The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 28, 1867, Image 1
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" A Declaration of the Representatives of the Colonies of North America, in Con gress at Philadelphia, July 6th, 1775, di retrted to be published by General Wash ington after his arrival at the camp before Boston "The Legislature of Great Britain,stira tdated by:an inordinate passion for pow er not only unjustifiable, but which they know to be peculiarly reprobated by the very,Constitution of that kingdom, and desperate of success in any mode of con test where regard should be bad to truth, law or right, have at length, deserting these, attempted to effect their cruel pur pose of enslaving these colonies by vio lence, and have rendered it necessary for us to close our last appeal with arms. "Parliament has undertaken to give and grant our money without oar consent; statutes have been passed for extending the jurisdiction of courts beyond their an cient limits; for depriving us of the ines timable privile4e of trial by jury in cases affecting both lite and property; for sus pending the Legislature of MassachusetS, and altering fundamentally the form of government established by charter, and for quartering soldiers upon the colonists in time of peace. "Bnt why should we enumerate our in juries in detail? . By one statute it is de clared that Parliament ,can of right make laws to bind us in all cases' whatsoever. What is to defend us against so unlimit ed a power? Not a single man of those who assume it is chosen by us or is sub ject to our control, but on the contrary, they are all of them exempt from the op eration of` such laws. " Parliament, sensible that we shOuld regard these oppressive measure as free men ought to do, sent over fleets and ar mies to entOrce them. The Lords and Commons in their address in the month of February, said, that .a rebellion actual ly existed in Massachsetts, and they be sought his majesty to take the most effec tual measures to enforce obedience to the laws. " Fruitless were all the entreaties, ar guments and eloquence of an illustrious band of the most distinguished peers and commoners, who nobly and strenuously strove to stay, or even to mitigate the heedless fury with which these unexam pled entractes were hurried on. We are reduced to the alternative of using 'an unconconditional submission to the tyr anny of our enemies, or resistance by I farce. The latter is our cheice.• We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. Honor, justice, humanity, for bid ns tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant an cestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We can not endure the infamy and guilt of re- ' signing to succeeding generations that's wretchedness which inevitably awaits them.if we basely entail hereditary bon- , dage on them." Here, the grievances and wrongs of the American people are set forth to the. world, and portrayed to the soldiers call ed forth to resist their oppressors by force of arms. And what were these wrongs which they were receiving at the bands of the British government, which the world justified them in resisting, and which brought Lafayette, Kosciusko, and hundreds of the friends of liberty to our shore to assist" General Washington in fighting for American freedom? There is noka wrong or an injury enu merated in the Declaration of the Con- press' of 1775 against the Parliament. of Great Britain, that the 39th Congress has not inflicted upon the people of•the South; and the President who now stands in the place 'which was filled for eight years by Gen. Washington, his been accuse d of " making war on . Congress." When' his speeches and veto messages are reviewed, it seems as if he had been in Aired from Heaven to repeat the very Declaration directed to be published by Gen.' Wash ington after his arrival at, the camp bd fore Boston. That declaration begins with the assertion that "the Parliament of Great Britain were stimulated with an in ordinate passion for power, 'not only un justifiallley but which they knew to be pe culiarly reprobated by the very Constitu tion of that. kingdom. , In his first speech, which so enraged these tyrants, the PresidenCsays: "This is the day that gave birth to the-Father of our country. It is the day that gave birth to him who presided over that bo dy which - formed the Constitution under which all the States entered into this glo rious confederacy. Such a day is pecul iarly appropriate for the indorsement of a policy whose objeet .is,the restoration of the Union of the States, as it was design ed by. the Father of Our 'conntry. The name of Washington is. -embalmed in, the hearts of all who hive free government" The President here aiowe to the:weed, his let'e for Washington, and his desire to restore- the government which be fonnd! ed. ABat, mays. ‘ltre find now an effort to coneeetrate allpower in the hie& fekit'Aey,Pederal head.' We find that powers are assumed and attempted to be exercised of a most extraordinary charac ter; The Constitution of our country ex pressly provides that no State withoutits consent shall be deprived of its equal suf frage itt.the Semite, and it also provides that each State shall have'at least one rep resentative in the. House of Representa tives ; but yet the position is taken that 1 certain States shall not be represented.— We impose taxes upon them ; we send our tax-gatherers into every region and portion of those States. These people must pay taxes,but when they ask, to par ticipate in the legislation of the country, they are met at the door and told, no, you must 'bear burdens of government, but you cannot participate in its legisla- Nion which is to affect you through all time. Is this justice? Is it fair? The principle that carried us through the rev olution was that there should be no taxa tion without representatiop. This prin ciple is fundamental, and will be observed as long as free government lasts. Our only safety is in a strict adherencato and preservation of the Constitution, of our fathers. : The Congress of 1775 says: "But why should we enumerate our injuries in de tail ? Not a single man of those who as sume this unlimited power is chosen by us, or is subject 'to our control, but on the contrary, they are all exempt from the operation of such laws." President Jettison in his veto of the Freedmen's Bureau bill, says: " At the passing this bill there was no Senator cr Reptesentativk in Congress from the :eleven - States which are to be mainly affected by it ' s provisions. They should 4ve representatives of their own in Congress to explain their condition,re ply to acdusations made against them,and assist in measures immediately affecting themselves." The declaration required to be pub lished by Gen. Washington, says : "Statutes have been passed for.extend ing the jirisdictiou of courts beyond their ancient limits." These !statutes were contained in the Civil flights bill, which the President al so vetoed. In his veto message he save : "This ( bill gives the district eourts of the United States exclusive cogniiance of all crime and offenses against - the pro visions of this act. Congress thus takes from the ,udicial department of the States the sacred duty of judicial decision, 'and converts:the Site judge into a mere min isterial officer bound to decide according to the will of Congress. The Congress of 1775 said "statutes have beep passed-for suspending the Leg islature Of Massachusetts, and altering fundamentally the form of government established by charter." President Johnson says: "The purpose of the' Miltary bill is to change' the en tire struetnre and character of the State governMents and to compel the Southern people 'by force to adopt principles to ' which Ails known they are opposed, and laws which they are unwilling to accept, if left tolthemselves." The Congress of 1775 said, "The Par liament have attempted to effect their cruel purpose of enslaving these colonies by violence." President Johnson says, "The military bill reduces the whole people of ten States to the most abject and degrading slave ry.'? Washington drove the British tyrants back to' their own shores. How came they here . again ? Gen. Jackson drove the , troops of Lord Wellington from New Orleans, who had come the second time to subjugate America, and preserved the liberties established by Washington. How came the British lion to break into the fold of freedom and commence again to devour , the lamb of liberty ? Who took the side of Great Britain in the war of 1812,1 and hoped the British troops would conquer Gen. Jackson ? The Fed eralists Of New England. Who declared that they would break up the Union, if the Democratic party defended the liber ties of the American people by force of arms against the attempts of Great Bri tain to destroy them ? The Federalists. Who said 14 Nov. 1814, "On or before the 4th !of July, if James Madison is not Out of office a new form of government Will be in.operation in the Eastern States. The contest then will be in other States Whether to adhere to the old or join the new governMent." Ans : The same par y that wants . President Johnson out of office, that they may not be hindered in Inakinetheie new government. Jeffer;son wrote in 1823 to Gen. Lafay ette, who helped to achieve our liberties, You are not to believe that the lion and l !the lamb are lying down together; The Illirtford Convention—t he victory of New 'Orleans—the peace of Ghent prostrated ;the name of Federalism. Its votaries ;abandoned it through shame and mortifi cation, and now call themselves Republi jeans. But the name alone is changed— !their principles'are the same. Having beencompletely down and de, ispairing of ever rising : , again ;partlians to . the principles of monarchy, ;they, - get pp the,slavery question, under Om pretense of being a' moral 'one, but with; the;view.ef ensnaring them _into ttie election of the 'twit Preeideet. • I MONTROSE, PA., TITESDAY, MAY 28, 1867. The people of the North w ent blind fold into the snare, until they found that the slaves had been used merely as tools for electioneering purposes, and thattrick of hypocrisy fell as quickly as it had Leen gotten up. The line of division no* is, the preservation of State Rights, se re served by the Constitution. The Tories are for strengthening the Executive and General Government. The Democrats cherish the rights reserved to the States as a bulwark against consolidation, which must immediately generate monarchy." Now what did these toriee do to de stroy the reserved •rights of the States and establish a monarchy ? Jefferson was scarcely cold iu his grave before, the:to ries of New England sent. Wm. Lloyd Garrison across the ocean to form an alli ance with the old enemies of American freedom, and ask their aid in overturning the government. Ho returned with a member of the British Parliament, (Geo. Thompson,) and he joined with these to ries in pronouncing the " Union a curse," and the Constitution, framed by the pat riots of the Revolution, an " agreement with death, and a covenant with hell."— Their avowed object was to effect a disso lution of the Union. But twenty years after Gen. Jackson defeated the British army, and saved his country's freedom, he was warning his countrymen from the Presidential chair, that British emissaries were again among them, and had united with the Abolitions lets in "wicked attempts to incite a servile war in the South, to destroy the rights of the States, the laws, and destroy the Union." The Abolitionists are British Tories, and the identical" tyrants which Washington and Jackson conquered in the two wars with England. If one can be made to believe that their pretended love for Southern negroes is anything else than "a trick of hypocrisy" to gain their votes to keep them in power, and that they are now using them " tools" in de stroying the liberties of the white people of America, he has read American history in vain, and must believe that tlie.great est tyi ants are the best friends of Free dom. Not any Shanghi. The shanghi ruseter is a gentile, and speaks in a forrin tun. He is hilt on piles like a Sanday Hill crane. If he had bin bilt With 4legs, 'lie wad resemble the pernvian lama. He is not a game animil, but quite often cums off sekund best in a j ruff and tumble fife; like the injuns, tha j kant stand sivilization, and are fast disap pearing. Tha roost on the ground, simi lar tew the mud turkle. Tha oftin go to sleep standing, and sum times pith over, and when tha dew, tha enter the ground' like a pickaxe. There food consis ov korn in the ear. Tha crow like\ a jackass, I troubled with 'the bronskeesucks. Tha will eat as much tu oust as a district skule master, and ginerally sit. down rite oph tew keep from tipping over. Tha are dreadful unhandy tew cook, yu hay tu bile one eend ov them tu a time yu kant git them awl into a pot or kittle to oust The femail muster lays an eg as big as a koker nut, and is sick for a week afterwards, and when she hatches out a little of yang shanghis she has tew brood them stand ing, and then kant kiver but 3 ov them— the rest stand around on the outside, like boys around a cirkus tent, gitting, a peep under the kanvas when ever tha kau. The man who fust brought the breed into this kuntry ought tew own them all and be obliged tew feed them on grasshop pers, caught bi band. I never owned but one and he got choked to deth bi a kink in a clothes line, but not until he had swallered 18 feet ov it. Not enny shang hi for me, if yu pleze; I wuld rathe'r board a travelling kolporter, and as for eating one, I, eiv me a biled owl rare dun, or a inrkee buzzard, roasted bole, and stuffed with a pair ov ink:al rubber boots, but not enny shangbi for me, not a shanghi Josh Billings. . The last Man in the Barber Shop. We have seen many , illustrations of mis ery, many that move the hardest heart to pity; but nothing can be more touching to an observer, nothing better defines misery, than a man in a barber shop, with a dozen or so ahead of him, waiting to be shaved. It is Impossible for any one who never has eiperienced it to know how much nerve is required to pass successful ly through this ordeal. Different natures, of course, experience different degrees of mioery as they wait. "The poor but vir tuous young man, struggling with a moustache" (the fading hue of which has brought him again to the tonsorial artist) having an engagement with Susan—who has told him, "anything but a feller as isn't on time—can probablybe put down as the subject of most abject wretched ness and despair, as he enters and looks around ,upon "less miserables" who are " ahead" of him, the last of whom min gles with his misery a - grim satisfantinn that soma one comes after him. The young man would rather "dye" at Once tban he subjected to the suspense be must endure:: Talk of ambition; °finale, as she beekoasfrOm afar to the midnigbt piker' ever j'idumet filled rwith learning and-wisdom, (let° the warrior as be OCRS his way with his sword And wades Oro' scas:of blond to bar shining goal The scholar's ambition fades to insignificance, and the soldier's dream of glory vanishes before the mighty yearnings of the last man in the barber shop, waiting for his turn. No goal but the cushioned chair does ho see, " so near, and yet so far." There is music to him in the barber's "next," as it lessens the distance between him and his s ambitious goal; and when it finally appeals to him, he experiences a joy that the honied' words of flattery fail to bring to him who has found fame. En force the Maine liw, prohibit tilting hoops, make good street crossings, &c., and we will submit, - but deliver us, good Lord, from being the last man in the bar er's shop. The Printer's Estate. The printer's dollars—where are they P A dollar here and a dollar there scattered over numerous small towns, all over the country, miles and miles apart—how shall they be gathered together? The paper maker, the building owner, the journey. man compositor, the grocer, the tailor, and all assistants to him in carrying on his business, have their demands, hardly ever so small as a single dollar. .But the mites from here and there must be dili gently gathered and patiently hoarded, or the wherewith to discharge' the liabilities will never become sufficiently bulky. We imagine the printer will have to get up an address to these widely scattered dollars something like the following : " Dollars, halves, quarters, dimes, and all manner of fractions into which ye aro divided, collect yourselves, and come home ! Ye are wanted ! Combinations of nil sorts of men that help the printer to become a proprietor, gather such force, and demand, with such good reasons, your appearance at his counter, that nothing short of a sight of you will ap pease them. Collect yourselves, for valu • able as you are in the aggregate, single you will never pay the cost oegathering. ! Come in here, in single file, that the prin ter may form you into a battalion, and send you forth again to battle for him, and vindicate his feeble credit ! Reader, are you sure you haven't a couple of the printer's dollars sticking about your clothes ? L Delightful Legend. There is a charming tradition connec ted with the site on wbioh the Temple of Solomon was erected. It is said to have been occupied in common-by two broth ers one of whom bad a family ; the other bad none. On this spot was sown a field of wheat. On the evening succeeding the harvest, the wheat having been gathered in separate shocks, the elder brother said unto his wife, "114 . younger brother is unable to bear the burden and beat of the day : I will arise ' take off my shocks and place them with his without his acknowl edge." The younger brother being actu ated by the same benevolent motives said within himself, " my eldest brother has a family, I have none; I will contribute to their support, I will arise, take off my shocks and place them with his, without his knowledge." .1 adge of their mutual astonishment when, on the following mor ning they found their respective ocks undiminished. This course of events transpired for several nights, when each re solved in his own mind to guard and solve the mystery. They did so : when, on the following night, they met each other half way between their respective shocks, with their arms full. Upongrouud hallowed by such associations as this was the Temple of Solomon erected—so spa cious an 4 magnificent, the wonder and admiration of the world ! Alas ! In these I days, how many would sooner steal their brother's whole shock, than add to it a ' single sheaf. Learn all you Can. Never omit any opportunity to learn all you can. Sir Walter Scott said even in a stage coach -be alivays fonnd somebody who could tell him something that he did not know before. Conversation is fre quently more useful than books for pur poses of knowledge. It is therefore a mistake to oe morose and .silent among persons whomlou think to be ignorant; for a little sociability on your part will draw them out, and they - will be able to teach you something no Matter how or dinary their 'employment-1 Indeed some of the most sagacious re marks are made by persOne of- this de scription, respecting their particular pur suits. Hugh Miller, the ,1 Scotch geolo gist, owes not a little of iiis fame to ob servations made when he ekae,a.journey man stone mason and. Workingin a quar ry. Socrates well said, that there was but one good, which is imowledge, and one evil, which is ignorance. Every grain of awl goes to make the !leap. 4 gold digger takes the smallest nuggets, and is not fool enough to throw diem away be cause ho hopes to find A hAge lump some tim Son acquiring knowledge, wo should never despise an opportupity, however unpromising. If there,* A moments lei sure spend it over good for instructive talking with the first you meet: • —Carlyle. in: his, advice tO young : , men,, says 1 f; ff you doubt whether to . kiss a pretty girl, give. 'ter the lienefit of the doubt." • A House at Damascus. A traveller , who has been visiting the dwelling,pf Asset, one of the leading citi zens of Damascus, gives the•following' de scription of the building: When we errived at the front'of the mansion we were surprised at the 'mean ness of its appeararice—at the walls ofsun burnt bricks and the, few niserable-win dew's, stuck here ; and- there, without or 4er or arrangement, possessing no glass, but covered with a thick. lattice formed with crossbars of wood. Great,however, was the contrast between the exterior of the house and the scene-that\ presented itself when we passed through., a door opened by a slave. We saw, to our sur prise and pleasure, a spacious and,mag nificeit, court, paved with Dutch titles and marble. la. the - centre of it: was a large fountain, bubbling over into a cool, , clear,, circular reservoir of water filled I with pet fish. Around this court exten ded a range of buildings one story high, of a pretty, fantastic style of architecture, •decorated with Moorish or Sarabenic or namep ts. At the upper end of the grove was a grotto, or alcove, floored with va rious marbles, opening on the spa cious area, but elevated three steps above it. A rich figured divan extended around the walls, and the little secluded spot pre sented a cool and delightful smoking re treat, from which the large court and mur muring fountain were most agreeably sur veyed. Seating ourselves on the• soft, luxurious divan, we were served with coffee. Some black slaves in scarlet dresses; with long white wands, then came to con duct us to see some of the apartments of the mansion and of the harem, the ladies of which were absent at a summer villa in the garden. The building on the western side of the court contained a succession of detadhed handsome rooms; the floors were•coverecl with a thick'matting, and the ceilings were painted in a beautiful manner and with great taste. The walls were adorned with rich carving and gil ding, and all around them, raised about a foot and a halffrom the floor, extended a divan covered with rich - figured mixed' silk and cotton stuff of .Damascus manu facture. The grand saloon or reception ball on the ground floor, on the northern side of the court,, in which strangers and visitors are received, was by far the finest apartment or the place. We first came on to a square floor paved with different colored marbles, having a fountain in the centre, and overhead a handsomely pain ted and gilded ceiling. From' this floor we ascended by steps to other rraised floors, paved with marble and covered with, a handsome matting.. Scrolls and different devices were painted Mvund,the walls, something in the Chinese style, and divans extended around the apart ment, placed against the wall. Gilded bowls of sherbet were handed round, and slices of lemon and chopped almonds float ing in; in then came a black slave, who held in his hand an embroidered handker- chief, which he just pressed to our lips when be had ceased drinking. The pres ence of the slaves ivas commanded by clapping of bands, as mentioned in the " Arabian Nights." COps of coffee were then again banded round. Ancient Pens and Ink. The stylus, or - metalic pen, was never used for writing on papyrus or parch ment. The unhappy 'modern who . intro duced this instrument Of torture, deserves to sit at his desk with nothing but'steet pens during a wretched immortality, The age of calligraphy isfgone, and the Iron age has succeeded it. The ancient pen was'made of the Egyptiau'reed;onedown to a point, split, exactly like the quill; and' thence called cloven footed: The ink most commonly Used was-black,and seme of it—the Egyptian ink—was 'so excellent and durable, that letters, hieroglyphs, and figures, trheid more than five and -twen ty centuries ago i • have the freshness and glois of yesterday. The inkstands, some of which • have' been found' in Pompeii, were made Much like our own, single for one kind of ink, or double for red and black, and round or hexagonal. One was: discovered at Herculaneum, containing: ink,which, though somewhat, thick, could still be used for Writing. The ipks of the. ancients are thought to have resembled printers' ink, - and not to have been so flowing as those now . in use. , The man satirist, Perkins; describes :an' nittlitor wh9attribnted theifluggish current ofhia ideas to.' the - thickness of : his ;natu ral delusion, which-every one in the hal:k it of writing must. have experienced. For: ourltnowledge in the, actual details in the prearation, and materials of Greek books, we-have to depend en Egypt,'and the Int; rial cities of Heiculanenittoa In 4Y-04-the uee;;of.P ‘ kiper rolls' written: in liieroglyphie, ow ,a. demotic char acteriOatesfroM ,a, 'iery reinete - period; . l The copy of - the Book of the dead, pub:l 'fished:by I,epsiwhia. supposed by him to:1 ibeking t 0,,. the fifteenth . century,;before Christ., Fragments_ _of mannserTt, .con , tracts and documents -in,lVrieek,, and -of :Greek poots,, have, bpen sold hi consider& bid u mbere ; ' ibelonging.te" the Ptoleninian . perhid;find . 'dating three centnries before, Christ. ' These taken'. from the !toMbri . WhialOnilt in the rook anti! freifFein - 'the :slighteit''Mbistuie, , 4 • • •7 : VOLUME XXIV, NUMBER, 2/ ilerved them untiCthe inottubtente , Were opened - in thecourse cf , modern es Vet, rcently numerous andimportinit fragments of an oration of ~Hyperoides against Dempathenes—one often mention ed by-the ancients, but supposed' to ' irrevooahly losV—have been found •itifa eolleotion of old papyri, and. published. Two libraries, containing a conside*lo number of inanuscrips n —one in , a villa, in the neighborhood.of Herculaneum, auptb er in the helm called that . of 'the Toe. Poet of Pompeii—have restored..a amount •of lost literature. These rolls or volumes, though; retainingjheir ; original shape, ; are nearly reduced ; to,coal, end can be opened daily by the nicest, cafe andihe most skillfully, devised apparatus: 'Sev eral have been sucoeeifully midi-lett and published—among the rest, a treatise on . Musio by - -Philodemos, Greek- • author contemporary with Cicero.—Fe/con'a Leo turea on Greece. The ,Intelligence of our. New • Made , The, following from the New, Orleaps correspondent of the Lonisiille illustrates - the intelligence of the new Made citizens of African descent in that quar ter. He says 2 _ - The registering of voters under , the Military bill is . progressing rapidly; Om negroes registering in great numbers, and far exceeding the white/L - I:Th° -scene of registering is rich and fanny.. 'ITWO ranks are formed outside of the Register's office, principally of darkies of every grade, in terspersed here and there by a few 'White men. The following is the 'peoaetter of making v oterk,. or conferring the franchise on colored citizens of African deseent Register—What is your name ? Colored ] Citizen—My name is Cessar, boss. Colored Citizen—Well, boss, dey didn't gib me my odder name, but old ,massa's name was grrandison, and I 'spore I must hab his name now. Register—. Did Yon ever hold any office the .Pnited States or under the State of Lianisiana ? Colored Citizen—Yah, gab;. well, yes, boss; I sweeps out an assurance office an lawyer's dace. Register—Did you ever give aid or Comfort to the Confederate States ? klolvica tlitlu A L gal otrittu, 'oaze I didn't hob nuffin to- gib. Register—Did you ever. serve in the Federal or rebel army ?- ' ' Colored Citizen—Well, boss; I' din't serve in neifer; but de Yankees want to take me tp make brefworks for 'eta, and so I went to cook for de rebs. Re g ister—Then ; yon gave them aid and comfort, e didn't you ? Colored. Citizen—Why no .bOss; der gib me all de aid and comfort, if it was not for dem I'd been dead nigger long ago. • Register—Swear bum in. So goes the farce. Absence of Blind, ' We have hoard of numerous. insiances of mental abstraction Most A'requently connected with men Of - great devotion to some particular literary, scientific or theo logical investigation, which, menpolizes the, mentil powers. We ;could point out many, indtviduals who .fill, the 'pulpit with ability, and display in their discoursdvast powers of intellect, whO, in the- sociilpar ty, carry on some nientar exeroisd Which disconnects them from ; passing events. In' Massachusetts is a elergYthati of 'this class, lig ,who in his - absent intervals - like. .ly to appropriate to himself not otilY What ever handkerchiefs may: chance to come in his way, but table napkins oleo fre ,snently found in bilk pockets when '.ei,urn ,ing fro social tea parties at his. parish ioners.' This was so much a halntithat 11 ' 44 wife - Would search his: pockets on her return for' the purpose . - of restoring the ar ticles speedily tb the rightful' owners. Opp day his wifefound 'in his side ooket a whole silk apron, Stiiig, and All' He could give` no account him it came, 'there was a mystetiotis affair. A lady of the parish -howeVer settled, the `natter ,§atiefacterily. - 'IR Conversation with her gqopt2e after tea, on' some Sith,ject id ,which. he felt much , interest; he mistook her, apron,, as she for his ' hiedker ehief, arid began ,to tuck: it atiayln his pocket. ' i ltdowing his abetraateddese, ra 'Oar ibid. break AIM . threid::bf - the dis -I.ceuree,. she untied, the' apren Fitting and little'amused' at ,Oeeiqg the whole after two or thied stowed away in bis , , ' TAOAr,Araccnitoiir.4—' ChrefJustics, Story was oriee;a guest'lit a 'dinner in Boston, whielf Edward Eveiett f was present:•'',Wishing teitay a delicate ; corn plinient•tp thelatteit he learrfedjudge pro. posed us a v olei3tecir toast,! Milne follows moripthere -Evarqt goes'," The brilliant seholar rina'consummate oratorit not at alidisconcerted, 'tags, and tossing up his Wino Al a a .fespondod; 1 "To whatever I' l o4 rdicial learning may attain in this -country' it will never ries labeve al§tory." gentleman once asked, ;:I` . . What is Nieman Fvwhen a happy niarriedman re plied ':l , ‘ She is pn essay -.on :grace, 'in one volunitl, illegality bond. ; Although it maybe dear,- every Mill*: 111fOttla ;have copy-of :,-; 41 4 . 1 1 1 " , . •,1 • 4 4' 7 ..41 o'l F . . .nn Citizens, Register—What is your other name? ME=