- cCo • *TTY , Andependence Ball: - . • Ball will be given fit the Union ilthel of R. C. Vail, New Miiford, on the , Fourth of July. The public arA invited. Music—Dick squires' Baud. Bill, $3,50. tf' Wyoming Seminary.. Attention is directed to a card from the Principals of the Wyoming, Seminary, at Kingston. ,The reputation of the institu tion is so well established that comment would be stiperfluous. sever Lake Mode. Notice is hereby given that the School Directors of Silver Lake , have Resolved, That we adopt the following Text Books for the Schools under our charge : Sanders' Union Readers and Spellers; Stoddard's Arithmetic; Mon teith and McNally"sGeographies. M. LAUGULAN, Sec'y. Notice. All persons in Bridgewater desirous of exchanging Books can do so until 29th of June, after which they will be sold at reg.- nlar retail price. We have Kerl's Gram mar. The books are left with A. N. Bul lard. C. J. Cuans i Seciy. June 18, 1867.-1 w The Rake Party, John W. Elliott, the Patent Rake man w ho was held to bail for appearance be fore U. S. Commissiotter McKnne, at Scranton, on the 12th, failed to appear— leaving his bail forfeited and his bonds man, John S. Tarbell, responsible for the $5OO. A final arrangement of that particular case, however, has since been made, by Elliot paying the tax with a snug penalty of incidentals many times greater. Two points are therefore gained: One of the gang has been brought to justice for one of his offences; and their scheme of plunder has been broken up in this quarter. The chiefs of the gang dare not now return, as they are liable to arrest upon other charges for violation of the revenue as well as criminal laws. School Books. Thc following resolution was adopted the Montrose Board of School Direc. tors, June 7, 1867: Resolved, That we adopt for the use of the Schools of -Montrose, Sanders' Series of Union Readere. and Spellers. In order to accomplish the change which the above resolution contemplates, an ample supply of the above lines of Books may be found at the Book Store of W. B. Deans, in Montrose, and all who have Books of this class, now in use, will pease call on him and exchange them for the new ones. Mr. Deans will inform yon of the terms ni exchange, and we think they are such that all will be satisfied. This exchange will commence from date, and continue until the Ist of Octo ber next. Those having to purchase new gooks, will have the opportunity of bay ing at wholesale prices during that time. By order of the Board. B. THATCHER, Say. Montrose, June 18, 1867.-2 w Stray Dog. game upon the premises of a citizen of 11d6rose, about a month since, a large black dog. If the , owner will inquire at this office he will be directed where to d the animal, which will be giNlen up to bi m-upon proof ofo wnership, and payment of charge's. If nor soon called for the dog will be " confiscated." Buruniarros, June 14.—A fire in Conk lin last night destroyed a portable saw mill, the building covering it, and thirty thousand.feet of lumber. The mill was owned by Wells, Lawrence & Whitney. The lass is about 550,000. No insurance. The Democratic Judicial Convention. This body =tin Harrisburg yesterday fur the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court of the State.. The importance of the occa sion drew to the capital a large represent ation of leading Democrats for all sections of the Commonwealtb,:and also many con servative men who signified their Inten tion of acting with the Democratic pifty, and insuring its success as the only means of restoring the States, quieting the coun try, and preventing a general destruction of the , material interests of the nation. The Convention was composed of some of the best men of the party, and its proceed ings were marked with order and decorum. All were earnest and enthusiastic, but at the same time their actions took shape and color from the responsibilities by which they were surrounded. Each man seems to:feel he had- an individual: work to perform in redeeming the State from the grasp of the' spoiler, and the cone.quinces can be seen in th character oftbe candidate placed before the people, and the tone and scope ofthe resolutions adopt ed as the platform of the-party. - • - Those resolutions can,be found in full in the proceedings of the Convention. They are plain, forcible,' and emphatin, covering the whole ground of difference between -the parties, and showing pie precisely what may be expect= the Demo - critic organization, should, pow:- er be placed in their hands. It needs no ispecial illustration from-us at this time to enable the public to choose. between :the national position occupied hy'the Dim*. eratic party, with economyi retrenehatent and reform emblazoned on its banners, and the sectional platform of the'Radieals, dissevered States, high . taxes and alt theirs train of accompanying evils of a-national, state and individual character. The.peo- ple of Peaniiytv iq Are : prepared far a change, and that ehange i 'yeill date from .the Judicial Con etition ofjtine,ll367. The Democratierrty of the State hav ing now aPpointed -- itsleaders," apd en the field. of contest ~ ' we call Vpon all its. members to prepare for tlfe.struggle. 'Thousands of consorVative men swell their rankstbut still the ground will be held 'with desperation by. the ~ party in power. TherTaave money, offices and in fluence, All these will be used: Against them must be opposed honesty of purpose, patriotiedeysition to 'principle, and con stant labor. The victory is within our reach. Let it not be missed by want of exertion on the part of the Democracy of the keystone State.—Age. The Surratt Trial. A •Washington p dispatch of Friday sap : The first week of the Surratt trial closes to-morrow with about one-third of the jury obtained. Judge Fisher ,was too ill tolpreside to day, and unless ho recovers by Monday this• term of the court ends, and all of the , proceedings of this week will go to naught. The new term com menced on Monday, and the Judge of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Carter, is not here to, hold it. It now looks as it the trial, owing to the law regulating the court, may be postponed for some Crne. Judge Fir-her is confined to his room but may recover by Monday. SThousands have been changed by the use of the Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron) -from weak, sickly; suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy and happy men and wamen,and invAnds cannot reasconably hesitate to - give -it a trial. For Dyspepsia and Debility it is a specific. Virtu .I.blertistments. Statement of Choconnt Township Bounty Matters. Whole amount of bonds issued, Amount paid on the above to June 3, 1867, Bal. to bit:prided for including interest, $ 400 00 Ihiplfcato‘f tax levied for 1864, $5759 87 Collected on the above to June 0, 1867, 5.157 15 1310. - includinge.aonerationa and Treas. pr ct., .$402 72 %Duplicate of tat letled for 1866, $1337 18 Oolleeted on ttao above tod one 8,1867, 1022 56 Bal. Including exonerations and Coll. ger ct. $46 54 $3lB Ofl Balance in Collector's hands, We certify the above to be correct. RDWMID 'BURKS ' Auditors M. J. DONELLY,, Clioconut, June 18, 1867.-3 w Financial Statement of Lathrop , Township Bounty Matters. 1664-5. Forty-four men put in service by School Directors, $13,502 46 $B,3M' 00 5,177 46-413,502 46 Dr. Bonds Issued, Loans of Bank. &c. , Bounty Fund, To amount of bonds irtied, $0.325 00 To ain't of money loaned, no bonds given, 5,17 T 4l To Interest. todune 3, '67, unpaid,l,soo 00--$15,002 53 (Jr. By_ am% recd from taxes in 11394,64,330 48 1865, 1,901 93 1866, 1,00 150 oo—mon 5$ of judgment, June 3, ISM, balance to be provided for, $6.919 93 C. It. BAILEY, s Auditors. E. S. BROWN, Lathrop, June 18, 18.61.--3 w Auditors' Re . . t of Forest Lake ... lie A sAte , I , Fund. .., Amount of bonds a .„ 1 itt.::- 4es issued, $15.323 63 Amount paid June ve ,-..4t. 1.1.,102 11 1. 1 iii , ' Balance unpaid excl tidir - r( interest, Duplicate of taxes for 1566; Paid on do Bal. unpaid including exon. and per centaf,.e, Sen 31 Cash and receipts for interest on bonds in hands of Treasurei; We certify the above to be correct as near as can be ascertained. L. M. TURRELL, J. 8. TOWNE, Auditors JOEL TURREL L. ti Forest Lake. Jane 18,186'7.-8w Auditors' Report of Brooklyn Bounty Fund. 18666. 67 men put in U. 8. service by School Di rectors, Bonds Issued, Money loaned, BROOKLYN BOUNTY FUND. [DR. To bon& issiled. s $14,667 16 To money loan ed,(no boas given) 4,551 84 To Int. en bonds to Jane 1, 1866, 955 41—520,174 49 1864, By bandaredeemed - Aprill3, L Richards, No. 19, $lB5 03 Aug. 20,.1. W. Tewksbury, " 17, 106 20 18, J. H. Tiffany, " 15. 107 85 " 26, 1 Ellstir Tiffany, " 18, 107 50 22, F. Witiptile, 19, 423 BO 21, ,R. C: Gurnsey, " 16, 325 50 Mar. 28. R. F. Breed. " 9, 405 53 " 19, C. R. Palmer,' " 1, 127 04 " 21, 0. Bailey, ," 2, 406 67 G. W t Palmer. " 11„ 101 40 ' May 18, J. D. Richards, "13 a 14,316 00 " 23, Manny Perigo, " 4, 204 30 " 28, F. Tewksbury. " 10, 101 GS , •23, Norris Aldrich, •` 5, 38 23, Nathtn'l Reynolds," 6, 35 121 " 23, N. Aldricl4 " 4, lin so " 23, LH. Sterling, " 7, 50 56 i€ 66. Feb. 16, Ralph Sterling, " 21, 53 37 " 15, Wm. L. Perry, " 20, 318 00 11.504 40 Ord era to pay loan, 4,551 84 Orders to pay interest, 635 04 • Dd. due on bonds June 1, '6O, $11,422 31— $20,174 49 1864. H. L. Bailey,. Collector, Dr. To Duplicate,s6,4oo 08 By amount paid Vreastrir. $6,202 18 Eronoraticnte, 104 39 Percentage, , „ 94 44—55,400 98 1865. :44.1X Tewksbury, Collector, , Dr. To Duplicate, . - $2,625 84 By am't paid Prepare'' '. Exoneration.. Percentage, fl 9 87 Balance due Treasurer, 7 34—52,62.5 84 1866. Alfred Titeworth, Collector. Dr. To Duplicate,sN67 01 • Bamount paid Trenton, Exoneration, Percentage, Bounty Fund, To Balance on Bonds and int., Jane 1,1860, $11,422 8. To one year interest to June 8,1887, 611 84 "Folleeted on Duplicate, 1818, ' Balance to be pi•Olided - forjane 8, 1867, ,$9,1559 08 (spined) S. W. 'IMBED, B.L.BLAKESLES, Atiditore. O. W: FOOT 1110oklyn,'Ame11,‘1881.-411 w. L. RlCTlAtiliStakt, PI.ITSICIAN & SURGEON, tenders his profession al services to the citizens of Montrose and vicini ty. Office at hts residence, on the corner east of Bayrc Bros. Foundry • [June IS, 1e67.-17. SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY TIAVING secured the services of Mr. ti, Zoehe... one JUL, of the het binders to befound iu the Otate,' sve , are prepared topirn fob to tanks, Inauranco tlorapnatea Merehanto, M atitifactorere, Coal opetature,flotela 'stud others, with BLANK BOOKS of every description, on aunt notice, bound in any style desired, in the most substantial manner, at MU.- unable prices. Mnatines bound, and old books sobound, at New York prices. Orders left at the office of the paperpublishOM this advertisement, or sent by Express, will be alt€nded to and returned without unnecessary delay E. B. M. lIILL. Scranton, Pa., Juno 18, 181 t, vvranait esci. • 21 BO ND. given by the Directors of Bridgewater to 0. Dickson, for $225, dated June 29th. 1595, and due June 29th, 1897. The person holding said bond will confer a furor by calling upon the subscriber and tak ing his money. C. F. WATROU% Treas'r Bounty Fund. Montrose, Juno 1867.-2wo Wyoming Seminary and Com mercial College. rilflE Trustees of this Institution are proceeding ra pidly with the erection of a spacious additional Seminary building two hundred and thirty feet In length, three and four stories high, to be called " Ceu teunary Hall," and are also making very important changes in the present buildings sons to have them all properly connected_ Hereafter we hope to be able to accommodate all who apply for admission, and refuse no applicants as heretofore for want of room. In consequence of the clEinges being now made in the Neminary buildings we are compelled to dispense with the usnal anniversary exercises. The approaching vacation will be lengthened three weeks, and the Fall term will commence Sept. sth H. NELSON, Kingston, Pa., June 18,186.w1 W. S. SMYTU. Celebration, and Straw berry. Festival ! $7559 87 7109 87 AL CELEBRATION and Strawberry Festtval will be LI. held at the 81, B. Church in Brooklyn, on the 4th ofJuly next. The lion. Geo. Landon will deliver an address at 11 o'clock, A. M. The Rev. D. W. 0. Olm stead, P. B. of the Wpmlasing District, is also expected to be present. The proceeds of the Festival tb he need forinrufahing, the Church when repaired. Allure Invi ted to participate. Brooklyn, June 18,1867.-2 w 1 4 47(:) . tiC1e. 13ROPOSALS will be received until 18th July at the JL. Store of B. Thatcher, in Montrose, for building a School House In the Wells District in Bridgewater. Plans and Speciftaitions can he examined after the Zith Jana at the above .placd. L. C. SMITH. MILTON GRIFFIS, Committee. H. S. STEPHENS. Bridgewater, June 18. 1841.-2 W The Union. Pacific Rail Road Co. 4 RR now constructing a Railroad from Omaha, Ne braska, westward towards the Pacific Ocean, ma king with its coneections an nubroke.. line ACROSS THE CONTINENT. The Company now offer a limited amount of their first MORTGAGE BONDS having thirty years toren and bearing annual interest, payable on the Bret-day of Jan uary and Juiy, in the city of New York. at the rate of six per cent in gold, et ninety cents on the dollar. This road was completed from Omaha 30 miles west on the let of January, Ity77, and le fully equipped. and trains are regularly running over it. The Company has now on hank sufficient iron, ties, ete.., to finish the remaining portion to rite eastern base of the Rocky Afountales.2l2 miles, which is under contract to be done September let this year. and it is expected that the entire road wifl belt' running order from Omaha to its western connection with, the Central Pacific. now being rapidly built eastward from Sacramento, al. du ring 1670. Estimating the distance to be Built by the trnion Pa citic to be 1 ; 1M miles. the Gutted Btatea Government issues its stx per cent. Thirty exit bonds to the Com pany as the - road Is tinished'at the average rate of about M. 250 per mile, amounting to f.44,Vi5,000. The Com_pan,y also permitted to issue its own first Mortgage Bonds to antqual amount, and at the same time, which by special Act of Congress are made a first mortgage on the entire line, the bends of the United States being subordinate to them. $4.731, 52 $2.215 14 2.043 SO The government makes a donation of 12,8110 acres of land to the mile, amounting to 20,032,000 acres esttma• ted to be worth $30,000,000, making the total resources exclusive of the capital, $113,416,000; but the full value of the lands cannot now belealized, The authorized Capital Mock of the •Company is 0120 hundred million dollars of which five millions have al ready been paid in. and of which it is not supposed that more than 2. . millions at most will be required. The cost of the road is estimated by competent engi. veers to be about one hundred mi l l ion dollars. exclu sive of equipment. The railroad c2nnection hetween Omaha and tho east is now complete., and the earnings of the Union Pocifle on the sections already finished for the first two wdeks in May were $113,000. These sectional earnings as the road progresses will muchimore than pay the interest on the Company's bonds, and the through business over the only line of ra il road between the Atlantic and Pa= cilic must be immense. $19,229 00 $14,r.07 16 4,561 84- $19,229 00 The company respectfally submit, that the above statement of facts fully demonstrates the security of their Bonds, and as additional proof they would suggest that the Bond, now offered are less than ten million dollars on 517 miles of road, on which over twenty mill. ion dollars have already been expended :—on 330 miles of this road the can are no pr running, and the remain ing 157 miles are nearly completed. At the present rateof premium on gold these bends pay annnal interest on the liriteent cost of Nine Per Cent, and it is believed that on the completion of the road, like the Government Bonds, they will go above par. The compary intend to sell ant a limited amount at the present low rate and retain the right to advance the price at their option. Subscriptions will be received in New York by the Continental National Bank, No. 7 Nassau et., Clark; Dodge & Co.„Bankers. 51 Wall at., John 3. Cisco Jh Son, Bankers, no. 33 wall et.. and by banks and Bank. era generally throughout the United States, of whore maps and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained. They will also be sent by mail from the Company's office. no. 20 Litman street, New York, on application. Subscrit hers will select their own Agents In whom they have confidence. who alone will' be responsible to them for the safe delivery of the bonds. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. • =atria,. CAME Into the enclostre of , the -subscriber on 4:4 about the 28th of May Last, a dark brown BULL, 9 - y pay earchar old. es, and •The o take wher him 'away tereqneated to prove property, g. N. D. SNYDER. pish, 1867:-4W1 - . : $2.550 CC 03 53 , • . ; . ; . Statement of Bridgewater Town ship Bo any Matters. Amount of bonds tinted. $24,910,((0q Amount paid on the above Juno ad, 1867, 44,6000 Saloom to Provided fOrezclustes ot int., 4 00 Duplicate of tax levied for l. lBo, • tAgto 93 Exoneration s to Collector; $ 108 00 - aan'tpaldr D*9110144 I •:1; C;;F a l 8 4 Balance in.the hands of Treasurer,2H ."." l7o• We certilYthe above to s,e carrect as near as can be ascoFts __H" • - • „ JAMC3 - TuuIIELL, Auumela. 405 PR' IVRTEB.; Bridgewater, Jun e 7.-3‘f $2.548 56 in 64 88 81-40,6=01 Dr. $12,107 64' 2,648 66 HON. ..GEORGE LANDON ! Means of the Company Prospects fur Business. Value and security of the Bonds. jell 3mp HUB - BARWS,. IgOWERS InarorbizoNreci Zro 1E1671 SFp - t - 111 Trixanaarokustiat AWARDED TILE FIRST GRAND GOLD MEDAL AT THE GREAT NATIONAL FAIR HELD AT AIIBURNi NEW YORK, IN JULY, 1866. We again offer this celebrated Mower to the 'Farming Public, and can safely recommend it as ono of the beet tios'ers in the World, as its record shows. Manufactured by us. Y S. 8 SAYRE & MOM ' BOOR AGENTS WANTED . FOR "BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI :" From the Great River ;to the Great Ocean DT ALDERS D. lIICILADDSO24. Orer 20,000 copies sold in one month ! Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains, and the Pacific coast. With over WO Descriptive and Photo rakicN" of e 7 , fiielnd' 3 nLT:f vo ll oan d C 11etkalsandR.,; tories. To prospective emigrants and settlers In the "Par West, ' this history of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance. supplying as it does a want long felt of a Ihll, authentic and reliable guide to climate, produets, means of travel, &c. Send for Circulars and see nur tennis and a full de scription of the work. Address NATIONAL. PUBLISII IMI CO , Philadelphia, Pa. A GENTS WANTED for a new Work entitled " GLORY OP TIM IMMORTAL LIFE ;" for la dles, clergymen and others, it has no equal to sell. For terms and territory, audress - L. STEBBINS, Mulford, Conn. A MERICAN STOCK JOURNAL, a first class monthly, Containing 36 large double column pages, only 60 eta. for 6 months. Try it I Will save every farmer many dollars, as we offer a florae and Cattle Doctor free. Address N. I'. Boyer A. Co., Gum Tree, Chester Co. Pa: DRIED SEEDED CHERRIES sell at sell at C 5 cts. per gnarl In City markets. Weaver's Patent Cherry Stoner will stone three bushels per hour and separates the seed from the fruit. Sent by express on receipt of IPA). Agents wanted everywhere to make $lO to $2O a day. The trade supplied by HARB.STER BROS. & CO., Reading Hardware Works, !Reading, Pa. DI. O. EcOLUSKY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Toilet & Pearl Powders & Lily White, No. 606 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia' Orders by mall promptly attended to. A. • GL WANTED, to sell the Amer.ican WI ndow WANTED, the best ever offered to the public. It cl cans windows as fast as rapt as you can wipe them with a cloth, without slop or water. It ',wee the glass clear as crystal, and free from streaks or lint. It also cleans arrd polishes Gold, Silver, Cop per, Brass, and Tinware, better, and with lees labor than anything ever known. Agents are making from $25 to $5O per week. Everybody wants it as soon as they see it used. Send 23 ets for sample and terms, or call on the AMLRICAN POLISH C'OMPANr. 413 Chestnut street, Phira. %-l( lATAßßll—Bronchit is, Scrofula of ev ery pluire, Liver and Kidney Disease. Wm. It. Prince, Flushing N. Y., for 60 years proprietor of the Linnam Nurseries , hasdlscovered the Remedial plants which are positive cures for the above and all in heri lei and Chronic diseases; Dyspepsia, Asthma, nervous debility. Rheumatism, and all Female maladies, and others resultingfrom impurity of the blood, hitherto incurable. Explanatory circular, one stamp. Treatise on all diseases, 20 cents. IMPROVED BRICK MACHINE. Manufactured exclusively by us. k FT= an experience of 25 years with all the differ ent Machines, we offer this to Brick /fakers as combining everything most desired by them. We only ark a fair examination. and %could prefer to have those about to purchase some and see the Machine at work, and compare it with' any other In the country. We make the Adams Machine, for making front brick, Hall's patent machine. clay tempering wheels, and ev ery thing complete to etarta brick yard. Also, engines and boilers, cane mills, portable forges, and Machinery of all kinds. - PEEKSKILL JIANTIFACTURING CO„ Pd4Ui, GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, 40 PARK ROW, NEW; YORK. (TIMES BUILDING.) We have facilities for the trans;ction of the busgess of a GICNIMAL Awl:wrung° Mimics', which are not our - passed, and we think not equalled, by any almilai ac t tablishmeni in Ametica. Our special lists of," One hundred Newspapers" offer remarkable inducements to such as are desirous of ad vertising extensively. Bend 10 cents for a copy of tha' Advertiser's Gazette, givingt lists end fall particulars. tile large amount of patronage controlled by us ena bles us to promise our customers the most favombl The " Advdr leer's Gazette," published by us, con tains mtiettiptormailon of value to advertisers. Price $1 per asintim in advance. GEO. ,PROWE4.L,& CO., Advertising Agents t 40 PARK BOP; New York, (Fortn* of Poston Matts.y .13161`31:113r CO ria.aeorgit rrcamixami BY. a recent decision of the Court of Claims. all offi ecru holding commissions between dates of March let, WA, and May 8d,1865J aro entitled to $5 per month for each servant allowed hy rank. For further inforMation; spar to O. P. LITTLE ceneed Government Agent. Montroso, March 25, 18r. tf VSTATE MA, : W NEWTON, lite of Diniock, Snag's county. Pa., de'c'd. Letters otadmtnistrattoti upon the estate of theabove named decedent baying been granted to the undersign ed, *apeman* Indebted t said estate are keret)y nott fled tO Mate ilmmedfatofpaYtaenti and . those built' 'e,latuts against-004We tut present ham duly Otheut • gated.for settleminti, • GEO. .' •, Adm • ' NEWTON DiOck4 UV 21, 186 T. . , . :; R~' ''~' i' nth AITRICTIONSI REAR QUAIITEE.9 VOR Variety, Styles, a Bargains, DIM GOODS, FANCY GOODS ' MILLINERY GOODS, READY MAW CLOTHING, Merchant Tailoring, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co Take great pleasure In informing tfrair friends and the puhiic fn general that Dry Uoods have taken A N9TH- Elt TUMBI,E. and that they havu purchased a more than usual large stock of *pring umiiter 4u, cy. , which for price, variety, and style cannot be excelled. Wll have in stock— DRESS GOODS t Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Rich Mohair Dress Goods in all styles and colors, plain, figured and striped tine Prgandies,Cambrics, and Lawns, handsome DeLains, Challiee, Lc. Le. WRITE GOODS I Swiss Moslins, Nana. plain, barred, and striped Jaconets, figured' and striped :Brilliants, a fine lot of Drapery Minting, liftmenlea Qatltz, acc LINEN GOODSt Black and brown Table .Linen, .Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins. birdscye And shirt ing Linen. Scotch Diaper, Linen Tuck and Drilling for men and boy's wear. &c. Domestics, bleached and brown Shirtings, Calicos, Ginghams, Denims, .Ticking, Cottonadee, &c. FANCY GOODS : Superior quality, Kidd Gloves. Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves,' all 6,1°6, dregs and cloak Buttons, Trimmings. Embroideries, Laces. Hoseries: new styles In Balmoral Sldrts, Par. asols, Sunshades, Corsets, and Hoop Skirts. Shawls, Basques and Sacks : Of cloth and , silk, splendid variety, and cheap. MILLINEHY GOODS : At wholesale & Retail. A large and complete stock of millinery Goods, such as artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Frames,Htocks, Straw Hats A; Bonnets, Slonds,La ees, ,tc., which we JOB to the Trade at New I ork whulegaloprlces. • HEADY WADE CLOTHING of onrOWN man. it:facture—the largest and tastiest variety In the county. We guaranty our work. lIIERCIIANT TAILORING : We have over 100 different patterns of Cloth. Cassimers, and Coatings for custom work to' select from; have a FIRST .CLASS CUTTER. and are enabled to give perfect satisfaction In regard to good tits, style and Otos. 'Parties preferring to have their:garments made to measure. are requested to give es a call and exam ine oar stock. GENTS' FIIIINISIDING GOODS; - White and Flannel Shirts, cotton. and merino Wrappers and Drawers, Gloves. Ties and Scarfs, paper and linen Collars. Handkerchiefs, Traveling Bags, Trunks and Umbrellas ViT — A lino variety of Gents and Boys HATS .1.• CAPS, 6uttenburg, flunk= k M. 13. DESBAIIER, Managing Partner Montrose, May 14,1567 NEW FURNITURE ROOMS! TfiE subscribe's"; would respectfully inform the public that they have commenced business In C. Cush .. n's old Shop, where wo keep constantly on hand and manufacture to order all kinds of 1. ; • ..."S'S 60113 I - X ;1 1 4 f CZ' ',..•4°Y e=l; ~g SUCH S Bureaus, Bedsteads, Lounges, Settees, • Stands, Tables, Extension Tables,' of a superior manufacture, Also, Barrett's Patent Ladle's' Revolving Work Table. - All those In want of - Cabinet Parniture will do well to give us a call before lookingelsewhere.lbr we intend to make oar work good, and sell It cheaper than any other establishment in Sesquehanns County. N. , B.—All work done when iv s roo i ll+sli joßsomx, JOHN WHEELER. Montrose, June 4, 1E61.-17 ESTAT,EOF, HENRY WEBSTER,Iate . :or Franklin tonrnabill. ls o co., decessad. Letteri iiitamentari updn the eitate Of the stove named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the pane, to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. , •• , ,• ", , . • • .7.• P. 31-ERRIILP, *ex. • , nkiin. 3/47 18117-; • AND REAPERS. EaW _~=' INTERNAL REVENtig. Col le cter's Notice to Ta x-payers. AL:: persons residing or doing bnaineas within thE 12th Collection District of l'ennsyivanlaidoniPris-. ing the counties of Luzerne and Setecinehantia;saseaffierd' under the act of Congress, entitled" An AOft'o . prortde" Internal Revenue to support the Govgintiteut, to pay. interest on the public d eft and for other ptitpoins," approved June 30th, 1864, as amended by aubseiineur acts are hereby notified thnt the Annttal...tirrof has been receh'M from the acting Assensar, sad that the anneal taxes which by said acts they are respectively liable to pay, have become ducandpay able. IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTP, U. C. TYLER, Esq., Deputy Colleett9r, will ?centre LIM Collections, as follows : In Montrose, at the Office of the Dept: f Cdireelor, (ram June 11 , 1, to 17th. from $ a. m. to 6 p. m. In New Milford, at Vail's , Hotel, June 19, from 9 to' 11 a. m. In Great Bend, at-Dayton Honse, Yuma 19,-„ftlitti 1 to 4 p. m. In Susquehanna Depot, at Hamthel's Hued, dune 20, fia.m.to2p.M. In Brooklyn, at Ballard's Hotel, Jnne d, 9to 11 a. tit; In B**inevtlte, at Mrs. Lathrop's Hotel, June 22; to 4 p. m. In Lenox, at GlenvrOod Hotel, Jane 24, 11 a. m. to 12 m. In Clifford, at Mr& Helretson's Hotel, June 24, 2 t'd' G p. m. In Gibson, at Smiley's Store, June 2:3; 10 a. M. to v In. IN LUZERNE COUNTY, I will attend to receiving the same In person or by de: puty,ns follows : • In Scranton, June 24, from 8 a, m. to 3 p. m. at Wyo ming Muse. . In Carbondale, June 19, from Ba. m. to 1 p. tit.. at Harrison House. In Pittston, Juno 28, from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m., at Eagle Hotel. In White Haven,•June22,..from 10 a. m. to 2 p m., at Stark's Hotel, ltl Wilkesbarre at Collector's Office daily. After which time costa will be added to amounts un paid &collections promptly enforced according to law. Taaables may pay ht any of the above stated places at the time designated, as may best inltthelr donven - fence. C. E. WRIGHT, Collector 121hDls. Pa. Collector's °Mere. Wilkes-Barre, Jane 1, THE HOWE MOINE CO'S SEWING NACIJINES, FOR FAMILIES & MANUFACTURERS. THESE WORLD RENOWNED SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest Premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York State Fail - of 18036, and are Celebrated for doing the beet work, using a. much smaller needlefr tfie same thread than any °therms chine, and by the introduction of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very hot ma chines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Elias Howe, Jr., the ORIGINAL INVENTOII,OF TUE SEWING MA- They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to the nse of seamstresses, dress makers, tailors, man tifaetnrens;of Shirts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillas, clothing, hats,. caps, corsets, boots, shoes, harness,Sad ales, linen gocas, 'umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk,lincn, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, fell, cord, brald,bind. and perform every species of sewing,"making a beatitiltil and perfect stitch,aliko on both sides of the articles sewed. , The, Stitch invented by Mr. Ilowe,and made on this ifachine, is the most, popular and durable, and all Sewing Ma. • chines are subject to the prin . eiple invented by him. •. • s. , . SEND FOR A CIROPLA 14: SIBLEY & STOOPS. - General Agents, 'NO. 022.0111ESTNET ST., PIIIIPAL. Feb. 28.:1867. 11 a Vt.]) • •,) • „, 1, 144..unrivaleil machine foreale at Dim. oc'k, Sneq'a Co. Pa. Or-Repair constantly BLASSS kept cje_l4l; • May 28, 1567.-4 W. W IatWIUI" 34 41:4-0 )4:- TOES 1011 1861 699 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. BEL TIIRRELL'S STORE. • Al) usual, ob fall of doolfol'if f#l4l-,..1:411,4