The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 04, 1867, Image 1

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A. J. GERRITSON, Froprietor.l
For the. Democrat. ,
.11; History of the Great Struggle in
Amerleasbetween Liberty
and Despotism.
The great drama which the Republican
party are now enacting has its comedy
and farce, as well as its tragedy. One of
its farcical scenes was performed in Rich
mond-May 15th, 1857, which produced
"shoats of applause."
That "great arch-traitor," Jefferson
Davis, who was to have been hung on "a
sour apple tree," was released from pris
on, "and is now at liberty," says - the Tri
bune, " toigo. where be pleases, and not
at the South alone, but equally at the
North, and his liberation will be hailed as
a victory, of common sense."
And who Went to Richrriond to "go
his bail," and was the first, to sign the
bond by which his release Was obtained,
but the founder of this Republican party,
the Hon. Horace Greeley P ; This proves
the, old adage true, that 't there is honor
among thieves." There is also honor
among sesebessionists. Horace Greeley
helped to get Jefferson Davis into trott
; it is honorable and right that he
should try and help him out agaia. He
has done so, and instead of having to pro
nounce maledictions on his head froth a
"soar apple tree," Jefferson Davis grasp
ed his band in a court-room,, and earnest
ly thanked him for his kind offices.
"Mr. Greeley," says a looker-on, "
cepted the thanks with a countenance SO
indicative nf-pleastire and self-satisfaction,
that the surrounding spectators broke
out in a loud laugh." •
Well might Mr. Davis grasp the bands
of his friends, and thank them for saving
him from the fate which Underwood, the
modern Jeffries ' was preparing for him.
The Tribtine, but the day before his re
lease, describes the condition of the
" prisoner of &ate," as follows:
"After an imprisonmentof two years
in Fortress Monroe, Jefferson Davis re
turns as a prisoner of war to Richmond.
S-iitary and powerless be stands at the
bar of a civil court, actiused of the liiibest
crime known to American law ; and by a
rcvaition of which his wildest dreams of
,11,a-ter conld have had no intimation, he
to be tried for his life by men for whotie
or:lavernent he used alrthe forces of war.
Five ncgrnes sit tipon the grand jury in
Judge Underwood's court, and before
view the Pre6ident of the Confederacy is
to repeat the words, "I will be tried bk
fore God and my peers !" If this is not
punishment enough, it is humiliation en
' enough. Judge Underwood is determin
ed, it is said, to cotr irriiV him to Libby
prison." And the curtain falls for the.
night on this scene!
The next day, "the. timb soon tame
when to the tour evolve the duty :)f*
saying, 'The re ireme is of bail having
been fully met, the Mars is directed to
discharge the prisoner:. Then arose
shouts, and in a moment Jefferson Davis,
was surrounded and congratulated with
an enthusiasm that thre4ted to raise him
upon the shoulders of men, and bear him
from the scene of triumph. As it was,he
passed out through a crowd murmuring
God bless you,' and
,was driven 'off in, a
carriage amid - cheers: The_streets were
lined with people, mid they Cheered and
waved their hands and handkerchiefs un
til he passed into the hotel, where he en
tered a room adorned with innumerable
branches of flowers."
Who should rejoice in this change of
scene if not the founder of the Republi
can party ? And another Northern man
was there who enjoyed this triumph. lie
too had come to be a bondsman for the
"arch traitor." This was the founder of
the " abolition party" in the State of
New York—the Hon. GerritSmith. How
just and right it was for these two North
ern secessionists desire the escape of
Jefferson Davis- ,
from punishment? Be
fore a single State had seceded, Mr. Gree
ley gave, them leave to go.: He said:
" Whenever any considerable section
of this Union shall insist on getting out
of it, we shall insist that they be alloWed,
to go. And
_we feel sure that the North
generally cheres 'a kindred determine.'
Lion. If they will fight,they, must hunt
up some other enemy, for we are not go ,
kg to fihgt them. If the people, of the
Southern States shall ever, deliberately
vote themselves• out of the Union,. Infe
shall be infitvor of letting, them go i in
peace. The:right to secede may be a rev, bat it exists nevertheless.
And whenver a considerable section of
our Union shall resolve to go out, we
shall resist all coercive measure, to keep
We: them in. - Whope-nsiiver to live in a Re
public whereof 'one Beation is pinned, to
the residue by bayonets." . i '
In March, 1861, he sayer "._ln the Re
publican Party there is a large interest in
favor of- cutting loose from the cotton
States altegother, by peaceable sepera
tion." , 1 - • t:
In May, 1862,: 11r,:Greeley - said: t' If
the great. mass of the. Solithern people
had really desired a dissolutionof the Un
ion, and been willing to exercise a reason-
ablepatience, their end might have lieen
attained without bleedand' carnige;l for
We, withlhousarida , more in the ITort,b,
would have done all in onr i
power to n
cline our fillow:nitiiens to defer to our re
tinest, and let them go in peace. 'All gov
ernments tlerivti their power from the
consent of the governed , was the funda
mental axiom of - ,Tefferson. We have not
a weird to say about the indissolubility of
the Union. Our country is no more in-%
dissOluble than she British empire, from
whilh our grandsires wrenched a part.-,.
We Insist that the great principle assert
ed in the Declaration of Independence is
sound, and that it would justify the South
in making a nevi goy vs itself,as
well as it justified our fa ere in asserting
their independence.",
- G€4.rit Smith .old the Soutkon thelloor
of Congress, years before they attemp
ted to secede, that_ secession was a sacred
right. Ile declared that "If this Union
is to prosper, it'must be by adhering to
the great and precious principles avowed
at its birth; that every people have a
right to break up their existing national
relations, and choose its own form, of gov
ernment. I bold that the Northern States
have a right too off into a nation by
thenfselves, and the Western and the
Southern States. If they, will go, let
them' : go in peace;"
Then why should there have been this
war ? Mr. Smith continued, "Of course
I cannot forget that. many, alas ! that
tbercl;are so many ! would prefer follow
ing the secederS with curses and guns.—
Ou how- slow men are to emerge'from
the brutehood into which their passions
and false education have sunk them I
Brutehood, I say ; for rage, and violence
and war belong to it, while love, and, gen
tleness, and - peace' are the 'adornments
of trtie manhodd."
If the Southern States had a right to
secede as the founders of the Reynblican
and Aboli.ion parties of New York
claimed they had, then the North had no
right to "follow them with 'Curses and
guns." In turning :upon their pursuers
and fighting them with their own wea
pons,,the South-was: perfectly justifiable,
for they were ; only fighting. for their
rights. Mr. Greeley says, " What one
party has a right to do, another party has
no right to resist."
• If jt was treason and rebellion for the
- Southern States 'to array themselves in
opposition to the Federal government,
then .Hon. Gerrit Smith, Chief Justice
Chase, and all the Abolitionists of the
North are guilty of inciting treason and
In August, 1557, Mr. Smith addressed
a large meeting in Wisconsin to cele
brate, the anniversary of the battle of
Bunk= Hill. He says. to these people,
" If the men collected here from all parts
of the State shall dare to array their State
against the Federal government, against
the Federal troops, which are bnt ser
vants to that government, then will one
point!of resemblance:between the present
occasion and. Bunker Hill be established."
Did the people of the Southern States
do more than the people of Wisconsin
were, counseled, to do?
It has been skid that if Jefferson Davis
were ;put on trial, Chief Justice Chase
would be on trial at the same tiine.—
Among other prOofs 'of this, the following
letter bears out the the position of Gerrit
Smith :
" WASIIINGTON, Feb. 7th, 1855.
!‘ To Sherman M. Booth : •
"Dear Friend :—The telegraph flashes
to lit 4 the news that the Supreme Court
of Wisconsin has delivered you out of
prison. If this be so, that Court has the
honor of first declaring the unconstitu
tionality of the fugitive slave law. The
deciaion may bring on a conflict between
the State and Federal judiciary, in which
theiState court will certainly, have
the right side,' and the courage to main
tain it. Wisconsin pow presents a most
interesting spectacle of Constitutional
right opposed to arbitrary power."
The Chief Jastice here taught the aw
ful heresy of State sovereignty, for which
the Bontb, for,:, believing in,
has been so
severely punished. The Abolitionists
were also prepiiring to plunge the nation
into ;civil war. ;Theodore Parker's journ
al of June, 1860, says :
"If Buchanan is elected, I don't believe
the Union holds out three years. I shall
go for disselutiim. It must end in civil
war.' If Fremo,nt is not)elected, we shall
be compelled to take , the initiative of rev
olution at the North. Then the worst
fghOng,will be among Northern man.. I
'expact.cwil war and. make my, calculation
accordingly. Tbere'are two Constitutions
for America; gine written on parchment
and laid up at Washington ; the other, al
-06 on parchtlint, but On the head off a
drum. It is to ibis we must appeal before
loni e Of course we shall fight."
And m fight against the Constitution laid
up 11.';t Washington I It is what the party'
in peiier have been doing,, for the last
six years. And yet they have disfran
chised-every: wan at the South Who ever
I took 'artr4iath t,i) obey that Ciinstitution,
andlifterward went with his' State into
seceSeiion.. said, in 1860,
"Tbe?e - cniatitittintili.tha weathergek 'on
the iteeple. ,goTer'Op s." :wind .Tbe
en Say, In the very beginning
of the War, threw. the Constilution to the
:. The Abolitionists blew against
and turned it hither and thither, and
whatever they.declared to be its Import
the Republicans accepted as their oracle
from Heaven. " Writ, it on the head of a
drum," and forced upon the South at the
point • of the bayonet and the sword.—
When the Southern people I said we will
obey the Constitution of our fathers, the
RlTublicans answered, "There is no Con
stitution left for you bat that which we
have written on the head of a drum"—
no law but the law of a military deElpot.
What is this but levying war against the
United States, and overthrowing the Con
stitution and government?
This is not that will ever try
Jefferson Davis forligh treason before a
civil court. Rather than do this, they
world pay his bail bonds and give him
another hundred thousand to go into ex
ile. Exacting bail was a part of their
A Swarm of Bees Settle on a San's
Face—A Dangerous Situation.
A correspondent of the London Field
gives the following interesting narrative:
In June, 1854, Mr. Simmonds,
a farmer
residing at Brooklands Farm, Weybridge,
was diessincr b in order to attend the rent
at audit at Woburn House. Before put
tin., on his coat, he perceived from his
window an usually large swarm of bees,
filling the airr with their cloud and noise.
It was, in fact, as`he afterward ascertain
ed, two swarms that had come out of two
distinct hives, and had united in the air.
He ran out in his shirt sleeves, and with
out his hat, to see where they would.
alight. The bees, after making some cir
cles in the air, led him off to the bank of
the River Wey. Thinking that the bees
might cross the river, and perhaps escape,
he adopted a plan not uncommon with
bee masters, namely, that of throwing
dust into the air among the bees. This
often makes them settle quickly. They
did settle quickly, and this more so than
he expected, for in a short time the whole
of one of the largest swarms he had ever
seen settled upon his bead, face and
breast. They hung - down in front like
great beard to the bottom of his waist
coat. Had he not been well accustomed
to bees, and perfectly collected his situa
tion would have been a very aan g erons
one; for had he at all irritated this masa
of armed insects, he would no doubt
have received a sufficient number of stings
tO have placed his life in peril.
) He was obliged tp close his eyes slowly
and to keep his month shut. Then, in or
per to prevent their entering his nostrils,
which they endeavored to do, be slowly
thrust one hand through the mass and
with his two forefingers managed to keep
drawing and pushing them away from his
nostrils as they tried to enter, he breath-,
ing all the while as softly as possible.
This was necessary, as bees are generally
irritated by being breathed upon. He
was some distance from his house, and no
one near him nor within call. His first
thought was to walk sloWly into the Riv
er Wey, and gentley sink his head under
the water, and then throw off the swarm.
But a moment's consideration dissuaded
him from that attempted remedy. He
could not have disengaged them all, for
many were between his neckcloth and his
skin, and still more were crawling down
his back. He found that if he walked he
could not help disturbing the hanging
mass and that every little agitation, how
ever slight, caused a hum" and a hiss from
some thousands. He then remembered
the account given in .Thorley'e work on
beas of a swarm settling on the face and
neck of a servant, maid, who escaped un
hurt by the cared advice of her master,
he, without irritating the swarm, having
hived it from oil' her with a hive well
smeared with honey.
To avoid agitating the swarm, Mr. Sim
monds slowly knelt down on the grass
and remained Perfectly still. He then
found a number of bees were gathering in
a mass under tel waistband of his trot: ,
sera, in the holloW of his back, to which
spot the others were drawing, indicating
that the queen was there. Fearing, there
fore, that the tightness of the waistband
—rendered tighter whenever he breathed
—might crush, or , at any rate, irritate this
part of the swami, he slowly unbuttoned
the front of his trousers.
It is not easy tn conceive a more help ,
less condition than that to which Mr. Sim
monds was now reduced. He that was
the master of forty hives, from which he
could usually levy what spoils he pleased' )
killing his thOusands at his pleasure with
a brim stone match, was now so complete
ly in the power Sf one detachment of hia
own army, and was reduced to the most
suppliant position. Even to call for help ,
would have beeni dangerous, as the bees
near his month vould have been irritated
and would have probably entered his
M outh. At th is Intoment he heard a rail
way Win on.thn Chertsey Branch Rail-,
way, from which be was about fifty yardS.
It fortunately happened that the engine ,
driver was know to him o and had a little
commission froth him to hound his railway
whistle if' he ea' anything wrong among
his coWs and tsh
This'.engine driver seeing Mr. Sha
monde &chief knees, with one arm eiten
ded-as if . for hoe, something odic
hanging from hil!.late, S9,anded his
This was . teard by 'Mr. Simmonde
wife, who, supposing that some cow was,
ill, sent her son and a farming man out
into the fields. They soon found Mr. Sim
mends in the predicament above describ
ed. In addition to the banging mass,
there was a .cloud of bees still flying
around him, so that to approach him was
not the most agreeable office. Hdwever,
they came near enough to bear bim speak;
which he did very gently, merely saying,
" Bring a bushel hive, well rubbed with
honey, and some bricks."
While they were going at the top of
their speed for this, he remained perfect
ly still. The tickling of the bee's feet on
his face was 'almost unbearable, and the
danger of irritating those that were down
his neck and back was imminent.
The most difficult part he had to per
form, however, was that before mentioned
of dissuading the bees with the_end of his
two fore fingers, from getting up his nos
trils. These bees were not is a good hu
mor, as they were breathed upon, and al
so deterred from doing as they plvsed,
and one bee showed his displeasure by
stinging Mr: Simmonds at-the fork of his
two forefingers; this 'was not pleasant of
itself; but it was a serious occurrence, as
it might be the prelud.e to a more exten
He avoided making any start when he
was stung, and continued to push away
as gently as possible those that were near
his nostrils. This was the only safe place
to breathe from, as it was necessary - to
keep his mouth perfectly closed. Of
course, the few minutes that elapsed be
fore the return of his son apd the servant.
seemed a terribly long period , to Ur. Sim
monds, and during the whole, of it ho re
mained as motionless as Rossible on his
On their arrival, the hive was placed on
three bricks, with its month downward,
and Mr. Simmonds slowly laid himself on
his breast on the grass, with his head olose
to the hive. The honey scion attracted
the bees nearest to it, and 4 slow move
ment of the bees took place', till at length
the whole swarm gradually 'gathered it
self under and within the hive, except a
few patches of bees, which, in • walking
away, Mr. Simmonds ehsilk disengaged
from his dress with his hankl, and made
them join their companions. Mr. Sim
monds thus escaped from ntst only a disa
greeable but a perilous situation. It oc
cupied two hours from the time that the
bees alighted on their master, to the time
of his release.
Reflections for June..
Celebrate the praises of the Lord, and
adore Him. Exalt, praise, !and sing the
marvelous and wonderful 'storks of your
creator, all ye whom He has fade capable
of enjoying them!
For great is his power who has created
the heavens and all their jhests, whose
beauty and splendour annonhce the glory
of the -Parent of lighoand /life; the uni
verse declares it, and the eyo is worn
weary with contemplating- that in which
it, continually discovers new beauties.
But the eye alone does not enjoy those
pleasures; the beauties of- nature speak
to the soul, and, fill it with' rapture. 0
man, is there a blade of grass, a leaf, or a
gray] of dust, which does not proclaim to
Thee, the council of the SUPREME BEING?
How rich is He in poiver and benefi
cenoe but, alas ! bow often does He find
thee insensible; thy heart is hardened, and
thine eye turns away from his works
Yet for Thee His creative hand has diffus
ed life and beauty through all things; for
Thee He has created, preserve, and
adorned so many different beings which
thou beboldest in the .garden of nature.
God has need of. nothing : It is for thy
happiness that he'has diversified \ the crea
tion with so many charms, and 11ot be has
endowed Thee with an intelligent ; im
mortal soul. Why then wilt thou Beek
happiness in that which is false and de
ceitful ? Turn thine eye ,to thy God , ;
from Him thou wilt divine true felicity\
Enjoy the blessings which he gives Thee,
and repentance will never follow the en
joyment.--STUR3eIi REFLECTIONS. , '
M c " Gen. Butler has set the radical
press at loggerheads by raising the ques
tionof the responsibility of the execution
of Atrs. Surratt. Thus the Boston Com
monwealth says :
" Perhaps it would bade been well if
General Butler had not. said what he did
of Mrs. Surratt. Bnt there are thousands
of thoughtful people who think be was'
right. Mr. Bingham did 'pursue her like
a bloodhound." #
To which the Springfield (Mass,) Re
.publican responds :
" Not nt all. -If there were any blood
Inunds in the 'hunt, they were Stanton
and Holt; set on, too, we fear, by many
Northern people and papers, of which let,
ter, too, we. suspect the Commonwealth
was one'
This is - not the first tmie - that men
equally guilty have turned States`evidence
against each other.
—The Ebensburg Freesnian ,
thinkW the
Lewistown:Gazette's eff9r 'to: defend the
last Legishittnii against the assaUlts Oita
Republican friends "a very large undertak
ing for•so small a paper.
A FaithfW Dog.
The Edinburg Scotsman says ; "A very
singular and interesting occurrence was
yesterday brought to light in. the - Burgh
Court; by the hearing'of a summons in re
gard to a dog tax. Eight and a half
years ago a man named Gray, of whom
nothing is known, except that he lived in
a quiet way in some obscure part of the
town, was buried in old'. Greyfriars'
Churchyard. Hill graVe, levelled by the
hand of time, and unmarked by any stone
is now scarcely discernible; but though
no human interest would seem to attach
to it, the sacred spot has not been
ly disregarded and fogotten. . During all
these years the dead man's faithful dog
has kept constant watch and guard over
the grave, and it was this animal for ,
which the collectors sought to recover the.
tax. James Brown, the old curator of
the burial ground, remembers Gray's fu-
neral, and the dog, a Scotch terrier, was,
he says, one of the most conspicuous of
the mourners. The grave was closed in
as usual, and next morning'Bobby,' as the
dog is called, was found lying on the new
ly made mound. This was an innovation
which old James could not permit, for
there was au order at the gate stating, in'
the most intelligible characters, that dogs
were not admitted. 'Bobby' was accor
dingly driven out; but • next morning he
was, there again, and. for the second time
was discharged. The third morning was
cold and wet, and when the old man saw
the faithful animal, in spite of all chastise
ment, still lying shivering on the grave,
he took pity on him and gave him some
"This recognition of his devotion gave
'Bobby' the right to make the churchyard
his home; and from that time to the pres
ent he has never spent a night away from
his master's grave. Often in bad weath
er attempts have been made to keep him
within doors, but by dismal howls be has
succeeded in making it known that his in
terference is not agreeable to him, and
latterly he has always been alloWed to
have his way. At almost any time during
the day he may have been seen in or
about the churchyard; and no matter how
rough the night may be, nothing can in
duce him to forsake the hallowed spot,
whose identity, despite the irresistible ob
literation it has undergone, he has faith
fully preserved. 'Bobby' has many friends,
and the taxgatherers have by no means
proved his enemies. A weekly treat of
steals was allowed by Sergeant Scott, of
the Engineers; but for more than sixyears
he has been regularly fed by Mr. John
Trail, of the re'Staurant,. 6 Greyfriars'
place. He is constant and punctual in his
calls, being guided in his middayvisite by
the sound of the time gun.
" On the ground of karboring the dog
in this way proceeditigs were taken
against Mr. Trail for payment of. tax.
-The defendant expressed his willingness,
could he claim the dog, to be responsible
for the tax; but so long as the animal re
fused to attach himself to any one, it was
impossible, he argued, to fix the owner
ship—and the court, seeing the
dismissed the
summons. 'Bobby' has long been an ob
ject of curiosity to all who have become
acquainted with his interesting history.
His constant appearance in the graveyard
has caused many inquiries to be made re
garding him, and efforts out of number
have been made 'from time to time to get
possession of him. The old curator, of
course, was the next claimant to kr.
Trail, and yesterdayoffered to pay the tax
himself rather than have 'Bobby'—'Grey
friars' Bobby,' to allow him his full name
—put out of the way."
Greeley to be Expelled.
The " loxall' shoddy radical leagues
are in a terrible bubble over the defec
tion of the Tribune philosopher. The
N. York branch of the concern summoned
Mr. Greeley to appear before it, the other
day, to explain why he went bail for Jef
ferson Davis, intimating that unless he
should do so expulsion would be the pun
ishment. Mr. G. replies in the Tn.
bane of the 23d. The following is the
concluding portion of his letter :
" Gentlemen : I shall not attend your
meetifig,this evening. I have an engagef
ment outof town, and shall keep ft. I
do not recognize you as capable of judg
ing, or even\fully -comprehending me.
You evidently - regard me as a weak senti
mentalist, misled`by a maudlin philoso
phy. I arraign you as 'narrow minded ,
blockheads, who would like to be useful
to a great and good canse,juit don't know .
hovi. Your attempt to Vase a great, en
during party on the hate:and wrath ne
engendered by ablaUdy civil war
is as though you should gent a 'colony on
an iceberg which had somehow Zritled in
to a tropical ()bean. I tel you here that
out of a life earnestly devoted to the good
of human Kind, your children will seleet
my: going to Richmond and signing that
bail bond as the Wisest act, and' will feel
that it did more for freedem and humant
ty thawall of you -were conipettint to do,
41 1 f tli y e ou a , g t e he o n f- , M bu e t .
though u I h a
,that yon,preceed Ifif your 'end by a-direct,
frank, manly way - . Dorn sidle off into a
mild resolution of Censure, but move the
expulsion which you purposed, and whit%
deserye **farce any to reach wbat.
over. All.l me, far is, that you bake
this a square, stand n 0 fight, and record
your judgment by yesut and nays,. I care
not how tautly vote - With Me ' nor'hoW
many vote -against . - me; for know; that
the - latterwill repent it in dust and ashes
before three years have passe& Under -
stand, once , for all,,that'l dare yott and
defy you, and that I Foliose to fight fit. •
out on the fine that I have held from the
day of Lee's surrender. • '
Shot Through a Plonk.
A Sootch'paper, the I . laddington Cu
rier; has an extraordinary story of the
escape of a miner who fell diwn the ishaft
of a coal pit, nearTranent: An oid, shaft
was made use of to , open up a communica
tion with a new. pit recently sunk. Alxint
half way down the shaft, which was two
hundred and seventy six feet deep, a
wooden staging composed of strong two
inch planks, was built, completely. Inter
secting the doivp shaft, to afford a lirm
footing to the miners entering • thR aide
shaft. At the bottom of the - down shaft,
was a considerable'accumulation - of water,
as is usual in pits which' have not been
worked for some time. Oa the occasion
in question, a young man named ltylne,
rather than wait for the comparatively te
dious process of being lowered down , by
the windlass, said he would slideldown
the rope. - Disregarding the ethic° of his
comp anions, he got upwi, the rope, and
they were in another.moment horrifietllo
see that he - bad lost hold of it. :
The crash of his body against the wood
en ,staging was heard, and.they were ma
king preparations to descend for the man
gled remains, when a cry for assistance
was heard coming up from the very bot
tom of the pit. The rapidity of his ;de
scent of 170 feet had propelled him thro'
the two inch boards as neatly asi if {his
body had been a rifle bullet, and With
about as little injury, for not a bone. was
broken, and, exce_pt a small scratch one his
chin, his person did
.not bear the slightest
mark of coming in contact with anything
during the descent. Falling into the wa
ter at the bottom, he had, on coming to
the surface, providentially thrown bloating
over some wooden framework which hap
pened to be there and bad thus been sav
ed. The man was found here and was
conveyed home quite conscious, and un
der medical`care was,soon able to go but
of doors.
• The story has certainly the appearance
of fable, yet if it is possible to shoot
'lle through an inch board, why cannot a
man be shot through ..a . two inch . plank ?
The narrative 'is 'at least amusing, and
any body who cheeses can have the liber
ty of doubting that3t is well authentioa
ted.—Boston Atwater.
Having it Out.
A gentleman riding through the coun
try a few days since, struck up . irithlthe
following rich "case," and giving, as it
does anew . phase in nature common to
us al l , we ladl give it , a place. Oar
friend, riding leisurely along, ,approached
a fence corner, when. his ears were grout
ed by exclamations of anger,acoompamed
'by vigorous thwacks 01030M0, object teat,
judging from the dust arising from the lo
cality, was anything but patient under the
infliction. ,- Approaching the spot, "outin
ferment behelda . tow 'beaded nrobin,of
some twelve summers, be, laboring,,with
all the strength' he- was. master ot; what
seemed to be amost stubborn specimen oft
the genus mule. The- operation - did that
apparently diecommode the beast further
than to arouse its "mulishness," ,and
which it gave vent by a stenos, of kicks
that would do honor to Cestello's cling
ring. At this 'Juncture, our informant
ventured to remonstrate, when the, fol
lowing explanation was voichsafed:—
" Dad whips main, (whack—kink,
whips els, (whack-- 7 lriok,) and, Ms, Stu
itcrus kicks,) darn bei-, beats me, an .‘4,l'm
going to take it out l"— (whack .)—Grifut
There are some persons who seini to
think that some editors regard it as:one
of the greatest intellectual luxuriee' to.
" pitch nto!' somebody, and they suppose
themselves to have conferred a great fiicir
by furnishing belligerent coottibutiOni, ii
which some person, corporation, or society
is soundly abused. Stfch people meltabl
e hint from the following;
t i
.41k. noted c hap Once, steppe d in co, th et
sanctum of a venerable and highly - respeo l
table editor i ; and indulged in a tirade it. ,
gainst a citizen with who* -he, was ou
badlerms. -
mish,".said he, :addressing the man
with thepen,'," yell, would write a . Very.
severe article-against R-- and put it
yopaper.'' • '
The next morning, he came iiiihing,itifoi
the office in a volefivatate -of exeitenientl:
" What did you put in your papec i ? '1
had My nose pulled and been lacked'
mem." ' •
"troteli severe article : as yaidegir:
ed,” calmly replied the editor, and slip,
ed year intoo • ,
\ —At the yeoent fire`in Ciuditinik ten
thousand boree , ofotuideiliore Welted
the basement. Therale puddle ietakied
at Ablttlr thOpeeed 9111 m.
- * •