The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 01, 1867, Image 3

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TVESPAY, OCT. 1, 1867.
The Tickets.
Our tiukets will bo reildy for delivery
Node of Voting.
As the law of the State stands two tick
ets, or slips, must be voted at the coming
election ; the one to be labeled outside,
"Judiciary," and to contain the name of
the candidate for Judge of the Supreme
Court ; the other to be labeled "County,"
and to contain the names of all other offi
cers who will be voted for this fall.
Tanneries turned.
The tannery of J. llosford, at Friends
ville, was de,troyed by tire on -Monday
night of last week. not known to
us at this writing. Insured for $3,500.
The tannery of Moss & Knapp, at New
Milford, was burned on same night. Loss
$8,000; insurance $5,000.
No particulars iu either case.
Exhibition ,
Prof. Towne's moral, intet•esting and
pieasina exhibition can he witnessed at
the old Court. House in /Montrose on Fri
day and Saturday evenings of this we ek.
It embraces three complote oxhibitions,
all for 25 cents; children 15 cents. It is
reputed to be a capital entertainment.
Go and • see it. See posters for particu
lars. Satisfaction warranted.
Caution to Soldiers.
Our exchantz ,, s are cant ionirg, veterans
through the country • against parties rep
. themselves to be sent from
Washington, with instructions to soldiers
and claim agents fu. the collections of ad•
ditional bottni ie.., and also stating that the
soldiers of IFt4l are entitled to one hundred
and sixty acres of land. The object . of
these parties appear to he to obtain the
dates, number of regiment and officers'
signatures as they appear upon di-charge
papers ; with these dates, tOrged apPdca
for pay would probab y be made out.
The Republican quietly announces in its ,
"local" that the "bovs'' ',timed Andrew
Johnson in effirry in Montrose a few days
since. Yes, Mr. ltepnblican, when you'
have got a mean job on hand the "boys"
are railed on. AN ho threatened to "rut"
the DEM , CRAT offire in Montrose five
years ago ? Wh \ o tore down the hand-
kits of Democratic meetings in Montrose?
Who threatened to imprison Democrats
for speaking against President Lincoln in
Montrose in 1861? Who encoura ! , ed and . .
executed various other mean acts in Mont-•
rose, against the freedom of speech and of
the press for the last six years? Why,
the "boys" to be sore! No sir; boys are
usually just,genenms, right, unless other
wise taught. No, Mr. Republican.—
rather say "we who claim to he men, did
this, and other mean thin , r," using the
"boys" as the tools to do what you dare
not do yourselves. Once w6s the time'.
when men were taken to prison for speak
ing of and discussing the measures of
President Lincoln. It was treason then to
speak ag ainst the President; now it is
right to burn in effily.
To barn or hon,/ in effigy, is to in some
measure/degrade one they can not appre- ,
bend, in France. The Republicans here
are imitators of the French Jacobins, ;
therefore the thirst for blood ; and when
they cannot, get the very bo,iv to burn,
they, in Montrose, take old clothes and
straw—provided the negroes furnish them:
You once hung and burned Andrew Jack
son in effigy, and stack up "coffin hand- ,
bills" of the military despot, as you called
him; but now you try to lade ) our polit•
ical deformity and hermaphrod,tism of
race, with the old hero's mantle. Shame
on you, Republican, to accuse the bo.j of
Montrose with what those who call them- ,
selves men were the insti . !rators. E.M T. I
Lathrop, Sept. 17, 1867.
I —Since mgroes have been admitted to
in .Cull r tS, swarm, of them ha , l, a.
Baron Solomon Rothschild recently
sent ! nom' the mayors' and aldermen's .ofiicest
in the South making it a busit,es , to hire
an order to J. T. Lane (Sr; Co., of New
York, tor two hundred bottles of their i themselves out aBwitnesses.
celebrated Indian Liniment. A better eer- !
tificate than this of the value of the reme. • —ln view of - the' late e'eci ions and con
dy in question, could not be procured,and Eeql 1 e n t consternation of the Radicals, a
the medicine itself has no equal in cases ef corponant-of the Charleston Mercury
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, • suggests that they have their party name
changed from Black to Blite Republicans.
Cholera, etc. The neat form in which it
is put up renders it easy of ttansporta-
The Augusta Corastituiionalist trust that
tion, and every traveler should have a but
! tine coming elections will beat them both
tle for a constant companion. It is ad• i black and blue
vertised in another colum, and We invite
our readers special attention to it.
itgr'While the late civil war wag in
progress the Radicals said the seceding
States were not out of the Union, never
had been, and ',never would be permitted
to separate themselves from the national
authority. Now, when the war is over,
and hundreds of thousands of lives have
been lost, and hundreds of millions of dol
lars have been spent in defense of the flag,
the same Radicals say that the seceding'
States are out of the Union, have been
out all the time, and shall not come 'back
until they promise to permit negro suf.
frage, and vote the Radical ticket. IA it
not about time to rebuke the hypocrisy
of such arrant Pharisees?
—Within the whole range of tonic and
alterative medicines known, none is en
titled to more consideration than the Pe
ruvian Syrup. In all cases of enfeebled
and debilitated constitution it is the verfr
remedy needed. The most positive proof
of this can be . midi:used.
• ,Pelitical -Changes..
30610'c - tat I Last-year, the Radical majority in Pcnn
.—./ sylvania, in a vote of over 600,000, was
17,168. Should the Democrats gain pro
portionately in this S.ate as tlifty gained
in the ? Ruben's will be beaten
abort ;0,000 votes ! In Ohio, at the last
elpvt ion, the Repuldican majority was 42,-
646, and a gain .qua! to that of Maine
would give the Democrats about. 12,000
majority. In Indiana the Republican ma- i
jority last year was 14,202, and the Deiry
oorats, they can have about 34,000 major
ity next month, by doing as well as their
brethern in Maine. Applying the same
rule .to New York State, and the resat
would be astoundin g . Fenton's majority
last year %vas 13,680, and at the rate of
the gain in Maine, tile Democrats would
have a tnajority of a round luo,ooo I
That Judge Woodward has been nomi
nated by the democratic masses because
he is a true, an earnest and a patritilic
democrat.. lie has not souzlit the'-;4ce
—it seeks him. No true democrat, no
matter what personal grounds lin may
have, can refuse to vote for such a repre
sentative, so put forth. Be firm and
thorough iu 3 our
,democrauy, now when
the salvation of the nation di-vends on
the genuine party of the people.
The Republican Issue.
The Harrisluirg Telegraph, the central
organ of the Republican party in Penn'a,
comes squarely out in litvor of negro suf . -
fra , re in this and all the Northern States.
But it has not the tnanlin!ess to propose
its sninnission to a vote of the people of
the States. It evidently fears the people,
Won't it designates as " vulgar, ignorant
and prejudiced," and calls upon Congress
to do hv usurpation that which it lear.;
the whole people of Pennsylvania and
.o , her Northern States would not do it'
eft free to act for themselves.—Ex.
A Question.
In all fairness we ask of the voters of
Pennsylvania one question. Are You in
tai.or of having the vote? The I
reason why we ask it is this: wherever 1
the pre-ent party in power have had the
ascendency, they have pressed upon the
people negro suffrage; and in localities
wh,re they were not sure of their po-wer,
as in Penn , yivania,thi-v• have handled the
subject with gloved hands. The true ; g Card to the Ladies.—Dr. Duponco 9 s
Uniuti Inc In s g men of the country in our
Golden Periodical Pith. for Female's.
old Commonwealth do lot wish . to go to e4Ailyr .
o ng all
the polls with the negro. But it' the Ru- and .4:way:. Sl.ccex,fta ax a Pm-el:lire. w
.party should carry the tIeXt,.CERTAIN REMEDY fur an complaints so peceliar
election, we know what woull he the r e .. , 00 the `va. ‘ 17 ••• Dtitressit.j and Painful Menstruation,
@ult. Let us pause and consider. `fu..t e nii.m. Pain In th , .Back and Loin, Piessing Dom n
Pain, Rash of Blood to the Head, Dizziness, Dimness
of Sight, Green sickness, Heaviness, Fall,vue on any
Ez..ri ion, Palpitation of the Heart, and that most
annoying, weakening, and the begining of all other fe
male weakne-ses, The Lencontnes, or Whites.
If you are in favor of neoTo suf.
fra , re, vote fir Henry W. Williams, the
abolition candidate for Judge of the Su
preme Court ; and it you would not have
the negro vote side by side with the white
man, vote fur George Sliarswood, the
Democratic candidate for Jude of thr
Supreme Court. This is the question,and
you may as well tnake uh ‘.tur minds first
as itiNt to meet it. The Republican y
is trying to cover it up a I they can, but
the people are not to be deceived. They
will vote understandinoly.
ANY COLOR, Srl IT ' S Iltitc.N.: -The whit,"
of the border counlies of Perinsyl•
vama were robbed of Ihl it properly, food
aetl elothino during the war, but the
Iladieah: in Coiofress never voted them a
yarn of nitodin nr a pound or broad. Tilk!
Southern lieriroes lost muldzio and
evervtliifor, and the 1. olica•s; have fed an d
clothol them, al the public expense, ever
since their liheration Every man who
votes the Radieal ticket will approve Iho
preference of the ll.iidical C.,tigrf s 4 for
the lazy blacks,-and their cinitempt for
the impoverished whites.
—The !Democrats have, a majority of
twenty on j-int ballot in the new Legi-la
tore of C.slitornia. The It elicals had rix•
ty maj,.rity in the o'd body. L et t h e
tn ! .crals of Peon•ylvania remember
t hi- fact, and follow the example of their
California brethren at the cowing elec
Ear The elect ion of Judge Wood ward
in this District will show to the country
that we are in favor of constitutional lib
erty for white men. The election of
Ketcham, that you are in favor of negro
suffrage, negro equality, moral, social and
political, and all the measures advocated
by Stevens, Sumner & Co.
nr But once carry out the doctrine of
the Radical party and give the negro
equal civil, social, and political rights, and
what is to keep them out of the public
sehools,,out of the jury -box, from filing
offices and from even entering the family
circle ? Think of this you who are about
to cast your ballots with this party.
Advice to Democrats.
Thresh your buckwheat before the day
!of election, and then turn out en masse
'and thrash the Black Republicans.
—Wintbrop W. Ketcham, of Luzerne,
baa been nominated by the Republican
party of tbia District,' for Congress. '
:rrALBEL Tvnintit, td continoall7rocelving
new supplies oft4eutane Drugs and Medicines, which
will be sold as low as at any other Stc - s to Mutates°.
rO - "Gardner's Business College, MONO
GR %.1”11C 01:4_ arum uud' ACADE\IY—
I. proper place v. hero young men a Ld ladies can ob
tain s pr3ctkul knowli•dge of the nut important
branches of lno•lness. Every ono should Improve this
opportunity. as the course is the most thorough of any
College of the kind in Northern Pennsylvania. Ltte
t}cholarahlp, $35,00. send for College Papers, giving
full particulars. Address J. N. GARDNER, Principal,
bcrauton, Pa. 1A ug. 13—dm.
Or Colgate's Aromatic Vegetable Soap, 4s. ID
' perior Toilet Soap, prepared from reamed Vegeta.
hie 011 s in combination withGlyeerlne, and cape
! dally designed for the use of Ladles, and for the
N u rsery. Its perfume's exquisite, and its waabing
propertica unrivalled. For sale by all druggists.
May, 28 18117.—iy.mpl2 ;
tyr The Greatest Pala-Reliever IN THE
WORLD. Warranted superior to any other. or no pay,
for the cure of Chronic Rheninati sm. Toothache. Head
ache. Sore Throat. Mumps, Burn-. Cuts, Insect stings,
Paint , in tho Back. Chest. and Limbs. Sprains, hid
Sores. Swellings; Also. to take Internally for Diarrlin-a,
Dysentery. Colic. Spasms, Sea Sickness. Vomiting, and
Croup. It Is perfectly innocent to take Internally. if
used according to the directions and never fails. as
thousand- can attest. It was Orel introduced in 1:147.
and clew niiilions of bottles are annually sold. Every
one who has once used it. continues to do so. and re
commend It to their irle-ds a- the most valuable medi
cine extant. Certificates enougn to fill a dozen news
papers have been received by Or, Tobias. Ills rnetPcine.
the Venitian Liniment, will do all that Is stated, and
I more. No one will regret trying it. Those residing • t
a distance from a physician. will find It a reliable medi
cine to hat ean hand In case of Accidents. Ask for Dr.
Tobias' Veniiinll Liniment. and take no other. Price
60 cents and $l. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, NI
' Cortlandt Street. N. Y. aug2Uml
This medicine, invented by Dr. J. 11. Simmer., of Phila
delphia, is intended to diatolve the food and make It into
chyme, the first process of digestion. By cleansing tha
stomach with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the Tonic soon
restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten before
wing It will be easily digested.
Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Palmerile
Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made healthy and the
appetite restored, hence the Tonic and Pita are required In
nearly every case of consumption. A half dozen bottles of
the Sr.AWEED TONIC and three or four bozos of the
MANQRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary awe of dys
Dr. Son eataa makes profmlonal visits In New York, Bee
ton, and at hie prinepal orrice in Philadephla every week.
Bee daily papers of each place, or hie pamphlet on consump
tion for hls day. for 'daft/LUC/SI.
Please obeerve, when purchasing, that the two likenesses
of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of ConalninPlism,
Ind the other as he now is, in perfect health, ere on the Gov
emr.ent cramp.
Bold by all 13rnegiesa and Dea , ere, price SLSO per bottle, or
$7.50 the half dozen. All letters for advice ehoutd be ad
dressed to Dr. SCAIENCIitI Principal Office, Na. 15 North 6th
Street, Philadetph4, Pa.
General Wholeas'e Arentat Daum Barnes & Co., N. Y.
P. B. Ranee, Baltimore, Md.: John D. Parka, Clue
Ohio; Walker d. Taylor, Chicago, M.; Coaisu Droa., Bt
Mo. CIA R. es mo. 1 yr.
They Ad likt a Charm In Remoting o?), , truet:on and
R,starla9 Xattrre (o it Proper Chah
oritetieg the nerve.. anti bringing back the " rosy colur
health" to the most delicate.
10.),00) Bores hare been sold in Two Tears
Ten th Ind boxes sent by letter. both by myself
and arrant. to iti tn. nf rh • war d. to waien in swt•rs
h.tve reiarnsil in whieli ladle. Pay ni•thinir like
ire ive lei known since the Science of
711 , alici lII' dawned npon the World.
Fall and explicit direclon• sreonlpany each box.
Price it per bix hoke.. $.5. Sold by one Drug,
tz . ;.l in ov o , y town, Yi•la•ze. city.
the world ',CI Mnnt rotie.Pa . ity HI 1 N & NICII
S o lo 1....,0e." . Lou
door by ,ei,titniz !or ra $1 to Mtttro.r PO , l ()free. can
Iw.••tin•t ni Ina;1 to any part
(3f ro , "ttry, tree of Pti-toire.
Sail's 140 by ESTABO.O K `LAKE, Great !len& r:,„krlK
P Row • CLKVF.s. PIEW r .t
I'UTHAI or . Scranton. 11E74•,. Cats} , A' co.
Net" York. S U. 110 WE, Sole Proprietor, York
July 1 -Iyit•
rPrTen thousand Doran"' worth of GOODS
Itr-b ho per it,mitory ju.t taken for 'ate hp
A BEI, 'll . ltltP.l L. in tht• flrh•k Tihtc , ,. About this
bon-t.tntly on hand. and NEW I:Ctt'tbS couttn.
Ily arrivitn.t. The people min find nearly everythl;.4
ih , v may tied at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL
Ti tilt ELL
31 out rose, Pa , Ju'y an. 1.61'.
Phalett's "7iight Blooming Cerem;s.”
Praalon's '• Ikrie., a Olooming Cerena.”
“Night gloaming Ceretni.”
Phalon's .•Ni‘,-Ll Clooming Cereue.”
P:salon's "Might Blooming Cereno.”
A ulect exqui fte. drdirate, and Fra•_^nnt Perfume,
dts!t led from the .. - ure and beaunful nower tram
I ate. ItA 1141110.
]l...uractnr.•d only by
PIS A 1.0711 411 c SON, !Vow York,.
jlyl7 ly 2,tnp
SZ) M 'Z'3EiC .W .
LlF 3— Noticep of marrinfreo and donthft pubilahed free
of charge. (Alta trim' puhlt,hed if paid for at the rate
(Allay crate per hundred worth..
In Montrose, Aug. 31, 1867, Mrs. S. M.
llt:NmonE, aged 59 years.
At his residence in South Wilkesbarre,
on Tnnrsday, Sept. 5, 1867, after a short
idness, STEPHEN Bou.Es, aged 66 years
and 6 months.
lclu t rtistnitnts
fIiILIE undersigned would respectfully Inform the pro
'. pie of New Milford and vicinity that his Foundry
situate In the villaee of New Milford, is now in opera
tion, and that he it , prepared to furnish Castings ot all
kinds on call, or will get them op to order.
OF — Consult your interests by giving me a call.
New Milford, Oct. 1. 1961.—tf
ONEY TO LEND.—A few hundred
dollars to loan, in each rams and for *net time et
I will snit, on firetociele notes. Addgese Ofeetstg Our
proposedenittinier,) "Agent, Ainntitee P.O.
And Tarnishing Goods,
Is certainly at
Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Oo's
Hawing again purchased a large stock of New Goods
Fall and Winter Trade,
me would refit:est a call and examination of our Grinds,
feeling confident of being enabled to please and satisfy
as regards variety and prices.
We would especially call attention to our floe and
large selection of
Pabß Vak 61frOing
Cloths, Cassitneres, &c.,
for Cnfttom Work, Ai we are the manufacturers of all
the Clothing we sell, we are enabl,d to D.VEY ALL
COMPETITION in regard to
Garments made to ordor idler measure, and good ELS
ting guarantied. A good assortment of
just received. Also a large lot of plain a trimmed
6uttenburg, liosrubanni If; Co.
N. S. DESSAIIER, Managing Partner
'Montrose, Sept. 24, 1867
Eiep regularly auppried with unaduiterated
Drugs and Medicine. , , Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints,
Oils and Varnish, Perramery,
Fancy Soaps, Yankej -
N'otions, 47e. &c.
Fre. , l, from Yew York City.
All of the most popular Patent Medicines sold In
this section, among which may be found
Ayr,..s and jayne's Family Medicines, Hem
bold's Bache, Schenck's Pulmonic Sy.
rup and Sea weed Tonic, Iln i nonco's
and Cheeseman's Female
.1.1,11'., Cough Balxam,,
Trishart's Pine Tree
111 ir, Hair Renewer, Ring's Ambrosia,
Kenned y's Med leaf DiAcopery, 11M1
land's German Bitters, Hostetter's
Stomach Ditto -3,
And many other kinds of real value and merit. in fact
our Stock embraces a fine u•,orl in en t of everything no
dality kept in weLL ItEtitLATED Drug Stores.
i-erTrencriptions receive particular attention, and
are ceuarum..te and Promptly compounded.
• a • :-torc formerly occupied by J. Etheridge.
Montrose, Pa., Sept. 17, 1867
CID) ••• MO
r LIE ondcrslgned offers for sale his-House, Shop and
Lot. boated in thervilifigu of Gibson town
ship. Susq'a co., Pa. Terms made known by enquiring
of the subscriber on the premises.
lie will ale° offer for Bale on .HONDA.I", NOT". 4th,
IMT. at °he o'clock. if not previously disposed of. in
which cage notice will be given. the following property:
1 four year- old mare, broke to harness; I set of ell
ver.plated Ilarnese, nearly new ; 1 open Boggy,
nearly new; t open Buggy. new ; 1 two- caked Plextenre
Sleigh. new ; I one-horse Lumber Sleigh, new: 1 cylin
del (Oa! ' , love, cooking. nearly new; honnehold articles
too numerous to mention. Five monthe credit with
Interest anti approved security. All sums under
cosh dowu. JA7 now: LL.
v. 8.--All those having unsettled accounts with the
undersigned are hereby notified to call and arrange the
same without inrth , r notice. J. 8. HowEtt..
Gamut, Pa., Sept, 10, It,n7.—n•
hag proved Dr. EDWARDS' Tar, Wild Cherry and
Cough Syrup' Tho moat succeaslini
tffDELI medicine in use or Colds. Coughs,
Hoarseness; Asthma. Infinengn,Bron
chitin. Whooping Cough. etc. Sold
r.,:"NIT , / Tm by all Druggists. Price 20. 35 and 75
, 2-1 '..[ _Lb 1) r.ct is . per bottle. . [sepi. 10-1 y•
TDE undersiwned offers for sale his Farm situated
in New Milford township, about oue mile from
Montrose Depot, contening about
12,0 .4 3 1.orets,
With about 80 acres under cultivation, a good Dwel
ling House, 3 Barns and ocher outbuildings, a good
Orchard, is well watered; In fart, a good
• _ _
Grain dr Dairy Farm.
Persons desirous of purchasing will receive all ne
cessary information as to terms. £c. by calling upon
the undersigned, ou the premises.
Montrose Depot, Aug. 20, 1867.—tf.
WHO have not made payment during the month of
September, will please remit a liberal payment to
the County Treasurer, by the Return Judge of their
township, or In person, on Friday Oct. 11th,1807. with
out farther notice,
C. D. DODGE. Treasurer.
Treasurer's OflleedSoutrose, Sep. 201, latit —Bw
z - Z., admit]; to MI of ddistrailte Ckk/di. ' Oatl and lie
In pursuance of an Act of the' General Assembly of
the Cumnionwealth - olPenuaylvenia, entitled Afl Act
relating to the elections of the Commonwealth, ap
proved tho 2nd day of Jo In - A. D. 1829, I, S. F. LANE,
High Sheriff of Susquehanna (meaty, in said Common
wealth, no beret)), give notice to the Electors, of the
County aforesaid, that a General Election will be held
in said County on tho
Eighth day of October, 1887,
(being the second Tuesday of said month), at which
time the following officers will be elected, to wit:
One person th fill the office of JUDOS of the SCISE-1116
Comer of the State of Pennsylvania.
One person to till the office of Frzrizzazterazrrn rN
Co senses for the diet. let composed of the countLis of
usquehanna and Luzerue.
Two persons to fill the office of lfzrztznis of the
LIOURE or REPRESENTAT/VES of Pennsylvania for the
di stria contlkosed of the eountie, of - Susquehanna and
Oua person to till the office of COUNTY TuSserusn for
said county of Susquehanna.
One person wall t4C ornce of Camila , communas:l=
for •aid county.
Two persons to fill theoffice of JURY Colinirtsaforens
for said county.
One person to nu tho office of COMITT AUDITOR for
said county.
The Election for the district composed of Apolacon
will he held at the htiuse of Joseph Besbe in said town
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Ararat will be held at the schoolhouse near the
Prethyterian church In Pltif` township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Auburn will be held at the house of James Lott
in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Bridgewater will be held at the Court House in
the Borough of Montrose.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Brooklyn will be hula tit the Douse of James 0.
Bullard in raid township.
The Election for the district composed of the town•
ship of Choconut will he held at the schoolhouse near
Edward Clark's in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town•
ship of Clifford will be held at the house late of John
Bewetson in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the Borongh
of Dundaff will be held at the Dundaff Hotel in said
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Dimock will be held at the house late of T. J.
Babcock in said township
The Election for the district composed of tij town
ship of Forest Lake will be held at the house of John
S. Towne in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Franklin will be held at the schoolhouse near
Jacob Allard'l In said township.
The Election for the district composed of the Borough
of Friendsville will be held at the schoolhouse in said
The Election for the district composed of the Boroneh
of Great Bend will he hold at th, house Gcc u p ed by
David Thomas in said Borough.
The Eb.ction for the distrltt composed of the town
ship of Great Bend will be held at the house of E. Bar
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Gibson will be held in the Academy building to
said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Burford will be held at the house late of N. W.
Waldron in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Harmony will. be held at the house of ti. Win
ters In said town-hin.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Herrick will he held in a building occupied ay
John.. Miller in bald township.
Tb, Election for the district composed of the town
ship 6f Jackson will be held at the house of C. C. Payne*
in said township.
The Election for the.dlstrict composed of the town
ship of Jessup will be held at the house of Daniel Hoff
in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Lenox will be held at the house of Grow &
Brothers In said township.
The Election for theAlistrict composed of the town
ship of Liberty will be held at the house of Bela Jones
In snid township.
The Election for the district composed of the town-
ship o. Lathrop will he held at the Hillsdale school
house in said township.
The Election for the di strict composed of the Borough
of Little Meadows will be held at the schoolhouse iu
said Borough.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Middletown will be held at the house of Otis
Ross in said township.
The Election for the district composed of the Borough
of Montrose wHI be held at the Court Haase in said
The Election for the district composed of the Borough
of New Milford will be held at the house of John Feu
rot In said Borough.
The Election for the district coutrx•sed of the town
ship of New 'Milford will he held ut the house of Phi
lander Phinney. In the Borough of N w Milford.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Oakland will he held at the house of Thomas
Munson In sn'd township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Rash will Ise held at the house of N. D. Snyder
in said township.
Th rection for the disirict composed of the town•
ship of Springville will be held at the house late of
Spencer flickrix In slid township.
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Silver !Ake will he held at the house late of it.
Ise %.1 •nh p
the Election for the district composed of the Boronzh
of Susonehann t will be he'd at the house lately occu
pied h• William Smith in said Boronrh
The Bier-ton for the dietrict composed or the town
ship of Thomson will he held at the house of Chester
Stoddard In said township.
I also make known and give notice twin and by the
13th section of the aforesaid act. I am direeted, "that
every penning except mestices of the Peace. who obeli
hold any ofil••e or appointment of profit or trust under
the Cum Led States, or of this State. or of any city or in
corporated district, whether a commissioned officer or
agent, who in, or shall be, employed under time legiola
tive,,indiciary or executive department of this State or
United States, or nny city or incorporated district ; and
also that every mem , ier of Congress, and of the State
Legislature, and of the select or common councilor any
city, or commissioners of any incorporated district. is
by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same
time tin.' office or nip oinoneut of judge. Inspector or
clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, tel that
no inspector or }ridge or other officer of any such elec
tion. shall be eligible to any office then to be -- rated for. • '
By the act of Assembly ufJul y 3, 18+39, it 111 Iftsp made
duty of every Mayor, Sheriff. Alderman. Justice of
',the Pence. Constable. of every city, county, township
or district within this Commonwealth. whenever railed
upon by any officer of an election, or by three rinalified
electors thereof. to clear any window or avenue to the
window 01 the place of General Election which shall be
obstructed in such away as to prevent voters from ap-
I preaching the same; and it shall he the duty of every
re.pective constable of such ward, district or township
within this Commonwealth. to be present in person or
by deputy. at the place of holding elections. In such
• ward, district or townohlo. for the purpose of preserv
ing the peace as aforesaid."
Also, that In the 4th section of the act of Assembly.
entitled "An act relating to executions and for other
purposes," approved April ln, MM. it is enacted that
the aforesaid 13th section. "shall not be construed an
to prevent env militia officer or borough officer from
serving as judge, Inspector. or clerk at any general or
special election in this Commonwealth."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 7fith sec
tion of the act aforesaid, ewe judges of the aforesaid
distrim shall respectively take charge of the certificate
of return of Gie election of their respective districts.
and produce them at a meeting of one judge from each
district. at the Court House In the Borough of Mont
rose, on the third day after the day of election. being.
the present year, on Friday:, the 11th day of October
next. there to do and perform the duties required by
law of said judges. Also, that where a judge by Pick
ness or unavoidable accident is nnable to attend said
meeting of judges. then the certificate or return afore
said shall he taken charge of by one of the inspector's
or clerks of the election of Said district, who shall do
and perform the duties required of said judge unable to
Also, that in the Mot section of said act, it is enacted
that "everygeneral and special election shall heopened
between Eight and Ten in the forenoon, and shall con
tinue without interruption or adjoutnment until Seven
a'clock in the evening, when the polls shall he closed."
By an Act of Assembly of March 30th, 1863, entitled
eh Act regulating the mode of voting at all elections
of this Commonwealth, it is enacted as follows.;
Summon 1. Belt enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in Genernl Assembly met, and It is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same: That the qualified voters of
the several counties of thi' Commonwt;nith. at all gen
eral. township, boniest and special elections, are here
by. hereafter. authorized andeequired to vote. bv tick
ets printed or written. severally classified no follows:,
4)ne ticket shall embrace the names of all Judaea of
courts voted for, and to be lab• led. outside, "judiciary:"
one ticket shall embrace the names of all State officer.
voted for, and he labeled "state ;" one ticket shall em
brace the names of all county officers voted for. in
cluding office of Senator, member and members of AP
oclublYi If voted for,sind Member of Concrete+. if
voted for, and he labeled "county;" one ticket
obeli embrace the names of all township reit:era voted
for, and be labeled "borough ;" and each ease - Shall be
denosited in Separate ballot boxes."
By an act of Assembly of June Ith, IBM. entitled a
further supplement to the election laws of this Com
monwealth, it is enacted aa followe :
" Whereas, its an act of Congress of the tlnited
Staten entitled ' - An act to amend the several acts here
tofore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling
out of the national forces and for other purposes,' and
approved March 3d. 1835. all perfume who have deserted
the military or naval service of the United Rates, and
who havknot been discharged or relieved from thapen
alty therein provided, are deemed and taken to have
voluntarily relinenished and forfeited their rights of
citizenship. and their tights to become citizens. and
are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens there
at :. . • 1 !••
"And rherVa". rerroill 11 1 3 $ cllircrly 1.0 the United
states are notnikir the ClissePtitiost Die raeit
Pennsylvania qualified electors of this Commonwealth:
•• Section 1. lie it enacted by hn senate and Bowie
of licpreeentatives of the Commonwealth Of Pettnaylva/
nta in General Assemblimet, and it is hereby enactel
by the. same; that in alt eieeiloue hereafter to be bell
in this Commonwealth, it stern be" arblawftt 10t tbii
jodgeor inspectors of any such election toreCerliek*Di
Minot or ballots from any person or persons emb
in the provisions and suujectta the dusabilityAtxpnaed
by said act of Congres-, approved 'Starch Bd. ISU6. and
it shall teunlawfni for any such person to offer to.votai
any ballot, or ballots.
" Section it. That tf any each judge and Inspectors of
election, or any one of them, shall receive ur convene
to receive any such Unlawful ballot or ballots from an
such disqualified person, he or they 50 offending
be guilty of a mieciemeanor, and upon conviction thaneic ,
of In any court of quarter sessions of the Cozambn•
wealth, be shall for each offence be sentenced to pay a
fine of not lea- than one hundred dollars, and to tinder+
go an imprisonment In the Jail of the proper comity roe
not less than sixty eays.
" Section 3. That If any person deprived of cittze
ship and disqualified as aforesaid shall at any electlu4
I hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth vote or ten
der to the ofticers thereof and oiler to vote a ballot of
ballots, any person so offending -ball be deemed to
of a misdemeanor. and do conviction thereof any
court of quarter sessiOtts of this Corrponwealth, ODA
for each offence he punished in lige manner as is pawl-
I tied In the prec e ding section of this act in the matter of..
' 11c, rs of election receiving such unlawful ballot grind
jut a.
•• Section 4. That If any person shall' hereafter per.
suede or advise any person or persons. deprived of Lid
renship and i.qualitled as aforesaid', to offer any bal
lot or ballots to the °Ulcers of any election hereafter to
Ile held in this Cuannuonwealth. or shall advise or per
ettade any snob officer to receive any ballot or ballott
from any person deprived o cltiz, nship and disquali
fied as aforesaid, such person so offending shall be gnu
ty of et MielbelleanOr, and upon conviction thereof Ira
any court of quarter emotions of this Commonwealth,
shall be punts .d In like manner as Ia provided In the
socolid section of this act.'in the case of officers of such
elect tou‘renel ring such unlawfal ballot or ballots"
It is further thrected that the meeting of the Retort
Judge* at the t wart House, in Montrose, to make oat
the veneral retunis.sball on the Urn Friday 'imed
lag the General Election, Which wilt boon the 11th day
tic:tuber. Ittit.
The WI urn .1 ndges for the Twelfth Congreeefonal Dis
trict, composed of the comities of Susquehanna and
Imzerne, will meet at the Court House in Wilkesßarre,
Lnzto Lie county. on Tuesday October 15th. IEtV. •
The Return Judges for the Representative District,
composed of the counties of Sn‘quehanna and Wyom
ing, will meet at the Court Haase in Montrose, Susque
hanna county. un Tuesday, October 15th, tent
Given under my hand at my office in the Borough of ' 4
Montrose, the 12th day of Sep , cm her. Anno Domini
184;7, and in the year of the Commonwealth the Dina,
S. F. LANK, Sheriff,
To Sarah 'hie.Kline, now residing in Oakland torte
chip, susquchanna °minty. Pennsylvania, and children
and, lineal descendants, an follows,to wit :Charles Me.
Kune, oldest eon, tow residing In New bedlord, Bu•
reau county, Illinois; Silas F. McKnne, second son,
also res.ditig at New Bedford, aforesaid-; Joseph Mc-
Rune, al. third , on, since deceased, leaving a widow,
named Jane'Slclinne, now residing in Oakland town.
ship aforesaid, and two minor children, to wit: Mary
E. McKtine,;aged eleven years, and Funny licKune,
aged eight years—the said Sarah McKune , of Oakland
aforesaid. hat ng been duly appointed guardian of the
two said minor children by the Court : Benjamin F.
McKune, fourth son. the petitioner; Betsey Ann, in
ternartied with G. M. Nichols. and now residing at
New Bedford aforesaid Mary V., Intermarried with A.
S. Lathrop, and now l'Ou (1111 at Wynnette, in Bureart
county. Illinois ; Phebe P., who Intermarried with J.
D. Mtnzy and since deceased, leaving her said husband
and three children, to wit ; Henrietta, Francis K. and
Sarah E. Minr.y. all now residing at or near Elmira,
Chemung, county. New York : Entice. Intermarried
with John Waiter Smith, and now residing iu Claren
don, Calhoun county, Michigan : and Barth, intermar
tied witki James McCannon, of the township of Oak
land aforesaid: and also one grandson, named Timo
thy Wheat, who was the son of Esther. a daugh•er of
the said Joseph McKune, deed, who Intermarried with
• Horton Wheat. and died before the said Joseph—the
above aald Timothy Wheat being a minor. aged Shout
twenty years. and Low residing as depoi,etit Is Inform
ed and believe , . nt or near Vaunt:Cl:Anvils, In Clo mung
county, New ork
TArte 2k:orics : That an inquest will be held at the
late dwelling house r.fKuno. deceased, in
the township of Oakland. Susquehanna county, on
Thursday the 2•tth day of October, 1867, at 2 o'clock, p,
m.. fur the fur pose of main; partit lon of the real
tate of said deceascd to and among the children and
repreaentattve•a, if the same call he done without prej
udice to or stmiling the whole ; otherwise to value and
apprat.c the same• according to law ; at which time 40
place you are requited to iateud if you thini, proper.
S. F._ LANE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose Oct. 1, 1E67.-3w
Auditor's Notice.
rurtE andereign ed. n auditor appointed by the Jadc
ee of the Ur p h ins' Court of iemtqUertimpa county
to dletrlbute the balanee of the fund In the hands orate
adm'r of the estate of E. T. %V ilbnr. deed. will attend
to tlee dull,. appointment at the otillee of R. B.
& U. P. .Li , tle In Mont roee, on Wedneedio the 20th day
Qc:ober, at 1 o'clock. p. at which time and plane
nll I.:ereone are required to present their claim or b.
forever debarred from come ng in or. ford hind
Chit). I' LIT rLE, A editor.
Oct. 1, ISirT.—td
THE -underdffned, nn auditor appointee, by the Or.
phone' Court of Susquettat,na Cwar.ty to diatr.buter
the fund of the estate of J. IL Carrier. deceased, late
of the -niti county, %sill attend To the duties of eald ap
poin!ment nt hie offiee in Niontrosr, on Thursday, the
thirty-first day of Cetober next, at one o'rinek in tho
afternoon, at which time and place all persons having
an Interest in the said fend.. are required to preeent
their claims or be forever debarred from coming in upom
said and. A. CILANiIiEIiLIN, Auditor.
l'ilontro,ie. Sept. f.'7. 1567.
Auditor's Notice.
MITT: tinderilzne , l. an auditor appointed by the Or.
phan's Court of Susqui lumps County to dl.trihnt•
the balance of thy fond in the titnds of the adminis
trator of AMORETT ISOLLENBArli.dee'd. atll attend
to the daties or such appointment at the office of
W. D. Link in Montrose. on Friday th.' Ist day of No
vember. I,s+D. •t 1 o'clock. p. m., at which time and place
ni! persons are required to present their chime or h•
be debarred from coming is on said fund.
W. D. LUbli, Auditor.
Moxitroec, Sept. 24,
Auditor's Notice.
Win tindersi(zned, an Anditor appointed by the Pr•
phans' court of Susquehanna county to distribute
the balance of the fund in the hands of the Adminis
trator of Wm. D. Dewitt. deceased, will attend to the
duties of his appointment, at hit office In Montrose, on
Saturday. the nineteenth day of October, isal, at one
o'clock. p. m., at which time and place all persona are
required to present their claims, or be debarred from
coming In on said fond.
A. W. BERTFIOLF. Auditor.
'Montrose, Fept. 24, 16'67.
_LI This in to give notice that ou the rist day of An
pont, A D. ltql7, a warrto.t in Bankruptcy was issued
against the estate of JOHN DILACKS Y. Of Brack-
Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, who
has been aeJtidged n Bankrupt. on his own rptition;
that the payment of any debt and delivery of any prop-
erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his nee.
and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden
by law. That a meet ,na of the creditors of said Bank
rupt, to prove their debts. and to prove one or inure
amtignees of his estate, will he held nt a Court of Bank
ruptcy, to he held at No. 30'i Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton, Pennsylvania. before EDWARD N. WIL
LARD, Register. on the :30th clay of September. 1867, it
one o'clock, P. 3a. TilbS. A. ROWLEt
U. S. Marshal, BP Mes.enger,
Wentern District of Penna.,:
Per C. IV, ROESLER, Deputy.
Sep. 10.—w4
In the District Court of the„tnited States for tbe
Weet'ern District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter or p Tu Banicrtiptet
Moses W. Chamberlin, a bankrupt.
To 117 tom it may Conerrn
,The undersigned hereby giver notice ot his appoint •
ment as Assignee of Moses W. Chamberlin. of Gibson
township, in the 'onuty of Susquehanna end State of
Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been ad
judged a bankrupt neon his own petition by the District
Court of bald District.
Darford, Sept. 91, isen.-3w
late of Ilarford, Susq'a. county. Pa., dee'd.'
Letters or administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having beau granted to the underaien
ed, all persons Indebted to-said estate are hereby noti
fied to stake Immediate payment, and thdse having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
A. S. TIFFANY, Ad 'r.
Oakley, Sept. 11, lee?
late of Auburn. Susq% county. Pa., decd.
Letters of administration upon t he estate otthisabre
named ta,cedent haying been ranted to the under, in•
ed all personaindehted to Said estate ate hereby nota
ted to mike immediate payment; and those baling
damns aqaturf the same to present them duly anthentii
anted for settlement.
Slots, "Arm rtib4 ANC