The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 23, 1867, Image 2

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Vont rost I mutat.
iL. J. GEOMITSON, Editor.
The " Soldieils Friends" of the Senate.
The Michigan soldiers have shared the
same fate at the hands of the radicals with
Nth oselioni other States.- _ The — Corn ine r
`elal,has the following article upon. this
tt.qteneral Chapin was, nominated by the
'Plesideut a. Assessonof the'first lidistrick
of Michigan, vice W. P.' Wells, rejected
by the Senate. He (Chapin) had fought
-I;ta.way up from a private to a brigadier,
hinh may be,taken as tolerably good evi
ea ,that he.was a good soldier. He
Idn't pass muster in the Senate, and
was,rejected. . General C. 0. Loomis, of
the:fat:nous Loomis battery, entered, the
army as, a private; was promoted to cap
tain and then to lone' of the First Mich
igan artillery, and was brevetted fo.l gal
laut.and.tneritorious services on twenty
battle fields. As was appointed Assessor
of. the Second d' of Michigan, but was
rejected WOW:Senate. Captains Mans
fie,d, of the nnth Michigan infantry, en
dorsed by'every ‘ officer ho had served un
der,,,as .a man oNmexceptional character
and ,soldier of conspicuous valor,. was ap
pointed, vice Loomist rejected,and he too
was rejected. General J. G. Parkhurst,
entered the service as Lieutenant Colonel
of the ninth Michigan infantry, and after
the battle of Shone river was selected by
lit General GeWrgn H. Thomas as his Provost
"Marshal Genet* •-Was Provost Marshal
General on-Thomas' sttff until six months
after the' war closed. Was acting Pro
vost Marshal: General/ on General Sher
teatt's staff daring the Atlanta campaign,
rel was brevetted in 1864 for 'gallantry
in aclion. On the recommendation of
Messrs. Chandler and Howard he was ap
pointed United States Marshal for the
Eastern District of Michigan; but because
he went to the Cleveland Soldiers' Con
vention and was run on the soldiers' ticket
for Lientenadi Governor of Michigan, ho
was, on the recommendation of Messrs.
Chandler and Howard, rejected by the
Senate. It cannot be said that be went to
the Cleveland Convention to get, an office,
for he bad already been appointed when
that gathering took place. Colonel Nor
man 5: Andrews entered the service as a
second lieutenant of the sixth Michigan ar
tillery, anti got to be colonel before the
clone of the war. He was appointed, vice
general Parkhurst, rejected, and hetoo
wiNcitzted. Colonel A. T. Mcßeynolds
raised, e first cavalry company enlisted
in Michil,,an, served gallantly and credita
bly during the war; was appointed United
States District attorney for the Western
District Attorney for the Western District
of Michigan, and was rejected by the Sen
ate.. General William B. McCreery enter
ed the service as a private, rose to be Co
lonel of : the twenty first Michigan, was
brevetted 'for conspicuous gallantry, as a
slight compensation for being crippled for;
life in,one of- Sherman's campaigns. He
was appoitited collector of the sixth dis
trict of-Michigan, and rejected by the Sen
ate because be attended the Philadelphia
Convention. Colonel Earner entered the
service as Captain in the fifth Michigan in
fantry, and .was promoted to ColoneLl He
made a good soldier. He was appointed
assessor, of thetfth District of Michigan,
but he shared the fate of his comrades and
was rejected by the Senate. Captain
Browell entered the 'army as private in
the Second Michigan cavalry,. and was af
terviards promoted to be captain on the
staff of General Sigel— . --a veer place for
him it ho wasa copperhead. He was ap
pointed Collector of the Fifth District of
Michigan, and was rejected by the Senate
because he ' went to the Cleveland conven
tion. Captain Edwards • had' worked his
way up from private for good conduct and
bravery - in action. He was appointed
Postmaster at, Niles, Michigan, but was
rejected because he went to the Cleveland
Convention: General Spalding. entered
the serviee anentenant colonel, end was
promoted for gallant conduct: He *was
appointed postmaster at Monroe, Michi
gan, and was rejected by the Senate be
cease be had been a Democrat before the
war. ,
Colonel Sinclair Wes -Colonel of the
fourtneoth Michigan infantry, during' the
entire war. He was appointed Collector
of the Third district ofMichigan, and was
rejected by(7the Senate because he had
been a Derriocrat before the war. Cap
, lain. H. B. Adams entered the' armies a
private , was proinoted'to be Captain of the
twentyithird:'llichigan - infantry, ' served
durintr - thevar. Be i , as. appointed post.-
b _ '
unaster , itroldwater Michigan, and was
relented by the Senate because he' went
to. the-CleVelanA Convention."
. .
'The radical party' has no love or re
--gar 4 for the soldiers t from their use
'fulness in a political aspect. They have
traduced and vilified ' and persecuted the
most devoted soldiers of this"country; they
. .
diecharged wounded 'limn ,from the so!-
- tilers' home in Philadelphia on account of
theimolitical opinions, and the Sertate-tif
Alie'entted , States has rejected sitiz of
maimed veterans, who ha d been appointed
tOVirwlq the President. ' - ' '
Thiiiato 14'410 Legislaturit of this
• • (State.
The. Harrisburg correspondent of the
rianklin . Repositery, a leading ridical
? :.'ift,f this, State . , under date
of 2 Apriils,
::';::.beaks :Of the* late' Legislature of
)4* bail, fe4sYlYalija Diy,:f 3 4814 . 9-
151411,*arlesa midnigt that bus
) `r . F
The people can breathe agaid: - - 'Thel,eg
slature of 1E167 is no more. It has fought
its last fight-fitlas wokits laatTstake—
it has brought gladness, oven" ;
three hree mill
i 'Jou heatiti : bl its adjournment; • The gah;
;taut rookOrs:have dlosetltheir: legislative
auction;:,and . gone - home With heavy hearts
_to nettle'their accounts with the people'
whO in'-ant evil hour entreated them_ with
brief authority. They have passea six teen
hundred lawi "pinched" others by the
score, and finally, atter over three mouths
of legislative rutting, rotating, pinching,
-plundering and po cketing, their time has
come,-,and they guout v ,asa rule, , to-reteru
no more forever. Public Whs. were not
considered. A few, - perhaps a 'dozen in
all- unimportant in their character, were
passed, but sixteen hundred private bugs
have been added to our statutes, and the
hugest of volumes will be added to our
pamphlet laws. Just what has passed no
body knows, and none pretend to know.
e - :'verrior Geary has had hundreds of bills
to,- - ispose - of during thg last hours of the
session, and how many of them had snug
little serpents, hissing vipers, .or regular
anacondas, coiled up in them, he will learn
only when their fangs sink into some luck
less Vietiiirand he prays for relief. The
senate has gradually degenerated until it,
rises but little above the House in point
of the dignity of legislation. On
day a large - galeudar 'of privete•bilis was
to be disposed of, and the first legislative
tribunal of the State sat for hours passing
bills by their titles, no oneknowing what
the body of the bills contained. Tree,
they had passed committees, but who knew
what had been interpolated by a stray
word or line ? Or who knew what hid
den serpents wriggled in them under the
color of fairness ? There sat Big"ham and
Ridgway in front of the Clerk to hear the
titles read, and as fast as pronounced by
the Clerk they were declared passed. Oc
casionally some obstreperous Senator
would interpose an 'objection, but he
would bo bawled down by a score of voi
ces, saying—"let it go—it's all right—
don't stop the machine !" and . lest his lit
tle bill might fall a victim to the retribu
tion of some defeated associates, he would
quiet down and the farce would g o on.
Thus were hundreds of bills passed in the
Pennsylvania Senate, and they now stand
upon our records as solemnly enacted laws.
In the House it was the same, only a little
moreso. Instead of reading bills .by their
title, they read and passed many of them
merely by their numbers. Neither title
or bOdy of the bills were read. Colonel
Quay at one time jocularly suggested that
they had better pass the calendar of bills
by the page, but it was deemed necessary
to read the numbers, and thus they were
ruaed through. Of course in such a
Wl - iliof--legislation the „roosters had
a good time, but often it would be dis
covered that there bad not been a fair un
derstanding or a fair divide, that sonic
rooster sharper than his fellows, had snak
ed a' good thing' through without giving
the rest a show. Icomediately upon the
discovery of such a mistake, a motion
Would be made to reconsider, and as such
a motion was always a notice to all the
roosters that there was something wrong,
it always carried. A hasty consultation
would follow,a little knot of first class deal
ers would bob their heads together in a
corner, the objectionable bill would ap
pear all right, and go kiting through
again. Thus rushed le g islation for days,
and especially the last fe w days of the ses
sion, until th'e enormous number of sixteen
hundred bills were passed, and nearly all
of them have been approved.".
This is a humiliating picture of the Leg
islature of a State like Pennsylvania, but
it a faithful one in all respects. The rad
ical party has introduced corruption into
all branches of the public service. During
the war the nay of"‘loyalty" was quite
sufficient to lift into powera man destitute
alike of honesty and intelligence, while
the-opposite allegation, unsupported by a
particle of-proof, would defeat the most
upright and Well-informed citizen in the
Commonwelth. The tradeina b material in
the country took adiantage of this tide,
and were floated into legislative bodies
and other positions ofonor, profit and
responsibility. Once th rei "rings" were
formed. The ins •and uts then joined
li )
hands. One gang drove the game into
the pen; the other slaughtered it. Whets
nominations were to be made the same in
fluences were at work. Bad men returned
old officers who had ' done the right thing'
while in place, or new ones who had been
measured and foetid willing to do the bid
ding of the managers of the Radical party.
Undersea a system it is no marvel that
the Legislature should take a lower place,
year by year, in the estimation of honest
men, until 'Radical writers are compelled
to present such ti - pen and ink portrait of it
as that given from: the Repository.
Rejection of Gen. Blair.
, General Frank P. Blair, one of the most
gallant soldiers in the army, a man who
fought the powers of the rebels in St.
Louls,, l and who was opposing slavery
when Butler wasgiving celebrated votes
for Jeff Davila Charleston, has been re
jected by the Senate as Minister to Aus
The Rddicale have a queer way ofshow
ing their , love 'for the soldier, , since the
war has ended. While there Was, fight
ing to be dOnifthese "loyal" fellows were
lavish in their praise of the " brave boys
in blne," but since the clanger is past, and
there is no likelihood of there being any
drafts,• soldiers are of little consequence
to them. '
—Advises &OM Matamoras assert that
theJuorists have:captured. Puebla; that
Maximillian had offered to surrender, but
his terms were refused. . Via' San Fran:
of co, tlaer~e is iutelligenee.denying the re
ported, egresi of Ttlasrmiilian's troops
from Queretero withput,a battle,-and the
rumors-oDruJevolutiou :San, Luis P 0
The Penneyiv: is
The annual report of tbp A.udit'pr Gen
eral'OtPennsylvania for 1 - 880iiv4iqntei ,
esting - statistics of the canals and r ilroade
of Pennlltania.
Our - State now has More miles of rail
road' in operation than any other tate in
the Union. There are within her orders
70 steam railroads, 26 horse railronds,and
14 canals. Of the horse railroads, 19 are
in Philadelphia, 4 in Pittsburg and Alle
gheny, 1 in Harrisburg, lln Williams
port,sand 1 in Wilkeebarre. There are 4,
853 miles of steam railway in the State,
the cost of the construction and equip
ment of which was *467, 684,408,27. To
operate these roads, there are required 1,-
1,716 locomotives, 488 baggage and mail
care, 870 passenger cars, 19,803 ;freight
cars, 27,059 coal cars.
The roads have on them 1,837 bridges,
and 13,925 stations and depots. the cap
ital stock of the railroads is $19.3,109,081,-
30, and the debts of the various railroads
amount, to *100,921,302 53.
• During 1866 the tonnage of these roads
was the enormous amount of 190,0'25,998
tons, and they carried 17,734,216 passen
gers. Their receipts were 870,990,749,-
44, while the expenses of all descriptions
amounted, ; to 2:41,032,146 93. On these
steam roads in 1866 there were 324 per
sona killed and 451 injured by 'accidents.
The 26 horse railroads in the State have
1891 miles of roadway, costing $5,284,:
896.96 for construction and equipment.
They are operated by 4,214 horses and
770 cars, and during /866 carried 37,464,-
991 passengers. The reces of the horse
railroads were $3,410,544 85,. and their
expenses $2,418,624 18.
During 1806, there were 9 persons killed
and 23 injured on these roads.
There are 805 miles of canals in the
State, and during 1866 their receipts
$3,608,527 92, and expeusesec $1,544,-
801 97.
Another Charge Rebutted—Who asks
the Pardons.
Ono of the Radical complaints against
President Johnson is the alleged whole-.
sale pardoning of "red-handed rebels."
It was freely charged that these pardons
were obtained by the influence of leading
Southern men, rebels themselves ..or pro
minent Democrats. These complaints be
came so vociferous that some over-zeal
ous Radical insisted that, Congress should
call for official information. In response
it, appearsraccording to a statement in
the New York Tribune, that from April
15, 1865, to March 2, 1866, pardons
were recommended as follows:
Radicals. .2. , No.
Gov. Brownlow, Tennessee, 263
Gov. Wells, Louisiana, • 255
Gov. Hamilton, Texas, • 525
Gov. Murphy, rkansas, 125
Total, ' 1,108
' Others. No.
Gov. Bramlette, Kentucky, 64
Gov. Fletcher, Missouri, 48
Gov. Bradford, Maryland, 95
Gov. Marvin, Florida, 97
In addition, there were fifty-five,par.
dons granted on the recommendation
lion. Austin A. King, of Missouri.. Is it
not slightly cool for them, to abuse the
Pnesident for doing just what they- were
most urgent in asking him to do?
" Men who Deserve Nothing."
" And wherever, be it marked, the Sen
ate has failed to agree with the President
it has been for the sufficient reason that
his nominations were men who' deserved
nothing at the hands of the government,
much less at the hands 'of the great party
that had saved the governmeut."—Press.
Does General Peter Lyle, who served
from the breaking out of the War to its
Close, deserve . "nothing at the hands of
the government ?" and is General Slo
cum, of New York, and the hundreds of
other brave soldiers who have been nom
inated by the President and rejected by
the Senate, to be placed in the same cat
egory ? These .faitbful soldiers and o .
voted patriots may be ostracised by " the
great party" now striving to destroy the
Union they fought to save, but they will
be remembered by the people.—Age.
Payment of Commutation lioney Due
Prisoners of War.
The commutation of twenty-five cents
per day for rations of enlisted men who
have been prisoners of war is now being
paid at the office of the Commissary Gen
eral of Prisoners .in Washington, and
quite a large number of cases have been
disposed of already. .A statement was
made a short time ago in reference to the
commencement of these payments, iu
which it wze said that the commutation
was due to officers who bad been prison
ers of war. This is a mistake. None are
entitled to it but soldiers, sailors and ma
An Ex
ensive Linn
Gov. Geary is an expensive . : luxqry.
The Legislature has appropriated 8500
for an artist to paint his portrait,and $15,-
000 to, enlarge his bongo, to enable his Ex
cellency to spread himself at his recep
tions. He wanted - 05,000 for a private
contingent fund, which the Legislature
had the good sense to refuse. In !addition
a "State Agents' which costs the State
012,000 a year, is kept at Washington to
write letters - puffing up the Governor. He
is a sort.of elephant in the matter of: ex
pense. . , . , ,
—The affection of the Radicals for the
soldiers is the, merest twaddle, else wby
has the Senate persisted in rejecting some
of the best soldiers of :the volunteer ser
vice, wbo _have teen ~ uoutinated, 'by the
Onrions Clause for Abandoning a Ilns•
There was a funny case of elopement ih
Brooklyn last week, and' one of the Sun
fifty papers has served it' up in-the high )
original and' delectable style of .which
gavelou an example Or two last week.
The,parties to it boarded in one of the
fashionable boarding houses on Brook
lyn Ileights—there are nothing but boar
ding houses on the heights now. The la
dy and her lover left the house at differ
ent. hours on the same day, the latter car
rying off the lady'swararobe and jewelry:
in his - trunks. - The lady"soon - joined him,
however, and,the pair ,left for Europe, or .
parts unknown, leaving behind, in the la
dy's handwriting, an explanation of the
reasons for her flight. It was in be shape
of a letter to, her husband, in which, af
ter declaring that she loved him (the for
saken) second only to her," beloved Mon
tagne" (the taken,).she goes on to say, of
course ill as follows :
Do you remember, darling; the even
ing wa had those charming charades at
Mrs. Brady's (the landlady of the board
bp, house,) in which the Tyrant was play
ed ; you know we represented the --- sylla r
ble by by a marriage,. in which I personi
tbd a bride, and my dear Montague the
bridegroom ; and then you did the hor
rid rant •by tearing about the stage and '
reciting a stupid piece of dreadful French
poet Ey ? How could you, when the whole
word tyrant was acted, take the part of
Gessler, while my own Montague took
that of the noble William Tell ? Oh ! I
shall never fo'rgct how splendid he looked
with his pants turned up to the top of his
boots, and my red opera cloak, and plum
ed riding - hat on his head. Oh ! how glo
rious was the burst of sentiment when, his
manly voice declared he would die for his
country. My whole soul was - filled with
admiration, and then and there I deter
mined I should -be his and only his. Why
did you take such a ridiculous part as
Cock Robin in the " Babes idlithe Wood"
—you looked so silly hopping about the
stage with two feather brushes in your
pocket ?
Tho forsaken husband, instead of being
' quiet about this affair, and consulting on
ly his lawyer, has been running about the
country showing every one this lette,r.
This should be a warning to young gen.
tletnetr,` , who ought not. to take ridiculous
parts in charades if their ladle lovers are
I also romantically disposed. William Tell
is certainly more sublime than Cock Rob
' in.!
What a Summary !
During the recent session of our State
Legislature, 1652 bills were passed, and
yet; acording to the Harrisburg Tele
grph, the central organ of the Radicals,
only two out of the batch were of a gen
eral or public character, and one of those
was the bill makilig it a penal offence to
exclude negroes from any car (oven the
special ladies' car, which white gentle—
men, alone, cannot enter) of any railroad
in the State. What a summary ! What
a comment on the wisdom and states
manship of Radical politicians!
Radical Love for Soldiom
The New York Citizen, the organ of
the soldiers, and defender of their claims
for consideration at the hands of the Radi
cal party, exposes, in a plain, powerful
style, dm boasted regard oh that faction
for the veterans of the late-v4r and their
families. In a recent article\ that paper
points out the manner in which the late
attacks upon executive paironge are
made to operate to the evident prejudice
of the soldiers. The Citizen says : " Be
ing unable to remove the pres(!nt incum
bents, though they have fattened in office
for the past six years, the of
course powerless to reward those who
have bled and suffered for the country in
the field.
The President nominated Colonel
Levi Mai4l) to the Senate for Assessor of
Internal Revenue for the Fifteenth Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. Colonel Maish
hears on his body a bullet recieved while
gallantly leading his regiment in action
during the late,war,The Senate rejected
the nomination. ;
—Dr Livingstone's fate is still anxiously
canvassed in Europe, many persons being
of the Opinion that the reports of 'his death
are false. It is announced from the Eng
lish Admiralty that a British naval steam
er has been sent from Zanzibar with the
British .Consul on board, and tbat it will
land the Consul at Quilon, whence he will
proceed with an armed force into the in
terior, to ascertain the truth.
—The Appropriation bill,- as it-passed
the house, provides for paying out of the
State Treasury over four million dollars.
Probably nearly a million of this is caused
by the increase of salaries. Hundreds of
thousands more are, in a measure, given
away. Won't this big pull make, the tax
payers of the State squirm ? Pile on the
H. 'Burritt Is now receiving large and
_ __ _ _ _ _ full supplies of large
t", , r- 't,-• - Xa:;:iasz • , ~ tn•. , ..4:-.7•40_,1vq ... : , F in.
, •,
..b.,.. , 4&R,44,c,.-5.,cw.t...,-J
imbracing extra varieties of Fashionable Drers Goods
in plain, striped and fl•gured Delanes, imperial
Lestres Aferinoes,• Paramattas, Plaids
and 'Prints, Cloths, Cassimeres,
Flannels, Droche and - •
Wool Shawls;
Balm • al and Duplex Hoop Skirts, Ladies' and Gents'
: ..„ Buffalo Robes, Carpeting, Floor Oil Glottis, Wall
papers, Window Shades, Usti and Cam - Boots, Shoes,
and Clocks ; including fliBQ43 usual a general assort
ment of other Dry Gocids, Dress ;Trimmings, and Tan
kes Notion*. Groceries, .Grockeesc Hardware, , iron,
Nails; STOVES, Drags Ails, Fafhts, &C. &C.' which.
he willeellon the triost‘o•able terms for. c'esh, Fre
duce, or approved Credit. \ • - • •
NewldilfOrd,- Noetraber,lß66. - - •. - -- •
- .
QOLDrERS : to testiest' jest pitaied . an act to equal
-0 Sao yourßonntiee 1 Those wild .have not 'already
dime sp, should 3 make Immediate- application. Wid
ows, heini or parents of Soldiers who have died In the
service. are entitled to the same bounty tsoldier, It
living, would receive. Having already Pre p rep ared over
two hundred claims, those who have delay d making
applicatiortwilf : ted It greatly to their advantage to
give me - ii call.
Invalids and Widows entitledio an increase of pen
sion under act approved Jane 6,1866, should also make
application. Information free.
' Lieensed Government Agent.
Montrosek Ang. 7,1866. a
... .
•11-UNT-- , BROTHERS 9
153 CUPL.A.Wi I4 :7OOT,
Whblceale Retail Dcaterain,
iff,4222)7fila 3:9
' • HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES; Sc. &e.. • '
Scranton. March 24. 1863.1 y
IrtEALERS iv merchandise &c. In Susquehanna
I_7 County, Mice notice : That In pursuance of the
several acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth to pre ,
vide revenue to , meet the demands upon the Treasury,
and for other purposes, the undersigned, Appraiser of
Mercantile Taxes for salil County, has prepared a list
of meralants trading ia said county, and placed each
merehapt In that Class which to him appears Just and
right, z.cording to the lists of Assembly, to wit
_ CL.I 5
Adams & Allet7, 13
William Wlittc4, 14
1.. c: Swisher: 141
William H. Baker, 13
James A. Lieey, 14
C. Donelly & Brother, 11.
Rogers & Fuol;, 18
llla nt Cra yea. 12
D.A.& A:Titsleorth,
hh m. class 4, In
'L. B. lltuds.
C11000:1 , 71.7e.
M. Hickey, 14 1
It. Clark, ;
T. F. JohnsteM, 3 3
N, Baker, 13
Hall, Gardner & Co.
p. m; - 4 class, 33
Owens &,Leishem, 13!
T. F. Johnson:, 14
William 11. Thayer, 14
Crane -& Leehoay, 34
C. S. Fargo, '33
Hiram BltkesMe, 14
W. J. Slocum,
S.O.Weaver, p. m. 4th 14
E. P. Chambers, 14 ,
A. IlichardsoM.
Daniel Brownell, 14
Bcaj. Ayres,Jr.
FItANT ; it.INq
J. L. 31errim0 & Sdn, 12
- FOREST: LA li,' E.
31. L. Bail, ,14
M. McManus Co: — 11
Wm. IIMTom, p. tri.4lth 13
Carroll & Iln an, 14
Robert Wintery, 34
James E. Fitzgerald, 14
J. D„Sesslons! 4f Co. il3
Albert Knapp; 'l4
Richard Stack; 13
Henry McKinney, 11
L. %V. Clileheater, 14
A,(:, Pre.11.011,::. ;13i
E.,tabrook & Clark, i
p. m. 4th class, 11
i, S. Lenbelat, 'lO
Wtn. A. Colston, • 14;
(co. McNamara, 131
11. P. Doran, : :14
Walter Palntin, ; 14
C. 11. & T. F. Shipman,l4l
W. S. Wolcott, 14,
D. C. Bronson, 1 141
S. IL Daytow.- Jai
Mclntosh & ?Tarn, 13 .
H. F. Betirdsley, • ;131
GI : 1
C. 11. & H. D. Bennett, il3l
:J. Howard &Co. . 12'
tE. II 'mias, ;14
D. M. Smiley & CO.
p. M. 4th 9
Kennedy & Son,
S. S, In • 1l p. m. 4th
Pierce, Rendell & Co.
na. 4th, ill
liArtmON Y.
Brandt & SehlSger,
_ 1 1:3
do do 1 4
S. A. Lyons & 'on, ; 13
Morse... Sic 114; Co. 112 :
W.A. Woodwprd, 11.3
41ARFOR,D. .
Guile & Eatoff, .11
Vein , & Carr.; 113
Oliver ll4
J C. Edwards, S. 'l4
Jones. Balieoo & Tan;
ner, p. tn. dth, 1
E. T. Tiffany, , ;12.
E. S. Dines & Co. 1 114
Ben -orr,MEnzer&Tuckeo2
J. W, Throckmortoi, 113
airld;Bol3 • :11
. W, Drake, 1141
R. Kenyon, jr; 1 121
A. A. Beeman} ;14 1
Joseph Welister, 14
John Sherman, :14
Johnston & Itites t - ' ll
Geo. Bowman, ,14
E. M. Tiffany 0 Co. 112
W, C. Riclwind. •
Classificaikin of ?Anders of Illerchan-
Sales leas than $3,000 , Class 14
i i
$5,000, and less than,slo,ooo, l3
10,000, " 1 " 15"°' ..k 12
.10,000, % " 1 " .0 000
- , , i , It
" 20 . 00 0. " 1 " ' -80,000, - -10
-.. ,a 2,220, .. .6 42,022, 2
" 40,000, " " 50,000, 8
4 t.
And theludges of the art of Common Plead of said'
County will hold Courtiot Appeal at the. Court llouse
in Nontrose, in and for said county, on Wednesday.
April 17tb, 1807,.at one!o' clock, p. M., at which time
and place anyof the merchants described. . defined and
classed as aforesaid, or their agents or attorneys may_
appear and appeal fromlaaid asSessment if they think
proper, . .
E. it:, PfIILLIPS, Mercantile Appraiser,
Lynn, March 5, 1657.1 Ow •
• • •
Excelsior! -1 . Exceltior!
MO the Ladles especially, thla invalnabledePtlatorit
recommends , lteelf ns being an almost Indispensable
article to female beauty, Is easily applied,. and does not
burn or injurmthe skin ,} bat acts directly on tbo roots.
It is warrapted to rempvo superfluous hair from low
foreheads, or f rom anyipart oftbe Midi, completely,. to.
tally and ra eAttrpatior tbe same, leaving ,the
skip soft smooth aultiootaral;_..This Lathe only iirticle
used by the preach, ,and is the Only out effeetunl.dePit
latory powderAnextitenett. 'Price Si:vet , package, sans
Pod PAI tc! addroplit rmipt-elaulorderpbr
_ , Jurtcuen, - Sturm Co .. Chouitiq t ,,
n lycnipc , 035 R.We't szet4;!TroY%, . Y: 7
Squires d9-Thomas, 14
Beardslee & Moe, 13
Patrick White, 14.
Michael Keogh, 14
Grow k Brothers, 13
F. M. Robinson, r , 14
I William Miller, 12
Wm. H. Boyd & Co. 12
' C. N. Stoddard, 14
Boman 4 . 7 Co. 13
E. C. Fordham, 14
Mineru Coats, 12
Wnt. W. Smith, 19
Kirby. Bacon, 13
C. Dushman, 14
U. E. Crofot, 14
1. N. Bullard, 18
C.O Fordham, 14
W. B.Deans, 13
Wilson,Griffls &Warner, 9
I Abel Turrell, p. m. 4th, 12
C. F. Read & ca. p.m. 4, 10
Gut tc nburg, Roe
baum. & co. r 10
A. Lathrop,- •11
J. It. Dewitt, 13
Cobb LbMns, 13
S. Langdob, 14
B It. Lyons ds co. 13
Webb - & - Butterfield, 14
F. B. Chandler, 13
J. Lyons, 14
W. J Mulford, 10
Stone arner, 13
A. N. Bullard, 14
S. H. Sayre A: Bros. 14
Burns & Nichols, p,m.4, 12
IBaldwin,Allen & 31c Cain,9
L. C. Keeler,
Crane Jr, Howell,
I. N. Hine tt, co.
11.L.Satithin • C . 0.p.m.4, 11
Hawley .t Follett, 11
.1. bicker/nap, ' 10
H. Garratt & Son, 12
D. C. Athey, p.m. 4, 12
Geo. Hayden, 12
Moss & Knapp,. . 14
H. Harrill, p. ar: 4, 12
(ico. B. ilea/Ilum, 13
W. & T. Hayden. 14
olvi Ilay,eri & Bro, 14
;Wheelock & Shoema ker.l3
Wm.ll. Sherwood & co. 13
I.ln s trot II lekok, 14
„Minot Riley, 12
IJostris Smith, - 14
~llangerford Bros. & co, 12
• E. S. Handrick, 11
130, A. Lyons, A, 12
1 3. Allen. 14
James Sweeney, ' 13
B. Sheridan, • • •14
W. Baull, • 14
F. D. Lyons, 141
Foot & Falkenbnry. .12
Thomas McDonald, II
F. B. Thayer, 14
Henry Lea, p. m. 4, 13
J. I.'. & J 11. Cook, 12
do' do , 14
James Bell. 12
Guttenbur,g,'Hos. & Co. 9
Lewis Freeman, 14
E. Cady, 12
Waiter Barber, 11
S. Bryant. 13
pp A. Miller, 14
Morris My?rs, 14
Charles Holes, 14
W. A. Hoyt, 14
B. P. &C. It Smith, ,
C.O. Vedder & Co.. 10
W. B. Mead, 13
Jones & Mackey, -11
Thomas Freeman, ' 14
E. N. Smith, p. m. 4. ' 14
Llatbalkny & Mersereau,l3
, L. S. Page. 14
William Skinner*. 14
Williams Pope & co. 11
Geo. L. Tiffany, ~ 14
Miles Creegan, 14
William Burger.. 13
O. T. Smith/ 14
H. K. Newell,. l4
Charles. Mead, 14
Mrs. Ellen Phelan. 14
T. Sullivan, 4
E. G. Meeker, 14
Geo. 1, , Lam'oat,
`!E. L. IrEEKk At,
SVCCEHS ' CIitS of -I. WilflltitTlh' CO.: Dealers i t
Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies 'arid 111Isses line Bhnp
Also, agents for the great Amerleatt Tea and Cott.
Company... I-
(Apr% 1,1867.
B. . ' • - C. C. -nasal,
c. surrot;
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
ap7 650 Prtendsville, Pa.
TAMES E..O A RMALT ; ATTORNEY 'AN AT LAW. brifie; next tc; Fernnlilla gaol.
Montrone, Dec. -iB, 3268. • - -*,
NV M • •
LAW, Aiontrose, Pa. °Mee opposite the
Franklin liotel;,tamc COnn House. • a 0,21
DR: t. L. dAitrixin,
PfIYSICIAN and SUROZON,,- Montrose, Pa. Givei
especial attention to illieaaes of the Heart end
Lang,s and 1111.8orgical diseases. Office over the Poo
Office. Boards'at Searle's hotel, (Sept. 4.18%.
-r t EALETIS In Flonr,'Sult, Pork, Fish, Lard, Gr a b,
JJ Feed, Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. A 1,,,
o rocer i t . e , su c h ea Stutuns, ?do!nears:Syrups, Tea and
Coffee. West Bide of Public Avenue. •
Montrose, April 17,18t.6.
bEALEMS ri'Drage, Medicines.' Chemicals. Dy e .
stuffs, Paints, 011s,Vernish, Liquor., Spices. Fru.
cy a'rtieles. Patent Medldnes, Perfumery and Toilet At.
tides. riy—Presteritioris ettrelYilly compounded.
Public Avenue, above, Searle's Liotel, *intros°, Pi.
A. B . p m ,„ . . . .kX6II Iftenou.
Sept:ll, , 1866. •
TTOBNEY AT LA*, office over the State at Z.
Ai Cobh, opposite Searie's.ilotei, Montrose, Pa.
May 1, 1864.
Du. E. P. HINES,
fAS permanently located nt Fricadavitle for them
pose or pratticlng medicine and surgery in all In
branches. Ile may be found at the JaCkson Hoare.
Office boars from Ba. m., to Dpp rjt. jaal6tf
Friendeville, Pa., Jan. lath. MOD.
3r,...t4,45xLe50ci. AcitAxcitic.23.4sfera,
ruTIO• Brooklyn, Pa.
febl 6ltf . Auburn 4 Corners. Pa.
aaic,o MUSD C:a. At3Azaticrameer.
sop? 6111 Great. Bend, Pa.
businetot ett4 dto promptly, on fair terms. Of.
flrit door north of " Montrone Dotal," ivest Fide of
Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. . [Jan. 1, 1866.
Btl.l.Dion STROUD, - Cnoatims L. Munn.
ID DOT SIIDE Denier and Manufacturer hiontrov,
Pn. Shop Main [street, oncdoor below the Pott
°Mee. All kinds of work -rule to order, and repairing
done neatly. janl 65
pIIESICIAN s SURGEON. has imptted at Bronxlye.
Snsu'a co., Pa. Will attend promptly ball calls
with which he may be favored.' Office at L. IL Bald
win's. - [July 11—ly
113 ESPECTM,LY announces that he it n..vr pre.
JUL. pared to cot all Undo of Garments in- the nowt
Fiaohiouable Style, and warranted toot with elegem
and cave. Shop over LN. Bullard's Store, Idontrore.
PHYSICIAN SURGEON. respecifhily tender, hit
professional services to the citiXen at Friend..
rifle and vicinity. Vir 011 ice intheoilceot Dr. I.ret.
Boards at J. ilosfOrd's. ' • ' lir3o 4/311
( HALER in
.Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, , I?ye
I /taint:re, Glass Ware. Paints, 011 s, Varnish, Vi in
owGiass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perin•
icry,te—:Bent for ail the most popular PATENT
URGEON DtisTTIST, —Montrose,. Pa.
.7.loftlee in Lathrop' new Braiding, over
Vie Dank. All Dental openitious will he 'Racism.
erformed in goad atyle and warrata4 •
LIASMONABLE TAIIQE, diontroffe, Pa. Shop
L one door 'vest of Siarte'd Rotel.
IRITAII ordcra. tilled promptly. in 11rst.rutoityle..
leg done on•tMort notice, andwarranted to tit
• • WM. • \Nr;. SMITIL
of Main street.,Montrqse. Pa.
FA9ITIONA 4 BLETAILOR.—toutioad; f'it; Shop
friPiitEnlx Blot*, over stare of &ad. Watrous
c Foster. All work warruuted us Ig St and Antsh.
Nttlug &pluralist:art fiotlee, labest style. fled)
SALERin Staple und•Faney Di 7 Goode, Cracker,
liarff ware, Iron, BtOtes, Drugs, Ofler„and Palm!,
Boots and Shone, Hats anti Caro, Fars, Buffalo Reber,
Groceriee,Provlaiona, New Milford, Pa.
111.11NXERS, Montrose, Pa. Succsssorsto Post,Coosa
Ati CO. Office, Lathrop's now building, Tuthpikrit.
win. MATTIS COOPER ... ... ....USER? 17111-NEZIL
A. 0. N' ARREN,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Bounty, Back Pay, Pentloo ,
LI. and Exemption Claims attended to., fetd
Rlir OMeo drat door below ItOyd's Store,'Nontrme,Pa
Pa. - 4.Atelyispt by R. C. Vail. • '
• JOFfZtT PA UROT, Proprietor.
Meals ahvays r.eady; Tibia' to eat, without belt:
hurried, for,perpoitivaylvlog the stage,
take the car". je6if
4staXiiViEfitio33l3, 35 1 'aV ,
MEE uniteralgned..LlOENSED AGENT of the 90V.
.A.,ERNMENT; having obtained the moan' fon"'
&.e.. will give prompt ettentitiri t* all claims Intrusted
to Me care. No chargé =lose saccestfol._.
Si4trnse, :arid 6th. 18 64 . ' • •
T,he : lvlordro, Democrat
Is Ihnnistirntnny TOtiriAT 0' *SW"
• —StrevizusizaCoirsiv, - PA4 BY •
'An; mrxxvxxixe ES Ck
AMR VII nciotioicce....on itu &yak, or no.
13datnei.a advertiaeroenta inserted at St per RON!
IO linev4 threallldes, andidcta for each additional too -
T.carlir advertlacra, terith uautil ittangee, 'charged CO
for four equares. , - - quarter colump 41h, - half cattalo Pe ,
,onecotomn VD. and other amounts fa exact p r oportion.
Dulness cords of threeitqes, or,ode dollars WT.'
Vlrl;egnA notteei thO'cuatorniri rates,—abor t
per addition to bustnesaiptes. '
Job Belritti4 execnold iuoily 'anti , ProrP il l
tar /ir ? ", ;, •,. : • - •
I/40M'; :Idlistawl ed' t
Seboolitiqoto=utostbr ' '