cc)l:l.Tlrc7 reeti. Othistabb ThOtOefrtiit : hi tiauink tacjricrekit peace anitcobaiabie Lanny and Wyonlj year, and authori7" sioners and aud4or, diy_ when employed: Fire in Auburn. The bridal' of Jobn:Denlin, in Sough , Auburn, 'was ,eqnsunied by on'. on day night - of last , week, togetbk part of its eentenis,. LOU, said to„.bealiout: $5OO, with no ineurance. 14., Donlan has been burned orit•on ee twine-before.= 11. S. Lleenies ' All United States LiCenies expiri , on the Ist of 314.. -- , Person,* doing bolitess , and designing: its oeitinuinc,e,•elipulkNot it neglect Ao call at nee' iiini 'th'i, assistant assessor : and sign h turn for "Special 'Tax" Which • sites- the N place' of the ao-called, ?License," The penalty for do inganytaxable business on or after the first day ,of nay _witbOut haViug paid the Special Tax is very severe:' - -;/ Conveyancing., EAry . person, other than one paying special .tavas,lawyet, or . claim agent, who -maketi it hiti'busittesk e fii any part of his business 'to draw deeds, bonds,mortgages, wills, writs, or other legal papers, or to examine titles to,retil estate; who, by ad vertisement or conversation, or hy accept ing the businesS . whenever it is offered, ha*, himself outstorthe public as ready to undertaktl it, is a conveyancer, and Shtould be required- to pay tax as such.. Snsq'a Depot T. DI. • Among the reported confirmations we find the name of Walter Barber, .Post master at Susquehanna Depot. Mr. B. as well as several others had previously been rejected. The Collectorship. John Stewart of Scranton has again been rejected for ColleCtor of ,this Dis trict, and bald) E. Wright again nomina ted and confirmed. Daniel , Brewster was rejected for assessor. Thesp nominations seem to have been made on , the last day of the session: The Senate stOpurned on Saturday. Tax on Watcbes. AU watches composed in whole or in part of .gold or gilt, .are.liahle to, annual tax ; and persons owning or having them in possession should report, them to the assessors. Frith. head.of a family should make return of all kept in the family:— The tax is a lien upon the watch, and can not be evaded. Those now. refusing or neglecting to be rise' .4d on watches are liable to future assessment, with penalty ; and the watch may be seized and sold for the tax, wherevelfound. Notice. The patrons of the Bridgewater Cheese Factory are hereby notified that business will comLnence at the Faeiory on Monday evening, April 29. Milk will be received at the factory till 8 o'clock ever y 'evening until further notice. ,Good carrying cans can be had at Boyd-& Co's by timely - ap plication. - Per Order of Corn. Bri dgewuter, April 2,1‘30 867. IL* Court Proceedings. 0. F. Fargo - wad appointed ': Constable of Montrose. - • " John Hitborn - and'Levi West&ll were appointed Superviors';of Oakland. J. L. Merriman was appointed Super visor of Franklin, and E. E. Cole, Poor master. ' Commonwealth vs. Henry Lyons, for larceny. Bill ignored. Miles 'Pritchard was appointed Treasury er of Springville: • Com. vs. Alexander, Wilson and Wni. DeWitt. ',Bill ignored. Peter Davenport, ThoinasPernao, Den is Casey, Prank' Huffman, josepli Allen Henry Decker, 'Walter Paintin, Gage,Anthony Madden,.Mark - J. Hart ley, Vorden J. Shipman and Alfred J. Stephens were indicted. for keeping tip pling houses. Fernan, Hartley, Gage, Casey, Madden, Shipman and Stephens plead guilty Land were fined $lO and costs. Corn. vs. Cyrus Corliy, for larceny. Bill ignored. . . Corn. vs. James Quigley, Patrick Fite,- gerald and John O'Brien robbery. . Net guilty. • Cona:iva. Amos Bennett, for assault and battery. Plead gujltypand fined $2,5, Com. vs. Sitneri'llivers for'burglary:. Plead guilty and:sentenced to wo years in the penitentiary. , Com. vs., Collins 11.' ,Sterling, for larce ny. Def. and .E; SACent gaVe bait , for his appearance at next ..term. • ; • Coin. vs.;-EnoCh,AV. - and Dinaocl' J. Lord,. foriniceny. - ITO bill. Com:is:Wm: keKiebY, nureiir of ihe Peace. Held - to bail in $3OO to keep the , Peace towards allpersons and especially_ towards Benj. Parke. Com.- VS arl ea assanit-and ihat tery. r True- bill.: - • •; A. A. Chase ; Y.sq. ,iviter admitted ib• practice in the courts of Stisquebanna co. Coin. vit. - George' L. "Verry:_ ;Libel. Found guilty, and fined $500... - - Coin. vs.-Henry W. Drake, for siWng. liquor to minors, True Com. vs. Cynthia E. Welch;' , Luc:6y. Plead guilty, and, sent to Ranee of ' c ite. fen. - , , ;.• • Grand Tory -approve reporC of "vi e we rs in favor fifietloingiandge,n9toise, , the litesh6pp4 the county- - -- , , ,v,,;4,.•?y,i, Join itilliarna,444.vivithas. Bennett. Judgment rof r i)Nptift . iti:ptitii 40 . f 4348.88. , Samuel Wheatcrott .1). D. Searle. Judgment int:, inim",.,cif $5OO. Wm. Biesett ye. Israel Birciard. Ver diet, for JOgment 'eau lAinnin Wilbur ~ ' CatartnAi:.l ß i n Bajcen Voraicifor u defefidaiit. ^ . - -- Jacktkoni-;-1 er:kiLwl - & - Marks -vs. - Miles, 4 A` Ceeitiiiii , Judgment or i Pti - firi Sinn : o f $24849._5, - 7.-e : ,„ ~ yiji.o4 illarevs. j . n Vameron. judg: , , ineuMrplain till iir sums of $125 . •'' - ''' Jahn Cas'sedy vs, ThoinasDonliti.' Ver dict for defendant. . 0. 0. t. 'Thanksgiving, The Grand Lodge of the United States : Of the ludetiendent Order Of Odd Fellows hat itig appointed Friday, Ski 26th inst. as a day of Thanksgiving d Prayer,, Exercises.appropriatu to the - occasion will be observed by Montrose Lodge NO.161; and Sr.-4ohn 50 . at their Sall' MontrOse.Teorarnerice 41, ,2 o'clock, p. Address . by Rev. John Barnes, M. D..p0l Atlantic - Lodge, Phila= delphia: All Odd Fellows in this vicinity with theirlamilies , arc cordially inxiifed to par ticipate in these exercises, and the AMlni tiated generally will find the "latch string out." April 16. By order Of Oommittee. Another Lecture. his expected that C. I. A. Chapman Esq., of Pittston, Pa., will lecture in Mont rose sometime during the present week, Qur citizens will no dottbt be glad of an opportunity of listening to one • of Mr. Chapthan's ability, and _will give him a cordial greeting and'a crowded - heuse. Notice wilt be given hereafter of the Subject, time and place of the Lecture. `•, "."-,-.. , -- -. 7-.111.- VW .01.-; -4----4 • . Early Potatoes. • . . Early Goodrich Potatoes. Price:Si per bushel. 'For sale by , . • CIIIUSTOPFIER BYRNE. St, Josepbs,'April 15,1867,-3L* Deeds and' Notes. We have for sale a fresh supply of choice- Deeds ; also a revised form of Notes, with instructions as to stamp duty printed upon each sheet. 4=. ZP.IEIIIIIa 011.4 —lmprisonment for debt has been abol ished in Frande. ..„. —The parties_ accused of . criminal care lessness in - allowing 22 persons to be Burned in , the Kingston S. C.), jail; have teen slept 4ted. —lntelligence from London represents t hat negotiations between France and Prussia are broken off. ..In the case of Surratt, Judge Fisher after hearing arguments pro and con fix ing a day \of trial, said he would take the matter into consideration. —Col. Magi!tort_ was yesterday reject ed as Collector for the First-Distvict In ternal Rerenue. —Two Boston lottery dealers were fined $7,000 each, in the Massachusetts Superior Court. —The Senate has rejected Colonel Cap ron, nominated for the office of Commis sioner of Agriculture. —Col.' Levi Maid' bas been rejected as Internal,Revenue Asiessor ,for the 15th District of Pennsylvania. —There is not a' leading Radical in the country who believes the doctrine or Ab raham Lincoln in his first message. --k - thonsand men are' walking the streets of Poriland;'Connecticut, asking for employment, who were discharged by Radical employeit for daring to vote the Democratic ticket at the late election in that State. —Napoleon -is strengthening his fron-' 1 tier posts and placing leis artillery on a war footing. It is expected that the. Re., serves Of 1868, will be called on the first of May. Prussia is' just as active as the Emperc) . .r.., • yFriday, AZ — Mb inst., has been-fixed bylaw Chiefdustice on -which to hear At tornerGeneral. Stansberry oti his motion, to dismiss the bills of the States ofgeor- i gia and Illssissippi, Upon' the g r.: rim - M(l' an want of jurisdiction in t ha Suprethe Court. —A coal schooner, name and' destina tion not ascertained, went :ashore : below Plymouth, : Mass.,r during.the geCe iron- Wednesday: A life boat, in atteniptiOg to save theNcrew, was upset, and,four of her crew of eight' Men drowned. The boat drifted ash*, 'S69::again• manned,: and succeeded in 'saving the crew of the wheat:ter.' • • 0. own election in WateritTeit,' 1%, last week, the entire Democratic ticket *as elected ,by about 500 majority. Last fall tbe'town gave',lo3 majority, for Penton; the Radical _,candidatc for dov- Governor... • 'the charter election.-of the 'Oth N•_,Y; elected their whole , 'eitylicket.hy,froin 1,60940'1,706 Majority-4 gain froth last fall of from 1,100 .to 1400. 4 .. 49froan!O majority last fall was 533. The ground swell#o,l4 tilL.bit,enniittlffexel„rTgro suffrage :won't theTiidical ninber of ItefiOlion Serfawenie understood:ta%ive agreed:not Wit:tend the July session' of congreei os. lilieving that a; meeting-of Congress at n*ald,pinduce-apli_liargito,4 6 :o6.4!r and 05M - to - the General...Agent-6f theit'eatOdy, E i ducatlunal 'Fand has „issued- a circular,. Otilii44:4 o o_o4 thBlnnOer An 5434004 *tees hive; 6 40 !T• ply - th e noble obaritituidei4heir ,004tra - - " —Burlington, N. J., bat been tarried 'by the Democrats. It went Repnblictin by 130 majority last year. —The city ! of La Crosse r Wisconsin, :which bits Wren 'rtidie'sfrale since 'lB6l, elected, with . only two 'exceptions, its wholikPegtogAtja tigcsi ) at a ttLrecent recent charter election. John M. Levy, ;who was defeated in 1861, is now elected Mayor —Connecticut, " - the land . of steady ha ;bits," has alarmed the Radicals by over ithrowing the I.l l 9o9„, I f two !years ago. Well may they lie garbled ; the people are becoming disgusted at the vindintiitVlinterlplAtiese 176tigrestiniCK Bose-ideas2i6rEttig&anshii) jootniitit itot . in hinding up the wounds of a bleeding country, but to keeping them festering. VITABEL TIDTMELL Is continually receiving' new enemies of Genuine Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold as tow as at any other ,Str In ontroie. . . li• • • / NEW PERFUfIIV Fga THE lIANDKERUIIEF. - r rhalonto Blooming c 17 11 :71 • Phalonlo "Night Blooming ip . fT _ 4,‘ C , PhiilotAK tf -Cerenave_A Phalosee - • 4t•NislajtyllgratsknAL Cerens.9l A meet exquisite. dellenta, acid Fragrant Perfume, disci led, from the rare and beautiful Bowe; from waiehltlosteuritittanys. - Manufactured only by PIIALON ac lON, Now fork. BEWARE - 67 - COTISTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S—TAKE NO OTHER. ilyrt ly stop . F,, oew tarEinpire Shuttle Sewing Machines are auper.inE in all otitersfor.ratuity,audManu4inturing parposett, , Contain'all-theolat 'et% •fraproventents ;- , are speedy ; nolselesa ; durable; and easy to work._ Illus trated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal dis• count allowed;-zNo corrsignutents • ~ Address EMPIRE S:ifr tiO.,-06 - ftleathvsyMew York: , July 24-1 y ElEmrairs itr.. Ls A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. Those composed a various tooth, having the power to relax the secretion& the liver as promptly and effectually as blue or saataumand. without Prod=laß any of those disagrosable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of theiatter. In all billows disorders these Pllls may be used with etntfl hrl donee, as they promoterthe Mach/Irv" Of vi bile, and remove Gone obstructions from the Urea. d billary ducts, which are the cause of bilious affections general. 6CEIENGIV4I *Alf P4tar.4 Tar care 131"e"MPbe. and oB disorders of a! Lric , ritnd brallOwaikln, cit tonsme;iiistivenes4 drocrotneakanagenetaricaltritif riness and issuitude, showing that the liver is in a torpid or ohnructesleondslon. , ~ 1 . , €ri, ihirt c ilunie PillsPh maybe Mod with asirnribite ill VI eases when a purvitive or alterative medicine is requlnd. Please ask for "Dr:..* Bcbenck's Mandrike Pills," and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on the Government stamp—one when in the last stage of Con sumption, and the other In his present. health. Bole by all Drarristo od - dealers. Price 23 conic per bor. Prismtwit Office, No. lettinteh 6th Street, PlitlidelrOlis, Banana Wholesale Agents: Denim Barnes As Co., 21 Park Bow, New - York;. Bra. iIi&o, 102 Tholtitions -a, Balti more, Md.; John D. Park, N. E. _icor. of Fourth and Wel- nut Bt., Cincinnati , Ohio: Walker ib -Taylor, 124 'Sit 128 Wabash Avenue. Chicago, Ill.; Collins Brothers, sonthirpt earner of Esmond and Vbao Sta., St. Lon* Mo. fah &Mb w. ea„ma. 1 yr: lafrA Cough. A Cold, or A Sore Throot, lIIIXEDIATE ATTENTION, •ED SHOULD NE CITECSATL IT ALLOWED TO L'ONTINEE, Irritation of the Lungs, A Permanent Throat Disease, or Consumption BROWN'S r BRONCHIAL TROCHES lIATIMI'A DISECT DCFLUESCie TOITIV9 r. 1114; GP 11:1101XDLITE ItELdr. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases, TEOCGES ARE USED WTED AMWAY'S GOOD prCCEIS SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will fled Troches useful in clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or - speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs :The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Phy sicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having,prored their efficacy by a test of many years each year finds them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronoun. ce4ye:yet "thin Sinketirtyclea., ;7 73+ 1,. 777 i OISTAIN Bi6xcuLteir . do not take any of the iVorUffeas Imitations that maybe offered. Sold everywhere._ * . ngv2l Gm smpld . eantlini • ano Fortes of °nova tTEENI S Co. are deemed by all good judges to bo the, Clutha Thlde of instruments of the kind. We cannot suggest what Is wantingto make p a mag i:al inattgrifefilladidTp"dreAvaishp Oa* to admit that thdlitatt - Ofltnfirofemcnre:airdVet 'ha at tained. ' Before they had brought their Pianos to their prep iinotAlelfahtattl'aor ttratti b Alt ni4 c ej t n i Z trOind'Eurofie, receiVad the' reliard of merit, over all others,-tit the celebrated World's Fair. It Is butjus tice to say that thejudgmenrthus pronounced has not been ovenided , St,theintteicalviroUlLl,Jl o . 1-. - ^ 4 Still, by ,the iramoininients, apte i ti sy them to their Plados; it is admitted alnore effeet rostra went has been made. ,They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent.— Surely. Lifter this, they are entitled to the motto "Ex celsior , r VET - Denfness, Blindness and' Catarrh Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS. Oculist and Aurist, (Formerly of Leyden, llolland.)No. 610 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the Most reliable sourceslin the City and Country can be ken at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in bin practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. NO charge for examination. - - Philadelphia, July 1, Ma.' ly. NEW. YORK MARKETS. Reported for the Mortznoss Dzrd ecnAT, by Fento4 Fitzgerald & Tracy, etrictly Produce Commieeion Met , chantu, 89 WhitchalAtitreet,:„4ew,;'Fftrk, for the week ending 19177. Floor, per bbl. 110,00 0 - 4 14,00 Wheat, per bnelgriid.;;Ei ',K.:: 4 ... MIY:44 3,00 ltye, ' ado ''' • '''' U 0 itti 1.45 Corn, co ' 1.23 0, 1,40 031 e,.. ~... dp• - •., 0 .,..0-- 1• -'• ..or . 40,-0, : 643 Butter, per lb. 48 Cheese, e. ' ~....ii.'7 . , : ::— . ..8-.7,..4.- ,: i... 18 On 18 Pork, mesa, per,Mbl 21.00 41 • 2 4 00 Beef, mess, )," 01,00 41 22, 00 Lard, i Per lb. 12 0 13 Tallow, .. 11 46 12 Eggs. per.doz. 'Pa_ 04 1,28 Wool, peilb. 60 0 ;56 pressed Hoge, per 1b....:. 8 e, - 'lO ,s 1;1 'Notices of marriages 'and deaths published free of charge. Obituaries published if paid for at the rate of Any cents per hundred Words.. In Frankart;l3antarnioranigq*44l-7; Art Es; eldest daugliser of W. C. Atitittlalithl'agedl4 eara. esl , eip a ems. 15 OJITIIL ELSIILT ‘ ‘.l titt"'''' erti "r?' issSql-U. ithilitiaodiSeAed by mutual consent. All those indebted to said ,II rut are reanested to make Immediate payment. 11. J. WEBB, A. D. DI.ITTERFIELD. Montrose, Aprillirlddlz-4..Biiff ‘..124;.:. -• Notice. /IIHII undersigned lupdpgytteb*tedthe stock owned by n Webti & putter fi eld and stinted the Slore for • . merly•ooctipled by them,.*lll4ontinue to Abe ttlebgslgoe add is ready,,tslttl renewed, seal ante f• fort to attend tolhe *finis bruit enitoinere of the. !old,tirMi...ardl will trytt‘merttahe 'continued patronage of all new, once who may thinitit for thclilutcrest to , purchesc brine:: • 1! Mont,paseiAp.. o A—;w; • 'IL DI: BUTTERFD.' ° a l o Noies.and ACtoiinils ' Wilson,..oCifile ner prosatit ,bando Bon for aettlemorit LaillitacinarnnOttled.acconnta will pleaeo call and odium delay. witsort, GRIFFIS a WARNE* Montrose, April V, 1567. 3w • F -•!cf • Strayelf; Dead 'orolen En the .1.1 fall blooded Cotswold Back, rathit thth hrtleth; 5' years old, some red paint on• back. Whoever will re port his whereaboutato me, dead or alive shall be snit ' ably rewarded. - lioitAcE BRWSTEIt. Jkidge6watbr, April 43, • - - Three Cheers Tor Gen, Grant, - HIP, HIP, HURRAH! - C1..4#10/3‘ atelthilLiss; TR' Hayti Barber, has removed his shop to the basement of E. L. Weeks' 'New Store, where be is prepared to give good satisfaction. When I go to ex plain this subject language falls , to pzpresa it, National - 'Sioani Navigation Coinpany., • 'iivrEELlt—katTE. iteert4o .. tiCkels from qvgparrowli ,4 \t ;) New 'roc reduced to $35, currency. Steerage Schots -from LIVERPOOL' by Thompson's " Black Star" Hasp!' Packets--$23. DRAFTS && IRELAND In stuns to snit. for ealti? " - WM. U. COOPER & CO. ;Spanish Jack TTE undersigned has purchased the celebrated Span kb Jack, imported by II: 2 11. Hughes. of. Pittston, Which took the tint, premium at the New York and Pennsylvania State Fair. He will be kept at my place in Forest Lake Township, near the Lake. THOMAS BROWN_ Forest Lake, April 1.6,1867.-4 m. MINER & COATS, Main gtriai,'6 .dnott tielaw lioyd`q Cot Teri Montrose. FLU G/10 PROVISIONS, We ace constantly receiving and now have on hand, afresh stock of Goods in our line, which we will sell CHEAP!. CHEAP!- CHEAP! for casb, or exchacgo for produce GOOD , TEAS, COFFEE,SUG:AR, AroLessEs, _SPICES, - PORK, - FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED , FRUITS, ,CLOVER ,TIMOTHr_SEED, . . .1 We hiye refitted and'made addraai to our Stock of Palle, and are nos ready to.lorwardßutterto tho heir: commliston houses:ln N ew York, free of charge, and snake liberal adirarlOalears on,c bnalgumants. .. , , Coll ind einmlne Stott befor'e pnreinsing else where, and convince yearselves of the., _ _ amp gum AV CHEAP PRICES,. of our Goods, c. ' - Xontiose. Aptll'l6, 1867. EN .SEEDS. Lo A a w rio ß , i . s o 's n ort D m s e . n i t o . i. .tzrg y pai , ! es d small. Also, , Moiii . trose,:AprE•l6; IBM. • ABEL TIFERELL. A BEL TURRELL'S STORE, es usual' le ft.ol of desirable .Goode.' Call and ree • • Dissolgtion...6f l eta Partnership. grit 4..ofritiiiOgriiit beictothret, exiitlitg under the Aral patuo,oflAL tiqtphln .45; le Ails day din. tiedbi. mutual consent, P. Smith rotiring.,,,The tig.tes.un accouilto of the late arm: will he ibunti at, the zia•pfig,:x o , Sptpttinjor settlement.; id! pereons Indebtedto tho late firm are requested to make. settle anent isttlano.dniey, - • -‘ .• • - •.E • ' lAgmtnernsAlte,SprE 16417. The understaffed 'toil/ tehittitio niereitintile busij bees in t3ummereviloe, *here the trill ;melt tfillidissiortmehthtilltitthdrof ineichandlse.;— Thankfully appreciating the liberal patronage of a gen eronsirublie for-inanyyears, he stilt-hopes - to retain their conildenee,no,4 merit 4 share of .their patronage, by a system of preint4 had honorable dating. OUTPHIN. Sutiarrieravill44ol,ll;`,M44lo,l -.4 1 11-1 . 332:"5r . 4 1 1211 0 PM.0 OWES Oftie l Ooti rf Of 'ailds: all a t l} accent rs 4): C A o ldfti g fogindimiondt etwego slate' orMArqh at,1861,404*0 0,1863 t 04, elititlO to 1 5 Por, For oadt kervant till tn*Vd. 1 1.314 11 4 I :Pr FRgiiit,4l)9,lPlaslkkarnrp,l,6 "" ::a .. T4ai f rdnd. t"rt itiA;t;:' l 16440 *itilief eST tr "t: " , Tujtm . rt,„ , coritiniraliy.recel;ing ;NEwc:GooDs„ 4 AFA,cep + nst.ttilili li - ania MK • - sortment id'gditmirie,:. , "-: • - Dlfriggs 'Ll:cOots, - qtallitte,' Bie;itoffs Teni, - 'SPlCetottn& other Grekorios, litOtiOvntr,PrrNall andAVitidorrPa; Per; "01aastrare.:."Lamps, Kerosene, - Benzoic, • San i s 011. Lubricating Neatslbot Oa r • • Be ned Whale 011, Varnish. Whips;: • - uns..Pistols,.Cartridges, Powder - '" .'Shck; G4n.Aips mummy . ' ••-• Instrumen t s. Tor et' Soaps. ' " Bair 011 s, jßrushes, Pocket Knives. 'Spectacles, .filter Plated t!p003311. Purks, and ivoryEarullett Dentist's Altlcles, a general assortment-of ;,- Fancretoodsi Jeweiry l lorfuinery r etc. IVredidines advertisted in Montrosn'Aed nearly every 430011..11N8 „ . ar-'l3lf.9l:lli.ET. - - In shell, nearly everything to restore the sick, to Please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the - limey, . and' also tb conduce to tbe, real nun-substantial comforts of fife. EituM6ratltni 18 littratticable,ns it would 1111 a InuSrPaper. .oall attha ArtqundiVarletyStorwof -,- ,;„) •• ABELVIIRRELL'' Arc 4 ittie " Pa. HEAR - YE - I. - HEAR YE ,- ' - • All person's who ttnsh. to ; • F.—t„ ALEoar eto 1 - ftATE,-kierrAseolo - •• , • will caltat tho Store of the subscriber, where they- will find a Goo Stock of ..... Choice , Flour, Fislf,ll6, - ms cared), C9ffee and . . Tea, Sagars,Syrppa and - • Molasses,2nacco„ . Snuff, € Cietc) 1 • • etc • it)ao--tA good StOclF of i&lxtlEr..3o3o zrcetx.czavis,` School aiul - ,llkia Rooks, and trim mis s cellanernid Ro'dk . s, Writin,' Papers land EnneloPes of supertorgual ities.,and pertained, Gente' l ' and Ladies' Paper Collars, Canned and; Dried Fruits, Oranges & Lemons , ' Condense'? Milk, a choice article, and in fact altntsl 'everything. needed by all the,, ,, 00d people ;f So equebanna,County Who get hungry andAry, and by urcbasingtbera,,of,, • A. AT, DULLARD, • fet, Stare south of,the Court House and; east side of Pulic Avenue, you can save frcm lto2opercent. pion treat), March sth, 1867. • TV . O7i FiLIr3XL. Baldwin, Allen, & McCain. .14olfie, Feed,: ,Sytt,. Pork, L'atter, - Cih;es; br i ied Beef, HamS, Fish, Smoked Hal . ihat, Candles, Tea, Cope, Spices, S • . • yryp, 11101 asse , egar, Seed Wheat, ct Tiniopy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Broonr, Nails , de. eft, Ths4l for past patronage. we•ahall he happy to see and wait upon our old and new cnetomgra. All 'Goode and FloUr warranted, A. BALDWIN. cV. L ALLEN. . J McCAIN. Montrose, Feb. 5,136?. kiLACKSMI.THING. T";undersigned haie this day formed a co-partner. ship, under the firm name of Stama x & Moran, for the purpose-of carrying on Blacksmittirng in all its branches. VirStriet attention will be given to lloree-shoeing. All work wilt be done neatly and promptly. The pub lic areAnvited to call. B. P. STAMP. liontrose, March 4th, 1867. tf P. T. VStATF. OF SAMUEL .QAP...TER,: dbceased, late of Auburn.townshlp, Susquehanna county!, Pa. . ~ . - , Letters oil administration open the estate of tbe above 1 , niirme decedent having been the undersign • ed, all ersons indebted to said estate are hereby notti fled to malre-immediate payment, and those . having Fit the same to present them duly authenti cated rpr settlement. . • 1. R. J. CARTER, } Adm're I ' • ' R. S. DAVIS, - ' '., 'Auburn Ward; 4th,1867.* ESTATE 'OF . 'JOHN FALSEY, lat • of Apolacou township, Bosq'a co., deceased. - :Letters tef , tninentary: upon, the estate of the above' namedidecedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all Pererms indebted to safd• estate are hereby hunt ited:toi malm•immediati3 - Paythent, and those having elehnsjarlinatthe sametopresent them duly atithenti cated !Or settlement. ~ . • ~ : . • , 301iN eARti". o •*Tax; Apolae on, Mara, 12; 1857.* • ' • • = ' BY M AIL;" PREPAID. • • CHOICE FLOWED • GAUEN SEEDS , Grapes,iVo* Strawberries , . Bulbs; Ike. -11 WATSON'S OLO COLONY NURSERY and tied „Establishment, Plymouth; Maser, la, now seedin r , out by mall prepaid, packed with great. carein gotta percha silk, so as to reach any partof the Union in perfect., 'safety, a complete assortment of the finest Grain's, Strawberries, new large Currants, qooseberrih; B. lack6eirite, Roses, 1- • Flowering_ Plants, Bulbs, . • - Limes' &e. etc. Fruit arid Ornamental Trees,-Shrubs, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, &c,-will he sent by-freight paid tci Boston. Alim,-thatine Cape Cod Cranberrv,for Caltivaticul In wet land. or in upland and Gardens, where it.produpes at the rate of4oo bushels to the acre With illrectitha for ell Ithation. Priced. descriptive cat alogOcti will be. seat to.tlY , address. Now is the best time for planting., The pest.way to obtain good frnit, flower* end seeds, is to send direct to the grower. Send forlsralegue. "Wholesale Catilognes the trade.— Agent wanted. - - - [March - • . W. R. COATS , ~ 1 ''' -3:IDELiaIZSIS P ' . . - - ,-. .. '' E .-:, ..: .''LECTRIC -- -SOAP' - ' 15:diti ( Twitj I Sittl'id •'.41/,0)/t7A'ISAves - .Labor,.' Saves Clioikei,"'Sai4s Women; 1 *. ~ .:e.lnd 011 arOcOfitsrajt. , ItYlloo,bY.Cniting into-mail ehayjnge and diseolv! lug in t ottratet4.then.epuk the clothee:•llve to ton miu7. Onee.n d,a tittle hand rubbing will make tbetkne clean as Willie of machine rubbing would do. with ordlueri i illiiiP; Ana fh 0 lillifit 'donate fehriereceive holniury.— We et! refer to itholumnds ottamilienwho !Re t11413g ..4, 411dt7 0 cotild titit.bapereunded . to do witheT4 : ..,. . r; •, D BBINSPZ :::.EL.E'CT.gIe. A' 0.4 P . rr:B4l4tpiall.bdi.4lllorilecio tbrinboolie st a te 1, .1.,.._.: - - ;7!danntlitaired Oy by „ -:"..,:-..!:':,:::, 7 :0 [32 3203215TES .4teljX..44olintrir ,- ,3: ..!,:;:',' :''..`• :': 1 5 11 °P440 - PM . ''4':;}:'.' -7 - tO tlthitOit'Stree - 1 -I:2kiiasitit:: :, M.:4l 4 4;tra t- ' .• - , • 1 -, - DgALEIZS ii MITSI ' It- - 3ENVEDLAY,... rioneinbsiiibii , haring form "lflankilaitskliWit/11' I,', hi11...T.eA..1 STRATStini tonslini to , Maio lidirtiosili bows to 'hits old customers, 04- inforni:thees that the Mercantile De artnient of iltb,ilmitinellt *UP eivagcei a be cattled on 0. D. 'Nowan -I, •CL , IVItti: capitaiand faC ities, a forgo te ock of New Ottnds is , ileparttents, a storn thorottAdyftted, and • t ' • a1F•X',1400i111. .lElL4Fitimic*4. ThelAre.teh-Naking Department --...,,, Is retainedby me, and wiihreceive niy_perso attSl-: thou. ,• i hayssecorpd sh e oervleos of M. 0.11, WOLD BYR4 o"gentlenian -who has had twenty-flveyes beariltops of Enrope, an d Old Ito, SOperIOVID #0 C01:12 4 \ try. • / shall therefore be able to do. all 11/01' W!thia \\ three days intim ; 01 titne it is left -, • .. 1 . ~.. • TheOtoanik,Tewelr# RePairing ~_ 17 Wilibe "o;nted hfr, Steeens, Who will - do alt Work is that lino prom t yolicl in the belstatylet. • ^ Nov. 27.1866 • - ; 0 ; 0, BILLS., ,in _ 51 1 10.1 % - *CO 03 3 r. --- . • •' ' consist .ot. foil usioittnent of thti following goons, suitable for MIS market, which'wlll he so d as hOW.-aild many (them lover, th4 l o,y_itity ono elan this side of New Y tit4' ' ' • - - .•• - se ; :.d thp Catalogue., - :.,.. CLOG* I ' S. , - , &r:WATCRES, -„,;., . i ,4:I,.WATOHES: - ‘--, : ' '• .-•- - . _ American, Swiss and Hu gllithaktill gold andallser.' -- ' ['SET*THOMAS CLOCKS;- - , All styl e One/tiding their aelebrited Calendar Clocks, which tell the nay of the month - Iml week, also the name of the month, making the' changes for :every? month coirectiT, with no cart but to wind them once a _ - •-' iti EW E LAY.. • Heavy, solid [Geld &bale . Hooks MIIIO4S. Tine sa id eete of Jewelry—Pins, ;leave - Batt4 us, Sleds, Su Rings, Sm. .li.c. EDDItyG RINGS. • - ilarge, the asierhdeat. SP EC TAULB'S.; Tranantedta fit all kinds of Awes SOLID GOLD ALBUM'S. A neat little Pi NS::* holding eight Photogisigh • GOLDPS NS: ;*: '• - . , A tine assortnient, with' audirittioid holders. ' Old ones rvointed. SOLID SILVER WARE. • , - Made to order of . pare Coin, consisting of Spoons, Forks, Thitales, Butter „Knives, -Napkin /Mugs, Fruit linlvt% Yost Chains, &c. • PLATEDi..ICARE Rho best ip Market—single, double, triable and qUad ruple plate: mid AviamenTED—froto. a full Tea Set down, Including Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Ice Pitchers, Waiters, Butterlatahes, Sugar Bowls, Cups. Tea Bells, &c. &a. &c. : . • nifyos • Manufactured by Decker.Briatheri,•,whlch with tbelr late improvements, surpass those orally ot her makers. Also, Bradbury's Nem State Planot splendid Waft ment. Other Pianos frourilaW to 11500. , - ' • ' CABINET ORGANS, From $llO to sl2oo—warranted for five years. They are the finestreed instrtiment in the world. and I have only to say that. 1 halve' sold nearly .$15,000 vortb of them in the last four years i and.they are all in good or der and have never costinycustomeran emitter repair*, PIGLETS, G UITARS, fte - i - : Violins frost $5 to $5O, fates, Fifes. Clarionetajlan jßs, Gaiters, Mows, Strings, Tuning Forks, Lc, SkRAS•I I VIIATOS. Supplied with instrumentanf the best Americana:taw unietnro, by the - single Instrument or full set, at the ma ker's price—also music for any number of instruments. Instruetloupooks and Sheet Binsie on hand, and new supplied reeeited every week. Plano Stools trim $6 to 616. ' Perfect Sewing Needles. • . Wc have the exclusive ngeney for U. J. Roberts' pa tent Parabola;Necdles--the - best in,tbe world, . Try due paper and ifmit Satisfied the money will be refunded. Fire Armi and Sparting.ltlnteria46.. Allen's, Spencer's, and lienry's Breech loading Ri fles, an styles Revolvers; Fowling Pieces, Shot Belts end Powder F,JaskeeCartridgen.for S. — Arniy guns • alsoIIlS, end other Perttusion—Caps, Cpopct Cartridges, all styles and sizes. • 0. D. lIENIAN. Moltrose, 'i;or. 2?, 1806; ' l O 1 p. An PEEt 'MATH We Want eizents'every• 11-WV-1P where - Jo sett garIMPRON $2O Bow -1 'Three new kinds. Under andtipper feed. Sent otitrlal. -Warranted five years. ' Atsave ary or large commi salons paid. ,The only machines sold in the United; States for less than . $4O, which are fully licensed by Ilowe,,Wheeler4Wilson, Groves & Baker. Singer & C.0.,' and Bacheider. AlLother cheap machines are infringenients, and the - Seller or user -are Itablatu arrest, tine and impriaompent. illustrated circulars sent free. Addresa,pr call upontiZAW k CLARK, at Bidde ford,Maine, or Chicago, 111. Dalr29llyo IRE HOWE MOIR CO'S SEWING_ MACHINES, • 699 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FOR "FAMILIES & MANUFACTURERS. THESE W 0140) - REOWNED . , • :SEWING litAtIliNES . Weie atharded •Me AO hest , tPreritium at go' • World'it`Fair ireLiindein, and six-flist • I"24entinni sarthelffiio' - kOiA. • State' _ • Fair of 14161; and are celebrated for doing the best , work, using s, mach Waller needle for the same thread than any other ma chine, Ondlik the intredectiou .of the most approved machinery. wo are now abletrisiipply the very best ma. - chines in the:world. Theie rnachines are node at our new and epaeions Factary at . B,:idgepoit; Cann:, under the ial» . )ediate supervision of the. Preirident pf the.annpaily, •- • • ORIGINAL INVENTOR TILE SEWING.MA • - ' They areadaptudto akkinda of Family powlnir,- and: to the use of.seamstresse ,s dress makers. tailors, man nfacturers•of Stdrtir, - 'cptlant, skirts, - clOgke, - clodbliqr, hits, 'cap's, coriets, boots, shoes,.harnese,Sad qles, linen goods, umbrellas, parasols, etc. They work equally welLupon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with oil k.,,cotton or linen ihread..,. They will seam, quilt.gatUer, fell, cord, bmid, bind. and' perform, every species, rofoiewing, making . a. , beautittil and portant' stit:ll, alike on both sides of tbo artleks sowed.' The Stikli, ifotre i gnd motive on 1111s - Afachile, is,"tha liost:poptilisr and durable, and ail Sewing MI. 6itsuYea the . cjpLe • 5EN77 . 41544-!.ellitCe.L.All. , The :Rowe ComPanYi - 1 1300 BRO/iDWAY:Cok.,iath et•4l. Feb,•113,1E61.. • -1'• ' , 0,11PX.a1t3P3C31333R.,19 , ... PENSIONS; .- BOUNTLA.ANI -,.BACK:PAY;_:., mine undOnd.nv. LICENSED ACIR24 T 9,f Titialdit• ,Turfribi FMK, , will, glit4 . , p2 , i s ti - atteutio'n , to 0,, 0 MOlttroatadcollit Fop. , ; ,.91 en law. ad • .. w--roga.,:-- ..... . _ .., -...' ! .i-Aori. : OlgrolsOhltr. i44'ilieff't 4 • ,1. _ . -„- . , . • , •• , ... ~1.4- , - ' 1: e. sTSR~s.'~"s