To Liquor Dealers in liquois.saro Itcquired , to erase the inspector's ,Itrand fit Oii3ll Cask or p ackage as -soon' as the liquoilis all draN4n, and neglect to do- so,stihicfete:the cask to seizure & confiseatian, find the dealer to foe of $lO upon each cask koPt on hand without such erasure; and-if the neglect to erase be wilful,' or the bash be sold, be fore erasure, both . seller Si buyer are liable tj a fire of $2OO for .each cask. ' Si ninar.penaltieS attach to casks contain kerosene or other !articles subject to tax. Revenue Assessments. ; ; Division 3,nnder,chargolOa: Lewis;: ha, been abolished and - 661611ms comps inc it added to F W. 135iles No. 3. . I , nis divides the connttinto two Divis. all persons residing) hi the eastern hart will send their retimis to F. W.' lierle,New Milford, and those residing in in the western portion wiihtnake retnrns to A.. J. Gerdtson at•the assessor's office in Montrose. Appointments. Geo. P. Little, Esp, of Montrose, as Uui. Ici• States Commissioner fer Susquehar,- ~ a County. Charles 'W. Roesler, of ;Scranton, as 'l, , puty IL S. ..tarshal for the • 44f , 0. B. Kulp, Kni., of Wilkesbarre, as 2,sQistsilt assessor for Lim:rine county, to :tr , !•eSs legacy and succession taxes. D. S . Roan, E.q , of - Pietaton i as as,ist :lS6e,:sor fur Division 8; Lice L.ll.Litts, i'Lat.k. W. Watson, of Srant,on, as as a.,;iessor for Division 7, vice T. J NV ulsll. Sewing Nac hines. W e OAI] furnish 3 Grover 13:11iur y. Yinkh , Lyon, or an Empire Sewing :11aehine, at less than mmoirfaetitrers' pri• I=Z:X=IMEI A Gard, '• ';,: , : ney, proprietor of the Eagle Ur , - ' Milford, tenders . his thanks to y ,,, mf_r people of the cOunty fOr their I , :tronage on the 4th i.:st.; also to .•1 managers for their prompt. and manageMent on the oecasi,m. 431: MEM Friendly Patron4ga, kVe , kno'w a fellOw who, Upon learning had gone into the publishing L is at once subscribed for th&paper.---: pidilisher was rather .delicate about , en , iing a bill—but aft-er some ten years ,apsed, made bold toi dun his " eon ,eader," when the llatter at once i•;idignant, refused to-pay, and or. z,,e paper stopped, alleging that he ta.i taken the paper for sp many years, t keep it,along, and now to be asked :o pay ter it was too darned mean."—E.r. - -43 -17.- _____ Judicial Sales. 1. t.t winter the Legislature patsed an in regard to Judicial Sales, the 2d and .ectlons of which more - particularly. 4 lie borne in mind by.purchasers of estate. The second section provides !.rivate sates made by Order of o..nrt, the act of 1853, shall discbarg the frOnl - ihe r ifelia:the.delitS Of the. ..cedent, - except debts of:record, and; ts secured .bye niorto•a&ie. The third , ection Provides that wlten - the lien of a r,:ortgage on real estate is . prior :to all oth, er liens except otter mortgages, ground &c., the lien of such, mortgage is , :ot to be destroyed or iu any .way affect by any judicial or of her sale. A case ~, ;cared in Harrisburg, only a day after :h , s act went into force, Where a party *5,300 on , a certain prOperty, against which ka mortgage of ss,ooo—thus, by the 'erns of this act,,,the purchaser,being re -ponsible for the payment -Of 40,000; for . !;at. for' Which he had Only bid ?,.5,000. i..iders at judicial :sales had better here .fter have . the records. of mortgages, &c., examined,-and regialate 044ir. bids accord-1 ' - nGE SnAnswooD.--TII e rondent of the Chambersburg Re- Fa pays theliandsome and ornpliment to the Democratic candi -I,.te Supreme Judge: U.; the nominee, George Sharswood, low President Juege of the District Court :',e city and county of Philadelphia ~. it say, that while he 1$ not reaarded • profesion as the equ& of th - e pres •i! i djusticc[Wood wardjas a jurist,yet eLjoys the respect and culutideuceof the of Philadelphia, regardless of pali aud is known throughout the state as entic an off ne,lr al pstpit, 'epotless in :,.7-tty, and dignity,ofcharacfrr. —TILE French'-.and'Anstrian, , Conrts Lave been placed ba mourning on account the murder of 31 . ximilian by the Juar tz u.ity in Mexico. AV military parades Paris have been postponed by, order of he Emperor in conseqiienCe of the news on that conptry. A geikeralfeeling of .:, Lgnation_prevailed , in- England and on! Continent against the JuarezGovern.l 4eza. —I T is stated that great alarm exists °lngng the whites between' Forts-Yank 1-in and Randall, on; aeeoantJ °fail expect "d of Indians. Vigilance coMmittees have CI organized at Julesburg, the western 'Ellaiuus of the Union Pacific Railroad, the protection of thejersons'and pro= 'erty of citizens. —New York Democratic papers charge " Readers" baire,been ;mrOduced -Le public schools of that city_ _coutamlng , xtracts from Republican- tlettioneeliOg q , ettches, and -deManflakinestigation of rnatter r , ,` Ca p ffieetatngr i ;. • The 'Preachers if TT_ District hate' decided - iii,:4lo,',.Catrip'lleeting . at Auburn . 4,'Corher4„"Siii="9UChnuna,. Co, Pa., to comnienCe'; :. - Tticid4 Sept: . 3, 1867; and continue One, This lo'pation•isi the travelling centre 'of the, District, and is eisy_ofaccess,from all directiona. The ground ie= veryconven ,ient,. easily reached from the highway ;„ „and what,: is of the first iniportance; there is 41entiful, never fail in apt:in ,, ,of pure water within a:few yards of t te. ground.. Fucl,is also handy. TAlreur peopld, .are most earnestly de sired to attend.' tln the name of God let us"ljA tip onr..banners. The signs are en !courasp ng.i Ministers and 'members of - sitter churches -are cordially invited to at tend with: - us.; 'What, ,to , teat .. the grAnd .YeS l ,. we. are one army 'Come ChriTtians! Come Sinners! Friends of Zion, pray for this meeting. We recom mend the use of ..`cloth tents. For infer matien about lumber for tents, &c., ad dress Prey. J. H.-Weston, Auburn 4 Cor ners. .'l , •or board, address Rev. E. F. Re- Sterlingville ;.4ind for general cor respondence, Rev. D.. C. Olmstead, Mont rose, Pa. Notice of ether arrangements will 14. given in due tune. O'rnSt earl, J. F. Wil bur, Luther Peek, E. F. Roberts, E. IM. rho+, J. H. Weston. Auburn, July 9, 1867.. To Cigar ;Dealers. Dealers iii eigars:should cifeetuall!, , tleraee the ;tamp on each-box as soon as emptied. Neglect, to do so :IlbjeCtSithe box to de struction. by any revenue officer; and any person who sells; gives away or otherwise disposes of a cigar box without first , lcfac• ing the stamp is liable' to fine of ;11,,0, o r six months imprisonment, or both-. ..10 , -C2.41..X.11 MT C:O9VIC)MS . VP — ABEL TURFIELL is continually receiving new supplie of Genuine Drnas and ..liklle.lncm, which will be eultl as low as at any oilier btc - e. in Montrose. C Empire Slit utile sewing, Itlnellines are stipurior to all others for Family aou Niziottfilet urt g purluiees Coot iii al;,fb a la teet i pros um voi : are buvet , ; nou.e.leem ; durable; and envy to wet*. ,11l trai C'irculare. tree. Agents v.carted. Liberal n.l in mis i weql. No euneli.,mm,:ntf made_ A ildr',A.s alMitE2t. M. CO., Gilt Ilroiulicay,Ne'w York. 3t It ft.roraa'',,io Vegetable Soap.; A ',ll pe:or 'rottet Soap, prepared from refined Vegeta- tile 01Is it c‘. ul , inuti,l,ll.Alth cerino. and rapc cialty for . r tti,Tre af'Latiles, antl for t 1” 'N u r‘r r If:: r'nme exgaibitu,aud. Its pn: t+ertit tuiriralled. Fur sale by ail tlroggi,t, May, `Z..3.lSt;7.—ti.vril>l2 CONSUMPTIIM CURABLE BY DR. SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the . i.vs!",ere mast Pre- Tared so that the Jeep Yn ly!aL To epiompligh thin, the liver and etorna;".h rna4t cleanard wad sn s.cpp - ite cre ated fer Feed 'wholesome food, which, br the_,medicieo will be digeited Inern.ll v. end Food healthy blood made: thus handing up the constitution. WHENCE'S MAN DRAKE PILLS detest! the doemcb of ell billow or mucous neecuiaulatloar and, by nein; the Sze, Weed T3sule in con_ section, the eiroetite rodered. SCIIENCICS PULMoNic £YltrP is nntriclous as well as medicinal, and, by nsingthe three remedTas, ail impurities are expelit,l from the system, and rood, wholesome blood made, which will repel all disease. lipatienta will take these medicines aceordiny, to directional, ConsumpLion very bse enentiv in its lan stage yields readily to their 4e:cm Takla the pale frequently, to cleanse the liver and stomach. It does not tallow that became the bowels ace not costive they ate not re aired, for sometimes in diarrhoea they are luxe-vary, The etomcli motel ho kept braithy, and an appetite oreate4 to emote the PttLeettto sy-m e to a... 4 on the IT.3OttIICITY OrMirS properly and allay any Irritation. Then all that is required ‘,,0 pat: j amb g pernbamont cure. Via, t? prevent taking., cold. abonl the *ems as tntwh 6o po4ble,; 4t, 411 ;UM tialiest Aeode4lll rfiek, Fame, and, 111 fr.ez,Aitylknir pears craves; but be parilcular and masticate well. Peri! vlan Sy r u p.—A protected eolu • :onof the i'riiti.ocia.l of trot:, entylie , the hiotid with ite t).1"co Eltthent. Iron. givinz string:li, vigor nut: \V life to the 'whole i,ystotc.. If thc are suffering, from Dyspepsia, Feniale akTieSFes i Sir.. would but tett the irt ors of the Peruvian Syrup, the effect would not on ly asloolsh themselves lint ‘coo::. please all their friends : for inatend of let:ling cros. , ail gone" and miserable, therwould be cheerful. vf i gorona and active. A die3ingaishedJariet. writes to a frien.l ae follows: have tried l - he Pent vinu iSyr,r,p 4 .kne Like rabiliL4Uliy tEUttnilaS , ft' reditt ion • kt,'..lek,einsailg4Lnirairiltau of me- !nft•ed ihto mv -y.,tent. new vittor and ehvrt.fy. am en iong,er tremulous and debilitated. ai when yon la,t cute tan, but 6tl ol)ger, h•mrtier, And with laiLter pnetty for latinr..rnetital and phytiical. thdr. at any tiple during the taut fro years-'; tt Tho,ands have be. , n chanr,ed by tlw n'e of thiF rem edy il9m Fi Ctd:ly, mikiter4ng creatureF. to strom.T. healthy anti hatmy men and women and invalide emu mot, ren,fortlrly rre,hirn,ie to give IL . - The gen tine- 2 11.11. T r ertrvinn -SYrnp" blown in the glues. -Ott . pamphlet will he sent fr,c. J. I'. DINS MORE, Proprteh,r. No. tog SL-, New York. Sold by el lirug: et tV — Scrofula,—Tho Rev. George Storreyof Brook.: lyn. N. Y., FayF in the Bible I;x:tinnier. by way of for publi , shingn medical eqtifit..ntein , hili Maga7.lne of (locum of hbionly am, of klerofuLa, " after dissolu tion appeared inevitable:" We publish this state '• meet. not for pay, but in gratitude to God who hint au.. " LIV ,:rod prayer. end in jast ice to Dr. Anders ; 'acing " ;744.110 that there is virtue lodine Water "tiOttuent, which the readers of 'this "Magasine will " Htpnk itsi editor for bringing to their itotlee." l'lreulat6 free. 14. li. Anders' lodine Water in for sale by .1, P• DINSMORE. Proprietor. 36 De; street. New York, and by a;ilDraggint.. July rir Card to the Ladles.—Dr. Dnponeois Golden Periodical Pills for Females. Avidliblc fn Corrreffm; Irrcaularilies, Remcieihg iValructions Monthly Courr,..r, frma what,. re'r c6fae, dpct ifiKays Silec(.vfftl at+ a Prtrentire, A CfrltTAfig IiE3IEDY for all complaints so peculiar to the sea, viz., Distreislng and Painful Menstruation; Ret,otion, Pain in the Back and Loille, Piessing-Down Pains, flush of Blood to the Head. DiZZITICPB, Dimnetis of fight, Greeix Ileaviness. Fatigue on any . Slight Exertlion, Palpitation of the Heart, and that most mitioying,sr 4 iailtenlng, and,4he :legining; of all other to male tWeakncitimi', The Leniorritura, Or• Whites. Tlak Act itl* d Charna In Removing ()Air/MI6/a and Resto4uu lta .Proper, Channel. quitifing the nerves . lindl;.riugiug back the " rosy color of health" to the woe. delicate. 1.001000 I:N*4 hare been said art 7ro lears , Ten thousand boxes eent by lettvr, both by. myself an. agents , agents, Wan parts of the 'world, to Which answers e been returned. in which eay nothing Wm . übovc hurebeerchnoven since the Science:4o Medicine dawned upon the World. Full and' explicit direciona accompany each box. Price el nor bei six boxes, V. Sold by oneDrng• gist in evety town; village, city, and hamlet throughout the world. Sold in Montrose, Pa.. IV BURNS 4 NIU.II-.:' OLS. (Druggiste,) `• Sole Agents" for Montrose, , Ladies t Sy sending /ant gi te. the Poet Office, tail tave the rillietent (centldentially)o troift to ant/part of the country; free of Pnetere.. . • .• sold Also by r.nAnnoqr, fltliti.oreit Bono ; Mosivx, Deposit, (ft.z - vzs, Pix4eY Qo. liingli.amton, Vtliptim-A.BunbEs, Scranton, DEArAs Ninargs 4; co ; / - gee Ygrit..S, &pip jproprietor..lV,eyfio;kl: . • . Muy ; 29th 3 by Lither•Peek.;,CEt.uttas E. RA!.inntrx • and ITLEI,c_X .:.i - i.';:ola - , both of Pitcher, N. Y. 1 juue' IV), by the same, Giouur4wg. WELL, of Siberia, and Mrs. ViNERVA. FAR RAR, of Montrose. i . . :June 26th by the same; Coitx.p.rus ~,i CortNi, of:Sprin o . Me ; and SAttAn JANE NEWTON, of Forest Lake. On • the 4th inst., by the same,,IVIN FIELD S. Gotisuy,-of Brooklyn, and MA RY JOSEPHINE FORCE, of Bridgewatle In Great Bead, on Thursday, Jun , : 27,- by Rev. J. B. McCreary, Mr. SARDIS B.3irru and Miss SARAH JANE SQUIRES, both of Grpatlten - d,' Pa,. - - . In Franklin, Jul' 6th, I 867, s _by Watson, Esq.,. -Mr.*. GILBERT DAvitf, of Franklin, and Miss ANN. ISURLET, of Great Bend. ABEL TURRELL, Slfti l / 4 1,RR in Drag o. Patent 11fi , ullelner,, Chemicals. Liquor...Paiute, 0114, Dye Stu ire Varnishes, R in liroeerieti, Giese Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Stouc ware, Limp Kerosene, Maellinere (Air, linna. A mrnunit!on. Knives, Siweteele..lirush. i.., Caney Goode. Jewelry, I'erfu urry, oc.c.—beimr. one of ile moat nurnerum. valunble rile Dons of Goode in Sti.quehanua County, [Eetalilizli , :d • (ui NOTICE TO Til COLLECTORS. 11 OTIOZ is hereby gltien to all Tex CollectorF who are nut acting Coned:lbles, that the County Conl on siioners n ill expect Ibern !o make a lihe , a 1 payment to the COI.IIIL V Treasurer on Monday, July .2:). lbra ; and those who are acting ConEtahles to plaice rutyruent to the County Treasurer on Monday. Att. 7 Uth . - lne7. it I s , the firvt Monday of -A uguet Court A li 'ou tat pay• ment will he expected friini all Collectors. , C, B. Do.DIJE, u9nutcrrea3 County Trousitrer'a`Oflice. ; ==IMI VSTATE OF ETASTIA A. HORTON, J late or Moll, Surl'a culluty, Pa., dec'd.: L , .t-tere of administration upon the,estate of lb o abovr named decedent haring'boen granted to tort linhlerAign iwrhon s ILdelrteU to Raid entatk: herShv not i• hod to snake immediate payment. and those -flaring claims &Line to prcoeut thinn duly liutLontl. cated for aett I etnent. Tiu , h. July 1567 Auditor's Notice. rrll4 l . O4llerOtritott hrrpoint ed by 'the 11,11 1 'or Or. phan a court t.i 111.211211 TM Couutc 10 matte, ttno htl in tilt, totudi of the admlo i.lnt.or 1 , 1 Rich/tr. , . Fc.uire. CaVed. %till attend I.‘, tLn (Int 111, appouttincot at the oftke ~f ro ntr "tl.ocitro,e. 011 :••flt 11 tail,. jkog.,tid. l'Art at one o'clOt 1:, p. dt agtich tiulr and place Si I perNonn ilrtereeterl NI, di present their c! tine or' bo debarred from coming in upcot sat(' fund. . FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor July 9, 1867. Financial Statement of Rush Township t ounty Matteis. Nrtin!e amount of bowie lwAried, $13,:,00 00 ExponoeFt. -, $509 cl , t Interest to Juoe 0.1115, Is 4 e,-- I:Dti Cr. . $14,108 6;3 Atn . t. coilucted and p4id up to June 5, 1565 , 5,605 41 Interest' one year to 2s6e, March 5, I ;,'ll, paid Tuterelq to dune 3. .1.Q47:.;: June 3, pal.l NV,.. fv the ro be as near ea, a can be got unt.Ltr thc c irctirmitlUsA.l. li. . ? Aud .„„„ . Rnsb. Jalr 9. AB. P. 1) EV INV:, C:=4 w. tr.. rue. t vr. Report of Bridgewater School District, for year ending Juno 3, 1867. Paid Tuachers, Repairs, Wood, For sclionling 13ridgewaier Ttifia• run in Montro-e, 2400 For pribiialituir notices, ,fr, blanks. 21 IA For trularonud eclioulhoure N 0.5,22 25 - A:J*lllora, 6 59 • Secretary, 15 up 6, hoot Journal, 5 00 Eroneratious, 1:36 22 Collector'! Per centage, 74 96 Trdittrirr's ' • ‘• 74--$1,50 c CF bUrfirritc, ' $1,655 4 5 Stare . appropriation,” ' 16f 1;622 01,1 Bilancein trest4tircr's- halvd6 ant r V-1 ty.. • Statement of Franklin township =Bounty Matters. Amount of bonds issued, , Dupliezte of tax le vied for MI, $2253 Paid treasurer on above, $2,1t0 00 Exonerations and Coll. p6r et. 103 38-f- $2,25.1 40 Duplicate of tax for 1865, ' $2,690 00. Paid treasurer on above, g 2.515 11 . 7 liNone rations and Coll. percent., nr, 01— $2,600 04 Duplicate Of tax for 1866. 1 r,OlO 20 Paid treasurer on above, $1 . 1i5 20 l Exunerations and Coll. Tier cent.,'.?o 00— $5lO 2,1 Int. on bonds and miscellaneous expenses, Arz't Irrbanda of Trims rCr. June 21, 1667, Franklin, Jane 25, 1e417:-3w , . ... . , . ••• .. • Financial Stat4mout of •Jackson tnwnelil.p Bnunty Mattet.s: . •,.. pEco2s-r, r,otly ACCO:t7N.',T. • , Amount or duplicate, 1865, seto 62 i lw T ... •,, 1860; • . 2119 63 • Total ont't of duplleatell. . --,.:--..- $5420 45 Exoneration', 117 School Directors, I WO 64.1 . I Amount of tancoliected, - .. I Cr. By am't paid to volunteers, $3966 0 Expenses of sending • 201 42 int«rest on bonds, . •J 73 02 Oolleeture' per cent. ' OS 39 'Treasurer's " 1 • 420 23 Total of:credit, . . - .1 - . 4rA3 06 . , .. , . ,Iralance itil trentittri, 1 - . , s32l 13 -i . ,-. ," '',I:,:ii,..p,ITTETIIII9/trim;4l„dito,;. i..... •_, --• CM S. FRENCH; 'Jackson, Tone 25, ISST: 3w ` - 1. Stat nie ,- 1 11 p. B' ~, . . :riUai l ie . iat. Statement., _ of Jessup -.. • township- Bounty, , Tax. . I. Whole ain't of bon diTlssited I 16C1, 512,963:6,1 fpppllFstpol,t!ijeryti fof if t r . .',71 • t:1,V 3 p,... '.....-:. ~ _, .«< -.-• a':; . t ;SUVj . : 2;14 38—;11,9f31 'B9 ' 1 .,13a1 2 , to besprOrlde4f.orlzbillsive otlot ,rost, :. ..,.., . , lultl •- Collator's per roattlge, ' sl,oo- 1, 61, ,• :, -;'- "'" 7 ' l'''''' s. 8: - HOW La, '1 ''" '':. , '• — : :1: - ''9A ' ii :' }l ' ib.446';,';.i'le.l...*yi kse T,'..;:).1.7die0J , 3;. . • 3i:sitip,' Jur!4.-2 5 ,44.0.f : 4* - -". ..' :' F;v7nMr. Rehr lbitertisemeuts. M SHOEItLIKEIt, Adm'r $1,12A55 ( 51 03 $ll3 rii C. J. CVItTIB, Bee'y. J. C. WiIEATON,, S. I). TILIRftELL, • Aut.lturs, BEST MB ill TOE STU FROM PURE WHITE California tinter Wheat, ,(Puottively raised ht CAliforniaj .constantly Ott hand 1 and for sale. Manulti ' attred at the Eureka Min, by .. . . . . , . SIIC OK cf,' TINGLEY. Hop6o ttol7, Jul! /I 2, 1867.—tf I .- - - --- -'------ • MESH.Or 1 111 NEE. . . 5413.a.LED prouesala twin be received by the Commis ' "'jplottersSusquehat na County, until Mondey July 15,1.'1;7. fur the building uf.o Bridge, over. the-hietihup , vett ('reek, in Spriuttrill townstup, near Staten' Slillc The Plan and Specllicatilins of said Drldgernay be seen at the • Curnutiesionera' 0111 e, ur at the Store of Boyd Corwin. aftrr June 25. 1,67. By order of the Commtettioners. W. k. CROSSMON, , Conttn'rs Otilce, Montt l utte June 25, 1-Sticl. , LI(1U ()R S.' , . .n„exta,'Llov'=,„"7,`,7lnn,..°,l,,,°.; purpose., eruhravin..; uertrly every kind lu market, con stautly du Maud and for sale by . _ _ y ART) OIL, awl a greal variety or OILS for ItIACIII lAN Elt I for emit by ABEL TURRELL. pSTATE OF MARY McCARMIN, 4-4 ,deueantd, late oflChocouut township, sttsquc. hauls coonty, Pa. Letters testarneutury j upon the estate of the above netned der-dour having )e.e n frranttrillt“bv Indebtedito hafd•oliAte !..r.c by nut i -11e.11,.. make inunediat+ paymtnt. and those (iving tlaltn agelle4 the :Mute pre,eut them duly authenti cated for ecltleluent. MARIA S. GUGGIN, ENeuulrix Citocoitut, July 2, Auditir's Notice. rung undersigned an and.our appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Suscineliazna County to dis tribute a fund in the hands of the Sheriff arising, trom the gale of the real estate of Patrick O'Hara, taken in (...x . • ecution at the suit of D. I'litdan. will attend to - toe duties of hie appointmelrt at his office in .Montrose- on Monday, Aug. nth, ISti74 at I o'clock p. ' at which tint. and place all persons interested in said fund may present their claims or be forever debarred from coin. on said fund. J A;IWEa E CARILAI.T. Auditor Wont res.!, July 2, 119i7. S :t '-) 0 ..- ad • , 1.--' ', iI 10 AGENTIi WANTED-. ' in_ 1.1 / .. Male and Female. to i r 0 ' , i t.-tice our New Patent Star shntlb• Sewing .Nlachit m It I mlapted for family use and Tailoring. It maks a stitch milky On both side,. Price oily 'lwenty D darn. Extraortlinary induce 4:, meu tutu Agent s. Furriull partkurars. rohlreas DUMO \T A: WILSON, (30 Arch Street. Jul: 2-: 31W , Ph ' LutlMphm. I'a. • Notice in Partition, m Siren \lcK tine. chit- rr,sidind h oakland to wn - IL ship, Sinmeelmunii , couniy. and Issue. IDe child t it wit : (Marie, F. Matinee, eitiest eon, now resi dlim in Now Bedford, Bureau county, Idinuts McCune. also living in New Bedford, aforesaid; Jos. Meliuneleaving . since deceased. a didow, Jane Mc- Kline:arid two minor thildreti,rto wit: Mary E. Mc lithe, aged eleven years. and Fanny McKnne, aged eight years. (the said Sarah Mr I: :me having been duly appointed guardian of the said mitiors, the snidJane McKune also residing in Oakland township aforesaid,) Benjamin F.3ltEnne, the petitioner; Betsey Ann, in, tertnarried with 0.31. Nichols and now residing at Ndw Bedford aforesaid; Mary V. intermarried with A. S. Lathrop living in Wyanette, Bureau county afore said : Melte P., who intermarried with I. D. *Min zy, and is now deceased. leaying her said hughand and is— sue, threemhiltirmi, to :wit Mitirletti e -Francis ant' Sarah Eunice Minz,y„aliiminors under .tire age of four teen years, and now rending with thetr said father (.1. L. IMinzyi in Elmira. Chennngo. county, New York ; and Eutibie intermarried with James McCannon, and stow residing. in Oakland; township eforeteitd ; and also one grandson, to wit : Timothy Wheat, eon of Esther Wheat, who was a daughter of the said Joseph Mc- Ku , en d d i efore the Paid Joseph—the said Timn ihy now residing at or pear Waverly in the Stato of New 'Fork— f,S,FO 2.621 29 $4,4,54 ..2 "3,k9 TAtS NOTTCE: That 4111 /11111.1 eat Atli he held at tho late dell log honae of Joseph 14.10inne, (lei:et:get!, in the vow hehi p or ( I .,kiaha. coo oty of StP!Atteliztana, on Than-day the lath day n.r.ltllv, I Yr,", at 2 o'clot•k pm . , for , t.,.purpose of trtakin# Faith ton of the of paid dectaaed to andlonOng the children and,repreaen tative,. if ch., same catille (lane without prv. , ..indico to ~ or apull fa,: the whole, Qt. jee to value andappralse the awn,. arror(ll!,g. to l,tw • at which time (Ma place on are required to attend if you thlak proper S.. L. 'oller , fr. ! *iteritra Office, liotitroPe, Jeue 25 I..tai7 • gd. , -.1 " 2,t..1 31 NEW FURNITURE ROOMS! . _ III; mubscribers would respecteully inform the public . X nry -.that they have coup:matted ,hueluess in C. Curb- Tuan' , .. , old Staro. whet c we I:,.cp crmstatitly °Oland ;ind manufacture to order ull,kiude of kn ! 'i ..... , 1v?i..1 . 1 , ..C,r317.j . .4.1i1yr-57.r::•.:9.: ,, " ....:'.9rkr7e , ?-.47,tx,. bt .2 . 3:a1k 4 )PU 3 )4 g(3RII. 3. 4 . 1 h , ' •0 I. ;;?, ..1!..,.....':Q..;..-"..r.,1-4.,5,--itF-,,,.,,zn-;!..',..........,...:,,--714,,i, .§tfott As • ' rßureaus, BudAtealls, Leuhges, Settees', Stands, Tables, of a superior tinnufacture, Also, liarrett.' , :i Plitentitidies'ite6Siving AU those in went of Cabinet Fitruiture will do writ gigacal I heron; loOking elscwhere.for Ise in II! II I f, make onr work good. and sell it cheaper, than any . other Ishii:tont to 6ustnehmina County. N. B.— AU work dune when prornised. W. S. V A.NOII.3DAT.ii, • JOHN WHE.ELIT.It. Montrose, aunt! 4, 15r,7,-1) $l,lOO 00 SCRANTON ROOK BINDERY AWING secured Tie services of Mr. 11, Zoelle. ono 11 or the best hinders, 't4 be found In the Slate, we are propered to furnish to InsaraneeCcettpanios Merchants. Manufacturers, Coal operators, Dotehs and :othem,with BLANII B0(?KS ; 9 Pt every description , ghert notice, hound in any style desired, in the most:substantial manner, at teas :...ineble prices. Magazines heand, andL i Old boos 1 oboupd; At New .Fork prices. ' Ordo E left at the edict, of the paper pnbifehinz advertisement, er sett t by ;ExpremE, wilt ho ottowl e d to and returned witheut nuntteeseari delay. .. E. S. df. BILL. fieranten, Pa., Jane lb, ISi ~ tf ; • i sirn9 711 • !-OlianitiaL . 4::# ' Maci7S `1 1 :46.3Er.33 F pATCIPTIC)=.; BY a:recent df..elaion ciethe Court. of Ostia's.' nti cern 1n31(.11n w . , commissions between dates of March and May :VI, 1863, Are tr.nti'Flett to Q 5 per month 'for each servant allowed b+ lank. , For further information - , apply tzt 1 • btO, 'P. uiTTLE, tic'ensed Governinent Age/a. ' Much 25, 1b437. tf 1 - • , Auditor Votice. -ai,polutedl v the Or , phabs' Court of Soso hanna County' to distribute: :the fund in the bands of Cproline-E, Dimon,adinittistra trix of the estate of Charles Dilll9ll, deed, will attetal 'to it& duties of his spriointment stt oftlee -in 13lontrosi3,, on llonday,-..the .R.Dth,thty of .rdin /567,-Ittlo jh'e)oelr. In the toienoon,„:" i - ut which_ tins° ,_tunit' Olucto nlll per4ons . interested pre ~requl,red to ririniPtit:theli, ielalms Or bp foroyer debarred,from era tog in iiiinif,nald ;fund. I, - • . .• Aiiait4z, L P . A r tiltarits 25,1867:s • . ABEL TUB RELL Work Table if crux se - mu ri A.Cn , s'Err.vranto4 • , I:l " e krrOX.C4 o 33k , 'AW4Clo. 4 . - :- . ' NO`4. 4.43tA, 4.4S,"BROADWAY, . Have just - pnbltahed. by L. Idublblith, FREDERICK. TEA :GRE 4T.and IP orally. Trzink' ted by.3lrr.s.Chttptnn.n,Celeiriiin'aOd.-.her..dengiter4.-"•. vu. Paper cover, 81 SO; cloth. t 2. • " Each sue. ceetling novel of the.well-laown Ituhlbach aeries Oda to Mt a. Aluit (It's reputatiOn.--rS. Y. - Timm]. -• JOSEPH and BIS COURT. An hiatoricalnoVet: Translated from thotlcrmarrlVAditalde I. Vlitand.ron.' 1 vol , 8 vo. I'aper coy*, $?; G 6; cph IL alio traneeende her prevloua phis Inquirer. FREDERICK TUE G.P.EAT and Ma Court. An hie:. torteal novel. Tranalated from the German by Xra, Chapman Coleman told her daughters. "1 vol. 12mo. 444 pacre. Cloth. $2. Most femarbable volume of our Uzi - ie.—Troy Whig. TEE :MERCHANT. of 13.ER41:7„ Ait.hietoricaluov- T Tranalated teem the German ty Amory Coffin.,lll. I). 1 vul. 12mo. Cloth . .There Is-not a dull chap ter in it.—[Utica Herald. - . ." BERLIN and SANS soDcI :- Or, Frederick the Great and HlaFrienda. By Laduhlbach. 1 vol. lirne, 8•2. 'Unrivalled in the whole domain of historical to mance.—[Chlcago Journal of Comultircf-. . Either of the above dent free by mail pTAreceipt pine tarke:. _ BOOIC. AGENTS. , WANTED;. to citti vas for Chas: W. Elliott's new work,Remarkable Characters and Sletherable Places of. the Holy Land. The contributorstvthlsworkare sufficient guarantees of its value. Henry Ward Beecher, T. D.' Woolsey; LL.D.. Pres. of Yale Col lees. Joseph Cummings, D. D., LL. D., Pres. Wesleyan Linty.; Rt.litor.. Thos. M,CIUrk Bishop of Rhode Island. etc. Agents are meeting with astoUishi 4,7 success, selling from 250 to 554) copies each per month. It has no c4nal. VirFor full particulars and terms addreaa the publishers. J. B. BUBB Hartford, Ct. IV ANT ED—Agents for- r of. 'S to we'p new work, Origin and ilistory . of the Bouks of lib; showing what ilia Bible is not, what it is, and bow to use. it. A work Of patient research, dilf 4ent stndy a nd , experi erica ; being - in fact the life work of Prof. Calvin E. Stowe, D.D. It is destined to be one of the most popular books ev er published, Clergymen, Teachers, Experienced A geats'and Ladies wanted to cauvsse for this work.— Addriiss or apply to ZEIGLEL'. .I.reCURDY & Co., 501 Ch estnut. St. , Philadelphia. BOOK A GENTS ,WANTED FOR "BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI:" q'rom the Great River to the Great Ocean. BY ALBERT ,BICI3AIBSON. Over 20,000 copies sold in one .man.tll! Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains, arid the Pacific coast. With over fiUti Descriptive and Photo graphic Views of the Scenery, Cities. Lands. Mites, People and Curipsities of the New States and' Terri tories. 7 To prospective emigrants and eettlers in the "Par Nest," this history of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it does want long Mt of a full, authentic and reliablo guide to climate, prodncts, Means of travel, 4t,c. Send for Circulars and see our leTalq and aMI de scription ofato work. Address 'NATIONAL PUTILLSII iNt; CO , Philadelphia', Pa. BURN HAM'S AMERICAN BUSIN ESS COLLEGE,+SPRINGFIELD. MASS., 1 A Model. School of ade,. asociating Theory with Practice by a -r-ystuin or Aetual Basiness Operations, Ns hich-pructicolly illustrate and simplify the Science of; ,I,;roun tan tehlp, Mercantile , In all thel: various rilatione. ItECENTLY RE - 110TED . TO 331AONIFICENT NEW COLI,BGE BUILDING ,--- - - , erected t4l cost of $1 = 15,000. AcLmowledg,ed to be the beta and mo s t complete Gush:less College' oyer gstlth !isnot!: Boob-Keeping, Commercial'Calculations and Ciftre spendence taught in an interesting and practical =a tom% Gawking linns - e - .-Merchattt's Rmporium, and fif teen Business - Ofnceff in-daily-operation ' A thorough ly 0r!.7 . 9,'Al red department of Mercant Ile LAW,. Phya tc al Culture under n ekilUui gymnast. Penmanship taught by masters of the Art. Students can enter at anytime; no particular degree of of advancement required. La dies and pen Gem enlproseucte their studies togethey,and oajoy - equal- ailvautagea..- .43rutiaetes, have.averitged over eitt months in completing the pregctihed course of study, end as a -result ; seven-eighths of them have se cured ince rat ive,situationsi bpsioese. Strict erten tion given to the initial and social welfare of atudents. Font: SPLENDID Pftrim:of siG,tvilt be:presented. Dec. ?Sth. 1567, to the four graduates whoshall have enter,ed college, froth Pub. Ist to Juir.Stifi - 11017; and made the most - , improvement in Book- 3 ntul , Wrlting. Par tieniara in College Revieerillist , S r PnitinFlELD is in ..the beautiful, cctrthectient River y . alley; has 25.000 intuibleantit'le-rke.ity tal. great business activity', and the most hethltfixaracltKightful place of residerthb in Kew England.' CoLLE,E Rte sew, etocr.i..kus,,tc., giving full'ic ;Oars - relating to the cour?e of study, ea - nensetin board and tntion mar be had gratis. Persona in port.qit of the most'eduen'ional factllties should address LOCUS W. BL'ILN Presidout, SprirtgAeld, . . RODMAN. FISB ; & CO. ••••-• .1- 1 1. 1 44 7•3M,..'30 - AND DEA L &LS GOVERNMENT' SECURITIES, • •• No.• •18 I Nassau.: St. , • 2C6 1 70.7 y umrket-rates , Sin per centl rahlds , of se-Twenty. Booth, issues , : Ten 'Tony Bonds: Seven-Thirty Notes. alt series; :Compdand [crest Note.,autl tioldmnd Silver Coin.. •' • I ; Cuto - ert series of 11.430 Notes into new consollds. led Bonds at :ben market rates. ••- Execute orders lor parcltase and mile of all Miscella neous securities. Rec Ase deposits and. allow 5 per - cent. interest on balances, subject to cheek at sight, • • Nuke. collect lons On all accessible points. • All issues of Government Securities credited or re-. nutted i ' br, ou receipt, at market rates, free of all eon:- missionchargeb.: , g • • - -: R. F.'