,R o . • • • .1.. ••• ‘s• .".•••4 . • •,!•i•.•• • s' t • • NI , . • r- 0 Lk, 4.1 rE r .14 41_ . • _ ••• • . • - • I A. J. GERRITSON, PropPetor.l BUSINESS CARDS. M. .C. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ROGERS 16 ELY, U. Et. ;49.7%.1.0ticoxtovoriss, mylo, Brooklyn, Pa PETER HAY, tr. IS. . 4 S-13.4nti.coxiecrio, febl tiltt • Auburn 4 Corners, Pa C. S. GILBERT, Q . EA. .42Liacticon.415403r. ser 64tf - - Great. Bend, Pn . DR. W. W. SMITIT, DENTIST. 'Rooms over Iloyd d Corwiu'•+ Ilan! ware Store. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 9p. tu. 'Montrose. July I, IS97.—tf JAMES E. CARMALT, - TTORNEY AT LAW. Oilier nest to Franklin no if. tel. Llluntro:ie, Dec. is,. !SOL—.ti. WM. D. LUSK, TTORNEi AT LAW, 9t ontror.e. Pa. ()Mee oppo site the Frankl Hotel, near the Court iio.lBo. Nov. 27, 1566.-ti ABEL TURRELL, DEALER in Drugs. Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Varnishes, Win low Glass, Groceries, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Paper. Stone-ware. Lampe. Kerosene, Machinery Oils, Trusses. Guns, Ammunition. Knives, Spectaelos,Brusli• es, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perth eery. &c.—being one of the most nnmerous, extensive, and valuable rata- Dons of Goods in Susquehanna Connty, [Established in 1848.] [Montrose, Pa. D. W. SEARLE, A TTQ,RNEY AT LAW, office over the Store or A Lathrop, in the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. May 1, 1866. Dn. W. L. IMITATIDSON, PSURGEON, lenders his prote.qion r al services to the citizens or Montt- oFe zind vicini ty. Office at his residence, on the corn .-r enet of re Bros. Foundry. [Jane IS, 1,,67.—1y* P. E. LOWITS. ryon - F - _L lIANNAII LOOMIS 3, - ; HANNAH, A TTORNEYS Al' LAW, Solicitors in Bankruptcy, /1 and General-Real Estate ardrollecting Agents.— Valuable City Lota, Residences, Farms, and Coal Lands for sale. [Scranton, Jane l Sffi—y* WEEKS it CO QrCCESSORS of SI. N. urNE & Co., Dealers in Dry Goods: Clothing, Ladies and Misses fine Shoes. Alra, agents for the great American Tea and Coffee Company. [April, 1, 1867. E. L. WEEKS. - - - - C. C. FarROT. DR. E. L. GARDNER, IITSICI.A.I4 and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Glove P especial attention to diseaees of the Heart and Longs and all Surgical diseases. Office over the Post Office. Boards at iieuriCe Hotel. [Sept. 4, 18611. BALDWIN, ALLEN, & McCAIN, r i gALERS In Flour, Salt, Pork. Fish, Lard, Grain, 11 Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries. such as Sugars, °lasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of Public Avenue. Montrose, April BURNS it NICHOLS, SALMIS in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye D Rtntrt, Paints, Oils, Vanaisti, Liquors. Spices. Fan Cy articles. Patent Medicines. Perfumery and Toilet Ar tides. rer Prescriptions carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above Searle's Hotel, 'Montrose, Pa A. B. Buinss, - - - Amos NICHOLS Sept. 11, asGs. DE. E. P. NINES, HAs permanently located at Fri ends 'rifle for the per pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all its branches. He may be found at the Jackson House. Office hours from 8 a. in., to 9 p. m. janlett Friendeville, Pa., Jan. 15th, 1866. STROUD & BROWN, -- rim AND tirE INsURANCE AhENTS. All business attended to promptiy. an fairjerms. Of fice first door north of " Montrose Hotel," west side of Ptibllc Avenue, Montrose, Pa. [Jan. 1,1866. Brusuas Smtotro, Crrarmrs L. Drms. C. 0. FORDJIAM,. 8007 th SHOE Dealer and Mannfacturer liTontre-o, Pa. Shop on ItLahrstreet, one door abovel.N. Bal lard's. MI kinde of work .iuult: to order, and repairing done neatly. jaail 65 JOHN SAUTTER, RESPECTFULLY announces that he is TLINV pre. pared to cut all kinds of Garments in the most Fashiquable Style, and warranted to fit with elegance and ease. Shop over LN. Bollard's Store. M on trose. DOCT. E. L. HANDRICK, PHYSICIAN SURGEON, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizen of Priem;ls vine and vicinity. VirOffice DAIL° oillceof Dr. Leet. Boards at J. lioaforst's. . 1131.10' &it( JOHN GROVES, 'LIAsHIONABLE TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop over 1 Chandler's Store. Igr AU orders filled promptly. in first-rate style. Cut ting, done - on short notice,and.wa.rraated • - W3l. W. SMITH, rIABINET,AND CHADINANUFACTIMERS,—FooI Li of Main street, Noutrose, Ps. ti H. BURRITT, DEALER in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardman"; Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and Paints, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Furs, Buffa t kr Hobe's, Grocerlea,Provisions,474.,Few.Hilford, Pa. Wll. 11. COOPER Sr. CO., - - DANKERS, Montrose, Pa. Suceeroorsto Post,Cooper .1.11 & Co. Office, Lathrop's new building, Tarnprite-et. .wx-nureruno. mom; =NAY .I:I4INEZIL. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay. Pension,. and Exemption Mints attended to. • febt Mr"Oface lest door below Boyd'. Store,'Moritroae,Pa; SOLDIERS" BOUNTY' • PENSIONS, anti 9 Etna .113evols. MEE unndeerreigned, LICENSED AGENT of the_ GPV. ER „having obtained the neentaary forme, ttt.. will giro prompt attention to all clultue intruotei to his care. No charge Unless ruccessfol. Nontrolle, June 6th, 1864. GEO. E. LITTLE. Friend' ville, Pa. From the' " Forum." The Model Judge Of Pennsylvania. GEORGE SHARSWOOD, L. L. D., P re, ident Judge of the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. By DAVID F 1 L DIZOWN, ESQ, Tho ITon. George Sharswood was born on the sth of July, 1810, and was gradua ted at the University of Pennsylvania, on the 31st.of July, 1828, with the highest honors, deliVeribg the Greek salutatory, and manifesting a scholarship, of which his unceasing industry had given an early earnest. In the month of August of the same year, he became a student in the of. flee of Mr. Joseph R.lngersoll, and after a severe application to his studies, was admitted to practicw , on the 45th of Sept., 1831. Even after Mr. Sharswood's admission, he still blended his classical with his pro fesSionsl duties, besides giving some at tention to the trmdern languages, and it may truly be observed of him, that it has seldom happened that such young should ers bore so wise a head. Ile was not deficient in genius, but his great quality consisted lit rigid and in4e filigable labor. lie was a model for a student. Always thon: , htful, yet al way:, cheerful ; modest and retiring in his man ners, yet In a moment of not de ficient iu reliance upon himself. We do not think he could ever have been an effee , .iNe advocate. The turn of his mind Was too tranquil, to enjoy or endure the tumult, agitation and excitement-of jury trials.— lint in an argument to the court in banc, upon a poineof law, few men of his years ould have been his equal—coal, calm, collected, , he had full eontrol of that abun dant, iitock of knowlttble whie,ll ui thin perseverance and industry had euablcd him to accumulate. After remaining at the bar some five years, with about the usual :•hare of 1.1-41- lesKional business, but with bright hopes clustering around him, he was elected to the Legislature on the 10th of o,:tuber, 1837, where, it is sufficient to say, that he justified the most sanguine hopes and ex• pectations of his constituents. O. the aLb of October, i iss, he became one of the Select Council, and on the 29th of June, 1841, was appointed secretary of the investigating committee of the stock holders of the Bank of the United States. On the 12th of October, 1841, he was elected again to the Legislature, and con tinued in that body by another election, on the 11th of October, 1842. ,Scarcely had his legislative services terminated, when, on the Bth of April, in the year 1845, he received the appointment of Judge of the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, and on the Ist, of February, in the year 1848, became its President. On the 14th of October, 11851, tinder the new Constitution, he was elected by a large majority to the same judicial position, which he had previously held from the Executive and Senate of the State. 'He was co:funk:sit:rued on the Ist of December, 1851. In. all those varied and highly honorable and responsible employments, it may be justly said, that be manifested the most abundant capacity and fitness for the .duties imposed upon him. But he more especially shone in his judicial qualifi cations. Take him for all iu all, at his time of life, no bench in Pennsylvania has borne a more unblemished, more compe tent, or more exemplary incumbent. He is a man of kind, liberal, and honorable feelingS, just such a man as you might 'suppni:e vas born to be a judge ; and if he bolds out as he has begun, and Heaven and his constituents continue him to his °i three-score years and ten," ° we are mis taken or he will furnish the best practical proof of the folly of legislating judges out of office, at the;expiratlon olsixty years. Since his residency in the District Court, Judge Sharswood has been chosen Professor of Law in the Penhsylvania University, where he is an invaluable ac quisition. Apart from this duty, he is en gaged in• delivering a course of elaborate lectures before the Commercial Institute. And when it ;is 'remembered ' , that the Court in. which he presides sits ten months -in the year, and is continuously and labo riously occupied during all that time, in ,every diversity of trials, certainly no bet ter commentary can be required upon his exhanstless.patience and energy of char acter. . But to glance from the mental to the personal—judge Sharsitrood is about five feet ten inches high, with a slight stoop of shoulders, attributable', probably, to Ilia -studious pursuits throughout life. Ile has a benevolent face, an even temper, great patictice,and that, Withetiti. every thing else is nothing, uncoppromisittg holt- Rail. The honesty of a judge; itoweVer, •is hardly -necessary to be referred tooras without it,. _no man is to be considered a -judge. Hells only a pageant in the- tem ple of justice. Judge Sharswood may be cited in sup port of; our theory, that Judges—all other qualifications being equal—taken from the,bar ;before they ha,y.e beene3:tensive ly: engaged, in praclice, generally. dis charge 'thities more satisfactorily than ttieeie! - vdho are hackneyed in iitiga- MONTROSE, PA., TUESDAY, AUG. '27, 1867. tion, and therefore take partial' :or preju diced views of a case. Unless the oppo site sides of the issue exhibit great ine quality in merit and strength, we defy any man to perceive, from the deportment of the judge, to what result his mind in clines. This is a great virtue in a judicial offf cer—nothin, is so unbecoming, in author ity, as to descend from its Li.h calling in to the arena of professional degladition, and advance gratuitous opinions, and j o i n in a conflict between outposts, before the mind entirely grasps the merits of the controversy. Counsel may be less obser vant of what they say or do, but a judge should permit no word to escape his lips during the progress of a trial, that may tend to bias a jury, or throw reproach up on one party or the other. Words as we have elsewhere said, are things, and judi cial words are very operative, if not con trolling things, upon the minds of the "sworn twelve," who, having for the most part but little light in themselves, look anxiously for the least glimmering of it that may be shed from the bench, and sometimes even convert that light into darkness. Judge Sharswood puts his cases, of course, very fairly to a jury; he •seldom intreuches upon their rights to determine upon the facts, and when he charges upon the law, ho does it with great clearness, precision, and cogency, and so as to be comprehended by any man of the most ordinary intelligence. His thoughts are not only pet spicuous, but the language in which they are clothed is so plain and tin affected as to prevent all equivocation or misapprehension. The Truth Well Told. Aincnig the many excellent denuncia tions of the military despotism act, and exiftsures the monstrosities it contains, we have none x‘hich, for brevity and sue c:ixtiless, surpasses the following extract from the late argument against it, by the lion. IZubert J. Walker, in the Mississip pi case, delivered before the U. S. Su preme Court. He said: " It, was an act without a parallel in history—ovtendiug martial law over 10,- 000,000 of people—loyal and disloyal—of all races and colors: vesting tint!..u4o.2 power in a military satrap—substituting the glimmering sword and glittering bay onet for the judicial tribunals. It lays the as to the root pf the elective franchise.— It extends the right of suffrage to three or four millions of people who are exclu ded by the State Constitutions, and ex cludes tens of thousands, by classification who are entitled to it. under the State Constitutions. I have gone through Egypt, Syria,Tur key in Asia and Turkey in Enrupe, and thousands of miles through Russia, and there was no such despotism in Africa, or Asia, or Turkey, or Russia, as that which was cstabiished by these acts. They all had .courts of some description:, and al lowed a hearing and opportunity of de fense. The sword was not the only arbi ter, but here an act of Congress swept ten States out of existence, reduced them to a worse than territorial bondage, and sub jected every of them, ten millions of peo ple, of all ages, sexes and colors to the despotic tvill of a military commander." Judge Sharswood. The Sunday Dispatch pays the following tribute to the character, standing and legal qualifications of George Sharswood, the Democratic candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: The State Democratic Convention to nominate a candidate for the bench of the Supreme Court has made a most admi rable selection of a candidate for that po sition. No better lawyer than the Hon. George Sharswood can be found in l'enn sylvania. As a judge he has had ample experience, and has conducted himself in all thingslyiLh purity, impartiality and in dustry. His knowledge of the law is ex tensive. His long practice has east a mind, originally of a judicial bent, into a firm and enduring mould. His judgment is si rong, his perceptions acute, and his desire to do justice in all cases transpa rent. He has as little of the weakness of favoritism and the fault of dislike as any man; and in his long career upon the bench in the District Court of this city there has been nothing to show that he ever allowed his private opinions to influ ence his judgment or to color his views of a case. We believe him to be mbst admirably fitted for the position forlwhich he has been named, by personal integrity, deep learning, and the possession of the analytical ability which compares prin ciples with filets and applies to circum stances the fitting legal consequences..-- The citizens of Philadelphia will be well satisfied with the nomination of Judge Sharswood, and hemill haven, handsome support from independent voters of -all parties. . _ —A State Constable of Massachusetts, who had seized several barrels of litpior at Chicopee, the other day, was compelled to relinquish them, and was chased through the streets by a mob, and : barely escaped with his life. So it seems that the pro hibitory law is disregarded, and th a t mob .I:iw sets it..aside in "loyal" Massachusetts. "Reconstruction" seems to be needed. Greeley and the " G. A. R." It is known that there is a secret society called the "Grand Army of the Republic," and it is alleged that their intention is to take part iu politics, and their field of ope ration lies among the soldiers of the Northern States. The New York Tribune thus paints the portrait of this Radical agency: These men combine for political purpo- , SCS. They prppose to keep alive the wrath and bitterness of that dreadful time, I.;hey mean to control conventions to nomidate men for otlice—to perpetuate in our civil system the bitterness of war. We believe the soldier should receive. abundant reward. IVhen a soldier and a civilian apply for office, all: things else be ,., ing equal, we should prefer the soldier. But we dislike this making a privileged class, and especially we dislike this getting into a corner, and having passwords and grips, and making an exclusive class.— Washington 4.aesaw this when lie oppos ed the Society of the Cincinnati. Lie saw in that association the first step toward an aristocracy, and be declined to ally himself with it. What Washington said should be remembered now. Here is an association more numerous and more powerful than the Cincinnati, which pro poses to ever keep alive a ivar with brothers and fellow-countrymen, to exult in victories over Americans, to rejoice over the destruction of men in whose blue veins run the blood which courses in our own, and who, whatever their crimes and errors, are of our own country. We say, let all the fearful memories of the past sink into the hell to which they belong; let us think only of wounds to be healed, of harvests to grow again, of seas once more covered with our commerce, edu cat ion for the ignorant, protection to the opi ressed, justice to all. *'- * * * * There are crafty, bold, bad men who lo3k upon these societies as so many in struments for their own advancement.— They pkopose to ally themselves with this military sentiment, with no more claim upon it than Thenardier in llngo's novel had to be called the Sergeant of Water loo. He followed the army, and robbed the bodies of the slain. The true soldier sheathes his sword and buries it in his remains au neiriobra. He becomes a citizen, and makes no claim for political honor but that of citizenship.— Above all things he does not carry ,his epaulets and ribbons, his wounds and bruises to a political convention, to be knocked down to the highest bidder. * Especially do we entertain these views when wi find hi the declarations of these secret soldier associations so many ex pressions of madness. The true soldier is the most generous of foemen. Take the great captains who commanded the con tending hosts. Do we find Grant, Sher man, er Sheridan, or Thomas, or Meade, assembling together and howling for more blood, more strife, more bitterness? Do we find Lee, or Longstreet, or John son, or I3eauregard insisting that the hates of secession shall be prolonged ? These men -fought their fight and ended. Their titianr ceased with the echo of the last guns fired in anger. From this Grand Army of the Republic, now parading through political -conventions in the West, co.ninanded by the captains of the caucus, the lobby, and the bar-room, we appeal to the grand army of the Republic which carried our banners over a hundred fields under the eye of Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan. We denounce this new secret association as out of sympathy with the true Republican party, and as inimical to the Constitution and the Union. It will be a sad day for our party when soldiers find nc better work than to prowl over the haute-fields of the past, and dig up the bodies of the slain. The country wants peace, and rest, and harmony, and justice. These men want a distracted country that offices may be gained. They would make America a Mexico, peace would be sent to sleep with Turks and infidels / and, instead of Union, they would "the Wofullest division make that ever fell upon this cursed earth." I=l2:= Brownlow on Negroes. ParsOn Brownlow has just been elected Governor of Tennessee by the votes of negroes. In October, 1860, ho wrote his opinion of the negro race as follows: "Your ignorance of this whole subject manieests itself in your, clamors about the equality. of the African and Anglo-Saxon races. This question of race you call up on me to settle to your satisfaction. Do you ask me to mas.e a Pointer out of a Poodle ? 1),0 you ask me to make a Peach out of a Crab-Apple? Can you change a Carrot into a Melon ? Can you "Tow an Oak from a Pea-nut ? Will a 9 • - wild Donkey produce an Arabian horse? Will a' Polecat produce a Lion ? Can you hatch Eagles by setting a Goose on Buzzard eggs ? Most certainly not ! You cannot undo what God has intended shall never be undone. It is, therefore, simply impossible for you to change an African icto an AtigloSaxon. It is a question of blood—of. race, as I have remarked ; and a question far above the capacity of those , yaio abuse these Southern States on ac count of African slavery:- IV. G. Brawn low's letter to Prync, No.' 8, Oct. 2J, 1860. The "Lambs." Two young white girls were shockingly assaulted by some Waynesboro' (Georgia) negroes. The girls will not survive. A negro villain committed a rape upon two girls aged eight and ten years, near Nunda, N.Y., a few days ago. A shocking tragedy occurred in Union City, Obion County, Tennessee. A negro man broke jail in that town, and repairing to the residence of au aged and highly re spectable widow liidy, named Chatham, outraged heic person, and then fled, Two sons of the injured woman followed the wretch to Hickman, K.y., arrested him, and taking him back to the scene oaf the outrage, shot him-dead, and then severed his head from his body. • A negro in Blondinville, Ky .enticed a yqunz, girl. from the house andoutwitted violence upon h 4er person, ie•was so much alytised that she has since died Worn her injuries: A North Carolina.negro woman cut off her husband's riea'a so that' she might marry a white man. J. 11. Hipkius, Rureap Superintendent of Gallatin, Tenn., has been indicted by the grand jury of Summer county for an. attempted rape on the person of a young girl only fourteen years of age. John Wilson, a negro living neat• War wick, ALL, was arrested on Thursday, the 25th ult., by constable Loveless, and taken before Justice Hunter, charged with an assault with intent to commit a rape on the person of a white girl aged about 'l3 years, named Crissey Boman. J. C. Hagan, a negro employed in the Boston post office, has been arrested for 'stealing money from letters. It seems thatle has been patterning after the rad ical leaders in more respects than one. Lk ha l a colored wife and children, but not satisfied with that, keeps a white Yankee woman as a mistress. No won der be was compelled to follow the ex ample of Butler and other Massachusetts loyalists, and steal. Another Licentious Clergyman. The sulject_of the following notice is well known hereabouts, says an Easton journal. having been in Easton several times soliciting aid for the Institution of which he was Superintendent. A eg r upn c aespaten (fated Re-chea ter, N. Y., dated',on Monday 'evening, says the Rev. 11. Wendt, of Germantown, Penn's., was arrested here this morning, charged with outraging the persons of seven girls, inmates of the Germantown Orphan Asylum, of which he was super intendent. Ile had been practising his diabolical' acts for over a year previous to his discovery. Ile fled from Germantown last week, fearing punishment, and came. to this city. On his arrival he wrote to his wife making inquiries as to the feeling among the members of his church, and stated that he would be in Rochester to day and would be the guest of the Lu theran minister. This letter fell into the hands of the trustees of the Orphan Asy lum, who caused his arrest. Mrs. Lincoln. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is going to Lake up her abode in Raeine, Wis., and her effects were sold in Chicago on Saturday. The handsome parlor set of Ivocatelle and rosewood, consisting of fourteen pieces, was sold for $1,190 dollars. The parlor carpets, elegant Brussels, 110 yds., brought $3,75 per yard. The large French mirror was sold for $338, and two handsome English mantel mirrors for $2BO each.— The curtains, damask and lace, with ele gant cornices, sold for, -$530 each. The large etagere brought $275, and two smaller ones $l6O and $B7 respectively. A Lisbon marble-top table sold for $125, and a white marble-top table for $125, and two small marble-top stands for $B7 each. A handsome chamber set of black walnut sold for $355, and Tad's chamber set for $l5O. The dining room furniture brought good prices, the side-board selling for $275, the extension table for $6B, and the chairs -for $7 each. These were of black walnut.—Chicago Tribune, (Radical.) It is a fact on record, that more money was expended to furnish the White 'Muse during the four years that the "late la mented" and his family occupied it, than had been expended during its occupancy by Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Fillmore and Bubbanan combined. And yet, when President Johnson took possession of it, it bad to be re-furnished again from top to bottom, as everything bad been carried off. CRT" We find the following in the Chi cago Times. The avowed objects of the Grand Army of the Republic" are fra ternity-and a care of widows and orphans of fallen comrades. The following letter —which fell into the wrong hands-4- plains itself: ITHADQUARTEILS G. A. R., D.up'T or OHIO, Feb. 0, 1867. P. 0., Post No. 1, Sub. Division 84. Sin: I am directed to forward to the army at Napoleon .150 of the 'approved breech-loaders for the use of your en campment, which sliallbe subject to your order. Please sign the above receipts r and return to me. I am, sir, respectfully, your ob't serv't, A. S. Kittmram," Chief of Ordnance, Dept of Ohio. VOLUME XXIV, NUMBER 35, The story, started by the New York Evening Post, and now going the rounds of the Radical press, to the effect that two Texan planters refused to" go home until they had shot a negro," and did finally bring down an unlucky darkey whom they. chanced to meet,is recognized by the New Haven Register as an old acquaintance s it having first been published iu an antisla very almanac, some twenty years ago, to illustrate the prevailing cruelty of slave holders South Carolina. _ . " Afterwards," says the Register, " it. was located in " bleeding Kansas," and did duty for " two border ruffians," who would not leave town until they had "shot a Yankee." It is an excellent bit,alensat ion stuff, but we question the policy of using it oftener than once in twenty years or so. The.iuven ter ofZthe story was re marliable for modesty, or for cunning as he had never taken out a copyright—but it is passing strange that a man with a thimble-full of brains could fur an instant belief() such a barbarous act could be com mitted with impunity - in any part of this country." It now turns out through Republican sources, that all of the Andersonville hor rors Were ,the result of mature delibera tion of this War, Department. Thirty thousand of our fathers, sons and brothers left to die horrible deaths, because the authorities at Washington said they were too feeble to be of service in ourranks, and it would cost money to maintain them in hospitals, and to have them exchanged man for man with rebels, wou'd aid the Southern cause. For one who!e year, Re publican papers published cuts descrip tive of the prison pen, hung Wirz for his cruel treatment and deno — uneed the South for its brutality, when it now turns out by the shotving of the highest authority, that the South was anxious to get rid of them. and exchange every man. The reb els offered to release our sick men-30,000 of them without an exchange, but, our War Department cruelly refused to accept the offer for six months. Beecher's Bait for the Black Nan. in ms remants nerore tearEfinat Rights Assoeiatibn, Henry Ward Beecher said: "Take a black mau, bait Lim with a white woman,' and I think you' will catch the ' black man." This, says the Chicago Times, is probably true, but somewhat disgusting. If the Radicals propose to use white women as baits to catch darkies with, it. i4,to be hoped that they will use theirOvvndaughters and sisters first; but as in the - war they got others to do the fighting, and as in negro suffrage they propose it only for other States, so, in the matter of bait, they will probably attempt to use somebody else's' whito women. —An official despatch to Secretary Seward, from our Consul at Vera Cruz, states that Santa Ana is in close confine ment at the Castle of San Juan —There was in tho.vaulta of tharrnited States Treasury on Saturday, August 17, $108,882,000 in gold, of which $88,777,000 was in coin, and the balance in gold cer tificates. —A profound thinker and brilliant ora tor, twenty years ago, said that it would yet bo written over the graves of our in stitutions : " Here:lies a nation who, in order to give freedom to three millions of slaves, lost the freedom of thirty millions." —The Springfield Republican Sees picious continuity of eircumstnces in the Ashley-Conover letters givingplansibility to Dunham's story. ;--lion. J. S. Galloway has lieen elected to fill the .vacancy ? occasioned by the death of lion. Elijah Rise,. of Kentucky, by an almost unanimous vote. the Reds didn't "amount to pig tracks" At, the polls in that district.. —A very sensible woman, who is going to Europe desires that when her husband's name and her own are published in the list of passengers, it shall be Mr. and wife, not lady, for he goes abroad with his lawful wife, and nobody, else. —The next Legislatnro of Kentucky will stand Abpat as follows : Senate—lE. Democrats, 9 Republiean,4 noncommittal. floisge—Democrats, 85 ; Republicamso ; third/party, 4. —Nino hundred and seventy persons wore committed to the Boston " Tombs" last month, 627 of theta for ,drunkenness. Boston has a prohibitory law. ' —Keep it before the, people; that the late Radical Legislature appropriated for Layman. of ItA menibor - s And attaches $115,- 000 more than that of 1864.' Just think of it l An increase of'expenditure for " running" the Legislature, since 1864, of ONE lIIUNDEIM AND FIFTEEN TUOINIAND DOLLARS --kt widow in. Paris, aged forty-five, married a young man .aged eighteen.. By her first husband ,she had a :uon.velinsb'tigo at the time of her sebond'Marring64aa . twenty-one. She recently died flntl by Itrr will left, her fortune to her son and' hiis band. As her husband was not, of age her son was appointed his guardian. .• Two Good Stories with a Zara Horrors of Andersonvffle.