• -4buntrwt," r-,y_elftß np, - • .when itesiw" dent litireeitutttin'ptesent Senator Olark • stoodataltn,heid of.thetthlsborough bar,. in Nelv rlampshite, there was a upon' the daaiet.4lcelebrattid suiecalled the 'Morse caseP' This' action' was brought by Saiith and liines, liVery stable.keepers, against one NThite,ttorecover the: value ora pair of hdrites:, alleged.to liaie been killed' by tl4e' defendatit while . conveying an insane inan'Ao: 'the a.sylutn •at Concord. There WAR plenty of Vreof that- the.borses died, inon after their arrival. there; but the de fendant took:the].ground- that .-they died of disease and not from being overheated, and that a .sufficient time had been allow= ell:them to travel that distance with ease. Then it tiecaine fienefiissary to. show the jury' thetime of 'starting and the time of arrival. Many citizens were brought for ward, antong,them, a tall, bony, slab-sid cd.,l4al4 albeit looking fellow, who offi ciated na hostler at the hotel. _ I give-you ,the substance o'f the concluding portion of the .examination : ] "What time, eiridid I understand you to• say it was when the horses were driv en up to the stable?" , " Just as I was, goin' to dinner." " What time-was-it when you went to dinnthe day before.—by- the clock ?" "' .1 - twelve." - to minute, air?" . tw at. ... - "Ws ir." --• ,"Whit , time was it when you went to, dinner th'at day—by the ektelc ?" I' Just' twelve." • • To 'a minute ?" • , 1 ?,-Yes, sir." - " What time did you go tei dinner the day befor that—by the clock ?" • "At t elve." "To a inute, sir?" ".lees sir." • "An 3 'what time did you go to dinner a week'previous—by the clock?" , • I "At twelve." .. 1." To a minute, sir ?" 1 " Yes, sir." " Now; sir, will you be good 'enough to tell the jury what time you went to dinner three months before the last date —by ' the, clock ?" - . "At twelve." "To a minute, sir?" " Yes, sir." ' "That is all, sir," replied the counsel, with a gleam of satisfaction on his face ihtla gland° at the jury; as much as to say, "That man has settled his testimo ny, gentlemen." And so we all thought, till Just , as he was leaving the land, he turned to his questioner with ircurious, comical expression on his face, and drawl- ed out— " That ere clock was out of kilter, and has stood still at 12 o'clock, for the last six months," There was a general roar in the gallery wbere I sat. Mr. Clark sat doWn, and I noticedthat the judge. had_., to use his handkerchief just then. Radical Love . for Soldiers. The New York Citizen, the organ of the soldiers, and defender of their claims for C.4'3ideration at thehands of the Radi cal part, l a plain, powerful style, the oasted regard of - that faction' n .l for the veterans of 7 tha late war and their families. In a recent article that paper points out the manner in which the late attacks upon executive patronage are made to operate to the evide reptdice. of soldiers. The Citizen ays : " Be ingit-p unaile to remove the resent incum tentP though they have fattened in office for the past siz years, the President is Of course. powerless to reward those who ha,ve bldd and suffered for the country in the...field. :- . • A Cumons Calm—The Chicago has band.Who went away on business Chicago_ 3i an f) cantebome February 16, to find thathis wife had got a divorce from him meantime, and married another Man, was only saMplei ease. The only witness against tithe charge being cruelty, ,was the:new husband. As some- atonement, titbits the third case _ noticed witbina week where courts have set aside their deiree of divorce after one of the parties had married again. ` l There is a fourth case which egt_taily illustrates the looseness of our ntarnage laws, where a man, as a mare practical joke, Obtained , the, legal separation of a newly married couple, by acting al attorney for the gentleman, whom he made the'plaintiff in his absence on the wedding tour. On his return he fauns' the decree on his office table, and learned that for the latter days honey moon be had been illegally . cohabiting wish his former wife, and was obliged to take out a new license and get married again.. Lard Brougham once said in Par liament, not half the people knew whether or not .fhey= werelegally married. NEW WEBB & 'BOTTASFIELD . Ares now recelvtng their - M:lg, Stock at. in — cr co co- 3:o iss •• • which Will be sold . CIZICIEI496M" IPClwl=l. CLAJP2Mta Summer Dress Gonds, , Silkio, Greniaines, Chullies,Printed Cambrics, Lawns, - Iduslins, Prints, Delaines, Poplins, gate L- Caps, Groceries, •Pie:ekery, Earl ware. do. it:e. s wim a DIITTEUrDzia. Mottos. Aiire• 1861^ , ._ Il VIVALRO Allsoctati9iliPhltddPbta,Pa gp woes of ;he Xenon', Semlual,llFlnsgaudiex. ne f ' new and reliable trutmeo-40 ilePortoci fa t . irARD'At3BOOI4IIO2S: - . Bentbfulairget Otte etcharge. Addressikr.A. ap34131t At e 4 aware Zsgicilauclx•No p 604 4 10 ,04 .4 1; Ptiladilp/dS,PIi• ' ' ' ' 1 1 4.M'M'.NMMI‘zII Is rtaigifiiito !Misr Tumour Nissuttso,:iirrearAtis , BveQz2niirxA Cos #ALs'ilri • or =remit.= er -` ar tip= vonmui AwrAricz—osi OM AT 01P TtAn. . Basidessidvertisements Wrierledut Si. per „Square cif to lines, tlirce times, and.2scts for eactiaaWana week. Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, charged 'sl o 'for four squares, qaarter column $l5, half column $3O, onet olumn $6O; and olker amounts inexact proper' on. filminess cards of tutee kneel $3; or medullar aline. EV — Legal notices at the customary !Mete-about 60 per cent. in addition to brusittess rates. Job Printing treaded neatly and prompt)/ at fair pekes. • Deeds, Moitgaies, Notes, itatteett'i , Constables`, 8 and other nlankefor sale. 3llearZOl a covirxa., BUSINESS CARDS. E. L. WEEKS &. •C 4. lICCESBORS of N. HINE & Dealers to 0 Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies and ilisseafinefilmes. Also, agents for the great American Tea and Coffee Co [April, 1,1867. E. Company. [April, - - • - C. C. FAIMOT.. • M. C.. SUTTON, Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent ap7_64tf x _ • ~ JAMES E.:CARMALT, , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office next to Franklin Hotel. Montrose, Deo-. 18,1868. tf . , WM D. LII4K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - Montrose, Pa. Office opposite the Franklin Hotel, near the Court Honae. nor/7 '6O DR. E. L. GARDNER, • PHYSICIAH and SURGEON. Montrose, Pa. Gives especial attention to - ffiseasea Of the Heart and Lungs and all Surgical diseases. Office over the Post Office. Boards atllearlea Hotel. (Snit. 4 . 1866* • , BALDWIN; ALLEN, •t• MITCHELL, ra BALERS In Flour. Salt, Pork. Fisk Lard, Grain, .I.Joreed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Tea , Groceries, stick as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, and Coffee. *bet Of Pnbllc Menne. - Montrose, April" 17,1868. BURNS, it' NICHOLS, DBALERS in.. Dru, Medicines, Cheibicale, nis stairs, Paints. O ils, Varnish, Livers, Spices. Fan cy articles. Patent Medicines, Perfamery and Toilet Ar ticles. per-Prescriptltms carefully compounded. Public Avenue, above Searle's Rotel, Montrose, Pa. A. B. alma, AXos Biennia. Sept. 11, 1868. D. W. SEARLE, AL TTORNEY AT LAW, °Zee over the Store of Z LI. Cobb, opposite Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa. *ay 1, 1866.: _ Dn. E. P. HINES, 101.pernmnently located - at Priendsvirle for thepta , pose oT_practicing medicine and surgery in all Its branches. He may be found at the Jackson Some. Office hours from 8 a. m., to 9p.m. jaunt!' Friendsvilic, Pa., San.lsth, 1666. ROGERS i 66 ELY , .ICalcionsaimnta. ALlnatle,itiAnem - is, mylo* - Brooklyn, Pa. . PETER HAY, Xalciexisseocl. .41.1scrticoxsoners, feln Bid Auburn 4 Corners, Pa.. C. S. GILBERT, ictermuse•4l ..EL•ax.aticozse•ea• ser 64tf Great. Bend, Pa. STROUD it BROWN, FIRE AND LIPS INSURANCE AG E NTS. All business attended topromptly, on fair terms. Of fice first door north of " Montroso Hotel," west side o Public Avenue, Montrose, Ps. (Jan. 1,1866. 13noznias Emma:tn. - - autumn 4.,llzecran. L O. ItRDELAM,, to 00T SHOEDealer and Manufactorer. Montrose, .1.10 Pa. Shop on Main street, one door below the Post °Mee. All kinds of work .oade to order, and repairing done neatly'. = janl G 5 Dn. E. L. BLAKESLEE, rims'Cl4 RGBON, has located at Broomlyn, .14 fill I. Susq`a conh.ra.. Will attendpromptly to all Calls with which ho may, be favored. °Mee at L. M. Bald win's. Only 11—ly JOHN SAUTTEH. RESPECTFULLY announces that he is now pie pared to cat all kinds of Garments in the most Fashionable Style, and warranted to St with elegance and ease. Shop over I. X i Bullard's Store, Montrose. - DOCT. E. L. HANDRICK, . toptIYSICIAN & SIIRDEON, respectfully Fri en ds professional services .to the citizen of vile and vicinity. Office kothe °Motor Dr. Leet. Boards at d. Dasfoors. cart -.... .: ABEL TURAELL, DHALER In Drugs, kediclues,Dliamicals, Dye Stnfre, Glass Ware, Paints, OilsiVarnisla, Win lowGiass, Groceries, Fancy Goods,'Jeweiry Perth tierydrc—Agent for all the most popalu.PATZ/a 4EDlCDlES,—lfontrose,• Pa. • DR. WM. SMITH , Q17120E011 DIEVITIST,--Idoutrose, Pa. in Lathrop? new buthUng, over the Bank. All Dental operatlonawM be t *86 411•A performed In good style and warranted. JOHN 'GROVES, VASMIOMABLE TAILOR, Montrose, Pa. Shop 11: one deor west of Starless Motel. IW - Allorders filled promptly, lo fret-rata style. Catting done on short notice, and warranted to St • • WALL W. :!' riABINET AND CHAIRMANUIPACTUREFA-1'' 0 0 of Main street, Montrose, Pd . P.,,-LINE —S, lALITUDNAIILETAILOIL—NOntrose, Pa. Shop I.' WI - Phenix Block, overskire of - Read; Natrona .Poster. All work warranted at; to tit and Antall. I i/ • Cuttings dons on short notice, in beststyle. jan'6o ' '" H. BURRITT, • DBALEB. in Staple *tad Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, . hardware, Iron,Stoves, Drum 011 e, andPalnte. Booearld Shoes, Hata and Cape. Parc Buffalo Robes. Groceries, Provider's, cZe., Nvar Milford, Pa. wm.A. COOPER co. ; BANNERS. Montrose, Pa. SdceessorstoPost,Cooper LP & Co. Office, Lathrop's new bniffihg,%; Turnpike-et. ncurrylos coos= . nsonrsis.. A. O. WARREN; •- A TTOILNEY.AT.I.KW,Itounty, Pack Pay, Pension, AIL and Paentption Claims"atten ded ed to. febl Or Mice prat dobrbelowßoyd's Storelifontroke,Pa UgroN , HOTEL,' NEW•MILFORD, Pa. lately kept by B. 0.. V s% . . • JOHN FACIBOT, Proprietot. Meals stood lanai. Time to eat. wawa bete' harried, for persons arrlvlngon the stage, -wishing to take theears. jegetf, S OLD I BOUNTY i PENSIONS I . e' " "'. , lIIVIIALArterjat eIt;LICENEMPAGIRITOtAREP" . ifinrcularcr, Wang- obtatne4thA mecessaaxonak, Mc.. wgl giro 3ideDae ittentlol2 tO 014 1 1 1 intrutte9 to Mi O ir gr rill i Pi j moms% 'Juni -re e*Mttt&i(ititk: va . zzoir,i;A*lto:-, Imo 4,rasinno stot • -PREMIUMS - /at the state Met New Arork, ( 1111inols, VirOnia, New Jerson , N. Carolinti, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, lowa, Alabama, Ohio, ...Kentucky, Oregotri‘i , hikiana, Missouri, California. At -the Taira - of the - 7 ' • .- - - American Institute, Fianklln - Institute, If ariland lA atitute, Massachusetts lifeebanfts' Association, Penn. Mechanics' Institute, fit. Leonia Agricultural and IdeCtiades? • Association. And at nnmerono Institute and County Including all the Faits at othieli-they were exhibited-thy pad three yard: thFe etprtscos haona ve also beta awarded thaaa mains* at ra xhil)l4 of London Parib, Dublin, Lit; ten Bayonne, St. Dizier, Chalons, d they bye been Ins t rr by special sonu.n.r4 Empress of France, Empress' of Austria, Empress of Russia, • Empre r ssof • - Queen of Spain, and . _Queen of Bavaria The Grover. 4 Bskar Mastic! Stitch Sewing Machines are superior to all others for the following reasons : I. They sow direct from the spools, and require no re• winding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and need, and lees liable to derangement than any Other maebinel. 8. They are capable of executing perfectly, without change of adJuatment,k much greater variety of work than other machites. 4. The stitch made by these machines to much more Ann, elastic and durable. especially upon articl wide' require to be washed - and ironed, than any Othe r stitch. 6. This stitch, owing to the puma er in whith the an der threadis inwrought, is untetithe mostpinmp and beautiful in use, and retains thus plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and Ironed until they are worn out. 8. The structpre of_ the seam is stint that, though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few, stitches, it will neitberopen, rein,' or ravel, tint remahfil firm and durable. Unlike other machines, these fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. S. With these machines, while silk is need upon, the right or,face side of the seam. cotton may be used upon the other side without lessening the strength or dura bility of the seam. This can be done on no other ma chine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitchld or made up with silk. 9. These machines, in addition to their superior mer its as instruments for sewing, by-is change of adjust ment, easily learned and practiccd;etir' ate Ito most beautiftil and permanent eminoidery ornamental work. GBOTEB & BASER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New_ York. 50 Chestnat street, Oct. 211.-10 m DELAWARE, lACICAVirAbilrk and WESTgER R. B. WinlezArrangeurnti Dee. ild; PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTIVAND._ .., .. ,I _. _ ,-.HASTfSrARD. Mall 1 Evenln s , ; ,_.-- • , t listir: L l Evenlo train. ' titan: TATIONS. train. train. A. M. P . M . P. n. P. at. I I 11400 New Yorke— . ..... 5,20' New Hampton...... 2,30 19,18 Monwilos- Chuntr. - ... 1,35 a 1143 • Delaware. —Dine-. 1,30 t, 4,30 10,10 Scranton 0.45 to 5,36 11,43 Nicholson ~ 8,351 a 5,58 12,03 , Hopbottom 8,18 8 6,20 12,33 Montrone 7,58 F 2 6,41 1,08 New ;Milford 1.34 a 7IXI 1,35 Great Bend.- .. 1 1 7,15. a P.M. P. a 4 FPot of.Libei - ty-st. A.ll CONNECTIoNB—WESTWAB.D. The Mail train from New York concede at 11a nunka Cnunk with the train leaving Philad'a(Hensing ton depot) at 7,80 a. m.. and atereatllend with through mail train on the Brie Pathway, with alteping car at tached, stopping akall tho principal stations on that road. and arrivingatPuffaio at MS a. m. The t assenger train from Scranton connects at Get Bend with through trains-going west and east on Erie Railway, arriving at Butlato at 1,28 a. m., and at Sala manca at 12 m. CONVECTIONS-.-EASTWASD. The Mail train from Great Bend connects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Beltway from the west ; at Mannoka Chunk with a train for Philara and intermediate stations, arriving In Philadelphia at 6.30 p. In.: and at New-Hamptortwith a train for Easton Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg, arriv at Harrisburg at 8,80 p. in. At Scranton. connections are made withtrains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R. to end from Pittston Kingston, Wltkesbnrre, Berwielt;,Bloomsburg,Dativille,. Northumberland, liarrisinutandintermettlatestatinns, and with trains on thelielaware aneltuction 'Railroad, to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations. R. A. HENRY, a, BRISBIN. nov27 Generni..Ticket Agent. President. r RIB RATLW,AM—Oo and after Mon' day,Novem RAILWA Y: 8386, tritni At . leave Gra Bend at about the following hours, via.: GorMl'mor. 3.00 a. m. Night Express, Mondays excepted, tor , Ro ehester, Buffalo, Salamanca add Dunkirk making di rect connection with trains of the Atlantic and Great 'Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways. for all points Weep; also at Binghamton Air Syracuse; at Owego for it and at Elmira for Canandaigua. 3.88 a. m. Night Express, Daily, for Rochester, Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunk!! k. and the West. Stops at Great Bend on Mondays only,. 5.27 a. in. Mail Train. Sendai's' excepted, icir Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting nt Elmira for Canandaigtia. 11.31 a. m.. Emigrant Train, Daily, forthe West. 4.115 p. in. Day Express, Simdaye excepted, forito• cheater, Buftlo; Salamanca, Dunkirk, and the West. Connects at Binghamton for Syracuse: at Owego for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca witltthe Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Rail ways, for all paints West and faiuth. 7. 51p. in. Express Mail, Sundays excepted. for Ba ff i: 10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West ; also at Elmira for Canandaigua. 1.00 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. GOING EAST. _ 8.43 a. m. Night Baptise, Dall 7, connecting at Gray °fart for Warwick;'and atNew Torkerith afternoon trains sand "ateamers for 'Boston and New England cities. 1.04 a. , Cincinnati Express. Mcmdsrp, excepted, at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and *temp:out for NOW. burg and Warwick. 1.68 p. eh, Day Express, Sundays excepted.' 8.17 p. ikl. Accommodation Train Daily. 9 - 10 p. m. Now York and BaltimOreMall, Sundays' ez cepted. •-• ^ 10.20 am. WA/ Freight, Sundays ezeeptee..• • WM. R. BARR.. , H. RIDDLE. , tab S. (hug. Passings Agent. Gael Sup' ,WIINKERS, MUSTACHES , forced to grow on the emov• theet face infrom three to 6, • weeks by using Dr, HMO -251 E'S RESTAURATEUR CAKLATBA theraostwou . ' Qertnl discorety:lo nuoderti • eclende, oteßng on the &Aid 'Zl:wriallatzianalniostrolrao-t Mons manner. It has been used by the elite "endow and Perla with the rapst ;flattering Jam* e. Names of sup nobugets ate registered, andlE entire agteractioa fillyt given in eVeryin Mugu, the'lionertrill be elteer. refunded, fiti 2 rie4i himelit UAW ontk-.POWIt Deseriarirers andtestlinordelsmued - Oxen BERMS a 00.,eltraletaafo.211}tiv• is Iteset - ,; may, Ageste,Sos,ttut .llntitoe State. " " 0121,116 Pi ==e== 1-f:t •:,.13 fv; tqr I 41:IL 3 lt si. • • I , • ; "4. , t AS:fi 101:fiLiti `ol l 6oseer cat' Outtpnburg, Rosenbaum & inelit . sicattlitiegteasive saißstbisitot , ; , . NEW For Fsli= t'inter, Ropeteed ilia . week bele New Yolk. Tam - 14itaks! STOCK OF GOODS And prices satisfactory to every one. nwszaz.23M'ilirtle Ci•CocwiDiso COTTON GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS,FHICS,SKIRTS AND FANCY GOODS, tie sumerou to mention. CZ et And Gents' Furnishing Good% Qiutttnburg,lostubanm to, X. S. DESSAL t is , Managing Partner Montrose, Sept. la ,6;. le•=1 6,20 4,80 4.06 • 8,83 8,08 2.40 P 18 GREAT DEPOT 3ELa.r/703, 4::),A reft; azacoirimxivGi., FURNISHING' GOODS; ' GLOVES MITTENS, BOOTS & SHOES. toad* to order, and, Nottbonto applied WM* lowest Sew Tisk rata. • • '.' • • The public ore Invited to eallroxistloo Goo* sod des 5bn a 0C,1.. 1 04 ,1 7 40,0 • /WU ktatimjilikrimith o lfisi. WO. BAs • a I]')j;l?i{F.~ili~ 91' )‘I GOODS, L ... ." zatr ercrevlar,;', DrUBSS GOODS, Ant Quantity and Style. =MIN -Ifi!3P FURS, ALL ICDIDII-.OP rkWeit r3IM, 4. '1;... 4 .1 1 i! , ri (F-'IL , ligUrr..—linbiricah • i i ii' ', ', . . t . t , eria/aXeninild§Pkgil" .1:1 ti •'. ; , i; ~ prtieed tme.dee ... , . ... i•, :• - i?. .Re ~..'untlinttrx,lFlUSifig 01 i c1!•...-1 _.2.. ;., ~ -v t t l ityr=t a r, e i git ti5. , ,,,1:1 f,!i>t, 7 .1 WI .01010 iltrOlgiii and dab. ;; f , !II 'II born hair of ritzier mg; into, .: ..... „_; Nryntrinflate.or hearlmaraire earls: Hit beettledbf teashi4ablea of,Pixill coldiLondow witU the *at, gratifying reanlii. Doering Inba: to the hair.. primbr mail. sealed and poet Pai d . $l. , beeerintiVe eireWirir nulled pea., Addrets GER.I3/fUTTEl•it,Csi4;cheni tetAo. 485111vitattee , Troy. N. T. :; Only &gear:for the e ` United States. t P • i , ,' c., ~ ti9tl alerritg f filizcololor 1 . ,J:: ,12sccolotorli . , _ • cizic.a.liwrizir.ar.a.a.m.rei...._ -- HAIR - c'EXIITRAIDUTPII,‘,..t ...rote,Bigt997Nfi.,tmlutl?.yous nial3,., TO the Ladles erpeciall , this. invaluable depliatork recommends itself as °la an almost indispensable article to female beauty, 1 easllyapplied , gad does not t barn or injure the skin, b 1 , /tete direttir Da the Mott: It is warranted to temova inpatilnond hair bb ' fromloW foreheada 4 or from ank part of tbii bodk, nom pletelk, to tally and radically ;extirpating the same, leaying.tbe skin soft, smooth and natnral. This is the only art' chi used by the Ptench, and iii Or only real erectus{ Opp. story powder In tiliatence. Price In per paidutge, sent post paid to bay address. fonleceipt of an order; by - ' 03:011 1 MG! II, 81111111 , . 12•C4. Chethb32ll.. , • m7ll, 285 Extra; streek, 'Troy; N. T. ' , . • • .csEr."..evitinr...i...4ool. , :e i.•:. WHITE , - LIQUID- ENAMEL , •r oR TaiproVirvf and Beautifying the 'complexion. ' The most valitable and perfect preparation in use. for giving the skin a beantilol. pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes tan, 'freckled; Pimples, brotelied. metir.patch , s, sallswirness, +eruptions and all Imm:irides of the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white and elear'ad alabaster. Its use canno%te.de t tected il by n the* e logg i se l f utin l y e , audit f is init b a v og a artiel l e 3 2t a lfe a and. l u n agd by the F i reach s , e ind is cori e : sidered t,y the Parisian na indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30.000bOttles were sold daring the peat, yearot • entllcient guarantee Pf its edienty. , ,_Price only 75 cts. Diailed,post paid. on receipt of an order by BERGER-, SBUTTB & CO., Chemists,_ myt lyefspq 4 , 15 River strect;Troy,ti. - VOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE .1.." AND CATTLE POWDERS. Thla preparation, lono and favorably known, will tboron,„ohly reinvimarate b roken - down and low-spirite. horses, by strenthelaing and cleansing the stomach and intestines. _ It is a Sure.proventive of all diseases incident to this animal, eruct) as Lung Fever, Glanders. Yellow Water'. Heaves,.Cottglis„ Dkstemper, Fevers, Founder, Loss of Appetite ritalEnetty; '&4; Its use improves, the wind, increases the appetite. gives a smooth and glossy skin, and transfcirmis the miserable skeleton into a ane lookingand 'spirited horse. TO KEEPERS OF COWS, this preparation is invaluable. It Increases the quantl• ty and improves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by actual oxperitnot to increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the but+ ter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an a , pellta.:loosena their hide, and makes them thrive mach faster IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE; such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lange, Liver, &c.. this article - natant , a specific. 13y putting-fronr; one_ %ail ti; paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above ditteasee will be eradicatefittryentirely _prevented. If given , ' in time, -a certain preventive and core for the Hoz Chole ra price 25 cents per paper, ord. Fiapeps for $1: Pr& pared by • - , • • S. A. FOUT DR.Q.,. , at their wholesale Drag and Medicine depot, N 0.116 Franklin st., Baltimore, Md. For sale by Druggists and storekeeper& tlinaiighliut.tireViiiied States. larror sale in Montrose by nov2l ypqlB ABEL TURRELL. THE NONE MACHINE CO'S -SEWING 11ACIIINES, 690 BROADWAY, , NEW YORK. FOR 'FAMILIES & I MANUFACTURERS. .STIESE WORLD RENOWNED .'i SEWING ACHINES? -' • - Were awarded the highest Prempim ot t e World's Fair in toridoi and - siii first . 1 premiums` at the' Yen) Y ork Sate Fair ,of 1866, and are .. Celebrated for doing the', best work.. titling A much smaller needle for the same thread thin any other - row.' ehine, and by the Introduction of .the most , approved ma, hinery, we are now able to supply the vary brit ma chines in the , World. . I • ~ These machines- areintade at ' nnr nete . 'and l spacious .Factoryat BridgepOrt i , Cinin; ' , under the immed iate supervision of ----.-: the President Vthe Company,. Elias Halve, Jr., the, •.1 .' . ORIGINAL. INVENTOI !g' TUE SEWING AP..- . , • . CRINR, , 1 . , They areadaptOtonlllnds of rtunily.Setsinsv end totbe use of seamstresses dress makers. tailors, maul nfactuierWtif MA AS; toll ri, skirts ; creaks , 'Mantillas', cMhtua t imts, capsomrse e, opals, lhoes,,.barness,dad,; ales, linen goods, umbrellas, parasols, etc., They work equally well upon silk, linen , woolen and cotton goddi with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam. quilt:gather, tell. cord, brnid,blud,.and perform every species of waiving, maklag a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike =both alder; of thenrtieles sewed. ~_, The Stitch inTlentedpy Me , . ..id ozoi,andpiqde on this Machine,lis- the , most popular; . . i and durable, and all Sewing Afa ' 4..' ":, chines are. subject to the , prin. . . eiplc invented by . /Limn. • • SEND. FORT A CIRCULAR. Y 1 ' The *ive litehine .Company, . . 4 9 1 DRIDA/iTrAY,ICor. fourth sc., W. T, • kWh. 2 01 86. . Z,. i I !. ~- • • • •. ' - - • NEW I GOOD . mi.,,...... 44.4.. 'Pi now, GOODS. : large d H.. •-11 , 11411.1:1•11.rto" s'cill supplies •of ' • ' 7 1 11 . . i {e , , • t,.. 4 • . r , ~ i' l irl ,•• ..r.) 6 4. :.. s: :: f,' A- I ;kk;_::4 1 ,e,l NAL . 2 ,, 0 o)ps, p.,•-••.. , i• Ey . e. - e. 067., , v , „? D l'. i 1 I , Embracing etre varieties of Fashio nablesa Dreit . r oodi in plain, striped and gored Dainties, im lal Lustrcejlierinoes, Pammattas, Phil s and Prlnts, Cloths, Cassimercs. ' Flannele,l Broebe . and - Wool ''Shawls, • Balmoral and Duplex HOop Skirts, Ladles' and: Gents' Furs, Buffalo Robes, Carpel ing, Floor Oil Cloths, Wall' Papers, Window Shades lintS and (laps. Boots; Shoes, and Clocks ; including also as neual agenesal assort ment ot Other' Drypoode, Diollll tTrimmlngs; and Fan kee .Notions,_-Groceriel,_•Crockerr. Hardware, iron;. Nails, STOVES, Dra g s , O ils, Paints,. &a. dtc.', which he will sell on the prostravoratito terms for 'Caah4 Pro. duce, or approved•Crcidit.i New lillilbrff, Bosom , DM. '•• ' • " • _ . I • •ft•:1, lac:014. _ , lciarties":,,..o 3ACK Ttu'underolned;Ll O NS4l) 231ENT TBEitiCrlti. ' 7011 4 ROW, - prompt. otleotlpo,.to 111 , elobWoontrilesedtollltetell: Cbtr_ge6 low, and loktri, motion FREE. •^. ; Jo 1, 105. • --: ±,••• '4 • - ; • 010Vert8C • : 11310 ees' Alitistiaairo 4 main* Itirofi i‘t !a. WE maws ileamotitaltAti - IMPLEXAILLIPTHT ,„. 'The Wouderfal Ahd: :great federal , i l l , pleasure to any Lady wearingtheLciplex.Diliptie Skirt will be experienced partieelarly Iri all Chilfded Assets; blies, Operas, earriagesc-raltroad_ cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and housedress. aa the shirt can be folded when in use to oectlyy.4.lgekirdwygyik aptly or (conveniently as a silk ot muslin dressoswia• *arable qdalityideririolineinot fcemd'tePsny=wlngla sprirqrskirt. •,e • 4., &lady. litiingenjiiedthesliesure:cetriffirtiedgieet courentence:of trearpig theDuplet Zilitate eprius, Skirt for a eingio fiey w 11! never afterwards _,, dfipense 'With their Poechildretti toriseeb, 4 ane young laches theygre stiperierto_att °them. They will not bend or break like the single spring; but will prreerte theletieileetfeedgracefaLaipmithea three or four ordinary skirts would have been throws away as useless. The irocipwate•cmfered- with double and twisted thread. and the bottoutroyls,are linot,only• double springs, but twice (or doubleyettreite, prevent. tog them from wearing out when dra gging do" !tires stairs, ac. • •• • • r- :•f** "26 , The Duplex,Billpllels,e great favorite With all ladies and is universally mmended brthe 'Pashimi Idsgs. tines as the stapdard skirt of the fashionable world. . To enjoy the following inestimable adiantages fn crinoline; .11': superior qtality, perftet tianalltetate i etylleb shape and finish; ,114 ibility. durablity, comfort and economy . lequire for J. W. Bradleys Duplex hptic, or Bauble Spring Skirt, and be atireyou gall's gennineartiele_.. . . • CAUTION: - Td guard against imiibbitio.n.barticu larto notice that oUrts.offered as • Duplex" , have the red ink stamp, • viz; .7. W. Bradley ' s -Duple; Steel Eitiringa" upon the *niatband—t one-cothere are' genus Inc. Also notice that e_19 7 7 , , b9o_p *drat a pin hs r fug passed through the centre;thes - revealing the two (or double) springs braided.-together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, ands com bination not to be found in any otbevektrt. • For sale in all stores where: first Wise,Skirts ire 'sold throughottetho United States final elsewhere: • • i Mapufactered hy the sole owl:terror she patent. .•"'. .1i , ,eB4, ra„, ey, ~ctrey, 97thsilioii)ors and 70 aqii 'freade sts:; 'New Tort. • -Feb. 1,186744-Btk • - • • Fire, Life - and “Aecidental GENERAL INSURANCEIGENCY, .I%Etaaalzricomiei, - Hoine luminance Co. of Ni Y.; Capital: and Surplus, $O OO . O O Insurance Co. of Nortk-Amerita, Capital and Surplus, _ 1,,700,000 International Pire InsurartitECflt; : • Capital and Surplus. 1,1;0100i ; Lycoming County Mutual Instannee Co.of Moncy,Penn'a, Capital and Surplus„ . Farmer's - Mutual Insurance CO. York, Pa., Cupitarand Surnlus. , . , Enterprise Insurance Company,, rt k ira,. • - Capitalatd Surplus, - • - • - --375,01:10 Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Capital and Surplas, 700,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insnraiterreo. of Hartford, Conn paying 60 per cent. , 'dividends to the assured:Ville - I:Mel(' given for half the premium 'is never ta be paid under any alretimethnees: . :ihe policyx Ili altrAyett_paiti in, full;. and the 'notes given up: Capital, ' 10,000„000 Arriertuto 4ffolngtera*et phis, Caplu4,„ •, ,• TalveleteiniimroceVo'AtittfOid;doirot; insttr.lnga.„"alneptHltinOcit accidents Canittd, • Hartfoidlniiiiarieti ford. Conn:, Capital and Surplus, • Putnam Fire Insuranceco.„Hertford, Ct., Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. Insurance on all kinds efifiV•Stock, aaainst theft and dt-. - ..th trom any,. . cause. Capital, v.? - $. 140b0 tser - All business entrusted.in our care Will be attend ed to oti fair terms, and'aillosser promptly adjusted. r i t STltOtallt : B 01101 V Agents tarOinee tfoytioaelfotel,"tieit side !ofPnblie 'Avdaue; . A • • Bata - Nos ST. BAUM Ca4muis I 4 Awry. Month:lse, Jail. Ist. 1861.'" ' Ij Manhood: How Lost, How Be- • - stored. . • , • • , t INT rub tailed, a new edition of Dr Cu Ver. si wont, CtilebTated Essay; on tbs. radleal- cure (without Medici ne) tg . bpntotavntuttros,,,or.,Ssmiusi Weakness. ttiVoliintarr Seininal' Lorca', 'lmpotency, Mental and Physical Incapacityv , lnundintenta to Mar riage. etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, in duced by sellindulgencesorlsexurd extravagance. rgr Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, , ... ,7 The celebrated author in this Adrairabte cssaYeleatiy 'demonstrntes, froin.atthlrlY„Yarg' alleesßful practice, thatthe slat n. 'constlitietitcrol i.elltabnse may tti radicallymtred:without.the:dan,,, ,, eronA nse ot internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode ofenre'atOnce siniple„ . certain aniVrifeettial, by meatus of which every , strffeter, nn mattar :what hia- con . ditinh' may be. may cure himself cheaply, piiirafely and OrThis Lecture shdid be in the-'.bends of env In' youth and ozuy man e ..- la a .: ! _ SenAtander ial.. in a p . tri envelope: .ill anY adtirers, poston paid, recelptpr IF cents,,or two post stabaps. Addrcsa thephblishera. , • •. c. ; - CHA ~ J. ,C. fltiNE & CO., 127 Bewery, NevFYork, Post (Mace box 4,59. March 10, 186T—Iyamp.„. ~ , . _ ".THE FAMOUS: Come and goo tlicihmOns Barbes. • Famous ; Barber, into of Hayti. . -Latirofflaytil li rtv atWeeka`. , ' • Now at 4. D. • Ockeißtore , #9 ol2l .r ., {. Find altv ng add ehtunpoollim, „ Flndme cutting bait to`oult yaw,: ; Flndine readrat rent . At konr geryten, CHA3tLSY MOURN! Montrose,Oct 15, 1863. g • . • , , 3 p1 17 11 4 1. , s impoviD ' sur:ortr theendays of , SuOnhir, and high priced goads. ev ery family in the country ihnntd have one. ~ 'HALF 'rat COST of clothrng a fintily•can be gaved.by its nee.. It Is OM pie and , datablkeasily understood, and easy to operate. leo Skill Is required tovecave with it beyond the Dimple taming Of pn easy crank. . 'Pr Pr o& 13in 35 pirdi an be woven on it in a day. • ' " • ' ' irklf Ni.B . R I ' h n s T e e L en tu y n o t u in j y o g a n o d n ay Se oGDTa , c w a h imn a w k i e h a o l nea e clothing for the family,emd much betterquallty, at half , •Pot anti inniplesof qath woven on the Wpm, ealdreacw,lthAtnnip, • • A. B. & CO.. • • - ..333 etteetnnt. etreat, Alan. dealers .14 COtion Weip,, , Tool and Pisap ll lll l 6,.. Yana; Reade.'llarnesa guiefLooite aiding, gene y. March 19,1867. 6w• , 1867 -- ';''.'L"Bl'll.l • 1861 EYRE , IkiLILINIDELL, Fourth (11. Arch ;S ' Are - oietilng lor.Sprlog.;pf i lert, • Throe eases Seleciihedeit'otSilits.• Silks. Bismarck, the ntrW bans Stllt; 'Best hlsek In town. PlahlAndls Silks—Terrace. New EVIII-Pr _ 4 ° Goods. New st*le tinting Clunties.• -Organales•el Dew . est Styles. Steel-colleted Poisllnetley • S.—id'etehants In 'search oVsestee Add lesnithle Goods iv Ill'Pd:It ttstlaelsialltlSelllte•an aed atk inti/e • , • , t [nuttelt $O3•l4Wi • 's ' • ...,••• t•ti LtiCkaivithretteißlooinelitirt.R.B.. nN and after November SN,lBos;,picasenger trams VI 1 41 1 ;94f./ , • • P, 4U F71% ,. #1 . 11 , 11 ,7! • ; 1447,6 retanstaw''•• ;" ME C 4:54 . 4.6 - a t ß rt , , • .14*.11304 - • •, ic4l3 4rrlieiitNorttaimbe '., rlsid. •'' ' Nartkamberyndil ;MG ) t'' xw - tk Daavlileo• 8 :4 0 ' .64! 'i n v e rt./ c r4 l,,rti.. •- • Kingeton6 - : tad , • 800 • Arrive it.tionnto!l( ‘ " 8:45 1455, 1 1" ' tc.vprialiorOntoMrlatie -e lVanillt thgrniPbtEll44ll°4 to.kit i lAUV i ty4A4 , nM/041V1.1 10 -p l "lai. • A4'50•40. $1,588,163