ocwcrNPlir: Teachers' Examination. An examination * for teaeberk alreadi employed, will be held at Auburn Centre on Friday, July 26, 1867. Teacheri wish ing to be examined must present a writ ten request signed bT atleast three mem bers of the board of the district in which they are employed. Examination will Com mence promptly at 9 o'clock A. M. W. W. WATSON, County Snp't. July 16-2 Dental Notica. Dr. T. J Wheaton, the De Li st, will be st Charles Sprout's, two mi ll west of 3l,ontros6 Wednesday the 24th lost: riends in that neighborhood desiring to see him, will please call on that day._ He may also be consulted at Day's Ho he], drangerville, on Monday the 29 h inst. Friends in that section will please be prompt as his .stay will be necessarily lim ited. No charges for counsel, nor for extract ing the teeth where the jaw is cleared. Binghamton, July 13, 1867 Struck by Lightning. Basler Burdick, of thitTA, aged 16 years, soli of Caleb S. Burdick, was killed by a stroke of lightning on July 4th, at,Union dale, while' in attendance at a plc nic. fde was standing under and leaning against a maple tree, when the sad event occurred. The shaft_ ran down the tree, passed thro the rim of his hat, down his back and right leg, causing instant death. Some others under the tree were slight ly shocked. ' EZIOnC=I • To Peddlers. lEver§ peddler should be, prepared to ilioduce a special tax reciept in his. \ own name, upon the demand of an internal rev enue officer. It is not sufficient for him , to produce a receipt issued to another person, even , though that other may have been employed by the same party and upon the same wagon. Shooting Affair. A young man, son of Lewis Armstrong, late commissioner of this county, who re sides near FactOryville Depot, was- shot by a Man named/ DeAlerse, a few days since. The circumstances as related to us are as follows: DeMerse, who is said to be an irritable and violent tempered man, had been annoyed by the conduct of some boys in the neighborhood, an threatened to shoot them• and in pursuance of his threat he had procured a minnie e young man, Armstrong, who it is said ItA no intimation - Of danger, when pass ing the garden of DeMerse, in the fore part of the evening, went into it for the purpose of getting a raddish. While thus prig I L ;•111 DeMerse who was; near by , shot him. The ball which was ofthe largest size, entered near the point of the shoul der blade and passed out at the breast.— At last accounts the young man Was alive though his wound is said to be such as will probably prove fatal. DeMerse was arrested and is now in jail awaiting trial for his rash act.—Tunk 4annork Democrat. The Balbach Novels. "Joseph the Second and His Court;" "The Merchant of Berlin ;" " Fredrick the Great and His Court ;" " Berlin and Sans-Sonci" By L. Mulbach. Each $2. Published by D. APPLETON cC Co., New York. Sent by mail, free,-on receipt of the price. To discover and bring out anew novel ist of genius is to confer a real benefit on mankind. It is a boon, as great in its,ayay, as the . discovery of a new metal or Uf a newlmotive of poster. The Aappletons deserve the credit of introducing the American public to an, entirely new realm of fiction, wherein the enchanter's wand is wielded by :a Dew hand, We allude to the brilliant series of novels by Miss Mul hach, nom in course of publication at their house. The writer is a German woman, living, we believe,ln berlin ; and her nov. els are first published there and translat ed here by ,practised hands. Of herself we know nothing ; b2ther interectual pow ers are vividly revealed in the works,under notice. She is a person of erudition ex tensive, and suite accurate, possessing an extraordinary unaginatibi; a gift of dialogue, which fith her well for a high order of draittas, if she cared to attempt them,a vein of wit which is trencbond of humor which is English, ,besides a realis tic style of description which belongs of right to the age of the photograph.. Convention of Teachers. . At an adjourned meeting of .teacherS held at New, Milford Jape 21stisind"22d . , the following preamble and 'resolutions were adopted: - Whereas, a supplernent to an act for the regulation and continuance-of a sys tem of education by Common Schools,aykL , proved the 9th day of April, 1867, re quires the county superintendent of each county_ to hold_a Teachers' Institute as often as once a year, at stitch time "arid place as he or sproperly inithorized com mittee of teachers-.acting with him, may deem most" convenient. • Therefore, , re . solved, • ' 1. That a Convention 'of teachers be called tr) be heldin Montville "August" ..16 and 17. `" - • ,r ' . , 2. Th - ft\siiia meeting; bo oP9ood , of two teaCiers appointed as. - bol delegates to repaesent eaclL township or --:school ,dis trict, except the boroukh of Dundaff and Little Meadows,' and . ChapinanandlOalr , land independentdistricts ; whiclithallte entitled to one delegate each,' 3. Tbat each delegate be entitled to One vote in determining the teme andpkio for holding t h e county . Teaclkera' Initi tut nextf e 4. That 10 dip teaches in f thin county and coiller persons. interested, l in 7 ,pclnilar ednCition.biv invited in 'attend!: '• ' 5. That each :teaclier- :present -_shall be entitled to a rote on till questions brought, before the Conyeaticini -except the two named in resolution TA third two, shall be left to the deleg ates only. 6. That the Teaelier6 Institute he or ganized at this meet ing,, solar , as consist ent-. With the,.econd section of the supple ment to the school law. ` • The foilloiring, teachers, are ,appointed as aele g ile s to meet in Montrose, Aug. 10th and lith, 1867, for the purpose of organi*ing the County Institute •to be held next fall,, and transacting such other business as may come before the Conven tion: ApOlacon—J.S.Gillen, W. F. M'Cormipk. Ararat—A.o. Stearns, C. W. Saneif Auburn—C. E. Davis, AlphioSteb- bins. - Bridgew.ater,—A.P.Seett,Gertrude Sweet Broo - layn—W.R. Gere, Al meda Waives Chapman (ind.)—Ella Cornell. ChoeoriutFraneis J. German, Mary E Foster. —Julia Lewis, Mr: Watlins. DOnOck—Howard Baker,Fauthie Lindley. Dunllatr—A. S.. Taylor. Forest Lake—J. F. Wanner, Helen Hall Franklin—Lavinia Smith, Chloe Robins Friendsvi)e—Eugeuie Sherwood. Gibsou—U. 13. Gillett, Geo. E. Dutcher. Gi. Bend horo—C,M.Welis, Miss Newell Gt. Bend tp—W. J. Tinker, Mary A Rounds. - 11arford—E. S. P. Hinds, H. N. Tiffany. Harmony— . -C. E. Morris, Susan Belcher. Herrick—Clara Lyons, Ella Ellis. Jackson—O. E. French, Henry Barrett. Jessup—Ai letta Granger, Wat. Dayton. Lathrop —Susan Taylor, H. G. Wright. Lenox—Mary Mills, Helen A. Hartley. Little •Meadows-T. W. Tinker. Middletown—A. J-G illen, T.-T. Evans. Montrose—Jas. 'Newman, Anna Deans. New Milford boro—E.. B. Hawley, Ella Beardsley. New Milford tp NV. F. Lathrop, M. 0. Bradley. Oakland—Enttna Bushnell, Emma Rich ards. Oakland (ind.)—Carrie Wellman. Rush—Frederick Keeney, Affie Griffis. Silver Lake r -Margaret O'Day, Mary C. - Bradley . Springtril'e rfT. W. Lyman, F. Sheldon. Susqu'a DspoLr-A. E. lloolittle , Ada Bradt, r. 1% Thomson—Ellen Butterfield, Emma Ge bat. Tile ati - ove delegates are appointed so as to give every part of the county an equal voice in locating the Institute, and it is hoped that.each school district will be represented..: If there are thyse ap pointed as delegates who cannot attend, they will please, notify the Snp't and de signate some one who will. The Convention will convene at 2 c'ock, Friday, Aug. 16th, and continue in session L till 2 p. yi. Saturday, Aug. 17th. EXERCISES FOE CONVENTION Friday, Aug. 16th, 1367. Afternoon session, 2 o'clock. 1. Calling roll of - delegates. 2. Filling vacancies. 3. Organization and misoellaneotts busi ness. Evening session, 7 o'clock.-1. Report —School Discipline, by E. W. Rogers, Susq's Depot. 2. Discussion of above Report. 3. inaugural Address, by Prof. ,Cha.. W. Deans, St' Adler's Orphau Scboul, ford, Pa. - • Saturday, Aug. 1 i th. 3lorning session, 8.1 o'clock. I. Report—Qraded Schools, by C. M. Wells, Great Bend Graded School. 2. Discussion of above report. 3. Report—Graae . of Certificates and Qualification of Teachers, by A. W..Lar rabec, Susq'a Depot. 4. Discussion of the above Report. 5. Report—School Apparatus, by Miss Ellen Webb, Lanesboro, graduate of Mil lersvilleState Normal School. Social Meeting:' 1. ResOlutioig - 2. Ad dresses, etc. 3. Adjournment. Fellow Teachersycome one, come let us have -an= interesting and profitable time. In the language of our State Sup't, "Let the teachers 'show that they know how; up a profestiiiin for them selves and guard its interests." • W. W. WATsoN, Co. Sup't.4' •.1 ;. • ; Sewing Illachines: We cati,furnish. a Grevec,A,Paker, a Finkle Sewing Machine, atless than manufacturers' pri ces. W 4 -1 14. or'En.` , C4.l.l NC•A. af=ll arA.BEL TOMIELL is continually reccivin new supplies ofGennine Drugs and Medicines, whit wilibe BOW as low /IS at any saber Sir in Montrone. 107 - Colgate's Aromatic Vegetable Soap. A Ea perior Toilet Soap, prepared Worn relined Vegeta ble Olio in combination with Glycerine, and espe cially designed for the use of Ladles, and for the Nursery. Its perfume is exquisite, and its washing properties unrivalled? For sale by all druggists. May, 2.41867.—1karep12 - • • A SLIF PFAFFILE FOB THE ILINDAEFAMEL Phalan's •• Night Blooming Ceram' iPhalonhe . 1, Night Elloomhig Certua.” PanIOW. 4. Night Blooming Cereuo.” Planlon , ' ' , Might Blooming Comm,' Phnlon% "Nigh: Blooming Berens." • A most exanWie. dentate, and Fragrant Perfume, dialed from tbe rare and beautiful Scrum from whirl it takes Its mum 'XiailtattoretVonly "' ' ' •,. - , . rittiALtift tic soNi Prerwirork., ' . :FPFLUE OF COUNTERInaII. ASK 0041.1iVF8--70 , Kre FO OTTER. ly sip z : Z26 cow Wm — Scrotalll.—The Rev. George Storrs, of Brook lyn. N. Y., twain the Bible Braminer, by way of apol ogy for publishing a medical certificate in Ids magazine of the cure of hisoniy.son, of 8 crofttla, " after dissolu tion appeared ;inevitable." • " Wei:l6llBh_ this state " meta, not forpay, but in gratitude to God who has en " swered prayer, and in justice to Dr. Andes ;* being " satisfied that there Is virtue in the lodine Water treatment, which the readers of this Itiaga4,ine "thank its editor for bringing to their notice. circulars free. Dr. U. Amiens' lodinagVater is for sale by J. P DINS MORE, Proprietor, Doy street, Now York, and by all Druggists. Jab' 09 - Peruvian Syrup.-r 4 prOtected solution or the Protoxido of Iron, sopplies the blood With its Life Element, Iron, giving strength, vigor and now life to the whole eyqtear. If tbe thousands who are suffering from Dyspepsia. Debility, Female W. aknesses, would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, We effect would not on ly astonish themselves but Would . please all their friends ; for instead of feeling cross, "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active. A dlatingnished Jurist writes to a friend as follows : •• I have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new manor me—infused Into my , system new vigor and energy. I run no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger ca. pacity for lahor. mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years." , Thousands have been changed by the Use of this rem edy flora weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy and happy men and women ; and invalids can not reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. A 3:2 page pamphlet will be sent free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. No. 38 Dey St., New York. July Sold by all Druggists VT' Card to the Ladies.—Dr. Dtiponeo 9 s -Golden Periodical Pills for Females. loftillible in Correcting Irregularities, Removing all Ohs ructions of the Monthly Courses, from whatever cause, aql Always Sucel , :wful as a Preventive. A CERTAIN REMEDY for all complaints so peculiar to the sex, viz., Distressing and Painful Menqtruation, Retention, Pain in the Back and Loins, Pressing-Down- Pains, Rush of BioOd to the Head, Dizziness, Dimness of Sight, Green Sickness, Heaviness, Fatigue on any Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, and that most annoying, weakening, and the begluing of all other fe male weaknesses, The Leucorrhma, or Whites. - They .lid like a Charm In RemmingObetruclion and Reetoriuy Nature toile Proper Channel. quieting the nerves, and bringing back the " roes color of health" to the moat delicate. 100,000-Boxes hare been gold in Two Year: Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, both by myself and agents, to all parts of the world, to which answers have been returned. in which ladies say nothing like the abovepills have been known since the Science of Medicine dawned upon the World. Full and explicit direcions accompany each box. Price $1 per box ; six :boxes, V. 5. Sold by one Drag gist in every town; village, city. and hamlet throughout the world. Sold in Montrose,Pa.. By BURNS NIC7II. 01. S, (Druggists.) " Sole Agents" for Montrose. Ladies ! By sending him $1 to the Post Office, can ha vo the Pills sent (confidentially) try matt to any part of *country, free of Postage. Sold Mao by ESTABRO & CLARK, Great Bend. CLARK. & BROWN, DepoSit, CLEvES. PIEUCT &. Co. Binghamton, CUTIIDORT &. BRoOKS, Scranton, DV/LAS BARNES r CO. New York. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, New York. Dr. SCIECNCIDS PIIIMIONIC tyra.rrr. This great medicine cured Dr.J. H. SIMENON, the Propri etor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it bad manned Ito naCet forasidabs acpxt l and whoa speedy death appeared to be inevitabsei. His physicians pronounced his case incurable, when be commenced the we of this simpte bat powerful , remedy. Hie health was restored In a very short time, and no return of the dire= ham been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and • his present weight to more than two hundred pomads. Since his recovery, he has devoted his attention excitt• stray to the cure of Consumption, and the diseases whirl are usually complicated with it, and the enrol effected by his medicines have, been very numerous and truly wonderthl. Dr. Seamiest makes preitesional visits to several of the larger cities weekly, where ho has a largo concourse of patients and it is truly astonishing toseo poor corommptivea that have to be lifted out of their =rinses, and in a fee months hea'thr, robust psrsous. Da. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS are generally all required in curing Consairllacin. Full directions accompany each, so that any One can take them n - ithois seeing Dr. SCUIV:OI4 lout when it la COSMO/lb:Mt it to beet to sae him. He gh - C3 advice free, but . fora thorough examination with his llespirometer his fee is three dollars. PA533 et:terse, when purchasing, that the two lionesses of the Water—one when In the Ind stage of Consumption. and Me:ahem tu he now Is, In perfect health—are on tho Governiner.t stamp Sold by all Maggio:a and Dealer& Price ste!) per bottler or $7.60 the halt dozen: Lettere for advice &Quid always be directed to Dr. Sehenck'a Principe! Office, Na. 15 North 6th Street, Phil/We:ph* Pa. General Wholesale Agenta: DCMIL3 Barnes & Go., N. Y B. S. Ranee, Baltimore, Md.; John D. Park, elnelnnatl, Ohio; Walker 6: Taylor, Chicago, LL; Collins Bros, St. Loma, . (S 4 w. ea mo. 1 yr. MILE.ELIEI.3FLI.,A.G•MIES. June Ist, at the M. E. Parsonaq,e, Springvilie. by Rev. J. .F. Wilbur, Mr. EDMUND M. CRAN.DALL, of Brooklyn, Pa., to kiss SALE.AH, I I I A. YEO3LiNS, of Lathrop, Pa. - July 3rd, in Nicholson, by the same, 311":' GritORGE M. NICROLS, of Lathrop, Pa., to Miss GESTIII.II)E A. 5.11.1111, o . Nicholson, Pa. jut' , 3rd, at the M. E. .Parsonage, Springville, by the same, Mr. WILLIAM A. Hi encziv to Miss SUSAN STEVENS 2 bOI,II o Nicholson, Pa. July 10th, at the M. E. Parsonage, Springville, by the same, Mr. pgNtonicK B. Wllam to Miss EuzAnntit A. TAN- Len, both of Nicholson, Pa. ?:,3349.T3E3Cg5. t3rliintices of marriages and deaths published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate of fifty cents per hundred words.. - In Dimoell, June 22, MINon. K. BAILEY, Ron of Col. Olney and Susan Bailey, aged 22-yeatB, 6 trio. and 28 days. eauAbilatistidents. EXHIBITION ! At : ACADEMY HALL, . • Atlrcaiii - rcreale, Qa.,• ON FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 10. To consict of Exercises in lir. Dio Lewis' MUSICAL GYMNASTICS, Tableux,' Sortg4 Doors open of 'fW o'clock.' Exercises commence at nreCliely Admittance 25 - • Children 20 cts. • • - auditor , a Xl:Alta.' , lIE undersigned. an auditor appointed by the 40dg 1. es of the Orphans' Court of tithiquehanna can't) , tq dierlbuteAte fonds in the handsel thendminhitra tor Of the estate of Wealthy Bennett, dree'd , „ will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in Mont rose, on Tlnaraday the Bth diver August, X: DOW, at 1 o'clock. p,m., At which time and piece all ye MOMS In tereated will make known their claim* or by foretet de bitredfrooi corning ilt on bald Ana. 8 88, , • " 8 Wt' tlontioritoitily 16,1E01. . ESTATE OF ELISHA..A.:IIORTON, late ef Hush, Susire cwinty. Pa:, dec'd. Lettere ofadmlnistratlon upon the estate of theabove named decedent having been granted to the.undersign ed, all persons Indebted to. said estate are hereby noti fied to make 'immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. Rush, July 9, IB6Z M. G. SHOEMAKER, Adner Auditor's Notice. frIIE undersigned appointed by the llon. the Of- L phan's Court of ititp‘quehrtuna County to make distribution of the 4uud in the hands of the admin istrator of Richard France, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appoint ent at the office of 'Fraser &" Case, Montrose, on Saint y. Aug. 3d, 1867 at one o'clock. p. In.. at which time ri d place all persons interested will present their clatm4 or be debarred from coming In upon said fund. 1 FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. July 9,186 t. BEST FLOUR IN, THE STALL • FROM PURE WRITE California Winter Wheat, (Positively ridged in California.) constnntly on hand and for sale. Manufactured at tho Eureka 31111:by SHOOK c6 ' TINGLEY. Ilopbottom, July 2, 1867.-tf Financial Statement of Rush Township Bounty Matters. Whole amount of bonds Issued, $18,500 00 Expenses, $509 9$ Interest to June 5,1865, 188 63-• 698 63 $14,198 69 Ain't collected . and paid up to Junes, 1863, 5,603 41 I n tercel one year to 1866. March 5, 1r56, paid $8,484 5 Interest to June 3, 1867, 889 00 Janc3, 1867, paid $4,622..21 We certify the foregoing to be as near correct its / can be got under the circumstances. WILCOX, Rosh, July 9, 1667. JAS. P. DEVINE, Al udi tors. VSTATE OF MARY McCARMIN, deceased, late of Choconat township, Susque hanna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having_ been granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those. !lasing claims against the same to present them only authenti cated for settlement. MARIA S. COGGIN Executrix Choconut,ty 9, 1807.. • Auditor's Notice. TIIE undersigned an auditor appointed by the Conn of Common Pleas of Sni9nehanna County to dis tribute a fund In the hands of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real estate ofPatrick O'Hara, taken in ti\l,i,ex ecution at 1 , e suit of D.;. 1 helan. will attend to the duties of his pointment at his Wilco in Montrose, on Monday; Aug. th, IXi7, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons Interested in said fund may present their claims or be forever debarred from com ing in on said fund JAMES B CAR MALT, Andltor, Montrose, July 2, 188. 820. AGENTS WANTED- Male and Female. to introduce our New Patent Star Shin tie Sewing Machine. It ht. adapted for family use and Tailoring. makesa stitch alike on both sides. Price only Twenty Dollars. Extraordinary induce ments to Agents. For lull particulars, address DCMO.'T & WILSON, CM Arch Greet, Philadelphia, Pa. July2-3m* . Notice in Partition. WO Sarah MeEnne, now residing in Qakiand town 1. ship, Susquehanna county, and issue, nine child• ren, 10 wit:- Charles F. Mamie, eldest-son, now resi ding in New Bedferd, Bureau county. Illinois ; Silas F. hicKnne, also living in New Bedford, aforesaid; Jos. McKune, since deceased, leaving, a widow. Jane Mc- Kane. and two minor children, to wit !dart E. Mc- Kane, aged eleven years, and Fanny McKune, aged eight years, (the said Sarah hicKune'.having been duly appointed guardian of the said Minors, the said Jane McKune also residing in Oakland township aforesaid,) Benjamin P-MeKune, the petitioner; Betsey termarrled with O. M.: Nichols and now residing at New Bedford aforesaid ; Mary V. intermarried with A. S. Lathrop living In Wyanette, Bureau county afore said ; Niche P., who intermarried with I. !dinky.. and Is now deceased , leaving her said husband and is sue, three children, to wit: Henrietta, Francis and Sarah En ice inzY, all minors under the age of four teen' year , and now residing with their said - father (J. D. M inzy Elmira, Chenango connty, New York ; and Eunice intermarried with - Jameh McCannon, and flow residing in Oakland townshioatoresaid ; and also one grandson. to wit Timothy Wheat, con of Esther Wheat, who was a daughter of the said Joseph Mc- Kane, and died before the said Joseph—the said Timo thy now residing at or near Waverly la the State of New York— TAKE NovicE : That an inquest will be held at the late dwelling house of Joseph Mcitune,. deceased, in the township of Oakland. county of Susquehanna, on Thursday the 18th day of July, 1, at 2 O'clock p. m.. for the purpose of making partition of thereat estate of said deceased to and among the 'children and represen tatives, if the same can be done without pre}itdiceto or spoiling the whole; otherwise to value and appraise the eamo according to law ; at .which time ana plate yoci arc required to attend if you think proper. S. F. LANE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Montrose, June 2',1e.61. SCRANTON BOOKBINDERY RAVING scented the services of lr. 11, Zoehe, one 11l of the best hinders to bo found In the State, we are prepared to furnish to Banks, Insurance CoMpantes Merchant's, Itannfacturers, Coal operators, Hotels and others, with BLANK BOOKS, of every description, on short notice, bound in any style desired, in the most substantial manner, at reas onable prices. •Idatrazines bound, and old books I °bound, at New York prices. ' Orde s left at the office of the paper publishing this a ivertisemcnt, or sentby Express, will be attended to and returned without unnecessary delay • E. S. M. HILL. ,Scranton, Pa., Jane: IS, ISG7. tf AL7CMICL3T' 4:313100re BY a recent decision of the Conk of- Claims. all of l cere holding commissions between dates of March let, 1864, and May 3d,1885, are entitled to $5 per month for each servant allowed by rank. For further Information, apply ( to : GE. P. LITTLE, Licensed Government Agent. Montrose, March 26, MIL tf Aliditor's Notice. - TSB undeniamed, an auditor apriointedtby the Or phan Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the fund in the handset Caroline .B.lolmon,adminiatra trix of the estato'of Charles Dimon,- deed. will attend to: the datlea of • his appointment at .his deco in Montrose, on Monday. the 29th thy .of July, 1667, at 10 o'clock: in - the, forenoon, ht which lima . and. place all pertons' interested are required to piesent their claims or be forever debarred from Coming in upon geld land. JAS. E. CARMAVE, Montrose; June COMM • -• ' - , 01i,,a,;14 great eimety` OlLEifor asurar MK,u,lr for Ws by ARAL TVERELL 1;0 II IS-A -111 0 14 t OIL! -.BIE.MORICAL /Z• AMIE:4)1;00in. 0112 Ca. Mos. ' 443 &. 445 BROADWAY , REW-YORK I • Have just publtibed. by L. Iffuhlbach...... FREDERICK THE GRE tT.aud his Family. Trans lated by Mrs. Chapman Coleman and her daughtere..-- , 1 vol. 8 vo. Paper cover, $1 60; cloth. $2. " tachtom • cecding novel of the well-knowu Muhlbach Series-adds to Mrs. Mundt's repntatlem—pi. Y. Times. JOSEPH 11. and HIS COURT. An historical novel.. Translated from the German by Adelaide D. Chrandmp. 1 vol , 8 vo. Paper cover, $1 50; $2. "In Joel eV; IL sbe transcends her previous efforts.-11 biladelz phia Inquirer. FREDERICK THE• GREAT and Ills Court. An his torical novel. Translated from the German tylirs. Chapman Coleman and her daughters. 1 vol. rano. 481 pages. Cloth. $2. Most remarkable volume of our Hum—Troy Whig. THE MERCHANT Qf BERDIN. An historical nov el: Translated from the German ty Amory Coffin, M. D. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth's 3. " There is not a dell chap ter in it.—[Utica Herald. BERLIN and 8A NS' SOUCI : Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends. By IL Ilinhlbach. 1 vol. 12mo, $2. "Unrivalled in the whole domain of historical ro mance.—[Chicago Journal of Commerce. Either of the above sent free by mail on receipt of the price. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. to Call vase fOr Chne:W.Xillott's new work.Reinarkable Characters and Memorable Places of the -Molt . Land. The contributors to this work are sufficient guarantees of its value. ttenry , Ward. 13cecher, T. D. WOOISCAr, LL.D., Pres. of,Yalo Collees. Joseph Cummings, D. D,. LL. D., PECS. Wesleyan Univ., Rt. Rev. Thos. M.Clark Bishop of Rhode Island. etc. Agents are meetingsvith astonishing success, selling from WO to 'WO - coples each per - month. It has go equal. Er 'Per full particulars dud terms address the publishers, - J. B. , BURR trco.; Ilartford, Ct. WANTED—Agents fo Prof. Stowes new work Origin and lllstory of the Books of the Bible. Showing }shat the Bible is not, what it is, and how to use it A work of patient research, dili gent study and experience; being in fact the lite work of Prof. Cale in E. Stowe, D.D. s It is.destined to be °neer the mostpopular books el , er published. Clergymen, Teachers. Experienced Agents and Ladies want,d to canvass for this work.-- Address or apply to ZEIGLER, McCURDY & CO., 501 Chestnut a., Philadelphia. UOOK AGENTS - IN7IISNTED 808 "BEYOND TEE MISSISSIPPI :" From the Great River to the Great Ocean $2,223 22 515 59 BY ALBERT D. /iICLIADDSON. Over 20,000 copies spld in one month! Life and Adventuie on Prairies, Mountains, and the Pacific coast. With over MO Descriptive and Photo graphic Views ol• the Scenery, Cities, lands, Mines, People and Curiosities of tho New States and Terri tories. $9308 81 2,624 29 t 5,313 52 2,221 31 To prospective emigrants and settlers In the "Par West, - this history of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance. supplying as it does a want long felt of a fell, authentic and reliable guide to climate, products, means of travel, &c. Send for Circulars and see our tem, and Rini) de scription of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISH INO CO , Philadelphia. Pa. B URNHAM'S AMERICAN BUSIN ESS COLLEGE, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. A Model School' of Trade, associating Theary with Practice by a syatein of Actaal - Bneinesa Operationc, which practically Illustrate and simplify the Science of Acconntaptship, Mercantile Exchange &C., in all their various relations.' RECENTLY REMOVED TO A MAGNIFICENT NEW COLLEGE BUILDING, erected at a cost of $t25,000. Acknowledged to be the best nod moat complete Badness College ever estab lished. Book , Reepin,. ,, Commercial Calculations and Corre spondence taught' in an interesting and practical man ner. Banking House Merehapr in emporium. and fif teen Business Offices daily operation A thorough ly organized department of Merc.antile Law. Physical Culture under a el:illicit gymnast. Penmanship taught by masters of Art. Students cementer at-any-time ; no particular degree of of ItAvancementrlfeijuired. La• dies and gentlementproseucte their studies together,and enjoy equal advantages. Graduptea pave averagod over six months in completing the.priteribed course of study, and as a result, seven-elghths of them have se cured Incerative situations in business. Strict attem tion given to the moral and social welfare 0 , students. Font?. SPLVIDID Pumas. of $75,wi1l be presented Dec. "sth, 1867, to the four graduates who shall have entered college from Feb. let to July , Stir, 1867. and made the most improvement In Book-keeping and Writing. Pei- Heelers in College Review.just issued. SPRINGFIELD is situated in the beautiful Connecticut River Valley; has 25.000 inhabitants is a city of great business acts vlty. and the most healthy and delightful place of residence In New England, COLLEGE 14,vu..tf, CIJICrILAITS, etc., giving full partic ulars relating to the course of study. expenses or board . and teflon mar be bad gratis. Persons in pursuit of the most ednc&ional facilities should address LOUIS W. BURNIIAM, President, Springfield, Mass. $lOO. RODMA.N, FISH, & C 0.,. ..113 1 4 :4T 10 El. , AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SEM:fit/TIES, No.'. 18 Nassau St. Navy , ' Sorb, Buy and sell at market rates Six per cent: Bonds of ISSI ; Five-Twenty Bond,- all issues; Ten Forty Bonds; Seven-Thirty Notes. all series; Compoundlu terest Notes. and Gold and Myer Coin. Convert all series of 6,30 Notes into new consolida ted 5-20 Bonds at best market rates. Execute orders for puichase and salo .all miscella neous securities. Receive deposits and allows per cent. interest on balances, subject to check nt sight . Make collections on all accessible points: All Issues of Government Securities credited or re mitted for, on receipt, at market rates, free of all com mission charges. • R. -F. it CO. . _ .1E 1 12 0 .e , NATlctrims. JOSEPH B. .PURDY', 32 tr: 34 Maiden Lane; New York. Twenty-Fourth. Annual Sale. • • Gnatanteea hest quality, fall .size and weight, 'lnd a most complpte assortment at Reduced Prices. '77 Orders evecuted with care and despatch. City, town, and private displays furnished to any amonnt. A liberal commission alloyscd• for accruing city or town Exhibitions: • " DEW: BULLOCK'S SONS, "ENT CP CO La • .• COMMISSION 111:12CH,E,IN TS, 40 & 42 South . Pronl.Sis., Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. Commissions 5 per cent. Advances in cash made. Interest 6 per cent. per annum. MADAME FOY'S PATENT CORSET SUPPORTER, Combines in one garnient a 'perfect fitting Coriet,and the most desirable Skirt Supporter evil.. offered the pub lic. It'places the weight of the skirts upon the shout dere instead of the hips ; it improves the form without tight lacing ; gives ease and elegance ; is approved and recommended by physicians. Diantfactured by D. B. SAUNDERS & CO , Of, Sampler St., Bo ston.' ARE you Lame, Crippled . or Deformed? Or Ave you or your neighbors. a boy or child lame with contracted limbs, or carved spine, or crooked feet, or weak or paralyzed limbs or ankles, or whciate eutirely helpless, or who aro dbliged to creep, or to walk with crutches, or whose limbs are shortened, or crooked, or drawn up, or who walk on their toes, or whose ankles roll over or tarn Inward, - or who have crooked knees from white swelling or scrofula, or who limp from hip difficulties ? , letterae such from a life of misery will you not write. a giving the promin ent points of the case, and receive in return. free of charge, a circular _which may be the means of saving them ? If so, address Dr. J. P. MANN, 133 West 41st Street, New York. AINTS FOR FARMERS & OTli p ERS--The cRAPTOII MINERAL PAM' CO. are now manufacturing the ‘Best, Cheapest and most Dataablo Paint in use: to clans well put on. mixed with pure Lint/teed 011. sill last to cr 15 years: it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and, can be changed to green. 'lead, stone olive, drab or cream. to suit the' taste , of the consumer. It is valuable for Bouses,Barns,,Fences. Agricultural Implements. Car. riages and Car-malreri , Palls and wooden-ware Canvas hietel and I-I:Ingle Roofs, (it being Piro and Water proof). !!ridges; Barna Cases, Canal Boats. Ships and ithipit Bottoms. Floor OliCioths; (one mat ufactuter having itsedlooobble;; the past year.) and as a' paint for any purpose...lo unsurpassed for body, duribility, elasticity. and adhealveness; Price 136 per bbl., at 800 me:: which will supplfs'farmer for years' to come. .Warranted in all Oases as above. Send fur circular. which gives fall particular!. ,NOna • gen** "upless lininded in etrado mark ' G rafton. Malmo wint, Ad. dr,el.o DANIM BIDWER., Paprifirtor 404 Petatit N GRUI AITRiCTION I ircLD\icaorati , Variety, Styles' and 'Bargains DRY aoons,ralwevaeoM MILLINERY GOODS, READY MAN CLOTHING-, Morehtuit Tailoring, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Guttenberg, itogenbaim Take great pleasure to Informing their Mends and ttAt VirPalear,al`. bdlVitatrigrep=4lZ4l than tined large stock of . . ring Ulttatt 41 ar 4 0 0 CO 3C;S t g - , wbieh fot price, variety, and style cannot We have In stock— DRESS GOODS Black and Parl Rich Mohair Drees Goods la all a t ea and color*, plain, !lowed and striped fine Man es, Cambria/PI and Lawns, handsome JieLnLat, • WHITE GOODS t Swiss Ending, Ididle; s g i . ' barred, and Ptriped Jaconets, figured .afg r X2 Brilliants, a Anoint of Drapery Molina, ' Qatits, &c. LINEN GOOES Bla N a pkin s, Milt Table alibi Table Cloths, ToWela Menlo iind !WV log Linen, Stotttt Diaper, Mien Vint ate /Mill for men and boy's wear, &c. thimestics, bleached and brown Shirting's, Calicos, Gingham', Dadaist Ticking, Cottonadea, Le. •_. , • NCI( GOODS r Superior qtality, Kidd Giotlol, Stlkand Lisle Thread Gloves, all colors, dress an cloak Buttons, Trimmings, Embroideries, Lunt Veils, &merles, neW styles In Balmoral Skirts, Pare awls, Sunshades, et:inlets, and Hoop Skirts. Shawls, Basques and Sat di f 01 Sloth ell 4 silk, splendid variety, and cheap: - ' MILLINERY GOODS s At wholesste & Reisif. A large and complete stock of millinery Goods, such as artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Bonnet Bilks. Frames, Blocks, Stiaw Hata Ih Bonnets, Bldnds,Ls &c... which we JOB to the Trade at New Yorli wholesale prices. BEADY MADE CLOTHING. of our OWN math utacture—the largest and tastiest -"minty in the county. We gottrantrOur ttothe INEUCHAIPI 6 rdILIIII.IIIG4 We bits over 1011 different patterns of Cloth. Cassimers ' and Coaftpire. for enstom work to select from; ha ve a IPIEST CLilBg CUTTER. and are enabled to give perfect satisfaction in regard to .gdod fits, style and prices. Parties preferring to bate tteirgatibefits made to measure, arc requested Welt as a calf stiti exam ino our stock. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS White and Flannel Shirts, cotton - and merino Wrappers and Ihmwers„ Gloves,. Ties and Scarfs,. paper and linen Colhrrs.—liandkerchiefs, Traveling Bags, ,Trunks and Umbrellas • t-gr•A dna variety &Gents and Boys 1id1:941 CAPS. CHErAP. utteuburt, riestubaum M. 8. MOM% Maaaging,Partadr. Montrose, Mny 14,1167. THE ME REM SEWING MACHINES, 699 BROADihrAY, FOR FAMILIES MANUFACTURERS. • THESE WORLD RENOWNED SEWING MACHINES ' • Were awarded the highest= Premium .at a. 1V . 64.1d's Fair in Lomitin, and eitfirst . , premiums at the Nets York Stale . Fair of 1800,, and, are • Celebrated for. doing the best work._ udng; a smaller needle for the same thread than any other ma chine:and by the Introduction -orate 'mast 'approved machinery. we are now able to supply the - vex; Ira! as chines in the world. These, machines are nziule out lew and • spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., ~ nndor. the ininaeciiate*pent!isicisi.'ot the Priaidelit'ojt4 cOrijony; • , ; Elam, ORIGINAL INVENTO. .OF THE 6EWa, ltt- They are adapted to all kindiof Family Sewing, and lathe use orseamstresses, dress }takers, tailors. Man ufacturers of Shirts, collars, skirts. cloaks, mantillas. clothing, hats, cape, corsets, boots, shoes, harnees,liad dies. linen goods, umbrellas. parasols, etc, . They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton geoihi with silk, cotton or linen thread.— :They willseino, quilt, gather, fell, cord. braid.bind. and perform every species of solving, making a beautiful and perfect stit,th, alike on both sides of the articiegsewed. The Stitch,invinted by Mr.".Eldwe,Wnd Made on this Machine, is • the most popula r, and , durable, _ and all Sewing . Ma chines are subject -to the'prin- • . • ciple -invented by hitn. - , SEND FOR A CIROTILA.R...“ - SIBLEY & STOOPS ; 4flentlia • •• NO. 922 CHESTNUT STis 4 E-HILUI. • • . Feb. 26, 1861. • STEVENS' HOUSE • 21, 23,:25., & 27 Entedway, N. Y. o Opposite Bowling :Ewa. ON EUEOPEdi !PLAN _ eaHE STEVENS 4.0115 E Is well and witiely .t.n. _knowit to the travelling public. The location' , table to merchants and Witness - nien it iihraitsi prozunity to the busineas part of the, etty—le oaths 1 highway of Southern and Western travetend ailleent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depot", The Stevens Rouse has liberal accommodations- for - over 800 gueettit le well furnished, and nommen n ary modern improvement forth. comfort and entertain meet of Its Inmates.. The rooms are apaciontand well ventilated—provided with gee and-water—the attend slice le prompt and rcepeettuiran4,the table is supplied with every delicacy or the sessoiki•-or moderate nimk ' •"-GEOr K CHASE ,'dc • . . • .. DEL istattali te 0411144 NEW YORK.