ornelius gittattOSt gift - tit : tat lit irter i tUtratee d .e.'W, • •‘• I sedes in Apolieoia Tp: Seisqu's- Co., Pa. Post office address ; Yriendsville, Pa or by Patrick Mahoney, •Forernan,. at-dam--P. 0 1 address •, Russell- bill ; Pa. If return. ed to the data 'the:expense's for securing and returtiing to the damn will be paid.— Tankhannoek Democrat. TEESDAY, atrlaY 216 iBBl. 7-acoocal Xzitelliftosso©. New A dvertisements. Burritt—sso Reward for arrest of Burglars. dotes Lines- r Singer`a improved Sewing Machine A. Baldwin—Patent Churn Dash. Estate of dames Cook, dee'd—adm'rs sale. A. D. Butterfield—Dry Goods at.Cost—Bargains. The Canada Thistle Law. Several of the State Legislatures haVe enacted laws against the Canada thistle, and we trust they „all will wherever thei e is the least danger of it making its appear- sacs. In our Legislature, some five years iito there was a similar law passed against this, the vilest of all the encumbrances of a farm .- 7 -mortgages scarcely excepted.— This law provides in effect; that, "Here after any individual or corporation allow ing the Clnada thistle to ripen seed on-his or their premises, shall be liable to fine of ten\ dollars, upon each complaint that is properly establishsed ; and any one who may fear the spread of the Canada thistle upon his lauds from a careless thriftless neighbor, may, after five days notice, en ter upon any lands where the weed is found growing, cut it and recover full cost for the labor and trouble. I=l=l Yale College. We copy below condensed extracts from the New York World, relative to the annual commencement exercises of Yale College. We are pleased to notice that a worthy student from Montrose, who has always stood high in his class, now grad uates A No. 1. NEW IIAVE,N, July 1801, 1867.—At o'clock, A. M., the Graduating Class of 567, t,,rined in line, and accompanied by many of the alumni, marched to the Cen tre Ci,urch, where prayer was offered by President Woolsey, preparatory to the exercises of the class. The church was filled even at that early hour, by the friends of the College and those about to take part in the exercises. The speakilg this year was good, throughout. The Orations by James : F. Merriam, of Spring field, Mass., and Edgar A. Turreil, of Moutrose, Pa., were unusually fine. (Sub jt,et of the latter, " The Statesman's Phi „sophy.'') The Oration of Albert E. Dun- Mug, upon the subject of ” Modern Eng lish Poetry compared with the Poetry of the Seventeenth Century," and the one by D. F. Burrell, of Freeport, Illinois, whose oratory held the audience in breath- Ira (his subject being " Milton in his u:d ale,") were also among the best productions of the day. The Orations of P. B. Porter, of Wilimington, Del., and J. G. F.anders, of Milwaukee, Wis., the latter upon the the political future of the Northwest, were of rare merit. Space alone forbids us from making extracts from all of them. We can truly say that the appearance of the graduating class at the closinng exercises is auspicious of a goodly future. In them, Old Yale has sent forth MEN. Base Ball. A very intereAing match between the Montrose B. B. Club and the Contest B. B. Club, of New Milford, was played on Me grounds of the latter at. New Milford on Wednesday afternoon ; July 17th. The game" was evenly contested till near the end. The Contest' obtained the advantage on the first. three innings, after which Montrose began 'to gain upon them, and at the end of the Bth innings hating run up - thirteen scores were eight ahead. On the 9th innings the Contest by a run of good luck and good play, as sisted by some bad play from Montrose, made 24 scores, which won the game ; Montrose only scoring one the last in nings. The following is the score: CONTEST. MONTROSE. 0. Bt' O. M. Hagar, c. 4 7 Dewers, 2t bf 2 3 Beardsley, p. 4 s,McCain, c. f. 4 3 Carlin, 3d b. 3 7Tarbell, p. 3 5 Reynolds, r.f: 2 8;C. Frick, s. s. 5. 4 Dewitt, let b. 3 6p3ackne, let b. 3 6 Garret, e. e. _ 4 6prere, 2d b. 3 6 Tingley, Lf. 0 B,Richards,ll. 1 7 Jackson, c. f. 3 6 c 6'J. Taylor, r.f. 1 6 S.S.Hagar,2 b. 4 SjC. Taylor, c. 5 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.'6. 7. 8. 9. Contest, 546 3 5 34 4 24-58 Montrose, 3, 2 2 8 5 ,3 613 1-43 Fir caught.: Contest—Beardsley 2, Carlin 1, Dewitt 1, Tingley 2, Jackson 1 . , S. S. Hagar 5-12. Mintrose—Tarbell 4, Gere 2, Richards 2, J. Taylor 1-9. Out on fouls : Contest 2, Montrose 7. Flys missed Contest 3;,Montrose 3. Umpire—J. H. Dasenbn_r.y, Gt. Bend. Scorers—Contest, E. P. Myers;• Mont rose, Loren Bitrritt. Drowned. A young man about twenty-one years of age, named - Timothy Regan, who was engaged at' the Horse-race dam, was drowned on Wednesday last, while at tempting to ford the river a few rode be low the dam. After finishing his work for the day, be—with a companion—propos ed wading tbe river to their boarding place instead of returning by` the bliat; - which was somidistance abo've. Taking off, his boots, be .went into the stream until the depth and swiftness of the current carried his feet from under bitn,when be was car ried rapidly down the stream and drown ed, before assistance could be rendered. All efforts to recover the body have thus far been unsuccessful.% He had'on, rThen drowned a cheek-shirt and linen pants. in the pocket of the pants is said to be Idur or five titueibicks.. Aay ~iriforsnatiiou ; coat ping tiie Body CongresS.' . . . Mu. EDITOR :-r am just suited with the suggestions in your last issue on the subject of Congress. We must have a sound Democrat, and a man p of first rate ability—a public speaker. I dont know who .all are candidates, or likely tio but there will no doubt be plenty of them. If R,,8. Little, Esq.,is-a candidate, he is iny choice, 'because ie possesses the qaal ifitationti. Plead inform us whether he is a candidate. We are not autliori74 to answer such questions, and refer our correspondent to Mr. Little. • A. J. G. —J. W. Hornor of Parksburg, \Vest Va., says that Dr. H. Anders' lodine Wa ter cured him of Scrofula. He had 37 run- Ulcers when he commenced taking the . medicine. Persons afflicted should make a note of this, and send to J. P. Din more, 3tl Dry Street, New York, for a c'rcular concerning this remarkable remedy. Tun Radicals claim that Jeff Davis has triumphed at last, and it does look like it. He undertook to take the Southern States out of the Union, and did not quite suc ceed. The radicals took up the work, and finished it. The Southern States are out of tha Union " according to act of Cong ress." Davis and the Radicals have tri umphed at last. Teachers' Examination. An examination , fir teachers, already employe", will be held at Auburn Centre on Friday, July 26, 1867. Teachers wish ing to be examined lutist present a writ ten request signed by at least three mem bers ot• the board of the district in which they are employed. ExaMination will com mence promptly at 9 o'clock A. M. W. W. WATtoic, Jul3 . ' 16 —2 • County Sup't. Dental Notice. Dr. T. J Wheaton, the Dentist, will be at Charles Sprout's, two miles west of Montrose, on Wednesday the 24th inst. Friends in that neighborhood desiring to sec him, will please call on that day. Ile may also be consulted at Days Ho ke, Gran7erville, on Monday the 29th inst. Friends in that section will please be prompt as his stay will be necessarily lim ited. No charges for counsel, nor for extra. ing teeth where the jaw is cleared. Binghamton, July 13th, 1867. I=l Sewing machines. We can furnish a Grover & Baker, a Finkle ,t; Lyon, or ad Empire Sewing Machine, at less than manufacturers' pri ces. .`JE=`3M '1..4!..1-a 111 . CI MIX CM .4 . ' Aromatic Vegetable Soap. A en puler Tolict Soap, prepared from regaled Vegeta.. ble Oils in combination with Glycerine, and daily designed for the use of Ladles, and for the Nursery. Its per'ume is exquisite, and its sraebin properties unrivalled. For sale by all druggists. Mar, 2 1867.—lysmpl2 Scrofula,—The Rev. George Storrs, of Brook lyn. N. Y., says in the Bible Kb:miner, by way of apol on- for publishing a medical certificate in his magazine or the cure of his only son, of Scrofula, " alter dissolu tion appeared inevitable." "We publish thie state " ment, not for pay, but in gratitude to God who has an swered prayer, and is Justice to Dr. Anders; being " satisfied that there is virtue in lb.- lodine Water " treatment, which the readers of this Magazine will thanitlitS editor for bringing to their notice." Circulars free. - Dr. IL Anders' lodine Water le for eale by J. P DINS MORE, Proprietor. 36 Dey street, Nev York, and by all Druggists. July r.:47 , ""Pertri - lart Syrup.—A protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron. supplies the blood with its Life Element Iron, giving strength, vigor and new life to the ; whole sytem.' If the thousands who are suffering from Dyspepsia, Debility, Female W. akraSses, &c., would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, the effect would not on ly astonish themselves but would please all their friends ; for instead of feeling cross, - all gone" and Miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active. A distinguished Janet writes to 6 friend As follows : "I have tried the Peruvian Syrup. and the result fully sustains your prediction. it has made a new man of me.—infused into my system new vigor and ener,•y. I am no longer tremulous and debilitated. as when you tail saw me, bat stronger. heartier, and with . larger ca. inicity,fttr laWr f raetital aiidphysical, limpet any_ time during the last five years." Thousands have been chang , td by the use of this rem edy nom weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy and happy men and women ; and invalids can not reasonably hesita2e to give It a trial. The genuine has " Peruvian Syrup" blown In the PIM 6lYpage j)ampb let will be sent free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. 36 Dey St., New York. Sold Vali Druggists. July Dr. SCILENCII'S MANDRAKE PILLS. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. Thole Pills are composed of various roots, having the power to relax the secretions of the liver as promptly and effectually as him plll or mercury, and without producing any of those dlisagromble or dangerous effects which often follow", the use of the latter. - • In all Mlle= disorders these Pills =who tined with confi dence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove them oAm:thus from the liver and biliary diets, which are the Caruso of bilious affections in general. SCHENCK'S HANDRAIL'S PILLS cure Sick Headache, and all disorders of the Liver, Indicated bye:snow akin, coaled tongue, csativences, dreweinees, and a general feeling of ma tinees and laasitude, 'Mowing that the Wet Is In a torpid or of stnutted condition. In short, Huns Pills may be used 'with advantage In all more when 4 purgative or altenstive medicine Is regulM, P.esse ask for "Dr. Schenck'' Mandrake Pills,"Amd observe that the two likenessee of the Doctor are on the .Government 'tamp—one when In the last stage of Con. emotion, and the other In hie present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Principal Office, No. 15 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, 9eneril.lirludesale Agent's IHmsas Runes do Co., M. Park ;Raw; Nei , ' York . ; 13.. S. Hance, 108 Itaillniare St., more, DLL; John Dt Piik, N. - Veer: Ofioarthand Clad • "*". 014); Wittier a; Taylor,lo4 and lad Wobeab Avenue. patio, !IL Collins Brothers, senthwese miter of Occomul aatLruteilia,ldt..,Lotdr, No. • ' lab &gib _ . rig - Card to the Ladies.—Dr. Darien e 4 , 94 Golden Periodical Pills for Females. Info:Rio to COrroting Irregakaingis, .moving all Obeirtielioniofthe dittnthtatursei, 'pain whatertr cause, and Alwayi Bucceaftil asaPreveatice. • A CERTAIN REMEDY for all complaints so peculiar to the sex, viz., Diaressing and Painful Menstruation, Retention, Pain in the Back and Loins, Pressing-Dawn Pains, Rush of Blood to the Head, Dizziness, Ditertesa of Sight, Greeii Sickness, Heaviness, Fatigue on any Slight Exertion, Palpitati bra of the Reset, and that Most annoying, weal:Willy, end the begining of all other fe male weaknesses, The Leueorrhcea, or Whites: ; They Act like a Charm In Removing Obstruction and Redortug Nature to Us Proper 'Channel. quieting the nerves. and bringhid haelrthe•• rosy color of health" to the most delicate. Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, hoth by myself and agents, testi parts of the world, to which answers have been returned. In which ladies say nothing like the above pills have been known since tits Science of 'Medicine dawned upon the World. 'Tull and explicit clirecions accompany each box. Price sl,pm• box ; six boxes, $.5. Sold by one Drug gtst In every town; village; city, and hamlet throughout the wotld. Sold tullontroec:Pa.. By BURNS '.s Men- OLS. rDruggists,l "Sole Agents" for Montrose. • Ladies I By sending St to the Poet Office, ran have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to any part of the country, free of Postage. Sold also by Esrinno o..aux, Great Bend, CLARK BROWN, Deposit, CLEVER, PTERCY S CO. BITIZIIRBoII, BROOKS, Scranton, DEMAS 13AIINES .e Co. New York. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, New York. Jyly.%* StiSQUICIISNICA On the 13th inst. by Luther Peek, Mr. CHARLES H. lIAGERTY,I of Nova Scotia, and Miss NANCY J.LNE CRANDALL, of Bridgewater. On the 17th *inst., by the same, Mr. DANIEL D. SPINNINGs, of Corbettsville, N. Y., and Miss HarrlE L. Su.E.awoop, of Montrose. In Brooklyn, July 4th, by Rev. S. F. Brown, Mr. OS TEWKSBURY and Mi,4 E. J. STERLING, both of Brooklyn. At the parsona ,, e, in Brooklyn, July sth, by the same, Mr. Aunos Mounv, of Di mock, and Mrs. BI rsuy COY, of Spring ville. By Rev. B. C. Morse, June 20th, Mr. CIIAIu.rs BRE vk-TER, of llarford, and Miss ECNICE M. WRIGHT, of Lathrop. Mr - Notices of marriages and deaths pnhitsbed free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rale of fifty cents per hundred words. In Brooklyn, Juno_9th, EDWIN 8., son of B. C. and Polly Watroni, aged 5 years, 9 mo. and 3 days. A child of more than usual promise. . _ 'Ahatistineuts. r•.„ • ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, Of Valuable Real Estate, Cr ITT:ATE in Derrick township. late tivo—estate of JatuesCook, deceased, on SATURDAY, AUG. 17, IS6I, containing about N 123. co t - sr AL a sr. TERMS OF SALE,—S2S down; one half the balance on confirmation ofealr, and balance within six months thereafter, mini iLterest. TRUMAN B. OGDEN, Adnfr. Derrick, July in, 1567.—td fMli SEWING ECHINE! rpHE sin g er Manufacturing Company have Encreed ed in prodin•ng, it Se win.i Machine is tear pence nun ae human ek.il can accemplith. To be Lau of MORSE & LINES, Sole Agents For Sto ,. quehanuu County, succebsors of Road, Wat roue & Foeter. Z3 - 1..7 .1 7 1 (Ge. Mx .a. 13. "1r 12 • $5O Reward, WILL be paid for information that will lead to the detection and conviction or the persona that broke into my Store on the nittht of Friday-, the 12th inst., and attempted to carry off my Sate. ' 11. lIURRLTT. New Milford, July 23, 1867.-3 w . 17 109taxamist,m 7 Patent Atmospheric CHURN DASII! Patented May 7, 1867. The most Important and Valuable Allen ; liGn of the 19th Century. 1. This Dasher is superior to any other, by being as simple as the old Dasher. and combining the atmos pheric principles therewith, and the Butter Gatherer 2. It is superior to all others, inasmuch as the same power applied to this in like. mechanical operations will make one fourth more reciprocations. & It is superior to all others, Inasmuch as it prodn ces the Butter in a mcch shorter time. 4. IL is superior to any other, inasmuch as it produ ces a ranch better quality of Butter. 5. It is superior to any other Patent Churn, inas much as it is 500 per cent. cheaper than any other. It is well known to Dairymen and others, that Butter is contained in minute globules or sacks, covered with a membrane, and requires the. action of air to prepare the covering to be removed by friction. The Scientllic American sap!: " If cream is dashed against a hard substance, or mashed between bars or rollers, ft breaks the globules and becomes oily, by destroying.tho grain. It should be thrown into currents and counter, currents by the action of air, causing a friction by the action of the currents against each other, removing the covering without breaking or bursting the globules." This is the principle Which ,the inventor of this Dash endeavored - to keep In view, and the result shows a much larger. yield of Butter obtained in leas time than by any other Dasher. ' Experiments have proven that any other method ex cept pumping air through the cream, will not penetrate sufficiently to oxygenize all the globules preparator) to concentrating the Butter. Throwing it into the air by clappers or old fashioned Dashers, dots not stifildently exppseit to, the am to brlng ont,the Butter. The above Patent Dabber has been porthated for Sus ntichanna County by the 'undersigned; The process of churning can.be seen at any 11 me, Ina Ohm Churn, at 13aIdwin. Allen it 3teCtiin'ufitore. An agent will can vass the county shod ,as possible;' t ot sell ,She Dasher for individual rights; also lownishln, rights will be • , . „Montrose, Jut' , . A. BALDWM. undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Judg- JL ea of - the Orphans' Qaart ,of. dusquetutnna county I,9.distributeactande In the tutridsof,the admiiiietra tor of the estate of Wealthy Ilannett, dec'd. will attend to the dutieipf 4m:ointment - at Ms ottce in Mont rose. on Thursday the Bth day of Angnst, A. 17.,1867, at vahaak,,,prattort which.ttine And Pllce 1111,9011101161 p terestad ill make known their claims or bp forei . ef Ae tarred Irina comik, InC/zrattitt • • • • '- TYLEtti 'Auditor. , Mtrishvi 14 1 165 V. " • ' • • 100,000 Bares have been sold in Two Years Illitr 4k. Pll.-IEL X .IN. Clr 30 gEi . Ja 3E: _AIL rr 3E3C . is,NteS 00 ;'ZIA'i 301 Muutro..ic, July 23, 1867.—tf. Auditor's 'Notice. ESTATE OF ELISHA A. HORTON, .12 , 1 late of Mesh; Susq'a county, Pa.. dec'd. Letters oftidmiuistration upon the °ante of theabove named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby not t iled to make Immediate payment, and those baying claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. M. G. _SHOEMAKER, Adm'r RutEh, July 9, 1,67. Auditor's .Notice. THE undersigned appointed by the Hon_ the Or phan's Court of Susquehanna County to make distribution of the fund in the hands of the adm in iatraior of Richard France, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the care of Fraser & Case, 3iontrose, on Saturday, Aug. ad, lStl at one o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be debarred from coming In upon maid fund July 9, ISU7. FRA.NICLIN FRASER, Auditor BEST 1101111 IN Tilt STATE. FROM PURE WHITE California Winter Wheat, Nnitively rained in California.) constantly on hand and (or sale. Manufactured at the Eureka Mill, by SIPOOK & TINGLEY. Hopboltom, July 3, 80 7.—lf Financial Statement of Rush Township Bounty Matters. whole !mount of bonds Wetted, $13,500 00 Expeueee, $509 98 lutereet to June 5,1865, 188 65-- 698 63 $14,196 63 Atn't collected autl paid up to June 5,16'65, 5,605 41 lutefeA one year to 18tiG, March 5, 1556, paid Intere.4t Cu June 3, 1397, 3:7 , 9 90 June 3, 1567, paid $1,6,52 31 We certify the foregoing to be as near correct as can be got under the circumstances. IW. U. WILCOX, Rush, July 9, 186;. JAS. P. DEVINE, }Auditor! KSTATE OF MARY McCARMIN, x-d ,deceased. lac() of Chueount township, Suvote• hanna count}, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all_persons Indebted fo - said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against theaamo to present them duly authena cated for settlement. MARIA S. GOGGEN, Executrix Chocunut, July 2, 1867.* Auditor's Notice. rr TIE undersigneduan atll'or appointed by the Court & of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County to dis tribute a fund in the hands of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real estate of Patrick O'Hara, taken in ex ecution at the suit of D. P. I lielan. will attend to the duties of his appointment at Iris office in Montrose. on 'Monday, Ang. Gth, 1867, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons interested in said fund may prssoot their claims or be forever debarred from corn.Mg in ou raid fund. JAMES E CARMALT, Auditor. Montrose, July 2, 1887. $2O. AGENTS WANTED- $ 100. Male and Female. to introduce our New Patent Star Shuttle Sewing Machine. It Is adapted for family nee and Tailoring. It makes a stitch alike on both sides. Price only Twenty Dollars. Extraordinary Induce meu to to Agents. Fur lull partictalarg, address DUSIO.NT .t WILSON, 680 Arch Street, July 2— 3mo Philadelphia, Pa. Notice in Partition. MO Sarah McKim°, now residing In Oakland town- I: ship, Susquehanna county, and issue, nine child ren, t o wit : charles F. McKune, eldest non, now resi ding in New Bedford, Bureau county, Illinois; liiclinne, also living in New Bedford, aforesaid; Jos. Mekong, since deceased, leaving a widow, Jane Me linne. and two minor children, to wit : Mary E. Mc• Kane, aged eleven years. and Fanny Metinne, aged eight years, (the said Sarah 31eKuno having been duly appointed guardian of the said minors, the said Jane McKune also residing in Oakland township aforesaid.) Benjamin F. McKune, the, petitioner; Betsey Ann, in. termarricd with G. M. Nichols and now residitg at New Bedford aforesaid ; Mary V. intermarried with A. S. Lathrop living In Wyanetto, Bureau county afore said ; Phebe P., who Intermarried with I. D. Minay, and is now deceased. leaving her said husband and is sue, three children, to wit : Henrietta, Francis and Sarah Eunice Minzy, all minors under the age of four teen years, and now residing with their said father (J. D. liiinzy) In Elmira, Chenango county, New York ,• and Eunice intermarried with James McCannon, and now residing In Oakland township aforesaid; and also one grandson. to wit : Timothy Wheat, son of Esther Wheat. who was a daughter of the said Joseph Mc- Kline, and died before the said Joseph—the said Timo thy now residing, at or near Waverly in the State of New York— TAKE NOTICE: That an inquest will be held at.the late dwelling house of Joseph McKim°, deceased, In the township of Oakland, county of Susquehanna, on Thursday the lath day of July. istm at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose °freaking partition of the real estate of said deceased to and among the children and represen tatives. if the Frame can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole; otherwise to value and appraise the same - according to law • at which time and place you are reqaired to attend if you think proper. S. F. LANE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Unice, Montrose ? June 25, 1867. s NOTICE TO TAX COLLECTORS. OTICE. is hereby given to ail Tax' Collectors who 1.1 are not acting Constables, that the County Com missioners will expect them to ninke n liberal payment to the County Treasurer on Monday, July 29,1867 ; and those who are acting Constables to make payment to the County Treasurer on Monday. Aug. 12th, 1867, ft be ing the drat Monday of August Court. A liberal pay ment will be expected from all Collectors. C. B. DODGE, County Treas. County Treasurer's oMce, / 31ontrosc, July 9, 1867. N7i:Tc)col 4041,3rcilarig -A N D CLOTH. War. t4.%117:1 G. TIIE undersigned respectfully inform the public that they are carrying, on the above business at the old stand in Jessup. Having recently refitted and put their machinery in perfect order, they arepriared to do as good work as can be done in the counts J. \VA nn, Jessup, June 1,1867.-3 m. T. J. REPUB. .41.3rattazir Co Maoris; rr ZW4COM7XCI33 lliaa a recent decision of the Court of Chilies, all 01E -2" cers holding commissions between dates of March let, 1864, and May :id,1865, are entitled, toss per month for each servant allowed by •rank. For further inforteition, apply to G 7.0. P. LITTLE, • Licensed Government Agent. Montrose, March 0, 1867. tf I•, - - Auditor's Notice. Tan undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or . IL • abatis' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund in the. hands of Caroline E. Dimon admiviatra trix of the estate of Charles Dcmort, d'ec'd , will attend to the 'duties of his ; appointment- IA his odic° In Montrose, on Moudanthe 29th day of Ju1y,.1861, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. at which time,. Ind -place all persons interested' are required to present their claims or be foreverdebarred from comdng in apon said fund. Jttsi. E CA.llll4ll4l.4iditor, liiontrese, Jane 25;1887. ABD 011, snits great variety , of , 611.8.filitiNA LINERY, fos.sale by . AFTI. TIIRREW4 HEAT AITRETIORS lIEAD QUAIITEM POE Variety, Styles, and' Bargains DRY GOODS, reNclz GODS MILLIN.ERY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTIIIMi, Merchant Tailoring, ,and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co Take great pleasure in Informing their friends and the pahlie in ueneral that Dry (moods have taken ANOTH ER TUMBLE, and that they have purchased a more than usual large stock of ring & *num (co , which tor price, variety, and style cannot be excelled Wo have in gook— DRESS GOODS c Black and Fancy Drees Silks, Rich Mohair Drees Goode in all etyles and colors, plain, Clizu red and striped Sue Organdies, Cambrice, sad Lawns, handsome DeLaine, Challies, &c. &c. WHITE GOODS : Swiss Muslims, Mulls, pinin, barred, and etriped Jaconets, figured and striped Brilliants, a flue lot of Drapery Kaoline, Marseilles $8,593 22 Erlo 59 LINEN GOODS: Black and brOwn Table Linen, Table Cloths, Towels,Napkins, blrdseye and shirt ing Linen, Scotch Diaper, Linen Tuck and Drlllin for men and bora wear, &c. Domestics, bleache. and brown Skirtings, Calicos, Ginghams, Denims, Ticklugreottoundes, &c. $9,108 $1 .624 29 .tr:l 2.211 31 F-11WIr GOODS,: Superior qualtty,,,Kidd Gloves. Kin and Lisle T hread Gloves, all colors, dress and cloak Buttons, Pimmings, Embroideries, Laces, Veils, Hoscriiiii. hew styles in Balmoral Skirts, Par• asols, Sunshades, Corsets, and Hoop Skirts, Shawls, JBasquen and Sackis : Of cloth and ailk,apkndid variety, End cheap: MILLINERY GOODS: At wholee,ale L Retail. A large and complete stock of millinery Goods, such as artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Frames; Biecke, Straw Bats & Bonnets. Blonds,LS= yes, which we JOB to the Trade at New York wholesale prices. READY MADE CLOTHING of our 0W!,.7-man ufnettire—the lur,gest arid tastiest variety in the county. We guaranty our work. XIERCHANT TAILORING S We have over WO different pa tternsa Cloth, Cassimers, and Coatings for elleollll ‘vork.to select fr'om; have a FIRST CLASS CCTTER. and aro enabled to give perfect satisfaction In regard to good tits, style and prices. Parties preferring to have theiegarments made to measure. are requested to give as a call and exam ine our stock-. GENTS , FIIRNISIZING GOODS i White and Flannel Shirts, cotton ar.d merino WrUppers and Drawers, Gloves, Ties and Scarfs, paper and linen Collars. handkerchiefs, Traveling. Bags, Trunks and Umbrellas L''/'A tine variety of Gents and Boys HATS, CAPS, CHEAP. utttubur, liostubaum tC Cr. M. S. DESSAITEIt, Managing Partner Montrose, May 14, 1861 Till HOE INCOME CO'S SEWING MACHINES, 699 BROADWAY, NEW YORK FOR FAIRIES & MANUFACTURERS. THESE WORLD RENOWNED SEWING MACHINES • • Were awarded the highest Premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York State Fair of 1866, and are Celebrated for doing the beet work, using a much smallerneedie fbr the same thread than any other ma chine, and by the introduction of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best ma chines in the world. These machines areade at our nett and spacious Factory dl Pridgeport, under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Elias Howe, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTOR. OF THE SEWING MA ' CHINE. They nre adapted to all kinds sf Family Sewing, and to the use of ses t mstresses, dceei makers, tailors, man ufacturers of Shirts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas, clothing, bats, cape. corsets, boots, shoes, harness,Sad ales. linengoods. umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work equally well npOn silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with-silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, fee, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making :a beautiful and perfect slit h, mike on both sides of the articles sewed. 'The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe,and made on this Machine, is the most popular and durable, and alt Sewing Ma chine's are subject to the prin ciple invented by him. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. SIBLEY & STOOPS;- • General Agents; WO. 922 611ESTWIIT ST.O runr)A. Feb. 26, 1567. STEVENS HOUSE, - ! 21', 23, 25 & 271troadlitty, lii•:' y. Opposite Bowling Green. . ON THE "EUROPEAN PLAN: irs' STEVENS AOUSE is well''and widely' known T tio to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men it fa in so proximityto the buelneits -partof the city—is the' highway of Southern and IA astern travel—mule iieent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depo r :S. The &Ohne-House has- liberal accommbdatione for over 300 guests—it is well-furnished, and posseeses ev ery modern impr,•.yeiteht for the comfort and entertain- . mentor:its tumates;•_;Thnrooms areepacionelo4.well ventilated—provided with gas and water—the attend with is prompt and respoctful—and the table iP upplied th every delicacy ofthet; season pt moderaterutes. 'GEO. K. ,CI3ASE *&-. C(:;1. - „ may 7-43'm PnoPnitrrotes.: • A 13,1, ST RELL'B STORE; . 4.34 as usual ill MI of deiqrstle %lab. Callaut(oeo btW fURNITURE ROOMS /ME subscribers Would respectfai inform the 1. that they have commenced business in C. Cush; man's old Bhop, where We keep constantly on Wigan d manufacture to order all kinds of: 64A, '2l - : }, I k' • ',C; -1. f•e- sun As Borealis{ Bedsteads Ldtinged, Settees ; Stands, Tables, Extension Tabled, of a superior manufacture, Also, Barrett's Patent Ladies' Revolving Work Table. All those In want of Cabinet Furniture Will do we ll to-7,tve ud a call before looking elaewttere,for we Inten d. to tnake our work good, and sell It cheaper than any other cstablldhment to Susquehanna' Coisity: N. B.—All work done whenpromised. • W.B. VANORIBILLLE. • J crtN WHEFIEIt. Montrose, Juno 4, 1867.-1 y lITENTION, REMY I Now Ready for the SPRING CAMPAIGN. NEW GOODS, Just received and will beaold at GREATLY REDUCED . PRICES! Dry Goods In great variety and desirable styleti. Notions,ithe largest and best assortment in. the place. A full line of Stationery. Tieing desirous of closing out my stack of Crockery, Rats, Caps, and Ladies' 4hoes, I will sell them At C®st. Garden & Flower Seeds of all kinds Call and examine my stock before. purchasing else where, and - bo Convinced of the quality and cheapness. of my Goode. T'Store in the same buildiug ae the Postale'', and formerly occupied by Webb 4% linstertteld. Montrose, Pa., Itlay 7. 1867 ABEL TUR,RELL Is continually receiving NEW Gilt - ODS, And keeps constantly on hand a full and desirable atr 'sortment of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, PalUts, Oils, Dye-stuffs . Teas ; Bpreeii and other Groceries, Stoneware, wall and Window Pa per, Glassware. Lamps, Kerobene, Benz°le, Ttinner' , , Oil. Lubricating 00, Neatstoot Refined Whale Oil, Varnish, Whips; Gans, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder; Shot, Lead, Gun Caps. Mesita" Instruments, Toilet Seeps, Hair Oils, Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Sllvei Plated Spoons, Forks, and Ivory Handled' Knives, Dentist's Avticles;a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry,Terfinnety; tcyr: ALL THE Patent Medicines advertised in Montrose. and nearly every 000 D KIND IN ANY MARKET. In short, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight Ihe eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is Impracticable, nif it would fill a newspaper. Call at the Drug mid VarietY Store of ABEL TURRELL,..lifoatrose, Pa. • BLAGKSIVIITHING. r o llE undersigned have this day formeda co-partner.' 1 chip, under the firm name of Stamp S Moran, for like purpose of carrying on Blacksmithing in all lie branches. Mr - Strict attention vrill be given to Horsti-shdeing. All work will be done neatly and promptly. The pub lic are invited to call. E. P. STAMP. Montrose, March 4th, 1867. If P. T-MORA.N. HEAR. YE ! HEAR YE! All persons who wieh to MEtb - vre IN THE PURCHASE GROCERIES & PROVISIONg will call at tho Store of the subscriber, Where they will nod a Good Stdck of Choice Flour, Fish, hams (sugar cured) { Coffee and Tea, Sugars, Syrups ace Molasses, Tobacco, Snaffy Cigars, etc. etc; Also—A good Stock of ie 4a. ivlramizi " - ±v ow= cuvssii, School and Blank Books, and a fern mis cellaneons Books, Writing Papers and Envelopes of superior quad.; Wes and perfumed, Gents' and Ladies' Paper Collars, Canned and Dried Fruits, Oranges' frk Lemons, Condensed Milk, a choice articles and In fact almupt everything neededliyall the& people of,Su elnehanna Copra) , vvho get hungry.an dry; and liy, Purchasing them of a,. N. surotaatt, ilretliore south ot.tlto Court Muse aild *mei Ode of the Public Avenue, you can saverrcui 10 to 20paroeut. Montrose,,lllarcktitb. 1867. a • • I T I ELIICWI3:I44; f 4. hand at the old Emporium of Fashion. over Stone &Cooley's (late Chandler's) Store, west Pide of kublio Avenue, where f width° hippy to seem.) , old friundsand customers, who can appreciate the ad vantage ot substantial work and neat fits. I employ none battiest dais Workmen. and am pr'Pired ta Maar; unty as good work as can be got op anyienere. Prices reasonable and' work done at the timelageeed _ . upon. : . Slocdrose, Difiy2S, 1867,7-0 • - JOAN PROM. . - 11CrOWAIIII Assoolatkett Oebilladelpiela, ILL Dbeases of the Nervone,Semtnid, ilrinag and sew; nal eveteum-a ew and reliable treatinent—ln =pens of the 110WAIIIPASSOC71.A.TION. e tint by mink' “ a l e d etZor eaveloetl.free of charge. ',Add reseDr.J; llocrorrox. Reamed Asiebelatich 304/With iltketree rbtlattelphts, Pe. , . , , , . A. D. BUTTIIIIPTELD