The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 16, 1867, Image 2

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    ating too grumpy; but kn it
we thought his
eyes were alittle m oist t; at this mo
ment, for be went: on in a voice somewhat
lowered. '
"It was uot.'till long after this event
that he beoama':aware :hew ;much the
mood and tentie of one. trifling act of his
boyhood had to do with his enviable' des
tiny, for—"
At this moment, the library door being
ajar mother hastly entered the room, say
ing with an odd expression of wanton
ence, • - - - -
" Husband,-husbaud, what in the world
are you talking to the children about this
morning ? I overheard a few' remarks;
come girls, his time to go to school; start
off this moment, or T on will bo too late."
",I was only erpltuning their grammar,"
replied father,:. laughing and putting to
his ,lips.thi, IRA with which she was
about to adjust his - cushions,.
Welokedat them and then at one an-,
other, and. the truth seemed to flash sim
ultaneonlsly"upon us.
6 ' 'Twas mother, %was mother !" we ex
claimed all at once, and rushingupon her
we clasped. her in our six arms and over
vthelmed her with a perfect torrent of
kisses, whilst father, forgetting the risk of
his toes for the moment, laughed till the
tears ran down his cheeks, and mother
()bided, and blushed, and laughed alterna
We other confirmation that
father had been letting out family secrets;
and after a scene of tumultuous merriment,
such as that library never witnessed, to
our knowledge before or since, we obeyed
mother's reiterated injunction, and star
ted off for school,, with a glorious opinion
of mode and tense!
Pontrost pentottat
A. J. GERRITSOrif t Editor.
The Vacancy In Congreis.
The Luzerne Union has an article on
the subject of the vacant seatin Congress
from this District, which must be filled in
October. Its suggestions that ,the candi
date should be a Democrat of unyielling
fidelity and'a man of ability, are timely;
and the Democrats of •this county should
look well to these points before pledging
thl.w.gelveti td favor those who may solic
it their support for a nomination.
We have plenty of good Democrats
who are clever men, could vote regularly,
frank . documents, and draw their pay
promptly ;
wan in
they are not the sort of
men we wan in Congress now.
Of course men who yielded .td the
"pressure" of the radical clamor during
past years, sought safety under,cover of
"Loyal League" lodges, or stood half way
between parties to avoid being denounced
as " disloyal" by crazy fanatics, cannot be
trusted, and are not to be even- consid
ered at this time.
We moat elect a man who not only has
been upd is a firm and fearlesk advocate
of Democratic principles, but who has the
Ability:to - promulgate his sentiments be
- fore the people and the Muse of Repre
A nomination is to be made in a. few
weeks, and as this county will probably
furnish the candidate, our people should
begin to reflect upon the subject, and dis
gags it among, theinselves, or through
these columns if, they wish to. If candi
dates names were announced, it would
give the inasses a chance to consider the
comparative ability of the Men, and choose
for themselves.
Mr Tim Montrose i kpubtitan was very
careful to mention the.fact that the Ilim
ocrats aruilotin favor of negro suffrage;
but ids statement upon that, point was
made when it anticipated that its own
party would openly adopt the measure.—
When its party dodged the-direct ques
tion, the organ- became, silent; and hesi
tates,to speak upon the added. - tut ' , de
trust thi-Editpi will study the platform of
his party and tell us where it points on the
suffrage issue. "One =thing is clear."
Can the other be made clear; or must it
iemainbbsintred with clouds and darkness?
Doings in Congress.
The Radicals are developing their Dis
union .theOries in fine style in theißemp
Congress. Duly elected members who do
not agree with the majority are deprived
°f eats ' to 'enable the fanatics to rush
through- their iniquities with more
baSte. Bills to destroy the little remnant
- of civil liberty. new supposed to exist in
the States have passed both branches,and
are :in bands of a e.onference committee.
In our'next' we shallbe able to lay before
our - readers'thofinal Pessage Of an act to
establish unqualified military 'diftpOtism:
Tbe subjrt of negro suffrage in north
ern states , is also to be, adopted or 'per
'. baps'postponed to a' future day, ond.then
forced -upon tbit.people - unless they rebuke
the Radii ala at - '
' The Death of M. Denison. I
In the'United States 'HOuse Ripin
sentatives 'on the 1.0t1), Mr. Boyer (Pa.)
announced the death:of bis . colleagne,Mr.
Denison, paying a high tribute to his pub
lic dharacter and prtvate worth, and of
fering the usual resolutions of regret and
condolence. .
Remarks 'were also made by Messrs.
Randall, Miller, Getz and Van Trump.
, Thu , resolutions were agreed to unani
thously, and the House at half-past three
o'clock adjourned.
- the , Senate, the Clerk of the House
announced the action of that body on the
death of Hon. Charles Denison, Repre
sentalive from Pennsylvania.
On motion of Mr. Buckalew the House
resolution of condolence and regret was
taken up..
Mt. Buckalew delivered a eulogy °pop
the :life and character of .the deceased,and
offered a respintion that the Senate :ad
journ out of iespect to his memory.
• Mr. ameron spoke brieflY of Mr. Den
ison as gentleman of high personal
character, whom ho had known and re
spe*d for many years. •
The resolution of Mr. Buckalew was
adopted, and the Senate,adjourned.
The nster•Rolls of the Confederate
The New York Tribune publishes an ab
stract, from documents which fell into the
hand of the United States at the down
fall of the Confederacy, of returns of all
the Confederate armies, from their organ
ization in the summer of 1861 down to the
spring of 1865. It appears from these doc
uments that the number of Confederate
troops at the east and the west was
throughout . nearly equal, and that, with
the exception of September, 1863, when
Long,street, with his corps, was sent from
Varginia to Tennessee, no considerable
body of soldiers was ever transferred from
one army to the other. The greatest
number on the confederate muster-rolls
at any one time &Was 550,000, and this
was when every male from 17 to 50 was
enrolled in the army. The greatest num
ber.present for duty at any one time in
the w'hole Confederacy,and that only for a
brief poriod,was 300,000. There were not
three periods of a mouth when they had
250,000. ;.At. only three periods did the
Army of Northern Virginia,, under Lee,
number 100,000 men fit for duty.
' In October, 1301 when McClellan con
fronted Johnson at Manassas, the actual
force of Johnson was less than 40,000,
and in December, only 54,000. When, in
April, 1862, McClellan assailed Yorktown
the Confederates bad on the whole Pen
insula less than 50,000, men. When he
reached the Chichahominy the Confeder
ates had at Richmond but 47,000, increas
ed at the close of May to about 60,000 ef
fectives. On the 26th of June, when Lee
began his movements against McClellan,
the Confederates numbered a-little more
than 100,000 effective men. When, after
the battle of ql3ttysburg, Meade reached
the' Rappaliaunock, Lee had 41,000 men.
The Confederacy was at its highest point
of military efficiency in the early summer
of 1863, when the movement into Penn
sylvania, was commenced. Every able
bodied mao,.;except those in the work
shops and civil departments, was enrolled;
seven out of ten were actually present,
and six. out of ten were "present for du
ty." When the Confederate army, in
April,lB6s,'withdrew from Petersburg, it
is supposed not to have numbered, all told,
To Holders of 7-30 Notes.
Parties, who hold United States 7-30
notes should take notice that they have
only until August 15 to present them to
the Treasury 15epatment for conversion
into 5,20 bonds. After that time the de
partment will hold that the holders of, the
7-30's have elected to, be paid rather than
to convert the notes, and the government
will then
,proceed to pay off the uncon
verted balance. As there are many per
sons interested in this matter who usually
procrastinate attention to their affairs,
they ought to bestir themselves at once,
and obtain the advantage which the gov
ernment holds open to thee
The Vacancy en the , Supreme Bench.
I•tuinerons inquiries are being made con
cerning the existing vacancy on the Su
preme Bench,. occasioned by the death of
Jiidge Wayne. It is proper to observe
that during the first session of the last
Congress an &et was passed providing that
no vacancy in the Supreme Court (by
death, resignation or otherwise) should be
filled until the number of judges was re
duced to seven. The death of Judge
Wayne leaves eight judges on the bench ;
consequently there is no vacancy-within
the meaning of the act above referred to.
—The - Bucks county Intelligencer (Rad
ical) says: "To Judge Sharswood,so far
as we know, there can be no personal or
professional•. objeetion:l the reputation,
gained by long and faithful sevrice9, is un
—The whole , bar of Philddelphia have
united in recommending Judge Ludlow as
a candidate for re-election. During. the
war the Barna high-integrity compliment
was rendered in that city to Judge Shars
wool!, the present Democratic candidate
for Supreme Judge.
of Montana v lost his life by drowning, on
the Ist inst.' General Meagher participa
ted in the 1848 revolutionary movements
in Ireland, his native 'conntry.,„ang also , in
- the - late war is this 'nation. .
—Senoritaineroi the literican er,
elaitha to have - edviees frOin
alleged execution of Santa Anne;:‘ and' he
wile then rephrted to be at Campeilehir, in
prison. .
4 atissicalaiabazziaaa. aCrIXXILt3I7'
Montrose, on Wednesday Er. Thursday,
Sept. 11th and 12th, 1867.
3Premitzleta.• List.
Best stallion, diploma, and $5, 2d $4, 3d 3
" brood mare and colt, 5, " 3, " 2
" single geldintr over four
y'rs old raised in county, 3, " 2,
" do. mare raised in co., 3, " 2,
" pair matched horses or
mares raised in county, 5,
Best pair matched horses or , --1
mares not raised in county, $3,
" pair three year old colts, .3,
" "•t WO 1 , 6 , ti, " 2,
" three year old colt,
" two l 6 14
" yearling colt,
" pair mules,
" jack,
Judges—Tracy Hayden, New Milford ;
Dr. I. B. Lathrop, Springville ; Chester
Bliss, Silver Lake.
DIVISION 11.—Class I—Durliams.
Best bull, 2 years old and over, $5, 2d 3
" yearling 3, " 2
" cow, 4 years old and upward, 4, " 3
" heifer, 3 years old,
" " 2 years old,
" yearling,
" bull calf,
" heifer calf,
Class 2.—Grade Durhams.
Best bull, $3,,2d 2
" cow 4 years old or upward, 3, " 2
" heifer three years old, • 2,
" 3 heifers, two years old, 3,
" 4 yearlings, 3,
" 5 calves, 3,
• Class 3.—Oxen and Steers.
Best pair working oxen over tour
years old, raised in county, $3, 2d 3
" pair steers between 3 and 4
y'rs old raised in county,
" pair steers between 2 and 3
y'rs old raised in county,
" yoke of fat cattle,
" fat steer or cow, -4, " 2
Judges—Amherst Carpenter, Harford ;
I. P. Baker, Dimock ; A. H. Patrick,
Class 4.—Devons.
Best bull, 2 y'rs old or upward, $5, 1 2d 3
" yearling bull, 3, ' -
" cow 4 y'rs old and upward, 4,
" three year old heifer, 3,
" two year old heifer, • 3,
" yearling, 2,
" heifer calf, 2,
" bull calf, - 2 3
Class s.—Grade Devons.
+Best bull, . $3, 2d 2
" cows, 4 y'rs old and upward, 3, " 2
" three year old heifer, 2,
" 3 two year old heifers, 3,
" four yearlinp, -3,
" five calves, 3,
Class 6.—Aldern'ey3.
Best bull, 'ss l - .
_ od 3
" cow 4 y'rs old and upward, 4,
".three year old heifer, 3,
two year old, heifer,, " 2
" yearling heifer,
" heifer calt;
Class 7.—Ayreshires.
Best ball, , ' $5, 2d 3
" cow 4 y'rs old and•upwardi 4, " 3
" three year'old heifer, 3,
" two year' old heifer, 3, 4. 2
" yearling heifer, -2, -" I
" heifer calf, 2, " 1
" bull calf, , ,:2, " 1
: Class B.—herd of Cattle. • ' -
Herd ,oteattle, owned and exhibited
by one man, not lest than 10, $5, 2d 3
Judges—Henry Drinker, Montrose; H.
A. Sheldan, Silver Lake; John C. Morris,
DIVISION m.—Class I—Sheep.
Best fine wool buck,
s' 3 fine wool ewes,
' " three:lambs
" coarse wooled bhck,
" three.ewes,
" three lambs,
'" buck limb of each,
Class 2:—Swine.'
Best boar,
" breeding sow,
" four /spring pigs,
" fat hog,
• Class 3.—Poultry.
Best 3 turkeys, gobler and 2 hens,s2, 2d 1
" 6 fowls over one year pld, 2, " 1
" 6 spring fowls, _ 2, " 1
" 4 ducks, 2, " 1
Judges—J. S. Towne, Forest Lake ;
Noah Baldwin, Auburn; Saiiael
Class I—Butter & Cheek).
Best firkin or tub of June butter, $4, 2d 3
61. ' 44 44 Sept. " 4, " 3
" 10 lbs. butter made by gide
'..,. finder 18 "years, 2; " 1
" cheese, not less than 25 lbs. _ 4, " 3
Class 2—Fruit, Vegetables, tko.
Best assortment of fall apples, $2, 2d . 1
81 " winter apples, 2, ' 44 I
- It 44 , . Tea% ~•,. , 2 1 ,•44 1
" greatest v'ty ;of 'vegetables,' 1, •
44 three cabbage heads, • ~;,,
44 -ten rutabagas or turnips , : ~ i
", three winter squashes, , , , , ,
• " 'three pumpkins,: - • ,..•.- r ._., , r.;:.,
" half bushel potatoes, r f . ~ 1. , /
U assortment, of grapes named, • ,- .
- : • grown in the minty, ‘; 1 6
, i 2„,,1
"';grape wine, hornewadt, .- • .2.," 1
Best eider vinegar not less than I '
4, 10 lbs:Jnaple sugar, ; _-. l_ 2 ,"
Ihs. honey, 2, 1 6 1
Class 3—S:eeds.
Best bitshel dfcorn in gar; $l, 2d
" bush. white wintcr wheat, 1, "
"spring wheat, , 1 , "
L 6 rye, • -1, -
Jadges—M., L. 'Catlin, Bridgewater ;
1. P. Baker, Dimock ; E. B. Beardslee,
Little Meadows.
Class I—Cabinet Work and Carriages
Hest doiihleTearridge;
" single "
" lumber wagon,
" democrat wagon,
" double' sleigh,
" chamber sett:
Cass 2—Farm Imenment4 '& Black
Best plow,
" cultivator,
" corn-Wiener,
" straw cutter,
" Churning power,
" firkin,
" horse rake,
Class 3—Leather, 45e.
Best three sides harness leather, $2, 2d 1
ii " sole 4,6 2, " 1
4i t; tipper 14: 2, " - 1
" double harness, 2, " 1
" single " 2, " 1
Class,4- , -Plowing Match. •
Best plowing, - - - $5
2d,- - - 4
- 3d, • . . - 3
41h,-. 0
- -
. .
sth, - - -- . 1
Judges—Wm. C. Ward, New Milford;
A. 0. Warren, Bridgewater; Jeremiah
Ilosford, Prieudsville.
3,2 d 2
3, " 2
9 it 1
2, " 1
2, " 1
Class I—Domestic Manufactures.
Best flannel, 10 yards, *2, 2d 1
"' woolen carpet, 10 yard, 2, " 1
" rag carpet, 10 yaros, •2, " 1
" pair woolen socks, 1,
" pair woolen mittens, 1,
" piece of liiien cloth, 10 y'ds, 2, " 1
" piece cassimere cloth, " ' 2, " 1
4 . toweling, > I, " a
•Class 2.--.ll'ine Arts, Ornamental Needle-
" 2
" 2
" '2
3, " 2
3, " 9
Best dental work,
" ambrotypes,
" patchwork quilt,
" quilt of any other kind,
" bed spread,
" tidy chair cover,
" flue embroidery,
" chair cushion,
" knit shawl,
" collection of flowers,
" bouquet of "
" esbioition of engravings,
Class 3—Unenumerated Articles
Judgos—iinn. R. T. Ashley, Brooklyn;
Mr. and Mrs. Billings Stroud, Montrose ;
.F. B. Chandler, Montrose Miss
'Mulford, Montrose.
Superintendents. •
" 2
it , 2
et 2
General Superintendent—C. D. LATHROP.
Aget • do Col. L. M. Boman..
Supt of Cattle,
• CHAS. A. Fignm.
" Sheep & Swine, . L3l,ito HARRIS.
" 'Farm Implercients, Morr.
Mech. t Dairy Hall, S. CROSSMON.
" • Fruit Hall, M. M. Morr.
Vegetable Hall, Lieut. Ikon Mrrottril..
Ladies' Hall, F. B. Chandler, G. V. Bent
ley, Mrs. J, C. Morris, , Miss Fanny Sey
rnuur, Miss E. Richards.
Rules and Regulations.
The Committee and Secretary have an
office cm the Fair Grounds, where the
Judges are, requested tu • meet at 1,0 o' 7
clock of the second day, When their; names
Will be.' culled and ;vtlerclicies filled ;' and
they will enter upon their.dmies and be
ready to report in writing at 2 o'clock of
the It is hoped that all per-
*sons appointed on Awarding Committees
'will be present at that hoar. The Judges
can resort to the officefor instructions and
to make out reports:
Exhibitors wishing, to compete, for pre
animus, must have their articles or ani
mals entered on the Secretary's book the
first day of the Farr,: if po,sible; and a
Card, which ,will ,be received, front the
? Secretary, C.. W. Tyler, must, be placed on
,the animal or article to be exhibited.-
they must:be all : on the ground for °KW
bitionAiy 10
.o'clock a..m. of the second
flay, or they cannot receive a premium.
No animal or article, can be removed 4e
lore the close of the exhibition, except by
permission of one of the Executive Com
$3, 2d 2
3, `• 2
2, •'•t
$4, 2(1 3
4, " 3
3, " 2
It is very desirable that all vehicles en
.teringAbe enclosed ground should be kept
in 'notion.
Superintendents of the different depart
ments, will have all animals and articles
systematically arranged. The officers of
the society and superintendents will be
known by their official badges. •
A sufficient police force will bo in at
tendance, day and night, to protect the
property of exhibitors.
Arrangethents are made for all stock
over night. There will be a Committee
at the entrance of the. Fair Grounds to
, lirect,all persons driving in stock over
night.' ' '
Stock can be entered,ten, days pf:evious
'to the Fair by callidg on C. W. Tyler,
Aecretary. •
protisidn'*ill be made for stalling
isteck over twe : years „
`,' Prealinin awarded to any
'p'erionS ethibing :Millie& or `articles not
entered in the-name of the'bona fide own
ers. , r I •
t. Preinitims':aot called for within six
t montha will be considered donated to the
Society, , _
I Those , driving stock; can be .accoin
n:iodated with pasture, as follows:. Voui
!the North: and , , , New Milford,. at 1.11:8.
1 • $5, - 2d 3 -
3, " 2
3, 6 i. 1
3, "
3, " 1.
work, etc
$2, 2d 1
2, " 1
2, " 1
2, " 1
2, " 1
t ,
1 ii it
Searle's; from Brooklyn,atNirmJessup's;
from Springville, the Wfalusing and the
West at Jr. S. Tarbesll's farm.
All the- Judges wko are here in time,
will receive a free ticket for dinner, .•
Daily Order pf Arranpments.
The giiles will open from 7 o'clock a.
m. until O. p. m. eachlay.:
Wednesday, Sept - . -11,-first day, at,,12
o'clock, m. the track will be open for,pro
miscuous driving until 2 p. m..
At 2 o'clock p. Th. the walking horses
will take the track for exhibition: :
. .
At po'clock p. m ludy_a d
_ge t leman
riding, and 3p. m, volunteer 'la Y . and
gentleman-drtving until s'p. m. •••
Thursday,. Sept: I 2th, second day, At 11
&elm* a. m.• a grand env alcade of horses,
entered for premiums, will take ptac, on
the track.
At 11i a. nt. at Abe call of the, Superin
tendent, class 1 will assemble in front of.
the Judges' stand for exhibition and anal
in , pection. -
At 712 m. single and matched horses.
. • At 12i , p. tn. - colts.
At L p. ules,
At 2 p. tn. the annual address.
At 4 p. in. announcement of the award
of premiums. •
To conclude with an exhibition of gen
oral driving on the track.
Price of Admission.
No badges are issued. to exhibitors.
An exehibitor's ticket and tw•o admis
sion tickets $l. The exhibitor's tickets
are not transferable.
All teams and carriages driving in, ex
cept competitors and . those taking hi arti
cles tisr exhibition, will pay 25 cents each.
Single admission 25 cents—Children
under 12 years, 15 cults.
`A. BALDWIN, Ex. Corn
JOHN 0. Montus, Pres't.
C. W. TYLER, See' ry.
Negro Suffrage in the North.
It is now quite evident that the
cats acre drepaired to . force negro - suffrage
upon the people of the North by Con=
gressional action. At the last meeting of
the National House oljtepesentatives the
Judiciary Committee was, inst.; netuti to
inquire whether; under the cOritittifion,
Congress has power to prescribe fhential
ification of.voters in the several State's,
and if deemed expedient, to report a
prescribing the , same. This is a movement
in the same dtrection as that made by
Senator Wilson„ and the adoption of the
resolution shows that the majority are
willing to take this advaced ground, and
hold it, if possible.
SAVE You Doc. on's Inus.—When
De. Wistar'S %Nam of Wild Cherry will
ctaE coughs, co!ds - bleeding at the lungs,
and arrest the fell destroyer, Con , mnption,
it does more than most physicians Can do.
The use of a single bottle, costing one
dollar, will satisfy the incredulous that
they need look no further for the re
quired aid.
Lazarus W. Powell, former
ly Governor of Kentucky, and subse.
quently U. S. Senator, died at his. resi
dence in Henderson, Ky, on ;Wednesday,
July 3rd. .
--Gen. Thomas Francis Neagher, Score
tary and Acting Govvrnor'? of ,Montana
Terrhory, fell from the deck' of the steam
er Thompson - , at Fort BeiitOri, On the
evening of the Ist inst,. and was drowned.
The Union Pacific' Ria.A
I& RE now constructing a Railroad from Omaha, NC
liraskar*dstwCwd.itiward4 ttie ?deltic ticlain, ma
king withits conucctions an aubroke.i.line
The Company now offer a limited amount of their
fist aIoitTGAGE BONUS having thirty'Yd'ars to run and
bearing annual interest, payable on the first day of Jan
uary, and July, in the city of New York; at the ride of
six per cent in gold , at ninety cents on the dollar.
This road' lit flimsily Completed 'to Julesburgb,2lB
miles west of Omaha, and is fully equipped, an 4 trains
ere regularly rianning over It' The Company has now
on hand sufficient iron, ties, &c.,loJ4tisla the, remain
ing poi-thin to the PasterW hase of the' Micky oun
taingi,l4l miles, which is under contract lobe done in
Sept eniber of this year, add it is expected that the en
tire road will In running order from Omaha to Its
western connection with the Central Pacific, now being
rapidly bulls eastward from Sacramento, Calwduring
.• - Yeans of the Cotnpany,
Estimating the distance to be Built bithe Union Pa
cific to be 1,604 miles. the United States - Government
issues its Six per cent. Thirty year bonds to thy, Com
pany as the road Is finished at the'average rate of about
$22.250 per mile amounting to $44,208,000, .
The Companyis also permitted to Issuqep its own first
Mortgage Bonds to an equal rimnnnuand at 'the same
time. which by special Act of Congress are made a Oret
mortgage on the entire line, 'the bends of the United
States being subordinate to them.
The government makes a donation of 12,800 penes of
land to the mile, amounting to 20,022,000 acres estima
ted-to be worth $30,000,000, making the total resources
exclusive-of thecapital, f,118,416,000; but the full value
of the lands cannot. now be realized.
The authorized Caplini stock of the Company is one
hundred million dollars of which 'fire millions have al
ready been paid in, and of width It is not supposed that
morn than. millions at most will he required:.
The cost of the road is estirdated by competent 'caus
neers to be about one hundred million dollars, exclu- nnits subscribers would respectfully inform the P ( l3 , n b, l ti je
sive of equipment.. 1. that they have commenced business is d
Prospects for Business.
man's old-Shop, where we keep constantly on ltlad,sa
• , Manufacture to Order till kinds ori
The railroad connection between Omaha and the east at . 4. via '6 , 0 4 .
pm.," cemplete, and the earnings of the Union Ptteific w.
on the seztlons already finished for the first two Weeks a s j 1z
in Xay vrero $llB,OOO. These sectional earnings as the 4,„ e - est=
road rogresses will much more than pay the interest
on the Comp/titre-bonds, and the through business over gri..ll AS •
the only line of railroad between the Atlantic and Pa
cific must. be immense.isareattS, .Ba ateads" Lounges, Settees,
Paled ,and security of the Bonds. Stands Tables,Extenstort Tables,
Ir 7
The etlinpdny 'respectfully enbnult, that the abn„
statement of theta fully demonstrates the security
their Bonds, and aa additional proof they would suggest
that the Bonds now offered are less than tea million
dollars on 517 miles of road, on which over twenty mill
ion d o llar s have already been e xpended ;-- on eso miles
of this road the,cars are now running, and the remain
-187 miles ern nearly completed. •
At the present tete of premium on gold these bands
pay annual interest on the present cost of .
NineVer Cerit;
and it is believed that on the . completion of the road,
like the ;Government Bonds, they will go, ehpve per.
The Compary intend to sell but a limited /menet at the
.presentiow rate end
-retain the right , to advance
'price at their Option. • • • ' '" • •
iinbscriptions receil'ed 2ictv,YelthTit
Continental National N 0.7 Vassaerst4lC at
.Dodge .t'Do.,llankers. Welb st74 l 4 ohti 1 7 7701 1 m*
Bon, Bankers;ito. 83' wallet.. and by banks and Bink
efli generally throughont.the United States., of whom ,
maps and descitptive patimbhita maybe obtained. They.
will casette gene by mall front's ofiMe. no.
20111114411 street, New York. on' application. Butner!.
Itorswiltsteleettheit.Owll.-Agentil in Whom therbave
confidence, who alone will be responsible to themfer
ttureafe delivery of the bonds. ' • •
ioiira I ,
Tresattre4xtelf. eat.,
• Jo2l3rap.,
I 'Wool Carcitiags
—A N D—
f r ills undersigned remedially intend the public that
_1 they aro carrying on the shoe°, business at the old
stand in Jessup. Having recently refitted and put their
'machinery In perfect order, they are prepared to de As
good work as can - bodono in the country.
J. B. 'WARD,
Jessup, June 1, 1861.--dni. J. DEPUE.
Please Bead this Cal:0211y.
/ME ii3tiseritielio hate entered Int 9 a partuerehlp for
'J. the ptutlose of carrying du the , . _„
Merchant Tailoring
business; and having supplied ourselves winks , Ant
rate stock or materials, sucbss
Cloths, Cassimeres & Trimmings,
We are prepared to furnish
Coats, Vests,Pants"Cvernoats,&c.
upon very short notice, made In the hadst style, of the
beet materials, and ht very low prices. Weals° hare
for sale,
and all the other articles usually kept In 1111e!it011th.
moot of this kind.
We may be found In the rooms formerly occupied by
0. F Fordham, between C. N. Stoddaid'it Shoe Store
and It. B. Little's law onlce, west side of .Malu Street,
Montrose, Pa , doing buslnesanndetthe name or Mum;
S. 11. Mousa, - • P. Lnaa.
Montrone, May 28; 1861%—tf
Great reduction in prices at '. the Store of
, . ,
(lONE one. came all. both great and amall;•and Fee
V 'for yonrselyes.: .We have just received a nice sp.
eortmentof NeW Goodin'and we have on hard "a Fine
Stock, consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardpgre,..Boots h
Shoes, Hats d Cons,.. Drugs, •
tines, Dyes, Paints, Oil', Gla"s's,'
• unfree• Notions (ti?: it& •
Which we propose to sencheaper thin the cheapest,
as the following will shofar :
Prints, warranted madder colors, only 15 eta.
Spragues, best Spring atyles, "' 19 "
Atlantic A Sheeting*,
Other Sheetings,)'d wide from ' 10022 "
Fine do. 162.53
Bleached Muslin, • le 40 "
Kentucky Jeans, 3t .50 "
Sugar A fdi coffee, 10014
Tfp top ;Molasses, only
Kerosene 011, only
The above Is only a seriph , of what eve Intend doing.
Goods sold by,ris warranted as represented: •
We havealFo alarge quantity of Return• Butter Pails
otassorted sizes which we will supply to customers,
andahip their batter to New York. where we hare
made arrangements with one of the largest and beet
Cotnmision }louses there ; andwe are sure we Can get
as good if not better prices than can be ,obtained ti
any other merchant in this county.
We will carry the Butter by the Railroad and return
the empty Pails from New. Y,orkaree of charge.
We do not ask any one to-believe any of the - adore,
bet come and see for yourselves.
&Waif: d EAT 02ST.
Ifartord, Pa., May 1, 1861 , 7-sul
•. '
. Jest received and will be sold at.
Dry Goods In great varlety fr atid desirable styles\
Notions, ths largest and best assortment in-the 00.
k flillllue - orStationerp.
peliqg desirous of closing one my stack of Crockery,
flats, Caps, And L.ailles'Stioes, I will sell them
410c•ert:i r
Garden &.FloiveriSeeds
Call and examine ley attock , tietorrt ,O . nretm:ing clef conelneedvt the quality - and hespness
"I n Xi9 othi e . ., • ' . •
, .
arßturci in the'sumebtdiding as thePostorilts. Ind
formerly occupied by Webb Butterfield.
Montrosei, Pa., May 7, 1847
• of a atperiorinanufabuire.
'Also ; •Barrett's!Patont Ladies! Revolving
.•' • Work: Tab10..7 •'
.au tbosidn watt of Cabinet Fundtare will doyen
to give ago call before lookingelsewhere,for we intend
to make one work good, and sell it cheaper thanncY
other dnmbilabment to bustmehantna County.
work donit Whenpronilied. • ' •
. ,r, ' , VANOItfiDAIA,
-.l749ntrotto am" 1861-1-11 ,
aTIG TO: 1011[CTO RS s
.1V ; iambi ,esea,t6)ku
_Au cogeooKi who
' are not acting Constablei - that' tha Cinukti Coo'
unssioners atilt expeotthem to'ontke al astral paYmest
to # lO Cottnti.Tmetteor on lionday,, Ju1y,18 67
-those !rho aro aet log . ctnistablett to !Was vsyngDA.,, w
the County'rreasnect on Monday : pv.1414 IaRT, It ow
tug the fret Monday of August • Co_arl t A Ilbetal Pal'
tacatirUi be expecicktroto All Couecw il; I *l
- .8. I)ol)(4ll,Seat
ounti Evasurer'i Odle% . •
..IdoutroAlaly O t f• - . : ;
A. D. 1113'1711;RFIELD