47t,114a1e014.1,1 , NIWINBNII - r • ,--LX-32.4plitoaa. atiei the death of thC flowers, - - And before they are burled in snow, There comes alestival season,., • - - When 'Nature to all aglow— ow with a mystical splendor "hat ritals the triglitness of Spring— • • Aglow with a beatity more tender , Thai' anght which fair Summer could bring Sortie spirit akin to the rainbow Then borrows its mag.icandyes, And mantles the far spreading landscape In Imes that bewilder the eye-=. The Son frombis cloud-pillowed chamber, Smiles soft on a vision so-gay. • And dreienas that his favorite children, The Flowers,`b.ave not yet passed away. There's a luminous mist on the mountains, .9-llght, azure haze in the air, As If angels, while heavenward soaring. Had-left their bright robes floating there; The breeze Is co colt, 60 caressing, It seems a mute token of love, And floats to the heart like a blessing From some happy spirit above. Thests.days, so serene and so charming, Awaken a dreamy delight— & tremulous, tearful enjoyment, Like soil strains of music at night; We know they are fading and fleeting, That quickly, too quickly, they'll end, And we watch them with yearning affection, As at parting we watch a dear blend. Ohl iiesiutifal Indian Sommer I. Thou favorite child of the year— Thou darling, whom Nature enriches With gifie and adornments so dear ! How fain would we woo thee to linger On mountain and meadow awhile, For our hearts, like the sweet haunts of Nature, Rejoice and grow young in thy smile. Not alone to the sad fialds of Autumn, Dost then a lost brightness restore, But thou bringest a world-weary spirit Sweet dreams of its childhood once more Thy !evilness tills ns with memort s Of all that was brightest and best— T.iy peace and se.culty offer A foretaste of heavenly rest. 661 (Ablratistuants. Only Direct Line to France. The Gotieral Transatlantic Company's Splendid Mail S , e.iinsbips : ST. LAURENT Tinceman Saturday, Oct. a PEREIRE DUCHESSF sat nrday, Oct. 19 VitiLE DE.' PARIS ..SAnsiosir Saturday, Nov. 2 LtrkOPL: LEX.IIIIE ....... Sat urday. Nov. la To Brest or Havre. (wine included,) First Cabin, $160; Seeond,Cabin, $B5. (in gold). There Steamers do not carry Steerage Passengers. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent, US Broadway, N. Y. "Beyond tile Mississippi:" A Compkte ilietory of Ike New Slates and Territories, _from the Gr.at River to Ike Great Ocean. BY .LI.BRRT D. RICHARDSON. . Its popularity is attested by the sale of over 20,000 copies in u single month. " Life and Adventuteon.Prairies, Mountains and the Pacific coast. With over 200 Descriptive and Photo raphic Views of the Scenery. Cities, Lands, Minos, People and Luriosities of the New States and Territo ries. To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Far West, this History of that vast:and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance_ supplying as it does a want long felt of n lull, authentic and reliable guide to climate, soil. products, means of travel, &c. Agent, Wartted.—S end for circulars and sec our terms, and a full description of the work. Address National Pubaslarig - Co., N S. Set enth St., Philadelphia, Pa. A' few more A gents wanted To take orders for onr popular Books and Engraving., en her on commission or salary. Car publications are standard A 0rk.,l Li the bast authors in the country, among which is Tiffany's Sacred Biography and History, Holland's Life of Lincoln, Abbot's II i story of the War, LI ead:ey's - Lite of Washington, key. S, Phillips' Christian Home, and others. &eats will not be required to canvass territory p, , 13- occupied, unless preferred. For particular.* ad Leese G LTD ON, BILL d.; CO., Publish. era. Sprl ngtirld,.!dues. A List of NewSpapers. 'We have published a complete List of all Newspapers in the New England States; price 25c. State of Icew York; price 25c. Del . Md., and Dist. of Col.; price Lit. Ohio: price tic. Pvansylvania; price tie. Indi ana,; pricsl.sc. ALL of the above for One Dollar. G. WELL & CO., 40 Park Dow, ti. Y. MADAM E FOY'S PATENT CORSET SUPPORTER, Combines in one garment a pi.rfcct fitting Corset,and the twist desirable Skirt Supporter evt r offered the pub lic. It place- the weight of the skirts upon the shoul ders instead or t he hips ; it impmves the form without ti4ht lupine ; gives ease and elegance ; is approved and recommended by physiclane. 31anufattured by D. B. BAUNDERS CO„ fit Summer St., Roston. r LIE CELEBRATED Estey Cottage Organs. J. ESTI: Y CO., Brattld,oro, • The Original Inventors and Manufacturers. Combining more -perfections than any other in the' world. Have taken the Ist premiums at all the principal Fairs In the.countrr. 395 Washington-st Boston; 917'Broome-st., N. York; lb No. 4th-et., Phila.; 115 Randolph-st., Chicago. Agents Wanted. T° - INSURANCEAGENTS ' &c., &c.—We wish N ,„ seem; an agent in every city of more than 5,000 population. to art for as in canvassing for busi ness. A man who is already established in some men putwu which allows him a few spare hours, can easily litcreal , e Lis income several hundred delbtro per year Titia is au opportunity for native men to secure a profit able mance:ion with the beet established Advertising Agenci in the United States. Address, With full par ticulars. reference, &c., GEO, P. EOITELL & CO, 40 Park Row, N. Y. WE ARE COMING, And will Present to any person sending us a club in our Great One Price Sale, of Dry and Fincy Goode, &c., a Sill: Dress tattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch. &c., free of cost. 'atalogne ofgoods. and sample, sent to any address free. Address .1. S. Hawes &, Co., 30 Hanover St.. Boston, Hass, P. O. Box 5103. fi A DAY made by any one, with my patent 14_ JLAJ Stencil ToolA. I prepay samples free. Be ware of infringers. Aly circulars will explain. Address A. J. ITLLANI, Sgringteld, Vermont. • To $lOO per month and travelling expenses, I paid good agents to bell our Patent Everlast ing White Wire Clothes Lines. State age. and address Am:nicer: Wute COMPANY, 102 Broadway, N: X. You're Wanted: Look Here! Agents.. both. male and female, wantedieverywhere to Fell the PATENT iIIIT.OVED INK REEERVOM, (by which Isom, one to two pages can be written without repieniabing with ink), and our Fancy and Dry Goods, etc. Can clear from t , it to $lO a day. No capital re quired. _Price 30 cents, with an advertisement do scribing an article for sale in our Dollar Purchasing Agency. Circulars sent tree. ..BASTALIN ICENDALL, C 5 Tianover St., Boston, Mass. PAINTS for FARMERS AND OTHERS.—THE GRAXTON MCKEE 4.. L PAINT COMPANY arktiow manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Dural)lee Paint in use ; two coats well put on, mixed with pure linseed oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it is eta light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, olive,tor drab, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns; Fences, Agricultural Implements, Carriage and Car makers, and Wooden.ware,Can vas, Metal and Shingle Roofs. (it being fire and water proof ! ) Bridges, Burial Cases, Canal Boats, Ships and • Sffl.p Botts:mt. Floor Oil Cloths, (one manufacturer ha ving used 5400 bble. the past year.) and as a paint for any purppse‘4lPunsupassed for body, durability, elasti city sutd.adhesiveness. Price, $6 per bbl. of SOO lbs.- which will supply a farmer for years to come. War, ranted in all cases as above. Send for a clrcular,which girealtdl particulars". None genuine 'apices branded bra - trademark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DAN IEL BLDWIILL, Proprietor, 254 Pearl et., New York. Agents Wanted. 6,9,00 AGENTS wanted, to sell Six New Inven tiong, of great value to famillee ; all pay Vert pruatli.'. , 'Send , ES ten end SD pages and sample 'grade.' .c,Agylits have Eigide.3lso,ooo. Eplakaim gown, I, Lowetl;',V.ses: , . El is•uritkavr. ONLY ., teil N., aujection cares Gonorrhces orialegt,in days, without noxious drugs, when all other remedies DIRRESIMBB3:3OIALB, Station P., N. Y. City. NEM A PIIVOIOLOOIOAL OF r itLIIRIAO33, TheCheariest !oak eve; pulAlehed. Conrainiyag" nearly ;three hundred pages, • And 130 tine platelt and engravings of the Antitamy (lithe Human Organs'in a state of Health and Disease, With a treatise an Early Errors, its Deplorable Censeguences upon the Mind and body, with the ate. thor's Plaa of Treatment—the only rational and sue. c‘essful , mode of cure, as showiaby the report of cases treated: A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent, ,freent postage. to any ad dress, on receipt of 9.sients in stamps or fractional cur reecy;by addressing DR. LA CHQIX,• No. 31 Maiden 'Lane, Albany, N.Y. 'rho author thay'be consulted up on any of the diseases upon which this book treats, ei ther personally or by mail. Medittines sent to any part of the world. Consumption , ean be Cured. Thetrue Remedy ht last discovered. Upham'S Pusan Maar .Corto, prepared from the formilla of Prof. Trous seau of Paris, cures' Contiomption, Lung Diseases. Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus,Genertil Debility and all morbid conditions of the system dependent on defi ciency of vatal force. It is pleasant to taste, and a sin glebottle will convince the most skeptical of the virtue of tho great healing remedy of the ago. $1 a bottle. or six bottles for $5. - Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. UP AM, No. Si booth Bth st., Philadelphia, and principal Druggists. .Circulars sent free. Manhood'and the vigor of youth restored in four'weeks. Shccess guaranteed. RECORD'S Essence of Life restores manly pow -11 froM whatever cause arising, the effects of ear ly Peruirionahabits; self abuse,impotency and climate, give way arpnce to this Wonderful medicine, if taken regularly according to the directions (which are very simple, and require no restraint from business or pleas ure.) Failure Is impossible. Sold in bottles. at e. 3. or 4 quantities••"ln one for $9. To be had only of the sole appointed agent In Amerten. HERMAN GFUTZEN,323 Bowery, and 205 2d Av., N. Y. Dor.'t be humbugged b 7 WE STILL LIVE! Impostors or " patent cast from or machine "Stencil tools," Send for our new Catalogue of IMPROrED STENCIL DIES. 20 var:le ties, all of Sled. carefully finished and tempered. S. M. SPENCER J., CO., Brattleboro, rt. AGENTS WANTED.—,.SIO to 820 a day, to introduce our new patent STAY? SHUT TLE SEWING MACHINE. Price sio. It uses two threads, and makes the genuine Lock Stitch. All other low priced machines make the Chain Stitch. Exclusive territory given. Send for circulars. W. G. WILSON CO., Manvfacturers, Cleveland, Ohio. Ono Dollar! One Dollar! - ! &GENTS WANTED everywhere for -LA- oar One Dollar sale. A Watch, a Tea Sett, a Shawl, a Dress: for one dollar each. Send in cts. and stamp, for two Cheeks and circulars givinc lull particu lars. Address ARLINGTON, DROWSE d CO., 573 Washington street, Boston. The Richest Man in the World Fxtract of a Letter from Baron Solomon Rothschild, dated Paris, Bth AMT., 1884, 25 Rue Fauby, St. Honore. Will you be kind enough to have forwarded to me here ;lid bottles ,of your Indian Liniment ; if you will at the same time time send the account. I will forward Non the amount through „Messrs. Belmont & Co., New York. ' Baron Sblomon Rothschild having recommended to many of his friends Major Lane's Liniment, and they being desirous to (maitre it, he should advice him to establish a depot in Faris. TIIE INDIAN LINIMENT, As a relief. ener ready; as a killer of pain, taken in wardly, or outwardly applied, has no equal. For the relief and cure of Rheumatic and N'euralgic Affections. Sprains. Bruises, &c. it is. unequaled. R is also most efficacious taken inwardly, in the cure of Cholera,' Cramps, and Pains in the Stomach. Diarrham, Dyeenta ry. Cholera Morhus, Cholera Infantum, &,c., and is without exception the most wonderful Panacea the world affords. No Family should be without it. Every Traveler by land or sea should have a bottle. Miners and Farmers residing at a distance from Physicians should keep it constantly on hand. In ease of Acci dents or sadden attacks of Stomach Complaints, its value cannel be estimated. Inquire for Major Lane's Indian Liniment. and, take no other. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail by Denies Baanes & Co., 31 Park Row. N. Y. ,• Gale Robinson, 186 Greenwich st. N. Y. ;I‘. C. Wells A:. Co. 192 Felton st., ; Chas. N. Crittenden, 38 6th Avenue, N. Y., and by respectable Druggists throughout the world.— None genuine unless signed by Jos: THON.AB LANE, and countersigned by J. T. LANE & CO.. Proprietors, 163 Broadway, N. Y. rg"Send for Circular. Proofs of the Superior Quality AZAERICAN 4 WATCH MADE AT WaLatisiczn., 3111 et, sssi. The American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, lees complex, more durable. better adapted far general use, and more easily kept, in order and repaired than any other watches in the market. They are Simpler in structure. and therefore stronger. and less , likely to he injured than the majority of foreign watches, which are composed of from 125 to 300 pieces, while in an old English watch there are more that 700 parts. How they run under the hardest trial watches can have„ is shown by the following letter: PENN. RAILROAD COMPANY OFFICE OP TEE GMERAL SCTEITINTENDEITT, ALTPONA, Pa., 15 Dec., 1866. Gentlemen: The watches manufactured by you have been in use on this railroad for several years by our enginemen. to whom we 'furnish watches as a part of our equipment. There are bow some three hundred of them carried ott!our line, and we consider them good and reliable time-keepers. Indeed, I have great satis faction in saying your watches give us less trouble. and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than any watches we have ever had in use on this road. As you are aware, we formerly trusted to those of En glish manufacture, of acknowledged good reputation; bat as a class they newel' kept time as correctly, nor have they done as good service, as yours. In these statements I am sustained by my predeces sor, Mr. Lewis, whose Experience extended over a series of years. EtesPectfully. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. American Watch Company, Waltham. We make now five diffavut grades of watches, named respectively as follows: Appleton, Tracy & Co., Waltham, Elms Waltham Watch Company, Waltham, Mass P. B. Bartlett, Rm. /Mary, ome Watch Company, All of these, with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted by the American Watch Com pany to be of the best material, on the moat approved principle, and to post:mks every requisite for a reliable time-keeper. Every dealer selling these Watches is provided with the Company's printed card of guarantee which should accompany each Watch sold, so that buy ers may feel sure that they are purchasing thegenuine, article. There are numerous counterfeits and imita tions of our Watches sold throughout the country, and we would caution purchasers to be ou their guard agaiakt imposition. Anygrades of Waltham Watches may be purchased of Watch - Dealers througlierat the country. EYRE'& . LANDELL, Fourth and Arch Sts. PHILADELPHIA, Are now offer* a NEW STOCK of The3r .r-4::).cocfigss o For the ' Fall Sales of 1067. SHAWLS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, AND STAPLy. DRY GOODS. Lots-at Goods received Daily. Sept. 110-6 w SOLDIERS', •BOUNTY PFS.SIONS, Etx3.42; aßaciri. 3pEt3-. MUM 4ndereigned, LICENSED - AGENT of the 'GOY- A. MIMI:ENT, taxing pbtaincd_the necessary forme, se.. will givelinpmpt *Mention to all claims intrusted to hie care. ,No charge npleseencceseful4- - CEO. Lirrit. Montrose, June (Ith, 1804. Waltham, Mass Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. BOBBINS It APPLETON, )32 Broadway, New York a I - ITA' RAILWAY.-O n and after MOir -ICJ day, Aug. pstb,..'iS6l, trains leavo Great tend at about the foirowing hours, viz.: GOING WEST. 5.53 a. in. Night Express, Mondays excepted, lor , Ro chester, Buffalo, Salamanca and bunklrk making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. fur all points West ; also at Binghamton for Syracuse ; . at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandalgna. 5"27 a. in. Mail Train. Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, -connecting ut Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.d3 p. m e •Day- Express, Sundays excepted, for Ro chester. Brink., Salatnanca,Dunkirly, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Sracuse : at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and areal Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for all points West and South. 4. 51 p. m. Express Sundays excepted, for Buffa lo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting^ with trains for the %Vest. 12.60 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West GOING EAST 7.13 a. m. Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Graycourt for New burg and Warwick. 9.00 p. m. Accommodation Train Daily. 2.00 p. m. Day Express, Sundays excepted, connect at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philad.dphia, Baltimore and Washington. 9'27 p. m. New York and Baltimore Mail, Suldays ex cepted, connecting at Jersey City with morning ex press train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington. and at New York with morning ex press trains for Boston and the east. 8.13 a. m. Night Express., Daily, connecting at Cray court for Warwick and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 10.20 a. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. WM. R. DARR, H. RIDDLE, 3 Gen't Passenger Agent. Gen'] Sup't Erlat.c)xxit.nirs' Patent Atmospheric CHURN DASH! Patented May 7, 1367. The most Important and Valuable Inven tion of the 10th Century. 1. This Dasher is superior to any other, by being as simple as the old Dasher, and combining the atmos pheric principles therewith, and the Butter Gatherer d. It is superior to all others, Inasmuch as the same power applied to this in like mechanical operations will make one fourth more reciprocations. .l. It is superior to all others, Inasmuch as it produ ces the Butter in a much shorter time. I. It is superior to any other, inasmuch as It produ ces a much better quality of Butter. 5. It is superior to any other Patent Churn, inas much as It is 500 per cent. cheaper than any other. It is well known to Dairymen and others, that Butter is contained in minute globules or sacks, coveted with a membrane, and requires the action of air to prepare the cove:trig to be removed by friction. The Scientific American s.tys : -If cream is dashed against a hard substance, or mashed between bars or rollers, It breaks the globules and becomes oily, by tlestroing tho grain. It should be thrown into current, and counter' currents by the action of air. causing a friction by the action of the currents against each other, removing the covering without breaking or bursting the globules." This is the principle n Web the inventor of this Dash endeavored to keep In view, and the result shows a much larger yield of Butter obtained in less time than by any other Dasher. . Experiments have proven that any other method ex cept pumping aft through the cream. wihmot penetrate sufficiently tooxygenize all the globules preparatory to concentrating the Butter. Throwing It into the air by clappers or old fashioned Bashers, does not sufficiently e:. - pose it to the air to bring Out the Butter. The above Patent Dasher has been purchased for Sus quehanna County by the undersigned. The process of churning, can be seen nt any time, inn Glass Chum. at Baldwin, Allen A, McCain's store. An agent will can vass the county soon as possible, to sell the Dasher for individual rights; also township rights will be sold. 3lontrose, July 23,1861%—U' A. BALDWESI. Please Read this Carefully. ripTIE subscribers have entered into ¢ partnership for Jt the purpose of carrying on the Iferrthant Tailoring bnsiness ; and hiving supplied ourselves with a nrst rate stock of materials, dachas Cloths, Cassimeres & Trimmings, We are prepared to furnish Coats, Vests,Pants,Overcoats,&o. upon very short notice, madein. the latest style, of the best materials, and at very luw prices. Weals() have fur HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, SUS PENDERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, and all the other articles usually kept in an establish ment of this kind. We maybe found in the rooms formerly occupied by G. F. Fordham, between C. N. Stoddard's Shoe Store and N. 11. Little's law office, west side of Main street, Montrose, iPa , doing business under the name of Morse & Lines. S. H. MORSE, - - P. LINES. Moutiose, May 28, 11367.—tf -' : *I / ;.~~1~~.~t,] ftifilll SRVIHG ENE! THE Singer Manufacturing Company have succeed ed in producing a Sewing Machine as near perfec tion as human skill can accomplish. To be had of MORSE & LINES, Sole Agents. For SuFguebanna County, gueceraeore of Read, Wat oue & Foster. Montrose, Jaly 23, 18437.—tf $2O. AGENTS WANTED- $lOO. Male and Female. to introduce our New Patent Star Shuttle Sewing Machine. It Is adapted tor,famlly use and Tailoring. It makes a stitch alike on both sides. Prieo only Twenty Dollars. Extraordinary Uities ments to Agents. For full particulars. address DIJMO.NT & WILSON, Jrily2-31no V‘iTzttei• IRV TM GOOD 1101111, AT THE MlLlLreima, .M 1.31.153. Three' Cheers . for Gen. Grant. Hip,' HURRAH! 3Prcrl". C7laaarlent3 WA, THE Hayti Barber, has removed his shop to the easement of 8.. L. Weeks' Wow Store, where he. 18 prepared to give good satisfaction. When I go to ex plain this subject /al/gime Sails to express it. ieFlußdred' Cars in 'loin. ougui,eudlpr s s ch Mates will suit, on first-class notes. Address (naming your proposed endorser,) "Agora, Montrose I'. O." I=l tife"ema Ace dentii: GENERAL INSURANCE' AGENCY, Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, 8 3 ,0 0 0,00 Insurance 'Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, 1,500,000 Lyconnag County Mutual Insurance Co.of !annoy, Penu'a, Capital and Surplus, Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa.. . . Capital and Surplus, Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, Inarmaine Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, (rOdhectittiflifticanf Life Inatirttnee CO:' of Hartford, Conn, paying 60 per cent. dividends to the/Lammed. • The notes giVen for half the premium la'never to be paid under any circumstances. he policy will al`elya be paid In full, and the notes given up. Capital, American Lila Insurance Co., Philadel- phis, Capital, Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kindavfaccidents Capital, Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart ford. Conn., Capita Laud Surplus, Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct., Capital, $500,000 Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, against theft and death Irom any cause. Capital, $500,000 ''All business entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD Fi. BROWN, Agents. tl7 - 0111ce first door north of" Montrose Hotel," west side of Public Avenue. 111. C. SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Solicitor. - BILLINGS STAMM, CIIMILIIB L. Buowx. Montros . e, Jan. let. 1841. ly . Liquoßs An extensive assortment o • pure Liquors for inedlca purpose , embracing nearly every kind in market, con stantly on hand and for eale by ABEL TERRELL. T WELVE YEARS REPUTATION has proved Dr. ED WARDS'Tar, Wild Cherry and Cough Syrup ! The most successful Cej 7 1 - .6 FA medicine to use nor Cold s , Infi i,n Coughs, 7 .. chills, Whooping Cough, etc. a Sold J - e)TI -- b - ) by all Druggists. Price `4, 35 and 75 ZI LI 12,1,1_1 - .cts. per bottle. [aept. 10-1 y• NEW FIRM. MUSIC & JEWELRY. TUHE subscriber baring , formed a parinersbip with MR. J. A. STEVENS, wishes to make his best bows to his old Customers, and inform them that the Mercantile Department of the business will herea.tcr be carried on by 0. D. Betnan Si Co. with Increased capital and facilities, a large .s'ock of New Goods in all departments, a store thoroughly refitted, and X 3 i-il.cpeossi Reduced. The - Watehalaking Department Is retained by me, and will receive my personal atten tion. I have secnred the services of MR. C. H. WO LD BYE% a gentleman wit o'has had twenty-five years In the best shops of Europe, and has no superior in the coun try. I shall therefore be able to do nil work Within three days from the time It Is left. The Clock and Jewelry Repairing Will be owned by Mr. Stevenr. who will do all work in that line promptly, and in the beet etyle. 0. D. BEMAN. eCI) ICJ FL $3 r ir C 7 IC. will consist of a full assortment of the following goods, suitable for this market, which will be sod as low, and Many of them lower, than by any one else thin aide of New York city. Read the Catalogue. CLOCKS & WATCHES. American, Swiss and English, both gold and silver Allstyles,includingtheircelebrated Calender Clocks, which tell the day of the month and week, also the name of the mouth, making the changes for every month correctly, with no care but to wind them once a weeek. Heavy. solid Gold Chains. Hooks and Keys. Fine sol id sets of Jewelry—Pine, Sleeve Buttons,' Studs, Ear hinge. WEDDING .RI.I7GS SPECTACLES. Warranted to lit all kinds of eyes SOLID GOLD ALBUMS. A neat little Charm holding eight small Photographs GOLD PENS. A tine assortment, with and without holders. Old ands repointed. SOLID SILVER WARE. Made to order of pure Coin, consisting of Spoons, Forks, Thimbles. Butter Knives, Napkin Ring,s, Fruit Knives, Vest Chains, &c. PLATED WARE. The best in market—single, double, treble aid tined ruple plate, and wArtnAvrtii—from a full Tea Set down, includin Castors; Cake and Card Baskets. Ice Pitchers, Waiters,'Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowl's, Cups, Tea Bells, &c.‘tc. &c. PIANOS Manufactured by Decker Brothers, which, with their late ImProvetneuts,surpass those of auy other makers. Also, Bradbury's New Scale Pianos—O splendid instru ment. Other Pianos from $350 to WO. CABINET ORGANS, From $llO to sl_'oo—warranted for five years. They are the finest reed instrument in the world, and Lhave only to say that I have sold nearly $15,000 North of them in the last four years : and they are all in good or der and have never cost my customers meant for repairs. • VIOLINS, GUITARS, &c. Violins from $5 to $5O, Flutes, Fifes, Clarionets,Bart os, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tuning Forks, dm, BRASS BANDS Supplied with Instruments of the best American man ufacture, by the single instriamsat ok•iullact, at the ma ker's price--ralso music for y number of instruments. Instruction Books and S eat Music on band, and new supplies received every we k. Piano Stools fro= $6 to $l6. Perfect Sewing Needles We have the exclnnive agency fcir R. J. Roberta' Pa tent Parabola Needlee—the best in the world, Try one papei'and if not Oatisiied the money will be refunded. Fire Arms and Sporting Materials. Allen's, Spencer's, and Henry's Breech loading Ri fles, all El tyles Revolvers, Fowling . Pleees, Shot Belts and Powder Flasks, Cartridges for all the U. S. Army guns ; also U. S. and other .Percussion Caps, Cooper Cartridges, all styles and sizes. 0. D. BEMAN. Mojitrotie ' . 1.7.-t1866 The Great Cause of Human Misery. thud Published in a sealed Envelope. Price six alit!. WA Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA., A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrncea, induced by self-abuse : Involnatary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gen erally ; Consumption. Epilepsy, and Pita Mental and Physical incapacity; &c:—By ROB. J. CULVERWEL M. D., Author of the " Green Book," &o. The world renowned author, in ihis admirable Lee tire, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self abuse may be effectually to moved without medicine, and without dangerous stir glcal operations, boogies, instruments, rings, or cor dials, pointing out a mode of care at once certain and effectual, by which every , sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. mayeure himself cheaply. privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands. Bent under seal to any address, plain sealed en velope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Colverwell's " Marriage guide," price 2$ cents. Address the pnblishers. _011,48. J. C. KLIAE ce CO., 127 i3owery,• New YOrk, Post °Zee b0x.4680., • .2lfarch.lo,lB6l—lismp. 40WAXIDAisoclation;PhiladOlt/ . Diteaees'of theNervono,Semintil. Uri naqand sex na avatenw—new and tellabla tfeatinent—iireporie of the tiO,W. 4.ItDiAIIBQOUUII. why X 3depta etterienvqesstree of cfiarge. MV.VSIIIJr b HOO r GhtliN, dweid .&liodatlon ;No $BOll . 9tb 'Wee Philadelphia, Pa. 35/Lcontrconie, Pa. WATCHES SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, JEWELRY. A largo,llne assortment •MUSIO. IlltintliCIISECOT SETI*:;,,N4cnINO, 1,200,000 FOR FAMILI'ES MANUFACTURERS. 2,500,000 THESE WORLD RENOWNED SEWING 'MACHINES Were awarded the highest. Premium at the World's Fair in London, and Six firqt premiums at the' New York State Fair of 1868, and are Celebrated for doing the best work. using a mach smaller needle for the same thread than any other ma chine, and by the Introduction of the most approved may hlnery, we ate now able to supply the very beat ma chines In the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., . under the immediate supervision of the President qf the Company, Elias• Howe, Jr., the 10,000,000 1,000,000 $1,583,163 ORIGINAL INVENTOR OF THE SEWING MA They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to the are of seamstresses, dress makers. tailors, man ufacturers of Shirts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas, clothing, hats, caps, corsets, boots, shoes, harness. Sa d linen goods, umbrellas, parasols, etc They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton gbods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will neam, quilt, gather, fell, cord, braid, Watt, and perform. every species of sewing; making a beautiful and perfect stit h, alike on both sides of the articles served. The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe,and made on this Machine, is the most popular and .durable, and all. Serving Ma chines are subject to the prin ciple invented by him. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. SIBLEY & STOOPS, . General Agents, NO. 922 ORESTNUM ST., PI-11VA. Feb. :26, 1667. MINER & • COATS, Slain Street,-6 doom below Boyd's Corner, Montrose. ['ma, GRIPERIES, AND We are constantly receiving end now have .n hand, a fresh stock of Goode in our line, which we will sell CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED, &e We have refitted and made additions to our Stock of Pails, and ard now ready to forward Butter to the beet commission liodees in New York, free of charge, and make .% era! advancements on con signmen ts. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing else where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY & CHEAP PRICES C. G. MINER, - - . Montrose, April 16, Mt HUNT BROTHERS , t... 191,., ' :VoleB4ke A Retail.Dcalerairk , EillaD Vital& ] it) riz • STEEL; -.NAILS, tAIMOVVAILiA, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK T RAIL SPLYES RAILROAD & MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE .SPRINGS, AXLES. SKEINS AND BOXES, .BOLTS, NUTS ithd WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE. IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, ' " •-• FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, fie. ANVILS, VICES; STOCKS. and DIE 4, BELLOWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES.TTLES,'&e. Ac. • CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BOLTING, PACKING , TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR A GRINDSTONES. FRENCA WINDIOW GLASS , LEATHER &FINDINGS /FAIRDANK'S SCALES, : Scranton, Sarah 24, MI ly I J. A. STEVENS Baldwin, Allen, & McCain . DEALERS , IN ' Flour, FiTd, -. Salt, Pork, Butter, 'Cheese, , Dried Bee; Rains, Fish, Smoked 'Hal. • ibut,' Candles, Tea, Coffee,'Szsices, Syrup,-Afolassea, Sugar:. Seed; Wheat,' Clover it Timothy Seed, Flap : seed, Beans, BroaMs Nails ifs: 'fkei Thankful tor paat.plittrule, we 'iblllfijkaDlirti gge and watt upon 'our oldtnd leetatomans. All GainlanirdPlbanwarYdntad. AlltAtt%shiti =Clf &SIN. Montages, Feb. 5,1867. 699' BROADWAY, NEW YORK. PROVISIONS, for cash, or exchange for produce GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, • LARD, of our Goode Mewiraxia. • • ;1: ; 23 . , B 3:5r. &; B oDjwesia g rrITE STEVENS AOUSE Is well and Widely known to the travelling public. -Theloaatlontifespecially suitable to merehanta and business men ; It is ln clos e proximity to the business part of the city—ls on the highway of Southern and ASvestern-trevel—and adjacent to all the princip_al Ra il road and Steamboat depots. , „Tito Stevens PiNIK.B has liberal accommodatiops for over 30d guests—lt Is well tarnished, and peasessei ev ery modem Improvemtnt fotthe comfort arid entertain- , meet of its inmates. ,Theroores are spacteus and.well ventilated—provided with. gas Lad water—the attend ance is prompt And respectful—ftl the table la supplied with every delicacy of the season—at moderate rates. . . GEO. it. CHASE & CO.' may?-Gm • • ...Piumanrrama, - . TO TUE LADIES ' L Dr. Driponco's.Golden Periodical.Pille for females. Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills. • • . Da.-Velpatt's Female Pills. • ; , . Sirdames Clark's Female Pills. All of the above Pills are infallible-in correcting menstrual Irregularities, and in curing Lenchorrea or Whites. They are succeasftil as preventlyes-rbn, taboold not be used during preg,nancy, as they Wbnid_prodnce abortion, Pee°, one dollar per box, esebi , The Brat two kinds named sent by mail, to any address. portage paid, in Foaled envelope, on receipt of one ' dollar for each box ordered. The latter two, kinds, belne la gl ass , and heavy, will be sent by !hall, postage' paid, on the receipt of one dollar and twenty cents. . Address ABEL TURRELL, Druggist, Montrose, EIELANSIARE, LACKAWANNA and WESTERN R. R. Summer Arrangement, He:. PASSENGER TRAINS LAY . ~ . . WESTWARD. . • I EASTVIrARD. . ' iiinil Paenngr /daft Paenger train. train. I STATIONS. Itrain. train. A. IR. 'A. 111. P pl. P. 51. i 9,00 New Yorii• - ...... ...:. 15, 1 11;30 New MIMI:4On -•• • • • 2,30 . IT, 12,18 Manunka Chunk.... 1,85 a I LI 45 Delaware .... Dine... ~ 1,30 1r .,, 4,30 10,10 Scranton ....... ........ :9.45 0,20! 5,33 I 11,43 Nteholeon „. '8,85 . !AI, O . 5,68 12,08 zi 6,20 12,,38 a 6 . 41 1.08 e. 100 I 1,35 CONNECTIONS-WESTWMW. The Mall train from New York connentis at Ma. nnnka Chunk with the train leaving Philatd'aMenstne ton depot) at 9,00 a. m.. and at Greatßenikwith dironeh mail train on the Erie Rail Way, with sleenini car at tached. stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6,1 S a. m, The 1 assenger trait from Scranton connects it G r't Bend with through trains going, west and. east 9n Brie Railway, arriving at Banta at 1,22 a. m.; and at Sala manca at 12 m. • • CO NYECTIONS—EAFtWABIYe The Mail 1 ruin from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway (rem the vela ; at lianuuka Chunk with a train for Ph ilad'a and Intermediate stations, arriving In Philadelphia at 6,30 p. in.; and at New Hampton with a train for Dwell _Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harriliberg; at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. m. At Scranton. connect ions arc made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R. to wild friimPittsten liingston, Wilkeaharre, Berwick,Blootastrtirg,Panvilie, Northumberland, Harrisburg and in termedtate sta t ion A, and with trains on the Delaware and Haddon Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate Stations. ' R. A. HENRY, J. BRISBIN, Juno 11. General Ticket Agent. President. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R. ( - I N and after. November 27, 1865, passenger intim ll will run as follows: A. Y. A.'ll. P. N. Scranton, 5:50 10:50 450 Kingston, , 5:55 11:15 6:20 Rupert. 9:15 8:59 " Danville, 9:50 9:7.0 Arrive at Northumberland, 10:30 10:15 NORTHWARD Leave Notthambeclrnd,- 8:00 . 8:95 Danville, 8:40 " 3:40 Rupert, • - . , 9:15 A.'. 4:75 Kingston, 2:35 , 8:30 - , 6:55 Arrive at Scranton, 8:45 9:85 ..' ,- 8:10 Passengers taking train south Iran Retintori et 5:50 a. m. via Northumberland, reach Harriaburg at 12:50 p. m.; Daltlmore's”3o TO. m.; Washingtonlo:oop. in.; via Annan reach Philadolphis at 7:00 p. m. • Kingston, Nov. 25. ILA. FONDA, Supt. IPIOLTTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thorongialy reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strentheiting and cleansing, the spinach and Intestines. . . It is Imre preventive of all diseases incident to this animal, such its Lung Fever, alauders, Yellow Water. Heaves, Congas. Distemper, Fevers, Founder. Loss of Appetite' and Vital Endrgy..te, Its use improves the w Ind, Increases the appetite. gives a smooth and glossy skin, and transforms the ndserable skeleton into a tine looking undsplzitedhorse. TO BEEPERS OF - COWS, this preparation is invaluable. It increases the,quanti• ty and improves the quality of the milk. Ithas been provenby actual experiment to increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent and make the but ter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, It gives them an a petite. 100 is their bide, and .tuak. them thrive much faster. IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lung, Liver, &c.. this article acumen specific. By putting from one half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. if given in time, a certain preventive and core for the 800 Chole ra. Price Li cents pet paper, or 5 papers for $l. Pre pared by W. R. COATS at their wholesale Drug and Medicine depot, No. DS Franklin ist„ . jialtimore. hid. For sale by Druggists and stOroV6:kyieri throtmhont the United States: tlifFor sale in ; .lll4atrope by nov2l ypcile ADEL TURRELL. SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY HAVING secured the Pervices of Mr. 11. Zoehe;one of the beet binders to be found In the State, We are preared to fnnaish to Baukcinsuranee Companies Merchan p M ts, anufacturers, Coal operatore,Motels and others, with BLANK BOOKS, of every description, °nand notice, bound in any style desired, in the most substantial manner, at reas onable prices. Ignitable& bound, and old books rebound, at New York prices. Orde:s left at the office of the paper publishina this advertisement, or sent.by Express, will be attended to and returned without unnecessary delay. E. S. E. HILL. Scranton, Pa., June 18, 1867. tf N...ft-NY GOODS - • WOULD -inform hie' friends and tbb public tbat be baa in atom and la receiving largo' and now sup plieck of includingnverT kind of GOODS usually wanted MOJA market. •' I downpurchases being made since the break of prices,vvilk enable him to offer th emt Divot. able inducements in prices, style and variety la Dry: &ON.. Groceries, ttrockery,'.llardware , Stoves; Doii, Drugs, Paints,' Oils, Carpoting, . Window :Shafies, .1 foots if: Shoes, •-eke. etc. and will be sold for testi, Produed; or approved credit NOW Milford, June, 1867. ; • BLACKSMITHING:- undurelitled , hive Mile 'dai illimeikeoltarteer• ship, under the firm name of - Stenap'•4s' Mora% tot the purpose of inutying on Blackendthlot In branches. ,larstitat attention will he given to Tinieeielle.o l Dg• All work will be deineineailiiiid lie iiroinattedatetall: N. P. STAMP. Moutivee, Marsb 40, Mc. et 1?, 7. MORAY. 3Trtilroaaeti'v 9,18 7,55 7.44 7,15 A. 11 ftflophottom Alontroee New Milford Great Bend •Foot of Liberty-el SOUTIIWA RD DAVID. E. FOUTZ. 4,05 a 3,35 3,05 2,40 P M