The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 09, 1867, Image 2

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    `MAntrlyst ;
I.II9NTROSE; TtriSpA 1, JULY- I 9, ;467.
t iki)Eunifa:
MrAn electton' bas Just been held in
'tihOWs the change in,public
sentiment' in that quarter: The second'
Judicial District Of that State, which gave
8,044 majority 'fort the Radicals in Nov.
1866, now eleets a Democrat for Jndge
by a majority of 4,000: This is .a healthy
indication,:and should inane° renewed ex
,brtion on the part of the Demoerdey of
PennsPvania,to redeem the old Keystone
- State - in the corning contest. .
Ona thing is clear, The Pennsylvania
o.olocracy are opposed to imiartial suf
trage.'!. • , • ' - • .
So , states the Montrose Republican, ata d
if - it means negro suffrage, thestatement is
correct. Its allegation that ,thineinoc-:
racy Of New York, Michigan, &0., is in
favor of negro suffrage, is or correct.
But will the Republicata tell its readers
where the Pennsylvania Republicans
,stautron'the . question of hniartial or r t.,
gro' Suffrage ? The "one thing iS clear,"so the Denioci•acy, is concerned ;" . but
we" think the other, thing is .cloudy—so.
far as.the declarAtions of `theßepublicans
are, concerned..,,, Coale. now, •,clear
cloudy subject.- Ilaving undertaken to
• tell' where Our . party stands,
.don't fail to
eiplain where you stand yetirselves—if
,you stand at all, Tand I,ie around'
Cottersion 917-30 Boras.
Treasury .Department has, given
notice th eY bidders of 7-10 1 niites•that it .
is- now: tolT,ive;, exelfting:e for
'Such note's, ',s:26'i?dnati iesUa under the
act of 313rch '1865 redeemable aftei::
-five years and piyablo in twenty pars
from the lst„ of July; 1867. Holders are
also notified that-the department will con
sider:that theyhave waived :their right to
'demand bonds in exchange, ter their cotes
unless - the notes are firesented.forConver
sion by , thell sth. of Angiist next. '7-30
notes transmitted for conversion must in
every' , case 13e•endefrsed to the Secretary
''the tre asttry'' , hy * the ,presenting.
'diem ; and, must alsoi when -payabie to the
order, of another person; he endorsed by
such payee,' or his. legally:autliorized rep-
resettative: "(laid& atcoritioit . 1,9 this,
i'egulatiOn will eigVe the, parties
At Wil4amspdricafeer'iline ballets,nonv l
itiatitt‘'Etitsny VILLIAII9; (if
burg, ne the "eanaidaiii of`i - ithe'iiarty 'they
represen t,for judge of the Supretne,ConTt.
.Mr. Wita.uata,is a native of 'Conaeaticut,
-and Vas preferred by' the Radicals 'to, a
'Pennsylvania : born candidate. He now
holds the office Of Associate ;nage of the
District Court of ; Allegheny county, and
•althoe,gh sMil to be a fair lawyer, is so lit
tle known . that even' some of: the pa
pers of his ownparty are Confotteliing bias:
'With the Hon: - 1 1 46,3 tits WILLIANs, the
pi:esem,.meMhey of .gOogress from , ' that
.',l3is4rict._. 'Others jmntound with al
inexpirienced-lawyer named HENRY NV.
Thar.r.alfs of IVellsboro, recently plaeed
upon the Of that _district to assist
JtidgeNtnn..m,,who is unable to attend
to business, art( unwilling to resign.
lii — The Eastern division. of the Union
Pacific railroad is: nowi completed he. far
'AS Tiilesbrirg, just ev r the line of the Col
orado Torritoy; fbre ' - hundred ilia sev
- . . .
.enty-siz miles :from maha on . the Mis
osouri river. One huriOred, and •forty:otie,
• .and three fourths milo' ftirthir will take
it fo' 'the. bas'.'n. f of . th e Rocky 'motuitains,
winch point it I'S expected,will be reach
': e r Ci by , next September. On "the Pacific
i .side.of the' moiltitaini "the ;work' goes,
~..bravely en". rilSbi=and - the time is rapidly
approacing '*hen . one cat' go by steam
• .6Veilaud from Portland toSan. Francisco.
.... . -
Vir'At au election for School, pirec-,
.tore,leld in the City of Lancaster' on . the
28th ult., the Democrats'. carded
ticket by majority of X6OO . This Is an
other indication of the deVline ofßadical
ism nythe country, and the Lancaster In
delligeni Says " The present:indications
fo' , lll4jcitity of at least 750 for.
`Judge. Sharswuod - , in `Lancaster
the,y4tieoC44.gress should he . Ps
„industrious for ..eviLin !the mouthof! July
„ea it was in the month of March, we shall
lope to 'midi his mnjority 0,1 1 - 000.1' -
Gear appOluted: . M
Hoyt, of
.Wilkealerie;:=additional, Lave
Judge in the'„glevetith J4iii - otal.Dietnct;
A • •,-
,.,.- - The Fortieth--Congress re assembled
the and began the weile,Of partisan,
'sectional!ngitatiOn anew.. ..‘.&"bill intend
ed to l'ileinroy the small remnant of civil
geveinnient remaining in the South, and
Mithmlizing the registers to strike from
the I.)ting lists the names of those per
sobs who in their judgment . were not en
titled;to the rights of citizenship under
lbe,:'lnilitary reconstruction acts, was in
,tioditced in the-Sonate, and inlite.liouse
the election iu Kentucky was treated pith
.cnntempt, and :the votes of the majority 1
deregarded.%',.Froru.such!a beginningtle
' ieit4'ean.easily 'be: predicted: •• • 1
the siii . the Hoe passed, a resolu
tion that a bill to perfect the Reconstruc
tiOn act onghtio be reported - as soon as
missible, and. acted upon, and that no
proposition of general legislation should
be entertainid during the adjourned ses
sion, 'bat that all such propoiitiops 'syuld
be laid en'th'e'table.
There have'been several.bills presented
in .the` Seriatetind ITonse intended to ef
fect the objectproposed, which agree in
the Main idea, but ditFer as to the details
and management of the subject.. Mr.
Wilson's bill 'proposes to extinguish the
rights of all persons holdings Office in the
lately Rebel' States in those offices. At
the e.piration of thirty days after the
;passage of the raw, - be priiposes that all
thosw- - 011ices 'shall be vacated. The cum
mandii g= at that time may fill
theni new men, or reappoint such of
the Present!, incumbents as they may.
Choose. sieiand section of the bill
prepdses giVe to the Poards. of Reg,ia
tratiorr. anthoritY •to • examine into the
(pilifieationa'of the persons who seek
registry,•aild'io erase the nanies of such
.as havelli6erdn' their opinion, wrongfully
and I .fr3nd ulently admitted' to the list's.
Drake'S"bill proposes an enactment
'that' all offices in the - unreconstructed
States, .except these for counties', town,
were in• May. 'last Va.
C.ant;••and 111.1 - the sigh t• of 'all' officers
'therein, except;as•afdresaid, ceased': In
regard to conrity. and Municipal officers
41thae : ,posit:Wfis .s=era not to :be' consi.l-
tired'Vhcated May', he prbposes to
the.glire the cleinananig'generals 'right
to tetitbye 'tlia 'hi their diseretien, Hiving
ttl i
thein'' alge iialrer •‘•to fill he Offices
hag e 'heed' declared, to bare been
- - Vacant hi May -- FfeJals - o'.firopeie.a. ail ads
ditionardeelaration as to the guarantees
'7,l4eil - by:the. State -whiEl - r se C , lt• re-
C6oStiliretioia;,irt. favor . 'Of the:Triiion, 'apt]
'br'hil'ev,l6.ried to . the..United"States:
• MY,Edininids', bill propeses - to explain
tile;ReabriitilictiOn,law, and deClercs that
the. meaning of 'that law . Was thae.the
conmandinff .
should hare par
mo un tlintherityr.tOlre provisional ilc
er4ne Ls,
att&that.they'..should have ijow
er to'rernov.e.or ,suspend'froin Office: any
officer exercising, authority. under Anil
goverometrAnalliat. it was Meant that
I,the,Presidsnii,sholit& sustain the .generalS.
, 'military: ,ferce, and, that all acts
hitherto dorte•hy. the generals, hi the way
'of removals and .suspensions, should be
Doings in Congress.
Frelingbuyseli's bill is similar in: in
it4acto lel i, :proposed byil).(lriEtintrinds.
,Itu t lE(otisel! there 'was. not quite as
itlac actiyity.itupresentine: bills in . refer,
eueeto thisematter ats,there;:waS' itr the,
Senate., .10.11340 4 ibo,weVen; offer.ed. an
ex platiatoryg:billt to!; the -affect that. the
commanding- generals hod .au tharit y to
make removak of civil -officers and Make
appointments in their places..
On'Triday!,the Speaker -announced the
appointment of the Corninittee on Recon
,provided by resolution on
'Wednesday - lost, As follows: Messrs- Ste
yens,, Boutwell, Bingham, Farnsworth,
ilturlburd of New York, l3eaman, Paina,
• .
Esecationr or
. ';. .IQulv OELtAxs, July 2.
Thelollowikg particulars of the e'xeeti
tiou have be'ea.received: . • •
The trial ofMaxiyniiian, Mejia and Mir
arnon. ended' qn the 14th, And they were
sentenced to be executed on the 16th.—
Juaraz suspended the execution for three
days, and they were shot, on the 19th at
,The colonels are sentenced to.)six years
itnprisonnie{.t; lieutenant-colonel to five
pear, and miner' two years.—
Brigadiers and exceptional officers will be
tried by tourtitznartial.
eErTti Boston Post, in, noticing the
- fact that ihe,Radical Convention in this
Sta.:to' entitly ignored the negro sefferage
question,mus . t 3 -
The Pennsylvania Republicans fight
shy Of impartial sufferage, and this is not
the first *tie they have ; done so, either.
A resOlutibn prOPosing simple princi
ple • -Os - refused a place6lin the platform
they recently constructed, for reasons. of
contSe known very Well to-themselves.--
New York geptiblicani f in their Con
stitutional Convention, insisted onineor
panting 'extended' n egro infferage in the
neVcConstitutied itself, refusing to let it
be voted on seperately,-but preferring. to
risk the success' of the entire scheme for
o'rganic, `lase;`to losing the chance to
make part' headway, Why are their
PcniiSylvanta bretkren'ncf iqualli,sttenu
ousl" If impartial' stiffragal be, - as 'they
slim; :One of - theprineiples Which the War
edtablished; therr ;
'work every-
NVliere alikei'Antribei men, in Pennsylva—
nia who' sb fast' td impoBd . ne g to suf.
forage - OP.:the Peplo 44 the South byCcin
-,lressionaliStatuteicappat'escape froth tba ,
logic which '-compelt3 thetti.tii alOpt . ,it . in
their 'politids-it That, tbiyaye not
ieadtti thtis
throVioveiliciard onenf theittieatlvioial
id'eas'. When. the shipvpitehes'and . 'rolli tOo'
i,6leutly l a ,--;
. ,
....w...---- _ ~..
Death of Hon. , harles:Denison. — Tribute of ReSpeot. . • . • n - • Self-Orindenined. _ .
_ The shameless hypocrisy of the Radi i
• e' s- of its
' - h' l • nib ' - rd., otthe bar- - . ,
The e eountry has llost..op .
.. e ablest I, Op .F . riday June 28tb„at, 10 a..m.,,pur
representatives, the Courniunity.,:where be l euttnttti . enoticee t le me. oats ae, - - Williathii - Port, lidiexcited he con- ;
s ( T...tempt of halide - edit in every portion of our
State:; butWe hid no iclea that we would'
lived one . of the mcist active. citizens ; a erf Luzerne county lenet . at the .rborie
- wife hits been berea;ved of the noblest of lehel,Law Library Association, and on mo--,
,_ ;
f perinitte,d to record as sweeping a
- elected Chairman,rand '.,.
husbands, and children have 'been se arc- I lion of E. L. Dana, llon . . John. N.l be
red front the most devoted of parents— ;C•otlynglifim, was
- Jpdge { We fomid in the - :Prcei of Saturday last..
Hon. Charles Denison is dead.
That join list ehres, speaks . ' of " impartial.
- I e
} Davidl Cht l l i i na rt hr i e n ng e a oi ii i n , O St me c c r e e dt a t r h y e.
He Passed away as calmly from the fel- , etnyne . -
.. death a
inanlioed euffrage . .
lowship of mortals as he had peacefully I,lfon 'hark ; , ,
s Denisop -and paid a ;high I .
cliaimeter as' a man, 'as al " Ohio has Yearned something during
lived. - Next to the Ithou . ght of the beloy• ;tribute to his .
d ' the .The - - Re inblican resolutions
Cu of his own house•bold, his latest reflec- ' lawver, 'and as a legislator, and stated ;
_.) .
bons Were for his Ountry, its peace, its I ehe.obeect, of the meeting, whereupoin
on I passed it the State, Convention last-week
honor, its future gloeid of moral and phy. I - motion of A. T. I‘leCli 11 hick; t .
be Cha 1 ap-; place the party on the brbad , and • arrieele,
SiCtile'xcelleiiiiii: --- No ' Mali : - in - , - Eastern pointed A. : - T. • MdCliii , toelt,
- Volley L. platferni Of ‘iiiiilartiarthariliood - Ctiffiltige.'l
Pennsylvania. was More endeared to the' Memel! and Stanley , _ , ; . .
- IV ood ward Fofe. 1 The ConservativeDernocratscin no more
ei• W W•. Ketcham and General E. 1,. 1 point the negroes of the South to Ohio in •
public. that htewhoni we so lately•follow- 11; . . .
ed teethe tomb wh4re his preriptiO fetle !Theeti. a committee to prepare resolutions:l enpport oe the - assertion that the interest'
ere teat. The perils la the-State-could:uot , • trier short absence the committee hack' 1 of•the Union party in securing their:free
- .1 .
stay hiii departure, affection with its en- lA. T. McClintock,: their chairnietn- report- ' bum was all involuntary and for selfish
1 • .1 the . lollowine , preamble and reeolu- orposes."
twining arms was pqwerless to detain biin. ; ed .e.
~ • - P
Devoted to the 1 11188 of this eotletrv,'i itionsowhich en moltion were unanimous- Now it is well known that the Radicals
able,conscientious ai d anxious, he sought Ily adopted, viz: of Pennsylvania dotter's,/ thitti whole ques
the highest prosperity of the nation, the Rooms of' the Luzerne Bar, time A resolution in favor of universal
vindication of the trite liberties oftbeva- I • Wilkes-Barre, June 28; 1807. c I suffrag,e was offered, but it was meanly
pie the firm establishment,
and sOlenen oh- The Hon. Cl,arle Denison was„poss'ess- smothered in the committee, Mr. Mt:Pher
servance of the Contitution. No breath ed of many qualitie4 that endeared him to son, of Adams, Chairman of the committee,
of speech, no pulse of heart, but his loved these who had his _Coutidetice and friend- sneeringly observing that "it would be
at home and the calese of constitutional Ship—never of robust health—he was I attached to . platform nth, year." ..
right, eonstieutionaliberty add a govern- 110 I,Willistanding an efficient and labori- ----- T• ---- '"' , " ---;
—.rustics NI: avne, of the United States
meet, of torinen law.' Indeed,when Chitrlo.6 OUP , Lawger—respeted by his brethren ;
I Denison, thrice honored with a seat in the an al/le adtiocate-age- gullet and aoreeable Supreme Court, died in Washington, at
n iday.
noon, Fr
National Councils passed away, the pee. companion, and a . man of remarkable ,
.plc of the State of Pennsylvania and of the liminess and decison of character. j -.Ee, GOvenor L. W. P6well, of Ken
nation lost one of their truest friends, one . We will long Tingle' him from our 'midst, hickey,. died at Henderson, in that State,
cAtheir noblest advocates. ~,Othirn, it may i and cannot bit feel oppressed eit II sur- on the Afternoon of the ed.
be said, that he did hot seek public prefer- I row at his removal from among us, in the —A , eieeue prefornrer, named White,
ment, but that place sought him and hen-1 tneeidian of his life Of usefulness andhon. was set, upon by lions which he was exhib
orable mention came unsolicited. He was Or. w e bow su b m i s si vely -in this
icing at Rt .tester, on Thursday night.
not aspiring, content to do hill duty, ever I di'sieneation ofPeoeidence, and desire to With the ase'eianee of his comrades the
Willing' to do his part when fluty (,all ed. I express out regard 'and, respect to our de- beasts Were driven off; and White-escaped
Able and fearlessly he performed his pine t•areed brother. '
.- With selyere wounds.
I lie duties in the Halls of Congress, and a L '
Resol27ctl, That liii -• the death of lion
second and a third time his devoted con- ' Charles Denison, the Bar of Lucerne co.
etituents honored themselves by ennnbl- ', hen been deprived of a member endeared
ing . him. In him the people lied the fell
i' to na by leng - and pleasant aesociations.
confidenee,so correot was he in his dernea• i
.• Resotied, That we, will cherish the mei-li
ner, se' sound in hie judgment, ''so chrie- , cry of eur departed brother, 'as au able
flan in hisi every net. The aseemblegeo eeeoeat„) faithfd iii his attention, to hie
whielt performed the last- rho; of burial, clients' interest, respectful to the Ceurt,
- un precedent ed in this country fornumbere ' courteous to his brethren, and ever ready
and so silent in its Sense of bereavement, ' ect encourage and commend the young-
atheet;the loss which this country has sup- „ r wereeerB o.i the profession.
—l4 - - tra sessions •of Congress even
tainad ; the' onors of an election to Cn- .
, 1ic , 61 ,,„ 1, T 1,,,, i l, the responsib: „ and : .
tress in the most tribibloes period of -t)tre I ;„.. c.
nertant office to which Mr. Denison ; when the niecety is undeniable, t.,, are ! l an: ,
!. gt• rims. to ti
party in power..l blunt tie ...
eational history, twice repeittedi and hie e„„ b,,,„ t e„e ce e i„ te e i el e l eee o - e - t , t,,,, di,:.
k, -, *s• --1 ---‘ if ;'-- , '-• • Hive these, petards " hoist :the en
lota hie cool' F - .. er tWie.- , •'•' l4l I I" ' '' t '''' '"
~ cart(:; hIS publiel' ditti.el With fidelity Co t " I '''` ) ' - T - , ' ••
e., , 11,10 e. Y. —.A . I . Commercial radical.
the publie ; sense of theeivertii ill)ti e , t'a , : - h i,
, ; ,.,,, L i t , tetit , , l i ii ,i ' ,v. '.l tl i e 111 , 40 y inny , 0 „
ter of ,the !flan. - 1 I' * l ' i 'i'' ll it)
' ; ' ...eve I.•it , ,res. w...... 1 „aim ,in po e pe:/ . - 1 guy5a.,..,., a 2- c.,.. n ~..- .r. .
ss' Oen - fuer:us, and r as neighbei•s, as mem dews, all inuse'cOnce • dci et) him. hoeeety of l'`,t'itioT - I ' l -' 66 4; "ill4"ht.a.licileTiViiitetegiel in
• inepubliC.Aed vii -, sic parted` With purpose, ;int] an earnest. deelreiacd. t.ifort 1 4 : 1 ';*‘ifi l fis . , teir . ,l.lliiiidVille; Wy,.. She wan
1Ton: - . Charles Denisdn as with a ;pat/ lot ,• to poi/note the lestin cereals and flie bon- ' 1 ii
t r_e_egiaecone ho;ne. The n6grekneeked
, . . ..
able, earneet end et/ureic/moue, as with aor and prosperity ef i our country„ .. I 'her iloi'iln;•riiitrifged her - person; and left,
citizen wh • ose 4;lii,):• ivalks has been with: 1 - eeoleed, That While . 'we would' nut in:l
- Vei• almOSt;lifeless,where she is found by
l • lie, ncltiye in his 1 40 fossiOn, Ohill-1141,112 in 1 d•ibleinpon the. greetc;rier of tli.eee wh6l tre*ictiNT'€,.'clfYlothi, . The. riegro eecaped.
the ;•en , (3 of humanity end beloved ",mall. •I ' tee el eee - 1 - • ---' -- -r -e I I - 1 -1 1 ,, II rho littl;' n-irl will probebly die - '
•t- - humanity,. • -•" in 194. ea ere ierfas•E, t. . 0 40, e 1,14:. afi e , -e.,, , , ,‘ • '?
These,- the sllgc'esl.l"B of an hear - expreseetc; • hiC l •I --TilikJoint - , - e'on;;Tessiente l l : Committee
I e
grief,, are presented., in this week ' s issue, I imm e di ate • e api py tlie. . assuranceof, our; on Ordnance &Jahn that. Celne:in, Wise, on;
promising .a' full and formal ohltuary in 1 ,. 4tripathy for their irrePaeable loss, .• 1 his ;ewnresponsibilityinereased thirty-tive
our next-we-4s paper. re tezereie Union; l• I:csalect, That we will.• attend the, fun- per 'ecrit: - the pritie nail for Leavy ord
-1 Orel in a body and, wear,theeetial badge , naeceby.tbe .Nayy,.Depaetntente,
I I of mourning fol• thirty days., . . .. : " he-- e
Funeral Obseqiiits of Hon. Charles „ 1 1 ~, --- . ) 4 .n. ~I. , EZr'T. l lO repetoe ,P.eet - S4P3-- .. t.a -
`' • eee-te e:ce, T hat 4 Pe-P9' of- these -rirceoill . ei grecs . Ire thrush einor . ,ituineeous .when
. ••• Denison. , . -1,.,,
. , tionp be transmitted! to the rs l eilyel Ar. ; wanted for,voters than wheneeembelit 'for
l ee eatr I. •
.„ • . . e,,Junteee, I,,eft 7. ' Derneoliond pelehellett iu the papers of e• - • Ti •• ' •f • h • •
, • , neaefore,.... , to : conliniestoners•io t e lee
, . ..
L have just returned from the funeral ef ; the county;,,,, • .;',..-/-, ',• *. •`• ertue ,reteeneel ~this' "number of males in
;the lion, :(,liiarles• Denison, of this -place:. , After remarks bY,, severe!, on enetion - sIT ettenii - oe.
C ounty, :Virginia,. over twent.l4 ,
Ills remains Were fnllowed to their, tine) :ehe Chair' appointed,-Howerdi cue vent's .0 - f afz(? , „t ) ;-j7 : m the same
l resting placely the largest procession ever [ Ellis eie4 (eye. le . . 110 - l e rd, Lee'i-s,e, Cool-; comity upward of 1,200 were registered'
in the State outside of the City ; it onprepaeatienee. after which .the'
las votecs. Other counties present .equal
'of Philadelphiae andlinterred intbe eeme ei meeting adlenened:ite triCee, at the erne I . disparit-y," , - . • :.
' t ery four miles• tlietant, • near thieesite of ; place on Sititaay,nt,gi p . . tu„ fur thp t pur- 1 , 1 .,, _ t, . 1 -kh f . .) • .t'
. , . , . . i: i —.. lie •regu ar t •et for rise '.Nett"
I.` FOrty Fort,,r, whicl, w.v.i . : stilgaihintly de- pose of attending ti3e.l.l4neFul, - • t .. It'ourth of J ely-telebra tio it ..: •.'.' . ' -
fended by his yaliail(ograndeire, •Celone: , • • ~ 1 .:7 - . 77.7 •7 1? - 1tP.... - z: 7i -- .7 - 7 7i' i t i,.; fe.Tile - t-)onst it et ion- of the:Uri trel Seated.
liDenieenent-the Wycieninee massacre. eThe , , 1 . 1
.re!PIY et , the . i , Grand-,A-• . - 4,t4ollgh:lost tweie - ht .. to-memorytl vcr ' '
, e ea •
,eari:jAges • lei i the' pert-lege. formed-a line oft '•Th e, • Now Yoxii, Ti:ilitine I fias the folio w -„ lAliteice-eci ktild Lame Syne."'' I• • .
l•of two:miles...A special railroml•car freie l ing m e re: femme. to the so-called " Grand'
l Scranton, Oiled with member-se:if 'various Army of the Republic," which hits alleyho i - - _ -
-- --
- ----- e - --
lodges.ciftheMesouiti fraternityandeoth- favor the . centiscatiop °not/there owes: ; The Th _ _
aion Pacific Bail
eteperi-ons from various parts, c'ontributed "We find a .seetiment in the country I
,to Iswell the vast cone/muse. Union street, that has expression iti a few miserable i job- I RoaA-Co. -.
where he resided, was crowded to its tit- bung newspapers-4 kind of Thenardier i A 12£ II 0 W eenet.retcti.n; a Iptilread from Oueahs, Ne
most capacity by perpons who .were an xi- fettling. A niiinber . lof uflice-beee.ars. and;
,; , .. ,.4 b,,r1.1f ie2t e 'j ui e , v , lr t i lo t n e s ex - fi; i ti r e ol l' 4, se ,. i i t i L 0 e ere n , ma-,
01.1 S to see all that was left of their d*in- politieiarie. calling themselves tie Geand 1, ACROS THE tONTIMENT.
guished and beloved neighbor and fripnil. Army of the Republie,nuel.nreetiree be out- I
e; • . ; Tie; cernpai. now
~ Uttc, r a
. lituitFdarnount cif 'their
1 The hearse was drawn by a pair ofeele: ol;•t he- way places with grip,s and passwords ; tires M i )1: r G".V.E BONDS iese - ingthiny years to rnu 'end .
gent black horses, the carriage ountain• ar e passing resolutiOne - demanding coolie- I
ü b , e. , T r r i , e , .. , .1 ,,i ii3 h . e y si t i r e l it t te , e:i • , z nil
c e i o , r_e i, t r e i: tit ,, rs t t ( 1 1i i ii: o r f i.t .l e iti
IMg the family and his only. survieing cation and farms. This is.eitlier kuayery I
~ ex• - i . w , cent in Pula, st ninety rents on ib - e * don ' t%
!brother by a pair of splendid iron grays,i or maddest.. People :who wane. thrna • i ,
j 3 • Sl e t t :%:7 o o ,i . t ld or i4 l t a tig.:L a ilLe i o;a r q.C .c li ql t i t i 3 p J p il e l d i , :, ral bar t h ija f.;7 l 6 s ,:
land those containing] the other mourners : work for them. The-oely . class we k i iip w t are. regtiltie_v . t:tihuieg ever it. The Cut ul any has now
Iby handsome white horses,. After tho-re-oieho hikes other, iihoplels e propertV bee4Tco . rv„ . „ ii ..7. - . i ,v i. , - .:: t r e .:2,ti; to,..E,l3'„i'achifT•mcLilll:'
ligious services of the Episcopal
.Charch, : canse represented i ii . • , 1 1 ,11to le ml ieet,Arli lei : let tinder
. eptit.rutt to be done ite
of Which he wad : a member,. were perilerni- Sing Sing-, The„Poople•of this eoun4i do„ • ) -- . 4e-•T•T t t d er w r;f i liti , s 4 .le r .z 4 ... i f i rt u d g it isMerl ° [ n il , :
i t;
a t .e t ho e i I I ;
ea, at his family residence,- his : remains not wane Sing Site and-....llexieep .
were taken in ,charge by the.,Maeonto fill.- peipeiplesiinttoclueeibuttetheiretatesmenellsitl•
bandittliri: ' i i tte e „ ' T' e e c e t e t t", ' ;`-eretr tli em e e s • Tei r • r e."ln i l e ' e a L) iac 'e'tlfl`lirr i ii n i
. ,
I ternity e and ho was , borne to' the sable f skip. We. can neverreConstruct America ' ' - • Ilfeans'• of ilie'Conlpady. - •.
hearse, and frometheece to the quiet gieive, by the gellows e andi the: Deputy Sheriff, 1
.4 ..--ttivi i tT e lhe i cli , eitrine f let he.iitiirt h:y . the rnion Pa
-lin mournful silence, hy fraternal haiels.— and we trust that the spirit of- kindness I •I
LlVi, e ti...t c s 1•I' I- 1. ;JT` cent. t. thi i,b l i zt;l 6
r r io te n ' tit. L . l tirge " a n l t •
rime sidewalks, doors; windows and porti• sybl prevail—esetecidtly because •this con- ; -- i -, , 1 4 1. L.!A i. ) 4:
p ih , c , r m ait i d e is a gn u i ti tt n h t e l d nc,r ut t t 6 Tr r e 4 a sgo cwate °Latent.
I coes of the houses) along, the streets test is not ma d, ny.10,0 Southern people. The eon/ r ely in :1151, perhe I tted ti iss.e.e. its Own first
Ithrough which the pr cession!plessed.were They accePted the Military bill manfnlly i eren e ,a . .et i ev.,,. to an egee . il eremite), and at the same
peo" l il e inl ee'ili7e,; • ;' ,L e l ne v i•; •) en ec tVe'i c e`lo ° , f - ii t 'e a li l e l n: r o7; TlV'tilit i i r el
I densely thronged by people wearing sur- and have endevoered to act .under its
I rowfal faces, many o whom, in the hum. yieiene. Inet,ead of:aPathy, anikevrath e and
. e ,
I States being' sabeardtnate 10 them ' *
,The guyertuneutinukes a donation ()roue) acres et
hie wales of life, had 1 een the grateful re- diecontent, we havefound.thern eager and , t i Ne t, /• , 0 1, 1 , %. , /,...T , , , , - / ( ,11 , . ) 0g5 ) e t.,. , 44.os t eese aer i es estimu ,
cipients-of his liberal! charities, that were painsteking in their e effort to
recocellize t.- xe; aeV e 01 (Inc capital, $11.3 11 ,41 . 111110: ' .ut ° .;11 e r ffina r %:
prompted by a beartlas open to their ap- their political system under the eatery I a .ge,•l,,,ledil t l'l i n,Tr e ,,Tier, - lee'reViVae - -e . it, ..
peals tie the hard thalt -so generoesly dis- -bill: If the Werk is; arrestedlthey - arP net '
pensed them. At the ''Terave 'the deeply
e , to: .bh - : td i- 1 ' - ...*-
enae, „al. ie. lave, umugia. to in- leut4r . ect ;I ' ll II i o ' o d o.l L i rP ' ol . TV e ili A fi t 'V ' : ' ratiflloiriltrn'%-intln
e : '. • • ~. reedy heed paid ill. and (if which it is not supposed that,
;mere., tha u 2.3 lei !lions st most will be regatmd.
impresive services frorn the - Masonic ritual i crease the- coeditiona'',inipoeeel le`st,,,Mareb. I - T" neat "rth° road to 'estimated by compet. ou t enqt,
-were feelingly reheaised, whild the ever-lif_anythi4, we shotila reeogildie tlie..t.ein- !
.D , ;r e r sr
eq b n e
i t to l l:T. 0 one hundred inn:Hon - d . allirs; 'Juin
'green mementoes offt•aternaland undying! per of the South by f.itai'ting - , tham — ;" : ; 1 . Prospepts for Business„ --$
nflection, with the erriblems of the flevieet t' ' '
' i - 7 -4 ' 4 "." -- , -- .' 1. . The railroad ceerweiten between omeee and the east
;brotherhood, - -were 'pare:fully' i deposited ; nye A . P 1 ;E: •-! I il'now eomtdete, and the: tiftiiifnzs of the Union INettiet
• i : •.--.,ter itatenee 4 strangely eventful ; onto, ,”,tion. Hi ready finished fur the first two .- weelts
• . f. , ,
with his mortal .. retiains.. ila, solemn I,ne e ,Generat Santa' Auria is said to have .1 i n r i /a Y These.seettoual 02114.'6 'as the
and' imposing ceremonies 'were !cloeed by 1
been,shot by
,the Liberaliets- at Sieale, on I on all,; ;=/% 61 /in -n e n ire l ireigiei t sel e e r ;r t
!an elegant' and ton - china - prayer frdiii the the 2reth ult. This. Popular leader . playee I the only line of tediroatt between the asientie aneps•
weuerable and R6V. ' ll' Mint,' whose ire— eine 1111.161. be itremense
-Woeatione , tO the 'Thr 'ne of' Greco, in he
aty importadt part iiv'the affaire of ;Mexico, I,- : . stets- ' •
during the. Texas reeTolution and also in 1 , • • -
k and s'citi-ity of the Rondk: •
half of his bereaved Widow and orphan l ejt h e d el e • e uTVla r egtfie' il tnie P e u e b ir m ai lt e • a t it a e t : Pv e . gy",i
the war ..with the -:linited: States, but of;
children, and only lsur`viving beether . and.. I, -_.'
years - he,has resided ,prineipally,in I - 111, 4 7 Ile . iledneiteeetutieest roof they set
-aged- mother, were ifttly . eloquent, and tbideland of SteThoinas. „Ilia death was I dollstrsei..en ands
R iit7Yr,,,, e l,`Z'whi,,i, over tw n ereeig.
affected those- of the -. Stoutest bleat is
.:eeeeeseeyi 'Oen from, the mexi. " i i :Ad it idiarst i te t at r read i y , , a h b o w i , n cuded n i n - a ni t l h •MuLn i e n a,
tears. - His brethren of tlie - bar;abOht 'see,- :ineeelriunticeen.Wre•reeteletetl. running,
• • -
I can. standpointeas hi' influence - amounted
. enty in pumber, took their position in the 1 - a n y i n te ll e a ire i s zi e t t er e v, ?T t lor t g e r! p m r Lu e e l i it %Ti os lo o l? these bonds
1 to !nothing in thelani :over which . heoline
iprocessioni in . a body, as 'dla, , also; other i raledi.wit h. despotic!Sway.,--.But the Lib- 1.-- ' --lir' P- C t - • •
. ,,. ... d Inc .er , en i .. .- .
;.associatioase As hisbrethrtie•de the • ' "
;er Allete-are ' 0 talliorolia - for.bloodoind their i and it is b e lieved that em ttie. cOtUpletion of the road
prefession:have paid 'a high"trihitte to his 1 leaders' Have 'no " ' d
t the. our age an diunless ; Th „ d .. „ l
' like me Gciierniment Bonds, they will. go above tr ,-
I merits and;themory- I will o!t‘tirentill' On i i ';" e • ear - Veit-end to sell bht a. limited a 'mint st, l ifto .
• •, • tolstem toe , ermieon'streartie-e, :, .- - ! pronentlow * rate and rcttabl-tho rt.rlit :to m advaneci' • the
'Omit' jag. protogative, furelfithatrid Say . , ... ;, ~, - -. _..........._... 1 ...- 4 . p .' v. . - • "
...-- - . l'''' at [belie option. ... ~.' . •• 2
that -.beneath : AU' -Mild ll'liiiad etof ' nailire' • . l . ,',1t14 -- kire • Sident, 'refine . oti'es ejoUriley., -Am,' Sutrwriptions , wilibb•4o.eifetl - Ari l'i * eui ' . -4 ttirkl4 the .
.I . cepurcettotenieree e nene, .ece.-1,,..5e150u at„ •c bark,
modestkwnSeonnealkid 'aliTlilqiiref'of ie.' ;Wash ittiten ,tq:Best:iiio - ', ido LI end the 'sled.'
, p o od Th rste . &p.,734tikets, 51 Wall sti,johaJ. CIRCO &:
'.9:al: anti literery 010 k and •ehe liaeos-Oe'ir
....fic-aion of rho MasiinicTeinple`it .t1ia..13 . t- IS ' •" fi rs' 4 3°. 3 1 1 1 1 '' O n' t h i ' liankl " ind n " k "
, . ,
'toes - ;that - adefli the r eot,•.tif `nature's fit -1, tot city, was.a. 046 ah4d 'ovatioii from ; one -
; in w ld eo tesz i trt , tmign i ttot t t e g mtt t s,,. aliA Ti 7 ;
vorite nobility. I fed the itilaiiila will be I
,cad o f -01.9 . 11110:,.;1,6
t . . ,
:the-.0i1i0, - ..l,'Ap every. Sl}. qa,liatt eitmetietew,vorkeeen 7 appautene: t3ub'serl-.
, in . vain
,t - 0 -. fidd 'op 0, who -.4.ari. fill the Ir4ntaropfeihel.olite;l c*Cept PhiladelP4 l4 .4gb r 7lVeVaitkicli r ie ° l7iitg i c a 4o n alreliAtV i ci n irr
p . liee,..iii. the political f*Orld„iq bus tine; tidelltereester,'Mai ; tha..cliiiNpstof illii, ,, Pittitere •delfeeee:efeli beads. I,•_-;;•-- -1: - -•- .ee ; ...
• Abe: ' l ' l'''
l 1 1' •' ' • 1- ''•
' •••
' • f
. 1
'•t44' -- ': - = -- - • -,:miaNJ:c.m.aci... •
ltalels - ideatii.-:-Cor,'"or the i.. - • .towns nut ;cities Vec Q• re yexcae ' -- - ' - ' - i I'2 . -.' ' '''' ' •
'• ' .-- '''""' ' - ' " . • . ''-, ' i-L ~'' r -- ,' .- . •'- - - ,J- . '-,- - -- o . •,- .- s: ' • . ..,-, -el el, P; - -.•!---• -Treason?, 'New york. ,
----IJonE;ressrnen Pomeroy and Judd
were arrested and fined in IVaiibingtou
on the. Fourih, for " shooting tire-crackers
iu the street.
—A man has recovered a ver.lict for
len &Mats and costs against the Eastern
ail road Corn pan y, inconvenience
caused fey a change in the time table, of
which insufficient notice was giyen.
Views of t 3 We~U -s ao'w
,Itaphael ox-copfe4erite admi.
re: presented, a set l - ortirikin . Colois to the
steamily Commereial, at:ildernphis„ l ast
week, andniade a speech,lwindiug up 24
follovist • ,
" We were beaten in the war, and the
flag of the conqueror becOne our flag.—
Take, !tiled, these colors, captain ;' they are
the colors of our common country, what.
ever may
- be their present signification.
We can all feel an honest pruli3 in their
more ancient History; as I trust we alien
be enabled to do in their future history.
With regard to What,,l.may call their es .
pecial history=-tbat is, - tho his:tory which
covers the four years of our internecin e
war—it.: is our (Ray, .both 'no Christia ns
land brethren, to foget it. That war has
left, ninny and ghastly wounds.;-Let us, of
the South, do our part of closing them
with tender and gentle hand, so that no
i scars may remain to reminds of the eon .
; flirt. And let us endeavor also to convert
this now flag into the old flag again, that
we may love it as of yore." ; ••
Pleasi3 Read this Carefully
THE isabecrittero have entered into a partnership tor
the purpose of carrying on the -
Merchant TailotintY
Imnineee ; nod havinp: eapplicd ottreelved, witb a fire;
rate etoek of tnaterinle, each an
Cloths, Cassimores & Trimmiigs,
We are prepared to fundeh
Coats, Vests,PantsiOvercoats,ac
upon very short notice, made in the latest style. of tb
boist materiale, and at very low prices. Weil so ha,
for sal:,
and all the other article e uenally kept in an catuhli. , l
knent of this kind,
We ropy. be found in the roorol•fornietiNl oceupfcil
G. F.Fordhun betWCen G. N Syndilard's - Shoe St,,,r
ar.d.R. 11,'Little`F , riavroffice,;*efif tido of 3.1.a)11 ' , Ere , I.
Montro4a, Pa , doing binue,s tinder of 116 r
Zonsi r • • • .-
Montrcile, May t. 5, 1647Q--tf
Gnat teileirtion at Store of
„ :• „
GIi3"I..ILE. 44, pare.
- • .
COAEE''etre,,'com'e al!, both great,lncl sni4ll, and ne,,
for yourselves. We have Just.F received' s n't e•
Farttnen t of New Goode, slid we have on hand a riL
Stock. consitting, or
/)ry Goods; erooer.let .73 - arc/et/re, Boot:,
Shoes,Hats-td Capg, Medi-
Puiras i f Qils, Glaxs,
Wnicb.: PrOpose to eel; F i teaper-,thAn the,ckcapert,
as the" following trill ells* : • .
—Ttints: ,warranted'r colori - , only 15.cte.
S.rotagrte,best Spring iktYle4,- , '', , J • • -1•1
:Atlantic A,;Shectinge, ~1
tiler 19:Lectinr„4, y'd Vide from :; •'.
• • Fine tto.. • ' " -"
'Bleached „ lb :,;44f) A
Kentucky •leaus, ' • Sitrit.s9
,•••; ;`, nyiit'
Tip top MOlassee, Only, f s
,:Kerotette'oll, ' • 7 .`
' 'Pte. a)'?q ve onlir a'satnple of what we intend doh;
Opods e . old by us warrantud as, represented,.
h ..
'WavealA(i largo quantity of Return Butter Bails
s4aciorted siges Which we wilt supply tOcnitoniers.
and ship their - . New York, whet? w hire
made' arrangerienta With on or the' largest' and'he , ..
Ootnruision. - Rouses there.; and we are Bard We nit get
as,good if mot better priced thaw can be. obtaincd
any other -mer4ant In this county.
WC nail carry•the Butter he the nailrntd andrelcrr.
the empty' Palls from Nov, York:. free of charge,
We do not ask any °lie tb believe any 'of the spore,
but coxao and bee for yonraelvea -,
Ilarford, Ps., May 1, 160,—8m ~4.
Arco Ready for liar'
'NE - W:OO9PS,
3ust received and willbetold at
brc Goads In gient varletiand desirablei-tyles.
Notions, the largest and beet assortment In' the. place
• liueor.StatiniletY.
• Itelliz dextrous of closing qut my s t a ck o f u rc ctery,
llttteXtzs,ned'Ladiee'43haett, T ivilreell them
- .Sits
Garden...& Fltrwer Seeds
I'— " •
Call anti elan:line my stock beton - piiratuslng else'
where, mid he conclueed . the quality ~ and chespuen
. ef. my goods.. •
. • • •
• • "Storere/ is tge is' ill if' itcifilod, • lip d
formerly occupied by Webb t Butterfleld.:,
A: D. d:fGIT.RKIF.,I•D.
4 11 Y 7 +. /8,67.
:of Franklin Slxecf.o accelted.
• tterA tutamoutary npni) the:estate or tnelmore „ madeut hacinz been fmtun ell to the
peraone indebted to said. eatate nro herebynett .
tied make immediate 'Payment..:attd , lbbaaa v i D g
iolatnas-againat rho ammitopresent!them duty latbenti ,
tated for settlenient. c :„
43 . AN • E vi.
Ifoo/allie-*Y,•%:1P 67 ,.
. , „
We , Of glistiervous, St:min:ll, Vrizi arylkmi sex
'unl systumo , —now retiabla treal.ment:in RopoTts et
; et:a r envelo_peo, fie*. orobargi. :Mares •D r 8
, I E I 4 /43H
1146 :nrrOlt; IdlOW Iltdliajt:CLltiOJA I'S 3 SAita "/:"
, . ,