pods ititdribtalk Wer harirfo• eala a - lek B UPPIPioi c hoice' Dordiralso' a , 'tied form of Notes, with inetruoilotitis idietatop duty printed uporoaaotrabaot. ,74 public Sale Wlihdrawn. , . Offers in *Mang been..regeiyed for my bongo and • rfrernisea on—the c areer of • -the', Squire. and . o ffers in writing are' - solicited' up . to the 15th of May eisiair4, and addressed to M. alyen - a wdl be treated c onfidentially, if requested • C. Montrose,' Alit!! 80;1801: Quartet eeting. , A Qciarteili- meetiag:for Fairdale Rush charges,,will,.l?„6, held !or Rev. D. C. Olmstead, Presiding' Tatter, on Saturday and SOdrii;it;Fairdalh odntraenciug Sat urday, 4sy 4th. Services on - Saturday, at 2 o'cilibk.P.'3l. Urge • A ewe owned by R. • S. Davie, of Au bairn bas,dropped a pair of lambs• weigh ing . any , one done' better.? Early Potatoes. Early Goodrich Potitoes. Price $1 per bushel. For sale by CHRISTOPHER" BTRNE. St Josephs, April 15, 1867.-3t* Methodist. Appohttmente. Cliffir47--Nci he 111)04 . R. Hare. • - Susquehanna-4. Y. Newell, Thomson—To be 'atipplied.* Lanesboro'—.T. W. Hewett. • Great Bend and New Milford—A. P. Harding. Hawleytown and Brackneyville.--E D. Lindsey, one to be supplied. Kirkwood—Levi Pitts, one to be sup plied. - • Little Meadowa—C. E. Taylor. Montrose—Luther Peck. Fairdale'and Rusli—J. P. Towner, W. Shelp. Brooklyn—S. E. Hrown. Leßaysville-At. Bingham. Anburo..--J. W. Weston. Springville—J. F. Wilbur. , Nicholson—E. IL Hynsoo. • Storlineville—E: E. Roberts. Information Wanted. , Mu. EDITOB,:—Near 'the 10th day of July, 1863, while in camp. at Shippens burg, one of the- regiment brought to me a Bible and . some trifles, and said, " take care of these until I call for them." I did not know the young man, and supposing be would call for them soon after, I tho't no more about it for the time. But not. seeing nor hearing froth since, I would like to have you publish this, or as mach of it as you think necessary. On the_fly leaf of the Bible is written: "Presented to Edward A. Martin, by his employer, Edward Ross, Jan. 10th, 1863." C. E. DAVIS. Lynn, Suaq'a co. Pa. The Fall of Puebla. AccOrdindto advice& from Mexico, the Liberal General, Porfiero Diaz, has taken Puebla by storm. He demanded a sur render, and offered quarter, but his sum mons being refused, he lost two thousand men in the assault. ,According to the strict laws of ivar, a galleon taken after refusal to surrender, may be put to the sword, and Diaz rendered his triumph bloody. • . It is said that he caused all the Imperi al officers captured, from lieutenants up ward, to be. executed. The account of the number who suffered vary in number from twenty-nine to one hundied and t After this sanguinary victory Diaz, t. three thousand troops to Vera Cruz, n. demanded its surrender, and it was t o' that ii order to save their lives, the In perialists -would capitulate.- .The la! stronghold ofthe Imperial power is ue etero, and the capture of Puebla plat s I much ' reinforcement at the control o ti Liberal .a rmy; that the fate of that eh seems sealed. Under the circumata cr the chances of Maximilian to esca e save hie life, if captured, seems ye doubtful. . , . . A Saldler's Reward. On Tuesday a telegram informed us that General Sweeney had disbanded the negro militia companies et Auguste, Ga., in accordance with the provisions of,the Military Despotienaill,- On Wednesilay the Rump Senate rewarded hie fidelity by rejecting his nomination as Major in the regular army. ,Sweeny has been twenty years in the artily, lost-an arm in Medico, and at : the c6ihakenqqment of the rebellion was giv t en the command of a iegiment of volunte4rs: i riarticipated n' all the battles of tyon and wae,with Gran at Milob, , where he won. his pro tno -2,8 - Brigadier General 'of volea r t era. But now for enforcing their own Pe • eaante, ivithoutiigard Praer;lig , depriv o fhis commission. This is only one of many instances of -thangratitude of the black republicans. Letts hear no more abent theifflotkei:lor the 46 bays in blue." They one:alio bfraihapled to look. An honest soldier itle '4 IVErA letter.in the PhirPrePli of-:!he lath, from Richmond, ear): " An officer of the, FreOrnen'i getting in some difficralty with.the civil authoritiee of Lnnetiburg 06014; Virgin la, put the whole nottntr . undit; maw control, whereuOu tbe.cit to Genend Elehofteltt# - liVlOl-finirfal lOW fOrgife -- • - - 4 11 4. 0 1 - Tdr;W:OPIMIAMr." li/eat — Tel dears such Ito act of t litaaniWifir btAteZcatltel., a *eyalution hardly causes a renzarir.:;--The American. eople have bees - tali- , fi:tto beat .the- chains of slavery. . , iirmwm ISIMIEILL is =Alimony reeeliing new lappUeed.Gentithe , Dragr end Medlelnes, whims will be sold as low is et any other Ste.e In Montrose. ASEW PERNUMBIOR 'THE HANDUBOHER rholanio "r6slit BlooHeihas Cerium* "hrlsibt,l#loipinig CerestaP imleo , ' !•dilgbt Blooming Comma 46Bright 'Blooming Commi.t! Wholoot% .*Bigist Blooming emeus.o 'AvianCeiqatalta.jtelleate, and Ftnitrant -Paidln% diattJad from the we sod benottthl dower from which It rotkes-tts onus. - . iiiiiiedletur44i by EION., Noir 1" ork. - 11,EWARE 'OF COUNTERFEITS. ASN. .FOR PHA ON'S—TARE 110 OTHER. jlyl7 ly emp x •-• DIS oow talrEmpl!re glatittle Sewing l'lliteldnes aro suparipr to , ail others for Family a n d Manufacturing purposes,., Cohtsitt - alltbe latest insproretacuts : are speedy .7' 'noiseless ; gamble; and easy to tVort. "Mrs titted Circulars Irma. Agehts wanted. Liberal die. count allowed. No ensign men ts made. Address EMPIRE AL CO,. 610 Broadway, New York. July 247.1. y BCH:MI=4 SEAWEED TONIC. This medicine. Imre:Mod by Dr. J. H. Sonmerox, of Phila delphia, is intended to dhsolve the fetid - and rink. it Into chyme, the first gneiss of dilation. Hy cleansing the stomach with litaumers Ilisndrabo rills. the Tonic soon restorer the appetite, And food that could not he colon before ming It will be minilyidigested. Csmoturgtlins Owlet be creed by Schemers raiment° Syrup unless the sternamti and liver Is msdi heshby and the sgssoldte restaredilienne the Tonic and Pills are required in marl/ area Me of 163111111M51012. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWRED TONIC and three -or four barn of the /SANDRA= PILLS will can any ordinary alle of Or' Pegals., . • Dr. EferrsjOkrilsiterVilkftehmal vidtian New York. Boer ton, and at him prinelpid ()Me fn Philadelphia ovary week. . Bee dal* men of each pia" or his pamphlet ea miaow ' lion for his days foe vidtation. . Please obsorroovVern yardman& that the two nano= of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, anothe other as he now is, in perfect /width, are on the Gov astiastawp. • B b all DTI/011111=4 Denim, price $1.50 per bottle, or Llhalf dotard All- Wirers for asivlce should be ad abr. fiertenneir Principal Ofloo, No. 15 North OW 13414441"" Osaernit s A P lqileats hik'Pa: Acents: Dawes Barnes dr Co.; N. 1B: 19. Hance, Baltimore, Bd.: John D. Perko, CincinnSLO, Ohio; Wlll4g atiTaylor, Chico" Ill.; Collins Dm., Bt Louis, MN List w. ea. mo. Iyr. 1A Coug*ftold, or A Sore Throat, - ttlizaeotzt outßowrz AfTmcriox, JUID MOULD BS =WEED. Irritation of the Lungs, A Permanent Throat Disease, BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, SATING • Dnizer ncrLusses TO THE TAUT', ORA INKILDIATV =LIZ, For Bronchitis. Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases, ABE DSO WITU ALWAYS GOOD SIICCSSI OINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAXERS , will find Troches useful In.clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Phy sicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the Country. ,Being an article of true merit, and bavingproted their efficacy by a teat of many years pitch year finds them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronoun ced better than other articles. OUTAM only " tnowles BtIONCIIIAL TII.00EIZI," and do not take any of the Worthlug Imitations that may be offered. Sold everywhere. nov27 Gm empl2 rer Noilee. —the beautiful Piano Fortes of °nova arum & Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the Marna 'Thule ofinstruments of the kind. We cannot suggest what wanting to make a musi cal instrument more perfect, although we are slow to admit that the limit of improvement can over be at tained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pres ent excellence, they had submitted them to competi tion with instruments of the best makers of this coma try and Europe, and received the reward of merit, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but Jus tice to say that the judgment thus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to t their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect Matra d meat has been made. They have accordingly achieved , the paradox of making excellence more • excellent.— Surely, a lter this, they are entitled to the motto, " Ex celaloc Pune 19—ly st 07 — Deafitteis,Int:Weis and Catarrh :1r- Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACM. Oculist and Asirist. (formerly of Leyden, Holland.)No. " 519 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the b e most reliable son rtes in the City and Country can be „ seen at his Mike. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients', as:itches no secrets in his es, g l ractice.,, ARTIFICIAL EYE4)negted without pain. • o charge for examination. Or Philadelphia, 4aly 1, 1866. - 17 NEW Irons BIMIiIETS. Reported for the llottznoss Dattecnsz. by Fenton, Fitzgerald &Tracy, strictly Produce Commission Mer chants, 38 Whitehdi Street, New/York. for ' the week ending . ApriL27, 1867. Flow, per bbl. ..i. - $lO.OO 0 14.00 . Wheat, per bushel. 2.60 05 SAO Rye, do , I 1,40 05 . .1,45 Corn, eo , 1.20 445 1,40 Oats, do '... 1 .... ..... ......_ ....... ID 0 . 73 Butter. per:b. Z:l 65 25 Cheese. .. . .1 -.....; .... 10 at,,• 1 8 Pork, mess, per P. lid. 22.00 65 23 00 Bect,tness... ..f i. --.20.0 3 _05,..22, 00 Lard,. 'per . lb. r 6 i -- - -.12 -4Z --. 13 Tallow, ' - .4. _.... 11 05 12 s„ per doz. 1" •-• •• • 18 0 -..-, 20 Wiiol. , perlb. , ; .l. 0 - "10: et tt, , 55 Dressedllogs, per lb. 8. 0 . 10 7/;/ - - •,. lirlgottees of tmarriages said deaths published fres bfth Obleabries published if paid tots% itto.rfits otlyty tents poptuadred words. • . -.—. • • In •Lenriebnrgi • Pa., on Wednesd‘y, April 17tb, after a long and painful sick, Maiiha Jane' r Worden, wife of 0. Ist.Wor den,aged It a it 48 years. In Fores t" - ke,-April 15, 1887, B. B. Fox, aged l ears, 2 mo. and 21 days, Mr. Fex - Wtib, q•orn in Connectieut,from whence be,Moired 'to ForestlLake, in this county. itriAB3s:. The last -12 years be was Ifilifitoa I With .with patieace. formerlyis =em ber of the 'Baptist church ; was a soldier in the war of 1812, and a soldier in Christ, tiltbotigh - tempted and tried; - yet min withont 6 , iptinnu_r• widow , and four 441dranairp I sioannrolostunde#!7 W.o.2Vaio. =IN IP ALLOWED TO COATI 2517 E, or Coruntmption IS 01W! THZ RISSULT. ' eta 7tirinit . la m ATTHNTION:,.. - IRS Great reduction in prices at the Store of • . `~EATbN _ HANFORD, SUSQUEHANNA CO. PA. rlOME;94o,4l4o4l ll .botb,gresi.ead, entall.sind see V -for yourselves. We have just received a nice as sorttnent of New Goods, and we have on hand &Bine Stock, consisting of • DOst Goat Pose+ tes,:lifarthiare, Boots`e Shoet i lidis l / 4 • / MA Drugs, ilfedi-} eines, Dyes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Yanket. Notiong, r- r --, Which tirottd - se' sattheatierthiin trieChdkpes , as t h e following will show : Prints, wvrranted madder colors, only la ets Sprague*, best lapdog styles... . "- 19 Atlantic A Sheetlnge, •• 2 3 .• Other Sheeting,. ed wide from 180551 " Pine do. 16401 " Bleached 31ue1in,1641:40 •• Kentucky Jeans, - --- - - 86050 ," Sugar A for coffee, Tip top Molasses, only Kerosene Oil, only The above is Ordy,i. whal*ebtend doin, Goods sold by lie - warranted is represented. Wp havepleop large quantity of Betorn unties Palls idassiwted *zee which we 'will supply to custqmsra, butriship-tkelc_buttei to New , Yorkswhera ors W's* made arraugementa with one of the largest and best Commision Bousea.thereand,weare sure we can get as good if not better vriee. i., s than can-be obtained by any other merchant in thleCounty. NVe will carry the Butter by the Railroad and return the empty Pails from New York. free of charge. We do not ask apy ono to believe any .pf the above, but come and feeler yobreelies. • " ' - GUILE cE EATON. llarford, Pa., Idny 1, 1867.—Gin SHERIFFS SALES. VpY virtue of write issued by the Court of Common -Picaa,uf fanstithehtinna , Connty,, and to tn. directed, Vlll expose to sale - by public vendire - at - the - Court House, in - Montrose. on Saturday. May 18, 1817, all p. tn. the following described pieces or parcels of land, to , :sit : All the interest of Wm. Hartley in all that piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lenox, coun- Ay of Susquetranna,and state of Pennsylvania. bo unded and described as follows : 'North by sands 0'0043611ns Manning, east Sy lands late the estate of Calvin Bell, deceased, and the turnpike road, south by lands lately owned by Joseph Bennett, and, west by lands of 0. S. Titus and John Sullivan, containing 55 acres of land, be the same more or lens, with the appurtenances, one barn. one framed benne, and nbont i 5 arres improved. Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate as aforesaid bounded north by lands of Jonathan Hartley and - Davidson, east by lands late of G. A. Grow, south by east branch of Tunkhannock creek, west by lands of David Kentner, Francis Sheridan and John Buck. con taining 124 acres, more or less,with the appurtenances, one framed house, one shittrle mill.nne barn and about GO acres improved. Allot-aDthat,plece or parcel Orland situate tur'aluicsald, and banded , north by lands of Gleason/I Snveranr.e, east by east branch of Tunhhan mock creek add by lands of Severance, south by said creek, and west by lands of G. A. Grow, containing 40 acres, wore 05, 1 ...R. , N5ith-thoappurtenarices;onefiskoted Loose, nnft about . 5) heres intproeed'. ' Also, all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situate as aforesaid, and bounded north by - landsof A. D. Sisson andilartley, east by lands of John Sheridan and Daniel Kentner, south by land, of Marvin Barber. west by lands of said Sisson and Hartley. containing '7O acres, more or less, and all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Walter G. SterAng vs. Win. Hartley, ' • • -ALSO— • All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Springvilletownrablp, :conaty - orBasquehanna. bound ed on the north by lands of John S. Williams. east by lands of R. Kerr, south by lands of 11 . Ball and John S. Williams, and west by lands of John S. Williams, con training about 80 acres, about one half improved, with one dwelling house, one barn, and young orchard there- on. [Taken in executioc at the,suit of Albert Beards ley vs. A. A. Lord and Z. Mackey. S. F. LANE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, April 80, 1867. ESTATE OF . . RD GERRIT SON,demsed, late of Dlmoek township, Basque. hanna county, Pa. Lettersof administration upon the estate of the above named decedent having• been granted to the undersign ed, all persona indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly autheot - rated for settlement. Dlmock, April 30, 186 . i • , Dissoluti o n., . T iu llrmlof*ebit,Lit Butterfield DI this day dissolved, by maim!' consent. All those indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate payment. IL J. WEBB, A. D. BUTTERFIELD. Montrose, April 1, 1867-2319 Notice. TIM undersigned havin.,, ,, purchased the stock owned by Webb & Butterfield. and rented the Store for. merly occupied by them, will continue in the mercan tile business, and is ready with renewed zeal and ef fort to attend to the wants of all the customers of the old firm, and will try to merit tap continued patronage of all new ones who may think it for their Interest to. purchase of me. Montrose Ap. 23-3 w A. D. BUTTERFIELD. rreal3E..4e IVotlete. riinE, Notes rind „Accoputs of _Wilson. Griffis & War ner for the present are in the hands of M. S. Wil son for settlemtntvall hiving unsettled accounts wil please call and adjust them without delay. WILSON, GRIFFIS & WARNER. Montrose, Aptil 23, 186'l. 3w • ' •—z Strayed, Dead or Stolen, rierretiolraor therhucti . ,6ei foreno,„ ) eirCotswole riittrei s tenik years old, Boole red paint on back. re. port his whereabouts to me, dead or alive skaltbeitilte, ably rewarded...... ituRACE sllWarat:•. Bridgcsvider, Apr'! 74. 1887-1* • Three .Cheers for Gen.-. Grant. - HIP , RIP, RANI -I=orcor. Ciliary lees Ittacierring. "pas Hayti. Barber, has removed his shop to the nasetnent of E. L. Weeks• New Store, whore he Is prepared to give good satisfaction. When I go to ex plain this subject language falls to express. it. National Steam Navigation. Company. W 'sr LINIp. weenie tickets from LIVErRPOOL quinotrowN to New York reduced to $6, correpcj. Steerage tickets from LIVERPOOL by Thompson's " Black Star" line of Packets—s2B. DRAFTS ON IRELAND in nuns to nit. for sale Sy, WK. If. COOPER di CO. • Montrose, April 15. 11367,-.llla. • I SPan10 11 : Jack. . Itatsudenilitut.ttatbasedlbe eel abratal t3pan. kat Jack, impottott pl.. H. lingboo. at Mew l latch took the 'Stu OW= at' tke New' York Asa Poonsylvaits flgt_to /W. Ks will bekapt atm Woo P: T °lll , P * l7°lrm*l "..___ 7 11.1"11. 41)Z11 MOM ~.rapistalii4- 4 01214111:suirupow.: m1.,:.r.t, , :ty..-- i • MI itt t t - n , rr. t.. , •. v , ":*:'t - -• .• NER - sz. Co s, . --- Birds Street, 5 doors below Boyd's Corner, liontrolie. FLOOR, =GROBES, ND Wirth, f ernnitirntly reeeivfnifsid now have on hand, a fresh stockolGtxeds lunar lino. which wo will sell eizAr! CHEAP 00,0 D , , TEAS, • C OFFE E; SUGAR; • - MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER di. Taro - my SEED S , &C loom .. SS " We Use refitted and nude additions to our Stock of Palls, and are now ready to torwardthittor to the belt comsulsattln houses in Now York, free of charge; and make liberaladvancentents on c ons4gnments. Call and examine our-Stock befern purchasing else where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY ft CHEAP PRICES C. 0. MINER, Montrose, April 16, 1867. G ARDEN SEEDS.. : % • A large aesertment. Lao pap*, and moan. Also BLOWIER SEEDS , for sato by Montrose, Aprll 18,1851, • ABEL TURRIELL A. TURRELL'S STORE, 1w usual, is full of desirable Goods. Call and no Dissolution 'of Co-Partnership. TAE eoloartnerahip heretofore ,:exlating ender the firm name of R. L. Sutphin & co., is this day dis aolve by mutual consent. g. P. Stelth retiring. The notes'and aeconnts of the latellieb 'will be found at the old stand of R. L. Sutphin for liettlement. - All persons indebted to the late firm art regueated to make settle- went without delay. R. L. SUTPHEN, E. P. SMITH. • • Sammersville, April 1, 2867. The undersigned will continue -the mercantile busi ness at the old stand in dummermille, where he will keep a fall assortment of all kinds of Merchandise.— Thankfully appreciating the liberal,. patronage of a gen erous public for Many Years, be Mill hopeslo retain their confidence, and merit a shard of their patronage, by.a system of prompt and honorable dealing. IL L. BUTPIIIII. Sununereville, Aprit ,1867--4 , 60) • • .441-1.331:5r. CoZlEL•oolts TALIC.3I3 1\1"93`1C)361 B Y a recent decision of the Con et of Claims. all oM. cers holding commutations between dates of March let, 1864, and May 8d,1865, are entitled to vs per month for each servant showed by rank. For further information, "only to 114g0."P. Licensed Government Agent. Montrose, March 28, 1867. t.g C. C. MILLS, Aidm'r HUNT BROTHERS , SESCW/LAIL.WirCIoZT, IPea., Wholesale & Retail Dealers in ItiililDWArtia, i pit.,p, rt•' . STEEL, NAILS, r . SPIIIMS, 81E0 lAtet . t . BUILDER'S. HARD ARE• NINE HAIL, COUNTERSUNKA .RAIL SPIKES RAILROAD ,f MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE ' • IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, • • . FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS, de. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS And DIM BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES,' FILE:3;4c &a; CIRCULAR AND MILLSAWS; BOLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS; PLASTER PARIS • CEMENT. RAIRA 011INDSTONE9. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. mem= & FINDINGS PAIRDANK'S SCALES. • - . Scranton, March 24, 1863. ' ly . • . ~, 170C134331M713 ! • ELECTRIC SOAP Saves Time, Saves Money, Saves Labor, , Save/ Clothes, Salts Women, And fat Orocers sell it.' It is used by cutting into small shavings and dissolv ing in hot water, then soak the clothed five to ten min utes, and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean, as hours of machine rubbing would do, with ordinary snap, and themost delicate atbrieveceive no injury.— We can refer to thonaands of families who are using it, end who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS , ELECTRIC SOAP. glirilold by all leading Groton throughout the State Manufactured only by " 330.1;17/3=43:. MiC 0 7173 1 % . WHOLESALE 107 Sonthrifth Stteei,: Philad'a. • liter..lo, 186 . 8:-Iyesite ' • PROVISIONS, , for cash, or'excilange for produce of oar Goods Weevy & ;McCain. ' = ..reernim Flour, Feed t , Salt, P. Butter; Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Oak Candles, Tea l ,Coffee, Spites, Seed 'Wheal, Clover ik Timothy Seed, Fl need, Prowls, A!ke. Thankful fai piattitronsee. we shalt he happy twee and watt npou *two dand newcullnlunh• aillkods &wirier:l' =muted. J. a. BALDWIN; .W. L..41=1. - a.n. mecums. moat:rose. nob. 6,4861. , * , mover* Vunottry Bee 4 - . + * _141,. ; ?Fogortiforfro..ft.FeTp.7,. • ItRE .LJAJ • 'l*ems y receiving • NRWT . V F - 101fOng l i And keeps coustanilfolliind Y iQli and desiyabli; at aommieat~pf genuine - - Dings. 31.62fientesi - Chfimitals Liquors, Plants; wfbi• DYO-stufEs, Yew Spicei dud. i other Grocerlea,t3tOtteerare, aadWindOsi per, Glasswa:. - Lamps, Kerosene, -Bensole, Tanner's 011 Lnbricathig OilMentstoot 011, Refiner - halo :14_ tr,'-varnbar_ondorT. Guns, Pistols, CartriageN• Powder tilhot,Veld, Gun , Caps, -Musical • Instrionents, Toilet Soaps,. • . _ • Ri‘trolls,..Brushei, •Pocket Rnives,Bpectictes,i Plated Spoons, yorks, and Ivory Uandied MMus, • Demtist's Articles, ft geocreasaortment of Fancir Goodt; 'Jewelry; Perftuitory, •• .2rAN • - TEM • - Pa gt 1 1 1 e . aid e • ,advertised in Mon t r o se, d neariv every GOOD 'IN ANY al ame aT. • In short, nearly overythi% , to-adore-the Fick. to please the tastikto delight the eye - to gratify ibe fancy, and' slate conduce t? thereat and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is linpracticable, as it would dii a newspaper. Va il atthe Drug and'YeletyStore of . ABEL TIMRELL, Afoltfyse; Pd. ntiiiiy*. iSzai;7 L e 24C021..eV.• Naito al PROMOS wiU call at the Store ot•taesuueertber, Inlets Uov titit flatl . a , Clood Stock of Choice Flour; Fish, Hams tstigat cured), Coffee and l'ea,lugars,STrppa,piefl • Molasses, Tobacco 4 8na,f . • " • Cigars, eta. Also—A good Stock of ALIVICSLIEI W. R. COATS , School and4tiank Books, and tfey) min cellaneons Books, Writing .Mpers' and Envelopes,, of superior‘qtia itiea and perfumed, . Gents' and Ladies' Paper .collars',: canned - and Dried t Fruits, Oranges ct Lemons, CondenseT,lfilk, fii :choice article, . , audio fact almest...oyerinthLog seededby all the good people of duaqutheniot COnnty who get hung otol dry, addloy parelmeltig them Of • • • • • - . • • . - .4. 11. Ft, -111714GAZUV .• • • • - first Store eon of the Court Souse and -gest side o the Public Avenue, yon' an &sworn= lOto 2Oper cent Montrose, Mirth lithi 1867. - • THIOWE'MICHIEtr:S: SEWING XACIIINES,, FOR FAMILIES &I MANIIPACTUBERS, • THESE - WORLD RENOVISTEII SEWING MACHINES - ' , . . Were awarded the highest Premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New Yorkl,Siate . Fair of 1866, and are Celebrated tor doing the best work. using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other ma elites, and by the Introduction of the moat approved machinery. we are now able to supply tIM very best ma chines in the ,world. • These- machines are, made at our new and _spacious tFortory at Pridgeport„conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Cornpan* , !Elias OIIIGINAL X.ViirtiTol; 'Oll THE 811 1 A113(3 , CHII7E.' , • - ; . . They are adapted to all Orli/40r SeWliV, and to - the nao of Seamstresses, dress makers, tailors, man • nfacturers of parte, collars, skirts, cleats, mantillas, clothing, bat% caps, corsets', boots, sides, harness,Sad ales, linen sonde, umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, sell, cord, biaid,bind, and perform everj 'meetse ofrsewingonaking a :beautiful and mpg, stitzb, altke both sides of-theartlelen sawed.. The Stitch invented by .Afr. Howe,and made , on ..(his Ofachint, ost:,populqr and - durable, -and- all Sefoiny: - Na . - chines are.szede;t to the prin ciple invented by , Mm: . SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. The Hcwe Machine Company, G 99 BROADWAY. Cor. Fond Si.. rob. 26, 18'07.- • BLACKSMITHING.'" . rtiu M t undersigned have this day felt:resin cO•partrier • P. Under the firm name or Stamp & Moran. for the purpose tif carrylog on Blacker:tithing ip all its branches. , • arStrietiateritlon Will be 'given to ilorse.shbeing. AU work will hodone neatly andpromptly. The pub lic are invited to call. _• • ' P.'IPPANP.' Montrose. March 4t1re1807.... tf P. T. MORAN. • VISTATF , OF JOHN FAiSEY; `late 1:4•of Apolacon•township,.Strufa cc, deceased:. Letters, testamentary' upon the estate or - the above tanned decedent having been granted to the Undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby:nett ed to matte immediate payment,' and those baring chains against the same to present them dolt' authenti cated for settlement. somi THOS.,PUROBI4.. Apolition, , March 12,1667;* - " ' 4$ 1.45 . 00 . vin:M% - dlFllivrrtaNiirSeesTlT ; = ing blaelitnea. Three , new , tradf4-,andrippen feed. Sent on Mal. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or largoOditmlisione PK. Tile, y marline' sold" to the United States for leas than Lwideb ore Mir licensed by fowe:Wbooldr..fir. ;Ginnie :1a Bs Singer & cm, and Barbelder- Alipther cheap lziartiPel arc farrint9 tionsl. SaidAnolgievor.fiser: era ifilble'to. arrest, fine and imprisontnent. Illastiatedeiretdars sent' free. Addrees, eaIiVponEILIAW4 CLARK; at Bldde• ford, Maine, or Chicago, M. (ta5729117! SOLPI ERS,BOVNTY I•, r . ` sl IS,r'f '., ~ ; - iv ~,- ~...„; 451.313411: 13 atie1 rhi. ' 1=1461;37! _ _ MIN no AGOlia the Gov. ; IL BRMARM:haviza t i m aitgauedStkto seceOul forms. , asawillskrtmerA tton .tp all 4 ,1 0 4 130 ,thvw0w. ins csitif, .IP 0 01.1PIPI . . alit'4•E? ' litiiii . ,iiiii44 i*iiitiritest' --, .-- -' a..,.w.. ..'- , All persons who ;to.isli'to' 12 4 1 , TEO Pi:MORASS. OP swaiTreszvo, 699 BRODWAY, NEW • YORK.. ;-.--latisayissid - cram- - W. Bitii/Llaril Oalattitalistelit ( i DOUX"I'MALIPTIO. ! , :-.-,..;.-,..11)RiD047131445 SPRING) : '‘"I SKIRT • I The wonderful tissibility and great corafbef, iiit leiessur• anilady,levering gie tron/el'Xiliptie tittiti will be esperienuedPertieularly le all crowded-Anew_ rbliee 'l l F i ree, ,, carriegeir. rallropd ;Om Clitirehl pees; ant , for prornensdeandzonsedress.las theatre can be olded when in deg. to &dips a Mall pines* easily orvonvenientlytm *silk as mhalin dtess, valnablo 4 1 1 /44t7 , 1 1 / Grincliner U 9 Kr°s ll4 111 , 814 1 1/4 0 2 .64 1 1.• \ r 4.ladyirevlng enilyedtirepieasnre„coniftelendgfess convenience orwcaring air/Duplex kniPite nice l l. l l/ 1 3 Skirt for a stogie day will never Afterwards , trims dispense with their use. For childthtnisires. young ladies they are setterior to allo eci \ They hill not bend or break liker.the sin le Wr ieprrags but will preserve their perfect mid erlres three &ibex ordinary skirts irtrulal l aVl been *Mr* away as useless. The hoops are covered With' doable and twisted, thread, and the bottom rods ars Motsrelf double springs. butte - ice ( or double ) covered. pretest. lug them (rein wireringeln when thinggiregdown SIOOIJI &c, -1110 Deplei'Elllptic le $ great fatoriits with aliladtllll andin univensally recommended by tbe Fashion . sine! to the stand s& skirt of the WhiOuabloSVM 71 , CtenjOy the folMwing 'lnestimable advantage; 111 crinoline, via superior quality., perteret taanallsetare. styllstrshape and finish, Axibility, dumbilimcomtoril and economy, inquire tot Stadler,. Thpies. or Double String likirtquid be' attre rod get the genuine , article. , • • ,IPARTION..-, To guard'againakingtosit las to notice that starts offered as • DupleA p ---ve mer red ink= entrap, " g, w„,,B r idier s Springs" upon the waistband—none ;ahem are gene lue. Also notice thritaverir loop will +dun II 'pm Se• lug passed through the centre. One revealing toe two (or double) springs braided together therein. which is the secret' ortneir-desibuity and strength. end* cots binauon neap be tetrad la any other skirt. For sale in all stores where first class Skirts are SON throughout the United States and elsewhere. kimartsctured by the sole owners of the Patent. • r WeSid s Bradley .Cittnly or`anemeb azia iv ac eF flea& ate.; New Zest.- . Feb. 1,-1807- - • - • Fire, We and Aeoidentig GENERAL INSURAUCE AGENCY' , Miticastrotrics, 11P00,:: Bogle insurance C0.h1,11. Y:, Capital and • , Surplur, • 11 3 4 00 ,10, Insurance • Co: of Notth Altierlca,• Phil's.' • • •• • • Capital/ad Surplus , - • , , , 1,100.00 , International Fire'llitithiriceto: offt. Y... • Capital and E 171114.; - ' • • • 140,00 t hymning County' %nal insgrance•Co.Of ,Idney, Penn' „Capital and Surplus, , 1,400,E Farmer's hintu • , htitance Co. York, Pa.,• Capital an ex ; ij, , • ;M , OW Etiterpftte ti Corniam . , pars, • Capita , .ins : • .000 -Insurance Iletutsylvakia,- t. Capita es, • , 1 ; Anum Connectica a Inpurtneo Co of • • :r? Hartford, •••• ,%,„ ying 6$ per tent: , , - dividend, MS tbessittUtd: abe antes • - given fpr bait the premium is nerver to be paid under any eitenmptantes.`: ha ' • *lmo, be paid•in fall, and , • the notes,given up. Capital, - }o.ollo,o oo hmericha. :Vil<ufurinee :Co., Ildlideh.' -' •- • phis, Capital, - ,1.0 . 90.09 1 Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn., • • . inanringegallist all kinds-otaceldents - ' ' • Capital, 1 100 * 000 Hartford Fire .Insurance Company. Us* • fool:Conn., Capital and Surplus, $ Putnam Piga Inagrance Co., Hartford, Vt., • • • Capital. 8 5 0 0 Hartford Live Stock Maumee; Vompani. %,.•• - .08 ,Insurance on all Mud, of Live Stock,„ igaidet . that And death him any . _ cause. Capital, . ' • „p; :wow liar All business entrusted to; our cove will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all lossespromptly adjusted: STROUD BROWN, Agents. - • . r oflica' dist door north•of itontrcpw Hatal,7 weal al of Public Avenue: • • • N. O. Strrron, Buzau SysoviN.. Prialual la Slow* L. Idaritrosa, Jan. Ist; 1897. 'ly Manhood: Hoir• Lost, Howe - • stored. . • Jll6TVuli'ishel, $ itew edition of Culver. svelPa Celebrated gaily on the radical; curs (without medicine) of SPZEIZATOBILUOZA. or SerninaP Weakness, Involuntary f3eminal Losses Impotency, Mental and Physical incapacity , I mpedi menta to liar flags, etc. ;:also, Consumption, Bpjlep.Y..and Pits, in duced by seltindulgence or sexual extravagance. - ilke, in a sealed entelope, only 6 cents, The celebrated anther in Chia admirable assay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use Of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode acute at once simple, certain and effectual, by means°, which every sufferer, no matter what hhteon dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately as/ radically. • W"This Lecture should be in the Lanai of -ry .youth and every .manln.the „ 'Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope; to ilyiddreis, postpaid: on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers.. CHAS. d. C.' KLINE A. CO., ' ' ' .‘127 Bowery, New York , Post Office tax 406. March-19, 1867-11vmp. MkbIDIESIIALL'iIIISTROVICD SELF-ACT/NO . 3E3Caa2zati.wraCiicalxi... • Ira these days of StrovirAind high priced• riedla, iss cry family iu,tho country should have one. HALF TES COST of clothing a family tan ,be saved by its use. It Is sim ple and durable, easily understood, and easy to operate. Tio skW is required to weave with itheyond the siva. -turning of an easy crank. • , - 539'From 15 to ISS yards can be vroTert en 11411.0 day. • FA.P.MIIIII3I : . • - delft sell Ytinr wool and builluontr,,wlion enebf theie Loots, in your Notate the Gals can make rill tk~ clothing for the family. am/ much better qualll7.alkaLf priCe. • For circulars. prise list; and samples of cloth WWI on the Loom, address with stamp.- . A. B. GATES Oa.C9, '321 Chestnut street. Phlladisphia. Alas, deniers in Cotton Warp, Wool Ind Plat Inlllag Yarns. ' eeds. Harness and Loom findings gell!nall7; • March. Birr. Ow,* , 1867 SPRING. 1867. ;YEE - Fourth Arch. Stree - ts delphfa, Pa ., , • ' Are tlinitis for•S S p r ing of Throncidesseled shadin of -Fashionable plaid Biantareki the new color Silk. Best black Silks in town. P. aid India Silks—perfect, New Spring Gres* Goods. NevS style spring Ohmtzes. Organdies °four. ere Stifles: Bteel-colored Poplin, for snits; S: Merchants in search of scarce sad dastrihie Goods will Indit to thelrinterest to call and swan" our stock. • " [touch 25-4 w. Lackawanna da Bloomsburg IL R. QO and sites lirnTembeT in• 1865truisengM:tiatna willrnbanfollowal 801711:1WARD. ' • -‘ • A. rt. . A. teiim :Eferantort. ' 450 • 1010 '" 4:50 " Kingston, • 6:55 , s 11:15 6:20 IJ. = Ruyan. i . • 0:15 " i &BS Danville, - 0:50 - - . • t5O Arrive al-Northiiniberlana,; 10:110; • % -- • mig " ' .; • -.. playe Noittivinber4:no,. ! 400 • 405 ',Das:milli, • 'RAO •I- '• tiO " P•Pert., :9115 fat •' • , . .1 t. 350 ' Mai Arrive as lictantoni, i . 1; •Allly ; • tlO 1, 111 0 °MST a AfilleiStigkilit ' ter *MOO at 614 a. vi:via riofthatalidp,o4,seiickliarrisb_hig at ltllo_p. Sap Baltimoredeltp. ~• Wall4oooll /tWlihr,P4,-I.m o Slanert felted Philadelphia at Dag p. • - Mtigattin;Kne.:oot —. •-s..a.rolat4Olnotc ISCId.i3DXMOE I LISP" - -BACK PAY. ~: 4: H a rammokincericanoy: Ts"..=" MU/ 1111 OMR Ilk= `o4oll4sl l Mit. • altrOg r i r e s ifir 1 1 46 1 “ lt:14.1181, -I , . 7 4 . .1 tl •J MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers