THE TENTH ANNUAL FAIR OP THE iIARFORD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE HELD IN HARFOIID, Wednesday &Thursday, Oct. 2 a. 3, 1867. Premium I_Billso CLASS L-11011SES. Subdivision I—Stallions, Matched Hor see, etc. Best draft or farm stallion, over 4 years old, $4 2d $3 " road stallion, same age, 4 " 3 " pair matched horses, 4 -"" 3 " pair horses for all work, 4 " 3 " single driving horse, 3 " 2 " brood mare and colt, 3 " 2 Sub-division 2—Colts and Mules. Best pair 3-year old colts, $3 2d $2 " pair 2-year old colts, 3 " 2 " three year old colt, 2 " 1 " two year old, 2 " I " one year old colt, 2 " I " • pair mules, 2 " 1 CLASS IL-CATTLE. Sub-division I—Full Bloods. Pest' durham bull over 2 y'rs old, $4 2d $3 " durham bull over 1 y'r old, 3 " 2 " dnrham heifer 3 " 2 " durham cow over 3 y'rs old, 3 " 2 " durham bull calf, 2 " 1 " durham heifer coif, 2 " 1 " devon bull over 2 years old, 4 " 3 gi do 1 year old, 3 " 2 " devon heifer 1 year old, 3 " 2 " devon cow over 3 y'rs' old, 3 " 2 " devon bull calf, 2 " 1 " devon heifer calf, 2 " 1 Sub-division 2—Grade Durhatus. Best bull over two years old, $2 2d $3 " bull one year old, 2 " 1 " bull calf, 2 " 1 " cow, 3 2d 2 3d 1 " three year old heifer, 2 2d 1 " two year old heifer, 2 " 1 " one year old heifer, 2 " 1 " heifer calf, 2 " 1 " three yearlings, 3 ", 2 " three calves, t 3 " 2 Sub-division 3—Grade Devons. Best bull over two years old, $3 2d $2 " bull one year old, 2 " 1 " bull calf, 2 " 1 " cow, 3 2d 2 3d I " three year old heifer, 2 2d 1 " two year old heifer, 2 " 1 " one year old heifer, 2 " 1 " heifer calf, 2 " 1 " three yearlings, 3 " 2 " three calves, 3 " 2 Sub-division 4 —Natives. Best bull over one year old, $2 2d $1 " cow, 2 " 1 2 " 1 ti 2 " 1 2 " 1 " two year old heifer, " three yearlings, " three calves, Sub division s—Oxen and Steers. Best pair working oxen, 5 years old or over, $4 2d $3 " pair . Working oxen 4 y'rs old, 4 " 3 " pair fat oxen, "-pair steers 3 years old, " pair steers 2,years old, " pair steers 1 year old, " pair steer calves (broke) CLASS m.—Sheep and Swine. Best fine wooled buck, $l3 2d $2 " three fine wooled ewes, 3 " 2 " three fine wooled lambs, 2 " " middle wooled buck, 3 " 2 " three middle wooled ewes, 3 " 2 " three middle wooled lambs, 2 " I " coarse wooled buck, " 2 " three coarse wooled - ewes ' 3 " 2 " three coarse„wooled lambs, 2 " buck lamb of each, " boar, 4 " 3 " breeding sow, " 4 " 3 " spring pig, 3 " 2 " fall pigs (not less than four) 3 " 2 GLASS rv.—Poultry. Best pair turkeys, "g, . eese, "our docks, ' five fowls, - 4. five spring chickenb, cLAss v.—Grain Best peck winter wheat, $1 241 $i " peck spring wheat, 1 " -A --" peck rye, 1 " i " peck oats, 1 " " half bushel corn in the ear, 1 " , " peck buckwheat, ,' 1`! 1 " peck clover seed, 1 ' 6 -1- " peck timothy seed, 1 ' 6 -I " peck flax-seed, 1 " I CLASS vi.—Butter, Cheese and Bread. Best firkin butter, $3 2d $2 " pair butter, 3 " 2 "'jar butter, 2 " 1 " roll butter, 2 " 1 " cheese,3 " 2 " loaf wheat bread, 50 cts. " loaf graham bread, 50 " " loaf indian bread, 50 " " soda biscuit, 50 " CLASS via.—Fruit and Vegetables. ,Best fall apples, at least 3 varieties, not less than doz. of each, $1 2d 50c " winter apples, ditto, 1 " 50c , ii . , , " pears, 1 " 50c , u quinces, 1 " 500 " peaches, 1 " 500 " grapes, t 1 " 500 " and greatest variety of fruiti-1 " 50e " i bu. potatoes,2 or more va., 1 " 50c' " winter squash, Etoc. 4- '- , " pumkins, 50c. " three heads of cabbage, 50c. " twelve onions, 500. ,f , " six beets, 50c. " six tomatoes, 50c. "—and greatest va. vegetables, $1 2d Si' CLASS VllL—Vinegar, Wine, Honey and . - Sugar. Best cider vinegar,. " currant wine, " blackberry wine, " elderberry wine, Best grape wow, 0 500 " wine plant wine, 500 " ten lbs. honey, $1 2d $?., ". ten lbs. caked or stirred sugar,i " " ten lbs. drained sugar, 1 " " maple syrup, 50c CLASS xx.—Leatber, etc. Best two sides upper leather, $2 2d $1 " two sides harness ieather, 2 " tlso sides sole leather, 2 0 two caWskins, 2 " pair fine boots, 2 " pair coarse boots, 2 " carriage 'harness, 2 " sett team barness, 2 CLASS X.—Agrictiltnral Implements and Carriages. Best common plow, side-hill plow, cultivator, corn sheller, straw cutter, horse rake, horse hay fork,& churning machine,eachsl " mowing machine, 3 " threshing power, 3 " double carriage, 3 . 2 d 2 " single carriage, 3 " 2 " market wagon, 3 ".2 " lumber wagon, 3 " 2 " single sleigh, 2 " lot agricultural implements, 2 class xi.—Cabinet Work, Hardware, etc. Best specimen of cabinet work, $2 " sett of chairs, 1 " rocking chair, 1 " sewing machine, 1 " churn, 1 " butter pail, 50c " butter firkin, 50c " sett horse shoes, 50e " lot tin ware, 50c " cook stove for wood, $1 " cook stove for coal, 1 " parlor stove, 1 cLAss xn.—Domestic Goods. Best five yards woolen flannel, $2 2d $1 " five yards plaid flannel, 2 " 1 " five yards full cloth, 2 " 1 " pair woolen blankets, 1 " " 6 pairs woolen socks, 1 " " tWo pairs woolen mittens, 1 " " sample woolen yarn, 1 " 2 " five yards linen cloth, 2 " 1 " five yards linen toweling, 2 " 1 " ten yards woolen carpet, '2 " I " rag carpet, 2 " 1 CLASS XllL—Ornaniental Needlework, tt c. Beat patchwork-quilt, $2 2d $1 " quilt of any other kind, 1 "50c " bed spread, 1 "50c " worked skirt, 1 "50c " worked collar, 50c 2d 25c " spec'n worsted embroid'y,soc " 25c " specimen silk embroidery,soc " 25c " bonnet, 50c " 25c " ladies' sagne, 500 " 25e " knit hood, 50c " 25c " tidy cover, 50c " 25c " fine shirt, 50c " 25c CLASS xiv.—Paintiugs, Flowers, etc. Best dental work, $3 2d $2 " oil painting, 2 " 1 " painting, any other kind, 1 " 50c " picture frame, 1 " 50c " drawing, 1 " 50c " exh,bition of photographs, 1 ",50c " variety of flowers, 1 50c " floral design, 1 " 50c " ex'n artificia flowers & fruit,l " 50c crass XV. Plowing. I_*4t, plowing, SecOnd best, Third best, Fourth best, Fifth best, Sixth best,. 3 " 2 3 " 2 2 " I 2 " 1 JOTIN LESLIE, L. R. PECK, Ex. Com D. L. HINE, A. B. TUCKER, gec'y. —Wilson, the celebrated vocalist, was upset one day in his carriage, near Edin burg. A Scotch paper, after recording the accident, adds, "We [are happy to state that he was able to appear the fol lowing evening in three pieces." $1 2d $i 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " —The Washington Chronicle has a fel low in the office there, who has never been south of Washington, who writes all the letters of Union men who live in Georgia and Texas, for that paper. Sumner hired him last winter to furnish him with letters from Union men living South ; and as soon as Congress adjourned Forney hired him. He is certainly some on the pathetic. —Tbe letter of Mr. °old, in which he avers that the Confederate government, in 1864, offered to surrender, without an equivalent, fifteen thousand sick and wounded Northern prisoners, is creating quite a sensation in all quarters. —We cut the following from the Mo bile Register: Our Military Mayor is moving things in a very lively manner. At the request of two or three:of the colored aristocracy, he has promptly removed twenty white laborers and widows from the street and horse cart force of the cor poration for ,the purpose of rutting twen ty " canna persons" in their places. ' —A young gentleman, after having paid his addresses to a lady for some time, "popped the question." The lady, in a frightened manner, said, " Yon scare me, sir." The gentleman did not wish to friifit en the lady, and consequentlyremained quiet for some time, when she exclaimed, " Scare me again." —A teacher in Springfield, Mass. while conducting an exapination, asked, among other questions, the following : " Why is the pronoun she' applied to a ship." To which one of the boys rendered the follow• ing answer: ".Because the rigging cost more than the hulL" —Another new fractional shinplaster, of the denomination of fifteen cents, will be issued in a few weeks. It will contain pictures of Grant and Sherman,. and be printed upon " a peculiar kind of paper," 50c 50c 50c 50c The Montrose Democrat IB I'OELISHED EVERY 'TUESDAY MORNING. AT MONTROSE SUSQUEHANNA coulcre, PA., BY 8• 131- 3371 Mt. "EL X rr El CP MT, AT $2 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE-OW $.23i AT END OF Y3AR. Business advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 10 lines, three times:and 25cts for each additional neck. Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, charged $lO for four squares, quarter column $l5, - half column $3O, one column $6O, and other amounts In exact proportion. Business cards of three lines, $3; or one dollar a line. MU — Legal notices ahthe customary rates,—about 50 per cent. In addition to business rates. Job printing executed neatly and promptly at fair priea. Deeds, Mortgages, Notes, Justices', Constables', School and other tolanks tor sale. rrerrizie3 : C7emsai. 31=1-cretrn.. BUSINESS CARDS. N. C. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, ap7 atf Frtendeville, Pa. • ROGERS & ELY, V. B. guotioazeez , mylo* Brooklyn, Pa. PETER RAY, mr. M. $., .41.1.a.aticsaa.e.epr, febl WU Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. C. S. GILBERT, rl. El. ..S..szetiorLeleor. sep7 64tf Great: Bend, Pa. DR. W. W. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms over Boyd & Corn•in'e Hard ware Store. (Mee hours from Ua.m.to4 p. m. Montrose, July 1, 1867.—tr JAMES E. CARMALT, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office next to Franklin Ho .61. tel. " [Montrose, Dec. 18, 1866.—tf. WM. D. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Montrose. Pn. Oific e oppo. site the Franklin Hotel, near the Court }loam Nov. 27, 1 866.—tf ABEL TURRELL, DEALER in Drugs]Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, Win• inw Glass, Groceries, Glass Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Stone-ware, Lamps, Kerosene, Machinery Olls, Trusses, Guns, Ammunition, Knives, Speetacles,Brush. es, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Peen &e.—being one of the most numerous, extensive, and valuable collec tions of Goods in Susquehanna County. [Established in 1848.] [Montrose, Pa. D. W. SEARLE, A TTORNEY AT LAW, rillice over the Stare of A aok Lathrop, in the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa. May 1, 1866 DR. W. L. RICHARDSON, pTSICIAN t SURGEON, tenders his profession al services to the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty. Office at his residence, on the corner east of Sayre & Bros. Foundry. [June 18, 1867.—1 y• P. E. LOOMIS. DANIEL HANNAH. LOOMIS & HANNAH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Solicitors In Bankruptcy, and General Real Estate and Collecting,. Agents.— Valuable City Lots, Residences, Farms, and Coal Lands for sale. [Scranton, June 'lBB7—y* E. L. WEEKS & CO SuccEssoßs of 1. N. HINE & Co., Dealers In Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladles and Misses tine Shoes. Also, agents for the great American Tea and Coffee Company [April, 1, 1867. E. L. WEEKS. - - - C. C. FAUROT. DR. E. L. GARDNER, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Montrose, Pa. Gives especial attention to diseases of the Heart and Longs and all Surgical diseases. Office over the Pest Office. Boards at Searle's Hotel. [Sept. 4. 1866. - $7 BALDWIN, ALLEN, & AIcCAIN, DEALERS in Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Lard. Grain, Feed, Candle., Clover and Timothy Seed. Also, Groceries, such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea and Coffee. West side of Public Avenue. Montrose, April IT, 1866. BURNS & NICHOLS, DBALERS in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye stuffs, Paints, 011 s, Varnish, Liquors, Spices. Fan cy articles, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar tides. ar Prescriptions carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa A. B. Butugs, - - - Amos Nicuots Sept. ii, 186 e. DR. E. P. HINES, HAS permanently located at Prlenderifle for thepur pose of practicing medicine and surgery in all its branches. He may be found at the Jackson Home. Office boors from 8 a. m., to 9 p. m. jatil6tf Priendsville, Pa., Jan. 160, 1866. STROUD & BROWN, [SIRE AND LIFE MSDRANCE AGENTS. Al I. business attended to promptly on fair terms. Of fice [lnn door north of " Montrose Hotel," west Bide o Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. [Jan. 1.1866. BILLINGS &Isom), - - CuAnami L. Bnowrz C. 0. FORDHAM, 10,00 T SHOE'Dealer and Manufacturer. Montrose, BOOT Pa. Shop on Main street, one door above I.N. Bul lard's. All kinds of work made to order, and repairing done neatly. pull OS JOHN SAUTTER, RESPECTFULLY announces that he is now pre pared to cut all kinds of Garments in the most Fashionable Style, and warranted to fit with elegance and ease. Shop over I. N .llard's Store, Montrose. DOCT. E. L. HANDRICK, oIIYSICIAN & BUTtGBON, respectfully tenders bts 1 -- professilanal services to the citizen of Friends vine and vicinity. Pr Office Inthe caeca Dr. Leet. Boards at J. Hosford's. Ily3o Ott LIASIIIONABLI3 TAILOR., Montrose, Pa. Shop over 1 Chandler's Store. 'All orders tilled promptly, in first-rate style. Cut ting done on short notice, and warranted to tit. WM. W. SMITH, rtABINET AND CHAIR MANCFACTDDERS,—foo of Main street, Montrose, Pa. H. BITRRITT, DEM.= in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drngs, Oils, and Paints Bootaand Shoes, hats and Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes Groceries, Provisions, cl,e., New Milford, Pa. W3l. H. COOPER & CO., BANKERS, Montrose, Pa. 6111Ccessorsto Poet,Cooper & Co. oMce, Lathrop's new building, Turnpike-et. WIZ. HIINTTING COOP= =Mr DITSIMIII. A. 0. WI 'REN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back P:1, Pension, and Exemption Claims attended to. febi 'Office lint door below Boyd's Store,' ontrose,Pa . LaITORS An extensive assortment of • near ly Liquors for medical p embracing nearly every kind in market, con stantly on band and for sale by ABEL TERRELL. JOHN GROVES, Fire, Life and Aceld.eVA! GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Dacos:Ltroffigici, ;P'ax. Home Insuranceto. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. of North America, Phil'a, Capital and Surplus, International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co.of Pentea, Capital and Surplus, Farmer's:Shaun] Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil'a, Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital and Surplus, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., paying GO per cent. dividends to the assured. ,The notes given for half the premium is never to be paid under any circumstances;; be policy will always be paid in full, and the notes given up. Capital, American Life Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital, Travcicrs'lneuranre Co. Hartford, Conn., Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, Hartford Piro Insurance Company. Hart ford. Conn., Capital and Surplus; Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct., Capital, $500,000 Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock, aninst theft and death from any cause. Capital, $500,000 CV — All business entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD & BROWN, Agents. rer Office first door north of" Montrose Hotel," west side of Public Avenue. M. C. SerroN, ESQ., A'''rlendsville, Solicitor. BILLINGS STEOCD, CHABLELS L. BROWN. Montrose, Jan. Ist. 1801. ly ERIE RA ILWAY.On and after Mon day. April 2nth, 1567. trains will leave Great Bend at about the following hours, viz.: GOING WEST 5.53 a. m. Night Express, 3tondays excepted. for Ro chester, Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points West; also at Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for Ithaca, and at klmira for Canandaigua. r 3.35 a. m. Night Express, Daily, for Rochester, Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkin:. and the WesL Stops at Great Bend on Mondays only. 5'27 a. to. Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigua. 11.31 a. m. Emigrant Train. Daily, for the West. 3.53 p. to. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Ro chester. Buff ilo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and nt Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for all points West and South. 7, 51 p. m. Express Mall, Sundays excepted. f Buff 10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West ; also at Elmira for Canandaigna. 12.40 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. GOING EAST. 7.05 a. m. Cincinnati Express, Mondays excepted, at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Graycourt for New burg and Warwick. 0.00 p. m. Accommodation Train Dully. 2. 00p. in. Day Express, Sundays excepted. fCin p. in. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays ex cepted. 3.43 a. to. Night Express, Daily, connecting at Gray eon rt for Warwick ; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 10.20 a. m. Way Freight, Sundays . excepted. WM .11. BARR, 11. RIDDLE, 'nay 7 Gaul Passenger Agent. Gen•l Sup't. NEW FIRM. MUSIC & JEWELRY. TBE subscriber having formed a par.nersbip with 31 A. STEVENS, wishes to make his best bow. to his old Customers, and inform them that the Mercantile Department of the business will herea,ter be carried on by 0. D. Benign Co. with Increased capital and facilities. a large sock of New Goods !nail departments, a store thoroughly retrtted, and 3Pric'esi 3FIL ea Ca:L.I.O4D The Watch-tlaking Department Is retained by me, and will receive my personal atten tion. I have secured th e services of MR. C. H. WOLD BYE, a gentleman who has had twenty-dve years in the beet shops of Europe, and has no superior in the coun try. I shall therefore btable to do all- work within three days from the time IT is left. The Clock and Jewelry Repairing Will be owned by Mr, Stevens. who will do _all work in that line promptly, and in the best style. Nov. 21, 1e4;11. 0. D. BEMAN. coicrre. 601 - 4=llo will consist of a full assortment of the following. goods, suitable for this market, which will be so,d as low, and matt' of them lower, than by any one else this side of New York city. Read the Catalogue. CLOCKS & WATCHES. WATCHES. American, Swiss and English, both gold and silver. SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, All styles, including their celebrated Calender Clocks, which tell the day of the month and week, also the name of the month, making the changes for every month correctly, with no cars but to wind them once a weeck. JEWELRY. Heavy, solid Gold Chains, Hooke and Keys. Fine sol id sets of Jewelry—Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ear Rings, &c. &c. WEDDING RINGS. A large, tine assortment. SPECTACLES. Warranted Lott all kinds of eyes. SOLID GOLD ALBUMS. A neat little Charm holding eight small Photographs. GOLD PENS. A fine assortment, with and without holders. Old ones repointed. SOLID SILVER WARE. Made to order of pure Coin, consisting of Spoons, Forks, Thimbles, Batter Knives, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Vest Chains, &c. PLATED WARE. Thebest in market—single, double, treble and quad •naple plate, and weartaisrap—from a full Tea Set down, includingeastors, Cake and Card Baskets, ice Pitchers, Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Cups, Tea Bells, &c. &c. &c. MUSIC. PIANOS Manufactured by Decker Brothers, which, with their late improvements, surpass those of any other makers. Ago, Bradbury's New Scale Pianos—a splendid Instru ment. Other Pianos from $350 to $5OO. CABINET ORGANS, From $llO to sl2oo—warranted for five years. They are the finest reed instrument In the world, until have only to say that 1 have sold nearly $15,000 worth of them In the last four years ; and they are all In good or der and have never cost my customers a cent for repairs. VIOLINS, GUITARS, 41:e. Violins from $5 to $5O, Flutes, Fifes, Clarlonets,Ban- Jos, Guitars, Bowe, Strings, Tuning Forks, Cc. BRASS BANDS Supplied with instruments of the best American man ufacture, by the single instrument or full sot, at the ma ker's price—also music for any number of instruments. Instruction Books and Sheet Music on hand, and new supplies received every week. Piano Stools from $6 to $l 5 - Perfect Sewing _Needles. Wehave the exclusive agency for U. J. Roberta' Pa tent Parabola Needles—the - best In the world. Try one paper and if not satisfied the money will be refunded. Fire Arms and Sporting Materials. Allen's, - Spencer's, and Henry's Breech loading Ri fles, all styles Revolvers, Fowling Pieces, Shot Belts and Powder Flasks, Cartridg_es for all the U. S. Army guns ; also 11. S. and other ,Percussion Caps, Cooper Cartridges, all styles and sizes. 0. D. BEMAN. J. A. STEVENS. Montrose, N0v.27, 1866 HOWARD Awsoolation,l l * lladelphla, Pa Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urineryand sex nalsystems—new and reliable treatment—in Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. gent by, mania sealed atter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. 4. SEEtanl Honowrox Howard Association, Ho 9 South 9th stree Philadelphia, Pa. MINER & COATS, V 3,000,00 1,709,000 Main Street, 5 doors below Boyd's Corner. Montrone. FLOUR, GROCERIES, AID 1,500,000 2,500,000 PROVISIONS, 10,000,000 1,000,000 We are constantly receiving and now have on hand, a fresh stock of Goods in our line, which we n ill sell CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! $1,583,163 for cash, or exchange for produce GOOD TEA S, 3 ' • COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, P ORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER' & TIMOTHY SEED, &c We have refitted and made additions to our Stock of Pails, and are now ready to forward Butter to the be, t commission houses in New York, free of charge, and make liberal advancements on consignments, Call and examine onr Stock before purchasing else where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY 11, CHEAP PRICES C. G. MINER, Montrose, April 16, 1867 HUNT BROTHERS , 181 C 1 PILALIVTC=ON, P u., Wholesale it Retail Dealers In LillaDValil..o 4 , - (co Iv-, STEEL, NAILS, _ . %plums, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. JILVE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK & T RAIL SPIKE. , RAILROAD if. MIXING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS ANL BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEA 7' SPINDLES, BOWS. fie. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES, Sc. Sc. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BELTING, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER & FINDINGS FAIRBANK'S SCALES, Scranton, March 24, 1913. I y GREAT DEPOT I-MALT IS, CAIPIS, CLAC:) . rI3ID47Gr., FURNISHING GOODS GLOVES & MITTENS. BOOTS & SHOES. FANCY FY R 5, made to order, and Merchants supplied at the lowest The public Oh Invited to Call. examine GOOdS, and got the prlces. If they don't the Goods. • L. C. *MEE Fablit Avenue, Montrose, Aug. 1.1868. : of our Goods W. It. COATS —rota= FURS, ALL KINDS OF Now York rates GROVER & BAKER'S tiA2715 . 1t Eflatatunm WERE AWARDED TER HI&HEST PREMIUMS At the State Fain of New York, 1111inois, Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, li3(liana, Missouri, California. At the Fairs of the American institute, Franklin Institute, 3111171 and to Btitnte. Massachnsetts Mechanics' Association, Penn. Mechanics' Institute, St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanics' Association, And at nnmerons Institnte and County Faint, Incledin! all the Fairs at which they were exhibited the paPt three years. . Fret prizes have also been awarded those machine! at the exhibitions of London, Paris, Dublin; Litz, Besancon, Bayonne, St. Dizier, Chalons, And they have been furnished by special command to the Empress of France, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Brazil, Queen of Spain, and queen of Bayarie The Grover & Baker Elastic Stitch Sewing 3iarhimi are superior to all others for the following reasons : 1: They sew direct from the spools, and require no r, t'finding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and used. ard lees liable to derangement than any other machine:. 3. They are capable of executing perfectly, with= chang.• of adjustment, a much greater variety of murk than other machines. 4. The stitch made by these machines is mach more firm. elastic and datable. especially upon articles wb , rt reqdlre to be washed and ironed, than any other PLitcl. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner In which the tu. der thread is inwroneht, is much the most plump beautiful in use. and retains this . plumpness and beauly even upon articles frequently washed and ironed um: they are Worn out. 6. The structure of the seam is each that. thotrz,fi he cut or broken at Intervals of only a few stitchLA. will neither open, run, or ravel, but remains firm a. durable. 7. Uniike other machines, these fasten both ends c! the svain by their own operation. s. With thesemachinea, while silk le need noon r;ght or face side of the seam, cotton may be need up, the other side without leeecui ng the strength or dt.,, hility of the seam. This ram he done on no other r.❑ chine, and is a great sawing upon all articles stitched made up with silk. t. These machines, in addition to their superior 111.. - itA as instrumenta for tiering. by a change of atipi•t. meet. ea-ily learned and practiced, execnte the tar.* beautlfal and permanent embroidery aLd orrianitam work. GROWER & BAKER S. 3!. CO VI Broadway. New Terk, 3O Chestnut street, Phi. L. Oct. 2.1.-10 m OUTZ'S CELEBRATED 1101:1: AND CATTLE POWDERS. This preparation, long and favorably known. m thoroughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-9*itd horses, by ,itrenthening and cleansing the stomach are, intert hien. It is a sure preventive of all (Remises incident to this animal, Sueh as Lung Fever, Glanders. Yellow Ned. Heaves, Coughs. Distemper, Fevers, Founder, La— Appetite and Vital Enen;y, Its use improve- - wind. inermses the appetite. gives a smooth anti e'ie•- , skin. and transforms the miserable skeleton into a t",:le looking and spirited horse. - - - TO KEEPERS OF COWS, this preplration is Invalnable. It increases the Tem' . ty 11Ild improves the qualify of the milk. It has beer 1 actual experitrent to Inefease the cin,.t.ty or milk and cream twenty per cent and make the t.ti• ter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle. it giv, ri an :1 pet its. loosens their hide, and make Ito in ttit ie munch tally IX ALL DISEASES OF SWINE. I fUeil n± ron...:hs. Licer;:::in • the LnngP, Liver. Sc • article act, a:. a specific. By puttin from one paper to a paper in a barrel 01 swill the above filr , L,” %111 be eradiaited or entirely prevented. If 12';‘. line, a certain preventive and cure for the Ho,' 4.11. 4 - ra. Price f.'s cents per paper, or 5 papers for $l. Pre pared by • - - S. A. FOUTZ d *BRO., nt their n - holesnle Drug and Medicine depot. Franklin st., Baltimore. Md. For sale by Drag;•. , l. , and storokespers throughout the 'Jutted States. iarFor sale in Montrose by novit ypql6 ABEL TURRET!. EL Lecturo to Young Men Just published in a sealed Envelope. Price aeon , . A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and riled' cur. of Bpermatorrhon, or seminal weakness, iu,ob.i emissions. sexual debility. and impediment. mar riage generally. Nervousness. consumptien. Epii.psy, and fits; mental and physical incapacity, resto+fr self abuse Robart Ctilverwell, M. D...ktlt of the " Gieen Book," &c. The world renowned author, in ibis admirable ',- tore, clearly proves from. his own expericuce that tie awful consequences of self abuse may be efifctaa:;- rr moved without medicine, and without dangerm , "." . Oral operations. boogies, instruments. 11 cr r dials, pointing out a mode of care at once amain and effectual, by m hit h every sufferer, no matter. hat tes condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, priewr amt radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to sands. Sent under Seal to any address, In a plain seal-dr. velope, on the receipt of six cents, or two stamps. Also Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage pi.dL price 25 cents. Address the publishers. ClIaS. J. V. KLINE ,4 CO., 127 Bowery, Now York, Post Office box 3 , 1. March 10, I.B67—iyamp. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, Astaxia. 3319,0 - is. 3PELY% Tunderekped. LICENSED AGENT of the (WI , 1 BREMEN'''. having obtained the neceoftry fc:r &c.. will give prompt attention to all elaime to hle care. No charge unless succetsful. Sontrose. Jnne 6th. GE°..P. NEW GOODS: 33. 33171=1.2 2 LXTr • OULD Inform tile friends and teulic tat e V has in store and is receiving largeabnd ne h w :wiz. piles of RING .& SUMMER GOQOS, including every kind of GOODS usually wanted in Mil market. Mrs: MIS purchases beim! made since the great down of prices, will enable him to ffer.the rom‘t fai or able inducements in prices, style and variety in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockerg,,Bard 'rare, Stoves, Iron, .Drugs, Paints ' Oils , Carpeting; Window Shades,. • Boots c: Shoes, &c. 47c. `Nill bo sold for Gash, Produce,or approved credit ew Milford, Jima, 1867. ABEL TURRELL'S STORE, sensual, is full of destiablo eciods. call and tea • • T ARD OIL, and a great variety of OILS for PIACJII 111 4 1=IY, for vale by ADEL" TIC ItROL
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