The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 07, 1867, Image 2

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ont r rott 6 cinocrat.
A. J. GERErrsoN, Editor.
ItIONTRIAE .tII7 ESDAY, 11111( 7, \ 1867.
_ - - -
"Equality of the Races."
The Patriot calls attention•to the fact
-that if a white man unaccompanied by a
lady,-(no matterbow much of a gentle
in-an-he-mar be,) attempts to enter a rail
road ear devoted to ladies and their es
corts, he is stopped by - the conductor or
bralcsinan, 'and sent to a car devoted ex
clusively to men. Remonstrance is use
less, and there is no rule or law by which
hig can compel a conductor to allow him
to choose a Car and a seat for himself.—
.0n the'other hand,,-if a negro, unageoth-,
~pealed, by a.oegress, (no matter how dir
or M I -behaved he may be,) offers to get
into the said ladies''car, the conductors
and brakesmen are bound by the late law
passed, by the Radicals Of the Cameron
Legislature to allow him to do so.. If
they do not, both they and the officers of
the railroad company . by whom they are
employed will be liable to prosecution,
fine and imprisonment.
Is this negro equality ? No; it is more.
For, under that law, a white man has not
the same privileges as a negro. Any dar
key can enter '-the ladies' car and force
-himself into the same seat with a white
lady, -and no one, except at.the risk of
fine and imprisonment, cam prevent him ;
but no white - man can so much as enter
the car.
For all.tbese " blessings," good ladies
and gentlemen of:Pennsylvania, you are
indebted to the Radicals of• the Legisla
ture, who passed the bill, and to John
N. Geary, who signed it. Don't you feel
thankful to them?
" It is generally conceded among saga:-
eious politicians that the Democracy of
Pennsylvania will not nominate a candi
date. for Supreme Judge."- 7 .Afontrose Re
Politicians and newspapers that make
such statements as the above may be "sa
gacious" according to some notion they
may have of sagacity, but they are not
truthful ; fur all such statements are
coined and published to deceive the peo
ple. The Democracy of Pennsylvania in
tend not only to Dominate a candidate
for Judge, but to elect Lim, too; and
none but the most unscrupulous enemy
will say aught else of their intentions. As
to our abilityto elect, we refer to the
. chAnges in Connecticut and else
where, tii•the Sprtng elections, us an in
dex of what will follow in Pennsylvania.
Lancaster led off last week with an nn
paralleled Democratic victory that may
induce the "sagacious politicitns" to give
up their " conceded' notions, and prepare
for Salt River, to make way for the friends
of Democracy, the Union, and the white
The Late Legislature.
A Radical legislative body must be bad
indeed when it is denounced by the Rad
ical papers. Yet such a body was the late
Legislature of this State. Some of the
opinions of the Radical press with refer
ence to that satject we have given;, oth
ers will be found below.. The Delaware
Republican says :
Among the items in - the State appropri:
ation• bill, 'passed by the r 4 st. Le,gislature,
are six hundred dollars paid the - clergy
fbr prayers for its members. If' ever a
hodrof men needed the saving grace of was those assembled in the
biter ',State Council at Harrisburg. They
ought to be ashamed df their meanness in
this particular, when taken in comparison
With' their ;liberality , in other expendi
tures. All the preirents of silver'sets e dold
watches, clocks, gold-headed canes, and
other bostly artrcles, wilt not save them
from the wrath to come..
Io the , Somerset Merehi and Whig we
find - the folloviinv •
.The act ; of adjournment, appears to
have given mere satisfaction to the pea
pie oftbe State, than any other act of the
4gislature of 1887. Badas.baa been the
ohiraeter_of our Legislature for. years, it
seenikto - be generally , conceded that the,
body just 'ladjourrjed was even more un
trustworthy thab _May of its predecessors.
Individual. pro udOes - nod party pledges
were set at naught, andpublie sentiment
defied and derided.
The BedfOrd Inquirer: tbus puts on re
coi•dits opiniouUf the - defino :Legisla-
• AAbe Legislature of.this State adjourned
of - tile:llth. inst., -after having palmed bills
enough to make a volume half as late as
Webster'B . --enabridged :-Dietionary. All
therVbriatior,people in , theState should
_ g i ve ,th an k s wibe,Throne of grace that it
did no more - harm .than it did. Another
latch s Leglitisture,*onid Ain} us. . If the
Republican party returns, within thenext
ten years, the same amount of corruption
led.,vent4ity,to a single: Legislature, itde
.aervnl eternal 'defeat.
rAn tilehei4ge teje th ,weret eat'
Igo Bads have received_ /elle Cow
The "Grand Army' of the Republic."
The members of thisitadical-secret
mitity may be interested in the perusal of
the folio wintextracO'rotri•the records of a
Philadelphia court
"DisTrixer. dounr— Judge Shars wood .
James Struthers vs. Louis Wagner, An
action of trove r. Before reported. De
fendant was commander of Camp Mi
riam Penn. A brother of plaintiff was
put in the guard house by Colonel Wag
ner, and in doing so the Colonel, it is
charged, took from him a gold watch and
chain belonging to the plaintiff. When
Struthers got out of the guard house be
asked Colonel Wagner for the watch and
chain, but that person denied baying re
ceived either. In defence it Was attempt
ed to be shown that Colonel Wagner was
not at camp at the time the plaintiff al
leges his articles were received by the de
fendant. 'Verdict for plaintiff s $300."
Louis Wagner is the "Grand Comman
der of the Grand Army of the Republic in
Pennsylvania," and James Struthers is or
was a negro soldier. Under the, circum
stances will the society retain the." Grand
Commander," or will the action of a "loy-.
al" jury in a 4 ‘loyal" court ?—Patriot and
Al Excellent Idea!
__The Pittsburg
_Com rnersiat • -
"Publicin - on wbo have been derelict in
their duties or dishonest in their official
positions, should be dropped by the peo
ple without ceremony, and new men be
sought to fill their places." .
We second the motion ! As nearly ev
ery Republican oflicial,from Lincoln down,
has proved derelict in duty, or corrupt in
office—let them all go out, and let the
good old Democratic party be reinstated
That is the only course available to save
the country from its present perils. The
Republican party can never do it—zonr
troubles increase with every step they
take—and it is time the PEOPLE realized
this great 'tetith.q
Affairs in the Indian Oonntry.
The Indians west of the Mississippi
seem determined upon a general war
agaipst the wtites. All the tribes have
been harangued by leading chiefs in the
war interest, and the action of the tlifftr
e t parties show that a perfect under
tainting exists on the question of hostile
opposition to the authority of the gener
al government. Front all parts of the
plains tidings of Indian outrages are be
ing sent to the military posts,•and milita
ry relief demanded, in order that life and
property may be protected from the rifle
and torch of the remorseless marauders.
X "I' M. IXX IS .
—The.wltite women are working in the
field in Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia;
the black women refuse to do so.
—The freedmen of Helena, Arkansas,
are dying-very rapidly of an epidemic
which, from the accounts of it, looks like
the Asiatic cholera. • •
—Ashley, the Impeacher, succeeded in
having three soldiers rejected for the To
ledo post office, He feels proud of his
achievements in that line.
—At Huntsville, Alabama, the negroes
voted against a Freedmen's Bureau
Agent and defeated him.; •49
—The Pennsylvania Republican Com
mittee has fixed .on the 26th . 'of June as
the time, and Williamsport as the'place of
meeting of the Republican State Convert.
—A Democratic exchange Pays that Rus
sian America will be the "Salt River ' 2
of the Rads after 1868.
—General George McClellan is now
somewhere on tht Mediterranean with his
wife and child. Mrs. McCiellanisin very
bad health. The General expects to recut n
home next fall.
—There is mnch suffering in Louisiana,
in the region overflowed by the,
—Anotber base ball accident is report-
ed from Portland, Me., where a payer
bad a knife driven through his beaYt by
one of his companions, who sprang for
ward to return the bill with the knife op
en in his hand.
—The official returns of Connecticut
show that the Democracy have gained,
since 1865,in the Congressional 'districts,
12,647 votes.
—Six hundred and fifty dollars damag
es were awarded the plaintiff in the case
of McCall vs. McDowell, at San Francis
co. McCall was arrested and imprisoned
by General McDowell for , exulting over
the assassination of President Lincoln.
—Wilson Is 'ownl South threatening
that if the people do'not accept the"mili
deipotiim bill' ponfiseation will, fol
low. Hetells'ihe peep% that negro suf
frage will be, established the Northern
States in a year. , ,
, —The Women of Wisconsin are not to
vote until..another r Legislature has also
passed the arnendmes an& it has 'been
submitted to and-, been ratified by they
people—contingencies not likely to occur.,
Washington correspondent of
the Aati-Stavery Standard accredits Gar-'
field,' of Ohio, Cameron,'of Penegylvania ;:
thtt,New Yorli Senators; . Morton, . of In
dianti; Tates, of . Illinois; Wadeland
Sberman s .; of
,; Ohio, and •Fesseriden, of
Maine, with openness to pecuniary : eon
viction.on private ' „
' l -4The , Atiburti - {lsTewiTo}k) Advertiser,
(Radical) ling' for tbei'lleadl of a leading
article:=L- 1 -Tongtess ilea Assassin of, Consti
tutional 'Liberty!". ijWilat a' volume in a
few words! We think an editorial . was
not needed for that eaption It it arc ed,
Itorial in itself. =
—Secretary McCulloch gives notice that
the coupons of blank Treasury, ttotes and
bondi, willTbe paid to the bearers thereof,
no matter, how they came into their pos
session. '.The government does not un
dertake to protect those who may lose uti-_
registered, bonds or notes. -
-The :elati-Slovery Standard prints In
a most conspicuous place and article from
an obscure paper in Missouri, wi;ich con•
tains an open charge against Geueral
Grant's private character, too gross, in
fact, to be printed in any, decent paper.
—The Tremont Mills - and Suffolk Man- .
ufacturing Company, of Lowell, Mass.,
have given notice that, at a given time
half the workmen in their establishments
will be discharged, and the manufacture
of woolen goods will be suspended. Oth
er companies are expected to follow the
—The election in Baltimore passed off
very quietly, on the 2d. The Democrat
ic candidates for Judge and Clerk of the
new Court were elected. ' A light vote
was polled. •
-The Criminal Court of the Di rict
of Columbia adjourned on Tuesday, t re
assemble on the 27th inst., at which tit e
it is understood that John 11. Surma,
will be called for trial.
-L-Now that Congress has adjourned,
the Washington police•are raiding upon
the houses of prostitution. Five of this I
class were broken up on:Satnrday night.
-The Springfield Republican says of
Thad. Stevens' letter, that "there nre
threats of such otter perfidy involved" iu
his declarations "that they should be
promptly 'repudiated by 53very Republican
who cares for the honor and success of
party." •
—The President has appointed IL .1.
Ramsden Special Agent in charge of the
Post Office at New . Castle, Lawrence
County, Pa. Mr. Ramsden is a Wash.'',
ington correspondent the New. Virk
-i-The Internal "Revenue Department
has issued regulations for supplying dis
tilleries with meters, and securing their
Proper attachment.
—Palindromes are words that spell a
like both ways, such as Hannah,' Bob,
Madam, &c. Napoleon is said to, have
written the following
-"Able was I ere I saw Elba."
—Senator Wilson in his Richmond
speech appealed to the colored people "to
help out in procuring colored suffrage in
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New
—A prize fight occured.near Providence,
Luzerne county, last week. The combat
ants were Michael Collins and William
Jones. Twenty-seven rounds were fought,
occupying one hour and forty minutes.
Jones was but slightly injured, while Coll
ins was su badly hurt that he has since died.
• A Qur.rrt i t Witt.—We hate board of a
rather <peer will which *as latelr'ailmit
ted to probate in one of counties bord=
ering on the upper Cumberland. A weal
thy old citizen bad two sons,
one of whom
was in the Federal army, and the other in
the rebel ranks. During the early part of
the war the old gentleman was taken sna
il-ply ill, and wishing to divide his prop.
perty,equally between hht two sons, be
queatbe>l to Henry, (the FilderarSoldier,)
all his lave ,property, eMbracing about
fifty neroes, and to Thotrips, (the boy in
g,ray,)ihis entire lauded etitate. He died,
and thus the will stritts. Both brothers
lived to return from the-War'and the gal
lant soldier of the tost cr.irs ' ik a being, per
feclly satisfied that slavery WflA'4lo more,
generously divided the lands 1U his
brother, and both are living happily to
tether ; and are bitterly tippo4ed to the
it ad ice I programme.— vale Gazette.
Latest Fashions Demand
J. W. BRADLEY'S . Celebrated Patent
The wonderful geniality andi great comfort and
pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex ElliptiOklrt
will he experienced particularly hi all crowded Aisem
blies, Operas; cartiageu, valiroad,, cars, chbrch pews.
arm chairs, for Promenade.and house dress, as the skirt
can he folded when in use. to occupy a small place as
easily or conveniently as a silk or.muslin drei.s, an in
valuable quality in crinoline, not found In any staple
spring skirt.
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great
convenience of wearing the Duple' Elliptic steel spring
Skirt for a single day will never' tifterwards willingly
dispense with their CPC. For childien, misses, and
young ladies they are superior to till others.
They will not bend or break lthe the single spring,
but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when
thretor four ordinary skirts-would have been thrown
away as useless. The hoops are covered with double
and twisted thread, and the.bottorn rode are ;not only
double springs, but twice (or double) covered, prevent
ing them from wearingout when dragging down stoops
stairs, &e. - •
The Duplex. Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladles
and is universally recommended by the Fashion Maga
zines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world;
To _enjoy, the following inestimable advantages in
crinoline, viz r superior quality, perfect manafacture,
stylislishapc and finish, Aatbtiity i durability, comfort
and economy-inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex 'El
liptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be' sure you get the
genuine article.. •
CACTION.L-Tcigt ard against imposition be particu
lar to notice thatakirts offered as " Duplex," have the
red ink stamp, viz: " J. W. Bradley's Duplex. Steel
Springs"' upon the. waildband—mone others aregenu
ine. Also notice thatevery hoop will admit a pin be
ing passed throngh,the centre, thus revealing the two
(or double) springs bradded.together therein, which is
the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a cora
binaton not to be found in any other skirt. •
- For ale in all steres,where first class Skirts arc sold
throughout the United States and elsewhere.
Man nfitetured by the, sole owners of the Patent.
Wtsfd, Bradley cf: Care;
97 Chambers and 79 & 81.Iteade sts., New ' York.
May 1 , l&i7--Sm
TRE anderolneu,LlCEßSED AGENT of TEE GOV.
. ERNRERT, will _give prompt . attention to ell
claims ontrastedtu tits care. charger low: end Into/.
Dation FREE.: L. F. WITCH.-
'Montrose, Jan. 14,,1866. , • •tf
VRTE,RAILWAY.—On and after Mon
day, April 29th, 1.957, trains will 'leave Great'
Bend at about the following hosts; cit.:- ;..,: -...:
:.,:•:i GOPIG WEST.. t'"
: . .
, =
5.53 a . In: , Night Express,,... Mondays, ext. 1 tad. for ll
'chaster, Buffalo, Salamanca and' Dunkirl making di
rect connection with trains of the A tia a Je and Great,
Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk allways. for
all points West; also at Binghamton Tr SYruclinct:
at Owego [or Ithaca, and at Elmira for C nandaigua. 1
3.P..1 n. In. Night Express', Daily. roe itoche.ter;l
rtafido, Salamanca, Dunklik; and the West. Scups
at I; Bend on IV or lin) ti wly.
;,•:.:7 a. in. Mail Train. Sundaes excepted,for
ang Dunkirk. connecting nt Elmira far Csnandaigua.
It %I a. m. Emigrant Train, Daily, for the Wes , ,
.5.52 p. m. Day Express. Sundays sxcepted. for Ro
chester. Batialo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, ar the West..
-Connects at Binghamton for .Syracuse : t Owego for
Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; a Salamanca
..kith the Atlantic and Great Western Railway,,
- Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand ITrunk Rail
ways, for sil points West apd South. • i
7. 51 p. m. Express Mil. Sundays excepted, n-r Bull
lo. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains
for the West : also at Elmira-for Canandaigua.
12 40p. m. Way Freight, Sundays exceptOd.
700 a. M. eincfnmill 'Express. Mondays excepted,
at Lacirawaxen for Hawley, and at GrayeMart for New
burg and Warwick.
6.00 p. nr. Accommodation Train Daily.•
2. 00p. in. - Day Express,ttubdays excepted.
927 p. m. New York and Baltimore .Mail; Su adays ex.
343 a. tn. Night Express. Daily, connecting at Gray
court for Warwick ; and at NeW York with afternoon
trains and steamers for Boston and New England
10.20 a. tn. War Freight, Sundays exerpte&
may 7 Gen'l Passenger Agent. Gen'l 'SW t.
Fire, Life and Accidental
Home Insurance Co. of N. Y,, Capital and
Insurance Co. of North America, Phil'a,
Capital and ;:tiriril,l4, 1,700,000
International Fire I nancance Co. of N. Y„,
Capital and s arid I
Lycoming County N at inenranee Co.of" ,
id miry. Penn'a, enpi id and Surplus, 2.500,000
]lalant Insurance Co. York, l'a.,
Capital and Surplus, •
Enterprise ineurance Company, Phira,
Ca pital and STll7llll` , . 275,000
Insurancv Co. State t 4 Pennsylvania, Phil.
Capital andburping, 700,000
Connecticut Mj1(11111 Life Insurance Co. of
• Hartford; Conn.. paying GO per cent.
dividend., to tliern.;ured.,..The flutes.
given for half the premium is never to
beyald under any ci rrumstances. - he
pu.lei will tt1,,,q6 be paid in (1111, and
the note+ given tip. Capital, 10.004,000
American lite luauranuo Co., Philadel
phia, Cryttal, 1.000,000
Travelers'illfalraTlee (10. Hartford, Conn.,
lus ing again:44li Linda of accidents ,
-capital, 000,000
Hartford Fine Iv Qurtnee Company. Hart.
ford. Conn., Capital thud Surplus, $1,583,10:3
Putnam Fire In,iu ia ace 0., Hartford, Ct.,
Capital, $500,000
Hartford Live Stork Teem-mice corarany.
Instiranee nil ;rid: of Live t 04,
antivat theft. and death troth any
rate. , . Capital, • ,‘o,oC,o
r 7 r. ,• An entrusted to our ears will lie :Alf , iid
ed to on fair terms, and all Inane* promptly adjusted.
Mr'nfit CO first door north of •• Montrose tfotel," west
side of Public Ave.ine.
M. C. SUTTON, F.SQ., Priendeville, Scilicitor.
BILT.INC STROUD, C11A111.114 L. IlitowN.
11Lnitroic, Jun. list. 1667. y
m u, Fti , tterlbor Navin_ formed a irar.r+rtFbip with
A. S"fEVENS, wirthes to make his best
bows to !lie enstorner, and.inform them that the
Meresurll‘t Department of the business will herea,t•:r
be carried o.i by O. D. Boman & Co. wit', increased
capital nod f.tellilies, a smelt- of NeulGoods in all
departments, a store tiler...llolly refitted, and
The Watch-Making Department
Ig retained by me, And will tai^el re pity pe&onnl atten
tion. sr. fired e services (4-311-i. O. H. L
E, a dent 1,-man N, o hes had twenty-flve;years in t
heat shops of Europe. rind bars no superior 9a the roan.
try. I shell therefore be able to du all work.
three days rem the t tine it (skit.
The Clock and Jewelry Repairing
Will be owned by Mr. Stevens. who will do' nll mirk' In
Unit line promptly, übd in the
,Nor. 0.
CC) /10 WC) CD 3erk.
lS I H mnr:kt of a fall assort neat of the followin, good.,
on irable for this market. which will be so 4 3...4 low, ti t.d
many of ;hem lower, than by any of -e elsa thin silly .4
New York city.
Read the, Catalogue.
merlcr.n, Swiss And Engllith, both gold and stivcr
sETH rraom,ks oLocks,
All etyleA, ineltidinz their cel,3hrated Calends r floeln.,
which tell the day of the month :.‘ad wok, oleo the
nnme of the month. the chan , :(l , vry
month correctly; with no care but to wind them once a
N' tl , 347 4:N r. w olid (gold eh:tine, 11, KO . VR., Fine - pol-
I d •=et.. li•elry P , h: ius, Slee Buttons' Muds, Ear
Itirg , . 4: ,_ .tr. 1
IVEDDhVG RING'S. - i - '
.N., .--A large, finciassortmeat.
. •
Warred to fit all kinds of eyes.
A neat little Charm holding eigh., intuit tthotographs. •
A fine assortment, with and without IMldera. Old
03105 ropolutvd..
Made togorder of pure Coin,copsisting,pf Spooner
Forks, Thimbles. Batter Knives, Napkin Rings ' Fruit
Knives, Vent Chains, &e.
ThebeFt In market—single, double, treble and quad•
ruple plate, and w.turt-LNTED—from a full Tf.,o bet down,
Cabtors:Cake and Card Baskets. ice Pitchers,
Walters Butter Diiihes, Sugar Bowls, Cup'3, Tea Belle,
&c. &c.
Manufactured by Decker Brothers, which, with their
late imptoesrucuts, surpass those of any other makers
Also, Bradbury's New bcule Photos—a splgudid instru
meat. Other Pianos from $3:50 to sao.
From $llO to sl2oo.—warranted for Avetears. They
are the finest reed Instrument in the world, and I bate
only to say that 1 have sold nearly MOOO worth of
them in the last four years ; and they ore all in good or
der-and have never costby customers a cent for repairs.
Violins from $5 to PI, Flutes, Fifes, elaionSts,Ban-
Jos, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tuning Fork 4, &c.
Supplied with Instruments of the beet AMerlcan man-
ufacture. by the, stogie lostrilment or full ere, at the ma
ker's price --also music for any number of-instruments.
Instraction Books and Sheet Moslem' !rand, and new
supplies received every week. Moo Stools from $6 to
Perfect Setoing Needles.
We have the exclusive agency for B. J. Roberts' Pa-
tent °Parabola Needles—the hest in, the Try vac •
paper and Irmit Satisfied the money will be refended,
Fire .Arnisiii24 por" ifaterials.
Allen's Spencer's . , and Henry's Ilre'ch loading Ta.
Iles, all seca•Revolvers, 'Fowling Pieces; Shot Belts
and Pow der Flasks, Cartridges for all the, U. ,S; Army
guns ; also U. S. and other Perensslon Claps, Cooper
Cartridges, all styles and sizes..
9. D. DEMAN. A. kTp.I3,VENS, .
Montrose, Nov. 'X, . 116&,
H .
, • •
OlLVAUDAiisoellitlioniPhilad 'elplsio, Pa-
Dinennos of ;lie Neyvons, ficqinal, Milieu ond noz -
o f
tuil epitome—new and reliable treatinent— ii Reporti o fi
the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. .'Sent.bp all in ponied'
Oar onvelopos,frect °to/largo, Addrer B ..I. Salaams
lAotiouToir; flowadlinsoclution , NO 2 8 'Sb 11th 5 triket
Vbilsidelphis t ,Ta. , • —' . .. , 1 . , .. , .
continually receiving
:And keeps constantly oil hand a full 4nd desirable as.
• sortment 'of genuine,
brugs.. i bleOicittes l . Chemicals,
Liquors, Paints,. Oils, Inic•striff.S, 'l as, Spices and
other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa
pt.r, Glassware, Limps, Kerosene, Benzoic,
Tanner's Oil. Lubricating Oil, NeatslootOil,
Refined Whale Varnish, Whips,
Guns, Pistols,} Cartridges Powder,
Shot, ead, 'Pim Caps, Cartridges,
Instruments. Tot et ttoaps,
Hair Oils, Brnshe4, PoCket Knives, Spectacles: S.llm
,Plated Spoons, Forks, and Ivory Handled Knives;
Dentist's Artielei,.a general assortment of - •
Fancy. Goods Jiwelry, Perfumery i &c.
' •
Patent I. Medicines
advertised in Moutrosei and nearly every GOOD RIND
In shert, nearly Oversthing• to restore the Pick. to
please the taall. to delight ' he eye. t' gratify the fancy,
and also to con:lnce-to tylereal and F u lista ntial comforts
of life. ,Enumeration in Impracticable. as it would fill a'
newspaper. Call at theptig and Variety Store of
ABEL TURRELL,. Montrose, Pa.
• All perirms who wish lo
se)n,77 - e ! itvitiOzt_6.37'
will call at the Store of the subscriber, where they will
find al Good Steel: of
• h •
Choice Flour, Fish, Hams (sugar cured),
Coffee and Tea, Sugars, Syrups and
llulassi..s Tobacco, Snuff,
etc. etc.
Also—!t good Stock of
'%F:4lL.l\7'3l';EZ3p. TiT NEI;
School and Blank Books,• and afew ails
' cillanewis Books, Writing Papers
:Enrel,)44s of superiorqual
ities aid perfumed,
Gents' ,and Pupil. Collars, Canned
and Drii d Fruits, Oranges d Lemons,
Cundenstal .Atilk, a choice article,
and in fact almoFt ordrything , needed by all the good
people of Sumuehanna!County whet get hungry and dry,
and by pun:hazing, thein of
A. Eiri.lnuLLAnD,
first Stere south of unu Conrt Tlorqe and eairt. Flee at
the Public Ac en De, .you can tkavpri s cni 10E0 ::11per cant.
Montrose, March 301, Isra.
itirt\uirlidtcl the; le;vlteAt Premium at the
li - o\rld's Fair in Lon,d‘n s and six first
premiums at 'ihe l'ork. State
Fair qfiistlo, and are
Crlebrated for Colng the beg work. ngng a much
e.realler needle for the flame thread than any. other ma
e,.•n••, ant', by the. I ttlrtit,unt ion of the ntchat approved
um. Livery. ace nrne able'to . snpnly tan CrY 11,•, , t
vhinvs In the world. I .
Thee marbities a c re mode at oitr new and
spacious l'aciorY at Bridgeport;
under the /It r i'ute supervision of
the Presidr'nt of the Company,
.Eitas yozee,, Jr., - the
mrrrn.N AL INVI3N - liOtt SEWING 111A
rilTNE. •
.. . • • .
They are adapted to .a.p kind. pf Family Sewin^, and
mike 11. e of eennistreses, dr•e.s. makers. tailor.. min,
mfa , tarern.of Shirtl, a Earn, nkirte, cloak,,,manttliss,
clot it i n::,liats, sap s, co sets, boots, shoes, liarc ese....sad
ales. linen );hods, eods. ttm ellas;.tiarasol#, etc l'hey work
equally well upon silk,lien...woolen and cotton goods
with silk, cotton Pr I nett' thread. They' will seam,
OM ,gather , , ther, fell, cord, braid, hind, and perform every
nyeetenbf newinr-makhttg a beantlfurand perfect
slit it; alike on botl; Blatt* of the articles Peti*ed. '• '
Dm Stitch invented by Mr. Haive,and made
•:. i 1
. .
on this Muchin4 is ,the most popular.
and durable,'ernd all ,Sewing Ara- •
•-• chineg:are sithject to the win
cipfe by
The :Howe kachine company,
-NG99 BROADWAY, Coe., Fourth St„ N. Y.
Feb. ‘160,3367..
r i IHE undersigned hniothis day formed a co-partner
ship; under the firni n ' 'anal ti of Stamp ISToran, for
the purpose of carry iht on, acksmithing In all its
branches. ;
Or 'Strict attention 411tbe , given o ffornet-ittoehig.
All work wilt be doneMeatly and pro Up. The puti
lie are invited to call. i • .
'lt 'P. AMP.
• Montrone, March 4th,i1667. tf .T.(31 4A.N.
• 1
' • . 313 C zn,a3. co ia ? ssa..
In these days of SUODDY and high priced goods, ev
ery. family in the courtly. should have one. •
I.l.S.Ltil THE COST „ •
of clothing a family catf he saved by its use. It Is MM.
pie and durable. easily hoderstood.and easy to operate.
No shill is required toM'eave with it beyond the simpld
turning of an easy crant.
-liar.Frout 15 to 35 yards can be woven on it in a day.
. • .'F t JMR.RSI •• t••
don't sell your wool andbuy Suoint ; ;When'ivith one of
these toome,lnyonr hotise the Girls CAA male,e all the
clothing for the family, and much better quality, at half
price. •
For,clrenlars, price Ilat', and 'samples of clotlivOven
on the I..nont,,adtlress Fftlt stalnp; - • (. •
f i 3 C detnat street, Plifffidelihia.
Also, dcalcia In Cotton Warp; Wool and Flu Filling
Yarns, Heeds, flatness and Loom. findings generally.
'3larcif;l9;llB67;'• 6vrol ; ; • •••,' '• •-
Pa. Lately; kept:l4 Ct:
. .. ...
. . JOHN PAH:ROr, Pioprietor. .
Meals always ready. i.Tinto to eat, , withiint beltig
hurried, for persons Arriylng on the -stage, trisiblngto
tale the ears. - ''• :, , f,
,!, .: • ; .. , ieW tot
The Motitrose Derao rat,
Is POnizinzlizTE*Z7isla,7 tlimilsrnFoo Ai islolv,,
S Qvsrusn QovxTr, Pe ,Dr
.c4-13.21tre.x Tog; a is T ,
AT $2 P . EUASIINU3I INADyeNcE—ort, S23i . AT II(D OP 1.4„
Mistime-5 advertisements inserted at ti per mt 2, „
10 lines, three - ti mes, and 25cts Air eachadditionai ,r et t:
Yearly advertisere, with usual ch9gos. charm 1 . 1
for four squares, q‘mrter column $l5, half coloran
one column $6O. and other amonnti in exact presort : ,
Business cards of three lines, ;or one dollar si.te
Car Legal notices at the customary rates,—abott: 4
per cent. in addition to business rates.
beeds, Mortgazes, Noteg, Jttgtlces', Congt4
School and other bh;inlie for eale:,
rdierszus : Cleusim. ricavini.
_ ,
QUCCESSORS or r. N. NINE A; CO., Dealen
t.. 1 Dry Goodi, Clothing ; Ladies and Itissesdlne Stay
Also, agents for the great. American Tea and C.fil
Company. N'V [Aprll, 1,1867.
E. L. zrEs. - - - C. C. FAceor
Auctioneer, and--Insnrance Agent,
ap7 GStt Friendsville, Pa.
Cr AT LAW. .0111ce next to Franklin Hotel.
.s.lontroee, Dec. la. natl. , tf
LAW, btoetrose, Pa. (Jam opposite L .
Franklin Hotel, net? the Court Home. nevlr ti
IDiIYSICIAI4 and SURGEON. Montrose, Pa.
I especial attention to diseas'es or the Hear: v.<
Lang' and all Surgical diseases. Ofnee over the
()Mee. Boards at Searle's Hotel. [Sept. 4. kr,.
aa EALERS in Flour, Salt, Pork, Fish, Lard, Oral!
J_..l Feed, Candle'
~ Clover and Timothy Seed.
Grorerles, such asSnaars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea lei
Coffee. Weal aide of Public Avenue.
Montrose, April ;7, IBM.
lro. BALERS i o Drugs, 7,1 ed ici nee, Chem lento. Dn.
.11.1(stoffs, Paints, * Oils. Varnish. Li pIOTS, Spicy*. fit
cy articles. Patent Madicinea. Perfumery and Toilet 1.•
dales. Prescription* cat-eft:My compounded.
Politic Avenue, above Scarlet; 'Hotel, Afontrose. PI
A. B. liumvs, Axes NIC/Nli
Sept. 11, lotitl.
--t- -
A" TTORNEY AT LAW. ofttce over the Store ti Z
Cobb. opposite Searlee Hotel, 1101,1tIOSe, PA.
May 1, i iii. •
Dn. E. P. kIINES,
HAS loaded at Friend's-Inc for
pose of pc s actlcing medicine and Pu rger y in all
Grano' es. be Gland at th e-Jaakman flame
Ofrico hours from 13 a. in., to 9 janlla
Fri , eudstille, Pa., Jan. 15th,
17. .49.aa.criticon.4errat,
my I 0• Brooklyn, Pa
eL * .aSiout.aticomi.esekr.
febl filtf Auburn 4 Content. Pa.
C. S.
Y 3. E 3 ..A.-rezt2c=..e<erx-.
Great, Bend, Pa
hnlxine:tg attended to pr.,ronliy on tnir term,
flee fire: door north of " Montrone Motel." treat 91e,
Put in Avenue, Mon[roee, Pa. a 11. 1. u.
BILTANOa gTIOCD, Q11.11:1.1.9 L.
. C. 0: F(lrti:)ll.Alf,
OOT SH-OR Dealer and Mantifiictni - er
1-0 Yu. .813.44, Ntain *creel, one dyer tow ittc:l••,..,
Office: 'All kluds of wyra. to oraLr„„lid
doDe hently. • . . • • Jan Lib
11DIPFSICIAN .51711G.BON.brislocaled,at Th-onc.' },
Susq'a co., Pa. «111 attend brcmptl
withyehiuh he may be favored. °Eke at. L..M.
ctiirt'e, Vuly ly
ESRECTPULLY nnuonnees thnt he 15 wi.o; r-5
It pared Co eat 'rill kinds of Garenouta in the Tu. -
dab le6tylc,and %warranted to II; wjia-wie;A. ,
and ediik Shop over 1. ICAnllartreSiore,..Montress
Dour. E: L. -lIANDRICK, •
SURGEON,-respectitilly tenders
ptOreAgloottl services to tlitt citizen ut rrier,6-
rine cleinft.' 'Pr' Unice battle atilcent Pr. Sp,t.
iloarattitt4;d•Cttnfartrs.'". ilyZe GI'J
rt,E.ALER n Drake, Medicines, Cl,emicala, DYE'
/Strata, '43lams Ware; Palate., Oils, Varnh , b. SPin
lotrGlasa, Grociaies . , Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Penh.
ery, &c—Agept totall the moat popular PATENT
4.ELIC.I.tTS,-3iolltruae; Pa. .
• Drt W3I.•SMITH,
. -
RGEON ontroso,
Office. irbtatiaropie new building, over
t '' 'Duni operation@ will he • latega
ercormed in good 'style and warranted.
• •
TAn. OR, Montrose, Pa... Shop A
dna door West' or Sburle'a
MrAll orttere lilted prompU2r, in first-rate P. 3•1 ! ..
Cutting done on short notice, and warranted tor,'
of Main street; Nontroge, Pa. if
in 110ii.s.131t4,over SLUM Of Read, Wntrout3
v. Foster. All tvdelt tolleand
t;utting , dtine Short notice; Ali best style. Jsn'6D
▪ EAX,EV.In St/ota and• Fancy Dry. GOOlO, CrOfkel7
W narclveare,, Iron, Stoves, Drn,qe, Oils, and P6:Cti.
Roatsind - Sheee, Hate- and Cape. Fare, Butlalo Robe!
preeeries, Proviskone.c;,4,llew 3Hlrerd, Pa.
_ _
. if COOPER ,Sc - CO.,
1 - 14..4111nt5.- ontroso, Succestorato Post.Coop e?
Op: Opict, ': thrnp's, now Imi!ding, Turnpikre.
w 3t. lIIINTTING Coo =NAT D801 52 R .
. A. O.' W. REX
.A TTORZTEY AT I..A.W.,BounytLek Penoc,D,
rtndEttutptioil.Clahns Attend to. fe bl .
aroalpe Ara door Won- Boyd'e •Tillottramrl
111111iiiilll OF BODOSIN
•• • •. -
O,PT,DIETtfI tllonigreas has just prissed,an stet toequal
17 Izo Beiintles F Those *no. • have not alrrady
done so, should:make &I mmedlste.'appllcation.
serviceirs •or parentrrot,Soldlera.yho -, heve dird ln tho.
4mo entitled to the setae bonott the soldier. IF
livingg ivouid ;ceetyo, -flaying ,alreadrprepared ,over
• tu:o hundred claims th
----, --tie who nave delayed wade.
linttlt • quatly-to theft advantage to
vome.atall. - , .
o Invallde and Widinvit'Atnittled to, an , Increase of pro
'al on under - act tippioved June II 1866," should , also taste
SPFatcattott...lnfortnetten"free. . •
'Llettneed , Govetntrient AVM.
Meittroro ..Ikna.'7'lB6l): 'tt ' • ' •