The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 23, 1867, Image 1

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A. J. GERRITSON, Proprietor.'
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
ap7 65ti Friendly'lle, Pa.
V. 49.1.7.CitiC022.00X•13,
mylOe • rooklyn, Pa
V. El. ,Auotion®er,
fobl 64tf Auburn 4 Corners, Pa.
17. H. ..a...tzezticorLipaesz-.
sep7 64tt Great. Bend, Pa.
DRooms over Boyd & Corwin's Ilard
ware Store. Otllce hours from 9a. in. to 4p. m.
Montrose, Jnly 1, 1867.—tf
TTORNET AT LAW. Office nett to Franklin Ho
AolL. tel. [Montrose, Dec. 18, 1888.—tf.
A TTORNIZT AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Office oppo.
...A. site the Franklin Hotel, near the Court Haase.
Nov. '27, 1866.-0
- r t A.LER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals,
1 I F: Liquors. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Varnishes, Win-
R•Glass, Groceries. Glass Ware, Wall and Window
Paper. Stone ware, Lamps, Kerosene, Machinery Oils,
Trusses. Guns, Ammenition, Knives, Spectacles:Knish
es, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfa a •ry. itc.—being one
of the most nameromr, • xtensive, and valuable collec
tions of Goods in Susquehanna Count'', [Established
in 11481 [Montrose; Pa.
TTORYBY AT LAW, office over the Store of A
.41. Lathrop, in the Brick Block, Montrone, Pa.
May 1, 1966.
tu SURGEON, tenders hie profession•
I a! service: to the citizens of liontrote and icini
tr. °trice at his residence, on the corner cart of Sayre
Bros. Foundry. . [Jane 18, 1887.-Iyo
TTORNETSAT LAW, Solicitors in Bankruptcy,
A. and General Real Estate and Collecting Agents
Vuluahle Oity Lots, Residau'res, Farms, and Coal
Land, for sale. [Scranton,,dnuelt367—y•
r(TESS OBS of T. N. RISE & CO., Dealer! in
i•i3 Goods. Clot hi ng. Ladles and Iti”ees fine Shoes.
a , ents fur the great American Tea und Coffee
umr4ny [April, I,lBr.
E. L. WEEKS. - - - - C. C. FACEOT.
ITYSICIAN and SURGEON, ltontrose, Pa. Gives
es rscial attention to discuses of the Heart and
Lan gs and all Sargical diseases. Office over the Post
Office. Boards at Searle's Hotel. [Sept. 4. 1866.
DEALERS in Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Lard, Grain,
LP Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. Alno,
orneeries. Farb as Samara, Molasses, Krum Tea and
off,. West ride of Public Avenue.
Montrose, April .7, 1516.
DEkLEHS in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals., Dye
staffs, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Liquors, Spices, Fan
cs articles. Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Ar
L;cles. ;ErPrescriptions carefully compounded.
Pnblic Avenue, above Searle's Hotel, Moo trosg, Pa
A. B. Burma, - - - Aims Nacnots.
Sept. 11, 1866.
larAS permanently located at Priandsvi (le for thepur-
IL pose of practicing medicine and surgery in an itr
hranc'•es. Re may be found at the Jackson House.
Office hours from' 8 a. m., to 9 p. m. janlfitf .
Priendayille, Pa., Jan. 18th, 1866.
hi/61nm attended to prompliy. on fair terms. Of
fv'e first door north of " Montrose Hotel." west side of
Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. pan. 1.1E66.
nua.rsos &morn, - Cuent.Es L. Bnows.:
D 007 & SHOE Dealer and Manufacturer Montrnse,
I/ Pa. Shop on Main street , one door above I.N. Bul-
Are's. All kinds of work to order, and repairing
dune neatly. jani G 5
DHYSICIAN SURGEOI4, bay located at Brooalyn,
/ nopo`a co., Pa. Wtll attend promptly to all call•
with which he may be favored. °Me.- at I. M. Bald
[July 11—ly
RESPECTFULLY announces that be is now pre
pared to cut all kir& of Garments in the most
a. hi ,, nable Style, and warranted to fit with elegance
and case. Shop over I. N. Bnllard's Store, Montrose.
Days ICIAN & SURGEON, respectfully tenders his
I professional services to the citizen of Friends
oe and vi icnity. CHrOffice intim otaceof Dr. LMt(eet.
board at J. Hosford'S. 113,30
VA.SHIONABLE TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop over
Chandler's Store.
Fall orders filled promptly, In first-rate style. Cm
:leg done on short notice, and warranted to fit.
Will. W. SMITH,
of Alain street, Montrone, Pa. • tf
EALER in Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, Crockery,
Hardware, Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and Palate,
E)Ot.s and Shoes, Hats and Cape. Furs, Buffalo Robea,
6 rocariea, Provisions, C.c., Now Milford, Pa.
BAN KERS. Montrose. Pa. Soccessorsto Post,CoOper
& co. Office, Latbrop's new building; Turnpike-et,
ATTOESEY AT LAW. Bounty. BeekPik, Pension'
and Exemption Claims attended to. febl
t z J'Ollce drat door below Boyd'e Store; Idontroee,Pa
LIQUORS. r ext l e, ilu iv e e re as a rt ml,V, ‘
Grirpogu, embracinz meaty every A4Fill In market, col-
It uaili on hand and far gale by •
Congressional Proceedings.
We copy the following extracts from
the Journals of Congress of July 10th,
'Mr. BOYER. Mr. Speaker, the sad du
ty has devolved upon me to announce to
this House the death of my colleague and
friend, our late fellow-member, Hon.
CHARLES DENISON, Representative from
the twelfth congressional district of the
State of Pennsylvania. He died at his
home in Wilkesbarre during the late re
cess of Congress, of a pulmonary disease
with whicli he had been lung afflicted,
and which, during the latter part of his
congressional ; career, compelled his fre
quent and sometimes protracted absence
front his seat in this Hall.
Ile,,was born on the 23d day of Janu
ary, 1818, in the valley of Wyoming, in
the State of Pennslvania, where he resided
the whole' of his life, and was chosen by
those who knew him longest and best to
represent his native district in the 'Con
crress of the United States.
He was a man of liberal education, and
a graduate of Dickinson College in 1838.
lie early 'adopted the profession of ate law
which he continuously and successfully
practiced until elected to the Thirty-
Eighth Congress. lie was afterwards
elected to the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and
again elected to the present Congress, to
represent the same constituency for the
third time, which in Pennsylvania is al
ways regarded as an especial mark of dis
tinct ion.
The infirm health of Mr. Dealsolv pre
vented him from taking that, active and
prominent part in the proceedings of this
body which otherwise, would have been
expected from his strength of character
arid fine intellectual abilities. The same
circumstance prevented in a great degree
the cultivation on his part of that general
acquaintance among his fellow-members
which his excellent social qualities would
!; otherwise have prompted ; but be coin
' manded the respect and confidence of all
who approached him. He was a miin of
sound judgment, patriotic imptilses, and
inflexible purpose. Modest and without
ostentation, but full of courage arid deter
mination to meet the requirements of ev
ery occasion. No possible temptations of
personal advantage could swerve him
from his convictions of public duty ; and
he would make no compromise, even indi
rectly, which had the least appearance of
a surrender of principle. Correct iu busi
ness affairs, kind, steadfast, and true in his
domestic and social relations, his private,
like his public life, was above reproach.—
Death to him tva.s neither unexpected nor
terrible. It may not be inappropriate in
me to relate an incident illustrative of his
calm contemplation of its near approach.
It is well known to this House that during
the last session of the Thirty-Ninth Con
gress he was appointed a member of the
select Committee of Investigation on the
New Orleani3 Riot. But just as he was
about to start upon his intended journey
to New Orleans to join his colleagues
there, he was suddenly prostrated by
ness and I was appointed to take his place.
The evening betbre my departure from
Washington on that occasion, in a con
versation at his room, he informed me
without the least emotion, and as if he was
conversing upon a matter of ordinary bus
iness; that, in his judgment, the termina
tion of his lifewas not far distant. To my
encouraging remarks lie simply and ca;m
ly replied that it, was appointed unto all
men once to die, and that it ought not to
make much difference to them as respects
the exact time when their earthly mission
was bteught to a close. He spoke like one
whose peace was; made with God, and
whose concience ivas void of offense to
word man. May it 139 given to all of us
so to live that we rk tq p may thus meet the
death that is appCiiitAd - for all the living.
Mr. Speaker, I inove the adoption of the
following resoliitions:
Resolved, That the House of Represen
beard with emotions of deep
regret the announcement of the death of
Hon. CHARLEA DENISON, a Representa
tive in this House from the Sate ofPenn
Resolved, That this House tenders to
the wite and family of the deceased its pro
found sympathy in this our mutual be
reavement, and as
.a testimony of respect
for the character and memory of the de
ceased the members of the House will
wear the usual badge of mourning - for
thirty days.
Revolved, That the Clerk be directed to
transmit to the Senate a copy of these res
Mr. RANDALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise
to respond in part to the resolutions which
havejust been offered in reepe et to the
memory of my late'colleague, Mr. Charles
Deni Son.
It was my privilege to be his associate
in the Thirty-Eighth and Thirty-Ninth
Congress, and he was alto present at the
first session of the present Congress in
An acquaintance and association with
him soon ripened into a regard and friend
ship, for I was not long in finding out WS
noble traits of character.
Aealegislator he ; vas able, intelligent,
and pore; as a eitlien, of patriotic motives
And unyielding and unbending purpose
and intent; as a friend he was true; as
a , husband and father he was affectionate
and beloved. In a word he was a good
man ; so lived, and so died.
In the public councils he commanded
unbounded respect, and at his home his
three elections to this House indicate in
what esteem he was held. His example
should not he without its lesson. A pub
lic man who can yield this life with such a
name to live after him as Charles Denison,
may indeed he imitated.
Mr. MILLER. * * * While a member
of this House his•gentlemanly deportment
and urbanity of manner commanded the
aimiration and respect of his fellow-mem
bers. He took an active part in the
great issues of his country ; though we d
fered on the political question of the day,
and as to the best mode for the restora
tion of the late rebellious States, yet all
who had the pleas of his acquaintance
will accord to him honesty of purpose and
devotion to his country. * *
Mr. GE l'Z. Mr. Speaker, heathen phi
losophy teaches us to say nothing but good
of the dead; Christian philosophy teaches
us to say no evil of any man, living or dead.
I think, sir, that disregard of Christian
precepts is a more venal offense than the
violation of the heathen maxim. For if
we assail ihe living, he is present to con
front his accusers and defend himself. If
e asperse the dead, be cannot answer.
The tongue,.however vocal it may have
been, is mute; the lips, however eloquent,
are staled in silence that no human power
can break. But the friends of the gentle
man whose death has just. been announc
ed find a sad pleasure in the knowledge
that, even if any one had the malignant
will to defame his memory, he could find
naught to warrant it. His private lif
was blameless; his public career was be
yond reproach.
Charles Denison was a native of the
beautiful Pennsylvania valley which has
been made classic ground by the immor
tal verse of one of E•igland's greatest po
ets. Ills thou , lits and feelings naturally
partook of the Acid scenes and sweet in
fluences which suarounded his childhood
and youth Iltm manners were gentle, his
imagination vivid, and his mind so equal
ly balanced that its serenity was rarely, if
ever, disturbed. That he was a man of
worth is proved by his election to a seat
in this House for three successive terms
by a people rigidly jealous of their inter
ests and ever, watchful of the speech and
aots of their Representatives. His con
stituency of all parties respected him;
those of the party to which he steadfast
ly adhered confided in and loved him.—
Could the most partial eulogist say more
in his praise.
Mr. Vas TRUNIP. Mr. Speaker, brief
as was my acquaintance with our lately
cherished but now deeply lamented friend
and fellow member, I cannot refrain from
offering my testimonial of regard to his
many vin ues, both as a man and as a citi
zen. I feel that I should not only do vio
lence to my own emotions, but that I
should fail in my duty to the honored
memory of the dead, did I not, in this for
mal way ai least, mingle my heartfelt re
grets with those of his more immediate
colleagues, his surviving fellow-members
from l'enusylvania. This manifestation
of respect is eminently due to departed
worth. Either morally or intellectually
Charles Denison was no common man.—
Every line of his speaking face, every de
liberate utterance of his thoughtful mind,
stamped him as a man of marked individ
uality of character. No man of kindred
sympathies could be in communion with
him and fail to be impressed with the con
viction that truth, honesty and in
tegrity fouud livine• '' and congenial
home. I scarcely ever knew a man who
grew so rapidly and so favorably in the
esteem of those who came in contact with
him. Not that he was forward in his ha
bits of forming new associations or mak
ing new acquaintances; not from any off
hand readiuess of familiarity with stran
gers, or over-frankness ofteinperament or
' character; but from a quiet, though gen
ial, an easy, but sincere and earnest social
which made him at once, and ,
without; undue formality, both an agrees
hie confpanion and a highly interesting
and instructive friend. 1
In re , ation to all the duties of life, civ
il, religious or political, or in regard to
the passions, the prejudices, or the weak-1
nesses of human nature, be was a man of
high-toned and liberal views, decided and
6rm in his political convictions upon all'
tlw great and cardinal questions of na
tional policy ; rigid and uuvacillating in
the discharge of his public duties, though
always characterized by a never-failing
personal courtesy to all those who might
differ with him in opinion. He was a par
tisan only because political virtue and po
litical truth were necessary to insure the
public welfare in a constitutional govern
ment through party organizations. In
him good faith to an obligation, whether
public or privdte, was a principle rather
than a sentiment. Duty was his highest
motive, an approving conscience his no.
blest earthly reward - . - He achieved an
honorable success in life, simply because
as to him, in a moral point of view, there
could be success nowhere except as it lay
in the plain path of duty: *
In dropping the tear of friendship np•
on his Untimely but honorod grave, no
extravagance of eulogy, no long-drawn
catalogue of his virtues would be appro
priate to, or in harmonrwith, the modes
ty and unostentatious nature of his char
acter while living. It is enough to say,
that iu his death we have lost a valuable
and truly honorable member of this body,
Pennsylvania a useful and upright citizen,
and his move immediate constituents an
able and faithful representative. Sadly,
sir, but with a lively and gratified recol
lection of the friendship of the departed, I
second the resolutions of respect and con
dolence offered by the honorable gentle
man from Pennsylvania.
The resolutions were agreed to unani
Mr. BOYER. As a further tribute to the
memory of the deceased, I move that the
House do now adjourn.
The resolutions were agreed to unani
mously, and the House at half-past three
o'clock adjourned.
Mr. McPherson, Clerk of the House of
Representatives, appeared . below the bar
and announced that he was instructed to
notify the Senate of the death of Hon.
Cu ARLES DENISON, late a Representative
from the State of Pennsylvania, and to
communicate the proceedings of then
House thereon.
Mr. BUCKALEW. I ask for the reading
of the resolutions received from the
The PRESIDENT pro lernpore. They will
be read.
The Cierk read the resolutions of the
House of Representatives.
Mr. BIICKALEW. Mr. President, the re
ception of the resolutions before us from
the House of Representatives imposes up
on me the duty of submitting some re
rn'arks concerning the late Representative
from the twelfth congressional district of
my State. And I must commence with
the expression of my regret that I am not
prepared to speak fully and clearly upon
all the points which are appropriate to
the occasion.
I knew Mr. Denison for twenty-four
years ; during which time ho was a mem
ber of the bar, and resident at Wilkesbar
re, in Luzerne county. In recent years,
in consequence of feeble health and the
pressure of public duties, he withdrew
himself from the practice of his profession
and bestowed his attention somewhat to
agricultural pursuits. The family of whicli
be came is one of distinction in the histo
ry of the Wyoming valley, a fact which
was favorable to his success at the bar
l and in public life.
Mr. Denison was horn January 23,1818,
and was a student at Dickinson College,
where be graduated in 1839. He was
elected a Representative in Congress in
1862 for the district composed of Luzerne
atd Snsquehanna counties. He was re
elected in 1884, and again in 1866 ; on
the latter occasion by an increased major
ity, for be was able to concentrate upon
himself a large measure of popular favor,
and possessed some marked qualities of
mind and character for commanding it.—
His will was firm ; his industry constant;
his temper was steady, and his courage
unquestionable. He was of the men who
pursue an object in private life with perse
verance and zeal, and who, when placed
in public stations, do not bend before the
pressure of the times. But tenacity of
purpose, resolute courage, and fidelity to
conviction, important as they are to suc
cess in such a career as his, are not alone
sufficient to secure it. He possessed in
addition a sound judgment, a sense and
love of humor, and fidelity to associates
and friends. Hence he was able more
perfectly to combine the elements of suc
cess as a professional and public man ;. to
win and hold and use the confidence and
attachment of client and voter.
Mr. Denison did not claim to be emin
ent as a profound lawyer, an eloquent
speaker, or an accomplished man of the
world. He was plain, though easy in his
manners, genial and social in private in
tercourse, and sensible everywhere:\ He
made no false pretensions, and if he could
now dictate his picture to us, would de
sire to be painted as ho was, and in no
false or flaring colors of art.
Mr. Denison's political convictions were
extremely ardent and uncompromising.—
What he said in the House of Represen
tatives and his votes there mark this trait
of his character distinctly. It was never
doubted that his political opinions were I
sincere, and he always gave them unflinch
ing support.
After the adjournment of Congress at
the short session last spring, Mr. Denison
remained a short time in Washington,and
I saw him almost daily. His health was
then much broken, and he was not hope
ful of its restoration ; but his mind was
not /clouded by gloom nor was its energy
impaired. It is a cause of gratification to
sue that I was able to serve him at that
time in several matters of business aod'of
friendship in which his feelings were
deeply interested, and thus contribute to
his composure and satisfaction of mind.
When he left I indulged the expectation
that the repose and cdmforts of home
Would invigorate his frame and enable
him to meet, with us once more in couti
-01.; taut it has been otherwise ordered.—
His home has been clothed in mourning,
and his seat among the Representatives of
the people is vacant. He died at Wilkee- ,
barre, of pulmonary disease, a few days
before the commencement of our present
session, and it only remains for us to ac
quiesce in the event, to accept the in
struction which it affords, and to adopt
appropriate resolutions of respect for the
memory of the deceased.
I offer for consideration and adoption
by the Senate the following resolutions:
Resolved, That the Senate has received
with deep sensibility the announcement
of the death of Hon. Charles Denison,
late a member of the House of Represen
tatives from the State of Pennsylvania. ,
Resoled, That the members of the Sen
ate, as a mark of respect for the memory
of the deceased, will go into
by wearingcrape upon the left arm for the:
residue of the session.
Resolved, That as a further mark of re
spect for the memory of the deceasekl,the
Senate do now adjourn.
Mr. CAMERON. Mr. President, I rise
to second the motion of my colleagne,and
I regret that I knew only a short time
ago, since the Senate met to-day, that
these resolutions were to be presented,
for the reason that I am not as well pre
pared to do justice to the character of the
deceased as I should be if I had had no
*" • *
Mr. Denison and I did not agree,in po
litical sentiment, but I have always be
lieved him to be not only a man of talent
and culture, but a man of entire honesty,
and of the most pure life and high-toned!,
sentiments. I knew also, very well, the
family from which his wife sprang. They
also wore people who took part in the
Revolution and all the struggles of this
country ; but they resided in a different
part of the State. I offer to his wife and
children my most sincere sympathy for
the loss of their busband and father. I can
only add that I cordially unite in the res
olutions of my colleatzne.
The resolutions were adopted nem. eon.
and the Senate adjourned.
H-E-R-E WE COME.—There was a wed
ing in a church in a village near Chicago,
recently, which was attended by a crowd
of people, the bride being a famous belle
in that section, and the bridegroom a late
army officer. There is a story about him
that was received with great effect at the
wedding. He was in the Western fron
tier service,and one day (so the story goes)
he went out to• hunt a bear. He had
been away from camp a few hours, when
his voice was heard faintly exclaiming--, : ,
" we come!"
In a little time the same cry was heard
again, but nearer; then it was repeated
at intervals, nearer and louder; when fin
ally the bold captain emerged from a bit
of woods near the camp, running at the
top of his speed, without a coat, bat or
gun. In ho came to camp shouting,
" Here we come!"
"Here who comes ?" inquires a broth
er officer.
" Why, me and the game," gasped the
officer, pointing to a big bear who show
ed himself at the, edge of the woods, took
a lori l g, look at the camp, and then, with a
growl at missing his expected meal off the
captain, disappeared in the woods again.
" But why didn't you shoot the bear,
and then bring him in," inquired one.
" What's the use in shooting your
game," said the captain, testily, " when
you can bring it in alive as 1 did?"
The story got home before the captain
did, and was in everybody's month. The
other night, as the bold captain led his in
tended bride into the church, with the
pride and grace so readily inspired by the
occasion, some wicked wag sang out from
the gallery :
" H-e.r.e we come!"
- Which was followed by such a shout of
laughter as that old church never heard
DIDN'T RISE.—In the year 1863,a meet
ing was held in Lebanon, Indiana, for the
purpose of getting up a supper and a fair
for sick and wounded soldiers. Judge B.
being loyal all over, was n very active in
such matters, and was appointed chair
man of the meeting. There was quite a
number of ladies present. The business
progressed rapidly, and as most of the
articles for supper were to be donated,the
Judge called, in his ludicrotis manner, on
those present to know how much they
would contribute. Almost enough was
given to complete the arrangements,wbcn
some one suggested that it would be nec
essary to have some milk.
" Oh, yes," said the Judge, rising with
great dignity, "all ladies who wish to
give milk will please rise."
The ladies didn't rise.
—Most businesS men are familiar with
the printed endorsement on the envoi.
opes of a majority of business letters Dow
n-days :
"If not called for within tea days, the
postmaster will send this letter back to
the writer," etc.
A Schenectady man has got up a new
indorsement on envelopes, which its an
improvement. It runs thus;
" If Ptlr. Blank don't pay the bill In this
dunning letter within ten days, the post•
master may open this and send us the
money himself!"
The Fox, the Goat, and the Garroter
A fox and al goat were walking togeth•
er along the main road. After hating pd
yenned a few yards, they taw a bag lying
at the side of the hedge.
" I wonder what there may be in that
bag," said the goat.
I'll see," said the fox; aid putting his
mouth to the string with which the bag
was tied, he bit it through in a moment.
Then seizing the bottom of the bag with
his teeth, he shook it, and the most splen
did carrots rolled out.
" Those aro fur me," said the fox, "for
I opened the bag."
" You shan't touch therii." answered the
goat, "else I'll batter you with my horns
till your bones crack.'
The fox looked at the large horns of the
goat and showed his teeth. The goat see
ing the fox's teetb, thought within bird-
self ; " I don't like those sharp fellows,"
and the fox thought, " I don't believe my
ribs would stand those horns."
So they kept standing.over the carrots,
and looked at each other, but neither had
the courage to touch the spoil.
After a pause the fox said:
"-What's the use of our standing here?
Let us see which of us is the stronger,
Yonder are two heaps of stones. Take
yoU one of them, and I will take the oth
er; he who first throws down •his heap
will have the carrots."
" Very well," said the goat. ,So they
went each to his heap.
The goat placed himself on his hind legs„
and knocked with his horns till the ground
rebounded, but the heap kept immovable.
" You don't hit hard enough," said the
" Take a run at it."
The goat went a few steps back, and ran
at the heap as violently as he could.
Crack ! crack I and both his horns fell to
the ground.
When the fox saw this he commenced
dancing on his hind leg'..
" Ali, my dear fellog',' £ cried be, " the
carrots are now for me."
" Not yet," said the goat. "You havust ,
thrown down your heap, and if you touch
the carrots before then, I'll fight you with
the stumps that are left on my bead."
The fox looked at the goat's stumps,
and thought, " One of them is very sharp;
he might rip up my sides."
"Very well," he said; "I'll throw
down my heap; it's a trifle to me."
The fox beg an digging round the hole
with his forefeet till there was a large bole
in the ground. The head tottered - and
fell; 'whoa ! it fell on the fox and broke
his left bind leg.
" Jump at the carrots," said the goat,
maliciously. " I now leave them to you."
" I can't," sighed the fox ; "my leg
pains me so much. Yon may have them."
" Very well," said the goat, and ran to
wards the bag. But, oh, dear ! there was
neither bag nor carrots, for during their
quarrel a peasant had passed by and pick
up both.
"Alas!" cried the goat. "What fool
we are! Had we divided the treasure in
peace, I should have saved my horns,you
your leg, and each of us would have had
enough of carrots."—De Liride.
EtopzatENTs.—An Ohio paper tells a
novel love story. A young couple plane.
ed an elopement, the girl descending from
her room upon the traditional ladder, but
at the gate they were met by the father
of the girl and a minister,_ by whom_ the
young couple were escorted to the parlor,
where to their surprise they found all
their relatives collected for the marriage
ceremonies, which took place at once. It
was a neat paternal freak. Not near u
neat as that of a fond parent we know of.
He heard his daughter and her fellow plan.
an elopement. The next day the old man
waited upon the young one and addressed
him thus : "You're a tine brave youth,and
I don't object to you for a son-in-law.
Here's a hundred to aid in the elopement,.
May you live happily in the same house,
and may no accidents occur to throw the
least shadow on the sunshine of your life.
Ail I request is, that you elope with my
daughter—she's a a mighty nice girl,you
know,but somehow her mother and I nev
er could travel smoothly with her; we
don't kuow her good points—elope, with
her to such a distance that she won't re
turn to her loving father and mother anf
more. Good by, sonny, and may you be
happy." There was an elopement that
evening of one. The young man went un
accompanied. He thought everything
couldn't be right when the old cook was
anxious to get rid of the girl. The fattier
looks upon this as a very neat bit of strat
egy, for one who had never been on Mo-
Clellan's staff.
—At the recent , election at Prague s
.speaker, in proposing the candidate of the
Bohemian Central Committee, concluded
as follows : " Now every one of you take
a blank sheet and a shilling. Those who
are in favor of B. will put their ballots in
the box ; those who are opposed will put
in the shilling." Result—unanimous elect!
lion of B.
—TUB Superintendent of a Sunday
School at, Hartford, Conn., recently wade
his Annual , report, in which be recomi.
mended that the adult members should
go to work and do all in their power to in
crease the infant class in bill schoo ldurinS
the coming year.