The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 03, 1867, Image 1

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A. J. GERRITSON, "K'roprietorJ
M,=MTI ' Mr73 . 7 . IM
"A beauty! an heiress! an eccentric
guardian, whose invitation includes any
friend you like to take with you for a few
day's shooting. Why, my dear Fred, you
have bound me to you forever by your se
lection of myself. I feel quite a new man
already; for I must confess that, when you
came in jußt now, I was suffering from an
unusually desperate fit of the blues."
"Consequent, in a remote degree, on
last night's supper," suggested Fred Clay
ton, "and a good deal also on .Cite. way
you remain cooped up in these dismal
Fred glanced contemptuously round my
dingy Temple chambers as he spoke,—
a survey scarcely necessary, considering
.their intimate resemblance to his own ad
joining rooms. However, I forebore any
remark; indeed the delightful prospect
just presented to me absorbed all my at
tention, and I grasped my friend's hand
in a fever of gratitude.
"Tell me ail about it," I said, "and hat
you came to think of me."
"There is nothing to tell," replied Fred,
seating himself on the corner of the table
and swinging his I , gs bickwards and for
wards lazily. "This-morning I got a let
ter from an old fellow in the country, re
minding me—as if I could remember it—
that he and my father had been friends
thirty years ago, and asking me down to
his place for a few days' shooting, and
permission to bring a friend if I liked."
"And his niece that you told me of,—
the heiress ?" said I.
"0, Of course, I did not mention her,"
said Fred; "and I merely tell you because,
if you choose to put yourself under my
guidance, I may be the means of helping
you to a good thing, You know," he
added more deliberately, "how disinte
rested my assistance can be after the little
confidences we exchanged last night."
"True," said I, e o liarintd with the recol
lection,—"your pretty cousin,—the secret
"Yes," interrupted Fred; "you know
all about it; and we know more about
each other than most fellows ; so it was
natural I should think of you as companion
for my holiday, and I'm right glad you're
inclined for the trip."
So saying, and silencing my renewed
protestations of pleasure, Fred left me,
appointing a rendezvous' at the first train
leaving for our destination, some two or
three hours later.
Fred Clayton and I had been schoolfel
lows in our early days, and many of his
vacations were spent in my father's house.
Of late years, however, be had lived ex
clusively in London; -like me, a young as
pirant to the uncertain honors of the bar,
but unlike me ; possessing a large circle of
friends and acquaintances, and never with
out a superabundance of invitations to
dinners, balls, and concerts; for Fred was
said to be very popular, especially iu
ladies! society.
Except in the mere fact that we were
both younger sons without any expects
tions;there was but little resemblance be
tween Fred Clayton and Jack Harris.—
My residence in London only dated back
a few mouths, and already the great city
possessed no charm for me; I pined for
the country, for freedom, and for the ac
tive life of home. I might, indeed, with
the assistance of Clayton, or through let
ters of introduction from members of my
own family, have procured fashionable in
vitations, and received partial tolerfion
in society; but the prospect of a crush,
heated ' rooms, and strange faces, was a
thought , of terror to my timid nature, es
pecially with the underlying chande. of
presentation to a young lady, and thoim
happy knowledge that my deficiencies in
the art of small talk would make such a
chance a perspective martyrdom. No—l
confessed in my own heart that society
was not my forte; other talents I certainly
had,—deeper, more intrinsic merits than
those that passed for genuine in a ball
room,—but they were merits to develop
in an atmosphere of peacefulness and re
pose; qualities to expand in the quiet of
a domestic hearth ; and a thrill of joy
shot through me as, cramming every
available article of clothing into a small
portmanteau, I took leave of my Comfort
less chambers, and allowed my fancy to
dwell on a brilliant possibility, that Clay
ton's words had evoked . 4 An heiress, and
a beauty,—a country beauty of course;
blushes and simplicity, sand rich,—how
rich ? Rich enough to live on a grand
estate; to keep a large stud ; to dispense
hospitality? I must ask Fred. This,
however, , was secondary. I would not of
course acknowledge myself to be merce
nary. Love must come first; love inde
pendent of fortune,—
"Like Dian's kiss, unanked.,nnsonabt,
Love gives ittelf, but is not bought.
So I assured myself; but then, in all can
dor, I did not anticipate an\y' very great
difficulty on this sebre, for I had ever been
painfully Susceptible of the tender passion.
Finally, for success, I must trust some
what to my. own individual attractions
(and here a nervous tremor seizeil me),
and not a little to the co-operation of my
friend, for whose pre-engagement I was
More gratified than I liked to ackuowlf
bags to myself.
1, Fifty thousand pounds," said Clayton,
in answer to my inquiries, when we had
setured a coupe to ourselves ; and were
preparing; it fur the comfort of all future
travelers by lighting our cigars; "fifty
thousand, my boy, and the estate, if you
consent to take her.namee'
."Her name! What is her name?" I
"Effing,— Miss Effing," be replied.
"And now, if you think the attempt worth
making, I will let you know how the land
lies, and give yousa sketch of your cam
paign. The time is short, and of course I
cannot insure you a second invitation if
all is not concluded during our present
trip. Now then, old fellow, pro or eon !"
My reply was given with a fervor quite
warranted by the occasion.
Fred Clayton threw himself back in his
seat, and after arriving, by much perseve ,
ranee, at. a sufficiently comfortable po
sition,Me began his instructions, inter
rupted only by An occasional puff at his
cigar, which momentary pause rendered
his words all the more impressive; at
least I fancied so.
"Our great difficulty," said he, "is the
uncle, Mr. Merrick,—his name . is Merrick.
I told you before, he was eccentric; but
that is not the word,—'exacting' describes
him better. He is awfully exacting, and
possesses immense influence over his niece;
an influence so great that his choice would
be hers, even were she not still under age,
which I believe she is. My dear fellow,
all depends upon the impression you make
in that, quarter. I cannot exaggerate the
importance of devoting yourself from the
very first to Merrick,—studying his tastes,
sharing his pleasures, and attaching him
firmly to your interests. The old fellow
is so selfiO in insisting on these attentions
that I don't think, were I even free, I
could si ftnd enough of his society to in
sure success. But there's no knowing,
the prize is well worth winning, and per
fectly attainable through him f and through
him alone."
"And about Miss DEng ?" I inquired.
"Miss Effing is a charming girl," said
Fred,. "quite young, and ready to believe
anything bad of a lover her uncle con
demns. Being an heiress and a* beauty
she has already received several proposals,
but - all have been rejected in consequence
'of the suitors having had the egregious
folly to pay more attention to Luc niece
than to the uncle."
So then the uncle was the only real
difficulty ; not a very grave one, I thought.
At all events, forewarned was forearmed,
and I inwardly vowed to tax my patience
to the utmost for so great a stake. At
the moment it never occurred to me how
remarkably well-informed Clayton appear
ed on all that concerned our future hosts.
I was only too glad to find him so well
ably to advise me, and perhaps a little re
lieved that the great result did not in
volve much courtship or attendance on a
young lady.
We were not long in arriving at the
station, where a dog-cart was in waiting
to rective us; and after a rather coil
drive of couple of miles we reached our
Mr. Merrick's, or Miss Effing's house,—
for I did not know to whom it actualy
belonged,—was a large, handsome build
ing, situated in a fine park, with undu
lating lawn and well-planted trees; so
much I was able to perceive in the grow
ing darkness.
Our arrival had been heralded by a
handsome pointer that we found reposing
on the terrace; and on alighting, we were
met by Mr. Merrick, who treated me to a
long and most unequivocal stare, and after
greetings and introductions, hurried us
off to our several apartments to prepare
for dinner.
I shall never forget that dressing. I
had heard so much of first impressions, I
believed in them so implicitly, that my
anxiety to produce the proper effect al
most amounted to frenzy, and I could
have strangled Fred Clayton for his cool
ness and equanimity, when he good-natur
edly came into my room to accompany me
down through the ordeal of a first appear
ance in the drawing room.
Miss Effing was there; and the moment
I saw her, I understood the failure of all
former suitors; I realized the almost su
perhuman effort that would be necessary
voluntarily to -resign such companionship
for that of the superannuated uncle, and
resolved to steel myself by the constant
recollection of my predecessors' fate. -L.
Graceful, witty, and lively to a degkee, no
wonder the old man dreaded to lose the
sunlight of her presence, and the affec
tionate charm of her manner towards him
With exemplary fortitude I dashed at
my task, and before the evening was over
found myself, to, my great surprise, estab
lished as the chosen companion of •Mr.
Merrick. I listened with admirably-got
up-interest to long, dreary anecdotes of
his past experiences, comprising minute
details of the dates and even the hours, at
Which people, long since dead, bad been
born,—the memories of these old people
are always prodigious!—and submitted
to an account of his present devotion to
the collecting or minerals, which now oc
cupied all time, except during the
shootipg season; for the old gentleman
was very proud of still being able to carry
a gun.
Of course I immediately professed my
self an enthusiast on the subject of mine
ralogy, ar.d was forthwith carried off in
triumph to a large cavernous den, to ad
mire what he called his specimens.
The examination of these hideous little
bits of tin and stone lasted, what appeared
to me, about two hours; and when, ulti
mately, he returned to the drawing-room,
human nature asserted its rights, and un
consciously I stole over to the piano,
Where Miss Effing's fairy fingers were wan
dering listlessly over the keys; while
Fred Clayton stood beside her looking
through some music. Immediately a
warning glance from Fred recalled me to
a sel)se of danger, and turning in the di
reclien of Mr. Merrick I perceived an un
mistakable scowl upon his face; as he
watched the party. Hastening to his
side, I succeeded partially in removing it,
by.the proposal of a game of chess, which
absorbed all his facultids, and agonized all
mine, till the general move was made for
As I approached Miss Effing to wish
her good night, I overheard the old tyrant
remark, condescendingly to Fred, "Your
Meryl is an intelligent fellow; we sympa
thize, and I like him; rather superficial in
mineralogy, but we must try and remedy
that by making the most of our time, as
your stay will not extend beyond a few
days. 1-n fact the young man quite inte
rests me; I wish you had his tastes, Fred.
So virtue was rewarded, and I had made
a good impression.
The next morning we started early, in
tent on the' wholesale slaughter of part
ridges; and on this occasion Vred hurt his
hand so severely as to incapacitate him
from joining our future expeditions; in
fact, ever• possible combination of circum
stances favorable to my advancement in
the good graces of Mr. Merrick seemed to
surround me. To sav what an effort it
required to submit cheerfully to his per
petual presence would be impossible. He
appeared, after a little, to regard my con
tinual companionship as a matter of course;
and so well had I acted my part, that the
man actually believed I enjoyed his soci
ety. Presuming, therefore, on my estab
lished popularity, I ventured; casually, on
occasion that Anneaxeli fart - made_ to
introuuce the subject ot,his niece into one
of our conversations.
"Ali," said he, and his face grew hard
instantly. "Bella requires to be watched
closely. She is so honest and noble-mind
ed herself, that she cannot understand the
mercenary designs of the butterflies that
flutter around her. But, I nerd lose sight
of her; I am always there to ward off art
ful attentions, and keep would-be suitors
at bay. lam always there, and' I shall be
always there • "but," he added, changing
his tone, which had been growing excited,
"it is well we are tree from such intruders
at present. I have never. seen so little of
my niece as during your visit. You have
made me forget myself and her; but then
it is only once in a lifetime that one may
meet so congenial a spirit as yours; and
he would not dare now,"—he stopped
with a growl.
Mr. Merrick was then aware of Clayton's
secret engagement. This accounted fur
what had already puzzled me,—his appa
rent indifference to the young and fasci
nating lawyer's constant tele-a-lcte with
his niece; bit his marked emphasis on
the word now solved the incongruity, and
also betrayed what would have been his
tactics, had he not felt secure; and yet
such knowledge argued a more intimate
association with Fred's affairs than I
should have expected from a man whose
present hospitality was founded on a
thirty-years-ago acquaintanceship with his
father; but, on reflection, I detected in it
an act of generosity on the part of my
friend, who had evidently taken. the old
man into his confidence, to set his mind
at ease, and leave him perfectly free to be
won over by me.
So time wore on, and, as the day fixed
for our departure approached, I began to
feel a trifle qualmish, in spite of the unde
niable favors shown me by Mr. Merrick.
It, was all very well to have secured the
uncle,—if I had secured him; but was I
certain of securing the niece ? I had
scarcely exchanged halt,a dozen words
with her. Old Merrick bad remorselessly I
absorbed every second of my time,—the '
covers all day, mineralogy and chess all
the evening, till the very sight of a chess
board generated a nausea that I have
never since got rid of; and the suspicion
that the young lady had been too much
overlooked in our calculations, suddenly
struck me with an uncomfortable sensation
of doubt.
I determined to speak to Fred, and
seized the opportunity that evening, when
Miss Effing had retired, to propose a cigar
on the terrace,—a proposition to which
Fred readily consented. The case was
speedily represented, and Fred's answer,
as usual, concise. •
"You have been admirable," ho assert
ed, "and deserve, I must admit, immense
credit for so fully carrying out our plans ;
and I feel that I cannot congratulate my
self or you too heartily. Now, perceive
the result: the old fellow swears by you t
and I have drawn Miss Effing's attention
to the high opinion entertained of you 1))%
her uncle. Of course to alter your lino of
conduct now, would be to destroy every
thing. Ytri would be accused of a ruse,
suspected of intentions, and sumthafily
ejected. Consistency, my dear fellow, be
lieve me, unvarying consistency, is your
only course,----unremitting devotion to the
ogre; delicate diffidence towards the niece;
and on the morning of our departure,
when the near prospect of loaing his con
genial spirit, as he calla you, has unnerved
our friend, a solemn interview in the li
brary, a formal proposal, and you return
to town an engaged man! Is it not as
clear as daylight ?—straightforward and
Inevitable in every point, because so sim
ple. Yon retain your pedestal, remain
consistent, and the result catues about
quite naturally, through and in conse
quent. of that very consistency."
I looked at Fred with admiration;
everything appeared so feasible when de
tailed by him in a few simple words; his
very tones of semi-indifference had a won
drous power of conviction; and, more
over, my own common sense responded
to the assertion that a change of manner
would be fatal. I saw my way now
straight before me, plain and easy as an
ordinary transaction of life, and the hori
son grew bright with hope.
Warmly thanking my friend for the in
valuable benefit of his shrewd sense and .
convincing advice, I withdrew' to my
room, my mind filled with more sanguine
projects, more tangible hopes, than I had
yet indulged in, since the beginning of
my adventure.
At length the momentous morning
dawned. We had prolonged our few
days' stay to a week, and our host. had
evidently determined not to renew his in
vitation, spite of the manifest pleasure my
company gave him ; so, almost before I'
could realize it, this eventful day arrived.
I passed a sleepless and disturbed night,
several times starting from a confused,
dreamy rehearsal of the interview I in
tended demanding in the morning, to fan
cy I heard whispering voices and con
fused sounds about the house, quite im
possible at that late hour. Visions float
ed before me of the already approaching
future; the events of the last few days
seemed to spread back over half my life,
so great was the importance attached to
, u ara TV YLt.
point was reached, I felt already the fore
shadowing of my victory ; for, had I not
fulfilled every condition ?—had I not ac
complished the task in which every other
competitor had failed ? And the question
oldie young lady's possible opposition was
moroly doubtful cnough to give excite
ment to the denouement. Did not all
young ladies first oppose, and ultimately
yield, with very little persuasion, to all
parents and guardians ? How much more
so then in the present case, where the cir
cumstances were so exceptionably strong
in my favor I .
I had not been long awake, and was de
bating in my own mind whether or not
to start on au early walk, and by a dose
of fresh air to brace up my shattered
nerves, and stimulate, them for the coin
ing scene, when I was startled from my
agitations by a tap at the door, and al.
most immediately Mr. Merrickis valet'
stood before me. This was a most un
precedented occurrence; hitherto a ser
vant had never entered my room without
being summoned, and this man seldom
even then.
A vague presentiment of evil seized me,
and I turned uneasily to look at him.—
One glance sufficed; 6e wa&%ghastly pale,
and seemed half insane with alarm. Ut
terly unable to conjecture the cause, but
certain that something terrible must have
happened, I gasped, 4 What is it?"
0, sir 1 don't yoU know ?" said he—
"are you sure you don't know ? They're
gone, sir,—bolted—Mr. Fred and Miss
Bella—the two of them and the new
maid—off in a post-chaise three good
hour; ago; and who's to telL the govern
or I don't know; I darn't."
The man might have gone on speaking
forever ; in fact he did go on, but beyond
thesefew first words, not a syllable was
intelligible to me. My first impulse was
to bound up and strangle him then and
there, but the effort was a miserable fail
ure, and I fell back powerless, paralized.
No suspicion of a possible mistake; no
crumb of comfort in a momentary feeling
of incredulity, sustained me ; the man's
manner bore the stamp of truth ; his ter
ror was too real, his statement too concise
to leave room for- a doubt. It !was by no
process of reasoning, no recapitulation of
events that the light broke in'upon me ;
but suddenly, in an instant, with the vio
lence of a galvanic shock, I realized how
completely I had been sold, utilized, ta
ken in 1
At last a movement on the part of the
servant attracted my attention; be was
handing me a letter, and had - probably
been describing how it came into bis pos
session, but of this I had not beard a
word. My sensations can neither be im
a:ned or described when, on looking at
it, I recognized the' hand of traitorous
friend. Had the viper left his sting there?
I hesitated to tench the dishonored paper.
At that moment a violent ringing of the
bblls announced Mr. Merrick's Levee;
and throwing the note on the table, the
distracted, valet rustled from the room,
muttering " I cannot_ tell it—l' Gannot;
Thomas mast go to him."
. Alone with my enemy, I screwed up
my courage and broke the seal. The note
was short, and ran as follows :
" DEAR JAcR: Pray accept my best
thanks. But for your efficient aid we
could never have successfully hoodwinked
old Argus, Yon are an apt pupil, and I
sincerely wish you equal success in all
your future undertakings.
" Yours, by all the bonds of gratitude.
" Ram) CLAYTON. "
" P. S.—Bella insists on apologizing ;
so I enclose."
There Was then another I • t
looked about ; it bad fallen on the floor.
I opened it mechanically, and read—
" Dear Mr. Harris i I hope you will for
give Fred. What he did was for my hap
piness. We have long been attached i and
secretly engaged but my uncle was so
obdurate and so vigilant, that an.elope
rnent was our only refuge, and, but for
your assistance, could not have been ef
fected. Trusting soon to receive from
your own lips pardon for a harmless stra
tagem, believe me, yours (by the time you
receive this),
" Please, sir, Mr. Merrick wishes to
speak to you."
The door of my room was wide open,
and on its threshold stood the old butler,
grave and severe of aspect. I followed
him silently, too full of bitterness for
words, but solacing myself with the re
flection that in my host I should find a
thorough sympathizer in my overwhelm
ing anger and indignation.
I was ushered into a small sitting-room
where Mr. Merrick, in a flaming red
dressing , gown, and absolutely growing
purple with fury, was pacing up and
down like a wild beast in a cage. Before
I could open my lips he turned sharply
round on me,
and roared out—" So, sir,
do you know I have sent for the police ?
Do you know you can be taken up focthis
conspiracy ? I see it all now—the infa
mous plot, and the part you were brought
here to play. Fool that I was l" " But,
Mr. Merrick," I began.
" Silence I" he exclaimed. "Do yon
dare to taunt me ? Have I not forbid
Frederick Clayton this house scores of
I ilnr.e.l 9 8 .12.11 a p oak hint here
for a few days, could I refuse her first re
quest on coming of age ? Could I turn
a guest, though uninvited, out of a house
that was not my own ? A guest, indeed!
—a swindler, a blackguard, probably phid
to amuse the uncle, and keep him off the
.His voice rose higher and higher as he
proceeded ;- at the end be actually shriek
ed. But this was unbearable. My own
temper had been severely tried, and en
dure more I could not. '
"Mr. Merrick," I said, hotly, " such
language, even under the circumstances"
" Can't you leave off acting even now?"
be burst in. "Confound your gaping
look. of innocence ! Do you see this ?" he
cried; exhibiting a crushed letter, which
he kept clenched in his band. "They are
married by this time and your villainy has
so far succeeded; but the triumph shall
not last long. I will hunt the scoundrel
and his contemptible accomplice—yes,
you—through every law court in Europe;
I will publish his infamy in every news
paper, and proclaim it throughout the
civilized world 1 Yon will not escape
me—you shall not l"
The madman shook his fist in my face,
and glared at me like a tiger; but, stag
gered as I was by such revelations and ac
cusations, I nevertheless made one more
attempt at a protest. your nephew—" I
"My nephew I" he yelled, "do yon
think that reptile is my nephew ? No,
- my fine keeper, I am no longer your dupe
—I can see now through your shallow
shamming, and I order you to leave my
house. Do you hear? leave it, instantly,
or I will bid servants kick you out." tut%
said, pointing to the door as be spoke.
I hesitated ; Fate seemed too cruel. I
felt that the smallest justification or ex
planation would lessen my misery ; but
befere a sound cepuld pass my lips, he had
raised his hand with the savage menace—
" One word more and I give the order."
There was nothing for me but to re
treat; and retreat I accordingly did from
the room and from the house, leaving in
structione with the servants to send my
belongings to the railway station—that
station from which I had driven' only a
few days before, with such pleasurable
and ambitious hopes.
Mr. Merrick's unexpected reading of
the case had indeed brought lily wrongs
to a climax. It was not enough to have
been the tool, the dupe,
the catspaw of
one I believed my best friend ; I was also
to be stigmatized as the confederate, the
paid agent of a plot of wbch I was the I
principal. victim. Truly I had reached the
summit of human_ wretchedness.
The whole of the scheme which Miss
(or- Mrs.) Bella so oblig ingly called a
"harmless stratagem," unolded itself by
degrees to my mind's eye; and, struggle
as I would, 1 couldn't banish the tbo't of
how the designing pair must have chuck
led over my credulity, and watched with
malicious amusement my unremitting de.
votion to the avuncular conquest. THd
last drop of bittetness hdd been poured UP
to my cup ; a lifetime of eiperfence bad
been crowded into tho apace o( a felt
days ) andawallowing my humiliatign ag
best I could . ) I returned to London—a
miser if not a better man.
It-is scarcely nocSaaary to tad thdl
long before the return of the bride au
bridegroom, Mr. Merrick bad, resigned
himself to submit peadeably, totbe inev,ith
able; and nothing more was heard,of t 1,4
terrible vengeance destined to oveitukn
Fred Clayton and hia gniity ticeottipllce:
The Truth Well 'Spohelli_ d a•
13 111.11TUtrill knneslnus amp
courses upon a subject , which : has re=
cently been the object of midi anxiety
on the part of the Radicals :
TUE Dzkocnn o nc 4 3 Anty:
• ,
About once a month for the past twee=
ty years, the opponents of the DercO=
erratic party have declared that it was
dead, and that "its missionis ended."—
Two or three other parties have died hi
that time. But the Democratic party
lived on. When it dies the Constitution
of the United States will have expired';
and when the Constitution was •violated
and set aside on: the pretext of " necessi-:
ty,'' the Democratic party wielded the
least political power.
It is the party of the Constitution t ttnd
nine its faith upon it. The Constitution
Provides for three departments ofgovern
ment. The Democratic party acknowi ,
edges them.
The Constitution limits the powers of
each. The Democratic party demands
that the authority delegated 'shall not be
The Constitution declares that the pow
ers not delegated to the general govern
ment are reserved to the States or the
people. The 'Democrats claim all the re
served powers for the States and the pea.
ple. They oppose centralization.
The Constitution provides that " the
privileges of the writ of habeas corpus
shall not be suspended, unless when, in
cases of rebellion or invasion, the public)
safety may require it," and this being
within the enumerations.of the' powers
delegated to Congress, the Democrats
claim that Congress alone can suspend
the Privilege, and that it can only suspend
it in certain cases, where the public safe
ty requires it. •
The Constittition provides that -no per
son shall be deprived of life or liberty
without due process of law—a trial by
jury, etc. The Democratic party demands
a strict adherence to this, and opposes
military trials and other acts of despo
The Constitution p . rovide.s that "no
capitation or other direct tax shall be
laid, unless in proportion to the consult or
enumeration heretofore directed to be tar.
ken." It provides also Mint " Represen
tatives and direct taxes shall be appor
tioned among the several States which
may be included within this Union, act
cording to their respective numbers."—
" The Senate of the United States shall
be composed of two Senators from each
State." " The House of Representatives
shall be composed of members choseiav
ry, second year, by the people of th e n rev.
eral Stales.' , The Democratic party c laim
that taxation shall be apportioned equally
—and that each State shall be represent
ed as the Constitution provides.
And so on, throughout the Constitil.
tion. The • Democratic creed is the tbs.
dementst law of the land. The men who
support the principles of the Constitution
rightfully belong to the Democratic par
' ty, Those who would set the Constittt
lion aside for expediency or on the plea
of necessity, are not Democrats. The
Democratic party will live na long as the
Constitution survive.
In addition to this, , the Boston Post
truly says that "those who'arti so fond of
asserting that the Democratic
. partfia
dead will not find consolation ei diem
facts : At the elections last.'fall the Dent.
......,. rat i a i i - art .,, rn11,..1 1_,,,n,na,cu1a_......m.,..,
of 4,000,000. -A change of fifl,y, votes in
a thousand—Of fifty thousand in a million
—less than sixper cent.—would hate
given us a majority , of the popular vote.
In Pennsylvania, New York and Indians,
easting.seventy•two 'votes in the elecs.taral
college and 1,000,000 votes by tbe people,
we were defeated less than 44,000. A
change of less than one and shelf per et:
—of less than fifteen in ii thousand-;•ii
would have.given -us a majority.
In eleven States of the Union, -exelnd
lug entirely the Southern States, a change
of thirty
thousand on the result of last
fall, will, in 1968, elect a President and it
majority of Congress:7 - • • • •
Judge 13 =Wood.
From every section of, the Stan the
most gratifying intelligence comes to us
of the popular enthustasm in favor Of tho
Hon. George . SharsWood. The ,abbi aid
conscientious manner in which, f0.r.1 , 1 1 , 3 4tX
years, he discharged, the various dtlyea
his hig office, has 4 woo for him " golden
opinions from all sorts' of peopyir Ana
thousands, who never. acted before With
the Democratic party, will, upon dthilvoo.
casion, vote for him, because 'they :tenor
nizo in him a candidate, worthtof unlint•
ited confidence and fully entitied,Wthair
earnest support, ,
~ ;. s_