cc:)l7Nwrir ZL.NoXra.ELFWIt.I9. indepenthuice Ball,- _ - At. the ,Glenwood Gilenwood, Pa., on Thnisday, Gond Sic sic, good Supper, good, dancing, and a ➢ good time. Bill, 84.. . Iw. V.• CAO.,EI4# -Prop ri et or. Second Amitial Ball,' At the Eagle Hotel, Stew 'Milford, Pa., on Thursday evening, My 4th, 1867. The proprietor ail spare no pains to cater for the com fort and hilarity of his guests. 2w P. PIITNNEY.'- . , Independence 'Ball. . f . 71 A Ball will • be Oven at the V ia_— Union Hotel of Vnil, ticw Milford, oir the 'Fourth iT July. The public are,,.invited. Music—Dick Squires' Band. Bill, 5300, • t 1 1 ' Quarterly Neetirik, Rev. D. •W.. C. Olmstead; P. E., will hold a Quarterly Lei tilia: at, the M. E. Chun:A in Brooklyr,July . 6th and - 7th, coin rneneing Saturday at 4 6'004- P. Vii. In=11:11121 Ice Cream & Strawberry Festival, The Lfulies of the M. E. Church, Mom rose,are preparing to serve their friends in the Academy, on the evening of July 4th. Godey's Lady's Book. The July Dumber of this unrivalled Illawazine is on our ;aide. The beautkof the engriivinzs, selection of fashions, orn amental work and literary matter cannot be excelled. The Fourth. The Fourth of July will pass over with , out notable demonstrations in this quar ter; and thetyughout the country wi.hout the usual amount of good old fashioned oe/elm/lions. Nor does this seem at all surprising to an ob.server of current events. A Republic that is drilling into a despotism, cannot heartily commemor ate its birth-day of freedom from the yoke ot a limited monarchy; and unless the. present system of military government he repudiated by the people at the polls, the Fourth of July" will ere long be only a matter of history. We publish the Declaration of Inde pendenee On first page this week, as a re minder to oar readers of the tyrannies against which our ancestors fought slic e: ssfully. The document is an unanswer able bill of indictment against the party la power ; and it remains for the people to deterinine whedier they will endorse what, the, patriots 011776 rebelled against. Drowned while Bathing. Thos. Boardman aged about 21, son of Boardman of Eaton Township, was drowned to the river, a mile or two above this place; on Sunday last. The deceased who, it is said, could not swim, was ban tered by one of his companions, a young man by the name, of Fuller, to wade across the river. Fuller who could swim, led the way, Boardman, supposing him to he wading„ followed on, until ; he got' be rood his depth; when he strangled and went down. On rising he exiled for help. Ills companion, supposing him to he feign mg danger, paid no at4ention to his cries hut swam to the.shore, Where be arrived aboutils time young Boardman sank for the last. time. A boat. was procured and search mada for the body, which was not found until an hoar or more had elaps ; when it was to late for resuscitation. —Tankharmock Dem., June 27th. The New Baggage Law. The la•w regulating the aniouut of bag zige each passenger on the Pennsylvania railroads shall be allowed to carry, which was. passed at the last session of the Leg islature, is trow in force,- It provides that each passenger-shall be.' , entitled to carry one trunk or box not exceeding one hun dred pounds in weight; that when bag rage shall be lost and damages claimed, a sam not to exceed three hundred dollars shall be allowed for each trunk or box to gether with its contents; that if any per son wishes' to carry more weight or great er value - of baggage than this, he or she have the trunk or box et•eighed by the baggage agent before starting,disclos the value that will be claimed, in case of Lost,, and for excess as may be required by the particular railroad com pany. THE 13.1.xiaturr L&w: Now that this act is going into operation, it is best that every one interested in bankruptcy should have a good copy of the law, and we can 11 ink of no better way of .obtaining one than by sending .2(7 CENTS to 14 rank guore, Publisher,Bible House,New York, for a copy of his "People's. Edition." It is sent FREE by niail,for that priee-20CErrss; I:4F - The citizens of Tnnkhannock are' making great preparations for the observ ance of the Fourth of July. The corner Roue of the new Presbyteriaochurch - will be laid by the Masonic order., The Dec- laration of American Independence will be read, and an oration pronounced by a distinguished speaker.= Illasonic Lodges and individual members of the frOternity are invited. ME` The meat unhappy person in. tbe World is the Dyipeptie. Everything looks dark and gloomy;, bafeele " out 'aeons" With himself and everybOdielse; Life is a burden to bim. This - can alt be clianged by; ta r king Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron). Cases of 2 years standing have been cured by it. —Negro bricklayers are to be brought from Richmond to Wmihiogton City to take the place of White ones. I=ICE seszmliAt.Ak. Oar ADEL TVRIIIEL.L. is continually Teaching new toroplies °teem:tine Drngs and !delft es,wbich will be sold as low aust.any other Stc lo "Montrose. - r :'Empire Shuttle 'Swaying 191iiejklfiel aro superior to all others for ramily sudMunalltetartag pnrposcs Contain all tholatest Improvements ; are speedy ; noiseless ; dnribtr; and easy to‘vork. Illus trated Circulars tree. Agents ranted. Liberal. dis• count allowed. Noconslgnmeutamade.‘ • Address EMPIRES. M. CO., GIO Broadway, New-York. 'July 2t,•-ly .• A NEW PEIMBIE VOA TI HANDICELLCHIRL rhnlonio ' “Pilgtat Blooming Ceres.." Phateit's “Alight Miaowing (Servos.” Phitlcrn 9 s " Plight Blooming Cm-cm.), ;Pisalon , o .• Sighs Blooming Commo.Ps PhDlon% **Night Blooming Creelie.,* A mo.l exottlAirr. delleate, um! Frnirrant Porfunui, 1...1 from tho rare uud t.enutiful flower from o pion It fate, its Hume. Mouuluntnb•c/ only by , PITALON az SON, 1111 York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ARK FOR PTIALON'.STiVE NO OTTIFR. Jiyli ly snip x 'Colgate's Aromatic Vegetable tilosp. , A sn pexior Toilet Soap; prepared from refined Negeta. ble 01Irsin combination wittlitayeerine, and cape- chllly (le:4r:fled for the use of Ladieft, and for the N a rxery. Its per nine and Its wa:laing prepertie: unrivalled. For:ale by all druggirts.. •L' Ib+;7.-IvFmpl9 CV — Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh with the utznont burcess by Dr. J. ISAACS, Vetting. anlo narrnt. Gortnerty of 519 Pipe Street, Philadelphia. Tei-timoniale from the ninFt reliabie source. la the City and Conn try can be seen at 1110 (atm. The medical faculty sac in% ited to accompany their patients. an he hue 110 secrete in hi 4 pram ice. ARTIFICIAL .I!.`YESineertad withontpain. 'No charge fur examination. July 1, ISI6. 'ly. This medicine, invented by Dr. J. I. Sorrerroa, of Philo \ dephts, is Intended to dissolve the food and make It into chyme, the feat process of digestion. By cleansing the stomach with Schenck's Mandrake -Pills, the Tonto soon restores the'appetite, and food that could not be eaten before using it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured -by Scheuck's Polmonle Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic and Pills are required In nearly every ease of conrompbcm. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and throe or four boxes of the MANDRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary case of dys pep,d& • Dr. Soncnorc makes professional visits in New York, Bos ton, and at his principal Office In Philadelphia every week. See daily papers of each place, or his pamphlet an coniump lion for his, days for visitation. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, ono when in the last storm of Consumption, and the other as he now b, La perfect halth, are on the Gov. eminent stamp. Sold by all Drarglets and Dealers, price $1.50 per bottle. or $7.50 the hall dozen. letters for advice should be ad drewed to Dr. Scntitsoree Principal Office, No. 16 North 6th " — Street, Philadelphia, Pt. General Wholesa'e Agent,: Demos Barnes dr. Co., N. Y. A. S. Dance, Baltimore, Md.;lm D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker et Taylor, Chicago, ill.; Co:line Bros, St bon* Mo.- . (Ist w. ea. mo. lyr. tYr Wintorlo litalonm or 'Wild Cherry.— 'This remedy has long been clo•riehed`by the communi ty,for its remarkable enact , y in relieving, healing, and curing the most obstinate, painful and long-standing. cases of Cough, Cold, Influenza, Sore Throat, Bronchi tis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Aft ma, Inflammation of the Lungs ; while even Consumption itself has yield ed td its manic Influence when all other mean= have tallest. Its whole history proves that the pas• has pro duced no remedy of equal value, vs a cure for the nu merous and dangerous pulmonary affections Will I, pre vail o% er the land. UN,OLICITED TESTIMONY. From Andrew Archer. r•F q of Fairfield. Mc.. •• Mront v year? , Mince MN , eon, Henry A Archer. now Post magter at Fairfield. b - ora..raf M.• nt tarked with Qpit lint: of Wow+, cough, we.ikne-s andceneialdehitity.eomuchsotbat our fa den de( laced I,im to have a ~ eateonsamptioti. Ile was ender medical tret.tment for a number of months. bat received no .benefit from ft.' .At krOm thv -edicitation of himselfand otbere.l tae Indio-0(110 pgr, chase one bottle of W6trir'A Balsam of Wild 'Cherry, which benefllted.hitn en much I obtained another t•ot• which In a sho r t time resi..reo him to ui. o-eat - mate of health., I think I can safely ,recf.mmend this remedy to others in like eond:tion, for It Is, I think. all that it purtmrt* to be—Th.? C. eat Luau; Elemedy for the Times: The above statemai , . gentlemen. is toy lot utttwry off...ring to you in favor of yotir Balsam, and ta at 'your fikposal.". l'repnrerl 'by SETA W; FOW LR C SON, IS Tremont St. Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally.—je Grace's Celebrated Salve. Axx PA ILY • Oct. 13t h. l F46:3 ldr. CHACE—Dear Sir:—[laving been afflicted griev• ously for several weeks with a sere e abscees upon niy side, I used seven') remedies for its eradication without receiving any relief, until I spplied your salve, which effected a dy and pet man eat cure; 1 therefore feel habyto certify my confidence in its virtuosi - Yours with respect. JAME 4 DEAN, I certify to the truthfulness of the above stateditnt. SETH W. FOWEH SON:Dostim, Prepri,ton , Soldall Dm:xi4ta, at cents Irbox. By mail 35 cent B.—‘l NEW NI:011E-B:aitiKICTi.',:fr-7- Reported for the 3frocTno.s: DEMOCRAT, by Fenton: Fitzgerald& Tracy. strictly Produce Comm6siou Mer chants, as Wiiitilhall Street, Nett' Yolk., for the , week ending . .- .. . • - 3nrie 29, 1857. Floor, per hhl. $lO.OO 6 - 4 ' 14.00 INV beat, per bushel, ....... ......... : ... 2.50 0 - 6 %Al Rve, do 1,63. Q. 1,76 C:1 'n, eo ......... ............r.1.,;...,. 1.20' _l6 1.411 orate, do 80' -- 66 i 1) Butter, per lb. 20 0 :01 ('hoese. " 10 ray 18 Pork, mess, per bbl 22.00 6 - j. 23 50 . Beef,toese, !. ' .20,00 .13 22,x,3 ) Lard,. per lb. •' -4 . 12 01,. 13 Tallow, .. .. 11 fro 12 Eggg, per doz. 18 fio 20 , Wool. per lb. 50 0 55 Dressed !loge, per lh. ' 8 O 10 Hein hertisemeuts, • BEST FLOUR IN THE STATE. FROM PURE WHITE California -Winter Wheat, (Positively raised in California,) constantly on band and for sale. Manufactured at the Eureka Mill, by SHOOK d: TINGLED. Hopliottom, July 2, 1867.—ff rg • a • m[sooppEN BRIDGE. SEALED proposals wilrbe received by the Commis eioners of Susnuehanna.County, until Monday July 16,-1867. for the building of a Bridge.over the Meshop. pen Creek, in Springville township, near MM. Thd Plan and Specifications of said Bridge may be seen at the Coinmleslpuers' Offie, or at the Store oYBOyd 4 2, .045rwSli, after Jano.2s, 1267. order: ofttisioners. W. A. CROSSWOLY, Clark. ColtWers Office; 21,utrose, June 25,1867, A. S. DEARBOR2I. N. n AINTS & OTEI . ERS—The GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT CO: ,aro now manufacturiog the Best, Cheapest and most Daraable Paint in use; to coans well pat on. mixed with parolinsced Oil, Will last 10.0113 years; it is of a light brown or beautifut chocolate color, and Gin be changed to green. lead, Otone olive,' drab or cream, to, salt, the taste of th e cOasnmer. ' It is valuable for Agrimiltural, implements, Car 'riages and Car-makers, Pails and wooden-ware Canvas Metal and Shingle. Raab, (at being Fire and Water* proof), Bridges, Zurbl.Cases, Canal Duds, Ships and , Ships' Bottoms, Floor 011 Cloths, (one inn ufactarer having mOOOOO bble; the put yelar,) and as a paint for any purpose Si 'unsurpassed for body, duriblilty, oillutioni, and adhasivensas. Price *Spar bbl., of 800 Mc, srldeb. Trill supply is farmer for years to. ooze; Warranted tu all micas oboY.S._ Bead fora *Wu. silos full,partieUbm dulndrlO' omen brandedin allude aunt Grafton 3lftnerscratnt yat dress DANIAt arprau, Prbprlstur,264Thaast.N.Y , - - L OUISA MORIN AC U S HISTORIOAL NOVELS. 3171,:.426.i:5iz010tc0ma. cf Nos. -443 i-As 445 BROADWAY: NEW•YORE, flare just pablksted. by Z. liuhlbacb, FREDERICK TUE GREAT and his Family. Trans. lilted by Ilrs-.Chapman Coleman and her daughters.- 1 vol. 8 vo. PtlP'er. eover,i $1 50: Cloth. $2 •• Each sue• needing novel of the welMinown 7.llublhae , h series atldt to Mrs Idundt'sreputation.—[ /. Y. Times. JOSEPH IT. and HIS COERT. An historical novel- Translated Rom the German, by Adelaide D. Clint adroit. 1 val , E vu. Paper cover, $1 80; cloth. t/. "Tu doe ephq. qhe trantmenda,her previous ett,rts.—[rtinettel phiti Inquirer. • • -- • FREDERICK THE GREAT and Ills Court. An his torical novel. Translated from the German by )Its Ch p roan (Merano and her daughters. 1 .v01..111u.,. 111 Inters. Cloth, $2 Most remarbut3,2 iolau.e of oar time —Troy - Wl.i2`.. • THE 31 RCH ANT of BERME. -AuhlFtorleal t 0,-- el. Trminiated from the German ty emery D. I vol. 12mo. Cloth $3. "'Them in in , t a dull 'chyle ter in It.—LUtica Herald. BERLIN and SA Nn. SOLTI : Or. Fruderivl, the Great and Ills Meath , . By L. Muhl hach. I vol. 1•21,1 ,, . •• Unrivalled in the whole domain of historical to mance.--I.CbicAgo Journal of Commerce. Minx of the above ecut free by mall vu receipt of the price. 1 - 17)0E: AGENTS 'WANTED, to enn can for Chas. W. I{lliotre new wort:AN:mat kahie characters nod memorable Plact4 of the li, h Lane'. The contributors In this work ail: 1.11id••11:111 ;Z: 1 11raltle Ca of it< v Woo. Henry Ward precher, T. I). Wool:ey, , Pres. of Yale Collereq. Joseph thinmlnk-s, I) I) I.L. 1.., Pre, WeAoyan Univ ., Rt. Rev. Thos. . c Ith.hop of I? 11,,d0 li.httid, etc. l Agents arn'theeti , q: with astonish' og uccesp. selling from `3511 to WO cowes each per month. It hat , 71 d equal. Or For full partici; lay, and Inc Ens Addroea. I he, path' jailers. J. B. 'prnn Rs ft ford, Ct. NATANTED—Agents for Prof. St o wq's new ivork, Origin and History at the 11,iokft the Bible. Showing what the Bible in ant. what it 1,, and now to use It A work of pntierft research, study and experience ; bt ing to tact the :i.e aut k of Prof. tu , vii E. Stowe, 1):T). c,,tillcd to be oho ol the moat popular ptv)ll.hed. Clertryro , -n, Trachers, Experiet cod A , •er Ie and Ladle., u al.o d to cat. cane for ;Ilk a orb -- Aadre9.9 or ripply to ZI.36'LER, .31cCURDY 301 Cliestuut St., Philadelphia. BOOR AGENTS WANTED FOR "BEYEED Ta MISSISSIPPI :" From the Great River to the Great Oce*: .. . • 1:11" ALBEET D. HICuARDEurt. a l Pg..a.56 3M 20 1 Over '20,000 copies sold in one month! tinom the inclosiare of the subscriber in Clioconut Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains, and the u Tuesday the Uoth of June, nine yearlings, seven_, Pa. Mc roast. With over 200 Descriptive and Photo- ' A . a graphic Views of the Scenery. Cities. Lands Mines / People and Curiosities of the New States and ' Terri i w " a roan, and a steer with a tire back. 4nr' person I bet ere, and two Steers, all red except one hotter which who may glee intormation of them wall twofer a favor tortes. ~„ PATRICK FLA.:\ AGAN To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Far I 1 West. •' this history of that vast and fertile region will I St Josephs, July 2nd 1801—tf prove an invaluable assistance. supplyiu,g as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to climate, products, means of travel. &c. Send for Circulars and see our tei MA and a Nil de scription oflhe work. Address NATIONAL PUBLLSII LNG CU , Philadelphia, Pa. BURNHAM'S AMERICAN BUSIN. ESS. COLLEGE. SPRINGFISLD, MASS. A Model Scbdol of Tgatle, associating Theory with Prictice bra system of Actual Business Operations. which practically illubtratc and simplify the Science of Accountant Alp, Mercantile Exchange. In all their various relations. RECENTLY RE:1101.TO TO A ONIFICEICT NEW eof:LEOE BI7IT.TYING,. erected nt a cost of $123100. Acknowledged to be the best and =mist completo Business College ever astab- Book-Keeping. Commercial. CalculatiOnS and Corre spondence taught in an interesting and practical mnn ner. Ranking 'louse. Iterchant's - Bmporium. and df teen Blisiness Offices in dadj-jr operation .A' thorough ly organized department of Mercantile 'Law. Physical Culture under a skit; tut gymnast. Penmanship taught be mneters of the Art. students can enter at any time no particular degree of of advancement required. La dies and gcntlenteMprosencte their studies together.and enjoy equal advantages. Graduates have averavd over sixtmonths in completing the prescribed course of study, and as a result_seven-olghths of them have ee cured Incentive situntiems In business. Strict atten tion given to the moral and social welfare o' En:Mentos. Fours SPLENDID Puzsa. of $73, w'll be presented Dee. ‘2sth. 1567. to the four graduates who shall have entered college from Feb let to July Bth. 1867. and made the most .mpnwoment so Flook-kacpinz and Writing. Par tien Inns In College Thwiew.just issued. Snatirnriglin is siitolted in the beautiful Connecticut Ris • r N : has :15 iktd i 4 is a cis s• ofgrret basineise net rite. anti the most healthy and delightful pare of residence in New England, COLLEGE Herren% (Inert -Are, qtc., fti einQ full partic ulars rein:lnc to the eonr.e or stnrlv. erpenses of board end tuittm may he had gems . Per-on. In pot-cult of the meat cilnen•lnunt facilities shoed address LOUIS W BL'lt .k M. Pr.-ski:wit, Piprir.^. 3fass. PAMMAN,, TlStr, CO.. XEINT /11. - , NI) WMALEITS IN GOVERNMENT I.:CURIT lES., No, 18 Nassau St. wow Yoram, Env and Eon marl •t ralei Six Per reta . Itontlg or Ntvr Twenty Booth, all 18,41.1 r:. Tett Forty 11 ,, n4F; Seren.Tliirty NUU , E. all scrle:s ; Cuu.poanci In ter.,t Nwes, ncl gold anil Silver Coin. Cenvert all series of fi.39 Notes into ne consolida ted 5-n , liouds sr hest n , :,rket rates: Execute orders fur purchase and sale, of all miseella neou securities. Receive deposits-and allow 5 per cent. interest on balances, entdect to check at sight. Make collectione on all acceeeible points. All lesaes of Corcrninent Securities credited or re mitted for, ott receipt, at market ratee, hoe of all col:a -nal:4Am clergell, E . r. .r, co. 3F 11 1.1•4e , JOSEPH B. PURDY; 32 c 1 34 Maiden Lane, New York. Twenty-Fourth Annual Sole. Guarantees best quality, fall size and weight, 'and a most complete assortment at Reduced Prices. Orders evecuted with care and despatch. City, town, and private displays ruruished to any amount. A liberal commission allowed fur securing city or town Exhibitions. BENJ. BULLOCK'S SONS , • " W CIO C:1 ) . COMMISS/OX AfERCHANTS, 40 t 42 South Front Sts., PHILADELPII lA. Commissions 5 per cent., Advances in cash made. Interest t per cent. per annum. MADAM E FOY'S • PATENT CORSET SUPPORTER, Combines in one garment a pfrfect fitting Corset,and the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered the pub lic. It places the weight of the skirts upon the, ithoul - dere Instead of the hips ; it imprqvcs the rosin without tight lacing; gives ease and ele ,, a nee ; is approved and recommendedby physicians. Manufactured by 1). B. SirNDERS & CO„ DG Summer St., Boston. A RE von Lame, Crippled or Deformed? Or have you or Mar neighbors: a boy or child lame with contracted limbo, or carted opine, or crooked feet, or weak or paralyzed limbs or ankles, or who arc ehtirely helpless, or who are obliged to creep, or to walk with crntches,,or whose limbs are shortened, or crooked, or drawn hp, or who walk on their toes, or whose ankles roll orer or turn inward, or who have crooked knees from white Swelling, or scrofula, or who limp from hip difficulties' , ! To save each from a life o misery will you not write a letter, giving the promin ent points of the case, and receive in return. free of charge, a circular which may be the means of saving them ? if so. addrest Dr. J. P. fiILANN, 133 West 41st Street; New York. • • HUOBARD'S MOWERS /AND REAPERS. ra:Dpr 1 ES7 115r1in.33a-D)lLatacat AWARDED :fIIE FIII6T GRAND GOLD MEDAL AT THE G . REAr NATIONAL FAIR HELD AT:AUBUIV.i.y N E\V YORK, IN JULY, 1866. ' • We again olff this celebrated Mower to the l':onin ,, Public, and can safely recotfinietid it a' on 6 of the ip.sf Itowel% ika to World, as its record shows. Manufactured by us. S. EL SAVE & EUCS. LIQICORS. p A u n re exta l s n iv o e r s n stoorrtmmen medical parpese g , embracin4 nearly every k hid in market, con stantly t'm hand between two and three thousand dol lars' worth of wholesale cost, and for sale by ABEL T ARD OIL, and n great variety or OILS for REAC,RI I_,IN EBY, fur sale by ABEL TERRELL. ESTATE OF MAR Y McCARMIN, ,deccassid. law of Chocouut township, Susgati• hauna county, Pa. - Lettere testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having bceu granted to the undersign ed. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and these having claim, against the tame to pi eseut them duly authenti cated for settlement. ISIARJA S. COGGIN, Executrix Choconut, July 2, 1.3137.• Audit Or's Notice. 6niler.l7.ned an audt:or appointed by the Court of Common Plea. of Mosque erne County to dis tribute a fund In the hands of the Sheriff arising from the .ale of the real estate of Pittrlcis(rliara,tak.n in ex ecution at the suitor D. P. rhelan. will attend to the tintles of hie appointment d: hisoffice in Montrose, on liontlay, Arg. sth, 1,14, it I ~'clock p. in. at of.hich time and place all pe rs ons Interested in slid fund may present their claims or be forever debarred from corn. tug to on eaid fund. E CARMALT, Auditor Montrose, July 2, ISt. $2O. AGENTS WANTED- Mate and Felrmle. to Introduce our New Patent Star Shultle Sewing. 3fachine. It is adapted fur family use nd - Ta tloring. It makes a stitch alike on both Priee only Twenty Dollars. Extraordinary induce went a to Agents. For full particulars, address D[7.IIO.NT @ WII SO,N. 630 Arch street. Philadelphia, l'a. July 2-31 a Notico in Partition. MO Sarah McKline, non: residing in Oakland town. ship, Snsquehanna' county, and issue, nine child ren, to wit : Charles F. AleKnue. eldest eon, now resi ding in New Bedford, Borenu comity. Mime; Silas F. Meßune, al-o living in New Bedford, aforesaid; Jos. since deceased, leaving a widow, dam. Me. hone. and two minor children, to wit: Mary E. Me• Kime, aged eleven ,years, and Fannyy Medinne, aged eight year, (the said - Sarah *Rune having been duly appointtid guardian ofs.the sold minors, the said Jane liteli:une also resiOng in Oakland township aforesaid.) Benjamin F. AlcKune, the petitioner; Betsey Ann. in. terwarried with G. :Nichols and now residb gat New Bedford aforesaid ; Mary V. intermarried with A. S. Lathrop living In Wynnette, Bureau county afore said ; Phebe P., who intermarried with I. 0. Miazy, and is now deceased. leaving her said husband aid is sue. three children, to wit: Henrietta. Francis and Sarah Eunice Mlnny, all minors under the age of four teen years, and now residing with their said father(J. 'D. hllnzyi in Elmira, rheuango county, New York; and Eunice iblermarridd with James *Cannon. and now residing in Oakland township aforesaid; and oleo one grandson, to wit : Timothy Wheat, sop of Esther Wheat, who was a daughter of the said Joseph Me. Hone, and died before the said Joseph—the said Timo thy now residing at or near Waverly in the State of New York-- TAE Norton: That an inquest will he held at the late dtreilin.: hous , ! of Joseph MeKane, deceased, 1121 the township of Oakland. county of Stisont,hatitta, on ThorsdaY - the lath day of July, 1867. at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of making partition of the real estate of said demi-ell to nodal:acing the children and reprecen tative ire he same tun he done without prejudice to or spoiling the Ivholo; ptherwiee to value And appralee the same according to law ; nt winch time nun place you are required to attend If you think proper. S. F. I, AI.sZE, Shertif. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, June 2i. 1867, SCRANTON BOOKBINDERY AVING seenred Mid services of Mr. 11. Zoohe, one i 1 of the best himlers to he found In the State, we arc prepared to furnish to Banks, Insurance Contpard es Merchants, Manufacturers, Coil operators, Hotels and others, with • BLANK BOOKS, of erery description, on short notice, booed in any style desired, in tiacbmost substantial manner, atTeas °nettle prices. Magazines bound, and old books rebound, at 'New York prices. Orde.s left at the office of the paper pnblishing this advertisement, (resent by Express, will be attended to and returned without unnecessary delay. E. S. 31. MILL. Scranton, Pa., Juno 18, 1867. tf . • Itti.r l 3l33t.Yr • C>faC'eriel; . , "MALIE33I, DTCtorICI.II3 BY a recent decision of the Court of Claims.'all 0111- tens bolding commissions between dates of March ist, 184, and May 8d , 18611, are entitled to Viper month for each'serrant allowed by tank. Foritather information, apply to •• GEO. P. LP:1 4 11, • I.leensed Goverantent Agent. Montrose. -Ifarch 26, tf IZSTATE OF MATTHEW NEWTON', late of Ditnock, Snag's county. 'Pi., deed. Letters of administration upon the estate of theabove Darned decedent having been granted to the Ondereign ed, all persons indebted to said estatenre hereby nett fled to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present theta duly authentf- Wed for settlement. miziod4 , I) . slostr?EP. A BEL TURRBEL'S'.6Taftp„' . AJL uncial, la fall of dasUable Good.. Call and sae :...~_:_~"k= NT ATTRACTIONS! Variety, Styles, and Bargained DRY . GOODS, remelt GOODS' • MILLIIMIVit GOODS, READY MADE' CLOTHING, Merchant . l'ailoring o and Gent's Tarnishing Goods. Gutten.burg, Rosenbaum & Take ;great pleasure in informing that!. friends and that public In general that Dry Goods have taken A./VG/711 ER TUMBLE, and that they have purchaired a more Lhuu nsual lar r Le stock of c:) which for price. variety, and etyle cannot be uscOled. We have in Flock— $lOO. DRESS GOODS: Black and Fancy Dre.s i Rich Mohair Goods in all ety!es and colors,: thrured nod striped floe Qrgandies, Cambrics, and Lawns, handsome DeLalns, Chailles, &c. &c. WHITE GOODS : Swieß Muslim Mlle, plain, Inured, and striped Inconeter, tizured- and etriped Brilliants, a fine lot of Drapery Ilusllne, 31areeiNs ,tc. LIN EN GOOll3l Clack and brown Table Linen, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, birdseye and shirt ing Linen, Scotch Diaper, Linen Tgck and Drilling for men and boy's wear, ,t,c. Domestics, bleached natl brown Skirtings, Calicos, Gingluims, Denims, Ticking, Cott onades, &c. FAii'CY GOODS,: Superior quality, Kidd Gloves. sulk and Lisle Thread Gloves, all colors dress and cloak Bottom+, Trimmings. Embroideries, Laces, Veils, floseries, nevi styles In Balmoral Skirts, Par asols, Sunshades, Corsets, and Hoop Skirts. ShaVvls, Basques and Sacks t Of cloth and e ilk, t•plendld variety, anitchesp. - • - MILLINERY GOODS: At wholesale . Haat]. itiaree 'and eompleto stock ofnollinery Goods. snch as artlacial Flowers. Ribbani, Bonnet Silks, Frames. Blocks. Straw this & Bonnets. Blnade,La ces, &c.. which we JOB to the Trade at New York • wholesale prices. HEADY...MADE CLOTHING of our OWN man utheture—the largest and tastiest variety in the county. We guaranty oar work. MERCHANT TAILORING r We have over 100 ' different patterns of Cloth, etnistmers, and Coatings for eustom work to select from; have a FIRST CLASS OCT PER. and arc enabled to give perfect satisfaction in regard to good fits, style and prices. Parties preferring to have thelegarircentlx.'madetb measure. are requested to 'givens a call and exam ine our stock. GENTS' VVIINISHING•GOODS= White an Flannel Shirts, ebtton.ntd merino Wrappers and Drawers, Gloves, Ties and Scarfs, paper and linen Collars, Hatnikeretders, .Traveling Rage, Trunks atid Umbrellas reCHEAP.3^7A Mao variety or Gents and Boys IirATS& CAPE, 6nttritbug, liasenbanin 4 Co. N. 5. DESSAI7ER, Managing-Partner. Montrose, May 14, 1567. • 7 • 11[W FURNITURE ROOMS! MUIR subscribers would respectfully ink= the public that they have commenced business In C. Cush man's old Shop, where wo keep constantly on hand and manufacture to orderail kinds of otyr, $0141 . H5E 3 35110 , 1k e ••• • suon AS • Bureaus, „Bedsteads Lounges, Settees, Stands, Tables, Extension Tables; of a superior manufacture, Alsci, Barrett's Patent Ladies' Revolving Work Table. All (hose In want Of Cabinet Furniture will do *eh to glve tte a call before looking elsewhbre.for wg Intend to maim our work good, and sell It cheaper thin ant other ;ettghlishment In Susquehanna County. N. work done when promised. VANORSDALN, JOAN WHEELER. Montrose, dune 4, 183*T.-1Y STATECiFfigNRY WEBSTER,Iate E Of Franklin township, Sun'a co., deceased; , • Lettere testamentary upon the estate of , the Morel named decedent haying been granted to the undersign ed, all persona indebted to maid estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate pumeat, and those haring otakne`agaitistthe moo 10 peome them duly 'Menu. cated far sattlsmenti •!+ :•• • • ' • tigatjUtatiA * Fistildin, May 28., 1661 r MIEM LOAD QtriXTERS Pon VA IR HO 0 S SEWING MACHINES, ,699 BROADWAY, . NEW YORK FOR FAMILIES & MINUFACTUREBSd THESE WORLD untirtictkr• SEWING MACHINES Wert ateauled the higlicsi Prebi,:aM at the Warlcre Fair iu,Lojtdon, and sir first premiums at the New York Sl.,te Fair of 1606, and are Celebrated for doing the he'd, n /wk. tieing ri ainait pros 'ler needle for the 'tame thread than any, other ma awe. and by the introduction of the most approved tnn• hinery, weave now able W rapply the very b. &t ma chinee in the world. 7' machines art made at our hew and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate gopeentsiun of the President of the Company. ; Elias liottie, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTOR OF TEE srAtING MA- They are adapted to all kinds of FaniUy . Seu tor, 'sad to the nee of seamstresses. dress makers tailors. man ufacturers of-Shirts, collars. skirts, cloaks, mantillas. hats, caps, corsets, boots. shoes, harnesii.Sad ales, linen goods. Umbrellas, parasols. etc They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will quilt, gather, fell, cord, braid. bind. and fier(prm ."TetY species of sewing. making a beautiful Ath.perfett stitli, alike On' belth'ifides of the articles sewed. The Stitch inventrd by Mr. Howe,ana'made vn this Machine, is the most popylur. • and durable, and elf Sree;n g .211- ehinee are subject e, the prig- . cipk invented by SEND FOR A CIRCULAR.' SIBLEY & STOOPS., General Agents, NO. 022 CHESTNUT ST., PHIVA. Feb. 26, Mt ATTENTION, EVERYBODY! Now Ready for the SPRING CAMPAIGN. NIFAV . GOODS lust rtWved and ti• iA t!o Odd at GREATLY - REDUCED' . PRICES/ Dry Goode In great 'variety and desirable styles, ' Softens, the largest and best VlSOrtlllent in the place. A fall lineof Stallonery. Being desirous of cloang out my stack of Crockery, Hata. Caps, and Ladles' Shoes, soil them ' .• , ' ' ccosit. Garden & Flower Seeds of all kWh.. Call and examine my stock beforel•ptirchislngnlite where, and be convinced of tho quality and ctteapneu of my Goods. 'Store fa the same bnildin . g as tbo Postofilce. and formerly occupied by Webb & - Butterdeld. • .• A. D. EIUTTEIIrffiLD. Montrose; Pa., May 7. DM. I • - - • STs HOUSE • 121, 23i 28 it 27 Broadway, N. T. • • OppOsita Robllng Green. • L, ON THE' EUROPEAN PLAN'. ' ' STRVERS *OUSE to *ell arid wldelY ictiOWW . Jl. to the travelling nubile. The lot:afloat& capeclallr 'imitable to merchants and business men • it is in elose proximity to - thehtusiness part of trav e l — randsc the highway of Botithern and Western a leetti ,to alithe prtnelpal Railroad and Steamboat depo . The Rtevedi nOllBO has liberal accommodations for over 130(1gdests—it is well ftwnishedi and possesses re ery modern imptJvctient for the comlbrt and entertalw,4 meat of its inmates. The rooms are spacioni and welt ventilated—provided with eta and watertho attend, Mltels Prompt and respbctibil:o•-and the table is supplied. Iwo) posy delicacy of the spason•riit atodookte • 4EO. K.*Clbit3E &Co. • may 1-dm /424.111rca1k