IcsotTi4 o l!ir ALFP,Af!LXpt.O3. Deeds and Notes.. - We have for sale.. - a fresh, supply of choice Deeds ; also 'a revised form of Notes, with instructions gs to stamp duty_ printed upon each Sheet; public Sale ;Witlitrawn. Offers in writing have been received for my house and premises on the corner of the Public Square, and offers in writing are still solicited up to the 15th of May ensuing, and.addressed to M. C. or IL C. Tyler, will lie• treated confidentially'; if requested. , t M. C. TYLUIL Montrose,,April 30, 1807. • Godey's Book. Godey's, Lady's Book for., May, is on our table, filled, is 'mai, with a'variety of interesting matter to ladies. - The ( mbyl iishments consist of "Play Itours"—a most excellent design, and a first-class to oil plate—Colored Fashion Plate, Patteins in Patchwork, and Sleeping in Church. Distilleries Closed. • Within the past two weeks six Distil leries at Scranton have been .seized by order of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, for alleged violations of the rev enue laws. Those closed are owned by Messrs. Manuel Green, Frederick Welch el, D. McDonald, S. S. Hull, J. Kunz, and F. Locher. There will doubtless be a thorough in vestigation as to alleged frauds before they are permitted to resume operations. Recent Fires. • Saturday night last seems to have been a night of fires in this region of country. At New Milford, about lOi o'clock,fire broke out in a building owned- by E. A. Pratt, and occupied by N. llagar,shoe maker, 31. Smith, harness maker, and two families—those of T. Galloway and John Doud. Mr. V.'s goods were saved, all others lost.. The wind blocking from the South drove the flames into \contact with the building owned by C. F. Meeker and W. Stephens, and occupied by them as a foundry, plow shop, and" blaeksmithsliNap. A small por tion of Meeker's goods and tools were raved, and the, most of Mr. Stephens'. Pratt and Stephens were partially in sured. Binghamton bad i 0 customary fire— reported to be,Sto,ckwell's carriage facto ry and several.' - other buildings. At Sti.queh'anna ifepot, we hear that two buildings—one the residence of J. B. Gregg— were consumed,. Harford, also, it is reported there %vas a tire. Mt. Plea.ant is reported to have had a like unpleasant visitation. Important to Soldiers Congress has provided by law that sol diers. sailors and marines, who were cap tured during the war and held as prison ers, shall be allowed, as a commutation for their rations, the sum of twenty-five cents per day. This money is paid by the Commissary General of Prisoners at. Washington, and it is necessary that the names of the' claimants shall appear on his books. The act of Congress only permits the payment to he made to privates in the 'land and naval forces. Officers are not entitled to it. YotwithsOnding this fact many of the latter haie applied for commutation, and others may ;yet apply. To save troth ble, it is propeOhat the conditions of the law should be understood. As there are soldiers, marines and sail ors, who have not made - application, they should do so at once, before the-payments are closed. Information *anted. Mr.. Enron :—.Near the 10th day of July, 1863, while in camp at Shippens burr, one of the regiment, brought to me a Bible and some trifles, and said, " take care of these until I 'call for them." I did not know the young man, and supposing he would call for them soon 4fter, I tho't no more about it for the tintb; But not seeing nor bearing from einco,.l would like tobave you publish this, or as mach of it as you think necessary. Qn the fly leaf of the Bible is written: "Presented to Edward A. Martin, by his employer, Edward Ross, Jan. 106,,1863." , C. E. DAVIS. Lynn, Susq's co. Pa. Burglary. Tue tavern of Mr. Stephens, at Niven's Corners, two miles float Little Scranton, Susquehanna County, was broken into on Sunday night, April 2lst, by Eug,e'ne Coop. er and an accomplice who had - heard that a large sum of money- was in: the house. They, however, pilfered the ivrougdraw er and got only about fifty dollars. The," are both arrested. Cooper ablaiovtledged his guilt. He is a young man , who was clerk in a store here about two years ago, and afterward,be removed to Hyde. Park i - bere be opened a salcon ,wbich was burnt last winter. He came around, here oceasionally, and lately boarded at: tile ho tel for a couple of weeks,' He We'd duce several of the Younginen -join Cm' in .his 'nefarious plans;bittfailedj,' went away, (forgettingtol)ay . his beard bill,) and went to .11ophottOmi- where he servedzotices that''.Tosh. Billings'? ,Would lecture there. Ile - sold about ,fourteen dollars worth of ticketi, - madriwbelf the people repaired the•appeiritetl:plaeeex', peeling - "to" see and hear "ikTlielltialOr4tri" they fa - und it all a haat, and Bit.:CooPer minus. It i 3 eon Oat the young Ontlik , man is progressing rapidly, for_biti move wae tifwborglary. .11e wasurreeted' at Tunithanuougtatid With his' aecoCopliete will be taken - to gontraise; ,Susquehanna County, for trial. The accomplice is e stranger in this vicinity, and it is to be hoped a novice in such business. If this is his first 4evitttion,it - is_another illustra tion of the bill saying, that •eiril,tomruuni cations, &c., which every child is familiar with. We . wonder where Cooper got those ticke;ts with . Whichliecewindled the Ilopbottoin people.—Scranton Journal. A NEW PIIIFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Photon's "Night Blooming Ceram." Phalonh .Veight Blooming ;fereue.” • Plmlon's "Night Blooming, CoresuLM Phalon's '•right (!looming Coreas✓" Phu Night Eleattiting Verens,99 A meat ettlptimite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfame, dial led front the rare and branitful flower from which it tatzes tta name. • Mannfactired only by PUALON de SON, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S—TAKE NO oTREIL jlyl7 Iy sinp x rp'M oew ,SW7Emplre Shuttle Sewing Machines are superior to all other.. fdr Ea tn I Iv and-Manufacturing purposes Cuntalit all thei latest 'improvements; are speedy ; noiseless ; durable; and ea-y to work. Illus trated Circulars free.. Agents wanted. Liberal dis count allowed. Isle realignment s made. Addres. ENI puts S. M. co., lila ilroadway, New York. July 2t—ly CONSIMPTION CURABLE BY DR. SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. TO CatE ; CONSOMPTIO Si, the system must be pre pared se that. the kings will haul. To trvompnlsh this, the liver and stomach must find be cleansed and an appetite cre ated for Rood wholesome food, which, by these medicinai will bo; digested properly, and goal healthy blood made; thus bizildink ism the constitution. SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomach of all billcrat or mucous atammulatiotiat and, by wing the Sea Woed -Tonic In coo rcetio.a.lbellipetito is rstored. scuENcws PULMONIC S'ilt CP is sm.-Meow as well as medielnal,Sind, by acing the dime remedies, ed Imps: ales are expetlei 'fitart the system, and good, wholesome blood made, which Will repel discaw. If patients will take these twitch= llKOrdlafr to directions, Conaumption very fre quently In italast Pace 'yields readily to their action. Take the pills fromeently, W cleanse the liver and stomach. It does not follow' eV. Detains thh'bowelsure net costive they are cot rentired;for sometimes In diarrhms they are ewes:lvry. The stomach m c_tt bo kept healthy, and an appetite created to allow the Pats-oak Syrilp to act on the reowatory organs properly and allay any irritation. Thou all that Is rev ired to perform a pc.-mancust cure is, to prevent taking cold. Exaselse about therecons ao much as possible, cat all the richest food—rat meat, game. and, in fa.-.t, 'anything the ap paha =s - ea; hat bo particular and masticate well. I.lnd w. oa. mat vv.. IW . - A Cough, A Cold, or A Sore Throat, REQUTRES INMEDIJLTT. ATTENTIOZ4 Irritation of the Longo, A Permanent Throat Disease, BROWN'S gRON'CIIIAL TROCIIy,s, HAVING EIRE CT INFLUENCE TO TILE FAIITI. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases, 114 t E D WITH ALW A t‘ GOOD WI:VE ES SINOKRS AND PtBLIC SPFAIMIS will and Tr4;ies useful in clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or Speaking, ai.d relieving the throat afte'r an unusual exertion of the voc%l organs. The Troches are recommended and prescrihed by Phy sicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article hf trite merit, and having pi!orod their efficacy - by a-test of many years each year finds them in new localities In various parts of the world, and the Trochedr are universally pronoun ced better than other articles. O.3TAIN'9IIII '• BR?NrN'S IInfACCUIAL TROclitift." find do ri9tAslie'any cor the/ Wortlia,B Imitatiotm that rnaybc - offered. Sold ei,"erywitere. liovS7 Gm smpli rir Notice. —The be•antiful Piano Fortes of Gnovei- QTEEN t Cu, are deemed by all zood judgee to be the ri im a Th 14 of in.truinents of the kind. We C-1111‘301 puzge,t what wantini: to make n musi cal instrument more perfect, alit...el:li we are tow to admit that the limit u t improvement can ever be at tained. Before they' had broturlit their Pianos to their pres ent cirellence, they had submitted them to competi tion tel,th instruments of the best makers of this coun try andlEurope. acid received the reward of merit, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but jus tice today that the judgment thus pronounced has not been overruled In the musical world. Still,by thti improvement. lately applied by them to their Plaubs it ie admitted that a more perfect instru ment htte been made. • They have accordingly achieved the pehdox of making excellence more excellent...— Surely, alter thie, they are entitled to the motto, " ceitom . ;' [Jane 19—ly "111.earneit4 Itiltudnet4.- and' Catarrh Treated With the Inmost success by Dr. J. ISAAC. Oculist' and Attrist. (formerly of Leyden. Rolland.) No. .519 Pirtle Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen ells idTsCe..,Tbe medical faculty are incited to accomp*iy their patients. as he has no secrets in his practice. ARrIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charge fof examination. „.15'10.1a4eVia Ju1y1,1666. .Iy, _ , . . NEW YORK MARKETS. , Reported rot' :the Mout'Rolm TlEstounaT, by Fenton, Fitzgerukt&Tricy, strictly Produce Commission Mer chants. 2. Whitehall Street, New York, for the week ending ?day 4, 1867. Flotir, per bbl., $lO.OO 0 14.00 Wheat, per buthel,.- 2,50 '0 3.00 Rye, — • do . 1,40 1 1.45 COrn, Oats, do Butter, pa lb. Cheese, Pork, mess, per bbL .. Beef, mess, • " . Lard, per lb. Eggs, per .doz, Wool, per lb. Dresse. l Bogs, per lb ZIaC.496I=I.RIASLOrM'S. In I,athroP, April 21st, by L. W. Kel: him, 'sq., Mr: Flinquy LINDSEY and ABI GAIL I 010.459 Ni both of Lathrop. , .. . . In t fontrose, on the 24th ult., by Rev. J.'G.• Pier l . Mr. CHARLES M. READ and Miss 'to STROVD S I3OIIr. of Montrose. Inonesdale, on the 20th ult., at the reside ee of the bride's -parents, by Rev. S. IL eade, Mr. GEORGE CASE, of Lai h i rop, and .I,liss MARY ELLA HAWKER, Of Hone dale, ____.... I:)332BwzrEs. °deep of zharriages and deaths published free e' t Obituaries publlpbed if paid for et the rate iits.per Mildred %verde:- ridge Water, April 28, of whooping infant son of Geo. H. Baldwin and !:a fi'Baldwin, aged 2 months". in coug i Pauli AND PROULD BR CHEMED Ip AI4.OWEO TO CONTINUE or Consumption 1.20 Q. 1.40 70 66 73 20 63 25 . 16 66 18 22.00 0. al 50 20,00 0 22,00 . 12 66 13 . 11 ot, 12 . 18 2 20 . 50 0 55 .. 8 6 10 *tin abirtrtiumpts. UNTTED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, Notice to Tax-Payers. LfOTICE is hereby given that the annual assessment 1.1 of Taxes in the I.lth District of Pennsylvania, comprising the counties of Luzerno and Susquehanna, upon incomes for 1866, and Special Taxes, Carriages, &c., for 1867, has been completed. Courts of Appeal For the correction of erroneous assessments will be held at the .ILisossesissiopr 9 si Cid!Rae:, in Montrose, on Monday the 20th day of May, lffi7 All Appeals must be made in Writing, and must specify the particular cause. matter or thing. respecting whicaa decision is requested. and shall state the ground or principle of error complained of. Appeals may bo made at the 0111ce of the Assessor at any time previous to the day above fixed ; for hearing appeals. F. M. WiILIAMS, Acting Assessor, 12th District, Pcnn'a Assesor's Office, Montrose, May 7,1867. • ATTENTION, EVERIBODY! Now Read!! fur the SPRING CAMPAIGN. NEW GOODS, Jest received and will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Dry Goods in great rariety and desirable Ptyl es . Notions, the largest and best assortment in the place A full line of Stationery. Being det.ironr of closing out my stack of Crockery, Hate, Cope, and Ladles' Shoes. 1 will sell them OCCoMit. Garden & Flower Seeds of all kinds. Call and examine my stock before purchasing e:se where, and be convinced cf the quality and clwapue” of my (Jowls. Ver Store In the same building as the Posta:lce, and formerly occupied by Webb kintterlicld. A. D. BUTTERFIELD. Montrose, Pa., May 7. 1861. Sip °alai rgc•tlcc / Opening of .Yew *ring .:7-untmer co co r:i m , Just liceeired, New Lines of Dress Goods, Silks, White Goode, Shawls, Saques, Mantillas, Skirts, &b. 44 I n. al , vi # 3 0 •ilia.-4 X-.E r -M•Tolf. Blocks, Frames, Straws, Ribbons, Flow ers, (ke. &c. arc. For Men's Wear. A Large Variety of CLOTHING, ALL STYLES, Cassimers, &c. for Custom Work t2irPartienlarg next week Outtenburg, kostiOainn Maritrose, May T. 1867 E33LA .._ _ - ..'-...--:,-, c . „, ________.:,..m-_--.....,-,... ~,, , , z 5 , , '', , , , .:',' „ 1-,:;.. ,ki. t.' lit DR. W. W. SMITE, TOCAS removed his. Dental Office to rooms orei Boyd Zr , Corwin's Hardware Store. where be would be happy to see all those in want of Dental work. He feels contldentthat henan please all, both In qual-, ity of wok and in price. Vir'Ottlee hours from 9 A. an. to 4 p. m. • Montrose, ?day I, 1867.—1 m • FOR, SALE CITEAP, Ae i l f r, n e eati r m )r b a er tig r t atio o t; ; : , n o e i r e - r 7) s o :four :Tro l l t Colts, well broke, four set Harness. I will also sell on - fanrable terms my entire stock of cLoTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, HOES #STOBE FIXTURES win:Ll...ease of Store. r A good stand, add doings good j boolnev,l A•tly tq L. C. REELER. Montrose, •I y 7, 1847, 2Tv MAINE •+r DEICED. Sri oontlnortlly recel+ll2..." evrsnpplits of Genuine. Drugs and Morlictnee, which will lie eold allow seal any other Stc'alnlloutroae. MONTROSE'Sc' OIL DISTRICT.' 4 Receipts and Expenditures final June 8, 1860, to. April 1, 1867. nEcattrrs. A. N. Bullard, Schoo Treasurer, . Dr. To amonot in bands of late'l „ reasurcr, 1100 69 received from rent 1 rooms,. 29 50 " . from sale of old school 'house, 119 V " from M. Newman, Collector, 11116 00 " on tuitlon'bills ' fall term, 1233 07 . winter term , , 174 10 for stone 4oal, 1 50 " rec'd of A.O.WarrenAnes for drunkenness, 9 30 due A. N. Dullard. 9:reasurcr, 141 88 DISBUBSEVENTS. By amodnt of Orders paid, drawn tiy School Board, including commit:felon to Treasurer, SIM 79 We the undersigned, auditors in and for the Borough of Montrose met In pursmanOe of our duties at the Com missioners office in said Bornugh on Monday the let day of April. NM, and did audit and settle the account of N. Ballard. Treasurer of the Montrose School Board, I rem Juno let, 1866; to April let, 1567, which are rind th be correct; and we find a balance due A. N. Bullard, Treasurer, of one hundred' and forty-one dollars and eighty-el ht cents. I. VAD G. WARNER, -Auditors. JOBEPBCOCHAYNE, Nontrose, May 'l, 1847.—/lw Statement of Borough Accounts BOUNTY. FUNDS A. N. Bullard, Treasurer' of Montrose 1866. Borough, Dr. May 13, To cash of Wm. IL Cooper. into Tremer, 699 78 of D.Brewster,Col.per cap.tax,lB64, 60 57 Aug. 13, '66 to April 25. '67. to cash of A. J. Brewster. , Coll. Bounty Tax,1666,1 . 2.5 64 " 23. To cash of W. Foster, late collector bounty tux '65, per J. -Lyons, 60 75 13196 74 1866. Contra, Cr. By amounts paid. AS follows : Aug. 14, Bond and int., No. 43, to C. L. Fargo, $llO 50 • 23, 2 bonds. int. N 05.46 ilh 49, to J.Lyona, 222 07 " 5, 1 refunding or,.er to D. Brewster, 400 :kept. 14, order for monies loaned of W.H..Tessup.= 60 Oct. 19. W. Foster, com`n on duplicate of '65, 37 05 Nov. 2, bond and fut. No. 57, to G. 1.. Williams, 108 50 .. - - S' 31, to Nelson Kelsey, 106 00 , ••7, " 47, to N. IL Lyons, 112 - 36 • 7, " " 41 & 4.2.t0 S.S.Ransom, 112 if* II 7, " " " 35, to 2r. Fr Hickok, .111 OD " 8, 6 ' " 4, to 11. T. Castle, 112 00 " 9, " 23. to P. Ryan, 100 60 " 12, .• " 82, to N. L. Bowl), . 112 00 " 13, •• " 26, to Thos. Smith, 106 00 " 14. to F. T. Goodwin, 112 00 " 17, •• " 29, to Thos. Foster, 106 00 .• 1 7,• ••8, to B. Mitchell, 106 00 •• 20. Int. on bonds • Nos. 7 and 52, to D. Brews tvr and E. Hill, ' •15 00 D's. 3, Loud & int, No. 11, to Wm .11.Fordhatti, 112 25 ••• •• 54. to Wm. IL Cooper, 106 00 8, lot. on 2 bonds, 55 it 39, do ..12 00 ••13, int. on 3 bonds, 30, 24, 41, to C. F . Bead, 24 00 1857. Jan. 2 refunding orders to 11.11.Dunmore. etal, 35 GO " 11, bond and lot. No. M. M'Kunc, 107 07 11, Int. on 3 bonds, 21, 27,18, to G.V.Bentlpy. 18 00 " 15. bond and int. So 44, to C. T. Fargo, 101 12 April 26. " al, to N. Kelsey, 102 80 Treasurer's commission,' 25 42 BOROUGH FENDS. A. N. Bullard, Treasurer of Montrose 1866. . Borpvg h, Dr. To cash of Wm. darey, colledor of special biro' tax. from May 13, 1866, to Jan. 2t,1867, $B9 40 To cab of U. M. Gem; Bu rget.s, fur ones altdeir- • cat. from Aug. 4, to Nov. 30, , 110 0.3 of A.O.Warren, for duet, Oct. 22,1868, 3 00 " leta am't paid on born: order, Noy. 13,'66, 998 1866. Contra , By amounts paid as follows: May 11.7 borough orders, in all. June fl 9, 1 order, 7.. Cobb July 17, Fire Co. No. 2. Aug. 8, F, G. Warner.. Sept. 9, -" C. Sherman.... " H. H. Frazier Oct. 3, •' F. B. Chandler " 17, " B. T. Sang Nov. 2, " J. W. Chapman.. " 0, '• F. Fraser " 13, " C. Sherman Jan. I, " Tf Tyler " 2t, •' Wm. Garey " 24, " D. D. Searle . "i," D. F. Anotln Feb. 25. 4 orders in all iFeh 12, I order. H. B. Little " 13, " Fire Company No. 1 " 13, B, S. Bentley et a 1.... " 30, ' A. N. Ballard et al.. " 2u," C. Sherman et a 1... April 25, " 11. H. Frazier Treasurer's commission Paid ont for Boro Receiver!. RECAPITcLATION. Bounty Fan& received.. " paid out, r4lance 111 Treasurees luuads, STATEMENT of Bounty and Volunteer Funds exam ined by the Auditors, and found as follows, viz Whole am't bonds issued for bounty purrses,ss9.34 00 Ain't interst on bonds, (paid) to April 29, 67, 40 0.3 Funds of D. L, Weeks 1200 00 N. Shoemaker 600 00 W. 11. Jessup 223 SO Deft:Lading order, D. Brewster 4 00 Two refunding prders,.ll.ll. Dunmore et al, _- _ Commissions paid W. H. Cooper, Treasurer '65,. and A. N. Bullard, Treasurer 1666, - 64 77 Anyt paid by Wm. , IT: Cooper.Treae '65, aad A. N. Ifuilurd, Trcatt'r '66, $6659 23 Ain't in Treas. bolds April 29.1857, 192 26 in Coll. A. J. Brewster's bends April '2:l, 1667, 88i3 - $7144 15 Amount of bounty debt unprovided for, $1420 ds We, the undersigned, Auditors for the Borough of Montrose, in pursuance of our duties did audit, settle. and adjust the accounts of A. N. Bullard Tretumrer of said Borough, April 29, 1867, all'of eabich, upon exam ination, we found correct.. and a balance in hie hands of Bounty Funds of said Borough to the amount. ,of one htmdredundninetritwo dollars and twenty-six cents. I. VADRKIN, A. WARNER, Auditors. JOS. COCKAYNB, Montrose, April 4.1807. • STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23,.25 & 27 Broadway, N.Y. Opposite. Bowling Green. . • . „ ON TUE BOROPEAN TE STEVINS AOUSE is well and widely knows to the truvelliug public, The location is especially suitable to nitirebante and business inen le in close proximity to the Madness part of the city—it• on tho highway of-Sotithera and Western travel—and adjacent to all tho principal - 'Railroad and,Steamboat depots., The Stevens Unitise has liberal accommodations for .over.3COgnests—it is well furnished, and possesies ev ery modern impr..vetnent for the comfort and entertain ment-of its fa The rooms are spacious and well Yotailated=;-pro fled with gal hpd;Water-;-the attend- Ince is promptdrespectihi÷and the tablets supplied with every delicacy of the aeneciatit tnoderaterates. • ( • GEO. K. CflAggl.b CO. • 1110 Y 7-3.01 • • . P/t0!' 3 4 31.13 / 111 . 1867: SPRING., 1867, -EYRE & iiiNDELLF - 'ith`ci"Arcli .8 treiti:; Philadirpgal„ Pa., Are - optiling;for Spring of 1867. Three caliesseiectehrides Of Silks. -Fashionable plaid . pismarek,lbe - new color Sing. Best black Bilks o vni ...pi s id I n dia sms—perfect. New Spring Dress Gbods.' New styles pirtn_g Chinfzei- - Or2Willes ef new ett Styles. -- tifeel-coTored Peplina fcr enits. - . 1 • ~.P..'1.--Verchnute in ovirch . of scarce arid desirable toDourriii to their interest to call and examine onr Afoot.. (march 26-6 W. - ' MEE ATTENTION, IMERS fcl--AND EVERYBODY. , Great reduction in prices at the Store of GUILE EATON, IJARPORD, SUSQUEII ANN. A CO. PA. • COMB one, come all, both great and small, and see for yourselves. We have Just received a nice as sortment of New Goods, and we have ou hand a Eine Stock, consisting of Dry, ,GloodS, Groceries,• Hord:ear* Boots 41.1 Shoes, Hats & Caps, Drugs, • cines, Dyes, 'Paints, Oils, Glass', Yankee Hollows., &c. &e, Which we propose to sell cheaper than the cheapest, its the following will show : • • Prints, vterranted madder colors, only 15 cis. Spragnes, best Spring atyles, • 4 19 • " Atlantic A Sheetines, 44,23 .64 Other Sheeting*, yd wide from WW2 " Fine do. 16423 " Bleached Muslin, 16(i040 Kentucky Jeans, WOO " Sugar A for coffee, 10016 " Tip top Molasses, only Kerosene Oil, only The above is only a sample of what we intend doing. Goods sold by us warranted as represented. We havealso a large quantity of Return Butter Pails of assorted sizes which we will supply to customers, and ship their butter to New 'York, where we have made arrangements with one.of the largest and beat. CoMmtslon - Houses there ; and we ate sure t l c r ai can gut as good If not better prices than can be o ned by any other merchant in. this county. We will carry the flatter by the Railroad and return the empty Pails from New York. free of charge. We do not ask any one to believe any of the above, but como.and see for yourselves. GUILE cf: EATak Buford, Pa., May 1,1667.--6 m $2389 'T9 Cr. SHERIFF'S. SALES. By virtue of writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County, and to me directed, I will expose to Bate by public cendue a: the Court House, in Montrose. on Saturday, .7day 18, 1867, at I m., the following described pieces or parcels of land, to wit, All, the interest of Wm. Bartley in all that piece - or parcel of land situate in the township of Lenox, coun ty of Sasqnehanna, and :date of Pennsylvania. bounded and described as follows : North by lands of Cornelius "Alarming, cast by lands late the estate of Calvin Bell, deceased, and the turnpike road, south by lands lately owned by Joseph Bennett, and west by Nada - of 0, S. Titus and John Sullivan, containing 55 acres of land, be the same more or leas, with the appurtenances, one barn, one framed bduse, and about 26 acres improved. Also, all that piece or parcel-of land situate as aforesaid bounded north by lands of Jonathan Hartley and - Davidson, east by lands late of G. A. Grow, south by east branch of Tunkhannock creek, west by lands of David Kentner,Francia Sheridan and John Buck, con taining 121 acres, more or less,with the appurtenances, one framed house, one shingle mill.one barn and about 60 acres improved. Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate as aforesaid, and bounded north by lands of Gleason &Severance, east by east branch of Tunkhan nock creek and by lands of Severance, south by said creek, and west by lands of G. A. Grow, containina.Ao acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, one framed house, and about t.'o ticres improeed. Also, all that cer tain 'piece or parcel of land, situate as aforesaid. and - bounded north by lands of A. C. Sisson and Hartley, east by lands of John Sheridan, and Daniel Kent:ter, south by lands of Marvin Barber. west by lands of said Sisson and Hartley. containing 70 acres, more or less, and all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Walter G. Sterling, vs. Wni. Hartley, $2367 24 All that certain pin or parcel of land situate in Springville townebi °ante of Susquehanna, bound ed on the north by Jan sof aohn S. Williams. east by lands of B. Kerr, south by lands of Ti. Ball and John S. Williams, and west by lands of John S. Williams, con- Minim; about 80 acres, about one half improved, with one dwelling house, one barn, and young orchard there on. [Taken in execution at the suit of Albert Beards ley vs. A. A. Lord and Z. 'Mackey. . • S. F. - LANE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollce, Itatiose, April 30, 11i37. s7l' 19 4 23 . 00 50'00 . 80 00 17 00 . 600. 3 00 . 200 10 00 100 00 ESTATE OF RICHARD GERRlT SON,deceased, laic of Dimock township, Susque hanna county, Pa. Lettersof administration upon the estate of the abbvo named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the S.2111:10 to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. - •.- C. C. MILLS, Adrn'r Ditpocki April 30, 1867. Dissolution. rinfiE firm of Webb Butterfield is Ibis (lay dissolved as by mutual consent. All those indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate payment. 13. J. WEBB, - A. D. BUTTBBFIEX.D. Montrose, April 1, 1867-23w3 QUM undersigned having purchased the stock- owned by Webb C Batter Sold, and rented. the Store for merly occupied by them, will continuo in the mercen• tile business. and is ready with renewed_ zeal and cf. fort to attend to the wants of altthe cnstemers of the old Arm. and will try to merit the continued patronage of all . new ones - who may think it for their interest to purchase of•me. • Montrose, Ap. 2S-3w A. D. BirribRFIZLD. Q. 1196 74 25C7 24 $ GM 50 437 24 $ 192 N rastir,..e TUE Notes and Acconnts of Wilson, 'Griffis & War ner for the present are in the hands of M. S. Wil son for settlement; all having unsettled accounts will please call and adjust them without delay. WILSON, GRIFFIS WARNER. Montrose, Aprll23, MT 3w Three Cheers .. for .Gen. Grant .HIP HIP , HURRAH! ]Prof. Cliustorloaset 11,X4csi•ries, 'ME Hayti Barite, has !reitioved his shop to the X na.sernent of 8.-I,,Weeks' slew Store, where he is prepared to give good satisfaction. • When rgo to ex plain this subject language falls to expreasit. $8.41 80 National Steam Navigation • Company. • WEEKLY LINE. Steerage tickets &pm LIY4SPOOI. t QUirENSTOWN to New York reduced to $4.5, currency. • Steerage tickote from LIVERPOOL ,Py ,T,hoMpson't "'Black Star" line Pieketk—M. DRAFTS' ON IRELAND tri sums toeult. for rale by • • WU. R. COOPER:6SI:O. Montrose, April 23, iggt:._•..gm. • Spatush'. aek. um undersigned bee purchased tliceiebrated Span- T fah Jack. imported by IL ,IL, Hughes, -of Pitteton, which-took the tirlt premium at the New York =and Pennsylvania State T*lr. He will be kept at ray place la Forest Lake Township, near the Lake. • . , . TUO,NAS BNowN Forest Lake; April,lo, Itta. 1 2333 , . • SOLDIERVI. ou PENSIONS - . 49.33. cl 3E38..03 . 1:t...3Pa1r.' TK% zindereigned, LIOBNSED AGENTcif itie Gov- JlllNurtwr, !wing obtained ttio , neceseary forme.. te.. will give nrotript attention to all astute intrusted to Lip care_ . go'cizalre niiieeti.ttecesefni.' • ' • • • • •• ° • OEO4 to. urrrir.. nine ill it, IM4. • , • -ALSO Notice.' IViINER COATS,• Mean St;rect, tf doors belOrr Idayd's :Corner; IfOistirose, FLOOR, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ; - , We ni'e cotratantly receiving and now-have errhanot, a fresb , eteck of Goode in pur line, which we:will yell • CHEAP,CHEAP: , CHEAP! for caph .f. or a:chat:lgu for produce: GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES,, PORK, FISH, LARD; HAim?, DRIED Fitran§; CLOVER d, TIMOTHY' .SEED, dice. We have refitted andinude addltlms to our Stook of Pails, had are now ready to ler ward Butter to the, bet 11, commlsslon houses In New York, free of ehafy',• Una 'Sulks ihetaladvsncemente du c ouslguments. Call'and examine oar stock before purchostog else wherd, and convince yoarselves of the GOOD. WALITYA CHAP PRIDES of otrr Goods o. G. aLL EU,- Motitrose, April 16,°1847 GARDEN SEEDS. - -•- A laime ae;ortm,mt. Largo papas and si4E. Also, FLOWER SEEDS, for onlo - br . Morttrote, April IGi ! 'ABEL TEBBELL. Ai3EL TERRELL'S STORE, 45 usual; Is fall of desirabio Goods. Call and see DiOsolution of Co-Partnership. MEV eo-partnership heretbfore existit under the firm name of R. L. Sutphin is day dis solved by mutual ecnisent, E. P. Smith retiring. The notes enciaeecniturs of the:late firm will beTonnel at the old stand of It. L. Staxtblo for settlement. All persons indebted to the late firm aist requested to make settle ment frithout delay. ' R. 11.'SrT1tHIN. • E. P. SMITE. Suatmerattille,'April i, ItlAt The undersigned will continue the mercantile busi ness at the,old stand in Summersrille, where he will keep a full. assortment of alrkinds of merchandise.— Thankfully appreciating the liberal patronageint a gen erous public- for many years, he still hopea to retain their confidence. andlnerlt a share of their patronage. by a system of prompt and 'honorable desluicr - it L. SIIT'f'ILIN. Sturimersville, April 1,1E67-3w(fl) II:WI:UV CA 305.0.erat 141::11 1 rICI= 1.- NON reeent.decinion of the Conrt of Claims, M Mb- X.ll sere holding comniisFlons between datre kif M.arn let, IVA. and May 34:1,1863, are entitled to $5 per mouth for eagh percent allowed . by . rank. - For rurther Lnforatation; apnly_tn GEOu P. 'LITTLE. Licensed lloverument Agent. Mmitrose, March 9.8, 18p7. tr HUNT BROTHERS ES O.Vt..4I6ZTICCPINiT, Wboicsate & Retail Dealerein 2'(12142VA21:4, x c) I'EEL, NAILS, fkill 61T VOL , !MILDEWS' HARDWARE. JUNO RAIL. COUN TESBUNKa , 7' RAIL SPIKES RAILROAD' e 6 MINING SUPPLIES. CASSIAS'S SPRINGS. AXLES, .SKEINS AN!) BOXES, BOLTS. NUTS and TrA.SHEL'B, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE , IDOBS,-HUBS. SPOKES, 1_• • FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS: &c. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES. &c. &a. CIRCULAR AND MILL-SAWS, lIFLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAITC& GRINDSTONES. _ FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER & FINDINGS FAIRBAN WS SCALES. Scranton, March 51. 1865. 17 • Wervizr 3P11•3133.. Baldwin, .Alen. & McCain. DEALERS I'S , - Flour, Feed, qatt, Pork, Buttei , , Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal ' Mut, Candles,•Tea, Coffe`e, Sikes, Syrup, Molasses, Buyar,%) Seed Thee, 7 Clover d rimothy . -Seedi Flax-seed, Beans, oorits, tVailB, ctc.'etc. Thankful for pastpatronage, we ehall bo happy to see and waft upon oar °amid new customary. • ' Allgood' and Flour warranted. 'A.11417..DW1N. ALL' EN. 4.11..11eCA117. Montrose, Feb. 5,1867. • • - 7 I ,c,3333xiviet • • . t. ELECTRIC' :SOAP • Saves Tithe,. Saves -"Money, - Sapp Lobar, Saves Clothes' Saves WoOilin,. • And all- Graters It ismicd by lea 'Mill shavings and dissolv ing in hot crater; thenseak the( clothes eve to ten min ntesorati a littithandllibbing will make them u clean as hours of machine rubbing would do, With ordinary soap, and the Most delicate fabric receive no inituy.— We can refer-to thousands of fitmilies who atro using it, and who could-not be persuaded to dowithOut DOBBINS' .ELSOTBIO 'SOAP. orsold by all leading Groom ihrotighout - thi State - diannteetured only by , • -3;15)113231N05S ell, 330\0M!, • . WHOLESALE , 011710 E; • 107 South Fiftlt• ,Street; 1646.-171'a&C • Clever`&'.:TizOtl - 004 For 4 416 chop., by • < 7.44 EDUARD goniTurr, SlAr. eh • - - • B.,COATS