0.••••••••• '''... • „ . - -.-, ! it i i The Ohio Election. A,, marina ginnotrat. ... The Cleveland Plaindealer says that the too- . . • • • -.. Radicals voted iiver-three hundred ne- A. 1 OERRITSON, Editor. '., groes in that city, and that at some of the ...i.„.,„,...„.„."....w..,..., polls white men had to stand back to al- MONTROSE; . TUESDAY, OCT. 20, 1861 h. low negroes to vote. ' This so disgusted _ _____:.._____.: , a"— A ..e tt,,, 1-Inrilanlo.—Ant tallny .oratched i 2:-3P"The Cleveland Herald, in an anti- i "yes:: off their amendment tickets and cle upon the recent elections in Ohio, ac-' substituted "no." The streets on election counts for the defeat of the negro-suffrage 1 day wore filled with strange negroes who amendment as fellows: disappeared next day. If Hayes is elected, "There was a_ very heavy vote polled_i it will be owing to negro votes entirely, against the athendment by young men— 1 as it. is said that in many other 'places ne particularly such as were casting their' groes were allowed to vote. first vote—out of sheer prejudice against Hays is counted in by a very small ma the negro ; an unreasoning impulse, that partook more of the: element of mere jority, which is thought to be more than pride of opinion and ambition to be tho't ' made up of negroes, and therefore illegal. independent in political sentiment than of But the legislature is white, and will any settled conviction of duty: Personal- elect a Democratic U. S. Senator in place ly these voters cared but little about the i of Ben Wa d e matter, and did not care to useany argu- 1 tnent, save that they "could not go. the nigger " The Age, in commenting on the above, says that the young men in all parts of Is • ••••••,‘ el IrravrA and negro equality, but the Herald is mis taken in supposing that this course is not dictated by a 'settled conviction of duty.' The young men are just starting on the race of life, and they do not wish to be crowded and jostled by the negro. Their fathers were not, and they do not intend that the rule shall bo altered. White me chanics are opposed to working side by side with negroes in the workshops, and clerks prefer white comrades in the coun ting room. White lawyers are not in fa vor of black men being admitted to the bar, and white doctors would rather hold consultations with one of their own race, than be compelled to consort with a ne gro. Thee are iew s and reasons which in duce young men to not with the Demo cratic party in opposition to the negro policy of the Radical party. Further than this, the young white ;nen of the North do not intend that negroes shall be forced into cars with their mothers, wives or sis ters, nor into schools with their children. Young men also have a deep interest in the intelligence of the jury -box, and when the Radical party proclaim their inten tion of placing negroes upon the jury, it is no wonder that they are opposed by that class who are at the head of all busi ness enterprises. Young men do care about the "matter of negro suffrage." That was; proven in Ohio and in this State, and they have acted and will act %mit A Republican Victory. In the midst of the shower of Demo cratic triumphs and radical defeats, we must not neglect to note a Republican victory. In Virginia {we hardly know whether the rads call it a State or Terri tory), en "election" was ordered to be held on Tuesday last, to decide for or against a convention, and to elect dele-• gates to the same, if held. Each party (whites and blacks), had their candidates. The polls closed at night without a black victory. On Wednesday the " voting " was resumed, with no different result.— So on Thursday the polls were again opened that the darks might take another tarn. Otcourse there is no law for this ; but it is a "military necessity" with the Republicans that they carry some election. So the darkeys were drummed out with their clubs, knives, and pistols; white men were hustled out of the way of the "coming man ;" troops were on hand with fired bayonets to maintain order I and the voting again- went on in a style that rep resents the "freedom of the negro." If a "colored brother" was found with a white ballot in his fingers, he was talked or clubbed into obedience to the loyal league commands. Sc everything went lovelrfor the - few white managers who "run" the colored men under military rule. But no risk was to be run by the party that bad voted three days in succes sion ; and to render succeSs certain, the 'voting was continued until some time in the night of Thursdayso boasts the Philadelphia Inquirer, a radical organ.— Friday morning the result was announced; the Black Republicans - -had won l—the ‘i union "--of' colors—party have a small majority'of the convention—the darkey has his heel upon the necks of the white men of Virginia; in short a regular. Re publican victory had been won- after a contest of three days'and a night! k For the first time this year, the radical papers have soroctlApg to rejoice over. Greeley, who has - had nothing: , to- feel good about since lie bailed Jeff Davis, indulges in a double-leaded leader; and the small-fry organs echo the chorus of a aegro victory. Well, let 'em shout till they hear from the white men of New York and New Jersey. larLAdies' and Children's rancy Furs at J . ohn_Fareira's,4l6 Arob street,Phil -4404-41.ixtk lame. Read' Wadv9r aseinfq4 g1*"11. California again Democratic. Another State election was held in Cal ifornia last week for Jtadgo of Supreme Court, and other officers. The result is as..beretofore.--the radical incumbents wnippea out of their ptauer, tams J./emu erats elected. TKO Golden State will remain in the Democratic column, and cast her vote for the successful candidate of the Democracy for President next year. Negro radicalism is played out—gone dead. " Side Issues." The radicals, in trying to cover up their defeats this year, allege that they lost on account of "side issues." If this be cor rect, side issues must be a very extensive thing this year, as the radicals are beaten on every side! Banner Township. As will be seen from the official vote for 1666, and 1867. JACKSON is the BAN NER TOWNSHIP; the increase In our Note over last year is about 20 per cent., while the radical vote falls off to near the same proportion. Which town will win the Banner next year ? Now that the tide has turned to our side once more, and Democratic victories come spontaneously, let every man resolve not only to be at the polls in future, but to see that his neighbors are all there, and our victories will be more emphatic. Under the greatly improved prospect, our county must poll a largely increased Dem ocratic vote next year. .This year, as usual, hundreds have remained at home, under that terrible delusion of " my voto won't mak6 anv difference." 166. 1;67. Judge Supreme Governor. Court. ~~~ 0 - o 5 *1 P co DISTRIICTS. : 1 1 td g ../ = ,r- C I 5 . > . m .. .1 E ri K In o ‘4. 1 kt o Auburn .... 286 144 237 126 Ararat 69 33 04 33 Apo'aeon.-- 23. 83 20 63 Bridgewater .. 171 193 137 173 Brooklyn 199 68 179 71 Clifford 200 90 175 ;3 Choconut..... 13 80 6 73 Dirnock . 136 126 118 123 Dundaff 30 21 28 20 Franklin 75 112 78 106 Forest Lake... 120 104 125 76 Friendsville 10 43 10 37 Gibson.. ...... 256 69 237 55 Great Bend... 182 :57 173 50 Great Bend - bo 68 'B4 45 77 Harmony 119 39 97 34 Harford. 176 142 146 124 Herrick. 119 56 99 48 Jackson 182 • 73 156 87 Jessup: 136 60 119 48 Lathrop 85 113 78 115 Lenox.., 212 152.0, 184 137 Liberty 91 107 84 98 Little Meadows 29 4 28 3 Montrose 290 48 245 58 Middletown... 53 109 45 112 New Milford.: 149 187 156 New Milford. h: 55 49 51 55 - Oakland 107 57 94 48 Rush 171 80 170 62 Susqu'a Depot. 225 173 207 127 . 203 86 193 76 Silver Lake... 61 131 60 105 Thomson. 81 4 46 •72 41 Total..; 4429 2981 3947 2690 Democrats in SMALL CAPITALS. Woodward's Majority. " The rote for Congress is as hereunder: I f aizerne. Susq's. Total. Woodward, , 10,155 4,884 12,839 Ketcham, 8,274 3,958 12,232 Majority for Geo. W. Woodward, 607 But by the blunders in this county, 216 Woodward votes were omitted, and 154 Ketcham votes; so that the declared ma jority will be 545. Poison's majorities were: in 1862, 1767,; 1864; 000 ; 1866, 2006. le' Whatever may be said of tbemer its,of the different sewing machine's now before the ,public, there, is certainly none that deserves 'more special mention than the Empire Sewing Machine. This ma chine is not only unsurpassed in sim plicity, durability and beautiful stitch, and adapted tO all kinds of family sewing, and noiseless when in operation, but is of, superior workmanship, combining use fulness with elegance. o, i in fact, a seeing m achine that every Nally would like tO havo;-4w44 ' Official Vote of Pennsylvania. 1866. 1867. Governor. Sup. Judge Cott .NTIEs Adams 2910 3126 2829 2437 Allegheny... 20511 12795 9904 16333 Armstrong . 3758 3078. 2934 3235 Beaver. 3310 2385 2278 2818 Bedford.... 2591 2835 2644 2305 Berks 7121 13288 11912 6117 Blair 3520 2768 2590 3113 Bradford... 7131 3091 2638 5646 Bucks 6805 7399 6910 6224 Butler 3544 3061 2662 2939 Cambria ... 2643 3295 3020 2068 Cameron ... 874 303 300 358 Chrbon..... 1906 2339 2124 1687 Centre 3094 3565 3473 2790 Chester.... 8500 6221 5853 7751 1776 2813 2603 1410 Clearfield... 1650 2786 2740 1477 einton .... 1754 2337 2228 1602 Crawford...Rin img /696 U.n. Cumberland 4030 4567 4231 3451 Dauphin.... 5691 4301 3847 5247 Delaware... 3647 2262 2148 3207 Elk 276 916 751 286 Erie 7237 3957 3428 5504 Fayette.... 3569 4359 3859 3184 Forest 100 76 319 259 Franklin 4299 4106 3962 3773 Fulton ..... 775 1055 1019 709 Greene..... 1699 3230 2753 1343 Huntingdon. 3248 2239 2258 3009 Indiana..... 4458 2109 1867 3608 Jefferson... 2015 1912 1851 1806 Juniata..... 1516 1814 1665 1368 Lancaster... 14592 8592 7475 12799 Lawrence.:. 3560 1410 1281 2833 Lebanon.... 4194 2690 2501 3625 Lehigh 4159 5731 5141 3514 Luzerne.... 8733 12387 10404 7985 Lycoming .. 3871 4448 4357 3004 Mliean .... 877 714 545 703 Mercer 4410 3757 3414 3935 Mifflin 1725 1835 1769 1565 Monroe.... 705 2699 2359 543 Itiontgoin'ry 7286 8342 7683 6386 Montour.— Liao Izog 1383 1006 Northamp'n 3859 6870 594 ...- Northum'ld. 3361 3829 3469 3023 Perry 2581 2495 2292 2427 Philadelphia 54205 48817 52075 49587 Pike 360 10S4 901 235 Potter 1346 620 481 1134 Schuylkill... 8793 10514 8380 7256 Snyder 1792 1326 1199 1630 Somerset... 3062 1759 1540 2756 Sullivan .... 436 761 683 421 Susquehan'a 4420 2981 2690 3997 Tioga . . 4791 1628 1425 4090 Union. 1991 1287 1200 1675 Venango... 4409 3492 2610 3040 Warren..... 2687 1572 1459 2131 Wayne 2357' 2883 2 5 86 2320 Westmorl'cl. 5046 6113 5645 4212 Wyoming .. 1408 1499 1474 1357 York.- 5896 8780 7671 4848 Geary, 307,274 Owner, 290,096 Majority, 17,178 Majority, Democratic gain in one year, 18,100. The vote for Williams includes the Fort Delaware fraud ; without this, Shars wood's majority would be greater—over 1,000. • zsr The Vote in Ohio. Tho official vote of Ohio, with the ex ception of ten counties, has been received and published in the Cincinnati Enquirer. Contrary to the general impression, the vote was a large one, showing an increase, in the counties reported, of 69,603, as compared with the vote cast for Governor in 1865. The total vote of the counties reported, as compared with that cast for President in 1864, is as follows : Radical, 1864 .235,654 Radical, 1867 • .216,672 Decrease........ Democratic, 1864 Democratic, 1867 Increase . 31,458 Making a Democratic gain over the radicals, of 50,440. The Legislature. , official returns show that this State stands asSollows: SENATE Rqpublican&.. Democrats ... Republican majority HOUSE. Republicans.... Democrats ..... Republican majority Last year the Radical majority in the Senate was 9, and in the House 24, making a majority on joint ballot of 33. This year that is reduced to I3—a gain of 20. That is doing gloriously under the infa mous apportionment. Inr* The Montrose Republican , the pa per of inconsistencies, has General Grant's name for President in 1868, and Hon. G. A. Grow's for Vice President, at the bead of its columns. Grant at present is a good man, and highly honored, but we greatly fear the eh° llout.pa fed editors of the country will succeed in making lam President. We repeat it—be belongs precisely where be now is, and is no more cut out for a politician or President than the editor of the Montrose Republican is. :—Pennsevanipn, At the election for Congressmen in Ohio last'year the Republicans carried 16 out of the 10 districts in the State. The Democrats. elected their candidates in the Fifth, Twelfth and Thirteenth DiA rims— the latter by a majority of 271, which Co lumbus Delano, the defeated candidate, is now contesting. At the election on the Bth inst., the Democrats carried 12 out of the 19 districts, and came within a hun dred of carrying two or three others. In the Thirteenth, which is being contested, the Democratic majority increased from 271 to 1,849. In every Republican Dis trict the majorities are cut down im mensely. In the Seventh District, which crave Hon. Samuel Shellabarger 2,171 ma jority last year, the Radicals escaped with a bare 95 majority at the recent election; while in the Eighth, District the majority was reduced from 1,852 to 62. In Ash let's (the impeacher) District there is nbw a Democratic majority. Will he take the hint? Shorewood, 267,746 Williams, 264,824 18,982 181,330 212,788 ....54 ....46 Results of the Vote in Ohio. rgrqn a country where the natural desire of the people is to reach the highest point in ART, it is very difficult for success to be obtained without the most arduous labor. Public opinion is extremely ex -0 • --- - • 1,..• ,fte•t criticismJust and cruelcriticismhas prod i ri tem the most beneficial results; the greatest im provements have been made under con tinued disconragements, and in many sue cesaffil efforts defeat seemed certain to all except those concerned. In no sue branch of art has there been more trials and fail ures, and in no single instrument is there so many different parts to perfect in order to make the whole. a success, as the Piano Forte; this is always attended with great expense, requiring large capital and pa tient perseverance. GROVESTEEN & Co., 499 Broadway, N. Y., commenced manu facturin! Piuuos thirty-six years a ! , o, and are one of the oldest houses in the country. They differed from the rent of the makers in this respect—they aimed to make the best instrument, and to tell it for the smallest profit. These Pianos to-day can not be excelled. Their singing quality is pure, full, and easily retained through the most lengthy passages. For power they are unparalleled, and are celebrated for their great brilliancy, exquisite touch, and elegance of style and fini,ll.--4w41. "No' Retaliation." Under thl'i rit nain, of the Chillicothe (Ohio) -ildetertiAer, thug hits the nail fairly on the head, speaking of the course to be pursued by the Democracy: "Our Radical friends are making inquiries as to what we will do with our victories, In answer, we will neither hang nor threaten to hang or imprison, or mob, or insult them for having an opinion different from our own. The majority in our Legislature will not refuse admission to the members from the Reserve because they ..ttinn not aerpnio m il: to us politics.. 4. vitt not, tor Ine purpose of' getting a two thirds vote, turn enough Radicals out to secure it ; neither will ap uoiut a committee to inquire whetlier Ashtabula and Lorain counties have a re publican form of government to secure a pretext for depriving them of representa don. The liberties and ticrlits of gadica k ls, under Democratic rule, will be as sacredly guarded and protected as those of' Demb crate. Democrats will use moderation and conciliation. They desire a return of fraternal feeling in our local communities as well as through the Union at large.— They will practice the religion of forgive ness and charity instead of that of hart and revenge, and seek - to speedily heal the wounds of the war, and restore good feeling and prosperity to all parts of the country."- The Vote in this State: The election in this State resulted in giving Democratic majorities in five Con gressional districts now represented by Radicals, and to reduce the majorities in three or four other districts to mere nom inal numbers. The districts gained are the Third, Fifth, Tenth, Sixteenth and Twenty:first. The last named is now represented by alligator Cuvode. ar In Montana the election for Dele gate to Congress is officiallyereported to have resulted in 6,004 votes for Cavanagh, Democrat•, and 4,896 for Sanders, Repub lican, a Democratic majority of 1,108. In California the judicial election which took place on the 17th inst. resulted in another Democratic victory. The tido of success is with us every where. Gar The people are paying Gen. Sher idan $5O a- day for military services.— With vanity supreme, and•aspirations for the Presidency which arc very far beyond his reach, he is showing himself around the country, instead of attending to his duties. But while he is visiting and elec tioneering in New England, the people are thundering warning in his ears. ear The Cincinnati Gazette (Radical) says: "A deadly political i simoom seems to have swept over the State, turning our great Republican majority. into dry bones." We had a touch of the same "simooin "; in this State, and there is a terrible shaking among the dry bones of thedßadical party. rfr' Mr. Lincoln left his widow and family money amounting to $85,000. Be sides this Congress paid to Mrs. Lincoln s2s,ooo—making in all $llO,OOO. Besides this there was real estate; $24,000 worth of finery given to Mrs. L. by contractors, &c., together with $lOO,OOO worth of goods belonging to the White House said to have been carried off by the widow. This does not look much like the "want" and "distitlition" she complains of, • IntiNTO—.dN AGIE2T=One chance In each tote, $$ worthy the attention of an acute business man, gay wilytrtistmtuts. to take the agency for the sale of Bradstreet'e Rubber Moulding and Weather Strips, applied to the sides, top bottom and centre of doors and windows. The sale is beyond anything ever offered before to an scent, and from $lO to $22 per day cdp be made.. Send for agents' circular. .-,Tbe ftratiaboltpply secured bargain. Terms I far moulding. cash. .I.4R:Bnamerztrair it Co., Boston, Mass. NEW HOLIDAY BOOKS. G. W. CARLTON & CO. PUBLISHERS. Lov4 LErrmls.—A selection of the must ahaorblng character and intere-t, from correopondenco ofcelebra ted and tiotoriona men and women, Price, $2 09 WIDOW SPETGors - R —A new comic volume, by the au thor of .• Widow Bedott.•• 11l natratcd. $1 75 A BOOK ABORT LAWYEP.P.—A reprint of the Intense curious London work, just publi2bed, $2 00 ErurrLss or Cor.iir O'Lears.—An irresistably laugh able book of solute opliiious. Illustrated. $l5O Wor..tsf's S'rnaTnar.—A splendid new Eird;ll Lore Storj. Beautifully and profusely Illustrate . $1 50 CONDENAED NOVEL& an i other Comic and Burhoop° Papers By Bret Barre ; Illnatrated. br) Tun CAI:Eno:I Putnn —A most delightful new home novel. fly Mary J. Holmes. ¢1 50 A ItTEltra WARD ry LONDOIC.—A new Comic Book by this great, author. Illurtra ed. $1 50 Sr. EL)IO.-By the author of "Beulah." Cne of the bkst and 112015 t popular Novels of tho age. far 00 THE CM-rurt Far —A magnificent illnetcated edi tion of Vita Poem. Elegantly bound iu glit, $5 00 BONE TO MANE "ONET AND nONE TO KEEP EL.—A Val— uable book that Vicry one should mad. IR 50 Trcr 114nrre or Goo SOCIETT.—An excellent vrcrrk, teaching good manners and behavior, $1 75 THE MIT OP CONTP.RSATION.— k book that. Cannot tail tu make alrnoat any one a good talker. $1 50 117 :VIM' or AMr 111 NO . —lnertrucurma 81:11.1 every sort or Home Amu:•ementti. f 2 py These books are all beautifully bound--sold every here—anci sent by mall, postage free, on receipt of price, by W. CARLETON ,t CO., Publishers, N. Y. NEWSabseriberr for DAP to the Illuqratecl Ptrurst °tool em, .louI:NAL. at ,S 3 It year. will receive Nuy and Dec. Nus. ar. FREE. A (Wrens S. IL WELLS, 389 Broadway, N. Y Ballou's Monthly Magazine, for 1.36£1. Enlarged to One Hundred Pages The circulation of BALLor's MAGAZINE haring Increa.ed dnring nrarly fifteen thonaand coptr,. and Drt er being Fo promniroun at , at pre,tent, the puh ll-'ner,, are thereby Induced to , tlll farther add to It f! Tait:, by rut:11 . 011g ouch number to one hundred paizeK. Al• bon :h this enlargtnacnt ,lIVOiVeR an additional vx pen Rome $5.000 a year, )et there will bean iu (rea,.inthe tree. NOW IS THE TIME TO GETUP CLUBS 'lmn3lQ :—..1.541 a year; reran copies. V. 00; twelve ; and a ropy gratin one To the per'on frudin_a Huh of noinher. 15 etnls St•nd Atalnp for npvel:nro copy. The Clkeapeet Mara zinc to the World: A di! ree.s ELLIOTT. TRONES Lt, TALBOT, /tattoo, 3T:I. Canvassers Wanted E are In Want of Can -- :l*.‘ng Azent. , for BO YN VV TON'S HISTORY OF riffi: YAM - . the most elegant idustrated worn ever ioi•ned in thin or any country. Apply for Gin ular to MEMMIZI DVERTNF.R'S C;AZETTE. N..w V.. 1. Price nd. ~Fnivrnd t.:l per year in advance. Sinv,le capies, Complete Lints ot r :ll'l\"bEt - kplkiii-irli-14.-.N.- 14;:iii and Wimrongill in Novelll r r•nrnher. A a romplctc het ()fall Itellg,lous 'Newspapers In A merits. WairEat 1611" cox' tf,—.4sa,gia coxi.cl.Bl, LOUIS & IRO!: Niiit'N 'FAIN RAILROAD COXPAS T. Seven per cent. interest. Fehrnary and A m.rnst. _ . These bonds cover a Road of 9i miies, finished from St Louis to Pilot Knob, and in first class order. and an ev_eitsion of about the name lerntth from Pilot Knob to Belmont. now rapidly Cline (1 - 11C1ing for %Illicit the pro ceeds of these bonds are to be :1,31, making a through route from St. Louis to Sew Orleans by rail The earn logs of the 91 mllas are $609.r.00 a year ; the net profits are now Fritlicient to pay the Interest on the entire amount of bonds. were they a:1. leaned. The basis of seenrity is believed to be beyond ibat of any other ;;i! "6. riliqtriSlli:Tee President, or to CLARK. DODGE Olt CO., eor Wall and William ate.. New York Cite. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. OPPOSITION LINE ALT—OEM -2 0 Et I%T I , EVERY TWENTY DAYS. Passage and Freight al Reduced Rates. For further information, npp;y to D. N. CARRINGTON, Agt., 117 Weqt st. - N Y. _ ILEISSOPIII LAN '-15.0011 acres choice e _ , irmin nod .11, Timber lands iu Southwestern Missouri. at $1.2.3 per acre (rsphi in ipts to suit. Title perfect. WM. 111ek0h, Jr, 'JO Broad elreet. New Ycrk city. HYDRAULIC RAMS, DEEP WELL ita 36"° FIL 32 1166CP . ELL\ a POWER PUMPS, Ma nnractured by COWING CO , SENECA FALLS, N. Y. E — IVERYBODY CAN err THEM OWN CLOTHING for Men or Boys, by aster, Parson's Self liattructl a t bauw. Complete set sent to any address for fit/ill: Agents order a *ample. Send .3 tampt, for terms and dr afar. lICLIDELL tt.. PARSONs, Uusdilla, N. Y. MADAME FOY'S PATENT CORSET SUPPORTER, Combines In one garment a perfect fitting Corset,and the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered thopnb lie. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shout tiers instead of the hips ; It Improves the form without tight lacing, ; gives ease and elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians. Sold at Ladies' fancy goods stores ganerally. and at wholesale 'hy .D. B. SA UN DERS LS; CO„ 96 Summer St., Boston. and 22 Walker street. New 'York. Also, by HENnir C. tilbona, 429 Market street, Phila ndelphin. and Svettatax, 11mm-us 8 Co., 21 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md. 411 JL lA A DAY made by any one, with my patent I.! Stencil Took. i prepay ?ample* free. Be ware of Infringers. My circulars will explain. Address A. J. FULLAM, Sgringfield, ermont. WE STILL LIVE I Do :'t be htfminagged by Impostors or " patent " ea,' iron or niaeleinit— Stencil tools." Send for our new entalottue of 131 PROVED STENCIL DIPS, 20 varie ties, all of Steel, carelull ytinlshed and tempered. S. A!. SPENCER .11 CO., Brattleboro. re. PAINTS for FARMERS AND OTTIFRS.—TIIR GRAFTON MTNER AL PAINT COMPANY are now manufactering the Best, Cheapest and mostarable Paint in nee '; two coats well put on, mixed wit pur,e linseed oil, will last 10 or 15 years : it is of a lig t t brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be cha , ctl to green, had, stone, olive..or drab, to suit the taste of the consnmer. It is valuable for Houses, Rallls, Fences, Agricultural Implements, Carriage and Car makers, and Wooden-ware. Ca nvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being fire and water proof,) Bridges. Burial Cases, Canal Boats. Ships and Ship Bottoms. Floor 011 Cloths, (one manufacturer ha ving used 5,050 bbls. the past year.) and as a paint for tiny purpose is unsupasseil for body, durability. elasti cltv and adhesiveness. Price, $6 per bbl. - or no Ihs.. which will supply a farmer for yetirs to come. War, ranted in all eases as above. Sent) for a itlrcular,v hick gives full partienlars. None genuine nuless branded in a trade mark. Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DAN IEL. BIDWELL, Proprietor, 254 Pearl et., New York. Agents Wanted. "TIORREY'S PATENT WEATHER STRIPS.---An ex• amlnatlon of Ita.merJt• will convince anrone that Torrey's Patent Weather Strips excel all others. Send for illustrated circulnr. Agents wanted In every town. E. S. & J. TOMMY & CO., Solo Manufacturers, 72 Maiden Lane, New York. WANTED—salesmen to travel and sell Goods by' sample. Go d wages and steady employment. Address, with stamp, HAMELTON, PZUEY it CO., Cleveland, O. ANTED-8 CENTS—To sell s live man In every IT scanty, , y bastussapavine s2so_per mouth ante. J. C. TILTON, Pittatn't rem 44: & 445 Brbadway, N. Y The Richest Man in the World. Txtruct of a Letter from Baton Solomon Retheehlld dated Paris, Bth April, ISA try Rae Fauby, St. Rouore: Will you be Mod enongti to hare forwarded to me here *.VO bottler of yodr Indian Liniment ; if you will at the same time time send the account. I will forward you the amount through Messrs. Belmont &, Co., New York. Baron Solomon Rothschild ltiavinT recommended to ma.y . of Ids friends btnjor Lone's Liniment. sod they bciue deAIIrOUS to orponre it. he should advise him to establith n depot lo THE INDIAN LINIMEYT, As a relief. ever ready; as a killer of pain, taken In wardly, or outwardly applied, haa no equal. Fur [Le relief and core df Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, Sprains, Bruises. &c. it is unequaled. It le also most etlic_tclons taken inwardly, In the cure of Cholera, Crimps. and Pains in the Sumach. Diarrhea, Dysente ry. Cholera Morbus, Cholera lufantnin, &c , and is without exception the most wonderfnl Panacea the world affords. No Family should be without it. Every Traveler by land or sea should have a bottle. Miners and Farmers residing at a distance from Physicians should keep it constantly on hand In ° of Acci dents or sudden attacks of Stomach Com pas plaints, its value catuet Ito estimated. Inghire fel' Major Lane', Indian Limmenf. and take no other, Price .50 cents per battle Pot pafe at wholesale and retail by Dews Banner & Co , 21 Park Row, N. Y. ; (Isle ft Roith mon. 186 Greenwich et. N Y. ; F. C. Wells & Co. 172 Fulton et., N. T. Chas. N. Crittenden. 38 6th Avenue, N y and by respectable Drnggirts throughout the world - None genuine unless signed by Jour; Tnomea I ass, anti roan teraigned by J T. LAM? & CO., Proprietors, Ida Broadway, N. Y. 'Send for Orel:der. Consumption can be Cured. The true Remedy nt last discrivered. tplcrern i s Fnesri MEAT (icor, prepared from the formula of Istof. Troa•- semi of Paris, curve Consumption. _Lang Diseases. litronchitio, Dyspepsia. Ilfnrnemne.General Debility and all morbid conditions of the system-dependent on this. ciency of void force. It Is pleasant to taster ands sin. ( - le bottle.w ill convince the Most skeptipul of the virtue of tho great healing .. remedy of the age. hoWe or Fix bottles for $5. Sent'by Express. ticnd by S. C. tr. II AM. No. ‘2,5 &out h 6th Id.. Philadelphia, end principal Druggists. Circulars scut free. A FZYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE, The Cheapest Book eser publishea. Containing neorly three hundred pogo., And 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anatamy of the Human Organs in a state ofhlealth and Disease. w.th a treatise on Early Errors,itslleplomble ~e nse'llo'nces upon the mind and body, with the an chor's Plan of Treatment—the only rational:and stie• ressfol mode of cure', Its shown by the report-of treated. A truthful adviser to ,the married and those contemplating matrlage, who entertain doubts of tioir physical condition. Sent free of postage to. anr ad dress, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or fra..ricnal Cur resey. by addressing Dit. LA CROIX. No. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consoltPd an on any of tlw diseases upon which Sh Is book treats. ei ther personally OT bymati. „V ed;clnes sent Lowly part of the word. . • VOW ATM COMING, And will present to any person sending us n clah In our Great One Price Sale, of Dry and Fa , cy Goode, &c.. a Sill: Dress Pattern, Piece of Isliceting, Watch. ac.,.lree of co•-t. entalottne ofrnfds.snde , sernple, see: to any address free. Address . t. S: Hewes & Co., 30 Hanover St.. Boston. MaSA, P. 0. Buz 5125. T.. ins n Ir4il 13.1. Lenien t You can have a beautiful Card Photoi,rrapi. ? m e 0; nen.e. (with circular' , of our grcilt Dry are Fancy Goods pale) by e , endinz iitanip for return postage to EASTMAN 1, KENDALL, t;:i }laborer St., Boston. Masi. tog It is the best ehanee ever offered to agents. One or two days' time will •ecnre a rood Sewing Machine, Watch, Silk Dress, or Revolver, or some other article of equal vane. Free of COM Agents wanted everywhere, tale nod f. rich. for tax hest One Dollar Pawnbroker's :Nile in the cone tr,.— Send for a eiruclar. S. C. TILOMPSo tCo : at Exchange Street, BORICII, (4.57r, 1e RANTED—agents to sell the bet onn Clow priced Sew , ng fachlne evers4,JV merle—either by the month 'or on tomtnip:•ton. Oov machine will sew. hem, fell, tuck and embroider equal to a high pr eel machine Cut any third stitch. aud II a ;mods wilt tear before the scam will give out. Frem $75 to 8200 per month, expenses paid.. Address BA KER SEWING bIACIIINE CO., CleTerand, 0. SHERIFF'S SALES DT virtue of a write issued by tilb Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna Cofmty, and to me directed. I a ill expose to Pale by public youltte a: the Cou: House, in Nontro•e, on.} riday. Nov. 15. 1657. at 1 n'• clock, p. m . the following described piece or parcel of land, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land lyind and be. Ind in the township of Briddewater. Susquehanna ('n. Pi nu'a, b , undedttnd described ins iOnOWP, to wit : On the north by lands of the lote J. W. Parker. deceased, and F. T. Boyd. on the east by the hidliway, known as the Chenango turnpike, and by lands of B. B. Little. on the west by lands of .Tarnes O'Brien and David H. Fnn cher, on tht south by lands or J. P. Bush and David B. Faucher—contaiiiind about 100 acres, with one from d house, two barns and ontbnildinds. Sc. one orchard, and abont 70 acres improved. [Token in execution the suit of Wm. P. heator npc of P. T. Fergerton sn George T. Heator. —ALS All that certain piece or p•Aci of land, nitrate lying and bring In the borongh of Stquehanna, D. pot, Sus quehanna county, Penn's. bot ided and Peecribed as follown, towtt : Beginning at n'po,4 on the n°rth Ode of limed street (so called), thence . by-rhe west line of a lot' of fl It. Simmons north Ig• west 129 feet to a post; thence by other lands of Wm. Dodson. north 87?.5• west to the east line of the lot known as the ; Bushnell lot ; thence by said east Due about 120 feet to a poet on the north side of said ntrect thence by thx , ..orth Fide o' Fuld street south Sttf• east dbont C 5 feet to the niece of beginning---containing about 7.200 f,..et of land and all Improved.} Taken in execution= the snit 01 William Dodson vs. 0. U. Simmons and 1. L. Meadwny. S F. LANE, Sheriff. Sherilre Office, Oct. 29,1867 .T. .113.9.13 - EISL era CPO., GREAT PIANO FORTE And Melodeon Emporium, 050 Broadway, New Yolk, and 69 Washington St., Chicago, Crosby Opern House, Wholesale Agents for the United States for Tim. Ktiohe d; Co's Celebrated Gold Medal X="lxi,a.coircortees. Also, Agents for A. H. OV.E: t CO., and other first class Pianos. P ianos. which, have the lamest and best assorted stock of Pianos. which, kw Power - and Sweetness of Tone, Easy sect AgreeribleTotich, and Beauty of Finish, have, 1 )9/ledges. been pronomwed unrivalled. Wbole , ale Agent. for Ceerhari, Needham et Co's Cele brated Mirmoniwmr, ifcimitono and Orgasm. Manufacturers and Importers of Musical IntdrutitChis, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. I Remember the place, J. BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, New Toth. and 69 Washtniton St., Chicago• GROVESTEEN -& "CO., 499 Broadwy, - *New 'York. 3PialaClo Fortes. Our Last new addition to our different styler is attracting the admiration of both cities and Populace. We mention specially, some of the claims of this new Piano. Believing the exterior should be as beautiful to the eye as melody is to the ear, we hate paid great at tention to getting them up In a style t r ia is conceded he nil who hare seen them to be the ha , °meet Piano Forte made. rhoy are an entirely new ttple, with roar lull round corners, heavily carved legs and lyre. Doe riehlj moulded, and contains our latest improred nets scale and action. The tone , ni melodious, and its adapt ability to passages of every shade of expreeslon. from the softest murmurs, the eressendo, and the F F. elys* the performer every advantage of the Concert grand.— Price $5OO. 1y44 Et DS .IP I .1C EL SEWING , MACHINE CO. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 616 Itrolawny, N.Y. Notice to called to our new and Improved Manufactu ring Machine, for Tailors and Boot and Shoo Fitters. Agents Wanted. to whom a liberal discount will be given. No consignments made. 14 T)EGRATII'S ELECTRIC a-Fpot isio 1•7 AmintamPlak