The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 21, 1867, Image 3

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    cCCrIVT-Ir d&1P.5149..:X111.15.
peods and Notes.
We have for sale a fresh supply of
choice Deeds; also a revised form of
Notes, with instructions as to stamp duty
printed upon each sheet.
Dr. J. Hollister will give a Lecture and
E x hibition, consisting of Scenes in the
floly Land; Heroes and Scenes connect
e d with the late war; and Temperance
Scenes ; on Friday the 24th, at the Acad
emy Hall. Exhibition to commence at 8
o'clock, p. m. Half the proceeds to go
to the various Sabbath Schools.
Bible Society Meeting.
At a meeting of the managers of the
s a squehanna Bible Society held in Mont
rose, May 13th, 1807, the following reso
lutions were passed
Resolved, That it is expedient to canvass
this county at this time for the purpose of
lipplying its inhabitants with Bibles and
Testaments, ascording to the rules of the
Pennsylvania Bible Society.
Resolved, That Rev. S. S. Kennedy, the
accredited agent of the PennsylVania Bi
ble Society, bo recommended by the mans
alters of the Susquehanna Bible Society to
the attention of the patroizing churches
in this county, with the view of securing
funds to . aid in carrying out the object of
the first resolution ; and that he he au
thorized to draw for the needed Bible
and Testaments from the Pennsylvania
Bible Society, on account of this Society,
to the amount of funds collected for the
purpose ; and that he also bo requested
to report from time to time to the Secre
tary of the Susquehanna Bible Society the
result his labors.
Rev. H. A. RILEY, Pres't
Rev. J. G. MILLER, See'y.
A case of unjustifiable cruelty occurred
at Scranton, a few days ago. A little boy
of eight years, son of a than named Bailie,
was shut up over night in a coal vault by
a storekeeper of that place named Blake
and his assistant named ilolgate, on a
plea that the child had attempted to steal
a ball. The child's story is that be mere
ly took the ball towards the door to see
whether his companion approved his se,
lection, when he was seized, beaten,
thrust into the cellar and threatened with
having a stick put in his mouth if he shou
ted or made a Oise. This occurred at S
o'clock is the evening, and the child was
left in his dungeon for the night.
After spending a terrible night in the
wet and dirt, fighting the rats off his per
son, the child succeeded, about 4 o'clock
in the morning, in making his way out
upon the pavement through the coal hole,
and soon sank insensible into the arms of
his mother, who bad been wandering the
streets all night in search of her boy.
Strange to say, the father has comprom
ised with Blake for 8500. The hitter says
he gave his clerk orders to let the boy nut
at 9 o'clock, but it was not (Mae. Yet
he feels justified in retaining the services
of the clerk. It is quite likely, However,
that there will be little use for a clerk
hereafter. It is-alleged that, whilst the
child was fighting the rats, the storekeep
er was at a prayer meeting.
Bridgewater Schools.
The following Resolution was adopted
by the Bridgewater Board of School Di
rectors, April 20, 1807 :
Resolved, That we adopt the following
Text Books for the Schools under our
charge: Sander's Union Readers and
spellers; Rohinson's Arithmetics; Fitch
& Colton's Geographies.
The Books are left with A. N. Ballard,
where new ones will be exchanged for old
ones, if not soiled too much. These Text:
Rooks are furnished at introductory. pri
ces. Teachers are requested to use no
other kinds in ther schools.
By order of the Board.
C. J. Crnis, See')
Bridgewater, May 14, 1807.-2
To School Directors.
There appears to be a general negli
gence on the part of School Directors to
publish the account of the receipts and
expenditures of their respective districts
as required by the .Alt of Assembly. The
State Superintendent i of Common. Schools
states that this section of the law is as ob
ligatory upon the Board of Directors as is
the section requiring them to keep open
schools, and a neglect to perform this duty
according to the law isubjects Directors to
removal by the courts,the same as the ne
glect of any other ditty required "by law,
Bounty Btatemen s.
It may not be generally known that a
general law of the Legislature,: approved
April 11, 1866, requires the bounty.acr
counts of every district to be carefully
audited by the Township Auditors, and
"prepare a condensed statement of the
condition of these finances, and publish,
the same at the cost of the district, for
three successive weeks in the two paper
having the largest eirculation in the cond.
It not only requires thitiduty to be per.
formed by the Townshiß Auditors, bu l t
iraposes'a penalty of fifty _dollarS
each Auditor,, who refuses,to ; ;comply,one
half of which goes, to the Prosecutor, and
the other half ,to the School fund of the
district. It provides ' also; that the_Atui
hors shall notify the School . Directors Or
other parties baying disbursement for the
purpose of enabling, the Auditors Pad*
up the beittity. - accounts of the towrishlit
for the fiscal peak`:. - . ..1
Auditors shtitdd :sea to tbit. wetter'
forthwith: '• -• .
&nick 'by Lightabig.. • ~
Robert W OfereLibf Brooklyn, was
struck by lightning MOnday of last
Week. The lightning detnolished the
chimney and stove-pipe, itruckbim on the
side or back, passing ;down his len- ° and
tore the boot open. His log was badly
burned and his clothing' set on fire. He is_'
severely injured, but itot fatally.
Publication of the taws.
It is almost impossible to find out what
Acts of the Legislature have become laws.
By the present absurd mode of publishing
the laws, the publiedo not get to know
what kaws have been passed, for six or
eight months after the adjournment of the
legislature, when the Pamphlet Laws
make their appearence. And . even then, in
this shape, they only Teach county officers
and:Justices of the Peace whilst the people
who are bound to obey laws, never get to
sec them in print. All the general laws
should be published in the newspapers of
the different counties, and all local acts
should be published in the same way, in
the localities to which they apply. We
hope the next Legislature will pass an
act requiring the publication of the laws
in the newspapers, so that the people may
learn what laws have been passed.
.Ctlo P
Important to:Soldiers. •
Congress has provided by law that sol
diers, sailors and marines, who were cap
tured during the war and held as prison
ers, shall be allowed, as a commutation
for their Cations, tlfe sum of twenty-five
cents per day.
This money is paid by the Commissary
General of Prisoners at Washington,
it is necessary that the names of thu
claimants shall appear on his books. The.
ct of Congress only-permits the payment
to be made to privates iu the land and
naval forces. Officers are not entitled to
it. Notwithstanding this fact many of
the latter have applied for commutation,
and others may yet .apply. To save trou•
ble, it is proper that the conditions of the
law should be understood.
AA there are soldkerA, marines and sail
ors, who have not Made application, they
should do so at once, before the payments
are closet].
'ABEL TE RHE'L L in continually receiving ,
new supplies ofkiennine Drugs and Medicines, which
will be *old ae low aa at any other Str - e In Montrone.
ar'Empire Shuttle Sewing Machines
are superior to all others fpr Family and Manufacturing
purposes Contatu all the latest improvements; are
speedy; noiseleus ; durable; and easy to work. Illus
trated Circulars free. &mats wanted. Liberal dis •
count allowed. No COLIN ignment. made.
Address EMPIRES. M. cO., 616 Broadway, New York.
July 524—1 y
siMiziei : I 3 Q(*) Nit. ;MI ri t` , CO NI OE4I I ral 0:1
This great medicine cured Dr.J. H. Soar-sos, the Propri
etor, of Pulmonary ConsuMption, when it had assumed its
most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to
be inevitable. His physicisms pronounced hiscess incurable,
when ho commenced the rose of this simple but powerful
remedy. His health was restored in a very short time, and
no return of the disease has 'been apprehended, for all the
symptoms quickly dimmemed, and his present weight la
more than two hundred pintas. t.
Since his recovery, he haridevoted his attention mein
sliely to the cure of Consinantiom and the diseases which
are usually complicated with It, and the cures effected by his
medicines have been very • numerous and truly wonderful.
Dr. SCUENOR makes profealonal visits to several of the larger
cities weekly, where he has a large coricoungs of patients
and it Is truly astonishing lo see poor consumptives that have
to be lined out of their (a.-riagm, and in a few months
healthy, robust persons. pa. SCH. L.'NCK'S PULMONIC
are generally all rehired in caring Consumption. Full
directions a.morepany,cach, on that any one can take them
without seeing Dr. S , ,;:tatioC, bat when It is convenient it
Is best jg see him. He gives alvice free, but fora thorough
evon , b , allon with his limp:remoter his fee Is three dollars,
Please observe, when parchasing, that the two likenesses
of the Doctor—one when in the last stage of Consumption.
and the other as he now is, in, perfect health—are on the
Government stamp.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Price $1.50 pm. bottle,
or $7.50 the ball citizen. Letters for advice should always
ho directed to Dr. Szbenek's Principal 0111 r . No. IS North
6th Street, PhDade psis, Pa.
General Wholesale Ageats: Demme Barnes (tit Co., N. Y .;
S. S. Hance, Baltimore, lid.; John D. Park, Cincinnati,
Ohio ; Walker dt Taylor, Chicago, Di. ; Genius Brea., St.
Louis, no. [ad w. es mo. 1 yr.
MrA Cough, A Cold, or A Sore Throat,
Irritation of the Lungs,
♦ L'irlitiaticat Throat Disease,
For Bronchitis, .Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive
and 'Throat Diseases,
will lind Troches neettil In clearing the voice when ta
ken before Singing "nr Speaking, auerelieving 'the
throat after an unusual' exertion of the vocil organs
The Trochee are recommended and prescribed by Phy
sicians, and have had j estimonials from eminent men
throughout the country. Being an article of true merit,
and having proved theft efficacy by a test of many years
each year ends them in new localities in various netts
of the world, and the ?Troches are universally pronoun
ced better than other 4rtieles.
OBTAIN only " Snorrrea BILOISCIrIAL THOCar.I3," and.
do not take any of the 'it orth.less Imitations that maybe
offered. Sold everywhere. nov27 6m amnia
oryience.—Theteautiful Plano Fortes of Gnovc-
PTEEN 8; Co. are deemed by all good judges to be-the
Ultima Thule of instruments of the kind.
We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a musi
cal Instrument more perfect, although we are slow to
admit that the limit of Improvement can ever be at
tam n ed.
Before they bad brought their Planbs to their pres
ent excellence, the, had submitted them to competi
tion with instrnments;of the best makers of this court
try, and ,t urope, and received the reward of merit, over
all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but jus
tice to say that the judgment thus pronounced has not
been overruled by the musical world. '
Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to
their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect instru
ment has been made. They bare accordingly achieved
the paradox of making excellence more excellent.—
Surely, alter this, they are entitled to the motto, " Ex
celsior," [June 19-17
Ti.a.mran wcipacup:
11117r,:a recent de.etalOn of the Court : of Claims. all °M
ims tern holding commissions between dates olliarch
let, 1864, and lilay 344865; are entitled to per month
for each servant allowed by tank.
Bgr Amber informgion. apply to
ono. P. LITTLE.
, , 'l,leeneed,Government Agent.
lioatrise,..fifirch 29,1867. tf - •
or Consumption
Velleafnessi Blindness - and• Catarrh
Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS.
Oculist and Attest, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No.
519 Pine Street,. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the
most reliable sources In the City and Connlry can bo
seen at his office. The medical faculty arc invited to
accompany their patients, as be has no secrets in bis
practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.
No charge for examination.
Philadelphia, July 1, 1890. ly.
TIZIL - .12‘.1R.PL1.EL 41 3 4-3319 .
In South Bridgewater, May 12th, by
Apollos Stone, Esq., LEwis A. RosE, of
Dimock, and MARY E. RING, of Bridge
At the residence of the bride's father,
on the 15th inst, by Rev. Dewitt C. Olm
stead, Rev. LUTHER PECK, of the Wyo
ming Annual Conference, and Miss LUCY
LYMAN, youngest daughter of Landis Ly
man, Esq., of "Lyman via, Pa.
In Montrose, on the 15th inst., by Rev.
Luther Peck, Mr. J. B. SHERWOOD, of
Moutrose, and Miss SUE E. STANTON, of
MI Noticesof marriages and deaths published free
of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate
of fifty cents per hundred words.
In Montrose, May 11th, Mr. JESSE
COON, aged 81 years and 10 months. .
Reported for the MONTROAK Dnnocuvr, by Fenton,
Fitzgerald &Tracy, strictly Produce Commission 31er
chants, 88 Whitehall Streit, New York. for the week
ending May 18, 1867.
Floor, per bbl. $lO,OO @ 14,00
Wheat, per bushel, 2,50 (41. 8.00
Rye, do 1,66 6 . 0 1,75
Corn, eo 1.20 01 1,40
Oats, do ' 80 Qi 90
Butter, per lb. 21) 6 - 0 30
Cheese, " 16 @ 18
Pork, mess,per bbl 42.00 qt.. ZI 50
Beef, mess, " 20,00 (it 22,00
Lard, per lb. 12 t 13
Tallow, .. 11 611 12
Eggs, per doz. 18 (P 20
Wool, per lb. 50 @ 55
Dressed Hogs, per lb. . 8 @ 10
Bell AbiltrtiStMetli,S.
Financial Statement of Silver
Lake Bounty Matters.
Whole amount of bonds Issued, $10,334 57
Paid on the above to May 3d, ItTl7, 6,060 63
Balance to be provided for, Including interest, .1,26 S Gi
Amonnt of tax levied for 18(16
Exonerutiona to Collector,
iinouni paid on bondn, nud expenses, 2,512 37
Balance In treasury, and uncollected,
We certify the above to be correct.
Silver Lake, May 21, ISo7.—*3t
4.14 late of Dinaock, Sueq'a county. Pa., dcc'd.
Letters orsdministration upon the estate of the above
named decedcut having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those having
eta jinn against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement,
GEO. W. NEWTON, Adin'r
Dimock, May 21, 1567
- 4o.ll.T_Tora cora'.
NTICE is hereby given that my wife Alice has left
my bed and board without any Just cause or prov
ocation, therefore I forbid all persons to harbor or
trust her on my acconnt, as I will pay no debts of her
contracting after this date.
I also forbid all persons paying or purchasing a cer
tain Note of $l4O, given by Catharine Gilroy and James
Gilroy to the, dated about the first of May, 1867, paya
ble first of jenuary next, as said note has been taken
from me by my wife, the said Alice, without my con
Friondstille, May 14 (21), 1567.-3 w
To the Votaries of Popular Scientific SkeptiClSM, in
vindication of the Troth and Sn'perhumati Origin of
the Ilelwew Records of the Creation, fast as those Re
cords read. In magazin e form. quarterly. or oftener
-25 cents singly. or five successive numbers for $l.OO. A
work which all should read.
Address L. L. CHAPMAN, Box 4Sll. P. 0.,
May 14, 1867. Philadelphia. Pa.
111101 T virtue of a certain writ Issued by the Court of
Jilt Common Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to mo
directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue, at the
Court-house, in Montrose, op Saturday, lune 15th 1867
at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following described piece or
parcel of land, to wit :
All that piece or parcel of land situate at new Lacy
ville Auburn Township, Susquehanna county, boun;
ded and described as follows, to wit. beginning, at forks
of road leading from main read to Julius Brown's laud,
thence - south 16 degrees west thirty perches, thence
south 14 degrees, cast forty five perches, thence south
thirty nine* west 10 perches, thence west 26 perches to
a post, thence north 77 perches to a corner, thence east
27 perches to place of beginning, containing 9 one 4th
acres, be-the same more or less, with appurtenances one
framed house, one framed barn and three or four acres
[Taken in execution at the suit of John F. Dunmore
vs. Mary Green and Horatio A. Green.
S. F. LANE, Sheriff.'
Sheriff's office, Montrose May 20th 1867.
.I2,4 SON,deceased, late of Dlmocl township, Susque
hanna county, Pa.
Lettereof administration upon the estate of the above
named decedent having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, and those havlnh.
claims against the same to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
Dimock, April 30, 1807
National Steam Navigation
Company, •
'Steerage tickets from LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN
, to New York reduced to $35, currency.
Steerage tickets from LIVERPOOL by Thompson**
" Elea Star" line of Packets—s 23,
DRAFTS ON IRELAND in slims to snit. for sale by
Montrose, April 23, 186.-3 m.
s, • ,
Auditor's Notice.
MITE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Or.
.1 phans' court of busqueharma county to distribute
the balance of the fund in the hands of Zenas Smith.
administrator, amotig the heirs and legal representa
tives of the estate of Daniellagger, deceased, will at
tend to the duticauf his 'appointment at hie °dice in
lilontroie on Tuesday the ilth day of June, 18 6 7, at
one o'clock, pl. m., at which time and place all persons
are required tir present their claims orle debarred from
coming id fora share of said estate. .
.•W. D. LUSE,. itiiditOr. •
lfontrose, , May 1130 t
ariety, Styles, and Bargains,
Merchant Tailoring, and Gent's
Furnishing Goods.
Guttenburg, Rosenbaum & Co
Take great pleasure in informing their friends and the
public in general that Dry Goode have, taken A NOTH
NI? TUMBLE, and that they have purchased a more
than usual large stock of
*ring *ow
which for price, variety, and style cannot be excelled
We have in stock—
DRESS GOODS e Black and Fancy Dress Silks
Rich Mohair Dress Goods in all styles and colors
plain, Liamred and striped fine Organdies, Cambries
and Lawns, handsome DeLains, Challiee, Bra. Brc.
WHITE GOODS t Bwitielfuslins, Mulls, plain,
barred: and striped Jaconets, figured and striped
Brilliants, a tine lot of Drapery Moaline, Marseilles
Quilts, &c.
LINEN GOODS: Black and brown Table Linen,
' Table Clothe, Towels, Napkins, birdseye and shirt
ing Linen, Scotch Diaper, Linen Tuck and Drilling
for men and boy's wear., &c. Domestics, bleached
and brown Starlings, Calicos, Ginghams, Denims,
Ticking, Cottonades, &c.
FANCY GOODS r Superior quality, Kidd Gloves.
Stik and Lisle Thread Gloves, all colors, dress and
cloak Buttons, Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces,
Veils. floseries, new styles in Balmoral Skirts, Par•
asols, Sunshades, Corsets, and hoop Skirts.
Shawls, Basques and Sacks : Of cloth and
silk, eplendid variety, and cheap-.
MILLINERY GOODS: At wholesale S Retail.
A large and complete stock of millinery Goods,
such as artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Bonnet Silks,
Frames, Blocks, Straw Bats & Bonnets, Blonds,La
&c.. which we JOB to the Trade at New York
wholesal e prices.
$2.F96 07
322 20
ufacture—the largest and tastiet4 variety in the
_ county. We guaranty our work.
different patterns of Cloth, Caasimers, and Coatings
for custom work to select from; have a FIRST
CLASS CUTTER. and are enabled to give perfect
sat sl action in regard to good fits, style and prices.
Parties preferring to have their garments made to
measure. are requested to give us a call and exam
!lle our stock.
Flannel Shirts, cotton aid merino Wrappers and
Drawers, Gloves, Ties and Scarfs, paper and linen
Collars, Handkerchiefs, Traveling Bags, Trunks
and Umbrellas
C47 - A tine variety of Gents and Boys HATS & CAPS,
6attenburg, Alostubanin
)lontraae, May 14, 1164
Financial Statement of Harford
Township Bounty Matters.
Whole amount of Ronda issued, , $19,6.26 62
Am% paid on the above to May Ist, 1867, , 13,581 79
Balance to be provicid for, excluding int. 0,644 63
Duplicate Unix. levied for 1864. 18,a52 52
Collected on the atove t o May Ist, 1867, • 6,854 68
Bul. due including exhon's & t oll're per ct'ge, f,1,407 84
Duplicate for tax levied for 1863, . g 3,978 32
Collected on the above to Mey /at, 1867, 3,694 49
Bal. due Including exhou'a and Coil. p'r cege, 393 83
Duplicate of tax levied (or 1866, $3,974 72
Collected ou the above to May Ist, 1867, 2,6 :hl 66
Bal. due Including cullector's per ceutage, 51,442 06
We certify the above to be ne correct an, account as
can be made under the circumstances. 17
Erarford, May 14,186:.-3w
C. C. MILLS, Adm•r
Dry Goods in great variety and desirable styles.
Notions, the largest and beet assortment in the place
A fall line of Stationery.
Being desirous of closing out my stack of Crockery,
UarB, Caps,and Ladies' Bhoce, I will sell them
• •
Garden & Flower Seeds
' • . of all kinds. ~_
Call and examine my stock before purchasing else
where, and be convinced of tho quality audtheapness
of My Goods. , , • a
orBtore In the same befitting as the fiastodlce, and
formerly occupied by Webb at klotterdeld.
•• " • • .
. • A, Di - BUTTEMCLD.
Montroim, Pa.,ltsy 7, Nat
itik- C:3O CD) 1:10 a) 7
M. B. DESSAIIIiII, Managing Partner
Now Ready for the
Just received and will be sold at
Receipts Undo Expenditures from June 8,
~ 866, to April 1, 1867.
A. N. Bullard, School Treasurer, Dr.
To amount in hands of-late Treasurer, slo6 50
received from rent of rooms, 110 GO
••• from sale of old school house, 119 75
from M. Newman, Collector, 17141 0 0
" on tuition bills, fall term, 233 07
" winter term, 174 10
• • " for stone coal,
•• reed of A.O.Warren, fines for drunkenness. 030
" due A. N. Bullard. Treasurer, 141 sS
By amount of Orders paid, drawn uy School
Board, including commission to Treasurer, $2.-P32
We the undersigned, auditors In and for the Borough
of Montrosomet in pursuance of our duties at the Com
missioners office in said Borough on Monday the Ist day
of April. 180, and did audit and settle the accountofA.
N. Bullard, 'Treasurer of the Montrose School Board,
from June Sat, 1866, to April let, 1867, which we find to
be correct i and we find a balance duo A. N. Bullard.
Treasurer, / of one hundred and forty-ono dollar() and
eighty-elg4t cents. . .
(1. WARNER, I.Auditors.
Montrone, May 7, 1867.-3 w
Statement of Borough Accounts
A. • NI, Bullard, Treasurer of Montrose
1866.' Borough,i)r.
May 13, To cash of Wm. B. Cooper, late Treaer, $99 78
of D.Brewster,Col.per,lB6l, 60 57
Aug. la, '66 to April 25. '67, to cash of A. J
Brewster, Cell. Bounty Tax, 1866,
" 23, To cash of W. Foster, late collector
bounty tax '65, per J. Lyons,
1866. Contra,
By amounts paid. as follows :
Aug. 14, Bond and lot., No. 48, to C. L. Fargo, $llO 50
• 23, 2 bonds & int. Nos. 46 .5: 49, to J.Lyons, 222 07
5; 1 refunding or , Cr to D. Brewster, 4 00 ,
. 14, order for monies loaned of W.H.Jessiip,223 50
19, W. Foster, coma on duplicate of '65, 37 05
. 3, bond and' int . No. 57, to G. L. Williams, 108 50
7, " 88, to Nelson Kelsey, 106 00
7. " . " 47, to N. H. Lyons, 112 36
7, " ••'4l a.: 42,toS.S.Ransom ' 112 00
i • -
46 " 35, to A. W. Hickok, ail 00
" 4, to H. T. Castle, 112 00
9, '' " 23, to P. Ryan, 106 60
13, " 32, to N. L. Howe, 112 00
18, ~ " 28, to Thos. Smith, 106 00
14, " " 14, to F. T. Goodwin, 112 00
17, " 29, to Thos. Fester, 106 00
17, " • " 8, to B. Mitchell, 106 00
20, int. on bonds Nos. 7 and 52, to D. Brews
ter and H. Hill, 15 00
Dec. 8, bond ..k int. No. 11, to Wm .H.Fordham, 112 25
" 8, " " 51, to Win. IL Cooper, 106 00
3, int. on 2 bonds, 55 & 39, do 12 00
" 13; int. on 3 bonds, 30, 2 \ l, 44, t.o U. F. Read, 24 00
Jan. 1. 2 refunding orders to 11.11.Dimmore, et al, 35 GO
, •11, bond and int. No. 20, to 31. 3/"Ku ne, 107 07
it, int. on 3 bonds, 21, 27,15, to o.V.Bentley. 18 IV
" 15, bond and int. No. 44, to C. T. Fargo, 101 12
April N, " 32, to N. Kelsey, 102 80
Treasurer's commission, 25 42
A. N. Bullard, 7'rea3urer of Montrose
18456. Borough, Dr.
To cab of Wm. Garey, collector of special boro'
tax from Mny 18, 1866, to Jan. 21, 1867, $B9 40
To cash of C. M. Get°, Bargees, for lilies and cir
: cus from Aug. 4, to Nov. 30, 110 00
of A.O.Warren. for flocs, Oct. 29,18 CA, 3 00
" lesa am% paid on boro' order, Nov. 13, '66, 9 98
By amounts paid as follows:
May 13,7 borough orders, In a 11...
June 29, 1 order, Z. Cobb
July VT, .. Fire Co. No. 2..
Aug. e, " F. 0. Warner....
Sept. 6, " C. Sherman
7, " H. H. Frazier....
Oct. 3, " F. B. Chandler..
H. T. Ring
J, W. Chapman.
F. .Frneer
C. €herman
Nov. 2,
: 0,
• , 13, •
Jun. 1, " n. Tyler
21, " Wm. Garey..
" 24, " D. Searle.
•• • 30, " U. F. Austin.
Feb. 25, 4 orders in all
Web 12, 1 order, R. B. Little..
13, " Fire Company Na. 1
" 13. •• B, B. Bentley et a 1....
•• 30, • A. N. Bullard et al..
•• PA), " C. Sherman et a 1...
April 25, " H. R. Frazier
Treasurer's commission
paid out for Born
Bounty Funds received..
•• paid out,
Balance in Treasurer's bands,
STATEMENT of Bounty and Volanteer Funds exam
ined by the Auditors, and found as follows, viz:
Whole am't honda issued for bOunty purposes,ss9B4 00
Am'( lnterst on bonds, (paid) to April:l9, '67, 449 03
Fuude of E. L. Weeks 1200 00
•N. Shoemaker 600 00
W. 11. Jessup 223 50
Refunding order, D. Brewster 4 00
Two refunding.orders, H.H. Dunmore et al, 83 60
Commissions paid W. H. Cooper, Treasurer '65,
and A. N. Bullard, Treasurer 1860, 64 77
Am't paid by Wm. B. Cooper, Treas.
'65, and A. N. Bullard, Tress'r $6559 23
AmTin Treas. bands April 29,,1667, 192 26
" Coll. A. J.,Brerrster's bands
April 29, Isq, 899 68
$ll4l 15
Amount of bounty debt unprovided for, $14.20 65
We; the undersigned, Auditors for the Borough of
Montrose, in pursuance of our duties did audit, setae.
and adjust the accounts of A. N. Ballard Treasurer of
said Borough, April 29, 1867, all of which, upon exam
ination, we found correct, and a balance in his hands of
Bounty Funds of said Borough to the amount of one
huntiral and ninety-two dollars and twenty-six cents.
G. WARNER, }.Auditors.
Montrose, April 29,1867.
21, 23, 25 & 27 Broadway, N. Y.
Opposite Bowling Green.
UE•STEVENS AQUSE to well and widely known T
to the travelling public. The location is especially
suitable to merchants and business men ;it is in close
proximity to the business part of the city—is on the
highway or Southern and Western travel—and adjacent
to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots.
The Stevens Rouse has liberal accommodations for
over SOO guests—it is well furnished, and possesses ev
ery modern improvement for the comfort and entertain
ment of Its inmates. Tho rooms aro spaciou's and well
ventilated—provided with gas and water—the attend
ance is prompt and respectful—and the table is supplied
with every delicacy of the season—at modetate rates.
dEO. H. CHASE & CO.'
may 'i-6m rfIOPRIETOII9.
A large assortment. Large papor end small. Also
FLOWIR SEEDS, for salo - by.,
lilontrose, April 16, 1867. AI3EL 7kURRELL.
aS usual Is full of &studio% Goode; Call and lies
Is continually receiving
NE; G o°Ds
And keeps constantly Mt hand a fall and desirable as•
sorttacnt of genuine,.
Drugs,. TiledOines, Chemicals,„ •
Liquors, Paints, Gila, Dye , stuffs, Teas, Spices and '
other GroceriesT'Stoncware, Wall and Window Pa
per, Glassware, :Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic,
Tanner's 011, Lnbrlcating_oll, breateloot Oil, •
Defined 'Whale Oil. ffarnish, Whips, .
Gantt, flute a, Cartridges,' Powder, - -
Shot. Lead, Gun Citi)e, liusicdl
Inatrements, To; et Soaps,
Hair 011 s. Brasheq. Pocket Kulse., Spectacles. Silver
Plated Spoons, Forks, anti Ivory Handled Knives,
Dentist's Articles, a general assortment of
Fancy Goads Jewelry, Perfttmery, &e.
$2.362 79
Patent Medicines
advertised in Montrose, and nearly every GOOD BEND
In short, nearly eyerything to restore the sick. to
please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy,:,
and Me° t conduce to the . real and substantial chritforts -
of life. Enumeration Is impracticable, as it would All W '
newspaper. Call attire Drug and Variety Store of
ABEL TURRELL, lifontrose, Pa.
All persons who wish to
EVIST e ISS.CrolateZr
will call at the Stoll of the anbicriber, where they will
find a Good stock of
e. 31911 74
Choice Flour, Fish, Hams (sugar cured),
Coffee and 'Tea, Sugars, Syrups and
Molasses, Tobacco, Snuff,
Cigars, etc. etc.
Also—A, good stack of
.le.Lw#3l= ivcomixim•ivies,
School and Blank Books, and a few mis 7
cdlane'ons Books,•krriting Papers
and Enrdopes of Superior pal— •
ities' and perfumed,
Gents' and . Ladies' Paper Collars, Canned
and Dried kruits, orariges ck Lemons,
Condensed Milk, d choice "ilitiele,
. .
. ,
• 1
and In tact almost •ccerythlng need,•d by nit the gook
pool° of Snsqueltahna County yeliogot hungry and dry,
and by iaKchaaing them of - —_
A. AT, BUS. D,
flret Store south of the Court: lloulio end wi.t side of
the Public AVenuei you can sate (rein 1Q to :leper cebt
3lontrose, Mardi Oth,
$2:,67 24
4 2:1
30 00
. 50 00
80 00
. 17 00
. 800
. 300
. 200
. 10 00 ,
100 00
Were awarded - the'highest .7 4 Cemitnn at.,th4s
' World's Fir in London, and six f a it
premium at the New York Stale ,
"'tali of 1866, anti • are •
Celebrated for ding the beet work. using a much
smaller needle foe the same thread thau any other; m;t
chine, and by the Intkoduellon of the moat approved
ma , hinery, we are now able to supply' the very best ma
chines In the woild.
These machines are made al our new and
spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn,,
under the. immediate .supervision of
the President of the Company, ,r
.E4as . Howe, ,Jr., the = -
ORIGINAL uitv_sTon, OF. TUE 6E14 EKG MA-
smofs 7 1
2.567 2 4
• 437 21
, • • .
They are adaptnd to nil kinds of Family SeTeln7; and
to the use of imunstresses, dress makers. tailors, man
ufacturers of Shi ts, collars, skirts, cloaks, mantillait,
clothing, hate, ca s, corsets, boots, shoes, harness.liad•
ales. linen goods umbrellas, parasols, etc They work
equally well upon silk, Hoerr. woolen and cotton goods
wtth silk. cotton pr linen thread. They will seam:
quilt, gatber,,fell; cord t braid, bind, and perform every
epeclek " of sewing, making a beautiful and pedeCt
slit At, alike On both sides or the articles sewed.
The Stitch invented by, Mr. Howeondsnade
$ 192 26
on this Hiichine,- is the most popular
and durolde, and all Sitoing Na. -
shines are suldeei to the prig
eiple invented , by
. •
General Agents,. l
1937. _ ,
$8561 80
.. , .
MIRE undersigned have this day fcirmed a co-partner.
Y. ship, under the firm name of Stanfri.t hioran. for
the purpose of carryiug on Blacksmithlng In all its
branches. ,
arStrtet attention will be given to Horse -shoeing.
All work will be done ne atly and promptly. The prtb 7
lie a -
ro invited call. •
Montrose,Marchr 4th, 1867. tf P: T. MORAN.
In ttiCse days of Snonny and Mali priced gootia;ey
ery;.tho country should bayuono. ,
• • • -- ..
of clothinga family can be saved by its nu. • it is tint
ple and darabie easily understood, and eanktpprienito.
No skill is requ ired to weave with itbeyond the simple
turning of an oasy crank. . , . •
W'From 15 to 35 yiwds can be , ivoiren on It Iva day.
don't sell your wool and buy StionnT,.when with One of
these Looms In your hots° thelirls can make all
clothing for the family, and much better quality, at half
price. , ,
For eirenlitre,sprice RIO, and simples of ,cluth NQven
on the Lnorti;Address with stamp,
, _ A. D. GATES
, . :333 Chestnut etreet,,Philadelph,ll:.
• - ;
_Also. dealer s s In Cotton 'Wasp, Wool And Flax' Filling
'rums, Reeda. ITarness and Loom andinge generally..
March 19, 1867. ow* . .
- ,
Clover & Timothy. Seed
101 ' asle ObetP. 1 37 A, 'N. MILLAR
. 141)ukr ‘ ome,Jitarett Sth, IEAT.