Ijiontrost gitutocrat. TUESDAY, AUG. 27, 180 . Lacier." XxatelliG-eascoo. Democratic Caucus. The Democrats of Bridgewater will meet in Cushman's building, 2d floor, on Saturday next, between. 4 and 6 o'clock, t o elect Delegates to the County Conven tion. —The Democrats of Montrose will meet at same place, to elect their Dele gates, between the hours of 5 and. 7 o'- clock. Quarterly meeting. Rev. D. C. Olmstead will hold Quarter ly Meeting in the M. E. Church, Mont rose, next Saturday and Sabbath. r. Canceling Stamps. The only lawful way of canceling reve nue stamps is to either write or 'print on the stamp the:natne or initials of the par ty using them, and also the year, month, and day of the month. Any other meth od of canceling is illegal, and makes the party liable to a fine of fifty dollars for cash offence. Our business men will take notice. Dental Notice. Da. T. J. Wilk',Tort, of • Binghamton, N. Y., will be at Samuel Morton's, (about three miles southwest of ,Montrose,) on Monday the 9th day of Sept. He can also be seen at Nelson Bolles, on the Wyalusing creek, on Friday the I:ith of Sept., and on Monday the 16th of Sept. at Day's Hotel, Grangerville ; from thence he will visit Dimock Corners and Hop Bottom. Those desiring to see hiin will please be prompt in their calls, as he never waits for business. Binghamton, Aug. 27, 1867.-2 Religious Notice. Rev. C. E. Hewes (Universalist,) will preach in Gibson on Sunday, Sept. Ist, at itti o'clock a. m.; New Milford at 2 o'clock p. m., and in Susquehanna at 7 in the evening. Subject for the evening: Casting out the Prince of this world.— John, 12, 31. '6u, , quehanua, Aug. 20, 1867. Plowing Match. The Plowing Match of the Su quehan na County Agricultural Society will he iirld ou the lands of E. Whitlock, in New Milford, on Tuesday, Sept. 3d, 1867. Ileadquarters at P. Phinriey's. Teams to dart at 2 o'clock. For boys under 19 years of age— same time and place, and same premiums. • Committee of Arrangements- 7 -David Summers, Wm. C. Ward, Wm. Mosley. J. E. CAILNIALT, A. BALDWIN, Ex. Coral. AVERY FRISK, Stamps on Notes. Promissory notes are liable to a stamp finis of five cents for each $lOO or frac tional part thereof. If a note contains 4 -iy special agreement such as waiving rile stay of executions right to inquisition, appeal or exemption, it is liable to an ad ditional duty of five cents. Notes con taining confession of judgment are liable to no additional stamp on account of the judgment. There is a penalty of $5O, in each case, for neglecting to attach the proper stamps to a note or other paper subject to such duty, or for neglecting to cancel each. stamp by writing thereon, in ink, the person's initials, and date. Crossing it with a pen will not answer. Notes printed at this office have an ex planation of the amount of stamp duty,. on each sheet. Affidavits do not now require a stamp. A Correction. Ma. EDITOR. :—ln my communication of4be 3rd inst. I see that the estimate of freight to be paid by Messrs. Yardley S. Co., on Peaches, reads $3,000. It. should, he $30,000. I would not like, to have our co. friends think that $3,000 would ever pay the freight for even one week. In the last nine days Mr. Y. has shipped over 12,000 baskets of Peaches. Respectfully yours, DAVID SCOTT. Houston Station, Del., Aug. 16. Convocation. - The North-Eastern Convocation of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in Pa., will hold its next session at Great Bend and New Milford, the first Week in, Septem ber. Opening service at bpthplaces on Monday evening, the 2nd, at 71. Ttics day, Wednesday and Thursday, there wilf be three services, da, at both places, as follows: at Ba. in., Sand 7 p. in. The public are cordially invited. 111 r. Little for Congress. ED. DEmocurr: Please publish in your paper our choice for Congress—R. B. Lit tle, Esq. Re is not only a reliable Demo crat, but amply competent to represent us at home or abroad. matter, if he has not asked the nomination ; he will ac cept and that is enough. If all parts of the county do as well, he will be nomina ted by acclamation. WYALcsm. Exhibition. Thayer 41; Noyes great show will visit Montrose next week. For iiartionlars see advertisement. —General Pillow bats at last been " in the field" to some purpose. He estimates his corn crop this year at 200,000 buibels Congress Ticket. FRIEND GERarrsoN:--1 regret to bear a report-that Judge Woodward is not a candidate for Congress. Still I hope be will yet consent to a nomination so far as Luzerne is concerned; for now is the time to select from among our soundest and ablest men ; none other should be 'thought of. But as our county has now a fair show for the office, let us offer our man and adhere to him. No one that I hear of comes No well up to the mark as R. B. Little. He *ill accept it; he can be elected; and when elected is not only competent to vote, but to talk for and fully represent the' party. NOr would we have any fears that he would play into the hands of your Montrose radicals. Ho is our unanimous choice in Aug. 24, 1867. BRIDGEWATER. Visiting Schools. MR. EDITOR. :-I notice in your paper of last week that the directors of Mont rose, New Milford Boro, and Mr. H. N. Tiffany of Harford, have incorporated in their advertisements for fall schools that the County Supt. is expected to give in struction. in ,the theory and practice of teaching—that lie will be present in the Teachers' department as often as conve nient, &c,—that he is-expected to assist, ite., &to. Allow me to say, the first no tice I received of the fact was through ,the paper, except by two directors of New Milford. I deem. it but justice to the teachers and myself to state that I am not expected, except so far as consistent with my official duties. Teachers prepar ing to teach are as much entitled to my time in one school as another, unless ar rangements can be made to bring a large majority in &no place. lam ready- to give what aid I can to teachers, and will visit the above schools as often as convenient—, &filly equal justice by all. W. W. WATSON. New Milford, Aug. 19, 1867. Court Proceedings. Commonwealth vs. Walter Paintin.— Plead guilty of keeping tippling house, and fined $lO. Louis Veste, like offence and plea, fined $5O. • Jas. Harrington, bastardy. Guilty ; fined $lO, together with expenses, sup port of child, Cont. vs. John Tierney. Tippling house; plea of guilty ; fined $lO and costs. Cont. vs; Morris Myers, tippling house; pleads guilty, and fined $5O. In the matter of two bridges over Sta .rueca creek, in harmony. Grand jury approve finding of viewers as to the first, but not as to second bridge. In the matter ot*County bridge in Rush, grand jury disapprove of report of view ers. Corn. vs. Michael Fernati ; selling liquor without license. Pleads guilty and fined $5O. Com. vs. Dimock Jenks, fornication ; fined $25. Court appoints C. J . : Whipple deputy Constable of Montrose. Emily Rose vs. E. L. Weeks. Judgm'nt for plaintiff, $53,82. J. Brando and J. Moore vs. L. Gard ner and J. Besteder. Ejectment; verdict fur plaintiffs. F. Badger vs. B. V.' Potter. Judg ment for.defendant. Edward Clark vs. Edward Burke. Ver. diet for .del't. C. L. Ward vs. John Ayres, ejectment. Verdict for,plaintiff. Exceptionsliled to charge of Court, and new trial asked for. The Lady's Friend. " The Village Doctor," an expressive picture, is the title of the Steel Engraving in the September number of this popular magazine. A beautiful Steel Fashion Plate, with numerous other engravings of the Fashions, follow, and the usual piece of popular Music, worth of itself the price of the number. Among the Literary mat ter we have an article on " Skeleton Leaves, or the Phantom Boquet," a fine Story by Louise Chandler Moulton, "How a Woman Had Her Way," "Orville Col lege," "Dora Castel," "How to Make Wax Flowers," &c. We would suggest to our lady readers who desire to get a Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machine, that the " Lady's Friend" offers one of these machines as a Preminm for Clubs of Thirty names, and that it is not a moment too soon to commence making up their lists for next year. A beautiful Steel En graving will also be sent gratis to every single ,(132.50) subscriber, and to every person`sending the usual clubs. Specimen numbers of the magazine will be sent for twenty cents. Price (with engraving) $2.50 a year; Four copies (with one engraving) $6.00. Ouc dopy of Lady's Friend and ono of Saturday Evening Post (arid one engrav ing), $4.00 Address Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 3-E.4 PI orGardirer's Business College, PHONO GRAPHIC INSTITUTE and LADIES' A CADEMY— I s the proper place where young men and ladies can ob tain a practical knowledge of the most important branches of business. Every one should improve this opportunity, as the course is the most thorough of any College of the kind in Northern Pennrivania. Ltie Scholarship, $23,00. Send for Coll e4 , e Paper, giving full particulars. Address J. N. GARDNER, Principal, Scranton, Pa. , LAug. 13—an. larAerostle. GI ently It penetrates through every pore.' ellevlng sufferers from each angry sore I A II wounds it heals with certainty and speed : C Ms; Burns, from inflammation are soon freed ; ruptlons at Its presence disappear •, 8 kins ' loae each still', and the complexions clear ! • 13 says, such as 08ACIVIS every one should buy, A I! to its wondrous media testify, L et those who doubt, a single box but try— V erily, then. Its trtie - deserts %would have; B yen =believers would laud Grace's Salve. nag 117 — Tku thousand Dollars' worth of GOODS 'at whdlesale cost; per inventory just taken, for sale by ABEL TURRELL. in the Brick Block. About thfs amount constantly on hand, and NEW GOODS contin ally arriving. The people can dud nearly , everything the niaLL. heed at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL Montrose, Ps., July 36, 1361. • 110rALBEL Tt,BBELL is continually receiving new supplies of Genuine Drags and Medicines, which will be sold as low as at any other Steve in Montrose. PirWistaes Balsam of Wild Cherry.— C ought., Colds, - Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Quincy, and the numerous as well as dangerous disease of tto Throat, Cheat and Lungs, prevail in our climate at all Seasons of the year ; few are fortun ate enough to escape their baneful influence. HOW im portant then to have at hand a certain antidote to all these complaints. Experience proves that this exists in Wistir's Balsam to an extent not found in any oth er emedy However severe the sufferink, the applica tion of this soothing, healing and wonderful Balsam at once vanquishes the discastrand restores the sufferer to wonted health. Mr. John Bente, of Baldwin, Chemung county, N.Y. writes : " I was urged by a neighbor to get ,one bottle of Bal• Pam for my wife, being assured by him that in case it did not produce good effects, hew mid pay for it himself. On the strength of such practical evidence of its mer its, I procured a bottle. My wife at this time was so low with what the physicians termed Seated Consump tion that she was unable to raise herself from the bed. coughing constantly and raising more or less blood. I commenced giving the Balsam as directed, and was so much pleased with its operation, that I obtained ano ther butt le, and continued giving it. Before this bottle was entireig.used, she ceasad coughing and was strong enough to sit up. The fifth bottle entirely restored her to health, doing that which several phySicians had tried to do, but failed." Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SON, IS Tremont St., Boston, and for sale by Drug,gi.te generally. aug, fafreolgate's Aromatic Vegetable Soap. A su perior Toilet Soap, prepared from refined Vegeta ble Oils in combination with Glycerine, and cape chilly designed for the use of Ladles, and for the Nursery. Ita perfume is exquisite, and its washing properties unrivalled. For sale by all druggists. May, 1867.—lysnap12 Dr. SCHENCK'S MANDRA.KE FELLS A SUBSTITUTE FOR OALOMEL. These Pills are composed of various roots, having the power to relax the secretions of the Liver mi promptly and erectus/11y as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of the latter. In all bilious disorders these Pills may bo used with confi dence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and binary ducts, which are the cause of billow affectimus in general. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cure Sick Headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, costiveneea, drowsiness, and a general feeling of wea riness and lassitude, showing that the liver is In a torpid .or obstructed condition. In short, theme Pills may be need with advantage in all cases when a purgative or alterative medicine is required. nesse ask for "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pilb," and observe that the two liktmossos of the Doctor are on the Government stamp—ono when In the last stage of Con sumption, and the other In hie present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers Price 21 cents per box. Principal Office, No. la North Rh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Demos Barnes & CO. 91 Park Bow, New York ;IL S. Hance, 103 Baltimore St., Balti more, Md.; John D. Park, N. E. car. of Fourth and Wal nut Bt., Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker & Taylor, 114 and US Wabash Avenue, Chicago, DL ; Collins Brothers, atutthwest corner of Second and Vine Ste., SL Lonia, Mo. A NEW PFILII;3IE FOR TILE ILINDKERCIIIEF. PhuWien "flight Blooming Cermio.” rholoser "Night Blooming Ccreno.,l Phnlon , ' "/Night Blooming Cereus.7, Phalon , s .•:Vight Blooming Cereus.” Planlon's •• Night Blooming Cerrus.” A mod exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, duff led from the rare and beautiful flower from which It takes its name. • Aloonfacinred only by ' - PUALON 8z SON, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALOIVS—TAKE NO OTHER. jlyl7 ly smp s n 29 oew ia-E.A2LTIIIS. t.."l — Notices of marriages and deaths published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid fur at the rate of fifty cents per hundred words. In Harford, July 12th, of strangulation from hernia, MARY, wife of D. M. Farrar, in the 56th year of her age. At the residence of her son-in-law, George G. Waller, EQq., of Honesdale, Aug. 19, 1867, of typhoid fever, Mrs. H. F. BENTLEY, wife of B. S. Bentley, of Wil liamsport, Pa., formerly of Montrose,aged 55 years. Thus has departed a true and affection ate wife, a kind and devoted mother, a loving sister, a sincere friend, and a fath ful christian. In her last hours her faith was unwavering, her death peaceful and happy.—[Com. Neill .biJertisements. Statement of Bounty Fnnd for Harmony township Supervisors in acct with Harmony township, Du. To Individual subscription. $2,480 00 Bonds issuod. 6,322 00 Tax Duplicate for 1864, ' 4,097 00 1865, 4,468 42 " •'1866, 8:30 02 Arn't paid Volunteer Agent by State, and by .L" him presented to Township, 106 4) --,---- - $18;303 00 Cn. By Bounties paid Volunteers, $7,505 00 Amount refunded on subscriptions, 1,194 50 Exont ration on Tax Duplicates, 613 84 Am't r. funded to Soldiers in service 18 mo's 25 f 5 Paid for Bonds and Stamps, 4 00 Expenses of Volunteer agents, 1:19 50 Bonds canceled, 6,332 00 Paid interest on Bonds, 499 43 Paid percentage on collections, 139 83 Duplicate for 1866, less exert, refunded, 759 90 Balance in Treasury, 1,110 25 F. A. LYONS, CIIr. Harmony, Aug. 27, 1n87.-3w LOOK AGENTS WANTED To Solicit Orders for a New Illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY. (COXPLETE IN ONE vommx.) This DICTIONARY embodies the results of the most recent study, research and investigation, of asout sixty flve of the most emienent and advanced Biblical Schol ars now living. Clergymen of all deneminations ap prove it, and regard It as the best work of the kind in work of Its kind In the English language, and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land. In circulating this work, agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which are usually encountered in selling 'ordinary works will not exist with this. But on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid will attend the Agent, making his labors agreeable, tiseibl and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergyman , School Teachers, Farm ers. Students, and all others who possess energy, are wanted to avast in canvassing every town and county In the country, to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. , • For particulars, apply to, or address PARMELEE EROS., riat7w6 122 Sassoin Surat, Philadelphia, Pens. I TAKE this method to inform my friends and mer chants generally that lem still interested with LAUDEHBACH GILBERT CO., in the Hardware and Cutlery business at 23 Park How, N. T.. where or ders will be received. Friends are invited to call, and when I am at home (Montrose,) or absent from the City, they will be ktndiy received and attended to by one of the finn. FARM FOR SALE. T 1! , :l in e d w er mi7.o e r d d otters f a o h r ip sa a lLh u is t o F u ar o m m V e tu f a r t o e! Montrose Depot, containing about 3.2.4 Ikaress, With about 80 acres under cultivation. a good Dwel ling House, 3 Barns an a l other outbuildings, a good Orchard, is well watered ; in fact, a good Grain or Dairy Farm. Persons desirous of purchasing will receive all ne cessary Information as to terms. &c. by calling upon the undersigned, on the premises. ALBERT ALDRICH. Montrose Depot, Aug. 20,1867.—tf. Teeth Extracted with out Pain. TOL C. S. WEEKS, Dentist, of New York ift will be in Montrose from Aug. 21et to Sept. sth, prepared to extract teeth without pain by the uee of / Ulth &Mb w. es. ma. I yr. $18,303 00 ISAAC L. CCBIFORT, P. L. NORTON, R. W. BRANDT. Auditors. A Carl 2. Iteepectfully, 31ontrubo, Aug. 20, 1867.-4 w Nitro:is Oxide, or Laughing' GCis:' The large number of cases In which Dr. W. has ad minister•-d the Gas, with the greatest satisfaction to the patients, during the two preceding stammers, will ren der any description of it, or assurance of its pleasant ness and safety unnecessary. N. D.—lt may De necessary for those whe wish the Gas, to make an engs,%ement the day before, as he has not come prepared to keep the Gas on hand, but will make it when required and sufficient notice is given. Roams In Dr. Smith's Dental Otuce ; hours from 9 a m. till ; and from Ip. m, till 4. Ang. 18071.-3 yr FARM FOR SALE. T"tratell 7t i u g s a h e dt offers township, r b s o a u l e n s e desirable la s fa o r f n3 o s t - McDermott, hn Jacob Brotzman, John Collins, and others, containing 214 acres, 130 of which are improved and un der a high state of cultivation, and well fenced with rails and stonewall. It is well adapted to grain or dai ry partitive; ; has a stream of water supplied by springs rumikaettumu,,e , h the centre, and several springs on other parts of the farm. The buildings are a good dwel ling kouse, plastered, (with a good well of water at the door,) a tenant house, and framed barn 30 by 40 feet, with stone basement. A good young Orchard, In full bearing—apples, cherries, peaches, &c. The farm is well accommodated with roads running in all direr: Lions, a rross-roads near the house 8 miles from Canal and Railroad at La . etyville. Good title given. For (miles particulars apply on the farm to jATIF.S LOGAN. Rush, Aug. 2 ,1867.-4w* Al-o, for sale, two Mule Colts, one year old and of good size. WC:4-143e ! Xr 0 Picnic or Fishing parties Allowed on Silver Lake Mrs. A. H. ROSE CHESTER K. BLISS, EDWARD w. RUSE, ALLEN J.SHELDAN. Silver Lake, Aug. 20-3 w. Statement of Herrick Township Bounty Fund. scilooL Duecrow3, 1661. To bonds issued at 6 per ct. Ist series, $1,200 00 halt F 'CS. •• 4. a 00 , 00 (41> By 12 volunteers put In service, $2,600 00 By one eubctltnte, &X) o 0 By one representative recruit, 300 00 By one veteran paid, 13y blanks and stamps, Scmxn. DineeTons, To anal reed on Ist duplicate, 16.4,52,847 78 •• 1865, 1,009 60—51,757 38 CONTRA, Ca. By ain't paid on bonds and interest to June 15, 1867, $4,693 09 By Treasurer's per centage, '4 47 By amount paid , Secretary, 10 00--$1,726 56 Ain't bnl. of duplicate in Si. 0. Dim mick treas. bands, 86 82 Amount due on bonds and Int. to date unpaid, PSI 63 We certify the above to be as near correct as we can ascertain.' WILLIAMS CHURCHELL, C. H. ELLIS, 1. Auditors. G. H. LYON, Herrick, July V, (aug. 20,) 1267. VSTATE OF JESSE COON, late of the borough of Montrose, Suaq'a co., deceased. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate ire hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. Montrose, Aug. 20, 1867 A CARD FROM THE AMERICAN WITCH COMPANY TNctA.ltla.a.m, 3%a EL 6166 TEN Company beg leave to inform the pnblic that they commenced operations to 18.50, and their fac tory now covers four acres of ground, and has cost more than a million dollars, and employs over 700 ope rati'vel. They produce 75,000 Watches a year, and make add sell not less than ouetalf, of all the Watches sold in the United States. • The difference between their manufacture and the EuropeSn, is briefly this: European Watches are made almost entirely by hand, and the result hi of necessity a lack of that uniformity, which is indispensable to cor rect time-keeping. Both the eye and the hand of the most skillful operative must vary. But it is a fact that except watches of the higher grades, European watches are the product of the cheapest labor of Switzerland, and the result is the worthless Anctes ‘ Lepinea and so called Patent Levers—which soon cost more in at tempted repairs, than their original price. Common workmen, boys and women, buy the rough separate parts of these watches from various factories, polish and put them together. and take them to the nearest watch merchant, who stamps and engraves them with any name or brand that may be ordered. HOW AMERICAN WATCHES AM MADE The American Waltham Watch is made by no such uncertain process—and by no such incompetent work men. All the Company's operations, from the recep tion of the raw materials to the cornpleticn of the Watch, are carried on under one roof, and under ode skillful and competent direction. But the great distin guishing feature of their Watches, Is the fact that their several parts are all made by the finest, the most perfect and delicate machinery ever brought to the aid of human industry. Every one of the more than a hundred parts of every watch is made by a machine—that infallibly reproduces every succeeding part with the most unva rying accuracy. It was only necessary to make one perfect watch of any particular style and then to adjust the hundred machines necessary to reproduce every part of that watch, and It follows that every succeeding watch mast be like It. The Company respectfully submit their Watches on /Asir merits only. • They claim to make A BETTER ARTICLE li'Oß THE MONEY b their iroved mecnical than can be made unde m r t p he old-fashio ha ned handicraft system. They artnufactare watches of every grade, from a good, low priced, and substantial article, In solid silver huntine cases, to the finest chronometer; and also ladles' watcher , in plain gold or the finest enameled and jewel 7 ed cases; but the indispensable requisite of all their watches is that they shall be GOOD TIMEKEEPEfts. It shottlitbe remembered that, except their single low est grade named "Some Watch Company, Boston," ALL WATCHES made by them ARE FELT,' ...i; :I.t• 31 by a special certificate. and this warrantee is good al ail times against the Company or Its agents. ROBBINS & APPLETON, 182 Broadway, New'York. augZ)ml 4 LIQUORS An extensive *sentiment of . pure Livers for —medical purpose , embraelny, nearTy every kind In market, con stantly on hand and for eats by ABEL TtriltEtl... MORTROSE GRADED SCHOOL Commences Tuesday, Sept. 3, and continues eleven weeks. Prof. JOHN G. COPE, - Principal. Miss MARY J. CARR, ••ELLA W ILLIA MS, High School. Miss JESSIE BIS.ELL, Jrammar School. Miss ELLEN A. WEBB. Intermediate. Miss ELIZA HOLLISTER, Primary. M. 01 TYLER Lait.enages. Teacher& Class,. High 5ch001,... Grammar school . Primary and Intermediate, each Board and rooms can be obtained on reasonable terms. Abatement on tuition will be madelor sickness, and neceatuuy absence over three weeks. The High School and Teachers' Class will be under the supervision of Prof. John (4. Cope. of Chester coun ty, a graduate of the sth State Normal School, and ve ry highly recommended by Prof. Allen, Principal of said School ; and our other teachers will be persons expert - enced in their prolession, and no pains will'be spared to make the School Just what the wants athetommun- Ity demand. Special attention will be given to their preparing to teach. Lectures will be given at intervals through the term. The County Superintendent is expected to give in. struction to the 'teachers' Class in the theory and prac tice of teaching. A tall corps of Teachers will be announced soon. A. PHAMBERLIN, President B. THATCHFR. Sec'y. Montrose, Aug. 18, I&87.-4w THE HARFORD NORMAL SCHOOL Commences Sept. 2, 1867, to continue eleven weeks, at the " Dalton Tiffany School Room," TUITION, Sup't Watson is expected to assist. A rare chancels offered to a limited'number. For particulars, address the Principal, Aug. 13, 1887.-lu, AND THAT GOOD ROUR, Eure]i 3XIII EL r, STATE OF THOMAS BOYHAN late of Auburn. tittscea county, Pa.. dec'd. Letters of administration upon the estate of the above named dscedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims aga!nst the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. Rush, August 27th, 1.46,7 NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. A- This is to give notice that on the 6th day of Aug ust, A. D. 1867, a warrant, in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Aaron L. fought, of Gibson Township, Susquehanna County. Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that 'the payment of any debt and delivery of any prop erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by law. That a nieetaig of the creditors of said Bank rapt. to prove their debts, and to prove one or more assignees of his estate, will he held at a Court of Bank. ruptcy, to be held at No. 802 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, before EDWARD N. WIL LARD, Register, on the 12th day of September, 1867, at one o'clock, P. M. , THOS. A. ROWLEY, Aug. 13 -Tv4 ABEL TUrt BELL'S STORE, n•nnll. is mu eloalrohlw (Sanaa ("111 and see 1,5,145 00 THAYER & NOYES' GREAT CIRCUS .3DO 00 5 00--$4,50 00 Da. Collection of Trained Animals, EVERYTHING NEW, EVERYTHING NOVEL. EVERYTHING EXCELLENT. AN ENTIRELY NEW ESTABLISHMENT, Including A NEW AND VERY EXTENSIVE MAR, QUM, ENTIRELY NEW APPOINTMENTS AND PROPERTIES, NEW WAGONS, made by Jacob Wil, Girard avenue and Eighth street, Philadelphia NEW HARNESS, mnd. by L. J. Lloyd, Albany. N. Y., of tho most or gmni L c workmanablp and deai,gn, D. H. COON, Ez'r NEW RAPPINGS AND CAPARISONS, EW SEATS AND UPHOLSER TY, NEW DEcORATIONS, BANN-EILS AND FLAGS. NEW AND ELEGANT BAND CHARI OTS. &c., NEW AND ..... SPLENDIDLY DECORITED ANIMAL CAGES. The Pavi will he briTilantly lighted with THE NEW ATMOSPHERIC LIOHT. In conjunction with most of THE OLD FAVORITES., *bo In years past have been held in All.sh high est-ern by the amusement seeking public, TIIAYER NOYES have made A LARGE ADDITION TO TUE EQUESTRIAN COMPANY by the engagement of a windier of the MOST DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS IN THE PROFESSION; and which they fearlessly CHALLENGE COMPETITION , TO EQUAL. In order to afford their patronscd new source of ex citing delight They have purchased, at an unprecedented outlay, A CAGE OF ENORMOUS TRAINED LIONS, the- larvst and finest ever imported into this country, and with which their trainer and keeper, MR. CHARLES WHITE, will give a variety of THRILLING AND SENSATIONAL PERFORM ANCES, while In the den of these savage monsters, and MIL. WHITE will FEED TILE LIONS WITH RAW MEAT FROM IRS NAKED HAND at every exhibition, and in the centre of the areal, in presence of the entire audience. THE BABY ELEPHANT, ORIENTAL HIRAM, recently imported from Africa byId'ESSRS. TITATER SI% NOYES expressly for their estahlishment, and which la the smdlest animal of Its kind ever seen In America or Europe, lAnp ONLY FORTY INCURS IN HEIGHT_ Under the mrelid and scientific training of Mr. C. W. Noyes, this interesting juvenile already pdrforme mar vels, and exhibits a degree of intelligence such na has been rarely If over developol in these exceptionally in telligent animals. CREAT PUBLIC PROCESSION, in which will appear the NEW AND GORGEOUS BAND CHARIOT OR THE GOLDEN DALS OF-ORPTIEUS, drawn by a splendid troupe of Blooded Hon and fullowud by a grand array of Beautiful Gamine_ Tuum ented nelieuh Dewiated Tableau Cars, TO ENoIitIOUS DEN Or LIONS, THE BABY El EMU. T'S CRADLE and THE PLATFORM CHARIOT, aped which will bo seen THE Ng) \TEL AND I:ACTT /NG SPECTACLE of A LIVINC WILD LION, , =caged, unchained and LOOSE IN THE OPEN STREETS, s torming a scene at once grand, atartling and exciting, and which is PECT'LIAR TO THAYER. & NOYES' SNOW Pall Term, 1867, Tuition In .Advance 11. N. TIFFANY, Oakley, Pa liTi7 Et t er AT TILE TAMES LOGAN, Adm'r C: S. Marshal, as Messenger, Western District of Pennn., Per C. W. ROESLER, Deputy. SITLISON OF 1867: :quest .inpaLif coTpri9ea many additions from UM RIOURST RANKS OF rliF: PROBESSION, and without naming all, the , trumagement call attention tonic following names 00 000 . 5 00 . 5 00 4 00 DIL JAMES L. THAYER. We POPDI' Hl:reit; JeD - --- ter and People's Clown, whose wit, faD Mit mirth•pfo; yoking pecullarites have made him a universal favorite. . . MR. C. W. NOYES, the BucceadW Ariiintl Trainer; and the owner. trainer. and exhibitor of THE CELE HEATED PERFORMLNG HORSE, GREY EAGLE. which will be Introduced by him at each exhibition. MR. CHARLES REED, the Great Bareback Ender and gontersaukist MR. CHARLES PARKER, the Man of Many Forme. MR. HORACE SMITH and SON, In their OtcatDoubki Act, a Novel and Graceful Equestrian Sdenet HOGLE k KEE.FE, the Astoidshins; Anabithrontla Performer and ; E MIACO BROTiERS, acknowledged to te tho beat and moat Thriding Trapeztate In the WoTtd; MADAME DELVEME, the Graceful and Charming Lady Rider; MISS EUGENE DEFOE, the Dashing Equelittlitnne; SIGNOR MARTINI CIIAYIISKR.; In Me &eat Sewer on the Slack Wire ; one of the most temarkdble iotrien , ; mantes ever seen ; MASTER WOODA COOS, pupil of C. W Noyes, tisti Champion Lenper and Boy Rider of the World, In hbo Great Hurdle, Bareback and Double Back Borriersatils A.ct,ln which he etanda without a rival; MR. GEORGE MOREST, Horizontal BayPettormer and Accomplished Gymnast; MR. FRINCIF ROBINSON, the Great Scenic Rider SIGNOR VICTOR. the Boneless . Man and H'enderhtl Perform in , Monkey. under direction of C. - W. Noyes in which Sig. Victor will ipa Runnel the sword exercise and manual on horpebuck ; MR. JOHN lILNTERSON, Batofit Leaper; MR. E. D. PHILLIPS, Vaulter, &c. ; Mit CHARLES WHITS, the lion Tamer, 111 bit Thrilling Scenes in the Den of Lions. MR. C. W. I , .;OYES will introdaeo the dliidnutliee BABY ELU.IANT, OPIENTAP HIRAM, - and demon...trate Id+ wonderful training ability an t.it• amplified In the Inte:llgei.t perrormance. 4 of Olin inter e.tm nnlinal. 31r. Noyes will alc , o introduce his BEAU TIFCL Thacti tiORSE. GREY EAGLE, and his Cun ning and pretty LEARNED PONY, "NONDER,” the delight or little num.. DB JAMES 1.. THAI - Eli will introduce his tkditio bitILES. SAM AND DICK, in a laughable aurne, and hi, innuorona pony " °Jan uary," in a comimal THREE CLOWNS, Mt JAMES L TIIAYEIL tho Poptihsr Ameriam' Jevter ; • - CHARLIE PARKER. the Cqmlc Clawn and Joke- Cracker. Will appear at etch performance and lqtroduce his COMIC PONY . . " WHOA JANUARY." FRANK ROBINSON, Buttou-Bunitur and Side-Split ter to the cation. The performance in the nre , ll will ennitnenre with a GRAND AND BEAUTIFUL ENTREE entitled THE BEDOUINS' H;.LT, realizing, the effect of an Arabian Caravan halttn, tor the night at an wais in tho Great Diatort, in ridtich`thn FULL STUD Or HORSES will appear, and i thr.lugh a tn....at number-4n' beautiful evolutions without saddle ur bridle. Admieedon eldhireu under 10 yeare TWO PMFORILINCE9 DAILY Afternoon at.: o'ditck. Evening at TM o'clock.. Will exhibit for oue day only at Mont- . rose, Tuesday Sept. 3. At Wyalusing, Monday Sept. 2. At Tivanda, Aug, St Doors open at and 7P. M Admission, 50 ets. Children under 10 years, 25 atitr2 7 w 1 Wyoming Seminary COMMERCIAL COLLEGg. This Institntion has one of the Most desirable loos. tions in the Wyoming Valley, easy or access from air parts of the country, and within a day's ride by rair from.Ncw York, Philadelphimand Baltimore. THE ACADEMIC' YEAR' Ts divided into TWO SESSIONS, the First of which' consists of Eighteen Weeks. commencing SEPT: 6TH.. The Second consists of Twenty-Four Weeks, cont. mencing JAN. 9TH, 1668. At the middle of each ses sion classes will be formed to accommodate those desiring to enter then. It is highly desirable, however. that alt, whit can pos sibly do so, should enter at the opeit ing of thp Sessions ; and it is especially requested that Stndente come' THURSDAY, the day of commencing, nor toil; it 6e convenient to receive them any earlier. Heretofore the authorities of the Institution have been compelled for want of room to refuse admittance to a large number of applicants every Session. The hope now, however, by the addition of "CENTENARY HALL," to be able to accommodate all who may apply. The Dormitories, Recitation Booms, and Public Halls are Well-Furnished.Warmed and Ventilated. No pains have been spared to make all the appointments' of the Institution Wirlot Cllexesgs: Especial attention is called to the COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ° Which has been enlarged and greatly improVedin course of Study. Those fitting for BUSINESS shbuld not fail to avail themselves of its stmerioraditsintagea, During the Flrst Session a class will lm formed for the benefit of those designing to engage' lAtaseking Common Schools. For admission, or for furtherinforniation, address either of the undersigned. Fr' Bend•for a circular. It NELSON, Principal! W. S. SMYTH, Associate Principal: Kingston, Pa., Aug. 13, 1867. 4w The Great Cause of Human illinny. Just Published in a sealed Envelope. Price eta emir. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical! Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorincea, induced by self-abuse : Involuntary Einissione, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gear erally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Mal Mental and Physical incapacity, ,te.—By R08..1. cumawn,. M. D., Author of the " Green Book," Ac. The world renowned author; in this adritOabli Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience Seethe' awful consequences of self abuse maybe effectually rb moved without medicine, and without dangerous gay glad Operations, beagles, instruments. ring', or CO! dials, pointing onl a mode of care at once catain and effectual, by which every, sufferer, no mattet what hit condition may be. may mire himself cheaply, privately; and radically. This Lecture will prove sr boon to those sands. Sent under seal to any nddress, in a plain' pealed en velope, on the receipt x ents.. Or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Cu lverweli's " Marriage guide." price 23 cents. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINEA 00: 1 121 Bowery, New York, Post Office box Md. March 10, 1867—lysmp. 'ViTooi Ca ding —AND— CLOT n. WE tit M.% 01. mns undersigned respectfully intorter the public that they are carrying on the above business at the old stand in Jessup. Having recently refitted enuiputtliete machinery la perfectorder, they are prepared todoll t good workas can be done In the Coanzli• I N. WAVD Jessup, Jane 1,1867.-2 M. T. J. nova. rd Eit gli OIL., and a great variety if4itti for VAltii4 Y, for sale by TIMM& . I 50 cents. F. L. CO ULU.) CK, Ag't