vie. or Em man nel's
,Ind, , e Rives, of Vireinia, who op
poise d secession during. the war, was
nominated for the (7onsi Conven
tion in that State, and defeated by a Rad
ical nesrrn. In commenting upon this
tact, the RiehntqnlDiApotch. says : "This
is a picture for Northern people to con
template. Judge Rives has proved his
devotion to the R.ptihlicans in the most
satisfactory manlier ; indeed. under the
most crying circumstances. Ills success
ful ri‘Jal is an illi , erate negro, totally un
fit for the lon.,:iness of leg,islaticn, and hay
inc, nothing to recommend him but his
intolerant. spirit toward the white peo
ple of Virginia, his ignorant prejudi
and proscriptive sentiments." :Auct.
facts as these aided in prodnci'ng the late
political revolution in the Northern States,
and they bhould be kept before white
"There is no abatement of the ex
citement and alarm
.which prevails at
Richmond. : The incendiary Hunnicutt
made a speech to the ne, , roes the other
night, in which he advised them to apply
the torch to the house of any white man
who discharged a negro t;)r voting the
'Radical ticket. More'of the whites have
been ordered to leave the city for speak-
inn di4resretfuily of Hunnicutt, on pen.
alty of dc- if they; should disregard the
—The Richmond (Va.) correspondent
of the .4 oxima Journal speaks of dernorai.
intiott among the youn ,, er classes of the
negro population as fearfully increasing.
The habit of indolence, everywhere prey
*lent, breeds thievishness, intemperance,
and licentiousness. The jails are alt
—A terrible hurricane swept over Tex
as a few days ago. Twenty-six persons
were killed in Mat amoras, on the Mexi
can side of the Rio (lir I
onc.e ; ten were
ki led and twenty-one wounded in Brown—
ville; and twelve at Brazos. Only two
houses were left standing in Ciarksville.
and none , in Bagdad. At Brazos the ne
gro troops behaved badly—rendering no
assistance and plundering the sufferers.—
One of the negro soldiers shot and killed
a citizen who detected him stealing.
—Three tThited States S , -tiators have
been gained this year by the Democracy—
one in Connecticut, one in California, and
one in Ohio. It only needs more elec
tions, by the people to make a clean
swcep,of the . Radical oligarchs.
—Obligations, exceeding hair a million
of dollars in the aggregate, matured at
the city banks of Charleston, S. C., on
Mondey,:aml Were promptly paid: The
moneys were due chiefly to Northern
Crest C i s
—Over 7 000; 000 acres of public land
have been sold by the government dur
ing the .past year. ,1 400 000 000 yet
remains on Uncle Sam's hands.
—The Pittsburg and Steubenville Rail.
road, "Pan Handle," Was, yesterday sold
to the. Pennsylvania Central Itai!road
Conipany.for . sl 000 000,
—ln MarWand u it is said, that not ev.
en a Republican - constable was elected on
brponisoieep thelitate.4"—
MrTon thousand Dol tars* worth or GOODS
at wholm.ale emit- per Inventoertjuk taken, for sate by
ABEL TLTIIRELL. In the Mick Block. About Oda
amount constantly on band, and IslftW (loops amtin•
ally arriving. Thtf people can find nearly everything
they mar need at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL
tdoutroae, Pa., July 30, 1867.
12r"Colgatel3 #ematio Vegetable, Soap. A en
peri oiToilleit Soap. prepared from refined Veg;eta•
blo Oils in combination with Glycerine, and espe
cially designed for the nee of Ladles, and for the
Nursery. Its perfume ts exquidteouid its 'ratting
propealos enrivelled. ;For tire itis ali drr.ggleti.
- Nay, •••—• • : 4 " ,
"4: r: 1
—Thad Stevensusick as he is":-Aas
written a letter reiterating his fanatical
dogma that Congress has a right to en
force negro suffrage in all the States.
—The Radicals have been put on trial
for the many crimes of which they have
been guilty during the past six years, and
the verdict of the people has been guilty,
—A Dayton, Ohio, bank sent $35 000
in seven-thirty bonds to New-York for
sale, and the broker sent them back, say
ing they were boguq. It happened that
the Dayton cashier had taken the num•
bers of the bonds, which had come to the
bank directly from the Treasury, and
which were not the bonds returned - from
—ln the flonrshing town of Charles
town, We , t, Virginia, only fifteen votes
were cast at, the recent election. Before
the war over five hundred votes were
polled there. Now only twenty-three
voters are registered, and of that number
only fifteen voted. What a l!ommentary
that is on Republican institutions.
—A Philadelphia Radical organ says
the Democracy of Baltimore refused to
sppoint "Plug Uglier" to office, and that
they threatened to vote the Radical tick
et. Very well. They couldn't gravitate
to a plug ug' party, and feel more at
—Onto —The Governor, Attorney
General, and the Secretary of State, have
completed the canvass of the vote on the
Constitutional Amendment. The total
nottibtT of votes cat is 484 003 ; li>r the
amendment, 216 987 ; against the amend
ment, 255 310, heing a majority against
it of 38
.153. The remaining. 12 296 were
ll'onks. The amendment voted on pro
post-.1 to g,iv,e negroes the right to vote
anti also to disfranchise so-called desert
—Thad Stevens says he must be an
"impudent eilizen who does not believe
in negro suffrage. That being the caso,
there's a bhr lot of impudent fellows ly
ing aronnd loose at this particular mo
ment. ;
—BosToN, Oct. 30th. John A. An•
drew, Ex-Governor of Massachusetts,
died at six o'clock. this evening; at nine
o'clock last evening he was at his own
residence in Charles street, conversing
with a friend, his family being present.
He had premonitory symptoms of apo
p'exy, and requested his family to leave
the room, which they dill under the sup
position that he had private business to
transact. He then requested his friend
to ca 1 in Dr. Derby, and subsequently
13i , 10w and Cabet were in attend
ance. He remained unconscious from the
time of his attack until death.
A TIME BALSAIL —Dr. Wistar's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry is truly a balsam.—
It coat dos the balsamic principle of the
Chery, the balsamic, properties of .
tar and of pine. Its in!rredients are al
In:kande. Coughs, cl,bls, sore throw,
bronchitis. aml c , insumplion speedily dis
appear lin ler its balsamic influence,
..X 2 '.MG"IAI..T-• NC3OTXC7ME3.
re — A BEL 'TURKEL L continually
orli,lsUltle brut. and )ledh c in••+. which
wili he void am , liiw as at and other :it( Montrone.
Pr - Gardner's fitt%lneem 'College. PIICINO
is the p plat, v, here yoytg met:lard Inn lee cim ob
lain n Intetie.ll ittage or the most importunt
branche bust net .4. };very one should improve this
opportuntty. ns the course is the molt thorough of any
Uoliere of the hind in Northern PC111:811VIII1iC. LI C
ftirbCfarShip, $2.5,CM t 4 entl or ('.liege Paltr'rt
full part itte tars. Address .7. N. biAßlgNElt,Prinell
ticrar.ton, Pa. LA ug.
rfrlron In the Blood.—The nereisity of a
doe prot.ortlon or i: - on the 1 , 109t1 Is Well known to all
cuedtea men ; when it becomes reduced from any
canoe whatever, the thole system foltrk,i , . the weakest
part being th- first atuacked. and a of la ttithur,
ia,sti tale. and ••eil;imuetteit4" pervade: , the Syt.telll.
imulatito only alLici u temponry relief, and it .Ye the
tiatne effect of givin;ti tired bore.. the whip instead
°fonts. The true remedy Is to supply the blood with
the necessary quantity of iron. 'fhis can be done by
using the
a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron, which itt
t 'o prewreo that it ae,•im ihte. at once with the Wood.
gi'•'tr_ Ftretizth, vigor and ne%v life tot he whole systum.
To take medicine to cu re dieoloLeA occaktioned by a de
ficiency ~r Lou In the itl 0. d. ulthont re toting it to
the sycreill. I% like Irving to repair a building wiy n the
foundation i. gone.
An inn 'tient divine say" : •' I have beer nettle the Pe
mvian Syrup for come !hue pact ; it •Meer me new vl•
gor. buoy tucy of spirits. eincttc•lty of muscle."
Peruphiete containing eertltleatec of cures and re
aomrnendal lime from ”011le Or the most eminent phyci•
entor. eivr4ylllell and others, will be cent free LO any
he genuine has " Peruvian- Syrup" blown in the
T. P. DINsMOTtE, Proprlepor,
• No. 86 (my I. New• York
Sold by all Druggitts.
o"For all the provenn form. of disease originating
.00 1 n• salt Rheum C.ln.rr. (20110 u .uptlon • &c. there
le nothing eon eqnal the purifying effects of lodine
when edlniniateren in a pure era , e.
to n pure solution of lodi tie dissolved In water. without
a solvent, Bud is the hest remedy for Scrofula and kind.
red diseases ever discovered. Ci reels s tree.
r.ft Dey street, New York.
Sold by Druggists generally. uov
re — What .Every One Wan le. —A good, reli
able medicine that will he on hand when required, nod
111•VCr fails when culled on. That is now to be obtained
in Dr. Tobias' cel.-bra ed Venetian Liniment. Maui call it the wond,,r of the age. he it does all
that is represented and more. It cures ,Diarrhma,Dve•
emery. Colt e. spasm., Vomiting, Croup. and Sea.sick
-1,1 me as softly ae it is need. and Is perfectly innocent to
take internally, even in double the quantity named in
the directions and an. an external remedy for Chronic
Rheumatism Cuts. Bruise,Old Sores. Mumps. Tooth
ache. lierMiche. Sure Throat, rprains.losectStings,
Pains in the back, chest and limbs, thousands have tes
tified to. and thmr certlfici es can he seen ut the DOe
tor's Depot, 50 Corthindi street, New York. Ilutid•
reds of phyeicians use It In their practice. It has been
introduced since 1847, and hundreds who now have Mu
their houses say they would not be without it oven If it
cost $lO per bottle. Beery drop Is mixed by Dr. Tobias
himself, and can he depended on. Only 50 cis. and $1
per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Depot 66 Cortland et.,
New York. [Nov. Gml
Or Card to' the Ledlefieql)r., Duponeo 7 it
Golden Psriodleal Pills ror Females.
%nitlahlo in trWevtia; trrs guldritios, Removing aGi
Ma radians of thit Monthly Courses, frtonwhatesorcrtwa,
and dtwayt Sticet. , Vul asa
A CERTAIN REMEDY for all complaints so peculiar
to the sex, viz., Didtriresing and Peintel Menstruation,
Retention, Pain is the Back and Loins, Pressing-Down
Pains, Rush of Blood to the Head. Dizziness, Dimness
of Sight, Green Sickness, Heaviness, Fatigue on any
Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, and that moat
annoying, weakening, and the begining of all other to.
male weaknesses, The Leucorrhma, or Whites.
They Act like a Charm to Reaming Obstructioa and
liestoritig Nature toits , Proper Chant!.
quieting the nerves. and bringing back the " rosy color
of health" to the most delicate.
100,000 Boxes //cm toen cold In Two Years.
Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, both by myself
and agents, to all p iris of the world, to which answers
have been returned in which indict say nothing like
the above Mlle have been known since Cbs Science of
Medicine dawned upon the World.
Full and explicit direcione accompany each box.
Price $1 per box ; ,ix boxes, $6. Sold by one Drug
gist In every town; vi nape, city, and hamlet throughout
the world. Sold in Montrose. Pa.. By BURNS & NICH
OLS, tOrtiggist..) " Sole Agents" far Montrose. La
dies. by sending ritmt $1 to ltiontrose Post Office. can
have the Piths sent (ronfittentially) by mail Co any part
of the comntry, free of Ptotage.
Sold also by Earner .° x & rt.ernt, Great fiend, crams.
Deposit. CLEVES. PIERCE S. Co. Binghamton,
New York. S. D. BO WE, Sole Proprietor, No , York.
TO cquE CONBM(PTI'OI I ,f, scatem must be pro.
wed so alit the tulip will h To accomplish this, tho
!leer and domfmilo mat flr2t bo eicance3 and an appetite ero
teed !or good n - holesonso tool, which, by thoe ntedicham
will be d , gested property, and good hsrlitt; blood casio;
tbus baildlng up the constitution. scrtENcs's MAN
DEAIiE PILLS eleance the stomach of all bilious or Into-one
accumulations; and, tr; using the Weed Toulo In con
nection. the appetite is restored.
SCIIENCK'S PLILMONIC 8171iLIT Ls nntricloue as wen
turned:mat, and, by mine the three rumerVot, a! I 'murales
are expel:el from the syrtom, and good, wholosa O blood
made, wh:ch win repel disease. n patients will m those
metkinca accordlu4 to dircalons, Ceueumption very fro
nnently In its hut !Moe yields readily to (bolt action. Take
the pills Ito 'neatly, to cleanse the Ileorand stomach. It does
not follow that because the bowels are not c attivo the: are
not roiMred, for sometimet in Warritma they 'aro nomssary.
The stomach mast be kept healthy, and au apoelito created
to allow the Palma lc 3, - rup to act on the rem:rmory organs
properly and allay any irritation. Then all that Le rewired
to perorm a permanent cure le, to provost taking cold.
Eaereee about the rooms CO much passible, eat all the
richest tood—fat meat, game, and, la fact, an :thing the ap
petite craves ; but be particular cad masticate well.
Reported for the Mot:Tilos!. DENOCRAT. by DE
-11 ART. SHAFFER b. CO.. Commission Merchants.4o3.
401. 403 and 490 Went Wanhington Market, New York
City. Nov. 9, 18 11 7.
Beans, per barrel $9,90 (2. $4,09
Butter, per lb. State firkins, prime...-. 213 0 40
do •• Liih,. .. .... 40 0 42
do Orange county path.... 43 rd, 50
Cheese. per lb., 19 0 14
E=,s;'per doz. 80 Q 1 33
Flour, per bhl. extra State 9,00 0 13,00
western 8,50 1 12,00
Rye Flour per bbl 7,50 0 9.00
t orn meal. •• 6.1 1 0 e. 6.1,0
Wheat, per htinhel, 2.50 l 8.20
Rye, do 1.30 (ay 1,6 1 1
Corn, do .. 1.20 i 1.30
outs. do 67 0, 70
hay, per cwt , 1,00 (atl.a.)
Sheep, lire per lb. 05 (-4 08
Lamba, • 08 (a;, 10
Caileea, •• . 09 (al 1 0
t'll•clzena. live per pair 75 (ay 1,16
Tallow, per lb. 11 66 11
Wool, per Ih. 43 (Zt, 58
312.4 L Ft. Pt I .AL G-.MII IS .
In Forest Lake, Nov. sth, by J. S.
Towne, Eq., Mu. Ginuos DEURL, of
F'ovst Lake, and Mus. ELIZAPETII T.
lIOAG, of Silver Lake.
3=i MI.4I!LTIZI El.
rßriS i otlees of marriage. and deaths published free
of charge. oblanaries publi,hed if paid fur at the rate
of tifiy ccu.e per hundred worth,.
In New Ifiliord, Nov. Ist, 1867, MI
ALI;F:Atr Amu:lett, aged 57 years.
lictu cc4,i)frilscnituts
The public are hereby cautioned against trnating
Michtel Itvardon, or any Due but myself, WI my accuUtn.
Foreat Lane, Noe. 12th, 1667.--aw•
.41.117 `'MCP !
MITE undersigned will sell at unction at hie residence
on the old lierr ham tt ree miles from Montrose,
on Saturday, Nov. :;0, 10 o'clock, a. m., the following
12 Coo 8.1 two year old Reiter, 11 Tearlings,6 calves,
1 ,pan youn4 11,,rzt,*. I It:tiling C01t,16GC.C.2. 4 1". I sett.ol .
true llarne.m, 1 lumber Wagon, 1 market Wagon. 1
lumber Sleigh, 1 pair, Bobkm, 1 horse Rake, Grineatone,
Piow., Drug Lowell:Oa*, churning machine, churn dog.
mid: pan*. draw cutler, Ai lone buy, i.traw,cornfoißlar,
cook *Love. cider barrel*. BLS swarms ino.n, and ocher
article? , nut mentioned.
Timms —Cash for all sums of $5 or less; over that
amount three tounthe crude, with Interest and approv•
Bridgewater, Nev. 12, 1667. 3w
Statement of Miildletown Town
ship Bounty Matters.
Total am't of Duplicates for 18(4 & 18A5, $5.149 48
Rec'd from t. "may Treas'r on unseated lands, 81 99
Itefuuded by Recruiting agents, 87 70
83,273 97
Ain't of Bonds lestled, ,, ' S4,G Gs.
Interest ou do. PO 20
Exonerat tone. .V.P! 64
Collector's percentage, 96 66
Trviburer's percentage. 38 GO
Supervisors' and Town clerk's fees,
and coutiugent expenses, • 45 16-45 120 90
Surplus in bands of Treasurer applied by Stipends
onto township purposes, with consent and approba_
ticn of the Auditors.
Nor. 12, 1847.-3 w Auditors.
In the District Court of the United Btates for the
We,tertz D,strict of Pennsylvania.—ln Bank, uptcy.
In thentatter. of JOHN BRACKNEY, a bankrupt—
said John ltreckney having applied to the Court for a
discharge from his dews. By order of the Court notice
is giveu to ail creditors who have proved their debt%
and other persons in-interest to appear on the 224 del
of November. MI, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. at Chambers of
the said District Court. before E. N: WILLARD, one of
the itegletera of said Court, in the city of Scranton, at
No. 303 Laakawinom Avenue, to show mune why a dis
charge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt.
And further notice Is hereby given that thejecond
and third meeting of crvettors of the said Bankrltpve
qutred by the 27th and 28th suctions of the act of Con
gress of Idarch". 3 lBB7, will be had before the said Reg
ister. upon the Slime day, that cause may be sheun
agninst the discharge, at the same hour and place.
- Nov. 12-2 w S. C. 11COANDLESS, Clerk. .
Liq UOßg An extensive assortment
• pure Liquor* for medioa,
perpose enpracing wail every knd In mark t. con-.
rtu.-iltas band and for etgoby
• ; - AUL .
pENNSYLV62SI7/11 4 BS e,r • - -
Zll filename and by Ms exclikirtty qr Va
of Painatia. •
[L. S.l Wirantes, By a returh made by the „lodges of
especial election, held to the Twelfth Congressional
district of this Commonwealth. comp:iced of the coun
ties of Susquehanna and Luzerne, on Tuesday, the
eighth day of October, last past , being the second Tues
day thereof, and the time appointed for holding the
gen. ral elections in said Commonwealth. under the
authority °fin act of the General Assemblyi approved
the second day of July, A. IT. one thousand eight hun
dred and thirty-nine, entitled •"An Act relating to the
elections this Commonwealth," it appears that
George W. Woodterrd was duly elected to serve as a
representative of this State In the house of Penmen'•
tatives of the Fortieth Congress of the United States,
to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of the
son. Charles Denson •, •
And Whereas, In and by the, forty-second section of
the above recited act of the General Assembly, ft Is
made the duty of the Governor. on the receipt of the re.
turi.s of any swelll election by the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, to declare by proclamation the name
of the person elected:
Now, therefore, 1. Joint W. Gsanz, Governor as afore•
said, have leaned thin my proclamation, hereby publish.
In' and declaring , that the said George W. Wu/Awake:,
is duly elected and chosen in Ihe district before men
tioned, as a representative of this State, in the House of
ltepresen tati vet. of the Congress of the United States,
in the room of the lion. Charles Denteon. deceased, who
bad been elected a member of the fartleth Congress
Olven.under my Hand and the Great Seal or the State,
at Harrisburg, this First day of November. In the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six
t , and of the Commonwealth the nine' y-second.
.13y the Governor, JNO. W. GEARY.
Secretary of the Commenwealth.
Nov 12th, St.
risLEASE TARE NOTICE. that the undersigned has
opened a Meat Market on Boyd's corner, Main st.,-
where he hopes by unremitting attention to business,
and accommodating customers in every particular, to
merit and recove a large share of patronage.
Montrose, Nov. 5. 1657.-2 m
CROVES ALL RIGHT—to x you up with a Dew
rig of clothes—Coat, Vest. Panto—ln the Latest
Style, and on short notice. Bring on your cloth, and
selcct from the latest
Fashion Plates
the style you want. and I will guaranty neat ills, and
substantial work.
areutting promptly done, and the pieces plainly
ma ked. Terms, cash down.
Shop east side of Public Avenue, next door (up stairs)
to the post-ofllce.
Iloutrose, Nov. 5, 1867. JOHN G NTS.
(b 3 w. e 3. mo. 1 rr
Will commence WEDNESDAY NOV. 20, 1E62, and
continue eleven weeks (with vacation for holidays.)
Prof. J. G. COPE Principal
Miss M. J. Cann High School
•• ELLA WILLIAMS Grammar School
" .ILL IA MILLER Intermediate
" ELIZA Hotus7sit r ...Primacy
rl l 33.lticon. 13a. .11..c1crea-za.c3413..
Lan ages $7 00
High and Grant. School, each 600
Intermediate 4 00
Primary 3 - 00
Board and rooms can be obtained on reasonable
Abatement on tuition will be made for sickness, and
necessary absence over three weeks.
As it is well known that all of our Tochers have an
excellent reputation as to qualification and in the the
ory and practice of teaching, we need not commend
them further. •
d. CHAZBERLALY, President
13. TUATCTIAR, Reeretary.
Montrose, Nov. Gth, 1867. 2w
IN Montrose, between the Store ()IX. N. Bollard and
wooden end of Brick Block, at that little one horee
Boot and Shoo Store, a new and elegant aaaortment of
3E3 CO Girt Set ESC 5;11.C3) e
Men's thirk aid fine Boots, Boy's Boots
and a good assortment of Shoes, con
sisting of Ladies' Kid, Goat,
and Lasting Balmorals,
ie Fele, Children's And Baby's Shoes.. .kc. Also, work
made to order, and Repairing done on short notice.
Oct. 29, 1867.—tt C. 0. FORDLIA.U.
Heap regularly supplied with unadulterated
Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints,
Oils and Varnish, Perfumery,
Fancy Soaps, Yanked
Notions, &c.
Fresh from New York City.
All of the most popular Patent Medicines sold In
this section, among which may be found
Ayre's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem•
bold's Burhu,'Schenek's Pulmonic Sy.
rup,and Sea weed Tonic, Duponco's
and Cheeseman's Female Pills,
Holes Cough, Balsam,
Wishares Pine Tree
Hon Ha& Renewer, .Riny's Anztrosia,
Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Hoof
land's German Bitters, Hostetter's
Stdnzach Bitters,
And many other kinds of real value and merit. in fact
our Stock embraces a fine assortment of everything us
uallly kept in wEt.i. REUULATED Drug Stores.
Fir - Prescriptions receive particular attention, and
aro CATIEPLLLT and promptly compounded.
*** ~tore formerly occupied by J. Etherldg,o.
Montroseja., Sept.-17, 1667. &MOS NICHOLS.
Merchant Tailoring.
nave secured the services of a Ara 93ass-
and will re-open the Custom liepartment of 'their es
tablishment on Tuesday Oct. ", where they will be
prepared to make up to order — , in the-latest and most
fashionable styles, all kinds of 2deu'e and Boy 'S Cloth
Particular attention given to
157" anted; two ozporlenced Pantrand Vest Ma.
, B. L WEEHEI e 0 CO;
Montrose; Oct; 1657.—tf
ELE'arniC 0114.
rdi stator . -Ant Altiono.
!Lt. , lortZ
Qoverfide of the Bald Commonwealth.
Gr. .a.. PL.
1317123.ter Term.
Fisicrt23.tyr 2
For fall and winter; Consisting of
kt .
WWI= YOU win lasso
FANCY 600Dd,
And Furnishing Goods!
Is tertainty . at
Guttenburg, Rosenbaum 001,
Having again stonbased o _largo stock at Saw Goods
Fall and Winter Trade,
we would request n call and exatninatfon of oar Gond*.
feeling confident of being enabled to pleas* and satbly
as regards variety end prices.
We would especially call attention - to om flee and
large selection of
Ile* Mak enling
Cloths, Cassinieres, &cdo
for Custom Work, As we are the manufacturers of all
the Clothing we sell. we are enabled to =Pr ALAI
COMPETITION In regard to
Garment* rondo to order after manor*, and good SO ,
Ling guarantied. A good assortment of
just rocol red. Also a largo lot of plata a trimmed
Outituburg, liostubanm Co.
N. S. DESSAMIR, Managikig Psrtaitt
Montrose, Sept. 24, 1867.
',plat on the lOts day of October, a warrant in
bankruptcy was hisaLd against the estate of DANIEL
U. CARE Y, of Rosh, Susquehanna county. Penn
sylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrbpt, on bla
own petition ; that the pavment of any debts and de
livery of any property it , him are forbidden-by law ;
that a meetin- of the creditors of the sold bankrupt, to
prove their debts, and to choose one oemure assignee*
of Ms estate, will be held at the Court of Bankruptcy,
to be held at No. WI Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton,
Pa., before Edward N. Willard. Register, on tho 12th
day ,of November, 1807, at one o'clock, P. M.
U. S. Marshal, as messenger, Weitern Dit•triet cf
Penqsylranla. by C.AD. ROESLER,
Oct. 2.1-4 w nevus?,
This is to give notice that on the 10th day of Oa
tober. A. D. 1867, a warrne:t in Bankruptcy was issued
against be estate of WM. A. LABUR. of Bridge
water, Susquehanna County. Pennsylvania, . whu
has been attired-Jed a Bankrupt, on his own petition;
that the payment of any debt and delivery of any prop
erty Itelonging , to such Bankrupt, to him or frr life use,
and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden
by law. That a meet .n of the creditors of said Bank
rupt. to prove their debts. and to prove one or more
assignees of his estate, will he held at a Court of Bank
ruptcy. to he held nt No. 303 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton, Pennsylvania. before EDWARD N. Wlle
LARD, Register. ou the 11th day of Nottember. 1867, at
one o'clock, P. M. THOS, A. ROWLEY,
17. S. Marshal, as Messenger,
We:Flown District of Penna.
Per C. W. flotsam, Deputy.
Oct. r2.—w4
No. 1 PA =LT' Macnrst. This Machine has a straighi
needle, perpendicular action. makes the LO& Or Shut •
tie Sikh, which will neither rip nor ravel, and la alike
on both eddee ; performs perfect sewing on every do.
scriptton of material, with cotton, linen or silk thread.
It Hems, Fells, Binds, Braids, Tneks, Quilts•
Plaits and Gathers. As a Family Machine It baa nv
Price, with Ilemmerand Braider, g•GO'
Particular attention is called to our New • Improved
Manufacturing Machines. They ran light and are corn.
paratively noiSeless; simple, durable and efficient,.
For eldth or leather work they have no - competitors.
- No. .2 Machine, with Hemmer and Draider,c4. No.
3 Machine, S&S.
MP — Agents wanted, towboin a liberal discount will
bo given Oct. 22, 1667. . .
449 Broad Way, New York )
499 Broadway, New York,
499 Broadway, New Torki
Ara unrivalled for Durability. Power.' mu 1, Mammy
if Tone. They are fast becoming the favorite over
others. with Mimelans. Amateurs. and all lovers of
GOOD NUSIC. They are Warranted in every. nto•
spoot. Priers ono third lower Um, 0. her first cum
makers. Send fur Circular.
0c.22 490 Brood/sup, A r um Fork.
Old 'Established Far Manufactory ;
So. 718 ARCH STREET. Above 7th. ruiLAOttliti,
Have noW IA Store of my own maordsctufe 'and iin
portation, ono of the largest and man 'beauffful
Hone of
3611,gisicry: aPLIXIII-0
for Ladlca' and Chlidron`a Wear in theOtt Ate r Si
fine assortment of Gent's Fur Giovei and Co fare.
I am mo l ded to dispofe of my Gonda at very MOOD.
-able prices, andt would therefore eolicits C 1 4 .1 Iyo:o
friends of Susquehanna County and vicinity.
Or Remember the Name. Number ondlitreeti , -.
No. 71 t 3 ,Areh , Bt. r above 711 / pouthittio. pbßadoptibk
, sari rivello towage niorriststecitoo,lo:aity CAW
Ittoto ilatlodol itatts. ,I. Oct.etllt..
: • • r. -to