The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 30, 1867, Image 4

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    • Ica ft 11511/eidolme , Pregfilithini
fife : lino:Lk
offflti m itati s t
freely ' a AlitingliAt lianiaeit+o6 *ate!' of
Loch 016, wasa lately,-iman„,hour of ine
briety, induced, .stir P,taki tithe teetotal
ti-Netxtt•;Say'the fst effort of. Ans yvoices
pt: yile..Nrait reminded ' of - what hi! had
on -e;: 4 ,i h ias v 0 , 3 ,. the = protestation of a
lietizedeeded in believing.,
:-said Donald, isitf's
.140; learlN.Oken;ieuntepunee; 1 she
tid is abbminable hersel' will' keep
her. wart, an' prfitk it, thOugit'-, her
P;origee, be o. o tatl6ersheek for %tn.'?
Donald -411a:keelis • , word like , a true
gighlander:.;At last his abeek.grow pale;
lay nosei.tinataad of the fiery red assumed
a , itnorbidiblne, Ma appetite faded, he be.'
4ree';2or.i.:4oY,`.. and a doctor,- being
alled,..:presaribea. an mince of whisky
P 0447, :-.The = patient' bed- ell his .life
drank whisky ; without measare, but he
tAtifiti"notion'of what his share would be
labOrtit'estino tozba weighed, so he aaked
Ile iOn, hciy ati :Schaal; howlattili. Of it
Weerto'anfit/net —
The youog referT, taking doWn an old
!soOt r Y",‘c grey's' Artthmetie,?
t ti o ),e tahle, and readr-aixteen drums' one
outride. • ._ •
"-Hurrah - V' shouted Donald in eesticy,
gnfert , "• rsu-1116 4 Short • Rtiy, and
G `surd 6ets6l 4 hiio Altliglit.Per4re
she'll tie."--Oban Times. __ _
• Jrar.d.gentlemaa twellingto
btirgit;rrottt oiie=rettfie neighboring - towns
stopped see alriend, - andifft-lis horse
tied upon tbe- —On—his return ho
found tharthe animal had slipped hls,bri
ille;and seareh of.him ateLan
tiiishipedeatrian, Al whom he iturdred--,
• ), 4 tßave`you - seen a strange Creaturean7
( where herealsi:ruf,l4, With ,a saddle 'on his
"Och, be. the,.powers may say
that," replied Pat.
"Just yonder."
" Will You show me the place?"
"That X will, in less than no tirne, l 'said
the man, approaching a small wood of
l 'ititin 4 timber- "Ay, there he is, sure en
.eugh7 honey , ."
The gentleinb iedced uP, and aaid:
'"-I do not see him."
-"Then, by Saint: Patrick,•you must 'be
blind ! see =him ? Just. -carat your,
4.11 ,
*leg in that direction. Outs, by lite pow
ers ormud, what's_he about mow? Only
see; ire swallows his head!"
• Why, sir, that's a vartle, and not a
hOrst." . .
the deuce said it,
Vas a Sure a. horse is not, a
strange creature,". he added, pointing to
irwitht fear-and trembling; "and he has
a saddle on ; bat, Jiang me if I'd bridle
him fur the whole country:' ;
Gent Geary igilaidink Arm, !
7 Geary Ind , the Itadicalei-have- '''''''
`beginning td establish a standing army in'
Pennsylvania.-1 A bill recently passed Itie
Legislattnii which provides far the estab
lishment of a military . police despotism in
', - :itieceilitieeinihe turning region.
It; Przivides ,thet, on - the application - Fd
Ono hundred citizens Of any-connty in the
— region, flie.GoVerllOr sirstli VpOint
not-more than one hundred policemen,
, ,who.ettall-,be arn3edand equipped as -eol,
,and have :the seine power 'as a-coti
4itibl'e ileiuty;sheriff, with the addition:
that they. may arrest offenders- in Adjoin.'
big &unties-111e Governor may:also,pp
point a marshal of police, heviiig thepow;
'er at a sitrary of 2,006" a year.
The Governor may also create - -diatinction
of rank,fiz-Alie-ratoof-nompensation, hnd
raleA and regulations for the gov
ernment-of 'the 'police... All expenses to
be borne by - -the county, and the act to
-remain in , force fore two years.
filiuntua OfOOMITIESI
ibLDlxliSreongress l7
your Bounties: Those who have not already
ef/limPase v ehogld- mak* immediate application. -Wid
ows, heirs or pirentsof Soldiers who.. have idled in the
service, are entitled to the same bounty the soldier, if
receive.' Having already prepared over
twti.finitdred Claims; those who have delayed making
.14prilication flndit greatly to. their. advantage to
rata sult:
- 1 Wilds - and vildnieentitied to' as liticressA:of kil
oton under act approved Jane 6,1866, Whoald'also'make
appliaition.---laformation-free.---- • -
7% 7.?-1 -7/ 4 - ,43160. P. LITTLE: ..
?Lleeused • Cloyernment Allaens;-.
—mob: we £ Emu Dtaleznix.-
, .4)
.44P'iLitit13 4 "-=
4:127ER41, 7 t corr zirtsma 7.8411. sArges
.PLATED ,- 8AVND5,M411414. 1 01.4k
IRONS, 117111.8,4P0,Kzu,
*irvms, STOCKS
SLE. PILES:U.4c. ..
Siz -resitsianrili3catzs.
iiitmtiitaribl;lBllB. , • 'fly • i • r''
TT lON - 110171 - 4 --- NEW muyoßD,
Zrito 10 1 KOtrOVIVIL - C. Tam
+ T O/M e i PliitVpio4 7 l PrO P ll6)r • 7
Xasla ;110.3 to:4 rioritbout - being
bnorledi tof petsbdattnivineOn 'SU" lirightli to
take the eve: • r' ledAu
• - •
7.Dale iticintet totisi tha Anaa tos tbeNereemfitutil rl4 2v-and trettosettadir-lepotsiori
t A550C12.27.9, N. Bent liftealtiosittled•
let' trwelopee,free of cluirgo Odra tiva-mtittaf f
Hotrowtos t loward Assetittion,N. 2 Eknithilthetree2
rtilladelAl2. Pa.
s~sQ..~_ s
iß nbsr T2 aring . fortlel2,likneniblP rtni
f 4, 20,:
se:Wm to, make his best..
htiontad lilsoltl.CllstomeriJ*l4 llama. them tbUY tbe
'Mercaa# l l l4 ePartment nr ;•business,:will -here:sat=
'tii.earrAna - on.S2; liemet with - In crenCed"
caligt44ll4 rani 414rge eocik Of New,ficiods
o,Wgce l3, o l 4l.'efF it ed ,
• Eirf4ol: - .. - imeictiiii:l4; - cla -
The `Witalirahl*Deii:atitnent
Is retained brreteisind.will reenlvame' personal atten.
ttOtrr^ltitye lb:fantod theiservinet Otillatle."3l..WOLEP:
BYE; agerntleinen o' has had tertnity.ffveyents In the
best shopinf Europef and town* :superior In tint coun
try,--.lsdulUe oshlalcflio t a/I work, wigkln
tbreb diijerions the tinielr
The ClackandlOsietry Repairing
Will beaAtledbpy~3ti ' rt3E¢Fstu , wbp.ttipl Ali!ork to
that line Fc 4 004.1; Ail ia tbabest style - ,
Nov. FL IBM - . ; a .
COV'mtt.. $370/P13 , .:'
willstonslskiVOllianorpne S the,
sultablefor market, whic win be sold as low, and
many of than owes.. thaikby any Onnelab slde,c4
NeW Tor 4. ' • . l•• - 7Tryi -; .c.•;
_ Catilogric _
elm() CK S-46 ,WAT,c HE S.
Swiss and 14v11!th, both gtyl . and .
tittY/en. indadiegihttrcelelmkted CalenilerOpeks.
whicktell-the4apor the "moutte.and\-ereel4v dlio-the
name of the month, making the chanaes for every
month notranttntfitbitxteare but Icovtaa them once a
wecok. ,
4.EEI4I:IYoIn 6-4
• sel &' Z natiXstimiX4re: Iritte.4
id Willa detviklry-illits, Sfiliriff .pattauna, titafoalit
Rings, &c. &c.
• • ' l 4l-16tge, dna suartmant.
At:iuTanted in tit all
6 1 0.Z.0', ALB Cl*Sr. • -
A neat litifa Charm holding eight *ill Photographs.
Anne assortment, vrith andlsititont hpidera..Old
ones ropointed:
Made to order of pore Coin, \ consisting of flpeons
Foam, Thimbles; flutter Motets, 'Napkin HMO. Fruit,
Knives, Vglit Chains An . .
Tbobeit fri marketl-ninglei'double, treble and quad
ruple plate, andieartni,nunw-ttrom it fell Tea Set down
ituraudigg Caators t - Cake and Basketa,..lee Pltchm
Waiters, utter Dlshis, Sugar Bowls; Cups Tea Beta
• • t
:11tuattfliture' Decker 'Brothers, tr . bleb, Ittthitteir
into Improvements, suass_ttfose army htner makers
Also, Bradbury's Now S cale Planos—aispltmdid Justin
meat. Other Pianos from $350 to $5OO.
• -
From slloto t'.1200---warrar.ted for live years. They
Ire , thelLnestreed instrument In the World, and I have
only to say that:-Thavo , sold nearly $15,000 worth of
them In the last four years; and Ahey.are aU „Logout' or.
der and have never cost my customers a cent for repairs.
440b11 3 77411-11.17A-IM-4e.-- - ---
Jot, Eottity . PttiziP t ;TuPli?gli:94oo, 4c; ; •
BRAss.ajorDs4; n
eStipplied lritiklitstritmetnts of the best American man
ufticturet by, ttle*lnglainsteument ortallset, at the via•
Eel's price-±also..taasielbr 'tatty number df instrunt Cl 3
Instruetlonlkioks and Sheet Music on hand, and new
supplies recateed.every weelL7 panp,Spols from $6 to
IVjett , eming Needles. ,
We have the exclusive agencylor R. J. Roberts' Pa
tent Parabola Needles.-thetest in the world. Try one
paps{p344spittoilk,a, the popey i ncillhe refunded,
Piro iiitrinikawi , Sporting H ;
Allen's, Spencer's, end Rertty's Breech loading Ri
fles, all styles Revolvers, Powling Pieces, Shot Belts
este edurdevlrlastal Cartridge, tor' all thew tr. - Bc Army
galas; hIsoT.T:S: Attnd - other - Percuislott Faps,-Ccioper
Cartridge4alretgetras:l l .zefi ,
0. D. v
lifonttbse; Noe. 1866.
too p r YEAR I We want Agents every
_ 'w ere to aen OtirIMPROV4I"II2O Sew.
tit Machines, Three new, hinds. tinder and upper
feed. Bent on trial.' Warrhated five years. Above sal
itry, or large commissions paid.. The only machines sold
In tbe,linited fitatiit tor legs. than wbittt
licensed by Rotre;Mbeeler &'R'Ueon. GrOVer &Either;
Singer. &Co.';andßacheldir. Allbtbet cheap machines
'are infrin4entents, and the seller or user are 'table to
arrest, tine and imprisonment.-111natiatedeirctilare sent
tree. -Addreaapor calltiponSliAW CLARK, atlildde
ford, Maine,nr Chicago, ill.
. TAE 90W[
Were etthitici ed the hi:o4 Oet''PrealPain at the
World's Fair in London; and eiz first
the Nero Fork j'ilite
tf-1808,j and wit - re' -% =-
Celebrated for Mirk - tire heit :- WCirk . . - itsini, It mach
smaller needle for the same thread than . ..nay otharrna
shine, and by
. the Introduction of the most approved
- triaartiery, we are ntrarsible to supiq the verybeat niii
chines4a tbeMOI/di 7 S,• _
These machinesdri:o . ade at' our n'ew a n d
Pa — et6ifoit
under the immediate supervision of
the Pref WTlofthe Coraptasi,_
Alitte.Agwe i _ as . ,
they *readapted to al lands o (Santly Se wp r„,aa p n d lOthertsiCisamstresselsi ' dress miters. tailors, .m
ctho Bhirts,:collars, skirts..cloaks:-tsotinks-,
hats, cape, corsets,
,booto shoes. harness .Sod
diet, linen goods. tunbrillis,parosoli r eta. They,work
equally weal xpein sllli,ThienoroOlen,ind cotton goods,
with silk, cotton or linen-. thread. _Ther, semi*
Anilt; gother, . perform .eirery
species of seirlhg, 'mating a lb eptifitl, and perfect ' stitth, alike on trolk,sides,of the , articielf beited.
2 ; he iiivitited*Al.ll:pzee,a ad made,
_on I ' Afachil24.ll _the_snott,popttlar .
and •Witfittqr'aiirt
' chines arfttiljeet ,prize!' -; •-•-
emptily ••
Sitsi4DWAY.-.Carafanz.thi3t.rN,N. •
Web. 26, 1867 • •
ol r .
pgum ,‘,lO rAND
• .. • ~.•• • . , • -4., c., ...
riMaiar i er.-4Mtitilitngt
mottos liar w • lArtrte r " ll l oAV l r "
Montrose, J0n.14, ISM. :\, , M-•
nfrri, BAip
- r
•J _ f
tt • - ,
f; , :'" 1,11 , 11 f 5 94 1 M Tr c‘'•
• =.l • . • • - „I
AC,l"! l . l te:Pairal fa
New York,'' -
New Jersey, Micbigan, N. Carolina,
Vermont, . 'Wisconsin, Tennessee,
Pennsylvania,cra - ra; ----- Alabama,
Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon,
, Missouri,.,, California,
• At the; Yairs-of then 1. , • -re .1 , , •!'
American Institute, Franklin Institute. Maryland In
' vutitutici tt dlrsachasettsMecitturtus' Amtitintiotw , •
. Mechanicslnstitele, St. L'otifs"—
Agricultural and Mechanics'
And et numeren. Institute and t unty Fshti, including
all the Faire at wide!' lthey-were, "e;h . Thtted the past
three years.
Fret prlzeeiliave 440 been tritrade4 these Inaohlnes at
the extdbitlone of
Limit Pariii Dablin,' Litz, Besancon,
And they have been tarnished by special command
. to the
~. l. .
Empess of France, "
- •
..Einpreaa of AuairiPs . • .
Empress of Bunk,
. 3 ..
Queen. of Bavaria
T'r - W ekeil Bahec Elastic . Stitch Seviiiig %chines
a:e snper:or to ail others for the following reasons :
I. They sew direct from littinpools, ilia require no re
winding of thread.
2. They are thorn easily understood and used, and
less liable to tlertuagement-thamany_other_machines.
3. They are capable of oFisnutbig perfectly. without
change of adjustment, a mlibp-gratfer sailetybt Walt
than other maclJnes.
-4i The-1411A Made by these '.mantitnes is much more
arm, elastic and dambliVespecfallystpowartieleswhiel
reonteelb_be washed and trorted:l4=- any other twitch.
5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the an
der tiaread-le-inwrouglat, ls-much-tha ,mpst plump and
beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and beauty
even,upon articraltegt.tenilY Washedand twined until
thereto worn ,
• 8. :T•Nci•struettire of the seam is' Stich thitt, thouttrit
be entor broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it
-will neither oven, ran; or-ravel, but-remains firm and
•it itrauteotliet Itashitics. Mosel:aeon Doth ends of
the seam by their own operation,
B.' With theieMitchines,'*hila Silk fanged upen'the
tight or face side , of the gram, crituan tnatbe used upon
'the other side witheWesSenirthu Strength or darn
bilityof the scalp', TM tr nap beAbtri on no . othet Ma ikgreat saying open ati r tsitieles stitched or
=dc;up trith -
9. Then machines, in addition to their superior mer
its as instnunenta for s_swkn&. by a change of adjust
ment, easily learned and practiced, execute the most
beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental
WESTERN A. BB Winter Arrangemen
Witgiticik - Vb:E' Cos 74: ::: .:;.'„,tse
1131 all : 1 Eavuingi , ~
. N _, 1 . :it
Area. STATIONS . tin
. A.M. R. M. P. In.
ti r I 11:2l ° 0 ; 4 10 e‘ t v 3 , - ir eata rk. itOli .....
Inas. . ;-, • Martata ...lank._ 1,:5
R. 12 01:1 ,- Delawpro... ; Dine ... 1,30
a . .1",30 'lO,lO Scranton ....,.: . 9.45
tj 5,58 I 11,48 Nicholson ~ 8. :15 -
c 5,.5.8 12,08 ll6ptittom 8,18
0 .44,9 r 1.1,138 Thartige.::..-:.....:: "1:05;
3 -13;44-t 408 •Nettqtrilthiri --,- '- 1.84
" 1 ,09.
„ I P.M PM' •FMT 6T LThefirst.l l 4 - 11
. .,.:.-C. ,a tiP 4 A —V .,...',.. 14'n,,D , .., - .2.
tit g 7,4 l l •Tr*Lis frOt a Notfltorit contacts tt,,Bitt
nti '' hutatoalth--the In litaitiatiltilatiiaanabag
ten depot) at 7,2C1a..•m..,u5ul at grastaand with through
mall train 011,ThitErIc RIX. i - ttlth /leaping car at- -
tached. stopping at all tho Intim" iktations on that
road. OW arriiiing at Thifra oat f,l§4. tp: -, r.,
Thal ;eager traic . B•om.,Soranton:Ottnicti at Gr't
Bend with throngh tralas going west and east on Erie
P.4lll , Vair; itifivTughtp . at JA4i,.: - „, 2114' 431drtil Bala
mancaVl2 rd. ' - •
- , e..p s* , -- • t ••• rt -,.. 4 C.! V• .. ,
The' Mail 'train front Greatkßead , :connettir there
with the Cincinnati Barites's , on the Erteltaliway from
the west; at-31nonnkm_1hunk with a tram for Pbiladia
and intermediate stations, arriving In Philadelphia at
6.30 p. mwatid at Neallamptontrith atrain for Easton
Bethlehem, Allentowa,;Readitigandllarrisburg, v
at Harrisburg at B.Bo.pim; 3
- At eranten,gonnevi tons are nu,de withtmins,onths
tackllifftim4a ad Blisomsb vizir MB. to apd from Pittston
Kingston, Wilkesbarre;Merwielc,Blocimabarg,Danville,
Nortbxuribetland, fiarrithurgandJutennediatestations,
and with trains orktbe Pplawato And - Hadeon Railroad
4,sandtfrotit Carbmadalei stullit*mediate stationa.
nov27 General TtegefAient. . Presiden,t.
'ATE "Ottlir,4-70 fra - 6 arter3lon
-1-j-Itax;-3Toi'einher 1860. train) will lea Great
Benditraboat the toile hag Marl,
3.00 a. n Vittxpiesi, 3fondayi eicepted , for
cheater, B • 10, Balainanca,aud Bunkirk, making di
rect connec lon withtrains - of the'Atlantie and Great
Western, Lake , Shore anti Grand-Trunk ItallwaYsanr
all • Palate West i , also , .at Binghamton for Syractisc ;
at Owego for _lthaca, and at 'Elmira forCanandatgint.
.3-38 a. Night , • Unwell% path% -for Rochester,
Buffalo, Salamanca., Sittlikbktand the West. Stops
at Greatßeztdron.biondaye only. • . •
5 . 27 a. Train; buodave Mccanted.. for Buffalo
and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira cer Canandaigua.
11%131a:hi:. Eiciigrant 'Frain:Daily; forittinWmit;
4.05 p. in. Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Ro•
:cheater, Buffalo; Sala manor , Dtinkirk4 :and the-West.
Connects at Bingham ton for Syracuse at Owego for
11tim,c4AL..Bizaira fr` Caruandagna Balarna.nca
matt the Isthentic alaGrifitt Westerri•ltaThirayaind
Buffalo with the .Lake Short,' kind Grand Trunk Ball.
wayp,for.all pointsiest andliouth.
ilt:sl4laldA lixpresir 11,-Sandayi ..ptedi - ftir Bur&
lo,Sabimanca, and unkirk. canner-10 with trains.
.fortha..Victst ;.aleciat,Elmlra for. Cananda g
1.00 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted.
toSta 41q4.- *
8.43 s lQightExpteser;.Dalli,%:)nisictitleat Gray
court for Warwick ;' , n .al , ;icw York with afternoon
trainaar4 oteaulers for . 804013 and „blew ilf,n.lland
• 1111 ilta;
1.04 a. m. Cincinnati{ lixprpsperlamthlYir excep_ted,
at Lackawasen forlrawley; and at Oraycoart for New
bsurandWnrwick..l . 4
T. 53 p. - m.• yßx peeps ,Biandays exeepted. '
B .4o.sins. , Accommoitatinn Tc9141/211_11... ".,‘ •
910 'New Yakima Baltlmorclitdi, Suildayi
1 ~ A rf.klkt
10.20 a. m. Frelgkt, 'endive excepted.
WM. It. Elptl4 , • •"L • , 11.4tIDDLE.
feb 10 • Gen'l Priseagarlikgent: Gann Sup%
. ~
' iriiiiiiEßOSTAC4s
:forced to grow V n the:smock.
, i .. .
..thest.facg its from.ti tee to' 6 . •-.
"" '-' -i`i" . ' 'Weeks by using , Dr.. GRIM: - -,
NE IPt - K101 1 :41.1019Wir l'' :-. ."'
• . CAPlLAME:•thetatiit'svdtV `'" T ai -
r :
; ,t'fl i . .' - ' , :' ". •r: &dal dTbeity in tendert lwr•I; .
'science. ctisg ott gm Resrdi ~ ,, ,, •,7e:0...
, . and Gal ,in fal almost idlest- ' 1
etiontmennes: — ltbeis - beettined-bytheolitssoftondon'
and Paris with themesetattering snceess. Names of,
.411 1 burchasers ares.reeist er d s i ttnl.ire satisfaction
Mt Sgivdn ireOri ,th neystiPechhey.
tat reTtindedq.'"Prf Mtea atiainvalit,v4
Dogiffirigrogilwand•testimot Igesrl
dress GER, ilMTTlidago.,,C
g i rd. Troy. li. T. Onl,y agadVTEIT VIY 2BII ilr . d . :,
• 0)71 tudippq
• .i . . .
Bayollue, St. Dizier, Chalons,
EIROVEIII & SAlitli S. M. CO.; •
, Broisthiriy.4ew York-,
730, Cheatiaat stree, rldra.
GOXNG Tc73l3T.
• I :14
atut Akio, iiihicoret _Ayr
t ; : t : • .
Guttenburg ,lioinimbaunk & Co.
- • \;
Aid 'Oast the eseleilapill settitlast
17cir Ftall 8 V7i4tor,
jteseiTsd this week testa New Task.
xxt iirc•tivra.
la Orlin - satisfeeloril 10' eve* 'Oise.
.111UBSS 111:1010;
MiXXXAtaXIITEIrt:•27 ek.C3CP=h6
too nomorogs to mention
And Gents' FurniOhing Goods,
Any Quantity and Style..
,Ytostubanm *. it,
IL S. DESEutniii Managing Partner:
Moitrese,Serpt. lt, 1561
A and
Dec. Bd.
• tr4lo.
P. M.
4,30 L , 0
4.0 a
3 '4
P 11 ,
r r
i• '..^
~ ~!- I; ; 7C. :: 1 4 7C-;,;' `:SLOES:
'nootz ..&
c :
r, .: ,
.7 - tiflioD
ALL 11
*V Z
.' ', 't" • Y . Or Y r",!"l' ..^..7
' 1
• inifirc ir , . ,
Apopmpiooel f and Author pwpocit Atitresowidt
Maw Taft Mts. f T,: - • ;
1 -... .•,1 1.. ~ : .:.,,,:•., '1 • i
1 04- * - '"-,.., • - 1 , . - • 4 ^ 7 ,, 1.. L1 ' 4...7:4 7.::" V " 5 11 .. .. 4 .4..-...
" .. "'lg. i i '7 ;
' , :,•"...1 7- ..:
,Ittl jiic f. ,St Vi-Z..“ '
pcr •
I t4b.tikloo2othiititOi cfi';/?,
146 1"1.
It 1.4. tt nVegib'
I .ItrWil•l7l6 E .-
AR Cr ;
} ~ ~
L. • ",
-I, :::,.. r I.'.
M 1.53 i.P.:OIY.BiI
•I= . (./ it'et .li, • af .
Burritt Is now receiving latrainta
fUll supplies of
Z/ , `:"%71.%A. , "4"5`1..E. , "=”1c ' = •".."`
r 4 Ealk • M ti% • •
as . ,k k
1: 7 0 0 01
Embracln'extra varieties orliblobable Deers Goode
jrriikisLsSidpect no :DePpikutiveri4l:
Luetres, Merinoes, Paramattas, ylatus
and Prints, Clothee-Cassimeres,
Flannels, Brotbe and
, iv, s t‘WadklStUlyar, "
Balmoral and Duplex Hoop Skirts, Ladies' and Gents'
Fars ! Bn4l4l3Pbes. Carpating, PAopr oo cloths, Wall
Papes, Winuourßliades:Hat and Caps, Behts:Sbees,
and Clocks ; including, alsoas usual a general assort. `
mehtolcrther Dry Goodi,, , Drese.Trimmings. .aud,Tan
kee Notions, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron,
Nails STOVES, Drugs, Paints, &c. which
be CM the limit favorable terms toi ,, Cafils, Pro
duce, ar_opproved Credit.
NOM lakittirdcDiovetubt,T, 1b46 •• , • „
Excelsior.: ..Excelsior
•-• ,
FOR RR3i0 1 , 4 11.4G B,IIP.ERFI..iIOI.iS
TO ttip,jzilles especially, this invalnable depilatory
reedfildtendsitselfas being analmoetindispensable
article to , female beauty, is easily applied. and does not
burn or injure tho skin, but acts directly on tho roots.
it is rem, ove,seperatintia tta tr.-fcom Joy ,
to'relielida, - or tenni any parttoTtlibliqdy,` tompl4teir, to
tally ond radiefilly extritating., the ntlintcleaiiing.the'soft, sniooth and natural.: This I s the,ordkirtible
used by Um; Frereh, add Its the only real effectual, dcpll
- 'powder existenee. roce-ti, per package, liql4
poakpaid to any uddrOdA. dyt reeeipt.of an order, by
Bnnuen,'Satrris & OK, Cberdists;
lyctsper 283 River street, TrOlF, N.Y.
--, •
'OLIN Atr'rt.—:Atibu rn o'ol.
• " • - .I..rdon,PlatortvatidEilkon,- •
. CURLS produced by tho-uao.
, of Prof.D.r.BaEux'aVßlSEß .„
LE CLIEVE4 - 1.1Y... Ono op- ,
plierghaihfarronited Yo Curl
• 'the mot. t tNa Ig.hf and , etnli
bora hair of oitherles into'
quvvvhdoefo or ilea vyraaselvocurlf: ilaa baen used by ,
theeashwanbleCqf Paria4iVt;Loodon.,avith..che most
~ .ratirvin,rooltspcms.uct or.y tkle.hadr..price4by
;i v ij,"„ e - dr e d gind ost paid. $l. 110a0;riptho.clrcurara
mailed tred:Addi iBE'RGE4;BIII37I 4 4. Chem
ista, 11„;
..2.3$ 'favor etroot; Tro.7‘, - . l(.'Y, only figefiti for
thialilited States. ‘' ' tayl:lycfspq
CIEMeL.t3p I r3B3C.siaA.:W/Et
MIOR Win:twin? and )3ea'fifying the complexion.
U "The tnnst valuable and)erfect.preparation
for giving the Elan a behati oh. pearl-like tint, that
only found inyouttr: -. - Itipticktyrumaterr tans freCkles,
pimples. blotches, moth patch , a, sallowness, eruptions
apdall Impurities Witte sktnohindly *sling We same,
leaving the, alkle,sibite and clear as alabaster. Its use
cansfot 1)e dete,cted by the'clesest scrutiny, an d'being a
vegetabie i nreparatltm- is perfeetlyhasteless. It is 'the
only article of the kind used by The French, and is con
sidernd by•the,Parisian, as, indispensable to &perfect
,17pivArds of 03,1/00 bottles.werd.epid daring the
part year, a suilleleut guarantee of, Its efficacy. I•rice
only 75 et s. 3tailectvost paid; on receipt or ark order by
BARGER, MUTTS & CO., Chernista,• '
- / 33 7t/Yern% f.lq River street, Troy, N. Y.
Fottz's., CELETi tATED IfoitgE
AND CATTLE poftgrts.
Tlffe- „
• triepailttlnir,' long aid favorably known, will
thorougbly,reluvigoratehroken-down and low-spirited
horses, by strenthening and - cleansing the stomach and
intestines -I o► - 1 :
It is asure preveutixe of . pll4di senses incident to this
Mifflin]; such tts lung PdverMlniaders: Yellow Water,
nenvelk,Ooggas., Distemper, Fevers, Founder, Loss of
Appetite add VltatEnemy, Se, Its use improves the
wind, -increases the appetite. gives a smooth and glossy
skin, and transforms the miserable skeleton into a fine
looking and splrltedhorso. ,
• r;
. this prepartit inn Is invalnabi e. - It incrementhe' ; •
ty and improyes the quality ,of the.milk. It has been
proven by actnal Fttperittfont to In - ere:tie AIM quantity
of milk and cream tw.enty,petieent. and make the but
ter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle,
.it gives them
•on a; liett te:4o osenntheir hldoli'arid .make[:them tltrlite
much faster • "=',: Jr'
such as Coughs; Illcers:lnli;nhtlainge;•Liveri s - &c.. this
article Rai as It specifl. - •ny pitting finm one half a
paper to wolves in a tiarril•oti mtill thdative4iseases
wilkhe eradicated er v entirely:,prevented. If given in
ti)pc, cettain preventive mad core for the Ilmz,Cliolt
id Pileell - cents per paper; or 5 papers . for tr.' Pi
pitied .• • •,• • • •
M.-lbeit Wholesale Ding Medicine depot, No2iln
Franklin sr:, 'Baltimore, lid: For sate by Dragglits
and storokesperg- throughout ttio United:States.
Or For sale in Montrose by, • -
nov2l ypql6 412&L tttitEl.L.
Ne* Stratbenfos • drapes,' Bulbs; at.
w - ATst*.-§ . oLti tOLOisTristI7IISERY`
I.lh, seed Establishment, l!lyinontti, Mass': is now
ttendiag out by matlyrepaid.. peeked. with great care fit
mitts perglni sillt.;:so as to 'reach any part of the tlinicin in
pet4et :safety, a complete assi)rtmentof the finest
grapes, - Strawberries,
,Rew large.4.,Carrants,
Lfillea',.4le,. ie. 'Trait atilbtnaniental;Treeii; fiMitb,
Everkreentalegge Plants.; ire.;wfilbe seittbY frSigh . t.
paid to,Boston. _Also; the trah Calle Cod Cratihero..for
calUvation in wet, land; twin npland tuid n eardeag,
wherelt produces at the rate 0400 lanshels to the acre;
with directinnt fOrchltivatitar. Priced descriptive - tnt.-
stogies will be sent tunny address: - Now is the best
Altnefornlaating. .Thatips4 Ira , to obtain,good fruit,
flowers and seeds, is to sendalruct no grower. Bead
fora Catalogue. i„W.ttolesale catalogues to the trade.—
Agents- wanted; Ofareh td-.-210
. „. .
730.3133EiFwi9 ,
Sover,,Tintr i Saveep , Noney,., Saves- Labor,
Saver Nlothes,.Surelt Women,
And all Grotiers sell it.
rt ed,bi ealthrikinte ifp ehWirirLin ritnrdieiol r
ing ,hot viater,;then soak th'e elOthei five to ten:bile
utca,and 11,41.0 hand rubbing , Will make them at Clean
u hours' of niachine rubbiumwould do, with ordihary
wimp. And the moat .del lento fahrle. :cooly° ,no injury,-
caO ttonsande oLfataillea who; err uslog.ft,
who &odd not be emended to do without . 'et
!'Sold b$ all leading Grocrra throughout the State
liranufactOred- only'
iCka.itinrAT.l9l MaCle,7l7lW;
• . WIIOLESALE I alut, •
107Seithrifth Street, Pliikarti,
Nov. IS; 18613.1—lioadto
BaidtOirt;, -
• -DgALE.4_ IN- - -
deka, r, • I Fied; Saltd 2 4riclßittletlatiqese, ,
—4 Pile fit ilee/ 4 4 Hagkii` . Fla" S'irtdked gati
4114 CaictiOs•PC i t !6v() ,, sT eet 41 2
litc!kifies" r9.77‘,,
I Poivrk ,
mow* fddia4tpitrouie. vui happy to see
sAunstlic4 , k Met 4 1 .1ilteVAT.
11, ;
.11 . I,fr,f
.i',..s . 1n..7:, ,
~t ,i , - . .• 1r . J . ; 4 1q1 , *; ,t, , , , ,pti . i• ; , i4l
-'' 1 . ..zi :::'''7' li' tieill , rin • litqailVii.r " ' P ' Vti4i
, QVOZiArf tr t , LIEX c ,
.9 4 4 1444 ._ 14 , '
vi Li<: . , : I
tw,.,- • - -
I , ireiliils ..
.. 145
Moot le, anti am;;lsii. ", - .:\ .
• Pas 1 1 1 i eitit'
a's BRADLEIrk. Cliefitithtenv
Llf ritTPalr
1 u leitDollßL y.
B-,SAR1110) ,- ••
The wonderful flexilitlitiff : Adellietteinaft?iijill
pleaserAto sny,.LadY Westing the Duplea PllPlio Akin
will be eXperiented partrerdsrlyin,all'crowdedtilsWia.
:biteo, °R OMs Varfincilt, railroad : CAM ,tluiph:pevir,
arm chairs, for promenade rimilionse dress, arthe skirt
caolie folded Wade to lecenpy!a stein eiblealse
easily or,equirenie w tly As a silk 0f , 1819014.11ren, pats.
• valuablei quality In crittaline, titit•lbutir in sb "thee
spring tiltirt.,• t • 1.: • • ;a i C .'
;A ladf 1,-,ll7qPioellhettasigarthfortgirdgrai
convert mice' *caring the pi fp; estenleveisi
skirt, for a single dat:WfilttlerWiltpis i •wllljael;
disiwAse , with ,their,use. Ter Chi then, infaties, lea
younglailgesthef arrisupericr to all others.
Their *ill not beriff or breakllke - thealligle• ?firing,
Fut will prreerre tlidir 'perfect and gradefulthaps wh et ,
three or four ordinary--altictstrauld have- been throes
away as useless. The hoops are coxem_d r : with doubts
and twisted thread. and the brittahrAndeliril•;rietrair
double springs, but twice (or douhle).,corriered , prevent,
ing them frOm WeaHingtinttstietitragglittilaWn steeps
The Duplex a great favorite with all ladies
tend ft' °hive ntally'recommendrd bY !Fashion- Nage.
tines as-the ttandard skirt of thofashionable world,
• To enjoy the folloriring' inestimable adrl n tages 7 li
crinoline. ylz superior; per fectkaanifisttine,
stylish shape and fi nish, fixibility , dumbi cutofort
and economy. inquire for d. Wi Bradley'. Duplex
liptic, or Doublibpringfiltytond be sure yOu get the
genuine article.
CAUTION.—To guard against ImpindtipOepartleff;
lar to notice thatnklrts offered as — Dritffetr• best the
rG •stailop 3 (*lst:" Si til,Brfidiree. Duplex .Fteti
Oprlngs" dpon the walithand—none ,others are gnus
Aliiinotice that einty 416141'1mi1l admit 'll Pitt he.
ing passed.throngh the cprdre, thni revealing-thetas
(or.doublr)'spiings braided together tfierefne- *Malt
the'secret of their flexibility and strength, ands com
bination not to be fountlittanpother skirt,
For sale in all stores where first class Skints at 'stall
thrdughout the United States and 4.lsentlare. ,
Itappili.ctored by . the soleolwnerapt i thurm,mit. ;
Weds' 9t4;;
D 7 Chambers and 9 & Erkflteide sta.; New York:
Feb.:l;lB67•ttarn • •
-. . •
Fire r Life,and,-Acoldental
et 'I-
tis e' of C - it Tah -
Home Itisura eo.o N. .ay a _
• wurpina, i • ; •—• • 1' • - 4 .143000 M
Insurance Co. pf ,NprtliAmarn!tj!Lptit i t,
Capital and Surplus, - • ' • • - 4;700,009
Iratern,at.lotual,Plrelnsitrailde ollivri •
Capital and Surplus,
Lycomiug County Mutual Insurance Co.of. • • • - •
Runny, renn'a l %kilt! and Surplus; ,;•Alfollo,ooo
arther's Mutual 418E1[111/CO CO. York, Pa.;
Capital and tiplut., ! • ,V:".0.4503,000
Enterprise .Insurance
'Capital and Surphis„ ' '875000
Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. . • ;
Caplial.and.Sinplub. . - t r 1004,80
Connectlentllititnal Life Insurainatii: 'et '
Hartford, Conn-, , Wing 0 1 1pli cant, •
dividends to , theasured.. note§
• pfveri fat bait thopromi fa neVailiy%
'be paid under any circa etances. ha
policy will always be paid io full,. and.
the notes given. Qtr. ttuipitat, r - 20 , 61 0,030
American Llie Ihstirfinco•So.ft
phis., - • • • 1,0015,000
Travelere'lnanninceVo.,.ll,artfoad; Conn... •
' Insuring againptfal kindiwritccid 9 m
Capital, • • • - • • - I
Hartford Fire Inantanciidoiripaiii.-Ilart, •
ford, Conn.. dayital and Surplus.- • 111,583,163
Putnam Fire Inii‘ntance•Co.; Hardkird,
Capital, 1,500,003
Hanford Live Stock Insurance Company,
Insurance on nil kindssfairn'.,StOPinj '
against theft apd death from any ,
ranee.: Cnbitai,: r : . :. ; 000,000
, d
liar.AlibusinesNentrasted to oni,orare. will be attend
cal to bil,fair termt3; and all'inimyi p!canptly aditistea..
. • :"" siiiitriitl6'loloArrif f Age n ts,
60-o•47l'ea;gt6wii...;rtb of"bfoa}rose hotel, 'weir
aide Aierane. 1• "2 •It l
Bu.a.uwa..SrEcovp. Ozt.ou,n4A Ilt
. xtoint
Montrose, JAti., .
lin. .;
litaii4ood' HOW - Lost; ;" Howße
lErg'r Pub' felted, a new edition of "Di. Culver.
e 1 1 96 eselebrientd'Easair Cul the tadlial 'care
(without ; mudicine),af SuunzaToltutqfta, or Seminal
Wealtbess; involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency,
Xelitat itidThys'i cat I nariptiet Im'pedititenfs to MO ,
riage. efc. ; 'also COnelimption, Eptisp.s.y; and Fite, in
duced be self thinfgelnee or sauna) eztra 'c ngante.
VirP - skur sedledebvelope, only 6 tents.
Thercolebrnted ontlior I adult mild° leanly
dentibitsfratett, Crom n elifrtyk Years' snecessfal Practice,
that the alarming conseptertees of - eelf-nbuse may be
radically cured ayethont \ the - dangerous use of internal
medicine or thetdPiindatliiti tithe knifes=-pointing out
,peode pnao at once ccrtala and effectuel. by
Cabana - Of which every-arEffernii Wfiat bit con
cpt ton- melt' tie, may carp Attbabg Fiteoply, prltptetribtd
OrThla-Vebturdisbonid lb° tiondrof every
tooth aco every remain the land. - • •
Sent.nndei seal. lb it pinto entetope, teeny addrese,
`postpaid; oivredelpt.orj3ix watt, br two post stamps.
9,ddreene the publishers.
" • MA'S. 3. - -C.'KLINII-k CO., -
• . f 67", BoWerni New Yorir i „Pas t: Office taix
JilarcltlP I?6l—iyamp:
• ,!,,,
"THE tAtti'"OllS' i lAlll3lll. 4 .
riee tbefamoialtirbir, • • -
Famous Barber, late of Hayti.. •
LLiite•ofllayti,_.-ndiv Weeke',. - •
' • Nolv at, g•!B• Arvelff , •gf9te ROenter , ,
rind me shaving/tad abatepoofetx'
'• ' •; ; i r"Flatlmercutting•hali-to •;'.. • •
Fled,,e,mitty,atalar eervle2t /L , :n
" year aorYlce, 0/TAll4.=.2lloBrus,
t Elexttrato,Oet r ;It ,
M E2ID-1 / 4 1 ' L;S I* P A C) Y ED SE L F' -4PTO,
• 73a'ailudesIao0233.4! -
lin thise daps of ,grICIDDr 'arid high:prided gepda,ll*
Cry fumilx We, eouutry thou Ithave one. •
• •
, • •• . may .TIIE, COST, •
o 4 olothi an. &family cnn , be.saved by itkose. rltle sint•
t rind ititabin.nneily uniTerstood• and easy to opefate.
.bio !kill is weave with it beyond the nimpla
torning,of an enviorttol4,,, . • ,
Prot:nls to 85intrds can 'be Triiyipsi Oft tt in & illy.
• w ith
don't 601 your wool and buy SHODDY,. when with onset
these Looms In your houamtheGirle can make all the
clothing for the rapilily,,an,d_pausb-kotter.quality, at half
,For circuligp. pricallat: and eamPles of ; clottrvorra
op the /•001iiiekldreaaw1tha4mp,
A. 13, GATES ,t CO , _
ilitt Chelan& etreei;
• • ,
ail tittimi %Vali! Nitoofind Plax
•Iratitei teettif,R4toelikitidlennit , finding b grierallp
314rati 19i 1867.
061.:4 - ;a:''„;:'„::.!slitirtei,:r . " • " It " .
1, -I , riItE4ISANDELt
• ..
'tciurt4 if ; Ar Atcadelph, Pa.,
,ppoßin, lf6l,
O4sibie pled
lake. , tßtereetek. the tteW?ebtor Stlk. , lSestblaelt Sal
Plaid In* Stike,..porfact.., pew Bpryog, MIAs
minds? New ttytif igpririg einotzer. Ortitaitiothet
ottBtyleD: uSteskolorklfiloplforior oint :t .“!
• It.iS,i—isferchantiOn sough of scarce and d . eilistile
ttlo.'thettllnteMst to car and cumin
AtcOk i , 1.?,-; in LIPStb i* 4 4; . •
i s i i' - '). 1 ;;;Ii '.1'.!.1. it , '.! , i!.tifi , s trt. - 1!-1i;t - ,i :!' ,
4 Imaot.lrwPfria:l 006Pmongei.P0*
wlran se r? owl
-' ••=ettottit*itliti.L''';' r't•'"'' '
.-r...- 1- ' 4,--h.-4.-;•,4az.._..,.., t 11, 7.1:
I Leave Sells:sou, - ' 55:50 - 10:50 tpu
'..:1 t .
-? Fr p r r t: ri . , iirftr i n it);)‘. l . /: . / F - 7 :71at t il l
e ic, .;
1)4111114 — s
t, e Isa ,, D-atili
.:: ,: :;`. ; :
,' 4 WO
Arrive atNorthierlarid. 101 ~ f , .,.11•,, is losz. bitt a Ai it i).: , )- ,, ..:,. ,
lei ? ..i : h ir," °l 'l' s t l*
" 1
~4./; r. 1 4:.7i Borrs .,,i= . 24 . : m, A th.1.19 : 051 ..,._. ioi t i.. .== • = • 4:15
'?"" , "' , 1. Siliglillci - - -,11: , ... , .1 fr45 , -I' , Z , ;"Itfikl i , :r.t ft
.(liilveel aczantee ;'• : 8f4,6', ' v , as ' li:I= ,
ilid`'46o44loklnkilAiikili:tielii.' iiian i teii iii‘s:so
4. In.. 4 orthemberlan ~__ 5,414111)43:11ati 9 L
: Littl a giltilUt il lislili Wal asil gt 90 10 P P :1 111 : -:1; 1
' 161 4 810 P, NOT. S. .. , ' 11. A. ithlillA, BaT 4
, J N., . - ' •