The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 04, 1867, Image 3

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    CCOiZZaair* AZR B.
Appointment. ..
E N. Willard, Esq., has rebeived the
appointmetit'of #egister is Bankruptey
for tbis.Dietrict. •
Canoellat4on of Stamps.'
Comnusitionor Row - ss Calls the atten
tion of the public to the means whereby
stamps can be legally Canceled. He quotes
the provision of the law, that the person
using the stamps must write or print there
on in ink, hiitinitials, and the date of the
year, month and day, upon which the
saute is attached or used. Each' stamp
must also be separately canceled. •
The Rake Swindle.
It is stated that there are about two
hundred men engaged in the great hay
rake swindle, through which so ~many of
our Eastern farmers have been vic:ims.—
Philadelphia Inquirer.
if every newspaper would expose the
swindle it would soon come to grief.
Herrph Ahead.
" Editor :--I sa* a statement in en
issue of your ,paper not long since,' that
Mr. Pay's, of Auburn, has had a Ewe
that dropped 2 Lambs weighing .17f lbs.
with Ole inquiry; " Who can beat, it P" I
think I can. I have a Ewethat dropped
Lariats weighing 19f. lbs.
Truly Yours, HENRI- LYON.
Herrick, May 26, 1867.
Fatal Accident.
On Thursday,afternoon, of last week, a
man named Win. T. Tryon, employ by J.
1). Sessions & Co., at Red Rock Tan
nery, was run over by the day express
West, and injured so badly that he died
in four hours. He was a deaf man, and
was crossing the track, when the engine
struck him. He was-brought to the de
pot at this place, where everything that
could be -was done for him, but he lived
only until about 8 o'clock in the evening.
—Great Bend Penn'n.
abbath Schools.
The annual meeting of the Susquehan
na County Sabbath School Association
will be held at Great,Bend on Wednes
day, June 12, at one, o'clock, P. M. A
general invitation is given to all interes
ted in Sabbath Schools.
D. K. OAKLEY, R. S.,
Meting of the Medical Society,
The Susquehanna County Medical So
ciety will hold their next semi annual
meeting in New Milford Borough at
Phinueys Hotel, on Wednesday June sth
1867. All regular practitioners are
ted to attend. A. Clinic will be. held in
the afternoon when all patients presenting
themselves to the society will - be treated
free of charge. Morning session to com
mence at ten o'clock precisely.
E. L. GA8.13015EX., Secretary.
Religions Notice.
The Pennsylvania State-Convention of
rnicersalists will bold its next annual
.se , ;sion at Scranton, Juno sth and 6tb, in
Washington Hall. The public are.cordjal.
ly invited to attend. PER ORDER.
Unfortunate Affair.
A Welshman named John Jenkins,
while intoxicated, on Tuesday night of
iist week, stumbled into the house of Le
ri on Commercial Alley in Scran
t-n. 11WPhillips hearing the noise sup.
posed aWfts not right, and arming him.
keT wi 1;a pistol proceeded to the lower
'lO7 • the house, where he found a man
•ut in partial darkness. He
- as'he certainly had a right to
d , l, that the Man was a, thief or robber,or
loth, and accordingly leveled his pistol
on Mm. The ball passed through the
man's heart, killing him almost instantly.
The evidence elicited before Esquire Jay
went to show that Jenkins and his chum,
Thomas Meredith, bad been on a spree
as day before, and in wandering about
sewn in ,, drunken bewilderment, Jenkins
hludered - into Mr. Phillips' house, think.
tort, perhaps, that he was at home. No
blame is attached to Mr. Phillips for
aw of Estrays.
The following is the law with reference
o estrays:
"Persons having stray cattle or horses
a their PoSsession are liable in the sum of
five dollars, and"will receive no compen
sation for damages or costs, if they fail to
report the fact to theTowp Clerk ;'within
tour days, and it is his duty ; to make rec.,
d of the same, subject to the same pun. :
Isianent in default thereof. - If the owner;
of the estray presents - himself to the Clerk
isithin ten ,days, he - is. entitled .to receive
his property on payment of charges.
after the expiration of that tinie,"nq own-'
Cris found t the .person posessing Jthe es.'
gray is required to advertiseit; and,
within sixty' days thereafter no owner ap-
Pear, the person taking up the.'sanie shall;
41y to a Sustiee of the Peace'in the
twnship, who is required to •issue his
varrant to a Constable, who after giving,
ten days' notice, is required' to sell the
time—the money for which is, to . 4e Paid
to the hands orthe Justice of the peace - ,,
is to pay all reasonable .charges for
the cost of keep, registering, advertising,
filling, 4t0., and' Abe balance; if there be,
ty, to be paid into cotnty trenetne;;-7-E17..
Soldier. Peddlers.
Disabled soldiers who peddlc, mist "pay
the SpeciAl tax under thelri_teri4, 'Row: l -
%e Laws of the , Tnited Sates, just as oth
q-persons 41(); but they are exempt faiin
Bate license. We, call attention to this
bet because we learn. that people ' ' hare,
u nderstood that soldiers are entirely from
Peddlers,p ay
They are required to the tax to "Un-.
pre-sikm"'foi hom - ttei,live done so
much; kit. n4ednq,atate. Tlicense as
shown by '
,the Assembly' quoted
hereunder :
. .
An no to Per* dittabled - Soldierit to ped
' dle,byrroenring a7 , l4Cense Therefor;
Be it enaCtid, Tbat every honora
lrly dis Charged w - ho is a
. resident
_of.tbis State, bnd who wonnds, or
on account of) disease contracted while in
the militaiy, dr . naval service .of the Uni
ted States, and, on account of such disa
bility, is unable to procure a livelihood
by manual labor, shall have the right to
hawk, peddle - .and vend any goods; wares,
or merchandize, within this common
wealth., by -procuring a license for that
purpose, thi, issued without cost : Pro
vided, That Wore anf-suclusoldier shall
be . entitled to 'the benefits of this' net, he
shall obtain a Certificate from an examin
ing surgeon Of the United States, that he
is unable to procure his living by manual
labor, and shall also procure a. certificate
from the prothonotary of any county in
this State, that he has filed in the office of
said prothonotary his affidavit, setting
forth that :he is the b6na fide owner, in
I . his own right,,:of all the goods, wares and
merchandize Whieh•he proposes to hawk,
peddlo and vend; and that bo will not en
gage to sell the 'same for any other per
son, or persons, vhatever: And provided
further, That •the aforesaid certificates,
together with such person's discharge
from the military service, or an exempli
fiettcopy :thereof, shall be full and con
clusive evidenCe, of such person's right to
the benefits of this act.
Approved the, Bth day of April.
Patent Right Raids.
Every year the country is overrun by
bands of Patent Right Dealers, who plun
der the peOple of large sums of money
under various •pretences. • One year it is
a patent Ox-Yoke, then a Churn or
Pump ; last year it was a lightning-rod,
this year it is a Ilorse Hay Rake.
The operators go in bands of from five
twenty to various counties, make their
headquarters at the county seat with a
hotel-keeper who is fond enough of what
he can make by it to introduce them to
his friends.' They employ one or two law
yers to cook up opinions favorable to their
operations and cover their schemes by
some legal sophistries. They privately
bargain with men who have more money
than conscience, and who, in order to
make $lO to $25 per day, agree to buy up
such notes as the raiders may obtain, at a
heavy diacount,And aid the system of
[ robbery by goingabout the streets to en
gage in conversation in defence of the
• -,
raiders, and in . denunciation ofnny officer
! or citizen who attempts to breakup or
expose the swindle. ---,„,
Thus arranged, the gang send out their
runners, furnished with the names of such
honest, unsuspecting farmers as it is
-thought can be deluded an robbed. The
victim is shown a confused mess of pa
pers which he does not understand, and
perhaps a list of' "good men" in town
) who are•said to have invested in and re
corrimended the patent. He is told that
if be will become a shareholder, he need
pay nothing until he makes $2OO clear
profit. His signature is obtained to a'
negotiable note, in return for which they
give what seems to be a receipt and
agreement specifying that the note need
not:be paid until the 'buyer clears *200;
but'an examination show that no refer
ence is made to any note. in the receipt or
iagreement. In some cases the notes have
! an agreement on the margin or back,that.
it is not payable until the $2OO is c'eared ;
bnt as soon as the sharper leaves his l' vie
! tim the margin is torn off or the double
paper upon which the note is printed is
split, and the agreement destroyed. So,
in any case, the note is negotiable, is
brought to head quarters and sold to the
local confederates of the , raiderq. When
due. it is owned. by sottie other person
. whd knows. :nothing about the swindle;
and;althongh the victim presents the pa
pers given to him,.. he finds •he has no de
fence against itheniate,•but-must pay it,
with costs, if sued. Meantime the patent
proves to be a humbug, and the victim
gets; ilothing . :',ficit even fa Rake.fildeis he
buys one at a high price.
The rake may or may not be patented;
it, may or may not be a,g,o9a• i thing ; itreii
ther ease the buyer pays $lOO and loses
it, for he gets no Patent Deed giving-him
a , right to -- - make, or sell' the', - Eake. If a
Deed was•giVen; tlie vietiin could perhaps
builda factory and try to make money in
manufacturing and gelling,the_,Kakes ;-or
cotild. bay_ a qtputitytat wholesale and ; try
.to sell at retail. But in this event, five or
fen manufacturers or dealers in each town
would find a slim show of getting rich.—
' - ,So we tear that the cheapest' way each
victim can getout of the scrape is to re
deem his note when he can, and keep put
l Of future humbugs.
Esquire Avery issued a warrant for
James S. Ireland and Dan. Wheeler, on
Monday, for swindling ;- but Ireland, the
chief salesman' here, Was kept concealed
and fled from .arrest:- Wheeler was not
the man who watt • out to sell with Ire
land, andwaSTdianhargnd Withent.,4 hear
... . -
ing O. S.
On Tnesday'll. S. Commissioner Mc-
Rune, at, Scranton, issued' warrants for
Ireland, Wheeler, J. W. Elliot and C. R.
,Hayward. Ireland had: escaped, and Hay
ward seemed. to be only a sort of book
keeper for the gang. Elliot was arrested
for two separate offences ; was discharged
arrest under one :warrant on account of
'an alleged defect in the wording of the
warrant, but was held' to bail for further
bearing upon the other offence by depos
iting the amount of required tax, and air
' ing;l; - S; Tarbell•aii seeniity in , the: Spin of
— 5O 0 ..
heele , r:had. Tully add:fieei
y nt
n • atefi,that ho*naliable as a BrOker,but
, ras,dietherged upon the.evidence of his
COnfederates; `who sworethei they did
not sell notes to him, but gave them to
him as collateral security for previ?us in
debtedness. In making Ole discharge, the
Comniissioner stated that the arrest was
proper, and the prosecutor entitled to
credit for causing it. But when the gang
returned they anii their local confederates
here, gave out that. ALL were released UN
CONDITIONALLY, and that the prosecutor
was censured by-the Commissioner. So
it can be seen that truth is as much a
stranger to some of them as honest deal•
One point•is fully accomplished : The
raiders will find no more victims in this
quarter. Other localities, however, will
be infested. And we trust the people of
this county will cease to deal with all
patent swindlers in future.
ISICALM=R:iita - ALCifiEllig.
At the residenee.of the bride's father,
in Jessup, May 27th, by D. Hoff, Esq.,
SITERMAN, daughter of Abel Sherman,
both of Jessup.
Pill abertisemtuts.
Collector's Notice to Tax-payers.
k LL persons residing or doing business within the
JCL 12th Collection District of Pennsylvania, compris
ing the counties of Luzerne and Susquehanna,assessed
under the act of CongreEs,.en ti t led " An Act to„pro vide
Internal Revenue to support the Government, to pay
interest on the public deft and for other purposes,
approved June 3Pth, MI, as amended by Subsequent
acts are hereby notified that the Annual List of
MS FOR 1861
has b een received from the acting Assessor, and that
the duties, and taxe. which by said acts they
are respectively liable to pay, bavo become due and pay
A. C TTLSE. Esq., Deputy Collector, will receive the
collections, as follows :
In Montrose, at the Office of the Deputy Collector,
from June let to 14th. Trona B a. m. to 5 p. ra.
10 New Alilfdrd, at Vall's lintel, June 19, from 9 to
11 a. m.
In Great Bend, at Dayton House, June 19, from 1 to
4 p. in.
In Susquehanna Depot, at Iffammel's Hotel, June 20,
8 a. in. to 2 p. in.
In Brooklyn, at Bullard's Hotel, June 22, 9 to 11 a.'m.
In Springville, at Mrs. Lathrop's Hotel, Juno 22,
2 to 4 p. in.
In Lenox, at Glenwood Hotel, June 24, 11 a. m. to 12
In Clifford, at Mrs. Bewetson's Hotel, June 24, 2 to
5 p. m.
In 'Gibson, at Smiley's Store, June h, 10 a, m. to 2
I will attend to receiving the same in person or by do
pat.'', at. !anima :
In Scranton, Ju • c , from Ba.m.to3p. m, at Wyo
. tug House.
In Carbondale, Jane 19 from Ba. m. to 1 p. m.; at
rrison Douse.
In Pittston, June 23, from. 8 a. t Itaglo
In White Haven, June 22, frog at., at
Stark's Hotel,
In Wilkesbarre at Collector's Office daily.
After which time costs will be added to amounts nn•
paid ,t collections promptly enforced according to law.
Taxables may pay at any of the above stated places at
the time designated, as may best suit their convon•
• •
C. E. WRIGHT, Collector 12th Die. Pa
Collector's Mere, t
Vilkes-Barre, Juno I, 1667.
i 111 E subscribers wonld respectfully inform the public
that they have commenced business in C. Cush
man's old Shop, where wo keep constantly on hand and
manufacture to order all kinds of
, s \ n , 81 . 47 , ) 1 - , • ),
attu j af.
811 :.'lri A 8
Bureaus, Bedsteads, Lounges, Settees,
Stands, Tables, Extension Tables, .
of a superior manufacture,
Also, Barrett's Patent Ladies' Revolving
Work Table.
All those in want of Cabiriet Furniture will do well
to give us a call before looking eisewhere,for we intend
to make our work good, and eell it cheaper than any
other establishment in hi/solidi/tuna County.
N. 8.--Aliwork done when promised.
Montrose, June 4,1861.—1 y
INTOULD 'inform his friends and the pnblie that be
V Y has in storwand is receiving lards and new sup•
plies of
Including every , kind ofGoopsusuaLly wanted intbia
Ina purchases . being mado aline tie - great break
down of prices, will enable Win to offel;tbe moat favor
able inducement, In pricea, etylo and variety in
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware,
Stoves,i * Iron, Drugs, Paints, Oils,
Carpeting, Window Shades,
Boots Lk Shoes, ike.
and will be sold for Gash, Produce; or approved credit
/iew 211.11 ford, June, 1867.
.324 of Franklin township; Stunra co., deceaped.
Letters - testamentary - tmon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign.
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to, make, immediate payment, and those having
ciaimi against tho-same topresent them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
. •
• L. 10MUMAZT, Fa's.
- Franklin, Kay 28, 1667.
Statement of taberty Township'
. '•,-,. i liot* Matters.
t n
Whole =tont of nda issued . $ 5,100 00.
Amount paid on o above to May 1041867, 2,687 40
Balance, exclnalrf of inierest,
Duplicate of tax for 1E64; el,' 613 rd .
Gollectedan theabpvc to Nay let, 1867, 1,649 :21Y
Balance, inclaqing exonoratloos, & Col. per Ft. $ Lest 72:
'Duplicate of tax for 1565,
Collected on the above to May 1et.1861,
Including exonerations and Coll. per cL $l6ll 68
Exonoratione on both duplientee to May 1,'67, $063 51
Coll. per ct. on, $2,501 40 at 0 per cent. • 53 04'
R. B. SHERMAN. Andttors. •
Liberty, May Roth. 1007.-3vr
Financial Statement of Silver
Lake Bounty Matters.
t'bole tunountof bonds Waned, $10,834 57
Paid on the above to May 841, 1867, 8,066 63
Balance to be provided for, ineluding Interest, 4,268 04
Amount of tax levied for 1860, $2,896 07
Exoneratione to Collector, 822 20
Amount paid on bonds, and expenses. 2,512 37
Balance In treasury, and uncollected,
We certify the above to be correct.
) }Auditors;
W3l: MEEKER, Ju.
Sliver Lake, May 21, 1861*.—*3t
From the Great River to the Great Ocean.
Over 20,000 copies sold in one month!
Life and Adventure on Pratriee, Mountains, and the
Pacific collat. With over WO Descriptive and Photo
graphic Views of the Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines,
People and Curiosities of the New States and Terri
To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Par
West," this history of that vast and fdrtile re...lion will
prove en invaluable assistance. supplying as it does a
'want long felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to
climate. products, means of travel, &c.
Send for Circulars and' see our tel ins and a fall de
scription ofthe work. Address NATIONAL PIIBLL9H
INO CO , Philadelphia, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED for a new Work
entitled " GLORY OF TUE 121160ETAL LIFE ;" for la
dies, clergymen and others, It has no equal to sell. For
terms and territory, aadress
L. STEBBINS, Hartford, Coin.
first class mon,.contalning 36 largo double
column pages, only 60 cts. for 6 months. Try it I Will
save every farmer many dollars, as we offer a Horse and
Cattle, Doctor free. Address N. P. Boyer & Co., Gam
Tree, Chester Co. Pa.
sell at 65 Ms. per quart in City markets. Weaver's
Patent Cherry Stoner will atone three bushels per hour
and separates the seed from the fruit. Sent by express
on receipt of $2,50.
Agents wanted everywhere to make $lO to $2O a day.
The trade supplied by
Reading Ilardvrare Works, Beading, Pa.
PI. 0. DI e' LUS Y ,
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Toilet Et Pear! Powders Et Lily White,
No. 606 Bouth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia
Orders by mall promptly attended to
G.ENT WANTED, to sell the Amer
-L-li-lean 7 ndow Polish, the best over offered to the
public. It cretins windows as fast as fast as you can
wipe them witli`a, cloth, without slop or water. It
leaves the glass clear-as crystal, and free from streaks
or lint. It also cleans end. 'polishes Gold Silver, Cop
per, Brass, and Tinware, batter, and with less labor
than anything ever known. Agants are making from
$25 to $5O per week. Everybody - wants it as soon as
they see It used. fiend 25 cis for samigkand terns, or
'Chestnut street, Phll'a.
rATAßßH—Bropchit is, Scroffila of eiT,
cry phase, Liver and 'Kidney Disease. Win. R.
Prince, Flushing N. Y., for 60 years proprietor of the
Liumen Nurseries, hasdiscovered the Remedial plants
which are positive cures ieir the above and all inherl
tel and Chrome diseases; Dyspepsia, Asthma, nervous
'debility. Rheumatism, an4 . all Female maladies, and
others resulting from impurity of the blood, hitherto
incurable. Explanatory circular, one stamp. Treatise
on all diseases, 20 cents.
Manufactured exclusively by us.
A FTER an experience of 25 years with all the differ
ent Machines, we offer, this to Brick /fakers 'as
combining everything most 'desired by them. We only
ask a fair examination, andwould Rrefet to have those
about to purchase some and sec the Machine at work,
and compare it with any other in the country. Wo
tnake the Adams Machine, fpr making front brick,
Hall's patent machine. clay 'tempering wheels, and ev
ery thing complete to startailocick yard. Also, engines
and boilers, cane mills, portable forges, and Machinery
of all kinds.
We have facilities fat the transaction of the basinesa
of a Grasnas.Anvaxrrierno AGENCY, which are not ear
passed, and Tie think not equalled, by any Martial ea
tnblistimenl In 4merica
Our special lists of." One hundred Numpapers" offer
remarkable inducements to as aro desirous of ad
restising extensively. Eiend'lo cents for a copy oftho
Advertiser's Gazette, liiving.ltsts and fall particulars
The large amount of patroulige controlled by ns ona
tiles as to promise our customers the most favorable'
The " Advet leer's Gazette," published by us, con
rains much information of va!tio to advertisers
$1 per annum In advance
GEO. P ROWELL, d CO„ Advertising Agents,
40 PARK ROW, New York,
(Pomerlyat.Bokaa Maas.).
BON.deeeusedi into of riinioCk township, Soave
*ma county, Pa. . .:
Letterset administration anon th e eatateof the above
named decedent having been y anted to the undersign •
ed, all persons indebte to sa id estate are hereby noti
fied to make • immediate pa ent, and those baying
claims against the same to present them duly anthentl;
cued for settlement.
, C. C. MILLS, Utter- ~
;Dlmock, April 80, , 1867. - - 1 '
. .
tO44DEN- VEDS, t t
A larvtaligeiti.meiL susil sirkslL Alao
BEMS, for bald b$
'Montrose, April 18, 1587. ABEL TITBRELL.
V 2,41.2 601
..17.EAD QUAIiiEIIS tour
Rarity, Styles, ''and Bargains,
$2,725 78
1,049 20
Merchant Tailoring, • and Gent's
Furnishing Goods.
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co
Tako great pleasure In Informing that': friends and the
public in general that Dry Uoods have taken A NOM
ER TUMBLE, and that they have purchased a more
than usual largo stock of
.sping *ummer
which for price, variety, and style cannot bo excelled
We have in stock—
DRESS GOODS r Mani and Fancy Drees Silks
Elan Mohair Dress Goode In nil styles and colors
plain, Spired and striped fine Organdies, Cambri'
and Lawns, handsome DeLana, Manias, &c.
WHITE coons s Swiss Etienne, Malls, Tflatn,
barred, and striped Jaconets, figured and striped
Brilliants, a fine lot of Drapery Muslim, Mareellles
Qailte, &c.
LINEN GOODS: Black and brown Table Linen,
Table Cloths. Towels, Napkins, birdseye and A:de
fog Linen, Scotch Diaper, Linen Tack and Drilling
for men and boy's wear, ,tc. Domestics, bleached
and l*own Shirtings, Calicos, Ginghams, Denims,
Ticking, Cottonadve, c.
NOV GOODS r Superior quality, Kidd Gloves.
Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, all colors, dress and
cloak Batons, Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces,
Veils, Hoseries, new styles in Balmoral Skirts, Par
asols, Sunshades, Corsets, and Hoop Skirts.
Shaul., Basques and Sacks s df cloth and
ellk, splendid variety, and cheap.
MILLINERY GOODS.: At wholesale &Metall.
• A large and eomplete stock of millinery Goode,
;such as artificial Flowers., Ribbons, Bonnet Silks,
Frames, Blocks, Straw Hats Bonnets, Blonds,La
nes, .tc.. which we JOB to the Trade at New York
wholesale prices.
ufacture—the largest and tastiest variety in the
county. We guaranty oar work.
different patterns of Cloth, Cassimers, and Coatings
for eastern work to select from; have a FIRST
CLASS CUTTER. and are enabled to give perfect
satisfaction in regard to good tits, style and prices.
Parties preferring to have theirgarments made to
mensure.dtre requested to give ns a call and exam
' ine our stock.
Flannel,Shirts, cotton sad merino Wrappers and
Drawer's, Gloves, Ties and Scarfs, paper and linen
Collars, Handkerchiefs, Traveling Bags, Trunks
and Umbrellas
Vir - A tine variety of Gents and Boys HATS ce CAPS,
6uttritburg, koseuhannt stn.
Id : S. DESSAI323I, Managing ?arta:tap
Montrone, May 14, 1867
/ Just received arid will bo sold at
Dry Goods In great variety and desirable styles:
Notions, the largest and best assortment In the place
A inn Ilne of Stationery:
Being desirous of dosing ont my_ stack of Crockery,
Bate, Cape, andLadlea' Shoes, I will nil them •
.01. t - 40c.r3t.
Garden &Flfrwer Seeds
• of all kinds.
. •
Cad and =mine my stock before purchasing else
where, and be convinced of tho quality and cheapness
of my Goods.
ar Store : in tho Eanie buildin4 as the PostoMeo, and
formerly occupied by Webb Butterfield. -
Montrose, , Pa., May 7, 1867
A. 1113" er . 41:::PINT.
OTICE hbreby . gfven that We, /tile() has left
my hadand.board without any, causo or prov
ocation, therefore I forbid all persons to harbor or
trust heron fay acooniit, nal wilt pay no debts of her
eontracting after this date.
I also forbid all persons paying or purchasing a cer
tain Note of $l4O, given by Catharine Gilroy and Jamul
Gilroy to mo, dated about the first of May, 1867, paya
ble first of January next, as raid note has been taken
from mo by niy,wife, the raid Alice, without , my con
Irriendsvlpe, :May 14 (`21),1867 —Bw , , •
.4961 1 7X15t CPINICIerfaI
BY a recebt decision of the Conn, oF elating. all offt
core holding commissions between dates of March
let, 1864, and May 6d,1865, are entitled WO per month
for each servant allowed by rank.
For farther Information, apply to
Manned Government Agent.
Montrose, Afarch 26, 1867. - tf -
To theCtrotarles of. Poppular Scientific Skepticism, in ,
vindication of the Truth and Superhuman Origin of
cordsebrew Records of the Creation, just as those Re
read, In eutgasinetorm, quarterlyi or oftener
-25 cents singV. or five successive numbers, for $l.OO. .All
work which ell should read. .
Addreai L. L. CHAP.IIdN, 116:48.9, P. 0.,
May 14, 1661. Philadelphia, Pa.
--Note__Ready for the
la ail4lnnallyrrecelting
And keeps constantly on hind a fall and desirable as•
sortment of genuine,
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Liquors,' Paints, Oils, Dybstuffs, • Teas, Spices and
other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa-
per, Glassware, Llmp ,s Kerosene, Benzole,
Tanner's 011, Lubricating_oo, Neatiloot Oil,
Defined Whale Oil, Tandsli, Whips, • '
Gnus, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, -
Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Musical
Instruments, Tact Soaps,
Bair Olis, • Brushes, Pocket Knives. Spectacles Silver
Plated Spqous. Perks, and Ivory Handled Knives.
Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of '
Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perftuneil l Etc.
Patent Medicines
advertised In Montrose. and nearly everf GOOD KIND'
In sticirt, nearly everything to restore the ride. to
please the taste, to delight the eye,. to gratify the fancy,
and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts'
of life. Enumeration Is impracticable, as it would All a
newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of
ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. ,
All persono Who ?lila to
EF•evcre 3316COriev
ill( call at the Store of the subscriber. where they will
find a Good Stock of
Choice Flour, Fish, Hams (siigar curd),
Coffee and Tea, Sugars, Syrups and
Molasses, Tobacco, Snuff,
Cigars, etc. etc.
Alpo—,6. good Stock of
'V A.N513319
School and Blank Books, and atm mis
cellcineons Books, Writing Papers
and Envelopes of superior qual
ities and perfumed,
Gents' and Ladies' Paper Collars, Canned
and .Dried Fruits, Oranges cE Lemons,
Condensed Milk, a choice article,
and in fact almust everything needed by all the good
people of Susquehanna County who get hungry and dry,
and by purchasing them of
first Storo south of the Court House and east aide of
the Public Avenue, you can save from 10 to 20per cent.
Montrose, March sth, 1867.
Were awarded the highest Premium at the
World's Fair in London, and six first
premiums at the—Nets York State
Fair of 1866, and are
Celebrated for doing the beet work, tieing a• nog+
smaller needle for the same thread than any other tua
ehine,and by the introduction of the moat approved
aehinery, we are now able to aepplrthe very bed ma
chines in the world.
These machines are mode at our new and
spacious 'Factory at Bridgeport, Conn.,
tinder the immediate supervision of
the President of the Company,
1 Elias 'Howe, Jr., the
They are adaptedlo all kinds of Family Sewing, and
to the nee of gegmetresses, dress makers. tailors, man
nfacturers of Shirts, collars skirts, cloaks, mantillas,
clothing, hats, caps, corsets,'boots, shoes, barners.Sad
riles., linen roods, umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work
equally well upon Silk linen, woolen and cotton goods
with silk, cotten.or linen thread. They will seam,
quilt, gather, fellocord, braid, bind, and perform every
species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect
stiLh, alike on both sides of the articles sewed.
The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe, and made.
on this Machine, is the-most popular
and durable, and all Sewing Ma
chines are subject to the prin
ciple. invented by •him.
General Agents,
Feb. 26, 16.62. •
MITE undersigned have this day formed a eapartner•
ship, under the Arm natne ' of - Stamp & Moran. rm .
the purpose of carrying on Bleckautithing in all its:;
branches. •
Viff Strict attention wilt be given to. Ilorse•shocing.
All wortwill be done neatly and promptly. The pli!).
lie 'are invited to-call. . .
Mentiose, March 4th 1861• tf P. T. MORAN.
(k r LOituto to Young Mee..
anti bublished in a sealed Envelope. Price 6 Cents.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, , - and radical ma
of Bpermatorrhcca, or seminal wealoness. involan
emissions, sexual debility, and impediments to
daze generally. Nervousness, consnmptien,
anonts; mentM and physical incapacity, restiltine mann
self abuse Sec.—By Ttobart ! Culverwell, Id, 1),, Anther
of the " ()seen Book," &c.
The-world renowned anther, in ibis admirable Lee ,
ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the.
awful consequences of self abuse may be effectually re•
moved without medicine, and without dangerous ear!
Rival operations, bangles, Instruments. 'rings, or cow?
dials. pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and
_by which every sufferer, no matter whet hiss
condltibn may be. niarcure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to ibotfs
sands. ,
Bent under seal to any address, in a Plan aeakd e i l
velsipe, on the receipt of six cents, or twobetim
stamps. Also 13r;." CulvorwelPs •" Marriage W3de~ - ,'' 1
price 2.1 cents. Address the publishers.
• CANS. J. 0. Kid2a . ce 00..
127 Bowery, New York, Post Office b0X4580.- '
)firchlo,l267-Iyemp. •
undersigned bee perdossed the celebrated Epee.. reback, imported by H. H. Hughes , of Fittaton, ,
which took the lint' premium at the nor York- and ,
Tentlaylvania State Pair. Ile will be kept`st my, place
in Forest Lake Township, !ear the Lek*, •
torestlakt, April 16,1867.-2 m