The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 25, 1867, Image 3

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At the Glenwkikqa Tlioieb Glenwood,
ra ,on Thiireda, - July '46;1867. GOod
Music, good Supper, good 'dancing, and a
;rood tinr.
jw. P. CAFFEBTY, Proprietor.
Second Annual Ball,
war y_ At the Engle Hotel,. New
Milford, Pa., on Thursday
evening, illy 4th, 1867. The proprietor
will spare no pains to catq. for the cona
fat and hilarity - of his guests.
Independence Ball.
A Ball will be given at the
Union Hotel of R. C. Vail,
New Altiford, on the Fourth of July.
The public are invited. Music—Dick
Squires' Band. Bill, ; 13,50, tf*
_ ..........e. -.
Temperance Meeting.
The members of the Montrose Band of
Hope, and the friends of Temperance geu
crally, are respectfully invited to meet at
the Academy Hall on next Wednesday
e vening, June 26th, at i o'clock, for the
purpose of effecting a more perfeat organ
ization. Good speakers will be in atten
dance. By order of the Band.
Aged Pedestrian.
Mr. John Pratt, now 88 years old,
walked from near New London, Conn.; to
this place, he says, in seven days ; a dis of 250 miles. He may be mistaken
in the time, as he is not of sound mind.
Uncle John" served in the defence Con
necticut made against British invasion.—
His friends are in hope the government
may yet do something for him. It may
he comforting to tobacco-eaters, fur me to
inform them that this aged veteran will
eat a pound of the " weed" every week,
perhaps, if be could get it.
Lathrop, June 20, 1567.
Aged Seamstress.
Mrs. Sally Bissell, wife of Dr. Bissell,
dee'd, of Brooklyn, this county, now 75
v,an. old, last season in less than eight
wcuks pieced a bed-quilt containing 3,002
pieces. She is now engaged on a similar
Ivork, a quilt called the "Roman Cross.'L
Si x does her own cutting, fitting, sewing
:wd nutting together. Who has done bet
Mother Bissell" is too well known by
everybody" for its to make comment;
sa t : only that she is a hale, matrouly'sbe
cnneu of the mothers and women of •he
last etut ury. E. AL
• Lathrop, June 20, 1867.
gore Aged _ Still.
Mrs. I:ebecca Merrii4 near Hop
bottom, Pa., is now nearly 97 years old. I
iler wind is good still, though weak in
U—ly, and till within a few weeks was able
to visit her young friends. Mrs. Merrill
was burn in the times that " tried men's
,ouk." She is the only person in the
county probably that was born in " good
idyl colony times when we were under the
king." She was born in 1770, in Massi
chi:setts, I think the year of the " Boston
M issacre ;" the same year the British sol
dirrs cut down the liberty • pole on the
Park iu New York city ; four years be
ilre the first meeting of the Continental
Congress, in Philadelphia; five years be- •
fore the battles of Lexington and Bunker
Hill. She was six years old when the
Declaration of ludependence was signed,
and thirteen when the ';articles of peace
were signed at Paris.
Truly this woman has seen troublous
and glorious times. Her history is the
history of our country, socially, religious
ly politically. May her last days be
her best days. She is Cared for in her de
clining years by her only son and child
living, A. B. Merrill, of Hopbottom, Pa.
Lathrop, June 20, 1867. E.M.T.
Fence Laws.
Mn. EDITOR : With your permission as
there seems to be some misapprehension
of the laws relative to fences and cat
tle in this county, I will refer briefly to
the Several acts of Assembly relating
The act of 1859, Pamphlet Laws, page
51, prohibits horses, cattle, ttc., from run
ning at large upon the highways of this
county. This I believe to be generally
conceded a very good law ; but many of
my brother farmers interpret this law in
a manner that is to their disadvantage—
that they are under no obligation to keep
up any street or enclosure fence. The act
referred to only makes such horses, cattle
4c. running in the highways, - strays,
which must - be treated as such. See act
of Assembly, Pardon's Digest, page 572,
and it seems that persons not having such
fence cannot obtain , damages from the
,owners osuch horses, cattl e, 4c.
Persons owning land, separated by a
highway; are as much bound to keep a
sufficient fence along said highway, as
§aid fence - I:vas to be kept` along the line
And in repair_by the partiei respectively.
The references given- above are I be
lieve 'Corfecti nta the- itifereffees drawn
therefroM are most certainty _ just ; fOr if
neighbor A. is bound to restrain his cattle,
- antittep them within enelosure;oertainly
neighbor B. should irgtect lois crops with a
sufficient fence.,
Respectfulifyonrs, IticLoaung.
Lathrop, Ynne go, 1.07.
Quarterly .1 -
Rev. D. W.,C. Olmstead, I'. E., will
hold a Quarterly Meeting at the M. E.
Churehiaßrooklyn,July 4:413 and 7t11,09m-
InTing Saturday at 2* o'clock P. M.
BanditObliabli Nib Utica:
The annttal.-meoting ! Of_thttSmquehantia
County Sunday) School. , association was
held akGreat Bep4,4liticttel4lB.37 The
,good;fiebplkbfj (INal.,,hiih)g
seen the notico, ktIN mersftwere taken.
somewhat bSt int i rprise adit Consequently
a resolutiort yias, ; Oassed that pi trip) the:
Rol Sec. itihest.'th; — notice to be
all itinifdonntylidliors;Liirw_eeiks
in sueetts9ioo;PrOVions° Aiti, 4 . 010 z 'an nual .
meeting; and tfie Cor:tec:
notify each diatrict•See..andibrough then
each Sup't in every town in the county of
every meeting of this association.
Our Great Bend friends .Welcomed us
with a cheerful hospitality and a friendly
Delegates from several towns were pre
sent, and written reports from others,
which gaVe the convention the intelli
gence of a growing interest through 2gl
the country, in the cause of Sabbath'
School instruction.
The Convention, consisting of all evan
gelical clenuminations,was impressed with
tie importance of a divine blessing on
th it united efforts in the work of promo
ting Bible instruction throughout our
country, and felt the need of more thorn'
work by the officers and members of this
• - .
association in organizing district Secreta
ries in each town of the county, and Cll
- the prayers of every Sup't and
teabher for united efforts in the Sunday
School cause.
A large delegation from Susq'a Depot
was present, and gave the Convention a
cordial invitation to meet them in a Sun
day School Institute on the
~ 3,1 Tuesday of
October next, in Susquehanna, at 3 o'cl'k
p. m., when „they expect. at least two
prominent addi:Css the insti- •
tete and make it interesting. The Con
vention resolved,
1. To hold annual meeting of
this association at Great Bend the second
Wednesday an June, 186 8.
• 2. That Suptts of the various schools in
Great Benud borp' and township be ap
pointed of arrangements fqr the next an
nual meeting at Great Bend.
.3. That the special committee to ap
point district secretaries be requested, to
give notice of. ,such appointments by two
successive insertions._ ior l all Aercormir_ pa
pers before the first day of Aug. S. F.
Lane, Etiy., SNP: Birdsal,l4l),,ati:d ;G.A.
Guernsey, Conn.
4. That the convention earnestly re
commend to Sinaday Schools in this coun
ty speeiaril. Torts:in the cause of temper
ance. )
Notice in Partition.
ISarah McKune , now residina in Oakland town
ship, susquehanna county, and issue. nine child
ren. to wit : Charles F. 3 , lcKnne, eldest sun, now resi
ding in New Bedford,Bureau county. Illinois; Silas F.
McKune • also liv' ~, ,.1 N. Bedford-4
5. That feeling deeply the value of uni- Iticliune ' ,. since dee n ,asli, girtngawd= "' ..iat In t 'e . -
ted efforts in the'Sunday School cause ,we i to z. ... ,: i ii tw el ) ,, i . i e i n i no y r ea c rs hiid n 7 d tt. F t o wit: if !pry E. Mc
do most earnestly commend the County e 1 4 .10. years, (the said Sarah McKuno ii - avin e g. re e t; ri ig d y
l am: u in n t e e n d i f o ua r r , d , i i iN ug of tn t%o a it c l i n t i o n w or n s veh t , hela iv ld s J a r i a;
Sunday SchoOl Association to the pray
ers and co-operative'efforts of everv. Su- Benjamin F. Mut( une, the petitioner; Bei:cy Ann..iu.
tll(/. M. Nichols and now residit g at
perintendent and teacher in the county, t' L r .‘ Ti v igrredr
Bedrord lNi
aforesaid ; Mary r. intermarried with i.
and especially invite them to attend the I ',,thitiltigePbeuip.n4l,tyanotte, Bureau county afore
adjourned meeting of this Convention at and is now dem:used. lea'tevrulugarbroci• r ed sa with I.
said hus l hand 3l an i d z i l s:
, sus. three ilildren, to wit: Henrietta, Francis and
Susq'a Depot on the 3d Tuesday ot Octo- . Sarah Eunice NI i nzy, all minors under the *me of roar-
ber next. • teen years. nud now rt.sinillf : with their raid father (J.
11. Minn., in Elmira. Chenat"m county New York •.
Officerti were elected for the ensuiug , and sunl,,, intermarried with James at count.,
year, as t bli ew , , i now residing in Oakland` 'lllM townshjnploresaid • an also
J. to If 1 t I s'i tlll
i Itil, 'TIMM, nouul Linner
President, J. B. Gregg ; Vice l'res't, i wheat. who was adaughter or the Slid Joseph MC-
Kune, and died before the said Joseph—the said Time-
T. D. Estabrook ; WT. See'V, D. K. Oak- thy now residing, at or near Waverly, in the State of
ley ; Cor. Seely, S. F. Birdsall ; Treasur- ! New York--
or A. Chamberlin. I TAKE NOTICE: That an inq lidch uest will he held at the,
t d‘a elling house of Joiseph une, deceased, in .
Executive Committee—J. B. Gregg, D. thelown.hip of Oakland. county Al Susquehanna,
K. Oakley, S. B. Chase, W. 11. Je"tal'• 4 1 " ri4thei t id N orIulv n at l o'el'ck' : n
, th e in. t .iillo the re:ltsl/tIOt
liarford, Jane 21, 1867. D. K. O. i said deceased to and ainong the children and represen
tative., if the same can fie done without prejudice to
-- —. lll. 41111. .111.- -- - l or PpOili lie the %s hole: otherwise to value and appraise
i the name according to law ; at which time nun place
Base Ball. , you are required to attend if you think proper.
. A match o•ame Wag played in Montrose ssert•frt , Office, NI ontrom Jane . 2.5F, 1 1. 6 . 0 .t 7 N . E, Sherif'.
ton Friday - afternoon , last, bet ween the
Wide Awakes of Montrose, and the S• ars,
of Great Bend. The following is the
score •
\ STAR. 0. R.
Barnum, c. 3 2
Scott, p. ' 4
Gibert, 3b. 3
Dubois, g. s. 2
Squires, Ib. 0
Bunts; T. f. , 4
Willard, c. f. 2
Hays, ,3 b, 5 3
Tro wbridge,l.E4 3
Ist 2d 3d 4th sth oth 7th Bth 0111
Star,, 7 2. 7 8,"2 0 2
. 11-25
A,, 0 0 16 6 1 68.11-49
Flys caught—Stars : Squires 1, Trow-'
bridge 1, Dubois 1,-3.. Wide Awakes—
Tyler 1, Price 2; Tarbell 2, Weeks 2—T.
Flys missed—Star 3, Wide Awake 6.
Fonle struck.—Star 4 5 Wide Awake 14,
Out on foulti—Star 9, Wide Awake 8
Passed balls—Star 4, Wide Awake 2.
Duration of game-2 hours and 3-min
Umpire,---Whialosey, - of Great Bend.
,Scorers'—N. S. Lenbeim; Stars—F. A
PeaUS, Wide Awakes.
School Books.
The following resolution was adopted
by the Montrose Beard of School Direc
tors, June 7, 1867 :
Resolved, That we adopt for the . use of
the Schools of Montrose, Sanders' Series
of Union Readers and Spellers.
In order to accomplish the change
which the aliove resolution contemplates,
an ample . supply of_ ole aboye lines of
Books 'maY be found'atithe Book Store of
W.B. Deana, in Montrose, and all who
have Bodks-bf this class, - now in use, will
please call on bid aid . el change them for
the new ones.
Mr. Deans will inform you of the term
of exchange; and we think they are each
that all will be satisfied.
This exchange_ will commence from
date, and continue until the lst of Octo
ber next. Those having to purchase new
Books, will have the opportunity of buy
ing at wholesale prices during that time.
IFy,or4er of the 13oarcl 4 ,
Montrose} June 1867.-§ol*
---Cot ee grows far bettnr : A Telm then
wee at 4rat anticipate, ,
—Kelly, of ",gift enterprise" notoriety,
waft itrpsted in New York
. .y.ester4y ; on'
the.ilherliel44llinie lottery ticket: ;
June 13th, by Newell lieeler,E.q., Mr
EUFA D 141i.liCK, iSS 41.31110.4:
• xr
46rad Ford co: „poers please copy.)
In Forest'Lake, on the 13th inst., by
Eh). WA): wIN,
of. M idateio44,"Ulld MISS JuiAETTE L.
LEoNAnn, of Forest Lake.
In Rush, June lath, by Rev. 11. 11.
Gray, EARL LOVE and Miss AWI IA J.
Sr EBBINS, bOth of Auburn.
Reported for the DEMOCRAT. by Fenton,
Fitz:Tentld A Tracy. ptrictly Produce Cominh=e.ion Mer
chants, 3S Whitehall Street, New Yttrk, fur the week
Flour. per bbl.
Wheat. per hothel
Rye. do ..
Corn, co .
Onte, do .
Better, per lb. ...
Cheese. ,•
Pork, mess, per bbl
Beef, mesa, • •
Eg.lng, per doz
Wool. per Th.
Dret.eted Hugs, per lh
(%4 lctti AbVittiseinhts.
s E et, L . F , D ..„ ,- ps p . o :„ . ‘l . „, , , , .. i . " .. b° Co r u e i c i e ty ive u d n I l l o e n C d ° 3 Tu i ry .
13, INoi7, for the building of a Bridg e, over the Me shop
pen Creek. in Springvilledownship, near States' Mill.
Thu Plan and lipectficatlotn; of said Bridge may be seen
at the Commt4vioners' 011ie, or at the Store of Boyd &
Corwin, alter June 23, 1:4j7.
Bv u?der of the Oommlenioners.
W. A. CBOSSMON. Clerk.
Couatu'rs (Mice, Montrose. June 23,
111 HE undersigned. an auditor appointed by the Or
a phans'rourt of Sttsquehanna County to diatributo
the fund id the hands of Caroline h. Dimon'Atiministra
trix. of the estate of Charles Dimon. deed. will attend
to the duties of hie appointment at his °lnca in
Montrose, on Monday, the ;Nth day of July, Iton, at 10
olciocklp the forenoon, at which titpe and , place
_peripni linteteated are required to ` present their
claims or'be . forover debarred from coming In upon said
Yarnell, p. 2 8
CUM), 3 b. 2 6
Smith, I. f. 4 3
Price, t. S. 4 5
Weeks; Ib. 3 4
E. Bald win,2 b. 4 4
L. Baldwin, r.f. 4 5
Tyler, c. f. 2 7
Carpenter, C. - 7
73.X.A%-Pe.I 2 I.2.43LGM'ES .
Auditor's Notice.
JAS. E. CARMALT, Auditor
Mont rove, June 75, 1867.
77 ii A VIM; reeu red ihe
.pervices of Mr. 11. Zo•he. one
al of the be.rt hinders 4o be found in the t 4 tate, tce
are prepared to furnish to Ban kt.. illSqrance rommni-t.
Merchant.. Manufacturerv, Coal operators, Hotels and
others, with
of every description, on short notice, bound in any
style desired, in the most substantial manner, at reas
onable price?).
Magazines bound, and old books inbound. at New
York prices.
Orde-s left at the office of the paper publishing thin
advertisement, or sent by Express, will be attended to
and returned without unnecessary delay
E. S. M. 11 ILL.
Scranton, Pa., June 18, 1867. tf
Wyoming Seminary and Com
mercial College.
THE Trustees of this Institution are proceeding ra
pidly with the erectibu of a spacious additional
4sminary building two hundred and thirty feet In
length, three and four stories high, to be called - Ceti
teunary Hall," and are also making very important
changes in the present buildings so as to have them all
prOperly connected. Hereafter we hope to be able to
accommodate all who apply for admission, and refuse
no applicants as heretofore Fur want of room. '
In consequence of the changes being now made In
the Seminary buildings we are compelled to dispense
with the usual anniversary exercises.
The approaching vacation will be lengthened three
weeks, and the Fail term will commence Sept. sth
Kingston, Pa., inne 18, 1867.wl W. S. SMYTH.
Celebration. and Straw-
berry Festival !
. CELEBRATION and Strawberry Festival will be
d held et the M. E. Church in Brooklyn. on the 4th
ofJuly next. The Hon. Geo. Landon will deliver an
address at 11 o'clock; A. M. The Bev. B. W. O. Olra
atcad, I'. B. of the Wyalnsing District, is also expected
to be present. The proceeds of the Festival to be used
for tarnishing the Church when repaired. All are invi
ted to participate. ,
Brooklyn, June 18, 1567.-21 V : •
f 7, 1 .17V43atret 4 40
i4b 3o Nii artin by tb;s3lrekUie. ne r ßildipti4t to!
D.Diclsqn, for 4223, elated Jun p 29th. 1885, spd
due June ~,Vth; 1887,,tt The persod, hOlding said bond will
cpofe4 a favut by callingoipottAbifsnbseriber and tab
. •
vr0811)1Jil, Treoe's ,
,Itfoidifiso, J 049.14307 . 740 ;. • • • •
1 1 .! l'•
[ ;•
0 : - .3 • 1 i533 1 1, - 0 1 0-0 •-:, fr; :"il
101IMPOSAL ,1 3.wil 1 be recaivad untlll3th Jab , at the
Stort•431•11: Thatcher. Inliontrosn.,Vor building a
bchool Ilense.ln the tir,plle District in Bridgewater. -
•• ••••Libtintied - Speetfleationts itiall'be`extuanhitaftelt , the(
rithAap at pinbov74ace.. •-- -• ;"•• t ;•• . •t•
. r - . 1. : 0, SMITH; ' . " • • .
''' ' .. • '. J, If 843T,EPAP,58. • '
, .
prjegeiniter, 'Jane 18 . 1867.--2 q •
4ti0,00 a 14,110
.. 2,50 41 ) . 8.IK)
. 1,68 (.4 1,75
.. 1.20 1.40
ta) 6% 140
%) 0 30
. 16 4 18
. 22 . 00 ( :13 so
20,00 22.00
12 0, 13
11 (C 0 12
1M Q 20
30 Cr, 5.5
8 1 10
Inarorcovrecl 31.1307 ! attn. rincluaciaraactaat
NEW YORK, IN JULY, 1866. •
We again offer this celebrated Mower to the Farming Public, and can safely recommend it as one of the best Mowers in the
World, as its record shows. Manufactured by us. S. H. SAYRE & BROS.
From the Great River to the Great Ocean
Over 20,000 coiiiee sold in one month !
Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains, and the
Pacific covet. With over :200 Descriptive and Photo
graphic Views of the Scenery, Cities, Lauds Mines,
People and Curiosities of the New States andTerri
To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Far
Vest," this history of that vast and fertile region will
sroveau invaluable assistance. supplying as it does a
want lone felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to
eilmste products, means of travel, ac.
Sena 10t
scription of the work. Address - 4KM14 4
,ING CO , Philadelphia, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED for a new Work
entitled " Gtontr or TUR 111110ITTAL LITE;" for la
dles. elerp - men and others, It has no equal to eel). For
term. anti territory, a .dress
Wrnr3IIINS, Hartford, Conn.
ilret class monthly, containing 36 large double
column pages, only GO eta. for 6 months. Try it! Will
save every farmer many dolliirp, flaw(' offer a Horse and
Cattle Doctor lice. Address N. P: Boyer Co., Gum
Tree, Chester Co. Pa.
sell at 63 cts. per quart in City markets. Weaver's
Patent Cherry Stoner will stone three bushels per hour
and separate*. the seed froM the fruit. Sent by express
on receipt of $2,50.
Agents wanted everywhere to make $lO to Ma day.
The trade supplied by
Reading Hardware Works, {Reading, Pa.
Whemafactoror of a/I laindo of
Toilet Et Pearl Powders tic Lily White,
No. 606 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia
Orders by mall promptly attended 10.
~GENT WANTED,:to sell the Amer
ican Window Polish, the best over offered to the
public. It cl eans windows as fast as fast as youttan
wipe them with a cloth, without slop or water. It
leaves the glass clear as crystal, and flee from streaks
or lint. It also cleans and polishes Gold, Silver, Cop
per. Brass, and Tinware, better, and with less labor
than anything ever known. Agents are making from
$25 to $5O per week. Everybody wants it as soon as
they see it used. Send 25 cts for sample and terms, or
till on the ...I.IIIRICAN POLISH COMP-13'Y, 413
Chestnut street, Phira. .
( lATARRIT —Bronchitio,Scrofula of ev
ery phase, Liver and Kidney Disease. Wm. R.
l'rince, Flushing N. Y. for 60 years proprietor of the
Linnom Nurseries, hat:discovered the Remedial plants
which are positive cures Inr the above and all inheri
ts' and Chronic diseases; Dyspepsia, Asthma, nervous
debility. Rheumatism, and all Female maladies, and
others resulting from impurity of the blood, hitherto
incurable. Explanatory circular, one stamp. (freyte
on all diseases. 20 snn.--
Manufactured exclusively by us.
©"FT KR an experience of '25 years with all the differ
ent Machines, we offer this- to Brick Makers as
combining everything most desired by them. We only
ask a fair examination, and would prefer to have those
about to purchase some and see the Machine at work,
and compare it with any other in the country. We
make tae Adams Machine, for making front brick,
Hall's patent machine. clay tempering wheels, and ev
ery thing complete to stAta brick yard. Also, engines
rind boilers, cane mills, portable forges, and Machinery
of all kinds.
. .
GEO. P. ROWELL fit. CO.,
We have facilities for the transaction of the business
passed, and we think not equalled, by any simnel es
tablishment in America.
Our special lists of." One hundred Newspapers" offer
remarkable inducements to such as are desirous of ad
vertislog extensively. Send 10 ce nte for a copy of the
Advertiser's Gazette, giving lists and full particulars.
The large amonnt of patronage controlled by us ena
blea us to.promise our customers the most favorable
The," Adver leer's Gazette," published by tis,Con
,, •
taini mucoinforMatlonof value
. A.O advertisers. Price
pernnnum in advance.
QEQ. I'BOIVA'LL,:cE Adrartietpg Agents,
40 PARK . RO New York, •
orinerly at • fort, ilfpg.)
IL • 3133. ' ;4t piloer.=
11)PY dent d • Colon ' of the ICOart, of Mimi. all off'
eons oldin • comnilasloniletween dates of March
let, 180, • 3dtk3os, areentttlnd to $5 per ,inonth
for each ecrvau i allowed ny rank.
,For farther Information, apply' to .;
• ••,'
. 7 41g0_ ~nurnat,
- itActinsedt agemt.
Montrose, March WI, 1136 T q- • ;
IL , late of Dtmock, eneglanounii. Pa., dee'e
Lettere of administration upon the oeteteof theabove
named dpeettpnt having been naut t elle.the undersign
ed,llll peteans'indetrtedlo-eigint en hereby up ti-
Add to latistke inn:2olll4e pelinent, fhos6 baying
elattne ag,ein it the eante,to , pr L elent OOP 4nly, WICIItt
e t ated foreettlenteig.
Nay Er"-
~~~~~.. -
Variety, Styles, and Bargains,
Merchant Tailoring, and Gent's
Furnishing Goods.
Guttenburg, .& Co
Take ~r eat pleasure in informing their friends and the
publie7in general that Dry Woods have taken ANOTH
ER TUMBLE, and that they have purchased a more
than usual large stock of
*pring *miner
4 01' CO CO r:0
which for price, variety, and style cannot be excelled
We have in elect:—
DRESS GOODS : ,Black and Fancy Dress Silks,
. Rich Mohair Dress Goods in all styles and colors,
plain, figured and striped tine Organdies, Cambrics,
and Lawns handsome DeLains, &c. &c.
WHITE GOODS : Swiss Mullins, Mulls. Frain,
barred. and striped Jaconets, figured and striped
Brilliants, a tine lot of Drapery Muslins, Marseilles
t Quilts, &c.
LINEN GOODS: Black and brown Table Linen,
Table. Cloths, Towels,Napkins, birdseye and shirt
ing Linen, Scotch Diaper, Linen Tuck and Drilling
fur men and boy's wear, &a. Domestics, bleached
and brown Shirtlngs, Calicos, Ginghams, Denims,
Ticking, Cottonader,,tc.
FAIVCIK GOODS : Superior quality. Kidd Gloves.
Silkand Lisle Thread Gloves, all colors, dress and
cloak Buttons, Trlirnmings, 'Embroideries, Laces,
ulls. floserice, new styles in Balmoral Skirts, Par.
tools, Sunshades, Corsets, and Hoop Skirts.
..a.oras ma NJ&
Bill splow riety, and cheap.
MILLINERY GOODS : At wholesale &
A large and complete stock of millinery Goods,
such as artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Bonnet. Silks,
Frames,Blocks, Straw Bats & Bonnets, Blonds,La
res. &e.. which we JOB to the Trade at New . Turk
wholesale prices.,
/313:XDY MEADE CLOTHING of our OWN matt
nfacture—the largest and tastiest variety in the
county. We guaranty our work.
different patterns of Cloth, eassimers, and'Coatings
for custom work to select from ; have a FIRST
CLASS CUTTER. atid are-enabled to give perfect
satisfaction in regard to good fits, style and prices.
Parties preferring to have their:garments made to
measure, are requested to give us a call and exam
ine our stock.
Flannel Shirts, cotton and merino Wrappers anti
Drawers, Gloves, Ties and Scarfs, paper and linen
Collars. liandkerchiefs, Traveling Bags, Trunks
and Umbrellas
tirf A line variety of Gents and Boys HATS & CAPS,
6attenburg, liostnbanm k Co.
H. 8. DESBATIER, Managing Partner.
Montrose, May 14, 1867
THE subscribers would respectfully inform the public
that they have commenced butlness In C. Cush
man's old Shop, where we keep constantly on hand and
manufacture to order all kinds of
9.h; ...etv-tov
C' fr Rl:tlgttg .
9 I. ‘••• •
~41 • CI e . 1 •": • - •!)
scan .44b
Bureaus, Bedsteads Lounges, Settees,
Stands, Tables;Ritension Tables,
Of a sUperior manufacture,
Also, Barrett's Patent Lbdies' Revolving
Work , Tiblo,
Albthose In want of 'Cabinet rittalture will do well
to give us ncall before looking elsewhere,for we intend
to make our work good, and sell it cheaper than any
other catabliabinenim filltgllClLlnn& County.
7441.71t1"11?6C-446 41°3 ' 1 4 11 1 1i ! k t reI I&ORSDALE,
3 1 94491 10 . Juke 4, 1667.-4/
.2. 4 of Franklin township, co., deceased. •
Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted totho undersign..
.ed aU persons indebted to said estate ate hereby 1200.
c ash to make its rnedign Payment* 4.00 that 4 ;.24
laims against the slime to present thant dIIIy
c 1 4 0 4 1 0f Setile4l44o. • • - . "."'' l •
TPA% IA? PI. PP, ,
' :
Collector's Notice to Tax-pavers.
A LL persons residing or doing business svflibbs the
Igth Collection District of I ennsylvaula, compris
ing the connties of Luzerne and Sasquelianua,assessed
under the act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide
Internal Revenue to support the Government, to Par
Interest on the public Jett and for other purposes,
approved June ROth, 18&t, as amended by subsequent
aet,S are hereby notified that the Annual List of
MIS MR 1801
has been received from the acting Assessor, and that
the annual taxes which by • said acts they era
res actively liable to pay, have become due andpay.
11. C. TYLER, Eau., Deputy Collector, will tee* '
collection*, as follow•*
In Montrose, at the Otko of tho Deputy Collector,
from June let to 17th, from t 1 a. m. to 5 p. m.
In New Milford, at Vait'e Hotel, June 19, from 9 to,.
11 a. m.
In 'Great Bend, at Dayton HOIIBO, Juno 19. from 1 to
4p. m.
In Susquehanna Depot, at trammel's Ilotek,fune 20
s. to 2 p. in.
In Brooklyn, a t Bullard'ellotcl, June 22, 9 to 11 a. in.
In Sprin.girille, at Mrs. Lathrop's Motel, June et,
2 , t0 4 p. In.
19 In Lenox., at Glenwood Hotel, June 24, 11 a. at. to
In Clifford, at Mrs. Uewetson'a Holed, Jane 24; II to,
5 p. m.
In Gibson, at Smilofe "ante, June W., 10a. na, to St
P. In.
I will attend to receiving the same. In person or by do
putt', as follows :
In Scranton, June 24, [roma a. in. to sp. in. at Wyo,
ming Honsa.
In Carbondale, Jane 19, from sa. In. 101 p. in.. at
Harrison House.
In Pittston, June 28, from 8 a. 3 p. in., at Eagle.
In White Haven, June 22, from 10 a. m. to S p. la.. at
Stark's Hotel,
In Wilkesbarve at Collector's °Mee daily.
Alter which time costs will be added to amounts un
paid Jr collections promptly enforced according to law.
Taxabl es may pay at any of the. above stated places at
the time designated, as may best suit their canon.
C. B. WRIGI3T. Collector Lgth Did. Ps.
Collector's Office°,
Wllkes-airre, June 1, 1607. •
Were awarded the highest Premium at the
World's Fair in London, and six first
premiums at the New York State -
Fair of 1866, and are
Celebrated for doing the best, work. using a mut%
smaller needle for the same thread than any other ma.
ehine, and by the introduction of the most approved
machinery, we are now able to supply the very best ma.
&Mee In the world,
These machines are made at our new and
spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn.,
under the immediate supervision of
the President of the Company,
Etias Howe, the
They are adapted to all kinds of Fatally Sewing. and
to the use of seamstresses, dress makers. tailors, man
ufacturers of Shirts, collars, skirts, cloaks. mantillas.
clothing, hate, cape, corsets, boots, shoes, harnesa,liad
dies, linen goods r umbrollas, parasols, etc. They work.
equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goOds
with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam,
quilt, gather, tell, cord, braid, bind. and perform clay
species of sewing; making a beautiflil and puke{
stitch, alike on both sides of the articles sewed.
The Stieeh invented by Mr. .Filotee t and mad.
on this Machine, is the most populai
and durable, and .all Sewing Ma.
chines are subject to the prin.
ciple invented by him, •
BEND FOR A C 112011,414
•, . . . Or/nerd:Agents,
NO. 622 CIIESTNIIV ST.,: 011:110A.
'Feb. 46,..1887.
Egg,, "sth
• •,/
This unrivaled machine for gale - s& Am.
ook, Snag's Co. Pa.
rgrßepairt=tl kept on !mid.
a A W. MOODY. -
MO 28 i U 87 ---4w. Morn.
A REL .TURRELL ' S wrong.
+l6 aintW, ll , lll fall of 4e•ifebte (10410e.010 rill on