, : t • • ~ , •• • • .• 411 :' .:„' • r -3 • - ... . - , • 1 • 4 ~. ''' •:: :• - i . :.' - I .. 1 ... s'. , i • 4 : ,;..- ~ 4 --.. . ‘ . ft.. : . b 1 - . ... I • ...„. .% ' '' . .:l- 45! ~ 4. ;.., -- 4.- . t .. .e , :, e :•'•:., - • .4. t r.- : 4 , i H y. .. ~.. , .% ........,... s, t , 0:,..,... •,M A 1 , A. J. GERRITSON, Proprietin.} .For the Democrat, A History of the Great Struggle in America between Liberty and Despotism. The Tribune, in an article entitled " the Progress of reconstruction," says : " We have had enough of the Military bill to see how it works. Thus far we are satisfied. The Generals are doing as well as can be expected, generally operating a good deal better. We could have wish ed some things otherwise, but we try to remember that these men are in positions that have no parallel in our history, and we trust will remain •without a parallel. Under the orders of the President, they are charged with the execution of a poli cy which the President assures us he de tests, and has, only received from him a petulent toleration. Every day we are told that ho is about to interfere ; that Stanberry is preparing an opinion that will upset everything ; that Sheridan is to be removed from the Gulf, and Thom as from the Mountains ; and that his Ex cellency is about to take things in his own hands, and rush the South back to the Union. We have little fear of the Presi dent as long as the Judiciary Committee is i❑ session to checkmate him if necessa ry." Secretary Seward, while on a visit with 'the President to his birth-place in North Carolina, made a speech which contains the following allusion to the present state of the nation. He says: " At the present time there is an eclipse passing over our Constellation and from' the Southern limb. Don't believe with the savage that an eclipse can obliterate the Constellation. If Washington could now be called from the grave, and the questions at issue be referred to him, he would say, 'No delay in the restoration of the entire country.' Ido not aspire to be a greater than Washington." • President Johnson at the same place said, " My object has been to sustain the. institutions of a free government." What has caused this eclipse to pass over our Constellation but the blotting out the institutions of a free government, and the substitution of a military despo tism ? No wonder the President "de tests" such a policy, and shrinks from the awful duty imposed upon of assisting a band of traitors in veiling the orb of American liberty with the pall of dark ness and death The Tribune says, "the Generals in the Southern States are in po sitions that have no parallel in our histo ry." Yes, no parallel in our history un der the free government established by Washington. But is it forgotten that such an eclipse passed over the American continent precisely a century ago ? That the positions of the generals in the South ern States find their parallel in the posi tions of the generals commanding the troops of George 111. Then let ns turn our attention to the period that marks just a century of years, and.view the scenes of those dark and troublous days of the eclipse of liberty, and there shall we find the paralleliii these: The corresponding convulsions in the political atmosphere; the renewal of the same tragic scents; the repetition of the same disastrous events ; in short, the performance of the same tragedy of Amer ican Freedom—the eclipse of the same celestial orb of Liberty. The eclipse of a century . ago com menced in the North instead of the South. The obscuration of the Sun of Freedom began in .Massachusetts Bay. In the his tory of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1749 to 1774, by Thomas Hut- ' chinson, LL.D., formerly Governor of the Province, occurs the following account of the rebellious conduct of the people. " Parliament, though it has not the right to impose taxes upon any part of the empire 7 has in some cases thought fit to forbear doing it upon parts not repre sented, or having no share in the selec fion of members. This is the case of Ire land at this day. This was the case oft Wales after its submission .until it was represented. In other matters the legis- I lative power - was exercised over both those countries whenever it was judgisl necessary. And if the claim made by Massachusetts Bay to a representation in Parliament had been continued, probably it would have been acceded to, or taxes would have been forborne. But the claim had scarcely been made before it was , withdrawn, and ,publicly renounced in mostofthe colonies, and by the first eon ' vention in 1705_4 New York. They re— solved to import no goods from England. A bookseller refused, tpOompl27„.amteotti ing vp 434 street W . f4,aetatfultel. A greatutmlber of people immediately col lected together. 14e .10114 partner had each of them a pistol in his pocket, and one was fired, as he alleged, brhis fall in' the scuffle. This enraged and incensed the number of, people, The 'bookseller fled to the main guard , and the people followeland ins i sted" upon his being de livered to them.: The guard being insult ed, the two regiments - were _ordered le. their arms: - "'An - unfortunate seimanratsgeatOa. of being an informer, happened, to ,I:osSai7e. ed about the, same time by the populace . to undergo the moderupWshment of be• lug tarred . and feathered, and carted thro' the town. The two companies joined, and. made a vast body of people-; night coming on, they required the inha bitants through ail the streets where they passed to place lights in their windows, keeping the town a state of tumult and terror, when after a long and cruel treat ment of th'e innocent seaman, they set him at liberty and dispersed. "This was the first trial of a mob•since the troops! had been in town, and having triumphed; in spite oLtrire - m, a mob became more formidable than ever. The book seller for some days to avoid the furtheC rage of the people, by whom he was in clanger of being torn to pieces. Instead °flit warrant to apprehend any of the persons concerned in the assault upon him, a warrant was issued by a justice to apprehendihim for firing a pistol upon the Kintes subjects, peaceably assembled to gether. ".The next step which they took was the proscription . of tour persons by their names, (Lclaring them enemies to their country, and that t,hey ought, to be treat ed as such by withholding every act of civility. The proscribed persons were persecuted for several weeks after by the rabble collected to interrupt customers passing to and.from their shops and hone es, and by Oily:acts of derision. At length Feb. 22d, 1770, a mob more powerful titan common collected before the house of one of them, a shopkeeper of fair char acter.* He fled 'to his house for shelter. The mob surrounded his house and threw stones and brickbats through the win dows, and as it appeared upon trial, were forcing their way in, when he fired upon them and killed a boy of eleven or twelve years old. lie was soon seized, and ano ther person with him who happened to be in the house. They were in danger of being sacrificed to the rage of the people, being dragged through the streets, and a halter being prepared. The boy that was killed was the son of a poor man, but a grand funeral was judged very proper for him. Young and old of all ranks and orders attended in solemn procession from Liberty-tree to the town house and then to the burying ground. " A more tragical affair happened soon after. The troops were insulted, and hissed, and pelted with pieces of ice.— Captain Preston ordered them to desist, or they would be fired upon. But the as sailants coatinu&l to .pelt the troops, dar tug, Lim vv. 6.0. Ai im,ath nnp of them received a blow with a club, which bro't him to the ground, but rising again, he immediately fired, and all the rest, one ex cepted, followed the example. Three men were killed outright, two died soon atter. Gray, one of the killed, bad been in fre quent quarrels with the soldiers; and he, kith Attucks, a mulatto, another of the killed, were the most active in this attack upon the ,soldiers. One of the British soldiers, on his death bed, said he had seen mobs in Ireland, but never knew troops to bear so much without firing, as these had done." This is the version of the Royal Gov. ernor of Massachusetts of what is known in histdry as the "Massacre of Boston," and the riotous proceedings of the rebels of that State. These troops which were insulted, hissed, and pelted with pieces of ice, were the troops of George 111., who had crossed the Atlantic, says John Han cock, "not to engage an enemy, but to assist a band of traitors in the British Par liament in trampling on the rights and liberties of the people." By turning to the Declaration of Independence, which is headed with the name of this patriot, we shall find what is meant by trampling on the rights and liberties of the Ameri can people. It says : "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated in juries and usnrpntions, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute t 3 runny over these States. He has im posed taxes upon us without our consent; kept among us in times of pence standing armies withnut the consent of our Legis latures ; affected to render the Military independent of; and superior to the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us td a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution ,and;' unacknowledged by our laws ; for taking away our charters, and altering fundamentally our form of gov ernment ; for suspending our own Legis lature, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has . excited domestic insurrections amongst. us, . and is now. transporting large armies to complete the xoriclof tyrAnny Vince whose char h6teriSAns, markeld try ; every: act which may 4Tetiitie'al'priiiiili be the ru ler. of a free Byer) , act which characterized , the king of .. . Great Britain as a tyrant is now eing 'perpetrated, or Lae been ;.perpetrated against the people of theSoutb, by • the party which now rules . the nation; and the riots, triassacreir and tumults pone 9uent thereon, - ,are attributed to a rebel tolis' against the gov ernment. • •-• • ow, w7to •did : SOmucl Adams and the' patriots ofAlastagbusetuLeuy Were re apOusiblB:fo}' tie I:= ton and else • whOe t,en:ieitt` 'weeding the Deellittion: , et lAderendenen? Mr. itid aims sap: • MONTROSE, PA., TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1867. " When the people are oppressed,wben their rights are infringed, when taskmas ters are set over them, when unconstitu tional acts are created by a military. force before their eyes t while they have the spirit of freemen they will boldly assert their freedom, and they are to be justified in so doing. I know very well that to murmur or even whisper a .complain, some men call a riotous spirit ; but they are in the right to complain, and com plain aloud ; and they will complain until they are eit her .redressed, or become pour deluded altipes, fitted to be made the slaves of arbitrary power. To submit UP the civil magistrate in the legal exercise of power, is the part of a good subject, but to be called to an account by a com mon soldier, or any soldier, is a badge of slavery which none but a slave will wear. " Military power is by no means calcu lated' to convince the understandings of men. It may affright the women and children, and perhaps some weak men out of their senses, but will never awe a sen sible American tamely to surrender his liberty. Among the brutal herd the strongest horns are the strongest laws.— But to a reasonable being there is nothing more-in military achievement, any more than in knight errautry, so terrifying as to induce him to part with the choicest gift that Heaven bestows upon man. " Are citizens to be called upon and put tinder arrest by the military, in breach of the fundamental rights of subjects, and contrary to the laws of the land ? Are these the blessings of government ? Is this the method to reconcile the people to the administration ? The presence of the military to enforce obedience to un just laws causes all the strifes, and upon those who sent, them here rests all the re sponsibility of the blood which has flowed or is yet to flow." A history of the Boston massacre and Boston riots, by American authors, in the ,neat number.. The Evil and the Remedy. The reckless course pursued by the late Radical Legislature of this State is exci `,Aug much indignant comment. The Rad icals were in a large majority in both branches, and the Executive Department of the government was and is controlled by the same party. The interests of the tax-payer were in no way consulted. Jobs of the worst character were enacted.— The membernraiSed their own salary and seemed to e a V eeLl Lasso • - • IL , r personal considerations. The Inquirer recently said, "there nev er was a period in the histgry of our pub lic affairs when the real interests of the public were as little cared for. Schemes of laws-.were brought forward with such profuse recklessness that they were emp tied out upon the clerk's table, daily, by the bushel." In referring to the two acts to which public attention is now direct ed, the liquor law and the Gettysburg Asylum scheme, the Press recently said : "No one can deny that the manner of their passage was disgraceful." In fact the real beauties of Radical legislation are only beginning to unfold themselves. So utterly shameless has this corrupt and in famous organization become, that its ae tion is extorting an unwilling condemna tion even from its own partisans. It is now time that the people should take this matter in hand. At the coming election, let none but faithful and 'reliable representatives be chosen. If the Demo cratic party will place in nomination the right kind of a ticket, it will sweep the Radical party from existence this fall.— The masses are ripe for a change. They want retbrm. They have tried Radical ism, and it has deceived and betrayed them. Now is the time for the Democra cy to seize the helm. Remains Discovered. During and since the war, Corcoran's Building, between Thirteenth and Four-1 teenth streets, Washington, was occupied by the government as a medical museum, where dissections were of frequent occur rence. The building bad been used for this purpose until nine months ago, when the Museum was removed to Ford's The atre. This week circumstances led to the examination of the lot adjoining the first named premises, when there were discov ered a large number of hogsheads, which had been sunk in the ground, filled with the remains of !Inman bodies left there by the students. The hogsheads were or dered to be removed, and the cavities fill ed with lime and otheryowerful _disinfec tants. Since the discovery of these de posits medical gentlemen attribute the tinusuatuubealthiness and sickness in that vicinity . to . the presence of these pits of vitrifying substances... Tn crops promise well 'throughout the country, and it seems probable that each section will - produce, at the next - harvest, enough grain to supply its own wants, with something to spare. ) - , or Never chew y,our words. Open the month ;.an d let ibe. voice come out. , A student once ns ed, "Can idrehue; foti obude, gratichu e, or , quietchude, dwell with that man . ho is a atrangea to reed 'elude ?" . , . , The words b„ e are badly elude. RESOLUTIONS Adopted by the Democratic State tioiive . n Lion of Pennsylvania, June 11, 1t:367. i - ton. B. M. BOYer, -of Montgomery CoUnty, from the Committee-on resolu tions. reported the following piatfohn We the delegates of the Democratic party of Pe.nusyleania, in general State Convention assembled, for the nomination of a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court, profotindlygrateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for the return of peace to our beloNted country, but deeply anxious on account ,of the trials and de lays which impede the complete restora tion and reunion of all the States, and ap preciating the dangers which still threaten the safety of our political institutions, and the future yeace, liberty and prosperity of the people, Resolve, - That we steadfastly adhere to the principles of -civil gove;nment establish ed by the founders of the Union, and in the present contliel, of legislative usurpa tion with constitutional law, we esteem a wise, upright, and fearless judiciary the great bulwark of public liberty and indi- vidual right. That the Union of the States is perpet• nal, and the Federal government supreme within its constitutional !links. That representation in the Congress of the United states and in the electoral College is a right, fundamental and inde structible in its nature, and abiding in ev ery state, being a' duty as well as a right pertaining to the people of every State, and essential to ohr republican system of government. Its denial is the destruction of the government Itself. Each state having, under the Constitu tion, the exclusive right to prescribe the qualifications of its own electors, we pro claim as a us urpation and an outrage the establishment of negro suffrage in any of the States by the coercive exercise of Federal power, and we shall resist to the last resort, the threatened measures of the leaders of the .republican party to inter fere by acts of Congress with the regula tion of the elective franchise in the State of Pennsylvania. We are opposed to any amendment of the Constitution of the State giving to negroes the right of suffrage. That the failure of the tariff bill in the last session of the late Congress, more than three fourths of whose members be tstrtra Ate republican-party, is an illus -1013 0 • t IC 1110 OPSI 'and their neglect of their profession in re lation to the great industrial and financial interests of the country. That the radical majority in Congress, and those who sustain them, have over thrown the Constitution, dismembered the Federal Union, and subverted our re oblican form of government by a long series of usurpations, among which are the following : The denial of the right of the. States of the Union to repiesentation in. Congress; the treatment of ten States as subjugated provinces, and governing them by military force in time of peace; the enactment of laws denying indemnity for arrest and false imprisonment made with ontuuthority of law; the resistance ofthe anuority . of civil Leibunals, and their over threw by the substitution of military corn miisions for the trial of unclennea men ses; their efforts to destroy the executive and judicial departments of the govern ment by threatened impeachment, to con trol executive action, and a projected re modeling of the Supreme Court of the United States, to, force obedience to the venal mandttes of Congress; ‘ the ejectment from their teats in the Federal Senate and House of Representatives of members du ly and legily chosen; the purpose of con fiscation wowed by the republican lea- , ders in violation of the declaration of ' rights and other guarantees of Federal and State' constitutions, tending, as it does, to cbstroy all protection to private property, advancing them far on the high road to repudiation. That n strict conformity, both by Fed oral and state governments, to all powers, , restrictions, and guarantees, as contained in the Constitution of the United States; a rigid and wise economy in the adminis tration of public affairs, and the election of capable, honest, and patriotic men to office, are measures absolutely necessary to restore public confidence, avert nation al bankruptcy, and to insure the perpetu ity our free institutions. That the late Republican Legislature of this State has distinguished itself'for the number of its unwise and unconstitution al enactments. Some d these laws haVe already been jndieially, cleterinine4k,he uneonstatutional; l ollet's are anwise ibex pedieni, Oppressive 'and fanatical; and the members who' sustained., tbom should be condemned by thelpeople at -the polls:- That the power aid , success of the Democratic -party greatly !depend on the charact4 and eilloiency of its newspaper press, and that to give due, fore.? ta its use fulne,so, this conyentinnpunestly request that in eyery countY all the„meßbs!rtti:of of the Democrstic; party•shquid ma)go vig orous effects tp,inqreass 4s:cirCula:tion ' giving it their 'individual. , patronngq and'' support. • That the Deltic:if:3l*Y •of Pennsylvania hy tio*latisetnbled, hereby tender eclinuwledgmentelj thanks Watt-Hon. Ge;ol* NV: Woodwind in his retirement from the position' of Chief Jus tice, of this commonwealth, for the pure find faithful manner in which he discharg ed the duties of that exalted position. That the candidate we this day present to the people of Pennsylvania for a place on the Supreme Bench of the State, is, in all respects worthy of the confidence and support of all who are in favor of an en. lightened; aithfill and impartial admiuis „tration of the laws. Mr. Vaux, of Philadelphia, submitted the fpllowing resolution which was adopt ed by ; acclamation, and ordered to be in corporated in the platform of the Conven t Lion : Resolved, That the power and success of the Democratic party greatly depends on the character and efficiency of its newspaper press, and that to give due force to its usefulness, this Convention earnestly request that in every county all the members of the Democratic party should make a vigorous effort to increase its circulation by giving it individual pit ronage and support. " Self Evident Truths." Major General Butler, in a letter to a jollification black-and - white meeting in Washington, over which a negro (John T. Cook presided, among a good many other wicked things, wrote as follows to the colored gentlemen : " Is it not a self-evident truth, where the land is held in large tracts by the em ployer, and to be tilled by the employed, there can be no just and true field for the exercise of republican citizenship ? And it is one of the pressing exigencies of the country, as the very basis reconstrnction, the lands of the South may e iv] A atnong those who will occupy and till them. And is it not a self-evident truth, that a man who holds about a'million dollars,— and'it is said you do if not over—has more than his share, and that so much money should not be held in so large a " tract ?" And, is it not just as self-evi dent, 'that while land can be had in any abundance, at from 10 eta. to 81,25 per acre, (the very richest prairie land,) and a homestead for nothing, that you and the other holders of the two billion debt, to say nothing of the town, and county, and State debts, which the white laboring men of the North are working hard to pay only the interest on, with no pros pect of Dayinz the principal are having 'lute larger " Lracts ., than under agrarian systems you have a right to ? And can any system be devised for the white work ing man to have his republican citizen ship,.unless thse " tracts" are made smal ler by some agrarian divisions ? When thus educating negroes into plunder, is there not danger of also edu cating the white working, men of Boston, and in factories of Lowell and Lawrence, that they would be better citizens if, in stead of being spun round there, 14 or . 16 hours per day, they could divide and be come the lords of the loom and the, spin dle—no more their tools? The Republican holders of our two and a half billions of Federal debt, and the hundreds of thousands Of city, town, vil lage and county 4,ejati„ o rni a q,eitir i altb LLat.. WV-, Co g, infinity 9f thinking.—N. Y. Express. Seven Thirties. The New York Journal of Commerce furnishes the following information to holders of seven-thirties : The holders of these notes maturing Aug. 15, 1867, cannot, be compelled to take. the five-twenties dated in 1865. The promise is very explicit. They are con vertible at maturity, at the option of the holder,into a 6 per cent. bond redeema ble after five years at the pleasure of the , rovernment, and payable twenty years from Aug. 15, 1867, bearing 6 per cent., semi-annual interest, payable in gold. No other bond will answer the purposes of such redemption, when the notes matnrc. In our judgment such a bond should have been prepared, and tendered to the hold ers in advance; but this has not been done. Those who have exchanged have taken the bonds of July, 1865, while the government andits agents have bought freely of the notes, and sold-out the bonds to cover as the fluctuations in the market gave them opportunity. The holders of the fit - :q - e'l; , is not legally bound to declare his option , on the very day of maturity. At ,Maturity, for all such Purpoges, means ot and alter the day of maturity; and we do not think the Secretary would quibble about this interpretation. clt may seem somewhat strange to , tmabphistocated • people, that. Chief J tic° Chase .has got to holding United States-Courts in the "rebel States" in his Circuit. It will be remembered that he , deolined holding-Court in Virginia f on au ca't of :the State not being sufficiently " reconkructed," but now that his crea ture, -Underwood, has.. disposed 'of the case of Jefferion Davis, vty admitting him to bailthus-tlieving the Chief Justice 'of the responsibility in the uffair--_all im pediments to-the administration of justice byy ; Mr. Chase; seem to have :been reniv, ed and he engaged ,3n I iholdiug. Court at-Raleigh, in: the reberState" of .North Carolina.; • IVOLUItE XXIV, NUMBER 26. Ho* to 'tie'', 'Butter and Water Cool. " Now missis, how can that drop of water make the butter hard ?" ,was Brid get's question one day, when she saw me . put a half pound of butter into our glass butter dish. r " I will tell you ifyon will but observe." "I do observe ye every day; m'ni but I'm none the wiser." • " Well, watch me once again. You see I put about hajfa teacupful of cold water into this soup-plate; standing it in the butteMish containing the butter?" " Shure, then, why don't you put the cowld water on the butter?" That must never be, becausethe water would soon get warm from the hot air; but I,keep the hot air off by dipping this old table napkin in water, placing it over the butter dish, letting the whole of the other portion of the napkin be tacked into. the water in the soup-plate ; then you see the water rises continually over the - nap kin,. making the air which surrounds the butter cool instead of hot." " Shure it's you is •the clever one, but it's a terrible sight o' trouble, though the butter's as hard as a flint, an' it keeps Sweet too." " It's no trouble at all, Bridget, once a day to give fresh water, twice a week to thescald napkin and the butter-dish with boiling water; then when cold; let both stay in cold water for au hour.. And see the comfort yon have." " An' that's thrue for you. If I'd only been trained I might been as clever'as yourself. Ah' what's the nsepf all that melted saltpetre and salt round the filter? Won't water do for that as well ?" " No ; because the filter is somewhat thicker than this table-napkin, and the see rrneftfAiruti not suffi , c . i . f'at. DO 011 spoonful of saltpetre in a quart of water, place it in this shallow-pan, then stand the filter in it ; dip a wet cloth in water, then place it over, the filter so that the edges of the cloth dial lie in the mixture, and all I have to do for amonth is to renew the water in the pan every, day, when you know the water which is daily put into the filter is as cool as ice." " But why do you have the Luther put in a draught ?" " Because the sir in a drauant is cool er, and as constantlY-as the surface of the wet c'oth is dried by, the surrounding air, the sides of the cloth being laid in the mixture causes the moisture to aicend, and thus prevent the hot air from approch ine the filter. Just fill a pitcher with cold water ; place the pitcher in a basin which has water in it ; wring out a clean cloth 'in cold • cover over the pitcher with the cloth, take care that all the edges of the cloth are tucked into the basin in which you have stood the pitcher, and you need not trouble yourself more,ip two hours the water will be deliciously-, cool." Judge Lander, counsel in the case of Conover alias Dunham, convicted of per jury in connection with the conspiracy in vestigatioirrecently in the Criminal Court presented' to Judge Olin an affidavit. of prisoner as a basis for a- new trial. The affidavit sets forth he has recently' discov. ered evidence which tends to shQW J uagb thin expresses a wish that motion be made in court in the: general term: It is understood that Judge Lander subsequently abandoned his intention of filing th© affidavit, and Conover will probably be taken to the Albany Peniten tiary in a day or two.- EtarA gentleman who lived in a quiet town near Milwankie was invited to bring hie wife to the city and spend the holiday. He Said he would be glad to do so, but his wife was expecting a new bonnet from New York, and if it did not come she would not allow herself in fashjonable so ciety. On MondaY the iltlilwankie gentle : marl received the following note: "My wife has got the bonnet. ' came by ex press. This is an episode. You ought to see it. It looks like a nigger minstrel's breastpin, or an enormous jet finger cat so as to have the setting fit around the ears. Yon may Opent ns." OrMadam, Said a 'husband to his young wife, in a little altercation, 'Which will spring up in tho best regulated , fatni, lies, "when a man! and his wife haverquar reled, and each considers the other lit fault, which!of thb two Ought to advanbe inward a reconciliation ?' " The best natured and the ;wisest of the two, " said the wife,. putting uti her mouth or a kiss, which tvas given with an unction. She wail the conqueror. Geer Tun " OuTs."—Abolitionhim, has got " out" of the; confidence of the peo ple—is " out" of hope of success; and will soon be as clear " nut" of office u tho public treasnre it has robbed : 4 "out" of money. --The Union goat Co.'s liArOad with* ,l'forinally opened for business, on Tuna*/ an Excursion train of invited guests wili pass over the Road . front Mauch Ohink to Scranton and return: The Conover Case. China, tibia physician; who kilk a patient - has to suPp‘ort his familyi,