ccromwrir .Ei. The County Committee. The Democratic; County Committee met on the Bth, D. Brewster in the chair.' J. Blanding was nominated for Represen votive Delegate, and there being no other candidate, he was declared unanimously elected. On motion of A. Carpenter the committee adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman. Internal Revenue. The President nominated Caleb E. Wright for Collector, and Hiram White for Assessor, last week, but both were re jected by the Senate—being the fourth Collector and the fifth Assessor rejected for the District. H. C. Tyler, Deputy Collector for this county, and acting Col lector for the District since March 4th, has resigned, and closed the offices on Saturday last. This suspends all collections for the District, and should the Senate not ad. journ soon, it is feared that it may have the effect to force a compromise by which a loyal Leaguer may get the office of Cula lector or Assessor, against the wishes of the President' and his friends. In the meantime, however, business goes on at the Assessor's office as heretofore Butted, without interruption. c=c:o Teachers Wanted. A feW (rood School Teachers are want ed by the e ' Directors of Bridgewater. They will be present at the examination at Academy Hall, Saturday, April 20. I. 0. 0. F. Thanksgiving. . The Grand Lodge of the United Stat • ' of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows having appointed Friday, April 26th inst. as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, Exercises appropriate to the occasion will be observed by Montrose Lodge N 0.151, and St. John Encampment No. 50 at their Hall in Montrose. Comrnense at 2 o'clock, p. 111. Address by Rev. John E. Barnes, M. D., of Atlantic Lodge, Phila delphia. All Odd Fellows in-this vicinity with their families are cordially invited to par ticipate in these exercises, and the unini tiated generally will find the "latch string out." April 16. By order of Committee. - Another Lecture. It is expected that C. I. A. Chapman Esq., of Pittston, Pa., will lecture in Mont rose sometime during the present, week. Our citizens will no doubt be glad of an opportunity of listening to one of Mr. Chapman's ability, and will give him a cordial greeting and a crowded house. Notice will be given hereafter of the subjoct, time and place of the Lecture. Early Potatoes. Early Goodrich - Potatoes. Price $1 per bushel. For sale by CHRIST OPHER BYRNE St Josephs, April 15, 1867.-3t* "The Soldiers' Friends." It is announced that James Wilbur, a gallant soldier, who lost a kg in the ser• vice, has been rejected by the Senate as Postmaster at Towanda. The office is now vacant; and the "soldiers' friends" in the Senate:prefer to let. it so remain,rather than give it to a crippled soldier, nomina ted by the President. ' Verily it seems true, as the " Grand Army of the Republic" says, that " there is a conspiracy against the soldiers"—bat it is among the hypocritical. Radicals in the Senate and elsewhere. Standard Weights. The Valley Spirit says that the Legis lature recently fixed the following figures as the standard weight in this State for the following articles named. Our read ders should preserve the same for future reference: Wheat, 60 lbs, Shelled Corn, 56 " Corn Meal, 40 " Ground Salt, 62 " Barley,. 47 " Buckwheat, 50 " Timothy seed,4s " Onions, 46 " Malt, 38 ---64 Anth.oo3l, 80 " Coke, 40 " Flax seed, 56 " Beaus, 56 ." Peaches, 38 " Teachers' Examina Teachers' examinat follows : Auburn Centre School House, April 16 Jessup, Bolles' AL " 17 Friendsville 1 If " 1 8 , Franklin, Salt Springs " ti 18 Montrose, Academy, " 20' New Milford, " " 22, Harford . School House " 23 Jackson, Corners it " 241 _ Examinations open promptly at 10 -o'- _.., 4. , ,10ck, a, 9.3; As these Examinations will be held to, furnish Teachers for the Summer SehOOls, certificates will be granted for the Sum mer term only. Only those' will ,I;7e ex amined who purpose to teach the coming term, Since examinations were belditreaeh township last fall, they will be held this spring in such places only as will best ac commodate the county. • - - Teachers will attend such examination _ as , will suit them best. W. W.ersozr 2,1867. ' County Sup ' April.'.t. —Mira 'Women were burned to death, et Eaton # 114044 Illinois . They were kind ling a=fiie with keretieve oil, • Sympathy Far th e Negro: A circa:let:ince occurred in the town ship of Springville, last fall as follows : A colored man having ,a large family, and quite destitute, made a contract with one of the thinkers, as I understand, for a piece of land hiving on it someimprove rnent and a sort of a house. He paid $lOO, or $l4O all he- oonld-raise, with the intentiotipf moving on this spring. Within ,a few weeks past slot of fellows went during the night and' completely de molisbed-the-house, and now - the colored men his no • where to put bis family and is completely destitute. Now then many (a large majority) in this town prof ess • the greatest sympathy for the black man, and what:will they do? We have not heard of any one making a move. • We will see whether works will bear witness. Now these desperadoes ought to be prosecuted, and punished, to the full extent of the law. And we think if the sympathy professed for the black man is genuine, that his friends will every one walk up to the rack and see that the old man has justice done him. PETER. Spriugvili, April 10, 1867. The Gt. Bend Lottery. The following item is clipped from the Northern Pennsylvanian, published at Great Bend "NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that the United States licensed me to engage in the lottery business on the 6th of Jan u try, 1867. I have sold only 13 tickets myself, do not know how many other par ties sold. But all tickets with my name on I will refund the money. I shall be at the Barnum house* from the 15th to the 30t1), call and get the money for your tick ets. P. S. I will pay 81,00 dollars to any re sponsible man that will cause my arrest for being, engaged in a lottery that the Uni ted States granted me to deal in. It is proper to state that the United States has not licensed Mr. Atwood to en gage in the lottery business. The Govern ment dons nit now "license" any person to do any business; it simply assesses a special lax upon those who do certain kinds. of business. Under the original law a nominal -" License" was given; un der the present law a "Special Tax" is as sessed and a mere receipt given on pay ment of the tax. But neither the former " license" nor the present tax receipt au thorizes any person to .conduct business unless such business is allowed by state laws. Certain kinds of business are legal ized by the state, when a state or county licetw has been btained from the proper authority. For instance : Liquor dealers can do business tipon being licensed by the courts and the Government assesses and internal revenue tax in addition. Lot teries are prohibited by our state laws, and those doing a lottery business are lia ble to indictment, &c. But if any one commences a lottery business, Uncle Sam assesses and collects a tax and leaves the party in the hands of the state law. Ev ery person who sells lottery tickets must pay a special tax of 8100 a year to the Government, also a monthly tax upon tickets sold. Fire in Wilkesbarre. The most destructive fire with which Wilkes. Barre has ever been visited, oc curred on Tuesday morning last. The centre of the business part of the town is in ruins, on both sides of Market street, from Franklin down to the saddlery store of W. W- Loomis, on the north side, and on the south to the store of Faser & Smith. Ou Franklin street, every building is de stroyed, down to the office of U. Hakes, Esx., except the Wyoming Bank building on the corner. The loss cannot be less than $150,000. The fire broke out in the stove and tin ware store of Theron Burnet, and before any resistance could be offered to the de vouring element the entire row of frame buildings in which it is located were on fire. The flames 'soon spread to the south side of Market street, and .tbence to the rear of the' Wyoming Bank to Franklin street, and in the:abort space of three hours the entire district was a mass of moulder ing ashes and rubbish. The business placeti on the north side of Market street which were destroyed were those of Pyle, Crevling and Co.,clothing; Urquhart 3:: Paype, grocers; iss Kate Patten, milliner; James Taylor, baker; Charles Lehman, paper hanger; P. Hig gins, boot maker; B. M. Steller, baker; T. Burnet, stove store; and L. B. Perrin, White horse hotel; 0. Trombower, restau rant. Rye, 56 lbs. Cob Corn, 70 " Coarse Salt, 70 " Fine Salt, 47 " 0at5,.32 -" Clover seed,s4 " . Turnips, 55 66 Peas, 56 " Unsl'd lime, 80 " Bit: Coal, 76'" Potatoes, 56 " Bran, 20 Dr'd apples,2s " S. Potatoee,s4 " z ono. ons will be held :as On the south side of Market street were J. F. Jordan, jeweler; Joseph Everett, tailor; F. L. Furies, hatter; Honsenick Johnson, furniture; ke. E. Butler book store; J. Sturdevaut & Co., china and qaennsware; C. F. Cook, photographic gallery; B. G. Carpenter, stove store; William P. Miner, Record of the Times ; J. C. Jeffries, 'bookbinder; the telegraph office; D. K. Mead, barber, J. Butlbach, tailor., On Franklin street were S. E. Parsons, Justice of the peace; J. W. Lyndejewel er; -office of William Butler; houses of Dr. William Brisbane and Hon. 0. Collins, and office of IL Hakes,' Esq., which was pulled down to stop the progress of the flames'. Besides these there were the drag store of Dr. E. B. Miner, the saddlery store of W. W. Loomis, the Wyoming Bank buil ding, the residence of John 'Finer, dry goods of Fatter & Smith; and the resi dence of A.. C. Laning, partially damaged. Union. —The Showman hai3 been to thorough ly scratched; 'that he is 'not likely to be . iseen again aftlicted iv4h itelingla to OongTese, - Hflartford Time; '" • Deeds and Notes. We have for sale a fresh supply of . choice Deeds ; also a revised form ot Notes, wiili.rnstriatios,aiiti'stamp duty printed upon each sheet. Trenton,'Aiiril B.—At the Citrelection to day, Reed, the Democratic candidate fur Mayor, and the wholcDenaucratio ticket were elected. The — Demo. crate have a majority of seven,in the Council. —The President's cook is daily expect ing a summons from the impeachment committee fot not putting black . pepper in the soup. nr ABEL TERUEL 1,. is continually receiving new supplies ofGennlne Drags - and Medicines, which will ba sold as low as at any other Stc•-e in Montrose. Empire Shuttle Sewing Machines are superior to all others for Family and Manufacturing purposes Contain all the latest improvements ; aro speedy ; noiseless ; durable; and easy to work. Illus trated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal - dis count allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRES. M. CO., 616 Broadway, Now York: July 2.1-1 y Dr. SCHENCK'S PULDIONIC SYRUP. This groat medicine cured Dr.J. 11. Bananas, the Proprt atm', of Pulmonary Consumption, when It had assumed Ita most formidable sepoct, and tenon spoedy death appeared to be it:mynah:a Hln phrtlelans pronounced hie cam incurable, when he commenced the use of thin aimp:e but powerful remedy. Ills health was restated In a very short time, and no return of the has been apprehended, for all the aymploms quickly disappeared, and his prceent weight more than two hundred pounds. S4ice his recovery, he hai devoted his attention exclu sively to the cure of Consumption, sad 1.111 d.eessza which are us u ally con p'ncaod with it, and the cures e:fectui by his In...ileac:l hare boon *very manta:one and truly wander:el. Dr. Son,.. °X make* proinsionel visita to several of tho larger shies weekly, where he her a large cononurzo of - patient/ Lad ;t 4 truly sae:. .chin;; to sec p)or cc nsumptives this have to Le tined oat of their cacriam , „ and in a few menthe hen , hl, rebut p"Moi.:.a. Dn. E::%ll:fl'lrrn3 PULISDNIC SYRUP, SEA W.F:F.D TONIC, and 'ZIANDRAIL It PILLS are gc .cr4.1., all reralred fii enrinl C.3neomption. Full direCtio23 all pa I; each, so that any ono can take them ecclut: 'Jr. SJ:Illn0; bat whoa it is convenient it is best to to 4.10. Ito g.veo al tree, but fora thorough elattliilalol.l with his E.a.p..romoter hx fed Is three dollar% oteerve, when pan:hating, that the two of the Doctor-sue when in the last ent;o or Consumption. and the other no to now le, to perfect health— reon the Goverdment siamp. J. L. ATwooD." Bold by an Druegisia and Diniere. Price $1.50 par bottle, or $7.50 rho hal dozen. Loi,tcre for advice ehould always he directed Co Dr. Scharsok's val 0111c4, No. 13 ream 6th Street, Phlladeiphia, Pa. General Who:canto .lbonta: Donnie Barmen 4h Co.. N. Y.; B. S. Manta, Daithnora, Md.; John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Waiker ek Taylor, Chimp, Ill.; Coiling Bros., Bt. Louie, Mo. [3d w. ea tae. 1 yr. BROW N'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive TROCHES ADE USED WITLI ALWAYS GOOD SUCCESS SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will and Troches nseful in clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or Speaking, awl relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocti organs The Troches arc recommended and preicribed by Phy stedima, and have had.testimonialsfrom r eminent men throughout thfreoinitry; . 'Being airarticitof true mertt; and havingproted their efficacy by a test of many years each year finds them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronoun ced better than other articles. 0111 AM only `• Bnovrn's Snmsartat. TROCTIES," and do not take any of the Worthless /milations.that maybe offered. Sold everywhere. WOv27 Cm enTl2 Notice.—The beautiful Piano Fortes of Gum - a- STEEN & Co. are deemed by all good Judges to be the Ultima nuts of instruments °Cite kind. - - . We cannot suggest what is wanting to Dinkel% Musi cal instrument more perfect, although we are slow to admit that the limit of improvement can ever lie at tained. Before they, had brought their Pianos to-their pres-. cut excellenee,'they had submitted them to competi tion with'instruments of the beet makers of this coun try and Europe, and received the reward of merit, over all others, at the celebrated World'a Fair. It le heti no tice to say that the Judgment thus prOI/OULICed has not been overruled by the tpueical Still, by the improvements lately applied bY them - to their Moos, it is admitted that a more perfect instru ment has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent.— , Surely, alter this, they are entitled to the motto, " Ex edelor.'' ['lune ID—ly M — Beafness, Blindness and Catarrh Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oculist and Auriet. (formerly of Leyden, llolland.)No. 519 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Conrail , can he seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as lie has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Philadelphia, July 1, ISO. ly. . Reported for the .tfOrveruisz TizsickS. - by Fenton, Fitzgerald & Tracy, strictly Produce Commission !der. chants. 38 Whitetail Street, New York,- for the Week ending April 13, 1867. .. . Flour, per bbl. r. ' $lO,OO 0 14,00 Wheat, per bushel, 2,50 0 3,00 Rye, do 1,40 b 1,45 Corn, co 1.2001, 1,40 Oats, - do 70 0 73 lin tter, per lb. 25 01 32 „Cheese, " 16 0 18 'Pork, mess, per bbl 23.00 0 24 00 Beef, mere, " 20,00 0 22,00 . Lard, per lb. ... - - 12 6) 19 Tallow,." 11 0 19 Eggs, per doz. 25 0 Ul Wool. per lb. 60 0 56 Dressed Bogs, per lb. 8 d 10 -Spanish '.ineig; m TIE Ish Jeck. imported by R. H. Hughes, of Pittston, which. took the gin* premium at the New York and renntylvtitititlittlie Fair. lie will be kept at my place lb Forest Lake Taxuabippteemtke THOMAS DROWN, Forest Lake, April 11117.-4 n. A NEW PERMS FOB THE HANDKERCHIEF. Pimiento "Night Blooming Cereal." Phalon'e ...Night Blooming Cerens.” Photon , * 44 Night Blooming Comm.', Plinio:es •• Flight U looming Comm?, Phalon% "Sight lilociniing Cerais.” A moat a:anodic delleate, and Fragrant Perfume, died led from the rare and beautiful flower from which It taltai its name. b4anufactured only by PTIALON A: SON, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ARK FOR PHAtON'S—TAKE NO OTHER. Nyl7 ly stop x n 29 oew Mr A Cough, A Cold, or A Sore Throat, REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, AND SHOULD HE CHECKED /F ALLOWED TO CONTINUE Irritation of the Lungs, A Permanent Throat Disease, or Consumption IS OSTEN THE TIESIILT BATING A DIRECT ENTLITENCE TO TIM PAILTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF and Throat Diseases, NEW YOBS MARKETS. 12hcmmm‘L'• In New Milford, January, 12, 1867, by Rev..-John A. • Jerome, Rector:-of, St. Mark'sChnrehiGiO. Swim', of Gibson, and MARTHA W. HAYDEN, of New Mil ford. In New _Milford, April Bth, by Win. C, Ward, Esq.; -Mr. GEOTIGE N. DENNIS, of Montrose, and Miss DEM.& KITCHEN, of Brooklyn. . . In -N.evr Milford, April 14th, by WM. C. Ward, Esq.,.Mr. Wm. H. Cone, of Gt. Bend, and Miss HATT= I. Twourr, of New Milford: In Rash, April 2d, by Eld. H. H. Gray, Mr. .Ton's &TITS, of Rush, and Miss LYD IA A. STANTox, of Pike, Brad. co., Pa. Rehr 1,-birertisementes. :WIDER & COATS, slain Street, 6 doors below Boyd•e Corner, Montroso. fIOUR GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS, We are constantly receiving and now have on hand, a fresh stock of Goods in our line, which we will sell CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP I for cash, or exchange (or produce. GOOD T EAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER cE TIMOTHY SEED, &c We bave refitted and made additions to our Stock of Palls, and are now ready to lurward Sutter to the bet t commisaion boluses in New York, Tree of charge, and make liberal advancements on c onsignmenta. Call and examine onr Stock before purchasing elie where, and convince yourselves of the GOOD QUALITY it CHEAP PRICES of our Goode C. G. MINER, - ISontroire, A-psl.l Si, lOC, G ARDEN SEEDS. A large assortment. Large papers and small. Also, FLOWILE SEEDS, for sale by Montrose, April 16,1867. ABEL TURRELL. A 13EL TURRELL'S STORE, 1 - 3 , - as usual, is full of desirable Goods. Call and see Dissolution of Co-Partnership. r i nnE co-partnershlp heretofore existing under the A_ firm name of R. L. Sutphin k Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent, E. P. Smith retiring. The notes and accounts of the late firm will be found at the old stand of R. L. Sutphin for settlement. All persons .indebted to the late firm are requested to make settle ment without delay. R. L. SUTPHIN, E. P. SMITH. Sammersville, April 1, 1667. The undersigned will continne the mercantile busi ness at the old stand in Summeroville, where' he will keep a fall assortment of ,all kinds of merchandise.— Thankfally appreciating the liberal patronage of a gen erous 'public for many years, he still hopes to retain their confidence, and merit a share of their patronage, by a system of prompt and honorable dealing. It. L. SUTPHIN. Snmmersville, April 1, 1667-41W(9) AucTioNs OFT OF DATE , COWS AND HORSES FOR SALE. SILL be disposed of at private - sale, 10 cows, and a VT few Horses. Terms to snit buyers. Three miles east of Montrose on Plank Road. JOHN TRII3IBULL. Bast Bridgewater April, 9, 1897,-2w. .13L1L/LOtIC)XL. THE undersigned will sell at auction at hie reel deuce, in Ararat township, on Thursday, April 18th 1887, the following property : • 3 Cows, 2 pairs matched two years old Steers, I two years old Devon .Bull. 8 Yearlings, 7 Sheep,l flog, Fan ning 111111, pair light Dobe, , Dob Sled, light two-horso Sleigh. oae horse Wagon, Plow, Harrow, Cultivator. Grain Cradle, Saddle. Cross-cut •Saw, road Scraper, 3 Stoles and Farming Tools too numerous to mention. TER)I9.—.AII sums under $5, cash ; $ and over, nine months credit with interest and approved'seenrity. Ararat, April 2, 1607.*2 A6tterLcil ! T ELE subacilber will sell at public Yeniinu on • Wednesday, April 17, 1867, at his residence, In Montrose, all hls Household Goods, condisting of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Bed; Crockery, Glassware, ckc. d-c.—also, 1 red Cow. • [See Small Bills.) And If not disposed of 'wooer. will be exposed for sale the Mitecomiaase do -Lot on the corner of Public Square, east of Court House. Also— one splenatel PIANO. Mvarrose, March 26. 1867. . 24. C. TYLER. . .4 : 316.2".1341:3r C 012143 S$ • 10.96.:13.33 •INITCVXMC::33 BY a recent deelslon.of tina Court of Claims . a ll MB cers holding commlsslOns between dates of March Ist, 1864, and May 3d,18.65. are entitled to 85 per month for each servant allowed For further Information apply to o CEO. P. LITTLE, " ' Mem:mid Government Agent. 4=4' 050 .' 1 4ra/. 28, JECr tf- -„St Timothy• Seed rati4siSesp ,b 7 ' A. it MUM. - Me : Craft, 'Web ea 1887 ABEL.TUR - RELL is continually . receiving- r • And keeps constantly on hand a full and%desinible as .sortmeat of , genWner Medicines,Brigs, . edicules t Chemicals, Litpiers, Paints, 011 s, Dye-staffs, Teas, Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa- per, Glassware. , Lamps,:Keresenet Benzote, Tanner's 011. Lubricating _Oil, Nest toot Oil, • Refined Whale OH, Varnish,. hips, Gans, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot„Lead, Gan Caps. Musical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Bair Oils,Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles- Sliver Plate Spoons Forks, and Ivory Handled Knives, Dentist's Artic les, a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, lac. ALL THE • • Patent Mealeines advertised in Montrose, and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY MARKET. In short, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight the eye; to gratify the fancy, and also to-conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as it would all a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. HEAR YE ! HEAR YE! GROCERIES & PROVISIONS will call at the Store of the subscriber, where they will And a Good Stock of Choice Flour, Fish Hams (sugar cored), Coffee and Tea, Sugars, Syrups and Molasses, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, etc. etc. Also—A good Stock of ,r.41. 2 T33-IEIIIII ZICIPTICCONIS, School and Blank Books, and alma mis cellaneous Books, Writing Papers and Envelopes of superior gual ities and perfumed, Gents' and Ladies' Paper Collars, Canned and Dried Fruits, Oranges ik Lemons, Condensed Milk, a choice article, and 1u fact almost everything needed by all the good people of Susquehanna County who get hungry and dry, and by purchasing, them of first Store south of the Court House and cut side of the Public Avtane, you can savefrcua 10 to 24 per cent. Montrose, March ith, 1867. Baldwin, Allen. & McCain. Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese, Dried Beef, Hams, Fish, Smoked Hal ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, Seed Wheat, R. R. COATS Clover & Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans, Brooms, Nails, eke. Ike. Thankful for past patronage, we. shall be bappy to see and wait upon our old and new customers. All Goods and Flour warranted. A. BALDWIN. W. L. ALLEN. J. H. MoCAIN. Montrose, Feb. 5, 1901. BLACKSMITHING:-, rurE undersigned have this day formed a co-partner ship, under the firm name of Stamp /b Moran, for the purpose of carrying on Blacksmithing in all ita branches. a'Strict attention will be given to Horse-shoeing. All work will be done neatly and promptly. The pub- Ilc are invited to call. H. P. STAMP, Montrose, March 4th, 1867. tf P. T. MORAN. VSTATE OF SAMUEL CARTER, deceased, late of Auburn township, Busonehtmna county, Pa. Letters of administmtion upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. IL J. CARTER, t Afters. IL B. DAVIS, 1 Auburn, March 4th, 1867.* ESTATE OF JOHN FALSEY, late of Apolacon township, Smelt co., deceased. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby not!. fled to makelmmediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. JOHN CAREY, THOS. PIIRCEI.L, f `"" Apolacon, March 12, 1887.' CHOICE FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS. New Strawberries, Grapes, Bulbs, &o. I)M. WATSON'S OLD COLONY NURSERY and . Seed Establishment, Plymouth Mass.. is now sending outby mall prepaid, packed with great care in gutta percha silk, so as to reach any part of the Union in perfect safety, a complete assortment of the ilneat Grapes, Strawberries, new large Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Roses, Flowering Plants, Bulbs, 0. L. CARPENTER Mies, &c. &c. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, &c., will be sent by freight paid to Boston. Also, the true Cape Cod Crauberry,for cultivition in wet land, or in upland and Oatens, where it produces at the rate 01400 bushels to the acre ; with directions for cultivation. Priced descriptive cat. alogues will be sent to any address. Now is the best time for planting. The beet way to obtain good fruit. Sowers and seeds, is to send direct to the grower. Send for a Catalogue. Wholesale Catalogues to the trade.— Agents wanted. March 19-2rn xacxrmixivreh , . ELECTRIC SOAP Saves Time, Saves Money, Saves Labor, Saves Clothes,Saves Women, And all Gocers sell it., It Is need by cutting into small shavings and dissolv ing in hot water, then soak the clothes live to ten min utes, and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours armee/line rubbing wonld do,. With ordinary soap, and thetnost delicate fabric receive no Wary.— We can refer to thousand& of familieswho era ming it, and who could not be pomaded to downbeat DABINS'' ELECTRIC IrlirSold by all leading °remit throughout Manufactured only by. • .• . 32013331.1 4 249 kaCON7. 4 E6., .` • WriOL.EB4IO O O/ 01 4 So — uth 'Fifth Street, rhiladitt• - wo7. IS. ItSCl—ly•s.he All persons who wish to etztlTe 31ZOriew IN THE PURCHASE OF A. N., BULLARD, IV oavvr IFilitoici.. DEALERS IN BY MAIL, PREPAID, NEW FIRM: ;vItISIC 3ENVE Lirr. 111111{ subscriber bating !brined a psfitiellitilp *lib JL A. SMIRKS. wishes to sighs, his ties& bows to his old Customers, and, inform theta that the •Mercantile Department of the business will beretautr be carried on by O: D. Denten CoCo o with inais capital and facilities. islarge stock of - New (locates/I departments; a story thercreghly refitted,' sad 2Pricoomp •I=Lecliamedi• • The Watehaaking Deputamint fa retained by me, and will ?scare mypersoaal atlas- Lion. I here secured th e services of hift. C.ll. NVOL.D• BYE, a gentleman who has had twentpliveyears hi the best shops of liarope, and has no superior Is the coons try: I shall therefore be able to do all work .!althla three - days foim the Crean is left. • • The Clock and Jewelry' Repairing... . _ Wm be owned by Mr, Stevens, vibe will do all work - ! , 11 that line promptly, tad in th e beat style. " 7. 0. D. 111131#1t r C.101:711. R3TCIC7.I2r. • Nov. U 2, 1866 cotleiet of s fell assortment of the following godds, suitable for this market, which will be so as low, ars many of them lower, than by any One ohs this side at Now York city. Read the Catalogtte. CLOCKS & WATCHES. WATCHES. American, Swiss and English, both geld and SUIVT. SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, All styles, Inclading their celebrated Calendar Clocks, which tell the day of the month and week, also the name of the month, making the chaes for ever, month correctly , with nocare but to wind them ease * weeek. JEWELRY. Heavy, solid Gold Gluttons, Hooka and Keys. Fins oat. Id sets of Jewelry—Pins, fileavo Buttons, &tads. &sr Rlngsok.c. to. WEDDING RINGS. ,SPECTACLES. Warranted to fit en kinds of get SOLID GOLD ALBUMS. A neat little Charm holding eight small Photos. GOLD PENS. A tine assortment, with and without holders. at ones repointed. SOLID SILVER WARE. !lade to order of pare Coin, consisting of Spoons, Forks, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Napkin Wags, Frith Knives, Vest Chains, Ac. • PLATED WARE. Tkebest In market—single, double, treble and quad rn plc plata, and wanmurram--from a full Tea tiet dawn, including Castors Cake and Card Baskets, Ice Pitchers Waiters, Batter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Caps, Tea Ac. Ac. Ac. MUSIC. PIANOS. • Manufactured by Decker Brothers, which, with their late improvements, surpass those of any other cuter, Also, Bradbury's New Scale Pianos—a splendid 'sutra ment. Othir Pianos from $350 to $5OO. CABINET ORGANS, From $llO to sl2oo—warranted for ars years. Thy aro ttkp finest reed Instrument In the world, and I hare only to say that I have sold nearly $15,000 worth of them in the hist four years ; and they are all to good or der and have never cost my customers a cent fur reptant. VIOLINS, GUITARS, tf.c. Violins from $5 to $5O, Flutes, Fifes, ClarionetsMin- Jos, Guitars, Bows, Strings, Tatting Forks, &C. BRASS BANDS • Supplied with instruments of the beet American maw nfactnre, by the single instrument or full set, at them& kerb price—also music for any number of Instruments. Instruction Books and Sheet Music on hand, and new supplies received every week. Piano Stools from $8 to $l5. Perfect Sewing Needles. te.,lManangarglsthtzt,egiff,ftble llirriTttg . ' paper and' if not eatletled the money will be reformer Fire Arms and Sporting' Materials. Allen's, Spencer's, and Henry's Breech loading Ri fles, all styles Revolvers. Fowling Pieces, Shot Belt. and Powder Flasks, Cartridges for ail the U. 8. Army guns ; also U. S. and other Percussion Cape, Cooper Cartridges, all styles and sizes. 0. D. DEM&N Montrdee, Nov. 27, 1666 8 1,500 PER TEAR 1 We want Agents evert• where to sell onrI3IPROVe.D Sew. ifig Machines. Three • new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted Ave years. Above sal ary or large commissions paid. The only machines sold in the United States for less than $4O, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson. Graver & Raker, Singer &Co., and Rachelder. All other Cheap machines are infringements, and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated clrealare sent free. Address, or call npon SHAW I CLAIM. at Biddy ford, Maine, or Chicago, 1.11. (m 0291110 NEW GOODS. WEBB .& BUTTERPIELD lae oow receiving their flew St'ock of ; Apring & minuet! tar. co c:10r , which will be bold CIXECEIALI:b C/43.612ECa. Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Grenadines, Challies, Printed Cambrics, Lawns, Mnslins, Prints ' Delaines, Poplins,Hatsda Caps, Groceries, Crockry, Hardware, &o. dce. WEBB & DIITTEMMILD. • Montrose. April, 1867. SPRING. EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth d Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., Are opening for Spring of 11367, Three cases select shades of Silks. Fashionable geld Ma. Bismarck, the new color Silk. Beathlatk Silks in town. 'Plaid India Silks—perfect. New Sprit/. Dress Goods. New style spring Chintzes. Organelles ofnters ert Styles. Steel.colored Poplins for sults. P. S.—Merchants in search of scarce and desirable Goods will find it to their Uttered to call and assuiltie our stock. [march 213-43 w. 3 . IItNDENTIALL'S IMPROVED sEur-AcTima . 3131CiSzutaXabcoicias In these days of Snot:mil and high prided goods, 40 ory family In the country should have one, HALF TEE COST of clothing a family tan be saved by its Usti, It is sim. pie And durable easily understood, and easy to operate. No skill is required to weave with it beyond the simple turning of an easy crank. 09 — From to 85 yards can be Woven en It Is • day. FAA/MIMS/ don't sell your wool and buy Sztotorrt.lObtrit With onset these Looms In your house the Girls can make all the clothing for the family, and touch better quality, at bat price. For circulars, price Hat, andiamples ot cloth irate on the Loom, addreas With 'tardy, A. OATHS Alt 833 "Chestnut street, Philadelphia,' Also, dealers in Cottoti Warp, Wool and Max Pilling Yarns, Reeds, Harness and Loom findings postai. March 16,1864. aws 003LaroVE I=i49° PENtIONS . -..80UNTY ..-- ANII' !, ~, . 'B ACK PAY - ..... 6 7 - , • ir i zo ldetti rtH9 ,NElXDA:alMT of 46111(uvr= ' r iatima entracte-to hls'&; 1 : ',. P ol 3 : l l6l t or ikm° • rill' -‘ natio* van,- . •- _ _ L. ~„ all 1 4 . 441 Wentrese, lan. 14.1865. to A large. dna asiestmest IL. STEVENS 1861.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers