The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 17, 1867, Image 3

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    giontrost gitmocratv
TUESDAY, SEPT. 17b 1E167.
Mac,c3al Xsitalligezifoo.
gerSee the Lamb Knitting Machine in
operation at the Fairs this fall. *3
The Board of School Directors of
Bridgewater will meet at Tarbell'B Hotel,
Montrose, on Saturday Sept. 21, at 1 o''-
.clock, P. M.
By order of the Bo.d.
Prof. Hager will hold-- - a Musiefil Con
vention at the Brick Chapel, in Liberty,
commencing Tuesday Sept. 24t,b, to con
tinue one week.
Tickets for Gentlemen, $l. Ladies, 50e
Stealing Fruit.
Persons who steal fruit should remem
ber that the law of 1860 imposes a penal
ty of $5O fine and sixty-days' imprison
ment for any such offence, when proven
before any Alderman or Justice, of the
Peace. The same law provides a penal
ty of from *5 to *5O, with costs, fur wil
fully entering or breaking into any or
chard, yard or garden—the fine being
one-halt to the informer, and one-half to
the owner of the lancl.—[Er.
Fire in Jessup.
We hear that the store of J. W. Throek-
morton, in Jessup, was destroyed by fire
on Saturday night last, together with its
entire contents, including about $3OO in
money. Loss, s3,ooo—insurance $2,000.
Nothing was saved but the books. The
fire was caused by the explosiki of a ker
osene lamp, which exploded in conse
quence of an attempt to extinguish it by
blots ing down the chimney without the
wick being turned down.
Get Assessed.
Let every Democrat sec that he is as
sessed at once. Satuyday, Sept. 28th, is
the last day on which assessments can be
male to entitle you to vote.
The committees in each town should
attend to the extra assessments and have
them made immediately.
Sweet Potatoes.
Some fine specimens of Sweet Potatoes,
grown by Hiram White, of Lenox,
were shown at the Fair on Thursday last.
They were of the Yellow Nansemond va
riety, of good size and yield well. This
most excellent veg etable can be readily
and profirably prouced by our farmers
an 1 gardeners; and we suggest that the
attention of all interested (which includes
everybody) be directed to this subject.
Nicholson Agricultural' Society.
The Nicholson Agricultural Society
will hold their first Annual Fair upon
their new grounds at Nicholson Depot,
Sept. 24th, 25th, and 26th, 1867.
The Society have spared no pains or
money necessary to fit their Grounds and
Building iu the most approved manner.
The track and grounds were laid out by
Mr. Archbald, a practical engineer, and
will compare with those of any similar in
stitution in the States.
They offer a premium list greater in
amount and larger in its range than most
societies of its kind.
All proper attention will be given to
the wants of exhibitors and patrons by
the officers of the Society.
For particulars see handbills.
A. C. Stssos, Pres't.
H. P. iItusTEAD, Sec'}•.
Nicholson, Sept. 3,1867.-4 t •
Sabbath Schools.
The Susq'a County Sabbath School As
sociation will hold a Convention conduc
ted by R.G.Pardee, A. M., of New York,
in Mechanics' Library Hall, Susq'a Depot,
on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 15th
and 16th of Oct. 1867. We tape every
Sabbath School in the County will be rep
resented by its Sup't, and as many teach
ers with others, who feel interested in the
cause of Sabbath Schools as can attend.
The primary - object of the Convention
is not alone to occupy time in speech-ma
king and reading reports, but more espe
cially to afford an opportunity for practi
cal suggestions and valuable instruction
in the art of teaching, etc., with the view
of promoting the cause of Sabbath School
work throughout the county.
The well known reputation of Mr. Par
dee as an experienced instructor in Sab
bath School labor, is a sufficient guaran
tee that the occasion will be one of deep
est interest to all.lovers of the good cause.
Entertainment will be provided eor those
coming from a distance, and all such are
requested to report themselves immedi
ately upon their arrival to S. F. Clark,
chairman of reception, room No. 3, Me
chanics' Library sall , that they may be
promptly provided •for.
Committee of Reception—L. F. Clark,
C. 0. Vedder, G. A. Baldwin, G. H. Leal,
G. W. Mackey, H. Holdridge, P. Tait, J.
Order of Exercises.--Tuesday afternoon.
Devotional exercises. Address to the,
Convention. Reports from district cor
responding secretaries, stapes and teach
ers. Reviews and remarks by Mr. Par
Tuesday evening.—Devotional exercis
es. Report of corresponding - secretary.
Three ten minutes addresses from minis
ters and others of the Convention: In
structions from Mr. Pardee on organii
ie.', superintending and opening exercises
of Sabbath Schools,
Wednesday morning—Conferenqk and
Prayer for the conversion of childreh,
Reports from superintendents and
teachers on infant schools; object, teach
ing and black-board exercises, what you
are doing, difficulties, etc. Same subject
continued by Mr. Pardee. Questions, an
swers, miscellaneous.
Wednesday afternoon.—. Prayer for
teachers. Reports from Convention; how
teach, modes of teaching, difficulties, etc.
Same subject continued by Mr. Pardee.
Questions, answers, miscellaneous. Two
fifteen• minutes addresses to parents and
Wednesday evening.—Devotional ex
ercises. Teacbers' meeting; entirely
teaching, Conversions, etc., conducted by
Mr. Pardee. Closing address to the Con
Executive Committee—S. B. Chase, D
K. Oakley, Win. H. Jessup, J. B. Gregg
JAS. B. GIIGG, Pres't.
DR. ' L. BIRDSALL, Cor. Sec'y.
D. K. OAKLEY, Rec. Sec'y.
Harford, on Wednesday & Thursday,
Oct. 2d and 3d, 1867.
List or .7u.cilgoos.
Wm:T. Moxley, New Milford ; J. S.
Tarbell, Montrose ; H. Marcy, Lenox.
Sub-diviiiim 2—Colts & Mules.
!,athrop, New Milford; Lewis Brain
ard, 'Gibson ; Henry Bailey, Brooklyn.
Sub-div.l, Full Bloods—Sub•div. 2, Grade
E. R. Grow, Lenox; Robert Breed
Brooklyn; Seth Ab el , Gibson. ,
Sub-div. 3, Grade Devons—Sub-div. 4,
Jacob Gillet, Gibson ; A. J. ninny,
Brooklyn ; A. B. Seamans, llarford.
Sub-div. 5, Oxen and Steers.
Stephen Breed, Brooklyn ; Geo. Leach,
Ilarford ; Naaman Clafflin, Gibson.
ct. Ass Ht.—Sheep Jv Swine.
James Sterling Brooklyn ; Justin Gib
son ; G. J. IloteAiss, iturfurd.
Class 4, Poultry—Class 5, Grain.
Kilbourne Oakley, HarlOrd ; I. 11.
Chaim, GibsGn ; Warren Tingley, .Lenox.
Class 6, Butter, Cheese and bread.
C. S. Johnston, Lathrop ; John Follet,
New Milford ; Horace Bennett, South
Crass 7, Fruit and Vegetables.
Wm. Thayer, Gibson ; Joseph McCon
nell, Harturd; Pierce Dean, N. Milford.
Class 8, Vinegar, Honey Sugar.
Ira Carpenter, Hai-ford ; W. W. Wil
liams, Gibson ; 11. N. Smith Lenox.
Class 9, Leather, etc.
J.IS. Adams, Hartord ; Elish Bell, Len
ox ; Francis Whitney, Jack-on.
Class 10, Agricultural Implements, me.
Wm. C Ward, New Milford; Stephen
Bell, Lenox ; Jas. 0. Bul and, Brooklyn.
Class 11, Cabinet Work, Hardware, &e.
J. Diekerman, jr., New Milford ; J. C.
Edwards, HarlOrd ; U. S. Ken!, Brook
Mass 12, Dumestie-Goods
H. C. Aloxley, New Milford ; Mrs.l. R.
Peck, Harlin(' ; Mrs. Asa Titus, Lenox.
Class 13, Ornamental Needlework, etc.
D. R. Oakley, Harford ; Mrs. C. M.
Gere, Montrose ; Miss S. A. Adams, 'Jar
ford ; Mrs. A. Brewster, llarford.
Class 14, Paintings ik Flowers.
W. L. Thatcher, Ilarford ; Mrs. C. H.
Miller, Harford ; Miss Sarah Jones, liar
ford ; Miss Malv , ina Tiffany, Brooklyn.
Class 15, Plowing. ,
Horace Seymour New Milford ; Alfred
Jeffers, Lenox; Palmer, Brooklyn.
Commit tee of Arrangements—S.E.Car
penter, D. E. Whitney, B. F. Hine. .
Class 16, Unenumerated Articles.
C. D. Lathrop, Montrose;
Grinnell, New MiltOrd ; C. P. Edwards,
General Sup't--Amherst Carpenter.
Surto of Cattle—J.L. Tiffany, G. S.Whit-
" Sheep, Swine & Poultry—N. Tomp
bins, C. L. Seeley,
" Dairy Hall—G. A. Lindsey.
" Mechanics' Hall—W.M. Williams.
" Fruit.ik Vegetables—O.Grinnell.
" Ag'l lmplements—T. Gillespie.
" Floral Hall—E. S. P. Hine, F. H.
Tiffany, Mrs. 0. Grinnell, Mrs. J.
C. Tanner, Miss E. G. Blanding.
Official Notice by the County Superin
All Provisional Certificates heretofore
granted, or in any way,made good in
Susq.)Co., are hereby annulled and will
expire on the first day of October, 1867.
Provided, any certificate may remain valid
until the full examination is held for any
1113M - tt in which the bolder is located.
All teachers holding Provisional Cer
tificates, wishing to teach the year follow
ing the next series of esatnivations, will
need to be re-examined;
Hereafter three classes of certificates
will be granted. 1, Provisional, valid for
one year only. This certificate is the same
as the old Provisional Certificate, except
all applicants must be examined in the
Theory of Teaching and the History of
the United States. 2, Professional, valid
in the county where granted until the
first of June, 1870. 3, Permanent Cer- ,
tificates, which shall continue to be valid
in the county where granted unless for
feited according to the provisions of' the
School Law (Supplement), and shall also
entitle the holder to teach one year in any
other county of this State, at the end of
which time it may be endorsed .by TIM
proper Superintendent, if he deem it y
worthi'y held.
An excellent opportunity is now offered
for emulation among our teachers. Let
us avail ourselves of the privilege by
thorough preparation. With proper effort
Susq. Co. can rank among the first in the
State. Professional. Certificates hereto
fore granted, or in any way made good
in Susq. Co., will expire on the first of
June next.
An examination for granting Profes
sional Certificates will he held in the
Academy at New Milford, September 28,
1807, commencing at 8 a. m.
Applicants will be examined in the.
branches enumerated in the old Provi
sional Certificates, Theory of Teaching
and the History of the United States, to
which may be added Algebra, Geometry;
Natural Philosophy, Elementary Astron
omy, Physiology and Rhetoric.
Teachers wishing to be examined at
this time will please notify by letter.
Similar opportunities will be offered after
the series of examinations in October.
All citizens interested-are invited to at
The regular annual series of examina
tions of Teachers for the Common 'Schools
of Susq. Co. will commence the first day
of October, 1867, and continue as follows:
Harmony,— Lanesboro S. H., October 1
Oakland du
Susq. Depot,) Ro g ers' "
Great Bend
!acre "
New Milford
Academy "
Jackson,— .
Thomson, ..
Ararat, ....
Herrick, ...
Gibson. ....
Lenox, ....
Lathrop, ...
Auburn, ....
( I t .l;lge nir -a o t s e e r , 1. Acadt ; my „
Franklin t
Liberty, 1
Forest Lake, ....Wright "
Middletown, Ross "
Choconut Friendsv , e, „
Little Meadows,
Silver Lake,.. lirackney "
....Centre "
. . . Aldrich "
....Lyons' "
City "
..Burrows' "
.. Village "
Glenwood "
.. Bronson "
. . . Cent re "
Academy "
. . Hollow "
• .. Centre "
. Snyder's "
. . . " " 25
1, Examination will open at. 9 a. m.
2, Applicants will not be admitted after
the class has been examined in the first
2, All applicants will hn aratninva in
two additional branches—liktory of
United States and Theory of
4, Provisional Certificates, only, will be
granted at these examinations.
5, The examinations will be thorough
and practical. .._,
6, Applicants will supply themselves
with two sheets of foolscap,.pen, pencil,
ink, and Fifth Reader.
7, Institutes for the instruction of teach.
ers trill be held at City School House,
October I2uh, Dirnock Academy, Octobyr
19th, Little Meadows, November Ist.
A full attendance is looked for. AL SERIES.
Special examinations will be held at
Great Bend Nov. 18th, llopbottom Nov.
19th, Montrose Nov. 20th, Rush, Gran
ger's, Nov. 21st, Forest Lake, Nov. 22d,
Jackson Corners Nov. 26th, Lenoxville
Nov. 28th. After which no examination
will be held. Teachers will he examined
at the spelial examinations upon this con
dition : that they are already employed
and present a written reqnest and an ex
cuse for not attending the regular series,
signed by at least three directors.
It is hoped that Boards will be fully
represented at each examination, as there
will be a good opportunity to employ
teachers, and important business will be
brought before them.
Teachers should in all cases be supplied
with a five cent revenue stain!):
Persons wishing prompt replies to let
ters relating to school matters should-in
close a stamp to pay return postage.
W. W. WATSON, CO. Sup't.
New Milford, Sept. 11th, 1867.
Aug. 270, 1867, in Dimock, by Rev.
and Miss THERESA M. RosENen.ANTs,both
of Dimock.
In Rush, Sept. 9th, by Eld. H. 11. Gray,
Mr. JACOB J. ELY, of Brooklyn, and Miss
MARTHA A. JAGGAii, of Forest Lake.
In Ruth, Sept. Ist, by Eld. H. 11. Gray,
Mr. CHARLES ILty and Miss MARY M.
CRANE, both of Auburn.
MP—Noti Obituariesg and deaths published free
of charge. published if paid for at the tate
of fifty cents per hundred words.
In Montrose, Sept. 3d, HArriE R.,
youngest daughter of John and Harriet
Groves, aged 18 ...years.
to 3►Dtiertisemeuts
For sale by ABEL TERRELL
" 2
(i 3
" 4
" 10
" 12
" 14
cc 15
" • 16
ta 18
" 21
" 22
If 9:3
" 94
it 96
Forks " " 28
" 29
" 30
November 2
THE enbecriber would respectfulbi inform the public
that he Thae commenced business In C. Cush
man's old Shopovhere he keeps constantly on hand and
manufactures to order all kinds of
. 4 4. 1. gv, otv. 01.11,1alpali.i
.x.„,,.... :;,,,1.,:...'
Bureaus, Bedsteads, Lounges, Settees,
Stands, Tables, Extension 'rabies,
of a superior manufacture,
Also, Barrett's Patent Ladies' Revolving
Work Table.:
All thosein want of Cabinet Furniture will do well
to give me a call before looking elsewhere, for I intend
to make my work good, and sell it Cheaper than any
other establishmentin Susquehanna County.
N. B.—All work,done when promised.
Montrose, Sept. 9, 1887.—tt
La Co 63 ! •
ON Satiirday, Sept, 7th, 1867,. between Fairdale and
ki James Sep t ,
in Brooklyn, a large black and
white CHECK SHAWL. The tinder will be suitably
rewarded by leaving it with the undersigned, or at
Reed's Store, Montrose.
Fairdale, Sept. 17,1567.-22•
late of Harford, itiusq'a county. Pa., dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having beengranted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
ms against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
A. J. TIFFANY, Adna'r.
Oak:ey, Sept. 17, 1867.
Keep regularly supplied with unadulteraled .
Drugs and Afedicines, Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Wines and Liquors, Paints,
Oils and Varnish, Perfumery,
Fancy Soaps, Yankee
&c. &c.
New Fres h from
,York City.
Ali of the most popular Patent Medicines sold in
this section, among which may be found
.Ayre's and Jayne's Family Medicines, Hem
bold's Birchrt, Schenck's Pulnionic Sy
rup and' Sea-weed Tonic, Duponco's
and Cheeseman's Female Pills,
Hull's Cough Balsam,
Wishart's Pine Tree
Hall's Hair Renewer, Br - n.9'3 Ambrosia,
Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Hoof
land's German Bitters, Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters,
And many other kinds of real value and merit. In tact
our Stock embraces a Line minurturleut of everything us
uailly kept In WELL ELEuULATED Drug Stores. •
tlr - Precriptions receil/e particular attentiOn, and
are CAREFULLY and promptly compounded.
••• btore formerly occupied by J. Etheridge
Montrore,-Pa., Sept. 17, 1867
Fourth and Arch Sts.
Are now offering a NEW STOCK of
CO 0 as,
For the Fall Sales of
N. B.—Job Lots of Goods received Daily
scpt. 1a —6w
This is to give notice that on the list day of Au
gust, A D. 1611 i, a warrant in/ Bankrnptcy was issued
against, the estate of JOHN BRACK.N EY, of Brack
neyville, Susquehanna Comity. Pennsylvania, who
tux been adjudged a Bankrupt. on his own petition ;•
that the payment of any debt and delivery of any prop
erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use,
and the transfer of any property by him, arc forbidden
by law. That a meeting of the creditors of eaid Bank
rupt, to prove their debts, and to prove' mite or more
assignees of his estate, will he held at a Court of Bank.
ruptcy, to he held at No Mei Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton, Pennsylvania , before EDWARD N. WIL
LARD, Register. ou the 30th day of September, 1867, at
one o'clock, P. M. Tri aaoWl.l2rr ,
C. S. Marshal, as Messenger,
Western District of Penna.,
Sep. 10.--eri Per C. W. ROESLER, Deputy.
.7M •
undersigned offers for sale his House, Shop and
1 Lot, located in the village of Gibson, Gibson town
ship, Sueq'a co., Pa. Terms made known by enquiring
of the subscriber on the premises.
He will also offer for sale on MOND A 1", NOV. 4th,
isn't', at one o'clock, if not previously disposed of, in
which ease notice will be given, the following property:
I four years old mare, broke to harness; I set of sil
ver-plated single Harness, nearly new; I open Buggy,
nearly new; I open Buggy, new ; 1 two- eated Pleasure
Sleigh, new; 1 one-horse Lumber Sleigh, new; I cylin
dei Coal Stove, coOklng, nearly new; household articles
too numerous to mention. Five Months credit with
interest and approved security. All sums under
cash down. J. S. HOWELL.
N. B.—All those having unsettled aecontitsyith the
undersigned are hereby notifiedto call and arringe the
same without further notice. J. S. IIowELL.
Gibson, Pa., Sept, 10, 1,667.-21 n•
1- has proYed Dr. ED WARDS' Tar, Wild Cherry and
ftgaCouch Syrup! The most succeistni
tEmedicine in use for Colds, Coughs,
Hoarseness. Asthma. Iniinenza,Bron
chitin, Whooping Cough, etc. Sold
" e re 130 and
y• ib
IWSPIAN and SURGEON, has located at Brook-
Susq.. Co. Pa. ; Will attend to all calls prompt
ly. Office the one formerly occupied by Dr. E. L.
Blakeslee. [Brooklyn, Sept. 3, 1867.—tf
IlarAll having accounts with Dr. B. L. Blakeslee
will please call and Fettle immediately by note or oth
Statement of Friendsville Boro'
Bounty Matters.
Amount of Bounty bonds issued 1860, $1,200 00
" loan 1885 to esi eel bonds, 600 00
" expenses for bonds, stamps, & vol. ex., 52 81
" interest paid on bonds, 1:61 87
" reed on Duplicate of 1865, 609 .5.1
•" 1866, 61010•
Duplicates of 1865 and '66 are yet unsettled with the
School Directors. -
We certify the shove to be correct as well as could be
found under the circumstances. -
Friendsville, Sept. 3, 1837
EItIE RAILWAY.—On anti after Mon
day,l-14 Aug. tth, 1567. trains w i til leave Great
Bend at about the following hours, viz.:
5.53 a. to. Night Express, Mondays excepted. for Ro
chester, Buffalo. Salamanca and Dunkirk, making di
rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great
Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for
all points West: also at Binghamton for Syracuse;
at Owego for Ithaca, and at Elmira for Canandaigua.
5 - 27 a. in. Mail Train, Sundays except ed, for Buffalo
and Ilnlzie/t....muootiak g rst It crt canandalgua.
3.5:1 p. tn. Day Express, Sundays- excepted, for Ro
chester. Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West.
Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for
Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; nt Salamanca
with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at
Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail
ways, for all points West and South.
7, 51 p. m. Express Mall, Sundays excepted, for Bun
lo, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains
for the West.
12.50 p. m. Way Freight, Sunday's excepted.
11.31 a. to. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West.
7.13 a. m. Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted,
at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Grayconrt for New
burg and Warwick.
onop. m. Accommodation Train Daily.
2.00 p. m. Day Express. Sundays excepted, connect
at Lackawaxen for Bawler, and at Jersey City with
midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.
9117 p. m. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays ex
cepted, connecting at Jersey City with morning ex
press train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore
arid \Pastan:Am and at New York with morning ex
press trains for Boston and the east.
3.43 a. in. Night Express, Daily, connecting at Gray
court for Warwick; and at New York with afternoon
trains and steamers for Boston and New England
10.3:1a. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted.
sap. 3 Gen'l Passenger Agent. Gen'l Snp't.
Statement of Bounty
.Fund for
Harmony township.
Supervisors in aco't with Harmony township, Dn.
To individual subscription, $2,480 00
Bolide iiwnod, 6322 00
Tax Duplicate for 1864, 4,097 00
" 1865, 4,468 42
1866, 830 02
Ain't paid Volunteer Agent by State, and by
him presented to Township, 106 00
$18,303 90
By Bounties paid Volunteers, $7,505 00
Amount refunded on subscriptions, 1,194 50
Exoneration on Tax Duplicates, 613 84
Awl refunded to Soldiers in servite 18 mo's 25 65
Paid for Bonds and Stamps,4 00
Expenses of Volunteer agents, 129 50'
Bonds canceled, 6;322 00
Paid interest.on Bonds, 499 48
Paid percentage on collections, '. 139 83
Dtipßeate for 1866, less exon., 759 90
Balance in Treasury, 1,110 25
$18,303 90
11. W. BRANDT,
F. A. LYONS, CFI:. Auditors.
• '
Harmony, Aug, V, 1867.--Sw
tate of Anbarn, Husq'a county,,Pa.. deed:
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having beengranted to the undersign
ed. all persons to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
claims aga‘rivt the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
RUA, August 27th, 1887.
3012.7ce1r..a. Mills.
sauna', is lull Ot desirable Goods. Call and sea
Nom is - the Tinge for Micirlsaimusa
We are CLEARING OUT the balance of our Stemmer Goods now on hand at coat—panslaftiist of
Mohairs, Grenadines, Poplins, Lawns, printed Jaconetts, Alpacas, tballie Delaine f
Balmoral Skirts, Shawls, Ladies' Sackings, Cassimeres f
Cotton and Silk Parasols, .Sec. &c.
The above Goods will be sold at COST in order to close them out prior to gliing
up for the Fall Trade. Goods shown with pleasure.
asek.r_aX4 ..49.1V3:1 tEiI.MI3 FOR ,ncrurt.sanzevriaigt
MONTROSE, Pa., July 23 ,)5 47 - At the Post °Mee, east ride of Public Avenue.
T ILE undersigned Vieiterdd oilers township, for sa
aboutle his
one Far m m
1e situated fro,
Montrose Depot, containing about
120 .Laiocires.
With about 80 acres under cultivation, a good Dwel
ling House, 3 Barns and other outbuildings, a good
Orchard, is well watered; in fact, a good
Grain or Dairy Farm.
Persons desirous of purchasing will receive all ne
cessary information es to terms. &c. by calling upon
the undersigned, on the promises.
Montrose Depot, Aug. 20, 1867.—tr.
MBE undersigned offers for sale a desirable farm sit
uated in Rush township, bounded by ands ofJohu
McDermott, Taco!) Drotzman, John Collin l s, and others,
containing 214 acres, 130 of which are improved and un
der a high state of cultivation, and well fenced with
rails and stonewall. It is well adapted to grain or dai
ry purposes ; has a stream of water supplied by springs
running throu,gh the centre, and several springs on
other parts cache farm. The buildings area good dwel
ling kouse, plastered, (with a good well of water at the
door,) a tenant house, and framed barn 30 by 40 feet,
with stone basement: A good young Orchard, 18 fall
bearing—apples, cherries, peaches, &c. The farm is
well accommodated with roads running in all direct
dons, a cross-roads near the house 8 miles from Canal
and Railroad at Laceyville. Good title given.
For cantles particulars apply on the farm to
Rush, Aug. 20,1E47.-4w•
Al'o, for sale, two Mule Colts, one year old and of
good size.
To Solicit Orders for a New Illustrated
This DICTIONARY embodies the results of !he moat
recent etndy,research and investigation, of atent six tr.
five of the most emienent and advanced Biblical,Schol
ars now living. Clergymen of nil denerninaticine ap
prove it, and regard it as the best work of the kind in
work of Its kind In the English language, and one
which ought to be in the hands of every Bible read, r in
the land.
Li circulating this work.. agentt will flud a pleasant
and profitable employment. The numerous objvctions
which are usually encountered in selling ordinary
works will not exist with this.
But on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid
will attend the Agent, making his labors agreeable,
useful and lucrative
Ladies. retired Clergymen, School Teachers. Farm
ers. Students. and all other.; 1010 possess enerzy, are
wanted to assist in every town and county
in the country, to whom the most liberal inducements
will a offered.
For. particulars, apply to, or address
7'2 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Penn.
N 7 ter
Please Read this Carefully
rpflE snbscribers have entered into a partneriblpfor
..EL the purpose of carrying on the •
Merchant Tailoring
business; and having mipplied ourselves with • brat
rate stock of materials, Bitches
Cloths, Casslitteres 14t Trunta_ irige f
We arc prepared to furnish
Coats, Vests,Pants,Otercoatsoka
upon very short notice, made in the latest style, of the
beat materials, and at very low prices. Weals° have
fur sal
and 'tittle other articles usually kept in an establish
ment of this kind.
We may be found in the rooms formerly occupied by
0. F. Fordham, between C. N. Stoddard's Shoe Store
and It. B. Little's law office, west sidtrof Main street,
Montrose, Pa , doing business wider the name of Morse
& Lines.
S. 11. MORSE, - P. LINES'
Montrose, May 2d, 11•67.—tt •
JIY virtue of certain Owrite Issued by the Courtin(
) Common Pleas of Susquehtinna County, and to ale
directed, I will expose to sale by ,public veudne, at the
Court-house, in Montrose. on Saturday, Sep. 28th leB7,
at I o'clock, I'. 3i., the following described *des or
parcels of land, to wit :
All that certain piece or parcel'oflatuf, situate lYing
and being in the township . of Jackson county of Sus
quehanna; and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as fellows, to wit: Beginning at a stake and
Stones at a corner of Horace Aldrich, Thee. Butterfield
and Con Wells' land, thence south SS' west, 34 perches,
thence south .Iy," east, 56 perches to a corner ; thence
south lb' ea -t, 22 perches ; thence south 45' . east, 82
perches to a beech tree corner ; thence north 51' east,7o:
perches to a corner of Horace Aldrich's land, thence
north 413* weq. 117 perches to the place of begihning—
containing 35 acres 52 perches of land, be the game more
or less. about ;It acres improved, with one smalLbouse,
kc. [Taken in execution at the suit of 0. L. Belcher,
assigned to G. L. Belcher vs. Chas. T. Belcher."
The following described building and lot
Said building is a store and roouil to rent, IX stories
high, haeiug a front.o(lH and a depth of 2i feekeitnate
upon a certain lot of land within the Copnty of Susque
hanna. Said lot and house are on the smith aide of
Main street. in the borough of Great Bend, next to G.
11. White's Ilutdher shop, on land leaded to Edwin
Street by Geo. W. Griggs. [Taken in execution at the
suit of Henry Ford t is. Edwin Street.
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in tho
township of Franklin, County of ;Susquehanna, Penn
sylvania, hounded and descilbed as follows, to wit:
Beginning in the Centre of the Snake Creek Turnpike
Road, in range 0 ith the fence on the south side of the
passage to Ft sk's saw mill, thence aldn'the came road
south two degrees cart six and eight-tenths perches,
thence along the same south twelve degrees teen ten
perches, thence by other lands of E. B. Smith, seventy.
nix degrees west sixty-fear perebse to the line of Bur
rows' lot, thence by said line north one and one-half
de roes cast twenty-three and three-tenths perches',
north seven degrees east twenty-five and cove.. one
hundredths perches, thence north eighteen and one
half degrees east fifteen and eight-tenths pernlieathence
south eight degrees cast six perches, thence cast fifteen
perches to the place of beginning, containing 9 acres
and 48 perches of land, and all or nearly all Improved—
one house, cue barn, one raw rail, and one orchard.
(Taken in execution at the snit of Fli &Smith, assigd
ed to D. D. Warner vs. David Fiskil
All that certain piece or parcel nf land situate in
Springville township. county of Suirtinelianna, bounded
on the north by lands of John S.lhams, east by
lands of 11. Kerr, Hinth by hinds or If Ball and John S.
Williams, and west by lands of John 8: Williams, con
taining about thirty acre", about one-half improved,
with one dwelling house, one' barn and younzorchard
thereon. 'Taken In execution at the suitor Beni. ILI&
Icy vs. A. Brink
S. P. LATE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose Sept. p,
li7i7ci3.tha,m., Mitrizess.
frillS Company beg leave to inform - the
übhl eiicr
torynowco m er en four op c e re a s i o n g n ound , and .
more than a million dollars, and employs over 70000-
ratives, They ; produce 75,000 Watches . a year, and
make and sell not leap than ono-WI :of all the Watches
sold in the United States.
The difference between their manufacture and the
European, is brletly this: European Watches are made
'almost entirely by hand, and the result is of necessity a
lack of that uniformity, 'which Is Indispensable to cor
rect time-keeping. Both the eye and the hand of the
most skillful operative muit vary. But it is a tact that
except watches of the higher grades, European watches.
are the prodnctiof the cheapest labor of SWiteetland,.
and the result it the worthless Ancres, Lepines and so
called Patent Levers—which . Soon 'cost more In at•
tempted repairs, than theft original price. Common
workmen, boys , and. women, buy the rough separate
pens of these watches from various factories, polish
and pat them together, and take them to the nearest
watch merchant, who stamps, and engraves them with
any name or brand that may be ordered.
The American Waltham Watch is made by no such:
uncertain process—and by no each incompetent work
men. All the Company's operations, from the recep
tion of the raw materials to the completion of the
Watch, aro carried on under one roof, and under one
skillful and competent direction. But thegreat distin
guishing feature ; of their Watches, le the fact that their
several parts aro all made by the finest, the moat perfect
and delicate machinery ever brought to the sidof Duman
Industry. Every one of the more than a hundred
of every watch la made by a machine—that infallibly
reproduces every succeeding part with the moat unva
rying accuracy. It was only necessary to make one
perfect watch of ;any particular style end then to squat
the hundred machines nereseary to reproduce every
part of that watch, and it follows that every suedeSdlng
watch must be like it.
The Company respectfully submit their Watches Oii
their merits only. They claim to make
by their improved mechanical proceises than can bo
made under the old-fashioned handicraft system. They
manufacture watches of every grade, from a good, low
priced, and substantial article, In solid sliver bunting
cases, to the finest • chronometer; and also ladies'
watches in plain gold or the finest enameled and jewel.
ed eases• but the IndispenSible* requisite of all their
watches s that they shall .be. GOOD TIMEKEEPERS.
It remembered that, except their single
est grads named "Dome Watch Company, DOlStan."
ALL WATCIILS made by them
kV A special certilicato. and tide warrantee -t* good *
all time against plc Company or Its agents, •
the borough of Montrose, Flasn'eto., deiessed.• .
Letters testamentary upon- the ,estate of %hi abOire •
named decedent having been granted to the undersign!?
ad; ail persons said estate are hereby nett.
tied to make Immediate payment, and those haling
claims against tha same to present them duly authenti
cated for aettlemebt.
Montrose, Aug. bO,
182 Broadway, New York.
D. Tp COON,'Si'r