The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 24, 1867, Image 1

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A. J. GERRITSON, Proprietor.}
.A. ME XSI 7L" C, 13. -3r
0( the Great struggie between Liberty
and Despotism for the last.
Hundred Years.
The New York Tribune says " Presi
dent Johnson means war. War be it then
and God speed the right! The evident
fact is that the President wants five Com
manders in the South who will construe
the law as he construes it—as a nullity.
It is nearly a hundred days until Congress
meets. Till - then we can only how to this
dreadful tyranny. Let our friends organ
ize everywhere, and having defeated him
at the ballot-box, we can prepare, through
our represeutatiyes, to consider the best
course to be taken to punish him for his
crimes against the sovereign will of the
American people.''
If this Republican party, who are threat
ening to impeach, or otherwise punish
President Johnson for not obeying their
will, are as learned and intelligent as t hey
profess to be, they are knowingly com
pelling the President of the United States
to commit perjury to escape their ven
geance. They know that on the day of
his inauguration he took an oath that
reads as follows: "I do solemnly swear
(or affirm) that I will faithfully execute
the office of President of the United
States, and will to the best of my
preserve, protect, and defend the Constl
tntion of the United States." President
Johnson did not swear to obey the will of
the party whowere in power on that day,
nor of the American people who were liv
ing at the time he took the oath, but he
solemnly swore that to the best of his
ability he would pre4rve the Constitution
from "destruction at their hands, if he per
ceived an intention on their part to de
stroy it. A President cannot swear to
protect the Constitution from overthrow
by the people who are living when ha is
dead, but he swears that he will defend it.
from all the assaults of its enemies who
assail it while he is placed over it, for the
very purpose of its' paservation, protec
tion and defence.
The Tribune and the Republican party
are enraged at the President for constrtr
lug the Reconstruction law as a nullity,
yet Alexander
party, wrote a "standard 6irnmentlry oil
the ends and aims of the Federal Consti
tution and its true interpretation," in
which he says, "There is no position
which depends on, clearer principles, than
that every .act ,of a delegated authority,
contraiy to the tenor of the commission
under which it is exercised, is void. No
legislative act, therefore, contrary to the• ,
Constitution, can be valid. To deny this,
would be to affirm that the deputy is
greater than his principal; that the ser
vant, is above his master, that men, acting
by virtue of powers, may do, not only
it hat those powers do not authorize, but
"\what they forbid."
Now can any sane person believe that
the Patriots of the Revolution of 1776,
who fought against a military despotism,
framed a Constitution , which delegated
authority. to the Republican party to treat
their posterity as Great , Britain treated
them. If they never delegated authority
to Congress to reduce a portion of the
American people to a state of slavery,
then every act of the Reconstruction bill
is void. None of these acts are valid, and
• 'obody is bound .to obey them. To de
thiS, Jays Hamilton, would be to
hflirm thafSumner, Stevens, Wilson, and,
the host of Radicals in Congress, are
greater than,the Patriots who framed the
Government; that these men, who are
but servants, are above their masters who
framed the Constitution which they are
to administer, and have sworn to obey;
that Congres . s„,acting by virtue of powers, I
may do, not-only what their powers do
_ not adthorize; :but what they forbid. l
Hamilton says further,"The interpreta
tion of. the LarccrEi lie. th - province of the
courts. A" COftptitution is, in fact, funda
mental law, It must therefore belong to
them to ascertain its meaning. The Con
stitution ought •to be preferred to the
statute; tbalraterition of the people de
clared in the Oonititution, to-the intention
of their agents. Where the will ,of the
Legislature, declared in the statute's,
stands in opposition to that of the people
declared in, the Constitution, the judges
ought: to be governed by the latter:
stead.of thaferMer. They ought to regn
. late their aecisions by the fundamental
rather than by. those not funda
NoWberelean-eiress injunction from
thErpt*evpari , whose legal talents and
abilitielaare , held in the4lighesttstimniion
by•theTederak party, that the intention
of the people in• the days of the Revela
tion of 37 : 7$,:ntid when, the Constitution
was framed.; ; should. be preferred. to ,;the
irgetitiopAilib:COngrois of 1867. This
is why Congress set itself above the :su
preme court-Allo.defigdAs:authority, and
bir...ll3mill24t,haa;adepted Iris expo§ipiona
of the Constitution td•la• crisis. pt'ecOely
like the present one. He says:
P,14-tien, the e coarte of justice.- apitr ; :to
die torisitkrred asVie'bOw . arks Of uAlralikii
"constrati*'ilainAt . l44l4Ws:ol*(4*
meats, iltiS afford a strong argurdea
for the permanent tenure of judicial
offices, since nothing will contribute. so
much as this, to that independent spirit
in the judges, which must be essential to
the faithful performance of so *arduous a
duty. This independence of the judges is
equally requisite to guard the Constitu
tion and the- rights of individuals from
the efiliets of those ill humors which the
arts of designing men, or the influence of
particular conjunctions, sometimes dis•
seminate 'among the people themselves,
occasioning dangerous innovations in the
government, and serious oppressions of
the minor part in the community. Though
I trust ; the. friends of the proposed Con
stitution will never question that funda
mental pridciple of republican govern
ment which admits the right of the people
to alter or abolish the established Consti
tution, whenever they find it inconsistent
with their happiness; yet it is not to be
inferred from this principle, that the rep
resentatives of the people, whenever a
momentary inclination happens to lay hold
of a majority of their constituents, incom
patible with the provisions in the existing
Constitution, would, on that account, be
justifiable in a violation of those provi
sions, or that"tim courts be under a greater '
obligation to connive at infractions in this
shape. Until the people have, by solemn
act, annulled or changed the established
form, it is binding on themselvt , s, collect- ,
ively and individually, and no presump
tion, or know!edge of their sentiment, can
warrant their representatives in a depar
tore from it, prior to such an act."
Now, however large the majorities were,
o'r are to be in favor of sustaining Con
gress in their violations of the Constitu-
it. is no justification for their acts—'
and affords them no warrant for the com
mission of Perjury. The Constitution is
binding on all the people, and however
anxious the Republicans may be to punish
the people-of the South, and to compel
them to live under negro governments, '
Congress has no authority whatever to
gratify their malignant desires. Their
own chosen leader tells them that they
must, obey,Washington instead of Con
gress, and Washington, in his Farewell
Address, says: "The Constitution, until
changed by an explicit and authentic act
of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory
POn all."
The Constitution which Washington
sifmed, is y et the supreme and fundamen
tal la w r rann Iry • uhn 1".3 t
framed it are yet the rightful rulers oi
America. Their will is to be obeyed, in
stead of the will of the Radicals, and the
Radicals should be compelled, by force of
arms, if need be, to obey the Constitution
of the United States. They are enemies
of Washington, and followers of 'Cram
, well and Robespierre. Washington fought
against both these tyrants, as wed as
against George the Third, as this ,history
will show. Let the people stand by the
President, who is fighting for Washing
ton. his name is the synonym of Lib
erty, of Union and Peace. Americans
owe allegiance alone to WaShington, who
is vet the "Father of his Country."
A Fact for Tax-payers.
The Legislature of 1847, under the ad
ministration of Governor Shunk, Demo
crat, Cost $57,819 19.
The Legislature of 1867, under the ad-
M iniStration of Governor Geary, Radical,
cost $265,061 16.
From these figures it will be seen that
the Radical Legislature tinder a Radical
Governor has cost more than four and
one-half times a greater sum than a Dem
Le , rislatnre under a Democratic
Is it possible that the people of Penn
sylvania will longer tolerate sech bare
faced robbery of the Treasury? If the
so-called Union League were avowedly a
band of thieves and the' Radical party
composed of robbers,4 worse state of
affairs could not be expected.
—The above is obtained from the official
record, at Harrisburg, by the Pairiot and
Lriticn, and e.shibits a single example of
the extravagance and wholesale robbery
that prevails' in every department of the
goveratneut, State and. National, where
Radicalism bears sway. Let the taxpay
ers of Pennsylvania contrast the expenses
of governor Geary's administration_with
thoSe of . the late Governors Porter and
Shunk, or of Governors Bigler and Pack
er, and they Can. readily
. perceive the
greAt difference which exists between
. 11adipal:and , Democratic rule. Facts are
stubhorty things, and figures cannot lie.
Too Risky for the Quakers.
A correspondent of the Press, writing
from New Jersey, says: .
"Some Of the Quaker districts, strange
-ly enougli, seem to hang fire on 'the word
le manhood 'suffrage platform
adopted" at the late convention being a
little too strong' for them,"
If the'''QUake'r districts" stagger at the
insane efforts
. 4:l.f . ':the - Radreals New --ler
negrosuffrage, how Wilt it
r he in the other. .portiOus ,of the State,
`ft & 'the - negro ' has not
been, tFm..:o4iStingly
. 'eultivated ? This
- fiec t ;i9 • safiya„ . ,eire . ..plaak, in the New' Jersey
Radie_al - :.pl4foturan't:Stand - tlie,presitire.
It pOt' ive ** -It ill hiriictien Vtall on
quOliOr 02 lio r, for
support; • • • -
The Radical State Committee are sir
dilating through the State, and endeavor
ing to place in the hands of Democrats, a
lying document, appealing to the pecun
iary interest of the voter. We give it en
tire, and &so annex some comments upon
it.. Read it and notice its falsehoods:
Facts for Government Bondholders,
And the holders of Greenbacks.
YOLTIt N14.:1C411130R
In 1801, eleven States seceded; and since then only
twenty-three have been represented In Congress, until
the admission of 'Tennessee in InBo,
All the United States Itunds--5-grs. 7410's and 10-10's
—all the greenbacks, and all Ifir National Banks. were
created by this Congress of twenty-three Stales.
Preside ; at Johnson calls this an assumed Coaryrrgs"
—thetefore not legal. Ills supporters and the bemo
rrata roll it a rump rofeynas. and a "uertipingy con
gre,x,- and hence. not a lustful Cohgras ; and the gieat
effort has been to elect Congressmen In the North, and
MI/nit enough from the rebel States to enforce this
" policy."
If a Congress, representing but twenty-three States,
lie not a lawful Con,gress then every United Statesßond.
Bond. and all our greenbacks, and Nation:a Bank notes
are worth nothing: because an unlawful Congress
could not make lawful Bonds or lawful money.
The mad effort, im recently made by the rebels and
thair sympathizers, to destroy this Goverumont by
force of arms failed. Thus far the attempt to do the
same thing, through Congress, has also failed, because
(lithe action of the loyal voters at the ballot-box ; and
the last effort at destruction is now being made thro'
the Courts.
Witness the recent attempt by Democratic lawyers to
induce the Supreme Court or the United States to Issue
an injunction, nullifylng the Reconstruction Laws of
r,,Dgress Georgia. and the other rebel
States. Read also the opinion of Judge Sharswood.the
Democratic nomillee Per.ledge of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania. In which he gravely denies the constitu
tional power of COligr , ,M to make paper money n legal
tender. (Boric. vs. Trott, Legal Ditelligencer of March
18th. 1"11, page 820 Judges Woodward and Thomp
son of the same Court. announced from the bench the
same alarming doctrine. in ISSS (See Mervine vs. Sai
lor, et al , Legal Intelligenter of Juno Viand 30,
pages 188 anti g 05.)
And this too, in the face of the fact . that the Superi
or Courts of every loyal State in which the question
ha= been nused, have su , tatned the power of ('on gre-s.
It requires. therefore, but lit tie knowledge of either
arithmetic or law. to e-titnate the imminent danger of
putting any more men of Judge Sharswood's opinions
on the Snpr•me Brunh of the State !
if )on believe the pre.ent Congress to he •initrtcfu/,
or desire our National Cnrrency and Government Bonds
to be declared tsrdarGfril, vote for Geo. Shama-nod.
If von believe the present Cougreaa to he lawful, or
dm•ire their action on Currency and Bonds to stand
good. vote to sustain them,--tor the party that errakt/
the Greenbacks and the Bonds—the party that sutitain
ed the war, and compelled snbmission ro the NatlonaL
anthority.—and that stands pledged to keep faith with
the Bondholders. and to maintain the National credit—.
vote fee Henry W. Williams, the worthy and honored
nominee of tills party.
When secession came, Democrats sus
tained the Government, shed their blood,
invested their money in 5-20's, i 30',g and
~" •
,ts ;A.,, f.... a ..4.01 a Congress of
twenty-three States enacted. That was
their Government and they loved it, they
defende# it, and many of them died for it.
During the war, eleven States were not
represented in Congress, and they refused
to be. That was a lawful Cone-reSs; all
obeyed it, and all its laws are biu%ing un
der the Constitution.
When the war was over the South sub
mitted, then the Radicals kept them out
,to give the negro power. They " acted
outside of the Constitution" as Thaddeus
( Stevens says.
If it be true that the Democrats are
trying to destroy this Government, how
strange it is that they should hold its
bonds and notes, and tight and die for it.
Their object is to preserve it, to bring it
within the Constitution, to govern it ac
cording to law, to economise its resources
and to pay its debts.
Are your bonds and greenbacks safer
inside of the Constitution or outside of it?
If we have no Constitution, as Stevens
says, what security have you for your
debt? The Constitution is the,title deed
to the property that your debt is a lien
In the case of Boric against Trott,
Judge Sharswood decided that a man who
agreed to pay a debt in gold should pay it in
i gold. Was not that right? He did not
decide the question of the power of Con-
You bold a 5-20 or,a 10-40 bond, the in
terest is payable in gold, The govern
ment agreed to pay you in gold. -The
Radicals and their Judges say the Gov
ernment may pay 'you in paper. Judge
Sharswood holds that a contract to pay in
gold should be enforced ; which best suits
you? Which is•the more honest?
Do you see Where this Radical doctrine
leads you ? They already say that the
principal of the bonds may be paid in pa
per. if Judge Williams decides that your
interest is payable in paper, is your con
' tract with the Government carried out ?
Will ho not so decide?*
They will pay in paper if their extrava
gance makes it necessary. The interest
on our State bonds was payable in gold,
the law made it so, (See Act of 1840.) In
. 1864; when gold was 166, the Radicals in
the Legislature passed a law making it
Ipayable in paper, on the ground that they
could save money, (See Legislative Rec.
1864.) Are you any more secure than
the bondholders of the State ? •
The expenseti of the Government are ;
more than its income. The Radicals ate
;• expending .$215,000,000 of 'your' money
! for this year. The Democrats expended
i $62,000,000 the last year they were in
power., for the, smile purposes. Can you
sustain thili . eitraVagance Does not the
!•seearity of jOuy 'debt consist in prudent,
maiiagerrient; economy in public businesS,
add . 'Mari - Sting and developing eur'rc-
I soUrce.s ? Are the Radicals pursuing this
&Mtge . ?'
If you wish your bond and its interests
paid in paper, and your contract with the
Government violated, vote fur Henry W.
If you want contracts between man
and min, and between the Government
and yourself carried out, vote for George
Negroes in the Jury Box and in the
Public Schools.
It is a positively demonstrated fact that
the Radical party intends to force negro
suffrage and equality upon the States by
Congressional action. Mr. Wilson's bill
is ready for consideration in the Senate
when that body meets in December next.
That bill raises negroes in all the North
ern States to the full level of citizenship,
anything in the Constitution of the seve
val the contrary notwithstand
ing. The word "white" in the Constitu
tion of this State will be uo bar to the
progress of Radical usurpation. The fact
that the people of this Commonwealth are
opposed to the disgusting and revolu
tionary scheme will not be considered by
the party in power. The leaders of the
dominant organization declare that a ne
gro enfranchisement bill will secure them
three thousand votes in Connecticut, and
fifteen thousand in this State; that it, is
needed in New York and Indiana, indeed
in all the States, as a means of keeping
the Radical party in power, and that, con
sideration will be sufficient to poll every
vote 'of the Radicals in its favor in , both
houses of the National Legislature. In a
Lite number of the Cincinnati Commercial
it is announced that Senator Sumner has
positive assurance of votes enough to pass
his universal suffrage hill, which is kindred
to that of Senator Wilson, and in this
manner negro suffrage will be fastened
upon the people of this State, and that,
too, in open defiance of the Constitution,
which dechires that none but "white"
teen shall be depositories of political
power in this Commonwealth.
This is to be followed by the enactment
of State laws carrying the idea of negro 1
equality, whichis a leading and cardinal
doctrine of the Radical party, to its legit
imate goal. In the first
,pinee, za - ogrooe
are to ‘ be admitted to the jury : lxix. This
point is insisted upon by the leaders.of
the negro movement, and the politicians
have yielded. They want the votes of the
negroes, and, for their sunnort,at,
box to them as it is open to white citi
zens.' The result of such an act cannot
but be disastrous to the interests of white
men. Negroes, with all their ignorance,
caste, bigotry, and prejudice against white
men, will not make safe jurors to deter
mine cases in which the life, liberty or
property of the superior race are involved
and imperiled. They will be led and con
trolled by their clannish feelings, and Rad
ical lawyers will artfully introduce politics
into the consideration of all cages, and thus
make them depend upon the political
opinions of the litigants, not the facts
which may be given under the rules of
evidence. The introduction of negro
votes into the ballot-box will throw a
mass of ignorance and want of reason and
judgment into that safeguard of the rights
of American citizens which will be pro
ductive of the most serious consequences
to the white people of this State. And
yet, this measure will be carried out by
the Radicals if they are successful this
fall. It is therefore an element in the
present State contest which should not be
Following this attack upon the interests
of white men will be the passage of a bill
by the Legislature introducing negro chil
dren into all the public schools of the
,Commonwealth, on a full equality with'
white children. The Radicals are not
content that separate schools Shall be
maintained, where negroes can bo edu
cated at the public expense. They are
not satisfied to make white men educate
negro children in addition to their own. I
This does not carry the principle of negro
equality far enough for the dominant
party. They insist that negroes shall be
sandwiched between whites in the same
building; that white girls and boys shall
be compelled to• sit beside negroes, and
mingle with them in all the exercises in
cident to and connected with school-life
under our present educational system in
this Commonwealth. This is what white
girls and boys.'will have to do if the Rad-1
Mats are successful at the polls this EMI, or
else forego the chances of receiving an
education fitting them to act well their
parts on the stage of busy and exacting
These are issues of a deeply interesting
and practical character, and they aro di
rectly involved in the State contest. now
going on in Pennsylvania. If the Radi
cals are successful, white men will have
to sit, beside negroesin the jury -box, and
white children herd with negroes in the
school room, This is the price white men
will be compelled to pay for a Radical
triumph in. this State._ Are they
to do' so.? -•
said that the hotel 'keepers at
the . White Mountains are about to pe
tition Congress to have the name of those
hills changed to Black Mountains, in. def.
erefiee to the popular sentiment of New
England. They need' rYOt
,40 so iu view
of the late elections. •"
Radical Duplicity,
In an article on the Ohio election the
Press says: "The vital point at issue• is
the question of manhood. suffrage, and it
is that great principle which draws out
such an array of force." 'Why was the
" vital point" repudiated In this State ?
Why did the Williamsport Convention
ignore " manhood suffrage ?" If that
great principle is calculated to draw out
the whole force of the Radical party, and
make it effective at the polls, by what
strange oversight was that fact overlook
ed by the men who engineered the Con
vention which nominated Judge Williams,
of Connecticut ? The truth is, the Radi
cals are not controlled by:principle in this
matter of negro suffrage. Where they
can win on the black issue, there the ne
gro will be brought to the surface; where
they can make nothing of the "colored
brother," he will be pushed tinder the ice'
and allowed to remain there. In Ohio
they are clamorous for negro suffrage. In
this State the question is not even men
tioned, in their State platform. Here they
rely upon Congress to force negro votes
into the ballot-box, in opposition to the
will of the people. This, they hope, will
save the party from a certain defeat up en
the open issue. But the. body of the os
trich can be seen although its head is
buried in the sand, and the white men of
Pennsylvania will defeat at the polls a
party which intends to place the negroes
on a full equality with them in all parts of
the Union.
United States Bonds.
The. Republican papers arc abusing
some Democrats of Ohio for proposing to
payoff the funded debt of the country in
legal tenders. This is called "repudia
tion," the "sacrifice of national, credit,"
and other, hard names; but is not ball so
bad, if bad at all, as the measures that
the Radicals have already endorsed and
forced upon the country. Who made
legal tenders good payment for debts in
curred in gold and silver, thus legalizing
the repudiation of private contracts ?
Who compelled the creditor to accept a
doprecintcd currency fur his demands,
giving him oftentimes only fifty cents on
the dollar? If we are to suffer the name
of repudiators, the stigma has already at
tached. The public debt was incurred in
greenbacks; why should it not be paid in
gold wan gul - --
jection can hardybe made - to is payment
now that gold is one hundred and forty.
If the Radicals can point to any law guar
anteeing the payment of the public debt
in gold, they need not hunt so far as they
do ak
,present for their arguments: If
there is no such law there is no obligation,
express or implied, to repay other money
than that loaned. But in any event, a
simple way of avoiding all questions is to
buy np the bonds in open market.—New
York Citizen.
Strong Radical Endorsement of 'Our
Over forty' thousand Republicans of
Philadelphia voted for Judge Sharswood
when he was last a candidate for the po
sition he now fills so ably. That was in
the very hottest excitement of the - war.
He was then regarded as sufficiently loyal
and was considered sound on all constitu ,
tional questions. No paper in Philadel
phia then spoke of hintexcept in terms of
the highest praise. The assaults made by
them upon him now, come with a very
bad grace. Either they , lied when they
praised him, or they aro lying now.—
'Which it is any man of sense can easily
tell for himself. The people of Philadel
phia and of the whole State know Judge
Sharswood so well that the falsehoodi of
a set of mercenary and corrupt political
scribblers cannot' affect his fair faille.
That he will be elected' by a large major
ity there is no reason to -doubt He is
just the man to be , placed on the Supreme
Bench; and the lawyers, the busin ' ess'men,
the capitalists and the masses of the peo
ple all know that to be the faot. Even
the Republicans of Philadelphia can not
"go back" on their endorsement of him.
Multitudes of them will vote for him.
fgr When Thaddeus Stevens stated
that the Republicans would come to grief
in Pennsylvania this fall on account of
their frightful corruption, he, in advance,
gave an explanation of ie painful defeat
of Radicalism in California anti Montana,
and the overwhelming gains of the; De
mocraPy in Vermont and Maine. The
truth is apparent that the masses are be
coming.itioroughly disgusted with the
usurpations of the Congressional traitors,
and they are preparigk to strike the Rad
icals a crushing blotr in Pennsylvania.
—A Peris Wei reports' that M. Do
brauzdo Raldapenna;' of the Manorial .Di
plomatique, is left literary executor to
.MaKimilian, tint' is about le publish a bi
ography of his Oaf life. M. de Saldapeuna
had already begun the work befOre the ar
rangement of Miramar was tenblinied;and
he has recently received documents which
will nearly (halt him to the end of; the life
of the Prince; -
---Tho 'popular question of tho•day now
is—Havo, yOu heard, from Californa f ,
GOLDEN Ni s--Thatfrom,Californii.
The Despotism Bill—Conflict of Races.
Hon. James Brooks, member of the
Rump Congress from New York, and one
of the proprietors of the,New York Ex
press, delivered an able'speech against the
Five-monarch bill as it p - assed•
the Rouse. We quote his remarks .upon
"the development of a conflict of races,"
as follows. The truth the statements
and deductions cannot be denied:
Sir, I deprecate the • passage of this bill
in its effect upon the people of the South
ern country. Far better would it be for
that land, from the Potgrnac to: the Rio,
Grande, to be as it was one hundred years
ago, a howling wilderness ; han to be sub
jected to the auialgaination 4)l,,ch
you "are - •propositig' bill:" Our
country is now made up of many different
races, not only Caucasian, Mongelianln
dian, Chinese, with Japanese- abont.kO
come here in the Pacific steamers by thou !
sands, and et
_last the : Esquimsti.,xl,btil
you have selected the least intelligent = . the
poorest informed, ezcept they.squimaux ;
you have selected the African to share
with you copartnership in thiS'Grovern
ment, while yonf own wives and•children,
your minor boys are shut out front the
right of suffrage. You have, given to the
negro equality and copartnership with the
white man. S'ir, it is impossible for 'Chesil
two races, in , my , l judgment, ever to live
together ou terms of intimacy, amity and
friendship, as you propose in ; this
You have stored up and are yet storing
up for them the elements of, awful strife
which will produce a perpetual conflict of
Sir, the negro Haytien is wiser. than
you. Ile allows no white man, to •hold
real estate on that, island. The black Li
berian is wiser • than you. Ile allows no
white man to share with him the govern
ment of that country. The experiment
in Jamaica of a mingled governm.entrhas
broken down, and all the free governntent
there is absorbed by the Britis
ment, which now, through orders in coot!:
cil, disregarding both whites and LIMES,
exercises supreme power: NoWhere on
this earth has this tuixed ; government.suc,
One race is superior_ to another. God
so ordained, and -no fiat of .authority of
yours can' bring,' down the Caiieasian to
the African, or bring up the African to
the Caucasian. All efforts, all struggles
LW, reenl6 .”Irtlianditryt, "ix tru - rtz, - 3
half Indian, now Governor and ruler of
Mexico, is' just now showing . there the
barbaric character of this mingled Gov
ernment of unnaturally aspeiated races,
while the numerous other Spanish negro
Indian hybrid States are almost all of
them in constant civil war, armies run
ning and overrunning' one another, with
the blood of the white than and the blood
of the negro both deteriorated .by finks
commingling, and yet hero this rash, this
fearful experiteenti No, not an experi
ment, for experience has already shown
that it never can succeed. You , propose
to mix and mingle the twelve millions of
your countrymen in the Southern States
of the Union. Yon take the most igno
rant., the most uneducated, the most
brutish of the population, and give them
absolute control in boards of registration
or through the ballot.bok.. It needs no,,
the eye of prophecy, it, needs,
divination to foretell what ,must be_ th 9
eff.SCi'd i sucli a - crime is this; for tori shows you what" hasbeerilia'Vffe4
and what Will be hereiften
, .
The • I `4roeudewell" Against
• 441 •:
There can be no doubt that the deca
deuce of Radicalism has sot, in, and‘that
its falling fortunes can only be retrieval_
—if even thus—by a resort to negro suf-
In Marsh, New Hampshire ,one of,the
strongholds of Radicalism, fell from rte
annual Radical majority more tbafi
half. In April, Coeineetleut, : alivays Rad:-
ical, threw off its bonds and declared 'in
favor of Democracy. - In August, ,ICen
tucky, which gave , the Democracy 37,-
944 in 1986, ran the majority, up to 66 e
' Next-Verment, the'preseßt
month; has fallen so liar below'the usual
-Radical majority that the Radical press
and officials keep back the rettirtiA—inem
ly claiming the election' by a redneed ma r
jerity. Lastly we have California, rvhicli
wheelS eneef the thialtdom of Radieial..
ism. into the Democratic lino by st riiajbi'
ty'eatiniated at ton thonstind.,.: Turing'
see, alone, • maintainsitself inrOuced
Radicalism—but how? ' 1:11rof4?,4 ape
voteB !—tho unjust and inf.imons-disfran
chisement of:nearlynil the best citizens of
the State. -
Taking these facts together, the De
mocr,acy:have great.cause to, rejoice, end
to renew their, efforts to,:etarry,the.Qate
ber alid'Novcinbet oleetionsm
states. - !, t
~rof. IW,gteou. of Ann Arbor, 10
uttOds discovery "of iv now
planOt;iiit‘titted in riglititeeeiiiiitiuo D 4o•;
and in deeleneion' 3°'lo'sotith-4noviDg
west and south.
, • , t
,--Honi Jatneet:A:. Moth:fugal!, -
Senat or of, the 'United: Stateni,Wennitife
istete o 1 Cialiforna, died •at.„Ailledi,iislwX7,
on the 3d inet.
' 1