The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 13, 1867, Image 3

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    4, Produce Brokers.'
pl an: fros t :13.tritotrat,. ' The appended decision of the Commis
sioners of Internal Revenue, will interest
TUESDAY, Arc. 13, 1867. many readers;
A dealer may purchase and sell agri-
La4=.43nl Imi.te.l.3.l.gekra.inuo.
--='-- =•'- '" -- r - =' - ' - -- T cultural and farm products at the place of
business designated in his special tax re
ceipt without thereby' rendering himself
Notice. liable as a produce broker; but if a dealer,
No.l Grocery. Stand on the Susq'a Co. or any member of a firm of dealers, not
Agricultural Fair Ground will be rented having paid a special tax as a commercial
to the highest and best, bidd er , on Friday broker, cattle broker, or pedlar,. travels
Aug. 23d, at 10 o'clock, a. in. at the ofiice
about the country blirchasin2: such pro
of J. E. Carmalt. No intoxicating liquors ducts in the tnatuier • of a produce-broker,'
to be sold on the premises. lie should be taxed as a produce-broker, if
By order of Executive Committee. his sales do not exceed ten thousand dol-
Montrose, Aug. 13, 1867. ,/
lars per annum; if his annual sales exceed
---------4. that ritin„his liability is that of a commer-
Enlarged. cial broker, both as to a special tax and
The Susquehanna County Fair Ground the tax of one-twentieth of one per cent.
is being enlarged by enclosing three acres upon the amount of his sales made else
additional on the north-east side. where than at his place of business as a
Ice Cream and Fruit Festival.
The Ladies of the M. E. Church, Great
Bend, Pa., tu- opose holding , an Ice Cream
and Fruit Za estival at the National Hall,
on Thursday evening, Aug. 15th inst., the
proceeds of which will be appropriated to
the painting the outside of the Methodist
Church. The public are earnestly invited
to attend. Admission at the dour, 10 cts.
Religious Notice.
Rev. C. E. liewet, Universalist, of rfatit
iton, N. Y., will preach in Gibson on the
ad Sunday in this month (Aug. 18th,) at
10 o'clock, a. in., and in Susquehanna, at
1 aid 7k o'clock, same day. Subjects—
afternoon, " Origin of sin ;" evening,
" Blasphemy against the lloly Ghost."
Susquehanna, Aug. 13, 1867.
A Windfall,
The heirs of Solomon Ingraham met in
New York on the 4 4 h ult., and made ar
ragements to obtain property in England,
on which the City of Leeds is built, and
estimated at $130,000,000.
Mr. J. B. Ingraham, of Liberty, this
county, was present, and was recognized
as one of the heirs of this immense estate.
Good for Jonathan i , if he gets it.
Base Ball.
A match game was played between
Su•gnehan tla and Montrose Cubs at Susq'a
o❑ Tuesday last, resulting in success of
wirier by a stiore of 62 to 38.
Next day our boys played the Har
tm)nv cluh at Linesboro, and came within
14 of heating, them!
To-d v, the lltrmony boys have anoth.
tr match with ours at Montrose.
- - -
Wyoming . Semenary.
We :ire in r( ci-ipt of annual Catalogue
from ti i Tre•titu:e. Send for a copy s it'
interested iii such matters. See advertise
ment in this paper.
-- 41121. -.
A Quarterly Meeting,
For Rush charge, will be held in the near Snyder's Hotel, commencing
on Saturday, Aug. 15th, at 2 o'clock, and
~ u tinue over the Sabbath. Rev. D. C.
'iltastead, Presiding Elder, will officiate.
the weather shoula not be favorable for
meeting in the grove, it, will be held in
me, ball-room of the,hotel. w. s.
Dry Times.
The farmers in this section are corn
p:aining much of the dryness of the weath
tr. They state that if the drought con
tinue much longer the corn and potatoes
will be seriously injured. The river is
ery low ; lower t han it has been for years,
and easily fordable in many places. In a
trip through the country this week we
noticed that that 'beds of the creeks were
almost dry.
And strangly enough while we in this
neighborhood are pleading for rain; in
;he Lehigh and Schuylkill valleys there
i,as been a surfeit of wet weather.—Dan
vi Ile lntelligent-f r.
Susq'a County is probably worse off
than Montour, as our crops are suffering
seriously. but the drouth seems to be
confined to localities.
Musical Entertainment.
Prof. Jatnes,,G.. Clark, the celebrated
Vocalist, will visit this county daring the
month and entertain the people with new
selections of music. His appointments
;:re as hereunder 4:
• Little Meadows, Monday, Aug. 19.
Lawsville Centre, Tuesday, " 20.
New Milford, Wednesday, " 21.
Gibson Hollow, Thursday, " 22.
Ilarford village, Friday, " 23.
Montrose, Saturday, : " 24.
Brooklyn Centre, Monday, - 41 26.
Springville, Tuesday,. " 27.
Teachers' Convention.
The attention of teachers is called" to
the convention to be held tLis week, Fri
day and Saturday. All have an equal in
terest in the location of the County It.sti
tate, hence every section should be repre
,ented, not only by those appointed as
delegates, but by all interested. See no
tice in another column.
We learn that the store .and post-office
of A. A. Beeman,of Brookdale, wAs enter
ed by burglars on Friday night last and
s?tue letters, money and goods stolen--
amount not known. Look out for these
ti:u up drels, who are now prowling through
all parts of the eountryr.
Farm for Sale.
James Logan, of Rusb, offers a desi
rable farm for sale. Particulars next week.
—Messrs. Planketon & Armour, of Mil
waukie, have been swindled to the amount
oftwenty thousand dollars by a pork pack
er, who put sand and salt into barrels in
6tead of lard.
—The Negro Bureau officials are en
in transferring to Tet,nesee from
other'S es all the vagrant negroes that
can be pick up, in order to make them
voters tar Brownlow. Northern taxpay
ers are thus made to support perhaps
thousands of darkies in idleness for weeks
and months in order to secure the election
of that old reprobate. NVill such infa
mous doings never cease ?
.5t X 3I 7E CI I ALI-. I\T c) gra cmei .
5' irgr - Gardner's Business College. PIIONO
Ia the proper place v. here young men and Indies can ob
tain a pr.ictcal knowledge of the most important
branches of business. Every one should Improve this
oppor'unity. as the course is the most thorough of any
College of the kind lu Northern Penn'sylvanta. Lite
ScholArship, 6:6.0J. Sand for College Paper. living ,
full particulars. Address J. N. GARDNER, Principal
Scranton, Pa. i Aug. 13—Um.
CIT'ABEL TORICELL is continually receivintz
new supplies of Genuiner Drii,.2:s and Medicines, which
will be tlold as low as at iny other stc -e In lioutruee.
rvy- W it rvs Balsam of 'Wild Cherry.—
Coughs, ('olds, Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, Whooping,
rough, Quinzy, and the numerous as well an dangerous
disease of tt e Throat, Chest and Lungs, prevail in our
climate at all f,!.1.4011S of the year; few are forum.
ate enowtrh to escape their baneful influence. flow im
p.,rtant then to have at hand a certain antidote to all
these complaints: Experience proves that this exists
in Wlst ire Balsam to au extent not found In any oth
er emedy: However severe the suffering, the applica
tion of this soothing, healing, and wonderful Balsam at
once vanqui4es the ditc and restores the sufferer
to wonted health.
Mr. John DWG, of Baldwin, Chemung county, li.l
•• I was urged by a neighbor to get one bottle of Bal
sam for My wife - , being assured be him that in Ca -c
did not produce good effects, he w ,nld pay for it himself.
Vu the strength of such practical evi dence of its mer
its, I iKocured a bottle. .31y wife at this time was so
low wilh what the physicians termed Seated Consult 1,-
lion that she was unable to raise herself Iron the bed,
coughing constantly and raising more or less blood. I
commenced giving the Balsam as directed, and was so
murk pleased with Its operation, that I obtained ano
Bier bottle, and continued giving it. Before this bottle
was entirely used, she ceasad coughing and was strong
enough to pit np. The drat bottle entirely restore - 111.-r
to health. doing that which several physicians had tiled
to do, but failed."
"repared by SETH W ; FOWLE SON. IS Tremont
St.. Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally. aug
G eutly it penetrates through every pore.
R elieving sufferers from each angry sore ;
A 11 wounds it heels with ce minty and speed:
e tits. Burns. from teilimmation are coon freed
li ruptions at its presence disappear;
S kiva each stain, and the complexions clear !
ALVE, such as Gnaca's every one should buy,
A 11 to its wolidruu, ruecits testily,
L et those w•hn doubt, vt sint!le box hut try—
eri:y, then. its true deserts 'twould have:
E ven unbelievers uuuld laud GraLe's Salve. aug
re — Terrible Onslailzht.—Now Is the geleum
fur those huge black twartu, of dies, au tollueut
WWI and
will make a clear. sweep of h ni—every sheet will kill:a
quart. Beware of beans imitations, which some may
say ore ' just as good," Tbtre is Lothing at all cum
pa.ahle with it.
Sold cvt r, where. Price Six Cents.
"Ten thousand Dollar's' wroth of (:O FS
at nhotesale cost. per inlentory jii.t taken, for Bak. by
ABEL TURRELL, rd the Bruck Block'. About title
amount constantly on hand. and NEW GoODS conttn
ally arrtv.tig„ The people can lind nearly everything
they mar need at the Drug and Variety Store 01 ABEL
Montrose, Pa., July 30. 1%7.
VErColgate's Aroinatio Vegetable Soap. A ea
eerier Toilet Soap. prepared from refined Vegeta.
bleis in combination with Glycerine, and espe
cially designed for the use of Ladles, and for the
Nu Tillery. Its periume is exquisite, and its na,bing
properties unrivalled. Fur sale by Ent drug.gias
May, 28 164;7.-1 yem pl 2
TO CUME CONSUMPTION, the system must be pre
med so that the kings will To scoomplish this, the
Retread stomach most first be cleansed and an appetite cre
ated far good wholesome food, which, by their medicines
will be digested properly, and good healthy blood made;
thus building up the constitution. SCH ENCK'S MAN
DRAKE rum cleanse the stomach of all billow or mucous
accumulations: and, by using the Bea Weed Tonic in con
nection, the appetite is restored.
SCHENCK'S PULMONIC STRUT is nutriciecos as well
as medicinal, and, by using the three remedies, all impurities
are expelled from the system, and good, wholesome blood
Made, which will repel all disease. If patients will take these
medicines according to directions, Consumption very fre
quently in its last stage yields readily to their action. Take
the Dille frequently, to cleanse the liver and stomach. It does •
net follow that because the bowels are not costive they are
nom required, for sometimes in diarrhea they are necessary.
The stomach must be kept healthy, and an appetite created
to a/low the Pulmonle Syrup to act on the respiratory organs
properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is required
to perform a..trwmanent cure in, to prevent taking cold.
Exercise about the rooms as much as possible, eat all the
richest food—fat meat, game, and, in fact, anything the as.-
potito craves ; but be particular and masticate well.
Rephrted for the MONTROSE. DEMOCRAT. by OR
BS. RT. Sll A FFER & CO., Commission Merchants. 403,
404. 405 and 490 West Washington Market, New York
City.• Aug. 10. 1862.
Beane, per barrel $3,00 Cr. $4.00
Butter, per lb. State firkins, prime.... V Cy, 30
do " tubs, " .... 28 0 80
do . Orange county pails.... 80 0 35
Cheese, per lb., 11 '0 13
114sgs, per doz. 25 0 28
Flour, per bbl. extra State 8.00 0 1 1 .50
" " western 11,50 •tp) 16,50
Rye Flonr per .bbl .... '7.50 1 0,00
Corn meal, "1 6.60 01 5,80
Wbeat, per tyhel, 2,50 t 2.7 b
Rye, d 1,70 4 1,75
Corn, o 1.10 (4 1.15
Oats, do 83 CO 95
Hay, per cwt., 1,20 (4 1,40
Sheep, live per lb. .. . 05 ft 00
Lambs, " 18 Co. 10
Calves, " 09 0 12
Chicken!. five per pair ' '75 0 1,12
Tallow, per lb. ' 11 0 12
Wool, per lb. 43 ( 68
TT ARD OIL, and a greaPtvarlety of OILS for MACITI
IRIERY, for sale by ABEL TeRRELL.
Cpl Card to the Ladies.—Dr. DnitoncoNt
Golden Periodical Pills for Females.
I4r 42i51e in CorrAlting Irregularitiee, Removing all
Ohsiructione of the Monthly Comes, from whalevereause,
and Always altcceespd as a Preventive:
A CERTAIN REMEDY for all complaints Bo peculiar
to the sex, viz.. Distressing and Painful Menstruation,
Retention, Pain In the Back and Loins, Presiling-Down
Pains, Rush of Blood to the Read, Dizziness, Dimness
of Sight, Green Sickness, Heaviness, Fatigue on any
Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, and that most
annoying, weakening, and the begining of all other fe
male weaknesses, The Leticorrhce.a, or Whites.
They Act like a Charm In Removing Obetruction and
Rewtoriug Sature toils Proper Channel.
q~tietln;; the nerves. and Ll:tinging buck the "rosy color
of health" to the mot delicate.
Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, both by myself
and agents, toull parts of the world, to which answers
have been returned. in which ladies say nothing like
the above pills have been known since the Science of
ld , dicine dawned upon the Weed.
Full and explicit direcions accompany each box.
Price $1 per box ; six boxes, $.5, Sold by one Drug
gist In every town: village, city. and hamlet throughout
the world. Sold in Montrose, Pa.. By BM:NS & NICH
OLS, (I)rtiggist.,) 4 ' Sole Agents" for Montrose,
Ladies ! By sending him 51 to the Pot Office, Can
bare the Pills sent (confidentially) 1y mail to any part
of the ccpaa ry. ft ee of Po-tage.
Vold also by ESTAXI4O R & 1 'LARK. Great. Bend, CLARK
& BROWN, Deposit, CLEVES. Pitney & Co. Binghamton,
CT-runner & BlUolltS, Scranton, DEMAS BARNES V CO.
New York. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, New York.
In Brookdale, on the ad inst, by Rev.
G e o. Comfort, Mr. JOHN . MCADAMS, and
Miss. MARY J. TRAVIS, both of Liberty.
In Montrose, July 29th, by Rev. A. 0.
Warren, Mr. GEORGE F. HAwLEY and
Also, August Oih, in Bridgewater, by
the same, Mr. ANDREW J. lIAWL,EY and
Miss MARY J. liawLEY,all of Bridgewater.
Also, at same time and place, Mr. PETER
BurwicK. and 'Ass Loose A. IlawLEr,
Loth of Bridgewater.
Q I — Notices u( marriages and deaths published free
of charge. Obituaries published if paid fur at the rate
of fifty cents per hundred words.
.Tulv 221, 1867, at the residence of B.
W. V e an Aiiken, in Brooklyn, 311,s VER.t
ANN SAFroun, in the 57th year of her
age. Kind, gentle, unassuming and deep
ly pious, many loving hearts are deeply
afileted by the loss which is her infinite
gain. s. F. a.
Fall Term, 1867,
Commences Tuesday, Sept. 3, and continues eleven
Langnages $7 60
Teacherr' Cla.ta 6 (Ai
Binh School. 5 60
Grammar Achcool, 5 (H)
Primsrrand Intermediate, each_....... . 4 60
Board and rooms can be obtained on reasonable
Abatement on tuition will be mode for sickness, and
necessary absence over three weeks.
The High School and Teachers' Class will be under
the snpcm isiori of Prof. John (1. Cope. of Chester roun•
ty. a graduate or the sth State Normal School, and ve
ry highly re, ommended by Prof. Allen, Principal of said
school ; and our other teachers will be persona experb
mend in their profession. and no pains will be spared
to make the Sehoffl just what the wants oft he cqmmon•
its demand. Special attention will he given to their
preparing. to teach. Lectures will be given at intervals
through the tcrni.
The County Superintendent is expected to _ice in ,
etruct ion ta the '1 eactiera' Class in the theory and prac
tire of teaching.
A full corps of Teacher! , will he announced poop.
A. CHAMBERLIN, President
13. THATCHFR. Seey.
2dontruse, Aug. 13, 1.‘367.—.1w
Commeneet> Sept. 2. IStri, to continue eleven weeks
at the 1)440u Tal - any School Room."
Tt 111 ON
Sup't Watson Is expected to assist. A rare chancels
offered to a limited number. For particulars, address
the Prin_ipat, _
A ag. 13. 167. —4w
Wyoming Seminary
This lustitntion has one of the most desirable loca
tions in the Wymninq Valley. easy of access from all
parts of the country, and within a clay". ride by rail
from New York.,Thiladelphis and Baltimore.
Is divided into TWO SESSIONS. the First of which
conststl of Eighteen Wet ke. commencing SEPT. STII.
Toe Second COIIViFIP of Twenty-Four Weeks, com
mencing JAN. 9TII. IFIN. At the middle of each see
sion classes will be formed to accommodate those
(le.:ring to enter then.
It la highly desirable, however, that all, who can pot
eibly do so. shottld'el ler at the openlngof the Sea/dons:
and it is especially riNnested that S!ndents come
THrhSDAY, the day of comm 'net/Ig, nor will it be
coarenient to rretire them any earlier.
Heretofore the authorities of the Institution have
been compelled for want of room to reface admittance
to a large number of applicants every Seccion." TheY
hope now, h,.wever, by the addition of "I'ENTENA lit
HALL,— to be able to accommodate all who may apply.
The Dormitories. Recitation Etooms.and Public Halls
are Well-Furnikied. Warmed and Ventilated. No paint;
hare been spared to make all the appointments of the
MilArosit Cllexesss.
Especial attention is called to the
Which has been enlarged and greatly improved in Its
course of Study. Those fitting for BUSINESS Ft16111(1
not fail to avail themselves of its superior advantages,
During the First Session a class will be formed for
the benefit of those designing to engige In teaching
Common Schools.
[2nd w•. ea. mo. 1 rr
For admission. or for further information, address
either of the undersigned. 12r - Send for a circular.
R. NELSON. Principal.
W. S. SMYTH, Associate Principal.
Kingston, Pa., Aug. 13, 1867.
Murelma, Mills.
late of Aubnrn, Susq'acounty, Pa„ dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
numAd decedent having been grunted to the twrieeehrn
ed, all vessel's indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to maim immediate payment. and those having
claims against the same to present them duly authenti,
cited for settlement.
Rash. August lath. ISM
100,000 Boxes /law been sold in Two Years
na .61. FL FL T. 4!',%.. Cir 30 SI .
3:33ELAL °P3E3 iel .
Grammar School
Tuition In Advance
Oakley, Pa
Z 7 cox-mat:O. w orm.
This Term will commence on the fret Monday in Sep
tetnber, 1867, and continue eleven weeks.
Prof. E. E. Hawley, - - PRINCIPAL
Assisted by experienced 'Teachers
(Teachers names next week.)
Primary Department
tl ig.h School,,
Languages: '
Music, Painting, and Drawing extra.
Special atteutiuu will be given to those preparing to
The High School will be under the immediate Su
pervision of Prof. E. E. Hawley. whose ability to teach
is too well known In the county to need comment here.
The Teachers' Department will be favored with the
presence of the County Superintendent as often as conr
venlent, who will give Distraction in the theory and
practice of teaching.
Students wishing to procure board or rooms, will bo
accommodated on the most reasonable terms.
All communications addressed to the President or
Secretary will receive prompt attention.
F. W. BOYLB, President.
11 This 1s to give notice that on the 6th day of Aug
ust, A. D. 1867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was ilnued
against the estate of Aaron L. \ ought, of Gibson
Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, who
has been at:jtidged a Bankrupt. on hin own petition:
that the payment of any debt and delivery of any prop
erty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use,
and the transfer of any property by him. are forftidden
by law. That a meet.nB of the creditors of said Bank
rupt. to prove their debts. and to prove one or more
assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank
ruptcy. to be held at No. 803 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton. Pennsylvania. before EDWARD N. WIL
LARD. Register. on the 12th day of September. 1867, at
one o'clock, P. M. THOS. A. HOW LEY,
U. S. Marshal, an,
Western District of Penna.,
Aug. 13.—04 Per C. W. ROESLER, Deputy.
Financial Statement of Clifford
township Bounty Fund.
Totil am't of indebtedness for Bounty pur
poses, $34,642 50
Am' t of duplicate for 1861, $10,482 74
exonenations, 75212
Collectur's per centage, 114 41
Amount of duplicate for leo, $3,711 '77
exonerations, 487 37
Collector's per ceutuge, 47 65
Amount of bonds unpaid,- $12,214 00
Balance paid by contribution. Duplicate for 1666 to
be settled in September, 1867.
W. R. WILSON, Cl'k. Auditors.
Cltfiord, Aug. 6, 1867.
Dr. Dupon(w's Golden Perhdiml Pills for females
Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills..
Di. Velpan's Female Pills.
Sir James Clark's Female Fills.
All of the above Pills are infallible in correcting
men-trual irregolaritles. and in euring Leuchorrea or
Whites. Thee are successful as preventives—:but shonid
1,1 be u•ice during pregnancy. an they would produce
abortion. Price. one dollar per hot, each. Toe first
two kinds named sent by mad, to any address, postage
;old, in sealed envelope. on receipt of ode dollar for
each box ordered. The Leiter two hinds, being is glass,
and heavy, will be a , nt by mail, postage paid, on the
rccelo' of one dollar and twenty cent , ..
Address ABEL TERRELL, Druggist, Montrose, Pa.
i t High School
W SEPT . i n pki f r the an d
c c
o t n e f ln
t i came e
o fil ' r nr .; , ocilr MO p f -' 12 Y
wee k
Common Bntnche4 .. ... .... ....... te.4 50
Higher do Including lang,uages, 5 00
Board, or Rooms or those wishing to board Chem
ed, es, can be had on the most reasonable terms.
H. C. BARER, Principal.
Bush, July 24, 18.67.-3 w•
Of Valuable Real Estate,
t:ZITUATE in Herrick township, late the estate of
CI lames Cook, deceased, on SATURDAY, ACG. 17,
.1.%7, containing about
Nii 0 - 3 r Soros.
TERMS OF SAL.E.-$.2.3 down ; one half the balance
on confirmation,r,f , ale, and balance within six mouths
thereafter, oitEhntert,t.
Derrick, July 23, 1.51i7.—td
- -
rfl-RE' Singer Mannfactuping Company have succeed
ed in producing u Sel9log Machinas near perfec
tiun as human ek.ll can accomplish. U'o be had of
MORSE.& LINES, Sole Agents
For Sugquebanna Counts, successors of Read, Wat
rout, ct Foster.
Montrose, July 23, 366 .—t[.
,clecensed, late of Choconnt township, Susque
Latina county. Pa.
Letters tertamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent having beengranted to the anderaign
ed, a;lperacins indebted to said estate are hereby nod
-11,1 to make immediate payment, and those laving
claim..? against the tante to present them duly authenti
cated for bet dement.
3IARTA S. GOGGIN, Executrix.
Choconvt, July 2. 151i7.•
NATooi 4C.skrcilliig
—A N D—
T HE undersizned respectfully Inform the public that
• they are carrying on the shove business at the old
stand in Jessup. Having recently refitted and put their
machinery In perfect order, thay arc prepared to do as
good woricas can be done in the cuuntry.
Jessup, June 1,1807.-3 m. T. J. DEPUE.
BY virtue of a writ Issued by the Court of Common
Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to me directed,
I will expose to pale by public vendue at the Court
Houle, in Montrose, on Friday, 6, 1867, at 1 o'-
clock, p. m ., the following described Aug.'p iece or parcel
of land, to wit :
The following described piece or parcel of land situ
ate in the township of Dimock, Susquehanna County,
bounded and describod as follows, to wit: On the
north by laud of S. Sherer and L. C y, on the east by
land of Geo. Walker and Wm. D. Cope, qn the south by
lands cf Geo. Walker and I. P. Baker, and on the wept
by lands of -- Donohoe and S . Sharer, containing
about DM acres, more or less, frith the appurtenances,
one house, one barn, one orchard. and about 100 acres
irnprhred, late the'estute of Daniel Reynolds. [Taken
in execution at the cult of Win. L. Post et al. executors
of Isaac Post, deceased, tcr:the use of D. D. Searle, vs.
Daniel Reynolds. -
• S. F. LANE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, July 80, 1867.
21, 23;20 & 27 Broadway, N. Y.
WOE STEVENS AOUSE Is well and widely known
to the travelling public. The location le especially
suitable to merchants and business men ; it is In close
proilmlty to the business part of the city—ls on the
highway of Southern and Western travel—and adjacent
to all the principal Railroad and Steamtunit depots.
The Stovetht Honse has liberal accommodations for
over 800 guests—it is we furnished, and possesses ev
ery modern impt..vement for the comfort anti entertain
ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well
ventilated—provided with gas and water—the attend.
IMO - Is prompt and respectful.eadthe table is supplied
with every , delicacy, of the season—at moderoe. rates.
GEO. K. 0121 ASE &
may 'f —am tuorittrroal,
Tuition, per Term
Opposite Bowling Green.
Variety, Styles, and Bargains
SI 00
4 0 , )
. 6 00
Merchant Tailoring, and Gent's
Furnishing . Goc ds
Guttenburg, Rosenbaum 8c Co.,
Take great pleasure In informing theft frtends and the
pithllein general :hat Dry Hoods have taken ANO TH
ER TUMBLE, and [hit they have purchased a more
than usual large stock ul
c> ,
which for twice, variety, and style cannot be excelled
We have in etock—
DRESS GOODS : Black and Fancy Drees Silks,
Rich Mohair Trees Goods in all styles and colors,
plain. lieured and et riped 0 ne Organdies, Cambrlcs,
and Lawns, handsome DeLaLns, Challies,
WHITE GOODS t Swiss Mastins, Mulls, plain,
Nirred. and :griped Jsconets, figured and striped
Brilliants, a tine lot of Drapery Mastins, Marseilles
LINEN GOODS t Black and brown Table Linen,
Table Cloths. Towels, Napkins, birdseye and shirt
ing Linen, Scotch Diaper, Linen Tuck and Drilling
for men and boy'a wear, &c. Domestics, bleached
and brown Shirtings, Calicos, Ginghams, Denims,
Ticking, Cottonades, &c.
FANCY GOODS : Superior quality, Kidd Gloves.
Stlkand Lhde Thread Gloves, all colors, dress and
cloak Button., Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces.
floserirs. new styles In Balmoral Skirts, Par•
asols, Sunshades, Corsets, and loop Skirts.
Shawls, Basques and Sacks t Of cloth and
ailk, splendld variety, and cheap.
MILLINERY GOODS: At wholesale t Retail.
A larze and complete stock of millinery Goode,
such as artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Bonnet Silks,
Franies,Bl , cks, Straw Hate fi. Rootlets, Monde:La
ere, &c.. which we JOB to the Trade atNew York
yholesale prices.
uiacture—the largest and tartiest variety In the
county. We guaranty our cork.
MERCHANT TAILORING: We have over 100
different pattern , of Cloth. Cassimers, and Coattne.s
for custom work to, select from; have a FIRST
CL ASS CrTTER..nnd am enabled to glee perfect
satisfaction in re g ard to good tits, style and prices.
Parties preferrng to have their garments made to
measure. are requested to give us a call and exam
ine our stock.
Flannel Shirts, cotton and merino Wrappers and
Drawers, Gloves. Ties and Scarfs, paper and linen
Collars. ilandkerehrefs, Traveling Bags, Trunks
and Umbrellas
CV — A tine variety of Gents and Boys HATSvt CAPS,
6uttenbuq, liostubanni
M. S. DESSAITER, Managing Partnor
Montrose, May 14, 1867
Were awarded the highest Premium at the
World's Fair in London, and six first
premiumi at the Hew York State
Fair of 1866, and are
Celebrated for doing the beet work, using a much
smaller needle for the same thread than any other ma
chine, and by the introduction of the most approved
ma , hinery, we are now able to supply the very best ma
chines In the world.
These machines are made at our new and
spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn.,
under the immediate supervision of
the President of the Company,
Elias Howe, Jr., the
They are adapted to all kinds of Family §ewing, and
to the use of seamstresses, dress makers. tailors, man
ufacturers of Shifts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas,
clothing, bats, caps, corsets, boots, shoes, barness.Sad
dies. linen goods, umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work
equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods
with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam,
quilt, gather, fell, cord, bmid, bind, and perform every
species of sewing. making a beautiful and perfect
stit h, alike on both sides of the articles sewed.
The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe, and made
on this Machine, is the most popular
and durable, and all Sewing Ma
chines are subject to the prin
ciple invented by him. •
General Agents,
Feb. 24, IEJI7.
ma late of Rush, Susq'a county. Pa., dec'd.
Letters of administration upon the estate of the above
named decede.nt having been granted to the nndervign
ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
claim against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement, -
Rush, Inly 9, 1567
HoTiciifi t im colucToas.
ATOM?: la hereby given to all. Tax Collectors who
ill are not acting, Constables, that the Cohnty Cora
misaloners will expect them to make a liberal payment
to the County Treastlrer on Monday, July 20, 1867 ; and;
those who nre acting "COnstables to make payment to
Min County Treaannton Monday, Aug. 12th, ISM, it be
ing the drat Monday of August Conn. A liberal pay
ment will be etpected from all Collectors.
. D. DODGE. County Treas.
County Trensnrer's Office,
Montrose, July 9, 1967. f
r igac•XXXEMSP
Patent Atmospheric
Patented Blay 7, 1861.
The most Important and Valuable Invert , .
tin of the 19th Centrtry.
1. This Dasher Is superior to any other, by being at
itople a: , the old Dasher, and combining the stows.
,pheric principles them's/100nd the Batter Gatherer
2. It is superior to all others, Inasmuch as the lame
power applied to this in like mechanical operations
will make one fourth more reciprocations. ,
8. It is sapertor to all others. Inasmuch milt produ
-1 cos the Butter in a much shorter time,
4. It 14 superior to any other, inasmuch as it produ.
cus a much better quality of Butter.
5. It- Is superior to any other Patent ,Charn, toas
t:inch as Rib :Ate per cent. cheaper than any other.
It is well known to Dairymen end others, Ma Batter
is contained in minute globules or seeks. coveted with
a membrane. and requires the action of air to prepare
the coveting to be removed by Meth:tn. The Scientific
American says-:
If cream is thislied against a hard substance. or
mashed bet wren bars or rollers, it breaks the globules
and becomes oily, by destro)ing - tho grain. It should
be thrown into currents and counter currents
by the action of air, causing a friction by the action of
the currents against each other, removing the coverin g without breaking or bursting the globules.' ,
Thi r la the principle whisk the Inventor ot this Dash
endeavored to keep in view. and the result shows a
much larger yield of Butter leas time than
by any other Dasher.
Experiments have proven thatanv other method ex
cept pumping alr,throuzzli the cream, will not penetrate
sufficiently to oxygenize all the globules preparatory to
concentratin the Butter. Throwing it into the air-hy
clappers or old
fashioned it/ashen., does not sufficiently
expose it to the air to bring out'the Butter.
The above Patent Dasher has been purchased forges
quehati rut County by the undersigned. The process of
churning can he seen at any time, is a Glass Churn, at
Baldwin, Allen & McCain's store. An agent will can•
vase the county soon as possible, to sell the Dasher
for individual rights; also township rights Will be
Montrose, July 23, 1867.—tf A. BALD WIN.
Wow Firma.
Baldwin, Allen, & McCain.
Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese,
Dried Beef, Hants, _Fish, Smoked Hal-
ibut, Candles', Tea, Ofee,.Spires,
Syrup, Molasses, Suyar,
Seed Wheat,
Clover & Mizell ! !! Seed, Fluz-sced,
Brooms, Nails, &c. floe
Thankful for past patronage. we shalt be happy to see
and wait neon our old and customers.
All Good* and Flour warranted.
Montrose, FJa. , 5, 1.81".7.
:El CO 13 33 XIV ea'
Saves Time, .F 'fres Money, Sams Labor,
Saves Clmhex, Saves Women,
Am! all Grocers sell it.
It is used by cuttirg Into small shavings and dleeoly
tut in hnt water. then soak the clothes five tb Len min•
rates. and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean
as hours of machine rubbing would do. with ordinary
soap, and the most delicate fabric receive no Injury.—
We can refer to thousands of families who tire acing it,
and who could not be persuaded to do without
sold by all leading Groc:ra throtighpat the State
Mnnnf.rtured only by
13C133331N15E de LOVE,
107 South Fifth Stroot, Philad'a.
Nov. 13. 1566.-Iy•aSc
TIIE subscribers would re-pectruhy Inform the public
that they have commenced business In C. cuAh
man's old Shop, where vie keep contautly ou hand and
manufacture to order all kinds of
. r . 7 : :•. - . 5)e.. , 7(.2 : : . i . - 1 . 7,1,E7-;6,, , :;;
Il .
5U.311 is
Bnieanq, Bedsteads, Lounges, Settees,
Stand, Tables, Extension ' , rabies,
of a superior rnanufactfire,
Also, Barrett's Patent Ladies' Revolving
Work Table
All those In want of cabinet Furniture will do well
to give us a cal-I before leAina elsewhere.for we intend
to make our work_ good. and sell It cheaper titan any
other establishment in. bin qualannu County.
N. B. All work done when promised.
Montrose, June 4,1867.-1 y
heeeftri,,,rnd,,e,,r s
t s: 7 e . c
found ti o n f d Tn r t i t! e, Zoeb e,tate one
are prepared to ft mist' to Ranks, Insaranee Companies
Merchants, Manufacturers, Coal operators, Motels and
others, with
of every description, on short notice, bound in any
style desired, In the most substantial manner, at reas
onable prices.
Magazines bound, and old books 'abound, at New
York prices.
Onto. 23 left at the office of the piper pnblishlng this
aivertlsetnent, or sent by Express, will be attended to
and returned without unnecessary delay
Scranton, Pa., Jane 18, IF6I.
TBE undersigned have this day formed a co-partner
ship, under the firm name of Stamp & Moran, for
the purpose of carrying on 131acksmithing in all its
IMr'Striet attention will he given to Horse-shoeing.
All work win be done neatly and promptly. The pub
lic are invited to call.
Montrose, March 4th, 1807. tf P. T. MORAN.
Three Cheers for, Gen. Grant.
prof Cal.a.rl4Dos IVlCCorrim6:-
nnflE 'Hayti Barber, has removed his shop to the
basement of E. L. Weeks' New Store, where be is
prepared to give good satisfaction. When I go to ex•
plain this subject language falls to (apnea it.
That on the twenty-ninth day of July, 1867, a warrant
In bankruptcy wee Issued against the estate of 'Hosea
W. Chamberlin, of Gibson, susquetumna county. Penn
sylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on hi.
Own petition ; that the payment of any debts and de
livery of any property by him are forbidden by law ;
that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to
prove their debts, and to choose one oranoreassignees
ofhla estate, will be held at the Court of Bankruptcy, held at No. 803 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton,
Pa., before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the twen
ty-fourth day of August, Ifta, at one o'clock, P. 11.--;-
Dated Ang. 6, 1867.
11. 8. Marshal, as messenger, Western; District of
Pennsylvania. by C. W. ROESLER,
Aug. 6-9 w Deputy.